THE OREGON STATESMAN II PUIIUSIIKIl KVKIlV mil Ml A V MOKNINU. Til Oregon Printing and Pabliihing Company, 1' 1101' KIETOR.S. OfHolal Paper of th State. TK It M H l'or yoiir , $:t,(MI ; Six months, ('.'.Ml. 'TTie itliiiMin-e irlrtmtMl. lnjal TemUrmtcM telli br talcm null allltftrnnrmil ootiui. Ui'iiilttitm-i'ii iiur In inailn liy hiaII itt tin- rUk of the pub lishers, If iinilleil Js tlie presence of a mlniiiMlur. DRAKE'S PLANTATION BIITIRI. S. T.-1860-X. The rapidity with which MME'S I'LASTATIOII BITTEHS IIiiVBlienimouHOUSKIIOLnNKCKSSITV lh rough-, out civilixcd nations, ! witlmut it par allel in the history of . i the world. OVEll ' ' TWO MILLION, DM'. UUNDRKD TIIOUMND Were Sold In TWELVE Months. I AND - The Demand in Dully Increasing! 1 IIICII and POOU.OLD and YOUNtt , Ladles, riivnlclans and Clergymen , rtKIl T.' AI IT ItovlveH Irooplnjs , S?ilrl, Leud STKEIVCTH to I lie System Vigor to the Hind, AND 18 Exhausted Nature's Great RESTORER. lis effect, ill caned nf DYSPEPSIA, t ivc l-'iitiirnts "oiii'SlontM'li, i'li'ii' till Dt'Npoiidt-ucy, At'. IS MOST EXTKAOltDINAKY. II is rmnnon-il of llie choicest rnnts and herbs, the tho rclrhniled CAUSA Y A II Alt K, elc, nil pre wrved in mire ST. CHOIX HUM. An U gulltlo Alow- lizer, hihI healthy, agreeable Stimulant, it lm 110 CNIial. h I. ..,1l l, .ill rni..faLlilK dealers, in every Town Parish, Village Hamlet, throughout North Hiid South America, liurono. mid the Islands of the Ocean. I V None can lie genuine unless bearing the pri vate United SihIi-k Slump uvcrtlio cork, with Signu ture on steel pinto label of 1. A. UltAKE, k. CO. HMITII At DAVIS, 71 Front Srcei, Portlnnd, Oregon. HOI. K AHKNl'N V It OltM.O, and the Tcrritorio. Kept. S3, INU5 31) ALLE N'S LUNG BALSAM! THK llKMKlir FOIt CUKINO Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, t'KOUl', DISEAKKS of the TIIUOAT, lironrhitis. Pains and Oppression of the Chest or Lungs, Difficult Breath ing, and all the Diseases . of the Pulmonary Oreans. TTS action iaexrMBctorant.ulleriiilve, sudorinc, soda- J. tive, diaphoretic, mid diuretic, which tender it tme of the most valuable remedies khown for fining ois cases of the lungs. It excite exiierlorution, uml causes the lungs to throw oil the phlegm or mucus : VIIAXUES THE XF.CItETlVXS AXD PU RIFIES THE Hl.liOth lienln the irntuteil purtu irivn niranih lo tlie dincHtivo owins; lirintrn the livei to il proper nclion, itrui iiiipirta wrenutli to the whole HVHtem. r-ucn is tne linuit-ionTe unu nimi-ihciui j iIm.1. it t. wiiimnti-d In lireulc no thu tnoM diri- treMiili(Coiii:h in n few hours' time, it not of UK) long utMtldlliK. It 18 WHrnuiteu to Kive emire Bmiioiitiiii, .,, in i1,m mii rimtirmed mw of roHiumtittox .' It it, witrmntcd not to produce cortivcneiw (winch la the rime wilh mom reuiudiiM) or ultt-tt the heud, tin it oiiliiin no Opium in nuv form It is warranted to be I'VIIFKIITI.Y II A Ril LESS to the moat delicate child, aliliniuth it i active ami powerful rctiu-dv for reatoriliK the svstenl. There is no real licceivitv for mi many diatlm liv coimumption. when ALLEN' S LUNG 11ALSA3I will prevent it, if only taken in time. Hold by all DnmiriHta. I'nce i per bottle. HM1TI1 & DAVIS, 1'orilandtlreifon, Kept. 35, IftiS. (ieneral Agents for the ltate. . IJraiKlrotli's VEGETABLE UNIVERSAL PILLS, IT is iteiierally knowu that my Grandfather wus the oriiriiial inventor of theM remarkahle pills. Hewasascientilicniaii,iuidB medical practitioner . nf the (lid School, lint bwoniinir alanunl ai the mor tality that attended the Hleeiliinf. and Mineral Prae ,;. I... his Attention to the of nature and the philosophy of disease, as also to the nuiural remo- ( lial airi'tils which he found In exist exclusively in the I . Vegetable Kincilom. Ill 111" reaearenea aim iuvei.ii initions. he lieeaino fully aatislit-d that the life was in the blooiii that bv whatever name diseases were dis tinguished, imparity of the blood was the source of nil a sinipie and truthful doctrine, which, in reducltiu nil diseases lo a unit, necessarily established the fact that all were to be m illed on the auuie general prin ciples, viz. hv pnrpilion. Now the iirand dilliculty raiiaisicd in devising a veif etalile eompoalHi that would invigorate, purity, and cleanse the bluoil, correct and regulate all I lie diller ent secretions, and by purgation dinchaige the whole innsaof morbid niiiiter from the body, without reduc ing the strength. Alter thirty years of close applica tion, he considered bis object fully ncenipliahed in Ihe production ol these pills, which have now been before the public due Hundred and Fourteen Years, Mild it is now (IWifil neatlv :il years since Pr. llrun drelh's Vegetable Universal Life lres.,rving 1'illa were llrsl prem-l.ted lo Ihe American public during which time their auperior excellence and virtuca have been extensively priK'laiuied by paiers and pnmphlets, and a rapid yearly increase of the sale uf tlieui ef fectd. To know what will save life, to know what will restore bcalili, is a knowledge not lo be hidden, I. thereto, as a man desiring lo do my duty fiiithfiilly, have dotted down some of iny thirtv llve years' eXw rience with llrandretii's I'iils, which are an eH'i-elual assistant of nature, and cause the axpnUiou of acri monious humors the occasion of every sirknesa. I-et is admit that cimil'l hnmnra nreyenl the fre cirenbl- lion of the blood, that llrandretii's Pills take nut these humors, giving Wahh for pain, and strength fur weakneaa. No now ia ai.- uvs wlieii the tiriuciiile of eornip. liongi'ia th asrendeiH-vi Itntndrcth's I'iils aid Ihe Life Principle to regain ihe empire by removing the corrupt humors fnau tlie btaly. Many a tiuas 1 have seen life apparent I v at the huit ebb, when these Pills were given, and in a tew boars the damper was past am) health's tinod tide gave the patient renewed life and vigor. Many are tl fathers, mothers, nuis, and daughters, thus saved. Ttiese celebrated Pillaara enuitaieed wholly of me dicinal herhe, and do not mmtnin any mercury tiriahwr mineral, being perfectiv harmleaa to the moat lender u.h, ,u wukmi frame: vet sura to search out the ran of sickneas, and restore the beiiltli if taken aeothung to the directions. Let no one iiniaine thev are ton weak to bear the cried of these Pills, which put no weakneaa lam tl,e frame, but draws weakucw out. A few doaea will Ihj. ..... .h,L..- .,,.1 tl.pi, tlie beauties of nuniatHin will gniduallv liecnme iilifohled to rnr view, wl i' b. n forced with Uwiidretha Vagelablt fniveisal Pills, is able toenreevery dwase w here ihe organs are aoaud, and greatly increase tlie average of human life. i have now need on uiv owa person, and prepared and administered, liraudreib'e Pills for thirty-live years. 