The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, November 13, 1865, Page 3, Image 3

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(Oregon statesman.
Tub Fihb 1)ki'!'TMknt. From what wo
cnu It-urn, tlin Firo Dt'purtiiK'nt ii nut lining in
well tri'iUfil us It deserves, or the interests of
Jliu city duiuaiuls. The lire-men unit nothing
fur iIiuiiiki'Iu'i, lint it i'n iIiiu Id tliem tlmt they
luive siiitulile mnoliitiery to oiurte w itl), before
we bold them responsible fur llio ii)ir('8Hiiin
nf (lri'. They Imvo now a good engin ft
good bell, fifteen liuntlrcil feet of good hone,
lint this in comparatively useless in their
bunds u niifs they ure furnished with, a hoso
truck, mid cisterns of water nt convenient
pninu. Tlio , loo, ought to Im placed in a
proper tower. Tha houo cart which they hav
been using belongs to a Portland Company
and must now lie returned; and when it it
gone, tlio firemen would lie compelled to enrry
the hose, to a lira In suctions, und such a Chi
nese Hindu of procedure would ho a disgrace to
the city. They tliereforo imperatively need
und must hnve a hose cart, or truck, or what
ever is necessary to carry the hose. The ois-
1 tor!) which has been constructed is a fuilt,re
mid useless as it now itiinds, but competent
mechanics believe that it oau he inudo perfect,
and this should bo attended to nt once. Not
only this, but other cisterns must ha made;
and iti gutting that done, let the city authori
ties sec tlmt they are secured against another
. failure. Money must bo raised, and this is tin
object of calling attention to the matter row.
The firemen do not ask for a cent, except what
is positively necessary to make them efficient
to protect I lie property of our citizens. And
when they get money, they do nut squander it.
They have every dollar of the proceeds of the
4th of July supper (some $i)7.) nil infe, but
that is not enough to get a hose-ctirt. They
will need some $100 more. When citizens are
asked to aid this matter, they may bo assured
the money is not squandered, and more than
that, they do not give to ihe firemen, but con
tribute to their own property just tin much as if
making soiuu improvement on their own lot.
The city has I icon unfortunate in losing hose by
tlio Brother Jonathan, and in the construction
of the oisteru, hut tlio firemen onutiut help this,
and those losses should be a warning to proceed
with moro cure in tlm future.
Hold Fast TiiBiie at "Frisco." Last Friday
wnriiini;, Mount JuN'tirson wus distinctly uhgurved
blowing o(T vnst pulTs of black smoko, somothinir tike
tlio cm-upe of sU-inn from uu engine; In motion. Itwns
plainly si-eu by nioru than h dozen of our citizens,
sttiiiilinif on C'mmiKirciiil street, between 7 und 8
o'clock, a. V. At about ei(.'bto'clock we cuiildsi-o tbe
cloud of duck sniuko liovcrinir around tlio top of tlm
mountain, und seemingly to .'isc and fall as lifted by a
current of wind ; and in about, -no hour it cliHiiged
into a much ligbter cloud. We have uo doubt of tbe
eruption, mid sliull expect to hour of another enrlli
qiluko ut Sua Francisco.
Si'iuNo or MiNhitAi. Watk.ii. Mr. It. V. Wliitson
lms discovered a spring of spui-klin wutcr near Dullns,
ia l'olk county, about fourteen miles from Siilittu. Tlio
water possesses cbalybycate and cathartic properties ia
a mild form. Mr. lilirk, tlio chemist and iipothecnry,
on Suite street, litis analyzed one pint of tbe water,
and procured twelve wain of sulphate of soda (ifluit
her salts) ami a slight lent of iron. Shuttle fuiiira tests
coincide with the former one, ibis will in time prove
of great value us a watering-place ttud resort for in
valids. 1't.XASANT HuitruuB I'aktv. A very lare number
of the jood people of Oregon City, in order to testily
their kindness and appreciation of the llev. P. S.
Knight, gulherud thouisclv- together and surpriecd
him with a visit eu maattr, filling Ion bonne to over
flowing, and It-avinu; with liiin, before uVp.trliiii;,
money und useful articles smuniitinit to over one hun
dred and forty dollm-. Tlio people of On-ipm City
uro hearty and gnu-roils, and we lire kIuiI to ecu ttit-in
niniiifest their liberality so freely. Wo kuow of no
other town that has done this well for their M purson."
Oitmoii Citv Factum. An minoyiiijf error in the
article on Woolen Mmiiifiictut-es, in tbe last issue, es
caped our proofreading. We iuteitdod to my tlmt au
L of eighty feet, etc., enn bo added without stopping
tho uiactiiuery an hour, etc., iiibteud of cannot. We
presume uioat of our renders understood whut we in
tended to say.
Kr.MovRD. Helm &. Jiirksoit (lute Helm & Sons)
have moved their large Drug Store to the house for
nieily occupied hy Keuyon, oh Ftnte street, which
they liuve litted up in good style, and uro now pro
pared to wait on all their old customers, and us many
new ones as will call. Dr. Jackson (of tbe firm) is
lately from filieouri, and comes bigbty recommended
us a genllcmnn of experience and if niilie attain
ments ia bin imfrnfioii being a gni.iuuli- nl two im-il-ical
colltgcn, mid Imvinir h,-ld the post of .tir;eoli ill
Ihe Marino Hospital at St. Itouis tursnme liine. See
bis card tendering Ins services to liiu pcuplu of ll:i.i
city and vicinity.
The tiool; Mn'to will reinnin in the su-ne room, but
will be uuder the clmrge of Air. Coke Helm.
Historic (iiioexn (Jives l. Purine tbe past week,
we learn that the Mcth'idM Church ol this place lms
traded off the " old Parsotiace " gronndn for the ltei-lnr
Iioimj, oa the Avenue; and another of the old land
murks set up by the early pl"tiecrs. and mndc historic
ground by so many uHHt'ciutituis.aiid tbe rapid prinns
of American civi!i:itiin on the P.icilic ci-a-t, of which
it was tbe HmI permanent ma- iretitin . lot been given
over to the di'iniiiids of trade end niitMtfncturcs. Tlie
" old Purwniiiige" will be torn thiivii.the lK-iiutiful ntiks
couveited into cumini-n firewood. And in their place we
tthMl probably etc an til mill, di.-liliery, or some other
As Oiu:oo Fea CoarAM. During the ast week,
we lenru that arrHiieementsnre making to organize an
"Oregon Fur Company," which will bo uiiiiuigcd by
mono of the leading men of tbe State. The high price
of furs has iucrrnsod speenltitiiin in this direction.
new company will not confine Its operations to Or
egon. ,
Hoixasii's ok I.iTot.iThl new work Is ad
vertUcd in another column. It is licyond all question
tbe i-e-t work lrnre Ihe public : for the rtiootn set
forth in tlic iidverti-cmcnt. F.very man should end will
diiubtlexs parc!i:ic a ctpy. It will pay agent to erne
vu-w for tins work
A Dines, lln.-onr.vei!. John llaki-r is erecting shriek
resitleiiee neiir the site of tbe eld honc. This Is the
Hrst hrlck doelluiE-linuse wo have noticed building In
Oregon forulong time.
IT?" If Mr. I'urdi'v, who cam to Orcirnn tW rear,
win can m thm mile, or H'ldn-Mt K. .Miuttftmery
tvik'iu, ho will heiir f r atclhmj; tn hii ailvmiiHge.
f" Mr. J. L. Collin, of IM k county, writes ut
kltrin reply to tin reM RiirninK himoolf " CHiic."
fll Id Rrriftr. Tlmt tfinoo it not worth ynnrpnw
tittr, Mr. C, tbrfnr w don't pnMinh lite leiier.
M-r. Turner mid I.ittU'fi'M, formerly of the Kfam-
aik Sm, Cal. Tlirr hve the rim of tlie genoiti
t'niou metiU. Gire them heMiiy weUB.
rAUi0NKr. Hnry Ctti'tn, who WRonn
victeil week nr two ngu In D'ngli CrtQtitr,
nf aMault with intent in kill. nj rentettoed to
onu yoar in tho IVnitcntinry. Im lieen pardon-
J by llie Governor. The petition rrcomend
ini ht pardon km finned dy Jutlt .Strattoa
IVop. AU'y Vatiin, Siieriff Crawford, wme of
jnrymen in the can-, and a fury Urge oamhrr
of oitiicni nf all partirt.
