1 (the (OrqjM tatcu. TO T11K TOST MASTERS. BKr.PAflHi, July 20, 18fi5. En. Statesman : Somu nix inuiiihi uro, I wrote yuii t hut thu paper frmn your oiiiee mailu h trip in l'orllanil In-fore it rvachwl tilts of fice. 1 The error ws oiimclcd, and remained an until Intolyi they have hern going the naino round. Yon did rn well then. I feci like trust ing yna again tn have It corrected. Your soli soriliiTt grmnlilo to bo deprived of their mail ' io long. Hy the way, tome want tn know why the Statesman oimjIiI not bo mailed early enough Monday morning to come en Monday'! tagli ! ' J. E. ilM ason, P. M. ., The above letter (onlli the attention of the Postal Agent to another neglect. In addition to tlio fact stated by our friend Gleasoo, Wd can also state that fully one half our mail mat ter from the South makes a trip to Portland , and book bofore we get. it. We hope that Agent Brooks will look into this matter as soon tta he authorized to. ' , " ' "" ' The reason wo cannot send the Statesman by Monday's mail, is, that we wait for tele graph nowe on Mouday morning, and thereby furnish our readers with news two days later "than any other weekly In the State. : -. Wbloomb thb New Combiis. Soveral ' families, from Iowa, have located in Salem during the past week, to whom we hope all oar 'people will take pleaeure in extending a cor djal welcome.-- Wo take the following notice of thesei families from a letter or Mr. Pearne ' in tlio last issue of the Advocate. Speaking '-. of the steamor passengers bound for Oregon, ;: Mr. P. says: .'.'..'''..'.'i n , .r Among tucru m tangle family, consisting of the aged p&reutn, three daughter, one son. fnurs'imt-iit-latv and grand-children swelling ilia number of the whole family to twenty-six. . They Are expecting to make Ore. ' win their borne. Tlicy arc ovranns of aulmttiice and re- - apeutaliility ; one of them has boon abankur, aeveral of ' them merchants, one of lluuu ia a lawyur, and two of - thorn have member of the Iowa Hnrialature,one of thera resigning a ant In the somite of Iowa, when he left for ' uregoit. . i uey are a Viiiuuwe acquisition to uie maio, Col. li. F. Maury. This gentleman paid us a friendly visit laiit week. lie is now out of eervice.aud on his way to his old home in Jack ton comity, The Colonel has served the coun try faithfully for the last fonr years, and retires; from the trying position of . & District Com manded with a noble record. He has ever been on the side of unconditional devotion to the Union, and has always cast bis influence on the Union side with a hearty good will. From tho position he has occupied, and the uu- ' merous explorations he has made, he has made himself familiar with all sections of the State, and was prepared to servo it with increased usefulness. 71 ' : " , (' DKMOoitATio Baptists. There appears to be one 'Association of tho Baptist Church in ' this State, which is considerably "on tho so- oeah" (to ate a slang phrase) judging from the action of the Association taken on some patri otic resolutions, which have been furnished us. This remark, we aro assured, canuot lie ap plied to all of tho members or ministers aok nowlcdging the authority of the Association, but only a majority of then a vory largo and respectable minority of them being loyal. The resolution will appear next week. '. , XjT Senator Nesmitlt returned Thursday last from an extended visit and examination of the Indian Reservations in Washington Terri tory. We see that Senator Foster, another member of tho Committee on Indian Affairs, has been visiting the Indians in the Salt Lake - country ; wad while there giving presents to the red skins, they stole his horses. If they let him off with his scalp he will be in good lock ,' ' ' W James O'Meara. a gentleman not alto tether unknown to newspaper fame, has pro. ourod the material, and is about to commence the pablicatinn of a "Demneratio" newspaper, At a time when old party lines are broken up. , and new issues are about to be precipitated upon the country, on which men will take sides without regard tn previone party associations, ' it would seem to be a Quixotic affair to attempt to revive the caruuss of defuuet Democracy. JUountaintcr. ' ' ' ' ( That Is directly to the point but wo desire to see tho paper started. Two Soi.DtF.ns Lost. The Sentinel re ports that two Fort Klamutu soldiers went oat buuting some time siuoe, and got lost in the moantains. They were out fourteen days. One gave oat entirely with hunger, and was left by his companion, who managed to roach the lort nearly furnished, aud thus awistauoe was sent out to the one abandoned. Ellkkdm.1 The machinerr for the Ellondale Wool en Manufacturing Company, uf Brownsville, arrrircd by the icainlim or NuluMay. u la ifim me wnraa ot Cleveland & Co., Worcester . Massachusetts Ortgt- aim What Company is this machinery for t The Ellcndalo Factory is over in Polk, aliovo Dal las, while Brownsville is in Linn county ; but it too bos a Factory. Thk Obukr or Oii Fellows. Isaac M Yeitch, Most Worthy Grand Sire of the Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows of tho United States.bas issued a proclamation declaring the unbroken unity of the erdt-r. This order annuls any to tion taken by Southern Lodges to iustitute a secession from the Grand Lodge. ' ;; 1 " Vebt Commendable. The Dalles City poople showed their publio spirit and hospital! ty by boldiug a public meeting appointing ro ception committees of it leading oitzens, and procuriug the firemen to turn out in gutlorm to receive Mr. Colfax and party. Rebuilt. From Mr. Samuel Bcelcr, just returned from Idaho City, we learn that the "gem'' eity of the mountains was entirely re built in about two weeks after its destruction by Gre some time ago. ' Phoehix Iksi'Rancb Co. From a personal acquaintance with the manngcrs of this Com pany on the Pacifio coast, we are satisfied that the business of this Company will be fairly transacted. Bell Ic Brown, local agents sea advertisement. rUUCHMATlON FROM ' litADQt ARTEKS." All ye that want to purehase stovee of any Itiiiil. tin ware, copper-wore (except copper- heads), lead pipe, and all that kind of thing, are hereby notified that Starr Ilrrs. have it at the "Headquarters" hailJinp. cheap for cash. C7 Lately, near Idaho City, a man whose name is not given, wa accidentally shut dead, , by being mistaken for a pauther. while sleep ing iu the woods near where party of men were cutting timber. ' ; , VtT A new hook on the history ef Oregon within the past fourteen years, is reported to be ' ia orcnaratiou lit Kev. Thnt. II. Pearne. We shall look for it with anxiety. . Cmkabab. A wine of this ore, from