Ve ii tulil to lenrn tn practice, wlmt he irenoliM boforo ho si-elis to jiiiiei)tr iilinmil. If the; Amrican, iiuligmuit at the wrimif" li '" done to unhnppy Irelmiil lty tlio P""'1 r"'''" ?' England, wprissos iU hope tn seo lic'r tmnnei puted frrtm their rfgornni ruin, bo ( ftUcd to think o( the million! pini'iff ' elnwis lionenth ths stnrry ffaf of the ooimtry he mi proiiilly nraiivi. If. Iiuriiitig with tlmt instinctive hu tted nf trrnnnv tvWch ll i new find in 1 ho tlarli hintnrv tlmt reciinls the vmluriincu of noble Hungary, tind the nppri'ssiiin of denotio Austria, ho venturi'i nn tut;rticf 01 mo icei Intra nf Ilia henrt, lie is shinned into sileiicu liy the Sneering suggest ii.n tlmt n more gulling tyranny mid a more degrading slavery smiii tlio prosperity nnd dim the ;lory of Ilia own fair hind. If then, sir, it were only to make our Government confident willi itself, to make her mi example of freedom, to which all lliu nation) nf the world might turn and be trmtruut cd, free her from every flail), and wipe oil' every reproach limed Upon tlio exixtenue of human bondugoi if it Hero only to vindicate our 'good hltmti with mankind, I Mould votu to uholiali lavcry. , lint, air, I contend that the argument agiiinst the iii.tituiion aa an offender iiiriiinst the rule of common junice, an a felon sel'-iimiiit'teil of ineffable Crimea, aa a truitiir-iissnssiii seeking nailly the life of thia free milinn, ileiiiiinil that it lie (iiniiiiarily aenteueej without benefit of clew, Long enough lins it uYbiiuclu'il and deadened the cnufeienco of the people; Ion onougli jinn it alioekeu humanity and itched Heaven by ita violation of every priuciplu of truth and morality ; and now, having lilleil up iti enp of crime and villainy by n treason an - rank and foul na to limine all historic) example and all criminal parallel, we, who hold the malefactor in oar grip, nwo it to humanity, to Justice, tiurelve, end the world, to slriiiiulu the guilty iiioiiHtcr. If. iii'tead of In iog goiliy nf the indictment which I have prevented, slit very were only an clement of poliiical discnril, a constant suliject of agilnlioii anil ilistiirliiuioi) At it liaa iindiiiilileilly alwiiys been, Hill Hie peace, order, inn! proaperity of the country de mand ita extinction. Glaiico at our brief na tional history mid learn that no ilaiiger to our national integrity hus ever existed Hint in mi! chargeable to III irrinning ell'ecla of slavery. It was the one subject which in the Convention to frame our Ooiivt it nt intt una the most dillieult nf adju tuient, nnd llireatened na with all the evila of national disintegration nnd ntmrchy. Ita demnuda and cxnotioua begun then ; liicy have ended by a vain attempt to dcatroy the nation which it could not .longer keep in snh jection beneath ita iron yoke. Not a aitilu si' riout danger to our nation ha ever exited aince we becamo one people that doea not liud itl origin and motive in the Institution. For eign aggression wo never fean d ; u!ijn:;ution from aliroad we have nlwaya defied I but do. ineatio diaaention. arising out of the ilitudmilur Hv of our institution and the conflicts to which theae diverailiea have given rise, ha ever been the care and dread of our atutcaiucu. Slavery demanded thnso acquisition of ter ritory in ISO:) which dually led to the fierce controversy na to the admission of Missouri, which came an nuar involving 11 in revolution and civil war in ltt"f). In H;f., inking the guise of mere commercial jcalon-y in Hie ahape nf nnnilicntion, it again thread d tlio country with the. horrora of war and blooibhed. Do ninuding the annexation of Texua, u i. 111:111 J yielded to against the moral sensn of the na tion, and thrown tn it na a " aop to OrbiTus," the war with Mexico en I, nud all thu fierce and bitter agitation of Notaatii'lli'il with having torn and'diatracted the country by that fierce excitement before which in IH ji) all that had preceded it " puled their Incll'ccliiul firea," and grasping with iusuiiiiiii liiiio'er at everv element of power and atrenglh. the demon of lavrry again In 1851 tnu. the fierv tide of ectioual 11 nil poliiical exeitement by endeavor ing to rob the free lerritnriea id the nation of the fair jewel of their glory and proaperity ami appropriate them for ita own baao unea, And lor the laat ten yeara we have hud no llicr question in linlimiul politic deaerviug the name or dividing poliliea aave shivery and it inci dent. It liaa at every period in our history, When our integrity 11a a nation ha been threat ened, been the prompting enemy of I lie piihlio peace, the active offender against order and (uiet. It hn filled the laml with broil, with hate, with iuteaiino commotion ami irreconeil ablo diaeord. When after fix yeara of contin ual ami H"gry agitation it capped tile climax of ita Crimea in Irilil) by letliug looan upon the onuiilry nil tlio devaslalion of civil war a war that baa made the world aland alill with horror it gazed upon the deaolatioii nud the haroo that have uuirked ila gory truck it left the hand of vengcniuMt with no further exeuae for ulemenoy. It lil'rd up the meaiire of ita Wiebedneaa, and proclaiming itself nn op. 11 en emy. it helioi'fo ill lieuunie an outlaw wliom it la our duty to follow to utter extermination. Tlio gentleman from Kentucky Mr. Clay) complain that thi amendment ia treating Ken tucky with bad failh. Sir. the charge cornea with had grace. Why, air, in IH'.MI the North, confiding in the faith of Kentucky pledge, agreed to the compromise ol the ureal slalos limn of the Wet, lli'iiiy Clay, but when the time came that the North waa tn realize the beiiefl' guarantied by that compr iae. Ken- lucky, in the person of her Senator, made the motion which broke the plighted faith of Hie uatinn ami covered the national Legislature with a alain nf dishonor from which the water of lime can never wash it cleuii. Sir, let me ak that gentleman whether it 1 kind in Ken tucky in init thai her Interest, if in antagonism With that nf her twenty-ndd sisters, who he aya are arrayed again! her aluli be main tamed and their sucriticeil it good laiih , tn her aister Stale to insist tlmt her Interest hall be maintained at their expense .' Tut lavcry ia the motive id the rebellion we can ealnblish by every fact bearing upon nur trnuhlca. Why ia it thai Wet Virginia clung to the Union w hile the chivalry district w ent oil' in revolt Simply because slavery waa ihs dominant interest in tlio latter, and had little power In the lirat. Wnv did (he free moun taineers nf Tennessee rullr round the IW nf inrir inioi-r nun no uoneai uevoilon llllaiir paaard by any example furnished in history, whilo the planting regions of the anme Stale went fremied into the dark abya of ndiellinn t Blarery explain the reason, (in to the uionn taiuanf Kenliickr nnd North Carolina, where the hnabandmaii rarua Ins arntity living by Hie nnnrai 1011 111 nia own iiamia, ami whern slave Inbur is the exception and not the rule, nud fldi -lit v and devoiion tn the 1'uion horn -as warmly and a brightly na in any pari of the land. Go tn I lip cotton nnd rice flclda tilled hy the sweat and moistened by the tenra id the lave, and rebellion fierce and hitter seems to rein 11 in every bean. If then rebellion is lb result nl slav ry, let us detrov slavery nud thu destroy the motive lo relic fion, gie peace to the country, and harmony tn all nur liiture. Hut we are met with anni'licr nlijeoiiim, that If we einnncipalo we must enfranchise also. I deny the pnnclnsion ; bill I should not be de terrrd from the move, even il it were eorrecl. A recognition nf natural right! is one thing, n grant of poliiical franchise la quite number. Wetxtemlto all while men the protection ol law when thev land npnn our shorn. We gram them political tigbla win 11 they comply with Hie CsindilloM which tlmee laws preacribe. If pu litical rif.