Site (Dwjm J format!. MONEI NEEDED. In view of conaidorable outlay of hard cah necessary to proporly start tho Farmer's paper, we dnairs (bout n thousand, more or lent, of our subscribers to come in mid pay up arrears. We lined the money for tlie purposa named, or we would not utick in this dun i but, as it ia due the office, wo know that aubacribert don't want ui to apologise for asking; them to pay up. Tui OituioN Pi.owhan." From a prospectus wnt uh, we Warn that Mr. E. M. Walts iri'mci to publiab an agricultural paper in thin place with tho above name, comraenclnir January next, Cuming at thin time, anil from the source it does, it is eutiUtil to inure than an ordinary notice. We cortaluly do not wish Mr. Waite a failure in the proposed enterpriie, and, iu behall of the furthcoming " Agrieulturiit." we extend hi in a welcome to a good cause. But it occurs to us that this near " Plowman" bodes no good to the cause It seeks to advocate. The farmers of Oregon, as well as Mr, Walte, know well enough that two agricultural papers cannot he tmtiilncd In this State ; and we all remember that one (the Oregon farmer), without opposition: lias failed ; and Mr. W. doubtless calculates on his abll- : ity to destroy the Agrieulturiit. We are aatisSed that very farmer iu the State would greatly prefer to see one paper-well sustained and in a noarishing condition onasnrefoandation.rather'than divide their support between two papers, letting tbcm run a sickly, linger lug career, neither doing any good. The formers do ' not desire to patronize the printers so much as to ail ' vanes their own interests, and this they well enough know can best be dune by giving that support to one ' paper which will make it what it ought to be. In Issii N ing a prospectus at this time, we can see no other pur pose of Mr. Walte's than to embarass the start of the ' Agricultural, hopiug to deter our frlendxtfrom taking hold of the enterprise. Mr. W. proposes to be the special advocate of the State Agricultural 8oclcty. He can have no claims to such distinction. Home of the writers for the Agrieulturiit are now advocating the interests of that Society through the columns of the State$nan, which paper has published more matter for the Society than any other paper in tlie State, and the Agrieulturiit will acknowledge no better friend to . that institution than itseir. Mr. Waite winds up his propectus with the following special " apology : It may he said by some that the Plowman Is started In opposition to other Intercuts, but such Is not true ; It 1 known to many that. since April last, I have contem plated starting an agricultural paper. I shall work fur miccess. aim to deserve patronage and envy no one advantage lalrly gained. It ia an old maxim and true, that "any act which needs an apology ought not to have been done." It was not known to the public, and much less to the project ors of the Agrieulturiit, that Mr. W. " contemplated publishing an agricultural paper " and If any such in tention on bis part had teen made known to the public, by prospectus or otherwise, before the Agrieulturiit was announced, Mr. Waite should have had a clear Jield; with our heartiest approval and best efforts to se cure bis paper the greatest success ; but having, In Ig norauce of his intentions, expended nearly one thous and dollars to start til Agriculluriit handsomely, It will not now back out or back down from M r. W. or any other man. We are at a loss to account for this move to Embarass the Agricultural on any other supposition than that Mr. A. 0, Walling, who run the Farmer Into the ground, is now operating in the name of E. M. Waite Mr. Waite being now foreman of Waiting's printing office, in Portland. The Agrieulturiit will go ahead. It will be a " live paier," too. We shall make the first a specimen num ber, and shall challenge criticism from any source. The Oregon Printing and Publishing Company is able to run the paper, and make It worth three dollars a year, - if It don't get a single subscriber. But subscriptions are coming In rapidly, and we have neither doubts or ' fears of Its future. It will be on exhibition, and eu tered for a premium, at tha State Fair, if all the type ' get here in time. Valuable Barn BuRNED.-Last Monday night the large barn of Mr. 3 oscph Waldo, in this eoun , ty, with all its contents, which were very large in liny, grain, wagons, harness, farming implements, and one horse, all valued at some $3,000, was totally destroyed by 6 re. The lost is about equal ly divided between Mr. Waldo and hia partner, Mr. Fullerton. It ia supposed that the fire was accidentally started by some returning miners traveling on foot, who are supposed to have gone iqto the barn to sleep during the night. Two such characters were, seen near tho barn in the eve ning, but no trace can be found ef them on that road siuce the fire ; and whether they were burned in the barn, or escaped and have concealed them selves, fearing a prosecution, it a matter of specu lation among the neighbors. Bound to Make it Pay. The State Printer, and proprietor of the Oregonian, has' handed in a little bill of several thousand dollars for printing , which has never been delivered to the 8tate ; and among other items, be charges in the account the Internal Revenue tax which he it compelled to pay the United 8tates"rt the work dona for the 8tale of Oregon or, in iWher words, he is endear- , oring to make, tha State pay bit taxes for this year. It is a good idea, if it wonld only work ; but Secretary May " can't see it in that light." The Printer evidently thinks that if be can't print the Laws, ha can keep them " in soak" for a spec ulation. ANOTiir.n Strike. Frank Cooper has struck . another big lead, of gold, silver, lead, etc., tome ten miles from Quartzville. It is said to prospect well : and Frank thiuks that QuarUvilla is just in the edge of the mineral district. Willamette" University. This institution has opened the fall session with very flattering prospects. More than one hundred students were in attendance the first day. Fair Days. The Oregon State Fair ia held ' this year on the 3ij 4th, Sth, and 6th days of Oct- Asotbss Piss IWicqrar. W art under obligations to Mrs. George Cook for a bouquet of thirty vsrlf lies of rare flowtro. which, for freshness and beauty, coukl not be excelled. Wt hope the ladles will not forget the floral department of the Cute Fair. Dow Go rss Psicsa. Oar seirhbors m the tooth end of Grltwold'i Block mean business. They srt Bot to be out done, Doe't lake these for 14 itrriluet" they srs 14 wide awake" merehsnli. They will sell to yoa that Is, llitchell Co. will If yoa want anything. They will sell cheap cheaper than the eheanost. All that