tYYb r QtiAJi THE OREGON STATESMAN II PUUI.lSHKIi KVKIlf MUSDSV MOKN1NO. Th Oregon Printing and Publishing Company, I'UOPIUKTOIIS. OfHolal Ptptr of th Btata. TBUM-J ".ryear.f-luOi Six nionthe.$-.!,(JU. "T'i" nhtittnrf prlaenln .rpri! 7Vnfr aok teM ft fj-(Yit m'y itt their t-Hrrtntrnlut. KVmltunrMi tuiy bo nisila by until at the rink of ths pub lishers, If mulled In the preacucc of a puatmiiBter. 1 1 r an 1 ret i?m VEGETABLE UNIVERSAL FILLS. IT In (ri'tinrully known I hut my BinndMhw was the nrixitiul iiiveutor of these romurkiihle pills. He wits astieiitillc mttn, aud u iiietlhuil pi-Hctitlouer of the Old Seliool. Jiitt becoming aluriiiinl Ht the niur talit v tlmt attended the KltwiliiiK and Mineral Prac tice, he turned hie attention to the study of nature and the philosophy of disease, na aim to the natural reme dial aifcntu which lie found to exist exclusively in the Veueutble KiiiKilout. In his reneiirches and Investi gations, lie btratue fully satisfied tlmt the life wua in the blood: dial bv whulevar name discuses were dis- tiiiKiiishcd, iuipnritv of the blood waa the source of all a simpie and truthful doctrine, which, in rmliiiliiir all diRPiiM-a to a nnit. necessarily established the fact that all were.to he treated on the same general prin ciple, vis. liy piiriration. Now the xrund dilluulty consisted lu devishiK a veg etable oooipoiiiid that would iuvi)(omte, purity, und lenn the lilood, correct and regulate all the differ ent secretions, and hy purgation discharge the. whole iiiiimi of morbid matter from the body, withimt rodiie ing the strength. Aftor thirty yeurs of climo applica tion, bo considered hie oldeot fully accomplished in the production ol then? pills, which Iiuvq uow been before the oublic Qua Uuudred and Fourteen Yean, and it is now (lHlio nearly 'M years since In. Uruu dreLh'n Vegetable Universal Life Preserving Pills were first presented in the American publicduring whlrn time their superior excellence auu vtrtnea nave been extensively proclainmd by puiiere and pamphlets, and a rapid yearly increase of the sale of them ef fected. To know what will nave life, to know what will restore lieuhh, la a knowledge not to b hidden, I, theretora, as a man desiring to do my duty faltlifnlly, liave dotted down some of my thirty-lire years' expe rience with Urandreth's Pills, which Hie 'an effectual assistant of nature, and cause the extmlsiou of ae.ri. nionioua humors the oecaaiou of every sickness. Let is admit that corrupt humors prevent the free circula tion of the blood, that Urandreth's Pills take nut these humors, giving heulth for puin, and strength for vteaKtiess. No tmtn is sick save when the nrincinle of corrup tion gels the ascendency: Hmndreth's Fills aid the Life Princioleto reiotin theeuiuiie bv removing the corrupt humors from the body. Many a time I have aeen life apparently at the last, ebb, when these Fills were given, and in n few hours the danger was east, and health's Hood tide gnve the patient renewed life ami vigor. Many are the fathers, mothers, sons, aud daughters, thus saved. ' These celebrated Fills are composed wholly of me dicinal herbs, and do not oontain any mercury or other mineral, being perfectly harmless to the most tender oire or weakest frame; yet snre to search out the cause of sickness, und restore the health if taken according to the directions. Let no one imagine thex are too weak to bear the fleet of these Fills, which put no weakness inui the frame, but draws weakness out. A few doses will be get confidence, aud then the beauties of purgation will gradually become unfolded to our view, which, en forced with Urandreth's Vegetable Universnl Fills, is able to cure every disease where the orgaus are sound, aud irrciulv increase the averaue of liuuiuu life. I have uow used on my own person, aud prepared ai d administered, Urandreth's Fills for thirty-live years. I believe they are the best purgative in the world: and with this medical quality they have also a tonic etfi-ct. Ami us I am of the lirm oninion that inflummntion and fuvera are caused by corrupted blood not being timely evacuated, because it regurgi tatea, so to speuk. over the whole body, and thus cor runta the sound blood that should nourish all the mem bers, and actually destroys and paralyzes members or organs that are unsound'; und ns 1 know that these Pills have a direct effect to remove all corrupt blood 4tnd acrimonious humors from the body in fact, all humors below the vital standard of health; so I Bhould lie guilty of a great sin, did 1 not do nil in my power to propagate the use of a medicine which is possessed of properties so calculated to save and increase the average of nuninn lite. The public servant, BENJAMIN BHANDKETH. M. D. Principal office for tlnindreth's Vegetable Universal fills, UtiANDKlilli h IIUIMJIM. ,ew lork. W. V. RANDKKTH, Office at CHANK k HKIUHAM'K, San Krancisco. Koraale by all respectable dealers in medicines, ly La Creole Academy, . DALLAS, POLK COUNTY, OJteOON, Rev. W. D. Nichols............... Principal Miss lUescci J. Glissu Prcoeptresa. rpHE academic year is divided into four terms of JL eleven weens eaeu. Virst Term will commence fieoond Terra " " Third Terra V " Fourth Terra "' " IIPtNJKS. Primary ........per term, (4,00 'nmmon Knglish........ ' 44 6.00 liiher English 44 44 8,IK) (ireek. Latin, or French language, two dollars extra Students will not be admitted for a less period than a half term, and no deoiiction will ne niuue lor ao ence exceot in cases of nroiracted sickness. HiArd cau tie obtained in aood families at reason- nble rates. A few young ladies call be accommodated in the family of the I'rnicuml. fV A new I'hilmonhicnl Avmrnlut and a twicer Jnl tfienmope are expected from San Kruncisco by tue comuiencemeut or uiiuuiu o me iirei iim. flKO. T1LI.OTSDN, NIClliiLAS I.EE, Dallas. July 31. IW15. iHlf Exerulive Com. NEW ARRANGEMENTS. . W. HELM & SOXS, "KE IN RECEIPT OK A FRESH SUPPLY OK Genuine Drugs & Medicines, The compnundinir aud dispentinir of Medicines will the under tlm supervision ol ,1 K. Clakk, a practical Dnunrist and AHthecary. l'hysiciaus aud the public can rely upon irettinn pure ariicles at THE LOWEST RATES. Physirians' Prescriptions compounded, with Ken racy,' neatness, and dispatch, at all honrs. Corner Store. Smith's Block, SALEM, ORKOON. S.-pt. 4, IK'S. '?tf Call and Pay Your faxes I "OTICE la hereby Hrven tlmt I wilt meet the Tux- N I'avcru of Murion eonntr. Oreiron. at their re- pertive" iilitcvn of votinif , fr the pnrponf of collecting the Estate, County, School, -Military ,n J Poll ituetfor the venr lt ou the following meniioned dayi, to wit: Jetferwn, MondiiT, October lti, Mb Huhlimitv, TupBdar, " 1". 8ilvf-rton.Vediiei.lay, " 18, " Ahiqim, Thnmlav. 11 H, ' Howell Prairw. u " s , - - - North Salem. Saturday, " ai, i La Bish, Mondnv, M i-'J, - Buiteville.Tnn.'.Iay. til. -Clmmfioetf. Wediiemiav, ' 'St. " KairlieWaThnwluy, " i, Suleni. Kridnv, " Iff, " Vji KHlpm. fMtlurdur. " &. " 1 will be prouiptlr at the alove numed place, at the dour of 1" o'clm-k a n... and remain until 4 o'clock ti.m of nid dm. Thow tio( payinir their taxes, aa Hbore Invitpd, will be allowed Unrty dart after my rir&t at their prwiiwMo par the aanw at iy lfl in $alm, atW w hich time the law allows the collector mileaire fur traveling to otlect the same, tome ear ly. Py prooiptJy, and tve cof. 1 V hAM L HEADRICK, Iw4 Tax C'octor Marion To. - ,FF SALS. T)Y virtue of an execution, from the circuit eotirt of J J the Slate of Orrfrnn for Jinn on county, aud to me tlirwtMl bv Hi clerk of eatd court, in favor of K. J. llarrinuraud mainn HenuimiB Bera,ai.d fur want of PmoimI property to mtkfy the rtme, I bava levied upon and will proceed to aell to the htfhel bidder for oa.h in lifind, at the ronrt-hHie door ra hl-tu, on 8ATI K1AV. tlte 21 day of OCTOHKR. lHo. etilie hpur of one o'clock ti.ui. of nid day, all the light, ti tle, and interret of tlieeaid lleere in and t tlta real eatateof Alannn Beera, decifM, dearriled aa fol lows, to wit : Claim No M, Notifiraiion Xo. SH. Cer .titlcate Ni 45, T H 8, R S W, in eera. 9, 11. 