r rJOJadJt h: m THE OREGON STATESMAN UPU11LIS1IP.II KVKIir MDKUAV MnllKINC). The Oregon Printing tnd Fubliihing Company, PROPRIETORS. Offlolal Paper of the State, TEUM8 Peryeur,:i,00i Six months, (2,00. t7 Hwi 'iftirn ilre pric in cnl. tgul Tmdtr aolet wilt bt ttii'tn only itttlu.lrt!nrrtntiHile. It-iinltunees in ijr be made by mail at th risk oT the pub linden, If untiled lu Hie pretence ol a postmaster. WAGON timber: In addition tu our LARGE and EXTKNUIVK stockof Hardware, Iron and Steel, We' have on hand, and are ooustnntlv receiving from the Eastern Suites, h FULL A6 , bOUTMEN'i' of Hub, Spokes Hickory Axle, Bent Kims, EXPRESS AND BUGGY POLES, Whiffle Tree Ac, oVc. ' .. . ..ALIO.. 30,000 11m. of Iron Axles 1 In. to 3 in. . 1CM selta Tlilmhle Skoine aj in. to Sin. , 100 Ketts Wagon llnxet. 100 noun Midleuble Nuts for Wooden-Axle Wagons. 3, 500 Hm. Wngon and Carriage SliriiiK", Hub Hands, Malleable Irons, Carrlngo and Tire bolts, Cum berland Coal. 4,000 lbs. Nuts and Wuslieit. And a large and oomplete assortment of SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE. E. J. NORTHRVP & CO. Importers nnd Denleri In Hardwure, Iron, Steel and Wagon Timber, 131 Front Htreet, Portland, Ogn. Hntltf Lit Creole Academy, DALLAS. POLK COUNTY, OHEOON. Rev. W. 1), Nichols Principal. Mies Ukkcca J. G liana ..... rreceptreaa. rplIE academic year ie divided into four terme of X eleven weeas eacti. First Term will commence..... Sept. 4, li5 Second Term " " Nov. 20,lKtt Third Term " " Fourth Term " " rt.. txi'KKSEs. Primary Pr term, Common English " " lliirlier Kinllsli " ' 1HO0 f 1,00 (i,(M) 8,110 Greek, Latin, or French langnage, two dollare extra. Students will nut be admitted for a low period tlinn a half term, and no deduction will Be nmue jor uo senco except in cusos of protracted sickness. Hoard mi, 1,H nlittiiiicd in uood fHiniliee ut reaaon- able niloa. A few young ludiea ciiu be accommodated in the iMitiill' of the 1'Hlirinal. ih A new J'kihtopkicnl AjiparatHt and A power- JiU Microncope are expecieu inim nan r ruiiL-iecu uj the coiuiueuceiueut or miuuie nt me uret term. GKO TILLOTSOJf, NICHOLAS LEE, Palliii. Jitiv 31.1SB5. 23tf Executive Coin. Cooke, McCully Co,, ' ARK K3W 0PK.N1N0 IN I,KM THE Largest and Best Selected Stock CLOTHING, DRY-BOODS, ..AMI.. GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Ever brongbt lo tho Williitnetto vnlley, and will dlapoaeof the attme at the very LOWEST l'HICba. rjiilem, JuneiJ. mii. "u WOOL, WOOL. NOTICE is hereby given that we want to par chae 100.000 Pounds of Wool, For which we will pnv the HIGHEST MAR KS T VKWE, A UA ill. COOKE, McCULLY ct CO. Sulem, June .rth, lSllj. lltf Mrandretla's VEGETABLE UNIVERSAL PILLS. IT la generally known that my Grandfather was ttie nriiritml iiivniitor of these remarkable nills. He was aacienlilic man, and a medical practitioner of tbe Old School, lint becoming Wurmen nt tne mnr. r.litv ihat attended the Iilcedinx and Minuml Prac tice, he turned bit attention to the study of nature and th nhiloRonhv .if disease, aa uImi to the unturul reinu dial ngenta which be fonud lo exist exclusively in the Vegetable Kingdom. In hia researches und ittvesli galimit, he became fully satisfied that the life wan iu the hlnnih that hv whatever name discuses were dis tinguished, impurity of the blood was the auurco of all U simple una trntlllUl uocinne, which, hi reuuiuiK all diseases lo a uutt, necessarily ostuuiisnen tne met that, all were to bo treated oil the enine general prin ciples, vin bv imrgntion. Now the grand diiliculty consisted in devising a veg etable compouud thitt would invigorate, purify, and tlm ,UhI ciirmct and reirulute all the differ ent secretions, and by purgation discharge the whole muss of morbid mutter irom tne oouy, wnuoui reiiuc in., tho atreinrth. Alter thirty venrs of close npnlica- tir,n h pousiitered his ohiect 'foliv accMllDlisbed in the production ol these pills, which have now been before tbe public One Hundred and Fourteen Years, anil it is now 1 1 ma) nearly Jt years since nr. uraii dreih'a Vem-lublo Universal Life Preserving Pilli m Hntt. nn-NHi; led to the A merit hu public duriuK which time their mtperior excellence aud virtue have beea exteimively prwluiuied by papers and pitmphleta, and a rapid yearly increase of the sale of lliein ef fected. To know what will save life, to know what will restore health, U a knowledge not to be hidden, I therefore, nutn deuriiitt to do my duty faithfully, Itnv fbittji. t.nwn an ni h of uiv thirtv live veart' exne rienre with Brand. tlli's Pi!U, which are an effectual miiMiit. if iiMiurB.uiid rautw the eximUiou of acri inonions humort the occasion of every nieknert. Let Bilmii tht nirriiitt bum tint ore ven t the free circula tion of the blood, that Urandreih't IMIlf take out tltene humors, K'vK health for (Htiu. aud ilrt'iigtb fur wenkuew. Vn niMii tm irk v wbnii the tiruiciide of corrun- tion Kcts the ascendency; Hrandretb'i Pills aid the Life Principle to reain the empire by removing the rorrunt humors from the bod v. Many a time I have seen life ammreutlv at the lat ebb, when tUese Pill wnre iireii. Hiid in u few hours the duiiuer was mt, and btmllh s Hood tide pive the patient renewed life ndviuor. Many are the fathers, mothers, sons, and daughters, thus navtfil. Ttiene celebrated Pills are composed wholly of me dicinal herbs, and do not oontatn any mercury or other mineral, Winy (terfeetly baniilens to the most tender ture or weakest frame; vet sure to sarch out the cause of sickness, and restore tbe beulib if lakeu acoorUiug to the directions- Let no one i in h trine they are too weak to bear tbe fleet of these Pill, which put no weakness into the frame, but draws weakness out. A lew noses win oe vmi rfmlMienre. and then the beauties of purimlion wi ,radnallv become uubibled to our iew, which, eu forced with lirsndretb s Veetable Univeisal Pills, ii able to cure every disease where the orwas are sound, tnrl .tnsuliv ll.PNUlM tl)H M VP till uf huUlHIl lite. I have now used on mr own person, and prepared and administered, Bramlrelh's Pills for thirty-live year. I Mievo they are tbe best purtfHtive iu the nrirl. (! with ibis mpdiral finality tliev bnTealso a tonic effect Ami as 1 am of Uie ttrm opinion that iullatnmatHHi ami fevers are cauwsd by rnrruptea hlfMMl not beinir timelv evaruated. because it reunrtfi- tAtes, so to speak, over the whole budy, and thus cor rupts the sound ommmi utai iiiouia uourwii an uiv mcui btir. and actuallr destroys and pant I vies n-Malwra 01 oru-MUS Uiat are unsnund; and as I know that these Pills have a direct effect to remote all corrupt blood and acri moi nous humors from tbe body m tact, m bnmors Irclow tbe vital standard of bratUU; so I sboul be ffuihy of a cn-ai sin, did I not do all in my power 10 propagate me use oi a niruiciue winru m (ww m of properties so ralriilaled to save Injl increase the average of human life. Tbe public servant, BKNJAMIX KRASDRrTII, M. D. PrincipaJ elBrefor Kmiidrvth's Vrtetable Universal PilU, llicAM'ULIU S lU ILlUNa New York. W. V. RRANURKTH. Office at CRANE k Jt H I ( i I i A M 8. han Francisco. For sale by ail respectab dealers iu medicines, if HonK'mcih .ow i9 lour Time. IFXPECT t exSthit COBERO an1 tits fsmtty -a Colt at IIm Oregua SUIt S tir, Oct 8d, 4li, Ui J 4fe, at Kl-t. I chslifnin ths Cort te nM ni and produce fsmily or a Hl-4iWi.icsi, aleiory of fstntlr in A nertca ihat will art Um for m. torn, strls, eust, acUoa. and