Mitchell wants to do, Is 1 to srs a customer and la! k to him. Gumma. The cltlsons of Salem (and everybody slat) win be frailties to know that M. P. Owsa will furnish them a flrtt-rele article of elder, in any quanUty from one gallon upwards, for the very low pries cf af, tonte par ffalloa, and fflrnleh kereto keep IS la. Persons wanting4 elder for 1st Ftlr, csn be tupplM la like msnnrr. Kreryhndy that has tried It knovt that Ooen's elder Is the beet (hat Is brought to manei. it yoa dont believe H, try ll, and see. PV Bentloe Nesmlth lift Walla Walla last Thursday, . tendlnt 10 vlttl the Bole and Owyhee tan., and lesvt Ml Lake City for SI. Loola on Hit let of Otleber, with a military eeron provrata lor nw oaieiy. Isdus fiowr. The tinltael leant that Caps, Kelly's Co had a Break with Uu Boakea lately, aear Mirer Lake. One man was killed end toreral wnonded. STly men onder tho lead of I'eplSpragiM ten rt. aiamaurorUieteenoofeeUoa, ffaVDr Maason has removed bis ofleo to If oorct's Block. EirLtstTORT. Owing to some changes and mov ing being made in tlx 6'tatrma office, several items of internet bsrs to be deferred -until next weak. Kara- Sroai Mr re. 0. W. Gray ft Co., lately ef Iowa, have f t up a new slim building on State street, and will Mn hare It tilled with a very large stock af dry goods and general merchandl. The Verne Ins Intends to put p a due brick Mock on the corner "p po lite, acxt spring, and open a bank, with funds enough to do ths banking and exchange business of this plsce. Salem ia going ahead. Ail Extraordinary Bacr IIorsi. The French racing stallion. "Gladiateor"lt turning at to be one of the greatest raocra that has ?r appeared opon the turf. Lately ha went over to England and woo the "Two Thousand Guinea raoa ; entered for "The Derby, and wen that also ; went hack to Paris and won the great raoa for lOO.OOOf. there ; and finally re created the channel and entered for the "St. , Leger." at Dancaetrr. If "OUvdiateor" wina this also, he will have made a "tot f record' for himself each as no horse tint even elorpt io "toll pee" biuuelf ever achieved. TUB NATIONAL DOT. Tho yearly interest mi the public debt, at it stood on tlie yist nf July, is. in round figures, nno hundred and forty millions of dollars. This is the exact measure of the burden which it lays no the Inbnr and industry nf the coun try. It would perhaps be more satisfaotorialy understood if the principal of the debt were kept out of light entirely, since the Interest la the only shape in which, fur the present, it lias a practical bearing. The payment nf the debt is the troublesome idea to most people. They see clearly enough how to pay the Interest, but an indefinable masa nf something poiaed over their heada and threatening to lull every innincnt It the terror associated with the principal. Aa to any posit ive and tenaible efluct on the economy of the country, our national debt, in lt totnl mass, It of do aobount whatever. We do nut deal with it in tho total, but only with that anneal por tion of it which we are able to pay without im posing a weight nf tnxea needlessly prejudicial to the general industry. When we get over the requirement! nf additional expense! fur military purposes we shall add ton million! of dollars to the yearly tax lor liquidation, sua that will be luluoieiit to extinguish the debt. For example, if we oould atop where we are, with on annual interest of one hundred and forty millions, we ahould raiae one hundred and fifty millions a year, and that would be the bight, breadth, depth and oiroumfereuce of our burden not a cent more, now or at any future time, unlets we bad a new war. Then, where are we ? The estimate of all other expenses of the Government fur the year ending June 30, 1800, ia nudur fifty millions of dollars. We tbus arrived at the comfortable conclusion that a total revenue of two hundred million! a year wonld be our entire burden if we should keep the debt where it ii With the piesent rate of taxes, the estimate of re ceipts for the year ending June 30, 1866, is three hundred and ninety-aix million! of dol lars. We might, therefore, this day cut down our taxes jnet one-half and goou our way re joicing. There ii a supplementary clause to tlna allow which makes it more than probable that the rate of taxation may be reduced one-half with in the (pace of two or three yean at fartheat. The above estimate of receipts ia founded on the Northern Stutca alone. When the South ern States are established in successful labor, the rata can be reduced in the jiroportion of the increased national income. On tlie whole, we feel sufe in assuming that we ahall aettle at a yearly taxation not one dol lar above two hundred millions. That ia the measure of the entire burden. N. Y. Evening Pott. Gen Meaoiier. St. Paul, August 3d. Gen. Meagher received a diapatoh to-day tendering him the office of Seoretary of Montana. He haa decided to accent the appointment. He delivered an excellent leoture last evening to the Irish Emigration Society. He threw hot shot among his auditors, who are largely Irish Democrats. When be touched on politics, and in sVeaking of negro luffrace, he said: "Nor should we be less liberal, less Juat in faot, to our black comrade! of the battle-held. By tbeir desperate fidelity to the fortune! of the nation, in many a fierce tempest of the war, a fidelity all the inoro beroio that they fought in chains, and with tho devotion of the nolile inartyra, repaid with torrenta of generous blond the proscription and wicked bondage in which, under, the sanction of the itan and stripes, they bad been for generations held. By their desperate fidelity and splendid soldiership, such aa at Fort Wagner and Port Hudson, gave to their bayonets an irresistable electrici ty. The blaok heroei of the Union R-my have not only entitled themselves to liberty but to citizanship, and the Democrat who should deny them the right for which their wnondi and glorified oolura in uloqueutly plead is unworthy to participate in the greatness nf the nation whme authority the disfranchised soldiers did so much to vindicate." Protestants and Catholics in Propor tion. A French Catholio writer, who has spent a long time in the United States and in British America, and who elaiius to have made a speciul study of the history and present con dition of the Unman Catholic Churches in the United States, estimates tha proportion of Ko man Catlmlioa to Protestants at different peri ods of our history as follows : 18081 Catholio to 68 Pmteitanta. 18301 Catholio to 21 Protestants. 18401 Catholio to 18 Protestants. 18.5) 1 Calholio tn 11 Protestants. 