-li' mutt ncieasarily follow the poa raamn of personal liberty, tlien all hot male fitiicnaareaUvca. T lata Illustration alone re done the coiiclnsion In an absurdity. Sir. lei the right ami at 1.1 us f u, nvfra rvU twm. elvea n they will and moat upon their nan Jiift lutein. If. aa a race, ihcv shall prove thoniN-lv. 01 1 1, j- i,r thu ep(.ra fram hie, I tell gentlemen I her will enjoy t ti f right i Ihey will deiiminl and Ihey will wm , nd Ihey nnght to have it. If, on 'h eonirary, race, Ihey are so far inferior to Dm Willi whnm Iher must cninpele as lo be neeipml to the g, ,n j Tespnntilile pnsition of free electors, ai,T t. tempt In elevnle lliem In thai standard Will ignul failure. I have nn faiih in ih, ir nin. ily luounleiid in the race before llirm suecesa fully, and no fear nf degrading my own lacrky contact with thrin, for, sir, there' ia an a nlnt- tiniaiii between Ihe racea which will iirsnul nribinf like a euniplcl blendinr of them. and I .ae all queetiona of the ciinarqocnces lo be set tied hy Justice ud enxdiemy as ex. perieiico (hall dictate. " Hullicitnt uolo lha doyis lha evil ibertuf," and I will do what right and rxpedicuciy reijiiiro now, and leave Vhu cotiseiiuciicca to bo provided fnt aa lin y may ntisc. Cnnndoni uk I am Hint the beat interests of the Country and prosperity require a mitigation nf the evils with which shivery baa nlllictud this war-desolated and alrife-toru laml. I will nnt suffer myself to be prevented from giving my aid tn thia beneficent proposition by any ims glinry evils that it may not provide for, If Hie abolition of slavery shall still leave na tlio dreg of thia pestiferous question In he dealt with at a future time, I 11m Willing to trust the luturo for their settlement, well cnu vinved that nil others are mere snhnrdiniitn dillicullie) which timu and statesmanship will enable us to wisely overcome. EItC t)Wj)0lt '(,ltC5lltit. MONDAY MORNING. MARCH 20, IHttf. Tho Statesman has a Larger Circulation than as jr other Paper in the State, and is the Boat Medium for Advertisers. The V 8 taw and Resolutions are published in the Statesman by Authority, Hon. John It. M'llmiiB. We publish to Hay a spiTch delivered by Mr. M'lirido in Gongret 011 the Mill day of January hint, which was probably the laat of hi term. It will be remembered that "Mr. M'lliidc wns much re. vilcd hut March for a vote in opposition lo an Unimportant ivohHlwu tipim till sulijecl. il careful peruaal of thi speech will show how unjust and, uiifoumled that nbuso na. The origiiiators of it knew full well it utter falsity, but Ihey had lln-ir purpose to serve and the oh ject was accomplished. The people are be ginning tn do him Justice, and to scorn tho 1111 thoi.if the calumnies. During hi) ullicial term Mr. M'Mride ha won an enviable reputation for practical ability nud earnest industry in attending to the in 01 esta of hi) cnustiluenls. A young member from a ilistuut frontier Statu, his influence with the House nud with the Department has been far greuter than many older and more widely known members. He returns to this const as Chief Justice of Idaho, and ho ha tlio ability to fill Ihat position in such a way aa to forbid the rcpro'tch, Inn often Just, that the appoint ment ia onu " not lit to be made." We ahull say soiuelhing more of his Congressional career nt a future dny. Sad Acuiiiknt. Dkatii or an old Skt rr.Ett. On the ninth of the present month, Mr. IioheitCuwun. of Yiuiciilla precinct, Doug las county, waa engaged in chopping down n I ree which waa an situated that it could be reached only from one side, when the tree fell nud a splinter from Ihe trunk flew hack from the slump nud sinking him on the head caused instant death, Mr, Cowan was burn III Scotland, emigrated In Missouri In early life, married there nud crossed Ihe plains to Oregon in I H 47. He spent the winter of that year in l'olk county, nnd em igrated tn the Umpqtia in May 1318. With the exception of Ihn nnw vcneruhlu Levi Scntt nnd his sons, Mr. Cownn waa llei first while settlor south nf Ihe Cnlipooia Mountain. His cabin stood uciir the old trail which Hie pioneer gold seeker nf 1818 and IH1U travelled, nnd Is remembered by many as Ihe last tnark nl civilization north of ihe Sacramento valley. Mr. Cowan was a citizen universally repcclcd and his untimely dentil will he mourned by many friends outside nf Ihn large family ho lenvel behind him. Khkiratiiin to Mkxicd There ia 110 longer any doubt Ihn' n large exodus of people all of lliem ecccssioimts w e believo is going nn from California, Oregon and Idaho, to the paradise which Duke do (lain i erecting lor Iho faithful of the chivalry In Maxamilianiaed Mexico. We have the names of several emi nent cairn mentioned aa having started or being about to go, bat wo will tint publish lliem until the fact ia moro definitely established. The A mm t kes us to task sharply for not favoring the emigration and think we ought In rejoice nt the removal of that clasa nut of Ihe country, Wo "accept the amendment" of the vlrriin. The clasa nf democrat who are likely In go to liwilidoin are 11 pestilent act whose absence will be a bo .11 tn ihe country. Traitors at heart, ami of shiftless worlhlessneas, they will do un good any where, nud 110 where can Ihey do so little evil as in Somirn. Ily all mean, 0. Arena ! Let them go with haste. IV The stenmei Pacific waa seined at Port land la t week for violation of Ihe revenue laws in permitting live trunks of opium, val ued at ,'i,IIO0, to be landed without payment of duties. The ship wns seized nud released npnn bunds nf $','i,INII). The case will he hied before the U. S. Dis.rict court on the third Monday of April next. The pimply if the offense is proven in court ia ah. "lute for feiture of tho ship. Captain A. M. ltiinis, muster of the Pacific, publishes a taid in ihe Drtnunian denying that any nf I lie i.h.:. ia or crew were coiigiiiaout of Ihe conlcoi of Ihe trunk-, bill Ihat they were Benton hoard os- lic.