1 New Goods, New Goods, HEATH, DEARBORN & CO. t Would roupBclfuIIy Inform tliolr friends, ' the puttie generally, aud every limly elm, tlwt tbey are Receiving I be Largest and Finest Stock of Goods ever opened fit Salem bought at " Panio ' Prlees," tot CAH1I, and for Nile nt corresponding rates 1 ,. ' ; . I Dry floods, " Clothing, Groceries, Dress Goods. IIhIii & Ciipn, Hurdwaro, Fancy Goods, ' Ladies' Hats, Iron it 8tMtl, Mantillas, Hoots At Shoes, Paint At Oils. . t i i ile.'r f etc. i etc. tie. i el.' t I A I i . I It .... t r , . 1 ::'". i' OTJIl COTTON GOODS were purchased at the very Iment point of the mar ket, daring the Cotton Panic in Hun Francisco., ' We Jiify eompotitlntt in thin line. examine lor lourieivcs. Ladies' Dress Goods. A very Fine Assortment of NEW STYLES, at the popular Con Pkicxs, with Hook., Tlireud, cto., put in of utnat. f v Crests' and Boys' Clothing, We would call especial attention to llii. Depart ment of onr lltialnesa, a being very COMPLETE, and at prices which cannot fail to satisfy. boys: clothing very cheap. .t ;h Ho Trouble To Show Goods. til Ladies' and Misses' Hats. 1 Tlie Latent and most Viishlnonable Stylet, consisting of the . 'NE PLUS ULTRA," "DIANA," "WATERFALL," ire,, etc. Acuta' " Grant," " Sliertnan," anil Liltle Phil" Huts. MANTILLAS, SHAWLS AND CLOAKS. Made expressly for this Market Real lirmilki I , . . ... - , . .. ' " ' Dress Trimmings and r Buttons, A very Large Assortment, nt such prices that ovun CALICO used not go unadorned. I, ., Also a Fne Block of . j gooti md Shorn, Hardware, Mining and Agricultural Tool", (Hum and Quccm 1 . ware, Paints and Oil, Ola, Var- .N 1, nlh, Iron and Steel Axle and , L Blackimillh'i Tool. i , i i .. . , Ever) Milng for Housekeeping, Ktnrekeepitig or "tiinahurt Hotel. Goods i '.advancing in Htm Francisco now. ;' m Highest Market Price ; PAID FOB AI.L KINDS OP PRODUCE, i WOOL WANXIUJO. REMEMBER THE PLACEJt , X6. 9, Crlswold'i Block, , " ' ""' " IIEATU, DEARBORN fc CO. Salcta, May 8,1865., ,; A CHANGE OF AGENCY. THE AGENCY i ' ' ' ... ' " WHEELER & WILSON'S SEWING MACHINE '"' baa been turned over to E. d. HAND ALL, Comer of First and Alder ate., .1'. ' ' ' ' ,' 1 ' , , ( PORTLAND. , t,r, , : tbx estabushed reputation " ' - " or tit ' WIIEELCII & W ILSO., aa bolus: the VKKT EBI IIMIIY W& MWl , i Uvor Invin(il, NEEDS NO AFFIDAVITS, ' Or Fnlitc ltrprrariUnlloM , In rmcntlDf? lis Merits to tbc Public. ' Tberefora, we simply IuvIm yon to i i CALL AND NEK TIIKM, ' . wilhallUie " NEW l!flPitOVEHKKTNI : E. G. HAgpATiT Arit," Comer of Kirst and Alder slrvela, nli PttRTI.Ani. Stf R. G. GNEATH, UDOLESiLE GROCIR, 25, Front Street, ' . (Opporita O. B. N. Co. -a wharf.) t ' rOKTLASD, ftHKOON. , C2CS3 3JY THE PACKAGE, ;.' Yir riwii, an , rreielsro Tilres and Fi-rlght. (7 Oidtra promptly OIW in baa Vnuwio if airi Portland, Mwh 90, IW.. ' Bmt PAINTING, TAINTING c ar ,i tnixun joujson. . . . "---U , ui Waitoa Palatial, ;i:iTiWA:ir,c, rVtper-liimlrjy- B, ninielnir , '"'It llb b.at of aiyla a kiwMt n.tM. . b -0 OVT 111, bUKkwutll slio DvttJ, u( (i.,,,1, y rJbio. . r,-C. A. U--I. D. MCU. K. (4., ,t. 4t j.riuiy,T..cF.i,o,Jl1',U1. " ' ! 1 .Li, i 1tXf fit BALK, a r"'A-BLOO' ItK,'K, and aln i , I " S'B d LAMMS' , i . i.M Hihwt M r oe- -ajpl'. Umil.., t . ws rosd t H.blimH ma, i, 1 w. tjwiipd A, CAKKT. ; Sugar, Codec and Pulu, KaJlurks "CAMI1UIDOR" and " ICI.Dlil I 0 li,' riton HONOLULU i)iiti:"i'. , Wo liuve to offer to the trmlo, at lowest rates, , forciuiu, 3,000 keg Itilmid BiiKiir, of various grades. 100 Kui-ks Coll'iio. iw rial I'uiii. , - ' 300 Kes Hymp. KICIlAUDS JliClUKKN, Vorllanil, May .llli, IMtCi. :1m III Annrdcd Klrt Premium at the Slate Fair. , i r t DA8HAWAY ' ' W ASHING MACHINE.' Patbhtko Jan. li, ISM. ST A 1 T.ETON ft MYKflS, fialcm, art now maiiurac luriiiK these machlnos, wliich, for ('bcuiinesa, ouono. ray In use, ease aim tuorougiinosa in warning, aro Unnrpatud by any Mirhine of lite kind E VER in van i J!,u, Thov also sell Tnnnii's natent eratta nnnclia mlf ad' limting CLUTllF,H WRlN(IEll,nW la the hest in urn, and can easily be attached to their washing ma chine. (live them a call. Manufactory next door to the uannion House, Baiem. May 28, IBM. i:iy AT COST. "DKLT, lc DKOWN will sell their entire stock of i) DitY ;ooi)n, ;k i;im:s, iiaiii). WAKE, ItOOTH and NilOJ H, CLOTH &c, ore, A T COST, to make room for a new stock. Parlies wishing to purchnso goods low, will do well by calling early, lerms, uasii. BKIX it BUOWN. Balem, May 1, 1H65. Htf DR.L.B.SKIFF Olllce in Monres' llrlck Duilding. Keslileiice, near corner of Klrst and Center streeU. NT) None but Onisbed operations Mrfirmal. I D desire the pntro.iHge of inch persons as wish operations performed in mo most peneci manner. Huleni, Dee.tUd, lWHt. 4V!lf Dr. W. B. HIMONTOX, CI HAPUATB of the Ponnsylviiuia Mcdirul College J ul Pbilitdelpliiu, hnving uiirinaneiitly located in this