r fthc (Owfloit .'tiitcsmau. TKUKiltU'lllC NKW'S. Cniro, Juno 1 1. Morgan, tho ruliol wholnjl yrnrshnt (ion. Ciinliy, hns liven arritstjd. Nuw Orleans advicus of the lilh, statu tlmt mi important chin to 1 lie cause of the Into disastrous explosion lit Mobile, it in thought hns boon ob tained. A mini naiiicM Wall, hns boon arrested at Moliilo, clinrpfd with buing implicntuj. Ho slates I li nt lie and two olhur men, on tlm night pritvioun to the explosion, placed torpedoes lm tweon tlio Imihliiifr containing tho powder, and that tho work wan performed under direction from n rebel Major, who threatened them with. instant death if thoy dinobeyod or allured a resistance, and that the Major aftorwards lighted, tlio 'fuso of tho shell connected with thoinfernal machine. Torpedoes went also discovered in the rooms of tin) Custom House, so arranged as to oxnludi) on tho opening of the doors,1 others were found concealed in desks of tlio same building, '. v v Newborn. N. C, Juno (i Intelligence from all parts of Nottli Carolina, indicate the return of the poople to loyalty to tho United States, Persons from different counties are establishing n polico system for tho purpose of Maintaining order, and suppressing: depredations. .' ' Tlio prospects are, that tho movement to restore civil law, through the inauguration of a new State government, will call out the largest- vote ever cast in tho State, so anxious.are the people to return to peaceful pursuits. President John son's amnesty proclamation was well received by the people of this State; also, tho appointment of Mr. lioldon, as Provisional Governor. ' . . The people of South Carolina have called upon the United States military authorities at Char lotto in that State for protection against their own people who were committing depredations upon eacli other ' . , New York, June 11. Richmond and Peters burg dispatches show rapid revival of business in these places. Great progress has been made towards reestablishing civil government through out Virgina under tho auspicies of Governor Pierpont. The authorities as fast as - practicable and politic, are turning over the State property to the chnrgo of tho new administration, and in a much bettor condition than was feared, when it fell into their hands. . .; A dispatch dated Lexington, Kentucky, June 10th, says : Reliable information, has reached the friends of John 0, Breckinridge at this place that lie has arrived safely at Cuba. Ilow ho got there they refuse to say. , .' ,., , Washington, June, H. Dispatches received at tho State Department, iiunouiicos ihat the Gov ernment of Holland has, formally rescinded tlio recognition of tho bolligerent 'right '-accorded to "j the rebels. This is in response to the appeals of mis uovernmeni auuressenjto an marine powers,. The Uussiau Minister; Huron Stockol, and the Spanish Minister, Mr. Vttssiir,, waited I "on Mr. Seward yesterday afternoon at the State ''Depart ment, and expressed in tho name of their respec tive sovereigns profound condolence and sym pathy of the two great nations for tho national loss sustained by the assassination of the Presi dent and tho dreadful sulfcriug of the family of mo occrotary or Htato. i Hoy greeted tho Secre tary most cordially. . The linrenu of Internal licvonuo decides that it does not feel authorised by law to regard the amount received on policy of. insurance, either legacy or income, consequently assessors until further advice will not hold such amounts to tax. New York, Juno '12. At Chattanooga a tre mendous explosion and lire occurred on the eve ning of the Uth, supposed to have been caused through carelessness. Sparks fcotn a locomotive ignited loose powder in the ordnance department mid exploded several tons of fixed ammunition And loose ponder. Shot and shell were sent hiss ing about town, killing and wounding many. The iniinenso Quartermaster buildings took lire The loss is a quarter million of dollars. Tho railroad is nearly completed to Atlanta. Prnmiuent rebels aro being arrested iu lower Georgia. . It is estimated that -the total amount of cotton secreted west ofMississippi, is one hundred thousand bales, two-thirds of which is iu Arkan sas. Pierre Soulo is in Mexico. " .; Ex-Governor Moore was arrested nt Mobile and sent to Washington. , . . Gen. Molineaux has ordered tlio school teach ers of Augusta to take the oath of allegiance.' Orders have boon sent lay the authorities of Au gusta, fur a supply of school-books for tho free school, to be at once opened for all classes. . All restrictions on trade aro removed by Gens. Gilmoro and drover, in their respective "depart ments. (.'apt. Sands, under date of the 27th, roports that tho rebel array of Texas has disbanded, and that the men liavo gone to their homos. The terms of the surrender recently executed at Now Orleans between the rebol commission sent by Gen. Kirby Smith and Gen. Canby, having been complied with on the part of the rebels, it only remains for the United States to occupy the forti fications. - t : -. - . New York, June 14. The IhralaTs Charleston correspondent says: Ex-Gov. Aiken arrived thore from Washington, Juno Oth, and had nu enthusi astic reception from the citizens. Ho is en p role, with orders to report snce a month to the Commandant ot the post. The Governors aro fa vorably impressed with President Johnson, and speaks in high terms of him. Tho people are much engaged in discussing tho question as to who is to ba Provisional Governor. The business prospects of Charleston are ini proving. A number of South Carolian's former planters having taken the oath of allegianco, are making contracts for labor with their former slaves, and have gone to Hilton Head to confer with Gilmore and recovor their plantations. Private advices from a prominent member of the Atlantic Telegraph Company announces the completion of cable. He is confident u having England and America in telegraphic communica tion next nioulh. Juno 15. Hy arrangement uniong counsel, the argument of Koverdy Johnson as to the jurisdic tion of tho court will be heard on Friday, the llith. This will be followed by the argument of Stone, counsel for Dr. Mudd and Hnrrold on Saturday, the 17th. Cox will present a defenseof O'Laugh lin on Monday the lilth. Aiken will sum up final ly ou behalf of Mrs. Surrat on Tuesday the UDtli. I'nyno and Atznrott's counsel will present his ar gument on Wednesday, the 21st. Ewing sums up in behalf of Mudd, Spanglerand Harruld. It is believed Judge Advocate Holt will present his Hnal argument in behalf tho prosccutiou on the !Mth,aud on Monday following tho Commission will conclude its work and tho'liudiiig -and the sentence. The sentence cannot, under the rule, be promulgated until after it has been approved by the President, so that the end of the trial may not be reached before the 1st of July. Petitions for pardon from the leading