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About The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1866)
(the (Drcjon itatamau. I N ION BTATK CONVENTION. Tim voter nf the sevcrnl e lien uf ()rt(in who lmve liuen mid lire in favor nf :iiiiihtainin tlie mi nietmirv nf tlm l.'ul"!.. Hu Cnu-tittilinii iuhI ihf Uwm of llm I'liitcd Ktiil c HifiiiiiMt all (ijiitoNiiinn, mu is iif'MiiH y invited to 1imII ciiiiV(-iiliuitHmTiriliiif tn tlm ii-iml ciiMtoiii. fur ll.uelci'lii.n (if IMcimles lo tt I Tiiirni Hitile (,'fiivfiilioii, to Ihj Iwid ut Corvallis, on ihe 'Jl'iii ,uv ut Marrli, IWiO. lor llm nii"fl of inmiimithij: ruiiilltlttii i''r Onvi'i'ii'ir, ?.!emlnjrif Ciiimrcw, Sce.e nfrv of isiitic, mum Trnimirer, uud Slate Printer Vc ii'pi'i'Miilly recommend Hie luililini of County Cnnveiiiinos ifiruitlmiit, ihu Si tit o on Nutiirdny, tlie ITthdny "f Muicli, IKi-ti, ut, wli'ieli lime IMffm'ti'i t" Ilia rtiut) Convention ran he Minuted, And tliut the I'rnrinc. meetings lie held on Niilnnluy the IDth day of March, IMi'KUfes to the Slate Cotiv'uittion fnun each Judicial liistrict, assembled tit the tiuiu of holding oimvention. will tiniiiimtte candidates for Judge and Pn'serutinu Attorney, where vacancies exist. ilio sevend nannies are entitled lu aei.d Delegates lo Ilia htitle louvunhim us loi.nwst linker 4 Lane 7 Jientim 'lac-tamas. . Clatsop !oas Curry Columbia . . . PpiikIuh A rout tJucllSOIl Josephine... 4 J.iun l 7 Marion II ....... ti Mulinonmli M ....... 1 Folk , 1 Tillamook I , 1 Umatilla 7 Union fi W Huh in if Ion fi (I WuSM 4 II ii Yamhill 5 l it. MOOHEK. ClitiirinHH State Central ComiutUfO. W. 'J. Whit-son, Sec'y. tNioTf FoFnty CONVENTION. To the Voter of Marion County; All IkuI voters who tiro in favor "of tlto Union of the Slates, r lie iniiintenutice or luw mid oritur, uud tfio ennul administration of justice And who have inherit ed a love of country and possess u pntiiotit' desire to see it united nnd prosperous, are iwpicHted to nieot hi the several pr.cinets on the lOili dny of Marcli, IH'ili, ul the hour of one o'clw-k, i. m ( and that they nomi nate precinct olJicers aud choose delegates to hi tend the Union Comity Convention, wliU-li will convene at the Court House in Hulem. on the 1 7th day nf March, Jl,(i. at l ho hour of li o'clock, A. M , for the pm-pone of electing delegate to attend the I'nion H(nte ('on venlimi. and to iiotiiitmie wnidtdntui lor the Itfivhi tnre and I'imnty idtlcen, nnd io trHiiwt fitch other himinemi an may be pniHirly brought, hel'ornftuid Con veniion. The 'wveiH! preriiictH will bo entitled lo the following itt) Irene illation i II iwell l'raifio.. fi'tlei'H0li , ('hiliiipoeu: ,. Kaiiliohl Mnliliiiiity Xnbieli ShltHll Ahi-qiiu KtiHt Htdi'iii North Nnlt'iu Noi'lheiii Silvertim On motion, ihe (otmnitie iitljniinicd. i"f Ate. liUFLS MAI.LuKV, cbu. C. li- INLAND, Sec'T. POLK COUNTY I'NION CONVENTION. Th) Utilnii votfi-H of I'ulk citiuily am rcrj iiuntcfl to riii'Kt Ht the pliircH (miiiM'i'Hifd lifltiw, in iIikii itHicri; ive iireciiicln, mii Iho Itltll iluy of MHrcli to m-lHiit Hnle vati'N tii utttMid u (toiiiily conveiilioii tn lie livll Ht DhU mi on the I Tt tt iluy til March, fin tlm iiii-potij of te lt:ctjtti(kr nix delc'.'iili'H lo HttiMnl tin StHte coiiveiitinn to hi- held Ht Coi'THlli mi llio VJlll iluy of Miirrli, IHIili. The deleiitteii to the County Conveutioti iluilhl be selected with h vhiwto iioiniiiiile eniididntee to Hit Ihe VHriiinn enmity olliceR Ht tnrli time iim Haiti deleuHleit almli ilertdii upon. Precincts will llieet ulid si tid dele gates h follows : Bridgeport, at ItrMlue-port .' , 3 Liti-I(iuuiutet ut 1. ZiiiiiwhIi's 3 Lime, Ht lluena Vinta 4 Alonmonth, at Honmonlll I' villi, in Kolti i Upthcl. lit lli-llml 4 Sslt Lake. Ht Townoend's school lioime H .liicksoit, ut IMciisant Hill iJoiuihts, at llridifeport school house 4 Dallas, ut Dallas li Total 44 By order Uiiiou County Committee. W (' W hitson, Ch'n. DOMESTIC ITEMS. Lank C'dIISTV. Tito r rini lias en tred upon 111 third voluino. Tho proprietor nsMires the public Hint tho success of tho paper is assured ; -nnd sity : "A papor at Eugene City Is n necessi ty; an advantago to tho entire community; to people of nil parlies, trndes, and profoosinns, aud hence it is entitled to the local patronage nnd sup port of Iho community at large, so fur as they can bestow it." We concur. A Union man thnt will not sustain his homo paper, is as bad as ft Demo crat. Democrats are excused on tho ground of their innocence of "reiulinff and writing" Tin Journal says : "It is rumored that this community will be ntfticted with a copperhead pnpiT again for a brief season, as soon as a ream or two of printing paper can be obtaiued. The old nnd fa miliar question, touching our supply of pnPr which our big neighbor' uied to propound with the utmost regularity, confirms the rumor, and call up vivid recollections of the only remaining 'land-marks of Democracy.' " All interesting protracted Methodist meeting lins been in pro gress at Eugene City for the past throo weeks. ....Signs of improvement are manifest on nil aides in Eugene; -Mr. Stevenson aud Dr. Foley are building Hue residences In consequence of the very cold weather and low ilago of water, the ateanibonts have not been able to reach Eugene City for some time las. iluddlestou has lately returned from a tw o months' residence in the Cas cade mountains, on McKcntie river, '.'." or 'M miles east of Eugene City, aud about sii miles west of Gate creek, where ho went with his family for the benelit of their health, and for tho purpose of hunting. While they w ore in iho mountains, Mr. Huddleston nnd a brother mid Ahrahnm i'eck Dent a portion of the lime in hunting, nnd killed tiro huntlrtd nnti Jijlrtn liter! We doubt whclher anybody can beat Hint bunting. 1 hey have, over 40U dried venison hnius, which they intend to send to I'orllauil In noticing the killing of Ei ley Drailnioiid by Stephen Uarduer. at the Long loni Bnloon, in bugeiie I ity. and the suiiequeiit acquittal of Gardiner on the ground that lie acted in self-defense, the Journal 'adds : "This is lh third man killed in Eugene within the past four or rive years, two ot ibein canned directly by the whisky traffic, mid the utlur by tli vices which grow out of it. The litst wa- Hugh Fenny, mur dered, as was supposed, by Mali lllcdsou, who was ncitiitled, and a saloon keeper, who w as sent to Iho peiiileutiary. 