TKiiKUItAI'lllC DISPATCH KS. Piiiiiil S. l)ickinn"fin1 Y. Spintu'r rt now tliu timst (iriiiiiiiiuut earitlidatus fur tho N. Y. Ciilli'L'tnrsliip. John M. Withers wnscli'cteil Major of Mo liilu on tliu 4lli. lint ho linn been informed that 1m will imt Iib permitted to exorcise tlm func tions of tlio ofliou nnlil pardoned. The rrportvil m gro iiimirrpotioH In Tippn ontity, Mississippi, ' tempest in a tea. put. Tin' coirosponilencoof the Memphis Appeal of the tt It my": Thero was litilo or no reais tnnce offered in tlissrinitir, tho uegrnes anil on ly one freed man instead nf twelve lost his life. IIo wn intioceiilly hunting: squirrels, and Wat lint. One hundred and twenty smsll anna taken from tho negroes and threo of tho sup posed ring leaders lodged in nil. There ii no ground fur uneasiness or distrust. Soverul no front at Canton, Mississippi, recently overcame tlio jailor and escaped from prison. One it as billed liy the guard. The Mississippi Legislature. lias created a liurean to supply wooden legs to woiindetTsol diers, the legs ti lie made in I lie South. The Government linsiuiicd the Molina and and Ohio Uuilruad from Corintli snuth, until the Government cotton ia got out ef the count ry before it is atolcn. Louisville, Deo 9, Judge JoJinstnn in tlie Circuit Court to-dny, dismissed the iniltotiuent against General Palmer on the ground that a requisite number of State Legislature's having ratified tho Constitutional Amendment, all the criminal and penal laws of Kentucky regard ing slaw were of no effect. Gen. I'almer has therefore issued a military proclamation that slavery lias ceased to exist in Kentucky and advises tlio colored people to appeal to tlio Courts for redress, if the public conveyances hall disregard their rights to travel. The British Government lint offered a re ward of 1.000 for the capture of Stephens, the Fenian Head Center nf Ireland Letters from Paris oonfinn the previous state ment that great pressure U being made on Js'iipnleon's Government for the withdrawal of the French trorms fram Mexico. New York, Deo. 10, A letter from Rich mond says that in view of the disorganized condition of the late slave population there ia great un pan incus among the people in tho sev eral distriots. Nnmerous officers have been appointed to recruit volnntcere, lint not a single recruit has been obtained. It is thought an organization enn only be effected through compulsory draft. , ' Gen, Logan lias not yet come to a decision regarding the acceptance of the Mexican ruis eiou. He is awaiting the return of Gen. Grant beforo he decides. The Louisiana Legislature liavo elected Randall Hunt aud Henry Soger United States Senators. Tho committee to whom the sulsjoct was re ferred in tlio Mississipi Legislature, have voted adversely to the Constitutional Amendment. There is hardly n doubt of ha adoption by the Legislature notwithstanding the adverse leport. It is understood that the constitutionality of the Congressional test oath is now beforo the Su preme Court, nn the application of A. II. Gar land of Arkansas, whoso credentials will be presented on Friday next. Chicago. Dee. 10. the Atlanta Intelligen cer of the Glh snys that Provisional Governor Johnson has been directed by tho President not to if s ivo certificates to Uiu Congressional Delegation, nor permit Gov. Jenkins to bo inaugurated. , There was nn opposition to Alex Stephens for Senator for the long terra, which he con cents to take. Tho short term will be contns ted by Gov. Johnson and J. L. Hill. The Augusta Chronicle says : No more par dons are likely to commence to Georgians, but that some already grauted will probably be revoked. Bishop Quintard, of Tennessee, has squelch d a petition for a memorial to the Episcopal Church to commemorate the deeds and death of Confederate soldiers. Chicago, Deo. 10. The Congressional oere tnonies over the lute lamented Senator Collam r will take place on Thursday. The Indiana Senate by a tie veto, defeated the amendment striking out the section of the Slate Constitution prohibiting negroes residence in that State. The bill for a prohibitory liquor law was lost in the Indiana House of Representatives. Two men have been arrested and indicted for the murder of the Knsa family at Lebanon, Ohio, lost winter. It wil be remembered tlrat a family of persona were fouud murdered and no apparent cause existed for the crime, or trace of the criminals. On tlte night of the eixth, indictments had been filed in tho county clerk's office, which was nibbed of all the pa pers in the case. A special grand jury was called for new indictments. The colored people had a jubilee yesterday over the decision of Judge Johnston, that slave ry is abolished in Kentucky. Three thousand assembled in the evening and were addressed by Gen. Palmer. The Commonwealth Attor ney filed an appeal from Johnston's decision. Chicago, Deo. 10. Tho eight hour leaguers had a torch light procession last eveuing. Printers, boiler makers, stone cutters and other tradesmen praoticcd their arts during the pro cession. There is much comment on this ques tion throughout the Eastern States and particu larly in Massachusetts. The widow of Stonewall Jackson is reported to be in destitute circumstances. The official vote os North Carolina at the' recent State election is as follows: Worth, 32, 529 j Hidden, 25,880. , The number of rebel prisoners captured and paroled during tho war was 420.0U0. The receipts into tho State Treasury of Illi nois for the year ending November 30. wore $ti,21!).9) from tho regular receipts of reve nue. The disbursements were 83.770.500 for payment of interest, and $ 1 ,903,812 on the principal of the Slate debt. Available bal ance in the treasury. (2.372.668. Chicago, Decemlie 10. The troubles in the Fenian camp are on the increase. On the 7th, the Senate iu session found a writ of impeach ment against O'.Mahouy, President of the Irish liepulilio, charging him with perfidy and ninl feasance in office. The Charges were provep, and he was given twenty-four hours to answer, he not paring any attention. The new eominifHiner Gen. Curtis. Col. Simpson and Preseutt Smith, appointed by the President to examine the newly opened sections of the Union Pacifio Kailroad in Kansas, re ported that the road has been completed for sixty miles from the Eastern terminus at Wyandot'e. The first 40 miles were accepted by the Governiueut two months ago. The portion just examined is the third section of 20 miles. And is said la be a better road than the first 40 miles. The Company is about building a branch railroad from Lawrence to Leaven worth and expeot to have the main line com emupletcd to Fort Iiiley I :5 miles