1, and li. eoouiniuif in all &40 acre, more or lean, together with the appartenaiirea thereunto betongiua: to be sold to atitfv laid execution, interest. ct. and areraina HAM L HKADKH K, tvpt.a$,ifta. atw4 wiiiT. Summon. lutbeCiroell Court of the State of Oregon for the count V ol Marion. Daniel Uirpfcy, Plan Of, Robert Ktatinrand J. B P. Ptette, Mte.Iteft. rpO 8AID ROBERT KEATING: Ym are hereby ' A required lo appear in said tourt at tlie court boose In Salem in snid oniuty on tlte 4th Monday o Novem ) mnd answer tlte eomnlaint, in aaKbrause tile-d in said conrt, or jndgment for want iheof will be tMkn sraim tuo for the enta of f-J.tb.U0 J with inter- t Utereoo fmia May 31, at tlw me of one per eeuL pw Bontb U this date, and the plajfntilf will fur tW apply te tbe court fr ike fitrrcttieure of the norV frage to secure be sae-e, set fort in complaint, and . for I lie relief demanded lbe tela, by enter of said cour. &kl Sept l- :iwfi ORtlVER PAGE, Pin Attrs. WILLAMETTE ENCAMPMENT, Mo. I, I00P. T f hr.T UN THE HRhT AND THIRD ) THIRD X ? nimth. at f i s Ulock. a Tiled to . MIN!H..C.P. 111 Fttdav Evenings ol racn nMiin Ho rb-ck.in ibeir Hall.tu Holman s Brvtbrea in good euuiding are in' altead. A. L. A Cmr. TK WARIX(Ettb.tiar'riiJlnKwtaiiir J Bethel, will me strict attention to all ca.ls into line of his prfesiM. ... ISf lV! 1-r..nnr. -." J" " T' rrtvri. . w M -.. VOL.15' Cooke, McCully & Co., ARl HOW OPiaiKO 1H MLKM TH Largest and Best Selected Stock CLOTHING, DRY-GOODS, GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Kvnr hrnnht to the ' Wlllrintettn vallpv. and will dispose of the same ut the very LOWKSI? FHICK8. Buiein, June J. loi., r ., , , ini ; WOOL, WOOL. OTICE is hereby given that we wunt to jmv 100,000 Pounds of Wool, For which we will nay the HIGHEST MAR- A t r price, .v cm sir. COOKE, McCULLY k CO. Palem, June 5th, lSfi5. 1-ltf Private Medical Institute. Established by DR. J. C. YOUNG, 1 IN 1850, FOB THE CURE OV PRIVATE DIS EASES, OP WHATEVER - 'V'; NATURE, ; , And all Female complaints. ... ;. Consulting Of pee, 540 ; AVanllnftoii Htreot, Second bnilding below Montgomery at., ' SAN FRANCISCO. : : CALIFORNIA. NO tVUE, WO PAV. CONSULTATION BY LETTER, Oil OTHER WISE, FUKK. For Direction of Letters, See Below, THIS CELEBRATED INSTITUTE has enjoyed on thin count au uuiuterrupiwl bik-imjui of Fourteen years, and luitt bucumo ouo of Lbe renowned lluapitals of tlie uua. Wbat (lie celebrated Lork lioutiiils in to Jjonilon, und tt.e no jjks renownea ottUiiiiini.ment or Kicord to PuriN, tins Iuolilute bus becone to the I'a- citic Const The thousands amtnally received and cured, plaoe H in point of number of patients anmiuf tne very unit ortne worm, ana tne success oi its treat ment rank it socond to none. 1MIIVATE UIKKASEH IN MALES and IRREGU LARITIES IN PEMALK8 are tlie great destroyers of health, luey uiHidiioitsly atLack tlie nystem and grad ually undermine and dtis'troy it ; they drive the bloom from the cheek, the lustre from the eye, the stroiiKih and vigor from (lie frame j tbey give to the world puny and uihchhl-iI onHiinog, and noisou, tnr)ttgt) sue cessive, gvnonilious the ruee of muii. Ilia niHi-kn cun be scuu in ocrotula, Coiisiuuplion, Cripples, the Idiot- us rite I'Hi-uiyue, tne limine, eio. There is no more terrible scouru to the human race than tliotte diseases arriiiing from the contamination ol Veiieml Poison. The mildest forms, by retrautiugto the blood, hold ever over the one alllirled,tho sword of destruction that is liiible at any moniout p full and blight to utterly destroy all eiiithly hopes. MEIiCL'KY, recognized u$ the wont fatal medical enemy to man, coDibining with the Veueieal, doubleu bis dangers. Those who have been treated with that pernicious miuerttl poiou tire not cured ; the .diseuse lias only assiitned a new form. Do not be Satis lied with Partial Cures, tlmt leave the poison to crawl through the system, eat ing' its way info the timues and organs btmeaih the apparently smooth surface, to burst out in the future with a virulence that will bailie the ellects of medisine. WHEN PERFECT CUHEHcun bo obtninou by con sonsnltiug a physician whom long practice and thoro ugh iiivestiintl'nn into the causes of 1ISEASE of the URINARY ORGAN8 emibles to dctoruiine ut once the nature of tlie ditieuHe. In all diheases entrusted to the Doctor's care, PER FECT HPEEDY und PERMANENT 'Cures are always Guaranteed, In Syphilis and Its adjuncts; Goiiorruaa and ha ao compativitig difWHses; nil disorder nf the Uladder, Kidneys and prostrate t Seminal Weukiiena ; Oil eases ol the Heart aud Lungs Ityspepsia Judigettlion; Impoteiifv; Incipient Couiumptiou, aud all di -wanes of the I'rirmrv orifimt, in eather sex, euro uIwhvh warunted, Ok NO PAY REQUIRED at the PRI VATE Mell(Mil IiiMtltnteJ u. 610 WAsiusciTo.t bthkkt, 8AN FRANCISCO, : : i i : CALIFOHNIA. Seminal Wcaknm or Rpermatorrhtfa. Tne young man who experiences that growing wen k nens In his inuseiilur und im-ntal oruauirititun should stop to consider whence It arixes. He will liud in the weakness of the Imek, trembling of the limits, disordered digestiou, un;iccouiitablc fulling of the powers of the mi ml, di-ttHKte for so let y, dread of im pending trouble, torebodiugs uf evil, sleep lewiieni, troublttl and lascivious dn-ums accompanied by grow ing deafuess, loss of inuscnlar power, aud, numerous other symptoms of disorganization. The potdtive tra ces of that moat terrible and destructive ot all diseas a, Seminal Weakness Uusting away bis powers, leetroving his hoite of hie and manhood, and drauifiiig him along the broken path of his existence toward a premature -jrnve. To luui who limb his life dribhling out iu the disM'tmrge of the viml priueipai of existence in nocturnal and diurnal emissions, the mere cessation of the causes ot its appearance brings no assurance ot relief. Marriage, that holy office, the snfcgnnrd and hotfe of maunoou, urings hi such a one no uotie oi cure, nm adds to bis niieery in tlie knowledge that the one who looks to htm for so much of her happiness, is a victim of his evil, and an iuuoceut companion of bia punish mem. jib n'l'm 10 nto uiietrrT miu uicunicr imiii nope leaves him. There i no rescu txcept iu pmpvr and skillful treatment. Consult, (hen, at once, a physician whom Imig practice and careful rem-arrb has made thoroughly conversant with every phase of the dis ease those who nave become uie victims ol solitary vices, that dreadfni, fascinating, and destructive hab it, whiidi tills ibousauds of sick rooms with paralytica and consumptives, aud hand reds of untimely graves with its mi 'guided victims, should ooiisu.lt without a nioment'a dvity, one wbo will tynipuihiie with their sutleriugs. lo surh the iiortor wouiu especially ad dress himself, giving to each aud all lOMMirance of a PERFECT and PERMANENT CURE tritkottt Aim dranctirom 6msimms, change of diet, or f far of ti ponre. Do not forget the address. See below. Impoi'tant to rcmulcH. When a female is in trouble oralH tried i'h disenne. and rrnnires mtdicaIorsnrgialassi-tance,tbe ennntrv ahoaldbe, Where Is there a physician who is (hIIt competent to administer relief, and whose respect alile standing In society rectmmeals biu lo the tntidenre of the communitv T The Doctor, nnderslaudiny how imperatively necessary tnese retjuiremenfe are, feels called upon to interpose, and by calling the attentioD of the atllicted t o tlie fart that be bat been a KESHOK OK OllsTfriKICH mA FKMALK IHS. tANKs fur twenty years. mjiI is lulljr quiililkij toad minister in all cases, both ninlimlljr mid enrxirnlly. niii in a snpernt-mi eiaimer, um in as tiKiroitirn a man ner as rears of study and prm-tite bmi in linsiitals and pm-ata families ran make, to save tliein frum th hands nf tli imqinilitied, anserapnlimtis, and dra- isrninfr. Tlierelore, ismmea ran reir nmti him as u,ona father. All ill arttirtiim ran find in bim one win can feel and syaipilliiM with and Iwrriaiid then in trouble one iuwhxaeai-eracr ihentmo., rnnfidi-nre eau ne plared. CONl XTAlItlN iBV U.TTK OK OTHEKW ISK) KKEK. ee addrem M,w. lilt I r.LK.IlKAlfcU r KMAl.KKK-sKDIKS.mm CoundedftXMD ttiepriiraMreat-riliuauf lH. ) OL'NU. av. uow obuioeo a uiiss extended popubtrily, and are aorraetly viewed W be lb safes, ana enrol feme dies for 4he rouiUmts ior wbii-.h taey ne applied Tba constantiy accrojna; testitnouiala of ibeir elticary declare tben to be pra euitueutly aupariwr in llieir ac tion. Mo Lady should be without these Keuovalliur Aifents. Kona elluitM unleas procure! at this otaos. Seul by Mail nr Kxpresa, to any part of the Mate THKflKKAT t'KMAI.K M K 1 1 1 1 I X I-: l'k.'VKV. TlVt l'OWllKK.HKoKMAKIUr.bLAUlLS. Krw. wf. aud lulaliible. huaiua; Irom four t aix aionilis Frire I0. rUKNCII Ll.NAU, OB KKSIAI.E UnNTIlLV I'll.lv Yur anppnesiona. Aftea any rears of aaa thee pilla auo4 unnsaileii iu eicmr. rnea $j par boa. T Crreaaud-nl. Patients nitu in any uart el the Mat howertr Ustant, n nay oeaire maoical ndemesi ilr n spectira oaeaa, ai4 who think proper to submit a written statement of sorb in preleienre Ut holdina- a personal intemew.are aseured that their coaaiaaira Ikius Will be held moat snrred. All Inters nuet be addressed to tba correspondiun pbysiciau.tliaa: Rtaii.pl BENJAMIN F. JOSELYN. M l). 