tovrii'ML. LAWS OP THE UNITED STATES, Second Sfii?'n tht Thirty-Eighth Congrtt. An Act to aroeud an Act entitled "An Act to pro vide Intonut Kereniie to mpport tlift Govern pnv inte.iat on the public di'bt, snd for other puipwot, Approved June tbirttetb, eight, i een hundred And rtxty-four. (Concluded.) 1 1 ' ' ' f 8et , 7. And be U further enacted, Tlint any exist Inv bank ornniisd under the lawn of toy HhW, hav. ' jiiffa paid up capital of not em limit levenly-tivs Iboniand dollare, which iriwll apply before tlie flmt day of July next foe authority to becomn a imtioiml bank under the net entitled " An act to nrovitle a )) tional currency, aefiired by a pMjr of Limited Htatea hondi, and to provide for the circulation und redemp tion thereof," approved June third, eighteen hundred and ilxty fonr, and lmH comply with the rmiitlra menu or taid art, shall. If iucn I Mink be found ly the eomptroller of the currency to be in pood itaudiiig' and credit, receive aneh authority in preference to new awociationa applying tor the wine: Provided. That it ahull be lawful for any bank or buikinfr aew ciation organised r etate lHWH,and huviny iiranrh ea, tbe capital being joint, and twinned to and used by -the mother bank and branches in definite proportions to beeome a national banking association tn conlVmnl tv wJth exiHing lawi, and to retain and keep in ope ratkrn the (tranche, or inch one or more of them a it may elect to retain, the amonnt of tho circulation re deemable at the motbe bank and each branch to be regulated by the amount of capital assigned to nnd wed by each, i ' ,J A Sec. 8. And be ft further enacted, Thnt that there ahali be levied, onllected and paid on all erude pelro. , ieura or rook oil that may be produced and sold, or re moved for eonsumpuou of aala, a duty of one dollaj on each and every barrel of not mow then forty live gallon) and all petrolenra or rock nil that may be in poweaeion of the pcodacers at the place of itroduction on the day when thii act takee enact, shall ho held and treated ae if produced on that day; and the Maid duty ihill tie yaid by the owner.ageut, ur inperlnteif drnt, of the well from which the pet role ntn or rock oil line been produced, within ten dayi of reudeHny the account iwjui.ed to be rendered bp law of petro leum or rock oil an chargeable with duty I nnd the Mid duty ehall be a lien upon tho same, will) the boil dingi, fixtures, venue In, machinery, and tools, and the lot or tract of land where the same may be, until tho anid duty ehall be paid, end lh person piiylug such duty, if other tlian ilia owner of mid petridwim, slu'l have alien on such petroleum for tho rppavrueiit of thedutieeao advanced by him r Provided, thai any perrnn who ehall prod lira petroleum or rnck oil, and nee or retina the earn wklraut puying the duties hi aforeanid, ehall, in addition to the other penalties and forfeiture!, be liahlo to piiy double the it in mint of dii lie w aforesaid thereon Provided, further, Thai when caede, barrels, or other veiowls are need. holding more than forty -live gallon, the excess shall he paid for, at tbe rate of one dollar Jor every forty five gul lone. (tec. 9. And be It further enacted, Thnt ever? her eon who shall be the owner of any well producing petroleum or rock oil, or who shall Lave thu tame un der bif superintendence, either as agent fur the owner or on his own account, and every pereo who slmll use any well aa aforesaid, either aa owner, agsnt or oth erwise, shall, from day to day, mane true and exact entry, or eanse to be entered, in a kook to be kept for that purpose, the number of barrels of crude pet ole um or rock oil, barrelled or removed for storage, or for voiiMimpiioni which book ehall be open at all times when revuired fur the pispeution of tha assessor assistant aasescor, collector, deputy collector or in spector, wqo may take any memorandums or trans eript thereof t and, on the first, eleventh, aud twenty first dnya of each and every mouth, or withiii five days thereafter, the owner, agfiit, or superintendent shall rentier to the assessor of the district u account iu duplicate 0 the number of barrel of petroleum or rock oil sold, and of the number of barrels removed for fomumpt'ou or sale or storage, uo before account ed for. Sec ID. And be It further enacted, That wherever, ander the proviso to section one hundred and three, the addition to any fares shall amount to any sum in volving the fraction ot one eant, uny penult or com pany liable to the duty of two and out half per cunt.. m in said section provided, hull be authorized to add to such fare one cent In lieu of such fraction. Hfc. 11, And be it Jurlher enacted, That lucifer or friction matches, or cigar Hghta, and wax tapers, may be transferred, without puytneiit of duty, directly from iba place of manufacture to a bonded warehouse established iu conformity with law aud treasury reg nlationsi and upon the execution of such transporta tion bonde, nc other seeurity, as the riecretaryof the Treasury may prescribe, said bonde to be taken by the eollector in tbe district from which such removal fa made, and may U withdrawn therefrom for con sumption after affixing the stamps thereto, as provl (led in the act to whirl this act is an amendment or may be removed therefrom for export to a foreign country without payment of doty or affixing stamps thereto, In conformity with the provisions of the act afresaid, relating to the removal ot distilled spirits all tbe rules and wg bilious and ocudiUons of which, so far as applicable, shall apply to lucifer or friction matrhee, cigar lights, and wax tapers ia bonded warn boose. And no drawbacks shall in any case be allow ed a no a any lucifer or friciiou matches, cigar lights or wax lepers upon which auy excise duty ba been paid or stamps aflixed,either bejoreor attar they have been placed in bonded warehouse. Bee. V2. And be h further enacted, That any per eon revuired by law to be licensed as a manufacturer of tobacco, anuff.or cigars, before said license Is issued shall give a bond lo the United Atatee in such sum as shall oe refuireb by the collector, and with one or more sureties to ho approved by tha collector, condi tioned that h will comply with all the requirements of law, in regard to any persona, firms, companies or eorporaiiona, engaged in the mauulacturo of tubneco no If or cigars that be will not manufacture, or em- ploy others iu lha manufacture, of tobsreo. snuff, or cigars, without first obuiuing the reuitile permit for such manufacture I tliat be will not engage in auy at tempt by himself or by collusion with otliera lo de fraud the government uf any taaor duly n any men nfacture of tobacco, snuff or cigursi that he will ren der truly and correctly all statements, and inventories prescribed for maim tart nrero of tobacco, snuti, and ' cigars, and will pay to lha collector of the district alt the duty or tiutee which may should be assessed and due on any tofeoece, snuff, or cigars, so manufactured, and ibat be will not euowingly sell, poniiaac, or re eeive, for sale, any each lohaecn.ennnor cigars which has not bcii inspected, bmnUed, or stamped, aa re quired by law, or upon which the tax baa not been paic. See. 13. And be It furlhcrenacted, That alt persons and every person who shall engage or In concerned In the bttsinrsa of a lottery denier, without having first obtained a license so to do, mater such rules and aeg. lattona as shall be prescribed by the Secretary of ilia TrsNsnry, stiall foifeit and my a peun)iy of one thm sand dollar, to le eeeMwed bv tlw aseeasor.of tha dis trict and col (tried us aeed taxes are oollectMt, sub ject, ttevtrthelres. tn tbe provisitms of law relating to arroncoaa aseeeameuis, and sla)l,on muviniun by any court nf comfielent jitrisdicliun, sutler imprisonment lor a period not exrm-ding a year, al the discretion of the court. Aud it shall be tbe duty of all maaageri and proprietors, aud their agenle, to keep, or cauwt to be kpi, just aud true Inwksof account wherein all their traufactivna shell be plainly and legibly set forth, w Inch books of arronut shall at all reawmable times and hours be sehjeet to tho laspectloa of tiie ae scpaor, assistant aaeeeeor, revenue fc)ttUMad lntetnr of lb pmper district t and any manager, propnetor, agent, or vender ander Ujis act, who shall refuse or prohibit such inspeciiett o bia ur their books, as afore said, shall pay a penalty of one tbooiitd dollaia, or auttcir imphsooineut (or a terra not exceeding one year tor every eoch otleus. 