city, respectfully teuileis hie professional services to the citiMtns of Ka'lein nnd its viiluitr. Olllce and resilience nt M is. Iluiley's homo, nearly opposite the r.lirusa IHHIIW, nuiuiu, wrKK"" " ' GREAT ATTRACTION! " 'I j n '.j laij and Fresh .; : ARRIVALS SI'IB Mil S B R E Y M A N BROTHERS! fTTK tj.ke rdea.ure In uuiMuinclug tollie publinof V T Knletn tliat we are l.i.w In receipt ol a large anu wen selected suk-k oi Dry JooK ('lolliliiv, Ilool mid Miocm, 1 1 til, iind 'nptt, Ar. KHHiciully adapted for the Hpring uml Hummer trade. Our slock of Dry Oooils Is the LARCEST AND COMPLETEST KveroffVtrod bofora In Biilnm.itnd tlio sofortioti cum All tlie Latest Styles and Fashions In tho East Wo have also added largely to our stock of Grorerlci, Ilardwnrf, Crorktry and GlaMwnrt, And can offer to the pnblio and the trnde geiwrnlly (ill 10 AT DAltOAIlNH. All kinds ol produoa taken in exchange for goods. CAM. AND HKK BREYMAN BRO'S. Hiilem, March Iff, 181'iS. iWMMt)NS. In tlie County Oonrtof Yamhill roimiy, Orwjim, A- uiisk trm, iwu. ijiirrntm uorriiHin v. Aim row , Mi'irlmnt ei ule. defuiiiaHiilft. Hull fur ntluiwinur- mrnt ot Dower. riMI K lalmvo uuinpd dBfouJuut, Andrew Moirhuut, I X Imrvby Ktnnnioiied ntttl rtMitiirtul, in the iinitiu of lite State of ()rr)(tin, to Im unit npixtir Ht nnd in tho oouri libuva iianitHl on or Iwfore lite first day of the Animal trm Ihureof fur lKtiS, mill aiuwer tlie com pluiut of Inrreli ili'rrlmnt, pluintitt' iu the uhove uniillvd notion, who tuua for udinnHnnruuiont of hr lower tutereet In the IhimU of which Klert Mnirlutnt diud mixed, bitij the eat Imlf nf donnliuii land rluiin tit. til ; Aim, IU) uunta boiiHht of H. and K. llniu rluitnp, nnd part nf n town lot In luifiiytto, all in Yamhill ontiniT, Orviroii. And if rim fail to atwr, the plaiutltl w'illH)ly tor the rvliuf ilnn'iit doiimtirl ihI. llordurof lluti. J. W. I'nwU, Jnitf of ruitl utHiiU NTKWAUII & LAW Si N. June A, 1 845, 1'iwH Atlonmv lrr I'liiuiull. UI K1NKKS CAUDS. 4. H. HtTVHKIX. jus, n. imi.rii, N.rtai v Public. 1TC1IF.I.L ft DOl.l'll, Attnrncri anil ouni.nrs at uw, Hnli,-iii,n in (.'iutnecry, atul Proctors In Admiralty, ilttice over Post Oltic, Knmt .IriM't, Portland. K-'-uT nK.NHY LAW. ('i.iiiinissioii Moruliniit, and Importer and Pcnlor In Wagon Material. Hubs, Nookea. Kolha'a. Kliafta, llirkory Axles, A'cou hslid in hue to suit. Piour uud Vcd of all kinds, hinre V.'. Front street, Portliin.l and '.M siriK't, lalles. M'HI . T.KAtna. c a. cusl. CATON ft CURL, Attorneys t pmrtice In the courts of thl. Hmto. I .nw, still llticoiu Otis wold shriek, over Ib-ll At Hrowu's store, ISnleiu, Hen. Nov.oilMr,llil, IHJii. ,tf WiuTlA"MSlthIAilA)U at U. Iltllie in the Court llousa, HmIoui, tlr egnn. June, x. I "LI. Iltf T C. JOHN8t)N, Allorney and Counselor It at lw, (Iitkiiii City, Oregon. Will alleml In all busincse ontrtisted to his rare. Colleelions made and promptly iwmitteo. lv:i7 Dlt. J. W. M.'AKKK, l'hpvoiui) and SUR 11 K N , oifers his nroftwsloiiiil aervirm to I lie Hi ii.'ns of Salem and vicinity. tllllre In Mvers' build ng, oppomie ac.ivH. a. V.lf I I'MASON JtODKl.L.AtlvruuysalLuw.llnlhB, a a co ciialtty. tlrvgon. Wlf Ur. J. V. Mirlloil, IlHYSIflAW ANU HIK0KON.frnHrl( Ma J mouth. Pidk iH.untv, having retnnwd Iron. Ntn riaui iMu, is ihiw neriuanenily Iwnted in (tolcni, Of ttc, ttlina' drug sUna, ffouiuitimal siriMt. Itcsidc.ioe - Jo W ileou s l.tivk, i.pKH.iie tlie Ueuinw llin.se. Dr. J. H. Chltwood, WOl'I.I) take this nnhnd nfiuforniliiK bisfrkiul. ia I'olk eoan.y, with all others whu may rhnoae to xivo him a call, that be has removed to rialcia, where Iw ran be fuond at all honra, eait when p. frseiniwllv e.urair"l, at bia rrstdeiHw. on High strvo, oo IdiMsk south of j.wea or Krsd's Kactorv. Oalem, Aug. a, lm.. dllUw'.'ftf Dr. W. WATMOU RRHPKtTKI'I.I.Y nnrs his srrvlmi In the pme net NUKIIkltY, tilthlKI MIi'H, and MMH t i N K, to tlw eititeas of Kabrm and the enmxintliug entmlry. (.nice awl reailrare second d.ior Mnrth of the costers' Academy, on CliUKh street, fob. I, l ma. A LI .EN x LEWL,IniMirt.-rsaiidvii.d7-aalodealers la Urorerits,Iry OuoiU, t'leiliing, and Hoots and Bhovt. AIhi, solicit con.iunniriits ot Oregon produce, f.tr the Han Pranriso market, oa whicb liberal advance will be made IVrsons shippinai goods fma. the KaetoraAlaleslo onreara.raa rely apoatbetr reeeiviag prompt aura tlon.ai ssoderat ehara-oa. Otfce In Kaa t rancisco, HMKMiis.Hne.treet. rill E8TEK N . TKHlt Y, AttoniKV and Coal VJ selor al Ijw, Hln, Orsaon, tVn.raisaioner of I pda. and to lake tmt iinonv .acknow It.Iv'mh.iu.,V . for Iowa. Indiana. M.ee..ari, Miettitmn. falibwnta and Waebinaton liwralnry. Leller ,I Alor..v,ntl all oilier lll.iriiuicnisw. wnur,, "ntwii in su.tr. tloitre Pank olar at.enlion paid to taking leptior.,,l'l leeltoa of N'lci, Armnnla. Ae. a.tf T C- POWELL. Attorney at law, AlUny. Linu Co.. al (Iretfou (Mil CO In Molltellll a lluil'iing, n III ararltce in all the courts In O.eaoa.aiHl nroumily at- seud to all biiMut-Jui ..ii..icd lo h.cro. , I'artonlar at.es.tHit. paid useollrH-uona fiom l'orlaiad,Mio Kra. siscn and dsewbepa, ii, all parlsef Oregon. 