which quicksilver il extracled, is reported ia the San tiatn miniujf district.', . , Hot WkatheR. ft has lieen excessively hoi fur srveral d.ivs past, the thermometer rivin- at alsnat 90 dee. in the shade, at Boca. Beli-ahsi, July 1!, Ji5. Ed. Statksman : At a meetimr of tho citi. 7.1'in of UelpnuHi and vicinity, helil In tho acad- my, aaiuruuy oveniuc, July 13, the accom panying preamble and resolution were imiuii- mously adontoti, and a iiiHiiurial to His MOM- lency, A. C. Gibbs, Governor of Oregon, was drawn op and signed by a large number of pernios, asking him to convene an extra ses sion of tho Legislature, to oousider the matter thcrei entioned. And tho Seoretary was ireoted to forward a copy to the blateman for publication. ' i ' n tt ...... ' ! ' ' Jli. 1'. XlKNUriKHUN, ouuy, Wiikhbas, Tho CongrcKS of the United States has in ail u an iuiportunt amendiDent to the Constitution of the United Status touching tlio subject of negro slavery, which amendment requires to be rutifled by three-fourths of the State Legislatures in order that the samo be come a part and parcel of the Constitution of the United States, aud Whereat. The State of Missouri and other States have, by reoent action, disfranchised all persons who were in any way enguged in car rying on the late rebellion uguiiist the United States Government, or iu giving aid and com- tort to those engaged in said rebellion, and wkertai. Many such uislranoliised persons have already emigrated to Oregon, and doubt ess many more or litem will soon emigrate Dither, therefore, 1 Rctolved, That whilst we would heartily en- oourage the emigration of good and loyal citi- xons to our adopted state, wo tool assured that it would be greatly detrimental to the pouce aud prosperity of Oregon to be over-run by hoards ot .aisiranouned rebels and traitors. Ketoloed, That, in the opinion of this meet Ing, such measures as may be oousistent with the Constitution of tho United State and tho Constitution ef the State of Oregon, should bo speedily taken by thu proper authorities to protect our StiUo Irom such encroachments. ' Resolved, That we, as citizens of Oregon do most Iwortilv approve and endorso tin aforementioned amendment to tho Constitution of the United States. llesalved. That a committee of three be ap pointed to draw up a suitable memorial tn His Excellency, the Governor of Oregon, praying nun to onnveno an extra session ol the Legis. ature lor the purpose ot rntilying said amend' ruentto the Constitution of the United States and to pass such law or laws to protect our State against the aggression of rebels and dis franchised trators. -That Colt Question. The following let ter from W. C. Myers, of Ashland, we copy with pleasure. We ludgd from it that the oolt re ferred to by the Oregonian will be eolipsed at tho next State Fair by f -Lookout 's ! Jin. Editor: In your last issue 1 was re quested to keep a lookout for the blue ribbon at the next State Fair (von were aware that I bad quite a head for ribbons, as I received three blue and three pink ribbons at the lam ruirl, as the Oregonian gives an account of the most r-o-m-a-r-k-a-h-l-e piece ol borso llesh ever seen In Uregon, being a colt one year aud ten days old, and iJi hands ingu." , 1 herewith send you a description of a colt I have oallod "LooKout," that ran on the moun taiui and pastured above the clouds all fall and the foro part of the winter. At 11 months and 7 days old bo was 1-11 hands high ; girth, G3 inches. At 141 mouths, he was 15 hands high ; girth, 71 inches. He will weigh at lenst ysu pounds. W. 0. Myers. J lie above is not DViitiv means tho bcrtcnlt mr. in. expects to taiio to me state rair. lie will take one that, it is thought by good judge of horse flesh, cannot ho beat iu Ainorica. Jucktonvillr. Ileporler. , i ; Rooue EiVER Indian Claims. The lost Congress appropriated two thnnsand five hun (I red dollars for the purpose of furnishing blnn kets, clothing, farming utensils, and stock to the itoguo river Indians : also to pay tho bal ance due claimants, under tho third article of tho treaty of September, 186, for improve ments miulo by laud claimants on the Indian Table liock Keservation, eight hundred and fourteen dollars and eighty-two cents. This payment ia made in pursuance of the resolu tions of the Union party htst year, and which have been so burlesqued uy tho Copperheads uf Jackstiu)couuty,for the purpose of furthering the interests nf their party. ' We are Informed by J. vv. ieinith that this bill oriL'inally cov ered the whole of tho claims described in tho resolutions, hut money was vory sen roe. and all was struck out by the Uominittoe on Claims. except the appropriation for the Indians and lor the Improvements on the mud. We sny tn nil voters of Jackson countr, and to all who desire to see jnstioe done, vote against tho infamous schemers who have opposed the payment, and justice will still bo done. Sen linel. u K - DiSTiiBRSiNQ Casualty. On Monday little be v of about six yours of age, son of liov G. C. Hoe. was taken into a black berry patch Willi in inouier. tome two miles from this city iu company with a party who had started not tn gather berries. During the day the little fellow beenme weary, and was fixed tenderly in refreshing sleep, when Mrs. Koo kept on with picking. ' Upon returning to tho pluco where the child had been left it was gone ! Awakening from slumber the little ooo had iriiDalily started to find the mother, aud was int. Search was immediately inetituted. bnt the child was not found until yesterday, hoore which time trie spirit bad taken its llicht. stump hail fallen over upon and killed the little wauiletcr. Uregoman. 8a Frascisco, Julr 38 It has alreailv keen nub I'mlied that the overland mail from Lincoln to Portland hnn gone into the hands of air. Keeaiite of Washini;. ington City, a new contractor who araordinir to the enntrm-t, wna to commence rnnuinir the mail' nn the lint of July i hut failing to come to time, the Califor nia Stave Company who have carried the mail tor eeventl years pnt-l. had conHent.il to continue the joh nntil the end of this month. We nre now informed that they uoaitivelr refiiN to eonrev it any lonirei At the new contractor haa not the stock on linnd necessary to do the work, the PrutpecU are that utter Monthly next the overland mail to Uiykoh will ceuae. Hoeeide sent an airent out here who. at Ural. nroDnxed to mil the iDitil in a bngy, bill ftlntndoned Unit project upon ilieroverinx that the mails for Oregon, avenue ahont three I one per day, which has to be traneporic over am hmulred miles, and he is now awaiting in. fttmctinne frota his prini'lMl, who ia in Wnnhiiuu-n Mr. Gunk ill, apecud airent of the 1'ortoHire lleiwrt' mriit, ho U avraitiiiK authority from the Fovtinitater Ucneral to pmride a remedy, will do his ntmei to in duce the California Ntaite Company to continue curry liar !hlniU smut the Ooverumeol ran be apprlM- ot tlio true state ol tlitnini. 