New HntiM.K. A fine hritlc Im lu-n r
Crutly cnnntructi'd aoro tlie Klamntli rivrr, on
tho Uge roail betwecno JaokoiiTi!l aud
tyQuiiify A. Hrmik. f I'orllaml, Ori'iHi,
ia appointed ppwial apent ( thl pt nllic de
iartmont for ihr Stat ( (iet'!i, and Wah
uitoii and Idilio lrn"Hd. with intrictiotia
ttKrepurt Ih Tot. A. II- .M.-ukUnil. aupvriutriid
mt iU in lie on tho I'nt'itiu o-t.
Trimi We iit )M..uil iMtxir rffvMis wu k
N WinMiiili lira 1-4 1 1 !rre
TO TUB UM0. Jlii.V OF 1'OI.K.
(knti.kmis i You stood shoulder to slioohler for the
(lovecnrniit, lis she met, the jo-minlfs of Imilors ill
arms. Whils each llusli of liirliiuiun 11 ,un the Knit
brought to your CHrs tho clash of resounding arms,
you kopt voiir banners Hyiinz. voir ano-tr on, anil your
povvder dry, iviolv for the ii' l-l. 'Ihut whs noble I
Your forces' wim- organized anil maretted to llio con
lest at llio bnllot liox. with tliesmue regular tread that
our patriot corps in tlio Held did to luitlbi, to sustain at
the point of tlio bavonet those aiuo principles for
wbieli voa coulelidod ut the polls.
Hut the rebels' broad sword failed at last, tluilluh
long noil well luiil on. The great principle that ours is a
loveriiincnt, and not n lucre league. Iluolo ut ull Mines
to disintegration by secession; that this (loverilllli-nt
was born to iniiiiortiiliiy, with liiulis never to bo li-t-tert-d
by inilliticatioii has Ir-pii susinint-ii on tho hat-tle-tiebl
; wliich proves that the followers of what
Jolf. l)itvi, ami tlmt school of pollliciuns, calls Stale
Hoveroiguty, Siiito Kights, sic, wore not strung
enough lo successfully ooiitcud with the Union men in
arms. Therefore, you inav fold up your battle. Hags,
lay aside your Hrinor, nod let your powder damp. Hut
until that, school of pollliciuns and their followers re
nouiico that doctrine, which untlioi-ied nulliliualinii,
secession und rebellion, und under which their vole is
like the signing of the ilenth ivmrunt of this Union,
can you feel sulisliod that it is talc, to disband tlio loyal
host I It was not safe to disband the military so long
as they shot ballots ; neilher is it safe to disband Ihe
party organization so long as they throw ballots for
that principle, wlm-li iiiiii.ures in treason. Then, gen
tlemen, for the sake of the cause, for which so much
OIoimI has been shed, go to the polls like regulars to
the assault, mid deliver your volley of ballots for Mr
Smith, and in the teeth of the enemy,
lOvery good loyal limn should vote for Sir. Smith,
nnd in the teeth of the enemy. And I would say, hi
view of such facts u the ahovo. wliich vou all kiiow
to be true, that every voter should bu out, however
me Democrats may talk of no opposition on their part,
Tiiev mar tell tho truth nt limes, mid I think thev do.
but you know it ie not wise, ut least, to trust to'tlieir
promises or protenees Ovkk in I'ui.k.
uatius, JNov. 8, iHtia.
DittnoB AceinitNT. Ed. tiliilmmnm As I wus
eroesiog a bridge three miles north of itethel, yester
day, on my return from Yamhill comity, with uiv fain
ny , ouo ot tne sirmgers or tee linage gnve way, una
mv teum was tiirowu oil' to one side, whore the wairoii
caught over the middle stringer, until i rescued my
family from the wagon. As there was no chance to
save my horses only by endangering my own life, 1
run uuuer tne iirntirH, wliich wus ten toet Ingli, iitiu cut
thu tugs and brcHet-strnna.'aad letihem eomo tniiihlitie
down. Due of them was so badly choked that it was
some time before it wus able to get up ; and on Ihe
other one 1 iiltllcled u severe wound ill tbe neck, ill
cutting thu breast strop to keep her from choking to
(K-tuii. is tiiiero any remedy tor tins rj 1 lie country
is lull of old rotten bridges.' I kuow of three or four
between Monmonih and vonr city that are unsafe, und
Iiel-sotm ueijuululcd will) them avoid crossing on llielll,
ut the strunger conn along und knows no diiuirsr, or
any other road, and liiially somebody goes over as 1
did. ,1 ON ATI) AN CATRON.
Mouinotilh, l'olk county, Nov. U, 18(ij.
Milwniiliie, Nov. 8. ltetunis from seventeen
precincts including the principal cities, gives
Fnirchihls, (Union,) for Governor, 1.C87 ma
jority. The result of tho vole upon negro suf-
Irairu is uoulitlul. 1 lie vote for tlio extension
of suH'rugc in seventeen precincts ie 50(1 behind
tho ticket.
Xt-w York, Nov. 8. Tho sleniiiers arriving
from down the Southern coast continue to re
port serious gales, with many vessels in dis
tress. . Ihe galo sei'tiis to have attained lis
greatest force on tho Georgia and Florida
Milleik'cvillo, Nov. 8. The Convention litis
repudiated the war debt by a voto of llio t i
New York, Nov. 8. Tlio New York Her
ald publishes a stiinninry of Governor Mar
vin's Messago to the Florida Reconstruction
Convention. Governor Marvin does not think
it wovld he wise to confer the privilege of vo
ting on negroes. Ha believes Congress will
nut command it ns an indispensable primary
to tlio admission of Representatives, bnt urges
upon the Convention, us a mutter id uliun ins-
lice us well as wisdom, Hint Inns fur tne most
complete protection of Freednifira civil rights
lie passed, anil Hint their testimony lie received
in the courts. Without these, iu- says, the
colored people will have no safeguards "against
thu imposition of cruel or dishouest employers
with tin-in. He thinks the emancipated peo
ple win tie generally contented, industrious ami
enterprising, even in lite absence of the exer
cise of the ballot, lie also recommends that
tlio Convention declare the secession ordinance
not repealed, but ruled void. lie- favors the
adoption by the Legislature of tlio amendment
prohibiting slavery.
1 he World i special says : Chief Justice
lms notified the l'residedt that bo cannot pre
side over tho trial of Jell'. Davis in Richmond,
fur the reason that theru is no n-gnlui ly organ
ized court in that cut. The l'resideut main-
liiins that lie cannot be tried at any other place.
Tlio impression is that he will be relcnsi-d.
Suwurd. assisted by assistant Seon'tnry Kurd.
were busy yesterday in preparing u large fur
ci'ii male.
llio interirl revenue receipts yesterday
were over a million und a half.
No tcleifniobic news this niorniio. Ovei-lsud
line down.
(V ,Hrs. 8. A. AII.Mi'8 WoildN Hair Itr-
Ptorcr und Drrtin. Yon cHiitHit m Imld orivv.iiiiil
neither time nor Hirttku)) can hliTitih voiir llnir, if
vou tint) litem. Sidd hv nil Oru;:itt.
AlmmiIs, H'raicttyr. Smith, &. Ut-iiit, San Kntm'U-o.
Special Notices.
Luxuriant (ironth and Beauty
to tho Hair.
Mrs. K. A. Allen's
World's Hair Ucslurcr antl Dressing.
The Krcitt titKMfiiaUcd I'rrparationH for
iiestorlim, Invljrornlhi?, Ut'auiifliis
and Dressing the Hair,
IJt?wh'rin it wftt silky, und k'"., and di("mMiiff it
In remain iu tiny riiirod porilion : qnirkly rlfmixfut;
the sculp, iirrfHiinir Oil1 fall, mid never faili lo ivulnre
grey hair to Its natural color, nnd produce
a luxuriant growth.
Fir wi!e hv nil DrnirL'ini.
A't'itM, Itctlr, hnnth & Dt un, Sho Frnnciico. fm
ITJlU'LI) rfiiprrtfuMv rail llio niteni'mn nrpPMnn
wimtniit Ihilidrd Tiihlt'Htii the ifrea witM-n-iriir
of the tthove tiiltiei. umiiufai'lured1 exel-nti Vtly Hltlitir
At Ihe Itilliurd (,nnt.'rp of l.iill. ronipr'Wd tf nil
the IsTiM-Hum pliivera of Amotir.i, it wj mmiuiinn: ty
r'(toved ihut I able of otir tiitoi'tfitrfiira pliould m
itfed al nil mutedes for thu CliuniPioUHhiii, uu thu tient
find onlv relinide tr.blttt.
