d She (Oregon tatcsmmi. TTIIK INIOX STATE ('KM It A I; COMMITTER are p-itni-stnd to meet at Hulfin, on Thursday, tho lfilh .if Knhriiary nnxt. Where vui-miuHi'B nmy occur in tlie Cuiniiiiltoi', lIm Ottiiiity Cennnittees urn nrqnustei1 to 1111 iIiimii, im It la dmli-alilB In liuve it full iLtlimiliinre t that time. I. It. MOOIfKH, Clinirtimn Tlnioii Slum Central (,'oiiiiuiUiie. SuK'in, (Jriyoii, Jim. let, lHfifl. DOMESTIC ITEMS. THE fSTollM. Another very severe. torm rislt ci in diiriut; tlio pant week, liitiu comnwnwJ falling in torrent last Sunday one week, and nml contiiiHed nlinnHt without intermission until Wednoiilny evening, when it snJdunly clianporl, anil Know fcfl to the duptli of about eight inches in the vallny. The river rose rapidly, mid anon spread over tha.lowlands opposite the city. Ev erybody impeded another flood like that of JHG1, but the minw and cold wenther proyutcd ui n cnsnt freshet, which wo should certainly kayo had if tho wuatuor bud not chatipeu in tmnpera turn. Wo understand the telegraph line in down vory whore, and that on Scott's Mountain, where the stage road crosses, tlio stiow-liill reached the ' depth of ten feet. If this enow shall Inst long, wo fear that many sheep aad cnttle will porjsh for want of food and shelter. Such storm! as thoio should be lessons for tho future. P. 8. Since the uliove was in type, snow fell to the depth of three ar four inches more. On Saturday It lie(Uii raining, and by Sunday morning lira snow in the valley had uieaeurubiy disappeared. " ,Sl'.AI.i:ii Wkiiihts " The Secretary of State has received, during the past week, from the Treasurer of the United States, sealed standards for weights, running from a one-pound weight to a fifty-pound weight. Tho standards aro very handsome, and all they have cost the State of Or egon was the postage on the letter containing the requisition. Merchants, dealers in produce, and others, can now have their weights " scaled'' and properly stamped, by application to tho State Treasurer, so as to give and tako upon tlio exact standard s"t up by our venerable Uncle Samuel, Lafavktte CoiJHimi. This new paper, pub lished at Lafayette, Yamhill county, has come to hand Upton & Bowman, publishers, and J. II Upton editor. He Hays ho is constitutionally pre disposed to democracy, but that the paper shall pay ample attention to the local interests of Yam hill county. The latter idea Is ccrtniuly praise worthy, and we would suggest that the loss it says about democracy, the better for Yamhill. The editorials are spicy, in a "democratic " way, and, leaving out the politics of the concern, we should be glad to see the paper flourish. iMI'lt'iVKMl'.XTH at Eoi.a. The enterprising citizens of Eula are taking steps to add greatly to the importance of their town, by bringing tn a water-power from the liickrenU. They have re cently had a civil engineer to make a survey for them, and he has ascertained that a ditch about four miles in length will give them all the water required from the above-named stream, and twenty-eight feet fall, for manufacturing purposes Kola is an important point for trade, and almost any kind of nuiuufactures would do well there. An Ei.hji;ent Minister.. Kov. I'. 8. Knight, of Oregon City, preached three sermons at the Congregational church during the past week, which very generally attracted tho attention of the people, and even surprised Mr. Knight's most sanguine friends Mr. K. is at home in the pul pit, and is rapidly rising to a high place in public estimation. His sermons are not only eloquent, but full of logic and original ideas. CATTLB DVINO. We learn from the Orrgimian that 140 head of Mr. Majors' cattlo, recently "the plains across," with mining machinery, have died at Itoise. Wo shall be most agreeably surprised - if largo numbers of cattle all over Oregon and Washington, as noil as Idaho, do not die for want of food and shelter during this last storm a sad sequel to the improvidence of their owners. , After the Humans. licv. U. C. Lippincott is announced to lecturo in Portland, and give the reasons against becoming Roman Catholics. D'Auhigne's History of the Reformation contains reasons enough to satisfy any one on that point. FroM Walla Walla. About $75,000 worth of flour was manufactured iu Walla Walla valley during the past year. The surplus of flour in the valley, for next year is estimated at 25,000 bbls. ....The Statesman is agitating the project of light ing the street of Walla Walla i and also the pro ject of constructing a woolen factory in Walla Walla valley The superintendent of schools reports 10117 school children in Walla Walla coun ty, and $3,:):iii school money. Needed. The Mouniainur is urging the early completion of the road from Portland to Dalles City. We aro surprised that this road was not opened long ago. When finished, it will be one of the best properties in the country. SIT. Hood. The IHouhtainar says that early in the morning of Jan. II lb, until night, dense volumes of smoke were seen rising from the south east side of Mount Hood, near the summit. We may soon expert to hear of another terrible earth quake in San Francisco, with perhaps the de struction of millions ot property and hundreds of valuable lives. C'itv Finances The Coiamittet on Finance of the Common Council have found the following to be Uie financial condition of the rlty. nn the 4th dayofIe ccmlier. ltij : Amount in the tna-nry nt the commencement of the tival year. einltiii: Dt-crmlH-r 4. iwi.iii golu coin f irjfl no In Ii-lmI lender notes :n no Collet tvd on tuxes Gl'4'J A4 licenses on " " tines, rash 17 no " ' lines, IcruI tenders tal Ml " " lale of stray innis 7 .10 Total received hy Ttvn.nrtr t; il 4S Amount rxeiidrd, i-ash KM as Amount rfinaiiiiniK treasury n n Out'tamling irnrrania in:!.', 3!t Atnuut nt cah retna.miijr in trea-ury liiO S4 Amount or leeal tenders re mniniog in treasury I l:o at 70 ieuli gold '. M 00 Itidclitcdue of city in excess of cssh In the treasury .'. $Tfa) 85 AcrmixT. The P. T.Co.'s steamer Iteliance, on her upward trip last Wednesday, bscums) entanifled in drift. wood near Rock Island, and had a bole store in her hull, eansinir hee in' sink to the ffiiarde. The rantne Pailnn went to her rrlief, and towt-,1 her buck to Cnnemah. Danwe iuconsidemlile. Tiie Iteliance will be finning; auraln shurlly. New 8Ts.AX.ita. The Willamette Navijration Com pany have just finished a new steamboat, to run be. tween Portland and Oreiron Cilv, in connection with the Meaner Active on the upper Willamette. Shi named the "Alert, ' coal f Xj.OflO, and carrit 177 tons. She will lie nfflrered aa follows: (apt. James Straus; i Purser. II Il.Johusnn: Entrinerr, Ldward Kellosts; Ihiel luneer, Jerrv Uriaeutl. TMSsrga Ward's Thealriesil Troti) are now playinu atliriswold's Theater in this city, to highly pleased audiences. This rnmtany eo.iUins some of I ho boat talent on the eol, erabmcinr I'aunv Moreno rnelpa, r.steue roiier .nasnn.iain. Mr. A. K I'lielos, and uthera in nigh! will be prtMlucett " Court and Moire. "Ibe rnsih was iwrer Saw a W oman." and "Toddle. Admission. Press Circle f I j PitdOeta. Kruovto. The Telesmph OnVt bsa ussrn rrraoved from iu old quarters to the mora on State street aext door Jo tlray k Co.s store. T.te Kxpreos nsjii- w; be removed to' Uie same qnarters this week: and then llrown of the Ktnrei", and ( wlke of the Telegraph, will do the lightning aad express Uiiness on the most reaoooaoie leruis. Tut Stats AuRlu't.Tt ul S-k utt The niansirers of this Society are reitwstrd tu meet at Uie rooms ol the State I.il.rarr In Solem.on the Itth of Feiimarv next. lmnrtant hudnes oill he hr iiftit lielore IU Bnard. oeo advertisement in aa'Hner comma. Pitbexsimi AicllWM. A very worthy yntinff man, named John Nctlitd.noor Foes-ntrnvo. syridenta'lv sh.a and killed hunelf. while kiadins; his euo prepare viry so serial uuauu. Orr tbs nH as. The ateamer Sierra Nevada has at lat gA off the mrk shove St. Helen, after having stuck tiiere lllleeo davs. ItKLioisits-A very esrneM sud tntrressins: religinaa revival is a isr in pp'grns at the Cuig rei;atijeisl Careh la Una city. CNKiiiU) ranrtirroas. The Cspital Honso. ic this eitv. has stain changed hands, aad ta t)"W rondttcted by Mr. Juba P. Peour. AaaivsD.