640 Washington Mrt-et, Box 735. P. O. ." Francisro, Cat. ' Who Wan it a Joxl Farm I Q t "frr (W sM. SOS irn f UoJ s ut"I enlils 5 fer aiUW et Sslew. Il M Writ eale4. aartniaLL asMi a tenet and a hTNif elresis .iibsl.e vtOt Ml sea ir tos acres plw smm! ; She iein4v ven4 SHtera. Tke aeaemeiiw'hU .hmsm l a M Bars. IMcaafa. as4 Um, nej Irsel eneawe eah a eMja rail tiaea, I etM an. er a eerl M n. tm iMMUcalsrs. eneew mt fn M.rfcet, eref bm. H P. f I I.UKMN vine, area. M, 1l, -no. S3. SALEM, : ii ! rnPr'ICIAL.1 ' ' i til LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES, x PABSKD AT THK . ( , f irst Se anion of the Thirty-Eighth Congress An Act to provide for the Public Instruction of Youth in the County of Washington, District of Columbia, and for other Purposes. ' ,' ' ' ' ' ' (Concluded.) 1 ,( ' y Rcc. t2. And he it farther enacted, That In ease the said eommisflioners should not be able to pnrchuse suit able titna for tne erection of school houM, they shall have power to condemuand value a itiituble site or sites fir tlmt purpose, not. exceedinpr one acre of laud in each site, hy uivlmr ten dHys' notice In writing to the proprietors thereof, except In casea where notice caunot be served, and in cases of minora, femme cov erts, and persons una oompoe meuiis, and filing with the lbe clerk of the levy court of the County of Wushitiifton, Iiat ric-t of "Coliimliiu, for InspecrVtiti. a oertificate dcscriliinif Mich lands, with the vulne nsm'B Hcd thereon, sifrned hy tba president and eleelc of said liDUitlof ?f)tuiiiirinimiuri, which shall bo snlllcicut no lies to tlie proprietors of such land that lbe si i S.I liniihl of eomtnissiouers are rondv to pay the amount of dummies so assessed ; aud i within thirty days from the II I in a of said certilkaLe the proprietors of mu.lt Utnd si ml I not appeal from the deeinion of said com Riithioners, by written notice left, with the stiid clerk of the levy court, the amount so assessed ahull pass to. and b vested In, the board of commissioners of frimary schools of Wushioffton Count v, District of lolnmbia, and the siiid cert i tiro te shulll (e recorded in the land records of Washington Comity, District of ColumbiH, and shah be final : but If the 'proprietors of such bind and premises shall, within the said thirty days, notify the said commissioners, in writing, left with the clerk of tlie levy court, of their dissent from the valuation of such bind as made by tlie miirt commissioners, or if the land or any part, thereof be owned by ft mi nor, femme covert, or person non (mm-' poi mentis, or if a notice cannot be rerved, it shull he lawful fur the said commissioners, and it is made their duty, by tliajr president and clerk, to issue their war rant to the mart-luil of the District of Columbia, mim-r ninnditia; him to summon a jury of five freeholders, not iiiUjrestud in the matter, to appear on a day to be appointed by the said copimissiouers.on the premises; anil after having -Pitch taken an oath (which the nmr 1ml or any one of said commiskioners it authorized to . adioiuistr) that lie will, without favor or prejudice, assess the damans sustained by the proprietor of said lutid by reason of the condemnation of suid land by the said commit oners, the jury so nUHlitled shall pro ceed to vulne and assess the daumires accordingly t aud if the amount assessed by the said cmuiUsiuner, the whole costs of tlie said appeal shall be churifettble to the appellant, to be paid by the suid commissioners, aud deducted from the cost of the land In settlement therefor t otherwise the an id board of commission era shall pay tba expenses incurred by reason of such appeal tlie uiarslml s and jurors' lees to be computed according to the Hct of congress approved March three ' eighteen hundred and sixtythrae, defining the pow. era and duties of the levy Iconrt. ,-. i -See. Id. And bu it further enacted, Tlmt the snid jury, immediately after they shall have completed their inquest aud assessed the damages, shall mnke out a written verdict, setting forth a full and distinct: description of the land aud premises and the valnstieu or damages assessed therefor, which shall be sigued. by them, or a majority of them, and having been at tested by the murKh.il, shall be Immediately returned to the clerk of the levy court of the County of Wash ington Dietiietof Columbia, and shall be llnul ; and the said danome having been paid, or otlered to be paid, to the uuid proprietors. the title to such Ir.ud slntll puss to und be vested in. "The Hoard of Commission-: ersof Primary Schools of Wanliiimlon County, Dm-' tnctot i-eluuibia,' una the verdict of the jury slum be recorded iu the hind records of Witshidgion Cmiu ty, District (if Colimibia: Provided, That it almll he optioitul with the Bwid conuiiiisioners to abide by iHid verdict, and occupy the said land, or nbundouodit without being subject to dntuages therefor. . t, Sec. 14. And be it further enucted, That it eluiU not be lawful (to locate any site for a sceool house in any ' orchard or garden, nor within three hundred yards (if uny dwelling-house, without the consent of the pro prietor of such dwelling-bouse, and in order to obtain such consent orrefiisul, thirtv days' notice ahull be given to suid proprietor by tne suid commissioners, notifying such proprietor of their intention! and il, witliio thirty duvs, 110 answer is returned to said oomi missioiiera hy suid profiriotor, it shall be takeu for! consent, and the sum cuuiuiieimiers uuiv proceed to erect their school-house without let or udlicrnnco. See. 15. And be it further enacted. Tlmt if the treasurer or collector, having any school funds in his hands, or tieulectiug or refiisiiiu to obtain such fuuds as by luw authorized and directed, bIiuII refuse to pay for two weeks any order of the said commissioners drawn in conformity with the requisitions of this act, such treasurer or collector shall be liable, on ptoof before uny court of jntue or justice b m-Mce bsv. ing cotrniuiure, aud without stay of excutioti, to pay the full urn ou nt of said order aud interest thereon, at tht? rate of twenty per centum per annum, from tlie tint refusal until the day of payment, by way of dam aires. If Htidv collector more than is duo, tbu nerwrn aggrieved shall have his reuiedy agiiiust such collector by suit or warrant, and if he recover he shall have judgment for double the amount improperly and un justly extorted from him , and costs. , Tlie lew court of waWiinifton t Minify shall exercise a general super vision over the proceedings of aaid coimuiitsiouers, mav examine their books and papers, and shall prose cute for any drliuiien'ios or violations of their duty. It shall not he tawiui lor n nieinuur ot the levy court of suid county to he u cotnuiUsioimr of primary schools or trustee of anv of the school district, nor for i.nv hereon to beat the tame time commissioner Mid trustee as aforesaid . N. 10. And be il furtW-r etuicted. That ativ while resident of suid county slnill be privileged to pbtre his or