Tiicne lliiiuml lald-ii Imvu rweived (ho win nun Ii -d
HppniViil of tlie lit-rt phiyern and Uffl r'Mnppleitl jnd
e(, who have uni venmiiy pnttiniinreU thciu uiifjuttte!
lor ieneral exeetteiieu itti dtiriU'itity.
Seven diftinci Htteni fi-r iinpnvi;rnii!n hi Kiillt.rd
Taltles liavu been Knuiled to lit hy tho I'liited Mat-
1'nteiit (Cilice, and we huve luN-ly ohtninod n mfrnt
fnm tlie Kreiich finvernnieiit. lor our iinproveiueiitg
iu Hitliard t;rnhi.i;:n.
We eiiii'lov, in the construction nf our laMen, a
rariiy ol itiaritm i'iuilv nm 1 Jr lue 'Utu,
bv meiinflof whirh we re fiuilded to innnre u m ien
ti tic and uiechatnenl necmiuy hithrrto iinkiiown in
Jtilliiinl niutinftirtiire.
llaivhiK h hm tx;;rieiii' nnd thorotih kuowlrdrt
of kit the iipplmiKeti of Uiilrd. mid vmipiHiitly n
Imtid st Ure ttitsrk iff (hi! U-ni und tlionuii'l. ! v
m:ijoih'(I nmtt-riHle. ire nrrnarrd to funii-li rvi v-
thin required in lUu liiiiuud hue with unprclviitJ
dl-l nU'li.
Tlie e
einlm-nt Ililfinnt PUvor, M. H'T'Cr, had pub-
lifhed thu fidlwiitk' orimon :
"So Yntk.l Anv"W, Ml.
On the ee of leiivin the t'nited Nutf. 1 .n Imp
py to ilt-riar lo nil uniiieiirt of liillir U thal.Hliem
tonrof eleven nionih thminrti the iriripn eiiu ti, 1
hnvn been etrntsM to jnlpe in a Hti-tift.iry nmuiH-r
of the Minertoritv of tlie BiUmnt Tutiiee inmuihirtuiH d
by rheian tit i'itllenlrr. The ny(eto't itmiiiilarinre
I m mttenr Umt I mm huwt lo ir,troi ilinr tfvie
of cnliioa mi i Knture. i ine hav nntted Ie tlftr
inHimlininre of Auwrtrna Ht iairu Ttd ihut of the
French Tillt. fit rtiiiiirstiililV xriir ne n'i Imhhiv.
Fur iltKBK muH U, 1 mm (mpnv in tuka dm-im
lion. UKkflKK. I'LAl'Ull S,
rmf. f Itillmrfi. 1'arht.'
M. E. IU'-hi . T-W Mmite"tury nt , S:n Fmrn iro.
Cal.. i" our M-Y authurHwd murut Ur ttie i'miiie
o M,Ui wUui Mil oni-r 1 l. mi).mw.
I'lll. LAN 6t ulJ.KNdl 11.
For Sale at a Bargain.
fT A 1 1 ft I Mi I" I.'T in iJw mwy ff
l.LIUKL. A K"l bill uavi!. r si-n-k muite
.ii ininn iik- !r- S'ur I'-rws. cii' J"''
...f l)r lH I"-tl..l U-.lJm N..V.H,
Wanted to Rent,
IMMhliM I hl.l . Iir l'-'l "J
Kurwrroii Ir--us ln- Wi-sii-nl Id
Olii.i. llli t.i.1 .mull linn !,i A l"A!l-l Mli-M.-t
lnl ljirr mil lirani. ll imii-rl" si'k t -
r-'ra)tnl inn No ..(, -i-.ii i t" f-i" "I
tlif n-litrr. WmiW .-nntt ti.l 1 st-s k
Tti hr-t r If ih-t- nil
-p uitrn r-tr 1- r-i.-i'l mlmti'Mti- ll.
.mvff p-skI. n .-. l.-, j-t.-nM,
..I M Mr.
th fttwnf Kltn llnfUvs. A I o, X or lI
(.all llirri-l ' .kl.l' .v Hii. i l l..
,y,( i, I -.i. 1' .-.i'.i-.i. lift- ii
G, W. GRAY & CO,.
Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, &c, &c,
AT T 11 K I It
-t'orm-r or Stain mid Llberly Klrccls,
Tliu pulilic iirp ri'spui'irully luvitoil to exuiuiim our
fjm:sii stock,
As (licai) us any In tlie Market.
liT Tho lii(;lir-st prli-e paiil fur lintti-r, Kfxs, mill
ull kinds nf I'rodnce.
0. W. OHAV it CO.
Siilnni. Nov. 1st. lSCj. :iin Iml
AH You that Want Stoves,
Farmers, Country J!trr!i;inls, mill others.
'IHAT llm timliTslctn'il Imvn now In slurp utiil urn
riHimamiy recmvillK, IIIKIllIT FKOJI NEW
VOIIK, ovory vnt-ivly mul slvlu of
Cooking and AVnrming Stoves,
Cooking Utomsils, Kettles, Tots,
l'lina, J5ukers, lioilers, Ntcwcrs,
AndiroiiH, )ogirona, Tongs, Shov-
ols, l'Air Tans, Little Tiuis, .and
Milk l'itiiH, ColK.'O Pols and Tea
Pots; Tin Cups, Buckets mid Dip
pers; Stove Pipe ot" nil sizes;
Lead Pipe, mid Copper Pipe, Mini
Iron Pipe; Sheet Tin, Block Tin,
Sheet Iron, nnd Sheet Zinc ; Fruit
Cinis; Churns; Large Iron Ket
tles, liniss Kettles anil Copper
Kettles, Zinc, Copper, PrasH and
lion, Wire,
JAPA X X E D W A li E .
And evDrytliiiig kept in sin-li ostiiliisliuiiMHs.
Portland Prices.
Wo pnrHinse our stuclis in New York Citv, iu
lllllouills nf from lllrrttll lo twi-nrv l.linusiillil ilnlli'irs nt
tiuKj. fct low lioiifliis HHiimd tlio llnru.'' iimi i-nu
llu-ri-fiiro ull'ord in uive country nu-ri'liniits nnd nllotli
urs doLirinj rooil bui-K'iliiis its ttn-ro uro in Ori-nu.
Miinufiirturinir ntnl reimiriiii; of ull work ill our line
promptly dune ut tlie most raisonulilu ruu-s.
Kt'liioinlier tlio pl;icn.
II fit (1 1 ti ii r I c rs Ii ii 1 1 (1 1 n Salem.
Come Here, EverybodyT
?i. iv. wi riii:iecLL
V Talrfleld and vicinity,
that lit i carry in on tho
Saddle and Harness Business,
in till iln vtuioiiK form.
Worth frmr H1' ti $7'i per ci?t ;
Worth frmiifct'J r$J(HI;
Willi thri-e horim, Wirtli fn-m m IIIH),
Ilu ih iUo limiting IIiini' iiH on the
s n lp Ai)j c .s r iyu t i: p. n
Wliirli will lit
A l.ciiti !Ioi'Mt ' u I'al one,
mid wliiilt is liit ifii.-uicst iuiprovoiiiiiut of
UK ll'll ! llC IS 111111(111
The Best Collars in Oregon,
from u rtiiiiiuoil CnllHrto tlio liursl Tu'i-lit Citsi- I'nllnr
All kinds of I'rmltK-e t;i!,in in iwcluiTitfi' fur work.
Clliti puitl lor MinKS. awpaiiittf itnot- nl till liriin-ti.
Kuirii.-I.l. .Sji. 1. II. W. WITIIKIiKLL
A W'oni ! luti
Stock - Raisers of Llarion
DAN1M, DKN'MSON iuvitrs the
uinl nil who bn-d to his sullii.n lA'l:tC7jl
1IAK 01' WOK. lo u-illi.s h I rial of spi-ctl Humtist.
liiuo on S. I't'iiDW, XuV. iNii, owr Hit- Fair
(ll-oillltl Truck, us u t';at lii:t!-v pt-n-lf chioi to si-e
I.IVKOAK trot III llm l-'itir, (til! Inlli-I. fur mime
niilso nr nltii-r. Ho wits tin-,, o,-iii-,i liy ,,'niil.y. Tor
pill und l'-ltuisuli. ilMiinsoii is to,w ttis pl'CSItllt
ovviH-r, litivinu liniiL-ht ''liiuliv on 1 Tiupin's inlt-rvft
in tin- ti'iri-f hiti'-' t'n' F.i-r, ii'ii1 it ti-iv willitii.- tn
show tin, puMic tlmt I.IVK OAK OK'llitli;inn not
his Itilli- in l.vo liiiiitlttts uinl f--,:v i.-l"iif!i. ot-n tril
oil- of Ihn-e. DK.VMmiN.
