Indians are gathered about tho lutter locator. T(iry apparently" d.ciiire to preserr fripdly feeling with Hie whites. The. chiefs that tbeir t"" we-r toniakelmtnetliaU resti tution of property atolvn ifl the recent expe ditions, untl.alao to deliver ap certain Indium 'who wert Kailty of shedding blood on reoent thriving foray. A eomrnunionlion from the Superintendent of Indiitn Affair of the Distriot of Mexico, represents things in a most unfavorable light, ad report! that the Indian population In that conn try are determined on an outbreak, and eayt thoy have already begun to enter the nailer towni and drive off oattle in tuo day time. The oauee of this) mischief ii mid to rite from aoaotineei of their supplica from the Government doring the last two yeare. The military force hai been deoreaied to much that the Indian no longer fear it. Ae au iiiitiince be oitei that 8,000 Navajo Indiana are under tho guard of 400 toldien. The furroor can to show a disposition to turn the tablet by becoming oaptore. New York, Jan. 4.-Judge Hughes, one of Pirate Semice'e Couiltel. yesterday applied to the Seoretary of the Navy, to Hx the day for tbo trial of the accused. The Secretary de dined for the reason that their wai not a tuf ficieut uomker of officers of proper rank now unemployed. Semmet ii confined in a room in the navy yard and no mo e xoeut one of his counsel ii allowed to ineak with bun. George L. Little, Trtaaner Aeeiatant, re cently returned from the Houlh, report! that the Southerner have abundance of money, reoeived from Northern ipeculaten in exchange for Southern itaplei. New Orleam, Jau. 5. The Timt'i Iirowni rilot oerreapnndenco of the 30th ult. eayi : Gen. Ii. C. Crawford bat arrived in Ilrowiu villa with the appointment of General in the Mexioan Republican army, with power to re emit and arm diviiion for tho Koptibliean tervioe under bil command. Crawford hat Mtabliahed recruiting olUoet at Hrowiitville and other plaoet in Texti, nnd enlisting it already progretting rapidly. It it reported that Generate Lew Wallace and Logmi ore eonneoted with the movement, and lire toon expected. Carvnjor, the fainoui Mexionn I'll libueter, U expected with large imn of mon ey to asaisl in defraying expenaea. The Im perialist! in Matamoraa are conaideralily troub led. Gen. Mejiahaaooinmenoed barricading the itreeta, fearing an attack from Crawford'! American diviaion at any tiinif. It ia thought Crawford will join Eaoobadoe and move on Monterey, establishing Ilia bate at that point. Mejia bat levied a loan of $100,000 on the merohanU of Malatnoros. Latter newe lay! Amorican fnmiliei are leaving Mntamorus and coming to the Ameri can aide, fearing au attack from thu Liberal foroei, numbering about 2,200 icattering along the river. New Orleam. Jan. 3. Brownsville no ononis lay that Crawford baa plenty of frieiidi. Hi! ehief of ataff, Col. A. P. Keid, ii rapidly raiaing reoruita in Urownaville, and eulialing U. S toldiere Hill in the U. 8. eervioe, proinis lug them ditohargea at toon aa the neoeianry Jiapert can be mada nut and forwarded. No nterferenoe with tint hat yet been made by our authorities Ueoruiting nflicert are ntion ing In other parti of Texat, and one of the recruiting oflioert informed the Tuna' oorret pondent that a force it to come from Now York and join that railing on the ltio G ramie. Tho camp ll ettabliahiug below Urownaville, Willi uffioient (applies. New York, Jan. 5. The Pott'i Washing ton apecial tayt that a resolution was offered In the Houae to-day previ .tug that all publio landt in tho (southern Slate be thrown open ' to actual aottlera, according to the debitiuii of the Land Coromitaionere. They are now open to aettlement for black at well at while men. Waehington, Jan. 5. Gmi. William Mick ey, ehief olerk of the United Htatea Seuate, died tli i morning aged about 70 yean. He hai been in the employment of that body for 42 yean. New York. Jan. 5. A letter from a com mercial bouae, dated the City of Mexico, Deo. 17tb, tare that three loam have been put upon the market tiooe tbeeatabliahment of the Em- 3 ice. thus bnrthening the nation with a new ebt ol nearly ou.uuv.uuo. ti sou tt about eight million! uowhaa only tulGoient to meet expenaee during the month of January. The London Timet tayt t Secretary MoCul looh't report it a very able dooumeut, it grounded o aooud fluaooial principlee and ityi we reoognixe la him a real nuauoier. The poiut In which MoCnllooh'a tchemei muet ttrike England moat foroibly, it the ooufideuce with whioh he invitee iurettigatioo of the ex ecutive. Whatever may be the iaaue or the financial diaouaaiou in Htatea during the cur rent aiion of Congreie, it way lie watched by ui with advantage aa tboee who are in muob the rame position way learn Irom the experi ence of others. New York. Jau. 5. Advioea from Buenos Ayrei Indicate that the i'araguayau invneion of the Argeutine Republic ended in failure. The plan of the oawpaigu of the I'arnguuynn leaders is now oouflned to the deleuaive, whivh they hope will be more tucoesaful. Effort are being made iu Kiclimoud, Ye., for ritabliihlng a line of steam-ahipa between Norfolk and Liverpool. A bill for that pur pose is before the Yirgiuia Legislature. A Washington diapstob lays the detail for the extort fur the trial ef Semiuee ia not yet pre pared. All persons present at the capture of any reatel by him are reqeeated to report the faola. with names and address, to John A. Borles. Naral Judge. Busteu, Jan. 5. The reorganisation of tho diieoton of the Northern l'aoifio Kuilroad con vsned to day. Tho contract and manage ment of this great luteresl It a paeacd iiitu the hands of representative oapitaliits of New E jland who will prepare for the vigorous prosecution of the work. Washington. Jan. 6. The amount of cer tificates of iudebteduesa issued during the week Is half a million dollars t amount redeemed is nearly one hundred and thirty thousand legal tender uotee aid two hundred and eighty thousand dollars of gold certificates. A I'aris correspondent of the london JVcirt says i .It it generally believed that France and Ike United States will, in a friendly way, bit opou a plan for giving full soope In the Monroe doctrine without burling the dignity of France. The French Government in Ibis re spect will make a great point of preventing its repudiation of Maiiuiilitn. New York, Jau. 6 -Tlie JWf t Wash ington, dispatch sayst The detective, who have beew to long sugared iu fern-ling uul the origin of the one hundred dollar counter feit treasury nctea, made a etarthng report to Sscrslary MoCullnoh. The Secretary has giv a the parties In plicated by then reports a few days to prepare rebutting evidence. The tried of Gen. Baker ie set for Moudav ext. Gen. Baker is one of the officers who, by order of the Secretary of War to Gen. Grant, it to bo muttered oat ' Tine records of the Treasury Department how that daring the last two yean the Gov reioeRt realised from soles of confiscated and abandoned col too, sugar, &., ia Muuistipl tier half Oiillioa dollars. New York. Jan 6. The CommtrtiaV spoo ls! correspondent sayst The Tenness.