'I lie besl ol rafasoaos givsa tf aVa.rad. 4otf SEWING MACHINES. l.-'LIAS IIOWK, Jit , Ilia flUHUNAl, I.WKNT J. J or of the Biiwing Mitchitie, was awarded tlie I'iiNt modal AT THE 1NTEHNA TIONA L EX 11 IB I Tl ON ! recently hold in London, over two hundred i;iid fifty kinds of Hewinir Miicliiims oiitrreil for compulition from nli parts of the world. This is The Greatest Triumph of the Age, and all who have an opportunity to am-ciJiin their merits nre satistledthat tlioy are TIIK MONT PKU- KKCT in iiieebaiiisiii uiiil tlie sunniest in construction of uny niucliinn yet produced, being eusily understood, not. at all liable w get one iij rrpatr,mm aie very uu ruble. They nre adapted to ALL QUAOlia OK WORK, and make a I'KHFKtT LOCK STITCH, alike on both sides of the fubrls. Krory ono should seethe IIOWK 1IACIIINK before purchasing. We also buve lue IMPROVED LITTLE OIAXT MACIIINKS, Price, und the NEW ENGLAND MACHINES, of the latest Improved pattern. Price, (13. Liberal Inducements ottered to agents jjr.nmw or i-ir.. No. 3 Montgomery street, Mawnie Tmnple, Han Kmucisco, Oenerul Agonls for myBmH - the Pseilic Ooast. BIIEPAUD k CO , Albany, and WM.CUKHIER, Portland, agents for the aulo ol the above machines. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP, COMPOSED Ok ' IODIDE POTASSIUM. With the CoinHiuii(l Concentralud Fluid Extract of Lungwort Augesture hooi, Aiiscess koo(, mwti Uoot. Cancer Uiait, Fever Jioot, Canker Weod, Con sumption Plant, (Iruvel Un.vol Plunt, Life Itoot, liverwort, nervine ivoo., riennsr iwn, caiwaints K.ail, K.:urvy OraM. Itoot, Hcrofula Plant, Uulllesuake Itoot, Rniiaw Hoot, W-a a boe Hark, Wintergreen, the wliolo scientillmlly prepared, nnd coniuiuiiig the full virtue of all the inuredir.nts muled in mi elegant Myr- iin, tli.it possuBscs u wolidorful power in the cure of UJMCUSUS. . . ( tONKTITlTION LIFE SVBll'. A nositive anil stacillc remeily for all dlseiuws orlg. itiatillg from an IN fVKK MTATIS Or TUN UMIOII, and for nil Ihcrcibiarv) lllf,ASM trnnsmittcd from PAUc.N l 10 CIUL.O. Puralysln, Hcmidcgia, Paresis, Purnplogla, Paialyala, Agitani ' DjKpcpsla. Indigestion. Liver Complaint, t'oiistipatlon, Weight ut Hioiimch,llilioiiaiiriM, Want of Appetite, Fliitnlciice, Had Hreuth. Scrofula. Htriiinu, flliiiidiihtr Kwelliugs, Vlceralioii, King's Kvtl, Lrywipoias, ra.lt Uueuiu. KhcuninllHin, (Artluilis) Nunmlgltt, (lout. Lumbago, 8 iatic, Tic lloloiiroux. NmousncHs. Nurvous llebilil.y,Confiiriou ofTlnijighta, I'ipilcpsy, laws of Power, bliutlorvd Nurves, St. Vitus' llitiicu. Mercurial lllwases. Salivation, Feeling of Winrinoas, Ilotliligof nones, Had Coiuolexiou. Aches in Hones, tlenreseed Snirils. (.'onstilution l.ile Hvrnp purges tlie system euliridy of all tl.n evil clfocts of Morrurv, removing the Had I In. al li, ami curing the Wenk Joints and ltlienimitic rains which the use of Calomel is sure to proiluee. It hardens Kpongy Oiinis and secures the toeth as nrnily as ever. Constitution Life Syrup Eradicates, root nnd branch, nil Eruptive Diseases ol I lie ISkin like I'lecr, Plmplca, Dlotchca, A ml nil other dilllenltina of the kind, which so much distignre thu oul ward npiicarancu of both males and louuUua, and otien making them a disgiutiug object to themselves ami their fr.emls. Constitution Life Sjrup OtTKRS ALL KWEI.LINfl OF TIIK fl LANDS, either of the Fane, Neck, or Femnle Itrenst. tVAs a Kenernl lllood Purifying Agent, the Life Byrup etaiels unrivaJled by uny prestnilio.i In I lie worm. Conwtltutlon Lire Syrup la the Poor Man's friend and the Hirh Man's bless ing, liny it, take it, and be cured. It is universal in its ell'oeta. win. ii. itr.'.u. m. i. Solo Proprietor, Now York laboratory, Ttro"klv!, L. I. rillt'K f'l per Untile t Six Dottles for l IV .Vol by Kxpnse to all parts of tlw country. Hold by IIODIJE A C'Al.r.I", is .nui I a. it avis, c W. WKATIIEHI'OKD, nili'.lllf Portland, Orciron. i:iie EVES, THE EVES Dr. i:. ii. r viti) i:i:, OCULI.ST AND AI'llIST. A HTEIl A I'liOTUAl'TKI) IlLIXDNKSSrf tnon J limn Wyo vt'nrn, Dr. I'm nice han lumlu hiiiiMilf ihmiroiiKhly uml afii-nlitiiiilly aoiimiiitfil with all liwtiwn o thf hv, aiol to now itrni-tu'inir with n anc OiM not wiquiiMMl hi the 1'nitctl Slalon. All oMMt0rt teriornii4i, iiicn tw iMrniiiKranta or crti')fj, CUii.it hy liiu-ur fMrntltuii, I 'ypnwion or AtMMirllKii, rtcrvutuiii or llfuhy nifUiUraiH'O rnwiiiK uvurtheeyu, Kilto-otioii of hiuplivdonia. or bulifitiiMi out of the ov, Artilicial 1'itpil, K'mtiihi laiu'tirymiilin, or cltHihK ot tear ivittte, and all de format iun of the Liilri, io., i-tc. Artilii iHl Kyi' invrtid without the lit pnin, and pouMMwinir all the inovrmiitjnml