The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, April 17, 1865, Page 2, Image 2

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    detect ed, and will he rendered to yon and Ilia
brara and gallant otlioera and oldir of your
eomroand lor all time.
E. M. Stakton. Soy of War.
WlrTn, April Mi, ' ! o"ltrtd '!''
tat of K1 (tint In Brd l ll Uu l..l..lrUn ! tMry
tori anil aruna.1 la Int Unlw.1 tow tlp
Hon of lltlt ordir, In eoiniiwro'irnll'in of tht tiirrrliutr or
Oh. B. K. Lea and Iha arm)' t Narlhtrn Virtlult, to Lltuk
tn. U nil I and Ida anty ann" liH conimmnl.
. ..,,.; , , M, BTAlTllll, Ifcp'jf of War,
Washinotoh. April 5. The Surgeon Gen
eral report that Seward tva thrown from hii
oarrlatfo thi evening. Ilii nrm wa broken
and hii body much In ulead. Hi caae preti'tita
BO nUrinltii! lyiiiptnfn. '
. APRiti 7. Seward ia mnri' coriifi'rtable tn
(ay than yeeterduy, and In injurliii are pain
ful, but tliiTu are u Diifuvnralile aytnptoni.
Nr.w York. April 5. The eorreapoutlmtof
the Herald anya Gen. Warren waa relieved
of Ilia onminnnd of the 5tb cnrpi on Saturday,
by order of Gen. Sheridan. The oiuiao ii gen
erally anderitond In he Ilia tardineii or rcfuial
tn oliey. Warren and naff hurried to the rear
(topping hot a few niiuutea at Giant'i head
qnartera. PRovmnMrB. April 5. At the State eleo
tlon to day. Jamea G. Smith re-elected
Governor without oppwitioii. Thin. A. Jeiika
and Nathan P. Dixon were ra-tlcoted to Cou
greia by large niiijiiniiea.
,. Hartford, Cuun., April 3, The State haa
gone Union hy a very largo maturity.
, Nashville, April 5. Gov, Urnwnlow waa
Inaugnrated at the Capitol at 10 o'clock. Ilia
inaugural addreaa wa Unglhy and patriotic
Both houaea unnniinouily ratified the (Jouatitu
lional amendment.
Nivt York, April O.-The Hsrnld's dia
patoh dated linnlle. Ala., March lth. with
the cavalry column of Thmnna' army, under
Gen. Nelaon iayi Our forw ooimint of three
diviaiuna and whi anon to he Joined by the
fourth. In ilmtinalion wna Selmn, Mniitgnm
try and Mobile. , The country to fur na travel
ed contahia only old men. women, children and
oegroee. Proviimi were plenty. Our Corn
gera found no difficulty in obtaining auppliea.
A fear rebel' appeared and aliinuirhed with our
advance. Thia wa thn only oppoaitiini wo
met with. Many rebol doiertnr have deliver
ed thomielvea up. .
Nkw York, April 8. A meeting of the
prominent at (he Ciiatniii Home to day
adopted an addreaa to President Lincnlu, re
uealing Unit a duv be detiirnuti'd, when the
people may awnihle and niter thuuka fur the
brilliant amiceaaea which, tinder Divino provi
dence hnve been tenured by thn p'-rtiatent en
ergv. taiiHoiiy and fidelity of the goreruitU'iit.
and hy tlie tkill mid intrepidity nud lfacr.
flciug dcvnlinii of the nrmy mid nuvy.
Tlie Timet' Richmond enrrt'ipondent anya t
The den mot ion of .roperty by (ire will amount
U ten milliooa of dollar. It ia confidently aa
aaaertrd that Dreekinridgn gave the older lo
tart the fire. Mail coiiiiuunicaiion with City
Point wi to he eatiililitlied nt once, The oily
Ii perfectly quiet and the conduct of our troopa
ia admirable.
The Tribune't Iiichinond enrreapundent
eaye: When Davit received Lei ' tlitpittuh in
ohureh. he tmo much agitated nud left the
church. All eye were centered upon him,
nnd when the fervicea were coneludeil the min
later waa hinded a note, and he too battened
off aa apeedily at pntiilili.
Nkw York. April 7. A Waahington dia.
pilch eaya -. Hhennnn'a column ia again In uio
tkio. It i believed Jnhntton will not attempt
go to Unleigh hut will retreat to the interior.
Henry 8. Poole, lute rebel Senator, arrived
In the Etna yeeterdny and landed at Cattle
Garden. He took eteerege paaiage in order
to avoid Reward pawpnrt regulationa. The
rate did not avail him, He wn aent to Dii'i
headnoerteii and ia now n Eldridae itreet
NawYoHit, April 10 The Ihrald't ao
oouiiti'f the purmiitof I.eeraya ! Whole army
in the morning moved live mileaon the road to
Deuoimv lle and in the foreniHin the 3d and Sill
eorpe fiirceeili d in fulling upon Gordon'! camp
guarding Lee'a army in the vicinity of Den
oonville. They tunned a pur lion of it and
made many capture of men aud imrteriul.
Gordon look Up one poi lion after an-thcr on
the hill lop and rucceeoed in retarding pnrpuit
to limited extent. lMngcen and deaerlera
elated that I lie rebel army waa fulling to picoea.
Kefugee alfo mill (hot train were running
from Itiehmund In Danville all day; and lliat
Jeff. Duvia aud Cabinet reached there in the
afternoon aud were taken to the reaideuce of
Sutherland. A refugee alio anya that lleaure
gard telegraphed that SUmeuiuo wai on the
Danville and Greenluirn ruiroad, tearing it up
between llnme placee,
Herald'l enrreapnndent with Ibe cavalry re
oounti the ninveuietita of thia arm of the eerviee
in purauil of lx-e. Tbo rebel Home Guard,
noiubering '.&). waa overtaken and found
atrongly iutri'iiihed aornea Namiwiu creek. hav
ing dealloyed the bridge acroaa I he ford to im
pede puifuit. On adiauciiig.the enemy open
ed fire which waa relumed with vigor. Tiler
were finally ahelled from their poeilion. A
number of gum were eoou diamouuled, Iheob
truction removed and the rommnDd panaed
over. Evidencra of the demnral latien on the
part of the enemy were at once apparent.
Poahing on, Carrigau'a brigade of rebel cav
alry waa anon eowinnlered by our aecoud brig
ade and Col. Milla command. Hebela acatler
td like a flock of abei p on being fired upon.
Col. Cnpjicr'a biigude about the iiniie lime
veiliHik tfieeuemy near Druiiiaville, aud
preading on each aide of the road our men
went forward un ir the wildcat excitement.
The rcbela finally coin bided to make a aland.
Our cavnlry prepared lor a charge, when a
iirong force of rebel Inland v waa di'covervd
an our rear. Our Inmpa fought hraiely. falling
back oolil reinforced, when the rebel were
again driven and clonely followed until night
art ia. The rebel' were ihui driven back U
iiiilee, being routed at every point and biting
many men, army wnxoua eto Oor whole low
ia not 5U. On the 4 1 la. the march waa returned
and continued aulil afleniiHin. when the en
emy were overtaken and tkirmithuig entiled
which continued until dark.
WAitilNUTON, Apnl 10. The Xitiont In
titligenctr ay! ' lenm from a reliable
oe. rue that Judge Ciimpbcll called upon I lie
Preeulenl, at Itichmond. and urged him lo irmie
proclamation of a concibalotr oharacler, el
prvwing hi lh lii-r lhal U would have at thia
lima a aalulary i ffict. Tha President, how.
rer, waa wit iheo prepaied fur the atep. It
waa reaaonable lo tuppie he would decline
noting upon Ihit uljeot while Grant at pre,
eing upon I-e' retreating fotce. Thai lh
Preridriit will now adopt ouch oouiee there
aeeme reaion for believing.
. WAlllNOTiiN. April HI TheDepartmei la
are all doted lo-duy, aud everybody i keeping
holiday, Stanton riprette the upiniun that
there will be no more heavy Agluing. It it be
lieved here that Joliniten will tutrendtr.
Liuoolu ha returned, aud ia luelj wilb
hi CalNiiet.
There la reaeon to believe that Jeff Davi
a at Danville. V . on the 8ih. Inint- in Join
Jobuetoo, wilb the archive of III rebel gov.
tmnient and a large amount of enecie.
Thera wer an prayer offered lu lb flich
mond churche yettenUy fur the Pretidcut,
aod non for the Confrderaef.
GoLDSBoao. N. C, April 6 Deaerlera and
rafogee report lh tvaeuatina of Kaleigh. and
that tb enemy wer throw ing up earthwork
,m Tar river, at Idaky Moont. about ,10 mile
friHti Gobltboro, toward Wrldon, on lh Ve.
dor) and Wilmingion railrrad.
TotoNTO. April 10,-Ta Rl. Albam Mili
ar were brought b. ram Ibe ejoart (hit nioram?,
and all went ditchargej, eteept Young, alio
waa ommit'ed for tnal.