8ec. ll And boil further enarted. That the capital of anv atat bank or banking association which baa eessed or shall cease to exist, or which haa been or halt bo converted into a national bank, lor ail the purpoea of the act to watch that a-t ie aa amendment hall lie assumed to be tb capital as it existed imuie dlaielv before snch bank feaard to exist or waa con verted aa aforeeaid. And whuvlk eotei ending eircttbulon of any hankf association, corporation cum ar orperson sliaH be rodnced to an amount not ex uu, five par eettluas of tit chartered ur declared aa pa! existing at tbe tint tbe same waa itemed, said eireunrtioa shall be tree from taxation. Aud w belief at any Nat bank ur banking sseorialioa bae beea eoeorta4 into a aalional baukiag etsociajiuti, and neb iMHonai baking aseoeiauuo lie mmuuiwU tbe lut hilitiveof eoch state bank ih baukuig aaeuciaUoa, ia clnding thomteaiption ot tie bills' such national bank ing association shell be held to make tlie required re turn and payment on the circulation outtiamjiug,o long as tucb clnnlstiou shall exreed five per eenium of Ui capital before such conversion of sack state bank or banking association. fee, 1 Aaef be it fatttwr nactrd, That In any port of the tailed Hut In whn4 sttare ia more tbaa one eollector of intend ,evenoe,lheNertary of the Treaaary she 1 1 deaigmt on of said collector to have ckanreof all maturs relet trig tit tb xportatiou of nrticioa eabfect to doty, ander tb laws lu provide In esnsal rvvenn ( and at sueh ports as tiie Meeretary of the Treasuiy abait deem aeransry tbe re eliaU be an salt si appoioted by him to Miperiaiettd aU matters ol apoctaitoa and drawbaek, ander the directlou of the coiWtor, wbue ewaonaation therefor shall be p re ar n bed by tb Kearetary f tb Tivmatry. neeireed tog, however, in any cewo.nn anmial'rat of two tb tboejsand dolatra, whhli. tcigelber with the office xaiam of sack sabariatandctto, shall not b iai la eVd ia iba eaaxuai'si of lb aggrewai expeneee of tb alee of tb mid eletor. Aud all book, papers sad eVMosaenis la tb batoaa of drawback In Uw difTerant pewta.romiingiaib drawbark of daupa4 aodar th totomaJ reveaue lawst sbali U dehrered to mid collector of Interna! re r en no. beo. 16 Bud belt tunlier enartod. Thai all aca iatuaeor aay feraeraot meoaetem-tt with tbe pro vwtofm of the) net, nra beeebv repaoledi Provided, however, That no duty impneed by any pravtow) act, wbwb has keooaia due. or ul which rouira aa hoe or might to be made, shall b roamed or rimw4 bv thi art. boi tle same Btwll bo rotteetad and awe aoreto for snenrrwd auall bo eaned aad euiWted, and aM awene heretofore coseMe4 abait b panul ul as if this at bad nutbecn passed, and th eHiaioioMr a ioleriHsi reveune. amiar Iba dircuai of Um Heeta. lacy of tha Treaaary, H aothorised toak all nee aanry regnmimns, and voatrtb ail nirnini i IWom and for tbe ce4 ecttoo of tnrh ti. a, ami tb went a aacb inaa n4 pnwaUw for la Mctioa of tb pruvteiuwa uf tin art tax 17. And b It furtbr eaneted. I ltat tbe pvtv. w w m pwraina spmj of gumia lemrt: irei faroigaj oatnes tot fr tiie ue of te l'nn-d State, da- -oe. a f law, shall b extended, nafter SUflh reew i -w a the tfvereMry of tbe 1 rcaary may pre rib to ad nnlrwsof doowottc p rttdaeiioe) whu am sab joat to lax by lb prornmt of tins rt Hee, IH, Ami bo it fiulher unucleil, Tliur. this urL slmll he in fore nnd elfect from mid after the firnt dny of April, in tlie ycur emliteen hnndred nml ixly tlve, uiiIhh otherwise provided by this art. Hec. hi. Aud be t further enui'ted, That the Hecre tnry of tiie Trcusurv Is hereby mitliorixed lo itppoint a cimiinission, counUtinK (' tmeo fMTNOns, to inquire and scpnrt, at the earliest pntcticiihlu inonieiit, npiin Die subject or ruining by taxation, kik-Ii rcvrniie att amy he iieeessarr iu ordurto supply the wiiiitu uf llie govitriiuntnt, having rcgutrl to and inrlntliiig the sour ces from which such revenue should he drawn, and the best and most efficient mode f raising thu skiiib. and to rsport tu the Jorm of a hill ; nnd that om li mlriion have nower toiiKiuirc into the uiuniK'r lind efficiency of the present methods of coflatting the in- teriiHt revenue, and to take testimony in sum iiihiiunr and under such regtiliUiomi, us may he prescribed by the herniary of the Treasury. Aud such ooiuuiiaiou era shall receive three hundred dolhirs a month for the time jiocesaarily employed, and their necersury tmvul ing exnimMM. , HtQ. W, And he ll further enacted, That the Hoc. rotary of the Treasury muy, Ht hiiv time nrior to llio first day of July, eignteeti liunkrcd aud ti fly-six, ue-; sign lo the office of the comiiiiwioiier of ititciiiui rev-1 eune such nuiulwr ot clerks an tin muy deem uecesMtry or the exigencies of the public service tnuy require;1 aud the privilege of fratikiiuf and (locumeuis nerluin- ing to Ut duties of his office; and of receiving free of pusiMge all letters and documents is hereby extended k"i coininieNitjiier, Approved, March t, IHtlS, An Act to amend the fivrrrsl Acti hpretofor mnnA tn pro- tiui i or nnrninng snti ualllug out ths jnriioiisi mrcta ana fr other purposts. Us it enacted ly ths flenste snd House of Rriiresetitalfrei 01 thr United fttstti of Amsries, In OointreM iumiileii, Thttlhe mtseure of sllowitieo for pay for an officer's srv mmmi pay ur a private idirr ei nifl ny law aims Mm that tin non commlMloiitil ofn:er shall he iltalh-d or employMl to act as servant, nm hnll any private ul'llrr Its so detailed or employed without hla own cornt-ntj that for such sulilier employed ss Mrvsnt by any oflluer thre shall av aAiiucma irom ins monthly nay m such incur the the full amnUily pay and sllowaniHti of such soldier so employed ' nod that, including any sol Icr or suldkrs so euiployU,no oftlerr ahull he allowfil for any sreslrr number of ivrvanti than Is oov sllowvd by law, nor be lowtd for any servant not win ally and in fact in vmUy. 8eo. 9. And be It farther ennctt-d, Thnt non cnmmlnlonfd ollicvrs snd privates In the volunteer service ahall receive tho asms amount ol clothing na non eoimniaiioned oflt cers and privates of the Mine srm of the r-nular srmy. Her. 8 And be It (unlit ensctvd, That If a sohller, dls charned Inr wounds received In halite, die before reetiving the boiiiity provided by Hi- net of March thlril,i-lllileen hun dred aud slaty tnrvr, etitlih-d "an act to smend an set to au thorise the employment of volunteers, and forth," llie lf(uniy ahall be paid to the Mine In pernns, and In the fol lowing order and te no othnr pvrioii, towlti flrit, to the widow of auch ilecraaed loldittr. If there lie one; eaoud, If Ultra I no widow, then lo the obddrtn of eur-h decerned xd dkr, id are end ahare alike : third, If inch aoMler Irfi neither i widow, or child r children, then and in Hint cane, such bounty ahall be paid qy the following Demons, proa-ided tht-y be elf lie in of the United lil !. to-wit : Urit. Is hlafa!hcr; or If he hal not he living, nr hss shanilnnd the support of his family, then to the tnulher of inch aol'iler or If tliore be neither father nor mother livtnir.lhrn such huutity shall be paid In the brothers snd tillers of such'deceaaed soldler.res Ident si sforeaald. $90. 