UtsU J apt a Hon W miwral aw, cxca ijicrlMH MUsrs. I wtt hte .inif r4lrUnt eolu for nlr. IW Prrm wKhtnt to sreur the services nt COItBRn t Northern Oregnn tor the tvfttwx. W ', l So so bj strlfif me on mr wjr l or at ike I e it anncrrrnry to sift sn extatwM dftcrlpUoa twrt. bat vtoalii tat-lle prtM to call tnd m lortMowelTf. watiM r tb4t I Kavt retiabte taformio Uiat vhvrt Uc COBKRt Mack bss been la est In llllttott for 1 yrs si It, tho rve saifSfscUM aod bring store money thas aajr oUh stock 1 hor W. C MYRft. tJiliodMi)U,UroB,AaK.S.lMS. tl J. M. COULTER SELLS ALL KINDS OV COOPER-WARE Cheaper than the Cheapest Mrn.JuiwVtli,!. I7tf A Card. DU V. ARIWKK having- reiamed Is hia (arm Bear lleilwl, will aite noct atfnUua t all ca,ia ta Uie tin .tf ate pmleMtun. r.J?, Iv-'l. l.i fa tje e0ii MaU&tM VOL. 15-NO. 32. Important to the Afflicted. Dr. J. W. MURRAY, f Office, one dour wost of the Uonnett Hotmo. CHRONIC Dineuriai of the Liver uivl Lmiffi, mid diie&wi ofulie liuiimn skin, chronic lure even, rlionmHUHtn, HTofuluim dir.tmtu.rs, and all impurities of tlie blood canned by a I Uu.lt water and oi lier minerut poisons tliHt the water is impregnated with. My remedies are vegetable, lor purifying tbe blood, and reutoviny all diwasei ariainif from scrofulous and couiiituLiotial oompluiuu there no remedy known 0 uie science oi man ui mean ufiuul ins treauneni. Perfect and ncraiknent uure, without bindrauce from business, change of diet, or fear of exposure. Meilicinus and prescriptions at reaiionabte price to ait the lime. No embureo laid on rich and poor, black and white, and aborigine" nil can avail them selves of Uie remedies in cure d idem-en, and prolong l.i.a U..U... (.. II 1Ml UMml Who Hums a OiMtd Farm? I offer for tnle MO seres of Land illumed within f3j four mil" of Bilem. It la well watered, hnvinnJ upon It four tprlngs and a living stream timbered wltli oak and fir 160 acres plow land 1 the remainder Bond pasture. Hie Improvement consist of a llouie, llarn, Orchard, and tne wnole tract enclosed witn a goon ran tence. i win ten II, or a part of It. tor particulars, enquire at Newman's arsel, oror me. u. r. w unniKrun, Halem, Sept. 11, 1868, 4 Half NOTWE. HOBATR Court, Mnrlon county, Oreaon. Estate of F. Belt, deoeaied. Notice la lureliv siren that V. llent ohel, admlnlitrator of laid eitate.hae preeentetlhliaceonnt, and prayi that tbe lame mnj he allowed for final ettlenicnt. It le therefore ordered that Monday the '2d day October, A. 0. loon, be eet apart tor trie neurmx ot tne himu. Hitkui, pept. s, lino. J. a I'rlKlll.r.s, uo. jwllre. ' ; Notice. 1UIB Blockholden of the Willamette FalU Canal Oonipa. oy are hereby notified to meet at the office of the Com nanv lo Oregon Cltv. on the loth day of October next, for the purpoae of dealing a board of Directors, and transacting ipi-h other bushiest at may be neefstary. eepi. V, 1!M. . .1W JUB..ril wan, rresmeiif. Private Medical Institute. Established by DR. J. C. YOUNG, IIV 1H50, FOR THE CURE OF PRIVATE DIS EASES, OP WHATEVER NATURE, ; And all Female complaints. Consulting Office, ' -AO AVfiMitinsrton Street, Second building below Montgomery it., SAN FRANCISCO. : i CALIFORNIA NO CUUE, NO PAY. CONSULTATION BY LETTER, Oil OTHER WISE, H'KEK. . , For Direction of Letters, See Below, TIII9 CELf I1RATKD LVSTITUTE has enjoyed on this count an uninterrupted success of Font teen years, and has become one of tbe renowned Hospitals of the nice. What the celebrated Lor k Hostiitals is to lnuou, and tt.e no less renowned estubhehment of K i cord to Pans, this Institute has become to the Pa me Coast. The thnuHanda annually received and cured, place U ia point of number of patients among tne very it rat or tne worm, ana tue success ol its treat ment rmkn it second to none. PIMVATK DISKASKSIN MALES and IRRKC.U- LAHITIKS IN FKM ALES nre the retit destroyers of hcultu. l tiey lusiduniiHly at tack tlie system and urau uiilly uul(!rniiue and destroy it t thtfy dnve tlie Idnoni from the cliook, the lustre from the eye, the strength and vitfor from the frame; they wive to the world puny aud di mined oltenrinii', and poison, through rug- cessive, ucncnitions till) race of man. Tlie marks can be seen m Scrofula, Conttuinplton, Cripples, tbe Idiot ic, the Paralytic, the Insane, etc. I hero is no more terrible scourge to the human race than those diseases arrinintf from the contamination ol enerm Poison. Ibe mildest forms, by retreatliitr to the blood, hold ever over the one alllirtud,the sword of destruction t hat is liable ut auy moment to fall and utiifiit -to utterly uuftroy alt earthly hopus. WKliCUKY, recotrnizat at the mott taiut medical enemy to man, combining with the Vetieieal, doublet ins dangers, luose wno nave ueon treaceu wltli tnat iiorniciuuswiiwci'rt potnou are not cured j the uisuaae only assuuieu a new lorni. Do not be Satisfied with Partial Cures, that leave the poison to crawl tbrongb the system, eat- nig its way into tne tissues and organs ueneain tne apparently smooth surf-tee, to burst out in the future with a virulence that will bafllo the effects of medicine. WHEN PERFECT CURES can be obtuinou by con sonsultinir a physician wboin Ion practice and thoro nh invenriHtion into the causes ol 11SEA!SE of the URINARY ORGANS e iablea to determine at once the untnre of the disease. In all dmcHsc entrnsted to the Doctor care, PER- r KUTol'fchDi and PKRMAa KM Cures are always Guaranteed. In Syphilis and Its adjuncts; flonomra and its ac- cnmpunviiii diseases; all discnrileis of (be Bladder, Kidnevs and iirostrate; Seminal Weakness t Dis eases of the Heart 'and Lungs ; lvspepia Indigestion; Impotencv : Incipient Consumption, aud all direanos of the Urinary organs, in wither sex, cure alwavs wuramed. OR KO PAY KEtjUIREli at the PRl- VAifci McliHl I institute. SO. 6-ltl WASH1SOTOR 6TKEKT, SAN FRANCISCO, i i Seminal Weakness t t CALIFORNIA or Spcrmatorrhtrai Tne you ni man who experiences that Browinu weakness in his niniMnlar and mental oruauijii ion should slop to consider whenc it arises. He will find iu the weakness of the back, tremblinir of the limbs. disordered digestion, unaccountable fuiling of (he powers or tne mmd, oi stunt e for society, dread ol im pending trouble, forebodings af evil, sleeplessness, troubled and laM-lvious d reams accompanied by grow ing deafness. Loss of muscular power, and numerous other svmptoins of disotvanisaiion. The pontttve tra ces of that mot terrible and destructive ol all diseas- Seminal eukness V astinif away his powers. destroying Ins hope ot life and mauhood, and dragging intn along tne broken patu oi his existence to warn a premature if rave. To him who liuds his life dribbling out ill tbe discharge of the vital principal of existence in nocturnal and diurnal emission, the mere ceitnaiiou of the causes ot its appearance brings uo ussuruuee ot Marriage, that holy office, the snfegnaro and hop of manhood. Untitfs lo sucu a one no nope oi cure, nut adds to bis misery in tbe knowledge that the one who looks to him for so wucb of her happiness, is a victim of bis evil, aud an innocent companion of hit punih- mellt. lie aonn iu ma Hiitwrv aim mnruor uihii im leaves him. There is uo rescn except iu proper and skillful treatment. Commit, fhen.alonce.apnrsician whom long pnu-tice and careful research has made thoroughly conversant with every phase of the dis ease Those who have become tbe victims of solitary vices, that dreadful, fascinating, aud destructive hab it, which fills thousands of sick rooms with paralytica and consumptives, aud huudmdsnf untimely irrares with its inieguidt'd victims, should consult without a moment's delay, one who will sympathise with their sufferings. To such the Doctor would especially ad dress himself, giving to each and all nstointnce of a PKRFrXTand PERMANENT CURE rtsoaf iv (iranrr trom kunne ekanfe of diet, or frarof pomret . Do not forget tbe addreaa. 