-ilil) as passenger's baggage by sunn- 011 ki.oen persons at Victoria. It will bo re nieioleicd that the same steamer waa seined at San Francisco about a year ago for smuggling opium. It was then shown by lesti inoiiy thai Captain Duma was entirely inno cent, hut the first and second mates were both found guilty. The duties on opium me very high and a small package will contain a Very laigu value. The temptation tn violate the law is iherelore very great. l.iai.H I.tBTKH's Maoahink. We learn from California papers Ihat failures in financial plana hare compelled Mis healer In suspend Ihe publication nf her monthly. She has been engaged In conduct the literary department of the Cnlilmuia Fai mtr, and thai journal ia In be furnished tn her subscribers in heu nf ihe lungaiine. The account of hrr tour through Oregon will he rublished 111 ihe Vmrr. Ho! sou lbiiHk A saddle train the first nf the season waa advertised tn alart from Chicn and Red llluff, California, on ihe 211th nf March, I Att, fur Owyhee, ll'iise City, and Idaho Cily, by Ihe Idaho Stage Company." Far .'(), Arrangements are said lo be com. pleted In run stage) as soon aSlheweather per il lis, and a b 1 1 ffoit is making to turn travel ncms the deserts in that direlion. Goiik SrmiKimiiN. Captain George H. Currcy propose) that the Christian Cnmuiis a11.11 appropriate part nl lis collections nn this coast In applying Ihe eoldine nn thi) side nf the land wllh "good, wholesome periodical liWialors." A few greenbacks could not be put to bettci ax. ITT A detachment of cavalry has gone fioin Fort Vancouver to Fort Lapwni, OliKI.O.V IKO.V WORKS. Wo lenrn from the Ortgnninn I lint a cor poration with thu ubuvo title bus been formed in Porlhiud with a nominal capital nf i'dluMJfjO, fur the purpose of developing thu lied of iron nro which has tang been known tn exist in the Chehalein Mountains. Thu ledgn extends from the cast side ol the Willamette river, he tow Milwaukie, in a soiith-wcsterlv direction, acro.'S the river, through Clackamas county intn Yamhill. It ha been traced for ai'.istaucc of more than thirty miles, and wu have no dnnbt contains mure latent wealth than Owyhee and Sautiam combined. The ground secured by the corporation alluded to, is situated at ihe month of Sucker Creek (yclept Oswego), mid for its convenience tn navigatii ii 1a probably unsurpassed by any part nf the lend or vein. The ore is auid to assay from ,0(1 to(j" per cent, of pure iron. It ia claimed that tho vein in creases in richness aa it extend toward the southwest, but ni it also recede) front facilities fur transportation, the portion nt Ihu month of Sucker Creek will probably be more valuable than that lurthcr in the interior, even if of less richness. The capital of llio new corporation is nom inally JWIO.OOO, or which $:K!.VKI0 has 1 11 taken hy a few capitalists of l'ortluud in tlieir own In-half, und for some weal. liy parlies in New Yolk. This i the only deposit of iron ore yet dis covered upon Ihe I'ucifb cnast, and as it is of 0i..-,u.i. 1 . ....ii; -.'it-iicu, iiiuiiil near unlim ited supplies of timber for fuel nud building purposes, und convenient lo navigation con necting it with all tho settled portion of Ore gon and California, it cannot fail to he a mine of wealth tu the country, na well as lo the in dividuals whu own it. The Orrfonian repeats nn absurd stury, which we have beard before, about Gen. Mo Carter having in early days found a black smith in tile woods who shod his horse with iron smelted in a common forge. It is line, we believe, (hat small bar of iron were made in this wiiy some years ago, but not, wu think, in amount sufficient for extensive Dsn. Suinit bar of this iron were exhibited at Oregon City, as long ago as IB.'C. and at Moore' store in this city three year ngu, and were pronounced by experts to be id superior quality nud toughness. We hope we can chronicle before another year, the actual operation of extensive work at Os wego, Tim Ojhjuon City Factouv.- It i ex pected that the machinery for the woolen fac tory at Ihu Falls w ill urrivu about the first ol April, and Ihe building Is now ready for its re ception. The propi iolors expect to get lo run ning early in June. The building ia of brick with a substantial alone fnun lation. It is fifty -feet wide by one hundred mid ninety long, and two slories high, besides the basement and atliclt. I m it 1 1 of which are nearly lull stories. The tower in front is four stories high. When (he nrrangeiuciita are completed Ihe building will iiccomiuodate ten seta of machinery, nnd require from tuu to three hundred hands to keep it ill operation. All the stock is not yet taken, but expenses thus fur are all paid, and wu understand the finances of the company ure ill a hopeful con dition. Mr. I.. K. Pratt, lute overseer of Ihe Willamette Woo ell Factory, ia the business agent of the company. Ilia well known en ergy and business qualification, and hit llior ougli anpiaiiitutiec with the business, are a suf ficient guarantee that the iiisiitulioii will pros per under hi management. I"?' Colonel II. F. Maury nf Ihe First Ore gnu Cavalry, bus been designated 11 the iillim r j In succeed Geiiernl Alvord ill the coiiiWiauil of the Military District of Oregon, which includes Oregon, Washington Territory, and Idaho. Colonel Maury is a giaduato nf West Point, but abandoned military life for the civil many years ao, came to Oregon in iS'i'i (we think), and waa Tor many yenia engaged in melcaiilile pursuit in Jacksonville. I'poli the outbreak of tho war he waa nppo uleil Colonel of Ihe first regiment raised in Oregon, nud has acted in that capacity ever siuu '. Ilo is a su perior man, of line attainments, nud much mil itary expeiieuce, which intimate acquaiiitunce with Oregon men and a flairs will enable him to use lo the advantage of the public. We are favored ill Ihe selection of Ihe new District Commander. Ga.i.ay'h Monthly. We have hitherto unintentionally neglected tn iioiice (lu:luy't I'ufific Monthly, Ihe two first numbers of n Inch have been received at this nflice. It is pub lished in New Yolk city, hut devoted to the interest of this const, most nf its regular con tributors being residents, or former residents, of California and Oregon. As it seems to be next to impossible to establish a literary maga zine at any point nn this side of Ihe continent, and as Gnsluy's enterprise is started oil what seems tu bo the only fcusahte plan for supply ing our wants in this particular, we recommend it In the patronage of nur readers. It is well filled with interesting rending matter, und promises In improve ns ils subscription list and facilities increase. Tub Aiiiiii i i.Ti'iiAi. Socikty'h PiiKMim I.IK r. A pamphlet of "I pages, containing the list nf premiums awarded at the Slate Agricultural Society's Fair laat year, together with the Opening Address by J. Quinn Thorn Ion, Ihe Annual Address by liev. 1. 