1 believe they aie the best purgative in the .riiti diiaSuitdiral finality thev have also a tonic cll. ct. Aud as I am of the inn upiiiiiai that iiiliaiaaiatinu and feyera am caused by corrupted bhaai aut being timely evacuated, because It regurgi tates, so lo Sfa-Hk. over tba whole bialr, and thtia cor nint. tba anuud blond that should tiaunsh all the mem bers. and actually deslroys and paralyua membara or nnraaa that are nBsoundi and as I know Ibat these Pills have a direct ehVel In remove all cnrni Mood and acrimonious Immois from tlw b.alv in fact, all hdiuM kli,w liia vital staielanl of health; an I etiwild lie ginhv of a great sin. did I not do all in my power lo propagate the ase ( a meAtine wha h is r"ei uf propertlea an ealculawa tu aai tlie average ot Human tlie. TUpobli.t. M.D. Principal office fr Hraodn-th's Vegetable Universal Mia, HkANMfKTHS III ILIUM... W,r. HKJltllRKTII. Olflcaat C RANK It BlilUU AM , rn Francisco, i'ur sale by all resperUbie dealers in lueiliiilars- I f VOL. 15--N0. Cooke, McCully . & Co,, ARK V3W OPENIXO IN BAf.KM THE ' Largest and Best Selected Stock GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Ever hmnirht to the Willamette viilh-y, and will diannaenf the mime at the very LOWES f THICKS. Salctn, June !jt IKiio. Htf WOOL, WOOL. NOTICE U hereby given tlmt wo want to pup clmne , 100,000 Pounds of Wool, For which we will pay the HWHEU'l'MAR- KE T TltlC E, L A nit. COOKE, HcCULLY & CO. Rnlcm, June fltlt, 1S. 1 llf Private Medical Institute. EHtubliftlied by .( s , DR. J. C. YOUNC, IIV lwrso, FOU THE CURE OF PRIVATE DIS EASES, OF WHATEVER , NATURE, . , " '' And all Female complaints. Conaiilting Ollice, . f lO "WiiMliiiiejtoii Htrcct, Second buililiiiK below MontKoraory at., , SAN FRANCISCO, i i CALIFORNIA. TiO ri'ltE, NO PAY. CONSULTATION II Y LK.TTEU, OK OTHEIt WISE, FltlCE. For Direction of Letters, See Below. THIS CELEIIUATRD INSTITUTE has enjoyed on this eoasl an uninterrupted success of Fourteen years, and has become one of the renowned Tlospiluls of the uge. What the celebrated Lock 1 Inspitals is to London, and the no ess renowned establishment of Uicoi-d to Paris, this Institute lias become to the Pa cilia Const. Tlie thousands Hniim-.lly received and cured, place it in point of number of patients among the very iirst of the world , and the success of its treat ment ranks it second to none. PIIIVATF. IHSKAKKH IN MALES and IHltEOU LAU1T1KS IN FEMALES are the grout destroyers of health. Tnoy Insiduously attack the system uml grad ually midermiue and destroy it ; they drive tho bloom from the cheek, the lustre fi-oin tho eye, the strength and vigor from the frame ; they give to the world puny and diseased offspring, and poison, through suc cessive, generations the nice of mini, The nnti-ks can be seen in Scrofula, Consumption, Cripples, the Idiot ic, the Paralytic, the Insane, etc. There is no more terrible scourge to the hnmnn race than those diseases ariising from thu coiituiniimnou of Veiieral Poison. The mildest forms, by retreating to tho blood, hold ever over the one afllictcd, the sword nf destruction that is liable at any moment to fall and blight to utterly destroy nil earthly hopes. MEUCUKY, recnunizetl an Ihe twos fatal meilicat enrnijf to man, combining with the Vcticieal, doublet! his dangers. Those who have been treated with that pernicious mineral pumm are not cured ; the disease lias only assumed a new form. Do not be Satisfied with Partial Cures, that leave the poison to crawl through the system, eat ing its wny into the tissues and organs beneath the apparently smooth surface, to hurst out in the future with a virulence that will bullle theell'ects of mcdisine. WHEN PKUF1CCT CUIIEScan be obiaineo by con sonsultilig a physician whom long practice and thoro ugh investigation into the causes of liISEASE of the UlflNAKY (IHOANS enables to determine at once the nature of the disease. In all diseases entrusted lo the Hector's care, PER FECT Sl'EKUY and PEHM ANE.NT y Cures are always Guaranteed, In Syphilis and its niljmirfs ; Qotiornna and its nr compii'nyiiig diseases; all iliscordcrs of the llladiler, Kidneys and proslriite ; Seiniiuil Weakness i llis eascsofthe lluiiltand Lungs; llyspepsia Indigestion; Imsitcncy ; Incipient Consumption, and all diseases of the Urinary organs, in ealher sex, cure iilwavs wiinmied, OK SO PAY UEOUIUED at Ihe PRI VATE jVIeriloul IiiMtitutc, NO. ill) WASIIISUTIIN STIIKIT, SAN FRANCISCO, i i i i . CALIFORNIA. Seminal Weakness or Spernintorrho-a. Tne young man who experiences that growing weakness in his muscular unci mental organization should stop to consider whence it'ariscs. ' He will tiud in the weakness nf the back, trembling of the limbs, disordered digestion, unaccountable failing of tlie powers of tlie mind, distaste for soiicty, dread of im pending trouble, forebodings af evil, sleeplessness. trouiiirii ana ihscivious ureains iircoiiiiuinicu uv grow iug deafness, loss ofninsculiir power, and numerous other symptoms uf disorganization. The positive tru ces of that most terrible aim destructive ot all uiseas- Seminal VI eukucss Vt astiug away lus powera. destroying his hoie of life and manhood, aud dragging him along the broken path of his existence toward a premature grave. To bun who linds his life dribbling out In the discharge of the vital principal of existence in nocturnal and diurnal emissions, the mere cessation f the causes ot its appearance briiigs no assurance ol relief. Marriage, that holv ollice, tho safeguard and hope of mituliood, brings lo such a one no hope of cure, but adds to his misery in the knowledge that Ihe one who k to him for so much of her liutinincas, is a victim of his evil, tind an innocent companion nf his punish. mem. lie anus lo ins misery alio oisoruer limn nnie enveshiiti. I hero is no rescn except in proper and skillful treutment. Consult, then, at once, a pfivsiciau whom long practice and careful research lias made thoroughly conversant Willi every piuise ol tlie dis ease Those who have become the victims of solitary vices, that dreadful, fascinating, and destructive hab it, which lllls thousands of sick rooms with paralytics and consumptives, and liuiidrcds of minutely graves with its niisgunleu victims, snoiilil consult witiiuut a mnment'a delay, one who will sympathize with their sullrrings. lo suili tlie Doctor woulil especially an dress niiiseir. giving tn etieli ami all assurance ot a PEUFECTaiid PhK.MANENT CUUEri'W kin- itraitrt trum eejjnrss, change of dirt, of Jear of cx pomre. lo tiot lorgci mo uuiiress. oee ueiow. iiiinoimiit to Fpiiiiiif. When a female is ill tronblo ora ttlicted with disease, and rennircs midical or surgictl assistance, tho eiiuiury should be. Where is there a physician who is fully competent to administer relief, ami whose respectable standing ill society recommends him In the ronlideuce of ihe community 1 Die loa-tor, understanding how imperatively necessary those rentnremciits are, feels called upon to interMiM, ami by culling the attention of tlie anticteit to llie tact inai tie liat iiceti a I'lfil- FESsult OF OlM'ETItH'S and FEMALE HIS EASES for twenty years, uud is fully utiuhlied to ad minister in nil cases, bolli