8ee below. , Imporfaiil t Femuloa. Whn a female is in trouble ora lllicted with disease, and renuires mtdical or surgictl iwsiptatice, tbe eniittry should be, Where Is there a physician who is fnlly competent to administer relief, and whoe respectable standing in society recommend him to the rontideuce of the rommunttv t The Doctor, unduriitauding how imperatively necessary these requirements are, fefls called opon to interpose, and by calling tbe attention of tbe attlicted m the fact that he hat been a PRO FESSOR OF OBSTETRICS and FEMALE III EASES for twenty years. and is fully quahlied to ad minister in all cast, both medicuily and snrgically, not in a snoernoal manner, but in as thorough a wan ner aa years of study and practice both in boopitals and private familiescan make, to save tbe in from the hands of the nininaliHed. nnscn.C'iluous, and dot iim.ntr Thereto, families ran relv nrH3 hi in as Qtwaa fattier. All instruction ran nnd in him oae who can feel and sympathise with and befriend them in tmnble one inwhofcwcv th utmost ronfideore can hm plnced. CN1" LTATIoN (BY LUTE It OR OTHERWISE) FREE. ISee address below. THE CELKHRATED F EM A L E It E M E ( J 1 ES . ein poanied from the private prescriptions of DR. Y'LU, nave i now ohtaiued a nwet eatendM D.,nnlaritv. and are correctly viewed to be Ibe safest ana surest reme dies for U entnphiints for which tbev are applied. The constantly accininjr. testim.Hiials of their cn1,-ary oecuuv uica w dv preeminently supenor in u,ir ae tion. No Larlv sbonld be without these Renovating Aitcnta ooe irrnuina nnl pna-nred at this nUnw. r-it bv Mail or Kspreaa, u anv part of the Htt TllKtiHKAT KEMALK MKDIt FKfcVKN T1VE POWUKK.t KuKMAKKIKU LAD IKS New. haf.and lufallihle. lastmif Iron four to six nxartbr HHee till. KKKSCH Ll.NAU, Ctt Kr.MALK llUSTllLtiJ'lLl for aiippi Ions. After Btty Tears ol uas lliese pins aaiw unnvauett us rflliMy l'riM )0 1"' . ' . To CorrrMapondrnls. Patieolt rsaadrny in aay part of tlie ramus kowsvw distant, wit mar desira msvlKal as vice oa tueirra--apsrttvsj rases, and who thinlt pmpcr to anhroit a wnttea Matetaent of earh in velp re to bolilinii a rona! tntervtew, are leirvd Uiat their oommeaa-e-tlons wiH be bM mo sarred. All letters mast bs sjrtdreasrd to tU eorrespondinf plitsirian. thai : BENJAMIN P. J0SELYN. M.D.. 540 Washington hlrret, Uol 7.1i r. 0. .. Hum Vaiinjc,, Cat. SALEM, LAWS OP THE UNITED STATES, , PASJF.D ATTHi , f'irtt Seisiiin of the Thirty-Eighth Congras. . ' An Act lo provide for tbe Public Instroetlon of Tontlt in the County of Washington, Distriot of Columbiu, and for other Purposes. He it emu-ted hr tlie Henate anil ITonse of llenrescn. tatives of the United Ktatea of americs ill Coniiress assembled, That the school districts in the Comity of WuslilniiUiu. District of Columbia, without the limits of tbe oilies of Wiishiinrton and Georgetown, shall be and retnnin as now laid down according- to law, sub ject to revision and alteration by the levy court of sum conntv, una mat tne scnooi commissioners now in, otlice shall be and remain to until others are appoin ted. HeC. S. And li H fnrther emicted, That the levy oourt shall annually, on the first Monday in May ap point one person trom audi tcnooit uisinct as a com missioner of primary schools, of which appointment the olcrk of tbe levy court shall Immediately notify the person so appointed nnd wheuevor a vacancy shall ocenrr in tlie board of said commissioners, tho levy court, as soon as may be thrrenfter, shall fill the mo. ana all appointments nmue uy, or resolutions oi id court eonoeminff. said commissioners ahall be forthwith comninniented by clerk of said commission ers shall be forthwith communicated by the clerk of said court to the clerk ot the said board of couimta siouors, and each of said comtnitsiouors shall liuld the ollice until u successor is appointed. Nee. 3. Anil be It tnrther enuctea, mat ettcn nt tne auld commissioners, before he enters upon the execn tion of bis ollice, and within llfteen days after notice of his appointment, shall take and tnbscribe, for some liistlre or tne peaee or sam eouniy, tne lonowiim oath i "1,-, , do solemnly swear (orulhrni, as ths case may tie that I will in all things, fertile best of my knowledge and abilit; , well and truly execute the trust reposed hi me as commissioner of primary echoolls for the County of Washington, llistrict nf Columbia, without prejudice and according to law t" and every justice of the pence, before whom such oath shall lie tulten, snail ceilily tne same in wniin(,anu within eiiiht da vs thereafter transmit or deliver said certiHcaae to the clerk of the levy oonrt for record. See. 4. And be it further enacted, Thut the said commissioners mid their successors shall be a corpora . tion. under tlie name and style or" I lie Hoard ol Loin niissioners of Primary Schools of Washington Conn tv. District of Columbia." with power to sue and he sued, and to tuke und hold, In fee-simple, or otherwise, anv estate, real or personal, not prohitiilea ny luw, which may be given to or purchased by, the said board for primary .school purposes, and may alien aud sell the suiue when, in the opiuion of the levy court it will be for the udvuntuiie of the said primary schools so to do ; and ull money in baud . after defray ing the whole extienaes of the several school districts at the end of each school year, tliull he invested in some snfe stock in the name of said corporation, und in their corporate name said huard may prosecute and maintain actions lor injuries (lone to tne grounds, bouses, furniture, or other proporty iu their, possess ion. Sec. it. And be it further enacted. That the nnd board of commissioners shall ninke and keep a record of ull moneys received or piiid out by its order, a tlaletnent of which, with the vouchers relating there- S, us well as the record of the board, shall he snbjeot all times to the inspection of the levy court of said county, and to any tax-payer i and sni'd reeord, or h copy thereof, certitied to bo correct by any one of said eouimissioners, attested by the sigtiature of the clerk of slid board, shut! be prima fucie evidence of their acts in all proceedings, judicial or otherwise ; and tlie tuid board shall appoint a capable person aa their clerk, (who may be one of their own nieinbors, or ottierwise.) prescribe uis unties, ana unow mm a reas onable compensation for his sorvices. neo. u. Ana tie it runner enactcn, j nut uie sam hoard of eouimissioners shall hold slated meetings in January, April, July, and October, of each and every year, ut such liiuea ana piuces as tney may appoint, and such oilier meetings iu circumstances may rcipilre ; but if less than four members are present ut nnv one meeting no business shall be done, except to adjourn to a future dav ; und at the stated meetings in April and October tbe treasurer of the school funds aud the collector of taxes shall rend in writing a full statement of their accounts resiectiveluy for the next preceding half year. ' t-ec. 