...nil any slnte from plaalna: ft duty or tn for fl,h i.urpo(n on any Iru'le, luminal, or prnfrMl'i for whioti a Hootintj li miulrwl by tr.ts aoif nor rili.il uty Nr.n carrying on any trails, hunlnean, or profession, for wltU'h a Heenss S required by Mill act, lio exemplfd from prjwnrlri mien l ns,or from any penally or pui.lsl.me.it herein provided, y, or In cmue.K-e of, any stat. la Hilier authorising or tornhlbltlua; smli trade, bnihiw, or prfp on. (Wc. W. And be U further tnaclnl, Tim I llierefhall be paid annually for eieh )!) Kraoi.-!, I lie mm lirrdn slated, re pecllfely. Anv nunilwr ( persons, except lawera, canvey anoen, claim anif. phytrttiln..., stir-ceom, dentWtn, cattle, broken, how-ilealera, and peddlers, enrrylnir on such btwl neaa In flnpsrtiwrsliip, wr iranaart smih burrineM nl the plaee ipaolAed In Uielr license, and not .ll.erw,se, that la to Qm. Banktrit "slr'H nr m-riftylng a capital not excllnjr I be mm of fifty Uinnoanrl dolltus, ilmll puy one hundred dol Urt for eaoh llcetwej when lining or uipl,vlK a cupltal x rat-ding fifty Ihomiand dollars, for evpry addlllonal thiiuwirf dollars In excess of fifty thousand dollars, two dIUrs. Kv ry perton, Arm, or cumpany, ami every Incorporated or other bank, bavin a place of business where credits are opened by the depoalt or collection of money or currency, sutytct to be paid or remitted un draft, cheek, or ordir, or where money If advanced or loaned on stock, bntidi, bull lo, hllli of exchange, or promissory notes, or where simtlis, Honda, bullion, bills of txchaiijn, or promissory notes sru reelved for discount or snle, shall be pnnled a hanker un der this act: Provided, That any savin -brink liavliiK no nupiUl stock, and whoa business la confined to receiving rifpoalta and loaning the name for the beni-fit of Its deposit on, and which does no ether business of banking, shall not be liable to pay for a license as a hanker. Two. Wholeede dualere, whose annual mIm do not ex ceed fifty thousand dollars, ih-.ll pay filly dollars for each li cense; and If exceeding fifty thousand dollars, for every ad ditional thousand dollars In excras of fifty thousand dollars, no doll r. Every person shall be regarded as a who. sale denier under this act whose business It is to sell, or offer to ti ll, any goods, wares, or merchandise of foreign or domestic production, not Including wines, spirits, or malt lienors, whoa annual sales exceed twenty-five thousand dollars, And the license required by any wholesale dealer shnll not liu for a less amount than his sales for the previous year, un less he has made or proposes to mnke some change In his business that wilt, fh the judgment or the assessor or ssslst ant assessor, reduce the amount of his annual saler; nor eliall any license as a wholesale dealer allow any such person to act as a commercial bro-er: Provided, That any lleense understated may and shall be again assessed, and that no Mron holding a license as a wholesale dealer In liquors shall Im reqnlred to tske an additional license on account of the its of other goods, wares, or merchandise on (he stmt premises. Three. Retail dealers shall pay ten dollars for each llcrnie, Kvery person whose business or occupation tt Is to se or of fer (or saU any goods, wares, or ;v.rrchnndlse of foreign or ilmnetlle production, not Including splafis, wines, nle, lwer, other malt liquors, and whose annual sales exceed one thou aand, and do not exceed twenty five Ihouaand dollars, shall lie regarded as a rt'takl dealer under this act, Poor. Wholesale dealers tn liquors, whose annual sales do not exceed fifty thousand dollars, shall puy fifty dollars for ei:h license; and If exceeding fifty thousand dollars, for ev ery additional one thousand dollnts In exeess of filly Ihou aand dollars, one dollar, Kvery person who shall sell, or of fer for salt, any distilled spirits, fermenteiUlfiiors, or wlnre of any kind, In quantities of mure than IhTTe gallons at one time to the same purchnser, or whose annual stiles, Including iiltof other merchandise, Imll exceed twenty-lire Ihou aand dollars, shnll be regarded a wholesale denlvr In liquors. Five. Retail dealers In liquors shnll pay twenty-five dol lars for each license. Kvcry person who shall sell ur offer for tale foreign or domestic spirits, wines, ale, beer, or other maltliquors In qtianlltlea of three gallons or less, or whose animal sales, Including all sales of other merchandise, do not rxueed twenty-fire thousand dollars, shall he regarded as a retail dealer In liquors under this a t. Hut nothing herein contained shall authorise the sale of any spirits, wines, or man liquors w ne urana on tne premises. Pi I. tottery-ticket dealers shall pay one hundred dollars for each license. Kvery person, association, firm, or corpo ration who shall make, sill, or offer to sell lottery ticked, or fractional parts thereof, or any token, certificate, or device representing, or Intended to represent, a lottery ticket, or any fractional part thereof, or any policy of numbers In any lottery, or shall manage any lottery or prepare schemes of .Merles, or superintend the drawing of any lottery, shall be deemed a lottery -ticket dealer under this act. Seven. Horse-dealers shall pay for each license the sum of fen dollars. Any person whose business It la to buy ur sell horses or moles shall be regarded a horse-dealer under this art: Provided, That one license having been paid, no addi tional license shall be required of any horse-dealer who ken a II very .itat.le, nor of any livery-stable keeper who Biny also be a horse-dealer. Kight, Livery stable keepers shall pay ten dollars for each Keens. Any person whose bnsluesa tt Is to keep horses for litre, or to lei, or to keep, feed, or board horses for others, halt he regarded as a Hrery-etahle keeper under this act. Nine. ' Brokers shall pay fifty dollars for each license. Kv ery person, firm, or company, except tueh as hold a license as a banker, whose business It Is ss a broker to negotiate purchases or sales of stocks, exchange, bullion, coined mo ney, bank notes, promissory notes, or other sreurltles, shall tie regaided as a broker, under this act, and almll make oath nr affirmation, according to the form to he prescribed by the commissioner of Internal revenue, that all their transactions are mads for a commission: Provided, That any person holding a license aa a bauker shall not lie required lo take 'it a license as a broker. Ten. pawubrokera, using or employing a capital of not rxreedtng fifty thousand dollars, shall pay fifty dollars for each license, and when using or employing a capital exceed ing fifty thousand dollars, for every additional thousand dol lars In excesi of fifty thousand dollars, two dollars. Kvery fH-rsnn whoso business or occupation It ta to take or receive, y way of pledge, pawn, or exchange, any goods, wares, or merchandise, or any kind of peraoiul proeriy whatever, for the renaymetii or security of money lent thereon, shall be deemed a pawnbroker under this act. Kleren. Land-war ml brokers shall pay twenty -fire dol lars for each licenae. Any person shall be regarded as a land-warrant broker within the meaning of this act who makes a business of buying and selling leiid-warranla, or of lurolshlng them to settlers or other persons. Twelve. Catils-brnkers, whose annual sales do not exceed ten thousand dollars, shall pay fur each license the sum of ten dollars; and If exceeding the sum of ten thousand dol I", one dollar for each additional thousand dollars. Any iH-fson whose business ft Is lo buy, or sell, or deal In cattle, Inn, or sheep, shall be considered aa a cattle-broker. Thirteen. Produce brokers, whose annual sales do md ex ceed the sum of ten thousand dollars, shall pay ten dollars fir earn license, Kvery person, other than one holding a II oitise as a broker, wh Irsale or retail dealer, whose occupa tion tt Is to buy or sell agricultural or farm products and wh'ws annual stirs do not exceed ten thousand dollars, shall be regarded as a produce broker under this act. Fourteen. Commercial brokers shall pay twenty d "I la re IW each license. Any itejjoii -- - nri, to u.ft-.rtti iaruai or purchases of goods, wares, produce, or merchandise, not otherwise provided for In thla ait, or seek orders therefor, Its original or unbroken pack ages, or to nesoilatr frelghla and other business (or the own i rs of vessels, or for the shippers or consignors or consignees of freight carried by vessels, shall be regarded a oonum-rctal broker under thh act, fifteen. Custom-honse broken shall pay ten dtdlan for earh license. Kvery person whose eecupatlon It Is, as the agent of others, to arrange entries and other custom-house wiers, or transact buolneM at any port of entry Meting to the Importation or exportation of goods, wares, or mrrrhaii-li-, ahsll be regarded a custom-house broker under this art. P'lteeu. Dlsi liters shall pay fifty dollsrs for earh licente. Kvery person, firm, or corporation who distila or nianufac-tur.