The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, August 14, 1865, Page 3, Image 3

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    AuENCV.--Mi-ssrB. J. 1,. Piirrlsh k C'., I'nt-lliiriil, will re
ceive, tiiiii i'uct'll fur suliscrli'tliiiis ni lliu Shitexuitin,
Isil' llll V'l'M KXTS ON 'I'M K Wll.l.AX lft TK. C'llpt. Alt-
Unuy's new stuauuir, KcJto, li running regularly in
tlio upper Willumutte ri vtj r tiwle, anil mrtots the ex
purtiiliiius f hnr owner, from Ciiiieinuh lo Bulcm
she runs iu nine hours, iiim! does the work without tlm
lissislunrli of '' eonlclling." Atiti'Hi ill it, Co. have
launched n utoiininr, I'-iOfuut lung awl "4 funt licum,
inti'iuled for the snuni Inula. She is culled (he Active,
itnd will be Uiivon by two 14 inch cylinder engine of
4J foot stroke.
Wo luiirn thut the People's Transportation Company
huvo commenced to construct a " inint basin" el Or
egon City, o as to bring the hnntii above the Falls and
those below ; ho Fulls into euoli proximity tin will per
mit the transfer of freight by n short inclined pbme nil
under the enn r of olio riuil'. Thin movement will
doubtless necessitate i coiiiliiiiutiiiu between the Mail
nrad Company mid Ibo steamers of dipt. Ankeniiy
' mid Messrs. Appcrson & Co. Such u combination Id
to be encouraged und promoted.
A Dkmookatio ltAM,v.-We learn by privnto letter the 'Jeff Ihivls" Mnlky nrrlved nt his father1- near
Eugene City on Saturday. The rebel Urmucracy of Lane
mo to give him a grand lioiicllt. II was anticlpiited to
liuve had a general gathering of the iinterrilleil at Eu
gene, but "counsel" advised that it wntiid bo impolitic,
und the reception was held at Father Mnlkey'a, about
three miles Imm town. Wo understand that tlie Ore
jronian's regular correxpoiident from Eugene wan to
preside to give dignity to the ulliilr, and nee Hint noth
ing rush be done by tlie unwashed, and to furnish items
to tlio Orcgoniaii.
Giucat King at Walla Waua. The towns on
tlie Pacific count ure subject to llres. Witliin the last
few months, tbei-o have been destructive tires In 8tt
lem, ut the Dalles, Idaho City burned out, Hnd'uow
Wulln yVullu gnus in for a loss of near $JUI),OIIO. At
Walin Walla nbout lifty houses were destroyed, and
that in n Btiinlt town, such as are nirwt of the towns in
this new country, 4 is considerable. Tho people of
Wulla Walla have gone to work in earnest to rebuild.
Changk. The Astoria Murine Gazette 1ms passed
out of the hands of tlie " Printing nud Publishing
Compuiiy," and is now published by Mr. W. W. Par
ker. The Gazette is thoroughly Union, und i very
reliiible reporter of the murine news. Its subscription
price is $11 per annum legal tenders taken at pur.
we ltope it will be well sustained.
Baii lly telegruph wo lourn that Mr.
Henry Pouko, a highly respected mid one of tlie
wealthiest citizens of I.uiie county, wiib killed on the
morning of tho 8th iust. He was driving out, when
his team became uuiuumtgcahlc.nud run uwuy, throw
ing him out against a telegraph pule, ilo wiib killud
almost iueuiutiy.
Lash Co. Tlie exhibit of the County Clerk shows
that, rbe total receipts during tlie vear have been
$lll.7?0..K- total expenditures. $111,1171 leaving a bal
unco in tlie treasury of i,V)h,xto, and $!l?8,!it io notes.
Irreducible Sciiool 'Funii on hand, ..Inly 3. 18ii5, $10,
(lo'i.Hii; Contingent School Fund ou baud at same date,
(IHKJ.U!). iSVc Journal.
A IIandbomk I'ostkh. We have received from
E. M. Wnite, Secretary of tlie Agricultural Society,
tlie "annual poster" of the Fuir. Tlie job wus exe
cuted by Mr. Wnite himself, nud is iu alt respects
highly erediluhle to the typographical art, and to the
Fair. We huvo sent it to Ohio, us a representative of
the coming Fair.
Hoop's Me.vAiieniK and Muskum. This exhibition
is now circulating through the Rlute. und from those
who huve visited it wo learn that it is worthy of pat
ronogo. Mr. lioop is mi Oregoiiinn, an honest, clever
man, and we hope bis efforts will be encouraged.
liAKHKL Factohv The Orrgonian reports that a
cotnpmiy of Knsteru men are nbout to start a barrel
factory six miles heiow Portlnud : which, when in
operation, will employ sixty men.
Cki.rhiution'. The Odd Fellows nr Jacksonville arc
to celebrate the iith a-nivcrsary of the institution of
their Lodge, on the Ixtti inst. An oration by the Hon.
Klijali Steele, of Yreka, Cnl.. a precession, dinner, and
hull In the evening are among tlie matters on the pro.
gramme. 1
ItE-AFFOiXTBD The Hun. W. L. Adams has been re
appointed Collector of Cust'uns for the district of Ore.
gon. Tills nppointiucnt is tlie best evidence that he has
faithfully and Impartially discharged the duties of that
office during the past four years.
Will Appkak Nk.vt Week The long deferred arti
cle of nnr agricultural man in reply to "Fair Play'1 of
the Oregonian. The article will be read with interest
by nil formers, and others Interested In the production
of wool.
r The telegraph reports that Caleb l.yon has left
Washington City fur Idaho i and that Wallac e, the Pel
cgatc from that Territory, was waiting for his commis
sion as Governor ol the siime.
B-Thc Mountaineer thinks Capt. John Smith of
Linn county will bo appointed to tlie Indian agency
made vacant bv the loss of Col. I, iirun.
Rki.iuioih. The Uapllst Church in this city has ex
tended to Hcv. W. F. Bnyukin a call lo settle among
them, and he Iiur accepted the same for a period of at
least one year. '
AmttiTLTrnAL Kumrrw The Ligbth Annua! Fair
of the Linn County Agricultural Snclity will be held at
II. Mon on Tuesday and Wednesday, S-cptemlier lVth
and 20th.
A 4 The I.iun county officials have removed into the
new Court House for that comity.
"tT The new brick block is rapidly approaching
completion, mid makes a handsome and imposing ap
pearance furuone-smrv building.
if X- O. Pnrrish & Co. ure sel'iug oat their slock
of Hunts and Shoes nt cost positively.
tjtf The Stage Office in Salem has been removed
from tliu lk-iiuei House, to Smith's new Hotel building.
J"" We are tiudr obligations to Pr. A- 8. Hughes,
of .Mnnuioulli, for copies nl lute Missouri pniers.
Job Pbixtixo. Patters, llsmllillls, Pani,lilets, Circulars,
Programmes, Blsnkl. Books, Ac., neslly sail expedlliouslji
printed at Hie SUittamtiH Job Cfffce, on reasonable terms,
1'hopit ANI Loss. The Republic (Uicli-
ninnil) has a calculation which may be roughly
outlined thus :
The nlliuiitl valuation r,f the fifteen slave
States, liy the census of 100, looted up seven'
thousuud millions of dollars, while llieir lo.-scs
since may lie estimated thus :
Slaves freed, worth .?2,r,00.n(X).(K)0
Lossca liy dfvnslnlimi UOO.OOO.IHK)
Loss uf four crops uf Southern
staplin... 90O,0(K),000
Iieliel delit, nominally $4.0IH1,.