1). Driver, a Prile Kssay by I). C. Pears and Ihe Con stitution nud Py-lnws of the Society, has been issued from the Slnttmu Hook and Job office recenlly. It coiiluma Veiy muoli that ia inter esting tn Oregon Farmer. The nddtese of Mr. Driver was a practical speech from a prac tical man, aud ought In be read hy every farmer ill the State. Cavkii.-Cave occurred in two mining claims nn Jackson Creek, near Jatksouvdle, un the 7th instant, etch resulting in the death of a miner. The first was Tims. Possuus, a ..f v v 1. - . .1 ., . , uuinr 10 i-n 1 lira, ngeu 1" rears, an I the second Chnsiiuii Shultt. burn in Germany, aged i! years. As I'.SKNuwN. A basket containing a fine girl child, was hung upon the patcpnti of St. Maiv's Academy in Portland one night last week. Thechild was apparently about lacniv four hours old. No clue is know n to ils parent age. We presume, it w ill lie tenderly cared for by ih benevolent Sistt-ranf Charity, tV The office nf the Yreka f'nioa nenspa. per. with all ita material except two presses, was destroyed by fire nn lhi night of the tlth instant. The loss of tho (Wea proprietors was II.SO0. The building was worth i',WHI. tr The Sister uf Charily bava Purchased lb bout aud three Ua belonging to Judge Boise, for lASX). Their design is lo open a achool fur boys npnn a plan similar tu the ex. j otilcnl on for girts, which has bren in np,ra- 110 11 ier anme iiiuv OHItKltS Ml TIIK MNK AMI IIOIWAS lOMivw of imxrin. Gov. Gtbb kis appointed I.. I.. Williams id Douglas conn A Captain, Win. Grant uf Polk county. First lieutenant, and Daniel W. Ap plegale of Dunlins enmity, Second Lieutenant, of Company Ilj Oregon Infantry. They were nil examined hit w.ek by the Military Hoard, consisting of iaptain Drake and Lufollet, and Sun-cnn CarLiiter. and missed, It will be remembered lint Captain Itigdon, and Lieu tenant May a d Phillip were first appointed and were rcjci ed by the examining board. Much feeling las engendered by the notion of the board, not only in the countios where the Company waa raised, but in the Company it self, the metiihirsuf which were much attached tu llii!ufIicer,cpooially Captain liigdon. Wo fcrhoro lo n)nke any remark upon the subject whilo ollicia) action was pending, but it is i:nw settled and to express our regret at the result of the iiclior, of the board. Captain Jigdon was very nctivo and ener getic in recruiting tho Company nud bis ac quaintance aid popularity with tho people en abled him to do more than probably any oilier man could have done. We would not have desired theiCxaiiiiniug board tn violate their olliciul duly1 in tho matter, to favor our best friend, and trc huvo 110 doubt that these gentle men acted with Ihe utmost consciencimisiiess in their decision. Hut we do not therefore feel the lo regret at the result. Had Captain jiigunn nor,. .11 1 . ia 1. - 4v voted himself Willi hearty energy to tho ser vice, and wherein he might have failed lie would have done an unwittingly. The follow ing paragraph from the Eugene Journal ex presses Ihu popular judgment,-as we rend it, upon Ihe subject : " Kvery lima ia tlio eouipanr enlicli'il with llieuii-it.-i-Hiuinliiii llm' liiiilon ivoufd lie C'aolain in ficl lite eoiuialiy eoahl not Inive tieell raised wit limit tiiiu, llllil Ills rcee!ji)ll ii not onlv u ereiil hardship to Hie volunteers but- very uniioviiti( to tin many friends in llii4 county, (lev. tlititis i-"ii..iilled lint wisliu ot lliu pe,ilo when lie iiiminted liitf'iiin. lie has hce-u re jei'lcil tiy men over whom tlie (luvei-uor hits no con ti-ol. So. tu r as tlie (loveinor hail tin. powe lie iieted ill aeeenliiiiei) with tlin wiilir of I.I10 people, llu Hindu (lie aiiiiijliaciit, null lliure his tiiilhoriLv cupcil. Tint ciii.ens i'f L ine county am deeply iinlehted to ('apt. It. lor bis biieect. ill raising more tluiii their iiioiu of vohititeerH, und it lliey do not i-ciuilmrK liiai lor Inn lime utiil t-xpcuHcs in rei-i'iiitiu, lliey will he recleioil tu llieir duly.' We publish by request in this issue, corres pondence between Gov. Gihbs, IS. J. Pcngra, lq , and the Examining Hoard, which explains itself. The Company wns mustered into the service on lust Friday, by Lieutenant Kapu. Five men were rejected by examining Surgeon Car penter 011 nccuuut of physical disability, and one by Ihe mustering ullicer un nccuuut of ugc, leaving only eighty three privates all told. Thu first instalment of the U. S. ISuiiiity $101) tu each iiiiiii w as paid on mustering day. 1 1 1 1 1 1-1 1 tu the ratisliictiuii of the recipients. The efforts of certain evil-disposed persons to in vciglu Ihu men into mutinous conduct on uo. count uf the failure tu get their favorite cnui maiulcr utterly failed. The men were disap pointed and grieved, but they had tun much re spect lor themselves and the service to com mit acts w hich would have tarnished their good name and involved them in endless difficulty. Company II will compare favorably with any company ever mustered in Oregon. The .pri vates are mindly young men, nf character, in telligence and line phitique nearly all uf them suns nf farmers nnd substantial citizens nnd nn doubt will render a gnnd nccuuut uf them selves in the service uf their country. Captain L. L. Williams arrived nt Port Or ford in (he Spring of 1851, and sunn nfti r joined a company which was lo proeeed under the command of W. G. T'Vanlt tu explore a rnute frnm the cont tn Rogue River Valley, Upon tbu head of tho CnquiHu River the parly, through T'Vaull'a imprudence, gut intn a fight with the Indians, lust most of their nrms and equipments, and several of the men were killed. ('opinio Williams was luully nr. nuded by an arrow in Ihe groin, hut he managed, in com pauy with one oiher man, In inukit his way thriiugli the mountains, subsisting nn berries and runts for fourteen days, tn the I'mpipia River, where hospitable settlers extended lu the en II' ring men tlio kindness their distressing condition demanded. A part nf thu company, will: T' Vault, managed lo get back tu Port Or lord. Captain Williams carried the arrow head in his body until 1853, nud during that period sulfercd much pain and was incapacitat ed tiiuii labor. Rut Ihe iron finally worked ils way to the surface nud wns taken nnt. He nni Treasurer nf Uuipqua county in 18 4-5. iiml later was Auditor uf the same county. At Ike time uf his appointment as Captain, he was Auditor uf Duuglas county. He has traveled much in the country eust or Ihe Cas cades, and the know ledge gained there will render him a very useful cnuiinaiider of nny mililaiy expedition into Ihat country. The Company nro fortuiiatu iu securing an compe tent nnd worthy a man in place of their favor ite, liigdon. AfTKlt TUB SlllHKS. The San Francisco Flux says I lint the assessment of income tax in California