1860-1 Catholio tn 7 Protrtlant. In this estimate, all non-Catholic inhabit ants have been counted as Protestants. Ths linnian Catholic! in 1850 would amount, ac cording tn thii writer, to about lour millions and a half. ATllRIFTY Farmer. Mr. Alfred Stanton, nenr this city, informs ns that be got his fall wheat all in over a week ago ; and, furthermore, if the farm era of this valley always want to have good crops of wheat, without fail, they should summer-fallow their ground, break up the ground early, pulver ize the soil well, and get their wheat in by Sept. 10th . This done, he says he has nevtr known the crop to fail.- Mr. Stanton's farm, buildings, Ac , demonstrate the fact that his plant pay well, at least. RESPONSES TO Til K OKEuOX AliRIClL TIK1ST. Oasoos Agriculturist. We are pleased to notice that an effort is being ma'le tn establish an nirricultnrul paper in the interest of Oregon farmers. For several ye irs hark this class of citizens have enjoyed an unu sual degree of prosperity , and hence they are well altle to auetain a journal devoted to their interests. We have always thought our fanners made a mistake in allowing the Oreirun Farmer tosutpeud forwent of patronage, and now that there ia a rhance to ob tain a paper that will btke ita place, we earnestly hope that it will receive the solid support of every farmer in the country. Money thus laid out ia well expended, and will be sure tn come back again in the ahape of iioproved crops and increased prosperity. Mountaineer- ri7"It ft proposed tn issue from the Staleeman of fice at Snlem, about the lot nf October, in. time for circulation at the Stale Fair, the first number of a pa per to be exclusively devoted to the interests of those who cultivate the soil, and the farmers of Oregon srs cllaed upon to snttain the enterprise. The class wboas interests are to be looked after, are nnmerons enough in the Slate to make the paper a success, and they as suredly will not mint the opportunity offered them of having a journal devoted to tboir interests. Ths ser vices of a competent editor have been secured, and the projectors promise that it ahall be second to no similar publication on the I'arifle roast, and deserving the support of every farmer in Oregon. Umatilla A'ireriuer, "Orsoos AoaiccLTvaisv." It le announced that a new paper, with Ibe almve title, will be issued from the Utaitimnn once, at Halere, ia a few weeks. Tlie new eandidste fir pnblie rnvcr will be devoted to the practical Interests or Ureiron ranniuir, etnek-rais-me. frait-sTowtnir. mltitne. merhantra, Jce. Tho pros pectus says it ahall hare nothing to do with politics or politicians, lo ajouraai or wis character we wieb moat hearty success. enrh an one ia wauted in Ihe !Mate, it ouirnt to tie itberaiiy sneiatnei oy our people and we bone it will be. Stuffs Hignti Democrat. As AoRtrriTCStL Ptrsn. It is propneed lo itttie a Daper from the btateiman pb office, on the nrvt Monday ot October, to be devoted to the interests Of Aa-rirnltnre in Orrion. 1 be enurpnea is certainlv a laudable one, and we with tt aurreao. 6ee prospectus in advertising colnmo. Atbany Journal. AnRirrt.n'Rtt. Pitta In another rolamn will he fnnnded (he prospectus, of the Agnettltumt, which win puutiMiru moot in lu oimramum uum-v. tiorb a paper ought to soecttpd. and it will prove a sue ens if farmers, gardtiera and stuck raisers do their da ly.F. C. Aineate. Tm Oasoos Aoanrit Tl nirr Attention is di MrtMl IA tH MMM.UM h. f - . -.11 . . . u. ... m m,. mvt iv uo tan ed Ibe Oregon Arrtevilmrut, suon to be lamed el F ' ' ' w yr-..yim " Ml ml Vian' to snppnrt a -r of this kind, and we trust they will do it. We detint to oo lbs Oregon AgncuUtriil n. .n naaa nn. m.J.i Tka n .. I . u, . AoairrLTCSAl. Ptraa. Tha pahnVaiiaa of an Acnraltaral paper win eoamionco at NUm ahool tlie latol INtnlier. Krery ftmwr thoald taka n. two HrotpocMt m anotMr coiosaa (. orrmiiu Umulte. Kiw Porta It wit! bo area, by reformee b, w aderUiu eolaans. tual a aew piiuiirauoa, called the Orte on AtnenllHtut, le to be loiwd in hWott on tho IrM Mundav la Or., nest It will be a teal uouUiiy. devoted to aurkultund and otbor matters nwaeMod therewith, and deserves liberal support. T Unas are three dollars par year, iu advance UtatoJonrnaL ffyTbe Siotnmn pnMitlios an appeal to tks far mere, desirinc to know whether ihy wwh an art raltaral paper ia this Skate. It will be em by refer ence w another rolamn. that a pnapertaa has neon is sued for a pel of that rliarr!r. Aa Bitru-nrtaral paper ia (hrjrx omrhl Iu be sopported. and we wish M sucreea timer. . THE LATEST, Bp-acini I)li'fiU'-liei lo lh Orient. 8tntennifn. Kiw York, Ht'pt. 15 A Vera Out rorrtnitpoiidpiii nayithe Li be ml ire mHlcinif Active prfpnrHtlnnn fur tlie winter mtininiKn. Tliv mounuii. ffrtwe urn tmnl ly eiiKt'tftad (irfimrittiaf for tt grand cmp cle Jimiu when tlie romU nre in bettor order. The Impnriitt govern ment will not lie prepared for nifih ii blow when it com ay toward tlie end of October. Tha empire of imurpHtion will be eruehed. mid Itnutine with hU hii oomnmnd in Mexico could not Htid a man who would dare to otter to gnatd the proudeil inanhul of France to the Gulf, for we nitty hour by any nt earner that leavei this pott of tha Hight or capture of Nhjio-It-jolt' protege, A lata di. patch from Washington iav advlcei from Muxico aliow tii at lormer ruporu of ilia Uopulewueu of tha Liberal cuute, were exaggerated. Nkw York, Kept. 14, Jonkim and Katclium were am.igi.ed in the Court of Ht-Nhiuim to day, on chargui of einbuwlementand grand larceny. Ketchum plead d not guilty, and the carta wae poitponed. Tha l'ropW Line, Htaamboal Conipatiy, to day laid the keel for the largtist itaatuhoat in tha world, buing Uti) feet longer and 00 feat wider thau tha St. John, with KM) more iUte roomi. Gold in New York on tba 15th, 141 - Irish papers continue to direct attention to the Pa ntatm. There appears to ba no doubt hut thtUenilitary drilling is guiug on in different parts of tha country. Tlie forces are reported to ba dully increasing, atid gathering strength and munbero. On the night of the ?tb of August there was a great gathering at lthtck rock, near Dublin, to start a muster to cupo with tba police. Four of the leaders were pointed out and iubseuetitlr arrested. Han Francisco, Hopt 15. Tha Chamber of Com tnerce laat night adopted the following rcaoliitiotn, touching the sutfpeuslon ol the overland mail service to Oregon : Kctohcd, That tha Chamber of Commerce of Ron Fraiicittuo views with serious concern tiie action of tha Pout Ofllee Department, In abrogating tha daily service of the Oregon Overland Mail Houte. whereby the entira population of tlie northern portion of thin State, and of Oregon, are deprived of mail facilities of every kind. Jietotvedt That the Daily Overlsud Mail