from Wyan dotte by Jnly next. Tho Leavenworth branch will be finished by the first of May. There ia now a continiions Hue of railroad from the Capital of the L'uiou to the eapital of Kansas, about 1.300 miles. Washington, Dec. 10. The Mexioan Lega tion give out that they have private letters from El Passo, saying the Imperial troops have all been withdrawn from Chihuahua in the direc tion of Vera Crui. Their sanguine interprets, lion le that it is Maximilian's intention to seud them hack to France. New York. Deo. II. Gen. Price. command ing the Cavalry Bureau, has introduced a pro position for a revision of the cavalry. The suggestion has received the approval of many officers. The plan contemplates that do sol dier shall be p rmanently mounted until he has reveived a rear's instruction and proved himself capable of properly taking care of a horse. Washington, Dec. 11. Official information has been received at the Departmentrnt of State of (he adoption nf Conilitotintiol Amend ment by the Legislature of 23 States. Tele graphic information has been received of the adoption of the amendment by North Carolina. Georgia and Alabama. No information of any kind has been received of its adaption by California sr Oregon. Florida, Mississippi and Texas. Tew York, Dec. ll.--Tbe Maona. fia.. Journal has a letter from Milltdgeville saying, that provUiooalijovernor Johnson has received orders from Washlnglmi to reltiin his position until further instructions, Ho is ordered to is sue certillcatos of election to Georgia Congress men. Gov. Parsons of Alabama, nlsn received des patches from Seorecliny Seward, on the 5th, congratulating Ii i in, tlie'South and the country, in the President's name, on the adoption by Alabama of the Coiislitntionul amendment, which completes the number of Stntes required to make it the organic law of tho laud. New York. Dec. II. Among the evidences Virginia lias given of reconstructed loyalty, is that of Capt. William Steeples, Internal Hove nno Tax Collector, who has been indicted for rubbery by tho Grand Jury of Princo Williams county, for seizing property undercover of Fed eral oavalry, to pny the United States. The guerrilla Moseby is employed to pruiecuto the case. Washington. Deo. 11, The State Depart ment received by tho Inst steamer from Europe important dispatches from our Minister to Eng lund. There is strong reatous to believe tlmt England will back down from her position nn the pirate Alabama and at once agree to a qui -t and aggreablo ailjustmeut of the question in dispute. Tho temper of the last dispatch from the State Department, which, emanated from the President himself, was calculated to open the eyes of the English Government, A gen tleman writing from England to a gentleman in this city by the last remarks that the Queen is our Iriend, and she will not allow Mr. Itnssell to take any position tlmt will cause an estrangement between the Governments. New York. Deo. 11, The Herald's ltich tnond correspondent says that the military po lice will be withdrawn from that city on the 15th, and civil police substituted. The members of the Virginia Legislature seem to have decided that devotion to tho rebel cause during the war, ia to be the measnre of merit, and have therefore determined to re move all Unionists holding State oflioes, and to put secessionists in their places. They have also adopted an amendment to the State Con stitution which does away with all disabilities for holding office on account of participation in the late rebellion. It does not even require an oath of allegiance to the national Govern ment. Tho Herald's Washington dispatch snys a letter received from London speaks of the arri val thero of George Sanders, and of his visit ing several important persons. Ho informed these persons he was sent by Jeff. Davis in 18(12 to negotiate with Napoleon for the recognition of the Southern Confederacy, and was accorded two interviews with the Em peror, and that the invasion of Mexico was un dertaken in pursuance of a plan then agreed upon, for which Napoleon insisted on being se cured iu the possession nf Sonora, Sinaloa and Lower California. Sanders adds that he re monstrated and offered much greater induce ments than Mexico presented, hut the Emper or would not consent to take anything else. tieiierul Hooker, who lias been alarmingly ill for tho past ten dujs is now slowly recover ing. In the church of tho Holy Trinity, Brook lyn, Inst evening, Bishop Clay, of Arkunsas, and Hishnp Potter, of New York, made able addresses in behalf of tho Protestant Episco pal Freed men's Aid Society. The ladies engaged ill the Trensury depart ment at Washington, are preparing a petition to Congress to hare their salaries increased. The immigration to New York from Europe from the 1st of January to the 31st of October, 1865. loots up 163.0011. A dispatch from Washington says : Gen. Logan's instructions as minister to Mexico, are lieinc prepared. He will accompany President Juarez wherever he goes. Tho State Department is in receipt of im portant disputches from Minister Admits. Commodore Tatnal and General McLuws formerly of tho rebel service, are living in Savannah, in destitute circumstances. J. E. Mnrdock has so fur recovered ftoin his late illness as to bo able to fulfill his engage ment? in the North. Washington, Deo. 11. About four hundred editorials on the President's Message, bare been received at the White House, and about 99 per cent, of all heartily endorse the Presi dent's policy from the start, and veeominvnd mensnres he proposes for tlio future. Washington, Deo.- 11. The- Savannah herald nf the 4th inst. has nn important edi torial, in which it advises tho Georgia Legisla ture to so act ns to have tho effect of satisfying the North mid In strengthen the President in his patriotic efforts to secure to the Southern States a restoration to their political rights, and if it is not done, positive evil will follow. It advises them to come square up to the re quirements of President Johnson : 1 he Herald special dispatch snys the evacu ation of Chihuahua hr tho French is fully con firmed by nn official letter jast received from the U. S. Consul at that city. This moremen of tlie French ia construed to uinnnthnt their Commander has itbitndonH the idea of holding tlie frontier iu close subjection to Imperiel Government until the army is increased by fore ic n enlistments. The Mexican Legation at Washington hare also news to the' same ef fect. Their sanguine interpretation of this is, that it is Maximiliau's intention to send them back to France. Washington, Deo. 13. Considerable excite ment lias been manifested at the receipt of a letter from