1 he next wa- Mm ley, a pen itentiary convict, killed nearly three years ago by S KlUworih, ho-e lilu ho bad threatened, nnd U is generally believed w ould have taken had not the homicide, been committed. The present closes the sad record." Lis Coi STV. Tho Journal reporta the total cost of the Linn County Court-House at $'M w.V 68. ...The following Linn county soldiers have returned to Albany, vii: Geo. W. (iodlcy, ion of C. C. Godloy, and John Smith, son of Cnpt. John Smith, both volunteers in 1st Oregon Cavalry Begiiueiit, returned to their homes on the 13th inst , having served out their lime. V join in eiviue them a cordial welcome Tho Jonrnal contain! a communication from David Newsom Esq., of Marion, advocating the improvement of the navigation of the illamette by sung benli and dredgers. ...Ker. J. F. Damon, who filled the uultiit of the Congregational church in Port land during the absence of Kev. Dr. Atkinson, has settled ill Albany in charge of a flourishing i congiegation there the Albany IMtcli: I lie surveying party, consisting of Ja. Warner, Dr. Liiter. Jere Dr'iccs, aud Jacob Conner, have con cluded their explorations, aud made the following report to the Utmocral : " Tho pmjectis entirely feasible. A very larga body of water can be brought into Albany from either one of two points. The first of these is at what are known as Chca dle's Kapids, about three miles above Lebauoo. From that point t- the level of the ground upon which the Court-House stands there is a descent of about lot) h'et. The distance hither is 13 miles This would give an average decline of about II feet to th mile; said to be sufficient for every pur pose. The other point is u-ar Keys' Mill, six mile above Lebanon, and thn ditch linn from there into Albany will be about 16 miles, with an aggregate descent of I'M fent. or a trirle more than by a ditch from Chcadle's li.ipids. The river banks at both places are almost solid walls of rock, but at the Kapids the width of this rocky wall at the point propoed for a ditch ia far less than that at the upper place near Ihe mill. The estimated cost of the work is from )-iO.OU0 to to s!o,Ul at the excess. We Mteve a meeting is to be called, at which the whole project and the result of the explorations of the snrvoyiug parly will be laid before our citisens, with a view lo have the work fairly understood by all. and to rive opportunity to present the very great advan tages ii wouid yield on every hand, to the benetit and im-.peritv vf the whole county. It would certainly redound very materially to the growth, wealth, and substantial iuleiests of Albany. It ia an enterprise in which every ciliaen ought to assist to the full measure of his ability. Yamhill Cut XTI Uy the kiuducss of Hud. Jti-el rainier, on. of Oregon's most enterprising cititens, e are enabled to give the following de tailed accouut of the splendid new - Flouring Mill erected at Dayton : The mill frame ia 36 by 50 feel, four stories high, in which w are now putting Iwa run ol fout fet mill burrs, designed for mer chant Wink. The burrs, bolts, smut machine. tcrnt, dU.i an all lo bt prvpull! by out ol IiiilTi I it Myers's Dmililu Turbine Wheels, of thirty-live inchea in diameter. One pair of our burrs wns nindn by J. T. Noyes, llntVulo, N. Y., tint oilier is to henf Hart iV, Jlercer'a nialtn, Utl en, N. Y.; each in of the best neh elinn of French burr blocks, ami lined up ami ironed according to tliuir respective styles of lirst-rlnst burrs. The onn from J. T, Noyes is now its the mill, and the oilier is on the clipper lireniliiniiulit, which nailed from New Y'ork on llm lllh uf Sept. last. The iiMit-uincliitie is of Wood ward' pattern, put up by him nt l'ortlanil, Oregon. Tho building and liuk frniiio, are arranged for a third pair of burrs, designed for custom work, to be set up as s'jon as circumstances will permit. The shafting aud machinery for the mill wnro to be. nnd have been partially, supplied by Smith eV Ilrothcra, of Or egotiC'ity; but Iho very tardy manner in which they liuvo furnished tho work has operated seri ously agnint the completion of the mill, mid may yet compel us to procure portions of the machine ry elsewhere. Tliu lato freshet has damaged us omo ij-ri 10, by washing nut the earth work of our tuill-dani, and very much racking and weak ening the wood work, so much so, that when the water falls ill the river, which backs tip over our foundation, wo nitty Iiud it impracticable to re build tho dam until tho aoason of low water, in the fall; in that event, We contemplate putting in machinery to propel the mill by stuaiii, until our dam bo fully completed, and then transfer this machinery to run a saw mill, which is great ly needed at this place ; so that wo can hardly an ticipate having our mill in mmiing order before the middle of April, The nggrcgato cost of mill and dam thus far has been nearly twenty thou sand dollars. ...The Lafayette Courier says peti tions are in circulation for a tri-weekly mail service between Oregon City and Lafayette, it is to be hoped the project will meet with favor at Wash ington. J udgu Steward informs tho editor that Mr. lli onks, the Mail Agent, will interest himself tn its favor, and unit Upt. Miller will perform the required servico ut very rensoniiblo rates.... A letter has bocn addressed to the Courier by some man ill Portland, inquiring tho chances fur a brewery at Lafayette; nnd the editor thinks the brewery will pay. A distillery will be required in Lafayette to keen tliatmnncr running, and if it don't pny, it will be becausu the Courier don't " pan out".... Dr. Dodson'a ball nt Lafayette is reported as n very grand affair The Lafayette Hotel will lieotTered for saloon the Ut li ot March next... . Elder S. C. Adams conducts religions xervicoH at ihe church in Lafayette, on the first rihhatli in each month, nt 11 a.m. iiov, ft. A. Starr preaches at McMinnvillo at II a in , nnd at I.iilayetto nt U p. in., on the fourth Snlibath in each month.... A number of buildings are in pro cess of erection in Lafavttte, and other will he erected in the spring. The time was w hen La fayette was ihu most promising town in Oregon I aud it is not iiupoHsible that some of it past pros perity may nenin return to it.... The Courier con tains an excellent article advocating theereclion of ll new school building for Lafayette, of ample dimensions, and commensurate with the impor tance of ihe place. IIhntos County. Tho Union Central Com" mitlee of Benton county has been called to meet at Cnrvnllis on the iWd, by its chairman, A. New ton, Fsq From the Gazelle we learn that Judge Denny of Wasco had boon in that quarter, " pos sessed of blooming health, joviality, and sound principles," possessions enough to give any man a clear conscience aud refreshing sleep. ...The second qnnrterly inoeting for IhoCorvallis circuit, M.E Church South commenced on Friday eve ning, the Ifilh, at the College, and continued over Sunday. Presiding Elder A. E. Sears in attend ance.. ..Kev. Alex. "MeCarly (of the Christian Church) has been holding a series of meeting nt the Court-1 louse in Corvalhs. Several persons nnited with the Church, and were baptised. . A Church was orgnnized numbering over 30 mem bers. It is understood Mr. McCurty will locnto permanently in Corvallis soon.... A private letter from Camp I'ulk to tho editor of the Gazette, from a Benton county boy, says that communication with tho outer world is almost entirely cut oil' from that secluded place. Tim hoys htive fared pretty roughly this w inter." Their rations have beeu quite scanty, nnd many of them aro nearly naked. T hey protect their feet from tho very cold weather with shoes which they manufacture of raw hide. The country is represented as very healthy, nnd Camp Folk as tho dullest, lotiesom est place on the fuce of the earth. Wasco CiiL'NTV. From the last installment of the Mountaineer wo learn that Hon. Quincy A, Brooks, U. S. Mail Agent, is nt the Dalles, look ing after tho mails... .Of the "Bloody Hill'' Re giment U. S. Infantry , n part of which is now sta tioned nt Fort Dalles, the Mountaineer tn : "The regiment has been in 26 battles, and all attempts to extern, iuato it hnvo no failed. Tut other day, however, one of them ventured over the mark, and atolo an cigbt-diiy clock valued at $ III. Ho is now in conliiieineut nt Fort Dalles, nud