men of late rebellion aro coming iu by hundreds every day. Among the wen of note, whose petitioas were received to-day, are Major General Edward Johnson and Joseph 11. Anderson of the Trede gar Iron Works. A clause is now inserted inten ded to prevent applicants froin claiming in court exemptions from the operation of the confiscation acts, thus leaving the settlement of the matter of confiscation of rebel property to the courts and Congress thereafter when the facts are such as to call for relief. Washington, June 15. the condition of Fred. Seward continues most encouraging. Secretary Seward's health continues to improve. He now regularly attends to bu sines and converses cheer fully with friends, though his jaw is still suppor ted by an iron frame work. - New York. June 13. The lit raid's Richmond correspondent says: General Terry has arrived, and assumed command of the Department if Vir ginia, in place of Gen. Ord. Gen. Turner has been assigned to the Military district of Henrico eounty. embracing Richmond His first act was to squelch the rebel Mayor Mayo who had been reinstated with a negro-hunting rebel police. --'. A band of guerillas 5("J strong, lately collected in Patrick county, Va , threatening the inhabi tants with vengeance. Four have been arrested. Two were at once tried, convicted and sentenced to be shot. The others were sent to the peniten tiary. The Tribune $ Richmond correspondent says : The military authorities under command of II I 111- leek. Patrira and Ord, in connection with the reb ifl Major Mayo, inaugurated a system of oppres sion and outrage i,pnn the colored 'people ui Kick- mono:, which created Intense excitement. I he 1 riittiu I w ashiugton special anpatcn yi : A ueii-gnuon oi coioreu men irons im n- mts rr-u nnn 'i n-, i nin muck weul np Irum ttiir mond. arrived to day, to nek an audience with ! tr three d dim to one hundred dllrs t.er .hire in the President. They represent that under the ! military restrictions in Ki, bmon.l. their condition i military restrictions in Kichrannd, their condition was no better thsn when they were in slavery, and they propose to ask that special iuquiry be made, in order that the proper remedy may be applied to place them on a footing in consonance with the liberal and enlightened policy adopted by the government as to other colored people in the Southern States. New York, June 16. The fesTI Washington special says lhat infermation has been received of the arrival of the rebel Secretary of Stale Judah P. Benjamin, at Bermuda. It is reported thai Breckinridge and Trenholta OS'1 also escaped onl of the country New Orleans. June Pi-Governor Allen, Lonisana, has published a farewell address wherein he advises submission In the laws and the irte-vitaHV f,,nre of er-na. The pewpte must depend upon the United States to make them cob- tewed and prosperous Major Gen. Old is assigned to the militnry com mand of Oregon, headquarters at Portland. Tim Mexican Minister is confident the French will bo driven out of his country before- tho closo of tho year. New York, Juno 1.1. Tho foil's special dis patch says : A delegation known as tho Georgia Union Club reached Washington lnat evening Thoy hopo to have an early interview with the President. Grant reached Washington this forenoon, Dennison is taking active measure for the restora tion of tho mails throughout the Southwest. C'olbnrn, special agent for the Government, ar rived from Florida yesterday. He roports groat destitution in the State, and in some districts ac tual starvation. It is thought no mora testimony will bo takon by tho conspiracy Cjiurt. A delegation of Influential eitizons of Tonnes see, i in Washington urging the appointment of U, J. Molgs us Justice of tho Supreme Court vice Catron, deceased. Heports from various parts of the South repre sents tho people as thoroughly weaned from Jeff. Davis. Thoy regard his execution as a foregono conclusion and acquiusce in it. John Mitchell, editor of the Richmond Examiner,-was arrested this afternoon and tnkou to Fort Lafayette, as is supposed. St. Louis, Juno 1 1. Judgos Bates and Dryden of the Supremo Court of this Stato, having de clined to vacato the Bench in conformity with the ordinance passed by tho late Stato Convention, uov. i' loicner, to-uay, through lien. Coleman, co landing tlio militn of this District, forcibly dispossessed them of their seats, and installed his appointees, the attuir created considerable ex citement. Omaha, Juno 14th. Five hundred Sioux are in camp, fifteen miles west of Fort Mitchell, who wore supposed to be friondly.'this morning at tacked tho guard, kiiliug Captain -Fontz and four men, and wounding seven. Quito a number of iiiuiaus wero Kiiieu. i tio Indians crossed over to the north sido of the Platte river. Washington, June 10 Ollieors in charge ot the ijuarier-iuasters stores at Nashville, now esti mate the loss at Chattanooga, at about a million and a dinner. Newbern, June 13. Governor Hidden has in vited tho lending Union men of North Carolina to meet Dun in Council at Italeigh, prior to tho ap pearand of his nroclamatioii. Now Yurk, Juno 10. Hamilton of Texas, has hoen appointed Provisional Governor of that niaio, una Joseph Johnston, ot Georgia, Provis ional Governor of Georgia. Tho form of the Proclamation Is similar to thoso heretofore op pointing Provisional Govornors for North Caroli. nil and Missouri; tho. duties proscribed, aro-the sunns. " ' v -v. J j. ' Wusliinutou. June 18. The (lOVOl-nment tins ' re.' coiveu iloeimiuiiiary prools Incontrovertible of the guilt of Jell'. Davis in the matter of inhuman anduiiM brutal Iruntnieiib of Union prisoners. When disclosed. to tlie public, as fuels will bo given in u fow days, Uiev will aslimnil the civilized world. 'Ihe British Government has withdrawn its recog nition of Coiifederutu vessels of war, uud issued or ders prohibiting them to enter any Uriiiah ports. Franco hits also removed restrictions on nuval iuter courso, and bus withdrawn from the Confederates their churtictfir as belligerents. Kt. liOtiis, June til). All the business portion of 'tol ls, Missouri, was burned hist night. Loss is estimated at '(ID.IHIII. with but little insurance. U Is eonllrieittly exjiecteil Dint the army will be reduce,! to one Imtulreii Hum. mil men by Nee- Year. President John son Is SHliI to fnvor retri-tiulimciH as a measure of reluming to suede payments, which he will recommend to Congress. 