-Oo Weilaemtsy erea n last. trctrerat kstste tnail fn the Cuhuabai river cinatry-tbe Brs lor a Log time. Tut Santiim tjsrtj Mi'l win t tn zrin-llt.e roc, la alemt two weeks. TlIK ClIMMITTKIMIaN KUIIM I'nI.K W. C. Wllitsnn, Esq., has been appointed to nil the Polk rnnnly vacan cy on ihe I'nion Shite Central Committee. We are hiiilily pleased with the appointment, ns Mr. Whilsori is one of the lu st informed men In the ITninn party. He Hidi'Miunls I'ulk county politics, nml that isa good deal mure, than can lie suiii'ijf nniiiy ntliita who would icini. Ihiui 8. ,1, Ilenslcy, President, and Mr. Whitney, nerreury of the Califoriiiu Steam Navigation Company, luve hum died within the past four weeks. They were hoth men of large wealth, and uctive anion, the laisl new men of San Francisco. PoKa" I'aceinu. The Albany Vrmocmt says: So far this season abont 4,000 hogs have been cut up and deposed of In sides, bams, shoulders, etc., In the pack inj- bouses in thisclty. AtCowsn'slarire brick packing house, below town, nearly VMI hug buve been cut up, and the work still actively continues. Hesiit Waiiiikn, Esq., lleeeivernf the Land Office at Oregon City, has been appointed United States PeKist arv.ln place of Mr. Mntlnckvresipned. He Jias rxe ciued the required bonds and entered upon the duties of his olllcc. MmiCEti's liiRLS A dispatch has been received at Seattle, stating tluit Mercer's girls sailed on the 2"tli of last montii. . Rub (Ictzlkh Isnlavintr at a Uolso Theater, and Is also manager of a stock company. DisiiitWKU. Gen. Sweeney, u Brigadier 111 tlio U. S. Volunteer iiiinyjias been dismissed tho service, mi ac count of his active participation with the Fenians. tp" To 8. J. McCormick, ltookseller and News dealer, Portland, we aro under obligations for a lib eral supply of late Eaatern papers und pictorials. ty Those who would like to engage the services of a trust worthy uncut to attend to their affairs East, cannot do better than to employ W. C. Johnson, Esq., who contemplates visiting the Atlantic States soon. Mr. Johnson Is entirely competent and responsible, and no one need have any fears of being "victimized" bv entrusting business in his hands. See advertise ment iu another column. Csttls Dtinu- sir. Edgar, the expressman. Informs us that owing to the aeverliy of the weather a large nuiiber of cattle have tiled In rnwm-r river valley, in une place lie counted eleven snlinnls, ull (lend. tVilhout unlit the loss ef stock will be very grusf In wiilla Walls valley, owing to the Abundance of fooil, most of the sluck will be saved, al though we hesr of the loss a few animitla. In the Yakima valley, we learn that there are large hands of Mock for which no feed has been provider!. As a mutter of courae Ihe loss of stock In I hut valley will be very great. The prospect Is that Ihe alack owners who manage to get their cattle Ihriiueh the winter will realise excellent prices In the spring. H'. IK. btttUtmun. - IupoBTS. Steamship Active, Ospt. Thorn, arrived from Victoria on Ihe 11th lust., bringing about 11,01) worth of tin, cutlery, codllnli, Ac., ou which the duties will he about StiM). ihe hail also nhout ou passengers mostly d.stlned lor fian rrnuciaco. .vunne rrurerre. Piirrisil i Kecler keep Ihe lateat pictorials and mag- ailnea always ou hand. Dou't torget to call about the time llarper'a Monthly, and Frank Lesllt'a Uazelte of Fashion aro due. Fob TunnsT Diskasto, and ArrrcTioxs or tub Caxsr. "mien's Bronvhial Trnche." or Cough Loienges, are of great value. In Coughs, Irritation af the Throat, ennsed by eold, or unusual cxerilon of the vocal organs, In speaking In piihllr, or singing, they nrniliiee the most neneuclul results. The Trochees" have procfl their emcacy. Ones Trie. The bark W. D. Hcranton. Cant. Cathcart. arrived at Astoria on Ihe 9th Inst., in seven days from Han Vranolaco. Ji'iiiik McllitiiiK left Portland lust week lor the At lantic Suites. CAMFOnNIA AND OltBOON RAILIJOAD. The L'nioit of Ihe 1st inst. in speaking of the Northern Railroad mid of railroad connection with Oregon, says "the California Central Rail road was completed in 18C2, and conneots Kolsom with Lincoln. tLengtli,'18 miles. Its chief owner anil manager is C. L. Wilson. This road connects nt Lincoln with the Yuba Riiilroad, nliich is nnw in process of construc tion from Lincnln to Marysvillu. Frank M. Pixley is President of this company. The ties and iron are nil pnrclinset fur tho whole distance, 22 miles, and it is grnded tn within nlintit four miles of Mnrysville. This road will douhtlesB bo oomplcti'd early in the coming Spring, mid will command tlio entire northern trade and travel, as it will connect nt Mnrys ville with the Northern California Railroad, which is completed and running to Ornville. a distance of 21) miles. It is to the extension of this road tn which our penpelo look for rmlrond conueetion ultimately with Oregon. Its course will lead diructly up through Ihe Sacrainetito Valley, and crossing through passes ititti Trini ty and Scott inotin'aius, trnverni Soott Valley iu Siskiyou county, nud so on into Oregon. IVThe great "Homesteiul" well, at Pithole Creek, Pennsylvania, has ceased tn flow, though it recently yielded live hundred barrels per Jay. The Philadelphia Herald wiukedly ays: "It was the well in which Wilkes Huoth niv'ued a thirtieth part, und it is barely possible that lir tapped it at the other end." THE MARKETS. In cotetiifoiice ol tho Mpl'' (,f "Ul' S'lillicrn nmila by the irceiit rt-at ivt'iniH.wrure without Inter fjtsteni mar kit rtjints t.iu nr lt itwue. In the homi innrkct there Is very little ti.npirUiff, m account of the terrihly luid wen l her whkh litt pre vulled lor wune thou From tht.' miniiiff rciinK tn the cant, and up the Co lnmhli, we b ivr tw-me recent paper-, whirh f-liow that the demand (ur iruvisinii mid Krcirie in very gtmd, at high price. Thet fs-'t-i are r'Htly wiye-ttive of the gr iwing imKrtn.-c tor mte and n-lialile winter ennmtuiitali'ti with the niininft dUtih-.trt of Idaho, wlii.-h wmild permit trade and truvel to pr mi iminter nipicdly thrnu:.lnHil the year. In fnvt, tiiere Im nnw a Heredity lor an Oregon and Knit l.uko hrniu h of the I'uritic Itaitroad.nnd hefore It run W emmnn'tcd. if it i-)n-trnrtiuti whh commenced now, there would be a p iyittfr t runic for it. The Mountaimrr my : The nnwiwta of the whole upper eromlrr ure ileid- edly HuUerinn'. Kverythinn w on tlie move. 1'rojMTty i lolvnurinit rapidly and lirmly, and every acre nt Und will be put in i-ullivntinn next Meawin. (lnl atid Utirley ir now worth I'A ernU iht noiind by tw ia'k ; Hht iil per tun (t mi led in Hoise City); Fututoe m-., and uiiioiut inc. ier p"uud. The Ildse Sfatr$mnH my : There it tin active deniund for Flour in the Haxiti.antl extra CsiIiromiM a d KUndttrd Orjf"ii hrnnd are mhi in Mi at 9lfti'il inn ff. ( itrv u inert with nle nt A-ft Mhrt Ux uperinr C'twiu Hitu. llm-.iu - u at i,ii'n.ic. and all tlic pnm-ipal artu-M of nub xitenre are ineetititr ready pale, at pritm whi h nhntf hanil"me pr litf to liie traden. I'lmn liHM-tlold Iut e!linif Ht f 14 fin an outn ; LepHl Tmder N"tet.