will shortly be turned over to the civil authorities for trial. While nt Fort Vancouver some of the "hoys" in this regiment look to killing the cows of Iho citizens, in order to get fresh beef The opening of navigation has brought into this mar ket considerable supplies of brrad-sttill's, nnd prices have gone back to their ruling in Iho fall. There lire already n number uf pack-trains gelling renily to start for Montana, and several trains have been loaded in the last week for Can yon City The charier for a bridge nt tho rfnffri iif the C'oluinbia has passed the W.T. legislature. this enterprise is one ut vast importance to ine Dalles, nud Ihe early completion of Iho bridge may bo looked for. Olti:i')N CITY. Wo loaru that the now woolen factory is in a very prosperous condition, being able to show noit profits to the amount of ten thousand dollars in tho short tiiuo the factory has been running. L. E. I'ralt, Ihe Superintendent, lias sold out all his stock in the concern, and re signed his position as Superintendent. The Fac tory is nbont to go into the control of five priuci tial stockholders, one of whuiu, V. C. Johnson, lias gone East, nnd is cxpocted to purchase three more seta nf machinery Another woolen fac tory is strunirly talked of, to be erected between the present Factory and the limning mill The stock for the new pnper mill i about all subscrib ed, nmf the machinery has been ordered .... Kev. 1'. S Knight is lo be formally ordained pntor of the 1st CoiigregatioiiHl church on Wednesday March Mill. He has been acting pastor for about a vear past New families are moving in, and lie iv biiiidings aro going up, and altogether Or tfn City is going ahead prosperously. VAscoL'VRli. From the liegiiter we Team that there are not vacant houses enough in Vancouver to supply the demands of persout settling ill that town The Indies of the Episcopal church have held a two days' fair, and realized $Wi by their cuor!s....Cnttlu thieves are infesiing Clark coun ty, a'ld many tine animals are missing.... One uf the Vancouver policemen captured a soldier of the Uth U S. Infantry, believing hi in to be Wright, the horse-thief, and marched him over to for; land to get iho reward, but was lold by Sher iff Slilx.-l that he did not have the (W)right man. A government building filled with hay was burn ed near tlm Fort last week. ...Tho Hegiiter advo cates the purchase of the ' Hardy" toll road, ruu uinir fron:. Cape Horn to the Cascades. ...The Oregon youngsters are rushing into Vancouver by Ihe "sixes," to have tho knot lied belore the law takes effect. 1'LAXTtNU Tltr.ES. Property holders in Salem have been busy planting trees fur the two weeks past, along Ihu different streets ill of their lots. We should think that altogether there have beeu ait hundred large-sired maples planted out for future shade and ornameut. during the past ten dnvs. It will not do to stick them in the ground merely, or even to plant them properly They ought to be (rolicled by frames to that ma rauding cows would not loosen them or rub ibein injuriously. A good mulching of saw-dust about the roots, to keep the ground moist and cool dur ing the h it summer Liuulhi, is of great advantage to ill. tree. Tutrnusca r'ftiVAt. The Tempeianee Festival had at the lglU; ve II ills was a decided-hicccss. lare nnrotirr of the t. rder were present from Portland Hciu and the surrounding t iwns. The rxrcies were .11 appropriate and of au exvellent character, the music Hue and Ibe supper superb- We cann-it loriwar to make esiiccial menliou of tbe addra s nf Prof. 8. C Hinueton. It vol teniieraicr levture ef an original and ntot forcitil. style of thought. Y hare never neatii its su perior as . (ort ibie and convincing aiumeut. StiTut Misiss Dining Ibe p.4 wek all the Sauuain six'.h ob the mill tud ath branch have bei-H grwing in rt (slusl iu public Mima loo. Tl ak which hereioferv vwl only a Born laal value i " ra'ed on t:it, street as property orth i ..Lin afier. The bet is, Hut allin uh llw quwiiou Will it VIS r has l-mg wasered in th balance, tlx uru mid is now tliaf the story tr. lavoi.bly tor Uewe WHO held ou. Built, nne of the most delicais and A lie hsis i all tl nimi tnhea. have smde their appmraLc. in the He- lui maik-ti They are rsa;ht In nets hy tin Indians 4an a Is sit Astoria, ot tonievucrt tUc. sal told bait lor a bit per pound. Tiii: I'litvr " Cl.BAN I'l1" IN tub santiam Minks. We take ptensure in making ihe follew. ing report of the liist crushing and "cleaning up" at the Sitnliaiii 0,uattx Mill, as given us by Mr. Siebert, the Superintendent: The llatlery run ten days nud nights, and the amalgamating pans thirteen days nnd nights.. The whole amount of rock worked up was fifty tons, of which thirty tons camn out of the first part of Iho tunnel, and was badly mixed with granite nnd casings, so much so that it was esti mated to be in reality not mora than one-sixth quartz rock.. Of the remaining twenty tons of the lil'ty worked, not more than one half was quartz rock. It was not expected by any one that the thirty tons, named above, would yield any thing worth looking niter, but as tho machinery was all new, and would have to bo scoured aud cleaned by rock of some kind, it was best to uso this rock for that purpose, aud ascertain if it would yield anything. The result showed fire on mi s of retorted gold for this thirty t,ons, of which only about five tons was quartz. Alter this was worked through, tho twen'y tons was run through, nud letrnlecn onncet of retorted gold found to bo tho yield, procured from really nut more than ton tons of qunrtt, The Superintend ent says that hereafter it will be quite ensy to sep arate the qiiariz from the granite, as in the lower tunnels ot the Union nnd Sautiaui Companies, on both the While Bull nud Driggs lodes, the veins aro hotter defined, nnd the granite growing less in quantity. To give a better estimate of the val tie of tho White Bull lend, from which this quartz was taken, we will state thnt one hundred nnd eighty-three tons of this character of quartz have been taken from a tunnel of 11)1 feet in depth, and that, counting Iho rich specimens heretofore taken out and reduced at Portland, and the yield of the above fifty tons, the tunnel has yielded about $1,500, with one hundred and thirly-lhreo tons of rock yet on bauds tn work up. In this connection we can state that a large part nf the last twenty tons crushed came fruiu the bae.k end of the tun nel next to the Santiain Compnny's claims, aud that it contained huge, hard lumps of rock; nnd that these lumps were broken, the granite thrown . to one side, aud the hard quarlz fed to a particu lar stamp, and that, in cleaning up, large cakes and pieces of amalgam were found about this par ticular stamp, showing that it is the quartz rock that yields the go! J, and that the Santiain Co.'s claim is equally good wiih ihe other, it is also proper to slate here, to give all necessory Inform ation, that the last twenty tons were not picked rock, as .nine have suggested; hut that, in bring ing all this lH:i tons down from the mine, it was necessary to keep one man in tho mill with a shovel to distribute each car load as it was dump ed in. in order to prevent too much weight at one point of the null II )r, and in this way the wiioio mass of the rock (excepting the thirty tons which was purposely kept separate by boards) was