1'oitEKiN. In the House of Commons on the l!6lh, S. V. Walsh asked Lord Palinorslon wheth er the Government intended to comply with the official demand for compensation to American subjects for losses sustained by the Alabama or any other Confederate cruiser, alleged to have been fitted out in British ports. Palmerston said a correspondence' had been going-on for some time between tho Governments of prizes taken by the Alabama and other vessels of tho same kind. Within the last fow days further corres pondence through Mr. Adams has been received, but he had not time to roply to it. lie might add that from the course in'wbich ench Government had stated its views of the case, tho question will be discussed on tlie most friendly terms. The Loudon Timet, in an editorial, trusts that thcro is nothing iu the Alabama affair which need cause any apprehensions of a rupture cither now or at any future timo The American commercial marine has indeed suffered, but such a calamity must bo expected when a marntimo and trading state enters into contest which does not involve a foreign enemy, Wo can say, with a cloar con science, that tho government which declined every invitation to interfere iu the war, by offers of meditation, now stands on its legal j-iglits and re fuses to make any compensation where it has done no wrong. v The London Otiilti firm hones that if President (Johnson does net intend to give up the claim he win soon present it so that one way or another the matter may bo brought to a settlement. It adds, Lord Palmerston'a reply last night is very unsatisfactory. It would have been very easy to state that a formal otHcial demand iiad been made tor iudemuity, and whether any new demand had been innde siuco President Johnson's accession to power: It adds, we have not the slightest doubt as to tho inevitable reply. The London Morning Pott says : The corres pondence can lead to only one result, namely : an unconditional refusal ou our part to indemnity the Americans for tho losses occasioned by the chances of war. Off. Ilusimru Dii.i.ahs lUivxim Pat Ani.r. is Gold Cuts. The Ortgo S'aUnmni ollico will pay this reward for sufficient evidence to convict the man who interferes with its unil matter, between Salem and P,osebnrg. A O'lrrespomleal writes from Itoscbilrg under date of Juno 2.M : " Again your paper has 'f di ed to conn neet' gnno smith, and will probably bring up between here and Paligouiii." Thefte coni Jlints have two made for a long time, and thpra are j-nt grounds for tlietn. We know how the trouble occurs, but we don't know who muses it. Our in-iil for It iso burg is iihu-.nl in the "way" bag nt ihn nlein ollico, in which bag it ought to jfo siifelv to Uosoburg ; but snnewbere between the two oilices, it ia diverted Irnm tlie "way'' hag In some bug made op for M irvs viile or somewhere down there. lit addition to this trouble. v rereivenearly all oar California exchanges irum toe aormeru imnl, in-Kin up hi I'tirtlauil. tliov having been diverted I'rotii the "way" bags to the r.ii-tlMint ban. ami then sent bark to us. nt'tr bavins two days before passed hv our olllee d-i'ir. TiielM'is sonie person guilty of willful interference iu tbis mat terit is resaleil loo often to be net-lioeuce. We will do all we can to supply oar Koseburg frielids.and bone tbev will bear this us well its nossili!,,. mid t,i,t us lo find out where the "rat" is; and if wo find liitn, we will send luiii to Portlun 1 for it. if we cm catch him wiih a U. S. Marshal. Tuuee remarks are in tended for the guilty man, whoever be is. and Post Masters knowing lliemielves innocent, will of course lake no olfeiise. Detectives in ay .rely upon it, that (his reward is offered in good faith. Oca First 8roc 8ls. fist Friday the officers of the Kantian) Cuinp tny held their first sale of "dclin uent" shares. The result was extraordinary. Sin tr Amm beats Peter Oleum (e to speak, after the style of Mr. Brick Pomernv). But it Is no joke. Suntiain is a "good thing" to invest In. Toe lirst shares in the morning went at mmt A Mar per shire. The bidders' increased in numbers, competition begau, the excitement increased rapidly, and in the afternoon sold readily at fftyftmr dttlhirt ptr thrtrt in gild cum. At tins rate, the Santiitm mian is worth i t.- rj iu irold. Tliis result is produced no Im bv the late rich strike ia the tunnel of the Union Cnmtany on the While Hull lend, than by the steadily increas ing and abiding conli lenee the miners and stockhold ers manifest, in the developments made from day lo oay in ine rutnuatn uisiriet. lUt.i. xsd IIirwtnD's Cosciar, Frank Bill Is again on hand, and. a nsnal; the ags-nt of the best concert troupe out. Hall, Il.ivwarJ & Company will be here on Friday, the 3Hh, aad everybody will em brace that occasion to go and hear their ehtuito, bean- ttfal and splet.d,d melou.-- lh gentlemen are Hrst-ebiM musicians noiuf of your beil-riniring h'ssi buirs and parti need not frar Is, iro. Havward "the swetest siauer of Hosion'' is with this com pany, and his reputation is established in this commu nity. iye theiradrertiaemQiit. S. B t P. 8 The pea-nnl eating crowd are ro- quested hv the public to take seats in the pit, so that people who go to hear in music, will .not be auuoyeit by this viilirar practice, tolerated only at the cock lofts of New York thentres. . A Itica Sratxs ox tub Kantms. Mr. Gardner, then superintendent of the Union Company brought d"WQ bme specimens Ust week, that were "beautiful to be- oild."' One piece of quarts, weighing thirteen pound", is ellmat-d to contain .'.no worth of gold. It is liter ally .lurk full of the -am." Twenty nve hnnilred rial. i Urs worth of specimens were brought down . and which ,re , rxhitetein at M,n-' store. In ennxxpieore of '' at a -mle b-wnd, and fifteen shares were sold si l,,r nS'jr- . flT Tlie Arrm denies that "Pennyroyal" is the man who does np iu Portland "billinngatc." If thai is so, it is a eredit to Sylvester. We sbunH think any msn n ordinary sen rrs-ci woei or sriao to oe re lieved of sorb an imputation. Wesupp-. the Arm , denial will have t b tsskt'n for what it is worth. Paosrsairv or MiLt ta addition la the new brick bbx-k on Commercial street, 8-nith s large Hotel on Stat street, and the Cnitenity ou the Avenue, there ar abool Ihii IV other new hows, principally residence, goiua ap in durerent ptru of the city at this liie: and we think there will be fully one linn of1 '' ""'.' ""' "Miss Hon, llooias." If vm have oerio,i to go up the t.oliimi'Ui river, stopping at L as stilts, don l 1 fn-l to mtnj, wih K" trie ' ins llmtw," tbe I largest aad best kept bowl ut the Cur. TH LATEST. Special Dispatches to the Oregon Stiitestunn. Bun Kniticlscii, June '24. The John I, Stephens, from Hie const of Jl' XI, ,,, I'lli lull., LrliiK l 1- 7 Hi In s,."Cle, Slut Uso Imks of ore. JJr. tlwln was expected at Mitsallun tiirly Iu August. In the nine mite rsres between Fillmore And Beward, Fill more paid forft-lls. lluutdo n-iim rues lirlwren Dunne suit Proctor, niraltiNt Hit sod Illlly, for f'SHl s ililc, look plncc. lit heat, won hy hpol mid illlly, tllliu fto'. itil heat, Won liv limine and Proctor, 2:4tt', illstuiicliiK tho other team, anil wltniloK the race. Flour market Is depressed, and prices tend downward. Now Hour Is si'lllnit Iron) 17,00 to $111 