Governor Pierpont of Virginia, ad dresses to the President of the Senate and Speaker of the Honse enclosing a copy of nn act passed by the General Assembly of Vir ginia, repealing the assent heretofore given to tliu division of the Stale by the formation of tlie State of West Virginia. Alex. II. Stephens declines to be a candidate for the United Stales Senate from Georgia. Louisville, Deo. 12. The city is consider ably excited by a proclamation of Gen. Palm er, announcing that slavery ia abolished. The slavery party declared that the constitutional amendment has not yet been adopted, and therefore that Gen. Palmer has no right to de clare slavery abolished. A dispatch from Fortress Monroe says! Jeff. Days enjoys good health. He has com fortable apartments, a generous wardrobe. Rood table aud plenty of reading matter. He thinks the President's mcssnge generally a wiso and good document, hut is disappointed that it ia not more specific in relation to the disposition which is to be mnde of himself. Davis' eyes have lost the cnnteinptaons look they once had, and is less haoclitv in his manner and sarcas tic in his speech than formerly. Dispatches to the Chicago Republican says that Gen. Logan bad declined to accept the Mexican Mission. Tbo announcement ia pre mature. Gen. Butler, it is said, proposes to write fien. Grant's history from the time be entered West Point up tn this hour. Washington, Dec. 13. A letter from the Emperor Napoleon is said to have been receiv ed at tlie Stale Department, requesting the recognition nf Maximilian's Government in Mexico, to which the Secretary of State has re plied, fully declining to accede to the request, and giving reasons why its anticipated Mexican questino so far as this country is concerned, will soon corns to a head. Washington, Deo. 13. Gen. Grant had an interview with the President yesterday, and communicated to him the result of bis observa tions daring bis trip through Worth Carolina, Sooth Carolina and Georgia. Ha was every where respectfully received by the people, who almost unanimously desire a re-adiuission to their old position in the Union, and that their professions ef future good behavior are hooest snd sincere. CoNOBraainsAt. Washington, Dec. II. In the House Hlair introduced a resolution re imbursing the loyal States fur the money ad vanced and debts contracted for the preserva tion of the Union. Elliott introduced a Joint resolution which was referred In a select committee, defining position of Stales recently in rebellion, and position of Congress in relation, to them. Rohenck Introduced a joint resotatton declar- I ing against the attempt to establish a Hierarch- I mw ; kfvUn Mwinestine Ilia President to lake such atrpl as wdl vindicate Amtrican policy and protect her honor and interests. Ifeferred to eunimitlee nn Foreign affairs. Jenkins introduced a bill re-f rtalili;bin( uni form system of bankruptcy code. Referred to special committee. Viinborii intioiluceil a resolution instructing oommitleu on l'citu g n lteliUious to inquiro what measures and menus have been taken on the part of tlio United Stntes to restore, to Mexico tho freo and uurestnicted right to u republican Government. Lnid nvor. In tho Senate, Mr. Sumner offered a bill to enforce, the constitutional umeiidiiient by pun ishing any attempt to control the services of any persons contrary to this provision by a line not exceeding two thousand dollars or impris onment not exceeding ten i ears, or both, at the discretion of the court, It shall he no defense that claim is sanctioned by State law. It an nuls the State law in conflict with it. Sumner introduced a joint resolution propo sing an amendmen to the Constitution, so as tn niako voters, instead of population, the basis of represeutatiou in Congress. The Timet' special says : Secretary MoCol loch has received a letter from the Collector of Internal Revenue for Molilalia Territory sta ting that the product of the gold and silver uiiuee of that Territory for 1805 will be up wards of eighteen million dollars. New York, Deo. 14 the Tnbunt's dia- fatch says that a- orowded house listened to lenry Ward Beecuer in the Hull of Represen tatives last night. The Treasury Department is making prepar ations to continence payment of gold coupons duo Iu January. Gen. Grunt proposes tn visit New Orleans and the Iiio Grand within a few weeks. Secretary MoCullocIl, yesterday issued or ders enjoining customhouse officers to use dili gence to prevent eutranoo into United States porta of prizes belonging to either belligerent partiea during hoatilities between Spain and Chile. Senate committee on the District of Colum bia passed a resolution declaring that univer sal suffrage shall lis established in the district. From 300 to 500 applications for pnrdon have been rend at the Adjutant Generals of fice per week ; few havo been granted how over. t " 1'Kiiso.vAf.. Hon. J. W. Nostnitli, United States Senator t'roiu Oregon, may bo expected upon the ar rival of rhe steamer from'Orepou City Ihis utternoou, Mr. NeHtnith has ever been a warm and energutic. sup porter of M r. Lincoln's measures for putting down the rebellion. Having been favorable to the most, vigor ous war measures, Hint been willinir to go farther, even, in that direction tliun tlie President, he may sometimes have seemed to diner with tliu Admiulstrn tiou, bill thai, if n fault, was one 'leaning to virtue's siilu,' "Orrgonian. lis, Watkixb's I.sctuus. Those of our ellliens who were not present on Thuinlsy evening mined in Intellectual treat, Tlte Dr.'s theme iru tlie AuKlo-Snxon race, Its free dom and Its power. It wu handled In a msiterly manner, and In a style full of rhetorical beauty. Tlie Dr. dlaciuied the orlfrlnnl principle! of free sorernmetit based oo the right of the people eg ItuwIiiR from the old Hnxon stock, and trnced the progress snd streneih of theee principle in the extension and development or the Knglirh aud Amerlceu governments. Thli n Ihe Brut of a course of Lectures for the benefit of tlie Alka Hnclety, one of the liternry allocutions or W II lunette Unlvenlty. Tlie proceeds nre to repleniili their II hrnry. The next lecture will be on Tueidiy evenliifr, at the M. X, Church, by Dr. Wylhe, on KnpIWi Ulrnlurs in the 19th century. It Ii hnrdiy iteceneary to add Diet thene know, hie Ihe Dr.'s reimtuliou ai a lecturer, will expect aomeUiing rich. Kor C'onglis, Colds, and Throat Disorders, use "CroH-a's Bronchial Troche" having proved their cllicnry by a test of many years. The Troches are lustily recommended mid preacribed by Pbyaiciuua and Surgeona in tlio Army. Those expoaeil to audiien changea abould alwaya bo supplied with " The Tro cAci," us they give prompt relief. MARRIED. Ill JehVrson, Nov. a). 