between Lincoln and Portland is taentitil to the development of the commerce of the "Inter Htute f California nj Oregon, and It Is hoped tho Postmaster General will immediately take it to restore said daily service. RnMolvea, That the ttatt-etarr be instructed to for ward a copy of tlie resolutions to the Post Office De pnrtmcnt, and to funiUh a copy to each of our Sena tors and HenreHentatlves. Flour We quote the whole range fur extra at tn :U, and superllue $' 50: 75. Wheat $L m 1).. Oats, prime. HoOlOU lb. Wwl, llu bales buny and inferior Los Angeles wild at 11c, Hailed, steamer -Sierra Nevada, fur Portland. Greenbacks, Tl. New York, Sept. U. Havannah -snrrespondenca of 5th contains an account of tha murder of Cant. 11mm bridge, of the &Jd U. H. colored troops, at Augusta, on tha night of the 3d inst., by three young members of most respectable f mi lies of that place. It appears the otipuin whs diicoverud in company with a mulat to girl, who was mistress of one of the young men. They attacked him with revolvers. One shot penetra ting the neck, proved mortal. Not wit in tied with this, they full on his prostrate body intlicting ghastly woands with their knives. The affair caused such ex citement there wnsduuger nf a riot. Threats were made of burning the city. Tha murderers were ar rested and quiet restored. New Pork, 8ept. 11. Lute advices from South Carolina say the elerton of delegates to tba Htsta Convention pasied otf quietly on Tuesday. Only about u quarter of the names on the Union ticket were aimed. The majority are conservatives. Small, Wade Hampton and sevaiul officers of the Confeder ate army have been returned by large majorities. New 'Orleans. 8epL II. The Timet' Jackson spec ial says It is rumored that Hlocnm baa tendered his resiguatiou iu consequence of the President's endorse ment of Sharkey's actiou. The Newt predicts confi dently that the colored troops will be ordered out of the Slata for mustering nut. or transferred to another locnlity. The South is sat is lied with President Joliu son's policy. New York , Sept. 1 1. The Pott'i Washington spec ial stiya i A large delegation from Georgia, Alabama, Florida. MissisHiiipi Te unease and Virgmia is at tha White House. Their object is to notify the President that his policy and course towards the South are meet ing with the general approval of tha people of those Slates. The delegation declared in return they will give liia Administration most cordial support. New York, Sept. 11. Tba receipts of Internal ite venue during toe past week were -14,mhj,uw, In the Maine election 7 J towns iiva Conv l.v-tftt Howard, H..1I3 against last year when Cony had J, 516, Howard 15,8U. Tun First Stock or ths Ssasox. Ureyman Bros, are now receiving and enenlni one of the largest and finest stocki of Dry Goods aver brought to Salem. We br Here It Is generally conceded that firijr ruin's Is ths headqusrter's for Isadlw' Dress Goods, Millinery stock, and all sthsr articles Id that lint- at least we should think so, from the number of hand some and elegantlydrtssed ladles ws observe at Breyman'i counters. Breyman'i itock of Groceries came up by tha steamer "Echo," and will be sold as cheap as the chtspett t? Mrs. 8. A. Allen's World's Hair Re storer and Dressing. You cannot ba bald or grey, and neither time nor sickness can blemish your Hair, if you nsa them. 8old by all Druggists. 2m6 Agents, Hostetler, Smith, & Dean, San Francisco. C7 When yoa come to the State Fair, bring along Three Dollars, and subscribe for the "Oregon Agriculturist. ' Special Notices. luxuriant Growth and Beauty to the Hair. 1 Mrs. 8. A. Allen's World's Hulr Restorer and Dressing. The great unequalled Preparations for Uestorlng, Inrlgoratlng, Beautifying, and Dressing the Hair, Rendering U soft, silky, and glossy, and disposing it to remain in any desired position t quickly cleansing tha scalp, arresting the fall, and never fails to restore grey hair to Its natural color, and produce a luxuriant growth. For sala by all Druggists. Agents, Hostettcr, Smith & Dean, 8an Francisco. 6m ALL COCK'S POROUS PLASTER PAIN RK- MKVK1NG AND STRFNOTHKNINO. The history of thrt plasters would occupy mare space than ean be spared within the limits of this advertisement. Sullies It lo asy, that ths tost eminent chetclits and phytlciaiis of the United States and Earn'te were sonralted as la their eompoaltloa. They are made porfins, so that tha evaporation of the perspiration csn go on luflklftiflj where the pluler Is applied, without, as with other pint en, causing the seruinulatlon of acrid fluid, whlcH corrodes the skin and occaalona many unpleas ant aensatlons not necessary for Ihe cure or alleviation ef affect loos for which a plaster Is tuually applied. India rubber, myrlb, and other eholse sums and essences r f the vegeUbla klnffdom, are the msterlal logredleiits of these celrbrat-rd pluters. While they sre possessed of sll ths soothing and warailnj qualities of slmott erery other plalr of the United States Dlipeniatory, thry are withnut many of their Inconveniences. In tha lanpism f one who has experienced much benefit from their application In a chron ic disease of the kidney "They stick closer than a brother, and do net run like a falsa friend." For weakness of ths back, palm In Ihe side, stomach or ehest and for ths sllevts tloo of the pslo attending; rtteumstlra, they are without an etjusl. Tha Agent lo San rrancssco, WILLIAM P. BRAXDRKPTIf, Ofifal Jftwrs. Cram tt Srigham't, wiU takt grtat ptttuurt in forwarding ikt formula qf Uu4 tuibraU4 ptosfars lo all 1'hyticien eA tatftf rtirt to sm it. tot sals by . II0DOK k CALKK, lyl Portland, Or-tton. A A. r. A. n. lfV (AUM lODOl Ko.S liolStll.rmlareomniinl. seaflnntoa ihe oeonno! ao4 foorlli rl4art la eae SJonlh. Ilrelhrra ia food .landing sre InrHrH In attend. T. H. Ons. Hoe's. ait( A. McGALLRY. W. M. I. o. o. r. Hflt'lfKfT U'tMlB, Kit. 1, merte erefjr WHneeJay ereolnf, at Its hall In Holmtns lalldlDf. Brothers lo uma .tanrttnt are la riled to a..od. I. a. MlKJHIM, N. U. 1 q. Wiu. a. fWrur. SStf WILLAKBTTI ERCAKPHIHT, Xo. ft I O O F., MKrrrSOMTIIE KIK-T AM) TIMUI) X Fridar Ereninits of ar!l month, at ( o rlora, in llielr Hall, in Ilnltnan s Work. Hrethran in aood standing are inriien to , aitend. A, k. oi iinj. v-r- PHOSPECTlf or tks OREGON AGRICULTURIST Srf FICIKXT snronnttfraiMit lisrins; hewn orrl, liters will bo ImoxI fnim tho Job Of- fte. on or aboat the first M'indar of (iriobor nasi, a ornii ntonililr Aitricaltnral journal, with tha slnra Ulle, ami nf 'llie uto of tho Oregon tililetman. Tlw naprr will bo oroto4 to ths hiteraote of tho r'omwr. rdork rijuoar. WooUlrowsr. Minor, Mo ehanir. and Manufacturer. rill knot no rvaaernoa rttk ftnhttrl or pottlinml, and