The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, February 05, 1866, Page 1, Image 1

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roabtiiHiicDiivKHr mohbat miiknino, nr
The Oregon Printing nd Fubliihlng Company.
. w. CUa7. HiinIim'm BlHinigcr.
Tbm-Oiio year, f. In ''in. Six """tin, (3.
fy" Remittance way be tnude liy mail nt our risk,
wbon nmiled in the pretence of the pinlinaster.
U. OiBolal Paper for the State.
Latest News by Steamer,
WE take pleasure ill uiinniinciiiK to rmr old patrons
Kiid the public in Kenernl, that we huve
Direct from the East and San Francisco,
The Largest and Best Assortment,
consisting of the fultowliiff articles
Gents' and Boys' Icthirg,
of the BEST uud LATEST 8TYL-E81
Dry Goods,
Fancy Goods,
Boots and Shoes,
Hats and Caps,
Glassware, &c,
that has ever been bronirht to litis city, and also that
we are oneriug tne same
Cheaper than the Cheapest.
Call early imd satisfy ybiii'sclf.
All kinde f PRODUCE taken In exchange, for
whic-u we will pay tne nitfiiest tuai-Ket price.
Salem, Sept. 11, IWiS, tf
IT is generally known I hat my Orandfatlier was the
oriihni! inventor of these re'iiuirloible nills.
He wits u scientific mini, and a medical priictltinner
of the Old School, Hut liecomiiiK anirinmi m mo timr
tulity that attemled the Meediuir ami Minerul Prac
tice, lit) lurneil ins uiieiiuoii i.o me sunty ui uiiiureuuu
the philosophy of disease, iib tilxtt to the imtural reme
dial agents which he found to uxiBl. exclusively in the
Vegetable Kingdom. In hie rosenrchws and in veati
fiutinus, he became fully sntislled that ihu life wim in
tne lilooti; tliat uy whatever name uiseuses were uis
i.iinuiKlicd. imniiriiv of the blood was the source of
all a simple ami truthful doctrine, which , in reduciiiK
all diseases to a unit, necessarily established the fact
thai all were to be treated on the same general prin
ciples, viz, hv pitrjution.
j Now the ir'rnnd ilitHcultv consisted ill devis'iinr a veir
stable comnouud thut would inviirurate, purify, mid
cleanse iJih blood, correct and reiulitle nil tho flitter
ent nucrul ioiiB. nud bv purirution discliaiyn the whole
muss of morbid mutter from the boilv. Wllhout reduo-
inir the strciintli. After thirty years of clone applica
tion, he comddercd hie object fully accomplished in
the production ot these piils, which have now been
before the public One Hundred and Fourteen lean,
audit. Is now IlKfttn nearly III veurs since Dr. Brim-
di-olh's Vegetable Universal Life Preserving Pills
were lira! presented to the American public during
wliich time their superior excellence and virtue have
been extensively proclaimed oy papers aim puuipnieis,
and a rapid yearly increase of the sale of them ef
fected. To know wliat will save lifu, to know what will
restore health. Is a knowledge not to he hidden, 1,
thereto, us a uiaii desiring to do my duty faithfully,
huve doited down some of niv thirtv-llvo years' expe
rience with Druudreth's Pille, which are an effectual
assistant of nature, and cause the expulsion of acn
inonious humors the occasion of every sickness. Let
us admit thut corrupt humors prevent the free circula
tion of the blood, that llntudreth's Pills take nut
these humors, giving heulth for puiu, and strength for
No man is sick save when the principle of corrup
tion gets the ascendency, ltrandretli's Pills aid the
Life Principle to regain the empire by removing the
corrunt humors from the bodv. Munv a time 1 have
seen life apparently at the last ebb, when these Pills
were given, and in a few hours the danger was past,
aud health's Hood tide gave the patient renewed life
and vigor. Many are the fathers, mothers, sous, and
dnmliters. thus saved.
These celebrated Pills are composed wholly of me
dicinal herbs, and do not onntnin auv mercury or other
mineral, being perfectly huruilees to the most tender
aire or weakest frame; yet sure to search out the cause
of sickness, aud restore the health if taken according
to the directions.
Let no one imagine they are too weak to bear the
effect of these Pills, which put no weuknesi into the
frame, hut draws weakness out. A few doses will be
get confidence, aud then I lie beauties of purgution will
urailunllr become nnfolded to our view, which, en
forced with Brtindroth's Vegetable Universal Pills, is
able to care every disease where the organs are sound
uud ireMllv increase the averaire of human life.
I huve now used on niv own person, and prepared
and administered, braiidreth's Pills for Ihiny-iive
years. I believe they are the best purgative in the
world; and witli this medical quality they have also
a tonic effect. Ami us J, a m of the linn opinion that
iiiduinumtiou and fevers u," ; caused by corrupted
blood not beimr timely ecu -, vl. because it reuurgi
tales, so to speak, over thei .ie body, and thus ror
ranis the sound blood that suould nourish all the mem
hers, aud actually destroys und paralyses members or
organs that are unsound; and as 1 know that these
Pills have a direct effect to remove nil corrupt blood
und uerinioouiiiH humors from the bodv in fact, ail
humors below the vital standard of health; so I should
he guilty of a great sin, tlid i not do all in my power
to propagate tile nse of a medicine whit-fa is possessed
of properties so calculated to save aud increase the
average or human lite.
The public servant.
Principal office for llratidreth' Vegetable Universal
Pills, BftANDKETU'S liClLliIMr. ,ew .,ric.
Office at CRAVE & IlHItlll A.M S, San Francisco,
For sale hv all respceiaoie neuters m mro,,-,,, ,
New Firm, New Store, New Goods
Wine (intl Llquorw,
Wood and Willow Ware, Hardware,
Tobnrco, ti-tiirs, Ac. An.
Center Store, New Brick Block,
V huv now on hand, and are now re- J
reiving, the LARGEST nnd BEST SK- U
line ever offered
Which we propose to exchange at LOW RATES for
Bnt,er. Eggs. Bacon, Oate, Wheat, and Produce, in
general i and, rather than kep books, we will NOT
riease Call and Examine our Stock of
Ten ic Grlndstonei,
Coffee c Nnil.
Sugar 4c Axet,
Svrup A: Blue Vitriol,
Salr-retnn St Waah-
Cream Tartar &
Pocket Kniyca
Soana ii HnncT,
Clothes Basket 6c
Rope cV Tamarind.
Coal Oil ic Hone jr.
Hosteller's Bitten Ac
Tobacco A: Chws,
Cigars A; Corn Baskets, Dye Staffs it Farina.
Shovel & Notmega. iMecfpibaom Pipei it
Citron 4: Wash Tnb, Spade,
' Raisin & Moort Trap :Vnod Pipe St Pbot.
