tjhc (Orrflou f tatrjsraan. TO TUB ELECTORS Of CLACKAMAS CO. Notice la hereby given that the Union Commit tee of Clnckaroat Comity have nominated Mr. ARTHUR WARNER, of Oregon City, na a can dlnato for the Legislature from this county In place of Owen Wade, resigned. The election will be on the 20lh nf November, H'5. t W. W. Buck, Ch'n of Co. Com. Tub Daily Mail The Oregonian bat ft telegram from Senator Willianu, to the effect that the mail contract but been let to Wullt, Fargo & Co. Tim figures are understood to ' be $225,000, though not elated in the diipatoh. The statement, though essentially true, ii a f . little different from the fact.- Weill, Fargo 6c Co., by their charter, are prohibited from run- ' Ding tngoi, and therefore could not tako the contract; but Louia MoLane, who it the bead of Welln, Fargo 6c Co., and alto of the Pioneer i Stage Company of California, did take it, and It but lines, by an arrangement with the Call- ;. fornia Stage Company, been divided into two ' roatea Lincoln to Yreka and Yreka to Port land, The California Stage Company hat re- " linqoiahed the route altogether, anJ Weill, Fargo 6c Ctj. (or the Pioneer Company) are to Tim the line to Yreka, while a new company, known as the " Oregon Stage Company," la to run to Yreka from Portland. Frank Steveni and Qua Richardson, of the old California Stnge Company, and MoLane, representative of Weill. Fargo 6c Co , compote the new com pany. Althoi'gb called the "Oregon'1 Com pany, ita ttockhuldura are wholly Californiana. The contract runa until the 30th June next, and the schedule) time li not materially altered. Tbe new Company takea the atock, atagea, etc, of the old contractors, and the tervioe goea on without further interruption. ; 1 The Staleman oppose negro suffrage to keep the negro from becoming their equal. Sensible tbo Stale man politiciaUM are lu danger Oregonian. Tlie Slateman baa expressed ita opinion plainly upon thia the moat important queation of tho day, while the Oregonian, with ita oaual want of manly frnnkneaa, ii waiting to aee whioh way it will be prudent to jump. We are content to have our oplnioni and let every body know them, even if they do not acoord with thoae of ome of ear frienda. We are alio content to let tbe Oregonian shirk tbia, aa ' it baa every other queation of magnitude, and by publishing a clipped paragraph, now on thia tide and now on that, and carefully aaying nothing itielf, convince both tbe suffrage and anti-iuffrage men that it ii with them. Ex actly to. Tut Anrnrt Cold and Silver Mining Company par fected IU organization on tba 5tb instant, by electfng the following Dlrectora, vln : 3. P. Lewis, J. A. Chap man, J. W. p, Huntington, T.R.Moorea and C. M Cartwriglit. Tbe Company haa aome leada upon Ibe . extreme north fork of the Ssntism or rather in the biRh ridge which divide the Santlam from the Mnlalla and Clackamas- known under vnriotia namea. aa the ,." C.lbbs," tlie " Tracy." the ' Monitor," etc. The imall etretm near which they are located ii known ai " Gold Cieek." The itockhuldcra think they have a ' big , thing," and we bopetbey have. ' A SnuNQK Pbockmiino. Some days ago a nwkery merchant of tbia place quietly left town, natenslbly for Ban Francisco. A day or to after be bad left, tbe mas In chargo of the store commenced idling It out, In pur auunceof ordera, it la aald , and aold the goods for a mere trifle In one case selling, weare told, fifteen dol lars worth of goodi for one dollar and a halt. Tbe en tire stock, aald to have been worth about two thousand dollars, was thua disponed of, in a few honrs, (or about two hundred and fifty. Common tense would have dic tated that tbe goods be offered at auction, and tlien per aona entitled to tbe money would have received some thing near a fair value. SraAHKt Mail. Tbe Oregonian advocates a ateam er nail, , at $126,000 per year. Such a mall would be an advantage in the winter to all tbe country north of Eugene, because it would often bring newspa per quicker, and always In belter condition, than if seut overland. In summer, tbe overland service Is eve ry way preferable. Tbe flgure which it is proposed to give Is outrageously extrsvugant, and, ought not lobe thought of for a moment. Low Waraa Th,e Willamette is so low that steam boat navigation above thia place it'suspended. Tbe Relief left here for Corvallis ou the'JJd, but alter going , up the river about four miles, waa cunpelled to return, tbe water on the bar being altogether too shallow to allow of her pawing. Boats continue to arrive daily from below, bat they come light and with much difficul ty. There Is a vast amount of freight at this place, as well as at Alhsny, Corvallis, and other points, awaiting transportation, and an additional root of water in tbe river would be a great advantage. Hoasg Sales John II. Moores sold some (Wren bead of horses, belonging to the estate of tbe late John Moores, of Lane county, in Dui bin's yard, on last Sat urday week. The terms were cash, and the prices real ized ranged from eight up to eighty-seven dollars tbe latter figure for an aged gelding, partly broken. Tie others were mares, two-year olds, yearlings, etc., none or then very well broken. All were of American atock and very poor. lxmaRATioK.