7. Anil be it further enacted, That the clerk of the levy court of said conuty sliull annually, on or be fore the-tlrst Jtlonilay in Ap:-H, rurnistt to tne saiu board of commissioners alphabetical lists of the own ers of property iu each school district, according toy tne lust county assessment, umt a statement or tne to- hi am, Mill, ui iirunciir nn.i'n.eu iu oncii uvtiicip h- hihiting the school -tax thereon according to the last levy made by the levy court for school purposes. tfce. 8. And be it further enacted, That the said hoard uf commissioners shall have power unnnally (or as a vacancy may occur) to apioinl two persons in each school district aa trustees of that district, who, with the commissioner of such district, shall have charge of the local concerns of the scboolls therein, und net in concert with the board of commissioners in carrying out ull the rules and regulations orriimied ny uie auto, uoaru, nnl togetner may permit tne sciinot house or houaua in their district to be used for public worship, or for other purposes uf general benefit to the residents of tlie district. See. I). Aud be it further enacted. That the stud board of commissioners shut! have power, and it ahull be their duty First. To receive and disburse anv fund which mav benroviiled for I he purchase nf eitet and Hie erection und support of primary schools in said county and district. Second. To reimlnte the number nf cht Idren to he taught in each of said schools, aud tbe price of their tuition. Third. To select, upon a tborongh examination, such teachers as ure competent, giviug to each a cer tificate of qualifications, without which no teacher shall be entitled to receive pay ; and to tlx their sala ries and terms of service. Fourth. To suspend or expel from any school, with the advice of the commissioner nnd trustees of tlie school district, miy pupil who will not submit to the reasonable and or'diuury rules uf order and discipline therein. Killii. To prescribe the course of study and the text-books to be used in the schools, to regulate and control the purchase and distribution uf books, limps, globes, stationery, aud other things uecessary for the use of the same, and generally lo prescribe rules ami regulations for the management, good government, and well ordering of said schools. Sixth. To report to the levy court, at the elote of each school yeur, the amonnt of all expenditures no account of schools in tlie several districts during the previous school year, ami the manner in whicli the same ahull have bet-u exended, specifying what por tion and amount thereof Inis been expended for the services of teachers, aud alsu sliull partirnhirly set forth the number of pupils tuught, and their uverago attendance and progress, and such other statistics as the levy court umy require. Seventh. To select, purchase, or otherwisa pro enre. suitable sites lor school hiuses in each district t lo adopt plans, aud cause to be built, kept in repair, and furnished, such s.-hoot-hpuses ; to aupplv the same with necessary fnel. books, stationary, and appenda ges, and to detrav the necessary expenses of the board : Provided, That, for the purpose of sup-tort-ing said schools, and providing suitable sites, bouses, and equipments therefor, the levy court shall, anuu ally, on the lirst Monday iu March, imposes and levy a school-tax not exceeding oue fourth of one per cent um on all the assessed pi operty of said county with out the limits ol Washington and Georgetown, which tux thall he due at the suftie time, and he collected by tbe county collector in tho same muuuer, and un der tbe same regulations nnd restrictions. as are pre scribed by law in relation to the collection of the achool-tax tmpoeea tiy tins act, auu when collected shall lie paid to the treasurer of tbe school fund ; and tbe treasurer of the levy ennrt Is hereby rouslilnti-d treasurer of tlie school fundi and tha said trrasnrer and collector shall be quahlied bv making oath or af hrinaltos laitblully to discharge tba uuties required of them ; and they shall give bonds respectively to the said board nf cominissiuuers, in a sum to lie tixr-d by Uie lew court, with two siilBi ieut sureties, condition- rd for the laillilul discharge of the duties required of them uy this act, wtiteii uoimt, oeing approved oy the said boaid of comnnio.ii r, shall be filed willi Iho clerk of tbe supreme cuurt of Uie District of Coluiu hia, who hereby required lo lile the same, and a copy of either of said bonds, ander seal of said ouurt, shall b sullicieut evidence ol Uie uo.kmg thereof and the said treasurer shall be paid such eoinpeuastion for bis service as the said board of cvuimitslouers mav Lllow , and the said collector tlie same fees at are al lowed by Uie said levy court fur eoilseltug Uie county lax. Met. II. And be h further enacted, That the whole amount ataaiUng lo tbe credit of tha srhool fund, when tba aforesaid levy is to b mails, shall be taken into tha account in determining tha amount of lax necessary to meet the current expenses ol Ibe school year, which amount shall be levied aa aforesaid, and no more t and the said board of lonimistiouers shall apportion the school laud, after deducting aucb part Uierewl as Ilia provisions ul Uils act sssigu to Ute ed ucation of dlored cbildred, amuug tha several sever al school districts, giving loeach one seventh of the . . . ri i . H . . a . l ... sisflssnmiuiui kiiuvi u,n cvuov.ru ao'i lurn iu band, alter deducting the m csssary expenses of ll-e ooaru. ana ooe seveuui ot all outer ratios paid in af tar dedaning aa bereiabefore provi.M for the educe- tloa of CMured children, until aa atnooul shall have aeraoiulatcd sufbetent to purchase a site and creel and luraisll a school house iu eaca dMlnct, the suet of which shall not exceed Dlteau hundred dollars, ua lees by private subscription.) except where the ihou- ber of eholais is sntlieiruily Unite to require two srUools, in wlnen rase toe sum snay reeen Ulreetltooe. and dollars, alter Uiat it shall beapportiaed ae.-oHing to Ibe number of children iu each district between the ages of ats aa4 seventeen years t Provid. That a ssvre ibau ties actual sxpeiweaof each district siiall ve paid i Ana provided, fanner, that loots than one srtiuoi booas a-ay be estnshsbsd ia aay one district if Mi imoos are procoreo- (Tsbeaonunaad) WI1LAKETT2 I!CAstf aTIHT, K. t. 1 0 0 1 J r r T OX THE rlltsr AND TIIIHD TIIIHD f .th, .1 V S IMoek. V livilrs) to 1' 1 Ktidav Kv-mniri of earh smmi a ., rl..rk, in Ib-ir Hall. In rlotsaan Hrethrea iu govd staaditaf are uiv a'"4 A. L. KriNmN,C V- OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 9; 1865, vl lELKliKAI'HlC 111SPATC1IKS. , Shrovenort, La., Sept, 15. Provost Mnr- slml of the Freedmen arreitetl the Jntitfe, SlierilT. Distriot Attorney, and Jarj of the 10th Jmlioiitl District fur trring negrous nn tbe ohrg of large. Tho Superintendent of Freed men says jurisdiction over negroes during the existing oondition of the oitil law belongs ex clusively to hie bureau. iThe Judge gave no tice of an appeal. , New Orloiiin, Sept. 21.