Soifoi, Nov. 0. Hi'i.. ;iOv
Union Block, SiJcai, C:e,on.
W. 3v. 11IG-3JY,
rO!Ti!) n,Kj,iTt''i!!'y iintiotinc l'i i!ir riri,(;i;i nf
.NsthMii tintl vittnity Dial hvim upt-nftu'd n
Vi'Iioloalcnnd ItcJall Drugstore,
vlnn lo li 'juin In tnttrit tlio jtatroiiiiK nf llmru wlio
nin' fnvor hint with a fall.
Ho o!!Vn ht lh- I'lihlir, in tt.:.utilivit to iuit, iU Itiw
rutf. a js'tMii-ral noririniiil of
j) urns.
dyi: ST IT PS.
ntlsurlt fmit-y urtii-li-s us nr.-ntnultr k-pt in h tirpt
rlusti uratf slore. l'lt-iuc cull mid tXHUiino hiryuiir-
I'livsii-inns' I'mMTipt!n! hy rnntpi-ti ut
Sohon. Oct.. ISIi.1. :L",:lr
For Sale.
rpiinr.r. imrsKs mui i'Ts. with K.,d nAUX.'i
Kni. O. l Ml, .t.'.lf II K. M. l'l.AMtlNIIO.V.
Hho Wa'Hs lo Hiijr Xrftt Utilise ?
Situate betwen the Intlilul' and M.E. Chvrth
A STOHY-ANH 11 AI.K 1IOISK. 'A'vin. flvo
jiiX nioms 1m?I.iw uro I ono hImito I'UhM anil plmr
h sluillow w-ll Just loi'it mui for tui. lion..-,
lot, Hiol i-vrryiliiiw -rtjiitoiiir lli.iroto. Tiring
IrtH'til-m-ksnl'six lots, or att i"ttiVHionl in i-iiiiik.
Aptilv mi llto ol-l suw-uiill
(ni. is.:), J. II. XICKMX ( f,
Dt nlrr In PI HK
("onif-r v'a nnd IjifHTtr iflni-ln, Hie
iikmt lintel uuriitfrly tlie Mttimioit IIomcw i,
CV INSTANTLY in nr.iti nl Oontiw I'ATKNT
M-dirin dim-i from lh mnii'ifi-rinrerB ;
Pure Chemicals, Fresh Herbs,
SVlEt!'- and Tiyf'Tn:f' r t f -r ..wifn r'! '1
h.z. f'"'! v ii !'T, d. A'! ar-u wurrrfTiu-d jr. A
Parllnilar Atliiilltin l.hcn In Prrpnrlii;
HysICI.;ws PRSsctiiPTiorja
I'll iii i. y MrlM ur
in a -Yfcif', A'f unt'r. md .V'f.f.'"tti mttunfr
Mure Upi u All Uiiut Ja) untl MhU
J 1. C.I.AHn.
('fit un4 JftH'kuHi f.
,i.-, i
Wool Wanted.
K. wilit- li Iil(ilir.-T o-ttkM nii'-s-.'iH'.
Uif r...ii,.-,- :.-ir .-. ....I - f... Win, I,.
,.. . rij ;., . i ,., ,1; , ,-, ,
!. , m .i ; I il
A pi'opiiriiliuli uiiilini;
Willi nil tho rofonifil Toilitt, l.iiMitivo noil Allli-ltil-ions
I'rott'r.llve ITopcrtips.
l'lovtlts Fever uinl Aituo noil llillioio. Koiuitlout
Kinor, liivijiiu'iili-s tho Oi'yiiiis of l)iosiiou iihil the
li'iwuls Sti-udii-s tho Nerves mill lends lo 1'iohillg
Hmnudiiil Properties.
Cures )yinisiu.,ivnr C!oiMilniut fjotiornl I)il
liility, Depres.'-ioli of Spirits (,'onsuitiplion Inter
tuilient Kovors and nil t'ouipliiinl, tirisin from bodily
wetildicss. As no Appetizer,
Anil nil Itillions. Disoidors,
IIostetter'3 Stomach Dittcrs
stand pro-ottiineiit us the '
Greatest Medical Discovery of tlio Age,
ttllil HS All
fliey urn pruMttrihed untl reroiniuoiiiU'tl hv ull lNiysi
rians whorovor they imvo hot'u iitlrodncod.
'l lie exu-anriiiunrv untl ilici'oasiux deiimtid for lliesc
I!I'I"1'KHS is unpnnilltled
and run lie hud ovcrywhoro throttijliout tho eivili.od
world wlmre nowspspei-s uro circulated or rend.
AlinuiincH or I'liiiiplilt-tN,
with tesliinnliy of tlu-lr sucrei-s friiin tho Karuior and
llio Sailor from llm Morrhftnt nnd Ills Physician
uinl from thu Legislative Hulls tif
limy ho ohtuined FUKIC of nil Penlei-s cvorvwhei-e, .
whole sa i. e Pit van is rs, iok tla xi,
V7 front Si reel.
Holn AKriits lor the Htnto.
I'oiiTMSii, July 1 Itli, lHi;5,
Mkssds, Hnntin it, Cai.kvi
ih'nt.lnnPH i In nnswttr to your letter of even,
diite. referriiiL' In the Licknsi: Law iill'eeiiiiit "IIOS
TK'ITKU'S HI'l'l'liliH," I hiivs to snv that no License
is rotiliied. eoluiiitf im thev do, nnder the helid of
i'l-npi-ielurv l'ropnnitions. This decision is uuuntinced
hy tho Coiumissiniior of Intei-ntil lleveuiio at Wnsh
iiilou. THUS. KUAZAIt,
ll. 8. Assessor lnierniil lievenue,
l'lirthitnl, Oregon.
Knit T
All the Diseases of the Chest,
AltlJilSli KtiuM
The properties of tho Coinliitmlion are
Tunic, i:xii'( Uii':iiil, ScxtlSiiii tiucl
und are pecnliarlv lilted for ftri-ostinir and prevention
tlio tendency to
8o frefint-nt utui fatal on the Pari lie Coast.
HAI.HM, HK(Ul!t Oot. I'itll.
From Ihe ffinal ctlvrtM that 1 hitvn vnn anil known
ol Mm- Thtirai-io Jinlwtni. 1 can wati-lv tvnnii-
int'iiil it to ihe pnttlic. Jas. J). Mcft iiiiv, M.I).
Km.k.m, Mtirch th, W:,.
I luM-i'hv certify that 1 davn Utii umin Mih. Hi )p'h
Timntcic Hiilwiin in my family, with tlio vi-cv licut of
ri'Miltn, nnd am happy' in hhithnj tlmt the mt'diciiio Ik
till that it in rt'coniKtmiiixl tu hu by ilu pi ni-iittor,
h. Wkhtacu.t.
M aKHiS COL-XTV, OlIKtlOS. SAl.t. 17, lSi'i.!.
The muhirriik'iit-il, renitk-ut ot Mttrion count v, Or
effitii. tiiltcn (tlriiNiim hi mutiny fur fin? lioitclU of ihu
alH'icled, tlmt, in tho winter of IMii.M, I wmm niifli-rinnf
from tin ntlW'tiun nf Whi hint' nail l(i)iiiyvn. ruMiiltiiiir
j front h violent fold. J wfnifil to m iroinif into rapid
."iimmuhimi, nun nun uvmi to hciiuvo my UihMi
was not vry far dintunt, tittd all who iihw tne wt-ro
imprtnM-d with tho w mo convirlion, Afti?r trvtinr
vaiioin ri'nicdifH without any mn-ri-Hii, I wan itnlm-ed
to try Mrt. tjtipp'n Thomcic 'llulmiiii, and to it 1 am
Jullv puiHMii'iiMl that i owe my life atid prneeut (food
licultli. t'tidcr t!iCfB ciri'iiiiiMtmicfH, I fcul ihut, I urn
hut pcrforminif a duty to linnimiiiv wl.-n I n;com
mend all similarly HiliirU'd to try thin ix'ilhnr nifdi
vmv. Wim.iah Tavi.oh.