Bt. Louia. April JO. To nl vot, ,
SUM Cooveulioa OB the aw oouilitutiou.
taken oo Saturday, and reaolled. 39 for to 1,1
a-aiutt. It i to he aubiullted ta the people na
Jaae Bih. If ratified, it gne into cfTeot ou lh
4th vf July. The Convention adjourned tint
afur. after a ten ou of 78 day.
. Vttw Yi'liK, April 10. The Ctmrntrrial',
ditpatcb fy u order will be eenl to lb Geu
eral verywber to opea oromouicalivu witli
Iha eaoirnandt-r of Ibo reliel force In their
frneit. and offer tha aama urnw whioh wer
werptaaj br Lew. N cjittoally la anticipated.
ti jt Ii tMl.
City Point. April 12. To Stanton: Li nch
Ihurg anrrendered yeaterday lo a Lieiiti-nunt nl
SOrilliu' foroee, at the head of tcoutinir iiartv
Grant haa ordered MuKei zie'a hi ignite of cue
airy to occupy the town and take cure of all
public properly and atnre. Dana.
Nauiiviu., April II. To Ilnlleek : I e.-ri.l 3
ihe fnllowing. jntt received; 1 am inclined tn
believe It. although hovr" received no repnri
direct from Wilooii. Tiiohah.
HuntbvilLm, April 11. To Thomai Tin
following Juat received from Col. Hoover, a'
.Homurtvilie tayt : Men who have cinne dire tly
through from Sclraa, report '.hat the place war.
captured by Gen. Wilton loroel nn jiurcii
'fil nVire..t, and Hoili If with the r coinmani
were cniitiired. Our meu ditinnunted iiiullieclivea, who reinai 1 behind when their gov
charged Ihe intrenchment nnd carried nil
fore them. They alto report that Mmilguin
ery waa captured.
Nkw Yoiik, April II. The itrnW pub
Ilthea a litt of general ollicera anrrendered bvi Ther cnuipriao the General In Chief.
one Lieutenant General, awenteeu .Miijor-lien j
eralt, tixty-nne Brigadier Generalt, and among
ilieni, Andereon, Ecliolt. Ewell, (already u
pritoner.) Finnegau, Heath. Hnthreil John
ton, Kertlmw, Lnngttreet, Mnhnnn, McCuut
laud, Mntuby and Ould,
Ihe Exuhiinge Coinmlttionera nre Penilier
inn. Pickett. Hotter, Somel and II. A Wine
The number of men actually turrendereil by
Lee ia from 20.000 to 25.000. Wilhin Ihe luat
two week, over 20.000 piitonera have been
ent away from City Point. A large number
il ttill there.
Nkw YoitK, April II. The l'utt'i rpeciul
from Goldthoro 7ili. tnvt : Johuttou it rem nt-
ing lowarda Virginia and attempting tojoinj
liee, ann nnerman wa niter mm.
The World's apecial uye t It w reported
lait night that Jontlon bad eurreudercd on the
nine term granted lo Ieo.
Nrw Yoiik, April Vi. The lhniU
Wnthington tpecinl alto tnj t thai there it koiiiI
anthoriry for ntnliiij' that Kirby Smith and the
rebel Truni-Mbtiatiniii Armr anireadv to tor
Nkw Yoiik, April II. A aevere fifht toukij
ace retlerdnv in Fairfax county, Va., be
nern tome rebel troopa tent out hy nfli rfl
lie evncuatlon or Kiclimoud, ami a portion ol
inr tronpa in that vicinity.
'J'hn rebel wen
leleated, linu Ultpereil.
mhu, April II -The fi'''',"l'''VZ'i,,,','p;',per warn the Houte of C
n.pecml ditpatch aay. an exgage S,,,. h, hl l1r!IIIIL.. r ,,, ,
uieiit Willi Mntehy'a imirrilhi took place V
lerday, 14 mile Irom Wathiugtuu, ninl th
zuerrilltit wi re badly bealen.
.NBW Yi;hk. Annl II. The Tnbune'l ie-0
nai any secretary ncwurd injiiric have u
uiiid a tenon- nature. Medical men tear tbui
i . ' . b
owing to hit inability lo tuku mini food, he can
not repair the watte of vitality in lima to gel
ihe heat of the coining warm Weather.
It ia rumored that tint Pretidcut will call an
I'Xtru aettion of CooKret.
The lltruld't Watbing'on tpeoial tayt
I'romineiit rebel, probably Judge Campbell
and Hunter, nre toon expected in WnthiiiKlon
in conned ion with the hiiaincie uf retloralion.
Seward comlitioti it audi aa lo render it no
Bcettary that the conference on the tuhjeot ol
peace lie Held there,
Nkw Yoiik. April 12 New Orlcnn dnte-
tn the Glh hare been received. Ailile.e from
the army about Mobile to April 4ii. atute tbui
ihe water communication between the Spnuitli
Kurt and Mobile wnt cut olf hy a hatlcry ct
ittblithed above the Fort. The rebel coiiiinilu
cation with Mobile i entirely tutpended ami
Ihe iege progrettcr fiivorably.
Nkw Yohk,. April The HcntUls New
Bermuda (N. O.) diepulchea of the Dill an :
The entire re-clothing of Sherman' nrmy wut
eiimplelrd and it wut ready to enter upon n
new oomnaign for the tuininer. for the audden
extiugiiitliment of Johntou'a military power if
that rebel chief choote In offer further re itl-
nce after hearing of Lee' ttirrender. The
Oouulry on tha (oulh aide of the Ncutc. Iie-
tucen Newliern and Goldtlioro l eulirely clear
of rcbela, but on the north aide of Ihe tlreuin
ibeir are aoine prowling band. One ol thetc
Imuilt, on Ihe 7th. captured and burned n
ttenmer and two barge loaded with eopplier
inr Nicrmiine iriaip on llieir wny i;p tlie river
I'll it i tbo only iulerioiilion which Sherumii'i
communication have ull'ered. Tht order en
pending trade operation with Virginia. ""epiM
that portion known a the eatlcru tliore. umin
.1 l". . . ,. .. ,. , . .
'. . ... . V ., . .... , , . ... "
laiinau. uniii luiiuer oroer.i repcaieu o com
uiand of Lieut. Gen. Grant
'I'he Herald's Itichmond cnrrctpoodeiit rnyp
he peoole of Virginia, and Itichmond in mr-
liculer, appear to be at latt lolly iiiti-licd with
the experiment nl a houllieru t onleileriicy nno
ara inakliig preparation lor Hie niuru nl the
State lo a loyal poition in the Union. Inllu
eulial cililen are eiiiaaed iu endeavoring d
teciiru the heat term they can. The fei-boc
in Iiichinond again! Iiiiu and oilier lendeir
of Ibe rebel government i repreieuled a hav
ing become very Inner. At let 5.001) ul ilu
io ulullou at Ifiohinnnd are now eulirely ile
oendent un governuieiit and Ibe Noithern pen
ide lor hvimr tunoly ul' fmal, ud but hu
iiliete would tlarve. Government nlliccr an
inning 20,000 ration a day to ihe ili ttnnti
udupe of leceatmn. Tbawoikof cleaning up
he cily, taking pnacatinn of mill, nmnufac
lorie aud all kinda nf abaudoiied rebel v
eruuient properly and putting Ibeui in prop, i
order i being vigorouily prmcculed. uiideil
ihe dirrclion of Gen. Shi-ply, and for Ibo ne
cettary labor which Ihit involve, a largo
tier of negroea are employed. The amount n!
iroperly thin fur teemed lo the government it
eiiormnn. Much lecreted properly wa ilu
covered in dwelling of cililen. iuclnding. I'
it ai.l, vail q.inulilie of aillilel leul from I lit
friend ill the North to th waul of iiiipninu
d I llli'll lolillera.
The remain of Col. Dahlgren have been
litcoiered nenr liicliinond, eihuiued and fcin
to Wathington.
The irifianr' ipeclal from (My Point an) -lieu.
Gruui' en my it reported lu have limn i.
il five iioribwnrd lor the purpote vf rcc. iiii(.
tuppbe and recruiting.
Prieiiiit-ra captured by Sherman proviuu to't tui lender wrr on their way to t.'.ti
I ninl.
The 7'iuiri' City Point tpecinl tay Lew ba
expietred a dnire lu depart lor Euiopenitl
Ina Itiiuily at an early day. He ia in tali nlTict
d I') In dcfval. J.lT. Davit hat drtmcil
Iiiiu aud i rdrealiug ou hi own account.
SAN mANI IHl'ii. April I I I.igal leinlei-
ire nlfervd at l( 7Qi ; cloamg at til a 72j'o
i lirm. Gold yolerdar ranged liuiu 1 104 a
l t4 doting at 147.
luniLAXD, April IJ. Uul.-it rccuvn.
received yetterday by Lieul. Col. Kncli'b ill
rct him to tutpeiiil all recruiting nnd dialling
or Ihe arinie of Iha I'niled Stale. SiiiiiI.h
..rdir hav been iuued to ill; Provett Mnrtbali-
nid aiiiiennteiuleiit uf reciuiting auJ driifiinv
in lb loyal Stale.