--I ho Timet1 Mont gomery dispatoh aaj : The Convention pass ud au onliuanoo abolishing slavery by a vote of 80 to 3. Tbe amendment to the Constitu tion altera all provioui reltitiiini to slaves pro tecting tbora in freedom and personal property and provide! lor guarding the- Statu ogititist the evils arising Iron aniiuen emancipation. New Orleans, Bent. Mi. Dispatches dated Montiromerr. Sept. 21st. say : The convention to-day pasted an ordinance ratifying all laws passed oy tne legislature utiriiig tue war, nut inconsistent with the Constitution of the United States and tbo ordinances of the present con tention, exoept that concerning the isanauoe of Treasury notes and bonds. New Orleans, Sept. aa. Wov. Well I proc lamation culling for the eleotion of Congress men and state olhoeri on tne Drst Monuuy in November waa issued to-day. Gun, Osterhani assumed command of tbe Department of. the Mississippi, Gen. Slocuin going North. Waktiitiffton, 8eptmbep 23. The U. S. Consul at Constantinople, ornler datn of Aug. reports an abatement of the cholera sines his Inst. 1 he number of deaths, August iilut, was 1G3. lleretofore it it exceeded 4.000 iu a single day. I Tbe President granted fifteen pardons to daynine to Virgiuiane, including the wife uf Wen. Longslreot. The U. S. steamer Florida, stwen guns.snil ed from port for A spin wall . yesterday, with 300 men for the 1'acilio sqnadrnn. 1 lie JMuw lork. which arrived Here irom Aspinwnll, this uiorning. made the trip in six d nys eleven hours, and twenty minutes : the quickest trip on record. Over $500 wus raised among the passengers to purchase silver plate for C'aptuiu Tinklepaugh, and $150 more for llio oual-passers. . Another great Fenian demonstration Is ad vertised for Wednesday evening next evening, at Cooper's Institute, Delegates from neigh boring cities are to attend. Iticlimoud letters tn . the Herald aay Gen, Howard, of the Freeduien's bureau, acoutii panied by Moj. Gen. Terry and Col. 0. Brown had a long conference with Gov. Pierpont in relation to the condition uf the negroes. Their opinions were freely interchanged, the result nf tvnicn will De considerable amelioration ol the oondition of tbe Freedmen during the approach ing winter. New York, Sept. 25. Dr. John K. Woods, f Alhermarle county, has withdrawn from the Congressional canvass, alleging that lie cannot take tbe oath. The remaining contestants are A. II. H. Stewart, who cannot take the oath, and J. F. Luwis, who can. Southall has with drawn in the Prince Edward's district, beonute he could not swallow the oath. 1!. Johnson will continue in the fit-Id. Uo announces thut he can take the prescribed olii;ation. Politi cal gatherings onnttnue to be held throughout the State. Tbe people manifest rho greatest luterest in pttlilio nllnirs. New York. Sent. 25. The World lias ml vices from Chihuahua, dated July 31st, that the Juarez uuusu is dead. If Juarez was able to gather into one camp all the troops that ac knowledge tha authority, he would not have more than 10,000 men, and could not select from all that no in lie r two thoroughly nrguniteil regiments. All the wealth and intelligence of Mexico are enlisted upon the side of Maximil ian. There is do portion of Ibe country which the Imperialists might not sulely and success fully enter. New York, Sept. 20. Charleston dates are the 2,'i. Gov. Perry had issued h proclamation order ing commanders of sub-districts and nil nlliuers rving within the military district of Charles ton, to assist in the organixalion of the militia forces as a home institution to act under the orders ot the orders of the district and stih-iiis- rict commanders of tha United States troops, for tbe preservation of order and the arrest of lawless characters. Each member of this mil itia force is required tu take the oath of allegi ance to the United Stalei aud shall bear a goud character. The South Carolina Convention has refuted to allow the neerovt to Inrm a ltart uf Ibe basis of representation. WHsliincton, Sent. 25 The receipts f In ternal Revenue to day, were (1,000.120 UH. A speciul to the Tnbune tayt Hint combina tions for the Speakership are already funning. Coif ix lends, while Ashley, of Ohio has many friends. Green Clay Smith of Kentucky, is urged wilb influential pertinacity, while the advocates of Henry J. Mnymoud are tbe most tealous, as tbey boast of their ability to twal low tbe lrster candidates. . Governor Lyon nf Idaho, who hat been de- ained here to receive instructions iu regard to Indian nffuirs, bat been instructed tn make a treaty with lbs Indians of his superintendence d leaves lor bit teat of bit government to morrow. Montgomery, Sent. 25. An ordinance de claring tbe act of secession null and void was unanimously adopted by tbe Alabama Stale convention, titer having been debated on an entire day. asbingloi, Sept. 2(5. A special to the Chronicle, dated. Montgomery, 25th. says tin vote bat been taken concerning tbe subject of the Male debt. The subject bus been referred to a Committee who will report oil it in a day or two. Lveiytlnng it going nn very tatislao tortly fur tbe rause of the I nion. A special ! 'patch dated Washington, 25th. says tbe rush if pardon seekers In day wot not was Dot as grrnt as usual. Among those who have for weeks daily sought a personal audi enoe with the president, ia L. I'o -i Walker, first Secretary of War of the Confederacy. a lio sent the lamooi order from Montgomery to Gen. lieaurrgard at Charleston to open fire nn r art humtrr. He is still waiting, and Is likely to coutibue to do so. New York. Sept, 23. Captain Charles M. SI art hull, one ol our wealthiest and mott re tpeclalilo merchants, died yesterday .New York. Sept. 1H. I be Ilrrald't Wash ington dispatch says tbe Attorney (jenernl de cided not te consider applications of pardon in lull trom ludivi malt who have domiciled ent side tbe territorial limits of the United Slalrt. The persons mast first return aud submit them selves in good faith to the action of the govern ment. 1 ke practical working of the rule will be to favor Ibe examination uf many promt oent rebels and refugees. Tbe irifcuns i letter from Kaletgb. 21st, snvs the eleottoa of delegates to the State con vention to day. at lar at heard from, it nnuta ally quiet. Throughout the State, under or den of Gen. lingers, no soldiers are permitted to leave ramp or com Dear the polls during tlie day wilhoat special permission, and sam applied to oBioers. Kaleisb has been at quiet at oa a sabbath, r.'erjitntig bat gone oue way. All tbe candidates elected in Nak, Guilford and Granville counties went before the people and avowed tbcmselvef optosed to negro tullrsge. and except one were pledged against even leaving Ilia bisoK man the ngli hi testify iu tha courts. Tba election it uo duolttedly a triumph of prufrtaed conserva tism. Louisville. 2fiih. The latotj Preil an minutes announce the ludictnient of Maj Gen. Paluer and Mai. Gen. Iiritsbto for sb ducting slave aod otherwise Interfering with the slave lawt of Kentucky. It Mgftsu that If Hi rreetdrnt opiumism generals heshnali by all means he Indicted by on of our tnlight euro am! pln'me jrsei jijriea. The Herald'i special tays it is currently re ported that Gen. Ortega, who will be the con stitutional successor to President Junrei, iu a few months, hat tucceeded in raising" a very largo Itmrf for the Republican government of Mexioo, based sir the security of confiscated property. It it wall known that in San Fran cisco several hundred thousand dollars have been recently subscribed (1). It it thought here that if the loan were properly put before the people it would gain very largely id amount. Sinoe the rebel loan wat negotiated oponly both in Parit and London, neither the French nnr the British Government oould object to the Mexican loan heme taken in tho Upl'ed btatet Tbe Republicans want money, rather than men. .... i -,, , l .,. New York. Sent. 28. The Timet' Wash ington special tayt Mr. Dudley, our, consul at Liverpool hiffl an interview with the Secretary of of the Treasury, whom he nrged to recom mend tn Congress an export duty on oottnn. lie taid foreigo importation! would thit season be enormous, ' . . 