will ho uiodo aa ao eeptabHi and welrtmn rl.uor to tha boom of all. Thr paper wiii bo ojmlor tl,o rdiuirial eonlnil nf a mllrawit tn ererr war qnalltlod lo make Ihe papor rralabloand inMrnniir, ami who will ho BMMrd br on ir on I papers frost ouoao of ll aioea tnlllisonl and prartH-aJ farmers m the Htale. Orriron la now p"pa Inoo enough to tup port ita own atfeimltnnil journal, and this papot shall ft snads worthy of a aenerotsi awttmeuMr. Theoahorrtpthia prira will ha 1-1 perannaos.inejoia, parable raranai-lr ia adranre. Leral Tender Boles will be rewired at enrreM ntla. Money Ineloaod ia yreoeere nf Fottmaotera. eent nt oar nek. AdreHiam will oheerreloat the Arnrmllurut wilt afford the beet taaana of reerbinf the Kartaert, Me rhaoiro. and ufhera ihrtaehoet loo rkjete. A limited amber of adrtrtnetaento will be rweietid. Address, ee Afjrntlnriit, 9il fUlros. ()rrK"a Answer, Mfifiri. J. h. I,nrrlh Co., PorlUnd, will re fletvs and receipt for aubtorlptrODi to tlie 8tatnnan, BALEM MARKET PRICKS. coRRsmnivsar Flnnr tsek . . . . Ilitins lb Sides V I HhonlHersI !&..- Ktffrs S rns Lanl V lb Unlbnr, fresh 11 parked..., Clieese, Oreiron.. - Calironiia Thickns dos... Oye'rs can. Salmon, salted... Mackerel Ileeta ('arrots CuljbaKo V dos.. Onions Potntoes Turnips Apples, dried " preen? bus SSTUHDAT ST MYIRS, Hl'QHUt CO. 1 75i Pears , 1 no .'HI -Ulkberr's-Pcan y.1) Groceries. IS Coffee, C. K ... 37 SS " Java ;l an " Kio ur, - 37) 11 Manilla., SSI i Siurar. 8. 1 lOlnIA 20a.i N.o n;i M " H. V I.' 3 50a4 " crnali d... lgatw WwWjSvnip ko(r..S 0flu6 HO I'.'jTea 75tol irO KiJ ('andlet warm I Soap 'ii33 1 l.insmd oV,tui 175J 00 i ouwi' wniie ichilai- lij lalilic.tllM)H) 15 no I '2 00 13 00 U 00 18 00 ao7f. iW. I,. Hlmwmiit w. L. (.osmop'n W,L. ll.ul.on.. French Zino... HOWTETTKH'8 CILSBK1TID STOMACH BITTERS. A preparation nnltitiK ' ' rVRE OLD ESSENCE OF RYE, With all the recognised Tonic, Laxittive and Aull Dil lous HEMKDIBS Up' AUT ANIJ NATUUG. Protective Properties. PrerenU Fever and A line and Million! Remittent Fever, Invigorates the Organs of Digestion and the Bowels Steadies the Nerves and tends to Prolong Life.. Remedial Fropertiei. Curea Dvsnonsla -Liver Complaint General Da bility, Depression nf Spirits Consumption Inter mittent f evers ana all complaints arising from bodily weakness. As ait Appetiser, ' TONIC, FEVER AND AGUE PREVENTIVE And sll Dillious Disorders, Hoatetter'a Stomach Bittera stand pre-eminent as the Greatest Medical Discovery of the Age, and us an ALTERATIVE AND DL0OD PUUIF1ICR. they are prescribed and recommended by all Physl cinns wherever they have beeu introduced. I he extrnorrhnurv and increasing demand for these UITTKK8 is unparalleled .V THE HISTORY OF MEDICINE, and can lie had everywhere throughout the civilized world whare uewspapers are circulated or read. Almanacs or Pamphlets, , with testimony of their success from tha Farmer and the Sailor from the Merchant and the Physician and from the Legislative Halls of . OUR UNITED COUNTRY may be obtained FREE of all Dealers everywhere. IIODGK & CALKF, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, PORTLAND, 07 Front Street. Sole Agents Tor the State. PoKTMKD, July 14th, 1BB5. Mkssks. Honor le. Csi.itri Gentlemen --In answer to vour letter of even. date, referring to tlie I.ica Law atlecling "HOS TrJTTKIC8 HITTERS," I have to sv that no License is required, coming as they do, tinder the head of Proprietary Preparations. This derision is announced by the Commissioner of Intenml Revenue at Wash ington. TIKIS. Kit AZAli, u. B. Assessor Interon! Kevenue, Portland, Oregon. A. C. BRADFORD, Importer and Jobber In HIHES aND LIQUORS, Front Street, Portland. Oregon. BRANDTS I lilSQlTIT, DITBOUCH E, Co. HUII.LIOUIN, HENNKK8Y, PI DKT. C ASVILLION, & Co., HONNWT.iCo., UAItfjUET. Old Jainalcn Rum, ' New UtiRland Rum. SCHIEDAM GIN. OLD TOM. FINE OLD WIIISKIKS. J. II. CHt'r. Old Bourbon. Old Viririnin, , Kurokn, Rye, A biting. PURE WINES: . Oporlo Port, Burgundy Port D. O. 4 Co. ontrry, Jincnor slurry, tiauterne, Angelien. and California IVliitc Winet CHOICE CLARETS J I.APITTB, LROVIM.R, FOK1ARD. CHA.-4BERTI-I, III 1 1. ON PANILLAC, LA ROME, CAHTANAC. CHAMPACNE: CHAS. IIEIDSAICK, CABINET, GREEN SEAL aid JACtlUATAS. ..Also.. Absinthe, Curacon, Verinarlli, Bitters, Syrupa, Inmnica Ginger, Ct ac nee Feppermlnt, Ten ant' Ale and Porter. Maurice, Cox, fc Co'i Ale and Porter. And all oilier Case Goods pertaining to the trade. Mrrrhsnls and dealers are partlrnlarlv invited lo examine my stora before purrnating elsewhere. Important to tha Afflicted. Dr. J.W. Ml BEAT, t7 Ofhce. one door west of III ilennett Hons. 1IIKONIC Disease of the Liver and Lungs, aud mtesses oi the unman sstu. chrunio sore ev rhenmatitm, acrofnlmia diteaara. and all impnriliet of me mono causea nv alkali water and other mineral poltona Uiat the water ia Impregnated with. sir nimeoiee are vegetable, lor nunfrmf ine wood anil removing all diaeaaea anting from srmfu Ions and constitutional eomileiute-lhere ie no remedy known to the science of man that ean eoual hia treatment renecs sua pennanent care, witiiout hindrance from business, change of diet, or fear of exnoenre. Medirinea ami preemptions at reHeonahls prlrea to snit tne iimea. no embargo laid on rich and poor, black and while, and aborigiuee all ran avail tliem aelrea of the remediea to vera diseases, and prolong life. Haleei.HrpI, II, IXtlj. Wl Wko Vt anit a UsmmI t'urtnl 2 1 oil for tale 500 seret of Lead tltusted within ff$ fooe nlleo of Stln. ll Is well watered, having "aia. epoo H fner eprlnfft and t Hvtng teram llntherMt wllh ook and flr loO aerea plow land ; tho retaalnder snn4 paelero. The improvemeett enntlil or a lloeao, Horn, Urohard, ana the abnlt tract tnelntnl vlth a good rail feaet. 