Kica 4c Saltpeter. ;Confcclionery 4c
Salmon 4c Wooden! Clolhes-Pin.
Bowl, Mackerel 4c Powoer,
In fact, everything usually kept in
Flnt-CUsi Grorrrr and ProrUlon Store I
To all part ot j, FREE OF tflAROE.
Don't Forget the Placet
Oct. . Ir.
Farm tor fcnie.
y THE nndersigned otters for sale a fine FARM
E i Af 3JU acre, ill arm in rnliivation. good orrhard,
dwelling house, and nntbuihlinus, snouted in Cbvka.
ma county. Oregon. rter Butte creek, on the rosid
from Rilverlon lo Ow'n City. Address HENRY
MaNMNO, St, Lonis.Kar oneo .Ogn. Ko .iTmSpd
DEALER In California. Vermont, and Italian
l A it HI, at at,
lounmrnli, Obtllski, Urad ind Foot Ston,
Also, MaatUs and Farnitnr llarhl famished to
order. Uuapd
s l
VOL. 15--NO. 49.
' Hon. 411, 413 and 415 Itnttcry Street,
Cor. Alercliuiit, Situ l'rnncisco.
mporters anil Wholesale Dealers.
WE would call the attention of COUNTRY MER
CHANTS to our usuullv large stock of Ouotls.
Our stock comprirftK every article in the Clothing nnd
f urnisuing line, we nave, constantly on nana i no
largest stock and greatest variety nt Cussimere ami
Wool HATM of any house in Sun Francisco, and our
prices for these (i"od aro less than those of any
utilise, us we receive them direct li'otii tut) manutuciu-
rers consignment. Our stock of full and Winter
Omuls is particularly attractive, and the great feature
to the country merchant is the unusually low prices
Lm Tbnn the Cost of Importation !
Wmilsnkenn the KTAI'LE ARTICLES in the Dry
Quods line, which Goods we have piircliusetl in tins
niurket. under the hummer, ana are olleniig tnein ut
New York Cost, and less.
We nub hsh tins card in order that we may make
new acquaintances, uud induce those who huve not
heretofore purchased of us, to cull and examine our
sloe if .
Good Articled and Low Prices!
Are the great inducements to all who purchase to sell
again. Merchants who buy of ns can make a pood
UronkaiulayU to tli customers ut a tow iiguro.- e
remain, respectfully,
lour lloedlent Bervanis,
Wholesale Chiibintr and Hat Warehouse,
Nos. 411,413 and 415 Battery street.
Pun Francisco, dun. 85. IWili. llnnlH
Importer and Jobber In
Front Street, Portland, Oregon,
BONNIOT. ,1c Co.,
Old Jamuit'ti num.
New EiikIuiiiI Hum.
II. Cutler,
Old lloiii'bon,
Old Virtfiiiin,
Oporto Port, Burgundy Port D. O. Sf Co.
sherry. Anchor blierry, Hiauterne,
Angelica, and California
White Winet
i, Ai'ii "ii:,
t'HA.lIBKHTI.'V, .ft I I, O IV FAMI.I.At',
Ciiracoa, Verinurlli,
Bitters, SjrnpH, Jamaica Ginger, Es
sence rcpiici'iniiit! Ten
ant's Ale aud
Maurice, Cox, & Co's Ale and Porter.
And all other fuse Goods pertaining to the trade.
Merchants and dealers are pnriicnlnrly invited to
examine my stock uelnre pnrenitsiiigeisewnere.
HERE will nlwuvs be found the FINEST
thut the Market i' Holds Also, a fine HILLIARI)
Itl'OM, contuinilig three Tables, one of which look
tiie premium at the last Mechnnirs' Institute Fair in
California. PLA!ONHON & GREE.N.
Sulem, Oct 2, Sf.r). :thf
For Sale.
A HOUSE and LOT. with yood ham. At-. Apply
to SMITH kCHM WUKiirr. '
Dr. IV. B. S!.M0NT0.,
fl DAM? AT 13 of the PeunsylviiMiH Medical Cidlege
J of Philadettiliiu, imvmu iH-rtnancuilv liH-ated ni
lliis city, respectfully lemieis his professional services
lo the citizens of Siilent ant) its vicimtv. Otiico aud
residence at Mrs. liuiiey's house, nearly opposite the
Eureka Stable, Saleui, Oregon. " Hy
Hmltli Sc C'lttinoe,
Surgical nnd .llechnnical
Qriswold's Block, corner Commercial at Slate streets
Gf All Our Dental Work Guaranteed. wJ
marl noly
Dissolution Notice.
rj,HK eopartnrnhlp heretofore exlstlnif helween Addison
1 R. Flint, PiUs W. Crsne, and Julin K lly, In the meresn.
tllebuainru at Kosehuif and Csnyonvllle, Oreifoo, under
the tistns snil flrro of Flint. Crsne, A Co.. It this nity dl.
olrrtj by mtituslcooieiit. J,uin Kelly tthiraw from ths
concern. The ouaintu nlll livreuttej b. csrrlrd on at Ui
old stands hy the reinAliihia; psrtn.ri, Messrs. Flint snd
Crsne, who .re hereby sutl.orlxetl to eolleet sll drtas snd
rtemsnds due the Isle firm they also ohllffst. themwlvps to
dlKharlo sll II. Ilstillltirs. AII1IIM1N R FLINT,
Kosehurg, Dec. 8T, 1W,w8:46 JIIIIS KKI.I.T.
AdminiMrntor'ti Male or l.nnd,
N'tiTK E is hereby given that 1 will sell for nub in
band to Ibe hitfhest bidder, at puohe auction, at
the ronrt hottse door in Lafayette, Vmnhill county,
Oregon, on Tuesday the 6th day of February, IHtiii,
between the hoars of 9 o'clock a. ra- and 4 o'clock p.
m. of said day, all the real estate of W'm. A. Cuibert
son, late of the county and State aforesaid, deceaeed,
and betnff the donation land claim of said dee'd. con
taining iWO IS-100 acres. Also, the undivided half of
3) acre of land as deaenbed In Aolincation No.
13V1, Claim No. 7b, ami known as the donation land
claim of John T Jetfrevs and wife
A. BRADBURY, Administrator.
Jmioarr A. WA 4wR
VOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned has
i 1 been dnly appointed exemtor of the will of Neal
son having claim against said estate will present
them lo me at my residence) in said county, withtu six
month, and art! persons owing said estate are request
ed to make immediate paxment.
sic. nice, tale oi Marion county, deceased All ner
an. I"tiw4pd4f, 1 W. B CULVER. E'r.