hiilliaiifV of the n-ul eye. A Inrnv nirtiiM'itt ronMaiilly on hund for kiih at NMUMiiuiblu prltioe. Tho DtHior'i Kye Itath for tlw treat int'iil ainl tmre of all lutrvoin divviua'a ia uat.il all OVor tills WtHNt. Thankful to thimo idivfiritiiin who Intro arnt him raitt lor oHruiion, nnd lhH that Inn nnivtrrHl ntc ri'M will watrant a rotitimiaiioii uf ihcir con In Unco His rdi hritv hk an om-mtor in rorxU'iiive with hi iHtwaM ; tut patirhta tmi iin-tt-niiuir themlvia for trvaliMMit and ovratioitii, from New York atul Ihwloii aiiiioi immiiity. klanr iatti'uU rau lw wen al the ltctir'i ollioe dal Iv. In ililii'iviit rliiLn'H of TVrovi'rt. ( ttliif i 7t7 ( LAY STHIiKT, (,iUvo Utu Via) war IMipotil Hlrret. hy lTo7ITH MENAGERIE AND MUSEUM. I!. l!Otl would with verv Rrcat plnwurti and con fidciH-tf annoiitt to the pitMifl that h han ofe,H-d n uciu'rul rx change of an mm in with tho hHwlcrti and honlloru lalonauorirfi, and that hi fitter pi ie lia proven ituto tm--Mftil, in round (Mem- of w Iih lie tat ervwtiMt n buudntK on a n w and couve utrni plan, with aiiMatdo nimrtiumia lor the nt-vtoa noxlation of hin am main, ao that rat-h mat la krpt m the inoel elauly Klat, niat in the stiuthtmlr ol it uat uml wihl lot it nt and a mparat aimriiuriit iu'd for (lie prvaHTYHtiHit ut Al iiiornU, NiiihMi Aiutiiiii, turd, nnd rurioaitici in irnoral. With thene inrn-aianaf fa rilittra, he enriirvi I y thinkilhe pithlir to U-uh or tend won! of nuy nnittmU. birds, nnhea, okin. ntiurralt, ruriitpitiot. or aiivtlnuaT that mar be ot intorwi, dead or nhre, and nH lo Hp w ith one or two, but arnd all thvy ran. lie fhHprmly lonm animate and irH'rimeu. IU ulM)iimki, ex haunt, and will libonillr nrutiuer at nny ouv for hi trouble. Addn'Mim follows, and n prompt anpwor will be returned t " Ida.p Noitag sj.L. .. .a w 1- A - eie, DiiYi'ni'Ut n'nu , or aii-wit. vw niiit wm?, nr M CM m s HraUti Ac Uhnupe, NNrarrsil and IHrt-haailrail i DENTISTS, (lOMMKliliAL alrwt, MkIvbi, Imvo removed larir joiti, from Ktaio street to Oriswold a bwk. and aro aow Inserting artthVutl leetl. In auy and all id Dm kto imptuved stysea, iuclmhug Vabmollo, Cuntlile, AmImmt base, ace,, aa wen a, oiu, auug ao riarpa wbatover, Uaiso doMroyeraof tbe natural toetk batng olle.lv discarded in lliair practice. Partmibir aUenlion given lo diseases of tho guns and laws; al. to the regulation ol en.l.lren s teetft Tela Inserted front one tooth I" a full set. t "All eoeratbtfta warrautrtl. 1V4A New and i-'rcsutootls. TK are now In receipt of a VF.UY LAKOK and , f wen sctecte.1 oaonrtuieni oi eireryinini; tu our one, einbrwhnr. LAOIKM (IlluiiS of every aWni'iem in gm.1 vsiiclv. We have u!m a Hoe hit of M KN A AND IIHY N irKMSIIIMKIOOD.S.arrairdas si- tal d, a.Hinrnt, nn stair. ron-iima.iddM..ilr DKY finnpS. OnOCKRDUS. HAUDWAI1K, IKiN, t'lttH'KKHY and MWI KU I.ANMU'H liotiim of all kinds, as n..wl. which we an, oneru.( riieap lor cash, or any kind of pmlave, at inc niurp aia, act Ttr, j it ki n wooRrs. Wlem, July fcr,, l. i, g PUHT1II0K B ITTIRS. S. T.-1860-X. The rapidity with which 1 riAMATIOII iiintiis Iluvobccome iiIIOUSKHOLD NKCKSSITY through out clvihxed nations, is without pur ailel in the history of tho World. OVER TWO HILIIUS.ONE I1UMED TUOUSASO Were Sold In TWELVE Months. AND The Demand Is Dnily Increasing t KICII and POOK, OLD mid YOUNG Ladlen, Fnyslclani and Clergymen nun taat it Jtovlve Drooping Hplrltm, IndsNTHENTHtolh Syslcin Vigor to the Hind, Attn is Exhausted Nature's Great RESTORER. Its effect, In cases of DYSPEPSIA, EoHNorAiipi-litOiWcnkiioftfi, Eci'k ive FhOkih', Koiir Kiomiirlii Moii . lul UitMitondfiicy, Ac. IS MOHT EXTUAORDINARY. ' It Is composed of the choicest roots nnd herbs, tho the celebrated CALINAYA II A UK, etc, all pre served In pure ST. C1I01X HUM. As a gentle Ai'0 lizcr, und lioalthy, agreeable Htlinulant, It has no eitial. It is solk hy all respnctublo dealers, In every Town, Parish, Villnge ami llunilct, throughout North nail rlouth America, Europe, aud tho Islands of the Ocean. I & None can be genuine nulcss bearing the pri vale United States Stamp ovor the cork, with bigaa lure on steel plate label of P. A. DRAKE, St. CO. HMITII Ac RAVIH, 71 Front Nrco, Portlnud, Oregon. HOLE AUR NTH VOII OIIMiON, nnd the Territories. March !7h, W- fiml HARDWARE XV IMPORTEt) DIRECT Jii FltOM TIIH niAtrA:Ti'Ht:iis IN ENGLAND, ANI 1'KOH AI.L Till) Celebrated Manufacturers II HIE EASTERN STATES. A CaUUS.1 Slo'k ol Agricultural Implements. Also Constantly on Hand A LARGE STOCK Boots and Shoes Direct romllie Celebrated liiuufuclurrrv 13. D. GODFUEY'S ClUA'llltAXlOI) 1IOOTH (onsiant! on Hand, and Tor Sale by EW.CORBETT. PortUnd, Joly II , IST4. y6!7 Why do you use an Inferior Article WI1K.N yoa can buy al lha same price? The celebrated "Downer Kt'roeu'iie Oil' The best oi.l - pore, w lute and noa explosive, barn ii.gw.lka brilliant, steady Aaa.o,ai.d. conbi.uug all Ilea advantage of this .ucouip.irnbW aiel eWdpeel illnminalor, willraal Ihe altrmUul risk and danger ol oxplosioa. is asing a poor article. At MIM1RK8. Sale.J.a IOih.lH.3 4f WAlt HCHI1. 