-The faiwo has been full of Immigrants, with their stock, etc., this week. Sot less than one hnndred and fifty wagona have passed through, t think. Mostortbem are in search of locations, and many of them ire men of means, able to buy valuable farms. The price of farming lands baa advanced from thirty to fifty per cent., it is said. UxLi-cav. Norman I'anish bought a vicious mare at the sale of tbe Moores estate, and tbe beast threw her self and broke her neck before he got her ont of tbe yard. Unlucky for the mare, bnt fortunate for Ptrrih! Cil-r. CaixntLL't Company, First Oregon Infantry (which waa raised in thia county), bas arrived at Van couver, tbeir place at Stellacoota having been supplied by veteran troops from California. What their present destination is wt an ant informed, bet we hope they will be ordered Into the Indian country, for If they are. wa doot doobt the Marion county boys will give a good ' account or themselves. The prtvstes in that Company were some of the most estimable young men in the eounty, and they would give a good account of tbem aetvea, if they had a chance. Tin Walla Wall Aksuation Mnvr.atocr. The Walla Walla people are in earnest about uniting their fortunes will, Oregon. They held a meeting on tbe 11th of October, and appointed committers to look alter the ostler ; and also passed resolutions requesting our Senators and Representative in Congress, and Mr. Denny, tbe Delegate from Washington Terrltorr. to present Hie matter to Congress i and also a resolution requesting the ensn ing Legislature of thia Slate to favor the mailer. This Is the natural and proper count for the people of Walla Walks Valley to take, and we hope they may succeed in getting Into our growing " Web foot " State. Thi Sentinel says, that Alex. Martin aold tbe big crral staUinn, " Dave Sampson," while si the Fair, for a good price, and that Alex, la going to tbe HU let soon. A ssfe trip to km. Also, that Mas Galon. eMcr-in-law of Malor Itine hirt, sod Mrs. Brown, drertnded the prceipltooe wall of Lake Majesty to the walrr'a edit. Also i Ctpt Spcague arrived at Fort Klamath, a few days since, from Camp Alvord. He Lbiaas the farmers of this tails; win reap great reward by that mate being opened ap to Owyhee and other miaing camps. Ota Fisntair Aa exchange state that Oregon fends salted Sal mot to the Saawieb tslaada, reeetriog ten dollars per barrel. Fmtt Brtli Colombia she re ceives t like conmndity sad para Ifteen dollar per barrel. The merchants woe da tba will doubt In grow rich (!). Xur Coaster. It la not traces heretofore supposed. that the State Printer it unable to parents enough ptv per to prist tht lawt . He is sble to. but declines to Vt to it order to further totat little priomlt tpeenlmttom with that Ot tuples, Tataaraa -Tba at so wise (Muh tarried owl fna,. ot) tba laat trap front Fort land . New York. Oct.. !M The Ihrahfe Wiiahluirton special dispatch snyt thnt Ibe lettnr received at iho innisn Human to iluv from Port sul ivan. October Bin says that the Cnuimtssinnnrs disoutchcil to trout with ths Indians of thai section have arrived, but only a lew iniimns were at the fort. New York. (let. 'ii The Hrrald'e Italelirh eorres' rioudunt snvs the ordinance lettudiulinil lite rebel debt, passed the North Carolina Stat Convention by a vow ol, 84 to I'i, The ordinance fur the pur pose of raising a militin force to suppress outlaws. was also paawn. in Lonventlon aujourneu 10 mow again on the lotb or next May. Election mattera are beuinnittg to be agitated. Oovernur llolduti and Jonathan Worth, the present tstate 1 rt'iuturer, are notu out lo-ilay as candidates lur Governor. Worth will he supported by tho secession element, but be is a strong Uuiun num. and in the leu- islature of IHnO voted against calling a Convention to lose me ntaie out or tne t tiion. A Capitalist Vibitino Santiam. From Mr. Poaga we learn that a gentleman by the name of Viotor (we do not remember bit first name), who represent! a large amount nf San Francisco oupital. bat gone up to take a look at ins santiam nimci. We understand that he it either prepared to purohate mines now, or make contract! for the disposal of mining in tereiti in San Francisco. Thus, ttep by step do we seo that onr mines are forcing themselves upon the attention of the public Wt bope to toon tee the day when such enterprising men at Col. I. R. Moores and hit associates, who have boldly and patiently, thnogh at heavy ripcnie, pioneered the development of these mines, will reap! a large reward for their ritkt and labort. - Ellbndalb Wooleu Company. The stockholders of this Company have recently decided to double the capital stook of tbe Com pany, making it now 120,000. Tbe machinery hat mostly arrived aud been tet ap, and bad not a small part of it been lost on the Brother Jonathan, the mill oould now be making cloth At it it, no weaving can bo done nntil the Inst ii supplied. The order hat gone by tele graph for the artiolea to be shipped by way of the Isthmus, and the whole can he put into op eration within the next ninety dayt. The card for relit it now working, and the farmers around are beginning to fiud it a convenience. PAHADtsit Lost. Bachelder's great painting of l'sra dlse lost will be exhibited at the Theater, fjalem, on the evenings of Thursday, Friday and Saturday, of thia week, and at two o'clock on Suttirday afternoon, for the special accommodation of persona residing ata distance In the country. This great pslnting has been pro nounced the Hnest exhibition ever brought to tbe coun try, by all who have witnessed it. It haa drawn crowded bouses for six or eight nights In succession in Portland. Bee tbe advertisement In another column. It Is the only exhibition or the kind iu the world, aud this ia the only chance you.will ever have to see it. Chanob or PhopmisToks. The Oregon Printing aud Publishing Company have disposed of their en tire interest in the Oregon Agriculluritt to A. L Stinsou and A. C. Schwatka, by whom it will here after he published. Messrs. Slinson and Schwatka are both practical printers, and we wish them success in their new undertaking. - " The Slalrtman Is opposed to negro suffrage." Or tgonian. Very well ; but does anybody know your position on that question I . , j Hivai. Towki. Tbe towns of Dalles and Umatilla are rivals for the South Boise trade ; and quite spirit ed bnt decent discussion about the advantagea of the two places, is going on in thoir respective Journals. ExroKTixo Livx Stock. Quite a number of small craft are engaged In transporting cattle, sheep, ete, from Portland to Monticello, for tbe Pnget