ESTATE of the minor heirs of John B Rowland,
dee d. Jan. 5th, imiti. Comity Court. Ynnihill
county. Ore on. At this day couies Jane Kelly and
Jeremiah Rowlnnd. guardians of the estate of the
minor heir of John B. Rowland, dee'd, and upon affi
davit and petition herein M asks the eonrt for a Ii
cense to sell a portion of the real estate of laid befr.
and it appewrinic proper anil reasonable to the court
that said petition should, tw herd, it is therefor or
,lered by Use eonrt that lb nest of kin of the aaid
wards and all persons interested be notified to appear
at tli rnntt house in Yamhill connty, Oregon, on
Wednesday lb 7th day of February mil, at which
lime and place said Million will It heard and deter
mined. J. W. CtiW LS, Co Judy
Jan. i, I80f)w3pdt6 By 8 C AnsMS. Clerk.
ALL order on the Comity Trea.arer of Marion
connty, Oregon, issued by tli C'mnty Court of
said county, prior to February 1st, l"sj, will to paid
on presentation at the Treasurer's oSee at lb court
house in tonics, in aaid ennnry.
batata, Jan. iK.Uthw 1 nawrar (d Xanou Co.
Do the advncntt'9 of what is called free trade
consider the positions and meet the argument
of Ibe advnciiles of protection? It is easy to
talk, talk forever, in favor of any theory, pro
vided you contend only with the men of straw
conjured up by your own fancy or convenience,
but to meet the arguments of yncr antagonist
ia another matter. Yet the only worthy end of
controversy is, through the collision opposing
theories and assumptions, to elicit the absolute
The following compact t tntement nf the es
sential bases nl the prnteotive policy was made
by the editor nf tint X. Y. 7Vtoun to the read
er nf tiie Phrenological Journal, at the re
quest of its editor.' We reproduce It here, nut
as conlaining any view that nil I be novel lo
the muss of our readers, lint In ask them to
ponder this question: " Have these positions
ever been confuted by the o called free trad
ers? Pti they talk to the point or away from
it?" Head nnd judge i
protection explained.
The purpose nf political economy is the in
crease at once nl individual, national and gen
erul,wflth.. . Whatever renders human Irilmr
mote effective that is, mitre productive min
isters to this end. To lure a larger and slill
larger proportion nf the human family from idle
ness to industry, from want to thrift, I rum
squalor to comfort, such ia ihc uiin of the true
Diversi y nf pursuits is an inexorable condi
tioti ol our limit nnil prosperity. A commu
nity exclusively engaged in lumbering, mining,
lisliiug, gram ci'inviti'.', or anything else, will
have no employment for a large proportion of
even its udiills, nnd must pcrttii' many if not
most nf its children to grow up iilh. unskilled
and dependent. , The child reared in daily con
tact with the diversified and complex npemtions
of a county like the Middlesex of Massachu
setts or the Allegheny of Pennsylvania, enn
hardly fail to be mure efficient in nfter life than
if ucqtininted ntily witli the rude cultivation of
a sen island, or the silk innnufnoture nf a Spit
nlflclds nr Lynns. . Industry is the chief educa
tion nf a majority nf our race, who rank higher
nr lower in the settle nl Doing as its processea
wheren iili they are familiar are inure or less
varied nnd perlect.
Protection has been prejudiced in the eyes
ol thousands by being invoked (nt least it op
ponents so say) to ncliiere iiiipussibililies to
insure tho griming of pineapples in Greenland
or the breeding of reindeer nt Timbuctoo. Po
liticnl economy nnd common sense nlikc con
demn such absurdities as the attempt to in like
a business of extracting sunbeams from ciictiin
hers, nr to boil a tea-kettle with the heat latent
in snow-bulls. Show us that Nature forbids the
prosecution nf any pursuit in this or that region
thut an article, staple or fabric can only lie
there produced at a cost of double or.treble the
labor required for its protection elsewhere
and we agree, that it i not there A proper sub
ject for protection, licst assured that we have
considered our groiu.d. nnd are neither mad
men nor idiots. None arc morn averse than
wo to superseding good and cheap articles by
rivals nt ouco inferior and more costly ; nnd
none more readily than we to agree and insist
that raw materials and bulky staples should be
gathered from nil quartern and subjected only
to light revenue duties, if to any at all.
Wherein, then, do we differ from nur adver
saries, the so-called free traders ? I answer :
1. We insist that the money price at wliich
an article is told affordi no absolute criteiion
of ill cost. For instance : thn Stalo ol Ion a
buys cloth and sells grain. Let us suppose that
with our factories and workshops m Europe, the
average prices obtained by her farmers should
he fifty cents per bushel fur wheat and twenty
live fur Indian corn, while they bought their
fabrics of Europe nt price indicated by the re
tailing of good saline is nt one dollar per yard.
Now let u suppose a protective tariff impose t
which should levy a duty of filty cents per yard
tin imported satinets, and thus transfer their
manufacture for our consumption to this coun
try, nnd in part to Iowa and its vicinity, thus
creating nnd maintaining nil adequate home
inatket fur nur breadstuff's, thereby raising the
price nf grnin in Iowa to one dollar per bushel
lor wheat und fifty coins for corn ; w hile the
home-made satinet are retailed lor one dollar
an,l twenty live cents per yard. Is it not plain
that the Iowa farmers obtain their fabrics re
ally cheaply, thongh nominally dearer than be
fore 'that each farmer' surplus of wheat nr
corn will liny limi'iiiore cloth at lb enhnnced
than it did nt the lower price ? And dm- the
circumstance that the former is termed artifi
cial, tin- latter natural, tiiuku any essential dif
lerence I
Htitwhy is the home-made cloth really cheap
er In the farmer lliau it foreign rival, though
it is possible In sell him I he hitler at a lower
mi ney price ? I answer : because the labricu
tioti nf bis cloth in Europe necessitate thn ex
pollution of his grain, nnd the consequent grad
uation of it price by that ruling in Europe,
deducting fitiin his leitirus the cost ol trans
porting it thither. Let us suppose that Ion a
grows iimlnly wheal for sale, and must send
the larger portion of her surplus across the At
lantic to find consniners, telling it in Binning
1 1 it or Sheffield at two dollar per bushel.
win-rent one dollar and liny cent is absorbed
in the cost and charge of triin iiiisrion. Of
course, her fanners can receive, in the average.