'IMIK undersigned will pan base OrwHi and Wash I llurt.w War 1'laia.s, N,. iHl.d t Uiios. Oullawel limits, kcand will uko claims fw colUciion oa rooanuabHi lenaa. CA ION klIKU Halem.llaa April 9.IS.-.I. HI A fn.rJ. Dlt. WAHINSKR having returned to M. fares aear 1MI.I, will give strict attention lo all rolls ia too line of bis pr(cM,n. HrtM, Sdkeonly.(reoa.Nnv.M. IH Ivpd J. H. I NItK.RWlHlD, ATTORIKY AT LAW, SVGKSB CITY. VBKfiOS. S"ai Ht L o, o. r. ('lla.Kl r t ioihi. "o. I, men. svry - djs W.lM4a; evtelha. al Ha ball IB llwlMaa', na.aiw. muvn la - i aw u VIIH Issm.4. U. M MRUl l. O. i. M.Uiss,a.aRntary. M PROVISION STORE rpllOMAH If. f'OX, at his old stand on Commercial 1 Street, Salem, keeps constantly on bund a well selceU'd stuck of FAMILY GROCERIES, ..sucn as.. Teas, Syrujis, (,'oiree, Sugar, fcC., cVC, AtO, ii uituuiiiui IN'ii Nllttt, t'liiiilli'S, CIGARS AND TOBACCO, Choice Mines and Llpors, For Medical Purposes, In short, everything required to supply the household wants oi The Best Regulated Families, ALL KINDS 01- MERCHANTABLE OOTJINTJHY I'lrOJJUCi:, Potatoes, Turnips, Carrots, Parsnips, Ac, BOUCHT AND SOLD. Prices to Suit the Times. qUICK SALES, SMALL PROFITS. Doors open at nil business hours l Atlmlsslou Freo! No Charge Tor Examining Stock. Articles delivered to any part of tho City, VREB 0t,I1AK0E- TH08.H.C0X. Salem, March 13, IStti. 1865. CAN YOU READ? 1865. OUR BOOKS ARE CLOSED. For particular!, enquire nf lite Proprietor. NotoH Riitl Account To dispose of. nri'on't wait until you nre called on. Get Out of Debt, and Stay Out! Every Variety of Goods, FOR SALE, AT LOW PRICES, If Oil CAHTI, or almost anything else, except PROMISES. J.1I.&.I.U. MOOHKS. Salem. Jan. 2, ISB5. dltf Fanners, Mechanics nnd Traders, or TUB WILLAMETTE VALLEY : TT AVINO opened a house, und and established my- XI self in OREGON" CITY, Forthe transaction of a General Mercantile Muri ne . would beg lenvn to call your attention to the fact that we can sell goods as cheap in Oregon City as they can In Portland i we expect to keep a general assortment of merchandise, such us groceries, dry goods, boots and shoes, hardware, tanner's tools, queoneware, rntlcrr, Nalom cloth, gunny sacks, wrap ping paper, Ate, ice. Also, Liverpool and gronnd uliiin salt, uml a good assortment of drugs, indigo, blue vitriol, ore. All of which we will sell nt Port laud prices thereby saving tho freight to the pur chaser. We will also take wheat, oats, butter, barou, hint, eggs, pork and poUitoea in exchange, or pay the cash for thu same. Call and see. WM. HARLOW. Oregon City, Nov, l.lSfrl, lyfli " CONSTITUTION WATER." THE OSLY REMEDY For Diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, Gravel, Dropsical Swellings, GENITAL DEBILITY, Etc. Tub ATOKriNina hi-tknn which has attended this 1NVALUAIILK Medicine ren ders it the most vnluable one ever discovered. No Iniurnsire enn convey an adennnto idea nf the immedi ate and almost miracnlons chnnge which it ocrueions in the debilitated and ehnttored eyeteni. It. fact, it stands ilnrivallud us a remedy for the permanent cure .f the niaiauiea atiove mentioned, una uleo DIAHETES, IM POTENCY. LOSS OF MrSCTLAIi ENEROY, PHYSICAL PROSTRATION, INDIGESTION, SEMINAL WEAKNESS (ILKET, FLUOtt AL1IU8, And in every disease any way connected with Ihe dis orders or iiemv oi tne rKOiiicAiivr. iiinu T10NS. Persons aboat to marry, if coiibcioits of any weakness, siiouiu niKe tno CONSTITUTION WATER. W bother brukftt down by exrctm, wmk hy nalnre, or imjmirvd ty u-KnHi, uia ntitMrniiK una nmxei orvn ixtiiiuit in nt onro relimred, ntvivwl, uml built U. n clt miiv tl; etHeuraifHi medu iiie im culled the MEDICAL WONDER 'I ho stAMihiiiir, tremblitiir victim uf dcnrt-iMiion mid debiMtv hecutiu't u nw imiiii be tUttmU nrwt, lit uiuves witb linu step : hi mind, which whs prnvi ohkIv wink in it loom of an Hlmont itlioiic njntby, be come briifbt itnd active ; and he irnes forth rrucVne- rwtttl, rotitM'imw of nw vnror. I bo mrdinntf nurbwi UiNSTU'tllUN ilwll.andreMureeit tuiu normal conditittn. irritation of the Srrk of the WntUfr fnjtnmmtitiott vf fit' ntttmpt, nnt ntarrh of file isfnft(ert Strftnciftrtf ,tntl ltHrtitHirtnr Painful (rrin. uhHift Ltiletthi. fiVfiiW, Hrick . irottt and Mrou or Milkjf ckargn After lrimattnir. For them dim-am. it w trntr a overriirti irmttW. mid too mtirb run not be mid in (U pniiw. A niti.e done htm hii'n kiniwn to n-lii've the inont itrvent vmp liiiiis. TKY IT iu tlitM taaea, und you will ever give yuiir praiw. to CONSTITUTION WATER! lllOM ! WlltllleM, Aro von troi.hlsd with li nt distressiiur pain in the omill of tlie t.aclt, and thnah vour bllis T I 0S1 1 1 1 HON WATER will nlleve'vou like magic. Dr. W II (iUElin, Propri.