( large dennmiuatioiH, fr rrniiiiane, Nirtiltuv; tiold Ouni at fix f' cent, premiuni. lor tlut-t. It apitetim thut Lepal Tender Note are worth more in that" guld" country than here among "the big red apple." Over the Iturky Mountaina, in Mnntano, nn the 2 Ith of N'rivemher, we have the following qtiotationa t St. Imi Flour V o0i Halt Uke 12464 medium tri?ir.; ham, prime rnnvn-ed, We nnd'-imntry .W to boc. Ijird, nual! earn, Iinre 4.rw.4i ran- JtiHi rk ( iut inimti. tine. V other limnds .Vr. Sicar O. on. n, clwrilietl j. iU'Wtlered wtfaioJ rrtilifd .ti Coffee J a-a. tmne: rhoica H'o $1 "t: ordiiarv $1. Tea Imperii t '-H't V Vmng Hvf f:t MtOfZ 71; Japan.m j apm. f.. isvnp---IW'-lwfr'o 8.. St. IHiin. v s-11 N I in Bui. kctf. ". tn -mrchum. none Ittittr MatM, It., ww; Salt Mke rhoire, "f 11 J'1'.I i&; ranch i 7.1. Fniitv-hned Apples, '? lb, 6Tr; hUte IVm hm. iiuiip; tSU Uk? do 7nr. At lat rronnt, all kin J of RrHreriand ppivuiona werv rapidly adviBing ia HonUiai. and the firoauecU are that Orrjr-.n rtoik uken over early in the spring will par haitdauitiiely. The fdlowing are the price current Id the new nine op the Columbia, at Ilig I(tnd. on Uie 20th of Nuvem ber : Ilncnn V 50 V P'i Floor M V 1(0 ft; tftigar $1 jo V Ik; Coflee IT jo V It: Te S3 f. D; Butter V D; ,te( &ic ft. On Jamwry Mih. motiry wan very almtvlimt In New York, and idle IxiUncea were free Ir tlTered to loriow era at five percent. Gold wtu ring down and l?a! Tenders wen1 going up. At San FnnruK-n. oa the Uth. Tandera aold m hichaii72J. The Klont market wa firm, with Mlea of t-n thmi-HBd Urt el for exp-'ft at M V. whMi i e ilerahly Itm tlun hefe ia th Willmette TaHey. Thirty th'Kiiwnd k of Xn. I Wheat for elort had changed lun.U at t- 07 $2 10 m . aaTH a ii am a Ka, 3uarv l'ulihc. s. hat h. IIAMMEK & HATCH. Seal Ettale Bmkrn, tirnrral Intclllgrnre aad (aliening Agrnta. MfHIKE's III.OCK. HtLEM. Ksrintsris Mntsrs J It. 4 I K. Monrrs, llrstb sV iM-arlxirn. J It H llim-li, NiUtii ; m.inl. ftf r'" V.-f",yr- t'l tl t l'"T Vanronrrr Ur. W II. Walkins, P-nland: It'll N. I.Vnnr. pnllmfM Hn Cascai.ty A yminir man ti'imsit Henry It. Lindsay cams to a sail ,1,'iitli ri r-ntly, In tlie woofis soinn fourteen mill's wrnt of l.-ifitrnu-, Vamlilll rounty, where Im hid erect ed a iisltln sod liken up his realrtYnre fr the winter, for the jairp'wr uf s,liuliiK rnll. lie fell a large ssh tree neon a smaller ninple tree,. After ylellinif to Uie lull nml urudi! of th nail, the t!lslle recoil,.,!, j. irliif the nh tree nlmii: Im.'lt, anil Ihrnwlni.' It thirty feet hneli over the sunup of Hie nsli uion wlih h II fi tl -fHllInu iiion ihe youiiK man si the snnoi ttma. Tea ana ireu wss nrnkea oil thlrly feel from phe Ijiot Btntti'i, from which It had lietm cut, and al the saiae nine tin htjiUteil llst'lf eiinslilerillily III the soft unilllnl, Willi lite younil man sllll tiinlnr II, where he nas found under the snow snnie two weeks lifter the at'cldeut. I.cttera were found hi his enl In, wlileh liulleitte that a uiol'ier and aUter live In ttnllnns. tte had no relatives on this coast that were known of. Jil rint ftigttte. Btbavwi on Ktoi.ks. DenJ. Hlnipson has tost anslr of hrlsth Iron-itray horses, almut Dfteeen handi Idith no marka or brands. Thry are very fine horsrs, ard wire missed from Salem last Saturday weak. - Mr. 8. will pay a very liberal sura for the return of the horses. To gmrreaa jmb Tiuvsikks. The Willamette Kavifallon Company havo now a continuous Una of boats on the river, connected 5y the railroad at Oregon City, and can accommo date the public by speedily forwarding frriffht and passen gers up and down, at reasonable rates. The Active, above t)i Falls, under command of J. T. Appersnn, and the Alert, below, under charjn of Cant. Strane, are steamers of the tlrit rlass, awifl as any on the water, and are well officered snil manned, as those who have traveled with them can tes tify. Mrs. S, A. Allon's World's Hair IU. stnrer and Drossing. You cannot be bald or grey , und neither lime nor sickness can blemish your Hair, If you use them. Sold by all Druggists". AkcuIb, Ilostetter, Smith, & IJeun. San Francisco. . MARRIED. At Ihe house of BenJ. Cleaver, J. P., James Smith and Mrs. Orlena 3. huliehl, sll of Marlon county. Near Jelh-rson, Jsti. 14, by H. A. Johnson, Esq., Alex. PI fer of Idaho, and Miss Lncy F. Layeock, of Marlon county. At the residence of James A. llnrker, Polk county, Jsn. Iltli, by Thomas Pearce, J. P , Leonard Livermore and Mlsa Serenes June Alrrey. At the Jewish Svnsgogue, in Porllsnd, on Wednesday, Jan 17, by Itev. II. Harris, Edward Kahn, and Miss Ada May, late of Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Milwaukle, (Wis.) and Sau Francisco, papers copy. At the residence of the bride's father, tn Lewistrm, I. T., Due. 24. by Judge A. 0. Hmllh, J. K. Yinccut and Miss lljlle M., daughter of Hon. Alonsn Leland. At lbs bride's residence, January 10, by Rev. M. A. Wil liams. Enoch F. Walker and Mrs. Prudence Klce, all of Jack sou county. January IU, by Julius Sulsle. J. P. at his residence In Van couvrr, Charles lleury Wilkinson and Mrs. Elisabeth Knigh ton, all of Vancouver. In Dalles City, by Itev. T. Condon, Win' B. lhirr and Miss Helen II. Young, of Portland. In Lafayette, Yamhill comity, January 1, by Oliver Moor, J. P. Chlis. Cooper Btid Miss Sarah Cain. On the 4th Inst,, at the residence of the bride'a father, near rorvallls, by Itev. N. Clark, Ueurge II. Bland and Miss Clara M. Powell. DIED. In Yamhill count!-, Jan. 7th, Mrs. Anne B. Forrest, wife or the late John M. Forrest, In her fifty-fourth year. She died Instantaneously, from apoplexy, Mr. Forrest dleil in Uie same manner just six .v.ontbs sgo from the time of tmrlnt of sirs, r orresl. Thus both h ,ve been srimninnetl Into the pres ence oftlieir Maker without a moment's warning. May they resi in peace. Illinois and Tennessee papers please copy. Con. At Astoria, Jan. u, of consumption. Clara, wife of Captain Alfred Crosby, aged 40 years, 4 mouths und 12 days. Special Notices. Noticb. The Hoard of Trustees of Christian College are hereby notllled to meet nt Monmouth on Monday, !6llt of Fehrtisry for the transaction uf important business uf the institution. B. F. WHITSON, Prea't Board. Salem, Jan. 13, IM. Okkick l'toi'i.KS' Transportation Co., , Bai.km. Jan. ID, INIiti. A' a meeting of the Hoard of Directors of the Pen. pie's Transportation Company, held nt Uie olllce of the Company, in Sulum, Jan. 12, 18011, the following pre amble and Resolution were unanimouslv adopted i W'hurrnn, T. McF. Putton has this day tendered his rcsiuniition as Secretary of the Company. Therefore: trohed. That the thanks of the People's Trans: poriution Company are due und are hereby tendered to him liy the Directors on liehalf of the Company, for the faithful, elHcicnt and elfective manner in which he has ilischarired the duties during? three years' serv ice, and that this resolution be published in the Urego nian und Oregon