185, by Itev. B. N. Long won h, Kli Vuiiglmnml Misa Julia A. Hates. In Yamhill county, Dec. , IHIifi, by Kev. Uohert llool b, Albt-rt J. Appcrsou, of Oregon City, and Misa Elouisn Cook. At Voncoiiver. Dee. 4, by C It. Hntider. .IP., W.J. Termaiit aud Miss Mary Juno Lee, both of I'ortlnnd. Iu Salem, Dec. III. life), by Kev. A. F. Waller, Mr. Thomas Itakur anil Miss Mary A. Kviiiib. In l.inn cotintv. Dec. 7. by F. 8. Powell, J. P., Mr. W. C. Bobbit and Mi's Elizabeth A. Harris. In Linn ronnty, Dec. 7, by Kev. 8. 0. Irvine, Llent. Jnmea L. Cnrrey, of Kugene City, and Mias Mary L. Moore, of Linn county. DIED. On Tunlilin Plains, Washington eo . Nov. 2th, 18IW, of dipiberia. Oliver, youngest eon of Col. T. It and Florentine Cornubua, aged 7 rears and 6 days. In Ihmuliw eo.. Nor. -Jl, Wasco W. Frice, yonngest son of L.N. and KJ. Price, sged Ii yra., I mo., 17 de. In Portland, Dec. 4, Theodore C. Silver, aged tjl years. 5 moulds, and days. In Jurkeon county, Hantb K.,' wife of J. P. Koberla, aged 1 venrs. H months, and tl duyi. Near Jacksonville, Nov. 27th, Ilonicle llellingcr, aged tit years. 7 months, and 19dsys. At Albany, Dec. 16, May, ilium daughter of E. X. and Kebecra lleaeli. Special Notice. l'noTCORariis roariia Holidays During the past week we visited the photograph establishment of Mont gomery & Co , and wisnessed their njierslinns in trans ferring the human face to glass and phob'grnphlr cards. Wo think they have no superiors ia their business. Everything which money , htudy und Industry can bring to bear iu producing perfect likenesses and fine pictures is made use of at their gallery ; and they do succeed In producing tho finest and most perfect pictures to be found anywhere. " As natural as life and twice as hand4ome,', ia tlie rule they apply In every face tbey photograph. Nothing enn be more appropriate for a li'ilhluy gift thnn a tine anibretyio or pbotsigraph, and Montgomery k Co.'a ia just the place tu get it. lw CmtitcniAS l'uKatT. Colognea, Pomades, Toolh Brushes. and Ihir-llnishea, suitable for Christmas present, at W. K. IIKIIIY'8 Pmg Store. lw Too (oot to I.OM'. U. P. Owen otters for sale from live to eieveu acres of land, one mile from Salem, adjoining the Fair Orounds cornering at Ihe Fair (Iround gate. Call on Owen, at the premiers, lion't lose a guod bargain by neglecting lo call. How often do we bear men pity, "How foolish 1 wna that I did nut go at once and buy thai property now I have lost a gxid bargain by waiting too long." A Cough, Cold, or Sore Throat, IlEujllltKS MMKDIATE ATTKKTI0.1 AMI JIlOll.U SK riir.exin. Ir ai.lowid to rosn cs, Irritntioo of the Lungs, a Permanent Throat A flection, or an Incurable Lung Diaeaae is nrraK the ussc lt. BROWH'a BRONCHIAL TROCHES HAVINtl A DlliaCT ISM.CIXCa TO THE fABTS, OIVI laaaoiATK aausr. For BrcnohlUs, Asthma, Catarrh, Consumptive and Throat Diseases, Taocnaa aks vim ALwara with cooo success. SINGERS AM PUBLIC SPEAKERS will find Trockn useful lo clearing the voice whnu token before Hinging or Speaking, and relieving lbs throat after an uiimoul exertion of the vocal organs. Tlie Trockn are reroramended and prescribed by I'liyaieiana, and have had testimonials from eminent men throughout the country. Being an article of true merit, and baaing proved their efficacy by a teat of many yean, each year ttnda l hem in new lncalhiee hi varioua pnrta nf the world, and the Trochct are universally pronounced belter than any other articles. Osrais only " llaowa'a UauicHiaL Taocaaa," and do not lake any of lbs H'rlIoi Imitation that may be offered. . Bold everywhere tn the I'uiled States, aud in For eign Coiimriea, at 35 rent per boa. 6mtt! J. W. McAFKE, U D. II CAKI'KNTfcR, M.I. Will practice Medicine and Surgery in partnership. Office near Dr. McAfee's residence. Dr. Carpenter's residence four doors sooth of the P. O., on Water slwut. Kulem, Dee. 1 1 , lWvVy LaiurUnt Cromh ind Bfintjr lo Ihe Dalr. In. 8. .1. Allen's, Wnrld'i Hair Restorer and Drtaalnt. . The gmt aneqaallrd Preparations for Restoring, Inrlirnrallnr, Beautlfjlnic, anil Drrsslng Ihe Hair, Rendering it soft, silky, and (lossy, ami disposing it to remain ia any dVsircd riii"U ; qnirklr cleansing the scalp, amsifnc tlx (all, and never fails to reelnr trry hair le Ha nalnra! color, and produce laiarlinl growth. For sale br all Draga-ista. Agenla. HoetHter, bioilb ft Dean, Kan Francisco. 6m !. IIIMI I H 4 MU iib rrnla, i,.a,i,b Trllooi.Hl U. erroiHl snd ..arih fruliri la nrt sn..r,,h. HrHari la fnwrf iiaiHliiig ir. inrHI in bii.ikI. T H fa,s.r SHI A !. l t.r.l. IS l Greeley's American Conflict. ' Xo mull on our continent could so well and ao foilh fully contpk-ie such a work as Ilontco (Ireeley, the grcul Amorieiiii Journalist." Cat. Farmer. A CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY TDK undersigned, intending to go to the Southern HtitUie, wishes to dispose of the ucncrnl ugoiicy of the above valuable work, and olhan. Call aoon at H. K. comer Commercial aud Division streets, or address, liv letter, W. II. Rll AW, Salem. IVoflce. T1IK firm known ns Walt A Holler has dissolved its business connection. All persona knowing themselves indebted to the firm are requested to cull and eettle the aame. Alao any persona Imving cluima, to pres-nl the same. . WAIT ft ItULTKlt. Ilee. IS, IHIifi 4'Jml. TURKEYS! TURKEYS! TIIBHE Will be a "HOOTING MATCH, for tnr keva. at the Eureka House, on Bulurdav, Dec. t!3, at I o'clock. -JLL'"1 N- J. n. UNDKHWOOD, . OXO. B. DOHRIS, Notary public. ( Underwood & Dorrls. ATTORNEYS and Couaollors at Law, and Solicitors in Chuocerv, Eagone, Oregon, will practice in all tlio courts of this Stale. One of the Ann will alwnys he In uttondance at courts In the Second Judicial Dis trict. Particular altentioii paid to collections from abroad. December IS, 18(15, Notice IS hereby given that at a meeting of the directors of the Kevalone Gold and Silver Mining Company, hehlon Dec. Ifitb, IWS5, an assessment of fiftv three dollars on each original claim waa levied, pavahle In gold and ailver coin, on Saturday, Deo. irfd,' 18115, to tbe Seoretary of aaid Company. J. T. HAMILTON, Secretary. TVc. 18, 18fi5-wl rreisccnt Mold and Silver ITIiiiiiiK Co. NOTICE is hereby given that at a meeting of the Hoard of Directora of said rompanv, held at their olllre , in Snlem, on the 12th of December, lmifl,n as soaament of twenty ('ll) cents per share was levied upon the Capital stock of said company, pavahle within fifty days from this date, in United States gold coin, to the Secretary. By order of the Board of Plreetors. J. M. KKELER, Secretary. Salem. Dec. 13, 1SC5. , AdiniiiiMmlor'a