her children or ward at auv one of the schools provided for the education of white children in mid connty he or she may think proper to eeleet, with tlie com-eiil of the trtnUeee of both districta ( nd any cob oreii resKtetit shall have the same rights with respect to ciilocd schools. See. 17. And I It further ennetcd. Tlmt It shall be the duty of the said com in isi oners to provide suitable end convenient house or rooms for holding schools lor colored children, to employ and examine teaehei therefor, and to appropriate a proportion of the school fnnde, to be determined by the number of white and colored children between the ages of six and seven teen years, to the payment of teachers' waues, to the building or renting of acbotd-rnouis, and other neces sary expenses perlHiniug to said schools, to exercise a general supervision over them, t? establish proper discipline, and to endeavor to promote thorough, equitable, and practical education of colored children iu said county. It shall be lawful for such romruis si oners to impose a lux of not more than fifty rents pr inonth for enrh child ou the parents or guardians of children attending aaid schools, lo be hop lied to the payment of expeuses of the school of which said fluid shall be an attendant ; and in Uieexerclse of this power the commissioners mav. from time to time, dis continue the pay men t altogether, or m ty graduate the tax accoruiug to uie atuinv ot the saui tux-payers um) the wuuts of the at hoof: Provided, 'I bat no fluid shall be excluded from such school ou account of lbe inability of the parent or guard ion to pay said lax. auu saiu coiuniiwioiwrs are anthonidl to receive any donations or contributions that may ba made for I lie benefit of said schools by persons disposed to aid in the elevation of the colored population in the District of Colombia, aud lo apply the same in such manner as in llieir opiuwa shall be best calculated to ehVcl lite object of the donors, suid commissioners briny re quired lo account for all funds received by them, aud lo report to the levy ronrt in accordance with the pro visions nf cctiou nine of this act. Sec 1H. And bait further enacted, That the first section of ibe act of eonircM entitled "An art omvi dim fr Ibe ednration of entored children in the cities of Vaebiugtin und Georeiown, District of Colum bia, and for other porn," be, and the same is lie re by, repealed ; and Uu.l lrou ami ajier tbo passaue of mis art ii siihii ue uie nuy oi iua ai'imcipul auiiiun ttea of lb cities of Wabfngten Had ftwirvftown. In the listnct of ( olumoM. lo eel apart each year from the whole fund, received from all sonrens. bv such authorities, applicable, nndVr existing provisions of law, to purposes of pontic enueaitnn, such a pMpor timiaie ian thenf as the number of colored rhitdn-n, hnnfft'ii the sifes of at and prrtn Tars, In hm resmrtive cities bear lo the whole number of children thereof for the purpose of eslabtjsbinv and sustaining public schools in sanl cite lor Uie education of color ed rfiildren : that lite aaid proportion shmll be ascer tained by the last reported eensna of tbe popalsti'Hi of eai4 cities made pnor lo said apportionment, atm shall be retrntated at all limes thereby i aud that the stud fund Mia II be paid to lbe trustees appointed andsr the et of conrree aprovea jay eleven, eigmeen nnn red aiHi sixty two, entitled An a-t relailnir tq eronnis nr the elucation i eoiurefl cntinren m the cities of V asiiiiiiftoa and ftttwetown. in Ibe DiMrict of Columbia." to be disburs- d by litem ill aeeorUAtice with the provisions of the said si. hee. VJ And lie it farther enacted, That one fourth part uf all the moneys now in the hands of the msr-nii el of the District of Columbia, r of anr other ntVc eref eti4 district , wbich. have armed Irom tia", penalties, and forfrhuree Imposed for the violmiona of ihe laws of Uie i Aied Mates waatu smiu district, snail be by such olftc-ar or olheera peid lo Uie "liunrd of i ommiawioutre of Pno'ary orhool of S'ahin(Un Conmy. District ot Columbia," one foonb part tojbe mar or of tbe city of Oeoraetown. ai'd lbe reins tning two fourths thereof u tb mayor of the city of Washington, the said tua.s so paid m the corr mi winn er") and the said nayoT a lo roustititte In tlteir hande funds funds f,r the lup-ort of primary schools within tlie said eouoiy and public srbonls iu said cities m the proportions alureaM Aud rt shail t-e toe duly ol sibal aud other officers to par over, every three kMuUe, Irem aad after Uw passage uf tbis act, ail osofM-y ((mink' into tlteir Jim mis iu tba nHiiiier a aid, to tbe Mid bwd of eitwiniseimiere ff iiriinary aehootsaiid to tbe -mid nmy-rs. in tbe prmtirtits ruoo, unv imw tnihe muirary not wlt'sUrnJing rnwioed, Titat the fafh thiM ,Jhtmd Uw .i-H-iii al jmrjww ssttsill be rH'l to lb edncta 44 both white attd ev4ocen cbiideen, tbe ropirthisj of tlta breuf mm4i beiwreti the ages of ail and treo leeii yesi.sas deierniiin-! hi tl Ut4 etiHs report ir ni snu wri imu aiteprKr 10 saM at'pirtiofltBn1 ai-Mi toe emtors 01 ftiureiMued ernes of Us-age town atel Vt asliin.fU'ti ar ttt etb)nted and la ttm'-tni to par n' C part Ttrf mar h .lftsla Uli.lisr Ilia riftl M battel s,f ika. ako.-ts.a '.a.J 1 1. pmvt-m ti-eret in uie encsjttoo of eutove-i chiMrrotti OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 10. 1805. a at'orumimed cities, to the trustees HMmmteii under i act of July eleveath, eighteen hutidrcd and sixty- two, entitled "An net rrlutnig to schools for tbe educa- nn of eolordd children in tbe cities of Washinulon nd fttforiistiiwu. in the Dintiiot of Columbia " to bu used for tlie education of colored cliildrcn according fo the provisions of (uw, and the aforenamed otHcera fulling to pay over the moneys hi aforesaid shall be liable to the penalty im in posed by the second section t me not oi cougrosa appruvcu juiy iwuuin, eigtiiean und red and sixlv-two. eiUillcJ"An actio urovide for the payment of fines and penalties collected hy and paid the justice of the pence In the district of Colombia, nnder the aoja of congress approved the third and lifth of August, eighteen hundred aud sixty one, and for other purposes." Sec. '-HI. And he It further enacted, That every per son in the said District of Columbia, having under his ' her control a child between the ages of eiaht anil uruen veurs. shall annually, duriiur the con titm ice of s'ueh control, send such child to some public hool hi tli tit part of said distrirt in which he or she lull ut, the time reside, at least twulve weeks, six of hicb shall he conserutivs, etm tor every neglect ot :di duty the party o (lending snail forfeit to the use the school ol that portion oi hum iiistrict in wtitcii or she shall reside a sum not exceeding twenty dob rs, to he recovered before any justice of the peace f the said district. .Provided, Tlmt if it be made to appear to said juaLiee that the party so otfemliug wus not able for any cause to send such child to school, or that such child' has lieen attending any other school for a like period of time, or tbut such ehiM by reason bodily or mcittoi mummy was not nt lo aiteuu l'Ii school, such penalty shull not be enforced. Kec. 