uieiiicully ami surgically imt in a snnerticial manner, but in as thorough a ina'ti neras years of study and practice laith in hospitals aud private lamilies call make, to save them frmu the hands of the unipmhlied, ilnsrnipulnous, and des igning. Therefore, latiiines cau Jjiy npon nun as upon a father. All in alllirtiun can find in him one who can feel and .vmpnllnza with amibalnend ihem in trouble one inwlmsesecroev thentnvst confiilnce ran r plnce.1. CONM'LTATluN (IIY LKTI'EU OU OTIfEUWISEl FliKK. See address below THE CKLKIillATEl) Fr.MALr.ltr.Jlr.lilr.s.roin bounded from thu private priwcntitioiisof 1)11. i OLMI have uow obtained a moat extended popularity are correctly viewed lo be tlie safest aud surest remo iliea for t!ie cnmti alius for wiih-ii uier are aipnci. The colislaiitly accruing teslimimiala of their elhcacy declare ihcui til be pre aiiuuently sua;rior in their ac tion. No I ji'l v should be without these Renovating Agenta. None genuine unless procured at tins otni hem by Mail or Express, to aliv part of llie Mate. THKt'lKEAT FEMALE MEDICINE! PKEVE.X TIVE POWIlKltSFtiKMAUUIElJ LADIES. New. Safe and Infallible, tasittig fr.on four lo six months Price lil. FKENCH LI NAIi, OU FEMALE MONTHLY PILLS. For suppressions. After liny reura 01 lua uibm nuia rtuno uui-ivmIImi hi tiiiivrv. t IK- fi per imi. lot orrrapr.nieiitK. . Patieola residing la any irt ol lite Mate however distant, who may desire noelicuj adviea un Ibeir ra- tiective cases, and who Hunk proper lo a written siaiemrai m snco in preirretiea 10 iKilUing a personal lulerview, are asenrefl thai Uieireoutaunuav linos will be held mini sacred. All k-ttcrs wast be addressed to Ilia -Mrtrwnouding idiysiriau.Uiast 1 IHtampl BESJAMIX F. JOSELYX. M.U.. MO Washingtmi Slreet, Itol 7:0. P. 0. Han FraneiitQ, Cat. :ejin'l S.ILEH C. 4 8. XISIXG C0MP15I. TIIE sinekholdrrs In Vlrm O tV . Minimi ."mpa J nv will take notice that that there is levied nil as snwnent of oo dollar and fifty rents no each and ev ery snare in Ihe capital swk of Ihe fwapanv. paya ble n the Secretary, in gnldnen. on orhrforefirsiday f Isereralirriieat. Ul.lUJfc-wj. rtaieni. Oct I.', IHtiS iW SALEM, I'MOXUlTlO-i AI, SIKKKMIKIt OK THK KW 10KK JIKMOi RAt'Y. Wo tnko tlio fiiltfiwinff extract from tht ctli tnrial ciirrei)(imU'iica of thu Srtn Frrtnciicn Bulletin. Tho letter is tinted Neiv York, Sept. 9th. 1 1 tpeaka for itrelf : Althntith the ptihlio hd liet-n led by certain riving. nut in Dcmoi-ratio circlet tn expect n decided change for the bettor In tho next pro gnimmu nf thu Deraucraoj, it oi-rtninly nns nut prepared fur tn sweeping n reform o that in auguruted nn Thorsilny, At Allinny. It was known that tt vlgnrntis attempt would bo mnilti to rtiielch nut tho Cnpporheiul element nf tho parly, lint then it was believed tlmt, alter hav lug perfiirmed that task ns a cnnceision tn the deinunds nf tho loyal masse,, the lenders would have munnged tn keep their team in the old ruts, and nt all events have presuntod a ticket compoiod ef none but Democrats dyed in the wool. 1 The result of the labors nf tho Convention has disappointed both lides. Hut it can't be affirmed that it has gratified both ; for while the lovnl Dcraocrnta are eoneratulatiiitr thcin- solvei in the belief that they have at last gut A platform nf which they are lint ashamed, ami with which they are confident they can "go in and win," the Rennhhciina are not ever-pleased with the wholesale appropriation of their thun der by the Convention. Hut tho Domocrnoy had no other retnuroe. Tbo party had been run nearly intn the ground by its disloyal cle ment, led by Seymour Sc Co,, and thero wits not the (lightest prospect of resuscitating it, save by the weeding out from its counsels, rout and branch, of this element. Hen Wood had told them a Tew days before the meuting of thu Convention, that, nnless they nominated n ' clean Democbtio ticket," he and his faction must bo conntt'd out of the party. Tho re- (pome of thu Convention to this threat was Ihe ninlnatinn ol lour Kepuulicana, namely Urn. Sloonin for Seoretary of State, Gen. I'alriuk for Treasurer, Lucius Robinson for Controller, nod Martin fj rover fur a Judgn nf the Court of Appeals. JNo wontlcr tho Daily News was speechless yesterday under this daggering blow, liesiile tliesu nominees of Repiiblicnu antecedents, tho romiiiudcr nf the ticket is composed of men who are hitler opponents n( the heymnar taction, with the exception, per haps, of Judge lirown of Orange county, who is tin, other nominee for Judge of the Court of Appeals. 1 ho worlt ol tins regeneration of the Democ racy tnoy be safely laid to tlie credit of Dean Richmond. Ho it is who, at the Inst critical moment, has plucked his parly as a brand from tho burning, uud breathed into it thu elements f a new life. Ihe opinion of that astuto po litical manager of tint condition nf his party hut a few weeks ago may be gathered from a littlu anecdote which has found its way into the news papers. Thu wages uf the employees of tho Central Rnilrntid having been reuuoed by a Totu i f llie managers, a committee, of thu work men called upon Dean with their complaints, and begged nf him to have the order rescinded. lie told them ho cniNd do nothing fur them ; but not buiug satisfied with this answer, tlie committee continued to bore him from day to day, until, getting out of patience, Dean seized Ins cnrpet-liag one (lay and rushed oil to Netv York. Hut he hud been here scarcely twenfy fonr hours when his tormentors wore down upon him ngnin, through tho medium' of the tele graph, tlircnteninj; that, if their wnges were not rutseil In the oltl lignrea. they would vote in a body ngainst the Demooriitio ticket. To this threat Dean returned, also by lelegrnpli, the following clinrncteristio reply i ' The Demo cratic party has gone to h I, and you may go there too." Tux Statx Faiu Ki.iction. The Albany Dtmo- crat of the S2lli ult. coulailis tho following. Speaking of the tickets which came from tlie tSUUctmaH ollico, the Ikmocral says : " On thisc tickets wero printed, for President, the uamea of Mr Eddy, Kalpli (Jeer, or duel Palmer, n spei-livrlr. lint U"l nit m Btuglf one nf tkvm rli printed the name of Jn. ff llonthit." The sentence in italics above is not tnte. More than that, Ihe Vemocrat'i whole article is nntriie. We very much dislike tn reply in that strain; but when we state a matter us the truth, we mean it, uud don't want a man to come back to pettifog the case all over again. W e printed just as many tickets with Dontlnt'a name on as any other of the persona tinined. For might we know, it is likely that some of the .Vir man ollice employees giivu.out some tickets that had not Mr. Donthit'a name on. They carried tickets to suit everybody on the President. More than this, we can state to the Vrmocrat that not one of those demo- rats who were s -busy about the polls "cussing" ihe Abolition ticket, did any thing for Mr. Douihit, bill workcil entirely for Wiiilo