sound and Victoria trade. Gkniiul Aoist. Persons who desire to employ Agent to attend to the purchase, sale, in renting of real estate, or tat any other purpose, will find nn excellent man ill the person of Lieut 8. It. Hammer, who has opeueil a general agency otfiice in this place. Much complaint is made about the Ferry, on the Willamette river, at tbia place. It does not run after sundown at all, and baa not evon a skiff to set foot-passengers across after night. Such a atate or things is intolerable. ( To Oca Nmv Advertibxns You have our hearty thanks, gentlemen, and proper notices of your stores will appear next week. They aie crowded over this week. Going to vn Pot ND The W. T. titatiJard states I hat quite large trains of immigrants are now arriving in the Pnget Sound country. For Covohs, Colds, cite. Mis. L A. Stipp adverti ses a medicine in lb is paper for affections of the Lungs, which is highly recomended by several relia ble gentlemen. TiNPKRAKCt Lectukk. Iirr. Unrakinwill addma the peopl on temperance to uiorrow evening at the meuiooisi nnrcn. t tie Aieuilirra ol Capitol Ijodge are reqnea'ed to meet at their Hull lit a quarter to seven o'clock. D. C. Piahsos, V. C T. fa Mrs. 8. A. Allen's World't Hair Ra- storer aud Dressing. You cannot be bald or grey, and neither time nor sickness can blemish your Hair, If you use them. Bold by alt Druggists. Agents, Hosteller, Smith, & Dean, San Francisco. Labox Tvksips John Keisur left at the Slatei- nan otiice a lot of turnips, one of which measured 2" inches in circumference, the seed of which waa eown on the l)th of Augnst. Mxat Markets Messrs Newman & Crump are running both the "City," and People'a markets, and furnish nice meats at low rates. GliniRT. We believe that it is a fact that Gilbert if not like the doctor, "b I on fits," is at least will ing to "give yon filar, and tell bis boots aud ehoee for leu money than any other man in town. fir Charles Jackson, a convict ia the Penitentiary, haa been pronounced insane and sent to tba luaaue Asylum. MtriTXRKD Oct. We are informed that Capt.Creu- dall'a company of Oregon Volunteers baa been mus tered out of tbe service. Footpads A couple of these chaps undertook to rob Mr. Case near bnitevllle, when Case drew his revolver on then, and scattered them. Tas lent established and well known im ol 1. H. and I. I. Moores, In Uils town, bavs seM their stack of iedt to Bartehe snd Breymaa. r?" At a meeting held in Eola. Polk count v. Oct. iixih. )ti5, for ths purpose of electing dole gatca to the County Convention, the following proceedings were had. J. H. Chapman waa chos en chairman and J. L. (in in secretary. The fol lowing were elected delegates to the County Con vention: U. M. Clark. J. Pearce, Knoa Hodaon, D. I). I'rottyman, 1). L. Kiggs. P. C. Gibson. W. li Vandervert, J. L. Gwin. The following reso lution was passed: Kesolved, 1 hat this meeting ia in favor of tbe repeal of the Specific Contract law. Special Notice. Lixirlanl Growth and Beauty to the Hair. In. 8. 1. Alleo'i World'! Hair Brstorrr and DrfMlnc. Tho rrral anrqnallrd Preparation for Bettorlnc, IiTlgoratlnir, Bratttlfrlng, and DrfMlnr the Balr, Rendering it soft, silky, and glossy, H disposing H to remain hi any desired notitloa i oaieklv cleansing tbe scalp, arresting- the fall, and never fails to restore f rej hair to Its aainril color, and prod are a laxanaai growth. For salt by all DrainrUaa. Amnto. Hnautwr. Basitb it Dean, ftasi Franrisro. tha MlMMO.vs. TOHJt JArgaon vm, at. L. eTBASKlIl, , rw,i. si tuert fer rlk Cnlj. flu ml Ursa, Hmmtt Trr.j. A D. I Te X. L. ttrsnm. seta 4Wr4aM : N are hertfay aot'tet thai J. 'tis Jack sua, salt pJaiwuf. km sissrsS aa aettea aralnst vs. ae aaove ladteatM, hi use OaMr Cean for P"1S eaaely, tne Ifce rarevery of UM eaai t $75 fte Inr scrvksa as physletaa : tat ynar eretertjr has Seea sltaeaed tm ereare ia ae ; Oiat aatM jh sponar aa Ute Cewl aluiisatt set anesr the ewsiHaial ef salt rlatai. laartSa IM, tl m mnh Out rlt, la aaM nmtf. withia Mm tars froa asislc aenot. e. at serrH sa anr thee meaty, atuiut tweafy aays rmai servtee. eatwefst Imr Itr watrt Oitreof will W uSea affair yea we um eal ewai If T8 fal. loferhrr ua mu Int disNiraMneale af mrittm. St'l.l.iv A a APPI VOATI. rtalniaT'l Anwraeya. t aeaer itf I atw, Oowty Jde. OrteerM.I4-4w PtlllUTB sow n N'OTirt la larreky aim. MM Ike iilte jri hM kem taly aumlaut aaaskMeiralw at law fMia at kkwrat rft. laUat ItartaaeMaiy. a.Me4. HsMSkiM rlalM aeaieat saktsviau '!! pressM Usew l nf rea- sseaee saia sa ly, vnaa re time sna mr law. i JUH.l ruau. Aaiaiatf'raiAT Pakw. Oct 51, ). -t SAJTTIA V GOLD A SB SIL VKR t OMPASY Vj OTtl'K Is hereOy slv.n. thsl. at a uievtluK of His Hoard ot tllrn-lors of said Company, liHU al Ihclr nnVe In Raletn, on the lstti flay of October, IWfl. an asir.nnrnt ef Two Dollars par ahar was I slvil upon the capital sloe of aalil Company, payable Wilton thirty -lays from this dste, in Lnltel Hiales aoltl eoltt, to tle 8roretary. By order of Ihe Board of Directors. K. MAI.l.finY.Sffr.t.rT, Dtlrm.Oetuher 19, 19M. tlfl 1 For Sale, TUHKE 1IOCSKS and HITS, with good BAUN8, ate. Tertna easr. Apply to Haleni, Oct. ST, imBM r5. M. PLAMONDOJf. II. I. DALLAM. C.W, AKMKS. U.W. ARM IS. ARMES &. DALLAM, . Importers and Jobbers of WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, , BRUSHES. TWINES. CORDAGE, ico. ' ' And Manufacturers of ! - California Pails, Tubs, ; BROOMS, dtc, 6co. , . N os. 217 and SI 9 Sacramento street, ' ' ' Between Front and Davis, , , ' SAN FRANCISCO. n34 m3ii ' Mil AGENTS WANTED roa The Secret Service, the Field, the Dungeon, and the Esi npe. B Y A L B E R T D. RICHARDSON, A. Y. Tribune Correipondenl. , 1,000 COPIES SELLING FEB DAT!! , . THE most interesting and exciting book ever pub lished, embracing Mr. Kiehanlson's unparallelled experience for four years. Traveling through the Mouth in the secret service of the Tribune at Ihe out break of the