lint titty cent per bushel. But trnnsler the
production of her fabric from Europe to Ainer
ica, and much iff it to Iowa and its vicinity, and
now the price of grain in Iowa rise by a law
inexorable as that ol gravitation. It is no long
er depressed by the necessity of finding a mar
ket fur a good part of it four thousand mile
away, but rises In a lur higher level. And not
only i wheat dearer to the farmer and cheaper
to the nianulncturer man it was. but the tann
er now finds a ready market for fruit, vegeta
bles, hay. etc, etc., which lie could scarcely
sell at any price, so long a our people' pro
ductive energies were devoted to agriculture
II. What we leek by protection is to shorten
the distance which separate farmer Iroiu man
uiacturr, and thereby diminish the loo heavy
cost nl exchanging their product respectively
If a thousand farmer growing grain in Iowa,
and a thousand manufacturers making wares
and fabric in England, exchange their pro
duct across four thousand mile of land and
water, employing the service and consuming
the tuna of three thousand lo(warder, heat-
men, railroad bauds, seamen, etc., eto . lu so
doing, it is manifest that the whole fire thou
and must be subsisted on the product of the
two thousand actnnl producer. Nnw bring the
manufacturer so near the farmer that one-
thousand men can easily perform all the lalmr
required to exchange their product, and It I
clear that we have liberated two thousand from
various nnn productive employment or funo
tinnc, and added tbeni to the number nf pro
ducer. We have more grain grown and more
cloth made, more wealth created and let c
pacity absorbed in pursuit which, however
necessary under certain circonHance. add
Uothieg bi the mm of homan comfort.
The protection we advocate is simply the
Ing of human laUir. We maintain that, in
stead of w nding wool, grain and meat frnm
Iowa In England, and bringing back fabrics in
return, it i cheaper and better to bring tiie
laiirtcatit, once lor all. from England to Iowa.
or near it, and I here feed him trnm the product
oi not generous toll, y bold that I he larnwr
and manufacturer are alike benefitted by this
course; ana mat u insnre lo eacb fuller re
ward lor In lalxir, and a larger measure of tu
tenance at.u enjoy tnent.
Protection, thru, t ant narrow, nor selfish,
iitir clc.'ufiie. It duel but ignore the bfotUr
hnnd nf man, nor seek special advantage at the
expense of general good. It seeks tn build up
our own country" by drawing hither the better
portion nf the population nf Enrnpe, through
the proffer nf higher wages, u better position,
and greater comfort, than the enjoy or can
expect in their native land. Why not ?
Saint's Kkst (wich it in the State nv
Nno Gorey). 0ot. 11, 1863.
Ohio, Ahltshn !
Pennsylvnni, Ablisnu !
Iowa, Ahlishn and nigger suffrage ton bnot !
Noo Geracy, not eggsnotly Ahlishn, but ap
proaching thereunto.
Sich is the enennrngin new I red In the
nnospnpers this niornin ! Sich it the result of
labor Hercoolian, in the tbovo named State,
What do the people mean)
The pine Dimokrasy probably will carry
Noh York but of what consolation is that to
me ? The two parties. tho old, anshent De
mocracy and the Ahlishn run a race inin the
aim of Unilik lltsm, ami the Ditnoltrnsy beat
hem over a length. With a platf rtn ttnndin
by Johnson, endnrsin Ilia nnti-shvery nosheut,
his Suthern npresshun nnshens, hi hnngiti ov
Mr. Surriitt, el tettery, am on that piatiorm n
tier who never voted A Ditnnointik ticket in
his life, who went into the war a Kadikle Ah
islinist. and who kiini nnt t Rndililcr Ablish
ief, I don't know that I hev much to choose
atween em.
Last week I was invited into a county in
Noo York to address a Ditnticratik meetin. I
ncceplid ( expensis were paid, wich is
cheeper and better hordin than I git at the
groceriet tn hum), nnd aliliorilinly I went. I
iinnienst iieiivertn tin speech I lied used nil
over Noo Gersev. I coiumenst ahnsin the nig-
er, when the Cheermnn interrupted me.
Well," sez I, " wnt is it !" rather angrily.
fur I git warmed and a sweatin. and don't like
to be interrupted.
" Why, said ho, "our Cunslitiinsliun a'low
nigger wbn lias $250 to vote, and most nv em
ev that sum, and we make it a point to sekoor
They're a d d tite better (iff than most
nv ut white Dimokrntt in NnnGersey," retort-
I 1, a droppin the nigger, ami gout an ngin
resident Johnson.
Stop," whispered t tie Chairman, "our pint
form endorse! President Johnson.
Thunder !" remarked 1, dropping Presi-
cut Johnson, nnd sliding easily into a vigorous
lentinciutiiiu of Ihu war.
Good God !" e& tite, " ttop !
Our platform endorses the war."
1 sell uuthin lint time, hub onmmeust de-
nouncin tho debt.
Hold." ted tho Cheerman, (' easy easy
our platform hacks tip the debt,"
Well, then," ted I, in a rage, why in lilazet
i tin t you tend me a copy nt your plutlorm
when yon wnnlid tne to address yon ? Go tn
thunder and make your own speeches !" and 1
(united nit the plutlorm.
lime wuz when wuti speech wood do a man
all over the North ; now you hev tn hev a thf
ferent one for evry Stnit, which makes it im
possible for mo travil, for wuti effort per tea-
son is en ii If or me.
But, ez I wuz a sarin, we are beat agin, and
heat badly heat on issues of nur own ttinkin
bent with taxis, bunds, war debt, and nigger
quality, all in nur later. Don t any tn me that
we n donst their innpiritiet. What dmerenee
uz it muik to a defeated kamlidate whether
the majority ngin him is wun thousand nr wun
hundred ? ' A needle will kill a man as effectn-
Hy a a broadsword, if it't stuck in the right
place. Su n majority nf wun it ennff. I hev
known men to hold olfises four years, and hev
good appet les, on a majority nv wun. lis tiie
nrtiee we wuz a goin fer its them our patriot
wuiititl, and its no consolation to them to say
they mistily a small majority. Its holler tut ck-
ery the same ez tho you'd show a starvin yfun
a loat uv breutt jest lusiuu uv iron liars hi
linger are not no inch mini it, hut so lur ez
is crazin stnmick I concerned, It mite as well
lie across the houiidlee uct an. 4
We may rcover from this back set, but I
hev my lears. Tho people i ez stoiipiil ez
ever, and our leader is as ttkute as ever; but,
alaa ! the fact that we have failed in every-
hiitg we hev undertook for finir year is gitten
hriingh the linir nr thousands, und they look
askant nt us.
Be it ez it may. it makes hut little difference
to me. A few years, ut furthest, and I slu-l . o
llenlZ. Ef the Bible is Iron. I shel go whnr 1'
will lind a henvy Diuiocratik majority, slmor ;
I it I not, ami there is no herealier, w In-.
then, at lost, I shel be on n level with the hist.
" S i let the wide world wag ez it will,"
I'll keep nn the even tetitir nv my way, taking
my nips ez often ez I kin find a coiilidin sole
who hez more iiionev than diskreshuii.