St. .Vailing. The Democrat wmds up its article as follows t To coma at Ihe thing directly, however, can it name a mail connected with the Statesman ottico who flnl vote fur James II. Duulhit for President? Now. show your hand. Here it is i llf. WeA-itotrthntsonieoftlie Motet mm employees did vole for James II. Doutliit for President of Ihe State Agricultural Society , and one of the ntlachea of the MnteimnH, a strong a,rsonal friend of Mr. Dntithit's. did rori for his election; and without tho work of that personal Irlcnd Mr. D. would have been defeated We don't know Mr. llon thit personally, and never saw him that we know of i but we have henid him highly spoken of as an enter, prising fanner, and we bad rend his address at the Linn County Fuirt uml his political opinions never entered our thoughts when we voted. Till 8yxNta Arrive Sxtxcti. Collector Adams has seized the Steamship Activu, plying between Port land and Victoria, for the same nfTciiro charged against the Orizaba; and bonded her in the sum nf filfi.lHHi. Ptitk nK a IUr On Ihe last frip out. the steamer Orizaba stack on a sand bnr below Portland, for four dava. On Dit It is reported that W. II. Newell bite nf the Mountaineer, has bought the Walla Wnlln Rtatrt- man. John O'Mkaka is the presiding (Hirer nf the Na ionnl Convention of Feiilsus, now sillitigat Philadel phia, is he any rellnn to James f DKfAKTtai " Promiscuous Ilslili.''E-i. of Kegeho. bus g'.nr tn t',!if..mia to reside, whereat Iuig Tom Is In sackt loth aud ashes. Anotiuk Soki A " pack train" of a dozen Celes tials direct from China, or some oilier place, passeil through town last week, heavily laden with the traps of a milling camp. WiNntNfi Ur. The California Stage Company is selling out its stock and winding on its business. Tub Dkmdibatic Ticket im New Yoih. S caking of this ticket, the Albany Demo crat says : "And to cap the climax, we e by the tele, graphic dupalclies nf llie present week that at Ihe ratification meeting to endorse the same Democratic ticket, Montgomery lllatr, almost a life long Abolitionist, mm one nf tin speak ers. Strange Democracy, Uiat which a llluir would endorse. We want Done nt it ia Or egnn." Bnt that is just the kind your en-laborers o. the " Olympic-Arena-IUri fie" desire In adopt. tT lion. Elwotnl Evans line Ih-cu cnnlrib nting a scries of Very able attich-a in reply tn llie prrposlen ns demands nf tlie Hudson !n Company. He gnre into the whole history n that Company's npi-rutions. aud lmcka rip al Ilia statements by rc-onid proof ftoni reliable anthnritiee. He shows that in 18.12 that Com pauy offered to tuke for all its possessions in the United Mate Iras ronncr than it low asks for Fnrt Vancouver alniie. The articles cm trilmtrd by Gnr. Krana Might lo lie placed lie lore Ihe CouiiliisnKia that ia to dispute uf tlie matter. . - OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER G, 1805. Tltir TIIKOIbll OKKWI.N. . Mr. 8. Rnwloa, oon of thu Coll'ux party, writes us follows to the Springfield (Muss.) Republican, of their trip through this State : Jacksonville waa the first conspicuous point in Oregon, and showed obvious flrst-ouuiinshlp tn Yrcka and Shasta, Rut ita neighboring gold diggings ntado better report; ninny of the five hundred men engaged upon tnem in tne county were very prosperous, and all wero malting good wagea , promising quartx vcina wore also discovered nnl ore lonuu evcrywnere aimosi in theso mountain conntica nf northern Califor nia and southern Oregon, gathering evidences of much gald yet uiiornsliod or unilng, that would still form the basis, with cheaper and mure abundant labor and capital, of a large population and now material growth in this ru gioti, The northern oonnty of California (8i kiyou) counts nn fewer than two thousand Chi nese among Ita population, and of these eleven hundred nro engaged in gold digging, frnm whom, as foreigners, the Stnte gathera a tax of four dollara a month eaoh, or frnm fifty to sixty thousand dollara a year. That they pay this cnormnua tribute, and still keep at work, ahmva well enough that it paya them to warh mid ru wash the golden sanda of theso Valleys. The acenory of thia region Is full of vnrlona beauty. Of conspicuous singloiohjuots, l'llot Knob, a great chunk of bare rock standing un a mountain tnp, ranka next tn Mount Shasta ; it must be eight hundred to one thousand feet high in itself, and, seen from all qunrtera, it hna been famous as a pilot to the early emi grants, in their journey uorosa jlns mountains. The hills are rich with pine forests, ami these grow thicker and the trees larger and uf great er Variety, an also the valh-ya widen and seem more fertile, ae the road progresses into Oregon. Fira rival the pines and grow tn similar size, one and two hundred feet high und three to five feet in diameter. Further up in Oregon, about tho Columbia river, the fir even dnniinntea. and is the chief timber, and specimens nf it arn re corded that are twelve feet through find three hundred feet high ! The oak. too, lias its vic tories In tho valleys, and wo rido Ihrnugh groves and parks nf it that are indescribably beautiful. That fascinating parasite, the mistletoe, ap pears, too, and shrouds the brunches of the oak with its rich, tender creen, mid feeds on its rugged lire. Many an nnk had succumbed 'o the greedy buuch-lioughs nf the mistletoe, that lusu-ued themselves upon it, ami despite us beauty mid the sentimental reputation it brings to us from British poets, I enmo to shrink from its touch nttd sight. More graceful and invit ing nnd less obsorhing of lifo rather fokoti of death waa the pendant Spanish moss, hanging gray aud (ere and sad from tho pine brandies and trunks, along our way in soulherti Oregon. The birch, the ash, the spruce, Ihe arlinr vilte. nnd the balsam, all cnnti'lbiitn tn these forests. Hut they dn not rob your Cnnnrotiuiit Volley nf its precious vims : to thuir individual beauty no Ireu here can offer successful rivalry. In aggregates, however, for forests of trees, for size and beauty of pttiea nnd apruoea ami lira, for amount and quality nf timber, na titnbor. and for groves nf oaks, there cai bo no com petition In tlie East to tho Sierra Nevada nnd the Coast mountains nnd their intermediate valleys in California and Oregon. They form the perpetual wonder nnd nd miration aud en thuainam nf the ttuveler. , 'The cross-valleys of llie Rogue and Umpipa rivers present many rich lielils Tor culture. I lie soil is a gravelly luaiii. warm nnd fertile, more favorahh, for fruits, especially the. grape and tlie peach, than the more northern valleys of Oregon. Hut tho way to mnrket ia long nnd hard; and the product of agriculture here must mainly go not to ihe world un the hoof or in wool ; so that the tomptntion to tlie farmer is not yet very strung ; yet we luiiud a lew rich farina and quite prosperous gentlemen farmers. "Joe" Lane, famous in Oregon politics, lives in one these valleys ; hi occupation ol public