-tor. MORI1AN Al AI.LKN. Oeiwral AgvnU, New York. IIOMTVTTI'11, H.niTII oV DKAN, Agents for the I'ncltic Caul, 401 and 403 Battery Street, Comer I lay, San Francisco, nnd IIOlMili Ac ( Al.KF, SMITH Ai DAVIS. W. W KATUKRFOKD. 9tf Portland. KYiri', ui hui:i.i., & o., l',rvtrtiujc At ComutlMMloii MERCHANTS, Iinportrra aad IH-alrra ia Antucrt.TCR.ir. imp if. vests, gardes ASD FIELD HEEDS, c, dc, IITILL iv sl'ECIAL ATTENTION lo the sale of and all kit KKI IT. I I UIH II. BS.S.V. n Portland, Victoria. and all ki", Is of Oreaon l"iwliice or Sea Francisco markets. We are also prepared lo attend lo tlie pnrehaer and shipment of Hoods iu New York or Boston, and trans act a general eiw.Bi.seMm basmeea 1'ersou. ordoring geode abipHal from lha FjuHerti Stales to or ran,, ran rely upon tlwur racwvuig Sconiut alleuliou. II Kxsrr, Kan Francisco. .Krr,(r",-,J- KNAl'P, llt'KRKLL. A CO., W Fr-ml St. Ponland.Orecon. Offiea in San Fmnrisrn. :tlll Washingtes. St. X if W IT IV 1 AY SCHOOL aao OXFT BOOKS, IKOM THE AM KMC AN TIUCT SOCim and MetMMU-hiiawtta 8uiidiir Muud 8orivly. For mlratMeearn. Itunrrrri flt Mim.llcr, rtnt MitH, ncarAUW, r)HTt.AM)t VKXUOX. KcirinK itrw mTttirtw oinininiT. a. H. ATKINSOV, Secretary aad Trwtsoror I wo Trarl S..!,, crl UMUNDLIK, Drp,wu,ry li. D. TIAiOX, Physician, Surgeon, and Arcouriicr, TT AVINO pormanentlv tid ia the file of St. II l.F.M, would rsc4fully solicit Uit patraiuMco of rnra-Slale SL, la Headaartfr., Itii'lmrilM A nii'C'rakon, Forwarding and Cummins'wn Merchants ..ANtl .toiuirits IS.. Oregon Flour, Fruit, Bacon, Lard, UllAIN, Vc., Ami. I 1MB, CEMENT and PLASTER received byovory Juailing vessel. iT Will uttend to tho pnichnse nnd shipment of Merchandise of every description in the Eusiorii nnd San Francisco markets. Also to forwarding gooda iu Siiu Fnincisco and Portland. The llclebrutcd Miinuy Rcnpcr nnd Mower. and Agricultural Implements of every description fur nished for cash at bau Francisco cost und Irausporlit- '"we will also attend to the sale of Oregon Produce in Victoria, having established a house in that place under the iiiaiiugcineiil of Mr. 1). Fink, a gentleman ol eight years' experience in the trnde in San Francisco. S ' . JOHN McCttAKHN, Commercial Wharf, Portland, JAMES II. RICHARDS, 37 Sacramento street, San Francisco. tBItf SAMUEL BANS, Manufacturer of Chairs, Bedsteads, Doors, bash, Blinds, Window-Frames, Cornice, Ac, Ac Also, every variety of OUTSIDE AND INSIDE FINISH 'J'lii'iictl to Order. moulding of Every Description, Scroll Sawing, and Turning, Ho keops constantly on hand, Balusters, Newett osi-i, Chuirs, Hcadsteada, Nash, Doors, Hliuds, Moulding, etc. Porsons desiring uny of the ahove will please to cull and examine for themselves, us I will sell CHEAP FOR CASH. OAiuUCu JtABO. Halom, Dec. HO, ISM. 4Hll' J. H. HAAS, 0omruerclii)Btreet,8aleintDealerln (SOLD AND SILVER WATCnES, JEWELRY, Solid Silver nnd Plnted Hnie, FINE CLOCKS, 1 Spectacles, Fine Cutlery, 4c. f All goodssold by me are WAHHANTKl) to be as reiircsenteu. j Ite:iiriiiK. Partlcalsraltentlon iialrl In repairing fine Watches, i Clocks, Jewelry, Ac. ( ALL WORK WARRANTED. ( Salem, Oregon, Nov.8, 1808. lj'SS E. W. TRACY & CO., (.Successors to Tracy Si King,) AS8AYER8, l'oiilaml, Oii'nn, H10I1K8T PnlCB PAID TOIt GOLD DUST, LEGAL TENDER, &C. Mining Stocks Bought and Sold. Omcs i !& Front Street, 1st door below Arrigonl's SALEM FOUNDRY . inn MACHINE SII01, Sitli'iii, Orotfon. IARAKK & MOOlfE, Munnfactiirers of STEAM KNllNti,MiA IlOJLEJtS.&im Mills. Orist Mills, Reapera. Thrnslien, Puinns. and and nil kinds aud slylcsof tnuchiticry. Muchiuery repniredut short Notice, PotUini-Making done in all its various forms, and all kinds of HRA8S and IRON CASTINOS fur nished at short notice. B.F. DRAKE, Wlf J, II. Ill HIKE. OTJlt TIMK 1 1 AH COMIC. ALL persons indebted to us In nuy way will please consider themselves invited to come forward and sonic up. If it is impossible for you to pay, come andeay to, and let us know when you can. Biiouui tins general invitation not oeneiieeueti.it will be necessary for us to issue more ssviVrand more urgent appeals, nt the expense of the invited. Expcclintr to chunuo our business, we intend aellinir goods in future forttie KEAD-PAY. No more ac counts made, except very tthorl onet, and hv 'SPE CIAL A U RAXuEME N T with PAYINO CUS TOMERS. J. II. oV 1. 11. MOOKKN. Salem, Oregon, Sept. Utlth. !27tf. COX is HDD, HAVE Jiwt rivtd, ilirpct imm San Fmnrirwro, a LAHUti STOCK OF DRUGS & MEDICINES, Pa In Is, Oils, Glass, W hito Lead in Tins, Varnishes of nil kind, I'AI.M AM) YAKMS1I UUl'HUKS, Tube and Common Colon, Turpentine k Alcohol KEROSENE OIL. LARD, POLAR, A HI) KEATSEOOT OILS, reiTiiuicru-, Fancy Soup, Hair Brushes, Fancy Toilet Articles, Together with PATENT MEDICINES, of the latest discoveries ; And many other nrticlca, too nnmemns to mention all of which we oiler aa low as the lowest, for meh. Call and examine COX St. LAUD. Salem, Dec. I'J, 131.1. 