prbhi.; tlio Utter is ex-" trciiie price for Jiilililnif. Tlie wlit'iil market Is lower and un settled under litcj'cMlug nrrlvnls. Oitls llrm, ll.Onal.ttll )tr IIHI Ihs. Wool, isles or In.lKKI His. msilluiu tierces St '20c r Hi. A private illsiiitch from New York yesterday quotes tliu ninrket iluU, and ieircclalliig, with satei of "Osyifon wool se 42,'io. currency." Uold, New York, on 2'2il, IS'2; Kreenbsckl huro 72,lsii7(J. Overland lliiedown enitof Bull Lake, '-. u Cairo June J2. Tho United Stales transport, Kentucky, with DUO passengers, principal) par oled soldiers and their families, left Shrnveport for Now Orleans on tho Utli, About 9 o'clock on the: same night it was discovered that tho boat was taking water rapidly, ana bclore she could hind she sunk in twenty feet of water. Tho loss of lifo must have been terrible, the boat being crowded and sinking inside of throe minutes. It j supposed that 2'iU persons perished. ',' - (ion. Reynolds has taken proper steps towards establishing civil courts throughout Northern Ar-' kansas. Garrisons have been established nlong wnue river. ,:. . FoitxtciK. Dates to June 11. President Johnson's amnesty psucluiiinlion was generally canvassed. The Star prontinuces the terms wise and generous. Na poleon has returned to Paris. Nuwsof Kirby Smith's surrender is hailed with satisfaction, being looked upon ns conclusive evidence of the termination of the war. The Army and Navy (laittit, referring to the surrender of the last Confederate General, snys i By this event tho Pederul troops have been brought face to face with the French outposts on the liio Grande. Tlie same paper denounces what it terms the blood thirsty designs of President Johnsoii, but thinks he will shrink from the horrible purpose he threatens to carry out. While the lists of 80111 hern men are made out, the punishment of the leaders is already terrible enough. Mexico. Washington, Juno 11. News from Mexico, May 9, embraces the following intelligence, which was suppressed in tlio dis patches sent through French sources from 1 1 11" vaini.Gen. Regales, with part of tlio first di- vision of the central national army of Mexico, iiUiicIiimI the city of llicnlliorn, state of Mitihn-' nciin," nu the lilli of April, and took it hy Sturm, capturing all the garrison, intiltitliug SOU Helgittns, together with, the urtillory nnd aintnuiiitiun. A low diivs before, tlio mulotiu! forces captured n train'tvith supplies, uml do feivtetl tlio .Fremiti.' Notick 10 City SoBscaiusHS. After this issuo,, the tilaletman will be delivered in Suleui by a Car-, rier, promptly as soon us issued, so that subscribers, need not come to the ollico for It. Subscribers Iu' the City will please leave directions during this vrcek," whoro they want their p ipers left for them. UT Mr. 0. Porriu is the agent for "Greeley's Con flict ". a book that ought to bu in every man's library,' in Vainliill county. He will also receive subscriptions lo the Statesman. ' Give him a lift. LrMr. I). D. Pretlymau is canvassing Polk county for "Greeley's Conflict," and other popular works 1 and will also receive subscriptions for the Oregon Statesman. No Ciiasuk. It is now reported, upou what we presume is good uuthority, that the contract for car rying the mail from Lincoln, Cnl , to Portland, Ogn., is let for four years, at I'.'uO.OIill per ycat, to the Cali fornia Ktaire L'olllliaiiv.' How KeesiilA wiu,a,tnnei.pdM,l - or indeed whether fie ever had any contract, we sunn 110 uouoi learn in time. IT?" The Union majority in Washington Territory is about eleven hnnilred, against two'hnndred major ity for tho Coppers two years ago 1 and all this change in a totul vote of about four thousand. How do you feel, Coppers 7 Is n't that counting votes to your sido by geometrical progression f LC Uov. Mr. Drown, of Newark, N. J., delivered two very entertaing lectures on the condition of the ' Freedoieu" of the South, last Sunday week speak ing in the day nt tho Congregational Church, in the oveuingut the M. E. Church. - . C'o.UR D'Alkxk. A Mr. Wilsou. who has been to' these now minus, .estimates the uverairo mv at an ounce per day t and that thore is room for twenty!' liiouaaiio men , , lean Couiii.r.iH liyrne will accept the thniiks of the 8afmrtn employees for those splendid "iced cobble.rs." furnished oil Inst publication day. Byrne knows exactly how to II such little matters up. To MiNi.va Coxr-ASms. To prevent charges of favoritism and partiality, we will be guided by the rules of the .San Kratieiseo press hereafter, in noticing tho stocks or claims of nil mining couipuuies. - ; ' DuowxtD. A man by the name of Henry llnoih, v a Canadian by birth, uud formerly of Mendocino, Cal., was drowned in Isthnus Slonirh. near Coos lt.iv. on Jone 1st. Cmicuit Count. The June term of the Circuit Court for Marion county, Judge Boise presiding, com- neiii-ei tins nionilllir. ItKAn Tins! Hull and Hay wan), tho celebrated 111 mil inns, have kindly consented to assist in the ex ercises on the Fourth ot July, ut this nlaee. Xsw Postal AafcNT. K. C. Gaskell, the recently appointed Postal Aent for this coast, passed through town Ibis moftiing, bound North. J-Afine h'jne belonging t the Stage Company dropped dead in his harness last week, near the Beunett House, just at Ihe staire arrived rrom Albany. ryilon. S'ephen St tats, of Pjlk county, will ac cept our thanks for n erpy of the new Constitution of the State of Missouri. 17 Tlie Christian Commission ieraDidlv closimr tin its labors in tho Kst. Cr.t.inatTios at Dallas. Pursuant to a cull of the eitixons of Dallas, at the Court House, on the Nth of June, IHtio, to make suitable nremintliona for a celebration of the coming Fourth of July, (leorite lillotson was called to tbe chair, and Vv. C. yVlmson elected Jseeretury. On inotioo. Asa Hhrevo. X. Gar wood, John WayniinvT. SI. Tbonioa, and J. W. Limcusler wero appointed a committee of arrange ments. Km. Howe, W. I). Nichols, and N. Me a committee to secure the services of an Orator, U m-ler of the Ueehiration, and Clmtdaiii ; and J. A Apple- mite, f. Aloor, mi l 1. 