Maiuov County, OitEunN, Spr. iH, isiui.
HavitiL';i'cil wreut hetmlit from ihu line of '.Mrt.
Pipt' Thonicic Rtlfiim," and Inriiij; iMiiviiuit'il tlmt
ltn m winild hc hfiudicrsd to iIh.iikuiuIk of pcisioiifl
wilterin willnmt hop., . f relief, it in with ph-u-uri'
thai I make tho inllnwinir wtutcmi'iit n the (;H l
lho.1, 1 took a tfvrn cold, which nettled in my IntiL't
and Mtroitt, i-aiinin a dry, litu-kiiiif eon-jit. li'Vi''r.h"iid-r.i-he.
nnd p::in in the liif-at tmd nndi'i tin tdiintdrr,
in tie verity, tinnl my lite rutctiu'd to ) in n-M ilunL-ei1,
Almiit tx wi''kH ao, I pinimu'iii'i'd Ink int.' Al rnNiiNp'
'I'liiiracie Hiilum, und in thin nliori Npiii'e nf tiuu' I
have nniin-d tiliiMft my nnnl lieulth nnd in-nuili,
httvi h ifon-l nppi-titi', nnd am free (nun my futh ami
ull its attending mittvi M.S. KottWAiiti.
r.y Aitt.iiiMiio tvitl 1... ..t i.i;,t.,..i ... .,n i.
put trudini; pointH in Orc'Mt, fm- the tuh of thirt vulu' Jh-dirin.'. Mr. L. A. STIIM,
wri. .r-i, ino-iyipd Afr miftirt't fvf.
Vtw Scc-ict Service-, tUe Virlti, (Sat
ItiliiUCCrii, iiihI !!ic r.s: i;iM'.
I5Y A L I! F. U T D. it I C II A K I) S 0 X.
N. Y. Tribune CorrttjiunJait.
Till' iiioitt iiiiert'rttini ami exriiiinf lonk ever pah
lifliml. enilinii iiitf .'dr. Km lmr.lMnii inipnralh'Jid
exiwrirnre i.r tvi imrt. Tr.iVid'iij U.rniitfU llm
SmuMi in the wMTi't p'-rvirti (jf tho Tribune Hi tlio oni-bn-ak
of llm war, with our ariniin nnd llf-u. hotli
Ku-l am! Wc-I . during ll.n iirct lu'o vcttrrt ol llm Hv
hellion; hi tlirillin vapim-e t l;i nithiuemcnt - lr
I iv en ly int. i, tun in mivpu ii; .IVit-ut ri ':1 prinoiif; hiti
VM-r.; :f. und nlmnst itiii anilniis j'ltirufV hy niiflil of
tu-ariV -iliu iiiiiL-i. It will all Mind 111 Minimr vviml.
an i ri'iitniu iioro 4 I ho fact, inridciit, and roiuum-e
of ihi wiir, th.iu any nthtr wuik y:l .ihlishfd, llor
m' (ircclcy cnyn ot it:
" A nn-iit tnunv l 'f!vn will yt ha wri!tin pimrcrii
ini; thi.t wnr. hi addition In thu nuriy niicnv iti print,
hni ii-it ntn? of tin-in j'l yivf, w:!';ti i-iiiiiliir I'tnn
pucf, a rUiirtr, lii!Ir. inure n uhttdo ai'ronni, entirely
from pL'i'ftnul nhwi'vntiou, uf (iiu imtiiii;, utiiiinm,
pmpi'iM'K, ti'ii leiiricH, and .itin.tnnicntnhtii'i of lim
Iii vflt i ri1- litoit, than dM tho uu i 'tttimiiin
iiuiTutivii of .Mr. Uith:trdrm."
I'.-MrloM-n, liuili-c. i-in'iut-!i yi'iiuy mi ll, and t'Ki('-ri-diy
r iiuiH'd nnd liin.iliiid u'ili'tfi.i and H'tMicn', iu
waul of prutimhiw ;uipl-' int-nt, wi" t'noi it p.-nticular-Iv
m i.i i Led lo t lie it touiiiiti.u. tnd lor cimilarit. Ail
tliirtfonl, ('mill.
S(.kantos Si, Hi mi, Aiint. 3-ir4ri
Boots. Shoe;?, an '3. Leather,
rtitcliiiKo of V.vrrf Drtcriplloii:
L.NIuX IlItOt'K,
Commtruul ttrttt. H A It K ."if ,
litis on IittiH tlie
Largest and IIrt Kcli'c'n'd Mock of
1 VKU oiii rvd in Jt'i.i, i'oucwinni in pari nf
Uh.NKKUT'rt Irp( ai!td, and 1'Uin Joiilde
-I.. isVvxsf - ;
MKI.KKi: ,V n:NlU:TON S Si.Iu nnd Dunhle
Swcd HHm:
SKU'.KI.i.K 11,1 hitik'luHtnl Dnnl.le S'cwi-d Jh.t;
liilUKKhi iS
MKN'Shu I HOYS Calf mui K !!ct atnl
frnu ttn l"t ith'p I'.nlaiid.
LaillfN, MlM's 1 1 hildrt'ii'it Hoou, Shoes
anil balttTft,
Knim llnH'. NVw Yrlf, and Mil At Komi. Km I,
Iiuk , St'im-rlh ii u. I'iitirtd lphni,
A ompli'tf Mork oT
Krt'tirh Bfid AtlM ticrttl f ' df Hint Kip huim;
" Lilltlitf;
On!; Hi d K rtj.wk &!( U-Httrt-r;
I ai. IV;', Tiit d, a'rt Nad.
Ifi' hi, in fonricM'"!. tti hfxt Tnnnfurturiirif urmp
;n th St.iU. nnd iio; im hnnd and niiikfn to nnt.T
U'fin nnd Mi of ffnrf rtindnf (In l-f iv.'
rmt AM W"rit J 1 1" ona iimnufn'' -turn i,ivt
4t:fn' tiin itet. -'-, l'-iu.J
Ate I.AIIK n AI'oi'lir.CUMK' HAM.,
t oni.r-stnip mimI l.itrtr . ooMti iho tww l..tfl
Si, I. -oi, llfi. . (f J K ( I. AI K. A ha. rr.
It. tlTH.
0H1 II. CHA K,
L.-r f III I 111 i'J'HIMM',
-V U....I..I . .1 . I I ....
(M.swtiKt ilio k.s.rli.rC u-nwrrml d, ititr Mft-H,
: ' Ail Denial Unrk (.uarantieil. fi 3
i in limit mii siE we.
Ni; Til iC. IIAU.UFK,
Notary Public, and General Agent
Krtilln FariiiH or HotispH, CoMrctini; Kni's
anil iJi hlH, Procuring KiniiloyuicuU Ac.
Ollh-n, Cp KiairM, MnniW Hrii'k Itloi'k, SALKM
liKKK.itKNCKH ,MenrH. K. Af, 1. U. AlooreH, and
N i'M t Ii , Di'iirhorti, Snlmn ; ('riiwfunl, Sloi-nni iV !o ,
Vuin-oiivcr : Col.;.ll. t iirrv, Kmt. Vum-oiiver ; lr,
W. II. WaikiiiH, Portland : lloii.O. V. Dminv. Diilh'tt
City, Ort. '.';!, l.iVitfVH
l ull mui Winter Ti ikIc I
Hurm as
Dry Goods Fancy Goods Clothiuc,
Groceries, lliinlwiirf, Crockery mui tiliivsivnrc,
Wo would itull ptirlintlni' nfli'iititin lo our Into
stylos of
Ladies' and Misses' Cloaks,
Furs, Nubias, Breakfast Shawls,
Etc.. Ele , Kit:, lilr.
ViF Our slock litis liocu si-lnrti-tl with rout euro
uinl wil bo sol.l ut tlio ItOWKST M.VKKET liATKS,
Alt kititls ol it-oiliu-o tiikmi in o.m-Iiiiiio for g Is.
Hlilr.ii, Oft. ll, I ma.
M IMU IUSIIi;i.S Willi AT. r.