'l. And' be it furtJiar eimcled. That the Inis tees or commissioners having charge of publie schaoli the said dlotnct shall not bave been duly vaccinal or otherwise protected against the small pox i and may make inch arrangements for the purpose of as certaining whether anV children within the ages pre scribed in the preceding eertioii are not intending the pitblie schools, aa they shall deem best for the pur pose of enforcing the attendance ot such children pon stud schools, under uiu provisions or sucn sec m and tor enforcing the penalty therein presennna. Nee. 3 Aud be it further enacted. That this act lie, and the same is hereby, declared public and remedial, aud shall be construed by all courts of justice uccuid g to the eijuity thereof; and no proceedings of the namtnnii or or the trustees oi uny scnooi district of tbe commissioners of mnnarv schools, or of V other otlioer created ainlcr the tiro visions of this Hct, shall be let aside or adjudged to be void for de fect of form, or for any Irregularity therein, so that the requisitions of the said act are substantially com plied witu. tieo. U'A. And be it furtimr enacted. That the act of congress entitled "An act to provide for the public instruction of voiith in primary schools throughout the County ot Washington, intlioof Columbia, with out the limits of Washington, and Georgetown' ex- pt the niHtand third sections, awt'oved May twenty, gbteen hundred and sixtv-two be, aud the sums Is hereby, repealed. ' Approved, dune aa, uw. J n Act to regulate Proceed! ig lu Casei between ianuioid and Tenunts mum direction or Loiuiu bia ' . Be it enacted bv the Senate ttnd House of Represen tatives of the United 8tutus of America in Congress a em bled, That a tenancy al will shall not arise or ne created without an express contract or letting to that effect, and that all occiiptttiun, possession, orlmld ing of any messuage or real estate without exprcsl contract or lease, or by sucl contract or leaee the forms ot which buve expirrd, shall be deemed and held to us tenancies by suite tuice ; nnd all estates at will und sullerance may he determined by a notice. hi writing, to quit, of thirty days, delivered to the loiutitt iu tiaud, or to some psrsou oi proper age upon Ilia premises, or iu the absuico of such tenant or pur- son, then such notice maybe, served by ailixing the sutiie Jo a conspicuous part of the premises, where it uihv he conveniently read. 1 lie attornment ot a ten ant to a stranger shall be void, and shall not all'ucl the ighte of tin landlord, naluw it bu umde wiih tin onscnt, express or implied, of the landlord : Provid d, Tbut no part of this section other than that which relates to atlorutnent of t tenant to a airautcor shall apply to coutracta made, or to any tenancy exihtiug pnor to nie pussttge oi hub hci, except in cases oi WHide, or re I una I to pay rent. S'c. 3. And he It further enacted, That when forcl blenlry is made, or when a peaceable entry is made nu tne possession uulawmiiy held uy urce,or wiieu , peuceable enlrv Is madu and the possession unlaw fully held bv force, or when possession is held without ngiir, alter the estate ts determined ny n w terms ot the lease by its own linutaliidi, or by notice to inil of otherwise, on writ leu coin plaint ou oath of the perauii entitled to the premises, lo a justiee ot lluj peace, charging a forcible entry or detumer uf real e tde ns utureiutid, a summons may be Issued to u prop er ottlcer, commanding the person complained of to ippeur and show cause why judgment should not be vodcrcd titfwitt hMt, which hll erved like u ti er writ of smnmoue at leind seven days before Ids apperanee. If it appears bv default or upon trial that the oomplainiiut in entitled to ihe tosseseio4i ot he preuisea, he ahall have judgment and exei'tithm fur the possession und ousts; II the vompluieHiit becomes nonsuit nnd fulls to prore his right to powfMton, Ibe detendant shall have Jislgmeut auu execution for his costs. - rn-c. 3. And be it fuither enacted. That if. tinon trial, deleiiiiant plcuds tt:ie to the preuuses in liiumelf, or in nnottier person uudcr whom he claims the prem ises, ue snau reeognixe in a reasonable sum to the com' plamaiit, tube bxed by mud juniuse. with rulllciuiit sureties, conditioned to pay ull intervening damages und conts uud reusoimblu intervening rent from the premises and th complainant shall in like manner recogiuxo lo tbe dofeudiuil conditioned to enter tlm suit at the next term of tie supreme court of the dia net, and pay all costs adiu.iicd against bimi and tiiereupou the jtrocei-diigs shall le certined tosaid court by the iiieiice. If sillier nartv neirleetn so to re- oognitM, judimeut aliall I reudere'f against him as on inmsuit or delault, and necuUou tu.uH mmuc accord ingly usatoresiiid. nee. 4 And he it further etiarfed, Tiiat either par ty against which jndumsnl is rendered by a justice of tne peaite may aiuieai from such judgment the su preiue court ol ibe District of 1 dunibia, in the same manner as apiHls are taken lo the said court in otl.er cases; but in case of an appftil bra defendant, he Ruau, iu aeciiion tn tne hhii required lit otiiur omi n-cognize iu a reasonable sum to tbe complainant lie lixod by auid justice, with riillicicnl suieties, cua dltiolietl lo Oiiv nil HiLervmiiiit ilMtuiiLreN to the Icum-iI properly resuitiug from waste aud intervening rent ta the premises and such appeals shull be tried in aonie manner and further prceaediugs bad therein ae cordiug U Uie p rndu; tu appeals iu other cases iu said court. nec. Ii. And be U further emu ted. Tlmt on the trlul of aaid suit a Uie anpreme court of Ihe district, if Uie jury nud lor ruuiplatiiaiii.Uiey shall assess lbe Hgi-s aud mterveiuog rent ; and in cae uf do Qui 1 1 tbe the same Isll be awsM'd bv the court. nec. a And Ite it further enacted. That the fees of tlie jiisttrc iMUiluir the process, and beuriiiL' Ihe issue, and loakiug up too record, and canity iug Ihe same. .ind uie oitirer for serving the process, shall ce Him allowed in civil cases. Mee. 7. Aud be h further enacted. That all arts and pans oi acts in const-dent wilb Una svft are hereby re pealed. Approved, Jul 4, 1HU, An Act to provble for the Huporvisi'm, Kepairt, Lia UHKiei, and tutuo ettoa of the WaMlmiutoii Am duck Lte it thai ted by the rriiate and House of ftcpres eidattvesof the C'nited Hiate of america in Congreas aasttmhled, That the sum of one hnudred and Jifiy iooiuwiiu aiHiara be, stid I lie same is, herehy appro priated oui of auv money in Uie treasury not outer "ik ai'DnHiriitiou. lor uie nurituse oi eonstrui-iiiiir the dutn of sola! masonry arrrn the AUrylnnd brsiu-h of tbe Potooiac Idver, near lbs (I real K-iU, and for eon roclnir theeaimit aiouon the Hoceiving Ueservoir au4 lor paying ejrMiing liabtluiea and sjeiies, en gineering, superiulendeure, aud repaira ol said sqiu atici. Approved, July 4, 1HGI. Giif. Hakock di tub Mr.iirAit Qvtti- Tioif. New York, Sept. S. (ieneral Han dick, in it re wiit uddreia loth Odd Fclliiffiat Baltimore, said (bat the power uf the Govern' in cut, aa ihown iu (he late eon-teat, 1 a star In our escutcheon whose rars eiteml sufficiently to rive hrbt eren to Mb don and I'ans. 1 hi Kio irande u lint t short distryico in eotnpftr Hon, and I unnly npiievt, from my own koaw leilee of the cmjntrr nil expericiio therei that Uie Emperor of the French will he glad to vacate Mextoo u hen allowed time to do o with honor. ' We paid eotne tniltione to ftet that couuirr after capturing iu oapital, and he thinks that K will cist France lea than it eoel nt. Every day'edflnr will add to the expense without a chanc nf oompeiisation, fur it it as certain a fate that the contitioed occopation nf that country nr Uie mreijfn to roe which tn tered it In bo-tihty to our Interesta and la onr melodic, will lead to war. It te Dow time fti tie to etltlTat the itli of peaoo and lund the Wounds of tar late rebellion. Wt mar d ferthedarof rein hot ion onttl we- are si rone Mraio wit boot rreimf ender ihe itnpotation of fear. Tbe Emperor of the French West U $exivw when tt wae convenient for him, we can defer meet wit him tli re trttil H ie oonvenfent for bnt H may not he desirable. In en-ch cane we shall have done enough ii our day for the hon nr of onr cwnntry arm. A DM IMS TRA TOR'S AO TICK. 1L1TKbHf adaiimnttKm upon the estate A W lunmm Javaes. Ut of Vwnhilt enaatv, reaeI, bavmg been twite) ' mm fcy ttie ftieat ert t-l said ro-anty. all persaiie aavmg ebuateagwii smwl vaau w M prevent Useai tu me duly proves, aj at, irst'l-iiire on M U t wt, m m i fint I N URanWiX. Adm'r UraveHx. CM H, ' JUwa4 Ill Ml TK1P UVKHLANU TO BAN FKAMIHCO. i , Correspondeuce of the Statesman. , : 8am Franc:i80o, Oct. 2. J 805. Any nerenn pnnneeeed of a viurnni conatitu- un ami d love for nature, experimentally in fa vor of the olil-fftnlifoned stHee-cnnoh, and uriftetl th an excellent thgention. vouIU tin wulji,. for least once in a wuv. to take naioago overland from the Cnlumliia river to tlie valley of the Sacramento. ' Oeoani are all Alike, bnt tlte soeni'f nf