(HKJ.tM)(l, realty nOO.OfMI.OdO
Southern share of I'mou delit t (MW.IMKMXiO
Total loss by the war $3,800,000,001)
This would reduce the total actual value of
what is left of the South to $1200.000.000. or
barely a sixth of what it was in IStiO. And
yet we feel confident that the soil and liuildincs
of the South conld not be bought to-day for
the full seven thousand millions which she waa
reported to bo worth in 1800. A few. who are
hard pressed, or peculiarly vexed at the result
of our lute struggle, are anxions to sell cut
cheap some of them to get out ol the country;
others to seek a new location in it; far more,
to anpph' their urgent Wants hut the preat
mass will stay where they are. and only sell at
higher price, than lliey would have taken in
18i(). Five years hence the South will look
back with wonder on her blind persistence
through generations in a po'iey winch left her
masses poor and ignorant, her cilice small and
rude, her niinea unopened, her forest Valueless
and her water-power oeless. We confidently
predict that the Valuation of the fifteen slave
States of I860 will, by the censos nf IrjtiO. ex
ceed seven thousand millions, and I y that nf
1$0 will be not lest than twice that amount.
V. 1". Tribune.
A. Vam. A. Ward git off the following
lucid and discriminating sketch :
Jeff Dnvi i not pop''" here. She is re
tarded a a a Sonthern sympathiser. St yet
am told he was kind to his parent. She run
way from em many year ago, and has never
bin lik. 1 bis wa Uowm em a iinhi ueai
of consideration when we refleck what his own
duck ha been. Her captnr iu lemail apparel
eoBlimei tn 111 regard til his sex, 6i Ton see 1
sp, .iol liuu a Iiii .,i hi i.: J? "U : S ije
A. t goes he fells so hernll.
Tub Canu Stathii. The following from
llm Stnclttmi Jiuleptmlrnl, one of tlit nblu't
mill most rcliuli't' papers In Caliliiniia, shows
the condition of tmiln mid proiluuiivn Indtnlry
in tlmt Stiitf. Tito evil Influences uf tlio com
liitmtinn of whicli the Indtjieiulent sporilis ore
it restrietfd to Culiforiiin, hut, & wo lmvo of
ten shown, are felt also In Oregon :
So fur ns California is concerned,
we know of no considerable investments on any
account in the mini's, in lands, in inmiiiliictures
nr in anything else that creates enduring
wealth nr gives eminrnig eiiiiioynient to inner.
It is not true that this Statu is scaroe of labor
ers, or that no nt this time hold out special in
ducements to the immigration nf t hut cluss nf
people. There are now thmistiiiile nf robust
men all through the mmcs, idly or unprolita
I ly employed. Tin laboring; miners, as n
class, iln not renlite $1 per day. On the rail
ways that is nearly the average pay uf the
three or lour thousand hand employed s about
$1 flO is the pity of harvester, these rates in
cluding board. Everything the laboring man
wears lie is charged at least twice as much for
here as in New York, Illinois, or Ohio ; though
in those Sinks wages, including board, are
quite as here. The laborer, then, loses money
in coming to California, and so things will con
tinue as long as the mall amount nf capital In
the State is wielded exclusively by a combina
tion whose business is usury the oppression of
the interior for Ibo temporary benefit of one
city. So long ns this cninlmiatiun flourishes
and rules the State, money will lie only abun
dant in their bands; it will bo dear to every
body else. Loans nt li per cent., or 2 to j
per cent, will ruin almost any business. Usury
destroys the fanner and checks nil new mining
enterprise us well as public wnrks. The farm
er impoverished, the mines idle, and puli'ie. im
provement languishing because capital does
bettor lor its possessor in bis usurious specula
tions, what becomes of the laborer ! Just
what we see nil around us ; bo emigrates if he
can : if not. lie languishes in poverty ; which is
every day becomes more hopeless, ns usury
makes the rich richer and more arrogant, ami
the poor poorer and more submissive to pover
ty's pangs. It is perfectly clear that so long
as this usurers' combination controls the desti
nies of the l'ucific, the Statu must decline in
solid wealth nud population. Two things are
necessary to hrenk it up: first, the introduction
of National liunlis, which will make money
plenty nud cheap by tlie introduction of uni
form securities ; and second, the grnnt or sale
of the mineral lauds to the auttial occupants.
Until these changes take place, California bus
not an inch of room for more laborers..
Goodlue, Esq., Chairman, ffc : My Dear Sir:
I have just relumed from a fishing excursion,
and received your letter of yesterday. You
are right iu supposing I am for the Constitu
tional Amendment. Slavery upon this conti
nent is gone. It is nn accomplished luct, and
the sonuer Kentucky recognizes tlie fuel the
better for her. We want no dead issues in the
coming elections, ou which, even if success is
attaint! nothing beyond the election of I lie can
didates is accomplished. We can't save slave
ry, and the people ought to be deeply interes
ted in acting upon living issues, nud in saving
what there is left of the Constitution the Gov
ernment of our fathers, I tried to save it all,
just as it came to us from llieir bands, nud
was expounded by the courts ; hut, ns this
can't be dune, let us preserve all that is left of
it, outside of nigger, nud wo shall thus have,
if we succeed, the beat Government on earth.
The (rials through whicli w e have passed clear
ly demonstrate that I lie Government is amply
able, without any increase of its powers, to
protect us from foreign ordonisetio enemies.
Henceforward there will he more confidence
at homo nud abroad in tlie stability of our in
stitutions shivery having expired upon tilts
continent ns a consequence of the revolution.
And now I must decline your very polite iuvi
tnl ion to address the people of the Stute upon
these questions, for the present. My private
nfl'airs imperitively' demand my personal at
tention ; yet, if 1 thou lit my poor services
would bring about tile desired result, I should
not hesitate to net in uccordiiuce with your
wishes. Numerous loiters, from old and valu
ed friends, are coining in upon me daily, nud I
iniiy think it my duly, iu a few days, to make
n public answer to ihese inquiries. It it pain
ful to differ from them, but 1 have acted with
no party for several years. 'because, not know
ing what to do. 1 have done nothing leaving
it to events to shape my course.
ltcspcotfully, your obedient servent.
Jons Day. At a time when the ultcntiou
of thousands is directed to the mineral richness
of the John Day and its tributaries, a sketch of
the man who gave his name to tin- stream may
not be without interest fur the general render.
John Day wus one of the party who threaded
I be country more than fifty years since, in the
interest of Astor. He was by birth n Virgin
ian, but emigrated to Missouri iu bis boyhood,
nud grew up to the life of a hunter and trap
per. In this latter capacity he joined the As
tor party, and in the journal uf the expedition
he is ib scribed ns forty years of nge, six feet
two inches high, straight as an Indian, with
an elastic step, ns if he stood ou springs, nud a
handsome, open, manly countenance. It was
his boast thai in his younger days nothing
could hurt him. but he had lived too last and
injured Ins constitution by excesses. He was
strong of hand, bold of heart, it prime wood
man, and nn unerring shot. lie bud the spirit
of a Virginian, and tlie rough heroism of a pi
oneer of the West. Such is tin; sketch of John
Day ns derived from authentic sources. It is
only necessary to add that In1 faithfully ad
hered to the exploring party, and was of inesti
mable ndvnntnge to his employers, ile en
dured the hardship of the trip across the Uocky
mountains, and tlio dreary march along the
course of the Snake rivi r, and only gave out
alter having solely reached Astoria, ihe then
settlement nt the nioulh of the Columbia
There he laid himself down to die, within hear
ing of Hie breakers that mark tlie exit of the
river he was among the first to explore. Those
who survived him bore witness that his frank
and loval spirit had made a universal favor
ite. Thus much by way of a sketch nf one of
Or.-gon s earliest pioneers. Mountaineer.