-e spirits for sale shall be deemeil a dlstllhr under lids act: Provided, That any person, firm, or corporation, die tiling, or manufacturing less than three hundred barrels per s"fihftllpa.vtweMy.fiTedolrsrora lleenae; And provld d, further, That no license shall he required fur any still, atdli, or other apparatus used by druggists and chemists fur Hie recovery of slcrdvd fi.r pharmaceutical ami r hemic it I or s-h-ol!fie purposes which has been used tn those proctasea: And provided, further, That dlsilllers or aiadra, grapes, and peaches, distilling or manufacturing less than nu hundred and fifty barrels per year from the same, shall py twelve end one half dolUri for a licence for that purpose. Seventeen. Brewers shall pay filly dollars for each license. Every person, firm, or corporation, who ma nit fee lutes fer hiented liquors of any tiame or drscr litln, for sale, from hi a It, wholly nr In pait, or fom any siilistilule therefor.shall be deemed a brewer under tlds act: W Ided, Thai any per son, firm, nr corporation who ma nu fact urea less than five hundred barrels per year shall pay the sum of it uli Ore dollars for a license. Mghiern. R rilflert shall pay twenty-five dollars for each Ik-, nee lo rectify eny qiinnlliy of splntuoi liquors, not ex ceeding rive hundred barrels, packages, or casks, containing Not mors than forty galletis to cavh barrel, package, or cnak f bquer so rectified; and Iweuly-ftve dollara additional fur each additional five hundred im h barrels, packag-s,ar casks, mr any fractional part thereof. Kvery person, Itiut, or cor Mratlou wherertiflee, purtfiee or reduce spirituous liquors r wlues by any piucrss, or mixes distilled spirits, whisky, brandy, gin, or ulne, with any malrilsla for sale under the name of whisky, rum, brandy, gin, wine, or any other name, hall be regarded as a re niter under this act. Nineteen, oal oll dtatllteie shall nay for each license the sum of fifty dollars. Any person, firm, or corporation, who shall refltie, produce, or distil cruds or refined petroleum or rock-oil, ar crude coal-oil, or erude or refined oil made or aaphaltuai, shale, ptml, or other bltumlnoua substances, or ei ill manufacture coal iltuminatiug oil, altall be regarded ot- dtotlller under this art. Teeniy. HotcU, intte, and taverns altall be claaidM and rated according to the yearly rental, or, If not rented, ec fording to the estimated yeaily rental, of the house and pro ptriy Intended to be occupied for said purposes, as lulle, to wtt ! All oaeea where the rent or valuation of the yearly r i.tal of satd house and property shall be two hundred dot tars, or less, shall pay ten dolkrs. And If exce lling two I undred dullars, for any additions) one hundred dollara or fractional part thereof In excess of two huudred dollars, five dollars. Kvery place where (mid and lodging arepiuvidrd for and furnished to travelers and sojourners, tn view of ft-tyaeent therefor, shall be regardvd as a hotel, tun, or tav ern under this act: Pro v Wed, That noli log herein contained ehflll be const rued to exempt keewrs of hotels, taverns, and eating-houses In which liquors are sod by retail, to he drank tap the premises, frm taking out a licenae for such wtle, for which license they ahsll py a lei of twenty fire d'dlare. me yeariy rvnici snan ne nten ana rsiaiiiiihett by in as- .MT f th prafMY dltlrlct .1 IU rnlr r.lur, but If rrul. at twrt l Ibin tli. actunl r.nt .jtrrW on by Uir partlr. All rirMwri ud iiwk, U)hih waur or tb. titltrd Mul,. on Inu4 of which pAMrnnrr. nr trtvrlirr are ,iravl(lrd llh 1. or lonirliii., .b.ll b. aubr.a, to, .ml minimi to ,.y, twvatf -flv dolUr. (or rh tcT. rovbtr.1, Tli.l If Uirr. tw ur fraud or eotlu.hm In lb rriam of .riu.l rrnt lo lb. MCHor, thrr. ihlll be . rlkltr ru.! lo duubU Ihr .mount I tUwnio, rniulrl by Ibi. itwii, lo b. totkvUU u .tber IMtAiu.. oudci U.M oxt or cullcvu. Twenty ou. I'mUii Iiihum ilwll pf Ion dollara 1r eaoh IweiiM. Kvery pUre wlior. Iiiud m refrooh nieou of any kind, not iurliKln.tr .pinl., m iniM, olo. War, or olhor mall liqur.i, are nnnulpd fur ni.tinl viaiton and wild for muonnipilon tliorvin, .hnll he re-Itardi-d m ail Miiiiiv hoirne iimk-r lliia art. Hut the brener of an ratinv lioiiaa, having taklnK out aliceiiM llwrefor, ahall not e i. uirril lo take out a Iiiviim aa a enafertloiwr. anytliiug iu tliia art lo lliu nintniry kailliMaadiiif Twentr-twu. ConrWHonore ehall rmy ton dnllare for eaeu lleaua. K-ery poroon bo m'H'nI nMail rn rVetloewry, ewaHmla, rnmnu, or oihr rimlo-i.. In amy bttilainf , ebaJI be rrKanlod aa eiHifrctio'ter atidnr ibM art Hut erlioleoaile aud n'tail itatlrre, harina u kettoatallcanae therefor, .ball uot bo rtHfiiired lo lko out a UoottoB ne run feel ioner, nnytbitiK in tliwai-i In the euatrary lurtwiilielatidinif. Twenty tbriw ( bum apnla and atrenle for pro egrinn paieota aball pay ten dollara for earh llorooe. Keery aenoa wbaae bnalaoae It ie to pman-uie rlaime ia any of the eirrulire d.ianinriiia of Ibe Moral aroToroaiont, er pror. noiouu, alyll be dVoewd a rlalai or patent urrtu m xhm eaaa may be, ewler tbta 1 . ' Twenty foar HaloM right do. lore ehall par trn Italian for eah lirrnaa. tarrr pore. wlinae buel neat It I. In aril, or offer for aale, poiool Hubte ehall ba ronrool a oatrnt riilil oVaWr andr thia art. Twealy e. Real odala aynta ahall pay Ion dol lara for aark Itcanaa. Kvery parous who buaineea It ia lo aaJl.ar otlar for an la. mal noau for otbora, ur to mat fcnaaoe. etoroa, or otbar baiUtinaie or nal eataia, ir-nt ander Ibu ert. Twenty ei. Conreyanoere ahall pay ton dollara (broach icoiiae. Kvery peraon, hrr Uian ihio hold lug a lioauae ae a lawror or rlaim aaoni, h m Uu.-I aaa It la la draw .., b4e, aioKi"a, eilla, vrnu or otitmf Unto! papora. or io auoiloo utloela ml aa lata, akaal ua laparwad a waeayaac auow IU art, Twtatr ateaa. IntelUKoiaee offtow keepare aball f lea iuliare ne aaeh iioenee, K vary eeraua w bona feaataaee It la le Ind ur luneab plaxwe W emiloyaienl (nr oinon, or to Riid or or f urn lab eervenie iih, ap r "'"a ia rtfln or whom lao, ramiv inv emnnonoa. m uurrna7, aJuH be reawroVel aa aai liaVoJliKww oil war kawper aiKier tkieaot. Tri... j ' ' ' ' J ' T" n rtl UnlvrmulTlkvaie. iay frraoa trhw ehall art aa fluent of nny flrn, marine, life, imitniil, or other inatt- Hi!Hj cnmtiuny or cnintiatiii'a.eiliitll Do mimi'tn-M us mi itiHiirnwi) Htfunt ulirW tbia kc i IVovnli'd, Tlmt ii licnnHo ah it 1 1 Iw roo'uitid of nnv liianntnno fluent or brokiT wlwmn n(N'ipla. tin such iiumit, itru lofatlmii lliu mm uf tlirr humlrt'd ilollura fn any one year. J wv-mv-tHiw. Knreiuti iiiaiinmno axilla almll pity Afly iK)llitra ftr ettcli licctiau. Kvry mraoii wIiohIuiII act it lij-'Hiit of liny fare ik n Urn, tniiriim, life, tnutiml, or otlitT fnaurHticH cnnipiiny ur ciimminie, aluitl lie rc'iinled us n foreign inniintnre nifi-nt ttndor this ct. I hirtv. Artel tnncors, wnao ntiuuai anifnoo noinx cpfd tn f,lioumiid Hollar-, almlf, pay tun Hollara for micli licetiKB ( uiti'tiniimrt, wltoan itiimml mUn i xrv.M tun tliowttml iloll, ahttll pity I wtHity tlnllitra fur (m:h licuiiHB, Kvery