4. And be It further enacted, Thnt every non-rom mlaflluned officer, private, or other prrann who haa been, or hall heresflej be, dlachricd from the srmy of the United HUH by renaon uf wound received In battle, on akirinlah, on picket or in action, shall he entitled to receive the same bounty as If he had avrved nut his full ti-rm ; and and all acts nnd parts of acts tnconilftent wlih this are hereby re pi-sl'id. B(io. S, And be it further mac tod, Thnt all persons of col or who were enlisted snd muiiprd Into the military service of the Unltnl Stales, In noiilh (larohna by ami muter the rt ruction of Mm Jor Oeni-rnl Hunter snd llrlxadler Uenerat Max- ion, in pnrtuanee oi auiiieriiy iroin llie Beerelary or sr, dated August twenlydlfth, rinhtren huiiiirel snd slily-two, "that the pens its eo received Into eerrlce snd llnlr ofllcers shall be entitled to and receive the asiue pay and rations t are ailoaed ny law lo ofhrr voiunieora in tno service sou in every rase where ll npill he maue tn afipcar to the satis faction of the hVeretsry of War that any reflmetit of color d troops has been muttered Into the st-rvlce of the Unlfsd lUstes, under any sasurance of the IVesident or (he Mecre tsry of War lhal the non eoniiniMlouefl ontcert and prlvatea of iurh reirlmsnt ihouhl be paid llio tame ss other Irunna of the rame arm of ttte lervke, ahall from the date of th'lr cn llitiuent receive the same pay and allnwAuci, m are allnw.-d tn olher volunteer In Uiemilliary service; and the Hecretary of War rhall make all nreeaanry ri-Kuhtlom to cnuse pay inent to be made In accordance herewith. are. And be It further snarled. That the President Is hsebw authorised lo enltat er orssutse. out of tmops slready In the service, six rvuluieiiU of vuliinierr eiiclni-ers. lo tie or- Kani"td In accordance with txlitiutf laws, iu have the lame ay snd allewsncea aa euelnver trootn uf lha resular army. srmy, snd t be subjected to luo same rules stuli article of wsr. Bs. 7. And belt further enacted, That lbs President Is hereby suzherlsed to rslie two a4tdltlona snmnanles to added lo uie regiments uf rolunter enetneera raised under the provlaioaa of ths act of May I pent Mb, eighteen hundred snd slxty-foui, entitled " An actio orn anise a renlmenl of veteran volunteers," and aald retlnieul alirll ue conaldered one of lbs regiments author lied in ths preceding section of tins ee. Mee. V. And be H further enacted, That whenever a rel men! In Uie reRUlsr nnuy, h reduced below the minimum numoer, no omeer snail ne appointed in such retimeni be yond thoee necessary for the com maud of such reduced number. gee. g. An be It further enarted, That offlcera by brevet lo the reenter army shall receive the same payond allowance as brevet officers of tha tame grade In the volunteer service, arm no more. to. And be It further inset ed. That the true construc tion to be placed upon the slsth section of the "set reaped ln the or irao last ion of Uie army, and for other purnoea," approved A usual tweaty-lhlrd, eighteen hundred and forty two, and of all law relaiitie Id any way to the allowance ol double rations to oflirera, authortxea such allowance to the folio wins olheeis, snd lo none etheta whatever: to the sen eral-lB'Chlef outnmondlni the armies of he United Mates ; to each senersl oflWr oommaiidins lu chief a seosrale armv actually pi the neltl; te eaeh eeiierat nlDcer emuiiiaiidlns s se yrspliicsi division, eeibraclna one or wore departments and to each officer command in a military gtof ra.hleal de nartmetlt: and that any eeneral orler or Jreulallon or usare allowlne double rations lu a chief of start or lo any ether officer Ihea those above tucuiioned, Is IhVfal, and void. gee. II. And o It farther enacted, Thai the bounty of one hundred dollars, provided by presml laws lu be paid to tlie heirs of volunteers killed In bailie, ahull lie extended to the widow of the llvlny, or If she be ded. te the children of mf volunteer why alia 11 haee biwn or wiay be killed In the srv tee, wheiher he slisll hsvs enlisted for two years or fur a less period of time is. ana ae n further enacted, Tliat ia cose emcer or the military or naval serf ice who mey(b hereallrr ilwmlisrd by authority of ths preside tit, ahall make sn snpltcaiion in writ ins for trial, seltlne forth under wain that he hae beea wrniiffully and un justly dteaiUaed, Ute fret id ol ahall, as soon as the neeeasitlns of the puidle servie will permit, con vene a eturi martial lo try sucn orarer, on the cnaines on which such orucer was dlsmleaMl. And l(auch emirt mat Hal Shall not award diea-lMal or Uealb aa the iHinlthmeet ef ouch edlcer, the order of dlemnaal seal I he void' Adn lithe court martial aforesaid ahall not be convened for lbs trial of such person within sit ssonihs, jroai the preeenlailan of hissipucsilea tor trial, Ina seateaca of dUmtoial shall be vet. are. IK. And be II forteor snarled. That wherever any re- rlted enrollment In any eenereealAite I or draft dleiriel haa been obtained rr eiad prior lo rny artnal drawlns l names front the enrollment title, Uie quota of auch district may be adjueis and spMirtinrd to auca revised enrollment Instead of twine spplled lo sr eeeed apon laa enrol latent aa II stood before tee revision. Hen. 14. And be II further enacted. Thai herrafter all pers sote mastered Into the miniarv nr naeal relee of ih I'nl- led atates, whether as voluetet-ea sabelilnlea, reprreetiialive' er ether wise snail be erel!iel tn me si ale and to the ward, toarnaiitD. nreelnel, or el her enrollment suhrMairlot such iersons behei h actual reaideace, (If eoh herenns have sin ariaai reement wiunn the nitri (t )-) and where sueh persons wee or ahall be enrolled (If liable to en- rellmenl); audit is hereby made the duty of the provn t marshal eeneral in make sarn rwl-s and fire such lostroe lions to Ih eeeeral provnel mararala, Imerds of enrollment, snd mwslerlotr officers ss ahall he nereaearv frihe faithful perfermanee of the prneiaioiianf thta the end lhal fair and jnal ereell sliau be itren tu evey set tmn nf eountf y Providrd, That la any call for treopa hereauer, an v. lewn; township, ward, precinct nr election hare sreiltl escefrt foj men arlaally hirnish.d on aaul call or the prerrdias call by said munly Uwnmbiii, wud, or el lio ditiatei.or wiastered leto tbe msbtary or uavalaervlce on the quota inereoi. ko. to. Ann ae it runner enai-te.i. Thai in eomiMiutine qaolae aereaner. rredit shall he elteu In the several slates. dMtricta, ami stib-atrtrts, lor all mea furniahH hy them re pet-llvely, ami Idol heretofore rreillleil, during tbe present rebetllnii, for any pertoe of nl leaa than Ihre months, cat- celattus ae number af riavs frnm which ouch sereke wee lurntabed, and redu:lus the same lu ytars: frotuled, That turh eredHa shall not be apidiHI to the call br additional troops vsade by the Pteahlrnl on the t verity. erst day el lie eembor, ethleeu hundred aud suit -four. SWe. 16. Aud )e 11 further ene ted, That persona who have beea or aiay hvreattsr he, draned umler Ihe pmvHlona lae several arts te which thta tat aa amendment, Ur Ihe lei at of ne year, and who have actaliy btroUh-d r may avluallv accept tide suiettlulrs, net liable lo dnft, for the term nf three yeaij shall be eieat4 from miliary duty derlns the time lur whlh such suttalitutee shall not be liaMe to draft, nut esceedinf the lime for which su-h such Stihstitules hflve beea muaiered Into ihe service, anything in Ihe act ef Feb ruary iwealyfoerlh etibleea haudred and Sllljr ftar to the eoairarv awltet4andme. ate. IT. And ben further enacted. That anr rseraitlne asent, sabslituls brekee.wr elder who for pay r prttt sliau ettiia , or cause ie ae eniiri, a twiuaieer er mh-eiuuie any lnaae person, or convict, nr person under Indictment foe Ma. ae who Is held to ball to susaet h lebmy, or la eomtittwn ef intoakaliun, uf StUtciUr hum Ihe littery or aavat Hrvle, or any minor bttwern thr un of si i teen aad ei(hlejn years, without the euseiil uf his par ents or rraardlsn, er any minor wilder ibe as of sitUea yeara, Bimwinti rum, tn either esse, before mentioneti, lo be each, ae waa shall dejrsttd r llletrally derlr any eolueteer or suheutate at any porliea af the Plate, hi. el ar I'ailrd laa bounty, lo which he may h entitled, shall, S("a en- vlction befurs any court of competent Jiirisiii ihu, be Rue a.d eiceedUHt theosand ddlars, nr lee than (we hue deed loetore, er latariawwed smt eeeredlnr two years snd nM leaa than three sjmhUh, ar both, ta Ihe dvcretlort of Ihe evert a for tea id. Pee, 1". And he It hanhee enacted. Thai aay efsWr who hall taasler mte the atllltare ar naval aervke af the Untied atatee, aaji deserter treat sakl se rle, m laaaae perMi, ar liereen at a mini dive ef motivation, or any etier beiweea the acta f hi tree and etfhteen year. thoat ihe eaaeeetl af au Be eels er raardiaa, ef Uay rainor anef lae MS af sitieeet years, kuoalue hies to bo tarn, shall, upaa euavklloa by any ewurl-marttal, be eithoawabiy dtmuMed true tha Service 4f the United Ha tea. Pe. It. And be a farther eaacted, Thai la etery aaa wtfre a auhettlete a fr1a.