Rnlc. NOTICE is hereby givetithat Lailiiiinialrntriiof the estate of Jas. W. Itoylo, dco'd. In pursuance of an Order of tho county court of Mnrlon County, mnde at the December term. lHti5, bv the Judge thereof, will oiler for sale, at public auctuin, to the highest bidder, the following described premises, belonging tn said cs tato, to satisfy the -debts outstanding and costs of ad ministration, in default of personal property sufficient to discharge said dnnmnds, to-wilt Lota Xoa nod 3, In Block X SI, in the city of Salem county of Mari on, State of Oregon, together with Ihe buildings and improvements thereon situated. Stiid sale will tHke place upon the premises, on Saturday, the I :ttlt duv of January, A. D. ltiti, between the hours of I and 4 o'clock, P.M , of said day. Terms of sale, gold or sil ver coin-, one half cash iu hand, the other half payable in six months, with security upon the premises sold. JOSEPHINE P.BOYLE. Administratrix. Dee. 7, ISIS. 4w42 BY virtue of an execution issued out of the circuit court of the State of Oregon for Yamhill county, und to me directed by tbe clerk of an ill court, in fnvor of Green C. Davidson and ugainst David McLough lin, and for want of persoiwl property, I have levied npnn aud will proceed tu sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand, ar the court house door, in Ijufavettn, in siiid county, on SATL'KDAY, the 1:1th day of JAN L'AltY, ltfiid, between the hours of !) o'clock a. in. aud 4 o'clock p.m. of said day. all the right, title, and in terest of the said David McLoughlin tn the following described real estaie.tu wit, being Lois til, Uli, 5-1, hi, W, Ut, !Mi, 11, MS. I5, l.Vt. 107, $17, 'JJ4. 1!'.'", S-lTs, Si34. iHil , 7li, 5477, aHI , URO, Ifil, 171, In the town of Uayton, Yamhill county, Oregon, uecoiiling to tbe recorded plat nf said town, said real estate to be sold to satisfy said execution, interest and costs, and-accruing costs. L. L. WHITCOMH, Lafayette, Dec. II, I StiSw 1:42 Kheritf. NOTICE. IN Probate Court of Marion county, Klute of Or egon, Dee. term, ISfiS. Estate of Mary S. Oibsnu, decoused. The undersigned has this day been ap pointed administrator of the estato of said .decedent. All persons having claims against aaid ostate will pre soot them to me at utv residence in said county within the time allowed oy law. , It. C. OIHSI1N, Doc. 5, IM.w4:ta Aibn'r. Nolicu, DOEH every person about Hiilem know Cross's old Juke dog) II they would be well they did, for he is a thievish old hound. Over in Polk co. he is known by the name of Juke Faw, or the snarly old Dutchman. I give this notice to the public so ibey can look out for him and not trust him. A mun that will pay a just debt in greenbacks, after having tiro years lo pay it in, and six mouths to get ready to pay, when greeuhm-ks are worth only forty-five cents uu'tbe did lar, will steal or do anything that is menu. Iwpd ' A. WMtNAltY Citation. ESTATE of the minor heirs of Joel Perkins, de ceased. Dee. 5th, lMtiD, County Conrt, Yamhill aoiinty, Oregon. At tills day comes II. V. Allen, guardian of die estate of the minor heirs nf Joel Per kins, deceiiseil, and upon nllidavit and petition herciu filed asks the court for n license and order to sell a portion of Ihe rent estate heloniring to said heirs and it appearing propoe and reasonable to the court that said petition should be heard, it is thereupon or dered by the court that the next of kin of the sail wards, and all persons interested, be notified lo ap pear at tbe court bouse in Yamhill county, Oregon, on Friday, the full dy of .lalillitrv. IHfai. h'l whirh liitin and place said petition will las heard and determined. o. uuvt L.S, i;o. gunge. liv 8. C. Aoams. Clerk. Lafavclte, Dec. !. IW15. 4w'J KSTltAY A'OTlK. ri'AKKN UP In Dardanelles precinct, Jackion ouunly, on a live, Tlh, 1M10, ailrawuerrr rnsii Cayuie h'irie, losna. eil on the left hind hip with one hundred and eleven (I.U- letl mini loot voile, tuur yesn olil. Alris,-o si fiw. J AM h3 T. JUMA IVurlii'iV Institute. npHE Marion Comity Teachers' Association will X hold an Institute in Salem, commencing on Toes day, the trlith Inst., and continue three days. Teach en, and frienda of educatiuuare earnesllv solicited to attend. Entertainment provided free for Teachers Inn a distance. n.i:. rr,Aii.i, BELLE W. COOKE, Salem, Dec. 5. IHIViw3:ll Executive Com Sals' or .Hull'. WELVE head of largo work MULES will be sold at ST. LOl'IK. Marion rotililv, Oregon, nn Wedneednv, Dec. '.II. IW, at Hlo'clock a. m. Terms, a credit of nine months. A mre chance. L. H. POt JADE, Administrator Dee 4. 1RVid2t of estate of Smith Cnwond, dee'd. $.10 lie ward. STKAl ED or alolou from Ihe undersigned, fj ope dark bay mare, a smalt star in lurehead,2A saddle mark. l- hands and 1 inch high, in good comli tion and high life, 8 years old lust spring was taken last week trom near the comer or John Allen s pas ture in Poik co. Also, was taken with tbe said ani mal a small chestnut sorrel mare, blare face, sway bui-k. belonging lo Mr. Ilrunnun. I will give S.1I for n-birll of my mare, or .'sl for mare aud Ibief. The bay mure was purchased from Cbaa Swegle, Cavalry service, shortly alter tlie Ireiliet ul 'oi-?, atiu aiier terwards helouged to John .lackioii, Polk eo. Kalem, Dec. U, IHU..w:llll J.C. CAHOIIU. olice IS hereby given that the undersigned has lieen duly antioinled executor of tbe estate of Amos Akers, lale of Marion county, deressed. All persons having claims against said estate will present them lo me at mv residence in aald eounly within vix months, und all persons owing said ealalo are rcooested to muke :r.l:... - A UOillV'V imilKoaic (in, nirii,. n. , t. ., , Salem, nee. II, lt.iwliHI r.xeeutur, Notice. IN Ihe matter nf the estate of John Chandler, de ceasedSlate f Oregon, t'oiiniy of Douglas. Whereas, the administrator of the estate of John Chandler, lale of Douglas euuuty. Oregon, deceased, baa filed bis account for tbe liual settlement of said estate, notice ia hereby gietl to all perv.ui Interested that Thursday, tbe fourth day nf the Jannary terra, liuiii, of the comity eonrt for the ronnty and Stale aforesaid, has been designated for ibe final aetllement of said estate wllb the adiiouistralor. Per order of the Court, Dec. 4, IHtiV E.A LATIIROP. 