Ht'HI.EIOlt. The Sandusky Rtgitler says :
"ISurlcigh. the Lake Erie pirate, will he
brought down from Detroit ou Mondny, July
10th, and will be immediately transferred on
his arrival to the steamer General Giant, and
by her tukeii to 1'urt Clinton the imiie evening.
ills trial will commence nn 1 uesilay morning.
and will be conducted br Alfred Learned. Uni
ted Slates District Attorney fr the State of
Michigan, and J. M. Kent. United States Dis
trict Attorney for the Northern District of
r7The Hrolh-r Jonathan had the eiifines
which were in the steamship Atlantic, which
dragged her anchors, drifted on shore and was
wrecked at t isher's Island. Long Island Sound,
on Thnnksgiving night. November. lcfjsj. She
was cut down ami rebnilt under the snpervis-
ion of Capt. Aron M. Burns in San Francisco
two years since, and was considered one of the
stauuehest vessels afloat in Ihe water of the
Pacific owned by the California Steam Naviga
tion Company. Marytritle Appeal.
fyTbo colored people are miking rapid ad
vancement toward the light. Seven new jour
nals have been established by them, within a
few month, as follows t The Colored Citizen,
Cincinnati. O.. the Elevator, California; ths
Chrittinn llrevrd. l'hiladelph a : the Colored
Tennesseean, Nashville ; Hie VVitiine, New
Oi leant J the Blark lltpHh'uran. New Orleans,
and the Weekly Communicator, ltaltiinore.
Xk Inwoi ist A nrmwctnr. wb" rrivd st Ihe
DjIIm nti Wsdwm'ay !t, rmri the di overy ol new
snd rtrh du-rnrs nn" the north side nf Ihe i'.il'iiiibia
Tie party ' brmtit tlie ne ws n t d,rsd toh
emRune-tiff. He NDPlbat re the s me
tlist Nathan (linry hi ltn tvictirig f.r tl wiiriner.
tnd teat tbev will pit to. With m rt&ra: l pet
d'ltUrs diy U r i-j work. Tins is is tlie o.earU claims,
fliers an a tn.ti. 4!i-ls ol placer du'ni:- that pay
i '! !'. ,p , i, s -. .... .
aid are tia--t rnm the lstles re-t mre one bnn-lrrd
miU s. .V" s.'i.wr.
Special Dispatches to llm Oregon Sliitesman.
Crescent, City, Anir. lllih, 5 p. ni via Ciinyonvillo
lQth, On i lu 'M iust the body of a mini clime ashore
on a portion of tlie wreck supposed to ho h tiennurn
passenger. This morning n line looking hoy about sin
years old, witli a lile prescrver nn, come ashoro at this
p nee. From e iht to ten miles distant from this
lilacs the following bodies have been picked nfi bv
boatmen : Deuch, Oon. Wright' orderlv.E. J. Lou
atle, ((. W, Pollock, I). Parrish, colored man (name
unknown), a woman (name unknown, but supposed to
be Mrs. biowe), found on the bench below town i also
ihe body uf a soldier (nam unknown, but supposed to
be n sergeant In tho United Ktatos service) i and at
Hold Muff a man and boy (names nuknown). Th
ollowing trunks have boon picked up i A. A. Stone,
David Powell, and J. 8. Hoiiton. There Is a fuir pros
pun or recovering a number of tho bodies.
Nan Francisco, Auir. HI. The Union Conntv Con
vention met Inst, evening, J. It. Itadmihurg stated that
3,h(W of the Union citir.ens of San Francisco had ree
oiniiieuuil that, Kainnol Dmnnan be placed before the
Convention f()P Legislative honors i hot, as It was Im
possible for Hint gentlemen to serve, he now with
drew his nomination. The Convention then made the
lollnwiiip nominations i Kor Senators, Frank M fix
ley and H. w. P. I'lilhawnv. For Assembly, A. li.
eorhes. ol Wells. Fargo & Co: Charles Hosmor, mar
chant j knuij Cohen, commission merchant! Gnwley,
bi'uher dealer i Oeo, H. Iteve, merchandise broker i
J. 8. Harnett, mining secretary i Gerrett Wilton.bnild
eri A. O. ltoss. of the Ituss tiousei Reu.j. Dure, con
tractor i 8, Cutler, Jr.. lawyor i Nathaniel l'uire, deal
er in real estate i A. V: Scott, hay dealer. The Con
ventiou then appointed a oommitiee of one from each
district to lill such vacancies as may occur daring the
canvas, and a committee of live to co-operate with the
county committee during the canvas. This committee
was subsequently requested to cull a ratification meet,
lug at an early day. J. H. Hardenburg seconded the
motion for a riitillcatiou meeting. Tbev hud been
stigmatized as "b'boya'' and he Was surprised that
they had endorsed tlie abuse heaped upon them by a
portion of the press. Ho claimed tlmt they wore the
regularly constituted Union Conventionists their
party it, was who curried the last, election forjAbraham
A firm In this city who hud a ship and cargo de
stroyei! by the Shenandoah, have forwarded a bill of
$-JI)l),IIOII to Washington, to be filed with ether claims
of indemnity against England for property destroyed
by English pirates. Similar bills will be presented by
owners of other vessels destroyed by the pirate.
Mr. James Slreet, the well known telegraph con
structor, is expected here by next mail steamer from
New York, with a view of commencing a new line of
telegraph overland from Sun Francisco to the Missis
sippi river, on the Central route, forthe United States
Telegraph Company.
Legal Tenders, 7IIJ.
Ej?" The Htateman contains news two days later
than any other weekly paper in the State.
Fur the Statesman.
At a regular meeting nf the First Baptist
Church of Snlcm, Oregon, held on August 5th,
1865. the following preamble and resolutions
were presented and unanimously adopted, and
voted they be published iu tlie Oregon Statei
man, the Evangel at Sail Francisco, and the
Christian Times at Chicago, 111, : .
WiiitiiKAS, Our nation has just passed thro'
a terrible war in maintaining the government
iu suppressing a wide spread und formidable
rebellioni ami.
Whereas, That rebellion was brought abnat
by tho institution of African slavery iu the
Sonthern States ; nnd,
Whereas This Church has now, as a body,
spoken on this important national question,
and believing it is due said Church that other
Churches of our denomination, as well as other
Christians and an intelligent public should
know nnr views, therefore.
Resolved, That wo do, and havt from the
very outbreak of the reliellinn, looked with un
mitigated condemnation upon tlie efforts made
to destroy the Union by the secession of the
Southern States, and the formation nf the so
called "Suulherii Confederacy" j nnd that all
the evils of Ibis are justly chargeable to those
wicked conspirators who incited and prosecuted
said rebellion either by bearing arms ngaiust
the government themselves, or sympathizing
with those who did.
Resolved, That slavery it a tin against God
and mau, nud, ns it was tin procuring cause
of the late terrible war, we rejoice to know that
it is in a slate of rapid extinction. That as we
have heartily approved the policy of tht gov
eminent in suppressing (lie late rebellion and
abolishing slavery, from the beginning of the
war up to the present time', so we will cordial
ly sympathize with nnd aid all proper and con
stitutional means of our government in restor
ing obedience to law nnd order throughout the
nation, and exterminating the lust vestige of
human ImnJiige from the land.
Resolved, That we will not receive any per
son into this Clniich who has hi me nrmt
against Ihe United States in tlie lute wars, aid
ed or uboltod nr sympathized with those who
did, tiniil satisfactory evidence of repentance
sh ill be given.