evenly and regularly mixed and distributed. It will doubtless be asked why the mill stops now. In order to answer all tho questions, we can state that it was impossible to keep the men in tho mountains any longer. It has been in ex tremely bard winter on them, and they have lived on plain bread, beans, and bacon all winter, and done without all the comforts of life, and having stayed long enough to prove the value of the mines, they declined to work any longer until they had made a visit to ' the white settlements," and received supplies of stores. lu view of all the drawbacks, imperfect ma chinery, inexperienced hands tu help the. Super intendent, the result is considered very Haltering. We append the following statement of the lengths of tunnels ; lTpper. Union tunnel, on White Hull, Kd feet. Middle, T2 " Lower. " HI) " This lower tunnel is a side tunnel, to strike both the White Bull and the Driirgs lodes. L'liiou tunnel on Smith lode, lli'iKtfs " Upper, Kuiuiam luniiel, on Whito Bull Middle, ' Lower, " " 50 feet. :,ti i us an with fine prospects.) Upper, Saleui Comp'y luiiuel. on Oriitgslodo, 50 " (with good iold rock ) Lower, Salem Co. tutiiiel. uu Drigirs lode, ) " (with tine silver rock.) The Oreon t'ompaiiy's sole tunnel has just reached the lead ul the depth of 7 feel. Thb IsDspcxexsT Donas. This kind of Politics, which Is peculiar lo Portland, has coti-nicnced te crop out agslo. One H. Y. llsvls annuuticts blmirllsn Independent condl itsle for sheriff. Tills Is prnlinMy Ihe enterlmr wedne lo a Itllols ticket ill "inrttfpeil'Mit"." When Ihe OrtQotiittn has leisure to Itnil fnult with Ihe Union men st Hitleiu, It csn bet hir put In the time by lecturing- those nearer home. NOITHEUN OUKuOX. The Sentinel reports the tron'en mill meet ing at Jacksonville, on the lUth instant, its follows : Tho tncetiii,' was orgnnized by elect ing E. D. Fouilriiy, President, nnd H. F. Dow ell, Secretary. Messrs. Thomas Smith, E. 1. Fouiltny, li. F. Unwell, Dr. L. . 1 linmpson, Michael Ilitnley nnd Samuel Culver Hindi' speeches in behalf of building n lautnry; nutl they satisfied nil present thai n factory was practicable, nnd could be niudo very profitiili'cj and thnt there were many places in the county tliu best nf na'f r-power. nud line, hetiltliv locations. Messrs. Smith, Culver and Fnnilrny ililfcred widely us to tile place. Mr. Smith ninde nn ptiiU(ut speech in behalf nf Ashland, nnd Messrs. r oudrnynnd culver Con tended that therx was nn piuce like Phoenix. (Iti motion of Mr. llalilcy, the meeting deter mined lu appoint one persiin in each precinct uf the county In solicit subscription, cud there upon the 1'icenleiit appointed the following named persons : li. li. Hngnnline, Ashland : Isaau Constant, M inanitu; M. Ilnu'cy. Jack sonville; Siiiiiin-I Culver, Phoenix; Thomas Chavinr. Dnrdatnlls ; N. C. Dean. Willow Springs; Tod Cinncrnii. L'uiontown ; John Siseiuore. Table Knck ; C. Sulieilfclin. Perkins-vilh-; J. M. Nichols, Uutie Crtek; M. II. Druke, Forest Creek; Mr. Luylock. Evan Creek; Nicholas Wright. Steamboat Oily; Cnpt. Snlliiiarsli, Steiliugville. Win. Fi'dler. Street Commissioner, is grading " C " street. Jacks'oiivilli a work much need ed, as it was the worst mud-bole in limu. Hy late Arrivals, we learn that the cnmpniiy which started from Fort Klumiitll on snow biM'd. nnd was reported Inst, returned to tho ost. lu consequence ul the suit state uf tbe snow. The soldiers liuvo established a llienler nt Fort Klamath, which is reported ahead of any of the traveling shows." Cnpt. Fullerton tins made the trip from Jack sonville to Fort Klamath and hack. The .Jacksonville Cortioratiou election is to be held Jiarch fiib. From the Reporter wo lake the fullowing Items : Our prospectors are still busily engaged in scouring the surrounding hills fur the precious minerals, and lint a dav passes but we hear id some new discovery. We shown on Thursday last some specimens ul a peculiar character, and what seems tu us tu lie what is generally ternird "hum silver." It lunks exceedingly rich, and no doubt will prove at valuable it itt appearance indicates. Col. Drew left for Snn Francisco Trsterdnr morning, for the purchase of machinery for the reduction of quartr. ' He took with him t finely assorted cabinet uf specimens from our various gold ami silvc-bearing qnarti ledgas. which bo intends having thoroughly tested err his return. He will probably be absent six or eight weeks. and we are anxious tn know how the various ledges will stand the test. In the case of The People re. Gnheen. in dicted for arson, in hating set fire In the barn of N.C. Dean nn the night of the I'.'lh ul De cember last, after a lung and tedious trial, in which a large number of witnesses were exam ined, the jury, after bring nut some sixteen years, returned a verdict nf acquittal. lisr A bunch of three keys. Tie under of them will receive iie thinks of the owner by reinming them Ui lb SMIe'man ofi.. Mrs. H. A. Allen's World' Ilnlr lie. siorer and Dressing. Yon rann I 'slid or grey, and neither time nor sirknew can blemish your Hair, If yon nse them. Hold by all Drnirai.ta. Ageui., Hosteller, Smith, 4r Dcsn.-San Krancirco. IV Nathaniel Kergii.on, traveling airent for the Siale-niai., will receive and receipt l"r siihwripliolis aud otl,r montr due us. Special Notlcei. J W. NCXKKE, M II. H l AKI'KNThU, M l'. W'ill practice Me.lirine aud Hnrgery iu partnership. Olac. urar Dr. Ht-Afe.'. residvtir. llr. Carttiter's residence, near the Warehouse, tn the building formerly occupied by David MiCnl v. S!vm,Dc. U.ltS). 41 y Luxuriant Growth and Beauty to the II .Hr. Mrs. 8. A. Allen's World'. Hulr IUvrtorer and Dressing. Tin? gri'iit unequalled Preparations Tor Itosturlng, Invigorating, Hruiilirylng, and Dressing tho Ilnlr, Knnilering It soft, silky, and glossy, uml disposing it to remain in uiiy d-.iitid position ; quickly cleansing the scalp. ::r,estiiu; the fall, and never fails to resloro grey balr to Us natural color, and produce a luxuriant growth. For sale by nil Druggist. Aleuts, Hosteller, Smith & Dean, Nun Francisco. 6m A Cough, Cold, or Sore Throat, IlKIIVIllXS IMtl)IATK ATTKST10N AMD SHOULD BX cuecKKti. Ik ai.i.owkii to conti vk, Imtutiou of the Lungs, a Permnncnt Throat Aflectioii, or an Incurable Lung Dfscuse IS OKTKX THE RESt'LT. BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES IIAVISO A HIIIICT IKKLUKSCE TO THE FAHTS, OIVE 1MHKUIATK nr.Llr.r. For BronoMttis, Asthma, Catarrh, Consumptive and Throat Sts.asea, TnOCHES AHE lllKn ALWAYS WITH COon SUCCESS. SIVGERS AND PUBLIC SPEAKERS will find Troclte line fill lu clearing tlie voice wlniu taken before Hinyinr or SM-Hk,iiitf, nnd rtlk-viiitf the throat after r.n nnuoiiHl exertion of Ihe vocal oryan. The Trochei are recommended him prescribed by lMivBiciani, and have Iiud lentimonmU from eminent men throimliont tho country. Being an article of true merit, and IihhIhk proved their efficacy by a test of many years, etrli year fin flu them tn new localltieti in various partt of tbe world, and the Troche are universally pronounced better than any other article. Obtaik only liKnwu'a BaojicHiAts Tkochki, ' and do not take aV of the Worthlrt Imitation llmt may be oH'ered. Bold evervwboTf lu tbe United State, and in For eign C'ountrieH, at 3r cents per box. f)m4'J 1.01 ! I AST Vrhbiy.nn the mud tuScio,nnosnek '0I''FKK, a marked W. Sc ().. Salem. The