1 tie.-,laifeCotnnanv crn ed I he mail Inat year for t. '50.000, l,,n thev claim that ihev lnt money, aud this year they rained their bid to I wo, uuu. lusiuea contract waa lor :&,uou. I SrtARP Practic. The Appeal repnria case in California, where a man guilty of tome eooentriolty was sent to jail for non-payment of a fine of twenty do!!ara. In a few days h wife went and paid the fine, and the derelict husband returned to bit family overjoyed at the affection of his wifo. But imagine bit as tonishment the next morning to find that the "wife of his booziim" had departed during the light with paramour, leaving the basbaud two children from all of which it appears thai the paramour furnished the 2U, and the wife took the husband out of jail only to leave the children in his charge. Aspthkk Abolition Stat. The State of Louisiana has ratified the Constitutional Amendment abolishing slavery throughout the United State. CT New discoveries of very rich gold minet are reported from the middle fork of Jobn Day' liver. flT Hon. Stephen Mauls hat again placed ut under obligations for late filet of St. Louis aud Chicago papers. , ; UtTL aNili- Tile Hon. E. N. Cooke, Btate Treasurer, returned from San Franciso Uat week. i Military. Company A 1st Igitoent Ore gon Infantry, CapL Lafolletl, has been otdered to Fort Yamhill. f" Hot like II oian ho st. le the theB and pled in iwairiAMioa that fee had Br lMi I" il, I he earM wui a" down. 4w, "i morimf. 1 Tare louit lain. -W'j is " )W THE LATEST. Special Umpulcliea to the Orison Sluleiumu. Sun FrniiriMPO. .T ill v :it).--Ovurlnlul linn I1I onl. of order past of Malt Lake. - hiup kins l isuor, bound for, luw loik with assorted eurgo of wool, oopper, Ac, on going own the humor in tow ot a tug-boat, withoutia lot, croiiniied below Melts wharf yesterday. Kho in not injured and wili probably get off this vening. Los Anireles, July VJ Chas. Kimball of War ner's Hunch, and George Williams of Man Fillipo wore hrutnlly murdered yesterday morning. Kim all sad Williams auconipaiuuu by their families on on their way to this place, un the oveuiiigr f tlio V?th they camped at the crossing of the Hunt Anna river, about 51) milos south ut here ; nlioi)t fj o'clock yostcrdoy morning were attacked by a band of robbers, couaiatniR ot nvn Amercans and two Mexicans, who, after killing Kimball and Williams, demanded Irom the women the money of their husbands. . The women handed ovor bout twenty-five hundred dollars to the leader of the band. Officers and citizens are out bunting for them. The wells of the Pioneer Oil Company is now four hundred fnet deep. This morniug tliero was over one hundred foet of oil and water in the well. Our oil companies are all very sanguine of short- striking oil in paying quantities. San Francisco, sill. Tho ovation to Gen. Rose- crans will tako place this evening. The citizens will rendezvous in front of the City llnll at half past eight o'clock, when they will march to tho Occidental Hotel. Milwaukib, July 18, 18C5. ' Ed. Statksman : I beg space in your col umns to make known the following fuots : . - At the anuual meeting ot the Hoard ol Man agers of the Oregon Statu Agricultural Society It was ordered that tue President negotiate with some responsible parties to furnish the So oiety with silver plate, to be given for premi ums in oases would preler It to ooin. In ac cordance, with this order, I have ruado suitablu arrangements with J. Cohen, a well and favor : lily known Jeweler of Portland,' to be on the ground and furnish silver platu on the following terms: Table and dessert spoons, table and dessert forks, nnd teaspoons, at three dollars per ounoe ; all other plate win be furnished at the tame rate proportioned to the amount of workmanship. Included in the above rates, all articles will be suitably engraved with the . following : Ogn. 9. A. S. To (the natno of tho owuer.) Tho mode of taking premiums iu silver wure ma custom iu the Lantern Slates, and hat a healthy effect to the agricultural in terest, as it is tint iuterost, connected with all other industrial pursuits, that we wish to pro mote, aud hope to tee tint system adopted in . Oregon ; and when it bat fairly succeeded, the Society will have uo more lack of energy and enthusiasm it acts as, a stimulant, too. All these tokens are constantly before us. Tho worthy matron of a spirited and intelligent family will soon have her table ornamented with various articles tokens at they will be of the intellect and industry of her home. i A prouuum in com goet into tho pocket, anil is thought uf no more ; but the plate will re main iu our families fur generations. Grand children will be proud of this ouke tray or ice pitcher, apprnpiatoly engraved, and point lu them with a kind romeinbrnnoe of those who have gone before them. We hope to tee the plats system adopted.' We hope the entire premiums will be taken in mis wise. li. W. LDDY. Portland vs. Vallfy Mkrciiants."-The iuterior press are complaitiitiir that the merchants -of Portland do not deal with the valley merchants on a "square principle. I hey complain that a merchant coming hero to purchase at wholesale is obliged to pay more for his goods than a man who comes with a little produce and a tew dollars in coin. No names are mentioned, but instances aro cited to show It as being of "common prac tice. We cannot say as to now much trutit tbcre ia in tlio statements, but If any, we should deem it as being not the correct principle. In order to do business, and retain the trade of tho valley merchants, our merchants should know that they are pursuing the wrong courso by soil ing to the teamster, who is employed to freight for tho interior dealer, goods of the same charac ter at leas rates than charged the dealer. If thoy can dispose of merchandise cheap to one thoy should do it equally as fairta the other. A paper pnblisbud at Lugene, by tho way, one in whose statement we are not prepared to place implicit coidj dtnee, says : "Many of our peoplo are unable to ge to rurtlaud to do their trading, ana aro ou lined to disposo of their produce licro, and pnjr tho exorbitant prices for eoods nakednot that our country traders innko too much pmlit, but because they aro obliged to pay retail prices tor their goods at Portland," Urufuniu. We had no idea that the matters stated by tho Eugeue paper (thu Review) were