Resolved, That it it our duty to pray for our
civil rulers, und for all that uro in authority
over us.
I'asscd br order nnd in behalf nf tho First
ISuptist Church of Salem, Oregon, this 5th day
of August. A. D.. IrJCS.
C. L. FisiiEit. Church Clerk.
Kmti'ATKiNAi, The Oregoii St. Ed. Assn.
& Ten. Iust. held its annual session in Siiletn
on the 2liih. 27th, k. 21 h n It. The Assn. was
call to order ty Vice 1'res. L. J. l'owell. The
follow ing w ere appointed a Com. on Programme
li Kesoluiions. viz. : Nicholls, 1), C. rear-
son & 0. S. Kriuubes. The following order of
exercises wus adopted, k the subjects discussed
Willi niticri Interest, viz.: 1st LI. Sounds ;
Jnd Writ. Arith. : :M How can whispering
best be prevented iu schools 1 4th llow cun
regularity & promptness in attendance best be
secured! 5tlt Iu what manner A: by what
means might corporal punishment be inflicted
in schools ! (Jib The school law. The lat
ter occupying the greater portion of the time.
1 he lolloivitig were appointed a special Com.
to prepare a New School Law to be presented
lo the next L,eg. Asecinlily, viz. i K. Cart
wright, D. C. Pearson, L. J. I'mtell, E. D.
Shaltiick, ti J. G. Denrdoff. The following
were appointed a Special Com. to investigate
tlie finances of the Assn. The following offi
cers were eiected for the ensuing vear, viz. :
rres. u. n. rrninucs; Vice I'rests. . 11.
Marsh. C. T. Kinlaysou, & I'. S. Knight; Ucc.
Seo. D. C. l'enrson: Cor. Sec. L Cartwriglit;
Treat. A. C. Daniels; Ex. Com. L. J. I'ow-
II, D. C. 1'earson, (c E. 1. Henderson ! The
next meeting was fixed at Oregon City, to com
mence on the last Tuesday in July IrJlUj.
Hy order D. C. 1'EAllSiiN Seo.
Ogn. St. Ed. Assn. ic Tea. Inst.
Sai.ku, Ogn., Aug. 8th, lSlio.
StiiUCK it. A party of oil prospectors
have discovered an "oil region" in Carrol
County, Missouri.. They have been offered
$70,000 for a half interest in their lease, and
at yet nothing but "sutfuce indication" have
been found.
tVMnny theorists may be compared to the
graud lalln-r of Frederick the Greut, who
used to amuse himself during his fill of goat
by painting likenesses of hit grenadiers : it tlie
likenesses did ii"t happen to resemble the
grenadier, he settled the matter by painting
the grenadier to the picture.
CTTrosperity is the blessing of the Old
Testament, adversity it the blessing of the
New, which carrieth the greater benediction,
and the clearer revelation of God's favor.
Yet even id the Old Testament, if yon listen
to David's harp, you shall hear as many hearte
bke airt at enrols, and ihe peucil of the Holy
Ghost hath labored more in describing the
allbctions uf Job than the leliaities of Solomon.
ty'Fancy." taid Sydeny Smith, to sums
ladies, when he wa told that one of the gi
raffes at the Zoological Gardens had caught
cold, "a giraffe with two yards of tore throat."
At lbs Ki:rsil Cliorrh, Kustiw Car. Au. till, by tlx
B. J. Mi-CtrniAr, Mr. C'Utn T. r'lalsjsiin sd4 Mim Ansa
K. CB.)sr,Hel.
BORN T , II,. wift of J. II, M.Kiijum-Tjr, on lbs tU Hul.,
t tsosliter.,
Nr IiIsm, Jun tiah. latt. Airon A. laillh. Ka .
j iMiriilr rteci4 ettwm.
i hnt S4l,. Of,,.,,,, o, not f Auto. Willum Aim,
. ol I. A. Hn. J. H. a aw., ,t jnn .
j T!. M n nwllf bniM m i,,.i,.i l,wl
i"D, w mtm ii- II fliwl tvlilcnl si S4
STnatOwr's, Fir mite e,rta f teuwr h b4 gmn
MIKVistt. Il'tlo Sj r-l fttfllPiiMI U, hia kind b4rl4
ami tb.fli,l pftrrftts. T!- a.!, teartMl mpAUtv f
II,, l, I- r,,jMij. (I my pap! IM 1UimI, llii
en. pirsse t-bf
I-'.' ' "' I" - M -. !.,,. fc.l
ton at A.M.alfftK i VwmfiBS, 1 ffr M 4 nMMtUH.
(rVMIf Bl tf
, For tht Statesman.
The steamer ltrotber Jonathan struck a reef olf
St George's Point., .Inly 31st, and went down inaboui
forty live minutes. Due hundred and forty pursous
When our lore I ones fall In battle,
Victims of their country's foe,
Die mid smoke and cannon rattle,
Willi a loiters none can know,
To the monrnars, mercy sparetli
Still a comfort, still a huhii,
That they fell on Freedom's altar,
And it brings in time a Cslui.
But to those who mcurn for loved ones
Lost so ruthlessly at sea,
Who can oiler words of comfort,
Tlmt will soothe their agony 1
Such live on from morn till evening,
Hearing in their hearts the pain
That, unlike the slain in battle,
Their beloved ones died iu vain,
Died withcut that solemn stillness
Which surrounds oar dead at home,
And which half rebuke oar wailing,
With its solemn voiceless tone.
Ah I It Is these thoughts that madden,'
With such fearful, wild despair,
That they knew not in their dying
Anything of bumuit care i
' That friends can't sadly gather
To their yearning hearts the dead,
Cannot kiss the dear white faces,
With deep reverence and bowed head.
Ob I beloved outs, we mutt find you,
Tossed by waves iu such uurnit,
Lav yua gently 'mong earth's flowers,
Deeming that a privilege blest.
Sleep we cannot wheu the night comes,
Sounding mud waves In our ears,
llringiiig to our mills a vision
Which will last for days, aye, years I
Vision of a vessel laden
With a wealth of human freight,
Striking on a hidden reef rock,
Not discovered till too lute.
Going down with none to succor ,
Ob I what faces, while with fears 1
Hurk 1 the cries the doomed ones utter I
Can It be that Heaven hears ?
Oh, our Father, it is
Thus to doaht Thv watchful care,
For we know Oiai. Thoa coutdst keep them
lu that hour of dark despair.
Now the sea has swept above them,
With a seeming cruel baste.
And the sea-birds, sadly moaning,
8kim alone the wait'ry wuste.
Gracious Uuler, cheer tho mourners,
Weeping in each darkened home,
With tlie thought It mutters little
Where our loved ones tied a tomb,
For God's angels, hovering earthward,
Mark the spot with watchful eye,
Then Hy back to Heaven, bearing
Tidings, where His children lie.
' Salem, Aug, !hh, 1805. ' SUnr,
Special Notices.
MllisiaMT Cry. Hsrk I Do you hesr thst hesne cough,
snd Ihftt disturbed breathing f All, mother, your tlsrllug
child, perh your only on, has nn attack of Croup I Ain
cpilckly, and gst your botlls of Nkwsll's Pulmonary Bvbup,
Kirs It freely, and SAVK THE MPE or "the Until of your
linuseliiilil." He watchful In the future, anil upon the slight
est Indication of a oulil, resort at once to the "Hymn,"
Vnr sale bv all Uruxxtsli. riKiiisoroM a Co., Bule Agents,
418 and 41$ Front itrrrt, Sun Francisco.