4wll Clerk of Doaglae ronnty, Oregon. ' ISiilire. . IV the mailer of the estate of A. B. Chapman, da erased Stale of Oregon, Connie of liouglaa Whereas, the administratrix of the eatate of A. B. Chaiiiuan. late of Iouglita county, On-gou, deceased. baa filed her areouut for the final settlement of aaid eaiaie. nonce ia hereby givcu lo all ptreona interested that Thursday, Uic fourth day of the January term, IHtaj, of the county court for the eounly and Stale aloresaid, baa beta designated for tbe fiuol settlement of said estate with the administratrix. Per order of the Court, Dec 4, IKio. K. A. LATHItnP, 4w II Clerk of Douglas county, Oregon. FIX A I. HE TILE MEN V. IN CiKinty t'oort. I'.ilk connly, n.on S. J Osrd ner, the administrator of IIhi eetale of the laut H.P. Thornton, deceawd . liarina nlnl hia voucliera and aked for s nnal sltleniaul, it ia therefore ordered that the maitr will be bord and determined on Tues day tlie lid dav of .innuary. iwiri. Notsre is hereby yiven to the liext of kin and all persons Interested to appearand show can.e, if any they have, why Ihe tiual account almll not be allowed CHAi. t MOOR, Cnnnty .IndKe. Pallas, Iee t, !. Ilwi a H.vixis ru a nut .s i i ice. THE nodersianed bap beeu duly appoiuted by the Probate t on rt ol csiainy. State of Or eiroa. ailioiuistraior of llie estate of Smith i'awood. late of said rounir. derard. All pereoas havine claims airaiiMl laid eitale will preennl them lo iae al rov resilience in Waeouda, ia swh! eoonly will, In Ibe lime allowed by law. L il. i'OL JAOK, Salem, lec. 4. Ikwipd4l Adm'r. WlttAsIITTt IHCAMf BUT, Is. (. lOOf.. Mk rnoy tiik nitjrr aniuhiiid x f p'tidr Kveninirs of earl, month, at H dork, in their Hall. In H'dman a lllmk. llrelbrrn in k'ood slamlia am inetled lo .tiend a. i.. m v.v,rr . Last Call for Taxes, TM-iIRTY PAYS luivhifr nxiitrril i'nett my vluit lo i lh I'rni'inrlt) fur tlm jmr jurist) of nillcrtititf tlm T.WKS, evt-ry .mo who linn not (mid irt ihmv liulile lo could, wliicli in i ii itii y iiiBtftWi' would mimimi tn in nre tliun lla Ittxt'n 1 will vet iillovv until llif fc'IUT DAY OF JANUARY KfcXT witbout run kin if conU, but, potttirey. tkhvrvihuh lima I will KNOW Jn'O ONE, und cliHrK it 1 1 the law nllowi. Bcnide, I will not tvuit for you V) come to iihi me, but will bo uroutid tofuw von iu your expuiiHe. "A word to the wise in iiillicioi.t." HA MX HKADNK'K, SalfMii, Xov.t7, IMS. Tux ?olleRtor Murion Co. NEW DRUG STORE Union Block, Salem, Oregon, W. 1C. iFlGBY, WOULD respectfully announce to the citizens of Salem and vicinity that he has uneneiied it Wholesale and Retail Drag Store, where he hones to merit the iiatronuue of those who mav fnvor liim with a call. lie otters to the public, in quantities to suit, nt low rules, a Keneral assortment of CHEMICALS, DRUGS, DYE STUFFS, . ' "' PA TENT MEDICINES Aver's Atrue Cure, Cod Liver Oil, Cherry Pectoral, Hclienck's Hyrnp, , Hnrsnparilla, nwaim s runncea. Mustang Liniment. Perry Davis's Pain Killer, Baker's Pain Panacea, Kennedy's Modical Discov l-i l is. Jayne'sKxpectorant, Alterative, Vermifuge. Carminative Balsam, ery, hanative nils, i Ointment, Qruefenberg'sCatbolicon, Ointment for harsapnrilla, nnit uiieum sc rues, Bitters, Russia Halve, ' Children's Mrs Window's Soothing Panacea. Green Byrup, Mmmtuiii Ointm't, Keating' a Lozenges, Dvsuuterr Bvrun. Mrvan'a Wafers. ITeinbold's Kiirsaparilta, Deviue Lozenges, r.xtrncl itncltu, AlcLAne s liaelies, Rose Wash, " Pills. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Xewoll's ('onuh Syrup. Cherry, Mrs. btipp's Thoracic Dal Ifiill's LmiK Ibilsam, sam, , llootlund'a ltittors, Watt's Nervous Antidote, Mollul's " Qi-oiiiier's Headache Item. Pille. - - edv. Sauilfnrd'a Invhrorator, Toothache Anodyne.' I ills, French Patent .Medicines, Jucob's Dysentery Cordial, prnkes, Hoiletmr's I. nose Townsenil's Sursaparilhir vain's, and ltichardsun's Hands' miters, Boitodout, nn olexunt tooth wash, , . All kinds of preparations for tlie hair. Hull's " Hall's " bVnvill's Wood & Liver Sy nip. Winchester 'sKyrnpnf liv- Tucth Brushes, HalrBrush- pliosphale Lime & Soda, es, Combs, . Rhodes' Anne Cine, All kinds of Per uiues und India Cholau;ou:uo, Toilet articles, American " ' Trusses. Shoulder Unices, Hamburg Tea, laitler Paper, Huvelopes, " Plnslor, Pens, Ink, etc., eto. Brown's Bronchial Trocbea , , And such fancy articles as are usually kent in a II r si class drug store. Pleaso cull and examine for your solves. . ' " I'hvairiuns' Prescriptions cointioumlod bv conniotent Apothecary. riateni, Oct., l.iii.i. 35:ly a uwxisfkTruK'Ti)f7ci:- IN' the County Court of Yamhill eounly. Oregon Iu ProliHle, the estato of Win. A Culliertson, dee'd. Now on I liia Jib day of December, lHiiA. comes A. Brudburv, administrator of the estate of Wm. A. Oil berlsou, dee'd, and tiles a petition praving the court tor an order lo soil tlie real estate of tlie said deceased to pay tlte debts and expenses of administration. It is ordered I bat said petition ho neurit at tlio court bouse in said eounly of Vanihiil on Friday, the 6tb diiy of January, laiili, Bnd that notice of said hearing he given to the next of kin and all persons interested. uy piioliriition lor four weeks In the tlretfon State, mini newspaper. Haul laud is described as tbe dona tion land claim nf snid deceaecd and Ibe undivided one half of the donation land claim of John T. Jef freys and wife, nil Iviua and beiiur in Yamhill county aforesaid. J. W. COWLS, Cn. Judge. ' Dec. II, lHfifi. dlwlpd ADMlXlXTJiA TOR'S SlTlC. IX Cmuty Court of YHinliill emintv, Ori'oii, De ixMiibtr tunii, 1 Ht ii. In I'rolmte, i'lio ttute of A J. Merudilh dtoortsod. On tliiit Oili day of Deceiuber, Iftft, -miieti Join. Perry, Hliiiiiiiitmtiir of the eiMute of A- J.'iu'tMl, und tiled hi politiuu pmy iiitf the court u yrant an onler lo wil tlte rent etuU) nf the etiiuto of the wihl dHceuud to pny the dt'bu nud cxpenoi'M of mliiiiiiistra'ion, wliicli real tslHte is dewiibinl u Lhe donation land flniia of tho crtitl de ceaw.'d, lyiim and beiiitf in Vmiiliill cuutitv, Ort'Kon, conUininy I'.T H3-1IK) iwien ol hind. Ii i nnlprvd tlntl miiti petition te hunrd ut the court houm; in wtid coun ty nn Friday, tlie lh day of January, IKtltJ, and that notice t lie roof he i veu to the next of k in und all per boii ititcrcntfd hy four vrwkn' publirHtioti in the Or efron SiaieHnmn tie(ipaM:r. J, W, COWLS, Doe. r). IKIkiw'.iJI Co. Jude. ii. 11. SiBWAan, Attwrney. II tho mutter of tlio cntute of John Fortune, de reused. .State of Oinii, Couaty of Foriiflui. U bcreafl, the administrator of tlm ORiute of John For tune. Iat of Doiiuhm cnunlv, Oreyon, decerned, has fik'd hiit urcoant for tho limit lU'ltlpnient of uttid eutale, iiiilice 1m IihirIiv iivpn to nil iwrsmim liiitritHlfd tlir Thuniduy the oarth day of tho January torui, I Hi it, of the county court for the county nmf Htate afore aid, han Uwn desinatRd for the tiual aetl lenient of a al estate with the Hdniniictrutor. Ter order of tlie Court, IH-c 4, IWK K. A. LATHROP, 4wtl Clerk of I)onlin) county, Orem. ftotice. HAVING punliHwd the entire bite rent nf flHrdiner Chttn, hii intffrent in the II rm known an the (Itirdiuer Uill Co. eentee from Hiid Hrter the 1st day of Docs-mlter, IHtiO. 