Under will ho sliil- ablv rewarded, by leaving word Ht Ur.nfovaire St Wright's, in Kalem. PETKlt BKEENAN. Salem, Feb. !M. lro. WASTED. AYOUXft man as an assistant in a Photographic establishment. Applv Ht o.'tf itiovi o:iii:ltvi CSALI.KRY. CIRCULAR. MMIK ByiupUnin, of tho rhueiieeu prevalent in our lo X. cnMi V uie known to every one. If tho proper remcdiei'wero applied io h.'hnoii, they would nave ii li'oin protracted ninrfl'.iovere ami ioiifr continued pmu uliutleied romtituliuuM, and liitf, but not Ien8t, tt debit ituled portw. Thoiuuiid are in the habit, on the ap tti.urli tf MiviiKiiih.nN which thev recommfl an tho foot- MlepN of some diet, tied aud wotl known dMf-iine, to re- noi'l to I no pan'iii leeoicmeM mtu Hro nemiueu 10 cure evcryihimr. This in always u doubtful and sometimes a filial course to pnivue. Tnkinjf tli's view of the mutter we shall keep pro pared, hy re(iiei(t m well an permission, the following preparations, CfT'". premmil from prescriptions of one uf our bi-si phyciriuus.wlmse Indorsement is u suf ticient Ltuarauty of their value. We think il better to ret'omuii'tid tliem to ilmpe who do not connider them,. MclvcH HtilHciently ill to refpiirctt physician's u'lund auce, than any article of the ctiiLtJuaitton of which wo nris itrtinmiit. We wish it distinctly iii.derfli.oo" by th" public that, although we keep everything usually found hi a drug Ft ore, we will recommend no preparation unless ap proved by our medical im-n whoso (jiuililk-utions are well a lies tea Alterative and Tunic. For dvsnonsia. liver complaint, tfeneml debiliiv.aml all svmntuais reuuirinu au alterative und tonic. 1'iite $1 7r. Ague riIlH.-Ai)ti)cri(itllt' Miters, The Fills to break the chill iu Bjrue the Hitters to prevent the recutieuce. Piico, Pillv, To ien.H; liit tern, $'!. Llnlnunt. Kor all the uses u liniment is usutdfy applied to. IVicu iAi cents. Cough Mixture. For incipient couubs, colds and sore throat. Price, $1 UU. Liver Invlgorator aud Blood FurlAer. rot torpid liver, biliousness, jaundice, uml vitiate blond. Price, $1 Eye Water. For wcuk and influuied eyes. Price 75 cent. Diarrhea Mixture. Price $1 IU Eye enlie. Vur weak eves and fiithimed eye!iic Price, M cents. Ointment. For scabies, or itch. Pi ice. 7a cents. Rheumatic Mlxtnre. For rheunmtistn, neuralgia, -lu Price, f i. Bolaee. For depression of spirits, loss of appetite, debility. and a general preventive oi urease. I'rice. fi u". lMle Mixture. For piles, cost tveuess, etc. Price, $1 10. CutaneouH Mixture and Ointment. For chronic eczema, teller, urairie itch, sail rheum and all other chronic and oUiinale eiuptious of the skin. Price, aiixtui-0,91. tlmiinent, j.mmrn. U;tlr Hostoratlvc. To cleiinse tho head aud prevent the hai." from fall inn- Price. SI '). We respfcilully eubmil the above remedies 10 the public, wudiiiiK to sell 1 Ik-111 only as their merit may cmne a oemami. Wo have all ibe new Clieniimhs Fluid Kxtracts andKclei tic Prrparaiicns, and an fully ppni-d lo i-ien(iucally comt onud any prescription limi may iw sew to us. Ui'iaprt-tlimy, 31. 1C. COX At CO., DrnvpisiB m.d Apothecaries, Mmires' Ploek, JWlf KalfMii, Oregon PACIFIC MARKET, Buvley, Thompson k Co., Proprietors, Opposite tho llennelt House, Slate sli-eet. 1I7ILI. keep as ifoiHtan ussorlmeut or everyilunx VV iu Iheirlioeol tnole as Ihe market nillaliord. III-ilK-wt Ciis.1i IrIoo lid for BcefCaUlc, Khccp, Hogs anfl Poultrj Kulem, Feb '(0, IHiKi. imM Mn-rlir KuU. BY virtue of uu eaurution rssiied out of the Circuit court of tie Mini of Oregon, for the ooulily "1 I'olk. mid o me duel led bv tlui clerk of raid cult, in favur uf J. II. V. Uilller, and against J W. Dowuer for wnl ul tieisoinil propeiiv to suisiy in mile, 1 have levnu npon, noo woi iumwi lo sell, to the luihisi bidder, tor ca.h in baud, al llio rouit houw door, m Ualias, I'olK coiiuly, on Saliirday, tlie t!4tb day of March, A !. IHM. be Iwreu Ihe hours ol lefl o i ioca.a iu., aim ni u p in., of said dav, all Ihe right, tb h and iulerest of, in and lo lb following dercrila-d real estate, tn-wit i sit ,,..t..,l o, .ul ...iiuv uil Slate aforesaid .aud more uar- ticulurly described and diib''""ed " '' town plata of r.ola as o. Ils. 3 aud 4 . . . . 4 b and 6 G 1, 1, 'J, and 4. No. Uluek. I 3 10 13 , .marked A SO No. Lots. .1 and 4 7 aud 7 I. '.VI and 4 3 and 4 No Mock a lii I m 3 6, 7i.nd 8... !i4 1,3 4.5andli 7. .. 10. II, 17 and IM.'.'C J. 4 an.l 6 I, a. 3, i 5.6 and 7... 30 l,U,f. andS) : I, U, 3. 4, a and 9 34 3.4,7an;a :w I. SI. 7 and.. W 2, 4, H and 10 I, a, 3, 4, 4 and 6.... I, 2. 3, 7 and . . . . 4.5, 11, and H 7, H, , 10.11 and 12. I. 3, 7 and 9 3. 4, 7, and 8 1.3. 4 i aim 7 4 '.',S9 lli.ll. 13 14.17.18 41 3,4,6,7811 4a l.ii.6and IS Also, the following traet. lo wit i eomt.ieueing 7J feel s o'f the S W e"riMr of llloek No. 10 in Ih. town of Kula.insaid rountv.thelirKotherlyintr!ir.Tl I'loeJ with the w sole of No Ml." the center ol'ih lat ert-ol. riven theiie. down said river In inch pla-e a. line runnina sunih in adirert hue with thess.l of ll'ock Nu. II will rnw said river i thence north wlib wid In.l mentioned line In a point within 70 yards of Hies corner of lllock No. 11 s theuea weal to 'he lilac of beyinuing: also one uthcr tract, denrriltcd a. follows to-wit : a ps.rtion of tlie donation land claim of JushnaHhaW and wife, lying in arelions twenty live and thirty sit. in I 7 s of rang 4 w of the Willanieile mrrioiali. snu oenig an um in w rmm u. claim and south of Ihe Larrwl. river.aod laiunded a, follows i eommeiM-ina at lb s corner of suid land claim, running 1'iew abaig lb middle of eliou 3li, 4U clialli. I Ihenc nonb to th mid.ll. of the Im ereole Kiveri lhnc down said river to th. oast hoe of said claim i ihene south lo lh plar of hegiuninir, eonlainiiig tliu arra mora or Iras i lo b told la said exrruli' u, cost. "d aceriiioa .Hils I )l, hheriir Polk 'o. Dallas. Polk Co. . ( 'giiJKeh W. Iats,.-0J I " 7 Y. o. d.-. vai. riirar.KtTt LHIMIf.. No. I, al. .very iuT 3m S.lMlif i.sil. al It. hall In llulmaa s '.lilJiot. M"'Urs In son .i.o.ilns af. lo t. I K MiHlkLS, X U. VltrA 1 JOHllS'i.""'"""'- . WILLAVETTk kNCAMPMENT, Ho. I. I 0 0 f MKI.liU'MTIIr'. HKhT ANDTIIIItU Kiidnv Evenings ol each nionih, at H .'dock, iu iheir Hall. Ill llolman I Block. i,u..i..h i., ,r...jl .nuulintf are inviird to Xai A. L. BTT.N'SON, CP. X A liU 'rilllNiU! TO MILL. UEU YTANTl-.D-A partner in Ihe LUMBER BUSINESS! At one of the best points lu the country fur making lumber, nnd with an active market for all that can be be nianiilaclured. A third, half, or controlling Interest furnished, as desired. An exjierieuced iiiill-mati, wilh Trie neces sary ciipiial preferred, but a sileiii or active partner accepted. For particulars, address hv h-tler or inquire of .V.'tf IIANIKL H'l'UANO. Sa.'cm.llKil. Anmcnniik'iiC Notice. NOTICE is hereby given tliut ibere is this day lev led nn assessment of lift v cents on each Hud every share of the cupilul stock ot1 Ilia einlem (lold und Ml ver Mining- company, payable to the Heerctnrv in iroid or silver coin, on or before the Ural dav of Mhv next. Kalem, Feb. 17, imitiwsVs.' I,. !. CLINK, See'y. Notice 10 ruiiilM'i' Moil. OKALED l'U(PO.HALS will be received at tlie of. O life of J. 11. Monro , in Salem, nmil 1 o'cloi k p.m. on FRIDAY, M,UCrI 10, m,u, for the furnishing of tbe following materials upon the grounds selected for Penitentiary purposes, via: 9,000 feet mill dressed tongued ami groovod flooring, 1 by Muches when dressed: '3,300 ft. mill dressed t-mgiieii amrgrooved flooring, U hy ft inches when dressedi 21 Plank, mill dressed, both sides, by Vfl inches when dressed, tiO ft. long, clear white tin 3'J,0O0 ft. of lumber, 1 1 by 4 inches; 7.5110 fi, of lnjii Iter, 1 by inches, 22 ft. long 40 pieces, i! by H inches. i ft. long; US pieces, ti by b inches, 0 It. lonu; ', nieces, li hv ti inches, Iti tt lonif: HO pieces, 2 by inches at one end, and 3 by G inches at me 01 ner, 2-1 It. long; 13 nieces, U by 4 inches. 