Statesman. '.uivvl Attest: S. T. CfiritCTl, Sec'y. A tonsil, Cold, or Horc Throat, ItKQlUKX IMMKDMTR ATTKSTION AND SHOULD UK I IIECKKI). If ALLOWED TO COSTI " I K, Ii ritutioii of the I-itngN, a IVrinittient Throat Afl'octlon, or nu Incurable Lung UiHenae l OFTKX THK KKSl'LT. BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES NAVINU A DIIIF.I'T INri.I'KNCK TO TlIK PAUTH, OIVK IMMKDIATK HKMKF, For Ercnchltla, Aethma, Catarrh, Conaumptlve and Throat Dlaaaaea, lltOCHKI AltK Vsr.t) ALWAVS WITH COOt) BL't'CKSS. SINGERS AD PtnLIC SPE1RERS wilt find Trortte upcfnl In clearing the voice whnii taken before Sinin or Speitkinr, mid relieving the throat after hiiiiiiunuhI exertion of the vocnl orguna. The Troche are recommended and prescribed by I'liyahiuui, und Imve hud tenlimoninla from eminent men throughout the country. Bein an nrtlcle of true merit, und Imuhig proved their elHcaey by a teat of many yuum, eiieh yeur limln them iu new local it lea in vai-toua nirta of the world, and the Troehen are iiniveranlly pronounced belter thnn any other art idea. Ohtaix only " Hkown'h Ukonchial Tkochks," und do not take tiny of the Worthk$t Imitation that miiy he olTered. Hold everywhere In the United Sutea, and iu For eign Countries, nt to eut8 per box. (iinA'i J.W. McaVk'e". m"u. H. CAUi'EXTKU, MJ)7 Will practice Medicine and Surgery in partnership. OHIce near Dr. McAfee's residence. Dr. ('iirpfnfer'fl reiidence four doom south of the P. 0., nn Water street. Snlem, Iee. 1 1 , 1Mlif:y Lnxtiriant (irowtU and Ucauty to the Hair. Mrs. 8. A. Allen's World's llnlr Restorer and Uresslns. Tlio great unequalled Preparation for Ucstorlns, InvlKorrttlni, Reautlfjlng, and Dressing the llnlr, Henilerinjf it soft, ailkr, and Kl'issy, am! disposing it to remain iu any dusirwl positjun : iuirklr rlransina: the aralp, arrvstinir tlie full, am ncrnr fails to ri-stnro grej hair to im natural eolor, and produce a luxuriant growth. Kor salf tiv alt Dtii'L'ists. AsTtits, Hnstettr, hmitli 6t Dssin, Man Kmnrisco. fmi i. o. o. r. mm;FK-TA i.nnnK. n 1 ... r.illT.i.J Tr a. i. . ( l,inilll. 11 lailihus- Brntli.rs 1st ai,1 slsfntlnr rt in- rll.rl In kI. I. K MiKlKKS. N U. J If U'ii.v. R Sf.lrr SSif DisMolnlloii oli'c. N'OTH'E is hereby Riven thai the ropiinnenhiu heretofore existlrir nnder the name of Myers, H"ifhes Si Co., Is ibis day dissolved by mutual consent, Mr. Nicklin bavini! sold his entire Inte.i-at in the linn to liie partners wiio will couliune the business and are authorised to collect all debt, due the late firm, and wilt settle all demand against the same. M. MVEH-t, JOHN lll'CIIKK. A. II. Ml KLIN. Snlem. Jan. 13, IM Miotlrc. All persons knowing Ihemaelvea indebted to tbe lata firm of Myera, Hiitftiea At Co. are re,oeated to eotne forwerd and settle, and ail persons havinir claims will present the same, as the oosinesa most I settled. HYKKK, HI'OHES, St CO. Main Agricultural Nortely. TlIK Hoard of Mananers of ihe Oreiron Stdte Airri cultural Socletr are requeued Xn meet al the Stile Library room, at Selem. on Toesdsv, the I'Oh day of Kebntarv. I'sl. al I o'clock, t V , for Ihe Iranaeciiott of bnsiness of ioipo-tance eonnecled with ibe Society. Tlie time for boldma the next anneal Kair. t'nretber with the arranuemeni nf Ihe premium lists, will lie considered by the board al this mreiine'. therefore the n-H-ndavf the Society are earnestly and cordially in V ited to attend. Par order of the President. J. C PEKHLES. Cor. Hee. " Salem. Jun 13, Wfl .ltrii A8Clinnh-TKAtHKK AT BKTHKL VOL IH'. Polk roiititr. Crrirn. Mtinl run nt 1int it tlmrniijri Kniili"h prliolnr, nnH wH rwommpiided Hy uitler of th i mr tf trtiMf W. KICIIAKIiHOX, IWI. Iiibl. Jhii.. 4! WK TAKKUii fnib(H.of infrirtttintf our Mr! jit tnn tl.nt w tw fM ir uk nf rf fTlmi.f,i t Mwm. K. Hnnrlii nnd A Hrrrmnn. who will m ttnn tlt l)nampi nt lb oW nUtid. midrr lh nTnf V. Uirirl. iV 'o. Ttmnkful fur Hi KTon1,,rTlB L'e bnve iwrivtJ nt Tour huiitt, fur tiw lt lliir Urn rmrD. w iiki fif.iir in rt-omuiiiiliiir Hir mrrfwiw for triiU. frf Una1 mntttk-iit tlnU iher h! d jiipiIj- inl ItlMprmily witb ail who mjr favor tlifm witlt jiirrfiAir. , J !! AI R MOOKKV Snlem, N'nr. .". I lU ltfrrrtntf to thn anare untit, w tnk t1itftr tn (nfonninfr tbe pnblia that we hmvm Mtlilikd xir nixlprtb firm of F llnrtelf it. Co. t-i rarrr on a wbolnltT and mtnil bft"tni in uporml mrrrhati diwe. and htipn by food aaoriniJiU. bw fnirra, an I airift atlrnition to bn- nei-i. to nwrit a lisrl a' nrr i f A HKK M A N. THE BOOK STORE. PARRISH & KEELEll, IIFALERS IN BOOKS &HD ST1TI0HERY I MAKIN( tlii their sole biifiiterin. would renpei-t-lully iuvrte their niiuiuroiis friends to cull uiid ex Hiniue their atock of Books, Stationery and Varieties. Kwd consiantlr on hand the very best articles iu Hiiiir line, to be tilund in any Hook Store iu the St ate. Auiuiijr which way he fuund HIOTOOKAI'II ALBUMS, with prices tn suit. FAMILY ISIHLES AXJ) TKSTAMKNTS, llticly buiiiid. ' (JIKT HODKH, snltahle for Ihe holidays. FlNifl'DC'KKTKNIVKS, PKNOILS. " 001,1) PENH, I'OKTMONIKS. DIAUIKS. , , NOTK anil LETl'EIt PAI'EKi every vaiietv. ENVELOPS, tVc, A; if. In the line of raiding timttur, we keep on liunil, and are CommI iiutly lUeoelvinjf. TIki atnnilard works on . - ( '' ! IliNtory, Trnveln,' "!' Pos'tiy ' , a u d Novels. and works un .-,,. ' SCIENCE AND ART. - Hnvinordercd a Inrgc supply of PICTORIALS AM) , PflPUUR MAGAZINES. from the Kust, subscribers her and in the ntljoiuintf towns und cuniilies cun secure at publishers' rules, in coin, postiiKe free, at their respective olHcus.ail Ibe periodicals vviUioul risk. ..-(.' - Fnnc.y articles too numerous to mention, nil of which will be shown cheerfully, with a fair prospect. Also, a rlrh variety of phntosrrapha and meet uiuirnvinvs of the (leneials and ohicl sr-mrs of the (.real ltcbellio:!. Also. Auenis for the Florence Sewiiiit Mnchinc. Salem.. Imi. 1, IHt'rll, , 44vl Sul" ol' ITIiiiinu: ailix k. fliUKUK reuuims nupiiid of iissessmsnt No t(, lor J ird on the capital slock of the SuiHiuiii Gold und Silver Mining Ouiupany on tlio 21st day of April, IWi'l.atul of as-esstiient No. IJ. levied on said clipitnl stock July M, IKtil.and nt' nssessniout No. d, levied on said cupital stock on the 8ih,diiy of .Inly, Ittlii, and of assessment No. 5, levied on said cupital stock on ilie Mil day of October, ISoi, the follovinvunionnis, to wit i tl! V. 1 !S a 6 I I : K.VI I 2 Mi 10 211 :)lrl 111 211 I i - . t c Dennis A W I ' Dennis t J Assessment No. 2. Darker W 8 Itrowil Jaa Hvnis L I'.'l 4IH -II II .'jllll All I aiK ii'.i:i IU ' 5II: :: in 20 Oorbett H W Klill 10 211 Elfell A H Hernren A illM. 10 20 1--S Ii 12 50 DeardorlTJ M 51 Dnlph J Jf !!i Klfelt A Ii Jfi Elton Jas Mt4 ti.VI III) :ipii :isi: aim ti25 :i!)7 M.I i:)7 V 4.VJ 4A 4Hli 4!ir 4VH l'.) ;w AHO m n :km :i;k :w IHI 017 OiS lilll Ml! 117 2112 2 4 1 2 1 2 A 10 llondce I) II Lewis tl II Morris M l) McCraken J no Sit ID S,W Krninhei O S I) 12 (i 12 I 2 :w i u.v I 'Jo (laslon, Mary I iti (irav, O B i I) 'i.'iiliui',Jl- I 85 Harlan, J ftT " i Hill Morton F (ilil I'urrish L M Ull) Punish fc Pow ell 4IJ0 Stout II V 7 Si lore Isaao ftiil urn J i 1 ! 2 . :t i ;i H 2 sr. " . S;i " All " All Iluskett.H Sf' JA Heath, Ii i ',JA liuriiren, A I 2 I 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 4 2 I t 2 A 111 Thul char E A vlni,.iiisc H Q 4 V-I I Wcivaud C V ii.,'.' lii'iO Williuius U V-i Uilchrock.H A " 7!l V'-'i Holmes, .1 Wl A l.