5 , St. Louis, Sept. 2G. Incomplete returns from Colorado Territory indicate the adntitinn of the State constitution by a very large ma jority, i he olauao advocating negro tuttrage is defeated. , , - , Worcester, Mass., Sent. 28. The Demo cratic State convention to-day nominated Gen, D. N. Couch, of Boston, for Governor. ' - " . 'JIM IAXJlEE A8 A FICnTKR. , Tbe Uniled Service Magazine, for July, nat a clever nrticlo from the pen of Col. James F. Kittling, A. tj. M.. on " The Yankee at a Fighter." It is pleasantly written, and will delicht all who love "Yankee Doodle." Said the traitor Mason. 11 1 owe nn fealtv to the Union ! My allegiance is dne alone to Vir ginia !" ' Said the swa-b-nnckler. wigtall, "The Star ol the Wett, flying your Mug, swag gered into Charleston Harbor, Sooth Carolina, struck betweon the eyes, and she staggered hack. And now what are yon going tn no about it T said the Senator from Oregon (alas, for General Lane's ihamelessnesi '.) , "They have. gone. They have seceded. And now what does your gnvornment propose to do with the' seceding Senators?'' Thank heaven I there wat one man who had a filling antwer for euoh baseness, and the nation will not forget hat not lorgot to honor him lor his invincible pluck then and' there. While republican Sen ators, even, quailed and hesitated beforo such unbridled audacity, tuch bold and deliant trea son, he it remembered Andrew Johnson stern ly thundered, "I will tell the Senator what I will do with them. If I were President I would arrest them instantly on the charge or high treason. I would have them tried by a jury rf their countrymen : and if convicted, by lite hteriml God ! I wimld hang them.' now his clarion words ring, trumpet tongued, even now, though four years off. The great and fundamental error of tha South Iny in this, in (opposing that the man of peace is always, anil necessarily for peace. iliiliitunlly he is. But tn all men, and tn to nations, nut raiKcally cravens, or essentially slaves, there oilmen a time whon " endurance ceitset to he a virtue, and then it Iu comet all oppntert to stand from under. Yon may bait a bear, or tease a tiger, If ynn don't ge loo fur lint when you have mused bis blood, and hia eyew flash infuriate, tako care how you bear yourself. The Yankee, by both nature aod education averso to brawls, nnd w ith a deep substratum of prudence and self-respect in his composition, wnt reluctant to eugnge in oivil war, unless the national life and liberties corn pulled it. He wat absorbed in trade. He loved nmmifiictiire. He alleoted the humani ties. By every instinct and aspiration of bit nature, and hy air tbe lend 'itciet of bit nee. he was committee) and pledged to peace, lilt brain tended that way, and threw off iis tur plus vitality in a timnsund peaceful inventions. While the Southerner was following his hounds or larnpping his slaves, the Yankee was read lug Locke or discussing Bacon. While the one was sipping bis uleps,orgnxzlinr hit cook tails, the other was building ships or improving locomotives. While tho aim wat craving Cuba and haiik'eting after Mexico, the other was giving to the world the telegraph nnd the sewing machine. Everywhere, both North and South, the Yankee baud an? brain weru busily at work, forrine thnught, and then turn ing thought into social comfort or national good while the Southern, r, as a type, oared only lor Urate Instinot nr barbaric power. Afler lecouiitine inaoursory manner, the battles both east aud west, down lo the close if Iwi.'). occurs this passage : All these, runtime through well nigh three years, pointed to nnd were most signilioant of military growth among our soldiery and were hut the ntittirnl and lit precursera nf the march nn Atlanta, the promenade through Georgia, the swing through the Cnrolinus. Jfonntvlnle, Grant had rone East, Inlused hit own daunt est spirit into the Army nf Ibe Pntoiuac, and Iril it by a sea of blood, through that terrible campaign of tho Wilderness, whicli, more than all else previous In the war, taught r.urope to res pert ns, and compelled her at last tn admit the great qualities of tbe I ankee at a soldier. Before that, European nations, all of them, more or lest, had been inclined to belittle our successes, and tn tnale light nf nnr battles at extended skirmishes. But when they taw the same army, day after day, unrelieved and without reserves, yet pounding ttiibbnrnly oo, to-dny worsted, to morrow storming formida ble earthworks and captnring a division with artillery complete, the next day barely holding its own. Intrenching under fir with bayonet and tiu onp. fighting lit antagonist for weekt, at tcarcely a ilone t tlnow, with Its head rtent to the hurtling tlnrrn with the impastivenrsi of Inlu, resolved to conquer or perish In the at tempt, and thus pushing Its way from tha lUp paiiaunock to the James, leaving nearly ll not quite one half its numbers kort Uu combat in ita bloody tracks, yet lit mind made up fully to ligut It not nn this line, if it lakes an turn mer." w sny, when r.umne law this deter mined eourage, tint heroio bravery, tint nbstl- unte bravery, worthy af the best men of the race in any ace, the oeated her haughty dens. ion, and found in inch gntty warfare, food for grave, if not anxious thought. ; . Fnnr years of persistent warfare, with all nnr short comings, have at least converted the trallioking Yankee into the threwd, determined and well-disciplined soldier, and there he ttandt to-day under Grant, and Thomas, Sherman and Sheridan, a match lor any man in nutlorro for march nr fight, the wide world over. Of oourse the warrior wat in him from the outlet It rrqulrrd only tbe sharp demands of war to tiring if oat. lier prop I were a patient, plodding, reso lute race, averts to autooratio rule, bet sub missive Is general law, believing only in the ballot-box, aud the divine right nf majorities i nnnsed tn arms, but fertile To resources, and with a brain to think, a hand to work, nnd an undying lovs of oonslitutional liberty, down deep In their Anilo-Sainn heart. W knew, we frit it In our bones, that ws were going to bs whipped at Brtt.aod perhaps badly whipped at that, for ws wers pitiably ignorant of all that toe lo niak ap war, and inotiini oeinnu the South in urenanur for ths stroerle. Hut we knew that th North bad a natotal Incline Don to "keen neriinf away," cbo ones sh started t and the war having besn forced sunn o against onr wills, our minds were soon made fully op tn fight it through successfully, at all baiards. and whatever oost if It took a een torr. Thit wa th key note nf the North, In lbs euteel of Ui war, and in ber darkest hours iocs she be never serioatly declared fos any. thing less than ibis, no matter how gloomy tit oot-look." Ileoo. It wa lint long bfor the Yanke tolaolren began la fancy lbs limit af powder, and to thow a potts and steailioet aader Ore, that wert mr than a uuuli for Southern met tle. And In lb cud there wa produced enema the.a that aueliakealiU setisrs, that WHOLE NO. 760; invincible valor that "bated no jot of heart or hope." as itep by etep we swung