has nnt been thorough, and that " hundred nf wealthy citizens have been as sessed nt less than half their actual income, while poor salaried men hare been pinned down tn Ihe Inst dollar ; that the Government has been defrauded uf niiuiy Ihonsauds ; nnd Ihat while people of slender means are trodden in the Internal Revenue wine-press, ihe rich nnd powerful have been ton much exempted frnm the exacting Federal caculus." We be lieve it is true in Oregon also that very miiny wlioso incomes are large, manage In escape their just proportion of the lex, while Ihuse who are not hiirlhciied with an great a rental are searched nut and their laat dollar rated. Much uf thia ia inevitable probably, iu the up- . ; - . ... , , . ,, , . cmuou in a new law, ana will nu corrected aa il) working become better understood aud ad justed, but it docs appear that tmue more clli eiciit means should be devised lo put an cqniln hie share uf the public burden upon Ihat cUss w ho are best able lo carry it. L'xtoN CoNYKxrinx is Washington Tkr nt rnKY. The nominating convention nf the 1'uion paity uf Washington Tcnitury is tu be held at Claquatn, Lewis county, the 4th of next month. Leander Holmes publishes letter from sundry ciliiens inviting hi in tn become a can didate for the nomination for delegate to Con gress, and his own very graciout reply. Where u,.ou aomelKidy burlesque) him by publishing au invitation to Mr. " CeekufSco" from tho mem her or the U Tickle me aud I Tickle U" Society, " pra ing and bovrcliiDf "' the aaid Ceekotfice to accept the same hunnr. Mr. Ceckoflice is also gracioua and grandiloquent, aud accepts wi hout delay. tT" Arrangements hava heeu perfected by the War Department to giva ihe emigration acrns lha plain ample military protection. YVsi have tsgite minors thai the influx of ptn ple by that root will In very large. TKMuini'HIC UISPATrHi.8. New York March 13.-Tbn llmdd prints a letter from Sherinuii tn Wade Hampton, sla ting Hint ill consequence uf foreign parties having been murdered by the rebels alter being captured, and label attached lo lliem will the words, "death tu all foreigners," he had ordered a similar number of prisoners, ill our hand, lo be disposed of In like manner. Sheiniau says that lie holds 1 .(K rebel prison ers, mid can stand it as long as Hampton. Thu rebel general responds that he know, nothing of such murder, and that for every soldier executed hv Sherman he will execute a Federal picking 'the ofiiei M ns Ihe first vic tims. He makes a lung story about barbarities alleged to have been con milled by Sherman') iiroie. nod concludes bv stalinir that ho shall hold" liflv-six nrismier ns bostiiL'ea tor those ordered to be executed by Sherman. Washington. March 12. John G. Nicolay, private Secretarv, was nominated yesreriluy for the past nf Consul to Paris, tn (ill the va cancy created by tho promotion of John Big elnw. late it enmbent tn the post of chargo d' nll'airs at tlio French Court. The nomination wns unanimously confirmed. The Senate had confirmed Geurgo I). Hill, nf Michigan. 11s Surveyor General fur Dacutnh Territorv, nnd Lyman E. Muusnii nf Conecti cut, Assiiciato Justice of Ihe Supremo C'nurt nl the Territory nf Mnntana. Cairn. March Pi.-Over $:3.f)00,000 worth of gonils and properly were destroyed nt East port, Miss,, by tho flood in thu Tennessee riv er. The rebels still hold possession of Hickman, Keiitniliy. New York, March 12. A rebel dispatch doted Mobile. Fell. 20th. says : Twenty two "tcanrrs and six Mississippi river transports lire 111 Ihe lower hay. and a largo nniiilier tu troops nro on Daspiue Island and at Ponsncolu, indicating an early attack nn the city. A New Orleans' letter of the 22d nuniiniices Ihe arrival there of 2,1 00 exchanged prisoners from Texas, including a number of officers be longing to thu Nnvy. New York, March 12 Tho rebel papers have articles 011 the ptissnge of the new enlist ment negro net, saving that it n measure of necessity aim not uf chnice. Wigfiill, during the debate, deiiunnced the Legislature nf Virginia, and demanded ihe resignation nf Jclf. Davis. The speech nf Hunter in the rebel Senate is printed, llu is for the bill to arm and einiin- cipate the negroes, under instructions train the Virginia Legislature, but entered his protest against it as 1111 alianilnniiieiit of the contest on Hie ground upon which the South seceded. Ho nt'u showed frnm statistic tliat nn consid erable body nl ticgrn troops cnuhl be raided in the Slates nvcr which tho Government bad control, without stripping tho country uf the labor absolutely necessary to product food, and staled that the' commander uf conscripts, with authority to impress 20,0011 slaves, hud since last September been able tn get 4.000. of whom ,V00 were from Virginia, and North Ciirolinii, and the Imlanco from Alabama. Iliiuler also argued lint negroes would not volunteer, nud that those they had got would desert tn the enemy whu w ere able tu offer them better pri ces. Wiishiugtnn, March 12 The Richmond 'Dispatch of Friday contains the following dis patch from Lee's Headquarters, dated March !Mh : Tn Itreckiiiridge : Hriigg reports that he attacked the enemy yesterday four miles iu front of Kinslnn mid drove him Irniii his posi tion. He disputed the ground ubslina'ely and took up a new line three miles from his first. We oqitured three piece uf artillery and three hundred prisoner. The number of the enemy's dead mid wounded left nu the field is Inrge. while nurs is comparatively small. Gens. Hill nnd Hoke exhibited their usual zeal nnd energy. (Signed) Lkk. Kiiistou. near which the fk'ht occurred, is situated un the direct roll I o frnm Guldshnru In Newhern, and is nlioiit twenty miles cast of Gnhlshnn, and about thirty Irom Newhern North Carolina. It is supposed this force of the enemy was advancing Irom Nctvncrn ngainst Guldshnru for thu purpose nf catling the railroad at that point. It is not probable after Ibis repulse that the enemy will attack, still less advance, it is likely we shall next hear nf thi-ni falling back un Newhern nr changing their course to aomo oilier point uf the compass I his movement ol tho enemy wns evidenlly designed tu lie co-operative, w ith nlivrninn. New York, March 13 Another skirmish be tween Sherman's cavalry nnd that under Wade Hampton on the third of March, at a point not named, is reported iu the Richmond papers. Thu rebel Col. Aiken was killed and Hamp ton Adjutant General was wounded. 