Mtrion almll bo iltromud nit Huctioimnr williin tlie ineaniiiKOf Miia c wImiwj Ixihhma it ii t olli f uroporty for hhIu Ut the hin heat or heat hiihlnr. Thirty one. Mmmfttctiiina hull puy ten tl'illura for eiirli licciiao. Any perwin. linn, or coiporutioit, who aliall nmnnfattiiw hy bittul or nmcliinety Kiiy gonna, a'Hrna,r nierchamliite, oxomliiiu hiii Ily llm rmn' of one thonaitnp HollHif. ahull bo ro(?ttrHci u manul'uc turn ntuiorthiaflct Thirty two. i'oHillora ahnll be cliLsairied ann ruled ml follows, to wit) whontmvullhiK with moie thun two liorat'R, or muhm. ine nrat ciitaa, ana miiuii my in ty riollHra fur ench lieoiwe i when trnvollitin with two hnmrg, or innh'g, the aijcoiii'luia, Hiid ahull nny twett tv live dollara for ech liennswi when truvellitiK with ono horae, or jntile. thu third clniw, Btm ahull pny tlif iren dollnni for annh Hrvnttn ( when tntvelliiiK on foot, the fourth cIhm, and ahull y ton dollurB fur ench lliftiM. An iioraon. uivt-Dt pontons iH'ddliiiu only nwa(n(eTa, Hihlea, or reliioii tntcte, who Bella or oHt-ra to mII, at rotail, (rooda, WHrea, or other coiiiino- Hit left, trnvflling from pliiee to pluce, in the gtreel, or through Hiifervfit prla of llie cotiiitry, ahull he rcgurd od h peddler under this uHl I'rovidt d, Tlmt any find domeatic, by one or more orttfitml parltHuet or nciii or who ae a. or onera to sen, ary uuimiw, nruiun pietfg.M one time, to the anme person or purwnia, ahull pny nfty dollar for ench HttttiM. And any per mm who pwhll jewelry eliall pnv fifty d-dlara for r-arh lict.'ttaei I'rovided. further, Tlmt itiHttiifucturea mid prnducera of Hgricitlttiral tooht end iinplemenls, garden aceda. stoves , mid hollow Wer, hrooma, woihI en waro, flnd powder, delivering uud selling at whole rule nuy of raid flrticlca, by themselves or their until orijsed agenta, at places other ttiHii the place of maim fuel lira, almll not he required, for any wtle thiia. made, to tnke out Mtiy tidtliiiotial lirenae therefor i Provided, fintr-tii', Tlmt nothing contained in thia pamgi'Hpli ahull authoi ixe theaale of wine anirita, or malt lifiion Thirty three. Apothecaries: aliitll pay ten dollnra fur each license, Kvery person who keepe a shop or building where medicines are cotn'Hmnded or prepared according to pn-acriptiona of physicians, or where medicines are sold, shull be regarded an apothecary, under this act. Hut wholesale and retail dealers, who have taken out a liceiixe therefor, shnll not Im reijuired to take out A license hb apothecary, anything in this aet, to the contrary notwithstanding ; nor almll npmh entries, who have taken out a licenae an sued, be re quired to take out li lirenM! as reluil dealers ill liquor tn consequence of selling alcohol, Thirty four. Photographers shall pay ton Hollars for each license when the receipts do not exceed live hundred dollars i when over five hundred Hollars mid under one thousand dollar, fifteen dollars ; 'when over one thousand dollars, twenty live dollnra. Any person or persons who make lor sale photographs, ambrotypes.duguerreotvpce, or pictures, by the aciinn of light, shall be regarded a photographer under this act. Thirty five. Tobacconists shall paity ten dollars for earh licenae. Anv person, Krm, or corporation wIiohh I main ens it, is to aid I, at retail, cigars, auult, or tolateco In any form, shall be regarded H tobacconist under this art. Hut wholesale and retail dealers, and keep era of hotel, inns, taverns, and eating houses, having taken out h Itvei'se therefor, shall not be required to take out a license ss tohureomatg, anything iu this act to the contrary notwtihafuuoing. Thirty-six. Uu tellers shall pay ten dollars for each license. Kvery person whose huaiues it is to sell butchers' meat tit retail shall be regarded us a butcher under thin act! Provided, That no butcher having tit ken ont a license, and puid ten dolbirs therefor, shall be required lo lake out a licenae as retail dealer on uu count of selling other article at the sumo store, stnll, or premises t Provitled, further, Tliut butchers whose annual sales do no exceod one thnuausd dollars, and hutch ra who retutl butch era meat exclusively by themselves or agents, and persona who sell shell other Hah. or both, travelling frmn place lo place, and not from Rtiy shop or stand, shall be required to pay live dollnra only for each license, any existing law to the contrary notwithstanding; and haveiug taken out a licenae l harefor. shall not bo required to take out a license as s peddler for retailing butchers mot or IMi as aforesaid. And no licenae shall be required of persons who sell shell or other tieli I mm handrails or wneeioarowa exclusively. Thirtv suven. Proprietors of theatres, museums niiH concert balls receiving pay aa entrance money. slinl! pay one hundred dollars for each I leu use, uvery edilice used for the purpoMi of dramatic or oemtic or other representations, plays, or erfnriiinncos,aud pot including balls runted or uaod occasionally for concerts or theatrical representation, shall bo reuaided tin a tl tent re under this actt Provided, That when anv aucli edilice is under lease ut the passage of this act, Hie fee for license snail lie paid by the lessee, unless otherwise stipulated hatweeii the purlieu lo said leiise. Thirty eight, The proprietor or proprietors of cir cuses sbal pay one hundred dollars for each license. Kvery building, lent, space, ur urea, whero teals of hom inatisiiip or scroiiat tc HMrts or maul rical Htrlonn ances are exhibited, shall be regnrtletl aa a arena mi iter this actt Provided, That no license procured lit one state ahull he held lo tiulljorixe exhibitions in an oilier stale. And but one license shall Im required uu d.e this tn I- t-Il.l.l,- -l.l.. M., slat a Thirty-nine. Jugglers shall puy for curb license twenty dollars. Kvery person who performs sleigtof hand shall be regarded us n juggler tin ier this act. The proprietors or ngenls of all other public exhibit ions or shows for money, not eitiinieniled in this sec tion, ahull pay for each licenae ten dullars Provided, That no license procured in one slate shall he held lo aiilhorixu exhibitions in another at nle. And but one I liccim shall lie required under this act lo million te exhibit iuna within any one elate. Forty. Howling alleys urn! billiard moms shall nay ten dollars for every alley or tublo in the building or place to I lit'i-need. Kvery phut or building where howls are thrown or hilliur .a pluved, and open to the public with or without price, ahull bo regarded aa a bowling alley or killiai'u-rooui, respectively, un der this act. Forty one. Pioprletors of gift enterprise shall pay fifty dollars for eah license. Every pur eon, linn, or corporation, who shall sell, or ntbtr fur sale, any arti liciuot merchandise ofc any doecripliun whatsoever, with it prom is, expreaa or implied, to give or bvaiow. oi in anv man tier to hold out to the public the prom ise of gill or bestowal of any article or thing fur and In eoiieideralion of the pun hast by any puraou of any other article, or thing, shall Im regarded a proinieio'r of a gilt enterprise uiidur this actt Provided, That no such proprietor, in consequence of being thus licensed, shall hp exempt from paying any other li cense or tax required by law, and the lieu uso herein required shall be hi addilinu tlierelo. Forty-two. tiwuers of alalhoiis ami jacks shall nay ten Hollars for each licfiian. Kvery person who keeps , mule horse or ft jack for the nse of mares, requiring or receiving pay therefor, shall be required to lakts out ft license under this act, which ahull con lam h brief Hearripiion of the uiitmul, it a au, and jImcw or places where need or to lie unH t Provided. I'hut all accounts, notes, or Heuittnds, for the use of any such horee or jack without a license, as aforesaid, hal Its luvulid sud of uo force iu any court of law ur equity. Forty three- Lawyers shall puy trn dullars for each lii-rnse. Kvery ersoii who, lor fee or reward, shall priMMrcute or th-fcitd raiisea in any court of record ro oilier judicial liibaiml of the ttuied Mutes, or of any of the alalea, ivt give legal sdviro in relation to any csuae or matter whatever, shnll ba doeiueil to be r Ittwyer within tlie meaning of this act. rutty lour, riiyeicintia,, surgeoiia, and dentists ahull pay ten dcllara for each license. Kvery person (except aKitlivcanes) whose huaiaea it is, for tee and toward, iw pmetihe rruiedies or Hrlorm surgical oMratioita for the cm ot Hoy bodily diaeitse or idling, almll le deemed a phyairmu, anrgeou, or demist, aa the case limy be, within the meaning of ihisacl. Forty rtvo. A re hi lev l a and civil eugiutfraehtill tay tru dullars lor earh Iutiissj. (To l ronliiiued.) 