-d to u the place of an enrolld ae drafted man, had tt Is shewn bv e tdeace lhal shall be aat Mae toe y to the IWeretary f War lhal such satot.iote w-t at the llote of hie ealmaaent, knowa bv the party eubsilne hies a be vseaua, ae ta a eendittnn af latikallon, ae ander roavietma or lodlotasenl tor any olTenee nf ihe ersle id felony si the news law. ae ie haw bee iuiUt ef a prhs act ef deecrttoa aasatteAed by pardet er paateh. went, ee by reasa ef any etttit lattiHity, or silw-at phy etcaliy IneapaMe petfrminf il.e ardliiary duties f a sol eltee, aa aeaal service la she reuse, or enar beiweea Ihe aa? ed euleea aad eihie yeaie, alhwt the enen Mf af SwS parent er ftuardlaa, or a aimer under Die ae ef sla beea yet re, a ahaU be the daty af the proveet aiarshal aen ecal, aa ad lee ef the feet, to reMrt the aaioe to Ihe prmikat taarshal of Ihe pmper district aad tf eaah peraeu ea enlisted and incapable shall have heea, etnee the ie ,f this aei, a watered tota ihe service af thai wet, auwtore late Ihe eee lee as a peea liable to draft and al actoalty drafted, the aaweof laeperftoase liable who hi ml shed sah aahatiluto, ahall ba aealn ptared eat the Hat, and he ahaU be salJee to draft tbeeeener the same as thak-h aa saeb each aatolnata had been fwratahed by h'at ; and If sac sabelllute te enlist ad aud laeadetde as aTareoa i4, eh tit have heea metered ll atnee she paaatv of this aet, wsteced Into the service for a uhatllute fer s pereaa anaally drafted, the It shaH he the ty ef ihe prnvaet aiarshatl eeneraj la direct Ihe peoeaat esarshal ef ihe district immediately to notify UVpersn aha Un,iKr4 Savh aatotitotethat be a hebl te service mine piece ef ait'-h eabstilote, aa he ahall stand t Ihe same relelta I as the same aahinty as behsee htrawhiai ear a, su. Au4 be i further eucid. Tst In tee aft kmV stltate ahafl deeett heea lha aeeay, and It shall appear by evMertee eallefaetory to the eWretary of War, Uat the party fweMof eoeh saNiUute ehall hat, ia any way, aided ar ahHte soeh deeeettea, ae been privy la any IntealMB aa the pnrUf such suhatilue ru dirt, then su!h perami .shall bu Immerllak-le placet! In Ihe army, ud shall aarve lor Uie pe rlud fur whlrh he was llal'le I" draft, nnd such service Ij commence St tho date of lit" desertion of the auballtule. Bee. 'll, And bu tl further enacted, Hint, in audition to the oihi-r lawful pmialtlea of the iirlrue of ilt-serinm, frn.n the mllllarv or unvml service, all Ticrsotis whl have draerled the naval or military service f (he L'niU-d tiLats, wliw shall mil return to said at-r vletf,or report theinnelvf to a provost mar shall within sixty days nju-r the prociaiuiillon heretnnfter it limed, ahall be deemed and taken to have Toiuntiiriiy reliiitiiilrhi'd and forfr led their rlichlsnf c ihteiishln, and their and flii'H rlfflite to income ciiieeris; snd nu'h ileaortera shall he fore v it lin-niotlde nf hold Ins anv olllue nf trust or nrnltt under ths United Htates, or of exerclslnir any rlirhta of eltl Mens (hereof ; snd nil, persons who shall hereafter desert the military or naval service, and all pemoni who, bettijr duly enrolled, shall depart the jurisdiction of Ihe district lu which he Is enrolled, or go beyond the limits of the United Htales, with Infant to atpild any drrft Into Die millinry or naval ear vice, duly ordered, shall be liable to the pi-nHllleenf this sec lion, And the President is hereby authorised and required rwrthwlth, on the pMK" of this act, to time his proclam ation aetilns; forth ths provisions of this section, tu which proclamation the President Is re(uested to notify nil demrt era rLturnine; Within sixty days as aforesaid that they slmll be pardoned on rcltiruluK to tnelr reKlnicnlo and cutnpatilcs or to inch other organisations as they my tie assigned to un til they 0W have ei-rved for a period ul tl'u rqunl to their or lie (mint-rut of their enllitineul. Hue W.J And;ie It further enacted that Ihe lael section of the act entitled "an act further to resulato aod provide fur the enrolling and chIIImk nlthe nutloiml forces, nnd for other purposes," approved July fourth, effdiieeu hundred and sixty four. b and tlie same is hereby, repvakd. Han. VH.j And he It further enacted, That any p-rsons enrolled in any stitxdistrlct may, after notice ef a draft nnd before the same ahall hive taken place, cause to be metered Into the service of the United Stales such number of reerulis not sullect to the draft, ae the may deem expedient, wmcn recruits shall stand to thr credit of the parsons thus causing IWrn to be mustered la, and shall be taken ss substitutes fur such persons, or so many of them aa may be nrafted, to the extent or the number or such recruits, aim in me nroer u tcuated by the principals, at ths tyus such reci uJts are thus ss as aforesaid muttered In. Ie( M. I And be It further euaclcfl, That section niteen el!ths act approved Kehruarr twenty fourth, olahteen hun dred and sixty-rour, eutliled, "An act for enrollm- and call ins; nut the national forces, and for other purpnn s," be, and Uij same Is hereby, amended hy Inserting after the words any civil magistrate," the words "or any person auinunsou by law to administer oaths." hc. W.l And he it further enacted, Tliat the gecretsry of War is fieri; hy authorized io di-taK one or more of the em ployecs of the War Pemrtment tor the purpose nf sduimis terlng Ihe osths required by lew, In the settlements of oftl sera' arrounis, for clothluif, camp and snrrison equipage, qunrtvrmiister's stores, ami jordnanfe, which oaths shall he admlnUteren, without expense lo the parties taking tin- same and if falsely taken, shall he subject to the same p'-nnltlei as If Ihe same were sd ministered ny a magisww or justice oi the pence. fee. Vi6A And be it further enacted, Thnt acting assistant surgeons, vontmct sureeus, snd commissioners on Ihe eu ro. ling hoards, while In the service or tlie united mates, snau hereafter be exempt from nil llnhle to he drafted under the provlslone of any act for enrolling and culling out ths na tional toroee. Hec. 17 1 And he It further ensctcd, That this set shall Inkecllectrom and after Its psasage; Provided, That noth ing herein conluiiicd shall operate lo postpone tbe pending draft, or interfere with the quota assigned therefor. Approrso, aiercn s, An Act amendatory of certain Acts imposing Duties upon foreiftn import a lions, lln ti ot mete 1 1 hv the HoitHfe nnd lltmse of Ken re Ken t- tlvea nf the 1'nilml Ktaltss of America, in Conurens Hsiwuililod, Tlutt c tin ti six nf an u;t etiiitlfd "nn act to nicretwej the duticn on imports, und fur olhe purpo ses,' upprovmi diuiH tinriv, eim,cn nmiurejii huh kix-ly-lotir, bo Bineiidfd so that pttrujni)liB aitcond, third, nml fourth, of section six of stitd act, slutll rend a fnl lnWMi Hetond. On nil umuul'uctui'uft of ordtoii (except j ta t is, denims, iliillniKa, lied UrKliiifM.iflnu'i'utii, pmidn cottoimUus, ptiulHluon stun, una goods oi iiko oesenp liuu) nut hiutt'licd, uuliired.sltiiumi, piiinU-d, ur print ed, und nut exct-t'diinx ou bundru'l litrt-mls to the rfiiutu iiit li, c'i'Uiilitiif the wnrp utul tilliuf,HUii exceed Uifi in weiyjil live emits per square yurd t if hicachml, iivu cents iiinl a Imll' per uiiru yard ;it en lured, sliiiu mi, paintvd ur priiitctl, live ceius and u liulf per quit re yitid, and, in ndditiou ttiuretu.ti'it per ceiituiii ad vhIu rem. Ou Huer und li(litr goods of lite sititie tlestnip lion, not exceeditu two liuudred tlireuds to the sqmtre inch, uouuliu)f the warp and filling, uubleiicliud, live cents per stimru ytird; it liieuched, ttvo und a I'lin rcntn per j urd; if colored, stuiued, MKiuUftl ur printed, live and a liulf cents tier wiuare vard. 4tiid; in addition, theinto. twenty per t'eiitum iid valorem. Ou ttowU of like dcecriptiou, uxueednix ttvo huudtetl threads to th suiutre iucli, vtiuntinu; the warp mid lilliug, tin tilenclieil. Hvu cents per Mttare VHJtlt if blenched, live and a hall' cut it nor stiimro vurd; it colored, atitiued, painted or p tinted, live and it linlf cents per yard, and