true gen erally, until a few evenings since we heard the llevkie article discussed by three merchants uf this plaoa aud teveral farmers ; and they all agreed that tho Review had stated the truth. They mentioned Instances where they knew of similar caset of those named in the Review ar ticle, coining within their own knowledge, es pecially iu regard to the purchase of the article salt. They also stated that thit polioy and practice of the Portland merchant! was driving Uie valley murcuauU to aau k rancisco. "I en- ny wise it alwayt "pnnnd looltsh. ' . Hit at Wkb-Kket. A caso of imported boots reoently landed on the wharf in this city, bears the stencil mark of the manufacturer on the outsi'le, and these words r "Mnniifartnred ex pressly for the Oregon market. Extra wide in step." ihtgoninn. We are informed by a fireman that Engine Co. No. 1 hat ordered a cote of these boots for the Hose Co. How it that, boys I CosniT, July 24th, lWi. Editor StnUtmant In the Stattman of July 3d, is a notice of the dointra at the annual meeting nf the Christian Cbnrrh of Oregon, held at llcthel, Polk eonnty, June, 1805. A eomuiittee, previously appoin ted to scleet a location for a college, reported in favor of Monmouth for the locution. The meethiK then elec ted twenty five trustees for thu college, and adoted a reaolntinn eordially aud heartily recommending to the broineriioofl in nit-iron, I), w. Mleilue, aa a Christ tan ol miitleiuifhed clturttctr. and an elhcieiit and micceM- ful r.vaiiirelisi and proehtiroor of ihe ifi,sel ot Jesus Christ. 1 feel it to lie toy dntv. iu behalf of truth. justice, aad the cause of Christ, in inform the brother hood beyond .Mill Creek neighborhood, that auid 1). w . Mieoire na oeen mucn more eoinent, since bis arrival in I ireunn, in assisting (. il. w honey (the au thor of the refutlntiou reotuioendinu Klledifel Io break np Mill Creek comrreinuion, than in proclniinine; the Gospel i f Jesna Christ. A few days alter Klledv came Io Mill Creek neiKhlmrhond. ho siiruiiied hi tention to offer his letter for membership in Mill Creek eonirreirrtllon al its next mewing. In eoiHHiuenre of various rumors toucning nia loyalty io the utmea states invemmrnt. he waa asked 'to wail awhile. This so disiaeased O. M. Whitney, who waa an Klder of the conirn-ration. that he and Klledtre set mIkoh to rt'trfamie toe mncreiiation, and succeeded in break- ina- it an, and erHl!r eamaK-ina1 their rhannee In do irond in thW pan of I won. har he it from ma to do or sat any thinit calculated tn injure the cause of the bleated Itcdeaiuer, but trntk most he Tindicaied. I am prepared to prove I his statement to be true, aud that the rumors in reierence io tne uistoyaity of r.ll edge wero nol witnout gooo I'.oiuniiion. n ILUAt run I Lit. United States Tax Notice. THE AXNCAL TAX LIST h-rvin mn nleeed iu my hands for collection, notice Is hereby K'eu Utat I will, by myarlf or deputy, atiewl at the f-illow ing places, at tlie times staled, to receive taxes and inane liren1 : At 8ALKM, Mouday, July -list, and remain three ttovs. At COHVALLfa, Monday, AuanM 7th, and remain three da vs. At ErtJKNE CITY, Monday, A-.jmrt 14ih, and remain three davs At DALLAM, Toesilay, August '-"Jd( and remain tWOUBVB At LAFAYETTE. Monday, Aujrrtst !h, and re- mtun lWn daTS. Tax miver ere required Io call al the Collector's office. Ten per centum and nub-aye will km added whpn penona do na etu-nd at the tune stated. Dftire betife from V a m. mnk if mi1 M. CKAWKOHD. V S. Iteveiiue ColW-ior for Dnym. PurihiBW. July W. wt-- - ; ' jflJ Clocks and Watches Repaired. VTA.UO 8V1TH. ItinerHol Ufminr of f?. ( LIN KS and WAH IIK8. is ran- C-i vaMiqr MarHsrieir, and ifmrm getwrelly.UcttB farbaineiiN him parurnUr Uipd. Hi Mi'liiiiiUicd, pmrtieal wikmnn, alt ht work being wnrmfii'd N A .Id MMlflf reigtitlUtHi,aodnd-sh.swn burse, JWre of M uutu by lla; isttas o nlker, who U a jack tevtett Carftenter by Irade atel is tMiw ineati'ltini intnfHi. rru-n4i.jw to tmn C'l-a-k re. Bfttrer. NAKMII tl m4Mviutt4 wtt. even ,BNiteinl prri-rut. NAZM SMI1H Sale of iTfiiiinur Klork. IrTMIKRE renioios unpaid of a.Mini'iit No. 2 levied I on the capital slock ot the Union Gold mid Silver Minim: Compuiiv on the vd day of Miiy, IHhl, and of Hi-esiiioiit No. lovied ou the auid stock July VI, lnt.4, l lie following amounts, io wit i P ' N4MES, f. ! . 1 1 'u Airument Ka. & ( Aiutnmeat Ho. 3. ( Abel tl M 401 I A he (len M -401 I ft 1 ft 1 5 1 i Cooke E N Cooper Frank Unrbin8& I 1'i.hN mm io an M io Andrews W II -Ml (;artwriiht C H 358 Cooper trank 40 48 Chance 0 II 315 48 4i:t 3 19 3."i0 M:.l 2 10 u 10 1 5 2 10 1 5 1 5 I 3L' Din-bin Set I 443 Preelund 11 It l'-'3 Hawthorne & ' Loryea H8? OreenThot , 02 3 15 ilaaaJ H lnixhead Wra MeCnllv D 3l 3) HiJ 3H9 M'HI :tt m ! ;W4 BBS ! 398 22 1 02 307 :v7 41 Kl 50 52 ,63 151) 1115 ItM 107 108 100 17L 172 173 174 175 1 5 1 5 1 5 1 i 1 5 Muy 8 H Nichols J U ltoork J H 11 Smith II 2 10 3 15 M7 4 17 iS7l Johnson W P Kenyon W 444 5) 101 Uuelumd W H Morse H U MayeE i tm ; i 1114 2 307 1 niarsimil i,eo MeCnllv D 1S!9 1 , M 1 . i t: aw l Miller C 8 ' Nichols J 13 Olnev C 372 6 10 170 1 i4 ltoork J H I bloat 11 V 4011 1 2! Smith E 0 79 284 293 299 421 42 4V3 424 4' 4'JII 42!l .430 431 432 433 434 j.r 85 Hfi 87 III , ,a.w 340 341 2 10 2 10 3 15 1 1 i 1 5 1 6 3.r3 114 3:17 338 :m 1 5 5 25 S 25 5 25 5 25 2 10 1 5 1 ft 1 ft ft 25 5 25 5 25 2 111 2 10 Smith J X :m ir :-', . m iu ao Smith II ' 11 413 50 j .51 bi . 53 1110 3 1 Smith W II Smith W II H5 8(1 87 90 6 10 5 10 5 10 1 93 1 "I : ) .:. Ill , A , - .,; B3 01 ' 1 2 2 4 100 1 5 Smith Jus X 202 10 50 398 4 20 399 4 20 114 15 191 HI SO nil 1 i 352 1 5 :i53 1 ft Smith EO 2:i:l 2 294 3 70 1 4-A 1 4H2 1 43 I 4W4. 