0 a. loni; 48.000 ft., li by 8 inchee. IH ft, hmgj 'in.ouo ll , 1 ov 0 inches, 1" tt- long;. 1 10 pieces, 4 by (i im-lies. lit feet umu: 3:i0 pieces, 9 hy 6 Inchns, IU feet long; 800 pieces, 3 by 4 Inches, 17 feet long; (M0 pieees, ii by 4 inches, 17 feet long, :t,1) pieces, 2 hy 4 inches, iil) feet long; 3,11 pieces, ti by 4 inches, 14 feet Ioiik; 4 sills, 10 by 10 iurhes squai-n, 40 feet long: V sills, 10 by 10 inches sigiiure, 3tifeet long; u,oou good cedar shingles. All of the above In miter to be uood sound rod or yellow flr. llids for nnv Kurt oi'Dorliou of the above will be considered, The bidder will stale distinctly lu bis bid llio sort and quantity, us woll as the price per thousand, of the iiiuiher tor winch im imin, except the sills, wlin-li will be pr running tent. All me sills to he neliveied on the ground bv tliu 10th dav of May next. 1 be luiiiltei' to be delivered as remtiied at least uno fourth hy the It'th dav of May next, nnd (he babince hi Hk-reed 11(1011 betvvucii that lime and Ihe 2oii day of June following. Ihe slunifles lo be de vercd on the irrouud bv the 2jth iliiv of June next. All contractors will bo required lo if Ive bond, with approved security, eondilinucd for the faithful per- lonnance 01 tiieir contracts, riie t'oiumittsioners reserve the ri-rht to reiect anv or all bids, Payment to bo made in coin. Proposals should he directed, " Penitentiary Pom- niissioiiers," aud indorsed " Pmporials for Lumber." A. f. K. nil AW, Chairman Pen. Com. Salem, Feb. 1!, I WW. :dwl SEALED PICOI'OSALH will be received nt the of lice of J. H. Monies, in Snleui, until I o'clock p in. on PKID.W, MARCH 10, lrtOii. for fuiuishiug upon the grounds sideded lor Pcnilcnliarv purposes. U(M) rOKOS OF (It)tU) WOOD, four feet lmig-.r0 cortlstohe delivered by tin- 10th day of May, 100 corns more to t'O iiiuvoed ny too it, day ol July, aud the rtMuainiiiar l-0 ords (o be dulivered by tlie l.'tli dav ot A u l' nut next. liiils for any b-ss fiuaiitity than ihu abovo will be coiisiileretl. Ilidders should stato uualuv of wood, uud time of cteiiverv. Contractors w ill be required to give bond and an proved sevurity eondilioiied for ttiu perforuiauce uf conn-act. The (.'ouimissionere reserve tho rluht to reiect any or nil inns. Payineul to bu inado ill coin, PiHipotiatH should ho direciotl " Penitcn'iary Com Uiissioums, and inilorsed ''Proposals tor Wood.' A C. K.S11AW, (Jb'u Pen.tom. Siilem. Feb. lit, Inritj. OlwJ ioti,'' to liai'riwtm! IoahrH. SE LED PROPOSALS will be received at the of fice of ,1. II Moore, iu Srileiii, milil I o clock p.m. on FHIDAV, MAKC'K Iti. If tin, for furnir.iing upon the grounds sulfticd for Penilenliurv pu poses, the following itescribed fjuantiiy of good, murcliun table niViin, viz i 30 keys 40 penny cut mills; . 3.) keys 10 penny cat uuil J Uuu H penny urotight itailsj 3 hi'kis H jR'iniy cut iiiiils; 1 keg G penny cut tiniltu U kvgs 4 -penny cut mills; 2 kvgs iiK-h cut spikes lluls for any less quantity than tho whole will 1m coiitle red, loitdt'rs stutiug size und riiciliiy. All In be delivered on (tie ground by tlie lOlb dny of flluv next. iSuifractors will be rcipiircd to give bond nnd ap proved security for I be luilM'nl pt;i loruiuuce of con lllM't, . The ('ouimissioiieis reserve tlie right to reject any or nil tods Pavmetit to be made in coin. Projtosuls sliiuild be d (reeled ' Peuiteuliarv Com uiipsioners' uud indoised Ml'r"poi:ils for Nails." A. V. i. hllAW, Cb'ii Pen. Com Mem, Feb. 10. IH..ti ,r)lw4 SEALED proposals will be received ut the office of J. 11. Moores. in Salem, umil I o'cbck. n.tii.. Fn dav. March li-jHiKi, for furnish tug the materiiilsunJ con sirtictinif a building upon tlie grounds selected for nenitciitiary nurnoses. nan ol huihinig aud siwctn cut ions nuty be m;tu by applying to. I. 11. Moores, at Ins otlice liuildiug to no completed by the HHh iny of May next, t'outractoiii will be required to give bond ami Hp proved Mcuriif'iniaitiouen lor uio laiiniui pwriorm unee oi com rail. Pavuirni to tte umdo In coin. The roiiimicsionerb icserve iho light to trjecl any or all imis. Proiiosiils sbntild bu dueHcd : " IVuiielitiarv coin miwioners," and f ndorsed "Prnpnsnts lor Haildtng A C. It. MIA W, nalein, Fidi. V. !m;ii. 'Cli'n Peniien'iary Coid. WATER WHEELS. Power FLEDGED Equal TO IIIK Ilcst (Jvcrsliot Uhci'l in Existence. u a a o tH 3 r) V hi O 1 n f re ta n P. a r n Pa TIOl-l-'lCIL.'H American Doublit Tiirlilne Mnlcr-Wlirell IS now manufactured by th Oregon Iron Works, In the Citv of Port laud, and orders for th same can b filled immediately. e have a suuili supply of lb differonl sues. from I" inches lo 4H inches In diaineti-r. That wa mar know Ihe proper sited wheal von require meamire vour water in lh. lollowii.g w ay i Take I ha width of lb. .trea o, Ihe average depth, and th dis tance ii flows in a minute. All the wheels now in ait give universal satisfac tion, llotli tbe const ruction of the wheel aud He per formance, eommend it lo Ihe better judgment or all minds eaM,hU of ertprarialina lb highert davebip. itieut nf HiiM'hauirai rouslrurlmn. Tnvnitor. it b.a coiuinered Ihe moat violent oppsjilioii. This wheel is especially adapted lo mining purpose. Ills light, and call lie eaaily packed i'Uo Ihe inouu uins. Wheels weighing from HJ lo 3isJ pounds will vield from IU to 40 horaa power, nuder a baud of 25 or 311 feel. They are tin cheapest w heel to set up known as they are so arranged as to produce th gratt power porisihlv troiu lb walr used. Th. hricrj of these wheels have now baen reduced to lh. ahihir of all. Com and see Ibeia, or seud for a circular lo i.kvpkm. 4V, Al lb Oicgon Iroa Work. Slinrt Portland Oregon. PLOWS t PLOWS J PLOWS t PEORIA. JIOLINK. HOSTliN CLIPPLII. CAST CANT HTEEL. TL'HP AMI MT IIIII.K Hlll.l.lMl CITTKKH r IIAIITELI.H fcCtl sl, sliwirea old Hl.ud. Titkm I'd. T)Y O. W Adams, nine mile, uorth of McHinnvtlle, I ) Yamlull eotiutv. slrs. 4 vear old, one a brindle, marked, with shii e in the kill ear The other hail Ho marks or brands Appraise, on the Hlh day of ! rnary.byj II. tiauui. Juic, at iu . ns - WnitlcS. 1 .11' IIICTHKI. COI. J ku. Polk eoiii) . Oregon. Musi b. al leat Uiorntigb rogbsh arti'dar, and woll raeocsmeHdsfd Hv oiuW o tl i sin of iro.trra. ' ll U' nu n l 1,1, O W. ItlCHAUDKON, Pre.'