-iV 7 Hi 5 .,o,V 717 II) 4,7A 2 2 2 o AO 10 II 2 2 2 20 2 4 4 Assessment No. '.I. IIuulics, Geo Dolpli .1 N UVI 1 I Jossup S R tlrsyO It lussnp S U 8s7 !i Si 'M 1 II " , , , Aii7 2A 7A Ludd, 0A 117 1 II Loxun, Win A07 2A 0A7 20 7.V.I 7 tl 1 7 I H I :m to Rill 1 117 (J MHllory It Mori;ali 1) Scbwulku A C Sterling 1IC il l 111 A7 Jlulloiy, R' lilll li7A I M b is: A A A A :i Ii IA (iTli :i7l 47 4) i 'St i;:s 2 l?l!l A III 7U0 A 10 Thatcher S L W.illnr O IMI i 2 714 10 '.iti Woodworih C S 4!H Ml AO JIasioi-s, Wi Williams K H2 j IA Assessment No. 4 $ " 2 4 2 I 2S 1 2 .(iti : j on :w I 2 :w l 2 3. I 2 llrowli -las liJ'-' liy r no L 110 ;t4A " -lllti Cox D W Sl M II I ..'. lill " llll ! Marshall, Jno 2 Ma shall, Win 2 Mellenrv, Jos 2 Medina.' Chn i 2 McAfee, J V ' :tiil Ml Ml 3.'ii 7:w ?;w 4lld 4114 an ' . 114 " IliA lf.li " 107 V Mitchell, J Jr. li.S Dennis T J Mli'l 10 20 Miller. .Ins :ilil III 21) Miller, tVui ::i,j 10 211 Morris, M 1) :ti.r 10 20 .Middeiiiiiirf, Lis III 211 .Vil 10 20 ' 'I, ' ' to3l 40 808 10 '.tl Oluey.C Dennis A W Heath L Holmes J '.'ill I'sirUh. L It Ull) ,'i!IH 017 II I 'I ili'l 2 l'arrish&l'owel 4il 2 Pettys, A C IM (til .T'.t ' :i.r.l -lull or 2 i.;. i on H7A tiro 207 S7I 4.'iK 2 4 2 o o. ' 2 Rutlcdo 1) lucl, son P II Ipssup 8 R Mnllorv It 10 2 4 ' 2 I 2 Srhwalka. A C 1 2 2 4 I " i 0 S 10 Sloat.H V li!fi no; rvw li'SI I 2 ( 5 lii 6 III I 2 714 III HK Sterling. II C McAfee .1 W Met 'a II J M Mi tiinn C Morris M It Morton T Slrana Hell Tlmirher E A Thatcher I L :i-.n i 2 . . j n r ,q r:t7 4 Stewurtilioarlev !- III I 2 i:ii 4!i2 412 MIU 7 IK 7.1i mi in 22; 704 2 'Htratlir, llenj 412 413 "'.1! 72A 70 :, in A 10 t'ahr. J R ;i Ii Tluitrher, E A 6 12 1 2 Thatcher, K I, A 10 Tracv, E V 111 3M V.'ullimi; A fi Ii 10 W eiand, C H 2 4 B 1J :i 0 0 IJ . in 1 10 b III I '.' fi l-J I. Ill 1 'J i a I -j I i! r, in in i Williuiua It " 717 Assessuient No. A. Atnidon (I W WI Andrews W H WW lilll llrowu Jaa Awl l',i-.' " Tin 721 HtmeL It" :tA m :ilH fift O.V, 111 Wiitebouw.l! C ii'fl -I i:t S Williams. (I J Williams, It so HI llnil.T Hnaanaa 0AI pi :it Barker W S in Walwot'h CH 4:10 J " rill ,-i o :i ii t i m 1! l.i:l Oil n.1 lias -if." tl'l W, nit fiW I a 71 lis m i: :rM I , " I f I7H .WI 1 (Ml 711 10 'JO 10 'JO linker J A Bolter 0 T llellinaer C I) Cooper K i Vox I) WaVU.K IV 4. Ml a " im 21 ! ' " ' 4 " ' o' n 0 " H Corliett H W !l t 'omo P o -. , - fi llsi in in.. lis! i or I'M llrj 411 4X, j I. I ' Conl.on II C Vtmnmit tn Uw. itnd (n cuirtplititre witli nu onVr ol 0if B.wnl of I,rrr!nm of tli wild KnuliHin (Sold mid H,rr Miniiij: f'mtimnr. fiia'lf nt th "fflc nfuMiiJ (Vimimnr on th ,l ilny of Iec.mlwr. IHi, nn many hnn of Hrh narrt of tb nlwrf) immH uwk nn mur b ntwwiiirT ihvrrfnr will b AA nt pnlilir. nac tion. for if aid r ilrpr coin, nf thn ffl'of nid Om pnnr. t fUlcm. Orr(fn, on th Irt ilny uf Wbpnnrjr, (KtStl, rnnimenrinir nt rim hour of elrn o'rlock . m. of Hnv. to pn the fffiiiiiint ntstft)iiifni on Mid ntrtck! toifoliier with tbe of ndTtin.iig tuid vifirnPtof m.lt- P. I WIIXIs, HnUrn, ! V. l5w4:H ' fVMinry. ttunrtlinn Unit, VPH.IPATION liinf twrn nudf lb Coiinljr C'nrt of Mr(fm wmriH, iri n, fr n rdrlo II, f-.tlfiw-!rfr( cciaix M-ntt " " minor hHr t ( hr.-tiiin M.-r-Jlr, rlrr'tt, iitnil In ih lwn .f S-rlh Hlrm, Murlon coutil,. Ort-y n. "! known uj-on lb n-rofM jriail of m( town it lli N.. rf. i- I--'", "i'l Krhl (ft .fl. T. tod ), la M'tk Nn. S l9i. wmI ll nppa.ritit l IH MllfaUoti of Court tlml II mil t f"r lh brt iiilrrt nf ti-l Iiri to irMl mI'I llfft.tw. n't It Urth-f jiprhtt lhat di nollo f ihw mil don 1 birn t''. ' l" rtirl, nr nn otsyf-tis.fi brlni m.I thrrrtn, ih1 that !-. ).. alloo tirrsnnal.l, it sonsrmrl hf h tVnH lSt '! , ttntiM W rmntMt ; Tbwf-t. t ! hrtrhy yirfi tlial aifi prniMM will ill ' rw)l- t rji1.htj r it lUl-fn. in mi ei. "fl IM -h rtay of Jnnrj. lt. T?rmt sf !. I . . it-W n htt A.NUtUW UcC.KUX, Pa lm. in t. 1M4 Ounrdinn. ntwitiifloii oltrr. 1 HK -.nuM'i-T'Vi' !..''l ttt H eii"i him Addlwn i I K ft n. iU tt lao, artl J'hn K liy. (tt lb mrn-an. ililhri-si al ktl"i' '"! C'yf!lt. Orrfnti. nivW i tit et and flra -f fl ftl, Craa. 4 t., hj thto r d 4rM by mutual "ni!.! J-on K'llf iUt trawa frnm Ih 1 nrttc-rii. Th Mtn KwiHw tw imrriMl tm at Ih j fM tala 1 th raar.iaf Mrbera. Nwn Flint an4 (Vat , aiin arc hrrrltv nr."rit t n llr i drU and .Utriarula rt'i Ih '' 8ri : Iber "''U.--.I ttt.T,lrf U ttt.,;m. ,,1 ntNT I it w m!r. llOlSTK't-TUlt'S tKi.i'.sa'iTrn ST0MACHBITTER3. A preparation I'uitinK pita: out jcnsemvs op uyk, With all tho recouniKed Tunic, Laxative and Anti-Billons KKMEIIIHSOF Allt ANI MATUUK. . . Protective Proimrtles. Prevouts Fever and Awne and Hillious Kemittent Fever, Invigorates tho tlrunsof lirestion and the Bowels Slcudics the Nerves und teudrt to Pridonjr Life. . , ' ; ncmi'illiil Properties (lores Dyspepsia-Liver Complaint (tonersl De bility, Depression of Hpiriis Consumpi ionInter mittent Fevers nml ull foinplnints arising from bodil.V weakness. As an Appetizer, TONIC, FEVKIi AND AOUE PHEVENTIVE ... And all Billions Disorders, ' Hostetter's Stomach Bltteri , ' stand pre-eminent as the . . i Greatest Medical Discovery of the Age, and as an ALTERATIVK AND HLOOD PCKIKIlvIt. they are prescribed and recommended by all Physi cian. wliHrnver tbnv have been introduced. The extraordinary and IncrciiBiiiK demand for these mil Ktt it nnparailniro i .V THK HISTORY OF itKOIClNJi, and fan bo hail everywhere throimliont the civilised world whare newspupers aro circulated or read. . . , ; Almanacs or Pamphlets, itb testimony of their success from the Farmer and the Huilor from tho Merchant aud the Physician. and from tlie luislative liallsof 0U1 I'NITEI) COUNTRY may bo obtained FKEE of all Dealers everywhere. IIODOl': & CALHF, WHOLESALE DRUOdlSTH, PORTLASl), 07 Front Street. Sole AtVents for the State. Portland, July 14th, 180,. Messrs. Konnr & Cai.ei'i . Oattltmcn .In answer 'to your letter of even, date, referring to tlie Licsnse Law nircctins: !' DOS TKTTEU 8 HITTIOltS," I havo to sarthatuu License ia required, oominir as' thof do, under tho head of Proprietary Preparations. This decision Is announced bv tlie Commissioner of Internal Revenue at Wash ington. : ' THOS. FKAZAU, V. fl. Assessor luieriiMl Rovenuo. f ; " Portland. Oieuon. . HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID ., . ... i FOR .' i OUKGO?: WAU HOJVIH, " 1!Y- 45tf IIIUTII, l)i:4HI101 4 '4. . ATTKM'IOX! j RELIABLE SEEDS. THE uniiersiyned, a prsclical airricnltnrist, is now ' prcpilrilnr to supply the wants nt Itanchmeii, Mer chants, und nil others, by wholesale or retail, of such ' soedsjis will not disappoint those who use tlloin.aa our secds.ufier usiuirthe utmost, care in selectinu' them ure true to thoir kind. VVo havesuitable rouiuls pre pared to lea the ditlerent varieties, so as to insure their entire reliability. ' Tlie lissortment consists nf nil kinds of Veuelnhle Seeds, nil kinds of Floerer Heed', nil kinds of Ornas aud Red and White Clovei Seeds i also Alfalfa and Lucerne. Evergreen seeds, natives of Cnlifornia and adjacent Klulcs, All kinds of trees und shrubs, all kinds of Howem in their snirsou , all kinds nf bnllis in their souson i strawberry und iiispliei'r.v plums. ' The subscriber deems it siipcHianus to mime every article for sale, but merely remark that no one lias'a superior iissortnienl.. aud no one will deal more honor Hhlv bv his customer, to whom he refers with t-onll- deuce, as universal approval has been awarded hitn Siiml! papers nt wholesale or retail. All ciiuiiniiniciilious or orders, by mail or Express Co. 