31 I! illura couiiuiltee to pre pare loasls and secure it M irs'iall of III U.iy. A genentl invitation is extended 10 the ciluciis of 'Polk and oilier counties to pxrtictate in tho genunil ri'j ile um wiin wnicn una -.vital Day will ag.nu be uaile I. , r.r,. outige noise uelivers the orallou. Fourth or Jui.r at SiiaiTiiiiTfZ-Tlie rilisnia of Sublimity and tirinilv will uive a Sibbalb School Festival on Tuesday July 4th, IKiij. Prograni'ne ; Knising of fl.ur, aeeompuuied by a Federal salute, at III A. M. i Procession, heudeel by children ot ttm Sab bath School, then formed. Pra'ver bv He v. A. F. Den-- ; llra-laratioti of Indenetidnce : Oration bv Ib-v. . Myers; Song "Kid, White, anil lime" by Ihe young ladies, al II A X Niiliooal saluto nt noon Address to Sabbath Schools, by lliv.T. II Small: iinginir by the children -. free'diiiner j music, loasU, etc. Kverybody invited lo attend. Tsarnisra Lscti ass. Key. O.B. Taylor will lecture at the M. T. Oiurrh tcsnifttt, and also on the sarreertlnf err ninm of this week, al other ehtircltrs In the clly. He Is an elHUcnt and entertaliilug speaker. MARRIED. JuieJM.byP. n. Hatch; J.P.. st the house of Wra. Moore, in Silem, W. H.Grixzle and l.nry K. Hell, all ol M irion canity. At the residence of the bride's father. In Salem. J.tfie 2llb, by tbe Ib-v II. IlKklliKiu, ilr. John II. Haas and Mi Mary K. I'rsit. Is,th of rulriu. HtM-kton (Cat.) papers p!rse copy ) Special Notices. To yns t'sisroaasD. The store prominent symptoms thai Indicate Coliiutudlon are coush and especlorallon, lots of appetite, nausea and vomiting, dlarrhies, hemn,tya (or bleeding of Uie tunes) nlffht sweats, herlie ferer, iletiilliy, and finally, despondency and anilely. Now. Ihe plain In dications are, lo combat all these tynim. Hw shsll Uhed.mef Flspert-nct bssdeoyvnitrsled Uial NKW'KI.L'S PLI.MIINAIIY SYKI.'P Is the only remedy. ALXOOCK'S POROUS PLASTER PAIH RK l.ir.VKIXO AND PTItKNOTHFN'INO. The Watorr of these plasters voald occupy more space than ean be sparer arltfaln the limits ot this advertisement. rVifftre It to say, thai the most eminent cher.lsta sn4 ptiyslclaiai of Ihe Cnltee atatea and Kurof were 'consulted as to their eoesposiUnn. They are made porons, so that the evaporation ef Ihe nerreTdretlon co fro on sufficlenny where Ihs plaster to applied, srlthool, as srllh ether plasters, ea using the accumulation of acrid mild, ahlrti csvrodee the skis aad occasions siany annleas ant temmllons not neceaesry for Ihe cure or altevtatlon o atreetlnna for which a plaster Is mraatly apr-lles. Indie raldier, myrth, and other cholee froms and eseeneeei t f Ihe vesrtahle kingdom, are the aaaterlal Inrredumts of these eelehratrd plaiters. White they are prsssad of all the aothni and armlnl qualltlee of almost every other ptsitey the United ftatrs bifpemalory, they are lthr.ut a,any of their Inconrenieneee. In the Isnnsse of ooe ho ass esperleneed aiaeh heneftl from their ap4kaiio la a rhrea K diseaM of the kidney Thy stick closer ihaa a hee ther, and am sms rsa bae a fnloe friend for areakaeee of the hack, pa las la the side, etoesaek or ihnt, sad for the) aliens Uoa the psia atteBdm( riMwsalaaa, uy are mhoM aa equal. , The Asetdla o Vroe.eo, WILLI All f ItRallSKnTTI, nflrtal JVeaera. Crtnt it -jW trill tots frft reviews (a.rWarsffsf IA fml y fAM aWeAr.rf.d fUttitr Ss all ystW'iae erAe a,,v rfeeee Se ee it. ye mJ ty H'Hmi rt r. lyl finise-t. Oref on. iios'rJOT'riojt'H ir.i.rniu 1 in STOMACH BITTERS. rPIIE openition of this piihilnblii rrticdy upon the X sttiiiiueh, liver and tho excretory organs is sinuu larlv soolhing and conservative. It'i-eynlates, reeruils and purines them. Dyspepsia in all its fot-iiis yields to its control and invigorating properties, INVHIOKATK TI1K SYSTEM, Vigorous digestion and pure biln proiluees nutritious blood, nnd nntritiuiis blood a liealtliy friunu. I)oes tho victim of a dyspeptic styiiiaeh ami a disordered liver desire to know how the digestion amy bo im proved, the bile and other thiols of the body purified 1 UU, llOSTETTUlt'S STOMACH HITTERS. Will accomplish this ilesirnblu revolution in the system, regulating tho secretions and excretions, giving tone 10 the 11 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 juices which dissolve Ihe food, strength en every relaxed nerve, muscle ami lihret and brings the whole machinery of vitality into vigorous and healthful plnv. STHESaTIIKX THE SYSTEM. The best means of Imparling vigor to tho broken' down fritnie and shuttered constitution, which bus yet been invented or discovered, is prollercd to tho feeble of both and all ages in ,' 1)11. IIOSTETTEirS STOMACH IHTTEUS. '-'Debility, from whatever came arising, mny be cured i strength, hi wdiittover manner it may 'have been wunteil, inuy be restored by the use of this pow fill and lieulihy myigoraiit. Foriniligestiou uml its painful etlects, bodily and ineuud, they are a positive specific. A V()l!D TO THE AGED. "In tlio decline of life the loss of vital force conse quent upou physical decay can only be tuifely supplied by sonio vivifying prenuration which recruits the strength and Bpirils, witllout emailing the exhaustion which is alwuys the Haul ell'ect of ordinary stimulants. We tender to ihe aged 1)K. HOSTETTKR'8 RTOMACII MTTEU8, As an iuvigorant and restorative, immediate in Its ben eticinl action and permanent in its elfects. It tones the stomach, improves the appetite, and acts like a chariu Upon the spirits. 1 FOR FEMALES. Thousands of Indies' resort to it asa remedy for hys teria, tltltlering of the heart, nervous heailiieiin. verli go, general ilebilily, uud all peculiar tlislurliiiiices uud derangements to which us a sex, they are subject. It cheers and enlightens the depressed luentul powers, as well us strengthens the body, and its use is nitver fol lowed bv tiny re-action. nrU'EWAKE OF COI'XTEItl'EITS. Piitchusc only of reliable dealers. Sold everywhere. HOoTETTEU, SMITH it DEAN, Agents. San Fiiiticisco. , IIODGK .Se CALiaiT, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS I'UltTI.ASi),- Nolo Agoiita for the Ntut. ' Power Ni'dgcd P(iml to any Overshot In tlxlstciicc. WJ lEFFEL'S AMERICAN DOUBLE TURBINE. qHIE nOI'llI.E TL'UIHNKS, so long expected. -L have arrived at lust, and orders ciui now bu filled. We have a large supply of the dillercnt sizes, from 1(1 inches to 3UJ. That we may know the proper sized Wheel you re ntiire, measure your water iu the following wuy 1 Toko tho width of the etrenm, the average depth, and the di. tanee il Hows in a minute. All the Wheels already in use give universal satis faction. For particulars, send for a Circnbir. Address IjEKFEL At. MYKU4. with Kiebarils & MeCniken, June 12ifl5 Portland, Oregon. Cookp, McCully & Co,, " ' .i AUK NOW OPENING IN SALKM Til K '. Largest and Best Selected Stock CL0TH1HG, DM - GOODS, ..siis-n..