war, with our armies and fleets, both East aud West, dnring the Drat two years of ths Re bellion ibis thrilling capture t hit condnement for twenty months in seven different rebel prisons; his escape, aud almost miraculous journey by night of nearly 4IKI miles. It will abound in stirring events, and contain more of the fact, incident, and rommioa of the war, than any other work yet published. Hor ace Oreeley says of it t a great many books will yet be written concern Ing this war, in addition to the many already in print) but not one of them will give, within a similar com- pass, a clearer, fuller, more readable account, entirely from personal observation,, of the nature, - animus, purposes, teuneucles, ami IllatrillneutHlltlea of tlie slaveholders' rebellion, titan doea the unpretending narrative of Mr. Hicbardeou." Teachers, ladies, energetic vonnirmen. nod nsnn. chilly returned and disabled o'tHcere nnd soldiers, in want of profitable employment, will llnd it particular ly adapted to their condition. Hcnd for circulars. Ad dress v . , . . . AMEBICU Pl'BLISHIXe C0MPAXI, " Hartford, Conn. Sckantom & Bona, Agents. 34w4p2 ! Farm for Sale. J TILE undersigned oilers for stile bis farm In aiMarion couniv. one mile east nf HaD'a Pat-tv n the road leading to Suleiii, consisting of 469 acre ofOood Lnndl part prairie and part timber, well supplied with wa ter, havintr a dwellinu-hoilsA. Imm orobMsd. anH ntlop Improvements upon it. Tlie quality of tba land is not excelled by any in the State. Terms very reasonable. Persona desiring to purchase a home, will do well to cull and inspect the premises. T. J. BAXTEK. etaiem, Del. St. IHtiA 34w8 MARKETS. T.a. JIKWMAN. ' T.cauMP. NEWMAN & CRUMP, Proprietor of the CITY MARKET' on Commercial Street, and Ike "PEOPLE'S MARKET" on State Street, HEKK1JY announce to ull their old friends and cus tomers, aud tlie public generally, that thev hava secured a very large supply of FllWT-ULAStj STUCK, and ate now prepared to furnish Butchered Meats at Wholesale, And alao the Very Choicest STEAKS.' ROASTS, CHOPS, CORXED BEEF, SAUSAUES, 4., AT RICTAIL, both at their markets, and also deliv ered 1'ruiu tbeir wagon in any part of tlie city, at the Very Lowest Prices ! While we ahull apare no pains to please and accom modate our cualomere, we wislt them to understand that, in view of the low prices at which wa shall sell, we inuat have our pay promptly, aud have therefore established a rule, that , All Billa Must be Paid Weekly. Salem, Oct SJ, 18(3. 3lm3 fill BOOT fflK SHE. JOHN W. GILBERT, DIALta IX Boots, .Shoes, and Leather, SU0LJUKKKS' TOOLS, b Findings or Every Deacriptlons UNION BLOCK, Commercial ttreef, . BALE M , Haa on hand the ' Largest and Best Selected Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES JVKK offered in Salem, consisting iu part of UKNKERT'ft Dress, Quilted, aud Plain Double Sole Boole r MEEKKIt Ic I'EXDLETOX 8 Hingle aud Double Hewed Roie ; SEIBEKLICH'tt Single and Uotible-Srwed Boots; UUUHtEV S MEN'S and BOYS' Calf and Kip Boots and Shoes, iroiu ine oral anope ill .lew cuglaild. Ladles', MlttM-a', t Children's Boots, Shoe, ana baiters, Prom Hurl's, New York, and Mi lea ic Sons, King's, Lung's, and Seibrrlich a, Philadelphia. A Complete Stork or French and American Calf and Kip Skint ; " ' Lilting; Oak and Hemlock Sole Leather, Ijtsla, Pegs, Thread, and Naila. lie baa, in connection, the best mannfneturina shon in the Slate, aud keeps on hand and nmbea lo order Iiits aad Shoea of esery style and of the beat mala rial. All work at his own manufacture atast aiva satisfaction. (lot. V..I, Hw,ii,3 Furs, Furs. THE highest market price paid in CASH for 11 K A VKK, OTTKK, MINK, and COON SKINS, by l.f.ll , tkt.B Inriland, Oetnlwr 9. 1 "tt. jInj A CARD FOR Till! .Ill 1 11 1 1 til (I'lTllllf, TRADE OF K IMf O, BADGER & LINDENBERGEB, Not. 411. 413 and 4IA Buttery Street, tor. Merchant, Kna Francisco. Importers and Wholesale Dealers. ENTIRE NEW AXU FRESH STOCK! WE wnnld call tht attention nf COUNTRY MKR C 1 1 A. NTS to onr nanallr large atork nf Qoods. Onr stork comprises every articla in tba Clothing and Furnishing line. Wa have eoneUntly na hand the largvat stork and gmatast variety of tUtsaimara and Wool HATH of anv boose in San Francisco, and our prieea for these O-tods are lesa than thoaa of any bonse, aa we receive than direct from the manttfaetn. rer'a esHisiimmenv Our stork nf Fall and Winter Oonds is partH-ularlv atlrartiva, and Iho greal feature le tba eoontry oterchant is tbs nnuenally low prieea Itu Thus the Cmt of Impnrialloi ! Wealaoksep tht STAPLE ARTICLFJJ in Ute Drv Goods hue, wbich Omidt we htve purchased in thta tnarkei anosr lae raasinwr, ana art orrermg Uteai al New York toat. and less. Wa pnbltab tbia card in ostler that wt may tasks new acnoaintaneca. and indur those wb bavo not bareiofura aurt-baasMt of at, lo rail and tiasaiae onr stork. Good Articles and Low Prices ! Art) the) grat indoeenU to all who pntrhase to sell again. Merrhauta who bay of aa can ssako a e-nod rtti, and aHI lo ihetr ensiomers at a low figure. We saauua, reanartrallv. , lour UtHKllrnt Sarvanta. BAIKJKR at UNUKSBKROr R. Wholesale flothina and Hat Warrhonsa. Nos . 41 1. 41.1 and 414 Baltrry areat. Saw Franelaen, (M -q M VOTIl K l. techy gtrra ,!, ,h, wlrrsurtwd baa i. . ! .1' ' "l';"""" dniiiiwnilor ol the aetata at Nai-iaai S Hunt, lata at Marin eoantv. Orraoo. aV eraaed. All persuaa having claims arainat aud rstata will pewit lliia tesa-ila, rreiitetm na said eeaa ly, wtihia Ibe tie allowed bv Uw. Jt HKt lit NT. Aa. ,. ale a Ort IT, !- 41 t-l 8ETI1 R. HVTIMFK, Notary Public, and General Agent ma BVYISa Jr tSELLIXa REAL ESTATE, Renting Farms or nouses, Collecting Ren's and Debts, rroeorlng employment, ale. Office, l Staira, Moores' Brick Block, SALEM Hrai!csi Messrs. 