Jl,w will iuy llio lii-ilii-i-t iiiHi-kfl 1'i-irp in
cnsll. If l I', 1 MN lilitt.
pill! AT
ItlMiVMAX llliOTUlillS.
Hvtt Siim;-. Hult OitTititrr
rpi:i;.ics. vai,is;:s, t mil r.i.AMiiiix, f..r suio
1 hi DliKVAlAX IlltOS.
MYERS, HU6BE3, & Co,,
Wlii)(K;ilo nnd IiVtiiil
Dealers in nil kimls cil'
(irorcrit-i, Pitiiit- nnd Oils,
Brushes, Putty, Alcohol,
Croek'-ry, (llissware,
Liiiiips, Tocla t und Ttililu
Wood ami willow ware,
Tolj.'ieco and Cigars, JJ.i-c-oii,
Itiinl, Isiittcr, J::s
Oats, Pol atots, Are. to.
Store r.inlei' the Le;ri!:t
tive Hall, Iloliuaii's block,
re!) SALEM. Iliai.G
llcij"' Till' liicisiii,
IJATKNT AxlBlliitw. Iti.r.l Oil. Nut nil Cilnr
Oil. Ni-ntst.i"! Oil. C'usliirOil, Otivi-Oil, l.tiist-ril
Oil. t 'mil Oii, mui It- ni
...i' Mvi:i;s. nroiiKs, t o.
I'l'OK !t Wiiitlow ;i;iss,
CTAIXKI) OI.A.-S, m:,l l.'i,.,i.,l c:., :..!. rf.f.
.7 CirHiuiiliC 1'iiils. Cnll-i'l Slul Sutiiii liiiir Hi tisli.i.
lliiltniitiil tiliiss (.iittrrs. iV r . A.'i., nt.
iki'I MIKI.S. Ill CillKH. ft CO.
"tJlXKD I'AINTS. firimiiiline Wiiinms ntnl Cur.
il riHL't's, nil ki;i'isn i-iilnis. iti nil nml WHd-r, ttir
ll-MIMI Ctilttitltf, nt
A ( Altll I'OK VII i:
fail k nifflii mm tuee
or sa.'m i i:a ii o.
Num. 411, 413 nnd 115 Ifnttery KtrM(t
(r. .Hrrtlmnl Mi it 1 iiutt iro.
Importers und Uha!csalc DealtTS.
T, v..i.!.l ,-m!I '!u- ;tt.i.!i. ii of ffirNTHY MTM:
T CMaNI (' onr iifiiHllv Ihtl.'' iIih'I( of (mhiiU.
Our U fiMnpi iKi r :!' Uitirh! Hi lim (.'iijli,iiitf M'l
Vm llifhiiiK linn. Vi Ihivi run -Oiidiv im Iim-m! ittf
Ijiri'"' f' - U nnd jrvu!it viirioly cf ( 'iiumuht. hh,
VVito) IltV'INof iti. v hciiiwi in N.n Kiuiirittcii, nnd our
nrii.ri fur Ofi lrt nw h-'t thno ilctv ut nv
Iiioim', ttn wo tff-fdvi thi'tn ilirrct fnvit tho nmnntiti ut
rt'rV constit'oiM-n!. Our H'h k nf Ka'l and U .ntr
i'M "fn (-Hft M'. iar( v uMnti'tin, Htid h tfn-nt n uiiiti
In th oountijr mwrctiutit in tlie niMinutiy Um pm
Lm Than liif ('ml of IinpnrUUioii !
ttrnl.o ;c.i. thi rTAl'I.K M;TM 'I.M iii tin- M- v
. U'mhU Iiih', ttiin li O'mmii wo Imvn ptirvloin"! tn tt.i
i tiiiirR''t uit'h'r 'hu ttnmtitcr, mnl mi) oitf-rni ll.:m tl
I New York KUmit uinl Ii-tmi.
j piihhn liim mrd ill order tlmt liuiv
tn'W hi 'i'IhmiIhIh . ti'i'l imhirt1 1'i'iiMj who Imvo wt 1
i iH-rr't( purchanod ufm. toinll ttml fXHinim nr :
iGood Arliclos and Low Prices!!,
' Arp the irttvit iiirfuciMm-ni" I" till -tn. pnr.-li-i"t tn m-II
iil' iiii. ,Min liiiMts n Im liny i-r n. in mtiNii h -.i
, jii'.l.l. mui .ll t. tltfir rtisl-nit'-i. nt u h'W lintf. Wc
r.-tm.tii. rf-ti if'iliv.
I mir t H.t"l.' tit rviiti..
iia:h.::k a- i.iNi'vm:i:c;Mt.
Wli.-lftiiV ( 'ii.tliMi t, I line WiiHhhim..
.Vis. Ill.ll U'i'i li t ll.ill.-rr .It.-i-l,
Hun Kmml.r-.i. tl. t. !.!. Irui '.'Im i!
Furs, Furs. '
fllllK l ifl i-i miiiktl prt. pi'ul ;n C'AII r..i- ItKA-j
1 r:lt, (iTlr.i., HINK, ...! I I MIX hKINst. I. I
.ill II Vl.'iJ.S V. Mi CIUM-.N. j
rurllnml. Ih l.'ln-r '.1. 11--! il.n.J
liuuuic mi vt s im- Siiic. j
IV 11. 1. -Kl. I. (-IX IIHIIK HI CililliK mi.A I
IIAIINI... Willi .tilit I-.'I.I n All.lll , I
ii WtK itnit C iirriHin ll'itM-.,
O.V S.tTl HIIAV. 'C. IM, J
Ht tliri K 'liriKA, -liiiiifi Im shii', 'i'litoa j
,N ,lt t it.l I n till t. ,ril) ,
.1.1' .-. 1 ... . rl T'l" ' v !
iiiii)i'tor nnd .lulilicr Iti
mil iNn LIOPRS,
Front Street, Portland, Oregon,
liistiiT, iiriiiii:ciii:,.i;o.
111(11, 1.IDIIIN,
I'IDKT, I'AK'I'lIJtKlN.JtC'o.,
IION.N'KI'I'. A Co.,
Mil .l;iiiiitii':i Kiiiii,
New i;i!l!:inl Itcnil.
II. ClHK'i',
Old ICoici'U'iii,
' Old Vii'viiiin,
Ojmrlu Port, liurfruniiij Port. I). (!. f( Co.
Sherry, Anchor Sherry, Siiuterne,
Aiificlir.ii. ami California
White Witirt
1. A! ITT I-:,
i i civil, i, :, i n a k w,
titICKN SEAL nml
.-.ALSO. . ' ,
t'ni'iiroii. Vcrniiii'lli,
IJillc is, Syi'iips, Jiuii.ilra f.lti(;c i,i:s.
M'lico i'cpiM'i cninl, Tch
lllll'H A I c mid
I'oilci'. 1
Slaiirloe, Cox, ti Co's Ale and Porter.
Ami ull other Ciin- Ontiils il-ituiiiiii lo llio t nuU'.
Mnivliiinta nml ilraliti-s ihu piiriii-iilnrlv Invited to
oxiiiiiiiiu my stm-lt linlurc piiirliiisinif olsiiwlmrii.
T.ll. KKWIHK. 4.T. l.'llL'.lll'.
Proprietor) of the " CITY MARKET" on
Commrrrinl Street, and the "PEOPLE'S
MARKET" on Stale Street, '
HI-iliKMV smi'itim-i! tn nil tlu-lr nlil Mentis nml ens
totiiiirs, timl t.liu inililii' ut-tK-rnllv, tlmt tlmv hnvn
si-i'iin-il n vut-y lurKe sii.ilv ul' l-'IUST CltASS
K'l'OL'K, ttml ui-u uow iri-pitrnil In t'lirnisli i ' -
Butchered Meats at Wholesale,
And iiIko lint Vei jr Clioiccst
STEAKS. . . .',..,'
JiUASTS. :,. 1
Al' HKTAII,, I.-.1 1 1 it t It. i r minimis, untl til.ii tloliv
creil li-titn llii'ir wtitni in tiny purl ul tint i-ily, ul tliu
Very Lowest Prices
Vltilu wit sliull snii-n 1111 puilis In plfiiHii itntl iii-rtiin-llinilutit
inn- 1-iinI uiiiHl-H, vu wish Ululli Lu itliilerstlinil
lllHt, ill Vll-W 111' tllU luW pli.l'n HI- Wllll'll VVII sllltll H.-I I ,
wi must linvit inn- :.y huliiplly, mui bitvu lliuruloru
cstnlilisliitil 11 ruin, mill
All Iti I In til UNt l fiiitl Mnrkly. '
Snli'iii,(ii-t.',M, Kt;.v ' iiii:i
Amcricjiii Exchange iiolcT,
CO It Milt OV
Suit I'riiiit'iM'o.