LIKVK1NG: AND 8TREXGTIIENINO. The history of these
plaster would occupy more space Ihan can be spared within
the limits of this advertisement. Bufllce It to any, that the
most eminent chsmlstl and physicians of the United Stnlea
nnd Europe were coniulleil as to their composition. They
lire made porons, so that the evaporation of the perspiration
can go on aulncienfly where the plualer Is applied, without,
as with olhor plasters, cnuslng the accumulation of acrid
Ould, which oorroiles the skin snd occasions many unpleas
ant sensations not necessary for the care or alleviation of
nlfectlons for which a plaster is usually applied. India
rubber, myrlh, and other oholse gums and essences rf the
vegetable kingdom, are Ihe material Ingreiltents of these
celebrated plasters. While they are poasessed of all lbs
soothing and warming qualities of almost every other plaster
of the United States Dispensatory, they are without many
of their Inconveniences. In the language of one who has
experienced much benefit from their application in a cbron.
ic disease of the kldney--"They stick closer than a brother,
anil do not run like a false Irlend." tor weakness of the
hack, pains In the side, stomach or ohest, nnd for Ihe allevia
tion of the pain attending rheumatism, they are without an
The Agent In 8an Franmco.WIM.IAM F. BRANDUKDTII,
Office at Messrs. Crane A Brtgham's, vill iakt great
pleasure in JtirieartHnq the formula of these celebrated
Itlaster to all Physicians who map desire to see it.
tar sale hy IIOIMIK A CAI.KF,
lyl Pnrtlsml. Orpyoi
A preparation nnitiug
Willi all the recoirnised Tonic, Laxative and Ant! Bil
Protective Propertiea.
Vreventa Fever and Ague and Millions Iteinitteut
Fever, Invigorates the Organs of Digestion nud the
llowels-Sleudies the Nerves and lend lo Prolong
Remedial Propertiea.
Cures Dyspepsia Liver Complaint General De
hililv, Deurcssinn nf hidriis ( jineuiniiiion Inter
mittent Fevers and all complaints arising from bodily
weaaness. As an Appetizer,
Anil all llillioua Disorders,
Hostetter's Stomach Bitters
stand pre-eminent as the
Greatest Medical Discovery of the Age,
and as an
they are prescrilied and recommended by all Physi
chins wherever they have been introduced.
The extraordiuar'v nud increasing demand for these
I11TTKHS is nnparullelcd
and ran lie had everywhere ihmeulinnt the civilized
world wbare newepaiera are circulated nr reud.
Almanacs or I'ainnhlets,
with testimony of their success from the Fanner and
the Kailor from the Merchant and the Physician
and from the Legislative Halls of
may t obtained HJKK of all Dealer everywhere.
97 Front Street.
Mole Agent for the State.
I'oKTi.nn, July Hili, IWS.
Missus, llonos tt Cales:
Grnttrmen ; In answ er lo vour Idler of even.
dale, referring to the LirsxsiE Law aHeeliug "IIOS
TKTTKlf 8 DITTF.HH." 1 bare lo sv that no License
is reiilired, coming as they do, under Ihe head of
Proprietary Preparations. This decision is Htiuoiineed
iiv Uie Cuuiniissioner vl internal Kevenue at uasn
h'.glon. THUS. KKAZAH,
IJ. H. Assessor Infernal Hevenue,
Port land. Oregon.
Ki-flll! I'll.
ALL persons Interested are hereby nolilled that all
debts Hue and navable lo J 11. Starr. In the Tin
ware and Sieve laisiaess in Salem, up lo July 1st,
law. must he settled nt mice, rf. II. KI AKK.
Salem, July 31, 181 j. 22tf
At Ihe Old llt-iulqiinrtFr) In Kalem,
wil l, at rocsD
CONSTANTLY on hand, a lifnre assortment of
which w offer to lbs public as CHEAP as can be
hail in Portland. M AKK lIKDTIIKKN.
IS hereby given thai ihe annnal meeting nf the
a. KoeKholileraor ui rseine niivtr ami i imper sun
in Coriohiiv will be held at the office of !r, O U.
Malsim. si Salem. Oregon, on the 17th day nf August
a.d. Ifo-i, at 10 o'clock an. u r. 1)1 A K,
Angina 7, imii. 23r5l Seereiary.
T7"Miiow II May Com -ru.
rpH E anderslgned is lb duly anUmriied airei.tof
X . u. Hrlswoia. aim an rewm in any way in-
Ierele4 will pleas e"'n""iy. ii-m mis nam.
Salem, Oregon, July 3d. Ini.'.. , Nwl
Omrs Oass Rons Ismti Aoncv, I
Aurun 1. IKaa. f
rKal.lrn mmmiS will he rseelrtsf at ll,ls nmca iinttl tbai
n o'caMk . . AiwtMl It'll. for Uirandln Vsj I'm
of Utal, mors or Ira. betnnsin W, Ihe Inillaot, an So
aerca. more or lew. el "u Th larasher to furnMh fvr,
drtrer. RKMnnr. ami mmt, sad bwa f,.r haeih, ao4 ftd
fr Wftoai. P., men I V, maoe a ial T'leler aoU.
AwmiT.PSU. AW'lS IUHlKr, t'. la'llan Asetil.
Kalm Mold and hilve-r nininl ( a,
NOTll.L Tlwra M siawlin Uw WkiSs of U.i tt-nt
Mneanv anlast H"lrn M l'.ll,.r, tMM: i. S Uc-
CallMer ; C f . Oiaia. fl ; fl. Ttie ht4 ef
.l,ret',r, San orteff IM Inere oss Il poMle MM la
SalaA. iw, ih hotfynf ! 'rleS a ss. an na
,K Umia ay ( SsewaiMr, Hl. tto k Munsln Km Ik
bnve-iiaaifa (triers. aw"l sMtnaeu anasaii
airf ol .1 aarerUaneeuls mlm.
A nt J, im. wr l- C. CUM. b'y,
SHI swainMOT Um ola M a4 ailvar ttlela
1 I'laHV art aertkr lie Umi m Is Ikla jr art.
M mmsnl ft -e'r wtila st shari a eae
. . 4 , v le l- efI ,. eAfnMnf , Ma-
lu,HaMnurfssMiitt-lM Ik 1Ul a at ate-
I uirbtt sett if ," M -'.
I Ai 1,1,1 Is4 I. C flltt, Wy.
I.a Creole Acinic my,
Ttev, W. IV Nichols Principal.
Miss UttKCCA J. Giirhii Preceptress,
fTMIE academic year is divided Into four terms of
1 eleven weeks ouch,
First Term will couunoucs Sept. 4, 1805
Second Term " " Nov. 20,1X05
Third Terra " " 1HO0
Fourth Term " " 1806
Primary per term, (4,00
Common Knglisl " 6.00
llhrher Knglish " " 8.00
Greek, Latin, or French language, two dollars extrs.
KtudenUi will not Is anuulted lor a lest neriod than
a half term, and no deduction will be made for ab
sence except in cases uf protracted sickness.
Hoard cau be obtained iu good families at reason
able rates. A few young ladies can be accommodated
iu Ihe family of lbs Principal.
IV A new PhilotimHcal Apparatus and a twiree.
fill Microicope are expected from Sail Francisoo by
rue uomnieiieeiuent or uuuuie oi me nrsi rem.
Dallas. July 31. 1805, Mtf Executive Com.
Sale of Miiiiiiir Stock.