( . . k ; GENERAL MERCHANDISE, " Ever lirouglg to the Willamette viillev.niid tviH disnnpo of Hie Sinn,-nt Ihe very UJWl'.S t PitllMCS. . Salem, June i), Isi'bj, j.pf WOOL, WOOL. : N'OTICE is hcreliy iveh tlmt wo wunt to pur cliane - ' - 100,000 Pounds' of Wool, - For which we will pay the HtGllKST UAH KE T PRICE, IS CA Sll ( OOKE, MrClM.Y &. CO. Salem, June fab, I StVs. J ttf HARVEST OF 1805. KNAPP, BURHELL & CO., Aio now riTi'iviiiff. , Direct from the Atlantic States, The LAItfiKSTnnd IIE-T riEld-CTKlX of REAPERS, MOWERS, HKADERS, THHES1IEUS, And other FA H M MAIIIIlNKItY, ' Kver Iiroiierlit lo Oicyoti, WHICH WE OFFER F0H CASH, , ..AT IHTtSHIAT.. I 1 0 1" Y C O 1 K X I TI O TV. Illust rated (alaliigue hi ramphlct Form ..COTAI I.VU.. A Lift anil Vrtrrijtliun n lYiffrrent Mil chiiift. hi veil a other artidrtf in cluding many nnrelliet) mailed lo an ad tlmt o ailrnii,n. KNAPP ItI ltlli:i.!.fV( O. Agricultural and heed WarebiHise, Portlulid, I Iregou. SmIS WOOL, WOOL. (1AII AltVAS't i-S nt lw i-hIph nf initre-t iln-l. V on (lOhrdiiPtit'tifMl lo mir HiPttt in New York city. Voil ( irruUr unit I'rirp t'urrrnl riTeivt-d evi ry Ipii ilitvi. Stirkti r k int niHicriul mil he proclireft iliruuuli Ui. K-r full purlin, lum, hfl tri-M KN'AI'I', Ul'UUY.lA,6c i it., I'orll Hnl. Ort ifnll. X 11. If ifliat cnfi prire puitl for -ffriii ot jh-h) U'rwi). Jtmi.', lr.v i jMl'i HARVESTERS! TTOIt aula at Nesinilh's fiittn. in Polk eouutv. three T OHIO CIIIKF l'(MIIIM:f) JIOWKK- AMI KKA PKIIS, at f --SI eacli. Also, new puteot fll'Elt M I I.I.S, and lltllltsK PITCH FOKK H IlwlH HAMl'KI,(i(FF.Aireiil. Notice to Builders. l)l'.ltSiXH WANTIN'd I.I MitElt. CAIJ. O.N I HMI'I II A- CtliiWKKiilT, of hulem Orders lilled PIMMI'TIA. I.IXVIIXE tV DOWN'l.lt. ' June 17, hi. list I'll r m for Htilr. 0 XE lllNllti:i AND REVEXTV FIVErj arrest of aied lillitt'le, snd imnrnvrd lnnd.2 silnaled acr the river, OI'PtlM I K HA I.KM, about a quurtr ot a tnile di'aol itb rsrinuiif iinpleoieuls Ti lurm i known ss the donslKHi chi-m ,f James White and III, "ds White. Anyone wmlunit lo pur rbssej, pie-see call si my premtees for further informs leai. KlillllA lloWK. June IP, Isio. li.w'.'pd Oil I'nintiiiK. Pt I.INE SHF.l.TtiV havins thkrn iwmt in LAXK-CAI'li and II KAI I'AIXTIXU nf on. of lbs lst artists in n Franrtsro, proKMM-s lo hits leH,ns in tbe oiioe hperilliens lo U seen at Mont yrtmrv pK-lioe flail-rv. Will alwi es,, Photo (lapbs in oil of wanre-dors Isoleoi, June y j. A. appi.i:a ti:, ATTORNEY AT LAW, IlAl.i.i , t'ui.K t'ji .M l.lllii.'.llS New Goods, New Goods, HEATH, DEARBORN & CO. Would respectfully Inform their friends, tho pnhlie grnrrallii, and every body cltoe, that they are UeeeiviliK the Largest and Finest Block nf floods ever opened in tialem bought at' "Panic Prices," for CASH, and for sale ut corresponding rates t , Drjf Onoils, ClolbltiK, Orooeries, Dress (loods. Huts Caps, Hardware, . FaneV Gooils, - 1. in lies' Uiils, Iron & Steel, .- jMiintllhis, ' . Hoots St Shoes, Paints i Oils. -. etc. etc. tic. etc. etc. ... , . oiu ooTxorsr goods . - ' " . were purchased nt the very loteent point of the mar. kit, during Ihe Cotion Punic iu Han Francisco, Wo defy competition in this lino. , Exuuiine for Yourselves. . Ladies' Dress Goods. A very Kino Assortment of NEW RTYCES, at the popular Cost Pus, ts, with Hooks, Thread, etc., put in in usual. Gents' and Boys' Clothing, We would call especial attention to this Depart ment of our Iliisiness, ns heinu verv COMPLETE, and at prices which cutinot fail lo sulisfy, HOYS' CLOTHING VERY CHEAP. No Trouble To Show Goods. Ladies' and Misses' Hats, The Latest and most Fashlnonnble Styles, consisting "NIS PLUS I'LTIIA," "DIANA," "W ATEUFALll" . . ETC,. ETC. - " .. ' -i ' v.. : r ., r- ; , Oonts' " Orunt," " Sherman," and " l.ittle Phil" Hats. MANTILLAS, SHAWLS AND CLOAKS. Mude oxprcsnly fur this Market Real lieaufiei Dress Trimmings and Buttons. A verv Lnrite Assortment, at such priees that even CALICO need not go unadorned. Also s Fne Htock of - . l ( . Boots, nnd Shoes Hard ware, Mining and Agricultural Tools (ilnss nnd Queens Mure, I'alnts nnd Oils Glass Vur- -nlsli, Iron nnd Steel Axles and .. lllackBiiiHH'H Tools ' Every tbinif fur Housekeeping, Storekecping or running a Hotel. Good are advaitcing in San Francisco now. Highest Market Price PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF PKODUCE. WOOL WAIVTIOIX IVIlEMEMliER THE PEACES Ko. 2, Gi'Ikb old's Block." - HEATH, DEARIIOUN St CO. F-uleni, May 8, left',. CURE YOUH COLD. fsAvi: voi'it i.uiuis. rn.7ioxAKV KVK1?I Cured Thousand), AKO IT WILL DURE YOU. t'A roiiyli ii jft-henilly the eil'ect f cnM, wh.rh linn cither 1-en Iniprninirly trnnipd or entirely netf Irrtffl. Wlu-ii it yruw uMiimic, TUF.KK 18 A I, WAYH KICASON TO KKA U THK CONKKIIKN CKS, h this il.offi it wriilt Btate of tlie ImiK, uud la oflen llie fnHTinnier uf coiiriuuij'tioii." liiti'lmtmn'i Douienlic Meilk-ino. STOP THAT OliIIIG! Kin of von rmi'l, mii we jiily Ton. You have trk'il evt'ry icmeily In it tlie one dentiiied, by 1U iiiuln "iu merit, to mirpcde h)1 liin'tlHr prupiinitioiit. It is not niirpriliiff ynn lnnilI tie rutuctunt to try toine thiiiX elfe after tlio many cxpuiimeivl you have Diade of trufliy co iu pou i his foh led on the public u a rurUiu 1'iti-e ; but. NIWf;i,l.M rii.noMav MIIU'P U rvnUy the VKKY 1IKST remedy ever eomwmirifd for tlie nt re of Cuiighn. Cull, Bore Ttiroul. Actliuia, Whonpinv C"ii (.'It. HrcMchitin, and Coiiwimptlon Tli'tuwiiidn of people hi (' tlifortila andOrtKon have al ready been b-.ttt-IUud by Mmnirpripingeiirutive powcrt. WHAT ILII,l,i:n lll.TIf Dr. Hull, in bin ' Journul of Ileitltli,' dpnlci?i(( of the death of WaHhinton IrvhiK, auks the above quea- ticii, and uddm ' He mihl Well have rvaiahied with im for nome yean to rme, had It not hen for advice, kindly iuteiided.no douh', but gWeti in thouglitlcaa iicm and rcc k lew i)uoruuee. Ho hiMl u Void I , Which, by iue itijudiriona preitrriplion, had bern ronvehed into attlnua." Let me say to Dr. Hall that that "preecriplioii" an not PI l.tlOAKV MVIIt P. KKK1' IT IS THK JIOL'SK, una it freely, Kiv it to yoor childmi upon the slightest indication oft Cold, and Tun will think and pak of it as all do who have become acquainted with its merits. ltr.I'INOTON h CO., Agents, Kan KrmtriwQ. And fr srilc evfrywhere. do',1 mhis 1 HI OKTANT (AIT10M TO THK PlBLM't DM. JOUDAN. I'KfUMMKTOIt AND I'lilNCI I'ALnf tl.el'Al 1KIC ANAltt.MU AL MU.-K UM, (Ww to infnrm tbe puMie thai he is in no way connected withi,ny advertivinK parties who may aafinne lit name. Dli. JOltKAN adopts this mode of caiitiomii the p'iblic to prrveot l.iip4Mition, and as the ANAMOTIO II II I'l:1.'-I 1- .. Ii t. :. i. aj n s ji inr-i. m m i ?rninuHM( 1(11 Million in nan FriMiciaco, partiM trnvelititf in Dli. ,i(HtDAN H name tsrill l. r..Us)ul sa ss .,.... U...'l.. . AT COST. 1)1X1. ft II HOW V will M-ll thrir entire stnok nf I) DltY IJIKIIIH, CltlM IKIKN, II II list TiAiii., innin nnu niiiii n, 1 i.iitiii.m., ate, air, Al i;i r, tm a.ska rtm fur answ atrnk. I'sn iis k ishing 10 purchnse irmHls low, will do well by inllinK early. Terms, I'Atsll. I1ELI, tV ItllOWN. Sslrm, Mny I, IXG.Y tf Wool Wanted. Jf. will pv 'he lllWIEsT market rstiM-one V half cash, our hiilf ii.rn I..11.H1- f..r WOOL. HEATH, llEAllllOUN, 4r J. 2iW, Mutitl. iw-i IVtf "wool. wool. IJKI.I, st HU11WV will psv the hinlsraC price for J Vt'iMtl. Hnr ns iM-fore selling, fctlrm. Mny Hih. I""si. n,f hr. Vi. B. RIM0M01, "1 It AM'ATK nf Ihs Wnn.vlr.uii, MsHir.l C,.I,K, 1 f nf I'hiMrli'tils, hsvintr prmnnt)y lomlH in Ibis ritv. rssfvlftil'v teiiilfs his pmfrssiimnl services lo Ihe citiwns of 8hIiti and Us virimlr. Offlre and PMtilnrei.l Mrs Itsilfy's bonse, dearly