aud, in udditiutt ttiemto, twenty per centum ad valo rem, Third. On ull cotton, leant, deimua, drill nii, tietl tickiuts, Kiiifrlimns, pliiids, taottoiiH(les.paiilHloon sluHs aud irootis ol like description, or lur siiiillur use, it tin bleu e) led and not exceeding one hundred lo the mpntre inch, including the wnrp und lilliiiK, und exceedinu live ontiees lo the vtuure yatil.six ten in per sqintr yard t if bleaelied, nix rents and a liulf per sqimre yurd i If colored, stained, painted, or printed, eix cunts ana a half per a inure ymd, und, in, audition thereto ten nor cent mil ltd VHloretn. ( 'n liner or liiriiter uondi of like denerintloii, not exceedinir iwoiiuiidred tliruiina to the Btimire iueti. couiitinif the wnrp and lillinif, if uuuieiieiieti six reins per sqiutre rHru; it oienencu. mx rents pur eitiare yard, und in nddiliou therein, Hfteeit per een tutu nd vnloretii. (In gnfle nf uUI'ier tlo scriptioti.exreediiiir two htiudrrdtlirtmds to the mimro incii, ooiinting the wurp and tilling, if iinlileHchftl, sev en and a uulf cents per m inure vnrd t if eolond, smin- ed. pHiniud or primed or printed, seven and a lutlf cents per st nitre yititl, nnd, in itdiiitiofi therein, the Uf. teen per centum ad Vuloreuii Provided, Tlntl upon all plant woven, cotton uoopa not included in tliuloreuu iiiK M'liediilc, unbleurlieit, valued nt over twenty veiite per Mintie yard, roiored, vulned ut over twenty-Hve t-euta er av'uHro yanl. and cotton jeaint. denims, and uritliUKS, uuniruriteit, vuiueu ut over twenty reins put sxpiuru yard, then niiull be levied, collected, and paid a duty ul tlurlv live per eeutuui Hd vuloreiu; Ami pro Video, lurther, That no rnttuu goodn lutviny more limn two It it ml red thread to the square inch, conutiiiu; the warp and blliua, siuill be admitted to it lees rate uf du ty limn is provided lor gooda which are ol that num ber ol threads. Kuuitli. On spool thread of cotton, six cents per dt'xen spools, contaiuu oil each spool not i-xreedint una hitudri d yrttiU ut thread, aud iu addition thereto tbirtv per centum ud vnluietu i eseaeditiu oue luiiid- red yatds, for every additional hundred yards of thread on each shhi or ttuclioiial parttiierenl in ex eeasoioia luitnHid jatde. aix cut per dmen. uud thirty live porcciiium ud valutepi. tin cotton thread ur yarn when udtuucvd lie yond einalv varn, hv twist ing twu ur uiuie sliuiide luvethei, if nut wound upon pools, four (4) cents per skein or hank of eiujit bun dled aud lorlyiHiO) yards, aud thirty per centum ad Valorem. tire. 'J. And to it further enarted, Tliat from and atler the day when this act takes rtlert. iu addition to tlie d ut tea hi-retolora impoaed bv taw ou the imimrtH tiou of Hie antclea uieiiiioiieil jet ibia eHliu, lliera idi.ill be Ji vU'd.eiHh t ti d etitd atd, llio tnllnwing du-lu-a atid rales uA"T , ,lmi ia o eav t 4n briiudv. rum at u and wliiekry.aud on liquors, li()neiirf. arrack, ubaytitlie. und uTl other i piiitiuiua !tnors and epiritti nus bevertKi-e, liltv cent a ier ifiillott. uf llrel proot ntid Ivea elrviiftih, and ahull he mrreateed in proportiuu for riny (iicMii r alivnuth Ihnn Ihe strentithot first proui, Ou soiiu ailke for hthtur in akeina or rone. uii ler een I ad valorem. On it mi burr tor ntilnmd-. or inclined planea teu cents per one hundred puuuda. i)u wrought iron turn's, ,tne relit per pntmu. Hec a. And he it furtlier euartexj, Tliat from and , after tliia act tiikea chVet in lieu of tho duties hereto. lore iitiHieed by law on the importuitun uf thu arti- j clre tueuiioiii-d In this section, iheire eltull be levied, j eollected, and paid, the fidhiwitnc duties and rules ut duty, that is to anv t On cotton, five cauls per pound. , On illtiiiiinaliiiy inl and ituphlha, benriuc and hentole, reliurtl or piodiicinl from the dtetiHnimu of r ail, as phalluin, shnlo. peal petrolcnui or rock oil, or other utltiuiiuotii mihetunrt used lor like purpou'S, forty rents par golloit On erude lroleum, ur wk oil, twenty reuta per liallon ; ou nude nutl oil. lilteeu touts ja-r gallon. On lolutccu stnie, flit een rents per pound, tm reudv made rlothiua of silk, or "f wbu-lt silk shall lie a component mule rial of duel ualtte.eixty per rentum ad valorem. ln qunaativer imewn per ittutn ail VHloreio. iv ! And li It further enacted, Thnt srriion fltteritnfau act ntiilrd,'-An art inrrensiug leinutt- ntrily the duties on iniiairis, and tor other purpiHu-a, anprtivenl Julv fouileen, vehleen hundred and sixty two, b. attd lb sain hereby is amanded, so as lo iiu poea a lux or loniine duty of ihtrtv rents per ton in lira ot "leu rente," as therein mentioned i fmvided. lha the tern ids of Vreeele puvitiy Umuatre duty stiull Hoi be suhjtrt to tlie tax provnhd in evciiun oue hun dred and tinea of "An art lo provide internal revenue lo appJl lit iioverouietii, lopav lutnrwet on the pub lic debt, and for other putpoerd," nppmved Jan thir tieth, ein Merit hundred and sixty four, lior by any act amendatory thereof) provided, fort her, Thai no ehtp. veaeel, or eteatth'r. haviinr a Iioeua 10 trai'e between jihYrmt dlMrirtsnf ihe l'nitel 8iate,or to curry on Mm batik, whale or other flatiertea, or oit(uoij any ahip, veesel, or steamer, tn or from anv port or p lac in Mexico, the Hrttislt pntv litre ul ianrin Attwrira. or anv of ihe West India islatide.or iu all these irrdoa, ahall b rnpilrrd to pay the l.-oimge duty required by tin art, more than once a Year. Me, a And b it further euartctl. That tlie term 'eBluarv,, as used iu the laws now in fore iinpoainK dniiea on foreign itnnottations, shall Iw undeaali'O'l to iuriud proieesiotmlpiuilucliiiia of statuary or uf a sculptor uiiiv. See. ti. And be It further enacted. That there shall b iH-rwafter mtleated and paid on all K"Od,wnrt".and inanhaudise of th arowtb and firodue ul oonulrtea ms4 ol the Cap of ti-od Hoiar. hsarwut raw eoUoit, a led raw silk, aa reeled from ties ooroott.or aut lurther advance! Ihnuttraut, throw, ur tMVatnsiue.) whs imported from places waetoi lite 1 40 04 umt uupa duty af ten per centum ad valorem, la udditiust lo tiie duties impoead oa any swell a Hi vie when Mipattrti dirvcll v frnia th plaia or ptaee?a ul their rolh or pr"d uitlno. rW t . And b It farther eoartad. That iu all rase whet Mieru s or shall be imKrd any ad vnloiwut rate of d'e on anv irooda, ware, or mervhandie m pwttetl into th t'uitrd Mate, attd 111 all whar the duly impoaed bv law rhall b rttulatd r di rctd to l eatinutlVd or lutsed oHn, lb value of the ur jranl, or of auy epcvilied JuaiHitT ur parcel of null ttooda, ware, or shall be the dutv of e roilrrttir , within who district the same ehall be iiuHittel or entered, to rati the actual umrket value, or wholeaale price thereof, at the period of tit tarairtatinei to the timed Mrttea, ia the pnuctpal mar kataef lbe r-ouatrv Imib which the same shall hav boon taiprttd tntn'th I niiwl HlHle. to be nppraiaed, and aetrh oppratsarl valo ehall be eonai-lered m vald upo wbtah dulv ahall b aeeraeed 1'tial it shall b lawful hr lb awner.eoo-iifae or wnt of any troode ware or atarrlimdiee. whab ahall have been aduetlly pa reheard, ur peueurW sajiarwta Ibau by panltueei, al th lima, and vt aVwarU).v br be shall produc bat owiattMt! In vim or inToiera, to th collector aud verify Ina written en'ry of ht kwmU, ware or sner tiandie' a provided by sreitoa thirty aix of th art of March two, sevrateea haiidrwel and etnely-aina.em-ttOent "Ana lo regulate lb evlleclioa ol' dullest ta ienporU and toauat.' to aaak saab addiuoa in th ttuy la tu eoat wf v,u g.veu iu lae invoice '1 hie oraioa nsav rats th sam to lb actual ataiket vrla or wboleaal prh of suvh g'Hds, ware, or usee Uandiae al the period of expoHaiion ba lb Tai U( htatea. ill the piint ipnl marketa of tho cntintrv from which the aatne shull Imva been imported t and it shall he the duty of llm collector, within whose dift trict slmll have bi-en iuiHiit'd or entered ,to rmtaesuch set mil markut vhIh or tviiolc-iule price lo be appraiswl in wr.rordtiucn with the tirovisicns of existing laws, and if auch uppmlfled vuluo slmll exceed hy ten per centum ur (moio the value so tlcclnred in llio entry, llieii, in addition to tho duties imposed by law on tho srine, lliuru eluill be