1'tiHTAL Aoknt. Orpgnu can liniilly Imaat of a. 1'iielal Agi'iit. (Juiney A. Ilrimk,, Kn.. uf rortlnntl, Ii llie lucky mnn. Tlie uiioiuti'e i nifiet riocllt'tit mnn lor Ilia iliiort. oimiliin. itig Ilia nt'Oi'warjr vnei gy and aliility uiili an uliliging lii.poeilinn. We wiali our fncml llrmiki nmrh Jny In thu ninat trying odict-j anil arauro him nitiet ht ttrlily that if ho don't kerp the Hiet ninati'ia ami mail contracture in Orrgnn elrniglil, h niMf eipiol A bluaing up from nil the iit'innrra. Tiik l'.ntfiT National Hank The Prurtt- ntcnto t'aina etiulaine llie futltinriiiir t K. 0. Otitllry, of flour-enck iinlnrirly, who arrirrtl liy lite laat ili-amor, ha with htm the oharli-r ami lull, of llie lirat National llnnk in the Siatei of Nevada location Aiieliti; rapi tal. f'.IIO.tXIO. It ia propiwtl to put hill, in circulation at unco ly paying tht-iu to iiiuicre for wegre at their niatkut value aa compared iih gold. He Ihiuka one will he retnliliilird in San Krauuieco very eoon, Nevatla, therefore, the Drat Slate of the IV oifio to break ground in rarnret for the Nar tional currency . Woa ! Won ! I'aTO Va Oiaot atr.- In the Slate of Ohio the teal diu-k baa brea louiid by an rm an anient atainatlHaer auk Ireaaoa Ibin t lrin.nl I,. Vllti,h. ham. He h.a wrlleo a k-itrr owmni thai be w.a armn about the war for tlx Union. He reoirrt that lavrry la dealrored and the Union aavrd I area at i ra mi no ma why Una liewnrary ahmil.l not live a onrilial atipport to I'rraidenl Jubnaoa lit hi. rll--rla to mlive th pnwlily ot llie nwalry an.lor the t'.-o.ti-lolil I ami dr, larva that wit bra alarrry the H-anbera rauui.wllb peibape two or three eirepliona, "aill be- r.-ttwa aaore a..puiinia vrnairnioa aui powedut uua any utker an-Uoa. ttrru i'anvr. What do you aay lo thai, yna Oregon Dem ocrat, that etill inaiel that ilarery it not drail not dettmyed, tad that it cannot bo aliulnhed wttltoot taking ike eonarut of South Carolina. CosHRcrnn The K. A. Mrert dellrcr- eit !, iwatiam at Hatilimltv mm thm Knonk Mr I Jnly, inetrad of Ur. Hoj akin, ae etalcd. Sk M( )N DA YM( 'UN IN'ii: J HLYJ!'1liHli,L The Stteman bai a Largor Circulation than any other Paper In the State, and ii the Beet Medium (or Advertliori. The 0 B law and Resolution, are publiihed in the statoimano; autnonty. WntN WILL WR (iKT A ton OK TIIK LAWS 1 Wo liuvo biH'ii cninpullcd to anawpr the uliovu ininiiy by k'tter, in nrilur tn nccimimo duto, in ri'uponeo to leltcra frnm all purta of the Stale; mid note being lircd if mmirvring a qui-eliiiii that ehould huvu been rnlmfiictorily luttlcd by other pnrtiue long go, we propnee to etnto hero otiuo for all, what we know about It. At thu hint reunion uf tho Legislature, the Code Cmmiiioner win nutlmri.ed to pincceil at ntico tn arrange and index thu whole body nf the itiilutes then in fnrac. and furninh the lame, under the direction of thn Secretary of State, to tho State Printer. Of the book thus tnudc. up, thu Stulo I'rinter wan authorized to print three thoufitud onpies, (Wo believe that thia ie tho number, although that i" not mate rial.) I)y the act providing fur the printing of thia tatute, the Secretary win authorized to dietribnto cnpici gratit tn oerlaiu Sluta and county officer, and the remainder of the three thoiiniiiid copies, the Secretury waa authorized to dinpoae of at the prioe of lx or eight dol Inm pw nharo (the exact prioe we do not re member), tn Iho lawyer and oilier ; anil thu by the profits on the extra copies thus sold, to reimburse the State as far as posiblu the ex penso incurred in printing the statutes. It was never surpected by n single member of tlie Lcgielnture, that the State Printer Would attempt lo improve tlu accident of his iiflicial ponition, by lulling an ndvautiigo of the Statu, and while printing its copies of the stat utes. also print from iho sail o form a very largu edition fur his own speculalivo purpose. and as soon as tho statutes were out enmo in to the market against the Slate and oiler his copies at less than tho Secretary was author ized to sell the copies of tho State, aud thus defraud tho Slate of the just profits on its printing and, therefore, no legislation was adopted to prevent the Statu Printer from pur suing such a course. It will lie a matter of surprise uud iniirlilieiilioii tn every member of the Union patty, as it was to tlie Statu officials who discovered the matter, that we ure emu pelled to nniiiiiiMoe upon the best authority that the Slatu Pi inter did actually print, as far as he has printed the copies fur tho State, eight hundred copies of the statute for his own pri vuto speouhtlivo purposes, wilh the intention of putting lliein upon tho market ut lliu same lime llie copies of the Slatu should be olleri d. Learning Ihis slate of fuels, the Secretary of Statu and Governor promptly culled upon tho Statu Printer aud informed him peremptorily that he would not bu allowed to constiiiimat such an arrangement, and that if I hey could uot prevent him by copyright nr otherwise, the Legislature would he convened tn do so. Ily this iiromnt and decisive course, Iho Stulo Printer was compelled to cuter into an agree ment in writing that his eight hundred copies suoiiitl. as soon us printed, lie deposited with J. L. Parrish & Co., of Portland, theru to re main until thu edition for thu State had been disposed nf.or for at lest the space of two years. Aud there that mutter resit now, but still we huvo no statutes. Upon inquiry at the Secretary's oflioe. we learn that the State Printer lint not yet oh-, tuiued paper t-nnngli lo finish the book, and that now the printing ha been, or is about to bu suspended for want of paper. It nppeare that the Printer went into the San Francisco market and bought a certain lot of very good hook paper, such as would make n good book. ami Ihnt after using that up, the Printer called upon tho Secretary to furnish paper, nnd, us the Stale had lo pay for the paper, and in or der lo expedite thu matter, the Secretary au thorised llie St:ttu Treasurer, now in Sun Fran cisco, In prucuro. enough of tho quality of pa per designated, to fiuish the job ; und after searching thu oily over, the Stato Treasurer can only find forty five reams uf tho paper de sired, w hich, after bills and memoranda being ot nipared, turns out to bu a part of the lot be fore purchased by the State Printer, nnd there fore reullr Hindu uu addition to tho stock of pnper. Now what is lo be done t Not ennuch paper to finish the book, and uo more iu San Francisco market. Tho work must bu sus pended until it can be procured from New York, or manufactured ; ami ten chances to one if the Printer will uot have to tuko a cheaper and lighter iiiulily of paper to fiuish llie book, and iu thu end "botch lliu Job" In the meantime, County ullioial. justices of the peace, and iho laywcrs.nnd everybody else in terested in tlie laws, aro letting out with coin plaints worse tluiu lliu army of Plunders ; and now, to miiko the general discontent worse, we find Iho following in the ediloriul column of tho (Irrjreaiiis) : Tiik l'HUi"i. Coim A eopynf the Cmlo of Crlm uitil I'roiiihoe, iiiyrilu-r with the Jii.