life is gono ; lie fell nut wilh a portion or his own parly, and waa put out by the uprising volume nf loyal and nnti-slavery sentiment, wherein he has never shown any sympathy. He waa an able but A low. coarse, groveling politician. A man nf another description and history ia Mr. Jesse Applegatc. whose fmno as nn old pioneer, an Inniest, intelligent gentle man, incorrupt idle in thought and act, and the maker of good cider, kept increasing a we neared hi home in the L'mpqua; and we mnde hold to stop and tell him we had come to see him nnd eat hi breakfast. We did nil to nor supreme satisfaction, finding a vigorous old mail, who had been here twenty live year, participated largely in the growth and history nf the country, and the conversion of its people to right political principles ; clear and strong and original in thought nnd its expression, with views upon onr pnbho nlfnirs worthy the heed uf our wisest ; everyway, indeed, such n man as you wonder to find here in Ihe womls. rejoice to ilitil anywhere, nnd hunger to have in his rightful poeitimi. conspicuous in the Govern ment. Oregon ought surely to send Jesse An nitrate tn Washington, and thu general tesi: nnmy is that she would, were he not so ini'ilii- cab!)' hostile lo all thu helping arts of thu pub licum and place-seeker, which is. nt loiirse, only another reuson why she should do what she yet doe not. Mr. Apph gate has sent his three sons to the war. nod remain in their place to onrry on his farm nf two thousand aores. Hut (arming here, he snys, is hut a cheap, careless process ; labor I so dear, nnd grain grow so easily, nnd the market is so dis tntit. that there is no incentive for renl cultiva tion in the business. Grass grnws naturally, abundantly : timothy seed rinvii npnii the un Inoken soil gives the best of permanent mow ing ; and so mild are the winters and so abnii dni't the feed upon bill and plain, that even flint is only a precntitinn against exceptional snow. 1 bough he I eds entile by the ntintlreil and thousands, he has now one hundred and twenty-live tons nf hay that he cut two years ago. out lor which he had no use. Two dms and night of rou.-li riding frnm Jacksonville, over rather nnuiililnry roads, limit mine year ago by the since famous General Hunker, hrought us out. n a sweet June-liKe afternoon, upou the hill that overhaiks thu head ol the Willamette Valley. Here Ihe mountain rautres cease their mazy diiucing logeiher. nnd take their places enst nnd west, feeding a river that runs midway norm one liotidreti and twen ty five miles lo the Columbia river, and water ing a valley through that bugth and fr fifty niiles wide. This ia Ihe Willamette river nnd valley the garden nf Oregon itself Oregon j that which led emigrants here years before the gold discoveries nn Ihe I'acifio coast j Ihe holder of ncurly-two thirds uf all the inhabitants id the State; the source of the present strength aud prosperity uf the .Slate; and Us sure secur ity for Ihe lulure; lifting it above tho uncer tainties of mining, and giving guaranty of lia bility, intelligence and cmulort lo ita people We were led down into thia indeed paradisin cal valley through richest grores of oak ; the same are scattered along the loot hills on eitli er side, or people 'h swelling hills that occa stonnlly vary the prairie aurlnce nf Us central line : while the river, strong and freo and nav igable through the whole valley a part of the year, and through the lower half at all limes, furnishes a deep belt of forest through the very middle of the valley. Jtcvcr beheld 1 mote fascinating theater for rural homes ; never seemed more fitly united natural beauly and comforts, and feililitjf of (oil, and variety of production ; never were my bucolic inliiict( deeper stirred than in this first outlook upon .. 1 1- M ... 'l-l... ...:l : . tliu v iliatlieiie am-y. i in is a enong, cluvcv Vegetable Ion in, on a hardpan liotli III holding manure lightly, and yielding large cmps of small grama, apples and potatoes. Wheat and apples are Ihe two great crops al present ; much of tlie improved laud being set nut Willi apple orchards, that enme into full bearing frnm i" to litre years after planting. Wool aud In-ef also with the lower valiei, are leading ileitis in the agricultural wealth of the Willamette. I he lulls aul t alleys id in teiinr Oregon furnish almost inexhaustible and cntilinunl pasture grounds. Tho spring is ton cold and Wet for peaches; the summer nights are ton coin tor corn, tlmogli it ia grown to a limited degree; hut Isabella and Ca tawba grapes ripen perfectly ; it i the home nf tho cherry, pears, plums nnd all thu mall berries rencli high perleclintl. Inn average' yield or wheat m' tho valley ia twenty-hvo bushels tn tlie nore, but liftv is oltetr obtained with careful cultivation. Though this vulley supports a population of fifty thousand, by ogri culture, only, probably not otiu-teiith of ita area has yet felt tho plow, and certainly mot over onu.hulf ia utidur fence. lis beat lauds can be bought for frnm five to 25 dollara an acre, de pending upon improvements nnd nearness in village, and river. Only specially favored farma go higher, n aome do, to fifty and even one hundred dollars an acre, Much of the farming is unwisely done ; the farina are generally loo large, tne original locations neitig mostly oi six hundred and forty acrea each ; and the agri cultural population are largely M Issoiir inns'. Kentuukiana nnd Tennosseeans, of that clnss who ate forever moving farther weit, ond only top here because there, !s no beyond but the ocean. Tho Eastern men proper In Oregon, of whom there are Indued many, are mostly in the villages nnd towns, lenders In trade and otitumerce nnd manufactures, us well at in the professions. the I he agriculture of Oregon know no uot) drawback nnd donht na the long smuttier drouths tlmt hung over that or all the rest ol thu country west of the Rocky Mountain, and rentiers expensive Irrigation a necessity tn oer tainly in culture. Her fertilo'reghhi so iflatfi' fertile, indeed between the Conit mountain and the Sierras, or the Cascade, as the interior range nf imiuntains is gulled in Oregon, is abundantly supplied with ruin the year round. 1 hero is enough In summer tn rlpon the crops, and nut tint much tn interfere with harvesting ( and the winter is one long ahower of aix months. 