levied, collected, and paid, a duty of tweiitv r centum ad valorem on such appraised naluet l'roviiled.Tlmt the duty shall not be asseesod upon an amount less limit the invoice, or entered val ue, any net uf congress to me contrary notwiuismnu injf: And provided, further, That the sections twenty, third and twenty fourth of the act approved Jufie thirtieth, citlm-en hundred and sixiy luur, entitled An act to increwe otttioa on imports, aim ior unmr ptirpoaea." and till acts and parts of acta reqmrmig un tife to ha aaaeHHiid t non eotiimiasions. brokerage, costs of transportation, shipment, transhipment, aud other like en1 and ciiuruee incurred 111 pmciiiK any wares or niert'liiiudiso on shiphoanl, and all act or ails of Jte nicuiieisleut Willi this act am nereoy re pealed, s 1 1 o na eoniinnen j . K.AI'e. ULIiltEIX, & CO., ITorwitrdinjr it CommissloB MERCHANTS, Importer, aud Dcnlera in AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, GARDEN AND t'lELU SEEUS, c., c, WILL fi HI'KCIAL ATFENTION to tlie Bile .11 mtmaMa us Al' !llllV. T Oi B- ne f er wa. mtf and all kinds of Oregon Produce ia furtlaud, Victoria, or San Francisco markets. We are u Inn prepared to attend to tho purchase and shipment of Goods in Now York Huston, and trans act ti tfeiierttl commission btini iicims. Persona ordering tioods shipped from tlie Eastern State to our care, cult rely upon their receiving prompt attention. n. un a Hi1, nun rrnneieoo. RNAI'l', HUKHIil.U 1W Front .. Fortland, Ornxon, Olllce in Sim Kranciuo. 31(1 Wmliinuton St. 3. If A. C. BRADFORD, Importer and Jobber In Wl H LS AND LIQUORS, Front Street, Fortland. Oregon. BKAwnvat BIMMIIT, PITBOUCHE, fc Co. IIUILLHIIIIN, HKNNKSSY. 1'IDKT. CASTILLION, & Co., HONNIOT.ACo., MAItyUBT. Old Janiiiirii Itimi, Nw UiiKland Rum. SCIIIEPAM (UN. OLD TOM. FXTSTZ OLD WIIIH1CIES. J. II. ( utter. Old Itniii'hoii. Old Virviniii, It)', i tln:. PURE WINES: Oporto Port, fiurrunjy Port. D. Ot. ( Co. Sherry, Anchor Sherry, Sauterne, Angelica, und California Wliile Winei CHOICE CLARETS : I.AI'ITTE, I.EOVII.Mj, I'OIMAIID, t IIA7llllvi; Tl., .Ull, ON I'A.MM.AC, I. A CAMTAWAC. CHAMPACNE: , CHAS. 11E1DSA1CK, CAIIISE T. UREEN SEAL and JACdUATAti. ..AI.HO.. AhsiiitlK', enriicon. Vvrmarlli. Bifl'ri, Sj i itps, Jamaica. GinRpr,E. Keiirc I'eppi'rniliil, Tcn anl'fl A I c ii ud IVirtcr. Maurice, Cox, & Go's Ale and Porter. And all otlu.r t'Hfe Good, pertHinitiK to the trade. McrdmutN und dealers uro pnriirnliirlv invited to exuuiiiitt uiy itot-k butoru pnrchtuiiiK elevliero. D HAKE'S PUHT1II0I) BIITIRS. S. T.-1860-X. The rapiilily with hich DRAKES IlimiWII BUMS lliiveberomOHllOi;SEIIOI,nNE('ESSITVih rough out civilixrd nnliona, la without a par allel in llio history of Ihe world. OVER TWO JIILLIIIS, OXIJ HUNDRED TIIOISAXD Were Sold in TWELVE Months. The Demand ia Daily Increasing I IIICII und I'OOK, OLD nnd YOU N ft Utllvi, Physicians nnd ClrrKimcn t.'at it ltovivoH lrooiiinj- Npil'llM, Lends KTICEXJTII to llie Systt lH Vigor to the mind, Asn la Exhausted Nature's Great mCSTOREIt. It t if tel. in chsm of , DYSPEPSIA, l.oir Appolilp. Venkiit?. Exrcns Ive ruiiKiio, SoursioiniKii. Jlni tul I.ipoiidfii-y, At'. IS MOST EXTUAOKDINAKV. H ia eorapoaeil of the rhtdreet and herha, tho Ilia relehralod C LISA Y 4 11 IKK, tie. all pre) areed in pure SI. I'ldllX UL'M. AsaBcnll Aw liser. and healthy, agreeable btimulaut, it haa uo rinal. U ia tolk hv all mpertaMa dealer. III every Town, Parish, ViIIbk and llmulet, thniutflinul Norlli and S.mth Auicru-a, Europe, and III lalauda of tha tKenn. I'y Xon ran he uennine nnleaa hearintr tha pri vate l'nile.1 Sialea Slump uvrrth cork, with Siniia ture on sieel plute label of 1 A. MAKE. A; CO. HMITII at 1VVIH, ft Tronl 8rei, Portland. Orafon. oi,i Anmni roil and the Territorier. S., , IMS aimao. 30 noon B CRM SO FI.VID, I ALCOHOL. Tl'RPEXTISK, CASTOR OIL. WIM8 aad BR AN HI KH, put ar imiy for aid irinal uo, by tlx pint, quart. rr aaltoa, at A potbwa riva' Hall, rpen lire mw II. art Salvia, Ort. Hf J. K t'l.AHK. Apo'hwarr. paTnts. MIXKl PAIN'TS, forpaintiu Www and Tar naava, all ol rolora, in oil and weusr, far Hons fainting, al MYKRS, IirOHKS, CO. Wool Wanted. U'E a.ilpaf lite HinilKT markrt n'.a kalf casli, one half iMrrhantiw lor W (HU NK A HI, lKAKH0KN, fc n. HaWai.Mar?. I -If KlrhiiiiU Si .llcC'i'iikcii, Furwardinrj and Commission Merchants ..and in.. Oregon Flour, Fruit, Bacon, Lard, GllAl, r., .to. T I ME, Cr.MKNTund I'LASTER received by every 1 Jtiiiiiij vei.el. IV WilUllend to llie pnrrlinm nnd nliiproent of M.-rchHlidio of overv Hewripliou in the Ea.lern nnd San Kmm iwo iiiiirk.-tn. AIo to forwarduiK gl' Mini Kmneiapo nnd I'lirtlund. The Celebnitrd IWiuuiy Rcnpfr find Bower. and Agricultural linpleineiiia of every description rur- ninlied lor ciuli at enii I rancnco cui i n.-r- """' will alio nlteml to tlio mle of Oregon Produce in VicioHu, liuvhiK ertiililinliod u home in that place nmler the inBiini(..nint of Jl r. 1). Kink, a KontliMuun of eight yearn' experience ill the trade Jii m """u,cu- Commercial Wharf, Portland, JAMES B. HICI1AKDS, 8? harraniento mreot, Snn Kinnelw. , Jlir.ltlFF'U SALE. IY virtue of n enrculion Wiied nut of Hit elronlt eour: of Ihe Hliile o! UreK'Ul for III' eouuly of Polk, and to me directed, In fvor of A. J. Trlherow, and nllill A. Bru tier, and for Ihe wnnt of penonal properly to latufy Ihe eame, 1 have levied upon and will olfr for eale to the Men. eil Ijidilrr lor caih In hund, at the rourt.houM door In Dl ln, In tald counly, on flaturday, the lOih ilay ot February, Itt6. hetween tin huura of nine o'clock a. m. and four o. clock p. ni. of laid day, all lha rlcht, title, and Inlereit of aid defendant of, In, aue to the followliiK ileacrlbeil proper ly, to wit: The mill, and mill property known aa the Hea ting. Mill., illuat.d In the county and tftale aforesaid, also a parcel or landinil tlmher (boundary unknown) In the north weat corner of the donation land claim of William tiaKe, allunlcd In the county and tatr.iforemld, to be lold to sat llfy laid execution, coale, and accruinK co.ll. I. Jl. UUTLLHl, Uherlff Polk Co, Dallal, Jan. 8, 1680. 43a4 I' Ni'lllrnii'iit. IN Probate Court, Marlon county, Oregon, January Term, 1SHO. Elate ol Oliver Cone, dec',1. Notice ll hereby Hlven (hat 0. A. Cone, aen., admiul.trator of laid ealiite, liai till, day urctented Ida accounu, aud asks that the innie may he allowed for a nunl settlement. It Is therefore or dered that said application bti heard and di-termlne'l on Tuesdoy, the fltli ilny of February, 1HII0, at which lime all persons interested in laid estate may appear ill said Court and make objections to said settlement, if any exist. ). C. I'KKBI.Kd, Co. Judga. Salem, Jan. ISM. 46a4 ALLE N'S LUNC BALSAM! THE 11KMKDV foil CUKINO Consumption Coughs, Colds, Asthma, CROUP, DISEASES of the THROAT, Bronchitis, Pains and Oppression of the Chest or Lungs, Difficult Breath ings and all the Diseases of the Pulmonary Organs. TT8 Hction expectorant, alterative, BiuWilic, neda- X live, (liaphnrettc, nnd diuretic, u'tiirli retulerit it one ot thu oioitt vaiuiiuie rtMiieuieu Known ior curing oia chhch of the tuntt. . It excites expectoration, und canned Hip lungs to throw oil tho nhloum or niucitn; UlinKti THE ItLOOih hualti tlie irritaUtd parts; ivBB Htreugth to tho diui'Miive orKaiiH; hrtntt the livt.