-lUW A. U, Iw Ih-uh h.niih-d ua by Mr. A. it. WnllinK of the " r'Hnner Job tllticr.'1 Ilia very neiilly pri U-il a nil of conven ti'iil lorin. II la now lor sale at tlie tsNikaeirra. Any ions from a diiUto-u who may .li-niie a e pv will reeeiie II 'V mail on aetolina one dollar to Mr. Walitna, the illbilslirr. Wo may at well add, that Mr. Walling Is priming the statutes for the Stale Printer, and that this "Criminal Code," it just printed from tlie type eel up for the Stale, and, ofoouree, to much saved lo Mr. W. We believe that Ibis ia the second insltiico iu which laws have been thus printed from composition paid for by the State, and sold for private gain ; and cerluinly in plain violation of tho rights of Ilia State, if not a vinlulinu uf the agreement made by the Stuto Printer, detailed above. The Slate Printer cannot certainly permit or authorise Mr. Walling lo dm what ha is prevented from doing himself. We may at well alate here that tint Criminal Code, or any other law pub lished by Mr. Walling, although a truo copy beyoud doubt, it of no account in any court of justice, unless it ia certified to be so under the teal of the Secretary of Stale ; for tho simple reason that Mr. W. is nut the Stale i'rinter, If the above itnteuiciilt are not correct, we drtite theiu corrected by those knowing the facte, at we da not deeire) to uiitreprveeut any matter. But taking them lo be true, wt her put in an omphalie disapproval of Iho Whole affair. It it wrong, aud we will neither eon seal it nor wink at It, no matter who Ii to blame. If any just gmands of complaint exitt against any official elected by the Union party, we prefer that the ooinplaint be made by a friend aud in a L uiuu paper, aud uol by a Cop- perliend enemy. The Union party wn organ ized to uphold and enforce thu laws, and to do justice and promote, the public good. It will best subserve Ihnt end, and preserve its own existence, by reijuiiing a fnilliful, hone st nnd impartial dischargo of public dutiet from those it honors with ill confidence and support. v e shall insist upon enforcing this rule. We know it to be the sentiment of Iho Union party. It is a good rule, and the people will alwnys sus tain the man or the parly which faithfully ad heres to it. . STATUS' RIGHTS APPLIKB TO TUB CASK OK JKtF. DAVIS. Probably the most foroiblo manner in which wo can present the pernicious error of the Dcmncrutio idea of States' rights, is tn show what would become of tho leading rebels in a jury trial for treason, here thu Democratic idea was recognized and tunluiiied. If the Demo cratic doctrine of Statet' rights it correct, it Jell". Davit a traitor 1 Apply it and see. According to the Review, and also according to the resolutions of '118 nnd '09, by which all sound Democrats swear, tho Government of the United Statet is made by and dependent on thu States, or the State governments. The State government! are formed by the people thereof, undoubtedly, nnd are political corpor ation. And whilt tho citizens of the State could undoubtedly commit treason towardt their own State, could they, by any legal fiction, be held to commit treason to the United Statet, a government itunding in the second remove from them, and not formed by them, but by the separate and independent suvercignlics or corporations, of one of which only they form a part 1 Or, in other words, is theru any direct responsibility by a citizen of tho Stato to the Government of the United States, assuming tlmt tho Demucrulio viuw of the case is correct? Wo wjll put the case in the most favorable light for tho Democratio theory. Wo will suppoo, that the State government and the majority of its citizent nre loyally maintaining its connection with the Uuion, yet, according to tho Demo cratio idea of States' rights, there can be no such legal responsibility upon tho citizens of the State as would hold such a man as JclTcr soii Davis nr any other leading rebel for treas on to the United States ; no matter what the moral ur eiuilnblu obligations might he. Hut put the Democratio theory iu its actual true position, the one which it must occupy iu the trial of Jefferson Davis, mid then wo can see it iu all its deformity. If thu General Gov ernment is formed by and dependent upon the States, and the S'ates aro tn bo the "judges of violations of (lie federal compact, and of the mode uud measure if redress"; and llie State of Mississippi judges tlie Constitution violated by tho election of Lincoln to the Presidency, and its proper redress by acceding from the Uuion ; and this is all sound doctrine, we want to know what right President Johnson has to arrest thu distinguished citizen of Missi'sippi and hold him fur treason to the United Statet 1 None in thu world ; for, according tu Democ racy, Mississippi is uu independent sovereignly had a right to seuede, thu United Status pos sessed no right of coercion, and when it seut ils nriuies to that State.the State had tho right to authorize Jefferson Davit to resist the inva sion by furco of arms. Then Jeff. Davis com mits nu treason, Mississippi committed no trea sou ; first, because it ia a corporation, a mat ter of luw, and could not commit crime, nnd second, because it right lo declara the Cnnsti tu lion broken, and choose its "mode nnd mens ure uf redress." If the Slate cannot itself commit treason, it can do nu act that will sub ject ils citizens tu that crime. It follows, then, that Jefferson Davis it not a traitor to tho United States, according to Democratio doo trinc, and onght at once be set at liberty. Itut Andrew Johnson does not regard the Democratio doctrine at altogether sound, aud, therefore, duet not aet Jefferson Davis at lib erty. Johnson told Davis plainly to his face in the United States Senate four yean ago, that secession was treason ; and that if ho was President ho would have Davit arretted and tried then, nnd if found guilty of treason, he would hang him. Andrew Johnson it now President, and Davis ie indicted fur treason, and it only reumiut to be seen if a jnry nf loy al men can be impounded to try him, and if found ayjilty, whether Johnson will make good his promiso. Of the Inst, we havu no fears. Hut can Jeffereon Davit bo convicted by an honest jury, nr more properly, can an honcat jury ho teoured tn try Davis 1 Here it the troublu. Kvery loyal man who it culled ns a juryman, who is honest and con scientious, will have to answer that he has heard of tho caso of Jeff. Davis, and that ho believes him to be a traitor that hit mind it made up that he had an opinion on the sub ject, or words to that effect. We think that it it hardly possible to find a jury of Union men tn try the case of D tvis. Hut on the other hand, Washington City swarms with Copper heads, seocsh, and traitors. They will crowd tu the trial of their beloved chief by thousands, aud will avail themselves of every opportunity to gel on the jury. They will swear to any thing to get on the jury to try Davis, and they will get on llie jury if possible. And now sup pose the jury to be up nf theso good constitu tional Statet' rights Democrats, what w ill be the conduct of the trial I Jeff.'t attorney! will doubtlest admit everything alleged against Davis, and then let up. as a defence, the Dent oorntio doctrine of Statet' rights, at explained above, and, insisting that the States had the right rf secession, that the United Stales had no power of coercion ; III it Davit was but the agent of the Slatet lawfully acceded, ur law fully itunding nu their owu rights, he had the right by virtue of such agency to resist by force of aruit thu illegal coercion pushed by the Federal Government. The Democratic jury, men would fall back nu ibeir politics aud ao quit Jefferson Davit of the crime of treusou. And that it it that Democracy propose! to cheat justice uf its due, and procure the dis charge of the greatest crituiuul uf llie world. Votere of Oregon, thit it the doctrine of Slatet' righu that it offered you by the editort and leadera of the Democratio party iu thit State. It it plain to be teen that it ia treaaon and uolhing leae. Do not he hoodwinked and deceived by being told that it wat rndnised by Jefferson and the falhert. Tboiuai Jefferson wat at liable to error at other men. He did uot forsee the terrible rebellion