1 6 SloatllV 2 Oi 2 457 111 561 I' -. , .', 4 1 2,Tliorn E I) 308 I t 4'Jti 5 10 Williauis It - 1 J In 117 .M8 149 . I l.'KI 151 151 153 S 25 5 25 5 25 1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5 1 ft Thorn ED 318 1 2 Whituliouse D 0 331 2 4 Pnrstmnt to law, and in compliance will) an order of the hoard of director of the auid Union Gold aud Sil ver Minim Com puny, utadu at the oJftce or said Com puiiy oa Uie 7th duy of July, IHHi, so many slmren of each parcel of the aforesaid stock utfinHy be necessary will be sold at public suction at the olllce of the Coin paiiy in Salem, Oregon, on the 31 st day of August, mrJ. .......!.... ... . i. in t' i i, ... Iiiihr, viriuniuiiuiii tiii mo uuur ui iu ii noun. n. iu. ri said day, to pay the delinquent aiscsHinents on said stock, together with the cost of advertising and ex penseot sale. it UK US AlAMAHtY, Biiicm,juiy ji, M'w4 rwcretary. I Roop's Menagerie and Museum WILL ExniniT at the following tiim-a and places, to wit t ITowctl Prairie School-House, Monday, July 31; j Bethlehem, Tuesduy, August li j , SilverUm, Wednesday, August 2; , . . ! Sublimity, Thursday, AugiiBt 3i ' j Ki'io, Fridny, August 4; Turner's Mills, Huturday, August 5; Salem, Monday and Tuesday. August 7 aud 8; ' I Jutlerson Wednesday, August U; Albany, ThunMUy. Aagnst 10. FINAL SETTLE MEN t. I XT OTIC E h hereby given that fc. C. Monro, admin il istrator of the estate of J. A. Clark, deceased, of Douglas county, has tiled his account and prayed a tiuul settlement of said estate i and (hat (he said ac count and nritvnr will he hoard hv the count v rntirt of said county on Monday tlie 7th tiay of August, 8t3. at tne court-uonse in itoseuurg, uregon. Uyorderof WM. Jt. WHil.lS, County . fudge. , R. A. LiTuaor, Clerk. , July 17, IMiKU Salem and lies Chutes Wagon Bond Co. AT a meelintr of the nircctttrs of the NHiem Hnd Des Chutes Wiiirnii Komi t'onnmnv. held July W. I IHtij, sn Hssensment whs luviud of teu per cent, nnou the capital stock of said enmpany (bvtnx anwsnnnint no. H.HHid UNsossuieut to be paid within thirty days from dule to the secretary of the cniiiptinv In llnittd j tttatesgoM c'n C. N. TKUKY. Serretary. Salem, July 17, IN. - tfivv SHERIFF BALE. i B virtue of an execution from the circuit court of the Stute of Orevon fur Marion county, aui Io me directed, by the clerk of said court, iu favor of Ja cob Iltttt and ajtaiust I. B. Pratt, for want of personal property, I have levied upou all the riifhl, title, Hud iiiterest'of mid Pratt in and to the following described rt?uJ esUite, to wit : One certain picee or 'pan-el nf laud, comutoncii)t( at a certain stake ti chains 8. 0 deir W. of the H. K. corner of (l.C. Davidmiii's land rluiiu. known as the land sold and conveyed to said David son Ity I. N. Ijtwrenee mid wife, thence iiiuiiiuix from said slake lJ feet 8. !0 def. W. io u niake, tiieitce Ml feet W. W dey. N. to a slake, thence M feet X. tfldcif K. to a stake, thence bU feet E. W dtif. K. io the place of bepinninit: Aluo, one lot, lit) by I v) feet, known as the lot n alilo ot Pax ton limit a ware In, use upon tn IHT:1, and subsetiueutly dbfdetl to 1. N. Lawrenee by J.C. Peebles; and also two Iota I'J IfeetJ wpiaro, known aa the pmpfrty built lipon by t N. Lawnmce tur a wiiyon shop in taiU lots are eiiuuted in Kait-liidd, Marion county, Oieiron, T. & rt. It. H W. of thu Willamette meridian, together with all and siiuu lur the apputlcimiices (hereunto belouifiutf U be sold to satisfy said exevuiiju, iutorest, and costs. SaJo to lw mude on Moudav the I lib day f August, 1Hk, t Uie hour of one o'clock p. in. of said day. - fcAAI L JIKAUKItli, ISheritr. July It, I8fi5. : Ww4 . SHERIFF SALE. ( virtue of an execution from the circuit eonrt of the suit of Ort'aon for Mm ion comity, and to me (ted, by the clera of said ciairt. in favor of Hun in Brothers At Co. auuinst Oreen C. Diivid-ou, mtd for want of personal properly, 1 have levied upon and 1 will proceed to sell to the biifhest bidder for uold and silver coin in hand, at the eonrt house door iu Halcto, in sunt county, on MONDAY, the llth duv of AU I (it .ST, 18w, m the hour of U o'clock p. m. of said day. all the ritlit, title, ind iutervst ot the said Green C. Davidson In and to tl following dew nbed real eo'ste, to wit i mtnate in the county ot Marion, Ktulc of Oregon, in T. 4 H. K.und 3 W ., in sections 6 and 7, T. 4 8. H. '2 W. and wet ions 1 and M in T. 4 8. K. 3 YV., claim nn M in I . 4 8. ti. V W., slid claim no. 7(1 in T 4 8. li. 3 VV., roniHtniiiu in (all Ntil.UH ai n-s-and also the east hnlf of the doimiioii claim uo. 7 it of Jean JfHiignm aud wife, Iriiitf nod be uitf iu sections 13. 14, f. and UI, T 4 8. K. 3 VV., euu taiuiuit 3'4 Meres. Utore or Icm. more particularly de I scrthed in J.d fVimi Louis KorCier to said lavidiuai I together with all the eppiirtenaucci unto earn of the aoorn-oVwrttwd pieeB uf land, naid land to te sold I to satitfy (be aforesaid execution, intcrent. and rout, I salijoct to h prior judgment m fa rat of J . B J'. Pielte against sun! Davidson Ir the mniiil fitrj.Jth HAN I. llhAUIilLU. hhertll, July 17, .815. Vttw4 rMfato of John FarretM. T)rr d. In County Court, Manon county, July Term, l5. VDllt;K is hereby given, uiat aaney j-arrrns, o i mmietmtrtx ef said estate, has Hied iu id court, Ihfraceoiinte.-pnivnig for m tinal settlement, and that said aiiplic aliuii a ill he hcurd and determined on Mon day, the 7th dav nf August, Jtj,t wlmU lime all I psnsuis intereieH in said estate ran Hpwar end show I cause why said appuennnn stmitm ma in yrmut-a. j ma v. i cr.nijr.n, to firaw. Mero.July 7th, H, 4wr.'id !ofui'. Iu the matter of the Kale of Uat Folate iK-lonIng u, v. m. h ulton, an insane person. Lonnty Court, Pula ennui v llttxnA. 'pillS .'th d..v of July. 1a.eanie ).W. Allingliam X gutirdtan for Uie shiq inmne ptgrson, and prrwiiA ed his petition aosinir fur en order to sell e portion of tho mil eaiate itetong ing u me asid w m r gimn. ll w tharefure ordered that said petition be heard and da I tertnined nn Mon-hiy the 7th day of Angnrt, 1. All persons (ttterested are nereiiy uminetl to appear awl I show ranse. If any they wav. why soeb peiilioii should not he granted. CHA8 R. MOOK, FISAI. KKTTI.F.MEST. lu Prokat Court. Marion mnnty.Orngovi.- K.Ute of Hsrvev tr.Mi, ileceeMU. RE f TBATJUN. afliamiMnior of Mid et!, having lliu day prretaited hi, account praying a dial BrtllMnenI of the shiim, therefore, ail prrauu inlnaaird iu said ealaia are hereby nulilied that said appliraiMm will n heard and di lcriiilni d at Ihe conn luiina-ilr in nicai va sivii'inv. uie un iav gnat, lioi , Julia t;, i-r.r.ui.rjt. . riaicnj, July i, '' loamy jmige. US At. HKrrt.KMF.XT. ! ' In Probetc t'onct, Vrtk rouatv. traHl ' NDTH K ia hereby given Miat Ira . M Holler, ad miui.lnil.ic.if the resale or Tinman II. Ilewlim sua. d miliar-i haa thie day preaeiited hM acvuuut for and praya a fiaal eeUkwiat of aaal Miw. it la then I'.re onten-ii Ibal auid erllieineut be beard and drier. inrnnl at Ihe court boaae In Dallas iueaia) eounty. ou M u.Imt the 7th day el Aagual next, t IU. K MOOK, " July 3, , , Ilwl-I Cmnity Jiala DK. K. K. FISKK. l hysitiiaa anil rar(reiu. OiCre at rraideutw, t duel, south of P"t 'Itte amkui , b?'' WAGON TIMBER.' In addition to oar IiAKllK and EXTKNSIVB stock of ' Hardware, Iron and Steel, Wo have on hand, and are constantly reaervlnif from tho Kastern Hiatea, n b'ULU A8. HOKTMKN'r of Hubs, Spokes, Hickory Axles Bent Klmi, EXPRESS AND BUGGY POLES, Whiffle 'I'rcen, Ac, Ac. 20,000 llis. of Iron A.vlee 1 In. to 3 in. ' lot) setts Thimble HKems x In. to 6 Iu, loo sella Wnitou Boxes. .'