- member will sooa be admitted te scats as a con est ion to the President. Gen. Weeb, minister to Braiil. left for New York this morning. His friends predict that as will be traixlirred to a special European A sier-elch fress Waihint ton tars t A lie! at 83 Generals U the army la be mattered at ef tho service was proposed several weeks f-o, hoi baa awl yet been acted apon. A I cOTesasnt Is keiag wads to prevsot fur tisf a.f kutla Esvered Coogressisiti osnmltteto are ia laUja to-day! amoog the ie the eomsuittee ,irootrooiioa, Nsw York. Jaa. 6.Diepatibes from Wash sry i Seeretery SUoteo having officially asn.fled Uie committee of hie declination to . mwm the ealogy on tho life and character ft. yt Linu a meeting hae been aU si tst a.hef peroon. IriWHV Howard knew when bo Irft here t.t t" aiMtsstl had reoogniaed Uw toiled t atra t ul at Vera ('rut. ?;; York, Jan. Thei Times' telegram anya that the counael Cor Heitnties will In-day Bfk for a releiiao of their client upon tho plea tliut having been paroled by Khonuan, hotii as Admiral and (Jenerul, be cannot Do Held to amwer for anything prior to tho parole, New lorn, Jan. 0. A INmton duparcii anya, Gov. -Bullock wua iuaiigufAted at noon to day. In Ilia ineainge he anys that the ag gregate debt of the State ia seventy threo mill ion!. A Houston. Texaa. letter, dated Doc. 22d. aaya that the 20th corps, as an orgsn iatlon, is to he dlionntlnned. The colored troona permanently In aervlce, are to bt sent to garrison places along the coast. The heavy assessments made by the Liberal leaders on parties aisuining to nfi for them, have driven lares numbers from tho towns on the Iilo Grande, aoroas to the American aide. The hanks at every lenj are lined with fugi lives. These parties app.-ar suddenly in town, and levy from (3,000 to $h,in)0 or the Libe ral came, A diipatoh from Washington, snya there is the beat authority for aaying that General Grant la not in favor or the immediate read minion of rebel States, having expreseed In in elf to that effect in a rcoent oonveraation with a United States Senator. The sentence in bis report on the condition of allairs in the South em State, which win Interpreted ua meaning that the Southern dclcgatione ought tube re ceived without delay, uuooiidilioMiilly, waa nut ntenilen to convey any audi Impreaaion. New lorn, Jan.. At a aesriou nt the r e man Congress to day, the number of delegate waa greater than yealerdny. The charges againat the aenato and 0'Muhoiiy, were read, and Tuesday next appointed lor inveatiga tlnn. k number of important documents relative to operations abroad, were read to the Fenian Congreai. Yeelerday'i delmto was somewhat stormy. Gvnerul Sweeney, the i'reaiiient, waa charged with not being an minuted r ent ail, w Ii lull Do did not deny, important ua patchei were red from Ireland, giving flutter lug accounts of the condition of ufliiir there and making earnest appeals for prompt no thin. Washington, Jan. 5. Ten thousand white nnd twelve thnuiniid oolored troops arc to lie discharged this week. The Seoretary nf wnr in compliance with the resolution of tho House furnished a etatemoiit of the number of volun tcere called for by the President at various tflnee, that tho total aggregate bo reduced to Uhreeyeari standard, 2,I2!,04I. Information was received here that the head quarters of the Liberal or National force iu Mexico, are twoitty-twn lengm-s from Vera Crux. In the eastern State, thu linperiilints only occupy the inilttar) road from Virginia u Mexico and to the city or Unxacii, New York, Jan. 5, K( tuhnm wa taken yoeterdnv from the tomb to Sing-Sing Prison by Sheriff Kelly, He was accompanied frnn the oily prison by Ins father and ouo of hi brothers. The Kimtn haa a report of a houso on Hudson atreet, in lltia city, which is being well aupplitd with arms and stocked with munition! ol war," supposed to belong to tho Fenian arsenal. Gen. Sweeny, by inviialinu, viiited tho Fa nian Congress lo-duy. and was enthusiastically received. He mad a brief speech to the ef fect that he would endorse nny meiieure calcn luted to unite the brotherhood and iminogu rule at once great movement for Irish imle nendonoe. The! V. S. tteamert VaneVrliilt and Tnsca rora, and tho monitor Manadnock, unde r emu mind of Itngora, were dispatched from Coy enne on tho 7lh ol novemlier for tho cifio. The Monadnock behaved beautifully nt eca. Ilultimore, Jan. 2. Tho funeral of Hon Henry Winter Dnvia, this morning, was Inriro ly attended. Every mark of reaped was ahown the diatinguiahed ili-cenied. Smuggling on the northern frontiers, which waa about crushed out by due vigilance of the Treasury Department, ia again being resumed the ice on the hikee and rivere olfering the aooundrelt facihtet for Iheir work. Baltimore, Jan. 1. The colored people arc Firat African Church lo celebrate iheir deliver ance from tlavery. The ueual adreiaea will be made. CALIIOK.MA AKH8. Nan Francisco, Jan. 8. A heavy defalca tion haa been brought to light in the olliue of the U. H. lub-Treuaury of this city, supposed to have been committed by Win. Maey. cuh ler of the office. So far aa discovered, the de. fnlostio aniouuts to about s)rt(l.tHK) of which 9.0 0 is in eurrency and s)2.(HM) in gold. The defaulter has departed for parts unknown, thereby acknowledging bis guilt, which, how ever, is abundantly proven by thu evidences he has left behind. The Government will sus tain no lose, as the amount is secured by Ike bonds of Mr. Cheeimaii. the Treasurer, wliu has been east two or three mouths. He went into the Treasurer's olfiue immediately ufler leaving the bigg rcliool in thi city, and had no practical expeneuce In business. I luxe who know him intimately, regard him a a person of rather Inferior capacity, and as likely to he miilead and made tho dupe of designing men. It is ascertained that he ha speculated, to a considerable extent in (ireeubacka, and alio to tome extent in mining etocks. Samuel J. Hensley, formerly President nf Ih California Hteam Navigation Company, died at the Warm Spring. Alameda county this morning of a disease of tho liver accoiu named wilb general debility. Ho was aged about fifty. He leaves a ifo and two cliil dreu. a sou about sixteen and a daughter abuut eleven, wbo t ilieril his large estate. August Buslay, the aereiiant, made an si eensiun fmin Hayes' Park yesterday morning The wind was blowing pretty etroug and I lie balloon did lint light so soon as lis had antici pated, but continued northward until lluslay was spilled I the Hay, between Mock I'miil and the Presidio. He struck out for shore and was rescued by a boat. During the terrific galo which raited last evening that portion of llathaway'a wharf south of Moore and Folger't was curried away and drifted into the stream. The ship Jobs Jay, which waa made fail there lei go her an chor and after dnftin; a hort dialauee wont- hack near the place where the detached wharf lormerly alood. A large qnanlily of lumber Wat piled np on the wharl, much of which drif ted away, Sau Franclico, Jan. J.