'TM1K prnpriotnr nf thin fnrnritt? hot id would rcpi'ii
I ImIIv in term the tiiividinir piddii' that thu
Ami'itriui 1's.xrhtiii'w'n hnvinr In-cn ii'i'ftillv cnhirMt'd
nnd iiniruvird in nil it d piirtittfiitii, he in now prt'pnr j
cd tn !!'. 'i' Klip- litir itnhtriMiiniti In hi put ruin Mini
thr pnhlir In i in-rnl. He fun now nll.-r tU-ynnt miitii
or cin trie KMinirt tr fainilii' and ninul roiinnt lor tfi-n-llcnn'ii,
mi ti-rnih lo unit tho tinicit. Thin honnu I'm
IniiiHii h:indiiiiiidy fin nielli d puhhc purlnr. hi.-nutitiil
Inr Lfi dlninif hull, n mi mod hunt nnd pleHiniiil rciidinu
und fitting moin . loyi thor with otlit'r lin iliiicH not
nrci'stn)ii'V lo pmnniTiile. rlnt'iin'iw infii nnd Imvidi'in
will tiud the Amt-riv.tii Kxrlnmi'i iwrmid to no Imiid
in llm nty, wIh-iIht hh rt uurdd luxury, eotnlnrt 01
cnniMiiv. Tin' tnlil" will he Piipplid with ull tut did
icnrifH tliu ni-nrnm itllordu intt-tnl fir pHii put rou
tine the prnpri- tin tTttpe'tl diy ttulirif ll rnnf tltii'ilirn
of in.. puMii- li.v.vr. -i'-n'l J. W. SAlitiKNT.
Latest News bj Steamer,
TK Utlt pli'uurcin Hiiuoitneiiiif 10 nor old pultu
itml tin puliiir 111 eti;fiil , 1 hul wo liuvu
.iit'sT Jii:ci'avi:i,
Ifcmt from the Kint and Hun Khuh'Im-h,
The Largest and Best Assortmcnt,
rwifHtitif; nf thn futluwiii' urli-h'H :
Gents' and Boys' Clothing,
of llm IMisT nn.l l, Ti; .T r-TY I.ICS :
Dry (IimmIh,
Fniicy (!o(l-,
J'llMllS (tl Itl SlllMS,
Hats iiml CjijiM,
(!l iM Cl ii-;,
(ila.-swaiv, A'c,
timl has over hi-mi linnnltt tt this city, nml ulso llitii
WU lilt- iitti-liln.' tin: snliitf
Cheaper t.haa thu Cheapest.
Cull i-iirly mui snliify vtmnH-lf.
All kiti-i. t f I'ltnUt i I-: uliii Iii i-xt-ti..!!-:.-. fur
wliit li uu will jmy liiu luuliuri 111ml.pi prira.
S. Ill l'( V ('(.
Hut.-ni. Kf! II. Iks'.. vtf
U H. 1UI.I. 4.
C W.
Inijii.lttjrit uinl Jubliiim nf
IllifSlIKS. TWIXKa. CdUDAfii:. c.
And Miiimhn tnrt ia nf
California Pails, Tubs,
IIIKMIMS. &.C.. u.
N'i'H. .'17 tmd '.111 StfitinitiiU at 1 ml.
H"Ivih Knmt und I'lrvis,
Patent Medicines of all Kinds,
lilllllM 4. Hit HlM'I.M,
V.sli MnH (sstiiimi,
ihf ni'r ll"isr.
Farm for Sale.
(" TIIK iii:tli-r.tfiii-. i-tlfis It.r l.i fnrni In
M.1 Msriim wiitn' . .nut milr ni. t.f lall Ytrry,
the r.ttt'l It -iiiit tn n tm. n-nsittiti uf
Icli iirrr of l.wu.l Itinicl I
pirt t-f .'i'Sn nti-l j--n il'i-lwr, w.H sttt'i''il with
lttr. Iiiivi 11 H it'-l!:iitf li"M. Iim. tfhnnl Mn.loli..r
iml r.,, in. -ni. nf .n ll 'I n tjimlllv nf Hi. Itttnl Ik ma
. -;.l...t t-, ni-, HI Hi. Sllil.'. 'IWms Vfi. r
1',-tt.ii,. .Ii ,iriiiu,l.ipi'n ii-ll"iti;'. ill tlt.n-11 Ui
full si:. I lli. n U n-iui-.i. . T. J- HA XTI'.U.
Kilt-Hi, I h( V I. I"i0 .llivM
il M,tl. ti,.. rt.,un.lMM '. V.i
Mltl.tll-, ,4
Ml MM - in
New Firm, New Store, New Goods
yymoitiwAitK and uktail maitKiw m
V1iiom unci TJquorH,
Wood and Willow Ware, Hardware,
YAKKEK NOTIONS, ",.'1'.".!
'l'dliiii i o, Cigars, Xe..
Center Store, New Brick Block,
8AitE.ii, orti:;oN.
n inn 11 iniw mi imiiii, 111111 urn itnw ro- nS-lil
ri-ivinir, tin. IjAIUiKST nml HKrff HU ' 1JfM
ItHCTKll STOCK OK OOODH in our Uhi,i
lino wvitr iillL-rnil , . , .-.a
U'liivh wil tropn8u to exittiatiite nb LOW HATK8 fur
Jlttl-'r, Kirn, llncon, Oats, Wlirnt, nrl froiliir. in
iretiitriil ; and, rnUntr tlmti krnp linnks, wa wilt NOT
I'li-tite ('nil und Examine our (Stock of
Ten iSc Orinilstoui', .
CnlTeii Sc Nnila,i
Stijr Sc Axes,
Syrup fi llitii) Vitriol,
SaliTiitiis li VVtisli-
Ci'i'sm Tartar Ic
lll'OOIIIS. : !
Tobncco ii Chccsi.
Pocket Knivoa
, Starch, --.,.,...,. )
Sottisj Ac lliiiiny,: ,, ,
Cliithcs Duslit'ts
l'icklns, , . ,.,
Kiipo ic Tamiiriiids.i
Coal Oil Si Honey, B
llnstiittpr'rt Hitters ic
Ci(tr Si Corn BaslfiilryDyo StiilFs Si Farina,
Slmvi-ls A: Nutmegs, jMci-rscliiiuiii l'ipoi Si
Citnui Si Wash Tubs, Spatli's, i ,
llnisins Si Muusi) Traps. Wnml I'ipcs tl Shot
Kitto St Hnltjictr-r. IConfvptiiiuctrjr Si ,
Salmiin Si WfinJiMil Clotlin-l'lns,
.-. Don-Is. .. , Macki-riiUV; l'ow(ler,t
irmVTKS' OUTFITS i rixti
III fiu-t,t'vt'iTll:ill- ttn:i!iv li--it hi 11 ( ,j
FlrMl-ClasH (irocrry and rrovlslon Store I
' ' hoods l)Hit'.'i-:i!!-.n '' I
' 'I'n nil parts .if tho i-ity, 'A' -'-.' Oh' Hit AMI It.
Dou'C Forgi't IH Plas. ',"
Oct. a. io.-... brown, cox, i c:o
T7IIKI!i: will iiliMiv-i' t. I'liiiml th., I.'IM-:ST
;'.MiroKH xn i'tuAm
llillt thu Mill L.;L Hll'.il.U . V I .-. . . II lillH IIIItltlAltl)
lit't)I,i-niimiuiiitf iliii-i; Tulilts, uno ut wliit-li uink
the piviiimtti nt tlic !r-- iWerlimiii-' rnstitnte Knir iu
(.'sliloiliin I'ltAMtlNUON i OIIKKN.
.,( Stihini.Oi-l.'A IXclii , - i llltf t
V' .- '"- Y - For Sale. ''--T
ll'lj'SI'; nml ItOT, with itihiiI hum, &".'' Applv
. , In . SMITH ifcCJAKTWHHiHl',,'
" Wanted for Cash, ;
t A VKW TllOl'.SAKU UCSIIKW (1001) OATtt,
"V uinl a tun ur Iwu nf t'otnl TI.MOTIIV SliKII, it
'Wtti ' - ' MVI-.H-t. lirilllKS, fcCO.