'a, attended in promptly. Cu'uhurnee furnished oti application by letter or otherwise. EDWARD E MOORE, 42A Wnahinton Nt, Nearly t Ipposiie l'or I itlice, ' 4Alf ' , ' Hun Francisco. -'u - "TV virtue of nu execution issued out of iho circuit J) court of the Stole of tlii'lfon for Vuoihill eolinlv. nud tn me directed, by the clerk of said court, in fnvor of Williams Lippiiicoii ,uud nuuinst Peter Klino, nml lor wiiul of personal properly to sa'.isly tlie same I have levied upon uud will proceed lu sell to the highest bidder for rush iu baud, Ht .the court.liousu door in Lafayette, on Kebriuiry lilh, IMiid, between tlie hours of ) o'clock a. m. nud 4 o'clock p. m. of said duv, till the riubt, litlo, and interest nf said Poler Kline in und to the promises described as follows, to wit: Eiuhty uercs of hind, heitiu- a purl, of Iho tlonu tiei.ckiiiu of N. P. Kobitison und wile, beaiiiuinsT al a sitiku ou the west boundary Im? of said dotialioli cltiiiu. south HI dcu ill) ttiin 2 17H chains li-nui iho north, west comer of the said donalion tract, thence south Iti dctf 110 min west Al chs lo tho south east corner of Louis Inhume' land claim, litcnco sunih IN deu 1H) mill west 2. Iti cha lo John Carv's uilst corner, return hiu to beeitiuina corner, und from ihonce south lio doir ' ioiih- it iiiitiuctie river, tiience up suiu I ui-rua r.t li..l . l,... i....i.m ...:,i. Un ,i.n u.. piirtennnccs thereunto licloninv to be sold to satisly suid execution, interest, coals. Hod iiccrnin cohIs L.L. WIIITCOM1I. SberiU1. Ian. IW. 4w4li SHKH1W HALE. 1 Y virtue of a decree of foreclosure and ail exeell- I lion issued thereon from the circuit court of the Hhlte nf Oreirnn for Marlon county, and tn me direct ed, by tilt clerk of suid rnnrt, in fuvor of Ai ( 'nolidue, aariliau of Annetie CoolidifC, un infant, unit airninst JoHipli Jones and LuciniinJoaeM, I have levied upon and will proceed to sell to the Inchest bidder for eush in blind, nt the eonrt-hinise door in Salem, on HAT IIIIDAY, THE 10th DAY OK PEIIRIIARY. IHiKI, at onu o'clock p. in. of suid duv, tlie property doscrib ed in snid decree, to wit j " Siinnte in Marion eonnlv. Stale of Oregon, ill T. Ii S. R. I V , eommeneiuir at a pmia on tlie south line ol. James Drown s laud claim I hence A 20 chains set a stttWe i tkeuce north MINI seta stake from which W. oak 'Hi inches III di.vir.'.er lieara .nrl!i 'til ilea H 4,fhnksi thence soulh l.t , Jf " -0.00 chaiirs to a stake i theuce south 2P dt-tr vnr iXf chains act a slake the plueu of beuiiiuinu, Iroin which a W. oak 12 im-hes in dinmclur hears north Al ilea wei-t All links.'' To be sold lo saiisty said exocution, interest, costs, and aecritini costs Sa.M L IIEAIiRICK, Nlientr. Sulem, Jan. I I. Isi. 4w40 ilulitiil. ISTATK of the tumor beiis of John II Itowlnnd, deed. Jan. .'ah, l"lid. County t'ourl. Yamhill coantv, Ot'piron At this dav conies , lames Kt ltv aud j ,1c reinlnh Itowlnnd. uliardiatis of ihe eslalo or the ! minor heirs of John II Itowlnnd, ibv'd, and upon ntll ! duvit and petition hcr'-io Died asks the court for a Ii- cense to sell a portion of the rent estate of suid heirs, i and it nppi'sriou pn,K-r and reasonable to tlie court tliat sniil petition slioulil he heard, if is therefore or I,,,-, ,,, 111.-, Mill, .ITIll ,II lirl Ml Hill "I III. .111,1 wards and all persons imci-SiUi-d he notilicd to appear at the conn house iu Yanilnll county. Oregon, on Wednesday the "ih day of February next, ui v. blch time and place said petition will be heard u'.d deter mined. J. tt t'uWl.s, ( Judw. .ln. d. IHOCwnpd 10 Hv S f. Aihms. Clvrli. AdiiiinlMriilor'N Siilc l I, it .5,1 VTU l I K ia bfitfbv ff ivcn tbiU i will l I ,riimli in 1 1 biiittl lu ihtj liiL'licpl Imlilfi'. ut ttiiflin Hiirtiiiu, nt (tin c-Hirt limine iliHir lit LnlHYlt( Vtinilull rontiiv, Orfjfou, un TufmbiV tbo (rth ility of Kebnniry, IH' ti. Itftwi-f n ih buiim f ii nVUx k h. id hhU 4 uVloi lt p. in. of anid ditr.nll t he rani ih( uf Wm, A. ' ollmrl min, lain of lin ciMiniy nml hiHttt HbreiMiid, 2t-rcnHti, himI lift it ll" lionniioii Uud rutiru of amd dwr'd, rmi- tsHitiii.it W 13 MKI Hriiia. Alo. Ibe undiHlud lutlf nf lia urrfH of utud nn tb'n)rilfld in NiritHrttiioti n. i:tM, CI mm No. aud kiH'WH nn tb doimlioii Und rlnim uf ilolm T Jftlri-VN mid wifn. A. lUtAKItl UV, AdminiHtmtor. Jnmwrv . 1. dw4 4i ii ii rd in ii Ktita. Y virtu of an order und llwnw of wo mivIV to mr in the Ynmliill rrmnty rourl. .Inntmry trni. iwmi, i Ahull prorwn to will u( puinit- Huptimi in? i,n fnyettv ll'MHHt nrtd bliirk. ib lli )i.imviiiFiii, tbe town ff !,nfti)pft' in pid -omitv; ntpo trnrtiotml nnrtiotm of Ilie 'fofl tViin doimilon Innd rlnim, ly inu n ibe wct mid on ttiu uorihwi-ot uf ibr L-itfuyu'tH town pint in iiil Poiitilv Hip property of tlm brim of anid tvrklntt. nl to in iiarf hi (im conn icmMt i Iwtwiwti lb hoiin of 9 o'rbn-k n. ni. imd4 oVtorlc p. m. of Miiilnnv. I iTiiia, j"bl or mUvr tmiii in imiiu. .Ihh .1w.Gw4: tfi U W. Al.l.CN, (lnHnlinn. AdinlniMrnTor'w Wnln of Isftnci. N'OTICK i hwhy tntn that ! will pl for rjMh in hnnd to the hluliNt MildVr at public anrtion, at th rotirt hotiM door In fnvett, Vnmhtll woont?, f)r(ffn- on Tnndn tlm Uh tiny of fmhrnnrv. lMto, brtwn ttin honrn of ll o brk a. m. aad 4 n Hock p. m nf raid dr, all thn n-nl tf of A. J. Ilrndith, dprfnanl. Ul of Yniihill oniiiv Oreiron. nod bvinif thn dnnnlion Innd rlnini nf tbe nmiH A. J. Mfrnditb, d rfiiiird. itnnitd In mid county and Hrntf . nod rmttnin Inif I'.ff Kt HW nvrwi. J(MN I'KHKY. .Un ft. Hiiiiw4'4i Ad m in im rut or. EXKCV fnn 's sofivZ N'OTICK i biwby irivMt thnl the imditf tied jma bein duly ntipojitti'd exiruior nf tbf will of Kttni v. Ktr. IkIc of Miui'm riMiiity, diwnied All wr ao'ia littvinir rluitttn nvriiimt nnld rit will fn'ni tlttmi to in at tny rr"id imi in anld rouuly. wiilon ix inoniht, mid Jl rraiiii owintf miiii fltite nrn riHaat ed In mHko innni'dMt puyiin'tit .un. i... ip.tb; w n rtM.yrK.j'jtv " - - ;mriiyXoiir," TAKKN" CP bv tbe pntarntir, ail. nn Ufa avntli of Sitm, mtm aorrt-l tun r 1 yra nbtt I4( banda bitfb. white iinp in thn far t ho uthfF mi.rka lrrirnltU- H. 1"' K P. IL Ml AJi. SALEM FOUMDRY i , in mac:iiini-: HMO!, fulfill 4)nicn. DMAKK 9r MOOKK. M in'.rnoTtiri'ra of STEAM KSil'r:S. uud HOl!.F.ItSm Villa, f trint Mi'la. R;i--r. T'n-n-b-r Pnuipft, and and nil kmdi andtThof mat hit.tfry. Marhtiipry rfpnird nt eburl Notir. P'itlni M;ikiniilotw mi nil iia turit.n forma. andntlkmdAof HUASs Mnd IHOK t AHTINds for HlilifH! vAtmV tint ni.. ii. r UKAM. tin r. n n-'i-rif. NEW DRUG STORE Union Block, Salem, Oregon, ; WOULD respectfully announce to the eltl.ens of Niilem and vicinity that he lias oponeiwd a " Wholesale and Retail Drug Store, where he hopes to merit the nntrmmire of those who I mav favor him with a cull. , '.' ' ' ,,. He nllins to tho public, In quantities tn sair, nt low' rates, a ircneral aasortmeut of ( , , , CHEMICALS. DRUGS. DYE STUFFS, ' 1 PATENT MEDICIXF.S '. .:': Avers Aouo Cure, Cod Liver Oil, Cherry Pcctornl, Sc.henck s Hvrnp, Snrsaparilla, ,, Swaim's Punacea, ... . , Pills. ' Mustaua' Liuiui'-nt. Jayne'sKxpectoraut, . , Perry Davis's Pain Killer, Alterative, naaers rain ranscea, ..... " " Vermifuire, Kuunedy's Medical yiacav- ' " Carminutive llulsam, ery, . " Suuutivo Pills, . ,", Ointment, Graefenherg'sCalholicon. , . . Ointment tori . " . . Sarsapnrilla, Suit, ltlienro & Piles, " , - Jiitters, i .i Hnsulu Nlllve, . . ' ' i' ..'