-P. 0. McCarthy and S. 1. MoCarlhr, pmnrivter of the A men can Flag newepaper, commenced suit In recov er 120.000 damage for breach of contract from U. M. Llavee, proprietor of the Stockton Mtnendtmt. Plainlills allege that I hey had succeeded in breaking up the monopoly of overland telegraph newt, enjoyed by Ibe Hulle tin. Alia and Union, and that iheir own eircn lalioa and advertising patronage were greatly ioorewned thereby) that defendant bargained in purchase Iheir interest In the Flag for 2rt. HOI, which bargain wo afterwards fulled lo lul fill. FlaintiRs (either allege that as sinmi a it became know a to tho publio lhal they were about to dispose of their Interest in the Flag, their oireulalion and advertising patronage de creased rapidly, and they claim f.tUXlO dam ages from defendent for kaset sustained and for breach of contract. Washoe. Of, Jan. 5 The residence of Senator Charles Lambert waa destroyed by fire last night. His two boys were baroed lo death. Mn. Lambert sad mother were carried from the building both insensible. I.amhert was in Carton iu attendance on Ihe Legislators. A Com mittekmam. The Liun County Un ion Central Committee hat appoiuted McPher- au, editor of the Albany Journal, to fill Ihe Lino county vsosnoy on the State Central Com mute. Murbertoo ia well lulotnted In politi cal affairs, aud we are pleased to tee biut placed in Ihe Slate Ceuiinilleo. Tat Carn.1 Dissum. Washington, De cember 13 Bill to prevent Importation ef fneslyw eottl l dr t gnard seaioel plague. pasted both Itouie uf Congress, f hit U firat bill pasted this Mwalon. MONDAY MORNING. JAN. 12, ISM. TheStateimao haa a Larger Circulation than any other Paper In ths Itats, and la ths Bell Mediant for Advsrtisers. Ths V 8 Law and Reiolu tlona srs publlabad la the etaietmsaov Aumuruj SIMMAIU OF LAWS PASSNED BY THE SPFXIAbSKKSIOX. An act rclallnir to tho Penitentiary. Provides tlinttlioiupcrintonilent shall make a quarterly re port to tho Secretary stating tho liabilities, earn- luga, Ac, of the priaonera, and full report or toe condition of the Penitentiary. An Act to Improve the breod of Shoep. Pro- videa that rams runuing at large, out of owner'a enclosure between first days of June and Novem ber, may be taken up and notice thereof given to tho owners but If the owner Is not known, tho ram may bo advertised and sold, according to certain rules. An Act to approprlato money. Appropratea live thousand dollars, or aa much thoreof aa may bo necessary to pay e ponies of special eeauon An Act to nrevont the spread of Contagious Diseases. Provides a flno of not loss than five nor more ttiau one nunureu uoimis ,u, ui every diseaaed aheep horae, hog or cattle, brought Into ttilss State, to be collected of any person In troducing aaid diseased animals. And, also, a fine for any poraon in the Stato knowingly having inch diaeasod animala, and who do not keep them in an enclosure or district securo from contact with other animals. An Act In relation to Common Schools. (Will be published iu full next week.) An Act amending the lax Law. section x pro vide! when and how the County Clerk shall make out the assessment roll, and deliver tho same to the Shnriff. Section 6 provides that all State, county, achool, and military tasea, shall bo paya- bio In gold or ailver coin, except that county or ders may be receivable for county taxoi j but no Khcriir shall receive a larger amount of county orders than the county taxes j aod no land sold for taxes can he redeemed save by gold and silver coin. Sections 21, W, 23, and 21) relate to the manner uf telling land for taxes, and the redemp tton of tho earn. Th'.'so sections are but amend ments of tho existing low, and are numbered to correspond with the numbers of the soctions amended. An Act relating to tho Krectloii of Mill-Dams soil tho regulation of Mills. Provides the man nt-r of appropriating mill-sites, and tho payment ef damages to the land owners above and about tho mill: provides a rate, of tolls one seventh fur steam mills, one eighth for other mills.and not more than one tenth In nny case where the meal is not bolted t provide! Ibe manner of enforcing re pair! In mills owned by several partlos, but no miller shall be obliged lo grind smwlty or diseased grain ', provides role! for weights, lost sacks, dec The law comprises thirty-live section!, and is" very important ono lo the people Every miller should not fail to provide himself wilh a copy, to keep at his mill, for the beuelit of bis customers. The Law was prepared and worked through by Hon. If. L. Turner, or Marlon county, (who is a practical Millwright), and it does In in great credit. An Act to protect Fairti rounds. Provides pun iihmeut by heavy lines for any one who will sell, or give an ay, any spirituous or other liquors, in- ids of any Fairlirnunds without written license; or who shall ho guilty of disorderly conduct on the Fair Oroonds, or using obscene language be fore ladies at such places. An Act to amend the Quarts Mining Law -Will appear in full next week. An Act relating lo the Militia. Repeals tho two dollars per capita military tax, and transfers the military fund above tho sum of two thousand uoiisis fu. i, loon, to tho Penitentiary fund. All Act to pruvido for the puLliuAiiuii ol tho Stats Treasurer's quarterly report. An Act to provide for loaning tho common achool fund, in the different counties. It requires oiorlgago security on real estate, worth three times the amount loaned, and that the notes shall betaken payable in the same kind of money as that loaned. An Act relating to Foreign Insurance Compa niesProvides that no foreign tiro or marine in- ursiice, express or brokorage company eh ill be allowed to transact any lili-ioess In Ibis State without lirst depositing (tod.lNtU of thn interest bearing bonds nf the United Stale or uf the State of Oregon, iu the county Treasurer's o3Ue of the county w hurt said company s puocipal olKcc ii kept, to bo there held as security for all persons doing business with said company. Another Act provides amendments to the Code of Civil Pr-M-edurs, which is long, and interesting only to lawyeia, who will puich.