. I 100 suits Malleable Nuts for Wooden-Axle Wngone. 3, 500 Ilia. Wagon and Carriage bpriuus, Hub Uauda, . Mnlieahle Irons, Carriage aud lire liulle. Cum . herland Coul. 4,000 lbs. Nuts anil Waabera. , And a large and complete assortment of SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE. B. J. NOBTHRKF &. CO. ' Importers and Dealers in Hardware, Iron, Steel and wagoa Timber, 131 Front Street, Portland, Ogn. . n , . , , ' . 1 3mlU A CARD FOB TUB BS l Fill (MB TRADE t, , , OF SAN FRANCISCO. ' BADGER & LINDENBERGER, Nos. 411. 413 And 415 Battery Street, Cor Morckant, 8an Francinco. , Importers and Wholesale Dealers. ENTIRE NEW AND FRESH STOCK! A1TK wnnM call tlie attention of COUNTRY MER V T CHANTS to our nmmlly lar(f stock of Goods. Onr stock comprises every article in the Clothing ami Kurninhinff line. We have cotiBtantly on IihikI ttie lnrut stock and irretitest varietv of Ciissiinere and Wool HATd of any honse in Huit Krmiciwu, and onr J incus for theite Uoods are wm than Uion of any iouho, 11s we receive them direct from the IfennufHctn- rer's consignment. Onr stock of Rummer nnd Fall Goods is pui'ticnlurly attractive, nnd the vrent feature t the country inorclmnt is tho mmnuatly low prices Leu Than (he Cost of Importation I Wealpokeop the STAPLE AltTICMM in the Dry Goods line, which Goods we have purchated in thte market miner the hummer, and are offering them at ew l orn uiist, ana lens. We nnhlish this card in order that wc may make new acquaintances, and Induce those who have not heretofore purchased of us, to call aud exaiuint our Good Articles and Low Prices 1 Are the great inducements to all who purchase to sell aimin. Merchants who hnv of nn can make a irnod prollt, and sell to their customers at a low figure. We re i ii hi n, nsiwcttullv, lour uhemeiit servants, i HADGKU 3t MNDEXIIKUGKR, Wholusale Clothing and Hat Warehouse No. 411, 4111 and 415 Ilattery sti-eet. Pan Francisco, June U7, IHtiA. 'AnulS Or. BIUDLKf DCIVT1ST. RECENTLY from the Eastern Btutes, and over thirty-eight reurs of practice, having extracted inorettinna burrel of teethi haa taken hMHiis in Mr. KEVYON'H house, a text dwm from Commercial street. wlieVe he will wnit on the citixens of this place aud vicinity, on reasonable terms, and will guarantee satinfuction. Those having had whole or parts of sets nut In. thnt are now ttneomfortnMe or nsolesR, are invited to call Decayed teeth pennHiiently tilled. There shall be no Hcliii.jf of toetiT, or falling ont of plug. Teeth extracted with uwnt care, Ity the use of pro per instruments, with or without ehlo'mtnrm. ' Cleaniuif and rejrutating.and other useful operations performed. Persons from other towns, or tram the oonntry, wishing my services, enn niuke my house their homo, until the work Is limsliml. HHletn, July IHitTitf J. M. OOULTEE HELLS ALL KINDS OK COOPER WARE Cheaper than the Cheapest Srtlem, June 'Jlltli, lHlk'i. 17tf Oil FniiiliiiK. FA' I ASK RH ELTON, haviiiu taken lessons In LANUriCAPK and 1IKAI PAINTING of one of the bust artiste in San Francisco, proMses to (five lessons in tho same. Hheciuieus to bo seen at Mont gomery's Picture Gallery. Will also color Photo graphs in oil or water colors. Kalcui, Juuu U. V HARNESS, $25 to (325 per Set SADD L E S , $7 to $100 Each. 13 It I D Hi EB, . $1 50 to $30 Each. HYDE & UI1IS, !t'i7 MonritoiiH'rjr Strecl,' ItUSS 1JLOOK, SAN FRANCISCO. . - i , ..ALSO.. A IjiF.NKKAL AKSOItT.IIEXT ..or.. '' SADDLERY GOODS, AT I'ltlCKS 25 Per lent. Less than any House on lite raciiic toasu TIIK THADK HUl'I'LIKl) ' AT A COMMISSION. SMiMSHK A Libcrttl Dincounl LIVERY ST ABLES. ;lml7l. GRAND BENEFIT OF 8ALEM, MABI05I COIXTV. FKIM and alW this date, we propose to eel! Ijira her, lattha, and alalia as cheap aa any other high toned Mill Hi the roantrv. Tiiaee are changed, and we have changed the eredil of one vvar and repeat, to ready par i wiihoat which, "iw Wrbfnot need ap rJy." Itik keeping Is moat erlecinally played out iou tliat owe us, come Ui our office, there's the place, and Mill now. We cannot afford to wait i and whoa we commence to dnn, we never get tone. "Be wlea to-day, 'lie f.dlv to defer." 3l7pd . J. 11. Mi;kl.lN It CO. BENNETT HOUSE, 8ALEM. OBEOOX.. J.IOLKt. W. t.OSSTOg. nOLMKH it fcASTOJ. WK bar pnrrhased the entire iuuireet In this Well trnma booee.atid woald n-a .ibilly li.lutin mir frirnil and Ilia Imyeling saalilie that we are now and irnared la a.omaHalat all who mnr de aire to given a rail Nn pallia or eaiiM will lie aparndtamitietere Hi euaitort and roovenirnr of mir tfueela. Tbe California I'nmpuny's atagH airiv aitil drpart daily, mM this noaar.ior an pan of lriv.ai ami Cabloraia. Haleai, April IM.'i 7 If i Ta Wham II .Tiny t'oHrrrtt. rl'IIKuaderaignrd as Mm duly aulhorUed agnlit ol X w. (J stnewoid. eii4 all aeneaiata any vany in Wrested Will plana art acnn-Hlngly, Inaa Una dale. I llr.MKU N Tl.kkV Kii-ai, Oreg'ia, July 1, r1 HARVEST OF -1805. ' ' " ( ( ' KNAPP, BOTIRELL & CO., ' ' i 1 ' ;! i Are now receiving, ! I Direct from the Atlantic States, Tlie LARGEST ami BEST BELECTION of REAPERS, 'MOWERS, HEADERS, THRESHERS, ' Anil otlior KARM MACHlNEUy,' j , '.'"' 1 is- ; Ever li rough t' io Oregon, WHICH WE OFFER FOR CASH, .IT RtTIS THAT.. DEFY COMPETITION. Illustrated Catalogue In ramphlct form ..eotTaiMo.w"'i' - - - t - . A List and Description 0 Different Ma tlunct.at well as other articles (in- l eluding many novelties) 1 , . , mailed to any address , 'I 'I i 'u . on application. .'1 , 11 . KNAPP nUKUELL it CO.,' 1 Af(riimUuriil and Seed Warehouse, Portland, Orexon. 3ml2 1 WOOL, WOOL. : TARU ADVANCE8 t low rates of Interest md J on WOOL eonsiidwd to nr anents In Now York city. Wool Ulrettlttrs nnd Prices Current received every ten days. Backs or Nickinii material can be procured lliruuull us. Fur full narticnlnrs, address . KNAPP, llUURKlX CO., Portland, Oregon. N. B. ni(het rash price nuld for wli'dml lots ood Wool. June 5, WIS. l-M'i Cooke, McCully & Co., . Ant N3W OriKlKO IN SAJ.EM THI . , Largest and Best Selected Stock " O f r,v , ..or. CLOTHING, DRY -GOODS, GENERAL MERCHANDISE, , Ever bronirlit to the Willamette valley, and will dispose of the same ut tho very LUWKST I'ltlCKS. WOOL, WOOL. NOTICE Is huruhy given that we want to pur chase ; 100,000 Pounds of Wool,- i Fur which wu will nay Urn HIGHEST MAR- Ki:ri'KicE,iNCAnk i i COOKE, McCULLY fc CO. Piilcm, June .1th, 18l'i3. Mt( Power l'ledgcd equal to any OYersbot In LEFFEL'8 AMERICAN ., DOUBLE TURBINE. THU IKIUlll.K TUUBlNKfl, to Ionic iptfd, liars nrriveil ui liut, mill orders 00 now ba II I led. tt liuro a liirgo supply at Uie Jitleroul sises, from ID Indies to .1"). Tlmt mi mHV know Uie nroiMr sissri Wheel Ton re nnira, nivustira your wsler In Ilia foltowinir wHjy i iiikii uie wiiimi 01 uie sirt-sm, uie average oepui, ana Ihe ili 'liinin It Hows in minute. i All tlio YVIiouls slrumly iu am give nniversal Satis- lavlion. ror imrticiiiiirs, Sf'iin rnr a uimiisr. Aililrow , LKFt KI, Sl M1TEI13. nils, lUcliajils t JloC'rsksn, Pi.rtlniid, Oregon. June I'ilfiS . Notice to -Builders, H WANTIJta I.l'MBKB. CALI, ON HM1TH At CAKI WKlmi r. of Halem.. Orders lilted I'ltuMl'TLV. i LINVILLB DOWNER. Jens 17, 18IB. llitf Wool Wanted. WE will nay the IIIOHKST nmrkot rste, one lialf cub, one -half merrhandiee fur WOCIIj. 