!. ltrlhrl. Ja.. Ifai Simi A. SAI.KM IXIIMK M., 4 anldsll.rriraUrram.BI. rsllonsr. the Mo.rtd an loarlh rriH.r. In race Bjnnlh. Nrrlhrre re HI .oirelln ara IttVIra In .Men. b. II. Hearer, teVr. till a. MkOWK, W. N i ioHrrKrrKK'N itt, ran ktr.i STOMACH BITTERS. A pruparallon tmitiior PURE OLD ESSENCE OF RYE, With ell the reeoirnized Tonic, Laxative and Antl liil lout ItEK KUIKS Ob' A11T AND NATL'HR. Protective Propurties. l'reveut. Kever and Ague and HiHhms Iteinitteut Ke v"! Invigorate, the Urmin. of Digesnoa and he Mowels-bteudies the Nerves und tends lo Prolong Remcdinl Propertiet. Cures Uv.pepeltt-I.iver Coiiiplalnt-Oenend T). bllitv, Dejirissiou or Rplrits-l.'onsiinip lion- n r. tnittent Kovers and nil complaints arising lru.u bodily weukiiess. As hii Appmisor. ...., TONIC, KKVKB ANI AG UK I'KEVENTIVK And all Uillloiia Disorders, Hostetter'a Stomach Bitters siund pre eminent as tho Creati'st Medical DIscoTery of the Age, and as an ALTEIJATIVE AND 1)1,000 VUKIFIE-K. they nre preserilied nnd rerorn mended by all Phyel ciHi'is wherever they have been introduced. The extraordinary and increaaing doinand for these DITTKKS is nnpnrnlloled .V THE HISTORY OF MEPfClNE, and can he had cvorvwhere thronvhout the clvilited world wham nowspape are circulated or read. Almanacs or Pamphlets, ' with lestimmiv of their success from the Farmer aud the Sailur from the Merrhant nnd th-l'hytioiait aud from the Leitishnivn Halls of OUR UNITED COUNTRY uiuv bo obtained FKEE of ull Dealers everywhere. IIODGK A OALKF, WHOLESALE DRUUOISTS, PORTLAND, W Front Street, ' Sole Agents for the State. " ' ' 1'uBTi.iKii, July Hth, ISM. Mkssiis. llonoa & Cai.ari ' - iimilrmm t In answer to vonr lelter of even. .rmnvi,,n I,, tlx. l.ievK.r law Hneclitnr ''llOS- TKTTEtt'8 HITTKltS," I have to snvthatno License is renitired, coining ns Ihev no, nnuer me iibhu im I'l otiriciarv 1'repHinlioiis. This decision is announced by Ihe Cemniissioner of Internal Heveniw at asle iiiglon. . TIKIS. FUAZAI1, V. n. assessor linernm 1-1.1... , 1'ortliind, Oiti(on. II. F. HKO WW WILL bay and sell Greenbacks, Mining Htocits and hratU nn Han Frauciseo. and lite Kastern Rtiites. Will bnv Gold Dust or HnlHou umce wnu Wells Fargo At t-o , on Stale Street. 0"tf NOTICE. IriOH the Information of llio public, we would state ' thnt our connection with ihe SA I.EM LIMBER CO. ceased January bill, IHiki. 4WM HEATH, DKAKHUHH (JU. nli'C. THE llrni of Dell & Dmwir belnii now dissolved by mutual consent ot the narlies. tilt utidersitfuod will eoiitintie Ihebiistiiessal the old stand, lliauaini Ihe public tor their liberal pati-omuio extended to the old linn, ho hopes to merit a eoutiuiiiitiou of the same by selling goods cheap for 4UII tllSU. .. MI'.lilA NEW FIItM. TTAVINTl nnretiiised what wts known ns Ihe facto- IT rv store. we tuito nlensuro in anvhii to our friends and the pnhlie. In Keuerul, Hint we will Seep our .lock WELL ASSOIITEO, And sell our vnods on as irood terms as tnv house In the ehv. Our stock consists ot a KSnerul assort uieut of Drj-Coods, und Family Groceries, Ilardwaru, Crockery, HOOTH AND SHOES! Hats and Caps, IRON AND NAILS, l'ACTOHY GOODS! Ac, 4c, ,Vo. NICKLIN & CO. IMMENSE SACRIFICE! FOIl the beuelll of ihe located und lravelitij( publlo i'.. I. WurlbiiiKlun will now sell hit Tremendous Stock of Dry-Goods. IuiniQiiMO I..ot ol Clotkluif! AJO HIS HUCE SUPPLY OF HARDWARE Together wllh , , All hi. "mull Trnps, At rales which will make Portland nnd Ran merchants weep. I am resolved lo ruin myself in or der io k-ra'lfy '"V numerous customers. If selling olr at cost will really aralify and aaisfy them the oppor tunity Is now offered to iirallfy, atlf, and indemuify theinsulves. Bin Day Monday A Saturdtiy. Oregon State Bonds Bought, HI0I1EST CASH 1'ltICE PAID, bv n. v. Urowii. .Siilem, l-Vb. l'J, IHH8-4W.H AflmlsiiMli'ator'si Aoilre. V'OTK'K is lierehy given llmt Ihe nudersigued baa it been HpjMiiiiled Hdmlnistrator of the estate of Sally t'randiill, bile of Marion rotnily, Orrgull, de. erased. hv ibe County Judve ol said oountv. All persons hiivilw ehilms'agalnsi said estate are reitic.. ed lo present Ihe same, duly vvrllied, lo lb under siirueil, at Siileui, llrevoii. within sis nioiuhs, ami all persons indet.lud lo said ettate H'h reipe.U'd to inuke pavinenl without deluv. PACL CUANDALL. Sllelu. Fell. It'. n!w4:.VI Adni'e. IICi(l'tlt I.OlM. I HAVE surveve.1 one hundred nud seveiily-elght town lots adjoining Ihe Cilyof haleut on the Suuili, beina ipiite near ihu bn.iners portion of tho city, and In Ihu sleauiboiit binding. These lots eonfiHrin to tbe i-ily siii vr, mid are made by au extension uf Coin menial aiid LiIk-Mv slreels A part ut ibein hav been in eulliviilion ill orchard for years. The tialance have a beaiililul young giowlh o'f lirnnd ouk shade trees. All are i-onveniclil anil urslraf.le lor rrslilelll lots. A purl of I hem will lie olluled al private sal on favorable lenu. lo Ihe porthuW. 1 also idler for sal block No. 411 ladjohiiug my residence), in bus or iu whole, lo soil the parties piin-hasimr. linpilra of the undersigned, or of llaaiuier & Hutch, Ilroker and Agsins, Moorca llloek,feuleni, Oreaon. ur,Ui ii. ue.i iB. Keliruary I'Jth, IHtl '.l.ii.'.l .d Ufa. stolen from Ihe uiulerrigncil.ou ilolalla Prai rin. on lh. nikhi of Knhruarv 10th, a HAY IIOKSK, full aixireii handa high, short hoily. short neck and large head i light Iwly act-onlingUi Ins lughl hold, hiaheiid very high wheu riding, barcfeoled when taken. 1 li above rewara win n given ir in formation that will lead lo the recov.ry of ihe annual Direct tn me at lilad Tidings P t )., I'lackanias county, I IIAUI.r.s nitvt aiii. Fchmary 111, HlW.-2w5lpd AdininlKiriilor'a .ollie. . NOTICE is berebv givn that lh undersigned ha baen duly eppo'mnid Admiui.lralor of th estal of John MeBee. deceased, of Marion comity All par sons having claims against said atal will present to me at my residence in Salem, within sit months, nnd all persons owing said estate are rerjiuul d lo make Immediate paymeiil. K M. ItlCb, r.b I'd. IHOb. tWJU auaiaieraior. t'iiitil hi'lilt'ini'iil. N Prohaio Coiiit, Coos emuiiy, Oreg January term, ItCli. Kslale of Evan Ciiulihiglmiii, decaas- ad Notice is hereby given mal Henry vvycaon, no miiil.trator f aaid saute, has Ibis day presented his accounts, and asks 'hal the same may be allowed fur a final settlement, ll is therefore ordered that said application be hrard and determined 011 Ihe llrst Mon day in April, Ihob. at which lime a I persona Interest i i l iiui mar aprmir In (aid conn aud make olurrtiuiia i" said Mtiilu.Ml, if any exU. 11 y order ul Gilbert Hull, t oumv 4nlv.. nr.Mii tviiiturr, aoisi. Eiuplr Ciiy, Jan. 3, Mmi Happiness or Misery; THAT 13 THE QUESTION. mil If IMIIll'tl K.TO IHdK Till1. "PAI SH' tlU 1 HKI'M I'K ANATOMY AND eClKNCK." have dele mined, regsrdlr.. of exuse, 10 eiir.r. (for the bm-IU of siillerlng biimauilvl four nf Iheir mo.1 lniereiini and in.lriiriiv IJtCTCMKH, o M Alt It I A 1 K. an.l lis disqualifications 1 l-Llio- iw....,M liMcihi. ,r Mniiloaid. Indiue.iion Wsak'neeeor Depresawai, Uo of Eistrgy and VJtl Power, Ibe great raa-ial Evil, and lliose malasile llml result from yoiuinui loiues. o. , . .. . . It..u I... ...a K.i.m'i IjtirB. uoraiie. 01 . ,.. .-- - . Thee Invaluable lecture bar been the aiMIIJ ol ...l,.,l.i-,oi und uivleg lliouwnns, ami win urn .... tul.i',.1 imiia uf Taealv nv Cenla ia uailue .tamp.. h.V addrr-ing ' IWrrlary Pacllie Mu . ' a,.u. Pi.eHlnel.rglu r ran seiua 01 aimiusi; -' - - . , . sism" 4vi ( fUller lo lie seul Ibr.uigb Wells. Kargo A Co. Varniohes! t.T OllLE 4k. Hoar's American. Coarh, Copal, Ben- IN sine, loiar,aBdbhllae Vajiihihsa. a' an vamisnea. MYERS A HCOlira. oclU Prices of Iron Reduced, TIKR IRON b cwnts per pound. NOKVVAY SlfOK SILM'KS, Hj cents prrpom4 All other sizes iu proportion. t E.i. iitiHTnrnhfc & co.f Fm porters nnd Denlnra In IlnrilwKre, !ronf , Stoel and wagon Timber, POTtTLAXDJOKEOON. 