-ue Vid read tho law for themselves. The Acl relating to illegal voting ha already been published. All Act relating: to Assessors Kalatel lo tho manner in which Ihey shall ducharge their Ju lius. Another Act relates to the appointoient by the county court of supervisors (except in Curry co..) and their duties. Another Acl provides for Ihe publication of ths Laws and Juuruals of this session. Another Acl confers additional jurisdiction on Ihe Juslioes court, iu Ihe punishment nf larceny, and assault and battery i and also in wlativn to a change of veiiut before Justices' eor.rts. Another Act provides half pilotage fees, to llu pilot who shall first speak any vessel &n-uudiiig or descending lbs Columbia rivor, no mailer whether they want a pilot or not. An amendment lo the "Sunday Law" provides that Ibe Sunday law "shall not apply to keepers of drug stores, doctor shops, undertakers, livery liable, barbers, bulcli n a id btke an) all cir cumstance of necessity and mercy may be plead ed iu defunc,wbich shall be treated as questious of fact for the jury lo determine when the offense ll tried by Jury" Another Aot provides imprisonment In Ih Pun Herniary for stealing government notes, bank notes, bills of exchange, Ac., and ajso for steal ing horses, !-, Ac Joiul Kesolulions were passed in favor of an nexing Walla Walla county to Oregon I in rela tion to Ihe death of the President ; la relation to an eolargenieal ef Ihe Port of Kutry I In relation to the mails: and In relation lathe steam tug, asking Washington Territory to glvs ber exclusive rights. -On Tim Wino." Naiby has been com pelled by the Abolition majority In New Jeraey to abandon thai" Saint'i licit " He announces now lhal he it "-on Ihe wing." Democracy modern Democracy treaiou sympathising Democracy-it now "on Ihe wing." Let it lie kept ' on Ihe wing." and let loyal and patriot ic men see lo It that no rrtttug-p ace for any eh a foul bird be left on Ihe American conti nent. If wo must have parties and political differences, lei it be parties of loyal men, pro feaaiof and maintaining devotion to the Union and ita recognised authority but lei no other party over agaia rise op which has Ihe treason, able instincts to sympathise wilh and encour age the armed traitors and open enemies ef Ihe glJriowt "tun aod tripe," as this modern. S3 called Dettooracy has. ia the past four yoars. Ton Gmivot a to Bonaa The Nsw York fYioaai sart that lb comparing a negr Ie Democrat Is one of lt?e m fligmnt tetj of injustice perpetrated upon a loug lufferlaf I and down trodden race. THE FITlllE I'AliTV. General Kilpalrick delivered n political lets- turo at tho Tremoot Temple. Boaton, on the 30th of November, Ihe text of which, briefly reported by telegraph, ia aa follow! : In considering ths question, what is lo be and what shall be the future party ol this coun try, that party mint first of all bo Just. It muil also he patriotic not patriotism aa a catch-word, but the patriotism which had met and subdued treason against the csuutry the patriotism of -Lincoln, Seward, Stanton, Grnnt, Sherman, Dtx. Butler, Banki, Sheridan and others the natriotiim nf Andrew Johnson, who holds the deatiuiei of tho country in bis hands. Ho did not believe that Johnsnn had forgot ten or would disregard the promise of freedom maclo ou the item of the Cnnitol of Tennessee, or hii lutiguugo littco for the punishment of treason. That pnrty also ahnuld be progreiiive, and. above all, truly republican in idea and demo crat In all ita operation!. When this country ahall have forgotten to act npon the principles nf iustice. humanity and truth, it n ill have parted with the leorel ef ita greatnese. With an adherence to these principlca, tho Govern ment will lie pure, powerful and permanent. That suits us exactly. " Do jmtioe, though the heaveni fall," is nn old maxim, nnd very safe. On tins rock let ua build. " When this country shall have forgotten to net upon tho principjes of jmtice, humanity and truth, it will have parted with the secret of its great- noil." No tiicaaure of mnterial prosperity will ever oninponauts any country for tho li-art do parture from those principles of justice, human iiy and truth, which go to the elevation of man's moral nature and mental abilities. " III farm tin- hot, to hislealnil ills a prey, Where wealth aiiuinulates, sad men deaiy." Tiik ,Syrm;i thinly, that Oregon has certain elaim: oti the Coveriioieiit wlii-h oiilit to be paid. Certuio minovs, it think-, ouijIiKn ho refunded. At the same time, it seem- to. aeient to our position, that no State ipimt;et siemid be paid by in uciicmi U"vernmeoi. Ureguntan. We assent to ) our proposition about Stale bounties, ai fur as I lie Atlantic Stutei nr con- Cornell. If the General Government sh'ould agree to pay with it? bonds the entiro amount nf Oregon back pay and bounty bonds, recruit ing and enlisting expenses included, it would not pay any more fir soldiers here than It paid for soldiers in the Atlantic States. The differ ence nf circumstances and position hot ween the expenses of raising mldiert in Oregon and in the Stntea, nml Ihe expenses nnd privations of the aoldier'a family here, nuikn our statement of the claim of Oregon fair and just. Tub PitncKR Term. In speaking of the proper name of the Union, Ihe Albany Demo crat saya ; If Washington ami JeftVrson and Msrli-mn are to be roudih'rcl enniiieteit authority to deride the miesii'n at this- dxy.we will mention that they expressed it Hun: " Ihete Itiiitnl Stale.'' Rot they' did not kinov thin lo be a Nnlionit (itwrrmnrnt ttieyslipposed it to ic a peticriu (or leituciii iovernnieiii. We inppnso that the Constitution forming the Union ii the heat authority; and in that instrument t lie words, " the United States,' arc invariably used to ileaignute the Nation. Ia tho article! of Confederation, article 1, ex press ly (lectures that " the rtvlo of this Con federacy ahull b ' The United Statci of Amer ica.' " The Democrat is mistakeu in snying that Washington and Madison regarded this as a Federal or leagued Government. Their opinions declare their belief that it is it Nation I Government n Government of the people. Annkf.w Jackkon. Speaking of the noble old patriot, t lie Albany Democrat my : lie regarded tiie dor-trine of State Itlilits as the liiinrui k or nor repnbih-nn rorm ol tfoveioment, and neither attempted Inuihelf nor permitted oUier to ia fru-t ilie rii;!il- or Itespuss opon the reserved powers of me Mines. . Whilu rou are on that point, jnt t. II aa how Jackson treated South Carolina in 16.')-!, when alio passed her ordinance of nullification and secession. And Having done that, tell us how your Deniocratio Preside nt, James Bucliunnn, acted under similar circumstances, in ISOO. And then lell us which is the true Democracy, that In Id by South Carolina, General Jackson or James Buchanan f Consomno Iniirkh. The Ohio Cri- its sat s t The Democratic party was defeated iu every North era Suie in with Ii election were held. The nlv eon "l itt n to Is- dcriv, d Irom thi4 f,tte uf otf.tir is, that thiuis e c. t nv worse. nu4 there Is plenty of room tor improvement. Willi an extraordinary regard for Ihe truth. tile Albany Democrat commends tho uliuve paragraph to Ihe Democracy of Oregon. They had doubtless heard the news of ihe eleclioni in ihe St.ttea. but needed O'Mcara' indorse ment In convince them that nil such newt was not a " d d Aboliticn lie." The Democrat will accept our thanks fur undeceiving ilt tup porters iu this regard. HtcxnoMt. " Some of eur pubbe men have no puni tive opinions They a ill not n,cdi: thcm-rlromimiiia!