1IKAT1I. DKAHBOKK, cV CO. . Ralem, Mm !H, IWi. I'M WOOL. WOOL. T)KI,I, It IIIIOWK will nay Uie hlhest price for 11 wool. m ns lannra aiuuC.j j. Huleni. Mar Mill. IHK,. Iinr MIEKirr SALE. TJ Y VIIiTL'E of an execution from the circuit court I J nf thu suite of Oreion for Marion count v. and to niedireMed, by Ihe clerk of aetd eiuirt, iu, favor of llenj. himianm and againet tlanry J. Zumwalt and Ihe paruieraiiip proieriy of Kpnigue and Zuinwait, fnr wantof peraonal property, I have levied uhii aial will exp'iao for aalc lis Ihe law direct to tlie highest bidder for raah In baud, at tlio eonrt-honae an in Nt-h-in. ronntv ami stale nforcanid, the partnership prop erty of exlll Spmgne Xiimwult, deecribed as follows, to will nil imie u tlie conmv ni aiarion. oiaie oi or egoii, and commencing al Ihe 8. K comer uf the laud claim ef Larhiu Price and wife ; thence westerly on Die south line of auid chiiin 4H roda i thence northerly liCI mda and Jit feet : tbclica CualcrlV trl rods to the iih.i Hue of said claim ; lliciice south tn the place of taiinning riiiiiaiiiing 411 acres, more or less, together with tin appurtenuiicas therauula bclnuaing, to be aold to aatialv aaid execution, interest, ovale- and ac iiriimu i.mIa. sh ii iu, e in uiae mace on nAiuniiAi the ,'ah dav of AUIIUriT. I', at one o'clock p. nY of saidiUv. BAM L UKADIllLR, ' .Inly 10, IMM. ' . Hlwt ' riherllf. : SJif. HTntiATE. r"r"r ItY virtue nf a decn-e of forcclnaure and an exern- J I tiuu duly iaancd thereon from tlie circuit court of the Hjaie of Orrgiui for Manoo eonntv. and le me di reeled, bv tlui clerk nf aiud cimrt. la favor of A. C. Uauielaaiid airainat flarrat llmidncks. I have bivird upon and will pnicenl hi cell to the higheat bidder for raah in hand, at I be rourt limine door in Halem, couuly and Hime ufnreaaid, on MONDAY, the I lib day of Al (II tiT, lvA, al Uie hour or II ocioca a.m., tne properly aa deecribed iu aai'l docrea of foreclosure, to wit Kiiiiule In Marion county, On gon. in T. 4 H, K tl W claim no. ITJ, beginniiig al a point U chnliu) east and 1 75 rliains aoaih of tlie lid section, on line be IwmirMii.maailamlau, awl running thenea south U Mf, i-hutoa. ihenca weal HKI 73 challia, thence north OH.Schaina, thence eaat Mat a ebaine to the place of beginning, containing I'XI I In acre, bring a part ol Awlimni, lleliateii a ilunaihai hmdi luini- to be sold lo aitialy raid aaorulimi, intereal, and coats. NAM I. HhAllUU K, Kheriir. July 17, 1-V '-iw4 t A hiirsiHl UA TOR S SWl'tC K. arnTU K ia hereby iriven that tbe undersigned has 1 b-ru Hppomled adoniilalial'ir of I be dale of Vi illiaia II. Umiifherty, lain of Marion eooiily, Or f,uik ,le-eaeed. All peraona having rlaima againet aaid eait J aro reueSinl to praaant lb earns to ter at ar nealrnc al hauumitr, Stanun county July . iKa it r.MAi.ixr, iMiitmr.in i. HltF.HIFF MALE. Ty Y VIHTr'R nf a forarlnenre of mortgag and or- 11 tier of aal leaned eatt of the rirrnri euurt and uie directed, in tavor of Lewie Johnson and against J. M. Tool, commanding ina to make sale or Uie fol lowing drtrribed real ', shunted laT.6 8. R.J W . In the ronnivnf Yainblll. Huta of Oreuon. and being donation claim litil and claim no. of. auutalaiiig Ml acre of land, and hv virtu nf aaid order of sale, I will proceed tn aril Iho aaid described preanes al the court luiuae cVair tn Yainhill courtly, Orrgiat, on Hatuidav the I 'Ah day of Angnat, INtki, al an o'clock pm. or aaiit nnv, to atiaiv Hie aoove eaeruuvii auMHiutilig to $'MU,:lj, together with Iniereet, coats, and accruing coal. L. I. WIIITl'OMU, jiryeiir. July , IHf.'.. law 4 Haerin. KOTIt'E. In the firroll t'iirt of Uie Hlale of On-gon. fur the nwnly of liuughu, Hi lolasr Term, A 1 I1"'1- "nil fin- a diaaoluliuii of lb marriage ronlnu-t. Henry t: Mhalf plamliir, re Ian y M Mian", defendant, rpol.l t'YM hllAKk'.di fciMlaoi Y'Mi are hereby 1 reomrel lo epair awl auawer ciwi'laint on HI in ihe aliv eutiilcl ranee aud eoart, wirbm tea ilaya after M-rvic Hpoo yon nf Ibis aiiiiioions, If served Willi, ia thie cin.ty, or iribiii Iweniv Ma alter aarvhw, if acrvrd out of this eowHV And von are hereby noti fled that nil lew y.Hi do en epimr and answer aaid rout plaint, the plain will apply to tbe roan for the re lief d. uiaiidil therein, tn wit t TW the bond, of mat rimony between thi plaiutinT and yonraelf be dia enltcf. Itr ,.r..r of II. R f. Htrntinn,.Mg i.al'l Wit k WIIJ.lS, Mfl.Auy KAiBieiicu. , : f j W. WEATIlERFORDjll IHI'OaTISG, WIIOLESAtC, AND ' BETA.Hi I) R U Gr Gr t S T. rdKLAXD, .' U i 1 ' OREGON, .i 1 ui , .i , ,, . I: ;.: -t J I'i'i I QFKEffs W Iks itiih, a qnantltles to salt, at 'i,;,.,'..,'', -, LOW BATES, l , , 4 GENERAL ASSORTMENT OP DRlfdS, CHEMICALS, patent Medicines, Paints, Olli, Vamlihei, Window Glau, :'' .vi. ...... r.. .... , DrngKlats' Snndiics, , ' 'i--i. 1 ':; ';;'.'.'.!'.'?, niertai Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, FANCY GOODS, etc., bo., i. -M.i f . a hi.'. ' ".. -.:;4 f Together with t general variety of articles found la First Class Drug Store, To which the attention of the Trade it lnrlted to tall tad examine for themselves at ' -. ; ' . . .' i.i i u ' i . . . ,. : . , i.i ...i " 189 Front street. ' 1 ""' lA.'t;; i V..-X4 . W." WEATHERfOBD. Portland. May t, IBM. "If! ilinT . 