1. II. &. I. It. Moores, and Heatlt & Dearborn. Salem ; Crawford. Sloeum ii Co., Vancouver t Col. O. It. l urry, r'art Vancouver; lr. W. H. Watklna, Portland i Hon. O. N. Dentiv. llallea City. Oct, S3, iteilVM Proclamation by the Governor. IN CONSIDERATION that certain measure, highly imponaut In tlie interests of tile Slate and Nation require tlie action of tlie Legislature at an earlier pe riod than tht regular biennial session ; Therefore, bv virtue of tlie authority voated in ma aa Governor, I hereby proclaim and make known that a special ses sion of the Leaialativt Auemblv of tlie Slate of Or egon will be held at the Capital of tlie Slate on TUES DAY, the 5tb day of DKCEMIiEK next, at which time and place the members thereof are requested to attend. . is j In witness whereof, I have hereunto set I I s. J my hand, and caused the great seal nf the Stale to be affixed, at tlie Executive otllce in Salem, thia 5th day of October, a, u. lbliS. By tbe Governor : ADDISON C. GIBBS. Samukl E. Mat, Secretary of Hlate. !Uw4 Writ of Election. STATE OP OREGON, . Whereas, a vacancy has occurred in the otllce of member of the House of Representatives of ths State of Oregon in eaclt nf the following nam -d counties, to wit .- Cclaekamas, Grant, Polk, and Yamhill; Therefore, I. Anutsos C. Oibbs, Governor of the State nf Oregon, by virtue of the authority vested in me as such, by the constitution and laws of this State, do fasrsby require and direct that a special elr 'tion be held in each of said conntiea on Monday. Ihe iMHh day of November next, for the purpose of filling tnch vacancies. In witness whereof, I have hereunto tet my band, r j and caused the greal seal of the State to be ) s affixed, at the Lxeenlive office iu Salem, this 1 ' 6th day of October, a. d. 1865. By the Governor : f APDISON C. GIBBS. Sanvil E. Mat. Secretary of State. w4 JUST RECEIVED BRETMAH BROTHERS! LARGE ASSORTMENT OK GENERAL MERCHANDISE, ..FOR THE. . . Fall nnd Winter Trade! SUCH AS Dry Goods Fancy Goods Clothing, V- B00T8 AND SHOES, HATS OA.PH, Groccriti, llardwarf, Crockery and Glauvnre, We would cull partientar attention to our lata styles of Ladies' and Misses' Cloaks. Furs, Nubias, Breakfast Shawls, Etc., Etc , Etc., CP1 Our slock haaboeu selected with' great care and will be sold at the LOWEST MARKET RATKS, FOR CA8H. All kinds ol produce taken in exchange fur goods. CAM, AND HKK BREYMAN BRO S Salem, Oct. 17,1805. D,f WANTED. IA HAA BUSHELS WHEAT, for which we I vfsVUU will pay the highest market price in cash. IIRKVMAN IIHOS. 500 POINDS 0KJUKSH rKATHKKff T7H)R SALE AT r nitKYMAN BROTIIKItS. Bed Rpringit, II a by CMrrlitr rpRUNKS. VALISW, CRIU-IILANKETS. for sale 1 at UREVMAN UROS. SITE RS, HUGHE3t & Co., WLolsule and Iletail DealiTs in ull kinds of Groceries, Paints and Oils, Brushes, Putty, Alcohol, Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Pocket and Table Cutlery, Wood aud willow ware, Dye-Stufl Tobacco and Cigars, Ba con, Lard, Butter, Eggs, Outs, Potatoes, tc fcc. - Store under the Legisla tive Hal, Holman's block, oc9 SALEM. 32m6 Hop Tar Itonln, PATENT Aile Omasa. Lard Oil. Not Oil. polar Oil, Nrattfnm Oil, Castor Oil, Olive Oil, Linseed Oil, Coal Oil, aud Uensiiie, at oet MYERS, II t O II ES, It CO. Frvnrh Window Glatw, STAINED GLASS, and figured Olasa, flold Leaf, (training Tools, Camel and Sable Hair llruehaa, Diamond Olaae Cotters. sVr . ate., al oettl MVKRS. lll'OHES, it CO. Varniihet! XT 0 RLE It Hoar s American. Coaeb, Copal, Uan ll sine, Danar, and Shellae Varniahea, at ort MYKKX. Hl UHhXsV CO PMNTS. MIXED PAINTS, for palatine Wagon, and Car, hata, all krnda of colon, in oil and water, for 1 1 ousr Painting, at o MYRRH, llt'OHKS, it CO. Wanted for Cash, ArEW THOI SAND Ill'SIIEf.H OOOD OATS, ends toner two of rood TIMOTHY ort 11 MYKRS, lirotlES, it CO. .otlrr. ALL persons kanwlagrtiemtelvat lndelttd lo tlia na ot Jonas. IM At Co . era rw,asated In call and seula the aaaw luimadiaialy. Also, any persons hating claims against the arts, either by Bolt or aa etaini, are mtaetd In ameal thasa for aettleoseal, aa Uw kaaiarss of lb ewmpaav anial b el'l hy lite 1st nf Isaerataar nasi, after which papnr. will be placed ia tba beads of atbaf part Us sur arttlemml. IKil H JOHI'S. L. A. Sauna, On lOh. th.i it rd IIOHTETTKH'H cri.tBKiTiei) STOMACH BITTERS. ' A preparation nnitiug PURE OLD ESSENCE OF RYE, With all the recognised Tonic, Lasative and Anti Bib loua UKMKMKS Or' ART AND NATUKK. Protective Properties. Prttvenlt Fever and Ague and Hilliona Remittent Fever, Invigorates the Organs of Digestion and the Ilnwels Sieadies the Nerves and tends to Krolong Life. Remedial Properties. Cures Dyspepsia Liver Complaint Oenoral De bility, Depression of Splrila Consumption Inter mittent Fevers and all complaints arising from bodily weakness. As an Appetiser, TONIC, PKVEB AND AGUE PREVENTIVE And nil Billions Disordert, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters stand pre eminent aa the Greatest Medical Discovery or the Age, and as an ALTKRATIVE AND BLOOD PCUIFlEIt. they art preacrihed and recommended bv all Physi cians wherever they have been introduced, . The emraordinary nnd increasing demand for These IUTl'KKS It unparalleled IN THE HISTORY OF MEDICINE, and can he hud everywhere throughout the civilised world whare newspapers are circulated or read. . Almanact or Pamphlets, with testimony of their success from the Farmer and the Sailor from tbe Merchant and Ihe Physician and from the Legislative Halls of OUH UNITED COUNTRY may be obtained FREE of all Dealers everywhere. IIODGK Ac, CALEF, , WHOLESALE DRVOG ISTS, PORTLAND, 97 Front 8treet. Sole Agenta for the State. ' ' Poanmo, July 14th, 1865. Htssas. Hudoi It Calif t Urntlmen Iu answer to vnur lettnr of even, date, referring to tlie LictNst Law arlooliug "HOS TETTER'S U1TTERS," 1 have to aav that no License is required, coming aa thev do, nnder the head of Proprietary Preparations. This decision is aimnnnced by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue at Wash l"Kton. THOS. FKAZAR, U. 8. Assessor Internal Revenue. Portland. Oregon. New Firm, New Store, New Goods BROWN, COX & CO. yHOLESAl.E AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Wlnem and Llquori, , Wood and Willow Ware, Hardware, YANKEE NOTIONS, Tobitrro, Cltjcuna, ftr.'