- Itleilly to Ibis policy or Ihil l, aun e t Ihe e,dil m iy pmve their adi a unpopular. Their mind seem In I l no rqinpo-e, and nln-ii lln-y do niva a very little inrjr are luny a api to no wrong ai otherwise. I n 0-0 Irite h it vi-ry expulsive term. the people never know where to llml tiirm,' ( trrgonian. I Ihe editor of the Oitgor.un milking per sonal a'lusioni to himself I Wa have heard just such sentiments as the aliovo applied to him. by gentlemen front various parts nf the Stale. If ho is one of our publio men," h tnnst be making a homo thrust. Come now, hadn't you heller Hop that, and go lo fighting lb Copperheads T Aas wkTaxsP? Orrirui I- taxed .toiler Ihe lnleni.,1 Uerrii'ie Is, for 1-oU-, the pretty little sum nf time ine-orvo inonsauu duiur. ill conn we don I feel the taxen Aretew. Ye, we are laxrd considerable. Taxed to pay for pulling down a Democrntio rebellion ; taxed to pay for inppre:ug Ihe treason nursed and hatched by a Democratic administration ; taxed lo pay Ihe expense of defending the Gov ernment and it Capitol from the ttvaeon and rebellion nf Southern Democrat!, and taxed lo pay the ct peine of hanging Deuiocralio trait or and assasiiui. Tun SfKcirc Contract Ait. Iu the case of Milliken and othera ft. Sloat, recently tried be ore ihe Supreme Conrt of the Stato nf Ne vada, in session at Carton City, the Court re- vereJ Ihe former decision of Chief Justice Lewis, and declared in express teinje that the Specific Contract Aot was in conflict wilb Ihe law of Congress making the national issnrt le gal tender! ; that Ihe law of Congress was con stitutional, and thai the Specific Contract Aol was unoomiilutional. and therefore null and Void. Chief Justice Lewis dissented. Mr. IJaeota ie4.oio.jilt violated slid drrnM the Cot- t lutein anil lrsmpW-,1 ua Nate ruhu. Hr. Johruhw h simply fnll-iwed la hi immedist pnroWrssor'i sterns, tnr K'fklt Dtmoeral. We deny ihe truth of thai itatemenl, and defy Job In point out a (ingle luetauee where either President Lincoln or hit ucoeesor ha ever ttrlated Ihe Constitution or trampled on the rights of the Slates. Point out tho time- placv, manner and art. Ki.utmils U.v t asiua We bam that Bish op fcott haa takea the field at lVtlawd, again! the religious fallariea promulgated by the Catho lic lecturer. Father Bouchard. There are tew bier theologian anywhere thl Bishop Scot I ami we tt: i ths 1 'r"Vtr-, will fln1 tw " elrl Bishop " father too heavy for the " Mother Church" I IHE I'ATTLK PLAblE. Wo give the following condensed account uf this fearful plague, from our cotemporariee t It is in the aleppea or plains of Ilusiia that tho diseuso originates, and prevails mortally among the oattle. Tho true nature of the rinderpest, as it is called, seems not to be well understood, but it is supposed that the. poison enters the syatetii through the organa of re ipiration, loon acta upon tho blood, and the animal attacked rarely livei beyond tho fourth day ofter the symptom hnvo ihown them lelvci i while many of thuru aink on tho ice ond day. So fatal and 10 malignant ii tho dis ease, that beevca not conaidercd at all infect ed when being driven to tho slaughter house, aoinctimes are attacked with it, anil lie down aud die in the highway. Lost year nearly two millions of cattle died iu Egypt, and a complete bridge of carcasaea wai formed over the river Nile. The diaeaae haa awept over a great portion of Europe, nnd ia now rapidly depriving Great Britain of her cattle. It ia highly contagious, and when it Invadea a herd, nearly every animal is sure to take it and die in a few dayi. Cattle will oninttiuuicate it to tlieeji and theep to cattle. Of all the animals attacked, the deaths fre quently amount to 90 per cet t. Actual contact with infected ouinmls is not necessary for communicating the disease. A lot of diseased hides were taken to New Zea land, and the infection struck the cattle. Not less than 100,001) died, nnd many more were killed and buried, In arrest Ihe progress of Ihe initially. It has been shown that any article whatever, that baa been in contact with a dis eased animal, will carry tho contagion to healthy localities. Thus far, the dreaded riiiilcrpiist has tint been communicated lo tho United States, and tho most rigid nicaiurei should bo adopted to prevent in introduction. Should it make its iipjiernnuc on the Atlantic border, it would bo but a question of time and perhaps n very short time of its rcuching California. An ocean and a continent intervene nt present, but distance seems no barrier lo iti desolating progress. IIKMOI ItATIC HKLIlilOV. Wc arc furnished the following bit of "reli gious experience," confessed in a Copperhead church not many miles from hero. As our in formant is a relieble tnnti, wo are compelled lo bcltevo it, and can only account for such brut ith Mens in any pcreou upon the basis thus this hell-born pro-slavery, modern Democracy has to poisoned and corrupted the hearts and minds of those who adhere lo it. that they nro uow beyond the possibility of a single feeling for Immunity. Hero is tlie " experience :" I hiih brought up by pious parents, and was nlwnys taught that it wns right to he religious nnd lo love God. A protracted meeting was being held in tho neighborhood, prodncinS some interest. My sister attended and experienced religion nt that meeting. On returning from meeting, my eWor cumo to mo in the garden and asked me if I ever prayed, I said no j 1 did not suppose it necessary, ns father and mother prayed for ns all. She shid I must pray fur myself. My parents had come nnd joined in the' conversation, mid I liecntne considerably impressed with Ihf- fact of my sinfulness ; so wo nil Illicit down in the potato ("Inter") patch and nil prayed for me. In conversation afterwards, my sisler told me Hint I never would find peace until I could conin In the Saviour iu the ino-t humble and self-abused manner possible ; so I cono uded I would 'pnt' myself in the lowest possible position. I came lo the conclusion Mint 1 would imagine myself ns low nnd degraded as a dog ; but even In this low state of humility I conld not liuil accept ance. I still continued lo pray nnd wrestle with God, and thought for a point of deep hu mility anil sclf-nhascinent I could " put " my self in, belnw Ihe dug, w ith hopes of success. And now, brethren nnd sisters, I must tell you my thoughts; I can't help it, for it is true, and I must tell it all : I cumo to the conclusion that I wns as vile, worthless and degraded and nn belter than a nigger, nnd, glory to God ! I then found peace. Bailkoau Fiiom Salt Lake to the Ciit.l MniA litVKit. Gov. Lyon, of Idaho, has the following in bis message, ou the above sub ject. We lliiitk with the Governor, tliut if proper representations are made In Congress, tvo otiht lo receive the same ni I to Kail roads at the west end of the great Pacific line as are grunted Iu