3ml, Urandreth'aj VEGETABLE UNIVERSAL PILLS, IT Is Bene rally known that my Grandfather was the nriirinal inventor of these remarkable pills. He was a scientific man, and a medical practitioner of ihe Old School. Bnt lieoominK alarmed at the mor ; lallty that attendtd the Hleedinif and Mineral Prae lire, he tnrned his attention to the slndy of nature and the pliiloenphr of disease, as also to the natnral re me. dial airent which he found to exist oxcUsively In tlie V'enelable Kingdom. In his researches and luvestt- f aumis. ha became fully satielled that tho life was il lie blood; that by whatever name diseases were dls tliiKiiiehed, Impurity of the blood was the source of all a simple and truthful doctrine, which. In raducinf all diseases to a nnit. necessarily established the fact that all were to be treated on til tamo general prin ciples, vlt; by pariration. Now the Kinnd ditllculty consisted In devising- a ve Viable compound that would laviKorat', purify, and cleanse the blood, correct and regulate all the differ cut secretions, and by purinitlon disuharire the wbolt mass of morbid mill Mr from the body, without reduc ing the streiiuih. Alter thirty years of close applica tion, he considered his object fullv accomplished ia the production ot these pills, which have now bees before the pnblic One Hundred and Fourteen Years, and It ia now (IW6) nearly 31 years since Dr. firau drelh's Vegetable Universal Life Preserving- Pi lie were II lit presorted tn Uie American pnblic -during which time their superior excellence and vlrtnee have been extensively proclaimed hy papers and pamphlets, and a rapid yearly Increase of the sale of them af fected, - '.! r " r : , i- i To know what will sava Hft. to know what wilt reetore health, is a knowledge not to ba hidden, 1, therelore, as a man desiring to do my duly faithfully, -have dotted down some of my thirty -five years' expa rlence with Urandretb's Pills, which an an effectual iimistaut of nature, aud causa I be expulsion of acri monious humors the occasion of every sickness. Let ns admit that corrupt humors prevent the free circula tion of the blood, that Brandreth'a Fills take oat these humors, giving health for pain, and strength for weakness. , . , No man Is sick aavt when tht principle of eorrup tiou geta the ascendencyi Brandreth'a Pills aid the Life Principle to regain theemplra by removityr tot eon-tint humors from the body. Many a lima I have seen life apparently at the last ebb, when these Pillt were given, anal iu a raw Soar, the danger was put, and health's Hood lide gave the patient renewed life and vigor. Many are the lathers, motliere, toot) and daughters, thus saved. These celebrated Pills art composed wholly of me dicinal herbs, and do not oontalnaay mercury or other mineral, being perfectly harmless to tho most tender aire or weakest fnunai yet sure to search out tht canes of slcknew, and restore the health, if taken according to the directions. Let no one imagine they art too weak to bear tht effect of tlieee Pills, which put no weakness into the) frame, bnt draws weaknees out. A few dosea will be , get oonfldeaoe, and then the beantlas of purgation wilt gradually become uufolded to our view, which, en forced with Brandreth'a Vegetable Universal Pills, It able to on re every diseaas where tbe organs are soaud, and greatly increase the average of human Ufa. I have now need on mv own person, and prepared and administered, Braudreih'a Pills for thirty five veara. 1 believe thev are the best onrgatlvt In tht world; and with this medical quality they have also a tonic effect. Anil aa I am of tb arm opinion that liiflaieawtkin ltd fevers are canned by corrupted lilnod aot being timely evacuated, booaoeo It regurgi tates, so to speak, over the whole body, and thus cor rupts the soaud blood that ekoojd nourish all the mem bers, and actually destroys and paralyse member, or orgaua that are unsound) aud at 1 know that these Pills have a direct effect to remove all corrupt blood and acrimonious humors from the body In met, all humor, below the vital standard of health; to I should be guilty of a great sin, did I not do all In my power to progat tlie a of a medietna which ia possessed of properties so calculated to sava and Increase the average of human life. - . The publio servant, UKNJAM1N DRANDRETH, H.D. Principal office for Hraiidreth's Vegetable Universal Pills, HkANDUKTU'B HL ILDISO. New York. W. r. ANDBBTt. Office at CRANK k BHIOIIAM H, Han Francisco. for sale by all respectable dealers In medicines ly , WjSTAR'S, BAL8AM WILD CHERRY , HIS UK BSID roa gtltLT : 1IAIP A CJGMI VRYi ' wi4 tiii h-nat trrogisaixo tnecxss i euatxa Cough, Colds. Iloarseneea, Mora Throat Influcnxa, Whooping Cough, (roup, uvnr t oaipinipi, nruncnitia, i . Dtlfii al' r f itroathlag, ; ; riv. Aainma, aaa nvory , , , allcctioB cf , . , , THROAT, LUNGS, and CHEST, i. ' i , ixcLODiaa trig . : i ' CONSUMPTION. There Is scarcely one Individual ia Ihe community who wholly eerapea, during a season, front eoate one, however slighllv developed, of the abovt symptoms a neglect of winch might lead to tlie last named aad niuet to be dreaded diaoaeo in the whole catalogue. The power of the "medicinal gum" of the Wild Cber ry Tree over this daae of touiplaiul I well known an groat ie tlie giaal it haa performed, and so great tht popularity it ha amuired. , ' In this preparatiuu, beeidee th vlrtae of the Cher ry, there are commingled wilh it other luaredlellM of like value, thus liiarm.lng it value ten fold, and form ing a uVinedy whose power to aootlie, lo keal, to ra il. ra, and to onr diaeaaa, Mists In ao oilier medicina yet discovered. Tlie uueualed success that baa attended the apptl cation of tills incdiciua in all oases of , . PULKON ART 00SFLACITS has Induced many physicians of high1 standing to em ploy It in their practice, ! of whom edviee aa of the foii nndcr their own aignainrea. W bar arena only fear lu name of a fow of thets r J ' - It. H. F'lRLRV, M !.. Ian Fraaeiaso', Cal. . i K. Hnynsa, M 1) , Kxeier, Me. Ai.tiannia Hatch. M l)., China, Me. K. Ksi.l.ows, M D .llill.N If. W II. Wxaa, M II., flap Vincent. N. Y. W. B. LtacH. M D., Auburn. N. V. AaaiHia HaiLl.aia, M U., BoawlwMOk, If. I. U. U. Maatta, Ml).. MauaAtld, Pa. Th proprietor have letter from all claase of oar Wlow eittieae. from Ik hallaof Congraas to the hum ble! cottage, and even from beyond la ae f for ta fame and virtue of Wirrsa's Bat.saa have axtamd ed to the "auermaet heaid of th aartb," without any attempt oa our part lo Introduce it beyond lb limit of oar ow country. . , ;( .- TO ( ALIK0KMANS AND 0SEG9N1AK8. Aftrr (M.Ur I. IrWI, ill reaete WliT AH' a bAI.NAM of Hll.V CllhKKY fur car PJt. Ll watf raciaaral la a ar wrapper rkft sriii Iw aW ead sMsair, f WA fetal H W. Fowli aa l a, IImIv, A ", , aad John Ui Ph, t'lanaaefi. fMie. a errfl a a nr-aiatie e Ae Slgaaferrs in tt,, - Bxaroan l raaa , aaa " u. niiTaa, U. I) 't v t . f t it WlSTlK'i BiLSA. 0 VILA CIUIT is roa said " UKIIIKUTO e l Oa 41ft and 4IM r'nml aurat, 8an 'raavtoo. nil by all Uragiliala. . ' Nttttfti ' ' 1H hereby glen that the Aseeaaor or Pidt nmnly, tlrauiHi. will I at the lHark t tlBc in Italia., In aid rouiity.nn Himilor th Vial day ol Annuel, lm, and, taking to bis aaaiaUiii-e th Clerk, will correct all wutak which may I uake wliicb may have been ni' in aaeraemeota. WM VV. H NIK K. Asaeetor "I Polk Co. -t- t-.-i .. .- . a - . .