land travel change materially in the ooureo of sir hundred and forty mites, a !tev- (need by the variety of climate, nil, and pro ductions to be met with between the two points above uanioJ. " TUB ROUTE TH HOUOH ORROOW. ' " It wnfl r'uiuinir when we left Portland. -Jind tlte roads were unusually muddy for September, all through nur State. . As we left Bttletu, the Hiitiiimml equinox culminated in howling gut that made the darkness terrible, and the fru it en I sound of falling timber came naite clone ii us when a h litre oak was hurled aireotlv Id our path, tn the Imminent danger of our flesh nd horse tlcili. only that it Tell before ns ana ot nnoo ue. We went the whole course of tbe Willamette In a tempest that made the long night drive sublimely uncomfortable, and cross ing tbe Ct.lipnoia mountains, found tho rain still upon aud before ns, as we traveraed the mpqita mnl Uogue river countries. Lach oi h it'll, tlnniL'li ditTering much, tanks nttrnctive and prosperous, as all of Oregon should and tines. There are beautiful homes, cheerful vil lages, thriving town a, rich field, and burdened rchards all the uny. until, at Juet, leaving Hogue Ktver valley, winch I was surprise-tf to nd in inanr respects the most cultivated por tion of our State, we crossed the Si ki" moun tain and saw before us the barren hills and narrow valleys of NORTHERN CALIFORNIA. We soon came in view of Mount Shasta, and rushed over the extensive plain this side of reka nt a tretnendons rate, having nil the hile n magnificent view of the mountain, hio I) had gathered a full fall suit from the late rm. and rose before ns bnad and heautilul, one ot tho most sublime visions any portion ol earth Ik cntmble of uttering. At 1 reka wo were favored with a good night rest, after three of ooiiftant travel, nt tho excellent union-lintel. and we found that plaoe well built uf brick. aud reviving from old depression by the uid of uiutiy lately returned from more distant lands. Onr next nay's drive was through nsohs alley, one of tbe most bountiful and valuable f tho agricultural regions ot Calirnrnia, though from its great altittidu not more forward thau our own State. Wo orossed Scott Mountain the afternoon by A rood wagon, tnadn at enormons expense hy the t itlllornta Mtage to., went down Trinity river about twenty miles, nasi Trinity Center, nutto u buines place. and near which cunKidernlife mining is carried on, and climbing up one side ol Trinity mount ! tiin at d ii r It. went eourstng down hill for six miles by moonlight, all the time winding along the edge nf deep ravines whose sides were dan gerously steep and whoso depths appeared no- liliuniilltoju i uni ruiu niu ( iiiiiig i uv iu- nie inhered long, ns well for Ihe danger Its speed conrU-d, aa ior tlm moonlit beauty of the tld mountain scene., i ,. .,, . We panned tliMiii!li Shasta hy iilfcbt, and at morning mnerged ujioii the bioad valley of the Sammenln, having traversed a portion of the richest gold mines of California smoe crossing the border. ,, ,. .... , , ...,;., , , TUB 8ACRAMBNT0 VALUrVt, stretches for fifty miles In width, nt times show Uig iinineiiso groves of scrubby oaks mid long stretches of barren pi Ins, bnt along the Sao- rriment''. When we linniiy renAhett is we iimna a belt nf amide bind, probably unsurpassed ill its fertility upon the face of the earth. Here grew hugo cnttoiiwonds And sycamores and nweriug oaks. As far ns eye could re a oh were cultivated fields, orchards and vineyards, aud oenuUlul homes, qfteu overuoug with luxdriaut foliitgo, . -t iCed IfliilT is ahenudful place, and ( liieo Is a California paradise that has a delightful Up' pear n neo lor the passer-by. Knnning over a nbtta that had been bellied by the lute show ers, which had laid the dust, we soon reached Orovjlle, a larger place than any we had met. here the banks of Feather river have yielded up millions of treasure. There nre beautiful homes iu nnd about Oroville. whiuh 1 saw at the loss of my supper, purobusing a huge bunch of grapes instead. A railroad reaches from Orovillo to Marysvllle. which Is Indeed a beau tiful city, that could he admired In any region I have uvr traveled iu, containing probably as many inhabitants as I'ortluiid, with much hand son er strn ts, stores, and surroniiilingc, and a regular Daniel Lambert Weighing fully 4 IK) lbs for a stage agent. We stopped over night at the M nu i-1 1 hi House, an elegant hotel, conduct ed up mi a reasonable plan, ami Ibe next eve ning we reached Nto t ranuscu, by wny oi Sacramento and a trip duwu the riror upou tbe steamer Yoeemito. Till C1T Of THK MAY. I find myself here sorrooudnl lir Hip life and bustle uf a preitt metropolis, and ihe thronged streets equal the llinrouglifnre. nf the greatest citiee. Mnnlgninery street is the llroa iway of Son Kraneiseo, whern fnsliion thine and vice brave it boldly. Here every trade, business, nod occupation is found, and from the lordly banker down to the cigur-vender all it bustle anil competition. It was Sunday when I arrived, or rntlier Sun day followed thu i-veoing of my arrival, nnd 1 took my lirst view nf jhe Day City when the pm cipul place, ol liusluesa were all cloaeu. and the multitne. were either thronging the street, tn See anil be .eeli, wending then way tnohnrch. or letting off for a holiday. I sliolled to tlie nhnrrrs, where I saw a steamer starling across the bar with a Or-rtnun military cmnpaiir. whose - excellent bund wn sending n. hack across the walera the liatlle Cry of 1- reedoin. tort ol running acooinnaniinent to Ihe ringing of the church Ml. nl the oily. Every body weoi.il rushing off amnewlier bent opou Sauriny tileaslire or Sabbalh duty, and. lurking fratn Hie crowded llioroughlares, attracteil by the rolenin tone, nf an organ. I toon fonnd my way tn the Cutholio Cathedral, wlinse gnllerie. .eats, and even aisle were crowded with 1500 to 2UHU Worshipers, who. entering, dipped ringer In the holy antor font, and making, some in one way and hum in another, Ibe eign of the etm: dropped for an Instant drvniionally apon tine knee, or at least bent th knee tow ard ihe aliar, where, in the light nf nisoy burning la ners, attHid the priests aud nami rons assistants clad in iniuisteiinl robe., reading lbe service. and responded to by pealing organ and tuneful choir. hen the andieoo reae and .at again. it wunded like the rushing of a mighty wind, and indeed moat ill attendance were women, evtdrutly the servant population in great part. wboM ruitvtmtul oum more rustling thau the inurements of an assemblage ef sueu. 1 naaaed out a; aiu. throw mist a look of innnirr at three fable personage., evidently each bliml, and poawssed nl feature Asiatic, though eaeh reprrs tiling a diUereut fmrlioa of Ike Mongol inn race. i."cb wa a .uppliant. ami aat a. II carved in stone, nrexhaiiH-d Ifom among mom- nuet, extending hand nr box In .uppliant atti tude, but motinnles a ttatnet. - . The tower, ef ennen rising edifice attracted my attention lo lb west. aad. oliiolnng th kill, I looked down upon tie city aud the buy. The object of Interest wa. a large and striking nuilning ol tne most soiiniy ornamental .tyieol aichiuctnre, pecallar f"f iter annnlry, aa the two elegant lower were shaped after au orient al style, ri-iuimlinj on of pictured oinsiue and minaret. I learned that II wa Intended when finished for a Jewish synagogue, and, if it. In t.riot eorreeporels with the eiterkir. H will be of tlie wsuat 6niliel edifioe iu tit Oitr. Ita Uuhms. or ca pules arc being burnished with silver. 1 nete are manr elesaut urival resi- d, ncei and liltl J aids auj plot wbele dease WHOLE NO. 761.. flowering Mingo grows loxurinnt, making gems of beauty throughout the city. 1 ho custom House building is very handsome, ami tne spare eround around it Is filled with shrubberr. which has been carefully cultivated. , The business part of the city is very extensive, stretching from the gny purlieus of Montgomery street down to the wharves where cllppef ships are constantly unloading and steamers arriving and departing.- tn io i,m. u.,-j ?;.", iuii m .