Affair at Richmond.
WAaiilNOTox, Apiil 7 Kichmoud letter
y that previon to th anrrrmler f the city
the Mayor ordered all liquor In be deir.iye'o
and M rfliiteiiienc the rebel rear goarJ lie
came eulirely ungorernahlt. A lernbla teem
of niia and pillage entiled. Store were plun
lered ami lb whole cue w m a lum.ilt el
lint. Great daiuatv wa Imi donn by the el
phtjlon of olio of th rebel inagittor.
ihe victim of Ilia xploioii were all Hie in
male nl III aim home. Th damage dom
by th Ira wa enorioon Thi nnriuui nf lh.
city bounded by Mam Jlreet and lb river ann
7ih, Mill and I.Vb itrecli, waa dettrond
rhe flame were rlnallr airralril bv bl. iwie i
up tha Negro Trader' Bank hulldlog, by ot
icr oi uen. r.nipuy.
Th negro trunut wrr treli d bt tbo nonu
latlon lu th moot extravagant manner.
I Ii KlclimouU II ai w latued oriiViinl
4ib th former tdilur having iiTea iilwLea cl
Ueartr innnort to th Liiion etui.
lh wort nl removing the mm root ion from
the Janie river I progreiiing rapidly. It i
iniwieol loai ionic ol our entailer vewel wiii
lor ahio Unt Ulchmoud Ibw week
WaaiiiNiiTrte. - Aiilll S The Uk-hruoml
ItAiar 4 th Dili y i Th Iraiiiiliidin from
th auorinoa prioe and a depnciatrti cur.eii
ey to reawnabl rale. o ea.l.leuly cin.e upon!
,, ,n., H win oe mow nine re,..r..tii wiiihh two in Hire humlrr.l yard f il,,
th 4ian. Baiter wa aaro al tweoir fln l tort. W hate It anenmnatwd m, ihre 1
Ith 4ian. Batter wa aaro al twenty -Br el
lnilr pnand wow H W plenty at fifty andj
-ixly cent. Kgit' Unit were Si per il.uen.nre ? the gunlioaia cull get up ibe rebel cannot rt
now lolling at ;0 centt. (dlier cniiiinodiliei.iipe. Gen. Orangi r ami mull barely encopeil
have been reduced lo equal rate.
rending the excitement and iioiifiiion con-8
ncniieiit upon th- evaeuiion on Snirlny Djll
..mi.iIi io in ihv Stale I'oiiitcnliorv miiininei to
line, but on Tuetdav, Hie 4ill.oii-r one linn
Ired nern recnptuied and returned to prituu
.Milmiry llovernnr nhepley tint nutlinriKe i a
b-tiiil nf colored troop to clear away the re
iiiaiua of tbo great fire, ao ni to expoto Hie
liroken gat pi Sullcrt ttoretare epriniiiug
up all over Ibe butineat part of Ibe city left by
ihe fire, nud old time are being realored. ami
Inxuriea euinved na l.cfore. Meil lire mnile
tlun ditilv lor the .North, four u nnleileriite do
be-gerninent changed it- bate, have been arretled
I I'he fnuelioii of the .Mayor ano police are tat
jpeiineu inr uiu preaeni aim iiimiary i iw gov-
Berne the city.
I'he Whig givea the piirliculura of the evno
untiini, winch had been going nil lor niniilht
lull the people were blinded and refuted lo lie
lleve ll meant evacuation, at all declared llimH
the ineatnre. were only precautionary. On,.
Oil, IUII) Ml IIIK. Hir M. .11 M"l. IS
..,.. 1 1... '1,1 I ,u .1 a, .l rfili'i.i-A
com belonging lo Ihe Loui'iana hankt, and te
ceiilly appropriated by the tonlederaie toil
urctt waa tent down to Danville, and iilto tpe
we of the Hichimiiid baiikt.
Their programme for the departure of tie
ollicera wu nrningeil. A number of them
were to leave during I he night. Still there wii
not room enough lor all who though to gel
away. Davit left at 7 1'. M. ; Brcukiuriilitc un
linraeback with the latt of the rniy on Mon
dnv t Governor Suiiili ran oil' during the iiifln
The Kichmoud WkiurW: (jovernor Snnlli
made a apeech mi Sun lay, aaying tlie rebel
imopt were vicloriou and liichiiiouil nould not
lie evitcuatcd, aud then got ou lioritelniuk ami
A Itichmond letter of the (5lh any : I hi
new ttate of nlf.iir in Ihit city give general
lifiictiou to the reln-lt who teem to thou
llieir goodiieta, and temlcr every attention ami
luliirimilion to our tohlier, aud un the aoliliert
i.irt. tiny are kind and cuurtenut, tbnt givinc
athe he In the faltu report of the rebel pa pert
ElJIt'iPKAS Nrwh. New York, April 5 -
Thu Kuni. from Liverpool Mirch 22d anil!
Qiieenttnwii 2.)d. hu umved, Political lieu-
Imiinrtaiice ol llm vote lo lie taken on
the 2.'bl ou Ihe aubject of the Caiiudn f rtilica
The Moravian' new canted uu improve,
mi nt in 5 20'.
The London Morning Slur in nn nrlical on
the quetiion of iiot.'il le repudiation by tin
United Slates, aatert t hot the Watbiiijiiimi
lioverumeiit it at incapable of repudiating in
oliliL'iitiout nt the Government of England.
Ill the Houte nl Coiuil'iiiif, ill reply tn tin
enquiry by Gregory nt to Ihe protection of
III tilth properly in the Southern Stale, Lmil
caul that he auppoteil the nuetliou re
lined to co'tiiu. A regard that dettroveii
hy the Coiilederatet to prevent lit lulling lulu
Virllicrn liainlt, tlie onuert miitl tiauil it mm
have no riglit lo complain, but nt the mine linn
ihey kavo been urged lo preterve . aullieutii
recorilt of filch pioperly. At rejiardt Ihe col
urn tcizt'd by tin Fcib-rul Government, the)
hare nn nuilouhled riclit to remove it to tin
North, hut the llriiith Charge nt Wafhinglnn
hut lieen iMKtr ctcd to expretacniiti.leiit Imp
that no obttai le will be iiiterpitied to the cl.uu 1 5
ol Hi 11 lull aiilijcol in retpect In null roltou. Ijiiiau.leU liy Maury.
Berkley ngiiiii called utteiitiiin lu Ihe prolui S
hility of u war Willi America, and comphiiiieili The He.-alds correiniulent who nepended
nl the negligence of tin; Government in 1Hiigi'uiiie river limn City l'mnt In Ilichinoiiil my,
milking adequate prepuraliiui. f Hint jutt behiw Cluipin' F nil win Ihe new
A ib-citiun given by the l'riurily Cniincil iiijjlr ril11' 2'J-a. She hud a plum fJutb
llitlmp Coleuto' cite pr,.iiiniicea'hia re valS'1 m "'"""'""t or engmea, nud wn nf
Innn hit llithnpric b: Ibe Bithnp of Cape Tiiwiia1"' '"ht dralt. The river wa found lined
mill uud void, that power retting with th. w"h formidable work nn buth tide, tbo gun
J 0 -1-1 1 . Mh remiiiuiug, Such had been the hutle to
A recent paper atn red Hint rn-troliHtiuii- ni H, vn,J"1'' ,l,a '"nw Sm" n'' fl,ik''J 0I,IJ'
Wathington between Maximilian' iigent ninia11
Seward ore iiriimeatunr uiiufaeinrilv. ml
Lincoln pr ited lo recngiirte tbo Empire si
the tcruiiunliiin nf Hie war.
The I'ari Vonslitntionnrl ntterl that no
Inrehentiiiii of A iean mrerettimi in MfiieiiHW
c . ---... - -... .. ..
nre chimerical. The relaliolit of France amli
, ,
i lie I'luleil Stale never appeared to be niiin
v...... i..;n ti... nt.:... t. r :
3 .,r. i . inn. t im ii i i in- iniin :i,hii i.iv
In the Houte of Lordt, Uuttell laid on the.