1 lie are all the particulars of the nfTair furnished. The Richmond Examinrr is informed by rebel ollicer Irom South Cnrolina, ihat Sher man has enmp clcly devastated the portion of Ihat State through which he passed. The olli ccr says he has not spared n house in his truck. The Richmond Examiner nl the 10th sny : The hile advices from Lynchburg show that Ihe place i safe. One of the Richmnud papers complain nf the injustice done In Ihe soldiers !y nithnnldiiig their pay. Newhern. N. C. March J). Maj. Gen. Schn field and stuif arrived here In-day, having lefl Wilmington on Monday last. The rebel papers lire ignorant of Sherman's w hereabouts. The road are in a very bad con dition, which iuicdcs his progress somewhat. The enemy is in considerable force at Kings Ion, North Carolina Iniving recenlly been re inforced. Lee's corps from Hood's army re ported there yesterday. The enemy captured some nf our skirmisher near Kingston, belong ing lo Ihe I Tith Connecticut and I7lh Massa chiiselts rcgiinciite. This, by comparison nf dates, will be fniinil In bo Ihe great victory claimed by Lee. En. Alia- lirngg is reported In have command of the enemy' Inrcea nt Kingston. Maj. Gen. Cux has command uf our forces nt Ihat point Philadelphia. March Ll.-The Rulktin'i Washington correspondent says: letter dated m ar Kingston the Dth says, that Itrngg nijuiii attacked Cox's corps, making livu sepn rate nssnulis, which were repelled with heavy loss lo the vneiny. linger-' division, the 2d corps, captured rue piece of artillery and 21KI piisunera. Tho enemy left the field i in confu sion. All their killed nud wonnded fell Into our linmls. Newhern, N. C.. March ..-The enemy is claied with Ihe capture id two small guns nud a line of skirmishers in nur front, made Severn! charges yesterday nf the most reckless chnrao tir. 111 which they were repulsed each lime with heavy I u. Our force ore well intrenched, and nre nnw within three miles of Kingston, 10 which point the railroad is completed. The enemy still continue lo receive rein forcemeats, and ihey evidently intend to make a stubborn resistance nt Kingston. A divisiuu communicated with Cox last night, frnm Heaver Dam. eight miles frnm the hitler's headquarter. Cuiich join Cox's forces this morning, which indicate battle. Tu day the enemy shows signs nf weakness and will prnpahly full back to the other side of the Ncuse and make a stand in KingMnu. They are reported tn number frnm 1,'i.tltN) in 20.000. A rebel rnm i stationed nt Kings ton to protect the bridge across Ncuse' river which i nn extensive structure. It i re ported that Lee nnd llnckintidge from Rich mond visited Kingston and gave Instructions. Gen. Schnficld remains in the firld. with Cbx giving instructions. The enemy are much alarmed aud mystified in regard to Sherman's moven cut. e expect tn hear from him in a day nr twn. Near Yoik, March 13 Gen. F.nmry. of Ihe Nineteenth Corps, has succeeded Gen. Han cock as commander nf the Middle Military Division, comprising Ihe lower part nf the Shenandoah valley and other territury in that region, during the continuation nl Gen. Slier tdan's mure active field operation. The greater part of the rebel troops in the Shenandoah valley have be.n concentrated ln the vicinity of Lynchburg, which place, anme account represent, they were still busily en gaged in strengthening, at a very recent date, probably with a design of affording Lee an other good poiut to tall hack to when Rich niuud and Petersburg sliatl uom, ntenable. Large supplies of food fur needy residents, furnished by the Slioiinndoiili Relief Aussn ciatioii, have arrived iu the Slienaiuluali valley. Richmond journal of last Friday announce that the reiiiuval of I list gold belonging to the banks of Unit citv bad already commenced, and iu tho strongest language Ihe Legislature and tho people are called npun Iu put n stop In this exodus of the precious metal, on the ground that if removed, it will near y nil Ret into the I amis uf Ihu Yankees, and because upou it detention depends tho very safety ol the rebel capital. The Richmond editors are very angry over the seizure at Fredericksburg. Va., by the Na tional troops of some 200.0(H) pounds of to bacco which had been sent there frnm Peters. burg. They )ny it was understood nnu nunc was an agreement on both sides that the to bacco should go safely through tlieir lines, nnd that they should receivu bacon in return font. 'i'i.u l,.r in nnnturo a Yankee trick, with which Singleton, whu has been in Richmond for some time past, is suspected ut having soiini ll,', In do . New York, March 13. Tlio UeruUVt special dispatch nys: The War Department attache) very little imparlance to llragg'a reported sno ces) in Ninth Carolina, aa the force captured must have been only a construction party ao enmpanied by a amall force aa a guard. They were re opening the Atlantic-and Nurth Caro lina Railrual, San Francisco, March 12. Hy reason of tlio drain un thu Pacific volunteer furcu for tho Ar izona department and in viewr nf the contin gencies of foreign complication), nn tinier for the recruiting uf two more infantry regiment will prubahly he issued by the Governor during this week. The fnlluwing "cneral nrder has been issued : The GcnerulOrder No. 308 rel -rred tu, is the one referred to by Secretary Scvyurd, re quiring all persons arriving from foreign coun tries to he provided with passports, excepting emigrant passengers arriving directly at Amer ican ports by seu : Headquarters. Department nf the Pucific, Sim Francisco. March II, 1805 General Or ders No. 18 The fallowing measures will lie taken tn enforce General Orders Nn. .'108. from tho War Department uf December 2!)tli. 18U4: Vessels coming into the port nf Sun Francisco from a foreign country, will be boarded by nn officer as soon ns prnclicnblc after their arrival, und no pnssenger Irom a foreign country will be allowed to land without a proper passport. I'nssi tigers coining; immediately Irom Aew York via llio Isthmus routes, or frnm Oregon, by w ay nf Vancouver Island, will not be con sidered as coining from a foreign country. Masters of steamers plying in thneo waters will make a separate list of their way passen gers nud give it to the inspecting ollicer as lie come) nn board. Passengers going hence to Oregon by way of Vancouver Island will nut bo required tn procure pasports. A icpnrnte list will be made uf iinaseniten coming un board of steamers at Vancouver Island for Oregon, nnd will be given to the inspecting ollicer, who will come on board at Gupu JJisuppuint nient. liy command nf Mnj. Gen. McDowell.. (Signed) R. C. DitUM. A. A ti.s P" W. II. Newell, of the Mountaineer, is expected home on the 15th uf April next. f?" The Corvalli) Gazette is very much en larged aid unproved in general appearance. MAIIKETST" PaicKs. Flour. lll lo $11 per bids wheat, I 70 to $1 KU per husliol ; oats, 75 cents; potatoes, $1 '5; lintler, !(! els; es, 'ib els; hueoil, sides and natus, IH lo ill els. 1'oitTi.AMi l'nirns Vlour, $12 to per bid; wheal. l !lll to f .'oil per liiishel; onls, 711; barley, i tn ' $ per hasliel ; Imeon, sides nut! limns, i els. San Kn.iKcisco Pnicrs. Flour, host ('iilii'nrnin hrinids, loto l5 8Uper barrel Oregon, i I t Chili, yi:i In $1 1 ; llieLron wheat, ft cte ; barley, 'J els ; oats, :l els per pound. Markikd At Jrirerson. Mnrch 11, hy Itev. N. Clark, Julin Tli-wnrl mill Duburnli Cukt-r. nil ot Marian cuiinty. ' oitiiiMM i: o. :tu. An Ordinance fltipt1ninetitnry to an Ordinance to compel Lot owner tn htilld Hnlfii!k. The pt-ople d the City of Hnleiu do ordnln as ftdlows : 8kitio! 