-. . ,u ;; 1 1: AROUND THH UHURltS. , ,;(1 I made a Sunday excorslon to Lone Mount ain Cemotery. which promises to become a very oeautirni spot in time, and Is already by the hand nf wealth made to blossom In great beau ty in many places. Tho graves of Brnderiok and Bakor crown a mt m t n i t ore r t pok i n a the ocean, the Golden Onto, the bay, and part of the not distant city. A view to ho leeft and rememhred, especially 'In connection with the memories that lilt the snot. , I have been lo Oakland to clasp the hand of nn old friend of "twenty years ago, nnd found there a charm ing spot for homes. Where three or four thom sand bate withdrawn from the social depravity of the great city, and live in Sabbath quiet among the stunted oaks that stud the plain aoross the bay that has the name of Oakland. Everywhere thiongh tho streets of San Fran-i Cisco railroads are hunt, and when once the ropes are learned, a person oau conveniently travel for a tritle to almost any point that can be named. i , , , . , Of course such a place ns this would afford ruuoh to write about. lis hotels tire magnifi cent, and Its streets are most elegantly built up in many places, but all vilies ire mnro nrld's alike, anil alTnrdthemes to deccfttit of or tnoraU tee upon ad tiliitum. , .,. " 1 May be voti would prefer snme' news',' ont I have none to give of any importance. The time for news-mongering is past,, and the pipe of peace has charmed the evil spirit of war away that lately gave ni so much, ton much, news, At you perceive, this is more of ffnesip than of news, and so more preferable. ' ' . , , ,..r . '.' ' ' Pur tlie Statesman. " " ' "" TAXES K0. S. Bnt tn .how how the taxes of Democrats nnd republicans compare, I propose tn eontraet those under Onv. Whiteaker'a adiniuiitratinu with those uf tie iidiiiini.trntinn nf Qoy. Gibba This will iipprnxiinnto nearer to fairness, as both will he nnder the- State nrganiiatinn ; hut still there will be vast ndils of eiraomalanor in favor of Gov. Whiteaker and again! Uov. GihbM ( ... . . ,. Gov. Whiteaker wa elected in 1858! ', The taxable properly .nf the Stftto dnring the four rears of hi. administration was, Tor 1858, tv!2, 834,1 18 1 for im. 124.181,600 15 1 fo. IrttiO, tU3.886.!)51 1 lor 1H(SI. ti 1.288,0.'U I making a gnind total of $1)2,181. 15, for the entire innr rear. : ' Gov. (tibb. was elected in 1802. The tax able property of the State during the three year of hi. administration, is. for law. 11U. 800.125 50 i for 18G3. aS0.011.0dl 47; for 18(4. t23.l83.5l3 48 1 and sutfo-o property to increnae for 18(15 the fame as it did fur 1804,, the assessineiit nf lri(I5 will he (123.365.005 4!);, and the entire aggregate- fur fiwir rear. tH6. 431.065 '.;, or (i5.750.(N)3 21 lest than the sg grrgate of litxabl property during Oev.Whito ttker'a adniitiitration. jvi i.,,,. lint I will snppnsn the property nf tho Htate to ine reuse fnstiT for 186.1 than for 1864, and put Ihe gain for 1865 equal In the Increase nf 1803 and 1804 both which will add over a mil lion of. dollar, tu the assessment roll for 1865 (and this is certainly a most liberal allow anoe), ami the aggregnte assessment.1 from 1802 t tn 1865, Inclusive, will fall short nf those from 18.18 tn itMil. inclueire by U.70I.IU7 K4, and nf course the Irs taxable property, th higher must be the pet cent, nf lxe. for the same revenue. i ' lint, leaving our eetiniate and taking figure as they (land, and aa they are officially re ported, the first three years nf Gov. White iter' term of ollice foots up 97,026,167 70 more taxable properly, than the Drat three yeitr of Gov. Giiilia' term.. In other Word. Oovorner (jiblis had oner eleven per cent, K-ss property ou which lo rmse the same revenue than Gov. Whiteaker. 1 look npnu this fact ns no .mall went tn lie taken into consideration when com pitrinij the respective Hilminiilralion. I '. ., Still further, wli-ti we look at tlie '-war pri ces," the additional '-charities'' and criminal expense, of the State, nnd especially the infer. tin! swindling repudiation nf their share of th HI ate taxes hy th "Demuoratlo ' onontle al hided to. either by no attempt tn pay, s Js plinie ; or liy lUteiiiptiiig lo loroe greenliauk upon the State at par like Lane, tho inoreas iug the taxes of enuiitiel thatfo pay. When ail these items nre taken Into ooiisideratinn, H i. un wonder that th per cent, of levy i high. tr mail liereluliirv Hut let us tithe another look at th lignre.. During the four yeurs uf Gov. Whiiimkcr's term. Ihe nr-rregate taxe. as reported, were. lor I8.18. KM.754 47 t for IB5U. ff I'J.Wa 12 1 for 1;0. Ii8.475 81: and for 1861. 143.117 07 t or in all four rear the total wast 164.210 47. Since Gov. Gilji was elected the tales hve been, for IW. t).7;K 17: for 1863. Ii2.7.'f5 75: fur 1H64. 17(1.080 71 and for 1805 (eeiiuiated). ((IC.:I84 70; In all a total of t'J47.!i:y 42. The Ux for I8(5 i rstiuioted Iriiui dutn in thu Inst reporl of the .Secretary of Mnfe, anil frum rarinu ofhcntl dutn furnished in the lune of enmity report, published In thu lillereut papers of the blate during to past lew weeks (and all of n piibllo character, to which nuy one Inking a little nnina oontd have free arcoss) ; an I this tax (1805) is also based upon the presumption that our good "Deinw oratio" counlie will promptly pay up their dev. Hunuencira in coin, which, uelng hardly sun pnsable, may be regarded as ihe -highth of presumption." Hut assuming that these do- liniUeiivie will not be paid (as fact will n Uoul.t lustily I. and the lax for 1805 ts 925.324 73 additional, or ?!!, 70-J 52 j and the entire ggregnle for Ihe four year is 1273,264 12 (gainst 164. 210 47 ol th four year, preeed Ing ; leaving flOU.053 68 .fitinst lb Unwn adtmiiMtralinn. At first sit-lit, thi. looks like a heavy halanc against the party in power; but let n examine what the items nf thi tax consist uf and se whether Ihe diffeieuao is not more apparent Ihnn ri al In other words, if there has not been extra demand for this balance, Aud in Ilia first plane. I find in Ilia last olliciol report of the Secretary nf Slate, uoib-r the bead of disbursements from 1862 to 1804, an Item nf f .-O.WH m charged to th Penitentiary i and another itr-tti uf $.H.677 41 charged In th In. sun Asylum; making a total ol (.VJ.170 03, for objects lor which there wa no demand un der Gov. Wkileaker ; a the Peuiten'.lary wa. then leased to L. Besser. and th Slate wa at ao expense cannevtod therewith; and until th iOth uf tlepumber, 1862. th State hod uo charge for th Insane. Again, th above dis bursements only consider liv year of 0ov. Gibb' administration, whilst lb lax I aoosid- sred for four year ; beuo. w maa. also coanl tli ealimai nf thi tame expanse from 1864 to liO in lavor or Ihe present adiuluislraliun. This I find In the tain nlfioial report referred to aimer, to be, for the Penttealiarr. :iD.nK, and fur III iusati I ID.OUI r iu all 1711.000. 1 hi, put lav th other years uf actual expendi ture make, tlm auiu nf II2U.I7U 03 for x pense. for no item of a similar character ot4 whirh w. Ihe Slate responsible umlef Gover aor Whiteaker. Th eoneeoaenc i. lb bal aiioo i. th other way, and upusiiig etJivr thing all 'ul. It bung th "leiiMrratiu'' rule of John Whiteaker some 2(I.I25 :I5 more expensive Ihnn tbe Itlack Kepubliean rule" of the Union party. ' 1 - ' j ene, "nifetrum is an ttftnttot Istrury . Hut "u her Hung" are not all equal ( lor a new judicial district ha. been created east of Ihe ('cades, tho adding some f Hl.tHtO 10 th lorst of tho foor yeai. of the Union ad NHidatiatiou, aud roaiting lb balant against HOOK. ANB JOIl IM!ITI1 Of srsryilsorlltlnn NEATLY snil PHOMl'TLyoolt4 RATK8 OK ADVKRTIHINOi ttrst silrrrllfiiteiits, Oil per square, first tnarrt&a IIS) est'h suUf.qui.iit Insertion. . . I.KI snit sll tranilsnl advsrtlsemsnts mull bt prrpsld to Insure tti.prttnn. AilniltiLirsUfs notice snd sll a-7ertlsrmsnts rslsttnv te Ihs ntsle of tlecessMt feranns, util.t be ,resld. tuil.M or-"1 d, r.1 puhllahed by Ihe eoutitjr Judge, and guaranteed t.b 1 ustd l,y him, . s . : ; Ailv.rtl.ltti hills not paid within nne year from ths tlms , wlum cimtrsrt!, will b Infres.H twenly-ve percegt. each ' year psyineiile nesiested Uiervefier, 1 . C - 1 . J' it "Demooratlo rnlti" .mo rising of S:jO,000, lo-.,r fiend of Uie $20,0(10 and upwrird. ns mined . above And all this, Um, on Uie .uppusitioii, , that our (rood -Dmimortttio" onnntie. will wib-; die tlie State ont nf the 125,000 tftid upward-,. t now doe which I think may be reasonable-.,, looked for. as Jeff. Davit hat "gimu in," aad - Confi'dernte aliinplaatar. have, in ooniequen(M,Af much duntvointed in talue.. Tbis, put te the rest, makf (55.450 06 againat the -DrnT,, oratio role", lo otbef words, Utuppom Uot.,, Whittaker ' la have unnecuiariiy tq uandiriJ, , more than ene-third of the, tnlirt iTfunm o(. hit administration ; -and likeviu maiet tht present udminittration eott only about 456 per,i cent, of that Gov, IVkittaker t that u lor sun-,, ilnr 4'iirdinnrT M neusrs," inch as were eoe, , mf ender Ihe 44Dioooratio rule.'