'ablen notification from Mmitler Adiimt, ol:
the internum of ibe American Gover cut ii.fP,
ierininato the ni-iprociiy treaty nnd Ihe en W "T, ' ,",,1ta,,"r - cnorgeii
rentiour luting lo Ihe armed force on Ihe lal,etiv,l1",1"" tva!r)'l"'''" '!? J I""""" "f
lleadmilteil that the act cninuiitlod on Hi. 1i',,"'Ih' I!'"""!.' purtuei I Hi buck to
like wholly J.iitilicd Hie American Govern 3 ir w,,rkt uimd Ihe uiott lenilile and detper
incut in llio tlcpt taken. Tbo n-ciprecili "'' h-u'"! "r tt,,r- ,U 11'' "
ir. ic I,., it,, I I.i l... ...........I ,.,n. HII;B "one. Sliendan wa alto forming the iiilan
mill 'inoililicatiima. lie nlto hoped that ar ;
rang nt mirht be made for a limited arm
anient for police wrvic Ihe lake. II
irutleil Ihe paciliu n h.-tiveen!
llielnoirovi-ri .it miehi m.,1 l. !
o.llhlliir wi.lll.l I... in K.,.1,.1.,1 l ll. r,,. j
illeui. Ho recreltcil llial epeeclie liad breiil
" .. . . . . . ' 1
made in Ibe Home of Common rnlcuhited I
exeile uiil'uvoriible feeling in America, and win
eluded by declaring England bad Hot neleil
iiiimgluliy in iiiiv nay ton unit America. Afic
lelleruling hi hope fur cominiled peace In
aid: Mr fredrick llince, the new .Mmitler
would tail on Saturday, ami believed tlieibg
nity and honor of the country would be title in
hit band.
lu the Houte of Comninna. tbo Muripit nl
llnrdiiiglou moved that Ihe vote fur b r'llica
Hon include S.(NKI a part of Ibe i.'20 IMKI re
.iirrd lor Quebec A long debute entiled
llardinglon explained Hint ifi total etluuali
lor Ibo Quebec I. initio Hum wa '.Ml IKK). i
aa neceiiary now that Ibe I'nited Stale bail
become a great military power, to place Can
uda in a ttate of d. lentc. altboiigh the Govern
nirol bad tut Ibe bgblet elpeclnlioil lliat tin
I lulled Sla'et contemplated an attack.
Ilentiu objected lo the motion, and moved
Hie omnium of the Hem for Quebec from tin
The nierili of Ibe iiiettion were debated In
I'eel. Addcrly, Ditraeli, Lord Bury nud olh
en who auppMiled Ibe Government.
Bright and Lowe were Ihe pnucip I tpeukei
Pitliueritoii did not think lliat there wit am
danger of war Willi America. Ther wen
'riemlly, aud lb Goveriinient only procrctleu
iceoiiiing io tlie practice ul all cooutiie.
The amvudmcut Haa rejected by 235 in
London, March 2U. Pari advice Had
lliat the ram Stonewall quilted Fern I. ln
Itiiii. March 211. nccoiupiuied to tea by r
paoii.h Irigute. Ihe Niagaraaud Saeraineul.
Ilnllowid iiumediatcly. The expectation of i
light canted great excitement with Ibe Siuinitl
'palatum, but ihe Stonewall anioireuily loud
no iiiaiice lor an ctenpe ami returned le mrl
II i timed on giod aim. only tluii ihe rede
proicrt dtafl will be paid to-morrow.
Nkw Oui.kav. March .'II Th.'VVar DtUu
ml lleadquarler have received Inl.irinilioi.
tln.1 Cauby' rmy waa within a few mile oi
Mulule. Gum were in potiliou and thell. con I,
he tin. iw n iulo the aubnrl of the city. An
attack on tort Uiadli
Bradler. ibe main dele.,e, bail hi
ilready commenced. Dick Taylor waa in oo.n l
uaiid of Ihe S.uitb fort. Tha ui
ul lh latt r w ooiiiiueiiced on the 2'h.
The Herald's corretpondent from Ibe from
f Mobile uu thn 2lih aayai The whole ul
'ranger' cur pi arrived al Deiibv' Mill on
lb 2;id of Maicll. On Ihe evening of the .lib
Ilia aixteeuth carpi received order In march
in XI nioruiug, which waa received with clieet.
by the u.(i. The 13th rorpa, togetkrr will.
Caoby and ina ttatf, are to go mill ihem.
Tie 7iti' corretpondent dating al llead
quarler. iiUd Army Corp, near Blakely, aaj :
A parly ol guerrilla made a dli on a wag.u
Itain (tuck in th mad below F;tb riv. r, an.i
laplaieii leu mule aud eigut linvirm Ail ti. and il..k wer b.onghl in trtlerday
I'llera ha beeu much tkirunrliiinr lint no rev
.. i . i i . - ... .... .
mar mini yei. in iHiiiitMr, uieiit
lei. in iHuiiiMr, uieiit ui
Mianirh i nureiw lau.rnl.l, - ..,...I.,
fill iha eppr.Mclte to Hie fort. Uur kinoithei.
fort. hv It anenmpatwd on thrr iu
Thir only chine of cap i by water.
t I g mow n up in inrpeme- pi iu.-u
Col. lleiitiud i rati brigade captured a relni 'el
j'cgruph nlliue and di'putidiea. allotting that Ibe
.aehel were lolly potted in
rotation to our
3 iinivcineiil ami potition. Gen. Steele captured
tivo railrouil tiijiply trniiie at I'oiuru a hi in"
icroniiin. Our lottea were not to exceed .VI
Skilled nnd 200 or Mi w tiled. IWnd iinm
Iv reirnhirlc between Mobile and Snuiilell
Kurt conveying reinlorci'ineuti', gum1.
The Ihrald't Moliilo Bay corretpomleiit.
iimler ilato of March 31 I. mi) i Gruiiger'
nud Smith' corn maiclied from Darby' Mill
on March 25th lor Blukcly. meeting tlight re
-ittaiice on the firtl day. On the 20lli. Cnrpi
moled inward the Spiinith Kurt, a ttronghold
of eartbnorkt, eiicjiiiiitcrnig and diii'iug Hi the
rebel cavnlr). In Ihe evening Granger en
camped on the left nf that M. The Kith
Corp continued In Inward Blakely encamp
ing nt SiUcI' Mill", five unlet IVoin tha town.
On the 2iih or morning of the27ih our force
, , , .7 , .i,;..;,,,, i n il
,,...:.., .... ., I)iu ,,lR,i,,iM. llL-r
' n . . - . .
atterie within four hundred yard ol tlie Hin
On the 2r)th our force were entrenched within
70 vault of the fnrt. Several live have been
lo't I iv torpedo"! ttrewn along llm road. Uur
o't average per day. I liree liuuureii oi
the enemy bad Iicmi cut olf by a portion ol
inr lorce. lint were not yet captiireit. owing io
iheir having taken return' in a tivamp. Larly
in lh morning ol Ihe UOih Ibe relielt inaiie an
atiaek and were hamltomely repelted. with
eavy Iih. The rebel fleet ol gunhoatt It nil
the riglit within musket range oar Iroopt
Kive ul nnr guiihniilt and monitor nave emu-
il Blakely bar. The other were arriving.
On the illtt. tiege gout mid iiinrtur WeM In
ins placed in pitiutinii. Heavy cauiioiiitiliiig
Mat opened ou Ihe Sp ini-ll Fori and coiiliiiued
all day. The rood wnt not known.
S'l elo' column left pentacola. March l!)ih.
lie captured a Lain of cart at Greenwood.
At Pollard. Ala., two rebel cavalry regiment
were roired, and Briu' -Geii. Chanwin, 22 ol
licert. 400 men nnd 540 liorte were capmred.
panUiiiif. with a delachiueiit. nf Ihe 2d Maiuo
ami Ihe Ul Florida cavalry, cut the Mobile
anil Montgomery Kiiilrund, and cnpiureil two
wagon train and 100 pritoner. General
Steel and force hud arrived at lllakely. ix
mile Irom 'he Kpauirh fort, uud ttould toon
Unite with Canhy.
A iiuval h It. r to the Herald tlnte that the
mo lilor Mduiuulde wnt blown up by a torpedo
.ii ihe 23ih. and Hie Osage no the 2Utli. both
ivhile opeiatiiig iinaiiitt the Spanish fort. Four
uilor wi le klrd nn the Osage mid tix
t.-riiiotiv inju'ed. Only one un injured on
the Milaiitikie One nf the turret of the
Milivaukie i ttill out ol water, it in winking
order ami it ntiil, The Osage tiibinerged
t in deep to be uted. They will probubly be
The rebel nre bnty tending down turpedoe
and lire mil. The lorce in Siomitli fort it etti-
iiiiited at between ix nod teveu ihoiitaiiil, it
I aviiig been leinfoiced fiom Mol i'e bay water
mi Ihe night nf March 2!lh. It it rumored
lhal Forretl iiii.I hit whole force had reached
lilukely The rebel rain fiaihville and Ihe
gnnbo it Tuscaloosa. Morgan and Matches are
in Ulakely river, evidently intending lo give
iia lln to our monitor in thelny. Oor gun
ho itt have had tevcral ekirmitlic with water
Imticrn t, driving Ihe rcbela friim their gun.
The reliel trie pt ill the Spauith fort are com-
1,11 wrought null.
The railroad Iru i; Ilicblllond to Burkeville
S.liiin-lniti will be opened immediately uud ueed
B llMe ,,r upply.
ll An attempt tu raye ome nf lite vctael uuk
.laiuc river It to lie mnile.
The en nt at Fort DarJinir were not dctl roved
j at prt'Vioiitly reported.