Till ERE remains unpaid of assessment No. S levied
1 on the eupital stock of the Union Gold and Silver
llinlng Company on tlie. lid day of May, 1804, and of
assessment No. 3, levied on the said stock July 31,
iMt-t, the (ollowing amounts, to wit i
x v, as
9 9 i 9 in 1
BAMIS. O f i NAMKS, O f !
iir i. if
i- fi f
A'seismenl No. 2. ( Assessment No. 3. (
Abel G Irl 4111 1 5 Abel Geo M 4111 I a
Cooke EN 30110 SO Andrews W H '! 1 8
Cooper Frank 48 3 4 CarlwrlgbtC M 3.W 1 S
FishN 403 1 S Cooper Frank 40 1 6
Ml 1 il 48 S 10
850 I HChaneeGH 315 il 10
3ol 1 il 3Jli 1 i
Hswthorne & Freelaud 1) B H3 1 S
Leryea 387 1 il 1 Jit 1 6
3H8 1 ! Green Thoa i!tia 3 lf
380 1 ol Haas ,1 H 383 3) 101
Ml 1 illLanghead Wm irJ8 I 5
301 1 2 MeCully I) Ui 1 i
m 1 ill Nichols J It M7 1 b
3tiH 1 llllioorkJH 400 1 ,'i
Mi 1 Si Smith II SO 1 f,
3115 I il M !i lo
3t0 19 63 3 li
3117 I SI :.'J il lu
Johnson WP 417 il 4 & I i
l.augheadWU ?'8 1 S ltill I b
Morse 11 H 314 3 4 107 1 6
Marshall tleo 13 1 li 108 I 5
lUcCnlly 1) Crl 1 111 i 1h 1 5
Nichols J B 357 1 i 171 1 a
Koork J II 4110 I ill 17-1 1 a
Bloat 11 V 1 ill 173 I S
3111 1 1)1 174 1 5
311 1 Si 175 I 5
35'i 1 ii Smith EO 711 1 &
3o3 J ill 84 il 10
111 1 ill 'Jf'i 3 10
337 1 Hi !! 3 IS
338 I ijl 421 1 6
Smith J X 3118 4 8 4'.M 1 a
3IIII 4 8 4'14 1 5
30!! Ill 20 4'.' 5 25
Smith II m V IK 4'.".) A 25
50 1 2 430 0 25
51 I 2 431 5 25
52 2 4 432 2 10
53 3 6 433 I A
Smith WH lull 1 2 434 1 5
85 5 10 Smith W II 85 S 25
80 5 10 80 5 25
87 5 10 87 5 25
IM 12 el I 10
f 01 1 2 100 1 5
01 1 2 Smith JasX 302 10 50
Smith E O 2H3 2 4 XM 4 20
. 1.114 3 B 3IKI 4 20
711 1 2Sl(.atIIV 114 1 5
421 1 S 311 1 5
422 I I , 352 1 5
424 12 3A3 1 5
42H 5 llllThorn li I) DIM 1 &
Thorn El) 308 1 ill William H I4 5 25
YY'hltohouse B G 331 2 4'" 117 5 25
! 1 18 5 25
II!) 1 5
I 150 I 5
151 1 5
1 153 1 6
Pursuant to law, mnl In cnmplianco with nn order nt
the bniird of dimeters nf lite said Union Gold and Sil
ver Miiiinit Company, made at tlie office of said Coin
puny on the 27th day nf duly, 1805, so many shares of
each parcel of the aforesaid sl'wk as may be necessary
will be sold at public sac! ion at the office, of the Com
pany in Kaletu. Oregon, on Ihe 3tst day of August,
180j, commencing at the hour of 10 o'clock a. ui. of
said day, lo pay the delinquent assessments on said
stock, together with the cost, nf advertising and ex-i
penes of sale. ltl'Fl'8 MALLOUY, '
Hiilem, July 31, 1805. 22w4 hecretary.
RECENTLY from the Eastern Slates, and over
thirty-eight years of practice, having extracted
amn than a barrel or lectin Inis taken room in Mr.
KENYON'S house, a few doors from Commercial
slreet. where he will wall on the citixena of this place
and vicinity, on reasonable term, and will guarantee
Those having had whole nr parts of set put In, that
are now uncomfortable or natlee, are invited to call.
Decayea teeth lieraisneaily filled There shall In
no nchiiig nf teeth, or foiling out of pings.
Teeth extracted with great rare, hy Ihe use uf pro
per instruments, with nr without ehlorolomi
Cleiiuiiig and regulating, and other useful operations
Persons from other towns, nr from the eountry,
wishing my services, can make ray l.nuse their homo,
null! Ihe work la Mulshed. Snlcm, .Inly 3, lattfif
Cheaper than the Cheapest,
RhIciii. June 2oth, IHl.y 7if
Oil Paiiitintf.
PACLINE SI1EI.TON. having hi ken lessons In
nf the best artists in Kaa Francisco, proposes lo give
lessons lu the siime. Niierltneiis In lie seen Hi Mont,
ginnery's Picture Gallery. Will also eolor Photo
graphs in oil or wafer color. Salem, June O.-y
APPLICATION having been made In the County
Court uf Marion manly. Stale of Oregon, Ihv
Lennder Davis and Willinm Ierwell. gnsrdiansof ilia
minor heir of William Parker, late of Marion eonn
ty. Oregon, deceased for the following described real
estate, to witi The one undivided on half interest in
Ijois No. 7 and 8ui ItliH-k No. 32, in the city ol Salem,
in Marion county. Oregou i also the audi vided one half
interest in the following, to will Th east half of the
east half of aectioa 3, aim the northwest niiar.erof
section 2., uiw. iiiauiena meridian, enn
tnining 320 acres, more or les. being designated by
Notification No. 3IHII, sad situate in the county of
Marion, ainle of Oregim i also the undivided two
llnnls interest In the following rial estnw annate in
th county of C'talaop, in Ilia slat nf Oregon, to wilt
commencing on the boundary lin ol Henry Ifarllu'
land claim at two fir tiee alioiiL on hundred feet
north of lb boom including th rooky point, thene
in asonthwetterly direeiion about on iiinidred and
fifty yard to a maple stamp standing In a ravine, and
about sixty feet east uf saiil Martin's dwelluig housei
thimr aiMilh alinnt one .hundred feat lo a rock almas
fifty feet southeast of theeaid Merlin's dwelltnghoiita;
ihe'nro abont two hundred yards about dne weal to Ihe
beach on the vest aide of the tongue, paaaiog a maple
tree abont two feel in diameteri tlieuee following tli
Government survey of said Merlin's land elumed an
der the donation act of Congreaa approved Hepiembr
27, 18.1U, around to 'hs plaaa uf beginning, eoiilulniag
550acreaof the south part of the said Merlin's laud
claimi and It appearing to th nisfae'iun of the
Court by lha aaid pelilmn that il will b for lbs beat
interest of die aaid ward thai aaid asiata l sold,
ihsrefor uoiiee is hereby given to Hi next of kin to
th aaid minor heirs and all persons Intireated In said
estaia to appear before Conniy Court an th first
Monday, th 4th day of SeHembr, IHiy, lo show
cans. If any there us, why Iweus should not b
granted fur the sale of said estate
J C. I'EEHLKS, Conniy Jndga.
Salem, July 15, IHH5, 23w4
Asuwaamrnt Nlollce.
AT a meeting nfUi. Hoard of directors af th Union
Gold and Silver Mining Company, bald al tfwlr
iittlrein Salem on thalith day ol July, A D. an
aaaeaemeni ot tnrea aouara jmw aaara waa wvieo "".,i
aarh share of the capilal stock of lha romaiiiy, paya
au inipiM froiB ilia AIm linwif in wi.ld ur silver
eoin, at the office nf the company.
By order of lb Board of Directors.
KI Fl'S MALLOKY.eerelary.
SIbj, Au,Jsii, im. 4w23
Valuable Farm for Sale.