&r, Center Store, New Brick Block, SALEM, OREGON. We have now nn hand, and are now re- re- K? oiv ntr III I. AJIIl ICST lid ItKHT HK. LKCTEI) STOCK OP GOODS In our AaM line ever ottered THIS SIDE OF SAX FRANCISCO Which we propose to exchange at LOW RATES for Butter, Egga, liaoon, Oala, Wheat, and Produce in general i and, rather than keep books, we will NOT REFUSE GOLD AND SILVER. Pleuse Call and Examine onr Stock of Tea 6c Grliitletuuva. Coffee 4c Nails, I Pocket Knivet dc j Stnrch, j Soaps ii Honey, 'Clothes Baskets 6c Pickles. iKnpe 6c Tamarinds, jt'nal Oil Ac Honey, 'Hosteller's Bitten Ac Sugar tt Axes, Syrup 6c Hlne Vitriol, Saleratut tc Wash- Hoards. Cream Tartar 6c II run ins, Tobacon Ac Chr-wo, Oatmeal. Cigars Ac-Cnrn Ikskelt.'Dye Stnlfa Ac Farina, Shovels & Nutmegs, ; Meerschaum 1'ipus Ac Citron Ac Wash Tubs, Spadt-s, Kaisint Ac Mouse Trnpsl Wonil Pipet Ac Shot, Rice Ac Saltpeter. ICimfcotiiinery Ac Salmon Ac Woudenj Clothes 1'ina. Bowls, ' 'Mackerel Ac Pnwder, MIKEHS' OUTFITS IX FlXLl in fact, everything usually kept in a Flrsl-Clttsi Grocery snd Prorlsloti Store! OOODS DELIVERED To all parta of the ciiy, FREE OF C II A RUE. Don't Forge! Iho Pliicei Oct. -j. m.. HKOWN, COX, CO. 1NKW BELVIDERE SALOON, AT THE OLD STAND ! TTTHEKK will alwara be found the FINEST TT llUANDS Or LIQUOR AND CIGAKS -t...- .1- t. I - ..A. 1 11.. m. na. . ...... nv .ua ninrsr, sismis Also, a ntte OIL.l.lAKLr Hi'OM, containing three Tablea. one of which look the premium at the last Mechanics' Intuiiuie Kairiu California. PLAMONilO.N At UHKKN. Salem, Oct 3, IKlV,. :tltf Salt; Of .'III! I HUT Nlot-k. 'T'llKRE remain unpaid of assessment Xn. 4 of $0 m per snare, levtrn iuty n, inn, upon the capita slock of Nuitiam Hold aitd Silver Milling- Company the following amounia, to wit t Iff a 5 Arrig-.nlSN 671 4 fa Harlan JWP 4-t 4 f 47 i a Hocktna-haiu A LoH7 7 It llasltett H Bolter Hoof 4I4 I !l 49H I 4W I 117 I 118 4 Wi I M I m i a M I SJessnpSU M 1 4' :j 4 in iw l ; i: I If Jackson D II sin a 4', 5i a 4 " .v.ii u a Lewis r ii S.'l I a lngau Wtu '.I I a Mallury It 47 i a lit i a " ii.-. i a' HS 3 N ' ;i h in 74 io an '.'. I a J iii:i i a wt in an " iw i a " H7 I a Mitchell it Co. las i a iwi ia llaglry S Urown Jaa .'ai'l .', IU MS i H : s in : a a 4 ;i:in I a .'.? in an :u:l iu -M km i a ixai i a ftc a i rm a 4 r.'f.i & in 714 ill '.IS xa I a i a aw 1 a :v i a 4.'l :t ii 4-fi a 4i a ti Coopar r Callanan Jaa I l!HI I a Morris M 11 ;t iu 20 la I a MiildendorlfLis .VH a 4 lta I 3 Sloal II V an? i a a. ai i a ;ui i a 4irf ,1 m Mil in 415 i a 4IH S IU 417 s in 4IH 5 in tlH S 10 i'.M i a in.'. I a SaviereVCo. )! I 3 Strong A L I'.i7 1 2J Trace E W 7H 4 H Waterhnry If 7!1 4 S1 ' 4a a 4 4M 1 It Crandall C P Corbelt H W Co run P 4M i a, 4 I 2 Wood worth (,'S 4l tin Carson ir Portar MIS a til 3 t Coleman J P ill) I 4;e.' a 4 I7M V) I ISO rii io an 7ia in ao 7ia iu an I7 0 20 7 I a Dally Mary Prater Tbiai Highs L P HoweJM 316 I :ii7 I ,ii I rn i a-jn 4 4:A I a Williaate K 4.'.4 I I so I a t i 10 ll I 7 in t io 717 33 4a 4!A I a 4 'ai I U - HnntinMlon.lWPfia S III " Harlan J 1VP J I t3S 3 Pursuant lo law. and Ia somplianr wild an order of ta board of dlrectora of the aatd Santiam Gold and Silver Miuing Coojipanv. BMd al Hi sirs of said Company at Saleta nn tb I'ah dav of Augnst, lHtl s aiaoy'sbarM of eaeb parcel of lb above earned stork as eaay be eeei aaary tban-fi will b anld al public aueiioa. for gold t'ailrar cua. al Ui olllc of Ihe 'Jonpany on llai 4lsl day of O. iober, ISbj. eont natnring al th bintr ol leven a'cha-k a. aa. of said Jay. lo pay tb deltoiiinl aaasssmewia m aatd atock, liigether with Iba mat f adrertising and XDenaauj sal.. Kl Kl tlALLOltr, Herreury. tmWm. Sept l& 3im4 Santlam Diners, Take Notice. THKKK reoiaios th boobssf Hat Saktta (I. At S. Mining fompanv, limia4 aanainta as follows i and if aot paid on or before Ibe I Jih rhir of November. lsV4, stork lielonging lit Men IihIivhIiwI, will, on that day, be atdd al public mar mm. in Ui town of Halrm, to satisfy th amount hi opposite his name; Wm. Donara, la 43, J W Itrandanlrg, t liRI fi, John l.mara. MU I'j, Harden MeAlliator. l"3t J. I JteAllist.r,W Mi Pilbtnt. l Ml i (' P t'bap--an . I M U C. CLI NE. Ha e y. Hlra,Oet. lit, IDeVi. 4w.M For Sale. HOLHK and MT wuh good hens - Apply ! SMITH at t AKTW HIGH I Latest News by Steamer, Wit take pleasure In announcing to onr old patrons and the puhlic in general, that we bava JUt-i'T IlKCEIVEI), Direct from the East and San Francisco, The Largest and Best Assortment, FALL & WINTER GOODS, coniisliii of tlie following rUcl i Gents' and Boys' Clothing, of tht DEST and LATEST 8TYLE8 ; Dry Ooods, . ( Fancy Gootls, ( ( ' ' Boots and Shoes, y V' ' Hats and Caps, , . j Groceries, ! y j Crockery, Glassware, tfec, tlint haa ever been brought to this city, and also that . wo are ottering the tame , Cheaper than the Cheapest. Call eorly anil satisfy yourself, '' All kinds nf PRODUCE taken in exchange, for which we will pay the highest market price. . MITCHELL cV CO. halem,Sept. H, IHoii. Wit A. C. BR ADFORD i ... Importer and Jobber In V1HES 1ND LIQUORS, Front Street, Portland. Oregon. ' . ti i I BItANDYSi IIISOriT.DI!BOLX'HE.fcC. 1 BHlLLIOCIN, . . i ! HKNNKSSY. ' " -' ; PIDKT. t'ASTlLLION.atCo;," . HONNIOT.ACo., , ! . MABQUET. ,.''.', 1 . Old Jamaica, Huin, New KiiKland Ram.' , SCHIEDAM 0 IX. OLD TOM. 1 1 ... ... .! i FINE OLID W1IISICIKS. J. II. Cutler. ' Old lloiirhon. Old Vlrvlnlii, 1 ' " j Kiirckn. Hye, I PURE WINES: Oporto Port, Burgundy Port D. O. if Co. ancrry. Anchor sherry, Sautemt, Angelica, and California Write Wine, CHOICE CLARETS: ' !, j I.AriTTR, '-'.' LKIIVII.I.K. tan at a as am' t3llA.nBKalTIN, .Till, ON rANILLAC, I. A HOME, t'ATA!A'. CHAMPACNE: CHAS. IIEU1SAICK, "! "" '' : CABINET, ' 1 i. UREEN HE At. narf ' ' 1 JACQUATAS. , ,,' . .ALSO.. 11 i . Absliiiho, Cnraroii. Vermarth. Bliiena, flyrupa, jTaniwlca fllnircr.Ka. Meui'n FepptTinlnt, Tfa unl'ni,Alr and ' '. Porter. Maurice, Oox, & Co'i Ale and Porter. And nil other Case tioods pertaining to the trade. Sln.,Mta unJ .I..