New York, April 4 The World's account
of Sbcrnlau' geiieral.-bip tnyt il ill lake rank
uitli any on record. It tccmi Unit Grunt wa
Sunt ntii.fiid with Friday' tturk and placed
' 1 , .. .' ."' ,""u
tr-.'''owing the tame in mlanliy
'"' !" l,"v''1" ' " ,w'"
"i'd.-eight lo . to bandtonie a force ..f c v-
I"e" back and bold in clo ck (ill (Hill in
'untiy, t'lll Ihey did It Ii tlich II inaiiii.-r a to
I I.V dl-.elle Willi III- II f olll Infill
try. I In y eie mnvnig li n k fteo by tiru .
their .tnik-. The tiginil not then "ii. n and
Slue infantry clo-cd on their w ilk like il huge
mm diuir. 1 lie rein I oiv their pi tl loll. but
lid not appear lo npprecinte hoiv ci crate
Aa llieir titil itioii. 'I hey fell back to ibe I. It
uily to tee the ch'te advance of our infantry
Ini'c tlieni acrni ihe Hi-Id In Ihe right. Our
jjiior-eiueu cornered ibeiu iu lln ir vain attempt
hi lllil it nut uu tile rear, mid Ihe cavaliy l
1:1111 lo iitteiul le. Soon a crow fne rou-d along.
uiltiug down llieir 'Hire it and ttrewiug the
i. Id wi ll bleeding men. Their own artilh rv
.a turned ou tlieni al but; ibe cavalry clung
u ii'iwu up n I iii-iii. tcailng and trampling
lie.n Into conlutioii. They bad un coiniiiiiud-
nig oilier to lead them out of the trouble iulo
ivliich llicy bad fallen. A cuininnii.l in die or
nuendir wa given, ami .111 HI men Were
Shi-ridan' pritoueie. Tlnwe who etcuiu-d were
imrtiicd by Ibe cavalry far into the deeolate
tor. tl.
Tub Dr.FRNCK!) UK Kiciivionh. The wmk
in I rout nf contitt of three ttnoig
inetwliiil y enveloping Ihe cily. The ouli r
uie are runliuiion. and Ihe inner one con -i-liiig
uf a terlet of tlroiig reibiiibt and iibat
nt fort. All of I bete mo.iiil npttnrJ of three
liuiidred glint, and nould, bad Ihey Im-ck prop
l.erly gnrriroued. formed an almoti iiupregoa.
i'le telle uf ill leoci. Ti.rpediH-t were ibli kly
trewn all over the ground with hole flagt for
be tafeiv nf Ibe rein It, which iln y to
move in their hntly flight, thu i.,ving the live
f many of our nun when marching into
Uichiiioud. The aecoud wa fi.und equally a
tmiig a the firtl. excepting nbailiii and tor-
l e. The Ibiid line I jul nuli-ido the edge
of low n. and tiluuled nn high ground. Theao
Aoikt, like olliert, mount heavy gun. April 14. Iti5.
El StATKfiSI VII! Ill the ptibhahed proceed
ing ol Ihe Teacher' Iiillitule. in Ibe bial ittu
ol the .Vu.rjiaua. Joo made the 1 till ltiaulu
inm read Hint :
lirsolred. Tint the imparlance of vritatt
'caching i nut fully realized, and that great
leiornn 111 ine eariy training nl cliil.tren nre
neccttary. and the bmt nf teacher alinuld b
tecurcd from pritate achooli.
' K""l""" '""""x
1 he Keioliilimi ihuuiu rend a follon 1
H'b. httotrej. That lh imnort.tuco of
primary teaching it ant fully realix. d. and that
greit reloinii hi lh rrly training of children
are nccctiuiy. and Ihe' bell teacher aholilj
ba tecum! foreur primary tehmiU.
l'leate iuietl Ihe abut aud ol.lige rutin,
ill beball of lb Marivu Cuuniy TeacbiT' Al
..cialiou. D. C. Pkaiuoh.
Aitkh Inhuxs Lieut. WohI. with aliout
:tt anlilirr. ilarli-J up tu th iniiuili M Willow
t'ln k oil I'litUy imiriiiiig. to .n-l an I01I0111
1m111.1l Qih-.aiiia aiol i.o othrr. wlm Imv
jinrvn m.iiuiii 1 1 1,1111 phjiivii, .ir III ,lrpi.r,
But waa iilOH,t, t.f ruitlni Ilu Imlmut In
Inutility, C'i..w lh arriral of tin- Lfnin.ntti
uiy party at Willo Cm-It. Ho y wa-n luu l. tl
littiti llifilvtni. r. ninl iiniiirJialrly turinuiiilitl
llio o.i.oi. Tu III. ir ulti r atlooi.h nt lloy
louinl lliat llm .riociwl actor, IJ iimiiin, h ,J
ihr il ir IH-Iorr li lt Tor Mmciw. 1 itrv !hiii.I a
Urjr iMinp of linliaiii, ii. h-Im, a M liiouglil
10 tuaeouiMiil. Mountaineer,
,, -i i ffto light the Unilcd Stale n it wo four yciirt
Jll tf (OltflOH 5tiUri0min.l;g. icr Cobb had tlolen the Govern in
11 v - - . I I
r, . .
F.,.m1nha..Lara.r Circul.tiou than any
- - - : .
othir Paper In the State, and ia the Beat
Medium for Advertiaera.
CbU gLtwandKesolatlonrarfpabliilicdiiithefiii,,,,.!!,!, Georgia, South Carolina, Nor III Cam
8 aieiraanby Authoriiy
Aboni in o'clioik In Hie .veiling of latt Pridayllli'iijaiiiiii. the liobel Secretary of State, in a
AnniHtM Liircotx wnt aamwhiated, and riled 22 mill
ilea putt 7 o'clock on Sal unlay morning. At the
tame time Hie murder of SaciiKTAiir Swan wu
itldiiptrd. Tlie parlleidart of the horrible deed may
be found In the telegraph newt. We have waite.l
inil hoped for twenty-fuar liouri Hint the terrrible an
iioiiiireiiieiit might lie coatrailn lea nut ia couiiri
d. It ia lou true. Wordt cannut exprem the feeling
f uny loyal mini at el.ii time. We know nut wlmt
lo tnv. biciy loyal Inline it in mourning, in.
iiiirihea are draped iu gloom anil giief, and even
patriotic lienrt it bowed iu bitter, bitter torrow. In
the initial uf the Saiiun't liolidiiy of rejoicing, ul lb.-
end of the rebclli we are iiuldeuly cntt down ti
ie liiivctt dcplb of angiiith at the foul murder of nnr
tVtlifii! Pre.ith nt It there one who duet ma grieve
illlii great eiilaniilv ? ' It inch there be, go mark
Iiiiu well." To the blood of tbontanilt of true men.
!wbo Inn e al rendy given their live, it now lidded tin
Slifc nf tbui man, equalled only by Okoo Wttiliso-
uun, to tecure Ibe lilieniet of Hie people. Hie iotcgritv
B-if Ibe milion. andtbf enluiTeinenl of lit law. Ilir
nl be upon the ukiitt of every rebel traitor, and !
j every man. North or S'unlli, who hut in uny way ay in
Rpuibir.eil wild tn reneiuoii.
leffernui Havit j ttill ai large we now know what
(will be lot Into. It la no time for intemperate wonli.
bit if aatatainaiion ii now the game nf rebel ninl
jtbeir tvmpiiiliizei'i, let I'nioii men renew their outh.
Bnver the Hug. let tlieni feel tlmtlbey take biotnert y
i lie hand, ntnl t.veur liefore Ifeaven lliat thy blond n;
Auiiaiiam I.lscoLt thai) be avenged. and that tlii-
jilainiiiible t'cnton to uur nation, our Inwa u nil ou.