1 will tell all, or a part of It. for parucaiara, enoulrt at Nrwioaa'a Market, or of ate. 0 f. fULLCKToN. Paleia, fUpl. II, (sir Taxes! Taxen ! Taient 'taJOTtC'! It hereby gtvea that I win steel the Tts-paym ll of Polk county la Ihelr retpeellvo ftrectaett at the uaeel place or voting, at lit nimwing iiotpt ana elaeet : RrMge- frl, swra. ia, l-eo ko-iitoie, inn; utr. vna; tfnettooUi, lot; eV,le,!Ml avthel. solh ; Halt Lake, Sao,; Jaokooa, Ui; IMatlaa, 1Mb; Uallat, Mih; seat will noma at each plate from loo o'elock soil' four o'clock p.m. of said day. tome ana pay your Man wr H,,n vve entia. Utllu.SrpI S. IMkV 1. M Bt TI,f.a, Tat Collector, - Vl)Tfl'lf 1 SKOfUTIC Coert, Mtrtoe toanlr, Oregoa kotale of t. I RetU. deerated. Nwlt U b.rebr alvea Uial I. Hent- tebel, adotlnlttrator of taM folate, haa preoented hit aeeoaat. ana peart that tae tamo etty at allow for antl aettlevaeat. II n uWefoie r.:t n that Monday the Id day Ot lower, a. a. lo. be oh apart for tee oeerme or me tame, Bah-m, Sept. S, t. C. PUkllLfJ. Co. odgo. rj'ltK tUxktioMfri of the WillumrtU f.lti Cui.t Cmp' J DJT art hrff BfHini w ai uh nine ef tht Ijoin- p-uir I Ortfon Ctr, eeth loth Amy of fetohr ntt, for the f-Mrpoae ef iletilRf fcrtre ef h.rrHori, mud meeftcUag mrh otisrr iM-nneei mf ee ri. t. $, nm.tu -watt. . DH.LH.SKIFF Hiirjroon Dont last. Office ia Moorea' Hrirk BuiMinir. ReMoeare, aear enrtMr ef first awl Center atreeta. Nil Kiaie tint fimlia o,raiKit mrfmmoA. I J). aVie the patruiawe of tuca utraona aa with aerations aertorrwi ia tae aaaat perfect ssanner. Bnieci, Dee. ftd. IW'i 4'Af "tollr! II tievtfcji tree '"' til (,. Saeelat thtt Hvjr are m Sam i. m mat e, artt tr -xt ar:et, miU eeettr a favnt ur ttitiine tanr tmeia etuvoei s.itr amiir. am it.iA.s u a iirrt'iiitu r ( -Tht ai(i CASH rrttt sale (or etuis ef ell et- S'tlftl"... M OI, HOUSE, Comer of Washington and Front Streets, PORTLAND. IjMRST-CUKa HnTKf,. I,AR(IKIT IN THU STATE. Vhsrtn rettonaltle. Ao Onitilhut will mend all tlie Hxolt and rnovey pattettt.rt anr, tlielr baiisate to Ihe Unuto fret nf charge, or to any otlter Hoil.e In the city for AO oeult. . CilfFlN, Proprlttor. P S.-11'IT and COI.D BATIIft In the Houn. All the Iflttnert for Ortson City, Vanoourer, Uontlcello, and Aatorls, land at the Lincoln Home Wharf. tetnifl Ilaoliillon Notice. 'piIK CO-PAItTNKItlllPherelorare exlillns between ths X uudtrilsued under tht name of KLfKLT, WKIL t CO., bat tlilidtjr been dlMolve,! by mutual content. All debit due the lalt firm nf KIMt, Well t Co. nil bo paid lo A. B. U.rKl.T or a, OULU9M1TII, who will tln In liquidation. A. H. P.l.rELT, D. WKH,, I. OOLUbMITH. Portland, Oregon, Auguit3Sd,166o. S7ini CopartnerNhlp. ri'HB undersigned have this dty formed a ftn.nartnerthlp X under the nrm name nt A. B. KLKKLT A CO., and wltt contloue bualnett at No. To Vrunt street. A. B. r.l.FFIr, ft. ant.uHMiTtf, ALrHKD p. sxrrxr. Portland, Ortgnn, Augutt ifld, 18W. 17ml Attuehinent Notice. STATl of Oregon, City of Salem, Mtrlon County, to. la Hecorder'e Court. To Oorrtt Hendrlsi Yon srt hereby notified that a writ of attachment hat been luued against Jou, tntl your property attached, to tatlafy tht dtmand of sse Mitchell, amounting to tlxty-four dollars snd eighty eentt (1(14,811). Now, unlets you ahall appear before P. L. Willie, Htcnrder In and for the ttld elty, at hit office, on tht 9.1 dty of November, lsoo, Judgment will bo rendered sgalntt you, and your properly applied to pay the debt. Dsted this id day of September, a. s. lbflo. 17w ' lflAAO HlTCHF.t.L. Notice. rl'O CMARI.K8 H. DAVIDSON: You srs herthy notified X that upon tht tlxteenlh day of October next I will make apiillctllon to the Kegltter snd Keselver of the Lend OQlce at Oregon Olty, to outer under tht provisions of the Home ttetil Act, tht lott 1, 9, and 8, In tic. 1, and lots i and la tec. , In townehlp 1 8., It. 10 W., on the ground that yoa have ahtndnned tald land for more than six months, and that laid land list reverted to Uit United Slttet. Hept. 4, IMBwDpd JIIHKl'll J. DAWSON. Notice. I TAKE thlt opportunity to Inform tho public that I am on gtged In breaking hortet and mulei from balking, Jump. Ing, breaking over feneet all dont without medicine. If It don't prove perfeelly tttlifnctnry, I will ehargo nothing. 1 will ride anything at tht Slett fair In the thtnt nf a 4-letted animal, or no pay. TITUS WALKKK. ltelpml, Stpt. , 18(13, 474,tl Proelninnlion. rpHR undersigned having changed hit huslness on a. the first ot r-eptemuer Inst.i therefore all persons who know themselves indebted to him. must now settle. Tliers are large amounts outstanding on the books of the lule linn of T. H. Cox At Co. All such ac counts, as well as those of T. II. Cox, must be settled ItnmediHtelv. I hope all nf those Interested will give tins matter prompt attention. T. H. ('(IX. Halem, Nupt. 4, m. !l7tf HEATH, DEARBORN, & Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Orlswold s Block, !fd door from the comer, 8epL4,lo63. ' BALKH. W. IIELBI A SONS, v Jm IN RECEIPT OF A FKE8II SUPPLY OF Genuine Dross & Medicines, The eomtionndlng and dionenslng of Medicines will he under the supervision of ,1. E. Of.Aitx, a practical Driiggltt and Anntliecarv. Physicians and the public can rely upon getting pure articles Ht THE LOWEST RATES. Physicians' I'reaorlptlons eoniponnded. with accn racy, ueutneea, and ilialch, at all hours. Corner Store. Smith's lilock, SALEM, OKKOOK. . 8ept. 4, !Ho5. !17tf Valuable Farm for Sale, BEST BARGAiy JiV THE STATE. THE subscriber will sell his land oil Hill Creek Prairie, ten miles soutli-eaat of Htilein. consisting of "I.') seres M0 acres pntirie and 711 acres timber on ths ftiinliain, together wilh all hia household goods, 9 hegs, H sheep. H cows, 13 other cattle, wagon maker's tools, blacksmith's tools, carpenter's tools, wheel wright's tools, full sets, nnd turning lathe. There are three Inmaes on the laud, with two orchards of splen did frnitso hicated as lo shit two families. A large barn and tliedat a good two-faorao wagon i 3(10 doaen oats; about lour tons timothy Imv ; and other valua ble articles too numerous to mention. I have a snlemliil HEAPKK and MOWER, with a very extensive an-l wull selected stock of farming implemente as good as new. 1 oiler land. home, and Mil. just ready to move into, for t!,000 t'ANlI Utiwrtf 1 tjstirs. Come, ami see for vonrself. sept.t.lHtVi. OTw'pd WM. H. McNElLI.. Mattresses, Spring Beds, &c. J. ITI. I'liriiicntL'i' J9 now engaged in manufacturing HAIR, WOOL, PUIM, EXCELSIOR, and STRA If MA TTRESSES. Alto, WOOL, GRAIH, AXD FL0CE BACKS, v Tenia, Waxon Cover, cVc. Shop at Watt It Holler's Kurnilure Ware roomt, oil Conmierrial street, KALEU. Aug f-'l, lS65m3 STARR BROS., -Importers, and Wholeaale and Kctall DKALKK-S IS i Stoves, Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, C0PPKR, LKAD, ATID I ROM PIPK, Force and Lift Pump, SHEET LEAD AXD ZINC. COPPER, BRASS, (f IRON WIRE; Aud Manufactory of Tin, Copper, Sheet Iron, and JAPANNED WARE. AT PORTLAND PRICKS, fOR CASH, OR FABNKRH' RICnAXUR. Ralem, August '!! , IMfiS. Sfttf J. A. APPLEOATE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, DALLAS, FOLK COUNTY, OHKHOX. J. H. I'NnEIlWOOD, ATTOHKEY AT LA W, EUGENE CITY, OHF.UOS. WOOL- WOOL. BF.I.L At 11KOWN will nay ths highest price for Wool. Hoe ns le-furs sellllltf. Hali-m. Mar Mth. IHU. ifur Dr. MIDDLE, DEXTIST, LEBANON, LINN COUNTY, RECENTLY from the, F-Hitirn Bfitn, tnd ori-r thirty -iuht yeurt of pntclice. haviuK itrscied mofoUmu bam.1 of tilu )mi nkm roomt in this (rt, wbr b will wait on th citiMiu of tli vicin ity, on riwoiiabU tcrmi.and jfnniirtMi WncUm. Thoae hnvinir hue. wboia or pttrta of let put In. Umt