-!.. m um u -. I ... I .. -I .. ! 1. . J - .... v..v n.w paMHUinn, IIITIIVII V examine aty stock before parchatiug elsewher. American Exchange Hotel, COHNKB r SANSOME HALL ECK STREETS, (San Fr.tnelHeo. rpH E nroorletor of ibis favorite hotel would rssnsrf. 1 fully intortn the traveling public that Ihe American Karhange having been recently enlarged and Improved in all lis la now sfHw. ed to otter superior luilu. e.netila lo hie patrone and Ilia public iu general. He can now oiler elegant suits or single rooms fur fnmilies and single mnaia for gen tlemen, on terms in suit ihe times. Thin house con tains a Imudsnmolv furnished pulilie parlor, beautiful large dining hell, commodious and pleasant reading and sitting room, together willt other facilities ma lirceeaary to enumerate. IfnsinesM men and travelers win lino ilia Atnerieaii bxehange treond to no hulel in Ihe city, whether aa regards Insiirv, comfort ol economy. Ths labia will bo allpplied wllhull the del irariea ihe season alforda Orutelul for past patron age, the prnprleior resparifnlly anlirlts a rantinuanc ui tne piiniie nivor. s.'iu.ip:i J, W. SAKOKNT. rower riedged nmal lo anjr Ovrrabot Ii exiKienrr, LEFFEL'S AMERICAN DOUBLE TURBUVT THE IIOI III.K Tl ItltlNKM, an long apectd have arrived al last, and orders can now b Itlbtd. We Itav a larg supply of the ditlrrvnl stasia, front 1(1 ItH-liea to .Hi(. Thai wa may know lb proper sited Wheal von re onire, meastira yonr water in the following way s Take the width' of tbe stream, th average depth, and tba di.'iaiir Ii Hows ia a miouit. All Ui Wheels alreadv in na glv universal aalis- fartlon. Ktir particulars, send for a Cirrnlar. Addreta LKKPKL at MYEKH. with lticlianls at MrCrakan, Jim l'Jtfl.r Portland, OrvgoN. Happiness or Ilisery; THAT IS TBS QUESTION. rrilKPKOPKIKTOItsiir' THE "PACIKIC MU 1 MKL'MOP ANATOMY AND SCIENCE." have il'te mined, regardless of einenaa, to iso KHKK (tor tne oerirni ui piiurriOK uoionuiiri tour nt inir amel InU-rrsting and iustrivtiva LKCTL'UES, oa MAKIIIAOE, and its diequaliBrniione , Nervoa Da blliiy. Premature lierllnt of Mauhiaid, Indigeatton, Weaaaesaor Ifepreaamn, Lose of Kuargy and Vital ! Power, the greal Korial Evil, and thoae me bullae Ibal I imoII fmni vontnttll folllea. earns nf miinni oa i aoranoe nf Pltva,dogy and Nature t Laws. Theae invaluabl Lertarea bava ba th awaasof enlightening and saving IhcnMiota. and will b tor wanted KUEE on rrrio ,af Twenty flr t'euu la powag stamps, by addreing ''Secretary focinc Ha- seam 01 Anatomy ana nrietm, riue JMrwt, Ms rm dseo" tvls I 7Lllr In he sne) Ihmagh Wells. Pern tk Co. Wool Wanted. WK will pay tb ll!OHKT market rte-iit. half eaeb, on half mvrrhamtiar f'r WOOL HEATH, IH.AHIKISN, at I O. Salem. Mav . mtt lf riSAL SKTTLMMBST. DOI'dLAS e.,unty. Oregim. N.aiea is brby glv en that Jnha Kellv, adrnmllntior of th sisl f (I. W. Snider. tsrsass4, baa tied bat aeeoiml for tnal svtiUiMM of said asuat. in lb eoaalv mart of said eonntv. ami thai Tuswtay ia Is! dav ol Novta bar. Ibim, ia sel aairt lha bartn of lb . . Ilv uruar ol Ut count? roart of Hooaiaa eoualv. ' WM. It. WILLIS, Jndg. ktbnrg. tsrt . I" Wwt Take Warning. I HAVE plaerd mv not s and ai-KSinuia tht hands of Uirhard Williams. Est) , for eollenUiu i and ao lie I herehy gl veil that all per suns know tug lbaiaelvaa le.l.11 t.i me suit rttmr forward and Jmt mp wllhln thee tv. in nrt l save ests a n Mt-Arp.K. Orl l. 1" Js.U K Dr. W. D. BIK0NTOX, CIRAIUJATK nf tht Pennsylvania Medical Collar T of Philadelphia, having permanently located al this city, respectfullv tenders nis profeasional servieae to tho eitisens of Salem and lit vicinitv, OfBet tad residence at M rs. Bailey's home, nearly eppoailt lb Eureka Stable, Salem, Oregon. I4y Orleans Hotel, . Froat itrtrt, . . . . U3A TILLA, OR 10 OS. AMOS g. ROflUU, Preprlttr. , Pioneer Star. Oo.'s offlea al this Hotel. Ba(f agt takea It) the House, NUK, at charge. teat Clock and Wutchea ItepaUred. RAVRO SMITH, ltlaaraat ksnalrar T OLOOgl and WATCH IS, la no eanraaatot Marl San sty, m, urra'ni isDeratt, tar nustiMee la nis panieaiae Ulna, He Is a flnlahed. araattral nrkaaan. aU tja Stork hslnf warranted. NA7.KO 8NITH w.l.oa M0 lbs.. snil rhlas kls e.a tsta. Beware ot s man b the name at Walker, lis II Jasa Issaed carpenter by trade, anil laoo meaadarlagla Orsta prelendlni to lx a Olock-repatrsr. SAZSU SSUTM Is m god work, even In Balem, at present. Aug. II, IWI6. ttf SAtstb BMlTt), To Wool RaiMrau THft underalraet SHlrss I lamna tht fls f msln of Orron that hs has BUST FOB BALI ne lot of THOROlXlH-llultD Merlae Basal aaa) aUMiaAwHam Lsmbs. Manv ef these anlwiala bars ua prises at ine sairsei wie uretros BlBl Atrlaattaral ss sad parties Interested are reeneetiullv relerret I Ita r tor the best pruvf of th character ef the flock frna a Win ate bred. JOHN MINTO. , Breeder af Merloo Bheep, Pemona's HlU. H miles south ot latent, en the stage recti. P. 8. Ksch saliaal warranted to be brad as represented. 1 ' ' Oil PolntlDir.. PAULINE SHKLTOH, having taken lettont la LANDSCAPE and HEAD PAINTING f en of the best artists in San Francisco, propotet to tia letsont In the sane. Specimens to be teen at Moat. goniery't Picture Gallery. Will alao color Phot. graphs In oil or waler colors. SaJetn. Jnatv.