Pl-.TltOLF.UM V. NaSDY. .
Licit Paster uv the Church nf ihu Noo Dispen
sat ton.
Rkport or TUB Sbciif.tahy op thr Istr-
Riott It appear from the report of the Sec
retnrv of the Interior that during the past year
4.!il;)7:td 40 nurei of the public land have
been granted to various parties, and that on
the 30th September there were still 132.285.-
(Kj.- acres surveyed and undisposed of. For
bind told he has received $747,327 25. nn
xces nf leu per cent, over the previous t ear.
Different regulation are in force in the differ
ut territories regarding claims to unocoup ed
lauds, and some uniform law is asked. The
laud are very wisely sold for the sum neces
sary to survey and transfer them to actual set
tler aud purchaser.
It I estimated Hint 2j0.i DO able-bodied men
are mining upon the public domain without
pnymg anything for the privilege. In view nf
the tax upon most other pursuit, it it suggested
they be Hot neglected.
The niimliee-of pensions added to the roll
during the year was 15.328. requiring $1,220.-
785 IM) annual payment. Allowed during the
year were 24.!M.J. nt au annua! charge ol f 2.-
574.17U. Or naval pension there were iaAi
awarded, and (205,480 C2 paid, which is am
ply provided for by the investment of the Gov
eminent share of prize money. The increas
ing Dumber of pensioneri demands a largely
increased appropriation.
There are within our boundaries abnnt ii.d I. -
000 Indian, lunatnf whom have been amica
ble, and a few loyal and progressive. Some,
however, have beeo incited by rebel and by
resentment to wage war against the Govern
ment, and in the territories, by the collisions
with the white raw, have kept up predatory
warfare, which we have sent troop to iiippre.
It ought not to be the policy ol the Uuvern
ment to exterminate the red men, fcut rather
through mitsii n and treatiet to pacify them.
There have been 0X1)1 patent granted dur
ing the fiscal year. The work of the census
ha been pushed a lar at II was possible. The
work npon the several branchee of the Pacific
Railroad appear to be progressing satisfactor
ily, and they they will doobtlest be finished by
the specified time of their charter. Horvey
are being made of the main line westward.
More money i asked for the completion of
the Capitol. The inhabitant of the District
also want the Government to help them pay
the local taxea, and to clean the city, ami lor
other benevolent and humane purpose ft. Y,
f7"Th British authorities are now practi
cally illustrating in Jamaica that humanity
and leniency in tiie treatment of rebel Which
the prert of that country hve Intu urging
npon nur Government since the collapse of lb
rebellion. The latest newt from Jamaica,
wliich will be found among our dispatches, is
that score of the rebels were being tumoia
r tally executed when captured. At on place
seventeen men and one woman were execu
ted. Molt Mug r.nrrio. A spare rib wuind
, ..... " I
Gail Borden, the inventor of meat biscuit,
hat now succeeded in mking a perfect extract
of beef. Solan Robinson speaks of it at fol
lows, btfnro the Farmer' Club of New York t
I have inst received a letter from Gail Bor
den, with his regrett at hi inability to bo with
the Club to-day, according to promise, but he
hat tent a representative in the person of S, L,
Gnndule, who has long been known to the coun
try as the Secretary of tho Board of Agricul
ture of the State of Maine. And while he is
preparing this extract, en us tn give every one
present n taste, I will ninke a tew remark! tn
givu the Club tome account of a product which
Mr. Burden it about introducing to the public,
lor it it of great Interest to producer and con
sumer. To the lartner w ho hyei remote Irom
market, it Is of great interest for him tn know
that all the most valuable portion of a bullock
can be extracted uear it home on the great
Western pastures, and put Into moll a torm
that it w ill save all the waste and nearly all the
weight of transportation to market. Tu the
city consumer, nnd Above all the tick, tins ex
tract is of the ntiniial importance, lor it insures
the finest nutriment in the world in the most
healthy condition und concentrated form. La
dies and gentlemen see from these specimens
that the extract is nut gelatine, in the form ol
f ine, for it is more like soft leather, Yet in a
ittle hot water it readily dissolves into an al
most clear liquid, which it palatable to all
tastes, when seasoned to suit, und nutritious.
stimulating and refreshing to a person faint fur
want or sustenance.
Aow Innk nt Ihii little cake weighing only
two ounces, yet it represents two and oiie liiiJJ
poll mis of beef nf the Very best quality, fur the
bullock, fresh I roiii ihu pasture, win killed and
put Into the great chemical retort before any
process nf deterioration could have possibly be
gun. In short, then, this is nothing more nur
less than the juices of vu.dce beef ennked ill
the must perfect manner concentrated hy evnp
oration in vucun (without addition of salt or
any condiments) into the smallest possible bulk,
and comprises the nutritive value nf twenty
timia its weight of freali beef nf the very first
Wtthuut the cattle fed upon the Western
prairies, tint city could not enjoy Its roast beef,
steaks nnd soups. Without railroads how should
we get the vast number received ? last year
over 207.000 head. If they came nn font they
might lie benllliy, hut the fine nnd rich juices
nf the meat would he nearly all wasted upnn
tiie long march over plaint and mountains.
Upon rnilioads dn they reach thn city in a
healthy condition, fit for human fund 7 Some
limes, and sniuetiine far ftotn it. I have
known drove arrive which had been five days
upnn the cars williutit fund or drink. Think of
giving such food as such ment would mnkti tn a
tick Irientl. Thank to the inventive genius of
Mr. Borden, we are nut now obliged to goto
thu butcher nnil risK the purchase of what
would tend to kill sooner thnti cure, w hen we
need something neculiarly nourishing tn the
convalescent, Here it is. It comes Irom a
great iimntilnclorv which Mr. Borden has es
tablished at Elgin, 111., forty miles northwest nl
Chicago, where the extract is made Irom ma
turn, healthy grass and corn fell bullocks.