1 . That the owner nr owners of any town lot front In IT on Court Street, cast of C'mimcreiHl 8lri-t, he required l-i tmild tidewalks tn Irdit of lliftr n tpeilve lotn, of th fol lowing sine, dluit-nftlniis nml ptllty, lo wit : fidewalks to he ijfhl ft wide, of pond lumber, two luclns thick, hitnrds to he laid rrtuwwise nf the walk, on good substantial timbers, and nalli-d down with XX nails. &kp. 2. That the owinrn of all town lots fronthiK on Trade Strerl, went of Couuuereial Street, he required to huihl stde wulks in rront of their rerpftrltve lots, of ll.e fnlluwing sij;e, quahly and ilhiiciutlona, lo wit : Sidewalk to he ten feet wide, ol'j'nnd lutnher, two inclui tlilek, hoards to he laid endwise of thf wu Ik, on K"''i siihKtnntial liuiheri, nnd nailed down with XX mills. Hko. 8. Tlmt the owners of all town lots on Commercial fit reel, south of the new bridge across Mill Creek, be required to Imilit ulrvvftlk In front of their respective lots, of the fol lowing site, quality and dimensions, to wit : Pidiwalk lo be eiltt fe-l wiile, of $,nul, two inclies tlih-k, boarditnbe laid cm swise of ihe walk, on good, suttnlantial Hmtrs,and nnth'fi itonii with XX ns ils. Sidewalks to be built on a grade with thf street. Passed ihe Council March 14, 1WV. P. L. WILLIS, Recorder. HCIIA i; o. 10, An Ordinance to amend an Ordinance to mmpel Lnt-owners io niiini iniMWiiiks, piittl .Mniiarv It), IStd. The iH'opk of the City nf rtiletn ijn nrdaiu ns follows SKt'tlitX 1. The word "TKN" In Sections 3 and 4 is herehv n pt ah d, and the word KUillT 4s hereby substituted iu lieu Illrri'til. P.iM-d tlie Council Mnrch 14, l'-CV P. I. WILMS, Itecnrdir. XttTt K 'PO the Ptocklmlders of lhj tvikm (lo)d and Sllvrr Mining 1 Cottqiany is ben by g!veit, that an awoiuiiieiit of filly drills on esch and evi-ry h-ire ol the capital t(K-k of the rniup:uiv l tins day levied, tnyuhle on or hifore the Ural any ol .May next. ily nrU r of the II mrd. JJU;in, Mun-hS.JliS. 4w;tpd L. C. CLINK, Sec'y. TAKtW CP Y the undernhnted, at tlie foot of the Ciillpnoia mount ) Hins, Iu Siusehw valley. Lane en. Dee. i, 114, one large liny horse, no masks or brands. 15 lnndu h.jti, ft years old; apprftlsid at fx). D B. CAUTWRKiHT. 1 V the suhscrllier. lii Ihb 8 mibs south-west of MrMlnvllle. I Hie tollowiiig-di B.TilHtl hres : One small hay mare. w ii n wane leet , star tn lor. head, saddle-tn nrked, 4 or ft years old; apprised nl f.'. ANo. one baiy filly, it years nH. with irime noie; appraised si fiu. a. U I) At I!. (ia1 iiy Hla7-i tie Mo n t h y7 'IMIIH new and Hrst-rltM Monthly Mucaiine Is nnldislied l every toonlh, at 'W l.ilerly turret, New Vork, ami sent lo the Pitcillc Stales by the steamer leaving New York on the loth ol the month hi advance or ilate of itiillcatioti. Kverv ornn irte rncinc mniri nnn icrrimrtes snntuii take an Inter est in the success of the Pacific Moxthly ssldc from its lo cal eharacjcr and worth. It is the cheapest uiagnslne puhlish- ei. ne win si-im ine rit iric mmkthlt lo any address iu the United Stales for one year, pottage pre-plii, npnn the re crlpt of fire UoUat-M in 4irtntnivi, or Jtnt JhJl.ut and afuiJ M Uina. 1IAM1) M. OALAY A CO.. Pul'liMier. SI LiheriV St.. N. w Vork 8)ieclnifU coplet of the Picific MorrHLT csn le seen nt the '''"" omce, limlers luppl ed hy H UITK t KACKR .-ew Aeio, run rmnrw; nr Ihe Ainercn Now Compsv A z rh' ii 1 1 ii ra I X o rtMiV. iiiiiiuhI inretitijx of the I.inn Coiuttv Aurirul 1 tin nl Swift v will Leltcldu' Alltiinv ri MoiuIhv, March -irtli, Turn oul, funnem, tn'thn mpeninir J. HAliU WS, ! To. Atftit-tiltiinil Snrtetv. oi r to onlrM'ior4 ami Hnildrrs. CKAI.KD PltOI'OSALS will iP iwiveJ I.t titc mnlertik'ueil in Sitlem. until III nVliH-k k.'x. of im-wirtv, rtpni ior jitniiistiiitg tltc .MxtertMl nnd Consttrnrtinir n T-mponirT iVniteiitinrT on tho uroiithls )irvliusi uy the Mate from il. L .Sa.ate. IMiitia itml aptM itl.iitiuns theauf uisiv Ik iwii hv up plvinir to J. Ii. Movn'f. iu Siltm. Hitihttntr tn btt completed rrmfa for orrnpntinn hr the Jtli duv of dune tixt. llinMera prefi-rriinf loner r Hinc imw erify differ- Vint.- ill iuht; UUTfl'T, Kuril liiltltr ia reqiiiml U aiihmit with hie propotid .,fv "'" . i wwm umie rrrousiiilF attlll1l Ua. lit Comtuirtionvm pewrve to thvmwlvtfs the pnv il ire nf rrjectma ttny mid ull ImW. I'uvineiH o bs tuude in itwld i'uiii. A V. K SHAW, '13 J II. MtKHKS, Mlnl, Orviton, March IS, HA. lmmitoir$ .oIh c to WooM hoptirr Ulltl OKAI.ft niOI'(SAL8 will to received ht il,e ou O derngtuMl, id SaU-m, until tvit o ihu k a. h of Xnn uut April lih, 1810, fr drltvrring tit mm h iiIT i,,h) th Ivuitviiimry itrnniid na the Commissi on iti. mar draiyimterarrr .-rd l ord of r foot HW. rilty Cords to l drlirrrrd hv tb 7il. ., ? i next, and tli llance at unrh time h the Commia niMiers iua, iviiure The kinJ of wood must I irv. in tlie bid Itula lor any un.ntn.t 1, Umu three Imudred conU will In rerrivvd ani riiiistdrrrd. Ka h propoaal niut eontuu the itatue of otie or mom lYetHttistbl,' atruntics. The un.Uitiytied i rv to tlieuun-lvee the priTilfre mi .rjrvimn w t aim an uuta. lvtm-nt to he umde in lluld Coin. A l H HH AW, td3 J II Mt Hi KHS, ttltm, Oregon, Mim-h 65. Comma none rt. rroponil. U0P08AIH will to twr ived at the Offl. 0f t!w m. PwrtiarT oi um Lsoiie wr ittdti ana ifrr jjIB. wu CouipMur. utiiil the Wli da of April next. In sink a Mmtt iti mM Com pun re cUitn in the Stniiaro nine The lpih and Jue of Mid M.ft rati be known bv Salem, March K Stii n JJ THEATER. Lvuncf) mill iMiiiutym' M-'llMi. Lust MKht but two of the IIUV1NS! eollKK.-U'ONIlKNTI?: Sali'in, MareMIt, tsM. Ulau r,im riKTu.kii Mmlitm: We, clllsi-lis of Hiikm, de- sire, l,cfnri your ,1. purl ure, lo slew our nppri.i'1'illinn'f your merit ml uiuh lnit rirarl si nit lliiiM.ilarliiil joiirslsy In nur c.llv, In !! In nilirliliilnil nt. y Imilerliij- ynu a t'niiipll oi.'otnry Ikwlll, In come uX nt such Hum n ymi liny ilrllg lliili1. Vnnrn, reaocel fully, Hunt II W Hotter, I, Hi tu Ti, K II innnnrit, j n c iiutiiiiiB- Inn, J Willi, IJ l (Inrl, N TCnton, 1 B Nlercils, B liuruni, l lltirhlii, Y II Ciiit, P M Kmltli, U Ihirliln, A A S'nrky, A llnsli, II V HurilhiKr H Heoll, U Y llnovn, ) 0 Hell, J llynfe, J II Tleinipsoii, J 1 v Min imi, VV I' Ji lMrs. J U llrnivn, , W La- tnon, SI J Plaint, j Dili-, ll si I limi'imr, a iirowtt, v llnuloT, vv in eiinrorn. J II Hlsrr, r I'l-nuer, J v noirarr, II Mills, f I'unli.vniie, J W lllll,erl. T II Iti. U.-y. T M.-f 1'irt ton, I' I) l'shnrr, I. Uyrne, J W MrAfri', M II, C M Csrlnrlalil, Will Wnlilo, It II Itoilen, W II Wnlklmlt, J (I Wnilil, J M links, J M MtCill, J r Miller, (1 A, B Wright, anil CO "'tiI'sI''"!'