'J'he niidurnitfuud will routinuethe liiii iK-f-n m the name place aiul under Ihe Httme name, and will UHMiine und nettle all rluinm for and ayainBt tbocouceni. JOHN KIU.'SK, DAVID MOKKV. OKOKUK 11AIJKU. Cardlner, Otfti.. Nov. tTi, I Hi LI. ,4w4l STHAYED from the unJerfiKiied nt rtfnni- Citvoulhe -t:h Xovenitwr hint, one L.iVsCTJX mart), j yearn old, Li hatitU hijfb, atjtr in her fore head, branded tlunre 4 on lull hip. been (net I J niih from Oregon City ou the aSilvcrtoti roud. U'lioever will return raid mare to W. Ii. Part low, Oregon City, or to the iinderi(ii-d, will lw liberally rf warded. Deo. I, sMiiAW:(.t in K. Hv. KOhLKlT. PICTURES! PICTURES! New Photographic Gallery! SK. OH AY. V f'O. wmiltl renHHi fully unnounce to the ritixenN of ShIoih nnd fietuity tlmt thy have opened n nirlure ithIIitt tin Ihe nMiiim formerly occu pied by Kenyon), whure tlmy are prepured lo take PhotoKraphn, AmbrotjpcH. MetalnutypciT, Photographic Visiting Cards. And erervthintr In thir line from n larire elxe down to iWket HntHHt I'iu plctnret. Kverythina: executnl in the bent ttyle. Satisfaction Given or no Chance, Term ifuonable, I'p itiiirn. over Helm Ac Juck ou't Drug (Store, State street, Salem. S. E. GRAY, & CO., Kili-iii, Nor. M, if3 talliikKI mTr"b l e w'olFt k. A. J. M0XH0B. y:Ai.Kii 111 f-iiliffiniiii. Viirmoiit, and Ilaliau ,H AH ML KM, Monnmrnli, Olitliski, llrml nod Foot Mouei, 8I-KM, OltWUlN. Also, llanllea aud Kurnilura Marble fiimisliril tu onler. V-'lnlifHl faollrp. WK TAKK this method of InfurmliiK oar old pat rons tlmt we have sold nor slack of men'haiidise lo Messrs. Y Kartels and A Rreyman. who will eon. tinne the boiioeea at the old staiid, under the style of V. Ilartels dc Co Thankful for the aenorous wlron. aae we have received at yobr hands, for the last thir teen years, we uke plerumre In racoinmemlina' onr snrcmiaorB for a trial, recllnf coiiUdent that tbey will deal jueily and liberally tviib all who may favor them with patronage. ' J. H.fcl R.M0OKM. Salem, No. IS. W :if . Keferrin lo llie above notice, we take pleasnre in informing the public that we have retabliind our selves nuderlhe flrm nf If. Ilartels St Vn. to carry on a wholesale and retail business in general nitrrban dine, and hope by flood assortments, low prises, and strict attention to bueitieee, to merit a liberal sham of Iheraelom. HA HTV.l.. A. IIHKYMAN. Salem. No IS. IV Oil FMisithiK. 11 M'i.INK HHKI.TON. havlti Inken lesmais in I.AXDHI AI'K and IIKAl) PAI.NTINO of one of the best artists In r-all Kranclseo. propraes lo aive lenons iu tho same. Specimens lo lie seen si Mil Ifomrry'e Picture flajlcry. Will also color Photo yrapbs in oil or water colors. Salem. Jnne M y For Sale. rpilHKK HOL'SKH and liT. wllb ajnoJ HAMN8, 1 tu. Terina easv. Apply to Salem. Oct A H.:f::M t. M. PI-AJIONDON. ' I'rrsirli Window (ilusa, STA1NKII III.AHH. and rwured (lias. Gold Uf, llraininat Toole, aioel and Sable Hair Hroabea, Diaimaid lilaee ( nUers. Ire , ere., ol ortt) MYhUH, 111 flllKS. h (',,. PAINTf. MIXKl) PAINTS, for iminlltiir Wairnna snd Car .'I riHii.-i, all kinde of odors, in oil aud water, for lln rsintinp, al oci-" 5IYKI1K, 111 OH1.S. S VO IIOMTKTTKIt'H 1'tU TKI STOMACH BITTERS. A pi-ppuiiiliou nniiiin? PUUB OLD ESSENCE Ul' RYE, With all the recognized Tonic, Laxative and Antl-BlT ions UKMLDIW OK AltT AND NATL'UK. Protective Propnrties. Prevents Fever aud Ague und Billions Itwnittent I',...-,. I,,,-i,,.-,i,.. it,,, lli ifuoa of Diirestion und tho )V,vcl Steadies the Nerves und minis M) ProLeuuS Lite. ; - , . - i Itomrdlnl Properties. Cnrca DyspepsiaLiver Complaint General De bility, Depremion of Spirits Consumption--Intermittent Fevers and all complaints arising from bodily weakness. As an Appetizer, TONJC, FKVKR AND AOCB WiKVENTIVE ' And Hll Billions Disorders, Hostetter's Stomach Bitteri . stand pre-eminent as the" ' Crcntent Medical Discovery ;.of the Age, ' ' and as an ..-'. ALTERATIVE AND BLOOD PCUIFIEB, they are prescribed and recommended by ail l'bysl, ciaua wherever they have been introduced. . The extraordinary aud increasing demaud (or these BITTK.US is unparalleled -. , ' , .V THE HISTORY OF MEDICINE, and can be bad everywhere throughout tho' ciriliaed world whure newspapers are circulated or read. , . , Almanacs or Pamphlets, ' with testimony of their success from tbe Farmer and the Sailor from the Merchant and the Pbysieianr and from tbe Legislative Halls of . ' OUB UNITED COUNTRY . may be obtained FREE of all Dealers everywhere. IIODGK &. CALEF, WHOLESALE DRUOOISTS, POR TLAND, W Front 8treot, Sole Agents for the State. ' "-" PoiiTi.An,July 14th, IH60.I Msssss. Ho no a k fVeareiafH Iu answer to your latter of even, dnl. reforrinu to the Lioiasa Law affecting; "HOS TKTTEK'S BITTERS," I have to sav that no License Is required, coming us they do, unilor tbe head of Proprietary Prepuratiuna. This decision is announced by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue at Wash ington. TIKIS. PltAZAlt, U. 8. Assessor Internal Revenue, , Y : - , : Portland, Oregon. skth K. HAMMEIt, Notary Public. wm. s. barksk . HAMMER Sc BARKER',' Commission Mcrrhnnts and Auctioneers, , and Agents for Buying, Selling, and Renting Real Estate, Collecting Rents dt Debts, Procuring Employtnent,Ato MOORES' BLOCK, 8ALE1I. Rr.rrRMcrs: Messrs. J. II. dt I. R.Moores, Heath & Dearborn, J. B. Si H. Hirsch, Salem i Crawford, Sloouin 4t. Co., Vancouver! Col. ft. B. Curry, Fort Vancouver! Dr. W.II. Walkins, Portlands Hon. O.N. Denny, Dalles City. - ?Nov.ii7i le65tf;'IM G. W. GRAY & CO., DEALERS IN' il, UllUllilllLDi ILUlll II AHUi QUEENSWARE, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, &c, &c, , ' ' 'AI' TIIKItl l'. NEW STORE, Corner of Stale ana Liberty fUrccta,- ' .1 NALlCMe 1X t Tli public aro r.-spoclfiilly invited to examins our rEESH STOCK, J VST OPK!f Kl), and NOW OKPKltKI) YOH SALE As Cheap as nnj In the Market. CT Tlie hiirhsst prico uiiid for Bailor, KKs, Slid all kinds of Produce. : O. W. OKAY UU. Salem, Nov. Isl, lHIH. . , :t(ini4id i 1. . . - HELM & J ACKS 0 N, Sliilc StitM't, Snlciii.Orrgon. ' rfL Iu llie Uulldiuir foroierly sculpted by Kenyon. DSALIKS IN Drugs, Chemicals Paints, Oils, By Stuffs, Fancy Soap, Feribmerjr, HAVING larsely iiioraased the Helm t 8 ns. weare now ureoarcd u supiily the clliaeua of Maleni and tlie snrroundiiiK country with Drags that are Fare, And ns Cheap as can be llonhl iu this Market. Also Constantly on Hand , TUB DF.8T . WINES AND BRANDIES, For Medicinal Purposes. Also well selected Stork nf Paints and Oils, Window Glass and Putty, Varnish, Varnish Brushes, tyc. I'hyslriuns' Prescriptions properly eonipouudod. ! We solicit the piitronaa;e of the Public, frellnif conn limit that we ran arive aeneral satisfaction. DIC. T. II. JA K0. 