THE anlsarrlber will sell hia land no Mill Creek
Prairta, Ian miles snuthost of Kaleia. ennalatlng
af IA aarea I to acres fKairla and 73 aero Umber on
lha Sanuaw, upabat wild all hia konaelmld guide, 9
begs, 8 atwap. 8 cows, I other eaiile. wagmi maker
Uxds, elarksnhh's loola. earpelter's iool, whael
wriahl t loot, full sets, and inrnlng laiha. Than are
Uire baiises oa lha land, witk two orrharaa af aplaa
did fruit ioial a io snH two famil.
I av a aphndtd KKAPEH and MOWER, with a
vary aataneiva and wall-aeleeietl alnrk ef farming
Implements aa good as saw. I offer land. hnm. and
an t, mute la e tmn. Inr f'i,M 'H
SOWN In CMIN. Ma, and sm let ymraall.
Jaly3l,NU. 'X(t MM II H-M.I I.I.
npITE nnderslgned Intemls changing his business on
A. tlie nrsi OT .-cnteuiuer nexi i uieruiurs an iaraona
who know thimieolves indebted to him, will please
settls between now and thuii.
There are large amounts oulstaniliiig ou ins boons
of the lute llrm of T. H. Cox tc Co. All such ac
counts, as well as those nf T. H. Cox, must be settled
by the first, of September.
I hope all of tnose inierestea win give wis msiwr
prompt attention. I. it. W)A.
waiem, .i my oi. iooq- "
Confidential Medical Advice.
Afrmee r of the Royal College of Surgeons of Eng
land t Licentiate of Ike Ratal College eV'Ajw-
versitf of Erlangem Licentiate
of Roynl Society af Apoth.
eenries. London See.
'I II A or MKtlCtlUY". He also treats successfully
CUTANEOUS D1MEASKH, and those who sutler
r.Kn Op M ANHOOO will do well to consult him.
His DIPLOMAS may be seen at his House and Olltce.
DR. LA'.HEKT wishes It to lie perfectly nnder-
stood that every case Is CONFIDENTIAL. He kai
separate waiting rooms for earn paitem, anu com
pounds all his own medicines, so that 111 delicate cases
patients have nothing to fear.
Omen Houhs From 1) A. M. till 3 P. M. and from
5 till 9 P. M. Sundays, from 1) A. M. till 2 P. M. only.
At the corner of Third and C streets. The entrance
titeamskip Wharf, and Or. IjiNcrl's
House and Offices are iu a
direct line three
blocks west,
I mAalonn 1, v r.Vi n n ns A II nt A I
San FranclMco.
TiHE nroiu leuir of this fiivnrile liolel would respect-
1 fully inform the traveling public thut the
American Exchange having been recently enlarged
and improved in all its departments, be is now prepar
ed to otter superior indnre,nenls to hia patrons and
the public in general. He can now oiler elegant suits
nr single rooms ror ramllies aim single rooms tor gen
tlemen, on terms to suit the limes. This house con
tains a handsomely furnished public pHi-lor, beautiful
large dining hall, eoininmlious ami pleasant, rending
und sitting room, together wllli other facilities not
necessary to enuinerale. Business men and travelers
will tlml the American F.xcbunge second to no hotel
iu the city, whether as regards luxury, comfort oi
economy. The table will be supplied with all the del
icacies ths season all'ords. Grateful fur past natron-
age, the proprietor respectfully solicits aconiinnanc
of Ihe public favor. 'J-jni3p3 J, W. SARGENT
To Mill-Owners,
A PRACTICAL MILLER, of nearly twenty-live
years' experience iu Maryland, Chile, and Cali
fornia, wishes to obtain a permanent ailnation in a
Flouring Mill intbis Statei his ubject being to liawt
permanently. Satisfactory reference given as to ca
pability, sobriety, and honesty. For further particu
lars, address J. P., cure Baiuu Urns, Ik Co., Portland,
Oregon. July i, I una, raw
$25 to $325 per Set,
$7 to $100 Each, -
$1 60 to $30 Each,
SUT monrgomcrjf Street,
25 Per Cent. Less than any House on
the Paclllc Const.
A Liberal Dlwouut
fower riedged riiial to nitr Overshot In
TUP. Dorill.K TCRIIINM, n lomr esperted.
Iiave arnvod at last, and ordt ra eaa sfiw be allad.
Wa have a larg updy of th dlnereul alias, from IV
inrhea u W(.
Thai w way know the proper alied Whael yoa r
qnlra, measure your wair iu th following way
Tali th width nf Ihe atrrum, lha avarsg duplh, and
lbs di -lam-a il Howa in a iiiuiilla.
All lb Whmils already in nse give nmvaraal sat le
ction. For particulars, ssnd for a Cirmlar
June I'JiflS
I.KKrr.Ii si Kill,
with Klcharda it MiCraktn,
Portlaud, Oregon.
Notice to Builders,
i HMITH CAKTWKItlHT, of (bilara, Ordar
rilled PIIOMI'TI.V. .
Juna 17, IWM. lf
Wool Wanted.
lirB willtair III HIOHEST market i
VV half eh, oi is half marrliandisa-fnr WOOL.
Kslsm, Slav 71, IHu. I'Hf
Is. IIROWM will T Ibshlghsat ptlra for
Wool. Kea as bpfor selling.
Halam. May "Ah. I-').
Happiness or Hisery;
dvta mined, RganllaM nf asrsinae, la iasa FltKK
Ifor lha li.ii.fli of rTering hoBiaohel r nf liiair
iao.1 Iniararting and Inairartlva LKCTllatKa!, urn
M ARRIAtiK, and Us siaaliflmiloiiai Narrooa la
hiliiy, Piaaaaiora llwlia of ManbiaaJ, Indiawinm,
Waakneaenr I r !' F.irg and Vila!
Power, lb graal Knrial Kil, and thoaa Kalsslm thai
raault from saaikfnl Mlisa. sir of malanty, s l
wnisia of I'livanlogy and Naiura s Laws.
Th Invaluable 1 .attar have bee th aiean of
enlightfliln and saving llnisand. and will ba fur
warded FKKK on raealpt of Twaniy It Cam la
tnas air slami-a, by imdng "sWmary PatlAs Btu
mmm nf Anal'av and HVraara. Pasa Kiwi, Kaa trmrn
else " tvta
Uritar to b ii tlii'Biak Welt. Iig A (
ws a
la addition to onr LAHGK and EXTENSIVE slock of
Hardware, Iron and Steel,
We have on hand, and ar constantly receiving
from th Kastern Htates, a VVLh Aft-
Hub, Bpokes, Hickory Axlen, Bent Rlm,
Whiffle Trent), Ac, c.
. ' .. - . . i
30,000 His. of Iron A ales 1 In. to II In.
100 setts Thimble Skeins in. to S In.
100 setts Wagon Boxes.
1041 setts Hnlleabla Nuts for Wooden-Axle Wagons. '
3. 600 lbs. Wagon and Carriage Mprlngs, Itnb Bands i
Malleable Irons, Carriage and l ire bolt, Cum
berland Coal.
4,000 lbs. Nuts and Washers.
And a large and complete assortment nf
Importers and Dealer In Hardware, Iron, Steel aud
Wagon Timber, 131 Front Html, Portland, Ogn.
3m lit
Cooke, McCqlly & Co,,
Ait gjw ornsiso iitiim thi
Largest and Best Selected Stock
' ..or..