(coiinti v, tliall be lorevcr aeatroyeu
From Ibe foil. in ing extract lakeii from tin
llatt itue of the Arena, we conclude that the
Ineiva of Ihe capture of Kjchmoud hut canted
an overthrow of rt bel "bile" upon thu ediliu
Jiif tbut paper. We fiiruith them tiinply to
vliow the feeling of our Oregon democrat in
jthi great era uf thu tiatiuu' r. juicing, and re J
Iqueet that ihey be preterve I for future refer
elice. We regret tluittucll matter thouhl everare eliuct the folly uf their aiiueetur. lluviugBjaud tin -auid bitolNee in Si. Loai. on Hie
. Bi i i i i i .i r, .- 9l-'h duv of June, IHtiu, al 1 o'clock p. la , judgment
hud a place ill nn Oregnn iiewtpaper, nud nreSlieeii deceived ami mined Ii) Uie L rnncrulu r viM he mjfmi lluui,,sl . B11,i ytuir itromirty told
confident the day will come when the author ol
it, will bo atbamed to acknowledge the author
hip. It it better for voter lo reflect npin
ilicte matter, nud choote their political 1110
ciutet Irutn principle, limn to permit old parti
uoiitettt.nnd by guiie atpitciuliuiia tncairy tlu ii
leeling beyond their reamin. Thu Arena
ay :
And why wat'nd envted? Simply lieeini.t
lieu. Iiee with llie relnd army met tlii-rc ; liee.nue Ibivi.
mil bit Caliinet Willi all ibe iii.iehii.erv ul a guveriiiueiit
11 ituecefitlul opeutiull wele tlleie. L)t.-pal,-heH fiuiifi
be Iriitit gave the country the atmmtin-e that ti ninl' Q
unet were neiug exieiteo aruuiui me uoumeii eity ; thin
Lee wa being cooped up. hit retreat cut oil and lli-
Itii'hliioiid iuip.iil.iiit. Iieeaute It w.u. lite ca-kel ii
ivllietl the jeweUul tlie t'onle.ler.iev were ut ov.d. aim
ibev weiv alieady in Ihe niitailiiig gratp ul tlie In ticjtri
Ibe teiiiel' we ni ike mime little alluwanet
lor ili.pait-h eubiriug, that llie reliel eity i,, in utu
Iiilul-., an empty sltell.tuve perbapta ft-w pii.,i.tiera au.
unie eniinuii. I'u-.r at that reward w.u, Id have lieet
:t did n t even briitir nidi it the murnle.A a ureal vie
lory. There it no muled mid til ing army. Iec retiii ,
a aecuriiaiiee. il de-erler.'tl.iriet aie Ime. inlh a p!.u.
tug furitled. leiturely and tnlleiilv. to i-ille-r l.vnt li
mrg or iLiitvillc; Uriitit il'iet nut kiu.w lu which', nno
0' not xeeiu piiiiit-tifiriy anxious to kie-w. The Ihtr'
il PeUatlatrg it uiil l. It.tve re-oilted iu 11 rebel tleleiil I
IiiIiihoii. Ilaldrc and llni.'i! are ig Sietai.ti. j
' " .... - , - ; 1 ti.iii ..i iter .It
".iiitH. ht'riuiin i t tv.triblv lirtitt In S
Ii Inn atil u iiluiut h.tviug g.tve Hi! Iiaioitd 11 v)
1.1. uy mitt imp iriaace.
It tay licit Uii limttml contained -all I In
nut liiuery of a government in tuucettful op r
iliou." By a tingle da.di.iif Hie pen ihe Are
na etliibli-lie the Coiifi di-riicy at 11 "guvi-ru
in-ill 111 tnicettfiil npi raiioii." W lint tucce
it ha had it na well know 11 lo the t'oiiniir 11-
ueed be. All government ure org ill Ml In mill i.urre .Mil Iili,.,.l ..ri... i
Gple ; ami iiccording In Vice I'retiilt iit Sieiibeli-
tl-.e Southern Confedeiucy wa toiiutled npnn
luvcrv nnd i it chief corner tione. uud if to
tin 11 the chief comer ttone wa 'oiluplcd" In
the builder n Hie paramount p.ihucal priuci
pie to he etiiiblirbed an I carried nut. Then
11 hat toccote ha Ihe Colli, deracy had iu e
tiiblithiug il "corner ttone !" Not much, we
-1 11 111 1. 1 got-. Lincoln "emancipated" it near
ly two year ago. nud now it ba been com
ptetcly aludifhed" by ihe Union toldier. inn
to nibl rejected ' by the "builder-' tlieni
Helve, iu re tilling to ihe tlavet fur aobliert in
llieir li-t lliillil ical IT art to put tmnebody cite
K btiiiceii lli. in and Ibe "latt ditch."
So much f 'r llieir ' chief corner none.'' Ami
now Winn rucceti nave nicy 11 nil uiiioog lurt-lgii f
nn I nun! Where have they been recognized .'
If they have bad a government in iiiccetifufj
operation, it haa not been the gnverinii nt of a
ciilbzcd or cbrittiaii nation, at judged by then
tuccee among inch nation. If tiny ban
nud a government at all, a measured by thi
lett, llieu it it inch an one a llindotlitii or tin
kingdom uf Dilimucy. The uaked truth it
they never had a government proper lln-i
have been governed by a military detpoium
of which Jctf. Davit wa the chief. The South
ern people were deceived and cheated by theii
,-iililiciil leiidi rt of the old democrat io party
uili drugged iulo Ibe rebellion by fraud, i'llel
were not per 11.11 led tu know lb true elate ul
feeling iu the Nor I hern Slate. They Wen
humbugged by llieir I adirt lu adopt the dic
nine uf "Sulci right aud cc. -iun" a unitei
log. lhrr. mid afirr tliry lia.l lnrn cliraii-a
it. adoption, it n. not hard lo it.itar 1I1.-111 f..l-B
Ion it nut to it certain, iillimnte am Irrribli
t'uil uf ii'lit llion ainl livil nar.
Hud Ji ll non Davi lolil th proplt in lh.
Soulli in lint fiitt placv. that lif wanlril thrill
10 aitl li'ur in gi-tling up an armrj n ltt-llioti t,
lit) Cnilnl Slulr gorrriiiiiviit, ititt.-iitl uf any
ui; to Ihriti "no liar a njlit tn, ami let aa se
Wr." be a on Id hav railed to do any harm.
U'lt Ihe cniitpiriiir Irailor prrtrnltMl tinthii
liul tin cilili d lmil. iHrt fulli concralii t I li,
faogt of a Moody and fr.iiil. tt n litlliou.
The Arena ay furllior 1
At l tlie rnV, t itT all tin. ii.oo the trnnintt nn n.
It w AT. tlttl lilt lr.Ulnl.liiiithl ot lltv t.:tl..i jt,.l
r a il ve iv-mr. Ilit .init t lh tlit-111
.nl tlr-ir 7. ihrir r..nHtt ii. r lo tiu dr.-rtno.tli..i I
ttuin ilo-ir l.itknJe.K-, Ju.l to Ur iua. nb
t .. It,!.
j 1 tt mttentti trtftnt .t intitinirorro y f-.r air at
1 1-1 urn, h W-.enrtl l.j II la'l or Itt i-dpitl. 1, , in.,
K.Tiirv I. m-a tin of itrirti. ltent, i.r. i.,ii,,i ,.i
E'lrrntttltrt lit? Inm.lf lltrre. I..V.I mc'ilirr t r trtr.
-wtull Willi it httf ihoU -h ut rtil.-r ; ait, ,',, l.
,i,m,t-m. . gftitrtii.tii ,,i litnw!,, Irt ,tl s ,,,
ii.w ltif uti,1(ltr I. if fur . t H1111..11. tml'tt
Ittl.l llm t. In n; ilhio it ....Pd f .liti-km
.In llt. will liv l aon't.H lu tli ronlr-t I n iu,t bt
Hit -ui,V ti.d Hit , irr mi s.ili.t mar hri
"J.'l " "f "Ifil. lritUi ttl lnjalinn. I lb.
I 1 -i -1 in . t..,., lu .i.t ,, 2
B vt btl.-n Hit) a nd. totiitiii. I
Q 0h no ! of eoorM tb Confedorary I a ab r
1 I . '
l limit, aircr r ioi i o.. r..-.. . v.... ...,.
, .. i.i u...i..i. ,. in ,, i :,....,(.,,
' . ... . .. ...
Pni. tit ciiiinnn, nrmi nnd inniiilioii of war, nnd J.-.-,K picopi.K ok mUO.Yl AXD VlffNITy
Pufler lliat wre'ehed old Northern D ocrilticg.l me li.oeliy nuiilleil tluii. 1 liuve reliuilt, and have
eiiiii r iiiiu i.i , ,.,,MII,. nm oiiiur, tlie Chpimr tiaw and
'nnglilnce and Iriillnr, luttccy, h id ill'pcneilH i.m,illK jj ,n.
Pour navy to ihe ' ntterinntt corner of lbi FotIP Mill's Xorlh Of Slllcm,
Fenrlh." To be tore the Cnnfederacy hut imig where i have oa liand
P(m. K ,,1,. ,,n,,,,it, iu,t h tingle powder iiiilll'Mnrft than Half a Million FpPt
El . , .. r I i..S'
Cno ciiimoli inuiinric or arm. incui. e
. ... i .i i, .e i i,i
ii. tnii ri eru in I naicoe 1111,1111: w........ u
Jerncy where he plente. mid he pleatett chM
K I ilia, and Sotiiherii Virginia; nnd to bonne.
late rpeech in favor of arming Ihe ncfroet.s
taid that it not hii oilier iible-bodietla
w liitt nmn in tlie uonieiieracy mat ruey uoiim
get into Ihe nrmy, yet nil lliit aignifieth noili
ing, " the material iiieiint uf the Colifcdcracl
lor War are tint lunch lettencil."
" Lee may retire lo a new line I f defeute,"
provtileil alwayt, he had obtained the content
if U. S. Grant.