opposite the Kurrks Htl,U. HhIi'Ih. ham, My A A. r. A. M. Srst.tt.,Hi llw s"ml sn.l Inarlk FridBrs la .Ark r h cos.s. . ski a. uc.alli.y, w. m. W..WEATIIERF01lD,lf IIII'OIITING, WHOLESALE, AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, POUT LAM). OKKOON, "vVFEliS to the Trade, in quantities to stilt, at LOW KATES, A GENERAL ASSORTMENT VP DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, Faints, Oils, Varnishes, Window Glass, DriiKKiNfs' Sundries, Pulntcrs' Iffntnrinl, Perfumery, Toilet Soapa, FANCY GOODS, he, &c Together with a Kenornl variety of articles found in s First, Class Drug Store, To which the attention of the Trade is invited to cull aiid examine for themselves at 139 Frout street. W. WEATHERFORD. Portland. Mny 1, 1805. Jmls Private Medical Institute. KstubTlulied by DR. J. C. YOUNG, ? IIV. IHfSO, ! . FOR THE CURE OK PRIVATE DIS EASES, OF WHATEVER NATURE, I And all Female complaints. Consulting office, f-AO AVaMliliiirton Htroot, Hi'oonil hnilding below Monlynmery St., SAN FRANCISCO. : ! CALIFORNIA. NO CUKE, NO PAY. CONSULTATION BY LKTTKU, Oil OT1IER- wisic, mi1; 10. . For Direction of Letters. See Bolow, THIS CELEI1KATEI) INSTITUTE hns enjoyed on this roust ail uninterrupted success of Fourteen yeurs, and has become one of the renowned Hospitals of the ' What Ihe celubrutrd Lo. k Ilospiuls is to Ixinilnn, and tl.e no 'ess renowned establishment of Uiconl to Paris, this Institute has become to the IV citiu Const. The tliousnnils anunully received and cured, phn e it in point of number or patients auiotiK I he very lirst of tlie world . and the success of its treat uiLMit ranks il second to none. PRIVATE DISEASES IN MALES and IRREGU LARITIES IX FEMALES are the ureal destroyers of licttltli. Tuny iiisidiioiisly. attack the system and gratl imlly uuilcrmine and destroy It 1 they 'drive the blomn from Ihe chock, ihe lustre from the eye, the stretnrth timl vigor from the triune ; they give to the world puny uml iliscnseil olfspring, and poison, through suc cessive, gcticriilioiis tlie nice of man. The marks run be seen in Scrofula, Consumption, Cripples, the Idiot ic, the I'lirulyilr, the Insiine, etc. There is 110 more terrible scourge to the human nice tliitii those discuses urrislug from the conlntninntion of Venenil Poison. Tlie mildest forms, hv rctreullngto the blood, hold ever over the one lilllii-ieil.ilie sword of destruction that is liable at any moment to fall and blight In utterly destiny all earthly hopes. MERCURY, rmirniird as the most filial medical enimf lo man. rotiihiuiug with the Vennenl, doiihleu his dangers. Those who have boon tmuiiid with that iiiu iiicioiis mineral poison are mil cured 1 the disease hits only assumed a uow form. Do nut bo SntlaOcd with Partial Cures, that leave the poison to crawl through tbe system, eat-ing-ils way intu Ihe tissues and orgnua biuieulh the iipiircnlly smooth sniliire, lo bui-sl'oui Iu the future illl a vlrtllenrelhllt will ImHIe thccll'erls of llleilisilie. :' PERFECT CURES can be ohtaineu bv con soiisiilting a phvsiciiiu whom long prat-lire and thnro nvh liivesiigiiiiou into the muses of DISEASE of the I'KIXAKV oltdANS enables lo deteriuine at once the iinture of Hie diseuiw. In all diseases entrusted lo Ihe Doctor's core, PER. FKCTKI'EEDY and PERMANENT Cures are always Guaranteed, In Syphilis and lis ndjunrtai Gonornea and Its ae coniMitying diseases : all ilisconlers nf the Bladder, Kidneys ami prostrate ; Kcmlitnl Weakness 1 Dis cuses of Ihs lliart anil Lungs Dyspepsia Indigestion; Iuioteiiey 1 Incipient Consumption, and all diseases of the Urinary organs, in eatlier sex, cure alwavs, wamuiixl, Ok NO PAY REOLIREI) at the PRI VATE Ioli'Hl IllMtltlltO, an. SIO WAsmsuros iriiriT, SAN FRANCISCO, 1 1 1 1 1 1 CALIFORNIA. Srmlnnl Weakness or fipermntorrhira. Tno young man who experiences that growing WNikness in his mnscnlar and mental organisation sliouhl atop to consider whence It arises. Ho will dud in the weakness of lbs back, trembling of the limits, disordered digestion, iitiaceiiiinlable failing of the powers of the, iiiiuil, dislnste for society, tlreail of im pending Iroilbla, lorebodlugs af evil, sleeplessnnss, troiildeil ami lascivious dreams iiccompnliteil hy grow ing di-iifiiess, Iihm of iiiust-iihir noMcr. and niimeroiis L-tiiur symptoms of disorganization. The positive tra ces of that most terrible and destructive ol all diseas es, Kemiutil Wuiikuees VYiisiing away his powers, destroying Ids hope of life uml manhood, and drugging him along Ihe broken palh of his exisleneo toward a pruiuuitiru giuve. To liiui who tiuds his life dribbling out Iu tho discharge of tlie vilnl principal of existence ill nocturnal and diiiruiil emissions, lbs mere cessiitiiui of the causes ol its appearuuee brings no assurance oil Mnrriuge. that holy olllee, the safeguard and hopo of nuiniiooii, orings to siieii a ouo 110 lioie of ruru, 1ml aims i 11 is misery in uir. Miion-ieuge Hull 1110 one WHO looks to him for so much of her Immunese. is a victim of his evil, ami an innocent companion of his punish- mh-i,.. ii. B.,', m ins i.i j uisnnier nniii nope leaves him. There is no h-srii except in tirotie.1 and skillful treatment. Consult, then, at ones, a physician wuom long practice aim carciiu rttM-iircll lias laanc thoroughly conversnut with every phas of the dis ease I liose wlio have Ihm-oiiiu Ilia virliins of solitary vires, tbut dreadful, fusciiiatitig. and destructive hab it, wnicn mis tiioiisaltns oi sn-a risHiis with paralytics aim consumptives, ami iiiinureus oi untimely staves Willi its niisguiileil victims, slioulil consult without moment's di-l.iy. one wlio will sympathise Willi tlieir stineringa. losnen ine l.oclor wolilil eaHWlslly e! dress himself, giving lo each and al: aMnirance of a I KUr El l ami I'EKMANE.NT CURE nlhout au dranre srom business, ckanft of diet, or frar of ti' pasnre. irj not forget His an-lrss nee below. Iinporlant to Frmnlrs. When a female ia in trouble ora Hlicted witli disease, and requires midicul or snrgictl ussi.tnnce, tbe ennillry should be, Where is there a physician who is fully connielniit lo administer relief, aud wbos riMwHalil slanullig In society n-commeuifs Inoi to tlie contlilem-s of the couiiuuiiily T 'Hie Doctor, umlcrslitiiding how iuieratively necessary these rciuiremeitls are, feels called upon to iuteriMMMi, and hy calling the attention of lbs alllicted to lh fact llislliehnl Im-ni PHI). FESSdU OF OHsTKTIflf'H and FEMALE IHS EASES for twenty years. and is fully qualitled to ad minister in all rases, both tnedicnlly and aurglcslly, not in a siinerflrtal manner, but in as thorough a man ner as years of study and practice both in hospitals and private lamllies ran make, fo save Iheta Iron. Ihe hands of tbe uiMiualttieil. Uliscrniiuluous. and des igning. Thernlore, families can rely iihiii hint as upon a fsthar. All in atllictiou ran find in hiui ons who can feel and sympathise with and befriend Iheto ill trouble one inwhoseserrecy Ihe utmost eoulidenes run l. pliic.,1. CONsI'l.TATIiiN (IIY Li I'l Ell OR Ol III It WISE FREE H.