It may not be ns well known In you as it is
tn me that beef fresh from prairie-grass it the
most delicious of any 111 the world, yet such a
hullnck transported to Mew lork Inset largely
in weight, nnd almost inconceivable in quality
I he hue iirom.i and thu delicious nutritive
juice obtained from the eweet prairie grass aro
nil gone. 1 no will linil the in ull concentrated
in this extract, which is not tn be cunftmnded
with, nur mistaken for, nur preparation nf ge
ntine. n inle in Kurnpe iir this country, lor there.
is nothing else line it. i ins is an American
discovery, and a pure genuine Amcricuii or
A letter from Georgia, published in a Buffalo
paper, contains these paragraphs : "Almost
every day I have inside views, anil leuiu in
cidents connected with the Inle struggle thut
are nmiisiiig, and would In Northerners sound
incredible. For three week nfter the tnrren
tier of Lee, large ni'inliers of people In this
mid other parts nl the Ninth were deluded
with the story that Grant had been driven
buck with a hiss nf 10.000 prisoners, nnd nth
i f disasters equivalent to a tutal failure of the
Federal cause. Circulars nr extra containing
tlua 'highly tiuportnnt news' were Ireelv uit
eeniinatcd and extensively believed. When
the real new fell upon the people the conster
nation may he well imagined Hundreds of
thousands of Confederates note nnd hi lids
were in the hands nf ni! classes of the pontile,
anil all hough at a ruinous discount, they Were
of considerable value as currency, for the pur
chnse of coinuiodities at enormous prtue
These, like a flash of electricity, fell lo niter
worth lessness, leaving the possessor poverty
stricken and hnpelc.
"All old friend nf mine, the proprietress of
a Hoarding house, iiiinriiierl me. that a couple
of week belore Wilson looK possession ol M
con, she bought a barrel of flour fur tOOO of
this precious currency. 1 he day nf In am
val she paid $1,500 fur one pound ol butter,
nnd was sorry she did lint Invest thn balance ol
her Confederate eeuiirttie m the same way
(Inn gentleman informed inn that a friend of
hi at the same lime paid $1.01 10 for bit itrenk
Inst. If the rest of the viand cost ill the
tame proportion at did the litilter. lieujoyed a
cheap brenkliist.
"hhermuu t 'hummers exulted tuch appro
hcneioii that ull tort of expedients were re
sorted to in order to save specie and other vnlu
allies frnm their thieving propensities aud
avaricious treasure hunting ingenuity. A a
specimen I will relate I lit vicissitude attend
ant upon my wile jewelry, that she wat
obliged to leave in the possession of a female
friend III Columbus, Mist., wiien on her way
North in February, IHfil. Sherman wa then
within a few mile nf that city on hit first
grand raid In the directum uf Muhihi, Her
Irientl, to insure it safely, quilted it into
skirt and wnre it three weeks, until the 'great
rnitler turned hit step in nn opposite direo
tioti. It wnt then, lor further sale keeping
transferred tu this place and put in the
nf a relative. Ktoneinan's invasion gave an
other alarm, when it was again qualified into
skirt, and worn until it became tiresome
Soon Kilpalrick was apprehended, and then
the persecuted valuable were deptatited In
tin box. buried in the garden at a suitable
depth, the ground properly prepared and to.
inatne teed tuwo over them. By the time the
said vegetables were in blossom, the threaten
ed depredation nf Wilson and hi follower
were met by the announcement of Johnston'
surrender I the Confederacy went up, and Ihe
saul imperiled jewelry was rescued from it to
matoe covered grave, and two weekt since de
livered into the hand of it equally utitetlled
and Imperiled owner.
Ahi'sino ihf.nt. An amusing Hory is
told of a lady who tried to siuog;lo a clock
aenn the Canadian 1. order. She gave tin
cliKsksr-ller particular directions to fix the alarm
apparatus sn that it would nnt strike ; hut the
Cannock, being something of wag, tet the
alarm to make it strike at the moment he knew
the lady fastened the timepiece securely to her
hoops, and started nn Her nnmewnrd journey
Arriving at the Custom bouse, the ofbcei louie
iinthiug contraband among her effects, and
was pasting tu tho next traveler, when a bind
wli-r r! tat heard under the lady' skirts,
The ttrange noise was kept up for the (ull
pace nf ft minute Itot tn the lady it teemed
an hour, and she became treinniou and excit
ed. The,Culoin hous officers, nnt daring tn
lay band nn a woman, "save In the way of
kindorM." obtained an iron rod. with which he
felt around Ihe crinoline lor the onuoealcd
cluck, aud dually aucoeedrd lo bnugiug It
WHOLE NO. 777.
The executors of the Demooratio party, de
ceased, will offer at public vendue, nn and af
ter this date tho sale to continue, till the en
tire stock is closed out thu effects, political
and personal, of the following purtics, tn wll
namely !
1. "The Time-honored Demooraoy ;"
2. "The Bourbon Deinoorney s"
3' "The Haskin Democracy ;" ,
4. "The Democracy of New Jersey."
Sealed proposals will be received fur the
Democracy nf Kentucky.
The large assortment of "time-honored
principles" will be told In lots tn suit purohai
ers. It includes ;
One tet Resolutions that coercion it uncon
stitutional. (Badly damaged )
One let Resolutions that the rebellion oan't
be put dowu, tit el armii. (Played out last
One set Resolution! to compromise with trea
son. (Worm eaten.)
One set Resolutions that "this it an Abolit
ion war." (Useless to the heir and assigns.)
One set Resolutions that the wnr it a failure.
(Purchaser will be paid to take it away.)
One-half let Resolutions of thank to tho
army and navy, (Convenient to have in the
house.) ,
There will also tin disputed of. on term
made known on the day of tale, the fallowing
principle!, gond ai new, having been liut little
usetl i
One Resolution approving the policy of re
construction. (Impaired by conditions.)
Oire Resolution endorsing President John
son ns a patriot and itaUaman. ' (Value sub
ject to future event.)
Ono Keiiilulinn that the Democratic party
and always has been in favor of the Union,
one and indivisible. (Not suitable lor a
Southern market.)
Une Kesotutinn onnoernlng State Sovereignty.
(This is a valuable tulf-ndjiitting artiole, capa
ble uf expansion nr contraction at the pleas
ure nf the owner )
One Resolution ngntntt negro itmritge. (To
revert to the heirs and assigns, provided the
negrne Is found hereafter to vote th-ir ticket.)
One Resolution to tax tinted State bond.
One Resolution thut tho soldiers are bully
boys. (Valuable for looal purpntet only.)
1 ho attention nt persons about emigratlni
tn Mexico and other cheerful foreign parts, I
especially direoted tn a miscellaneous lot of
principles, which tho executors are authorized
tn warrant to fit nnv form nf gnverntnetit,
hether based on tho divine right nf negro
viug and nnsuegenulitin, nr admitting a visi
bio admixture of negro blond In the ballot.