We admit that Union men prnpheteil tin-
full of Hicliimc d long ago; and you will nnij
deity that Deiiincrul prophi-iet equally a
much, in fin or f I lit- rein It, that Ihe II S
Government cmild never lake Uichiiioud. Nun
a,.,, nk-llilininl ha been Ink' ll. Lee wa lie
lenteil in a Icitlle coinu'eiiced by bimtclf. and
hit w little iiriuv are liinv pritouert. ami whom,
llie f.llte ploplli It " We priipheth ll oil tin
id ul dig. nnd the 1,'ninii-j
uiu ii if n tn-t. ninl hc are right, and ymi me
urog. Here it the cniiclutioii of the Arena's
leader :
Tbote who liuve tbuivn Ihcm-elve willing tu .ie
rllii-e and einiulile ol enilurintf wlmt llie rebelt lin.
.iii'tilled nnd endured, were nut burn lo lie eunipieietl I
.nierieiiut cuii no more count c - Aine 'lean inun i-unni
i-.iiuiiKiiineii. ins nniiuituii tuiuieri. win never i.n
ilown their limit nniil 'tier pence it deeluied, Sub
uiithui flrtt it I'oiitiiirv tu the intiinct of then- iintiiiv
altd euutaliuli ; degluuing lo their pride and lo tilt
nielli,. t tiivir'clit't. Tllev may be broken ant:
utifncu tutu ti.u uitel by iiiiliiury power, but then
t.ouielt v. ill rite lo llie conlllct ueul'uua llieu, ariiieti
io liiu It-eLll."
They have indeed iticriliccd and clidiiicilj
iiortby ul a better uuute limit tln-i.t, but the i
I hue iiuihiug by ubiiiietioii, bul u far at I In
hnivulu inldicr uud Southern pi oplc ure con
0. nit-U, thel gain cvciyibltig. ll le not nrkeil!
til ilicin to ruliinlt to !be Ninth, but niblliit -
,l,e United Stale, of America, uud llie aulhur-
jillc and larta cuustllulloually clculcd uud pro
. . . i-i ii,i
ild.d by the people Ibcreol, ol which tile)
(the rebel) are u aiuull iLiuurity, and that lliei
will l)c compelled ti) do. every mutber'. mil
ibeiu. They will have tntulimit and lay diiwnH
, , , . . i .i
llieir nrnia. uud take an oalU not lu take then,
un ugliiu, iut us Lee uud hit army have dimcl I .tilled Hint a writ of ihui. Iiment hat been ittned
10 J . ,. Haguuitt vou. and your property attached ioiimly the
lielitre peace will ho declared ; ami In It lliel Idt-ninnd'of lliuniliiin & llurrow, uuiuniiiiiig to two
,,u.i'. i ,t...;H ,.i,;i,i.... .. ill t..,..v ri.i. ui.ilSihuiitli'ed nnd lll'iv dollurt. Nn"1 nnlett vuu tliall an
" "" " -""" "'
nurtv nf the Smith once, they will never heed
', .', " . . ..'il
nieir uiivicu iigiuu. i uu uoiiii puny "ti
Sli. c.iiiic lh ' ruling party nt the Soulli, at ilitiinn
at the North, and hencelorth there will be 110
divereily ofpolilicul itilereti. nud Ihcreforc in
North or South to mnuipulutu 011 the political
Thi leader of the Arena i not nn creep
lion among the Democratic edit rial in Ore
1111. J hey all play 011 the tauie etriur, 01
tiiiei uetitun; ami nicy nre tiinpiy wiiiit.iOLa
10 keep their courage up." They huvo beenS
, r. . . t 11 1
praying to the Coiilederntee for the latt thn 1
S.Veure, to
lijit to Ihe bitter end. ami we will
tlitorgnnize and nppnte the Union parly ftinlij
the United Slate Government here III Ilu A
North." The Dftuourat have been pitcoiifl.i
appealing to Jeff Davit for b dp ; and Ihe plain
Ivnglith of all their talk it thia : hold ou, J. If.
ilie d d Abolitionitt can't whip you ilun'ijj
loll ecu we ure running Little Ainu lor Prcti d
lent for God ink' don't give up, or our'
jiartij it ruined hung to 'em lor 11 eoiiiiriiiiiti
iv e are jutt bunging by ibe gill help ct
aCuttiu, or we tuik. ba been Ibeiii
-tile fur Ihe but Ibree year. The e. lunalliin'
nl it it plain, nud here il it from the Arena il '
If. Speaking of Ihe Union Jubilee IiikI He. k
mil lln.-e whi purl icip tied 111 i . Ilu- Arena
fay : "01 a ew ci-mu and tilth. iue.l Dcom
oral, aim lit their luk. tt at the poll 1111,1
ml,, two unit iu order lo be prep -ml lor mil
filiclgflicy piMi-e-llig the kll'i , bilge mint
Jgliw-ry. the mllila y tuccie ot Lincoln I
tin- liluiiiph ol a ditiiiaiiizing f.icllou at Ilu
r"t nl all cite and to the Hnal dittiuuliini ol
iltcll." True ! Not only ihcte Democrat
vi ho voted nilhj ou ul Hie luat election, uiu
a bo you now to inervilettly lampoon fur Inking
.ulvuu'age of li.eii ' intuitive know ledge." bul
i-teiyboily cite pi.eet Ihit intuiliim, that tin
iiiili'.ury iticcet of thu I'r. tidcnl in cru.hiui:
out lh" Coiiledcracy, ia not only lie triumph nl
the Union party, but it i tha rvcrluiliug de
lent 11 lid dettruution of the to called Deiimc
nicy. Men who lutve clung In the name ol
Democracy until it ha arrayed Ihem aguiu-t
their country ami placed them on the tide ol
rebel aud traitor, nu : long after ii honored
mil honorable principle. , have been epiiiiMil
ny Ihe Union party, and it pat not ic leiiiln .
1 1 Le the gallant Douglna, have rallied with
Lincoln mid Juliuioii to lave the Union ami
ihe nation thete rren plainly tec the baud
Anting upon the wall, that the hope nf Ilu
modern Democracy are mm at an end. and that
villi llie det uctioti of the Southern Cunfed
.racy the Democratic parly in nil link into the
oblivion of merited fcorre and contempt, from
all who Inr their country more than party
front all true patriot.
nn i "taiiii um9 "winnaj riiii'ir oi rn? Ofuifittna n
We ive Mr. O a mnlml wi-lrome. Me it a KtutU- 1
nan both hy naturt and Miutatroii. Art ho, I
aa 1 n . I 1 n. t .1 t., ,
We ire imt inf-t-noible In the good oiiiion olj
nlhiTi. not eve a nf a politic-it n)pmiriit nntl
c tlHTi-fure llmtik Mr. Bellinger fur hin cor
dial welcome. Wr can't all agree in miI.L.c
itit.-a1'" " ,n Mv' " ,Mn "J T"
'" c..tro.iil.a. g. ntlriiirti and f,ll
Wlmt it u. Uml lite St'i'eimnH il-ja uut coat iv
' I.i uta,-. Co poi Uaxette.
M it titl you and mine ollicra in traiircriluii-
mis Int.
j T s.t un it r. carry n Ibe hnln'f ;
Wend Cardinpf. at U.eir uid stand iu Jelferion. Adver
tsement next week.
BESErir or aLiiiiMirr college.
SKt'ONloiilerttiliiiionl will lie civi-o ul tht M
K I IoiitIi in SttbiiiHiu. Minion roomy, on
Ixy airiiiutf, A (' it ili. for Hie l-iiflil .tl' Snlilimilv
CwllVfie. AtlliOMIon O't lilt; rlnl.tieii lmil ttru-.
.11 ill X IIOWMNO,
Ill lh I'lniiit t'wirt ,M Ihe .Nie -f itreoon for li t
r-i my or Co. tint Term. A l. IU" Mary I
I'lia-e j.IhIi'UI, vi., hII mtivl CImm. ilffeilHut.
int I r at, tfi.iitlnit nl it,e tnnrrttije nt'iitKi-i
I U . VlllANl I. I'lllSE, ,1, Itn.l.tiit : Yon i.r.
I lietrltv r.Uile.l to Ml.tte-o it'.tl ttn.tre l:ie u
p'uiHl 01. tile In Ii mI rt.liile.1 ...n, !th, in ..
iliwlitltuo ,4 toe h ,4 nmi i.t,.,y 11,.,
. tmm-ll mitt ll l .U.I. yen nre It. n-'iv ii tdi-.,.
,.Ml ttltfyoil do Htir MlltlHOtUe' .ht,ilii
.in llm. day .M lite ur.M lrut of w. j ,-,mrt la a.
vld al biMftrt- ny ih tacl riHituy .,ti tnv totinlt y,a,
th,--J ui ul M.iv. I.nj. I in- .Uiunrl aili.iiiJ
lu lli Cm. I I., ilu I'niier ol hi, roiii,w,n
in ' . wi i,-"i I, . ., i -m
I ' WIN, HKsrtK,
April li, lti. t'Uuult a Aitttrmy.
of the very
Tliotu who 'itb to narehate
Tin- Very Ili-tat Ifliifoiinl,
will do well tn rome and examine my Lumber Yard
My icrimtare CASH I.V II AMI.
got out on abort notice,
rp I will deliver Lumber al any nlae within tbo
ir v limii. Ii. I). TOWL.