branches ut the East end: After a careful series of siitinditirrs at i water, it baa been found thai Ibe Suulic or Shoshone liver ran ,be made navigable at a nominal expeusn from (Mil's Kerry to Salmon Falls, a distance ol two hundred nnd fifty miles, thus making nn important link in the chain of railroad communication Irum the norlb end of Great Salt Lake lo Wnllula nil I.. rami Kiiiuio vniev anil nulla Walla, over Ihe lowest pass in tho lllue Mountains. Wilh about one hundred miles of navigation (J rent Salt Lake wo have less than four hun dred unlet of railroad to build to render I branch Pncilio railroad a success, hose cut re pot will be Portland, nnd its terminus Great Suit Lake GitV- lhli touto Is sonic live lion dred utiles near Chun and Japan than Ihe trunk route through Nevada and ("a iforma. aud by your endorsement of the itute of facts in a proper way, hv uicmurial, it cannot fail lo attract favorably the attention of Congress, that we inny have thn initio chartered rights auu t.overuinetit iioutitr loitiilncc Us construe lion that litis been given to oilier measures of a similar character. I bus the ( oluitiliia river, tho ualtirnl avenue nf eonum-rcc, would nt tract the trade of Ibe orient as well as Ibe ac cident, and lorin the lust grand link in Ibis tru ly nntinnnl highway. Oregon, as well as the 1 territories ol .Montana and Wa-lniicton, will be largely the gainers by ila progress and com p let ion. iiik i.lkctiiis. Did you over hear stu b a jubilee as tho copparhead papers have railed over iheir first and only victory iu Oregon, or anywhere elie in tho United Stale I Itcat overwhelmed, destroyed, Muted, " busted" is ths democracy in every Stato in the I'nion, jet Ihey lay a little corporation victory lo their hearts ssa aweet morsel of comfort, in exchango for national annihilation. Hut.sftcr all, when the truth conn-a out, it is not a democratic victory nt all. The (jaselte states the facts about as follows i Ths city election last Monday may be denomi nated a general election, from the fact that it was participated in by Long Tom, Sap Creek. Linn county and adjoining counties, and thns the de mocracy" elected Ih-ir candidato for Mayor by eleven. year they elected the same man by majority of ii." With til Ihe aid ths rebels could aend iu from "Long Thomaa, Soap "Creek" and the adjoining democratic counties, they elected their Mayor by eleven votes,aud lost tAtrty-tini vetes on him since last year. TRKRinLR Traoedv. The Yreka Journal give the particulars of a terrible) tragedy at Hawkineville, in Siskiyou county, Cal. A very honest, respectable aud worthy German, named John Wilfciihaoh, while tailoring under a lit uf insanity, shot bis wife with a revolver, before daylight in the ruorniug, killing her instantly II thet) loaded double barreled gnu with back-shot, placed the munle to hit mouth, ami . fired both Iwrrele wilh hit toes, literally blow iu ou ni nesju. tie irii a Uriel oo.e explain ing the deed, aud three children, and founder alios property, with dtrrcihm te a (thud to Uke bit property aud ulmdrea baud to Germany. NATION AL AIIOUTHIV UK NUVKKY. The following ii the proclamation of Secre tary Seward, declining tho abolishment of slavery. To all lo whom these presents ahull come, Greeting : Know ye, that whereas, the Con g'cas of the United States on the first day of February last, passed a resolution which is iu the wurds following, namely : AKTIl'I.EXIII. Suction 1. Neither slnvery or involuntary icrvitude, except aa a punishment lor erniie, whereof the party slmll have been duly con victed, ahall exist wiftiin the United Statei, or any plnoe aubject to their juriailiotioti. Section 2. Congress sltitll Imvo power to enforce this article by appropriate logiflutinn. And whereas, It appears from the ofliuiul dnoumenta nn file in this Department, that the Amendment lo Constitution of the United States proposed us aforesaid hm heen ratified In- tho Legislature of tho Statei of Illinois. Rhode Island, Michigan, Maryland, New York, West Y inziuin, .Maine, Kansas, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Virginia. Ohio, Missouri, Neva do, Indiana, Louisiana, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Vermont, Tennessee, Arkausai, Connecticut, New llumsshiro. Smith Carolina. Alahaiiia, North Carolina and (ieorL'ia. ill till tlVHiity-teV en Stnlei ; and whcroni, the whole number of States in the United Slates liWi anil where as the before specially named States whose Legirl itures have ruitlied the said proposed amendment constitute tliieo fourlhi of the whole number of Sttites in the United Suites ; now therefore, he it known, that I, Win. II Seward, Secretary of Slate of the United States, by virtue of and iu pursuance of the second section of Ihe Act nf Congress approv ed 20th of April, 1818 (?), entitled nn "Aot to provide for the publication of the laws of the United Stales and lor other purposes." do hereby certily lliul lite amendment has become valid In nil intents and purposes, its a put t ol the Constitution of the United States. In testimony whereof, etc W. H. SEWAUI). Secretary of Stiite. A Good Dkai, foil tiik Piiesiiient, hut Not Much for Johnson. It must uot be forgotten thai every Democratic lender, now loud lor Andrew Johnson, was indilietent to his patriolio courage in December ol 18(10; indignant at his nttuok on llreckinridgu and Lane in 1861 ; laughed at his sufferings as a refugee and opposed bis nppoiutnient us Mili tary Guvc'rnor of Tennessee in 1801 G2 : de uot'nued his tyranny and called liiin an ingra'te in 1803; voted against him in 1804 ; slander ed him in lHt5; and now proclaims himself in favor of Andrew Johnson's restoration or reconstruction plan without ever having dune anything but assail nil the other portions of his polity, including emancipation, confisca tion, suspension nf tlio writ of habeas corpus, military arrests, military trials, execution of the assassins, and the support of Radicals like Holt, Stunton and William U. llrownlow, of Tennessee. "Lafayette CouitiEit." This is tlio title nf tho new paper tn lie started at Lafayette, in Yamhill county. It it advertised to advo cate and defend the "tinio honored principles of the Deiiiucmtio party." Docs anybody know, or cau anybody tell, w hat the 'timo-lionorcd principles" mean Dotv-a-duyal won't some good Up. start a iJctnouratio paper, and call it, "Time-Honored Principles." .11 rs. 8. A. Allen's World's Hair lto. t-toror aud Dressing. You cannot tie bald or grey, and neither time nor siekneea can blemish your Iluir, if you me them. Sold by nil Druggists. Agents, Hosteller. Smith, & Dean, San Fi-uneisco. THE MARKETS. From late New Yol k papers wc Irani that iu tlie New Y'ot k tuarkets, at tho date of Dercmlier 1st. there was rather more tli in the iinual activity in the Dry liwuls mat ket, ou account or a decline ul prices. The cotton milU are producing very largely, and llie prospect ap pears tu he Unit the