. Porter, llenlli, If mil liitrl'm, llnnllna, and others; (imtltmen: Your very kind Hint llsllerlnir tislilnnnlnl la now before me. I'ertttll ins tn return my ltirere tlisnks for your kluiliu"!, nii'l Hume Moinlny, Mareli anili, for the pro tioli'il B"tu'lll. frits! ln tits enlrrtnltnilr'it will meet wlllr yimr enllrs liprtilialliili, 1 remain ynius, most rrsiimtfnlly, .llh.V ' -nr- MRS. C. CETZLER, Tendered her try the eitiauia of Malum. MONDAY EYKMNu', MARCH 80th, 1803." The performance wlllcnmineiioe Hltli tliebennllful play of ' IHE 1NGEL OF MIDNIGHT, on 12 o'clock nnd the Hour or Death ! ALL TIIK COMMITS FAV0RITK PAUTS, Airjic! I.ylluj l UKSl'lA.W! SYNOPSIS OF BCKNKKV. Act I. Thk I'HumriAK or thk Pivoil flrKNi 1. Umnt qf lr. Jtermtrr. BtniKfh) "t Tfoiipit with Poverty. TIib Tfntptntlnti. "Itu-rrune ymir of rii'H till (ln'y tmvi! rfit'lk'it inillLiiin,Diitl, with nil yiiiir wctilth, Ki'tilk'iiifit, yon will ilml Unit ynu are sllll too ,iuor to pur ifluiNe thu t:iiiHi'lt'in' vt un lion cut in mi.'1 Hi'kxk i. Tte Tttcern on thellttml. The rlwr Irfr, will) aillKiuut view uf Nmiloh. Tlw tlttjipy Ui'vulum. Tlt lluur nf Twelve, Mysterious iipprfmrh uf the ftliink JtArquv nu the tiilt'iit Wntors.' Awful Hvvelutinu nud IVrnHi' Apperiinc nf thf Auiicl uf MUliiijrtit. inlwly Vvuyxiet 1 Death ami the Ait II. Waitino mn I)KM Mkn'h BlIDXS. RcrKK 1. Ante-i'httmher in the Vmtnt'g Mamlon, Tlw ninkluK N'thk and liln UftuiclUer. A Relttu of Kuar. Cnptntn t;iiftii itml the Tale of lllood. 'I'll? rich v.mnf renoliitimi to ilidiiiliurtt the pour lnctr lotiurrow. Th Auittl of Terror Tin, (tick Dpiirtd nnd tlm strung ulricken. The Death Touvtt. Act III Tub Ha mm avd Hi Victim. Hi'kmk . A Strut in Manivh. Tliua.ludtji.ti' premmtloii for thu Mimiuertnio, Clmnno of furluut.' for the poor Due tor. Apollo nntl his lyre. XfYSKl. Grand Mampieraiie at the llotvl Stromtirrg, llu I Id 'iuttimt!ipie hy tho marten, lterto lutlnii of Die Count to sucriliue his wttdlli to nave liti d.ti(;h-U-r from n union with tliu Union. AppenrHtico nf Captitln H.ituu. Htory of n vilnte and Its conit'queiii'e. Eutrance or Love, the m hi k renniVLiI, and Love Is Ueiith. The QunrrvL The iiiow. Frltththil rne of the Huron. Fatal Challenge. Apt IV. Thk Pword astii Sicxm. fk.Ni 1. Oltute tn the forest. Ihe Duel In the Snow. Tin stroke of utidnlnht. The nujM. revealed, and the touch of Death. An end lo life of wkkednesa. Aloiict alone t dylnK Ui a Shroud of Snow. Act. V, Tnr MmstoiiT IVannrNii. Si-KXK .A Street In Munich. Preparations for the nup , IIhIn of Paul and Muvtuerite. Hcknr '2. ( of the Cha teau and Portal of ike L'hapd, Last appearance of tho Hjilnt of terror. A life claimed a spirit nf sucrlflce: " One must perish your mother or your bride V The de cision. All hist, hut trust tn Heaven. The prayer heard. Thi-'inner of Death aiertfd. Grand Aerni of the Angel of Midniaht, enrroundtd by lumitum ray ofefitl(en$ brightutM. SONGS AND DANCKS, The Performance will conclude, by particular request, with Ihe lauhahle farce nf JiAX, THE GOOD FOB 0IIII.VC. llrrervcd sent can be lmd at (he box ofltce from 10 a. m. till 4 p. in. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP, tUMTOKKIr Ol' IODIDE POTASSIUM. Willi the Compiumtl CoiicentiHlyd Fluid Kxtmct of r,tinnwort Atiuittiiru Hoot, Aliat'onii lioot, Klood Root, Cuutor Knot, Kover Root, Citnkur Weed, Con snmptioit Plant, Gravel (imvel I'liint. Ufo Jtoot. Ijiuti i;n, ...... ...... m.ii, iNinrvil r IIS Hoot, Si tirvv limn Hot, ScrufiilH I'lmit, Huttleauako Hoot, Srmv Hont, W u B-l,oe Hwrk, Wintergreen, tho whole ai-ieiiiilteally prepared, nnd eoit'itiiiing the full virttin of nil the ingredients united in Hn elegant Syr up, that poMeBM a wonderful power ia the euro of (liseiitMj, lONSTITlHOX LIFE SI It IT. A positivo nnd snoi-ilic rcmmlv fur till dinsoMs-oriu-. iiiiiiinu Iiciii mi IlllTIIK Sl'A'I'K (It'TlIK 111,001). iiml fVirnll (litri'ililurvl HISEASKd tiiuisinitleil from 1UUENT TO Clltl.O. l'araljsln. rti'iiiiplriu, Paresis, l'jniik'i;i. r.inilysis, Alitalia. Dysprpsln. lulieatinn. Liver ComiiUiiit, Coiiatiimlinn, Weih at smiimi-h. Biliiiiuiii:H, VViuil nf Aiitwiuo, Flalulcnec. Ilml Orralh. Scrofula. Smimti, Olaii'liilur Hwrlliniia, L'lconit'on, Kinu'a. Kvilf l'vsiK.lits, Suit Ulieuai. KhcumiillsDi. tArlhrilis Neiiralijiii, Goiit, l.unilisgo, Sciaiio, Tio Doliinreiix. XtTVOllHIlCSS. Xcrvnii Oeliilrly.Cniifnaiim of Thniiin,, Kpilr-pay, Iiss of Power, sriHtliiruit Nerves, St. Vitus' Ditnee. Mercurial DIsimsm. SulivHiion, Ferlinv of Weariness, Rutting of nnos, Itiitl Couiilixion, Ai-lies in Uones. i)epreed Spirits. Ciuialilulion Life Syrup puricea-llm ntirelr ot ull t!i ovil elfei-ta of Mercury, reuuivtiiir the linrt Hmuh. nn. I rnrinif the Weak Joint, wxl Ithemnniio I'ann whioh ihe of luloinel ia aura to proline.. It liuTilcu Spongy tiuina aud securea the teeth Ha. firuily tt ever. Coiistltutliin Life Sjrup I'lnulintli'S. root nml bruncli, nil Ernplive Diseaaea of ihe Skin li ko I Iff rsr rimples, Blotches, And alt oiWdilHriiliiiv nf the kind, wliiili so much disliuure tho ontwanl upieHrriuco uf both miles unit fettiules. und (Mien nmkiuu? lliem disgusting object to tlieinsWvea und ftneir frieiida. Constitution Lire Sjrup CUKES ALL SW TJ.LING OK THE OI.AXDS, either of lite Van, Nevis, or I'cnmlo Ureust. As a nenenil lllood Purifylmj AiteM, tlie Life Syrup unrivalled by miy prcpuration in tho world. Constltutlou LUc Sjrup Is Ihe Poor Mull's friend and the Itirh Man'a blea.- iiiK. ltuy it, take it, und be cured, ll ia uuiveraal in ila i-rfc. u. II. i;RC(i(i. d. Sole Proprietor, New York Lnbomlorv, llrooklvn, L. I. l'll'K-'l r Hotilei Six Boitlea forfO. I VMuit by tspress to all parts of Ibe coautry. Sold by IIODUK A CALEF, SMITH V DAVIS, IV. MEATIIEKFOKD, niliSiHf Portland, Oreiron. irOll HALli OXK SEtTlON OF OOUD ARAI1I.E LAND, sitnatnl on Ihe Freneh Prairie, one mil weal nt St. ttii. Thi land ia ull under fence, and ha all th. iinpniTpuiente pr"K-rly belonniuir ba farm, inclndlne; a iiuod tlrcbunl ; sIki, one eijil.i horse Thnulier und a Ura.r. . E wall k-II a Quarter, Half, or the entire Section, jnal aa the purcUaser may desire. Kor furlber psxucn lure, adiiresa the undersiirned at the Karm. .. , . 1IKNKY WA1IRIM, .Slem. Murcb 1 1, l 3W3 Lone Star (.olI nud Mirer Tliningr 'niiiaii). T a meelini of the liirrriora of the Lone Star Hold and Silver iliiilna Company, beld March 15, lo. il ra nrdered lhl Ihe assessment leried on lb. '.'.'Mb das of Kebruary Uai. of ten reins on each .bare of suid Coojpaur, lie reMioded : and it waa further ordie4 oa saij loth day of Uarcb lrHi6, lhal an aa seasmeiit of Korty l euta upoa each and erery share of the capital atork of said company b ktvied, mid aesatnent to be paid within iliaiiy days frnm lute, to Hie Secretary of Iba Conipanr in l nited Suiae gold coin. C.N. tKKRY, Urrh 19. 4w3 ISerriar.