-S addresa Ih-I.iw. THE ( ELEIIKATEO FEMALE REM El)l EH, coin I...I . I - ... i.i, iiii'uii I ,ii, mini iki, iriTir on-, i,iin'iii,i I'll. I iave now o'liiiiiieil a unwt extended polMilarily, and are correctly viewed tu be the safest anil surest reme dies for ihe complaints for which titer are ei-phed. Tiie conMNiitly accruing U-sHuinliials of their rllicacy Hectare ttirin to be pre eiauwntly superior In llielr ac lion. No Lsdr should be without these Reaovsihig Ageuts. !nnr geituiue unless procureil at lots olhije. heut lr Mail or Express, I" any pari of the Slate. TIIEGIiEAT FEMALE WEfill'INEI I'KEVEN TIVE 1'liWHERS FtlRMARRII HLAIHES. New, Sufe and lulallil'ie. Isstiog (mm Tour to six miuilhs' Price HI FRENCH LUNAR, OH FEMALE MONTHLY PII.I.H. For snpprei.His. Alter lilly IeHrsofiiM the pills stand unrivalled ia cfliuAey. 'nee j per r,.,s. To orrranoiidrnlsi. Patients rsMiduis; tu any part of the state howsver ..iMi. whn auiv ilnsira uiailicsl alviee im their rs- suerliye rase., and who think sniper la submit a written statement of siub in preference to holding a prsirtuil interview . srs sswrert tint llwlr roamuntoa .1..... mM hm l.i pjhmI MHTImI. All letters aiast be addressed Wilbs swrrsMrnndinsj physH-isa. Diss i r ' tSiampl IIKXJAMIX K. JOSKI.YM.M.t)., MO WasliinKtnn Slrret, Hut "'i-'i. T. U. San fianciiro. Cut. lenit 50,000 ! Clamcal, Scientific, Poetical, Mechanical, Medical,. Surgical, Biblical, Geological, Phrenological, Physiological. Philo sophical, Phonographic, Military, Veterinary, Surveying, Mill-vrright,lngincenng,Draft-ing. Housebuilding, Rail road making. Steamer and Ship-build- ' , . , ing, ij-e., Sc, , BOOKS, at CIIATtLKS BARRETT'S . Front street snd Washington street, PORTLAND, 1 : t t i OREGON. 5,000 School Books, by all the best authors, st San Frauoisco prlres. at CHAKLES BARRETT'S, Portland. ' 90,000 quires Russian bound Blank Books, at less than San Francisco prices, at CHAKLES BARRETT'S, Portland. 8,000 reams Note, Letter, Cap. and Legal Cap Pv per, at CHAKLES BAIiUETT'8, Portland. S, 000 Diaries for 1865, 80,000 Novels and Song Books, , t 8,000 vols. Scientific and other works, " ' at CHAULKS BARRETT 8, Portland. DRAWina inSTRlITIENTS, Drawing Pa per, Bilk and Linen, ItlimC AND ItlUSICAl, INSTBlirisiEPITS, risniKO RODS), Lines and Hooks, ' PHOTOGRAPHIC AI.BVSISJ, and PlIOTOORAPRsj of all the Noted1 Hen and Places In the World, Ol FT BOOKS, a splendid assortment, at CHARLES BARRETTS, Portland. I, ATI IV, French. Spanish, Greek, Germaa, Italian, 'and Welsh Hooks, at ' CHAKLES BARRETT'S Portland. Robinson's Scries of Arithmetic, THE UNION READER, nTThe Best and most Popnlsr In the Atlantis States. TEACHERS, LOOK TO ITI And 10,000 Articles, too Nomeroii to mention. Aimit fur IIKADLR St CO., Dims Book Publisher!', Now York. Newspapers, Magazines, &o, AT RAN FHAWnsrO PRICES), ' doI3m6 at CHAKLES BARRLTT'8, Porland. , 10G5 J. D. ARTHUR & II. SAN IT11A.TVCI8CO. Corner of California ancJ Davis Sts. NOW OFFER FOR SALE, WHOLESALE OB RETAIL, a large and varied assortment of all kindsof AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Also, the Celebrated OHIO REAPER, (called tha New York or Seytnonr fc Morgan), combined Machine, with great Improvements, having a STEEL , Cutler Bar, Can be changed from a Mower to a Reap er in TKK amiiTss i cuts within an Inch of the ground or two feet high.' Can be used with two or mora horses. Will work on any side hill, where Hones oan travel. . :. nrONK THOUSAND of these Machines In use on this Coast, which w consider THE T1EST PROOF of their SUPERIORITY over all other Machines. 3. D. ARTHUR sfc SON, , ni4is Bnle Agents for the Pacifle Coast, DR. WISTAIt'S Balsam of Wild Cheny, a cunt run iviur ma a or PULMONARY COHPLAINT. Cought, Cold; Brottchitit, Atthma, Croup, ' ' Whooping Cough, Spitting qf blood. Liver Com plaint, 4)r., St. C0N8u"mPTI0N, Which earrles off more victims thsn any other dis ease, and which bellies the skill of lbs Physician to greater extent than any other malady, often TIKLD8 TO TM8 REMEDY I when all others prove Ineffectual. AS A NEDICIXE, Uupid in relief, soothing In sheet, safs la its ops rat lo It U I'naarpstwd I While, as a preparation, free from noxlona ingredi ents, poisons, or minerals; uniting skill, science, and medical knowledge, combining all that is valuable in liie vegetable kingdom for this class of dissass, il it . IXCOnPAHABLEl and Is entitled to, merits, aud receives tha anvlsbla appellation of TBE INVALID'S FBIZlTDt ! Hold by all Druggists, and by , HED1NUTOM A CO., 410 and 418 Front street, Ban Francisco, ' ; Uedding's Russia Salve. ' FORTY TEAKS' EXFEBIKNCI Inn full viUtbliihetl the uptriorttj f REDDING' 8 RUSSIA SALVE over all other healing preparations . IrOIl THK CURE Ok Sealdi. Bum, Cut: Fleth Hounds, Boils, Chilblains, Blisters, Bruises, Felons, Piles, Erysipelas, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Injury by Splinters, Old Sores, Ring Worn, Frost-Billets Parts, AND ALL CUTANEOUS DISEASES and sruptions generally. BEDBUG'S Kl'BSU BALVI is prompt In action, removes pain at once, and re duces tbe most angry-louking swellings and iudesa nwtions, as if by magic thus atfordiug relisf aad ts euaiplete cur. FOR BALE EVERYWHERE. ; REDI.fGTON A CO., AgeaU. ' ap:ieoia 41 A and 418 Front St., 8aa rrsaelsoo. Happiness or IILssryj THAT IS THE QUESTION. rrIIK PROPRIETORS OF THK "PACIFIC MO. 1 HEI'N OF ANATOMY ANI HC1ENCK," bsvs dels mined, regardlcs. of in, to Issue FREH (ror the beiiellt of suHering bamsnityl four of their most interesting aud iusirnrilve LECTURES, oh al AKIII AUE, and its disinalincatians t Nervous D. btlity, Preinsiore Hecliue of Manhood, ladigeelloa. Weakneaa or Depression, Loss of Energy and Vital Power, tlie greet riorial Evil, snd those ma lad mm that result from yianbftil lollies, eieeas of natanly, ar if aoranrs nf I'hywdmry and Nalurs's Laws. These invelaable Lectures have been the means of enhgliieniiw and savins; thousands, ami will be for warded FREE on receipt of Twenty Hv Cents la p.iage stsmps. by addressing "Keeretary Pscillc Ma snus of Anatomy and tkience, Pine threat, Hsus Fraa rise"" 4yia ( jrltler 1 be sent through Wells, Facie At Co. BENHETT HOUCZ, SALEM. OBEQON. ll.HIA, W. L. SASTOS. HOLIES k SUTOH. E have parrbaserl lbs emirs Interest in tbls well known house, and would respeetfnlly lafnrsaoar VV friends and the traveling public that we are ansr ready aad prepare.1 to aceoumodsle all who aiav da mes to give aa a call. No paius er sipsrue will ks spared In minister ta lies eon fort and eonveuiaaea ol osir gnMs. Tlie t'slifomla Company s stages srrlva and d part ' daily, from this aoaas, far all parts 4 Oregoa a4 California Pilrm, Aff" f. ''