How to Tf.u, Niookk Blood. Do you
want to know how to detect the pretence of
colored blood in tncea that, In nur superior in-
cittl claims, laboring under portentous appro
neiisious, nppenr utipeiessiy inuisiiiiguisunine i
Uellcut. I hat gentleman would be received
ns a white man by your wife and daughter
without suspicion perhaps even you, under
certain circumstances, would feel it a duty nf
courtesy tn invito linn to dinner, and It it
niireiy possnue that, anppnting yourself in
tight place. Innocent nr uught to qualify the
profit of such nn association, you might he
tempted to condescend to a degree of lavor
insinuatingly confidential at even to consent
to a small loan from the generont Cnffert nf
ynur Irientl. I ll tell yon, hetore yon commit
yotirsell, ihe between yourself aud
every shade nl the Interior race ol Ham
all in your eye! At least, so I am (old, a
vein appears m each eye ol "admixture, '
running across the white frnm the irii lo the
comer on each side. Miss. Cor
Dknuminatiiinaumm There Is now an vi
(hint reaction from the catholic unity that prevail
ed among the various teets in tit patriotic work
imposed by thu war. and each is now gathering
for iiself. Special efforts to call attention to the
denominational puciiliaritiet are seen on every
hand. In Boston, the nuptials are presenting
their favorite idea in a lories nf nnbbatti evening
lecture by lite pastor of their order, the first
Having oeeii preached in ireinout leiople by
Itev. Dr., who nrgeii upon tne teet a more
aggressive altitude. In New York, the Unitarian
pastor are preaching a similar sariet or discourses
for tho promotion uf their tpecinl aspect of Chris
1 ho iNew bury port litmul, discussing tho com
punitive strength of the denomination, says',
Most of the religion denominations bave to-day
fewer members in New England than they 'had
ten or twenty yenra ago. This I so, wo believe,
with all orders ot Uantiats the Ualviiiiilic, ire
Free Will, and the Christian Baptists i It it so
wilh the Unitarian and the Univaraliti it is so
with the Methodist and thu Quaker s aud also
with the Congregaiioiialisis. All these may have
gaMied, and most ot the in have, in the country
hut new bngland lias Had little increase in popu
lutioti, and far les ill religion. Thn Episcopal
church ia the only Protestant church that may be
said tu have prospered in the time natiitd. Tliey
nave incrnnsud their churches and meniliersln
and activity. The Catholic church baa largtsl
increased in that period, trout two cause i first
immigration ; and second, the training of their
children to devotion. We used to think that the
second generatiou of Catholics In thia country
would lall away trom the tnttb ot tneir tatneri :
but it is not so they adhere, while the falling
away is on the part nf the Protectant, with
whom a large proportion of the young are noa-ehunh-goers.
Ni:oll(l fil'KFHAHP.. The tieoiil of Minnesota
bave voted dow n negro suffrage by a majority of
'J.riOO; Wisconsin ditto by a majority of 8,1100 1
Connecticut ditto by a majority of H.imiiI; Colora
do by a vote of ten to one. The only State which
ha sustained negro titlrnge is Iowa, which gate,
lo.UlHi in favor of it.
-The new one-cent pieces are legal tender fur
any debt totlie amount of ten cents, the two-cent
pieces to III amount of twenty cents, and the
three-cent pieces lo I he amount of sixty cent si
that a debt of ninety cent may b legally liqui
dated in copper coin.
In the District of Colnmhia, during th war,
the white population furnished 1750 soldier,
nearly nil by drafting; and the black population
over 3,500, nearly all by volunteering. Th num
ber of whites in the district it about four timet
that of the black.
Norway and Sweden, which touch each other
on th map and politically are united, ara sepa
rated physically by high mountains. This bar
rier ia about to be pierced by a line which will
connect the railway systems of th two countries,
and, eventually, permit passenger to travel, by
steam, from Stockholm to Christiana.
It is rumored that a company ha been er
ganiaed in New York city, with a eipilal ef fiv
millions, to ran a line of sisimers on th Sacra
mento river, and also on th coast rontet, in ep
position to lb California Stun Navigation Com
pany' boats.
A Nashvlll paper y that Qnantrell, of
Lawrence massacre notoriety, removed to Missis
sippi, and was elected shoiitf recently. 11 ha
gone to naaiiinguiu to outain a pardon, In order
to qualify himself to taka bit office.
Mr. Lncinda Hall, nf Springfield, Matt., died
suddenly at the breakfatt table, recently, 8 he
was the last of a family of eight children, seven
of whom died suddenly In their chairs, the eighth
being found dead in bed.
Van Anihurgb, famous for bis feat as tamer
of wild bcaslt, died guddenly at Philadelphia In
th early part ot JJecember but.
A Una of steamship I again In optratien be
tween aew urkaii and Aspiuwall. after a sus
pension ef five year.
A marriige Is thu noticed by on of eur eo-
tetnporarlest "Married, lt week, John Cobb to
Miss Kat Webb. Look out far mil spiders.
WtVTHBA AT Bt t'lTT. For th Inform.
linn of tb rest of the world, w will y that wa
bave a foot of snow, good sleighing, clear weaili
r, and lbs sold sixteen degress below iro at II
o'clock but night &Him, Die. U4.. . '
Sir. Th Ft't say tb National lsnac Cane
naiiy, about to k started in two I rsacino, will hay a
capital of one mlllta dollars lu V B 7 MI bonds, This
will aoaijl ll, noiniwny to pay larger dividtnd lbs
Hhho vismw wtei bsve (., pay . , their .so
Ot leery Description,
ts or ADvwTitnto,
First Insert m, 18 Jr squara of tin Unas, minion msuori.
II for each MnniaJi Instrtlen.
tW, wnen not tsld tn dyno, will bs
chsrued twemH" pr oiat. sdrtltMil, ta covsr tin sott
ef oolleotlnn.
fW" A liberal dnhictlen from ths sbuvt nisi wHI be ratd
In favor of than who sdvirtlM by ths qnsrlsr.
California and Ouboon Railroad,
Our remark, a few day agn, that we supposed
all organized effort for the construction of a
railroad from California to Oregon had oeaaed.
brought the following reply from a getitleman
residing nt San Franoiecn, largely interested
in the work) "Lt Wilder the California
and Oregon Railroad bill passed the Lower
Utilise uf Congress, but on account of the lively
on-operation of Conness with Mr. Cole, . it
failed in the Senate hence Inst one year of
time tn secure the desired franahite. Lint
June the oertifioatet of incorporation for Cali
fornia and Oregon and the Oregon and Cali
fornia rnndt were duly filed, both in this State
and In Oregon ; and have every reason to be
lieve the franchise will be granted nt thia
Cnngrea or Winter. I feel eonfident the road
will bo constructed providing the frauuhiaa
ha the Government' utual liberal endowment
to offer sufficient Inducement fnr capital, A
full and oumpletc survey of the route from
Orovillo to Portland baa been made, aud ac
companied hy a report from the urveyor
copy of which I have in my desk. My aa-
Stiaintance with the Northern part of oar
late bean date from August, '411, and I bave
alway felt attached towards It hence four
other very responsible men liet.Ue myieu
have token hold of till eukrpriju, and nave,
every reason tn think that enough railroad
meant can be secured to bave thu rod built
at An enrly day. At least, re, attored It shall
have all the attention I can pottibly devote to
have this end attained, to wit : the read oom
pleted." Maryteille Appeal, ''
TnKATiNti and Flavouino. Tobacoo. In
Richmond, which ha been the head-quarteri
uf the tobacco bnsineis, there are. very exteu
live manufactories where the leaf It cured,
and afterward, made into plug for ohewing.