4fm2 W. 4. AI.DUICU, C.Mxanil.l., JpHN H'CHAttN. M'CRAKEN, MERRILL &Ca : Hhlpplnn, Commission, and Forwardiaf MERCHANTS. ; ; AGENTS of ihe California, Ilawaiiau and Oregoa i'acket Lines. . . ImnnHors of SAN QUEN'Tltf nnd CABMKtf I8-' LAM) HALT, HANDWICH WLASI) BUGAHS, C'Ol'l'EE, HIUE, and PULL', ,. Axents for Provost Si t'o.'a Preserved IfrulU, Vest' etahlea I'lckle, and Vinegar. Dealers in Flonr. Gra a, Bacon, Lard and VrahV Litae, Cement, aud Platter. . , ' ' . vi , Will atreud to the Purchase. Rale, or Khlnt af Merrhandise or produce ill New York, Han k'raucisco, lloimlilln or Portland. , A LDltlCH, MERRILL & CO., ' ,:' No. 894 and m, Calironna, St., --i! San Francisco. M'CnAKEV, MERRILL St. CO , 4l)f 16 North front St., Portland. -1 Willamette Steam . ria7ig;i uompaay. THE W. M. N. CO.' N'EW HTEAMEB niN ALERT, I Jamks HTnaao, . " Master, ' "t I Lmtves PORTLAND everv morning at 7 o'clock for OKICUIIN CITY, tounecting with tlie steamer AU TIVE. ... . . Will leave OHEOO.V CITY everv day for PORT-. LNI, ut I o'clock r. tt., or on the arrival ol the, ACTIVE from Corvallis. Freight and Passag at llcrtuood Itatett! " i Apply on board : " ' '-'l The WillaniotUi Steiini Navigation Co.'s Rtenmer 'A a ACT IVE, J. T. Asmisos, -( ' Muster,. IH1 Will leave Cauemah every MONDAY uud THURS DAY at l o'clock A. ., for SALEM, AL1IANY. and CORVALLIX. D. VY. HL'KNMiDK, Portland. .Ihu. 15. 1HW, Pres't W. . N. Co. t PIANOS! PIANOS! PIAIJ03! T1IK nuderslined are uMits for tli followlin: cele brated inanufacturers of Pmuos i ' ' l RAVEN & BACON, NEW YORK Wi F. Emmerson, Portland, Be. : ; " Orders promptly filled. ' ' ' ' ' 4Kif BRETMAW BRO. Nottr.). r- S0METIMK in the month of May or Jnn I xpoct to go to Washington City i mid I intend visiting the various sections of the Union before retnrning home. While in toe East, I would be glad to attend to anv business that may be entrusted lo my caro.r All those having bulancec due them from estate, eu fended war claims, etc., die., will do well to avail hemsulves nf the services of a responsible agent, who will give their matters personal alM'ilioo. Sena your power of attorney, and other instruction, in tho mldreaa nf " Joiikbom & HcCows, Lawyer, Oregon City, Oregon" nnd if I am absent, C'apt. AleCuwn, my parluer, will give them attention, or forwatd them to mo if I shall hav. irons. W. CAREY JOHNSON. Oregon City, Jan. 32, 18H 47tf i DrTjrH, Cliltwood, i It E F O R III PUVSICIAN. ' Ok'kTCE at hit residence on Vront St., oa bloek north of Nuperiuleiident Hnntiiigtoh't. He would say to th sick who wish lo he eired without having their teeth i st ranted with calomel, or Iheir eonstilulions Impaired with other mineral poi sons, to give biiu a call. Salem, Jnn. 22, 18i'ai. HICHEST CASH PRICE PAID -KOR OUEGON WAR BONDS, nv 5tf HEATH, DEAHBOBW CO. ; OOO0 BURNINO FLUID, a ALCOHOL. ' TURPENTINE, ' l;" CASTOR OIL, WINES and BRANDIE8, pnt up expressly for med icinal use, by the pint, quart, or gallon, at Apothtaa ries' Hall, oppotil th new Hotel 1 Salem, Qt. 3IHC J, K. CI.AI1K . Apothecary. unitedTstates WAIL. ;- OrevoH. Post Orrict DtnaiassT, I'. Washinglou, D.o.5, 1865. J PROPOSALS will be received at the Contraot Of lire of llila Department nntll 3 p. m. of Keliruary . 28, IHlai, for couveving the mails or ihe United Btatee, fromJnlv I, lHtiu, in Jtin 30, 1870, en th following route in Oregoa, being lu addition to the routes enu merated iu lh advertisement of July ill,to which bidders are referred 1 15123 Kroni Tbe Dalle, by John Day' City, to Canyon Citv, 180 miles and bark, once a week. Didders to propose a schedule of departure and ,rriVH"- W. DENNISON, , . 47kC Postiaasitr General. Farm Fr Sale. - TUB undersigned offer for sale a line farm of 640 . acres, 1 0(1 acres under cultivation, good orchard. dwelling house, ham, and ottiornutlnilhlinga 1 siinaiea in iluriun count v, on the road from Jefferson to Ore gon Citv, HI U'ifus south-east nf Kalem. Addres 3w,'it'pd ISAAC COOK. Halam, Oregon. Notice. THEIIK will be a meeting of the Stockholder ef Ihe New York Gold and Silver Mining Co., at Iheir onir., in Mam, at I o'eloek. p. ta .oa Uouday, tlarrh 12, IKtUi.for the pnrpoe ul' electing oMtnrs. A full altendanee I riUB.ted. Ity order of th Inenrporalor. RETII R HAMMER, rWrelarr. PEACE ON EAHTII And Good Will to all Caskind. D3. J. W. MURRAY'S WONKKRPUL disrovery In th VognUbl King, dom. Long and Liver Dalsara.a sure reniedy, curing Co isnmption, Coogb, Colds, Aslbma, Cronp, Distasea of Ihe Throat, and enlargement ol the Toa sils, Chronic llheumaiiiism, 8or Kyet, ttrrnfula, Nen rnlgiu. Illeediug Kaas, or Blind Biles, and all imparl lie. of the Hldod. Alsn.Oeneral Debility and Kama Debility, to pievnlenl iu this damp climate. I return my sincere I hunk, to the hundreds of persons in Ore gon, Washington Territory and th Pacido (,'oswt for Iheir liberal natroimga. ttcoree of eeililicala lo ba seen at my oltice in Corvallia All persons wishiug In procure this valuable medi cine can have il sent 10 Iheir addres by axprvaa or mail 011 receipt f price 1 II W) per bottle t six boUHM for $"i III), or $ltlir diuwn. Written dlrecUoo and medical advice aceompanyiug each paekag. Ilewar of Cooulerfi iia None ganuin aukrs it hears mv slguainr on lb label and wrapper of aek butllo. lion i forget ihe address. DR. J. W. MURRAY, Office al J. W. Murray's Drag Sum, Main St., Corvallis, Cregou. OLOBY! GLORY! CLORY 1 Knrrfcal Eureka! Knreka X PROF. O. 8 MURRAY'S reuowuwl Magic Oil. on of the greatest diseoeeria of lh ag I II kt not en of I luw aura all nostrum, but what I say it will em, rest awired it will aura. KorKhausiatiaui. Na ralia, Toothache, Ham or Scald, lairteh., Craiaa Colio, Flux, Sor Throat. Dlptherl. Sprains, Chlf blaina, Cms, Sore, aud Uruiee, and that very truob lesome Ibiug, Cmus. ll will It seen that, nullk most Patenl Mediein, ll dosa not profess lu cure all the diesas w hnsh aau kind it heir to, bin. what il doe profw lo curt, wa ran show hundreds of eeniBcatc from lb awe prominent cliisna of Ibi eoonlry lo pro it doe. Beware of Counterfeit, lor lbr are several had, verv had, eouui.rf.iu ol line valuable mediciue Suat iiig'aboat tin counuy,ihr.for de not buy of any owe aukaa luy uu show written antheri.y free n The original I uiaiiutaetared only by Dr.J.W.ak O b. lb Dm Sior of J. W. Murray 4k Co., Corvallis, Oregon, wlier it can be had la quaatltbw lo suit, forwarded lo any addres. by atprtt or oth. arwis a raqnested. Price, .mall sit, Sn cenle par bonis, or three bottles for l 00, or l U0 per dotsn. I.nrg. sit. l 00 per bottle, or til boll Its lor $5 OU Don't forget th addr, UR. i. W. Mt'BRAT tt CO , Chetskiuaial Diugydst. ilgf Main Rireet, Corvallis. Oragua. NtMlCC. NOTK'K I lieveby give thai al a meelitg of the Director of lb Kaniiaut (told and Silvmr Miniag Cow pan.. bld al Iheir ottlce oa Ibe 7 th day of Feb ruary, IrHitt, aa assessment. No. 6, of Iwa uiuu 1(4 par .liar was lavled m web and every share of ui Mock ot said company, Htyable in gold or silver asua, aitli.vlhce of Hi eoniMiuy. within ihlrty ave day. And sn enter was Bade to advenia for sal all stork on which said assessment or any earl thereof shall remain due at lh expiration of said Ihift V i dwye, P. L WILLIS. See y. Hahiaa. Orfgoo. Feb. T.J , DOWNER'S COAL OIL, At CLAIlK S APOTHKCAHIES' 1UI.U Comer Buta aud Libirty tla,oBriie lh a llal baUm,Oct.MlX J. K. tLUlA, ApotbtCAty. i