-r to itn proper action, und wiipHtiH Htrcngth to tho whole VMtem. Mifhintho itnincdinto und fatiffttctory ef tect, that it in wai ranted to hrcult up the inimt dia ireHfiuu cough in u ti'W liouru' time, if Hot of too long xlandiiitf. It is wurraiitcd to givo entire Hit i taction, even in the mont conjirmrd canes of ronrnmption ! It in warranted not to produce corivepeitn (which is Ihe caite with moMt rutnedieH) or ull'cct tliJ head, us it contains uo Opium in nnv form It is warranted to he PERFECTLY HARMLESS to the tnost delicate child, altlioiiifh it is active and powerful remedy for restoring the nv stent. There is no real tiecennitv for sn tunny deut.ts by coiiBiimption. when ALLAN'S LC.NU KALSAM will prevent it, if only tukett in time. Sold by all Drngiste. Price $1 per bottle. SMITH & DAVIS, Portland Oregon, Sept. IHil.'i. (ietteral AeutH for the State. THORACIC BALSAM. A VALUABLE REMEDY All the Diseases of tbe Chest, AHI3IN0 FHOM COUGHS AND C0-D3. The properties of the Continuation are Tonic, Expectorant, Kootliin und HEALING, and are peculiarly fitted for arresting und preventing the tendency to CONSUMPTION! So frequent and fatal ou the Pucittc Count. TESTIMONIALS. S A f . E M , OltKOOlf, Oct. ltli, 1HB5. From the ifood elfrctfl thut. I have teen and known of Mm Wtipp'it Thoracic Unlearn, I run safely recom mend it to the public. Jas. D. McCt'UDV, M.D. Salkm, March 8th, 1815. I herehv certify that I have been tmiag Mrs. Sltpp's TlHintcic Ihilvittn'in inv litmily. with thu very beet of remilu, aud am hupy in Muting thut the medicine is all thut it in recommended to he by its proprietor. Li. KSTACO it. Mahiom CofSTY, Onroos.Pept.27, IHfifl. The niidcrfined, resident of Marion enmity, Or etfim, takes pleasure iu stating fur the benefit of the alllicted, thnt, in the wiuier of IHl'.M, I was suH'eriug from an atl'eetion of t lie limits and kidneys, resulting from u violent cold. I seemed to he goinjf into rapid Consumption, ami had begun to believe my death was not very far distant, and all who saw mo were impressed with tho bv me conviction, After trying vat ions remedies without any success, I was induced to try Mrs. Stipp's Thoracic Bit I nam, and to ft 1 urn fully persuaded that I owe my tile aud preoeut good health. Under Iheco circuiiisiances, I feel that I am hut performing a dutv to humanity when I recom mend all similarly allficted to try this excellent medi cine. William Tavi.ob. Mahios County, Oreoon, Sept. iM. 186.1. Havinu' received great henetit fnm the use of -Mrs. Si ipp'r Thoracic llalsam," and being convinced that its ii w.dd be btiiieticial lo ihomuindB of persons nnlfcritig without hope ( relief, it is with pieuwure thnt I make the following statement: lit the lull of sr.;t, I took u severe cold, which fettled in my lutiL's and tli rout, nutsiuir a dry. hacking coiiifli. fever, head ueho. and pain in the btexsl and under the shoulder, iu severity, until tu life seemed to he in real damrer. Abmit six weeks ;tfti, 1 couimeiired taking .MrsStipp's Thoracic BaUam, and ia this short space ol time I have regained a I in out my usual health and strength, have a ikmI appetite, ami am free (mm my cottyh and ail its attending uihteries. M.S. Kokwakh. fT Agencies will he e.t bttslied nt all tbe princi pal trailing points in Oregon, for the ale of tbif. vulu able Medicine. 3Ira. L.A. MIPP, Oct IMor.vlp.l Mnnnfartttrer. W. K. I(U;HY, Drnirgist. Salem, (ieneral Agent. " CONSTITUTIONWAT ER THE ONLY REMEPi' For Diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, (ravel, Dropsical Swellings, GENITAL DEBILITY, Etc. TUIK ATOMHIJ Ht'tTKNN VVIIK'II 1 Ima iiitt-ndfd iliia lNVAI.L'AIU.K MiMliciiie ren tier it tli mnat Tiiluatile one erar diaro- reil. Xo lanKUHtftJ ran convey an tulc)iiaie ulra nf the iiamMli iil and aluioat ininirnloiia clmiit'e wltii-li it tcrasione in llie debilitated and shattered aysteui. In fuel, it alanda llnriviilled as a remedy Ior the perniaueut rure of th nialadiea atmve mentioned, and alao DIAIIKTKS, IMI'DTKXCV. lAiai OK MVRCVtjAH KKKIIOY, -I'HYSIt'AI. fKOSTUATlON, lXDIIiliSl'loX, KKMIXAL WKAKXFSS (ILKKT, KIXOH ALBl'S, And tn r verr disease anr wav eomieelrd with Ihe dia onlera or deeav of Hi rkdC'KKATIVK t'L'XO 'HONS. IVraons uliout to aiarry, if conacioaa of any vveakneaa, ihonld take the CONSTITUTION WATER. Whether broken down by uxcejui, weak by nature, or impaired by sickti the iittt uiik and relaxed orizan ixaiton is at once rubruced, revived, und built up. Well mav this celeb ruled meilicine b called the MEDICAL WONDER Ihe sloopiuu, treuiblmg victim of depression tnd Jcbitity bccouies a new nmut he staada erect, be moves with a brm step i bis lutud, which was previ omly sunk ttiglooui of an almusl idiotic apathy, be comes bright aud active ; and be voce forth reue'wvne rated, conscious of new vigor. Tbe oiHiuine reaches CtNMT I L'TIOIS itwlt, aud cost ores it to iu normal condition. Imtativm of the Strk of 'Ae Bladder, lqtmmatio f Kidneps, rtttd Ctthtrrk of the Btnddert j an1 HKmit,or Patnfnt trie, efmr, Cucxea. tirarrt, ilrivk Oust ltpottt,ud Mucous or Mtik f . charge After L'rinttHgt For these diseases it is truly a em-ece,.! rwiuedv. and too much caimot be said ia its pratne. A simile dose has tttm known to relieve the most urvetilsymp- tiHiis. ini ti tu lues cases, a no yon wtu ever jpve your praise io CONSTITUTION WATER! Mules or I'Vmitleia, Ar Too trnuMxl with that diirriin pain In ih small of th hark, and thronah tonr hipa T I'ONSTI TITIOX WATt'.K will relieve'von like manic. Pr W H OkrHH). I'ropnetor. MORllAN it AI.LKX. iieinral A (ferns, New York. H9STKTTKR, a.mTII DRAW, AinU for III l aoifie Coast, 401 and 403 Battery Street, Comer Clay, San Krancuco, and HiUHiE Jt C.V1.KK, SMITH IH VIS, W. WKATHKKKORD. 9lf Tunlaad. Cooke, McCuIly & Co., aut n ;w urmma in aai.itM Tin Largest and Best Selected Stock CLOTK, DRY - GOODS, ..AND.. GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Ever brought to tha Wilhimette viillev.anil will diepoaaof the slime ut the very UlWIiST I'ltltJKU. Salem, Juno 5. IKi',5. 14if CAPITALBAKERY. I TAKE thia nielhod or inl'orniinir th public that I have aildi'il to my other buaiiipiwn bakery where I Hatter mvaelfl ran (tlve autiaruciioii lo ull who muy favor nie' with their patroiiaK. And where a ifovd asaorttnent of FAMILY GROCERIES ! Can nlwaye be bud for For Cash, or Country Produce. And be delivered, free of tdiarge, to all parte of the city. ALL KINDS OF COOPER WARE Kept ou hand and made to order on good terms. Clothes Wringers of Different Kinds. Battels, Brooms, Washtubs, Bucket!, Churns, Rope, Candles, Coal Oil. Mackerel, Salmon, Herrings, Codfish, Sar dines,0;sters, Clams.Sugar Salt, Syrup, Cheese, Crackern . MB pi 1'IPES, Tobacco, Cigars, matches, Fancy and Toilet Soups, Combs, Brushes, ie, Past favor irnttefully remembered, nnd future put rootle reitpeet fully ttnlicited. J. 1. COTJLTER (Four Door, north of Moorea' Brick lllock,) Salem, Oregon. JOSLl'H A. BAKE It WK Ml HALEM, OKKOOXi Opposite tlie Eureka Stable. I HAVE conattmliy on hand, and will sell, at price, to auit the time, ihe following articles, viz : CONCORD TEAM HARNESS, CONCORD STAGE 11A11ES8, All Kinds Team and Flow Harness, I.ADiKM KAIDI,l:.J, Texas Ranger and Oregon Saddles, IJritllem, HjiHers, CA3RI&GS HARNESS, SINGLE AND DOCBLE ; SADDLE-BAGS AND WHIPS, SPANISH SI'URM ANO BITS, TRACE AND HALTER CHAINS. Trimming anuVepairim; pmmptly attended to. All work warranted to ffive satisfaction. TiT I can supply shops in the country with collars at wholesale prices. Give ns a call, aud examine for yourselves. 7IWtf Patent Medicines of all Kinds, CHEMICALS, Hoots ami ll'rl, FRESH nnd Genuine, nt CLANK'S, nctHOtf opnoaita the new Hotel. ano roi'.NDs or fkesh ik.vtiiers FOB SALE AT BRRYJfAN BKOTHEIIS THE E YES1HE EYES Dr. K.U. PARDEE, OCX LIST AM) AUII1ST. AFTER A PliOTUAfTKI) BLINDNESS cf more thiiii tlve years. Dr. Pardee lias made, himself thunroiixhly aud scientifically actitaintcd with all diseases uf the Kye, aud in mv practicing with u sue ccsm not surpusseil in the rnitcd Stutcri. All operations pertormed, such ns Strabismus, or cross eye. Cataract hy linear extraction, Depression or Ahsorhtitm, Pterygium or fleshy memhmncu irrowin over tho eye. KedurtitHi uf Slaphvloinu. or hiiliiies out of the eje, ArtiHcial Pupil, Fistula Lachryumlis, nr cloning of tear pusm.ife. and all detormuties of the Lids, etc., etc. Artilicial Kves inserted without the least pain, and possessing all the move incuts und hrilliancy of the real eye. A lure assortment constantly ou hund for Rule at rensoaalde prices. The Doctor's Eye lath for the treat men t aud cure of all nervous diseases is ased ull over this count. Tlintiltfiil to those phvsiciaus who have sent him cases for operations, and hopes that his universal sue cess will warraut a continuation of their conlidence. His celebrity .as an operator is coextensive with his success ; as patients are presenting themselves for treatment and oerutioiis, f m New York und Huston almost monthly. Man;' patieiits can he seen at the Doctor's office dai ly, in di'ierent staves of recovery. ' Otnce : 7o7 CLAV ST KELT.i'ahovo the Plaza) near Dnpout istreet. Sr J. H. HAAS, j Conmercla ISIr.rl.aslem , Dealt rln COLD AND SILVER WATCITE8, JEWELRY, Solid Silver and I'lsUod Ware 1 FINE CLOCKS, Spectacles, Fine Cutlery, 4o. j i All (andssold bjr mi are WARRANTED to be a.J reprvsenled. Ilrpnirlnc. i Parllimlaratlenllon nail larenalrlnf One Watches,) Clorks, Jewelry, Ae. I I ALL WORK W'AURANTED. Salem, Ore(ea,SoT.I,lf. lr86 W VVACONTIMBER. rpilE rsnERSIGXE I) wni'I.D ESPKCIALLY 1 call the allention nf all WaGoX MAKERS to the auperior atnrk nf WAGON TIMBER, now lu lure, which ia ottered lo tha trade on liberal Unas. OAK. ASH, AD HICKORY PLAtff, OAK AND HICKORY SPOKES, OAK AND EI..M HI II, HICKORT AND ASH RIMS, Bl'GGT EXPRESS SHAFTS. POLES, It ROWg, Hlrkorr Axlra, Oak snd Hickory Branding, Sawed rrllot-a, Hewed Tonfiuea, Mnr Ireej, Nerk lokm, Lon? and hhorl Sounds, I'low Bratna and Han dles, heals, Spindles, Ac. It. The alxire Hock waa mrafullt aelected in tha East ern Statea, expreaatr lo meet Ilia denmnda nf tliis trade. Order tor anv of the ahore sinMea, inclndtnir WAUON i-KEINS. BtlXES, SI'KINOS, tc, will he prumntlv aiteidedto. K. II. I, AW. 2i Kront Rir.