.! Children's Mrs Winslow's Soothing 1 '" ' ' Panacea flrfen' ' Kvrnp, 11 " . V " Mountain Olntm't, KmtinK'a Lor,i)tiica, t ijM . ' "' Dysentery Svrup, llryau's Wafers, , , . , ., llemhold's Sarsapnrilla, , Devine Logeuifus, , i " .,. Extract Uniiliil, McLaue's Loni)res. , . V .. Rose Wash Pills. Wistnr'a llulsam of Wild Xewell's Coinih Nyntp. Cherrv. 'Mrs. Stinp's Thorarlc Bill Unit's Lniiff Ilatsatn, ' lliiofliinil'sUltters, Moll'ut's "i. " Pill., , Sandfonl's lnvigoraior, 's sam, ' t Watt's Kervous Antidote,, (Iroiier'sUeaduoUeReiai. edy, . . - " . : . Toothaehe Auedvne. rills. Vmnik Patent Medicines .Incob's Dvsenterr Ordiul.Drnkes, HostctJer's Hunse Townaend's Sarsiiparilla, . vain's, und Rich:(rdson's Suiiils' Hitters. - , , Hull's , Hiwoilonl, un alegaiil Woth Hull's ' y" wuli. .. . , , Scovill's Ulood ii. Liver All kinds of prepurulions Syrnp, ' tor tlie hair, - Wihcliester'sSyrupnf Hy--Teih HrusheS, Halrllrnsh phnspliate Lime es bona, oa, Lonios, Rliodos' Aiiue Cure, All kinds of I'er iimea uud Toilet ailiclcs. ' i . Trusses. Slioiilder Itraces, letter Paper, Envelopes,. India Choluf'oxuu, Anieriunn ' ,. Huinhiirfr Tea, -" .. Plaster, Pens, Ink, etn.,eto. " Hrnwn's llronchial Troches And such fnucy onirics us are nsuully kept In a llrst class drur store. Please call aud examine for your selves. ..i - Physicians' Proscriptions compounded by a compu- I tent- Apothecarv. ,-i ,. ' - Salem. Oct,. lrV..'i. 4IAiIt RECONSTRUCTION! THE HENN1CT IIOI'.'iE.al 8ulem, so Imnj and favorably known naa ouietaudiatm- fortable bo wfl for " Uaanlers." travelers, fee.. iil has this day ohanircd proprietors liy the with- drswiii of Mr. Ilendersliolt. The House, nfter havinu; received a Ihoronuli reno vatim, is now under the supervision aud mauaueineut of tlie limit is ulied, who will spare lieilher alleutioii or expense to make it what a tfood hotel should he. My old friends, former natrons, mid tbn tmvellinir eoniuiunitv, are respeotliillT invited to lee in a nail, OEi. SMITH, Proprietor. P. H. The table will at nil times h furnished with tho very beat tho market nffords, nud chni'Kos reuson uhle. " , Snlem, Duo. 2(i, I8li5 Ulf.,',,..- ... .. is. ATTENTION, PUBLIC, Steam Saw-Mill FOR SALE .' TEltnS KASV. ONE of lllandey's twenty horsepower portable, double, circular strain auw mills, with lixturaa nun plete. that will cut from 0,000 lo H.IIMI feet in every twelve hours, and which can be removed on three two horse wauous, and put in operation In front four to six dnvB alter iicitiuu' ou the p-round. Kind mill can be seen in oneration lii Ibe citv of Snlem. Our reuson for Bcllinic is Ibat we huve purchusud an euffiuo nf eiffhly horse-power, in onler to run outer niaeiunery coiiiiiiclod Willi tlie will. l'"r further parliciilars ad dress i r FORSY11IE, PATl'J ItVO. .. Salem, Dee. HO, l0A. -Urn I PICTURES! PICTURES! .;. Kc Photographic Gallery I ;, Sll OIIA Y, St, CI), wmild respocllnlly annonnoe tn the eitisnna of Snlem and vicinily tbat thny'tnvra oneaed a niclnre im erv n the rnoma formerly occu pied by Kctiyoal, wiie'm thoy aro prepared lo tiiko l'lioloitraphs, Ambrotyprs, McialnotypeJ, rhotographic Visiting Cards. And evervtliinir in their lino from a lure sire down to l.ocket llrt-nst Piu pictures. Kvorvl'uiiiU' exoculud la the best stvlc. i. Siitlsraftlon (ihen or no Charge. 'IVruiM rpH"iulil- lt tftir rtver Uflm it Jftrk ii'a lrug Storf.Smtp ft r.'ct . Muli ni. -( ; , S. E. GRAY, ic CO., HHKttlFV H BALK. ' "TT )Y Vlrliif nf (lrcre of fnrrclnriurv und Mfl MffOlloB ta 1 mifii thtrroti hiI rf th- olfi-oH ourt M ttt Hint f t)r fKin ftr llif cminiy of Poll., Knl lo me ilim-ml. fsviw of J. V. Allen Him nmlrnH witimm Taylor, i nrn ifvtm wrn nud will ulTtT tor km If to lint lilvhvnl birtdtT for Mh tn hrnid, nt ttm uqnrt-houi flonr In tfallim. In until L-oniity. oil Kutnr iliiy, llto lD'h dy of Mtriinry. Htt6, bfirn Hit hour of til mi u'ili,ck k. m. Hint Itiiir o'clock n. in. of laid (Iht nil tli rlnlit, lUlt. ftitd liilciMi uf mM ilt'lrtiiiUnt f, lit, urt lu tlia fi.llowhiK ii'Hrl iieit nml Mint, to wli i H llmt trust nr pir ctl tf lntiil ktifwimnil rtfulitriHii'd ItitliM nrtt.v ut rUU t the t illed MlttM ui tlie writ Imlf of ttit I. ft. qr of fco , In Inwimliip 7 . of r 4 the Imlf of tin e ",r uf ec ii in t T nf r 6 w. ml thr v hnK nr ltt w half of Iht' $ qr of n-c ll. In t 7 nf r of th Wlltnimrthi tnarlilliin, i-milnlnliin nil liundn-H kihI twenty inow-nrlm, lyttm nud liHtik' tn lh rnaniy Niid Ktl afnrmtd. tobvoMl litlifr Bi(i exef atlon. cwm, and iiniin(f mwlfc I. H. HUTLKR. HtHTiff lollT C. i Onllli, Jn. . 4w4 f-MATK of tlij iiiluor liir uf ttmhvl Martins detn-aswd, Vj Ounty t'ourl Vaiuhill county, Oreruu, Ju. , 11. At thii stay tiuira It T. H arran, uuar-Jian of trm minor htin ol lh taf of KactH-l MarUu. ttuwtan anti upiii tiU::iavil anil natltton hrrrin tilrtl nk thv rourt lor a l.-teuaa unit or tier lu aril Hi ral tai lHrlinitnK lu I4ll biri, anil U ftf IrirlnK prnHr and rfNaoiiabla lu tlm crnirl llmt auld rtl tl'Hi "titmttl luard, II tn lliruHii ntlrd by Ute MHirl ttmt in id pitltiuu abuulil br hvaril. ll it lhcmion ordvrnl hv ihf rnurt thul ibe iikki of kin :t tbv aatd nurilt nt idl M-nnm Ints-rt-alrd n-itilitd lo nnix-ar at lb courl-Houae la Vamlilll cniiiiiy, Utrtfuu. un f nuiv, I In- viit uay oi aviiruarji 0u, at aiik'b tJliitt unti jiiaov l rIill'ii will la-1. curd anil Kale r llmliii; Moch. 'I'ltKRK r-iimlfi" tmriiilil of assrssin.nl Ns 4. tt-rtcil on tlis 1 canltal fstorkl f th. Hsl.in (lulil sii'l Sitr.r Mliittis (!,iiiiiatiy,uii lite Ih day nf tirloltsr, IstL'i, id, lolluemi ani'iuiils, 10 wit : Nriini-S. n rr. Xn. Wiarr. anil, t S llrl'sllistrr, linta in ii.mhi 40 to fii is in no lis 81 K kTX K 62 7)i 1? to 15 4 , iki (WtoTI 14 i no Hi . Hi M lT,i' tsi 411 1 t fsi t nnm tn tu ; u no 2V l 7.'s is to is a IM ' III iiw ,"si as i 8 on Hit T in Mi '1 l ,111 U , T HI V.t ' .1 T 1 llll 15 VI so J l llaners, W Brainlriilrtir?, M WBIlisna, ' llsnUti MuCallilli-r, H A rilklna, PPr.,aT,.ii, II Tja-r, I'unuaiii to law, and in r-iniisllnnrii i rlth aa nrrl.r of 111. many siiarM af parti rV).ird uf dirtoM of mil'l company, i rrsl nf th. alM..nsins1 slorS as may lw tirrrisar. Ih.rr- fnr, will hs siilil sl pnlillc aurtlon, for cM nr sllssr ruin. a Hi, fl.iurt.hniu. In Hsl.m, on asinrasy, tn ll'ti nnrsnt st-o rttsrr, la, al th. h.nir of H e'cln.l tu., t nsjr ili llniiiirnt SSSMSHMOll I. nn .sin sl'H-a, loastnrr ana ins ron. "i nnvsr llslnt ana .xn-'ir nf sslr. l C CLINK. Sll,.. Jsn 1 tsair.a Ur. John llnawell rpEXOKIH Ms priifi-asinnal servlrss In the CltiranS 1 nf Salooiatnl vli inlty. Iiinu a ainlital Kradnats, ami havinsT liasl ier.ilnriy years' eaparieinw in the prartlr. of ntsilirtne, he rtirish.s a Imne tlu4 he will lie a'tle in ffiva a.nral faltslafllini In those whs teat farnr Itim with llieir ealr-'nau-e. OlSre in Mnorra' l.ri 'k , Nn I, nn siiiira. Knitlenoe near the lower einl nf (Vmmen-ial .tresf. Hal-m l.'V-l:l J ( JTliila, "SnTairy Pithlie, Ilallaa, Poiit eonaty. OreKfln- I'arttenlar att.ntlnn iriven lo tli-eils. lanrliraKee, arknowleiiirmenta. denosllinns.etc. IV43 J. 1. ( ollinis. Altnruey ant Cnunsvlor-al lw nml SHihsttnr in Chancery, paltos. Pulk rounty- lr.rh. All nnsmsss prouifitly attetnlra Ui. 1-4,1 .nli i'. ' rilAKFtX t'P hy the snlisenlier, nns intle iiurtli uf I Halsm. ont cow, with rs-d head, asr.lt, anil aides, wttlle s,i-rkled liars, rntnii, tail, and natty i mark, rrnp ntf the left ear, sinnll iipir hit nlf the riitlit ear; nrnaii In.lnlr I llnnVacrHinlilrl nil hip. Ciitni' In nr invmises lyliM,t I'i, lC.J KAMCKI. I'KM'KU. i. a. t'liivKW'intu, ni ii. a. tioRsn, N"tnty (niMlf. Underwood 6t Dorrla. , " ; An 'n flUM'.VHaiul ( ,-IUirsal law.nd!oMrH"rs 1'hauo.rr. KinrrlM-. Ilie,n. will nrartlr I" all tin. enarte ef this SSHte line of the tlrtn will alwavs f be iti altendanre a fmrts In the St-coml Jmlii'ial Ins- . irlit Harmular atu-niioa Hsid le eulleriious Iroui I alrrrsid llnrrmlr IN. lo-.'s l .... - - - ( MIIIIL, TAKKX.trn. lit the snhorrllwr, IItmij on Smith Krarrtr, I"" mil's north nf rMlrtn.in Marion conn tr, nn Imr IIOIIMi. suipel u. he sesen years ni.l, !.