Ever brought to the Willamette valley .and will
dlsposs or the sums at the very LOWEST PRICKS. , .
tdilniu, June 5. 1865. , Htf
NOTICK li lierehy lvtn tlmt w lo pur
ollUM 100,000 Pounds of Wool,
Fnrwhlrh w will pay th HIGHEST MAR
Palsill, June ,Mh, 18H0. Htf
Uraii dreth'ii
IT Is generally known that my Grandfather waa th
original Inventor of these remarkable pills.
' He was aseienlille man, and a medleal practitioner
nf the Old Sehool. Bui heeoming alarmed at the nior
tullty that attended th Bleedjng and Mineral Prae
llre, he turned his allonlion In the study of natnreand
the philosophy of disease, as also to th natural reme
dial agent whicli ha tumid Ui exist exclusively In tb
Veirelabl Kingdom. Iu hi researehes and investi
gations, he heeame full v satisfied that th life wa in
ihe bloodt that by whatever name diseases war dis
tinguished, Impurity of the blood was tli source of
all a siinpl and truthful doelrln. which, In reduelng
all diseases to a nnit. neeessnrilv established th rant
that all were to be treated on the same general prin
ciples, vlt. by purgation.
Now the grand difficulty enuslstsd in devising a veg
etable compound that would invigorate, purify, and
cleanse the blood, correct and regulate all lb differ
ent secretions, and by purgation discharge th whol
mass of morbid matter from th body, without reduc
ing the strength. After thirty years of close applica
tion, ha considered Ills, object fully accomplished In
tlie production ol these pills, which hav now been
before th public One Hundred and Fourteen Yean,
aud it is now (IHK) nearly 31 year sine Dr. Bran
dreih's Vegetable Universal Ufa Preserving Pill
were first presented tn the American pnblie during -which
lima superior excellence and virtue hav
been extensively proclaimed by piers and pamphlet,
and a rapid yearly Increase of tb sal of tliein af
fected. Tn know what will sav Ufa, to know what will
restore health, Is a knowledge not to be hidden, I,
therelor, as a mau desiring to do my duty faithfully,
have dotted down some of my thirty five year' apa
rlenus Willi Bmndreth' Pills, whloh ar an ffrclual
assistant of nature, and cans the sx pulsion of acri
monious Humors in occasion oi every sioaiiesa. un
ns admit that corrupt humors prevent tlie fee. circula
tion of tli blood, that Brandrath'i Pill taka out
these humors, giving health for pain, aud strength for
No man Is sick sav whan th principle of eorrnp
llnngct tli aseendencyi Brandreth's PHI aid th
Life Principle to regain III siupir by removing th
corrupt humor from th body. Many a Urn 1 have
seen life apparently at the last ebb, when the. Pill
were given, and iu a few hours the danger waa nut,
and health' flood lid gave th patient renswed life
and vigor. Many an Ui fathers, mothers, sons, and
daughter, tliiia saved. ,
These celebrated Pills ar composed wholly of me
dicinal herbs, and do not oontaM auy mercury nr other
mineral, being perfectly harnma In th moat tmdwr
aire or weakest framei yet an re lo search out th. can,
of sirkiwas, and restore tlie ballb if taken according
to Ihe directions. ,
I -el nn one imagine tbev ar too weak to bear th
effect of these Piiis, whicli put no weeklies Into th ,
frame, km draw weakness out. A few dose will be
get conndenee, and I bun Ihe beauties nf purgation will
gradaellv become anloldcd ti, onr view, wlilrli, a
foreed w'lth Brandreth's Veaetabl Universal 1111s, Is
abla to our avery disease w her the orgaaa ar sound, "
and greatly Incraaae the average of human lit.
I hav aow used ou my own person, aud pre,amd
aud ailniinialered, HraudrauY Pills for tliirty-Hv.
year. I believ they ar ilia bt purgative la th
world, and with Ibis medical qualltv lliey have also
a ionic stfert. And a 1 am nf tb arm opinion that
inflammation and fever are eauaad by eorrnpted
blood aot being lilnelv evacuated, because II regurgi
lates, so In speak over the whole body, mid tltu our
rapts th aound bhaid that shonULneurlsb all the tum
Iwrs, and actually destroys and paralyse member or
nriraua that ar unsound; and as 1 know that the.
Pills have a direct effect lo remove all corrupt blood
and acrimonious hnmors from the hudv iu fact, all
huiiinrs below the vital standard of faeallhi so I should
be guilty of a area! sin, did I not do all In my power
to propngala tb lis of a medicine which is possessed
of properties so calculated to save aud lucre., th. .
average of hnman life.
, The public servant,
Prinrlpal office fr Brandreth's Vatratabte Universal
Pills, 1)RANIHETH 8 BUlLDINtl. New York.
Offlie at CRANK ft I1RK1HAM 8, Nan t'raneiaco.
k'or sale by all respectable dealers lu medicinaa. ly
has aata vsao roa sssait
Coughs, Cold. Hoareeneaa, Ron Throat
InltanBMa Whooping ( ough. Croup,
Liver Cotnplalsit, Broackltia,
Ulftical.y or Breallslaf,
Asthma, aaid .vary
flrotioti of
isri.vmao aval
Thar la ararrely one individual la Hi community
who wholly araMte, dorlns; a saason, from som. oua,
however sf gbilv davelopad, of the above symptoms
a nevhtf of which might bsad to tin last named and
moat lo be dreaded disena in th. w hole eaialogn.-
The power nf lha "madieinaJ gam" of lha Wild Chef,
ry Tree over thi clas of oinptaint i wall knowni
o great is the good it ha parformed, and ao great th.
popularity it haa aen,nird.
In ibis prcaratloo, baalde th virtue of th Cher
ry, thai are uiuiuiiugled with il other iiwedtenu uf
like value, thus increasing it value tea fuld, and form
lug a Remedy whoa powar to Booth, lo heal, to ra
lieve, and lo ear disease, exist in ao olhr madiclna
yel discovered.
The unequalad nees thai ha atuadad th. appll
cation of this ntdicin In all ease of
ha Induced many physician of high standing lo
ploy 11 in tlesir pracUc, sow. of whom advi. a of
tb fuel andar ihair own signalnra. W hav. tpac.
only for Uns smmea of a raw of Ihaa i
H. II. liai.T, M.D.. Sa Francisco, Cal.
E. Bovnaa, M I), Esaier, Me.
Aisaoa IIstc M I). China, M.
h. Ksiiows.M II , Hill, H.
W H. Wa, M I) , Cap Vlneeat. H. Y.
W. II. Ltc, M 1)., Aubnrn. N. Y.
Abbiha Hiim sis, M D , Boundbrook, N.aV.
M, I). Maatia, M !.. Manfild, Pa. .
Hi proprhtlora hav letter fmm all rlaase of ear
fellow e uisana. froaa tb hall of Cengrw K the ham
bleat emtage, and avea from bevoed tb araa i feir Ih.
fame and virtnea of WisTssVs Bai.mii has. .atead
u to the "nlirrtaosl twiu da of tb earth," without
any attempt oa ou part to Intnalue H heyoud lb.
luaila ef oar own cuantry.
Afire ihlohrr I, lata, mil graaia Wl UTAH'S
t A IMAM mf nil.D CHERRY for the Pmnt
i'tasl still he eajefoscti ia m aea wmprnre trktrk trill
Avar Ike printed ef kutk Hit a W. sU ft
Co., Hmta., Mast., muA Jost. 11. Pei, Oa-iaear.
ilkm, . well as es -- sstfe of the sigaalaee. mf
"I. Hi vv," Has roan At Paaa,,' .ssf" H. Wiavaa,
H. l '
vista ki nun r win cum
is roa is i.a if
Iltiauj UiiFfout street, Sua Ft aiiiiitM, Jt
i all diuuji.