supply of gnoiN will he such ns to compel l'iw prices, Irrespective ot the real cost of the falirics to the rasuufuctiii-er. llrnwii Sheetings were hi moiltrule demand, with au im-rense ia the supply. The Oui-r lii.i kes were i-nori-il at a dccliue of 1 JrtJ.'ic y yurd. Surli A, Lawrence (', Indian Uriel, Appletou A, and Ainnry standard, were held hy agents at 3Uc; i i (Ji-aa-Ittville. .'Iljc.jdo. 27e; 4-4 Augusta Factory, S21c, j do. 27Jc 4-4 Otsego, 2o; 4-4 W'niirliiisett, 3:)c. Illeaclicd gr.otlH were selling at gi-urnilly lower prices, the decline, a comp,ireil with ten days ugo. Iieing J it k. New York mills w -co sold hy agents at Stic; 4 4 W.innuu 4oc, D-rJ do. 52Je, and 5-4 do. 67c; Tuscamra anil Trent each 4(lc: 4 4 Fiirentdalc 37 Jc. Cor-et Joans were sternly ami iu demand at aliuitt 33c. C'-itton Flan nels l-.wcr, niugina inun 4'iJ to 4.i c. Stripes dull ut ii tu 37, and 4", to 5ic for best Uands. l'rinls were quiet and weak. T ie decide la priailng cli.tlis Inil produced un Imll-pnMiion lo buy. Tlie fiilluef.ig are the current prices among jobbers j Merrimack AV, '.We; C-ichceo L. 2lic; Sprogoe's fain in, a;cj Uu-linioml'i, 2'.c; Amnskeag, 23c; Vaui9t;tu, 20c; Loudon Mourn ing iSpnigue's) 23c. llu-lin Delaines were very active and steady in price. Il.uiiiit.jii, IVilic uinl Maiiciii-.-lcr wire ijuiiled by llie agents at Tlie tiade in Wieilios was quiet, nii.l pi i, M had a weak tendency, but without uny qu -lable decline. Chs snuerea are iu limited demand, iritli the reducli-iii in price usual t-ward the i In ol llie -i ason. Cl illis arc quiet aud steaiiy in price. The supply ol carpeU was belter tip with the demand than fir smne time bjt. The Lra-ell Company's In grain mil at $1 liOfursuperlliie,$l "j ,,r extra super- line, aud f J l.i lor iiupcri.l three ply. r launch were Iu m-.derate detaaiid. Plain Scarlet, 4ilo .i2c; twilled do .',(! a 72(o for F and C; white do i2 ff-iij.-; tiliuker il'i i2J(H-'ii:. Foreign al were supplied in excess f the market. anu iirtces were generally wealt Hi.d lower. (It iiiu-t la- borne in mind Hint the almve ure whole sale prices, and " greenback prices.") IAS FRANCISCO MtSKKTS. The following are tbe4clcgraildc quoi itiona for Jan, loth, coin prices K'ir leant traders at R.iard, 7d was paid and "1 was asked. L'eflie prices have adviiiirrd; talcs 3,701) lbs, C'ts Itica, in lots from second hamU, nt 27etclosinff at 2')8.uo; Jura at so, ti,-n realized g.sal prices, fjn .in 211 ik f too lbs. I .i market closed buoyant. Cnn dies ure in ihmatid at full prices; sales iOU tmiies Knit rys uml io'J do. Knnppa, private; qiwtablc at 27c Koig-.e!.'. Illiietine has declined lo I5c; the large testes resulting from late arrivsh has Imparted mnrs tone to the market, and mast kinds of udeut ntcdi vines have advanced 2o'25 f cent, within 30 days. sugar situ .,n latrrels lal relliiery ll at IS )-: Cir cle A cm-lied isqunUlile at li ltie t lb. Janusry r.'ili. fatolles l.tKsl lis of Gram's A Kunpp's sold at 27c. Coal Uil further salts of IS, oisi galhins, assorted hrmmls, were made at $1 30; wc understand the price will be advanced to $t 40 on Mote day tiext. Flour iCieirine,half-n k, t bill, al (l 2.,, quarter sacks nt $'1 60, extra halt ska $4 50, qrsks at .$'! "i, extra bakers half saksat $ 75; quarter racks at (7; miL-ide country brands sell at 2'.c 4 lb f barrel. Wheat prices are rirm; sales of S.OUO Rs cholcs m.ll nig at 10; 7U0 sks gs d at M per 100 llu. and 50 ditto private. Barley sales of 1,000 ska feed at $1 Oo and not) ditto brewing at It 07 J per 1 00 lbs. Oats there Is movement and the market is better, with stales of 1.400 sks at fl Co, and !,VI do, part il not all at ft 70 f MO lbs. roari.AKD raoniTs ataatr. Ths Orrmtian reptirts the duntcstic produce market for Jsa.Utb as follows: Wheal, new, fur milling, J) IniM. Cats, " " Corn Ural. V ttW It. .. 9Xft 1 115 o oo rmur. extra. M T on 4n no Ktoor, eiMtntry brands tiround Feed,' too limn, ton MMJImga. V ton Applea. ' Ikix tpplCfc, Uriel1 Hat-on, Pa Hams, e lb- -boulders, lift,. Vfl (S) .30 00ft:cj no .. ' I'll. H W IS ii .vs .. i Jo-jo un Jo S en . 3 UKii &o :i tsi si i SO IS' Lard, in tins lrd. iu keat- r'gus. 1 dot... Holier, V ft,.... t'liH-kens ipriog and full grown. y doe PiaHtites, y bns'-el.... .............. Onhaie V ion a, ..." "Vain, f ni , Haled Hsv. toil Ia lUv.eitno. --traw, i hm Tat ailier txciUmvut u still raging ia Jacksc eouuty. NEW IxDVERTISEICEMTS, SALEM THEATER. THOrt. WARD Ltuoe ami Mnimirnr MR. WARD tiilti'i jilifivujrft Iimtinounnlng to Hie t ilixi'iiit of' in hikI vicinit y tliut lm hint ellWtuit n HiiiriiKuiiiuiit with tlio ctjlebi'iUml Actren ftrjr ongstre, FANNY MORGAN PHELPS, Who wilt it iu tear here lovoml nvwiiruM .Inei... .t.. pre will Wflok, Hided by a full iithI efficient oumpunr Kor full niu tiriilrii-H we kilt of the iIhv, Klllem, llltt. lHli.r, Willamette Steam Navigation Company. THE V. H. N. CO.'S NEW STEAM Kit 2sba ALERT, Leaves I'OHTI.ANP every morning at 7 o'clock for CITY, eooneiiiuu with tlio ateatuer AU. TIVK. Will leavo OKKOW CITY everv tlav for POUT fjANl), at 1 o'clock r. M., or on tlie arrival ol the ACTIVE from Corvallis. Kreurhl sail Passage a tiluco(l Itiittts! Apply on hoard. Tlie Willamette Steam Navigation Co.' Steamer ACTIVE, J. T. Ari'KBsnn, . . Muster, Will leave CANEMA1I nvei TUESDAY and Pill. DAY at ID o'clock t, .. fo- KALKM. ALttANV aiidCDBVAUJS. U. W. HUIMSIUH, 'orllanil, Jan. IS, I'lifi. 1'ice i W. rt. N. Co. Oisotuliilioii Notice. NOTICE Ii hereby given that llie oopartnerahiD liereteforo cxisti g under the name of Mreri, Hughes ex Co., is lliisday dissolved by mutual consent' Mr. Nit-klm having sold hie entire iule -ust in tlie tirra' to Ins partners wliu will continue the tiusiuesa and are Hiiilioi izil to eiilluet all ilelits due tlio luta linn, and will Hetile all demauili against the stone. M. MYKIM, JOHN lliriillE A. 11.N1CKUN. ' Salem, Jau. 13, IHiib. Nolire. All persons knowing themselves Indented to ths late liriuof Myers, Hughes iSr. (Jo. ure requested ui coma t'orwerd and settle, and all pet-soui having claims will present the some, as the loiMincss must, lis eettteil f.llH, IIUHIIES, &Ct). State Airi'ii'iillui'.il Nociciy. TIIE Board of Managers of the Oregon Stdto Agri cultural Society aro iei ucsled to meet at tlie nine Lilirary rooms at hnlein. on luumluv, tlio Khlidavof Eehi-oarv. lHlit!, at. 1 o'cloek, M , for tlia trflnNMti.,n ollinsinetiof impo tanen connected with the r-'orietvi 1 no lime tor iioiniiur toe next anaital fair, togsihuV with the arrangement of th,e premittai lists, will lis considered by tlie linaril at this Dieeting, therefore the friends of the Society are eiiniently and cordially in vited to aMetul. Per order of tlie President, I. C PEKnLES, Cor. 8ee. Salem, Jan. 13, Sfi.:iw.5 " 8HKKJW8 8AU!. BY virtue of un execution Issued out of the circuit court of the Stiilo of Oregon for Yamhill county uinl lo mo directed, by the clerk of aaid conrt, iu favor of