-,, j hand, lush, w uh aur la the InrHned and saddlr aiarka on hi. hark. Hie na-lil hilid fH while np lelhirarti-mjeiin. and little wt en leBftiK-fosa, Ihn il l..)-'lwltl J AH. K IIKItillKllMH Vamiihen! TOIlI.K Si Hoar s American. Cnarh, Cnl, Hen 4I J -t.V, liitt..tl , ii.J S! . lv Vi,l M vf.rs, nrniif?-. r ft 6, W, GRAY Sl CO, DEALERS IN i VllVllilllliDl It.Ulll II .111 ";:.!;,;; ..QVElNSWARE.!;,;'":!'";;"; Boots, Shoes, Hats, daps,' &c.,' &c,, !!, . ,i,, ; AT THKin I .r - ,i,.-1 NEW STORE, Corner or State and Liberty BtrMttrXi i ' SALEM, "--."I-'- Th public aie.respeotli'lly invited to fjiainiiic our, ''''" ..-,,' !".. .ii.'il iu U, .I-.,), iij ,i i, i j IIUSII STOCK, :z; JtlST OPENED, and NOW O. lfERED P0R8ALB "i.'i'i , Ah Cheap as mj In the Market. ..i I, , tr" Tbe hiiiliosl price paid for Butter, liiffgl, anst all kinds of Vroduow . r.jul V 'IO i ! .Or.l ' , M.'l.lHI Or W. ORAY Ic CO. f."du 'm '" ' 8finl4pl '"" l'.''ii "A :" Snlem, Nov. IH.'lsWi. i' a: Stattp Strt'ft. nlf in,Oig:sn; ; ! ' Stint .tlNfUnihfing formerly oQcnpied by KellyoVi ' ',"r'. "'"'l" ',,:' s:m ,''!" ' .' ....CI IfiA-M ',ll . r II, III '1 Ur!,. .!-. Ii a P ., t Wriiets, Chemicals, ValutsOMs, ' !,; -.t 1 i " . 'I' 'I'l "' Dye Stuffs, Fancy Soap, Perfumery,-; " 1 i i i : t , . ; . i ,i4 HA VINO Uii'Kclr Iticroased the Stock of Helm 4t.,, S uw, weare liow prenured to supply the ciiiseiis of Sulom aud the surrounding ppnutry with . . i. . . .;;', "'3mgs ; that are l,Ptire,V!':,!V.Viv Ami im Clitap at fun be UoUttlH in tills Harkut, t ; Also Constantly on Hand :i: '.!.;, ; i.oi.,,..ii the 'brst';1''," '"::"';"'' Il,lll.( ; ' ' WINisS AND BRANDIES, fitorModlciual Varposes.,., ;', ,, , . ' '' r,!7! ' Alsn a woll solec'ted Stock of " "" 1 ''""' rainlt and Gilt. Window Otau and Patty, i . Varnith, ! Varnuh Bnuhe, tfc. ." Pliysiciaus' Proscriptions properly compohiidcil. ' Wo solicit the patronaKe of the Pnblio. feeHnf eonll-' dent that we nan Hive general satisfectloir. " ;. ' DK. T. B. JACKSON, J IJHYRICIAX. Burton ttitd Obstetrician, forraerljr of Macon conntv, Missouri, tenders bis services 16 ' the cltlieiis nf Salenr sod vicinity. Otliee np stslre 1 over Helm .TacksonV lmnf Store. novlHyH) ,' , ... rriJreeley's Amerlpan fonllU't. ;; ;;,;;;" " "No man on onr continent couM so well am) snfaith.';1 fully oomplelesitch a work; us Horuce llrele,ih ' u (Treat American Journalist." Cat.,Farmtr,n -,, ' . ( A CHANCE TO MAKE MONET ;; TI1K iiiHlcrsiiined, IntondiiiK to goto the Moglheiii ' '' tor ft Klutes, wislies to disposo of the' general agency of i I o Ibe above valoable work, and others. Call soon at e). K. enrnisrCnninieR'ial and Division streets, or address, f -tt in bv letter, ii- ,:M W.H. rlHAW, Portiaud, ' ' , : -) '4'Jlt ' i, , ii i. Cii. 1st aad Madison war' ' --' 'J" :- .T. Xi. COOJIBS, 1. I, ,, .. ' ', '.. , IUm of OonmWs),' ' ' ' PHYSICIAN, SURCE0N, ETC. , Orrtci C'ee's Buildlnir, over Wells, Pargo, tt ' Co.'s--entranae from Htarlr Street,' 3iu POIlTLA?ID.; 3T MYERS, HUGHES, & Co, Wholesale nnrt Rctoil ; . J)eiilci'!a ; in ; ti ; kjnija of (iroceriea,; Paints iindpils, ; Uruahes1; Putty'!, Alcolibl, V" ; Crockery, Glawware, v Lamps, pocket and Table Cutlery, ''V;.;v;; .VWoo'd, iwid. .'willow.1, warci i ;.; '.' 'Z Dye-Stufla,! ll '..it. ...Tobaijto aiiil Cigars,' Ba-- (on,1 LutI, Butter, Eggs, .."."Oatu, Potatoes, .t?. tfec. : Stoi-te,' under 'the Legisla- 1 tiv; Hall, Holman'd block, . All You that Yant Etovca, ;; ; Farmrn, Connlry Hercbaali, ud ttkti .'' .." KEEP IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE, t fill AT fit" nniliirsianed have now in store ami nraj I enntnntly reot-l.injr, DIKKCT PHO.H iMKW , YORK, every variety and style of ( ' , ,. , B , , Cooking und Wnrniinp iStove, Cooking ITtcubils, Kettles, Pots, .', . ' 1'aiifl, iiakcrs,-Boili-w, Btcwers, Andiron, Dogirona, Toiiffs, Shov- r. fU, IJip 1'anR, Litt.io Pinis. and . Milk Funs, Cofl'cu Totn and Tta Potn; Tin t'nr, Biickftsnnd Dip- ' ' wn ; Stove . i'ipo of all sizes ; , Load Pipe, mid Conner Pipe, and , '"'Irou Pipe; Sheet Tin, T.loek Tin, ,:' Sheet Iron, and Sheet Zinc; Fruit Cans ; Churn ; Largo Iron Ket- tlen, Bram Kettlo ..and Copper . Kottli'K, Zino, Coppur,, Brans and Iron, Wire. , ,., , , , .,,. , FonrE asp uit pl'mps.'. j'a panned: wake: ' ; .tiitl ereryihitmkcui m ourliMlahiskiaenU. .., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ' Portland Prices. ,' '.. Vie pitrrlmse onr stories In New Ti A fiiy, in ' aimmnta m Irais imam tn twenty ihonatia,! dollars at ' a limo, ast low freiirhta ttrnnnd the " Horn," and ean lliorefore afford to aire iniintrr merrhsti's and sll nth- ' era desiriun guod barirslns as tWe are in prejan. Manufacturing and rrpalrlnu of all work in uut tin . promptly done at the nioat reasonable rates, , ,. liemeoilier the place. . STARR BROTHERS . Hridqunrtm Bnlldlnn, Sltm. Hope TtirKtxaia, PATENT AsksOreaet. Lard Oil. Nis) till Pohif ' Oil. Neanrfimt Oil. I'asserOil. Olt.eiW, Lineeed Oil.lmlOil.aiid UesnuiM. as - .. . oatu , MVEHH. Ht'OHK. tl TO. Happiness or Ilissry; THAT IS THE QDE8TI0M. ' rpHK Htni'IKTnMHOI THK "HAI'IPIC MV I KKI MI'I" ANATOMV AND Sf'IKXCE." Iia d. le mined, reirardla". of eaponse, tn Issue Vk'KH Ifor lh heai'Hi "f iHerln hitatanlir) fhnr nf their most ititere-tinu and lntriniive LKCI'l'HKS, on AlAUUlAIIK, an1 lla dis.imllni-atloim : Jln-vima De- ' hiltiT, Prrtnnlirre llei'line of Mnnhwal, lmllre.ti 1 Hrakm-wor ipreslm. Ijoaeof Knergy and Vital l-nw.r. the ureel ttwial Kvll. and Ihne nt'aladies that resnlt from visaiklnl mllr s. exeeae nf mtiarifr, ur ly uoraut-e ol 1'liT.otnirf and Nature's liana. Taeae iiivalnahks Lmwim have heen the means of eiiiieiiteiinur and savin too. am mis, and will be for warned HiKKmn meelffc of Twenty fT tVita lit ' p.ataios atuni, by aiidreeeinR HVereinry Pni-iflr Mass-urn of AtuitoBie and BVIeiaro, itae ret. Nan Fran- 1 fiSi-o" -'' ' " Irli ' t a7"Letlr tn he sens theenirh Welle. Fartre dr. 0 Frf'tMik WtaMlwW CtaiM, OTAINF.D T.LAHH. and Filnred Olass, (ld Le.f, kl Wrainms Tools, Cnasel ami Nahle Hair Brushes, Ilianisjnd U lass-falters. r , fcc, at ' wur . MYKHM, MI OHKS. ro. k; . BUY OEXVIXF. " . DOWNER'8 COALCtL, ; AlCl.aRK ta AI-OrilKCAIIIES' HALL. ;1 I I' Salsm.twi :;'ii J t. rt.AVF, Atrihsran I-, i' A rrj l-irl!. 1 J i. , 4 -ii.-ill ! int- liiili.rT ,.ir.ri".l ll il'iif I.,m ll ml 01 1 1 y ii ' I""" i nil ,'l ifm!a i iioiid ; ...nit A no I! lo ,l ' Or!. n .Ii .H l On 1.11 i!f '10 II !l .Tit .10. ll I' 'it , l.l.l 'II It 71SJ ,i tn.il ,: . I,.-., :sn Mllt '.i. I n.ni iiiiiinT il V arft . , a.'iu St I'S 1 . I fl ur I..1, t tr oil." 'l'iui'i' . ,1.:.. J'lfV'ilS .!;,( !, tl a s.t lat ,,,1 Ml.-rl k .-r,il..,l n ,. .-- I. . II ' III ll I tn i -.1,1 '"-I i.li.l ii v.s , ue