4:ilf JOKEFII A. B.IKEH, SlDDLE&HiBHfSS MAKER, UllL'tl I llL'i I T 8ALK.M, OIIKUOX; fXil 2& ' i NX '-'J:rj OppoMle tho Eureka Stable. JHAVK conlantly on hmtd, and will tell, at pricen Iu fii it the timeii. the following articli-, via : CONCORD TEAM HARNESS, COXCOKU 8T.IGK HAB5ESS, All Kinds Team and Flow Harness, LADslCN MAUDI.ICN, Texas lumber and Oregon Saddles, ItrldlcM, Ilultoi-ss, CARPJAGS HARASS, SINOI.E AND DorilI.Ei SADDLE-BACS AND WHIPS, SPANISH SPIT'S AND HITS, TRACE AND HALTER CHAINS. THmmtiiif mid irpiilriny rmmptly attended to. All work wurrauted to iive MttuifHriiotL I 9 I can iipplv tlioin the cottntry with collars ih w nuirmre prim. (live o a cnil, audxamine for yourwUea. TlKkt ALLEN'H LUNG BALSAM! the aiMinr roa ccaiao Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, t KOI F, DISi: S:s of Ihe THRO t, ; roa, Situ, ram and Oppression . vf the Viesl or Lungt, P,Jfi, lt Breath ing, and alt th Distastt ,"f Pulmonary Ort;am. TTS action is Mpecton.pt. alterative. ,nd..rifie. smla i live, mapiien nc. and .Imrelie. whicli renders it oik of Ihe most valuable remedies kbown tor enriuii ais cam of the lung. It excites expecloration; ami CJinse. tbe lulik'. to thntir ..a" .I,. i.l cha;es the heckf.tIosi, ad pc' HIFIES THE HI.OUD-. beak. th. SJA . givea strengili lo um dmsiiva owns; hnnvs the liver t its proper action, and imparj strength lo (! whole Tlem. rnch is the immcliate and satisfactory ef Irrl.tlaU H wi muled hmk nn the moot dit treswng eongk in a few honra' lime, if not of too Ioiik aire enure ealMnsrtMin. eveniailie ewsf msmral cows of ns,as,nNa w warranird n. lo prlnce nvliveneM (which (s " w no n,tm reme.iwl nt anert Um bead aa il 7'?.'??." ?'".' ? I"n" warranted lo he It .KFl.CTi. 1 ttAhHU:SS to them,., oVIk," iuei. aonoiuin n is acuce as powerful remedy f. r.jsra. mere m no real genwh, f,,r r,. v"'u k' coruwmptieo. when ALLEN S fin preveui it, if only takea in 8.'U hy all IrotfSi.t,, Tri.-e l w, K,,u StIITII DAVIS. hrfcuKl (A . Ueaeral Agvuta for tbe ataU. ITIAKE KOO.TI FOIt Till FLORENCE make Four Distinct Stitches, Feed the Work, eilher icay. Sew 7 Am and Heavy Goods tirilhout Change of Tension, Will Gather and Sew On at the same tint. Il makes a Stitch alike on Both Side of Ihe lanrtc, tin ivo frpnnfrs to uei uut of Order, and it the Most flapid Sewer in the World. Every Machine Fully War- , ranted. Wo, the undersigned, have each purchased a FLO. HENCE SEWING MACHINE and have them now Iu use. We have tlioronglily tested tliera on work of all grades houvy, medium nnd light and onr opinion is that the Florence is durable, will not easily get ont of order, it strong nnd simplo In construction, and its use ia cosily learned by the most inexperienced. , It will do a greater range of work, with less trouble aud chango, and we consider it altogether bolter than a any other Family Sewing Machine we have ever seen. Mrs Ir Chnsn HI Turk St., 8 Y Hn D H Collin..... 20Clayt., 8 V Mr, J li Wooster Folsoin at., 8 V Mrs 8 D Oilmore MS Folsoin at., H V Mrs Dnniel Dunn 414 Folsoin St., 8 F Mrs J Npiuonl. SU8 Rich at., 8 F Mrs Alfred Wheeler "47 Mission St., 6 V Mrs Henry Miller 851) Howard St.. 8 F Mrs Emily llidwell 749 Market St., H F Mrs Surah Landers 704 Market St., 8 P Mrs E II Ohm 211 Geary St., 8 V Mrs G A Carnes Jackson Place, 8 F Mrs lliaiirh Pucillc, ueur Leavenworth St., 8 F tin W 11 Bnrnara MIS Kearny St., 8 F Mrs E Ilarpor,Sacruineiito,wetof Iieaveuworlb 8 F Mrs llnriet dishing Ulfi First 8 F W H Rulofson cor. Montg'ry and Sue sts., 8 F Mrs Priicll 1)10 California St., 8 F Mrs M 8 Morton G:i2 Sutter St., 8 P Mrs Hohen 017 Pine St., 8 F Mrs Ann Hrndloy il!i California St., 8 F Mrs (leoll Parker UMBtevensoust., 8 F Mrs John c ccriict mission iiolores Miss Annie McBoyle El Dorado Miss Maggie Mclioyle El Dorado Chas8 Preble Sacramento Louis Stcgtnan Hanta Clara J W Hong Oakland Airs AM J'unlmnt Oakland MrsOrrie WOodiU Onklnnd MtuDOSniill Oakland Mrs Mnry E Ilnrckhnlter Dutch Flat MrsOJ Oliver Napa Mrs Snninel T Tong Clurksville, Eldorado oounty Win Roddick Fourth Crossing, Calaveras county Mrs C E Comslock Nnpa City Mis Joscpli Kcefer....Clnrkesvilte, El Dorado county Mrs John O'Neil Jamestown, Tuolumne county H1I Furquhur (County Clerk Nevada City E W Iligelow Nevada City N W Kuowlton (practical niucbiiiist)....Novndii City C M Hates, M 1) Nevada City John lleiningcr . ...... Nevada City II tlackie nevaoa uity P DrnnstiUir Grnsa Valley OCShorcv Seattle, W.T, D Horton.' Seattle, W. T. Ilcnry Jnckson Wutsonville, Santa Cm: county Mrs Albert Hinder Ban Andreaa Mrs Newton Damon, dress maker Bud tuilorcss, fcev- enth it., between iJryunt and urunuan, San r Previous to purchasing the Florence I owned the Howe Sewing Machine. Mrs J. CRAWFORD, L-opperopons, uuaverasionmy. I used the Slout Elinliu .Machine six months previ ous