1 lie Caliluriiiaiii call their northern neighbors the Web-Feet , mid from nil account there is something loo iniioh nf ruin nnd mud during the winter season ; hut Ihe facility mid perfec tion which it agriculture enjoys in ciiseiiteuou leaves the practical siJc of the juke with the Oregouiiin. There is no auow in Ihe valleys of middle nnd western Oregon ; only rain und mist denilen the dorinitnt season ; hut February ia usually A clear and wtirni iiinnlh, and thu work uf the farmer Ihen actively begin. The summers nro long and favorable, wilh warm tiny but cool night more endurable for the system than New England summers, and kind er for all vegetation, wilh llie single exception, peilinp, of Indian corn. 1 lie average lein peruturo i f tlie Williiuicttn Valley lor the six summer iiinnlh Is I rum (15 to 70, and nf the six winter months from 40 to 45 degrees. And grass grow through all ita so-called winter. Eugene City, Corvallis, Albany, Salem, Ore gon Cily nnd l'orlland. lire the chief centers of population in the Willamette V alley, in the or dcr in which we passed tlicni. coming down to Ihe (Jolutnliin. Nile tn is the (State Capital, and is a benutilullv located, thriving inland town Here onr party had a Statu reception; hero I met our old Democratic brother editor of West- field, Mr. Asuliel Hush, who bus made A for tune here, nnd wielded large power in ihe pol ilica of the State, dethroning on the Douglas breach Joe Lune us Senator, hut failing to keep progression in the right ilireoMnti, Is now linn self dethrnned by the Union and R-pnblicnn possession of tint State, nnd I in retirement trum newspaper and busincse, nnd meditating Enstern migration ; here, ton, Reuben Hoise, uf Hiaitdlord origin and Cliiuopeo residence, has grown into just distinction nnd is one of the Supreme Judges of (he State, but has his real deuce on a beautiful farm on ono nf lite neigh boring foothills ; and from here, also, we took sleainboiit passage, fifty miles, to this town Portland, the ciimmereinl anil hnsiitts cen ter of the State, and hull-rival to Sun Fran cisco itself, and the only olln-r town. Indeed, of prominence on lite I'acifio coast, thai shows signs of steady, uninterrupted prosperity nt Ihis inotn'nt. At Oregon City, on our wny hither, wo paid respect to tin orignal capital id the I erritnrv, inspected new ami extensive wihiIc n mill that cost seventy. five thousand did lar III gold, and were railroaded around tin- fall of tlie Willamette, which, though not brilliant feature in the natural scene, offere an almost inexhaustible water power lor the iiinii ufactiire that the agricultural productions of thu btn'.v invite, and the enterprise of its citl xen i already eagerly and wisely rebelling inrwnru 10. Going Oveb to tub Pk.vil. The Vir ginia inmn. of Nevada, formerly a strong L ninn organ, ha changed hands, and ia now priuled as a Copperhead organ. Still relninitig I lio name 'Union " at Ita bead, in order to de ceive, the Carson Appeal. ohjeot,to (he decep turn in the following siratghtlorwnrd manner: Grovel in your niter basenesa if you will Jonea & Co.. hut for God' sake vlinngo the name of your paper. rite Cnpporliendisin for pay, plunder or patronage, if you will, but limi t do it under tho name ol the ( ninn. I n your commodity the " Huckster," or the ' Hire ling, il roil will, but do allow thai yon liav not got so fur down in tlie scale of wretched lies uud stimuli as In liu willing In disgrace Hie only good name that yon i-vi-r claimed. Craw on your bellies, in Democratic sluin, if you will hut do It in yonr new suit of hulteriitit, anil save from that disgrace the borrowed suit ol blue in which you havn been pretending lo serve the Lord and four country, lio lo li I. if you will, bnt in the inline of nil that is cred, renounce your name, as yon have your religion, before you get there. On the same subject, the Gold Hill Xews any a : Let the name of the paper he changed let it be calleil Mrs. Stirratt. let it lie dell. Davis, let it he Booth, let it lie Wirlx.Trnitor. Arnold, Devil, or anything else signifying ils true pull tin. Let it nn longer desecrate the dear name of Union, while spouting il infernal treachery, A PI ULIC l.JiEMV. Kola, l'm.K Co., Oct. Stl, IHtij. F.D. Statesman: I see by the last Issua of the "Olympi-llyena-Uevicw" that it is still making war on the now agricultural paper. I Hare any that Mr. Hicks is the only editor in the Stnte who has given the cold shoiildur to III farmer pa per: and he must bo in gross ignoranre of the wishes of the people nf thia valley, if he supposes that such a course will help is paper along. 1 Ins strange column on llie pari or a paper winrn itself anneals In Ihe farmers fur support, can be accounted fur only on the cronud that the Iteviow has been hirtii lo abuse the Agrii ultiirl-t. Am Ihis remind me of the course taken by Ilia lit! fellow who who run the defunct "Hyena," in re lalion to the interest nl th wool-growers of Or ceen. When Ilia woof cruwers mot to form an association to protect their interests, tlie Arena ridiculed the idea, and npnoaeil tba movement l everyway il could and linaliy hail lo "cave." The WooMirowers' Association wa a success, and raised the p.ices nf wool fully five cent per pound. Ihe Arena hart subscribers by that move ment: and iust let its successor lo on in their un called-for opposition to an agricultural paper, Mid they will lose many a one over in Polk. The farmers dnn't carawho publishes the agricultural paper. I hey isiil not ausiain any nui on wniri a frna frnm tiolitlcs and i properly fundurted and that one ihrv will sustain, ao matter who nna it Ai rnnliiiir tn the Arena s idea, wactigli not to buy goods ur trade will, any ce but thus who ar of Ihe nine political failh wilh ourselves. Out upon all such ungenerous, unmanly, envious. Jealous, mean ideas! Aro wo never to have any mora sociability, or lib asaiit friendships, between neighbors of d liferent partieat Tha loan or III paper who will teach such A hateful spirit of prej udice, should nut be encouraged ; and when li earrie his party spirit and political spite ao far lo tiipno wiail growers'a associations and agri cultural papers, ha on-lit to be treated aa a pu lie enemy. ' A r akmkm "Carole" li hi is nnder arrest at Black foot t'lly lor passing imgut dust X WHOLE NO. TGI. l DOMESTIC ITEMS. A MRftlfANics' Inbtitutr. The Portland mechanic aro trying to organixo an association to promote their iuleresla a reyy commenda ble move Why not tlie meclmnios and arti aona of Salem move in the same direction. The following is tho Agreement: " We, the subscribers, engaged in meohani oal pursuits na mechanics, in the city of Port land being deaiiotia to adopt tho nmst efficient means tn faoilitute mutual Intercourse, extent! onr knowledge and information npon median), cal and subjects of general utility, promote a spirit of useful inquiry and qualify ourselves to disoharge properly tho duties of our pursuit!, as well as the social duties of life have assn ointed ourselves for the purpose of oolleoting a library, establishing a rending room, and organ ixiug a system of instruction by leottire and classes, together with such other means nf mu tual improvement ai may bu found advantn, geona." i A comet is now milking it way towards the earth, nnd mar he seen some diatance nerth of the lour stars of the constellation Pegasus. It shows very dimly at present, but aa it is own ing diruotly towards tf.o earth, it may soon lie Itiiulr seuu without the aid ol n class. It an- ara now aa A pale light, with a bright spot in