Great oare and attention are necessary to the
proper curing of it, and if the weather it moitt
during tho operation, it ii very liable to mildew.
In clear weather it I ipread on the top of
sheds, and hong in every tituatlon where it
unn lie exposed to the dry air, The iky hi
watched with anxiety during inch exposure,
n that it may nnt reoeive a drop of rain
Very frequently It receivei the final drying la
warm apartment, and in many cnsei these are
healed with npea ftree dry corn-oobr being
about the best fuel that can be uud. Piue
and other wood Impart their resinous taste to
the tobacco, if thu smoke is permitted to per
meate through the leave. Alter tobacco ll
ferfeotly ourcd, it i prepared fnr pressing,
t i now a ooniinmi practice tu flavor it with
imne mixture nf a sweet aromatic charac
ter. A very common preparation i that of the
tonqna bean, which bat a pleaiant odor.
Vanilla it also uted, and different manufac
turers have their speoial mixture. The leave
are spread out, and slightly sprinkled with the
aromatic liquid until a ufBoiont quantity of
the moisture ii absorbed to render them plia
ble. They aro then rolbd into cylindrical
package, and thee arc tnaeeied into flat
plug in powerful presses. A number of inch
plug nre subsequently placed together end
sulijeoted to a second pressing operation, by
Which the plugs aro converted into tquaro
blocks, and tin t fitted for trautport and mar-,
-..' , ' ' . it ;,! .
Guv. WoitTii ok North Carolina. ,
While the gubernatorial eleotinn wat pending
in North Carolina, Mr. Worth, the tuooetsful
oanditlate, was assailed by the lupporten of
Mr. llnlden at a aeoeeaionUt. The truth it be
It a Unionist nf the most reliable sort, and ha
a iniioh better record than Hidden. , Prof.
Hotlriuk, of tho same state, whose staunch
loyalty is everywhere known ' and reipeoted,
declares that Mr. Worth remained true all
through Ihe war. In 1H01 be voted In the
legislature against a bill for a state convention,
nnd issued a letter tn hit constituent telling
them that tiie object of the bill wae to force the
state into false petition of hoitility lo general
govern ment, His constituent were with bis.
and gave only 45 voice for Ihe convention to
over 2.T 0 against it. A nominal majority of
thn voters in Ihe Hate decided for a convention.1
but Mri Worth refuted tn be a candidate,
knowing that the convention would vole for
leceesinn. Mr, Worth wa retained at itat
treasurer after secession, notwithstanding bi
well known Uuioo lentimcnts, and Mr. Hoi
den retained hi in in tho satye office under th
provisional government, on account of hi rep
utation for Integrity, Mr. llnlden, ou the oth
er hand, as editor of thn North Carolina Sta-'
dard. did moon to precipitate th state lot
rebellion, nud was Tory violent in it support
until it failure wae well arnircd, ainoe wbioQ
he InM been nn the winning tide.
Loser. by th Pirate.. Froui th New
Bedford Standard we learn that tho lotto
sustained by the whale fleet through the dep
redations nf the piratical vessel fitted out In
English dock-yards the SheuMiidoab and.
other amount to ono million til huudred and
filty thousand dollars. The amonntof lea of
New Bedford loots an twenty five vetwls. '
with 2.742 barrel of pvrm and 4,150 barrel
oi whale oil. Twenty -one whalers belonging
to other ports were captured. Making Ihe total '
number forty-six. having on hoard 5,192 bar
rels sperm aud 5,030 barrel whale oil. Th
valuo of the vessels i estimated at $1,150,
000. and the oil at $500,000. This mm would
tint enhance Ihe English debt niuoh. if paid '
immediately but if a I lb wed to go oo th run
mug aucnuul between nation It way hi tb
end lieoume a whaling turn. , , ,. . . ',
Imcrrasr or , Homan Catholic. Tu '
New Yurk Observtr aayi ; . ,...(
i It i not generally known that there are mot ,
Iban four million of Roman Catholic ia lb
United Slates. Since 1808 tliero ha been aa '
iuorease from 80 to 2.500 churches, from 68 ta '
2.U00 prietlt, Inuii 2 to 45 bishop-, and (roes 1 .
to 48 diocese. Betide these, the Catholic ,,
have 102 orphan asylums, wheie Ibey educate .
nuie 7.000 orphan, and have over 100 be
nevnlont and charitable ocitit-t and 28 hue
nltttl. They bar alwi 07 library iustitute
for young men, 218 female aoadnmte. and 903 i
free schools for 27,040 male and 327 wbuol
for 29,671 female.
OPThe Augusta Om.) Chronicle make
this explicit statement of one of the result of
Ilia war t "Th remit of th war bas com- '
plelely established on great fast ia th history '
of tb L'mon. The permanency of nor Gov.
rmnent ha often been questioned, and wbethv
r the bond of oohefion wu lufllcieutly tlroog
to withstand the bruk nf internal strife, then
cast no lunger remain any doubt ia reflecting '
mind. For ui and our posterity there will a
but on country and one flag. Political par- .
tie will tris and flourish a they bav rut
en and flourished before, but the decision of 1
their ditlereuoe will be left to 111 ballot it- -stead
ol Ihi bullet." i f
Mow tu Belbct Fl'HR. First, look at 1
th color if It t white, with a slight jellowiik I
or straw onlnreil lint, buy it. If it ta very ,
white with a bluish oast, with whit specks in it, ,
refute it. Scoaid. examine its adheivene '
wet and knead a little of It between ynur tin- '
rersi If it works suit and sticky, it t pour,
Third, throw a little lump of dry flour against ,
a drv. smooth, perpendicular surface if it ,
fell like powder, it it bad. Fourth, tqueri '
stun nf ill flour between four hauJt If It
rt-taiut lb shape given by tb prewar, that
Iimi k a good sign. Flour that will Hand all -these
leal, it it safe to buy.
lo divide op luoli vcwult a it i aeoestary to ,
keep lo the tervlu into until touadront and ;
locate thrra spa tu vartoti seaport on nota
th Atlantic and Paeifia en. tlri pellet bw
ing better than lo allow them b buddhMt
together and fall intu disea at lit Nan Yard.
Out id llii hs grown Ibe alumd stnty thai
oar Gttvernrsenl were badiiug out fot in lot
medial fiittig-a war.