of 1S6I '63, llie legitimato fruttt of that doctrine, or he uever would have countenanced the resolutions of 1798 IW. George Washington diacovered the hidden treason they covered ap, and de aounoed tt before be died. At a later period. General Jackson in l&fc, in disputing of Soath Carolina nullification, denounced thit Demo oratie theory of Statet' right with all the en ttfj and elotauca hit passionate nature waa onpalil ul. Ike ualioual debt it now, ,tJj,lj,rjo,iO. That Hack IIanhkij " Wkmmimb.A grent many nf our citizens who heard Mr. Col fax' mooch at the Keniiett House, were great ly surprised nnd mortified tn learn from him that there had been a singlo mnn in Oregon who had not given him a hearty w elcome ; and aa no names were mentioned, a great deal of indignant curiosity hat been manifested lo learn who was ruferred.to by the rpealter. The following extract frnm the Review in re sponse tn tho notice in the Oregonian expluius tho matter : Tiik Colkax l'titrr. A telennn from Mr. A. II. Itielmrilsoii.ono of tlieljnllax pnrly.to lr. I'luiiinier, lulPKMph operator, utates tlmt Oltux und hi i:unimii Innn will start for this place overland Irora Han Kran- el-co on the Huh of lhi n h. Tlio party will o far hh Walla Walla. They may ho exacted bere about the 1 HI Ii. Our citizens will unite with one accord in Ulvinn tliem lionrty rccilion.-frcironmn. Hum Is ii ram opportunity lor Messrs. BhoddyJ ly Klunky & Co. to "siireiul'' themselves, and show their servility. TIiIh "lli.ti" did honor to the iiluirers In Han Kruueisi-o on the 4lh, and. us we have, a few black in Ittm In Oregon, It in meet Hut Iho white nlKirers should do homage to hiin-Kct up a testimonial," and have him make them a speech upon Iho all abnurhiux pies lion which Is now convulsing the "ga-lurious Union party" "Jeff's I'ctticimt." ydentew. According to Mr. Colfax (and we corrobor ate his statement! as far as our observation goes), this notice from the editor of the Re view, ii tho only mark of a want of respect or absence of hearty welcome, which the distin guished friend of Oregon interest! has received in tho State. Considering the circumstances, .that Mr. Colfax came so mnny thousand miles, over a most dangerous and toi.tomo route, lmrely escaping at one time the icalping knife of the savage, ot the friend of nil our people without distinction of party ; and for the disin terested purpose of learning more fully our wants, that ho might better labor for our inter ests ; and that he hut always stood np for our interests in time! past, laboring tide by tide with our representative! when they did not ngrco with hia politics ; and that he ii now tho most honored member of that benevolent Or der to which tho Review man is a disgrnce ; and that the Review editor is thu solitary ex ception to a unanimnns State welcome, wo may well conclude, and to write him down as the only dog which travels on two legs in Oregon Noltner. yon hnvo "achieved a bad eminence" in a matter in which it wat your privilege to distinguish yourself, nut only at a truo Odd Fellow, hut ns n whole-souled hospitable Oro gnuian. You have disgraced tho Slate, and the sooner you emigrate the better. You have disgraced tlie Odd Fellows, and ought to with drnw nt once, nnd snvo them tho humiliation of of ever being compelled to place your name on their records at nn expelled member. (We have heard several member of the Order say that the above insult tu Mr. Colfux, was sulli cieut grounds for any member to prefer charges nguiiut Xultuer.) And, lustly, you have even disgraced the Copperheads that contemptibly small and dUhnuored squad of Democrats who, like Bros' prairie dogs, flirt their tails iu the air and make a single dive for tho lower regions, Tub Thiai. op tiik Assassins The secret military ti-ihiniul oelore which ihose charged with complicity in tlie leuanMiiulioii of the president, are being iinu dMiwuiir uniiii it-elf the attention and condemnation ol enlightened public sentiment hi America an well as hurope. While it is denired to bring the offenders to speedy and strict justice, yet the character of this court, aud the form of its proceeding aru such as to justly create alarm and indignation. It Is net remaikuhle If a pro ceeding of such marked similarity to the courts of llie Inquisition and not unlike lliu "bloody ansiiu""f Jef- Ii ich, slioiilif excite alarm iu it country tvtiere cnciiuem are punished by law. The guilt of I'ayne, of lliirrold a id Mrs. Surratt, is no reason that nine or ten men in military attirv. wilh tierce countenances, should ihsim lliein ii death, contrary to our couftitutioiial code. Airntt. The Arena and nil it! ilk bavins did all they could to stir up the assossiiiB to perform the bloody deed, nit uro not surprised to see it pleading for their escape, by getting them away frnm the proper tribunal, nnd before jury nf Copperheads. Tlie assassins were tried before a military court for the reason that their oriuia wat a conspiracy organized w ithin A military post, for the purpose of murdering lending commanders nf the post the District of Columbia having been decided tu bo a mili- ' tarr post nnd inch a trial being therefore thu proper one iu the caso. The assassins being now bung, the Arena might to go iuto mourning. The vote on tlie prop'ed new Constitution for Mis souri wits taken on tho ath ult. Itc turn from the elec tion up to the tith , show a nuijorily of 7.tif u aguiii"t it. Si lnii gave a majority against it of 5,'.'o7. There is uo douiit of itn defeat in IFie State hy a considerable lliaiolity. Ntirvnptllr (Almlttwi,) Appeal. The instrument that ha thus been deleatcd In what the stntcttma has been calling "the rcn Constitution of Miniri." It was this "new" Constitution ttiatour iMisted" neighbor has la-en recommending to (he lieie pie of Oregon. If the fanatic Iu this State shall at tempt to copy the "virtue'' of the Inle MK-oiil'i Con vention, we tru-d the people will do precisely wlmtMis- soun diu vole tneiii u"Wii. Arena. Don't hurrah until you get out nf the woods. Kfoui St Louis papers of the 19th of Jnne, we learn that tho soldiers' vote will carry tho new Constitution by fivo or six thousand ma jority, to the infinite disgust of the Democrats aud secesh generally. No DmiaiNa Will thu Arena answer the following questions, which we put three weeks Ago, plainly, directly and without dodging ? We ask them again : 1st. Is a citizeu who lakes un nruis against the United States, willingly, aud whelms fought in the armies of the so called Southern Con fedrrncy, a traitor t 2d. Is A traitor to the United Statet entitled lo the right of luffruge in Oregou 1 3d. It the editor of the Arena in favor of al lowing men who trained under the Hag of Jeff. Davisand the of Southern Confedcrney.nnd who labored to dissolc the Union by establishing the Southern Confederacy, the right of suffrage iu Oregon at the next election ? Mil. Gkaky'8 Oka iion. We have received a copy of tlie oration uf Kev. K. H. Geary, do b tired at Corvallit on the Fonrth of July. We do not wonder that the Copperhead Thay er, or any oilier Copperhead, should pilch iuto It. It deals in facts, and puta them nn record in such shape at to forever put tu shame and completely condemn the traitorous course of those time-serving. roiiiprouiiiiig politicians, who designate themeclvce Democrats. Mr. (ienry it entitled to the thankt of all loyal men for doing hit duty so well on the Fourth of Tiik Calikoknia and Orioon Railroad Company. This Company hat recently filed articles of Incorporation in Oregon. The in corporal ore are all ciliient of San Francisco, nnd, wilh Ibo exception of their engiueer, very wealthy uieu. The following are the new iu rurporalora : Alpheut Hull, St G. Elliott, C Tejiple Kunnett, Thouiae Hell, Joseph liar row, E. Mickle, David M. Richards. 