c center. , , ', ,. Horse-stealing has become very prevalent around Owyhee, and it ia believed-" that the lutes are nlnne responsible for it. The adul terutlon of gold dust ia producing a lively dis flct.lon rtbout thu) means of procuring onin to use in general nueliieaa operations, Tbo upper end of town, nn the levee, pre sents a lively appearance. A doten or more lilp-carpenters are busily engaged laying the irst timbers ot the wharf boat for the O. a. N Company. Umatilla Advertiser. Evidences of thu richness of the urine on Elk Creek, tributary of the Middle Fork ef nun Day Have been exhibited in thia plaoe, l the shape nf pieces weighing as muoh aa aorenly dollars, valuing it at sixteen dullara an ounce. Mountaineer. The First National Rank nf Portland, having onmplied with the provisions of An act to pro vide a uutiRiia! ourreuoy, la authorised to com- ineiiue the busincu of banking. - , Expiikss Across tub Cascades. An ex press-carrier advertises to leavo Albany. Linn county, lor Canyon City, going over the Leba non wagon road.1 ' - . i, ;i ' Tun Policy of the Democracy. While the Reporter and thu Democrat are fiercely do nouncing the " policy men" in the Democratic party, and while the " Olympic-Arena Review" diokenng nrotind aud trying In drive a trade itb Conservative Republ cans, asserting tn the Democrats that it is "policy" to endorse John son and moderate on State Rights, tho Rev. P. Nnsby, the great lender nf tho Democracy In Now Jersey, voluntarily gives the following advice tn his Democratic brethren, one and all, which will 'certainly not he objeolioiiablo to either the Johnson Democrat! or Ihe Sorratt Dcmooruta. HearNasby: ! i ' Alluz assert that the nigger will never be hlu to tnko cure nv liisseit. lint will alius i a a nibliu burden. IIu may possibly give us the ie by going to work, lu siuh a emergency the ilonlv uv t'l'rv Di ; ouriit ia lilane. Ho niual not he allowed to work. Assocl uiona must be irgaiiixed, pledged tn neither give him employ ment, to work Willi linn, In work lor any an w ho will give him work, nor patronize cny wan who dux. ( I wood scjest that aich uv as na hex bin loretonnlt l git credit nnd pay a triflo on aknnnt, an as to imiko our patronage wuth nlliin.) Thi course, rigidly and percislently fullered, wood drive the best UV em to stui liu and the rest nv cm tn Ihe poor-house, provin wat we her alluz olaimd, that they air a Idle ml vtsbn nice. Ef thnr aint no nigger, the Scntral Com tnitu-u must furnish em. A half n doien will do for A ordnary county. If ibeyre bustled along with energy. LI they won't sleel, bentrsl Commitlia must do it theirtelves. Shew yer nigger in a township in tho morning, and tlie same niln roll the close line and ben roosu. Ever willin to saciilicu myself for the cause, I volunteer to do this latter ilooty in six populu cnuntis. Is Mount Hood in California t We lake tbo following from the Sun Francisco Citron iclc : We see from tho Boston papers that Hier- studt'a California pictures are hugely admired ill tlmt oily. Three of thein, his Mount lloml. liateiniio and bidden Gate, are new on exhi- lititui there." We would really like to know if I ho Califor nia journalists claim that Oregon is in Califor nia, or is a California province f and whether or not California embrace all the terri'nry ly ing west of the Rooky Mountains, and between Mexico and British Columbia? Tbo studied suppression nf everything which relate tn the scenery, pinduulinns, or resources of Oregon, by some California papers, is a contemptibly mull business ; and in just retaliation, we hope that Oregon newspaper will hereafter assert. and continue to assert until it ia taken for the truth, that Califurni i ia a sago desert, ami that San Francisco Is located npon the rising crater of another Vesnvian volcano. Military Affairs. On Out. 1st, Captain William, while scouting with 'i men, disoov ered an Indian camp in the willows on Silrie'a River. A charge was immediately made, and ono Indian (llie only oocnpnui ) waa ki led, and several hundred pounds of lish oaptnied. Ill command I now building winter quarters and putting up hay lor the animals, preparatory In a winter campaign. The camp is located on Silvie's River, 13 miles norih of th east end nf Harney Lake. Carried Montana. The Cops are making a great blow about their little victory nver io Montana. They can n'ways carry Idaho and Montana, where Vigilnnoe Cnmmilteea hav to preserve law nnd order. They can nlao doubt less curry Ihu Five l'oiuls. Botany Hay, or any other place of that character ; but they nevar carry an ch-cliou in 'the land of steady litliiU.' Ho, roit Tillamook ! A very respectable onmht-r nf immigrant I now seeking the ver dant pastures nf Tillamook eonnty i nni th 11 schooner frnm Portland In that Hay coald not carry all the Ireighl winch was oiTerud. , , Foot Proposes to Fiomt n THE Fl.AO. Wneu United Slate Cansul-Gsneral puller returned to Montreal from the Detroit Commercial Conveiitinu, an excited mob gath ered in the vicinity uf bi office, and threaten edfo tear down Ihe Stars and Stripe. Th intention lo commit this outrage reached Foot' ear, uud he became very excited. "Wc.vb bad onr fight over il." said lie. "but (with A conpl ol round oalhi) no foreigner shall tear it down, unles over my dead body !" Hvi.liiil'liolilA. Hydrophobia I prcvnihnr, In an alarming event in Indianapolis. Th Journal ya about taenlv persoua hav bitten by mad dog ailliin A few days. A number ol on' have proved fatal. liTSinee I1H. when the first Steamship emaaed the Atlantic, HI have been horned be l ecu F.ughtnd and America, an average of A littlu mole than one per year ItOOK AM JOB ntivi i; Ofsverydeacrlpllun NEATLY and PltllMI'TI.V J KATKHor AIIVKIiTlHINd: Legal advertisements, ll per square, flrit Insertion tl.mi I'Jtrh siilw.-reient Insertion. LhhhI mnl all iraiisisnl aifvi-rtissrasiits must tit prepaid I liisun- InstrUmi, Allmll,i,lrlf,rt, notices, sod all advertisements rotating ta ItiD eatnln nf iteeeasi,,! Persons, must be preoslil less or- iliiri-il unlilislicil by Uie oouiily Judge, and jsranleed lo 111 linlil by lilin. - , , Ailvgriialnr Mils not paid within nns year from tha llm wti.n enitrnclt), will b. Iticrosseil twenty-five per omit, sack year nayiiMiits BtigleeleU tlienittfn.-r, THE INC0NHISTKXT DEMOCRACY. General Slucutn. the military commandant nf the Department of the Mississippi, issued an order in winch be, among other things, aaya : "The Provisional Governor ha thought prop er, withont consultation wilh the Department Commander, or with any ether offioor of the United Statei on duty hero, tn organize and arm a foroe in every oonnty, urging the "young men of tho Stnte who have so distinguished themselves for gallantry," to respond promptly In hi oall ; meaning thereby that olassef men who hav as yet scarcely laid dowu their anno, with whiob they have been opposing onr Gov-, eminent. Such foroe, If organized aa proposed,' U tn be independent of the military authority now presont. and auperior in strength to tlw United State forcea on duty in the State. T permit the "young men who have so diitln gniihed themselves" to be Armed And organ ized, independently of United Btatea militArjr Offioera on doty here. And to allow them to rate in cmintles now garrisoned by onlorad troops, fieled, as many of these are, not only with piejudice against those troops, and against, tlie exeoution nf order relative tn freed men,, but even againat onr Government itaflf, woo Id bring about volition at nnoev ami iitoreaaer. in a ten -fold degree the difficulties that now fee set the people. , , , ,.