n now tmountforUhla or Mcirw, nre init4 tn cmII Dniyod uih parmanfntlr HIM. There shnU b no nrhinir f UtW, or fathng out of pin rt. T-MKb -aatrerted with (trvat mre, by the nw of pro per inrtrnnwnu, with or withon chloroform. (Imnii'if nnd re(fuUtinK,ud olber useful operation performe-d- Fertoiw from other town, or from the itonntrv, wialmitr aiy eerf icce. mn uieke my houne tiieir home, tan til tlie work it finished. Lelmnon. nVt. IH. IHif GRAND BENEFIT OF SALKM, MARION COt'NTY. FliOM and after dst. are pronoes to sell Lnm brr. lsilia, and hlaka as rlieap as anr other high totted Mill in the ennuirr. Timet are nhanaed. and w. hare ehanired the cwiit of one ver and repeat, Iu reailjr my : wiihonl which, -'no Wel,f,iot need ap lily Uook-keepitiKieaioetenerinallr plaedout Vou lliat owe aa, rorae lo our oWce, Uirre t the plaoa, ami tellle now. We rannot afford to wail i aud wlieu we cooimen, to dun, we nerer (ret done. -Ila wise lodar, 'tis follr to dfer. 3ml7pd J II Vlf KLIW At TO. RELEf'T M'llOOL. 'I'MK eta eaarter ef tht ArlMel far fkhoUrlla the Prtaw J. Utpartwiit. andv r ikt cfcarrr. f !Hrm. Brill- Ht Catkt, wltHMtaea M(l1DAr,tr,IT. 4lh, IhU, at her M4teee,at lkta.fU mI lHae.lal MrMt. TaraM, S6 yt erhelar er tee eaarur ef elevte etvSa. aaltai, Aug. tl faflllr l. ALL persons Iuierraie4 areJitnlijr nodfled thai all orl'ta dne and naral'l ! H Starr, ia the Tin tin and Htove biitineea in Halem, no to .fair let, IMvj. sntt ba e-tM at otxa. J. II. HTaDK naleru, Juljl :il, l-tu , , . if.lf 0, American Exchange Hotel, riOBKRH OP SANSOME If HALLECK STREETS, San rrniiclaco. ' THK proprietor of this favorite hotel would reipect fullv inform tlie traveling public thst the American Exchiinge having been recently enlarged and improved In all its departments, he is now prepar ed to oiler superior initiirejieuts to his patrons and the public in general, lie eun now offer elegant anils or tingle rooms for families and single rooms for gen tlemen, nn termo tn suit the times. This house con tains a handsomely furnltlied public parlor, beantlful ' large (lining hall, commodious and pleasant reading nnd sitting room, together wlllt otlior facilities not nocatiary to enumerate. Business men and travelers will nnd tlie American Exchange second to no hotel in the city, whether as reganls luxury, comfort ot , economy. The table will bo supplied wilh all the del icacies ths season affords. Grateful for paal patron age, the proprietor rsspectfnlly solicits a continnano ' of the public favor. iim3p3 J. W. SARGENT. HARNESS, $25 to $325 per Set ' SADDLES, $7 to $100 Each. BRIDLES, $1 60 to $30 Each. HIDE & U'CLEHNEH'S, 997 Hloiirgomcry Street, EU88BLOOK, SAN FRANCISCO. ..ALSO.. A GENERAL ASSORTIflENT ..or.. SADDLERY GOODS, , AT PRICES 25 Per Cent. Less than any House on r tne rucinc toust. t THE TA13 SUPPLIED AT AC0M MISSION. . A Liberal Dlacount LIVERY STABLES. 3ml7is Power Pledged equal to any Orerihot Ii Exmicnce. LEFFEL'I v. AHERICAN DOUBLE TURBIIIE. TIIE DOUIII.E TUKUINKR, so Ioiik eiperled. Iihvo arrived at last, and orders can now be Oiled. We have n htrue supply of the different sises, from IU in net mi f That we may know the proper aisrd Wheel yon re- nnlre, nieature your water In tlie following; way i Take tlie width of the stream, the average depth, and the di.'tanre It Hows in a mlnuts. All the Wheels already in nae aire universal satis faction, ror particulars, senn lor a ijirrniar. Address LKKKKL Jr, MY KIW. with Richards at McCrsken, June Ii!tfl5 lNirtlandreKon. Something JYcw for Salem. N o r m a n S m i tli, of New York, is opening a large assortment Crockery, Glass-ware, Looking-glasseH, 1 able Cutlery, and I 1 a t e d ware, Kerosene liamps and Oil, Paper Hang ings and borders, Wood and Willow ware; in fact, almost every tiling wanted fortbe complete housekeeper.- Groceries in large stock, and of the best qualities. Goods all marked in plain figures, and but one price. Ill the above will be re tailed at wholesale pri ces At the sign of the New Crockery & Gro cery Store, Salem. NOIIMAN SMITH. Anprnst 14, 18r5. m3 Happiness or Misery; THAT 18 THE QUESTION. TIIEI'ROl'RIKTOK-tOK THE "PACinC MU MKI'M CK ANATOMY AND HCIKNCK." base drla mined, re(ardleM of wenae, to Isaua KKKK (fur tlie benefit of sufferlnK hiimanilrl fnnr of Uieir mnet IntereMinf and Instrurstro LKCTURK8, on MAKKIAIIK. and Ita diaqualitlmiiima , N.rvirea De bility, Premature l-erliue of Manhood, Indlireetloa. Wwkneeaor ItepreasHH), Lues or Knervy and Viul Power, Ike areet Mortal Kvil, and thiae aialadiea that retail from yoathful rnlliee. eieete of mstanty, or g norance nf Plivaidoirr and Nature's Laws. Tlieat inealualile Lertarea bare been Ihe meant of enllsliteninir and aarinir thouatndt, and will ha fi wanltd KKKK on rrrelpt of Twenty tire Cents ht potiaire ttani, by addrratlujr "Keeretary Pacifle Ma tram of Anatomy and Science, Pine Hi rest, Haa ' res ell" 4vie rf"I.Hter lo ha sent Ihrnntfh Wells. Ksra At Co. Al Ihe OIl llradquarlrr in Antral, wn i aa roito CONfrTANTI.T tat band, a lenre aeaon merit of PAHUIH anal (IMiKINK ror, TIN, COPPER, a JAPANNED WAKE, wliirK we offer to lite public ee CHKAP at ran ba had ia Portland. Utf KTAUat tUtOTUEkUi Wool Wanted. U'R will pay the MKIUKsT market raleena. half eaWi, vae half men-handies for WtKIU HtAIll, UtAHUOUN, at CO. fWlrm, War l, I-W 1 Jil Dr. W. B. SIMOMTOI, C-IRAniUTE of tha Penntjrlranla Medical Colleaa X of Pniladlihia, havintr permanently located ia thia city, retpectfullr tenders ills professional services to the cltiiens of Ralem and its vlclnitr. Office o residence st Mrs. Bailey's houss, nearly oppoaiui tha Eureka Rtalile, Salem, Oregon. Ity Orleans Hotel, , rrentstmt, . . . VMATILLA, OBKOOS. AMOI M. ROdlfte, Proprietor. ; , PlnnurtUtiUo.'iofflseallhliHoltl. Baaiafa Itkta le th. Houm, rHCK tfhara.. tfrtf Tlocka nnd Watrlic RcpalretJ, NA7.R0 SMITH. Itlamat Rnalrar e fltWKi end WATOIIlB, Udow tanvatilus Marlon teaaly, (. u,.Bnn toerailjr, lor sutlitttt in nis partiealar tllot. Ht It a Aolahtd. erullatl an hia work helns wtrrtattd, . . NA7.KO iNITH wtlffht W0 IU., anil rldei hit own korst vara ef a man br the nam. .1 Walktr, whe It s lack Itssed earptnttr bj trad., and Is now matndtrlas In Orteoa, prtttndlni lo bt a Olnoh-repalrtr, N4ZB0 SMITH Is dalaf .od work, mn In flalem, at prttint. astf wazRo smith. To Wool HHlae-r. m THE and.ralTual dttlrit U Inform Uit Ftoek-jW--mtiUrt of On-ton thst ht hat HOW FOR lAUfj a I rJ flnt lot of THOHOUOH-BRKO Mtrtao laaw tad afaaaa4assRam Lamas. Manjr ef that, anlmali aavt tasea prtt at tht Vtlrtar the Orfe Bute Asrltaluiral laetets, and partial lottrttttd are rtiptclfullr rtferrtd le Hi rtterds for the bett proof ef tho eharatttr ef ths flack fro aalea Ih.jr