Salem. April 17, IHli5. 7iy
side -w a"l k"Tu m b e r"T
r. D. TOWX,
Ucllri'red on Ihe Ground, at
Mm limit a bulf nullum feet uf the
fur tale I HEW. at my Kieiim Donlil-Cirrnlur Saw
ml Plitiniu .l.ill. lour unb-t noi'ili of ShIiuii.
Hill. iiii.I orilerttobciicil. K.I) TWL.
Ait-il IT lfcti.'i 7:w 4
IIOLMKI. W. I, OtlTllg.
HObUKS Si (i.lSTU.X.
UTE have purebafi'd (lie entire mieivtt in llm weil
hniiivn bonte.niiil wiinl.l i'et.eet fully iiilonn uur and tlie liuveliinr niibliu tbui we are now
j'einly and iteni'cd to aeeoiiimodiile nil who mav de
sire to uivu ii a call. An paint or expeiite win tie,
.pared lo milliner to Uie cuiiilurl aud convenience of
uir uiiettt.
The Califoiniii Coiiipany't itagca arrive and depart
lailv Ir I Ilia bouse, fur ull narl of Uregon au.t
( 'iilifoi-nin.
Snleiu. April 17, IHM. 7llf
ttate nf Oregon, Cuiuiiv ot .Marion, it. Iu Jntiice'
r.uirt Kaiifiebl l'reelnct. John SkiiiTii, jilaiutill', va.
I. II I'liilt. ilefendillit.
I'll I 11 I'UATT i Yen uro hereby nnlilietl that a
writ of aliaclnmml hu lieeu itmieil egaintt you,
nid your prujteriy tittnebetl to tatitfy I lie tlinaiiii of
.liiliti Kli iiiI'm. ii hi ii i i it im. u, huh bitiiilt'iid mill tivelllv.
Inlllve dollar noil eott ul mil. Now iiiilettyoiitliailap
"r'sT 'L :.Pu:.,
B lli day nf .lime,' Mitt, at 10 oeloek a.m., Judgineat in icii.i rru ncilll'tl VUll, HUH vulir pruimri y 'in
fl , m ,. ,lt.-i)llta tb'it tlie Htli day nf April. lXli..
H 'iwl ,lt)IIV eKAlrn. I'lainiiif.
l9Sllte of n,,.Knn. Cmnnv uf Marion. ... Ia Juttice'e
c.uin. eunll.-t.l l'reil,at. llaiailtuu H Uurrow,
pbinitlllt. vt. I. It. l'ratl defendant,
j.,.,, y B pkaTT. defemlaut i Vuuare herebr no.
J ,e,,, J ... Ii Tai lor, a iutliee of the lleace 111
S'o pay the debt ami eiwt of tail. Iliiteil April ,
The lliili-lii-.!il, TiottiiiK Slullioii,
IVTlIXtfiiintl for mares llie eiiRiiinir MHwtn, Rt Dal
VV Ihn, HoihIhv. Tucwliiy. hiiiI Weiliiwwlay. nmi at
Idwph lA'KirttL'u TlinrmJ.iy.' Kridiiy, Mini NHtiinlHV.
IVdiiN-H 1 Wiisunt hv Sir lloiirv out of Nuncr br
it'liMiiticluer. irnpuiied liy t'nl. Ituy of N. Y. Htt iia
iieiiinitiil ilurk Imy, 15) ImmU Iminln liitfli; One of hii
(iltn tiik me pruiiiiiiin At me stale vair in
IVnnB, $i5 in toin; lim any uiaro nut proving iu foal
an lw lefuiiieH next veur free of churife.
April 17. li.V J. WKL?H.
Adiiiiuislriiloi'D Nolirp.
VfOTICIC i hereby given tnat Hie undertigued haa
I 1 been duly appointed atliiiiiiitti-uluruf the ettate of
Vmi, Niei-e. lalt of I 'oik Comity, (h-eon, ileceawd.
II I hone kiuiwiiti; themwlve tndfbied to aid de
HHnpd. will pteahfl settle tip, and all those having
I'hiiuis utfxinft the mine uillplfttM pretient litem to
lie in identic tied at Dallas within nix itmmhs.
April 17, IHfiiy 7w4 AHiniiMntrafor.
BY virtue of an execution to me direrted from tha
rlt-rk ot the circuit iwirt mnnl forCurrv roiinty,
i tid Stale of Ureuun, iutavorof Wiiliuiu 'rielienor,
ititl aiiinwt It. K. Kamt'ii. I vvill offer for sale at public
mtrrv. on the ilav of Mnv, I Hii,1). between tho
noiii-M of nine o'clock a. nt. and four o'clock p. in at
io com i. iiooi-e ;imoi- hi CtMciiMMiiu'. cuiiiity aim ntate
litM-exnid, the tui low iuu I'topfity lo wit: All llie
iL'ht. tiile. and iiiicrcst llnit the Niid It. atnen may
lav in a ih-iuitimi IhihI cIhiiii, fioniii-il in llm comity,
oid SiMie HtirMiid. and kimwii hk llie it K. Sinnen
imiiiimiIi clnini. and di'Mi rilh-d a tillim t: N L of X.
V. nr of ft-v d ihe H W. or i. S(- X , town
s U .'i W. The runiu will be h. to naiini'v the mnn
f two luinilifil unit st;ve(i dollars and tliiity-three
fiit, with L'miv. Tuniir ctifli hi bund
Kllenslmri.. April 17, lMVV v , losntr.
kw rfnTr;tATM
VJ 1 Tl( K. ilu iciue dflioq'ient upon thu follow mif
fcl cM iilied xtt ck.oti ut'i'iitnit of ueimmttiiu levied
iiL'inl -.I'di, and Oi inhcr I'm Ii, I -(i l.lhe several amonnti
e' nipirtii! I'm itaiucsof the respective slutretioldeii
10 wil :
Xnmr Car. Ht itnrd. So Skaret. Amount
11 V. SlnHt " 9.T.1 e:u rja
4l l Mariintou 11 Itl 3',W
V. C IViIe " Uitil a4,ji
. I Tnorii " tj;iij ail,66
i. If. llnniilton " 1,61
In arcorihiiice with an nnfer o( the B iird of Diree
or of mid conipHtiv, made April H, H5tw, an many nf each paicJl of mii 1 stock as mnv be necee
aiy, will be nnM at the otHe of the eonipiny In Sa
It-in on the ITtli of Mav, Ift' o at tlie ho r of IU o'clock
i iu. ol sahl day, lo pay vaid delinquent awewmentt
lierrou, loettier wiUi coat of aov.rtiniiii( and ex
'eiincsol the cale. AL.8. hlltONU, Sec'y.
Nik-III. Orison, April 14. 4vr:7
B;ils;un of Wild Cherry,
a ci'im rua tvtar roaa or
Coughs, Colds. Bronchitis. Asthma. Croup,
Whooping Cough, Spitting of
bluod. L'ter Com
plaint. ir.
Whieli eariie olf more viciiuia than any oiber Uit-
tinw, and vhich bulHes the skill of llie 1'hytitiau to a
ieau'rexi,m man anv oiner niaianv.oiieii
when all oil ten prove inelfcctnal.
Rapid in relief, toothing in etlect, safe in ita operutioli
It Is tnsurpassed!
White, as a prcparalion, freo trotn aoxiona iiiredl
uiu, pot Kim, or iuitiruli; uiiiiiuk skill, scieiire, and
nvdivul kitowlctie. corjibinhi(( all that it valuable in
lie vegetable kuidtnu tor this class of disease, it It
,md isenlUted to, tneriu, and receives tbe eurUble
uppvlbiinm uf
Sold by all Dragitl. anil bjr
Kl;f)l.GTON CO.,
410 uid i:i KrtHil atret, Sua Frncico.
Hcdding's ilussia Salve.
i fully ertaliliilicd tit tnperiorily of
oner all other healing preparation
Burns. Cuts.
Fifth H'.ui.ij. lioils,
ChilhUims. Winers, finises,
t'elims. t'ilti, Erysiptlut. Llctrs.
Suit lihrnm. Injury , Splinters. CUit
Sorri. Mug H'i,rm. Frost BiUt Purls.
mid' itroemlly.
tpmm t in nrlinn, rrttioi e i'l Nt ola-. anil
'to-et lit ni.t an. ry ot., in taellitttft and indaia
nuliirtit. a. il by laitio tun alt'.rOtiig rlMl and a
ua,tlel ear
K ilt SALE EVE.iYWllr.ltK.
RUDHGTO?! ft to., Aaeai,
pl3eo 116 tad 118 Front al., Sao Fraaciaro-