rnnnd through the Wilileruest; that stormed the linos and erushed Hood before Nashville that laughed 8avannah and Charleston to tnrreniler t that assaulted Fort Fielier and oarrled it with the bayonet after absolute failure iu , the first at tack v that after being driven routed from Fort Stsadman, tnrned again, lfk'n a Hon at nay, fiercely upon tha pursuer, charged them home, routed then, retook tha fort, and in turn swept the rebel lines with dcnlh and de struction. Tbe final grand and glnrlnoi remit of our military struggle il described In tbe following' jubilaui language (i s ;i - ) :U. v l How , liki a thunderbolt Grant afterwards struck Lerbefnre Kiohmonil, shivered bis oho len lines, milieu! hit veteran legions, and orowned himself nnd the nation With irfrpr-rlth. able fame by tlie capture at latt of PeUrebarg aud tlie fall, at length, pf ranch rotitting ttioli niond. , ' i Lee fsll hurriedly back towanli Lynchburg, with the fragments of hit broken' eolomnt, whilo Meade, and Sheridan thundered at hit heels. The rcnublio had got Jeffdoin finally under Sit avenging foot.and the hour har struck tn announce to the world, "Babylon has failed to rite no more !" The Seoretnry liut uttered the voice of tha nation, at he telegraphed ill Lieutenant General."Tliaiikt to Almighty God for the great victory with which this day bnt crowned you, and th gallant army, under four command.'' L,et ut snout, reverently, our G(ra ta uceltii. Forever live tho Kepnhllo! Yet. after all. considering- lier tnarse pallia tion aud meagre resources in general, the South bat certainly exhibited sume pluck 1 and it it not ton much to lay that when we get safely out of thit war, and the two seotioni coins together again, was betid any foreign power that attacks the Republic !( , lin European na tion that hat of late measured, swords with an antagonist oould stand fur1 a tingle campaign against tho desperate vulor and. Heroulean ef forts l hat both sides have constaull)' put forth lu this war, and continued them now for over four years. ' How long, think you, would the average nf foreign conscripts stand before tuck terrible pounding at Lee,gavs Grant in th Wilder nuii, latt tiimnrrrt or inch masteijy maneuvering and brilliant fighting at Sherman allowed Joe Johnston and 11 nod in the cam paign against Atlanta? 1 Either army wehnva produced, whether Union or rebel, w dtmbt unt, would soon worry to death a , European iirtny', by our long range rifles nnd extempor ized earthy, arks, or else flank and crush it to pieces by au antlaoinut n-arch nnd fnriout at tack, and regard the business' at bnt petty war fare, alter all, compared with th fearful strug gles, tremendous Titanic battle, that both have wnged unremittingly for the latt 'four years. - 1 " But as a nation ws hate no threats to maks and no revenge to gratify, r. W are about lo triumph, in spito ol our onrmic, and there fore, can altortr tn he niagiianliniiui, notwith standing the indignities of the period of our reverses..- Hut while we torgiv. w cannot forgot, though content for the present to det pise tlie onwards who would " strike ui when down." The war for the Union is over and we merely suggest, for the benefit of titter na tionl oil either side of th ocean, that the Yan ken hot meanwhile learned Well how lo do it at a fighter, and livreultcr will be found abund nntly hide to take care of himself. Ths war has certainly found nt a warlike people, bnt not military one, because without th expert once of oampuigns and battles. It will, leave us a nation ol soldiers, a hail million strong when necessary, hot lurparted by Unman or Carthagenian i nnd fur Caesar and Hannibal, Napoleon and Wellington, tbe Yankee tender to hiilury Grant and Sherman. Tboinas and Sheridan, and history, at the reoordt the mag- nitndo of their operations, aud grandeur of their achievements, will welcome mem to lin mortality, at worthy comrades nf htr most Hlustrioiii captain. In coiiliiienue, In person al putiir, in elevation of character, and recti tude of private life, history, among" all her great generals, will find few if any parallel!. Wc.l ma v toiiis future I'lutaroli oninincnd tbstn to posterity n uiodcli tn mankind. Thu Trail op Jefp. Tbs New York Pott of August 15tb, tays i 1 ' '"' A well informed correspondent nt Washing ton writ nt that Jtffertns Davis will be tried before a civil oourt, aud probably at Uichmoml before the United States Circuit Court tbers. We have reason lo believe, further, that the trial of Davit will not lit begun nn t ll thai nf I Went it concluded. Tlit friends af Wrtl. hope, It is taid, to dear him. by proving tbst no wat acting under the authority and orders of Darlt and the rebel Seoretnry of War. If they can produce satisfactory, proof of thit, nf J oourse Uiat would lurnub Important testimony for us upon tlie trial of Davis. Tbit and other oirou instances likely to potput th trial ni lint is lor suiue mouths. It Is prnuanls that the rebel archives, captured after tha sur render u juauslou, and now under Dr. Lien or's charge at Washington, will Im thoroughly examined fur documentary evidence, before the trial Is begun. Of oourse ll Davis is Inert iu Kiohmond, a new Indictment will har to he drawn and found by the Grand Jtry of thai district. At present he bat hero mulcted only lu the District of Columbia. The new indict ment will probably arraign him on oilier counts than levying war i It will perhapt contain a count charging nun sun ths slow and dcltfi- erate murder of prisoners of war. Itnss op tiik Itr.nKi.unx. A Virginia pa per speakt of lbs fatality which tint overtaken thus who wers the political rriliellinai leaders of that Stale. At the beginning of icoessinu Virginia bad nn Cabinet Minister who was rteueisititilst, the Secretary uf War, John B. r lovd. He is dead, nits had two lorelgn Ministers who wers Heorssinniilr, K. K. Meads and John M. Daniel. Both nr dead. Her two Senator, Hunter tnd Mason. Wrrs Scoe sionists one U s prisoner, ths other an exile, Mer oldest and most persistent, and among her most influential eillteut who supported stroe lion, and the man who fired the first gun nt Sumler, wa Kdmnnd Kufhn. lie Is dead. The recoguiied leaden f the Secessionist In the State Convention wera uerwre w. nn dolph and i 1'rendrnt Tyler. Randolph is djing abroad l Tyler it dead. She had thres newspaperi conspicuously drvnted toseoettian. the Kiclimnnil t.zaminir, tlie iitonuinnd t.n oulrfTttid the Itichinnnd Arrvt. Th lonm altar all extinct, and tha leading tpirits of all Wis. Daniel and l.ainli are dead. Ia brief, w are told, there "ars not Ira men of cumpicuou prominence in the teoession tiiuv- nent ol Jannary, Irtii, who remain to exer one 11 Ihey powu-s ih oeatre' ihelr Inflo enee lo thwart Ibe movement nf lb people to ward loyally and reunion," This it a very tragical exhibit, asturtdlr. Wt can only hop that Virginia will hereafter bar for political representative wiser men inn llitwe narrow-minded, hot headed leaders wb dragged ber into rib lima and ruin. llit.iiKKTii. Tita IIiiitokiam- Richard Hil- dretb, Ibe historian, died in Kloreno oa th 1 1 th of July. In ths filly-eiglitb year of bt sge, He I well known a th author of nu merous uiiMialhsiKoui naik. bitlory si tbs United Stale, aud of a iraat number uf magi- line aod newspaper trtu lri. For a Urn b aas rotini-etrd with III Nw York Tribune, and left that position lo accept lb Consulship at Trieste, iu th Austrian dominions, whsub pott b iillsd at th tmi bis oaia. Tkuurapu to Bouii Basim. Tb Amtr icso and U. H. Telegrsph Company tJTrtts for telreranh polei for telegraph lias eon seating Sussuville, Ctlilotui. with Idaho City, lluit C ity. nud Ruby City. IJnho, f BOOH AND JOB PiU Ys l t Ofeviirydssarlptlon rlBATI.y and 1 PlllMPTI.yjittta RATKB OP AIIVRKTIRIMOl ' ! l l Wftat Advertisement, fn oil per iijueri!, first insertion $1,00 modi uliseiiueut Insertion. LsksI ami all transient advertisements must bt prepaid s Insure Insertion. , AilmliiliLrstors notices, and sit advertisements relating to the eststs nf oVessed Persons, must be prepaid, unless or dsred nusllslisd by the oounly Judge, and guaranteed tab paid bv him. i . ,1 Advertl.lnr Wits not paid vlthln one year from the time when cMitrtctt, am be increased tweuty.Qre perctnk eaea year Mtjrmsiits Dsttleetetl Uisrullsr. .. , " FOURTH AKJilHl 6IAT8 FAIIl. .The Fair opened on Tuesday last with fins weather, bat not a very large attendance."