-t. IVK I LAND, Kilf n,n.iite O S N. Co.'a Wharf. For Sale. r PUREE ItOVSES ami t'TS, with el PAHSS. I lie. Term, east. ApplT t" Sahn, Oct , is.if :il fi. M. PLAMONDON. JMSIfh. MM . -1. IMM .M .SS OA It OS. 3. H. MITCH Kl. L. J".1- N. IKll.PH, Noinry l'uhliu. MITCHELL A, DOLl'II, Attortu-VB unrl CntlTiML'lui'H at, Luw. SnliciLui'B ill (MmiHXTV. nnd Hfni'lnrn in Adiitnull v. Otllcu niur I'iihL tHIli-tt.'Kfinit BtJftjf,, I'lirlliillil. f')ti!lf nKNUY LAW. CiMiiiiiifHiiiti MtTclmut, tirnj Inst... m n.,A Pi . .. . I .. I U' s.l..l II.. I .Sifl, Fell new, Klmltn, Hii-ltorv Axlcn, fcc.on liund in 1'ili In mi it-. Flour anil fcWl ut' till ktii'li. Sloro v.) rmiM flii-eitt, t-oruHtui Hint 'A ftrt'i-t, J'tiiien. tit.itf N.T.IIATOM. C. O.CtlKL. OATOM 5c CUKL. Atturm-yi nt Luw, will piuctiro in the rnurla of this Htute. Ollli'cin Oris, wold's brick, over Hull A. Itrown'a store, Suluni, Oiro, Novuinhor, Ud, IHiil, art f WTl7LiAMS& IfAlTLOIUATtiyrai Luw. Ultice in the Court-llouso, Malem, Or. j una, a. mo t. i iir ll-"-CTjOTiNSON, Attoriify uutl Ciniiianltir I! ut Law, Oregon, City, Orexnti. Will uttefi to ull hiiaiuoaa entriisied lo bia care, C'ollectinna made utul promptly ruinitted. lyo7 DL.) r"v7 ol cAFK eTpTTjui viiin ttiiil'StJit OKON, oll'ora hia prolt'ioiml tervicee to Ihe cit. iZL-ns of Hiiloin nnd vicinity. Olllte in Myora' build UK, opposite Kenyon',. 7if DU. ETk. FINKE, Pliyeioinn mnl Hiirtreon. Ollltc nt residence,) doors suiilli of Post Olllce Snleni. II ITMASUN &.(H)KIJL,AttonievBUtLttW,Diille8f vvtineo county, ureon. ami ALLEN & LEWIS, Iiiijiorterfcand Whole snledeHlertt ift QrocerioB, Dry Goodn. Clothing, und Hoot und ShoeK. AIho, solicit conn)gfiinentB ot Oreirou produce, for the Sun Fmiieieco market, ou which I ibe nil advuncen will he nmde I'erHonm Bhinnitiu uoodii from the EaternHtHteBto our cure, can rely upon their receiving prompt tttlen tiont at ra oue rule i-nures. tinee in ouu rranctBco, H!)Snnnonie Htt-eot. 4Ht,f C H EST KRN.TERltY, Attorney Biid Coui Holor ut Luw, Hu I cm, OrRffon, Oommisaioner of t i. ..,....;..,.... iu,i,.n..,n.. i.. nun i" tttiii; im iui"ii j , m iv uu irjuiiimiiie,uv. , for Iowa, Indiunu. Miusonri, Michijfiin, Culifornia and Wushinffton Territory. Letters of Attorney, and all other instrumentHof writing, drawn on short notice. Particular attention paid to taking Depositions, Col lection of Noted, Accounts. See. 3tf JC. POWELL, Attorney at luw, A limn y. Linn Co., Oregon OUice in Monteith's JiuiJdin. Wilt practice in all the courts in Oregon, and promptly at tend to all immnenfl ontniMted to hie cure. I'urticular attention paid to collection a from Portland, Ban Fran cinco and elsewhere, in all parts of Oregon. Tlie best of reference given if denired. 4Ht f jjriTHTbhitwoodl ' WOULD take this mot hod of informing his friend in Polk comity, with ull otliurs who tuny cliooso to (five him a cull, that he has removed to Hulem. where he can be found at all hours, except when pi fcBHiomilly engaged, at his renidence, on High street, one llck south of Jones & Iteed's Fuutorv. Kalem, Ang- 3. IStiL illfcwCTtf P. C. SULLIVAN & J. A. AI'PLKtiATH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, DALLAS, POLK COUNTY, 0KK00N. HEATH, Di:Altl50K.. & Co., Wholesale und Relnil Dealer", in GENERAL merchandise, Griawold'allliajk, -'d door from the curnor, Sept.. 4, flj SALEM. DR. L.S. SKIFF Surgeon Dentist. OUice ill M "ores' lirick HiiilJinif. Residence, near corner of Kirat and Ceuler atreota. NT None hut liniahed operationa performed. I .ii. deaiie the putronnj.'! of such peraona ua wish oiicnttiuna pertormed in the most perfect manner. Salem, Dee. Md. IHiy. 4-Jtf Orleans Hotel, Front street, U.VATJUA, OllEGOH. AMOS E. K0QER.S, Proprietor. Pioneer StaireCo.'s office at this Hotel. Baggage tnlcen to Ihe House, of charge. B3tr ORKGON IRON WORKS. a. c. mam. h. bloomfield. i. t. Monoax. A. C. GIBBS & CO., iMannfacturers of Steam Engines, Boilers, AXD ALL KINDS OF MILLS? lIoiMiiig: .tlafltiiM's llorstt Powers, IC!iipers and Jlowers, liiailz Mills, AmulKaiiiuliniu; I'tiiis, and SEPABATOKS of the most approved kind; COOKINO KANGES, PU3IPS, etc. Paltein Making, in all its forms, connected with this Establishment. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS for Mill, ami all kinda of machinery furnished to order, by au ex- perieuceu uruufuiuiuu. A. V. (HIIIIS fe CO., Succeasora to E. L. Jones & Co. Portland. Dec. 5, lKu-l. 41tf CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP, COMPOSED OP IODIDE POTASSIUM. i With the Compound Concentrated Fluid Extract of Lungwort Anyi'mire Itool, -A burette Kotit, I Hood Himt, 1'iuiper Ituot, Fever iioot, (.'anker Weed. Con- siiiiiptiun Plant. Gravel Urnvel Plant, Lite Itoot, liverwort, nervine icooi, fieuriBV Koot, Niicufrfi Koot, Srurvy iirw Hoot, S rotiila I'luiit, Iiultlciiake Knot. Stiimw Hoot. W h ii-boc Dark, W intern retm. the who'e Bcientitically prepared, nnd coii'uiniu tlio lull virt-je of ull the ingredient tiniied in an elegant Syr up, thnt poMeeset u woltderiul power in the cur of dine a nee. 10XST1TIT10X lU'K SIKIT. A Hsitive nnd apecilie remcilr for all diseases oriit inutinv: from an 1M 1'URH STACK OKTHK liLOOI), anil for ull llierediuirv) UlSEAHEi titinamiticd from 1'AKENT TO CHILI). Paralysis, lleniiplcjjia, Paresia, Piraple(tin. l'.iralysia, Ajjitnns. Dyspepsia. Indigestion. Liver Complaint, ronsliimtinn, Weight al Siomneh, lliliouaneaa, Want of Appetite, Flatulence, Had iirrath. Scrofula. Sirnnia, (llindnlur Swplliujij, Ulcerutiou, King's Evil, Krysipelua, Suit Klieuiu. Rheumatism. (Arthritis) Xeurulxiu, Gout, Luuihuxn, Scintic, Tic Duloureux. KerTOuaneaa. ... Nervous Debility, Confusion of Thnnirhla, Epilepay, Loaa of Power, Shattered Nervea, St. Vitua' Dunce. Mercurial Diseases. Salivation, Feeling of Wearimwe. Koitinir rf Bonea Bud Complexiun. Achea in Honea. l.iepreseed Spiriia. Conslilnlion Life Syrup pnrvea tha ayatem entirely of ull the evil elferla of Mfrcurv, removinir tho Hail H rem h, and curing the Weak Jointaund Kheuualia Paitia vrhich the use of Calomel ia anre lo produce. It hurdens Spongy Gum aud eecuret ths teeth aa Rrtuly ua ever. CoiistllalloD Life Sjrup Eradiratcr. root aud branch, all Eruptive Diaesaes of Ihe Skin like riffrs, Pimples, Blotcbri, And all oilier dilBrnliics of the kind, which so mack dicn:ure the outward appeuranco of both malea aud females, and often inakiiia thuta u disguating objeol to theinselrea aud Ibeir Irituda. Constitution Lire Sy rup CUl'.ES ALL SWELLIXd OF THE GI.AXD8, either of the Face, Ne. k, or Female Urea si. rV"A a pnenil Ul.iod Purifviii(t Aitvnt. lh Lifs Syrup elands unrivalled hv any srepuniiion iu the world. ' r 1 Constitution lire Syrup la the Poor Man's friend aud the Kich Man a blesa hiir. Buy it, lake it, and be cured. It ia universal in He eflerie, W7I. II. (.REOCS. W. D. Sols Proprietor, New York Lahorali.rr, Bm.,kltn, L. PMIt'K-'l prr Bo,i( . Bodies for 13. tysent hy Express to all -aarta of th country. Soldi HODGE & CALEF, SMITH DAVIS 1. YVEATIintrORD l rh2"tf l'lirtlaud, Orcgoa.