- .'.' ' ; "It li therefore ordered that Diatrlot Com mander give notioe to all personal within their' respotiv districts, that no military organise!-, ions, except Ihoae nnder the control of the. United Stnte authmltio. will lie permitted within their r.-'.pectlvu onminanils ; and that if any attempt ia made to nrgaiiisvafW oh ne- . .. . tlce, those engaged in it will he Arrested." -.-. Thia order nf General Slissuio was landed, tn the akies by the Rudioal pres everywhere,, while It gave the deepest concern to those who have At heart tho speedy pacification uf th) country anil ita restoration to ita ancient pros perity. In Mississippi, it exoited the moat anxiou solicitude and the profoundost feeling,' and it wn believed that Governor Sharkey would resign, if it should be sustained by the Government. Aa anon, however, aa Mr. John, sou learned the audacious coarse of Gen Slo- eum, ho immediately directed the Seoretary of War tn countermand Ihe order. .'',' . We take lb above from a neighboring pa per which pretends to lie a democratic heet. It denouuoe Gen. SliKium for issuing tho order quoted, and makes the occasion of Its with drawn! an exouae tn endorse President John son ; but forgets entirely to tell the public that lifter Gen. S loco in hail iasned and publishod this order, tho so called Democracy of New York placed the same Gen. Sloonin in nomina tion for Secretary of State, at the very mast- , head of the demiKjnitto ticket. "Oh consisten cy, tlmu art A jewel" not at all prized by democratic editor. 1 '' i ,ii ' 1 1 - "' Tub Oath of Loyalty. In July, 1863, a law was passed by Congress requiring the following oath of "every person eleoted or Ap pointed to any office of honor or emolument, civil, military or naval, or any other depart ment of the publio aervioe, except the Presi dent of tlm United States," to wit : I solemnly swear that I have never voloni tar! Ily borne arms agninat the United State inoe I have been a citizen thereof; that I hav voluntarily given no aid, countenanoe, ooun aul or encouragement to persons engaged in armed hostility thereto; that I have neither sought nor accepted, nor Attempted to eievosss) the functions of Any office whatever nnder Any authority or pretneded Authority in hostility ta the United States ; that I have not yielded A voluntary auppnrt to any pretended Govern ment, authority, poweror onusfitulloa within the United Suttus hostile or inimical thereto ; and I do further awear that to the beet of my knowl edge and ability I will enppnrt and defend the Constitution uf the United 8tatea." etc. " ' ' - Thia is the oath, says the New York Trib me, which the meuibera of the lest CongreM wero required, and which the member! of-the new Congress will he required, to take. The question recurs, will the two houses, nr either of Ihem. conlder the Kresirtem" smtmiy ass- -wiping ont all olTense connected with th Use rebellion 1 In Any event, it would anpear that there must be mine modification of this oath na a preliminary step to the ndm avion of mem bers from the South, and npon thia issue We may expect a lively time upon the very thresh old of the new Congreaa. , . ,' , . j Our Rela tions with China New York. Oct. 22. The approaching change in oor rel. linns with China is discussed with earnestness in thu English pres. The Shanghai oer respondent of Ihe London Time atutea that hitherto the American national represent ative have been treated wilh ill-oonoealed die like, and in some coses contempt, lie atlnbs nlr this foot partly lo the absence of th American fleet in China waters, And partly ta llie habit of making consols nf missionaries. Now that a United Slates fleet is nn the road tu Chine, nu extraordinary change is Anticipa ted in tho mutual diplomatic relations of th twocniintries. The Times' special asks wheth er the first introduction nf the American fleet will not bv of a hostile oharaeter. The Ameri can citizen, Hurgevine, for whose restoration nn imperative deiuaud hid been mad by the United States Consul, is believed tu hav been either starved or executed. . The Liverpool Post believe that io futars) tho English diameter in China wil be oousid frailly affected by American rivalry. , i( ( Fatality amonq Horsls. Th Yreka Journal haa the annexed ! There haa appeared among the horses of J. H. Ager. on Willow crrck, Shasta Valley, a singular disease, which. In almost every ease, ha proved falnl to th animal. Whan th horse i first utlacked hv appears quite raven ous, eating everything within his reach, and . remains nn his feet until he fall over, when be die without a atrnggle. Dissection show th blood in be very thick and putrid. No reaaaa ha yet been ascertained as to Ihe cause of the disease. The tame fatality bu also existed among the horses nf Mott, nn the Horsley ranch, who seema to attribute it to alkali water and the thickening uf the blood, and reoooj. mends free etc nf sulphur na a preventive. 1 I tT Copporbead paper, alluding to "th bloody mistake nf political faction." saya i . "The many friends of Miss Annie Surral will lie glad to learn that her health has great ly improved within a week or two. although she I far from being the happy, joyoo girl Hint ah once wa." -. ,- - We wonder whether Mr. Abraham Lincoln is "the Joyous woman she once was." And whether the "bloody mistake of a eertAinjpo lilioal faction" ha uot bad a depressing effoe ou her also J ting. A Novel Can. A dissolution of 'patri monial copartnership" between a man and hi wife, occurred recently at a plaoe in thia Terri tory not necessary to mention. The Separa tion had been agreed epnn fur enme time, bt owing lo lh parli having a half aere of 0 ripe onions, il was postponed until the crop could he gathered und divided. The time came at lust llm itcnleuta were divided, and the esMiplu srpArnled. Fact. Washington Standard. . ., . , , Ethnological. Th Copperhead paper all claim that llie negro ia uot the equal of th white man. Who dispute it I Iu opposition In the Govern nun t In lime of war, tney ar hot equal In Copperhead. I ai.rrtl sn f velH't vJiiefiains, ibry en, not vqoal In CoppeSN bend, In gelling mulaltoea, they ar no equal to Democrat Appeal. t , nTTbrre are I.3.KI drinking houses io th ..r I...1: I.. I.ll... I'l ..L. .1. wny "I i ii,iih,.i,-, .,,, . - way goes Democialio by large niapiiities.