! jThe entry teeretnrlet wers promptly at wort. land were th principal mean of starting t)bn 1 botinesi in tomethlng Ilk sbip-ihap. Thsr)w was nat anything den on this day of not.- The refreshment men, circular swings,' tan' ' earns,, double-headed oalf wonders, never for getting tbe " megio oil man," , were, as nioaU ij prompt with an sy to business, and ready to oblige and instruot., ( W predict they will nnl 1 make at muob msney at latt year, .:.! 1 W mote the following entries t u(! , i yoni" tTX"'1' i W, C. Myer, Ashland Mills, Poborg itailtVrii,, and 5 colts. i.,i. .,,,..,.!,,, Dram 4c Martin, Jacksonville, sorrel stalUsn, Sampson, S.H. Miller,' Solo, a 2-year-old stallioq, Jo Hooker. ; .! 1 1 ', , Bigham I Wsloh,1 Portland, chetlrllt', itaHion. ht Mnhomet. " , .- - -.,. .m.i. 8. G. Morgan, Dayton, colt. - M. Liinor, Albany, running horse, 4 yrt. sld. ; P & A. Moor, Biwwntyille, ranning Itarsb. ' W, R. Claypnol, Lebanon, ana gelding, -I t in George Belahaw, Eugene City, sweepttakss ; mare, wilhoat reference to blood. . .- -ul Calvin N'eal, Condit, sweepttaket mare, ' without reference Is blood. . , , , G. J. Basket. Etna. 4 yf old bay mtre, ' 0 Daniel Dcnnison, Salem, bay stallion, Lln . Ouk Genrg. ' James F. Bybes, Portland, rnnnlng bor,''. , Portland. "' ' 1 .' . J.O. Van Bergen, Portland, trotting ttallion Emigrant, , , Sherlock tc Bacon, Portland, trotting mars, sweepstakes. ' . William Chnso, Independence, running stall-' ion, Butter Creek. - . t - ,-i , William Davidson, Independence, ranning ' borte, Black Legs. ' CHarker, Amity, best gelding for nils btl. U.W. Smoud. Albany, black mare, yearling and tucking colt. ' ' . , N. P. Newton, Corvallis, 2-year old ttallUt, , Gen. Sigel, ' 1 ' ' Jatnet Mv Cottrell, Soio, 2-year old ttallion, ' sweepstakes. ' , ' , ' ' ', J ili n LuugUlin.N'nrth Yamhill, tweepitakes tallion.' , . ' " ." Colburn Bnrrell, Portland, 3 yrsjrf ttallion. '. (i. ltenwiilnsv. W.G. Brownlow. G.J. Biukett. Etna, ttallion and family ot, ooltt.. . , ' ., 8. Ac I. Dnrbin, Salem, stallion and family. Of Colli. . , - it 11. lluudy, Starr's Point, sweentttke mare, . and oulii. , , , T, G. Naylor. Forest Grove, 2-yr old ttallion. A. H. i rnier. Salem, tweepitakeittallioa, J. B, Orme, Salem, sweepstakes stallion., ;,Mil M. II. Wallace, Peoria, Comet ttallion. , '," ' ltohert Henderson, Muddy, swoepstakes. 'il;n A. W. Lucas, Monmouth, mars 4 yrt old. ' ' Frank Wulab, Siutelaw, thoroughbred uiares Maggie aud Kate. ' ,, , Culhurn Burrell, Portland, bay mars. ' ' ,' A. D. Tufts, MoMinvills, sullion, Bnlwsr, Jobn Blanton, Salem, thoroughbred mar. ' w. f. MTsr, Ashland Hills, csberc'i noils. Look oat, Richmond. Pea Ridge, Ball's BloflV James a. Kays. Salem, K-rr old mare. -. j P dc A Moors, Brownsville, 4-yr old mars.' unas Stewart, uregon Ulty, x maret4yr obi.i n neia, urowittvtiie. roadster colt. -' i Edward Jelfreyt, St. Loolt, roaditer stallion. l Calvin Nssl, Condit, roaditer mars. D C Stewart, North Yamhill, best mars. I Isaac Coalson. Binsslaw, tws lUlllnm. . 8 H Barnard. Corvallis, 2-rr old filly, -i ' M H Wallaoe, Peoria, ttallion roadster.' !' -I 11 li Hadley, Eugrn City, 4-yr old ttallisa. Daniel O Clark, Amity, 2-yr old sullion. ' Thus Tuokr Eugen City, yearling stallion. ' i HOR8E9 FOR SPEED. ' '" ' ' John Downing, Sublimity, walking bores. S dc I Durbin, Salem. do. ,'. Jack Waihburn. Portland, 1 1 do. ' -Win Nixon, Htarr'l Point, do. Eli Vaughn. Salem, ' do. " , WMilk ilillsboro, ' do. ' " - W 0 Walksr. Hakna, for mils beau,' 2 In 3.' Fly-by.Nighistnllioo. . - ; W ui ttird, Albany, I gelding, 4 qrs 6t npwd. W C Myr, Ashltud, I brown de 1 bay eoll. (i A Cornwall, McMlnvllle, I sullion Syr. J M Cottrell, Soio, 1 2-yr old mar. ' ' ' J M Wnllnus. McMiovill; 1 4-yr old nil-, 0 J Coffey, Condit, 1 mars and eoll. ' 1 Isaac Cuulaon, Siutelaw, 1 2 yr sld colt. '"" H Field, Browntf ille, I lucking coll. W M Smith, Lebanon, 1 ipan bay horess. W J llvrren. Saltrln, 1 brood mars and eslt G W llnuck, Corvallis, 1 4 yr old ttallisn. Wui Talent, 1 8-yr " Robt Henderson, Muddy, 1 tt-yrsld gelding. Jacob liansport, Asrora, 1 yeailiug oolU , , . J B Kenoin, Halem, I locking colt. ' 0 W Elliotu Scio, 1 3 yr old fllly, aod mm 2-yr old filly. T G Naylor, Forest Urov. I L'yr old itallloo. John Lemon, Salem, 1 3-yr , " " ThotCKIiaw, 1 4-yr " " Jatnet Welsh. Siuselaw. 1 4-yr w II Swouk. Hrownsvill. 1 4-yr " " - J J Kelly. Scio. 1 bay gelding. ., ' It 11 Pollard. Scio, 1 3 yr old mars, Geo Belehaw, Eugene, 1 4 yr sld mars, nod 1 looking colt. r i, T n i . s 1.1 ..-11! I A u I rater, oaiem, on t-yr uiu saauiMti., Henry Hill, ludepeudeno. 1 4yr old " John ll Keitur. Salem, 1 2rr old mars. , Jas f Uybee, Portland, 1 4yr " " , ' T U Burbank, Independence, oo 4-yr old Uillrinau lUllion, , , IIOHHES MATCHES. D B Crawford. MuMiutille, pair matched carriage horse. i , , l ' 11 U Hsdltiy. tugen. psir earnags Dorsss. P P Henderson. Albany, pair mbdrosdstsrt. M H Wallac. Pcsria. , do do i II Kudd, 1 pair trotting rsadsters. ill- ,- ADULR nOHtH. A R Wilooxsoo, Corvallis, bay taddls kons. T Q Naylor, Forest Grots, 1 brsed aws, nod 1 buggy horse, ,. ...'i A It r raavr, Salem, I saddle-hort. - , , ; M H W'sJIaos, l'eoria, on aaddl boraa. U Rudd, , , ' tiugls boggy bores. . , tiRAiKs. aaaua, dee. ; i 1 Chat. Steward, Oregon City. ! wheat ' '. Wo. Kllintt, Needy, brows oorn. ' ' Wot. P. 1'ugb, Salem. wiolr ry, and flu teed. - ' :i Uorg Beltbaw, Esgens CHy. whits Dt strsil wb4. ' !,A J. 11. BsllingM, JefJrrsoa. bUck rys, sasa, parley ooro. d sorn, timothy Md. . Wm. J. llerreo, Hal.m. wbit whsnt, Isdtj sals, and barley. ' D. D. I'rsltyman, Salem, barley, F.arly Al bany euro, Uraetby rstrd, flax Mod. Prisos Al berl and pracb blew potatoss, baUtr. u John Oillnssr. Salm, 4 oorn anaasR. John Duwoing, Sublimity, peach. blow lost, and liosr potaloe (now variety), i t tlilinn Criawold, Portland, potatoes and ta)f nip cabbage1. Jabs K alter, Salem, cabbage and turnip. A. J. Dufur, Portland, ch and batter. (1. W. Hunt, gibbosity, bailor. ' John VtlliaiMsn, Lalayvtu, whits wbat flour. .) -,. .. . .- - ... .... i Sal Mills, whits wheal sour. Wnt. N lion, burr's Point, whit wbsaa. . Melh Luelltng, Milwankis, piok-sys petal. cahnrd paurrs, rrrdli-work, dec , Mrs. Jobn Ford. Salem. 87 Mtris. rmJibs, jelli, irsres, jam, dee.. A. Mn. Eliaaheth oagi SJm, fancy tr 'X. Mrs. . E. Slater, Salem, jumble and oaa ned blacklverrlj. - ... , Mn Columbia Jons. Salem, card n-v.i4 and tntting work. , ( , , , "'