, .. ,i, Dr. W. 15bl.UOSION, h. .1.
1 1tAl l A l I' nf ih,. l'ltiinsylviiiiln M,liil C'ilhK
vT ul" l'liilnih-lpln.-iiiiviiiv iKtriuiiitrmly linwisit ui
this riiy, i-t-snui-tliilly liimluis hi, pnii'i-ssiiinnl sttrvirw.
,ii ihu i'iti.ins nf Aih-in nml its viiinitv.. (lllii-.( nml
n-siiluniK nt Mrs lliiiluy's hmuo, Hourly 0iiti,iln llm
Knrukn Hltthlft, Hiihtni, (Irumi. - ' Mr -
' ' . Oi lo;iiii Hotel, ",r'
' rrmtsiwrt, . . . JTVATIUA, IlllXlldif,
' AMHH E. ItOdKIt", Pri.prklor. .-'; "
Plnnssr HiswOi.., ntllrr at litis llolpl. tlsfpsst ink,n to
lin- Jl.nsv, p'lthKnf ctmrice.- . :i - ... tf. -
CIcx'kH iiimI Wiilclict HcpHiri'd."7
jn i N7Mn HMtTII, Kspstri nl l'l,(snsl
Vf.'VN Slul UA'IVIIKH, hi nun ct.ttviis.iiif M.rlon oouiil,,
el'"J A'n'tl Ori-iititt Ki-iLTiillv, lur liii.tiu-t iu Ills sirtli.-ulKr
itillSlins. Hthis Hiilshtftl, prsrtlcsl wiirkmnii, ll lit.
Work Ih-Iiib wsrr.uml. i ! -i
NA.I10 CM I II iri-ltflts ti-'Nt lbs., Slul rltln Ills olrn Itursc. . nun hy l tic lintiio nf Wnlktr, slin is n Jutlt-M-vsi-il
snrtiitnlitr by trstl.niii Isiiuw m-iiii-1i-rln:.'lnllri(ifi,
jiii-ii-ii.litiii iu li. it ('l"cl.'ri' NA.1U1 bMiril u lining wurk, pvi-ii In Sali-iii. tit prrscnl, ,
-Ani.'i. .-r N'.ii sMtrll. 1
,r " rc Wool UnTsc-rs-
Am '1'' unilrrslt'lii d rti-slrts. lit lufnriil tlift Sliu-li-
T7r -'iiitii"t-s ut iir.':.-iti tlm in- list now run sai.k
SV'liS tltirliM nl TllllllOlitill.llUUII Mrriim liiin, awl
MMAilt'iiii Lnnilis. Miihyitf lli.-M. ilnini.ts list. I.ltn
),t,t-s ni tlie Fulrsiif tin Slut-! A.rl.-iilliirsl S.iclrt,
.ml pNrtli-s Inu-mli-il sr. resiit-rtrully ri-frrri-il In n. m-nnf.
f..r Itn- lcl pruul u ilu- 1-ji.r.ctir ut tin: ll-u-k frn wCuch
tln-r nrit lireil. JOHN MINT".
Ilrsl.r nf M.rlnn Wir.p, I'wntnnrt's Hill,
, null-, .imlii ol rluUui.un llie tlsn. rmnl.
P. H. Kuril stilni.l wiirrsiit.-d In li,- lin-il ns rnjiri-.i-iiWil.
Oil riiiiiliwr. : .,
P.MM.NI-: KIIKItTil.V, hsvinu lk.-n Imsnlin in
I.ANIlM AI'l. nml lll'.Al) I'Al.MlNti ut iiiib
nf tht' In-.t nllisls in :iiil t iiini-isiii. prt'ptts.-. Ui giv,.
Ii.iiiim in tin- sninr. irrimrtis tn hit siti-n nt Mtint-Ifiiinni-y's
1'n-tnr.i Ciullury. Will nlsn enlur 1'hnlo
;riiplis.ill nil nr wnlur niiltin.'J.-y
(V k!
Inn. fully (tsitthlishril iIip superiority nf
nvrnll uthrr hunliiifc propurmiuiui
KOKTIIEn-ltKOP - ' '
Scalds, '
lhirns, Ciit.i.
Plrth ll'ituuin. Built,
Chilliliiinn. lltintrrx. Uruifes,
prlnng, Pilen, Erynifirlux, ('leers.
Suit Rheum. Injury hy Splinters, Old '
Sorrx. Rinir Worm. I'rost Hilten Parts,
AMI A 1.1. i I i'AMiiii S I I.sKASM '
ntnl frnpti-itis (,-Mii'rnllr
RKMDl'Xi'S Rt'SSll SALVE ' ' ' ,
in Muuii( in iit-iiu.1, iiMinti tiitt ut uuan. iiu it rt
litiri" llie iu"t iihlmv ImikiiiK rWft!ii'i;B mic intlnni
uiHtii'iiP), k if Uy iuuii -iJm uiltirtlmg rlif mui a
intiipli-U' nr t
M'i'W-cii Jttiiinil -H Kriit nl.. Km Knuiritwi.
in;, wistak's
Kiilsam ff" Wild Cherry,
a 1 1 iii i nit trnr p.mim or
Cousin. Cilds. Ilrunr'nitis. Atlhma. Crimp,
WhiH.pint; C"ph. Spitting of
Ittmid, Liter 0m- '
'(lint. .V'.. Sp".
Wliirli irtrnc" iiT iiitirv ' uf lv) iihv- uttn-r tltV1
iitm. iitwi liitt twlsfw il.n it kill uf !tn I'liytiiinti tu a
n-tiU'r eMi'iit iti:tu ri'V - ni-t'in'v, irtn
tiKLiiK ti Tiii:i utiitun
Wh(i n!l Htlipr i'ttt htii-ni'il
li'ipid ih h Hr. Km., hi' u lit tint, ruti' in iUi iiUiuu
It Is tntiirpHiHt'd!
Wliil., hen ti .iriilH'il. Inv Irtiirt ihrtHit-,
iiit, i'.iiiii., nr niiiicntis mnihii: ninll, wtnitrtt, tunl
ii'Miii. hI kimw li-'. ctiiiti'tiiiim ml umt i Viisuuilu in
ill" k.intl.MH lsir Ilu- c f IvfiUVtft i ,,
Mini i iiiU-.i to, uii'riu, mid rnifiiM tin ftirwtilc
ltH-iiHii"ii 'l
.S.1I1I l-v nil Hiliai-l'. ""'I
HI IM.vnOX A (II.,
Iliininl llt Fruitt ilin-l. Sun Kt-ini'iw-"
Happines3 cr Misery;
flMIKI'HOlMilKTOItSfM' Tl f K "iVXriKH Ml
I. It inlli-'t, rvi'imlii'T" i( nitw, lit irxtltt VliKK
i!ir llif lii'itf lit ul imiifrintf iiutfmiiiij tir ol ttn-ir
us t iiHci.-tmif nml hiiiimtm LIU I I'lillS, imi
i A U!.l Ad I!, tui'l ii ii!-iji:.i' 'm itii'ii!" : N-rvm-i "
l-itiiv, rri'tuHMtr itmliti pf Uttnti'Mnl, hMliv'non,
l ,ltllU iT 1 i ( iKi' il, L'M I.Ul llijf HH'l tll
Tot-cr, ll liit'tt4 "'Uli Kvil.nnl tlnM Uvn thm ,
rreuli fr-tni voiiiiihii i!'.if h, vsi i-m V m;iiiint, or if
M.i.mif nf !.!,.(. ttt.U NiitMit'n -
T'tc.' invtilmltU U. iiii-d Imve Wf.i tin- imn" 4
fii:lil-U;n - in ( wi ii 4 llii.'t-fi'u!, (tiiil Will le l"r
wmili'd KliKKou ti'i-iti -( r-iiii Hv (Vnfii in,
..-tn, . hIhiih, U- i4'!lrpinif S.i r'iry I in Iir Mh
v n f An tt'Mity .iml iSrtfim), Pimm Niii if Kill Ktmi
5 Irf-iiiM in U ni iiiifil. AWtU. Knuit .'
Kiliv l,if'iimii ' tMiHi. til
N i Imk. I iit if liall. iti lltilnmn k.
Id.ll.f. ll Ml nlir.'llli, Ul' ItlVlli-il li.