Williams At. I.ippinrott nnd auainst l'oter Kline and (or want of personal property to satisl'v the same' I huvo levied upon and will proceed to 'sell to the highest bidder for cash fit hand, at tlie ennrt-lionse door in Lafayette, ou February 6th, lHliti, between the hours of o'clock a. nt. and 4 o'rJoek p.m. of said day, all the right, title, and interest of said 1'e.ier Kline in and to the premises described as follows, to wit: Highly acres of land, being a part of tho dona tion claim of N. P. ltohineon and wife, beginning at a stake on the west boundary lino of said donatioa claim , south 1(1 deg 30 mill SM.78 eliuilia from thu north west corner of the enid donation tract, thence south Ifi deg :i(l mill west ill 51 chs to the south east corner of Louis Lalionto'i land claim, tlieneo south 18 deg 3(1 mitt west i.lli elis to John Cary'i east corner, return ing to beginning comer, ond from tlieoce south (ill deg east (ill chs to tlio iVilluutette river, thence up said river to the place of beginning, containing eighty acres of land, more or less, together with all the ap purtenances tiiorciiuto bctoiiging to he sold to satisfy said execation, interest, costs, mid necruing cost. la. la. WHITCOMB, KlierilT. Jan. 8. I8l'li. MfERl'PF'S SA.K. IY virjite of a decree of foreclosure and anexeca ' tion issued thereon from the circuit court of the Stole of Oregon for Morion county, and to me direct ed, by Ihe rlerk of said court, iu favor of Ai Cooliilge, guurdiuu of Annette Cuolidgu, un infant, nnd against Joseph Jones and Lueinda Jones, I have levied upon and will proceed los. ll to llie highest bidder for cash in hand, at the eotirl-lmnae door in Salem, on SAT UltDAY. TIIK Kith DAY OF FKHKL'AltY, 18o6, at one o'clock p. m. of aaid dav, the property describ ed in said decree, to wit : Kiiimte in Marion county, Slate of I Iregon, in T. ti S. U. 1 W , commencing at a point on the south line of Jnmcs Brown's land claim-, thence 5 .'JH rliuins set u stnVe ; ihi-nro north II.IW set a stake from whicli Y. nnk 21! Indies in diameter lienra North 'H deg W 43 liokst lliuuco south (i'.'J deg W. Ulal cbiiius lo a stake i thence south 'J deg et 5.V2 chains set a stake tlie pluee of beginning, front which a V. oak Ii iuclies in dininutcr lieura north 01 deg west .HI links." To he sold to satisfy aaid execution, interest, costs, and uecroing costs. HAM L 11KADRICK, SIierifT Salem, Jan. 1 1, IHtai. 4wtti I'ilatiou. E STATU ef the minor heirs of John B. Kowland, dee d. .Inn. Slit, J ;. County Court. Yiunliill county, Oregon At this day cornea Jauea Kelty Slid Jeremiah Itowlitud, gnardiuns ef tho estate of l" minor heirs of John It. Kowland, dee d, and upon alll davit uml petition herein tiled asks tlie court for a li cense lo sell a portion of the real eslule of said heirs, and it appearing proper aod reasonable to the eistrt rial said petition si Id be heard, it is therefore or dered by llie cuitrt ltia Ihe next of kin of tlie said wurds and all persona iutc runted be liolilied to appear at tlio ciiuM-honse in Yamhill county, Oregon, ou. Wednesday the ith day of February next, ut which titni- and place said )Hlition will lie' heard u':d deter mined. J. VY. CiiWLS, to Judge. Jon. .VlWtiwtydlti Hy S C. Antus. Clerk. Ailitniiisli-itlor'N Sills' if I.uud. NUTTt K is hereby given that I will sell fur cash in hand to tlie highest bidder, at pnolio anetiun, at tho court house door in Lafayette, Yamhill county, Oregon, on Tuesday the (ith day of February, Itiiti, between the hours of ! o'clock a. tu. ond 4 o clis-k p. 01. of said day, all the rent estate of Win. A. ( nlbcrt son, late of the county unit Stute aforesaid, deceased, and being the donaiio'u land claim of said dec'if, con tniniiig 13-tWI aeree. Also, the nndiiided half of 3-fl lures of land as descrihi-il in iNoiiticutinu No. i:r.'l, Claim So 7 ti, uml known as the douatiou land claim of John T. Jetlrevs and wife. A. HliADlll'KY, Admiuistmtor. January It. ISCal. III fsiiuidiuii Kulu. BY virtue of au order and license ul ash) made to rue in the Yamhill county court, January terra, Ie), 1 shall proceed to eell al public auction the La fayette House and block, wiih ihe improvements, ia Ihe Inwu of Ulaypiio in said eoaiilyi also tractional portions ol the Joel Perkins donation laud claim, ly ing ou I he well and on the northwest of the Lafavelie town plat iu said county the property of tho hoirsof said 1'erkins. Sale to take pluee at the court house door in Lafayette, ou Tuesday, February bth, 140, between the 'hours uf 9 o'clock a. m. and'4 o'clock p. ui. ol kiiii! dav. Terms, gold or silver coin iu hand. Inn M, IHiiowtilli 11 IV, ALLEN, Guardian. AriiuiiiiMrtilor'N Salt' f Lund. XJOI ICK is hereby given that I will m-U loreanhin it hand to the highest bidder at public aurlieu, at the court house door bi llayetct Y'amhill coutitv, Oregon, on Tnewhty tlio Ikh day of February, laild, beiween the hours of U o'clock a. to. and 4 o clock p. ru. of said duy, all the real estate of A. J. Mcradith, ileeeased, late uf Yamhill eonuty Oregon, and being the donation land claim of the said A.J. Mt-mdith, de ceased, situated in mid county and Sinte, and contain ing IL'7 1st liaj acres. JOHN I'liltltY,, lMitiwtilt'i Ailuiiuistraior. kxecutuuh ,urjcjc7 NOTICE ia hereby given that the eudersigned haa lareu duly appointed executor of the will of Neal Me. Kire, late ol Murion comity, deceased. All per sons having claims euaiusl said estate will present them to me at my resilience iu said eonuty, within six months, and uil persons owing said eslule are request ed to make immediate payment, Jan. l.i, lNWw4 pdlii W. II Cl'LVER. Ex'r. i:lriiy Atittfi'. 'pAKF.N I'P by the snlwntair, aix mile aouthof 1 Nileai, one sorrel mare live or lis years old, H hands biifh, while atrip in Ibe facet no other oiirks l-ereeivat.le jllee, 11, lrYi&. 8. P. DIMl.tM. ulitt'. rtAKKN UP by the subscriber, one mile north of t Nilein, one eow, Willi red head, neck, and isles, while ftieekled back, roiup, tad. and bellvi mark. crop olf the lelt ear. small upper bit otf the right ear. broad irelesKribable 1 on hip. ('tone to mv premises in July last. dee. li, 1-tsil SAMLIX PKNTKH. muni. AT IIETIIEL COIe leire. Polk eontitv. Oreeon. M,t Ke at least a thorough Knitli'h seliolar. and well recommended. By order of the b wrd of trustees. W. K1CIIAKP80X, Pres'ts llethel.Inn.H. IW Hmi A Partner Wanted, "N a good paring business. A vonng man prrferred. I For particulars, apply at Ihe Salesman Office. Jannapv 15, IHtsS, lw 1'OTirE. TAKEN, ap, bv the subscriber, living ea 8oatb Visina 10,1 hi'iU M..pth nf HIb in Alettno eoua- tv, oue bay I101OK. euprswed to be eeven veara old. sVoit 14) hands biyh. with star in Ihe torebead sod saddle marks on his back, the rixhl bind foot while te the pastern jesnt. mid little while on left fore loo- ! VI. M. JAM. IV. 11011'! Varnishes ! N'Ont.E Howr'e CoeeK. Copal, Beo atne, IJeniar, aud eihellsr Yaniihes, at eetS MVtlttS, ULUUc.a W.