8. F. Kb bolt, T. F. Gallagher, and Win. . Harrow. r When we aay that aa incrra-e of population ta tlie IViOc State and Trmtone as greslly needed, we wiab not to be ttnderafrMid aa inntaling that Una Ie their only want. Capital, aa wrll as a larger population, ia That la to, but wo will never get the capital until we adopt the national currency aa the ttaudard. When we do adopt the national currency at the standard. we can obtain plenty of sapiul at in lug ralea of iutcrest. TKI,OltAI'lll(! KKVVS. Now York, July 7. Tim Tribune's New Orlentis nrrespomlcnt writes that llrigadier- (jeiieral Hussel is ordered to proceeit wtiu in command to I udiunnlu. Gen. Cole, wilhcavalrv brigade, is ordered to Corpus Chiisli, and will rendezvous at llrazos, Santiago, ai mo iimo i -;,i,r il.ia disnateh. there itru nt least 111,- 100 meiMif this cuiiiuiand un board the vari vessel comprising tho expedition, wno nave been detained from landing lV various causes. Some aro at present in the city awuilitig a sup. ply of coal anil water j outers Hru m ni..i...w lluv. detained for some purpose, and iu order to give the officers on board nn opportunity tu clear up vessels uud attend to the sanitary con dition of the troops on board ; others nro uu tniiiod off ltnizoa, awaiting the arrival of light ers with which to debark 'ho troops and neo essary nrmv material, Tho 5th curps arrived here a few days tiucu from up the Mississippi river, anil are in ennip on tlio old jncKson out- tlo ground. It is understood Hint they will be ordered to Tuxm as soon as Sheridan returns from Uiownsvillc. The concentration ol troopt in Texat engrosses, to a grent extent, tlie ut tentioti ot the people oi mis ouy. it is suppo- d the niimerioal strength of tho fi orcc about to nne.niiv that oonntrv, iiicludintr cavalry, Infant- ry nnd artillery, win ne at icasi cw.w euiuun men. (Jen. Curtit is still ot Alexandria, La., on Kcd Kiver, organizing hit cavalry corps, which is erneeteil to start overland for Houston iu two . 1 ...... I 1 .1... ,L ooltimns, one iroui Aiciununa aim uiu uuici from Shrevenort. in two davt. Louisville. June 29. Governor Bramletto addressed tho citizens this evening in fnvnr of the Constitutional Amendment, and the ad van tncet of free over slave labor in Kentucky. He laid slavery wai utterly overthrown, and proved the impossibility ot its restoration, and urged the people to proceed to establish and sustain free lubnr nt dictated by wisdom and interest, Ho showed bv statistics of population and the occupation of lands by tlave-holdcrs and nnn- slave-holders, that the rich lands of the State were in the hands of a class exceedingly small in the comparison with thu popular mass, and urged tho organ izatiiin uf thu free white labor ers of the State, to tuko caru in tho future, of their own interests, I lo said a necessity ex isted lor immediate action by Kentucky. In disposing of this vexed iuestion of slavery. Ilia progress ol events having practically des troyed the institution itsell. lie discussed at ungth, that section uf Iho amendment with overwhelming power. Tho objection urged against it wus, that tho amendment gives Con gress power tu cotiler the elective iruncliise on emancipated slaves, lliiu putt'lig them un social eimulity with tho whites. I In said tho second section gives Congress no uioro power than it has under llie Constitution now existing. It meant simply that Congress should hy appro priation or necessary legislation, prohibit slavery or involuntary servitude iu the States. Montreal, Jnlv 7. Tlio purser ol the steam er Moravian, from Flushing for Philadelphia ur New inrli, repnrts that she wus destroyed hy lire nn (he banks of New Fouudluiid. The fire originated from a red hut bolt being put into ft tar pot between decks. Most ul her peuple wore taken tout. Johns hy tlio steumor Meteor. Four hundred peuple nro missing. .Some may have been saved iu beats. Fort Laramie, July 3. It is ascertained be yond dispute that the Arapalio Indians who lor some time have heeu led liy the Uovcrnmeiit at Fort Hallock ns friendly Indians, have been the perpetrators of most uf the outrages com mitted on tho overland mail. They have as certained by sumo melius that they wero sus pected and have now taken the war path open ly. Troopt are now in pursuit. Theru aru nn friendly Indians east or north ol Uciivcr and Camp Collins. Neither enn any pence bo ex pected until they are severely chastised. The success they havu met with the hist yen r lint made them exceedingly bold and dufiug in their exploits. Ono of Gen. Conner'! three columns is now inarching against them, and is only detained by the want of supplies now en route from the Missouri river nnd daily expected, lien. Connor arrived here nu tho 'tOih of Juno from Julesburg nnd will lake the field himself. The mnnner in which emigrant traine nre or ganized renders that class of travel perfectly safe. Tho Indians havu not succeeded in in flicting damages upon anything but tho mails and telegraph. New Y nrk. July 3. Wo have Havana dates to the 28ih. Affairs in Mexico aro reported tu be going from bad to worse. A special dispatch received on tho 27th frnm San Lui. announces that Sultillo was occupied iiy ma t rencn iruops, Tttgrcto retreating to .Monterey. A loyal meeting held at Houston, Texns June LHli, at which most of the prominent men of llie Slate participated. A series of resolu tions ol the most loynl character were drawn up and uiiuminniisly adopted. Cairo, Juno Vi). An arrival frnm New Or- enui biingi Mutainorna dates to Juno 15th. The defeat of Negrete after his unsuccessful at tempt nu Mntainorits it continued. He suffer ed n loss uf 700 k lied and 2.000 prisoner! 1 ho Matamorus Commerce asserlr that Juarez is buying up ull the old arnit in the United Slntes. Thero aro plenty uf goods nt Muta murns wniliug a market. Iiiuuiries ut llie White House this evening elicited tho fact that the henlth of the President is now worsu than nt any former period of his preseut illness, though be is not in immediate danger. Surgenn-Genernl Barnes hat been called in to consult with Dr. llurrought, who has llius lar liceii Ins medical attendant. New Yurk. July 0. The llefnld't Wash ing special dispatch savs : The President for (he first time since his illness became serious. eft his bed to day. Judge Advocate Holt was the only one admitted to tee him to day and it is supposed that his business concerned the findings of the Military Commission. The Herald's Charleston correspondent savs: General Hatch, commanding thu District uf Charleston, slntes that some planters in their contracts for labor made wilh the freediuun, have iutrodeued clauses establishing a system of peonage, thu negroes being hound lo work out any Uelit he may hereafter incur to his em ployer. In consciiicnce the General issued an order declaring all such contracts null. He also gave notice that in contracts no language must be introduced inliuiii'ing tlmt the planters at some future day lo contest the questioner the emancipation of Iho nogrn. Washington, June HO. Tlio money order office system is tu he increased to four hundred and twenty offices s principally in Hie Western Stales. Measures have been taken to extend the system lo tlu paeifio Coast. The result of llie experiment sn far it satisfactory to the Poetollic Department. Those who remit small sums of money are perfectly insured. Tho Commissioner ol Internal Kevenue, Lewis, retires from uQice to-morrow lo be suc ceeded by William Orton. of New York. General Husecrans tailt tor California to morrow. , New York, July 1. The Tojft special says: It is considered tirohahlo the l,r...,,l..ni will appoiul It. A. ferry Provisional Governor oi Puuio Carolina. he proclamation will ap pear to-morrow or next day. New York. July 5. Disnatehea fr. parlt of the country show that tho Fourth of juiy wasooscrveu wito much inure than the usual enthusiasm and elaborateness of detail. A delegation of seventy from fourteen Indian tribte who hare been hostile to the United Slatet during the rvb-llion, are on the way lo ashingtou, with object of making a trenir to perpetuate peace, and of being reinstated in righta and lienefil which they forfeited by taking up arms in behalf of the insurgenu. ashingtnn, July 5 About one huudred and ninety application for pardon were grant ed to day. of which one hundred and thirty from North Carolina, were recommended by Governor Hulden. New York. July 7.