1)IIYSICIAN.SiirTon anil Olislelrician, formerly ef Miaion county, Misaonri, tenders bis senriees ut the citbieiisof Halcm and viriniiy. Olllve up slsirs over Helm fc .lacksoD's I)ra plora. uovi:iy:i" AVAivri':i. A 01)01) CViper, Ui work In liv shop. ' J. IM'NHASI. H.ilun, Nov. VS. Kii,Vw:ipd ANEW m.n BLE DISCOVERY. IK YOU wish your blood nuriOi'd, and Tonririlcm iliviKoraU d, ui lo Dr. J. V . Murray's ollice and pro cure a buttle of bis vahaiMo Hsluun. If you wish Ibe enlii Kiment of the lamaila of the throat curwl without fail, k to I'r- Miirmy'solllcaanil procure one botile nribepiKir man's fririid and Ihe rich man's blrssinK. If yoit wish your aches and pains cured without fail.KO to tlie orijrual sompoundur of ihe Manic Oil, and procure a buttle of the pain aonlhrr. Iluice ou Slate street, ouo diair weal of the llennelt House. ,T. Tj. COOMIW, M.l. (Lale of C'urvallis), PHYSICIAN, SURCEON, ETC., tlrrii fCi.e s Hnildinu. ever Wells. Fariro. & t'o.'s euuanee frui Stark Sueol, ,,, I'OKTLAM). J6 Happiness or Misery; THAT IS THE QUESTION. rTIHKPKOPItlKTOKSilK THK "PA IKIt; Ml'. 1 SKI M t'K ANATOMY ANU SCIKNCK." have dele mined, reard!e nf eapeusa, lo liene I (for the lien. lll or sutiorinK u amiyi ijmr m most IntiTe.iiuir and insirnciive I.I'.CTCRKH, on MAIlltlAlii;, and its diuBtiilciiiii K.rvqus U- hilily, Premature Ielin of Manhood, I inhae.1 Weakness or Drprnwinn, lieaof Y.tmrpy ami Vital Power, llie ureal hm-iiil Kvil, and Ihoiai niuhidics Hint result from vonthful follies. evii of maturity, or if norani-e of Hvaoloiry aud Nature's lws. 'I'bese invaluable leturee have lasen the means of enlitflitenimr and eaviuir thoiisanda. and will Im for wurlod KIIKKou receipt nf Twenty -live C'enle Iu pcNitaire stas", by addreseinH Secretary ItiaTie Mil. cum of Anatomy and Science, Pine Si oret, riuu Kratl CISCO I v I seller I livia la sent thrnuifh Walls. Karuo dt Co. MS. uantM. , , c.w. man. o.ty. taaia. ARMES &. DALLAM, Iniiorttm ud Jullwr of ' WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, 1IHCSIIK3. TWINES. C0UUAGE, ice. i Ami Uatiiifviurert of California -Pails, Tubs, HKUOM9. tic. Ace. Nos. 'J17 and SI'J Sarnuneiito atreel, Between Front and Havls, 8AN FRANCISCO. snSts Varnishes! NOItl.K A Hoar's Amerlmn, twh, t'opnl, Hen sine tlamar, and Shellae Vamlsb. at MY Ml. Hi-mux It OO Bi-d""prlsB, Buby Nrringen, rrKIINKS. VAMSW, CIMIH't ANKPTH. for sole 1 IIIIF.VMAN ItlillS JUST RECEIVED ! ",11 iAT.. : i . . . i J i . U i BREU.UH BROTHERS! LARGE A880HTMENT OP ' I GENERAL' KERCnAlP ..FOR TBI.. '' "' "' '" Full nnd Winter Trade t ' -. " ?,f jsa'i'3 ' f SUCH A8 ,.'". " .-.. - .';: -,....!: Dry Goods Fancy Goods Clothing, , BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, Groceries, Ilirdwarf, Crockery and CliHwari, .,, We would call part icular attention to oar Into styles of ladie' and Ilisses1 acaks. l1, Fars. Nubia. Breakfast Shawls, ij . . . t(i4KjBi'jBto.v ,0 A tV Our stock kits been selected with great Oarej ' , and Willie sold at the LOWEST MARKET RATES, ' FOitCAsniC 1,1-.;;.: i All kinds ol produce taken ill exchange for goods.' '' ' ' . ,'A . i i,: ' . i I I ' ' V , , .- (. ' ,. .: -i r t z1 CAI.I. AND SJBB ; BREYMAN DRO'G JO-!" V I .'Jlil-IIIT ' WANTED, 1 C ((( BUSHELS WHEAT, for which we lt,JVJJ will nay the hiirhest market price in cnah. . . BKKYMAN BROS. All You that Want Stoves, Fnrmf r, Counlry IcrthanH, md olht'n, KEEP IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE, 1 ' fpiIAT Ibe umlersifnied have now ill store snd nre I constantly receiving, DIRECT FROM NtXW YOKK, every variety and style of Cooking and , Warming Stoves, Cookiiiff Utensils Ketues, Pots, runs, Bakers Boilers,. StowersH ' Audirous, Dogirons, Tongs, Sliov- , , els, Big Puns, Little Paus, and i Milk Pans, Coffee Pots and Tea Vots; Tin Cup, Bucket and Dip ! perB; Stove Pipe of all sizes; m I Lead Pipe, and Copper Pipe, and i Iron Pipe ; Sheet Tin, Block Tin, Sheet Iron, and Sheet Zinc; Fruit Cans ; Churns ; Large Iron Ket i tics, Brass Kettles snd Copper Kettles, Zinc, Copper, Brass nud , ;i i Iron, Wiro. !. . . i FORCE AND LIFT PCMPS. JAP.ANNED ;W ARE, s r. And everything kopt in such esubishmeuta. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, " ..AT.. ' Portland Prices. ' ''' We purclisae onr stocks in New York City, In amounts of Irons tlteeu le twenty thousand dollars at. i a time, Ret low freitfhts aronnd the " lieia," and eani f therefore afford to give country merchanUand all oth ers deairinK od bariraina as tliore are in Oregon. MnnnfsrtnrlnK and repairing of jill work In our line' promptly done at tlie aioat reasonable rates. , I Romember llie place, . ' , ,'. '''" STARR OROTHERQ HHdqaRrten Building, BsIsjsi MYERS, HUGHES, & Co,, , Wholesale and Retail . Dealers in all kintla of, (liwerieH, Paintu and OiIh, BrnHhcH, Putty, Alcohol, , Crockery, Gltwsware, Lamps, Pocket and Table . Cutlery, Vmh1 and willow wart!, ,. , , eDye-Stuftft, Tolmccti mid Cigaiv, Ba con, Jjird, Hutter, Epg, Oats, Potntoes, tfec. fec. Store under tho Legisla- ' tive Hall, Holmau's block, , oc9 ' ' SALEM. 32di0 i. Hops Tar Holn, IlATKJiT AaleOrease. Urd OH, Nut till. Purer Oil, Neaurnot Oil. t'a.lor Oil, Olive Oil, Linseed ' Oil.t'oal Oil, nnd lletialne, at .h-i'.i m vF.its, nronw, ro - BUY OE.V17.VK DOWNER'S COAL OIL, Alt'I.AHK s) APOTHKCARIK8' HAIL, f' I ConiurHtais and IJbertr its , onpoelte Ihe new Hotel halem, (Id 'dtHf J K. t'LAHK, Apothecary. Wool Wanted. w K will pay Ihe llinHKST market ratee uoe.; half cash, one half merchandise for WOOL, ' II K A 1 11, UtAHUUKN, St utA Haleis. Mar W, litoo. Vnr R1a At ft Earcfl.n. 4m A ll'H'NE and II) acre Ul T in ibe Iowa of JLi BKTHKI, A irood kill snd valley stork range adiiiiuina: the idle. Kor terms, enonire of Jeff. JoaeS, or ef Hr. II L'lir-O.N, al Dallas. Nov. 6, IWmwIiW Furs, Furs, THK highest market price paid in CASH for BKA VKII, OTTfcK, MINK, and COON 8K1NH, kr Kit HAUUSfc McCkAKlN.; , rorlsaad, October , I (too. , :t!mi , , Fara fir Ella, . - THK Undersigned offers for sal die Saraa la 1 Ok A Marion county, one mile east of Hall s t tbe road lesuling lo Modem, consisting of ! N-r r GsmI La ate t . nrt prairie and part litnbar, well sapplied with wa ter, havian dwelling hnnee, barn, orchard, sad oilier impmvsnwMo Un it. The qnality ef the land te not excelled by any ia Ihe State. Terms vary reaeonable. - Heranns deairinK to purrhaer s hoote, will do well to, call snd inapeet the praaiieee. TJ HAXTK.H Halea.Oct 1 'i.i,