-y 7AcorjTir..zn. THE t'SDEHSIONED WOULD KSPECTAU.T call the attention of all WAOON MUaat It) tlea toperinr stork of WAOON TIMBEB. aotr hi ttor, which It offered to tht trade on liberal lam. OAK. ASH, ANDHICKOXT PLARK. OAK AND RICKORT iPOKKH,' :,,! OAK AND ELM HUBS, I " UICKORT AND ASH RIMS, 1HTOOY tt EXPRESS SHAFTS, POLES, BOWi, Hickory AxIm, Oak aad Hlekary trm'Mzr Sawed frlloM. Hewed Toiif aes. Rid .fa Trees, Keck Yokes, Lob, aad Rkarf Hound. Plow Beami and Kaa .., . dlea,Seati,8plBdle,.e,e. - Th abort stock was eartfnlly teleeted hi th East em State, expressly lo meet the demands of this trad. Ordera tor anv of the above article. InelaaHaf WAOON SKEINS, BOXE1, SI'RINOS, dtc., trill be promptly allended to, . '' K. H. LAW.' .-. SS Front Street, PORTLAND; aitf . , OpposlnO B.N.C'o.'t Wbarf, Confidential Medical Adrlo. DR. LFiMERT, " ilrmber of Ike Roful Cnlltrt of Surfmmiof Mnf , foarfi Licentiate of the RoialCallert of Pkp ciant of Edtnbnrfk, Af. I). of tk fas. I versify af Erlanfreni Lieemttrnto wt of Royal Society of Apotk ' i . . ecarstt. London tVe. . I CURES SECRET DISEASES WITHOUT COPA I HA or MEHCURY. He also treat soeeelly STKICTURKS, GLEET, SEMINAL. WBAK.Ra-4, CUTANEOUS D1HEASKS, and tho who tartar frotuNEItVoUS DEBILITY, th. LOST POY. EUSOP M ANHOOD will do well K eontah Wat. His DIPLOMAS mar b seen at his Hons and OtMa. OR. LA'M ERt wishes It lo b perfectly naaW itoud that tvary eaa ia CONFIDENTIAL. He km er par ate waiting room I for eack ptUiteU, aad pounds all hit own medicines, to thai In dtlteaat tattt) patiauu Itav nothing to fear. Orrirt Hon at Prom t A. M till S P. M and ftwta 5 liU U P. M. oundayt, froat A. M . till 9. at. teg. HOUSE AND 0PFICK9. 1 At Ike corner of Tkird and C ttrrett. Tht entrmt to C afreet oa Prani, it oppoeitt Ike Orita ' ttteamekip YVkarf .and Dr. Lrn'Morft ( Hone mnd uflcet are sa at , . , t ' direct tine tkrtt ilocktmeit, jy3I , PORTLAND, 0BEQOM Ojl W I STAR'S BAL8AM it WILD CHERRY has bkkb tistn roa niahi.v , HALF A CENTURY, WITH THI BOlT AtTOKISHISa lUCCISS IB ccaist Coaghs, t olds, Iloarseaess, ajortj Tkrwadt Influraaa, Whooping Conga, Croan, Liver Complaint, BronehlUa, Uiffiealiy of Breatktng, .' Asthma, and every n . nfleclioa of ..i THROAT, LUK33, cii CZT7, iKCLUBiaeavtn 1 CONSUMPTION. Than is aearrelv one Individual in the) eottaaait who wholly e-ums. dnring a season, front toast eaa. however al'ghlly dvalopd, of tb abov aymttoa a noalect of which might k-att lo Hi hut nam aad aioal In b drwadad diaena ia th wbot eatalegna. TIm piwr of th "oiedieinal gum" of tb Wilt) Cfcer Jie Tr over Ibia eutas of eovaelaittta la waNkawwai au great Is Ilia good it baa ptrfenatd, aad to giant his popularity It baa acquired. In ihie'preparalhm, betadea lb vlrtac of lb Caer rv, Uir at aommingled with It othar htagsdliait nf like vain, thus increasing ita vain ten fold, aad fann ing a Remedy whoa powr to soothe, to heal, t ta lieve, and to enr diseaaa, ellsu ia ao other asaWa yet discovered. The nnequamd suenss I bat haa attended tbe toast cation of tbia medicine in all asct of PULMONARY CCrPLAET. haa Indiued manv iihvaieiana ef biub ttaadlnvtataas ploy it in tbeir unutioa, some of whom ad via at of tut tact nnuer tneir own signaturaa. n eaves only for the names of a few of I bee S. II D.San rnuiclaco.Ctl. . ' K. Itornta, M D., Easier, Me. Ai.riAanta Hatch. M I)., China, tie. . H. PtLiowa.M D , Hill.N H. ' W. M. Waaa, M Can Viae. . T. 1 W. B LvscH.M.D.,Auhnr,N. V. 1 Abbaham SaiLLHAB, M D , Ruandbrook, t.i. li. I). MaaTlN, M.D.. Maaaflaid, Pa. Th proprietors hav HHtert from all rlsssis af anr fallow riutaa. from Ihd hails of Congra la la km bUal utlaga, and even from beyond th eaa i lor lha fam aud virtue of Witvta's BAuan bav uttatV d to Uw "auanoowl boat da f lb emrtk," wnoaat any auampl a oar part te iMradoe it twyoad tho limit of our owa eoontry. TO CAL1F0BXI ASS ASD OSEGOXIlfS. After October I, 13. ff graaia H'ISTAfB HAIMAM of WILD CHERRY fat Ike Pmtifk' Coael mil be encineed in m new wrapper irasra snil bear He pnnted Man bolt, BlTH W. Powit 4 Co., RoeUen. Maee.. mnd Jons U. pa at, CtanaaaSs, Okw, me well a. fac emilt of Ikt eirnmiieott of "I. lit tts," " Htaruao I'aas.,' mnd " H. WarvaB, M. D." a WIHTIB'I IA18AI Of WILI CIIMT is roa sali it HEDINOTOlf dk CC ' dirt and 418 Kmttl Mreet, Ban Frantitao, i and by all droggittt. ADMINISTRATOR SALE. N Jt)TICE Ia hereby given, that I will sell fw task to ' t Utt highl biikwr, at pohlia aaaUou, al tb Mart hnaa atoor Kllnelurv. ta lli aounit of Carrt , aad i of Oregon, oa Saturday, the :Uih day of Dsnistbat, ISM. bwn tb boor of t'eloek a. as. aad t mm , all lb real a at of tt. Oliver, aad law of Ctsrry I aooaiv, Miaalad la lb ahwemid aaoniy aod Sasfcs, a. tug a doaauoa tlaia aarvy4 lead, aad sisMla t Ing llM aeraa. By arame af Hon. M. B Oragerv. toaaty jtaago, J. A HAIMta, Admtaiasrawe. Elltbarg, Oct. ttb, lU. 4w4 , ATTACHMENT NOTICE. Btau of Ongna. Mario eoaaiv. la Jusle't Court lor Ikt prartnet ot PalrinM. ' TO WILLIAM BKtK'KES. Yon art aoraby mmk-", ld Ibal a ont of auaebawM baa aoM haatd i against yoa aad yoor proptriy allatked u aaltsry Mat f dMiaod ta Isaac MOrhril. awmallug lo) oo baadiad and Blty eva dollar and aieetv fimv aia tIM tM). Now, aal yoo shall appear helot Jamaa D. Tay lor, no of ibe Joalire ol Ilia pear for MarUa ssao , tv.and the preeincl of "airfield,! bia ofaee In M. , flails, on lb "Ah dav of Noveothar, ISbl, pidgaitat wiH h rodrMl agaioti yoa. and your property umI , to pav tb deM. ISAAC MITCH KLU . IiatedthisHhdny of SepUmlwr, !( 4mU , . l aloa liBld aad Silver Hlalag Caataaa. rVotir U berrbv givta Ibtl al a awMlag tf tko " ,i Board trf IMrwIor of litis Company, held knv Iwh, IShi, n asstsamtal of two dollar par share, Uiag nasi satnenl No. I'lv waa wvmmI apoa lb . 1 til stock of aaideump-uv.pasaWe forth w ilk ML'anl I Hal gold to tba ierreurv. By ordar if ta board ol K.MAtXORY.Se. , , Mawrn Ott. ifllb, ISfii. wtaO , " FINAL SETTLEMENT. " NOTICE ia brbv givea thai L. How, admlal. iratur of Iba estala of H. O. Keinbards. lata of . ienaglaa snnaty, Oregon, decaaaed. aaa tld kv a, smul for dual tattle wut atxl Ibal lb atk day af Urn trsaibat Int.'), I set apart for tlx Bnal bvartag ml Mat Mv eaVr "f H.w ' M WllH. I'nM K. A. LAI H Ms IP, k,sbar Oct. , IfcaJ la.llwk.