ar. brtil. JOHN MINTO, , , Brtedtr of Mtrtno fthttp, Pomena'a Hill, iM milts south of 8altm, on tht tlift read. P.M. Ksch saimsl warranted to ht bred at rtprtttaied. Oil Palntlnv. P ACLINIC RHKLTON, barlns taken letaons la LANUHOAPK and HKAD PAINTING of w of tba best artists In Han Praoelaoo, praposas to sir lessons In the etrae. Hpeclmens to be seen at Isoas, (fomery's Picture Gallery. Will also color Photo jrrapht In oil or water colors. Halem. June 8 y WACOUJIMDCR. THE UNDERRIONED WOULD KRPKf'IALLT sail ths attention of all WAOON MAKKKs lo tha superior stock of WAOON Till BE U, now la store, which Is otiered to ths trad on liberal terms. OAK, AMI, AND IIICKORT PLAHK, OAK AND HICKORY 1 POKES, OAK AND ELM HUBS, HICKORY AND A8U RIMS, ' ' IIUOOY at EXPHE88 HHABT8, POLES, BOWI, Hlrkorj Allen, Oak and Hickory Srantllif, Sawed Fflloei, Hewed Tongae, Blagle Trecat Keck Yoke. Loag aad 8kort ' loanda. Plow Beaaii and Haa I diet, Seat, Splndlei, Ae. die. The abors sloek waa carefully selectee In tha Raat arn HtaleS, sxprsssly to meet the demands of this trade. Orders lor any of the above articles, Including WAGON- HKKIN8, HOXE4, Hl'RINGS, fee, wlU no promptly atteuaea to. , , R. II. LAW, 1 35 rront Rtreet. PORTLAND, ' aitf Opposite O 8.N.. Co.'s Wharf. Confidential Medical Adrioe. DR. LAWERT, - Member of the Rogal College of Surgeeni of tnf- land Licentiate of the Royal College of rtjrlt , stoat of Edinburgh) jtf. D. of tho Unu neriity of Erlangem Licentiate of Royal Society of Apolk ecarict. Loudon ere. CURES 8KCRET DI8KAHKR WITHOIJT COPA. IHA or MKIICURY. He also treats snceeetftilly 8TKKri'RKH, OLEET, SPINAL WEAKNIUW, CUTANKOUH DIHEAKKH, and thosa who softer from NERVOUS DEBILITT, or tha LOST POW KKHOK MANHOOD will do well to consult Mat. Hia DIPLOMAS may be seen at his Hones and Oflea. OH. LA'MEBT wishes It to be perfectly under stood that srsrv easa ia CONKIDKNTIAL. He lea leparate waiting room for eoek patient, and eoia pounds all his own medicines, so that In delicate eases patient have nothinv to fear, Orru s Hours Krom A. H. till 2 P. M. and front A till P. H. Sundaya, from 9 A. II. till i V. M. oaly. H0U8E AND OFFICES. ' At Ike corner of Third and C ttreeli. The entrant to C itreel on Froni, h oppoiito the Oeiea Steamkip Wharf, and Dr. LoiMtrft .,, Home and IMcii are in a . direct line three Uoehi mil, . JySI PORTLAND, OREOON. By! DK. WISTARS Balsam of Wild Cherry, a cttaa for trial roaa or poiKoriARY ccmAcrr. Coughi, Colds, Bronchitu, Atthma, Croup, Whooping Cough. Spilling qf Blood. Liver Com plaint, ttrr., Iff. CONSUMPTION, Which earrlsa off more vkllml than any other die ansa, and which battles the skill of th Physician la a greater extent than any other malady, often , IIKLDB TO THIS RBM1DI I , when all otliars prov InefTeetual. AS A MEDICINE, Rapid ia relief, soothlnif in sffsot, safe In lis operaUoa It la Caiarpaue I While, ass preparation, free from aolloos hgrasH. nta, poisons, or. utinoralsi aniline; skill, eaten, aa4 timdieal kuuwledx, eom bluing all that ia valuable la th vegetable kingdom for this class of ditssse, It It INCOMPARABLE! and la entitled to, merits, aad receive to enviable appellation of TK1 lie VALID 8 nCSIl , Sold by all Drnnglets, and by KKDIrlOTOIl ft CO., 416 and 418 front street, Has Praaeisss. Redding's Russia Salve. rORTI TE1IH' IiriBIKXCI . baa fully established th superiority of REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVU ' over all other besling preparations ' roR the cure or Scald: ' Bum, Culi, Flcih Wonndt, Boil; ChUhlaim, llliitert, bruiict, . Films, Piles, Erysipelas, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, injury by Splinters, Old . Sores, Ring Worm, Frost Bitten Parti, AND ALL CUTANEOUS DISEASES and eruptions generally. UDDIX.'I BIS8U 8UTI is prompt In aetina, removes pain at ones, aad re duce. Uit no.1 anyry looking awellinga and inflaas mations, aa if by Hiagie tliua aflording relief and a eompiel cur. POR RALE EVERTWHKRK. RKDINGTOlt ft CO., AgeaU, apiaenai dlfl and '11 front St.. Ran Treatise. AhMINlHTkATOIC HOTICkX 'OTICI a Sntlir slreaUiallaMaBdmlfiiW'aHlJesaaa. ur ttweleted adatlaWraler tl ihe tale ef Ckarts Berrjr, lau ef (amklH eawt;, Ontea, dee-d. All petti a bavins elalau asainet aaM ttltla Bill pteatal Uimb t lew adttlltiM al aer rttlnc Ms aillte vtet ef LafareU ht aald eaaalr, Self aeUwivUMUd, fee ailllieieat, eaaaa ela meelhs trow lets Site, and -all ptrtee haovws llmai rndtbted i. nut eelaM will ptte eiat. ke.nnll.le par"'' sm. 4. ism. kaatuUUA aaaar. aa'a- a. H, erawtaa, Alt', fsetpd MOTIVK. r-frtkTt nt taebel 1 lw, ttt'dla th. Oeaatf Ceett at J Yaaihlll eranty, O.o. Al UiH day atM RehM Be.r,aSenletraler ef Ike mum of Kteewl I. lw, dee-, an prmala a pttlllea pravlos Um enart le treat aa seder le srll lb. l wtale ef said S.creMd, le par Ik. S.Me aad f admlelelrallee. Il a im mat Tkeradep ok eta Sir ef Oder, l", k. tit apart far tk. tHannf el eat pMltloa, aad leal aetk. ef said tnartas ae flvea kf paMfa. llua lor eika la Ik. Ortfoa SuueaMn M UM aeat ot kla, .Mall ptrtee lBirM4. taal kumI Is kaeea aa th deealloa land daim ef mM Sm'S.Ib ramhlll aad Claetaaeaa eoontkt,Or.toa,eeelalnlhsBna serte. J.W. OOWLat, pt i, IXted f.W avteiae. AM-y. P.. JaSe. " ' ivnMiii. " a CTIOW apt Cealraat la Ik. ClrsaNOeeai ef lk.le Orrsoa for Ik. eeeatr o4 Polk. Nov. Tea, 1 1 Trtkme. plf , vs. A. Pnuwr, a.rl. T. ALM baU. MKR,dfm.ali Te will plM lake aeilee tkelsa asttea baa etm Mieieand tlin ,i la Ihe clma teert, aa ahsvs BttnlMieS, for Ik retevery ef Ihe sum ef Ive ba dnd aaS tHlji-bar dollari aad aftr-teer seals-lal aa .1 UcbMSI kt. lax levM apna yuar preperly I tatlafy law tew, .iril thtl anleea yea sppvar la said eaarl, and aaswer aakt plalalif 'I eoenplaHil, IW aialaM yua, If ttrvnl at Ik eeeniy 1 Nik eiu.1 S dayi frMa Ik. eatvle. et Ikla wrH, aad If aM etrv la aald eoaaly, ellkla Ivwly days freaa tervtM kifeaf, Josaee4 far Ik. ant thmel Bill he kaaea arelaet yna ( Mm earn ef Ive aaadrtd serf ilily-feejr dee Ian eedany.fevt eaks. d. A. APPLKIATa. avpt. II, Irtt. tAwapd SlUra.; he flaT. . fiSAtnMrfi.tMi.vr. Y1MIII1.I, Oeaiy carl,s.pteelvr tea, IMP Nta to henby jrlvee I hat Tama. J. Pheddna, aSilalerSer ef Ike Mtsle ef Madleea Miiddiia. dea'd kat Sir. k uiaa fnr taal t.ulMnnt of Ik. mhI rtule, aad il la ardmd nf Ike eaert lael Tkaraday Ik. tak day el Orlekar Mil kt est Par Ike kearwis W Ike same aad far eere. ol SMrlkaUe ef th eel aw, le b. kerd at Ike eeerl-bgaM la Ufarrtu m saat yMoar M I- w. OTWka, V. swaae. pi, II, leas. S.W. Unse. Auy. tsoepB HOTIct rMrklA. my deaatiM aa Marta tinmen as. left ker T T faifctf. kiai. enko.1 any taaa. er p-maa, Nta IsteeMlfy Up.'sene erf leUaM ker ea tfHlit. as t wig pay as aVkii .1 net coatrttllal. r-aSpl t M UTaAK.