to purchasing tho Florence. Drcssmuker, 16 Post street, San Francisco. We- whose name follow, owned and nsed the G ro ver & linker Sewing Machine previous to purchasing tho Florence Mrs Mnry A Merchant, dressmaker, 810 Stockton street, San Francisco. - . Mrs 1) Weller, dressmaker, 406 Dnpont street, Sun Francisco. Mrs Clias Uuiay, 419 llrvant street, San Francisco. E A Love, Angel's. Cala veras county, California. Mrs M J Roberts, b-10 Howard street, San Francisco. Mrs L 11 lh.yley, Portsmouth sllouso, San Francisco. Mrs Julia Lyons, Target street, near Tehama, Sau Francisco. Mrs Harriett nowos, CIS Post street, San Francisco, We, whose names follow, owned and used the Wheeler Ac Wilson Sewing 3luchine previous to nur- kchasing the Florence: Mrs J 1 Ulatn, Hubbard street, near Howard, Ban r rancisco. Mrs 1 S Itonvlps, 414 Folsom street, 8nn Francisco Mrs M Young. '21 1 Stockton street, San Francisco. A M Flint, C L Flint, Sun Juan, Monterey oo., fai lure U r oacason, r.i uorauo ct tiorauo conuly, Cul. Mrs C L Taylor, ilU Dupout street. ; Mrs Sarah b Miller, SacrameMo. Mrs A Nash, cor Stevenson aud Ud sts. San Francisco. Mrs Thomas Mitchell, Mokelumno Hill, Calaveras oo. The following named persons owned and nsed the Singer Sowing Machines previous to purchasing tho Florence: Mrs A J Turner, !fl Beak street, San Francisco, Mrs II li Osborne, bl2 Powell street, San Francisco. Mif Annie Dailey, liitsh street, below Stockton, Sao Francisco. Augustus Urown, 134 Sutter street, San Francisco, Mrs F Scherb, 73 Mission street, San Francisco. Mrs Sarah P Vick, dressmaker and seamstress, 109 Stoveuson street, Sau Fruucisco. 1 believe I can fnlly and ennsricntionrly Indorse each qunlilication claimed for the Florence Mnrhine. I have thoroughly tested it on work of nil grades, and each trial bus been eminently satisfactory. It lakes hold of a delicate fabric delicately, aud of a strong one with strength. To me it seems more than a machino tin nlmnsi intelligent, willing helper. lis use is easi ly It-nrnod and its cnnstmclion is certainly simple I know something of the other first elasa Machines, learned lo operate several. This is the only Sowing Machine I have found RELIAHI.E. MRS PERKY O TEFFT. Sau Andreas, Calaveras couuty, Cul. I have nsedlhe Wheeler At Wilsonnbont two years, the Tsggart a Farr aix months, the Sloat Eliptio aliont ihe same length of tinie, tlie Williams At Orvia nearly two years, and have dealt in several of tho small Machines, until thonuighlydistmsted with every Machine lliat sews with only one thread. The Flor rence ie the only Machine that has come under my no licelhul gives perfect and entire satisfaction on all kinds of work. No one can estimate lis value mull they huve used and u-sled it. as 1 have doiui. Indeed, for thin work it is invaluable. GEORtiK GILLI'S, Carsou City, N. T. I have nsed a Florence Sewing Machine for two Vears : I brought il across the Plains ; It has never vet been out of order, and I can truly say it excels all oilier Machines that I have used. I ran a Ladd da Webster six month. ; a Wheeler & Wilson eight months ; and nsed a Orover Ac liuker, alternately with Slant's, for I wo years. ' I am familiar with the Howe, and several of tho small Machines, hut I never nsed one Hint would do all kinds of work toennal tlie Florence. I do not think it caa be too highly recommended. lilts ISAAC r.l.LlS, Alarysvflle. After having a Florence Machine in nse nearly a year, I feel that I can truly recommend it as hrimr all that is claimed for il. 1 buve used Singer's, drover & linker's, nnd the Wheeler ot Wilson ilarhiue, and consider the Florence superior to nnv. MIW JENNIE A. EG AN, Wilmington, LsajAngules couuty, Cat. We could refer to many others who are using tlie Florence if it were ueeeseary to do so to convince the public thai these Machines are what ia claimed, the 1I'M l'uuiily Sewing Machine In' the World Over Seven Hundred FLORENCE MACHINES have been sold on tliia coast ia the short ime since the- Agency hat been established here, and we make ibis slroug assertion, as convincing prorif of their worth, that nn oerson ran bcfonudwboliaaa Fhwiee thai woald el change A for a Family Sewing Machine of auy other luanulao ture. AGENTS - FOR THE S ALU 0FTHE FLORENCE MACHINE. Otoaoi A. RsnnsLL..... Osoai.i Viscsst J L. Pot-asast R a Ham.- v Mrs. S E. LiRcoana.... L. P. Vian Nevada fllT. Stockton. ..... IM J t., Pacranvnio. Yreka. Virginia. N. T. Portland Oregon. E. C. Kassioss... M. Wot t.HItH... UP. Colli ,. Is KC. ssvts.. Jacksonville, Oregon. Onavmas, Mexico, Traveling Agent. Travell .ig A noil. THoa-rma Wasri.tr. ... Traveling Agent. Msrhku... will U. ,,...! I !, -II 1 .1 Amhsa at San Krairrisco prices, wnb addition of freight. SAnt ELIIILL, General Agent for Caliloraia aid the Pacilie toasl, 111 M0NTOOMERT RTREET. oetlnwif HAS FRASCISCO. N. a PAJittlMl At CO., Ageata, HA I. EH ,