.' And thai too urith nearly every requirement ot "war pri-, , oeit'' and Uie. total of taxable property ithe ,, Utate for the four, yearedcprtttiuttd upwardt- i of jive and reet-fourlht millions, of dvlUxrsfl.x On dear, what "an expensive luxury niggerrn imt,n.,. , ,';.,-....,,.,.,.: ,.. I aiu awar. tlmt the pet oulitmn nf .tax iff higher now than prior to 18(12, and had deeigg.,, i'd fH)tK5it)(f this point, bot my article It already , too lengthy. 1 will only add that tlti item deea ' not in the least detract (tun) the fact ettabli'V i d, that, for ordinary expnnses, u.S , t State wae liable (or frnio 1858 to l&ui, tbf taxes now art only about two-thirds what they, were then, evon with tbe nnpreuedented "wari prices" ajraiiist the prewnt time. -. - . ... If the Arena thinks 1 ought tn have onniid.- eri'd the counties ti'paratrly iiistt-ad of oonsld tring tn State a. a whide, I will ri-mark that. If be wishes, I oan give foots and figure, that will .how the county odds .till worse again.! 4 'Democratic rule." , Taking all the facts into consideration, the party in powvr would suffer nothing by a fair eoniparitou.- .Tax-Payhr. FIGHT WIIH INDIANS KIAB H1B5IY ...I ;- LAKE. - ; CAUP WntOHT. SlLVIES Rivkr, 0o " September 26th, 1865. ' I'.n.' Statkrmam : We have lost nor firt buttle, that i we have been whipped mi wa of Gen. Siget who retreat without loaa nnd lufliot. sevuru punishment upob hi enemy, t W.e arrived nt Silries river with twenty-four , men nn th 18th iut.. and scouted the north end of the valley thoronghly. finding no lndi- aau'l On the 25lh. twelve of Hi euouta atartetl i down tho valley la J ha diivutioo of Harney: Lake.: When, about eight mile, front otmp, , we discovered two Indians; pursuit was or dered and kept op im a kirel .age plain for' even mile, when tho Indian, were int by two nthtirs an horoback, who look than op and : made their escape. Presently a .ingle hone., man appeared and enciroled u. and rod off about a mile, when he fired his gun and sound-' 1 e4 the war whoop,' About tix mile sooth of ' him, a dust wna anon teen, and. with the aid of i n glnos could distinguish thirteen, mounted lu-, iliiiii furiuusly advancing. ,Tbey came up and took position on all aide of u. and about 600 , yard. off. : V kmiii made a movement toward a mountain lying betwixt nsand onr camp, and : nt tlie tomu time tho Indian, oaminenoed Urine;; at ua, which wa promptly returned. , Th uiountain for whiah we wer now (leering wa annul six mile off. ; Th Indian wer soon reinforced by twenty-five or thirty horsemen and thirty or fortr footmen. We had bow reached a point within on mile of the moan-, lain, and, a yet. no one was -hurt on oar .Id,; The firing wa. .till kept up briskly on both; tidis.. A. tho new reiuforceiuent came up,' thoy took their pn.it ion on our rear and on eaolt flank, while thm that had been engaged, gain, ed our front and reached th foot of th moun tain, now about one half mile dtreotty ahead of us, giving them pneioa upon which w bad depended for our escape, The unearthly yell, uf the eighty- or nne hundred, nerved th men 1 tu desperation, aud the fire that w poured lo-, lo them drove Uie Indian into th rocks d th mountain, and the remainder to a distance of 500 nr 600 yard, off, (till keeping a. In the center uf Ihe circle. , , Il wa plain that we could not gain tho mountain, fur nt least twenty-five Indian, wer concealed in the rock., null wa. now nlmort within reach of their guns. We now resolved ilpnw tho only alternative,. About five mile: direct to our right lay Bilvie. river.with atkloki growth of willow along the bunk. , One ooo-, tjnuons .age plain lay between o and the riv er. We turned at once in that direction ; and placing Corporal Johnson a flunk guard a Ihe left next to tho mountain, when th great est hulk of ihe Indian, had noeumulateu, and, private Mcl'hersun a. a rear guard th moat ilitiigerno. positiou. Simultaneously with our movement tilth right, th ludiau. rnw4 their pursuit, and, if possible, iooreaawl tlteir. whooping und yelling, and poured in a fire far more acuurnte and much faster thau previout- ly. Alex. Griffin, of Co. II, wa now severely wounded In Ihe left kip, but wa. not disabled. We pushed ou. keeping the enemy al bay. at at a distance of from 900 to 500 yard, from os, w hile every now and then they would jump op within 50 or 100 yard, of o and fir and fall back io tho sago brush out of light. Fiom tho lime we made our movement to the right, un til we reached Silrie river (five mile) which ooiisunted about two and a half hours' tiro, not a half minute elapsed that a ballet did not w liia past our heads or raisu a dust at our feat, w hile a continuous fire, with well directed aim, wn. reti med by the noble little band uf scout k bn weru fighliug for their live, ngaln.t odd.' of about aeven tn nno. We pushed on ; tho day bot ; the men hungry and weary. They wrj suffering from thirst to au extent almost an bearabl. Th Indian paused at Ilia tivr, after seeing us safely across, and we now turn ed up Ihe valley in Ihe diteoliou of Camp.whioh wa seven miles distant. It wo now siiihImwu. Many of th hore nieii made round to th right nf as, keeping u as usual inside uf a circle uf Indians, with nol le! s owning from every direction. 1'rivala Smith of Co. 1-', at thi time wa slightly wound) In th tool. Between .undown and dark. oc uf th borseaino .it a string of fire, fur a mil in Jeng'b directly In our Int.it ; but we pushed nu through the space between th fires, hop ing lo be able to make camp or tn alarm In men and rtcaiv reintnroemeut. Pa.iog th lire., w al once foond ear position wore dan gernas than ever, fur th Indian, were on n side, aud lb bright biasing light oa th albof. After pawing Ihe fir abtsul two hundred yard (still light enough lo take good aim), lb Brio; till kept up by lb ludiau ou our left. Wo ero almost knocked down by a blate of fir from five or six rifle, direolly from or front, and not aver .iity yard distant. I looked round to see half of the men fall dead, bat Providence wa on our .id aud out a man waa hurt. W weitt into the .lough and concealed ourselves for a moment, wheu four or five In tliaua wr discovered above) th bank what they had lost Irud tpoa a. Three or four of 0 opened upon Ihesu and they fall back head long over the bank. . , i - After resting Ik men a half boor. It now be. ing dark, lb order wa given to doobbvqaioh it back un our own trail, which was kept up for three or four mile withuut eing or hearing an Indian. W now ro'ted tho men. Th long eontioono string of fir and all th lndi. an aero between o and oauipi w. therefor. load a long and cucuiUius route, keeping ev eral miles outside uf tbe fire, and mad oar camp at 3 o'clock in th morning, having trav el, d 45 mile since setting not, wllhuol food PT a moment' rest, and having fought a running light of fifteen utile. Iik.u oousuiaed (even hour lime, against Indians which on in umbered us at least six tn nne. 1 1 1 certain that BfUen Indian were killed, aud probably more. 4 auteral bone orippled I and nothing but Mr superior maikaiuen aad srrng range gun rated Ibe liltl baud of t nergetio (oattt from alter nnnihiUlioii. Tbe names of th .coal, ar a fnlliiwti forpotal Johnson. J. L rvnw, O. t