-Tho steamer Manhat tan from Vera Crut Jniie 2Hlh via Havao July 3d. laa arrived. The Spanish troops were evacaling San Domingo and were conlinuallr followed by rcfugcet Iroiu Saa Doraiugo who are afraid lo remain en the Island. The revolution in Hayti wat making head way. Although Ge ffrard lakes hit place at the bead of bit troops, be baa tuffertd several r. verset. Many Dominicans have taken arms agaiustLiui. Guafico bad beta iu a fate of . . .i. .. Advioce Irom Mexico stato Maximilian will soon issue a decree ceiling sinuiou aim minora tu tho French as seourity for tho war debt duo France. Tho Herald's Kiulimond correspondent lays: Gen. Terry, commanding In Virginia, ruocived orders from Washington on the Ud inst. to mut ter out nil troops of Ins Department whoso ser vices aro no longer needed. The matter of the muster it left tu Gen. Terry's discretion, at a lurgo number uf trunps aro still needed in the Slate. It is thought his force will ho material ly reduced. Gov. Piurpunt has abolished tho old Virginia Court of appeals. Mr. I'iurpont expect! to have tho civil Government of tho Stato iu good running order by the lirst of August. Gen. Granger, tommnnding iu Toxat, tn re cently issued orders, gives the people distinctly to understand that sluvury has oeased to exist there, and that this result involves an equality nf persnnal rights and rights of property be tween, negroes and their fuf mer masters, at tho tame time he oounsclt colored people to reinaiu an plantations and continue to work, and warm them ugainst idleness. Fort Laramie, July 5. The oolnrnn consist ing of the second Missouri light artillery, equiped nt cavalry, with the twelfth Missouri cavalry, passed Columbia to-duy, en routo to the Powder river oouutry to co-operate with two other oolumnt now preparing to march from Lnrnmle against the hostile Indiana. New York, July 8. The Times' account of tho execution tnyt that Hnrrold made a state ment yesterday tn the effect that iu the original plot, his part wat to shut off the gas in tho the ater. He had ence rehearsed bis part with Booth, and afterward! ho wat only required to bo in waiting near the Navy Yard bridge to assist Booth in hit escape, l'nyne, on the night be fore the execution, snid at fnr at he knew, Mrs, Surrntt had nothing to du with the astaseinatiou pint. Kb-union of tub Students and Gkadu atks. The graduate! and students of the University were, hy tho hospitality of Hon. J. S. Smith, mado tho recipients uf a pleasant ro-union party, at the residence of Mr. Smith on WedncsHny evening last. Such meetings of the students, their teachers and friends, do great good in enlarging and liberal izing tho expanding and over-worked iutcllect, aud cannot he tuo highly commended. Mimtauy. We learn that urdcri have boon received for tlio consolidation uf tho Hist regi ment uf Oregon Cavalry, into four companies. By this consolidation, Col. Maury has beon mustered out of service. Mustkhku Out Ordert havo bocn issued from Department headquarters to muster ont of the service all men whoso terms of service will expire before tlio middle of October next. , Al'i'oiNTMKNTS. E. G. Uandall bus been appointed post master ut Portland in place of II. W. Davis resigned ; and L. S. Dyar to the same office iu Salem vice John T. Hamilton resigned. MARRIED. Ill Salem, July 20, by Kev. William Helm, J. L. Ad ams and M r. Mury June Kord, nil of Marion county. In Washington co., July 111, by Kev. Henry Sewell, Ilczckiuh 8. 0,uick und Mis Sariili Janu Mooro. DIED. July 2d, near I.a Orande, Tabilhn Theresa, daugh ter of Itev. Neil tfoliiiHon, aged 17 yrs. 4 mot. It) ds. U. S. 7-30 LOAN. . IT V AUTHORITY OP TUB BKCBETAKVOr THE TRKA8- ury, the umlcrilgntd him oMUtntd the Ueneral Buhner I p- Hon Agency fur the inle of UnlU'd States Treasury Notes, bearing seven ami threetvutlt per eeot. lutercst, per atmum. known as the stm-iiiim uu Time Notes are tailed under date June 15th, 1SG5, and are payable three years from that time, In currency, or are con vertible, at the option of tlie holder, Into U.S. Six percviil. GOLD BEARING BONDS. Tlicse bonds are now worth a premium of nine per cent, including (told Interest from November, which makes the ae tual profit on the 7-30 loan at current rates, Inclndlnfr Inter est, about ten per cent, pef annum, besides Ita bxri.pt.ok MOM STATB. at SO NCXICtPAL TAXATION, WJIICB ADM PROM OXS to tii a kb pbr crjit. horb, aeeonlliif to th rate levied on other property. Tlie Interest is payable In currency, semi annually, by coupons attached to each note, which may b cut off and sold to any hank or banker. The Interest amounts to One cent per day on a fft) note. Two cents f)00 Ten " $ui) SO " $1,0,10 It ' $S,000 Notes of all the denominations named wilt Iw promptly fur nlstied upon receipt of subscriptions. This Is tlio ONLY LOAN IN MARKET now offered by the Government, and It Is confidently expect ed that Its superior advantages will make II th a fiREAT l'OPll ARIO t 0FT1IE PEOPLE Uu lhan W0,ix0,0o0 of the loan tulhorlied by llie lait Cuniiros, are now In die market. Thla amount, al the rale nt which It Ii bring absorbed, will all be anlwrlbed for a-lihln four month,, when the noka will emloubtedljr command a premium, aa has anlfnrmr been the caae on cloaing the aubacrlptions lo other Loans. In order thai dllirns of eacrjr town and section ef Ibe eoonlrj maj be alT-inlnl faclllllra for Uklng the loan, the National Banks, Kale Bante, and Prlrale Bankers through out the country bar, generally agretd lo rrcelre eubacrlp. lions at par. gulawrltwra will srlect their owu agents, In aliora lliry hate connilrnce, nnd alio only are lo be reapoe sIMc for the dillvi-ry ot llie nolea for which they recelre or dm. JAY COOKK, aubarrlpllon Arrnl, Philadelphia. March STi.lSOt. AI)DCni7I. Pa Oraausn Tu-uairn : Pmi.inairsu, May lTlh,lll. S.I a,Tl,f all a,. cmtn,-iir-a on H-l Scries. Two Hun ilrnl and Thirty Mllllona tUi.ial,Mil prtclaely Ilka olhrr two fc-rlra, ratal Ualnl l.Mh J.ilj. and liutcmnirnl rraerrrs Ibe nt'lit lo pay six per cent. In Uuld Instead of J-H0 Curren- J.4Y fOOKK, Vubseriptloa Agrul, Philadelphia. I'our Drairnbin Town Loll Pit 8.U.E CHEAP. Enquire nf T. M OATCII, July 31, lOttf. Iwfol at the Institute. ' United States Tax Notice. 'TIIK AXXCAt. TAX LIST tiayi,,,, been rM In A mjr hands for collection, notice is ben-be ariven that I will, by myself or di-pute, attend al the follow iuk places, at llie lituee elated," lo receiea taxee and lasne lu-ensce : Al BALKU, Hon.lur, July Uln. and remain three dnya. At CnRVALLM, Monday, Aiiyibi ?lh, and remain Hire ilnve. Al KCllEXE CITV, Monday, AnKoat Hth, and renmin thive dure. At lALLAS, Tueaday, August '.SM, and remain two dars- Al I.AFATETTE, Monday, Ai.pul SKih, ,nd re main two daye. Tai fiivciw are rKinired In mil al the Collector a office. Ten per centum and milraiitj will he added when pcranna do not attend at the tune stated. Udic hours from 9 a, tn. oiml S n m- M. ( ItAWKOBD, , , , " Revenue Collector for Omrna. Portland. Jnlr IMij, lilw4 Soils' I ' I hereby giten thai the Awsanr nf Polk connte, Oregou, will lieal ibe Clerk e Office) in Dallas, in said cMiniy.on Mondav ibe Vlrt day of Anirast, Ii4. end. lakinit lo hia assistance Ibe Clerk, will correct all mistakes xhich may hare been made in ajwewmeute. U'M. W. HtMINK, Jnly 31. IS.V1. SU3 Assessor of Polk Co. ' toller IS hereby giren thai Ibe Incorporatnrt of the New El Ilvrado (Mirer Mining Compute will bold a meeting at the office of Dr. II. tiniib,'in Salera, Or egon, on the 'AM day nf Aagnat, 15. al 9 o'clock a. m. of said day, for the rotrpoee of electing ofBcere, and otherwise perfecting lite organiaati.m of saoai company, II. f Ml Til, en eel.if of the lncrratoca, bales, Oregon, Jaly 21, IHsaX Hlwl siege. It wits ro occupieii ny toe nuternuionc troops aft r a desperate fight, tlio rebula being oblige t evacuate,