TKLKUUAl'UIU UISPATIHES. New YorU, Fi'b. 10. Tim Herald' i Savnn nnli eiirrt'spnrdYnt tnya : Niitwitlistiiiiding t ho rebel ili'tiiKl In Hid ontitrarr, the Unloo siMitl nipnt throughout Gi'iiriilii in wrv strong;. Mee tings are living hell In ut luttst iii'iateon conn tici, nt which rcBiilii'liMn In favor nf ohialng the ttar and retnminjf to the Union have heen . siWiited. These vicwi express the nlmnat unanimous views of the ppiiplo of the north western ni well ns thi other mrti of the Suite, At Agitata, anil Pulaski ponce mooting! were broken up hy the militury. The Legislature wan to meet in extra loaaion TeeterUiiy. btrong ellbrte will be made an with good hnpea of auocesa, to have it authorize the calling of a convention, fur the purpose of funning a reetoraliun uf the Slate to the Union Governor Brown la beleived to bo fullv in ao. ord with the movera In the prnjeot. The amiill poi waa very bad among the ne grnea, in ami about Snvnnnnh. New York, Feb. 10. The Herald's New Orleans correspondent inj-a : An order to vaounte Mobiel waa reeeived from Rich moon on tno inn January, and many Oominehood at once remnveing their atorea, etc., to Selina. It ia alto aaid that nearly all the rehel troops have left for Arkanaaa. Cairo, Feb. 10. Tho New Orleana Delta ayi i . The evacuation of Mobili) hni beirnn To fact waa known te Gen. Grant aa early an January inn, i lie ls.iiuu balea or cotton, ' which Maury has ordered deetruyed, aa noon oar forces take possession of tho place, it ia beleived will bo aaved by the citizens. , ' New York, Feb. 17. The Richmond papera of 14th abow that the qoeation of arming the laves haa been temporarily laid aelde in the Late rebel papera present some very curious na Interesting disclosures regarding financial and military matters in Jell. Davis' dominions the new currency ia now considered of lesa alue than the old. Thero ia no money even of this worthless character in tho Treasury, to settle the immense outstanding account, and taxation it declared aa heavy na the peoplo oan isnu. The proposal to conscrint the negroes br th wholaale having received an adverse decision la we reliel Uongrcs. the scheme or organlz . rng into volunteer eervioe it now being warm- If tllsOUSSlMI. Asefcirrespnndent of the Herald saya i The , closing of the port of Wilmington haa been tad blow to Nassau. All ia stagnation there, According to thn Herald, on the 3d there were tkerti over 30 stealers and 10(1 sail recently engaged in cotitrulmnd trade. The warehouse are filled with goods. The pirate Tallahassee new called tho Chamelion wus thero on the Brat of tho month, and the attention of the Government was called to the fact by our Con ul. Ourguubuat Hondurus arrived there on the 31st, and asked permission to anchor in the DtrUor, hut was relusetr . hb xuim, iuvyif. j meeting in inyai Georgians waa held at the Cooper Institute W V.. -I. V.... I T A .!.. -t I I last uignt. hpeoches were made hy Severn! residents of Georgia. Resolutions were passed denouncing the ses'ion movement, and urging we eany return ot tne statu to tne union. :. New Vol k. Feb. 18. Tho Richmond pa peri contain very interesting disclosure! re carding tho corruption in Jeff. Davis' Cubiuet, aid five an iusight into the causes of its recent dissolution. A committee of the Richmond Congress has presented siuuon, late vv nr Secretary, as guil ty of gross swindling, and the Richmond jour nals make statements which add to his guilt. We have alfo some developments regarding Hood's 1 enucssee campaign, TbcSeliHa (Ala.) Mississippian sayai Two regiments ol bis army returned to Coriutli with only M men lelt out or l.'JW. New York. Feb. 14 Mai. Gen. Sclmlicld has assumed command of tho Department of Hona Carolina. This placet rum at the head of all the military forces operating iti the vicini ty of Wilmington, Advioes from Cape Four river to the 9th represent all quiet. New York. Feb. 14. The Commercial's Newbern correspondent saya : An expedition Ja preparing there, which, in all probability, frill make an advance on Goldshnro. If can- tared, this will give the United States all of Booth-eastern Curohnnr New York, Feb. 15. The steamer Aracro from Port Royal the I lib hass arrived. Among tier passengers are Mnj.-Uen. roster and mini J- . Breckinridge has been installed as Confed crate Secretary of war. The World's Washington correspondent ' reiterates his former statement that the rebels will soon evacnate Richmond and the Atlantic iJ rall I.....I. .. .1 :.. wm .nt, VOU II, WIO IUOUWI1IIS III lliu ill terior. lie now says that Lee and Beauregard will command to grand armies, and that pre parations are making for an overwhelming at tack oa Sherman. New Y'ork. Feb. 1C The Commercial's apeetaj sayi : There are rumors in Washington of favorable military news from North Caroli di, addition to that reoeired Inst night. The admission, nf the Representatives from Louis iana il regarded aa certinn. New York, Feb. 17 Tho movement to ward Wilimngioii lust Suiimlud resulted in a permanent advance, tho Union lines being moved over two miles of new ground. The positions was held and works were immediately thrown op. ' New York, Feb. 13 Tho Post's snecinl dispatch says : in tho letter to the Committee of Ways and Means, Fessenden does not ask for power to issue more currency. It is proba ble lie will rely on the seven and three tenth notes for the next fiscal year. Ex-Governor Thomas 11. Hicks. U. S. Seu aUot from Maryland, died at 7 o'clock this Doming. ladiauopolis, Feb. 13. The Constitutional medmui.t to abolish slavery, after having passed the Semate by 23 to 24, passed the Hoot to night by a vote of 57 to 2U. Wasblngi Feb. 1:1. Most of the North ern and Western State have ratified the ad mendioeut to the Constitution of abolishing slavery. Only one State Delaware ao far, hat, drileil nirainst il. - Wsshiogti.n, Feb. 10. The House passed the Senate bill for the establishment of steam 'ervioe bctvteeoe the United States, China and Japaa. The Post's special says t The Ways and Means Committee have inoreasud the pay and salaries 20 per cent. . l is beleived the issue of Treasury notes, opder tho new loan bill, will he limited to the denomination of $100 and upwards. Tho President to-dar nominated Senator E. U. organ, of New lurk, to be Secretrry of ioeTreawirv. ' Kerr York. Feb. 11. The CommcrciuT. sum 1 dispatch t,vs i Notwithstanding Sena tor Korean s declination after his nomiurtivn Is tho Treasury Department, his friends oon tloe to press bis name npnn the President. It at tttosght Morgan will vcept the position. Washington. Feb. 13 I.ciea Curtii has boo snpointed Collector of Inurnal Ijevrnoe for Jrancitoo vice Patch. KeST Orleans, Feb. 10 A refugee froln nMHS l htu rennrfa I'riei. a , r- V nine thonsaud strong, mostly oat.r fro Vexs. Large number of deserte.. were ooosUutly arriving at the Jdo Grande wd seaapeing north into Arkansas and Mis souri. Price's headquarters were at Borham, Tsxos. forty mrles south of lied River, ia a to foregoing region. Mngrqder is at Camden, Arkap-ws, with a part of his coinmaud. The snal swly, chiefly cavalry, is oo a stealing el f ' o in Trxaa. The horses of both com I i re in an exhausted oondiuon. Magru dt k e twviily thouMnd men on the master rolls, 10 thirds nf whom are effective. Kirby fii.k's head quarters are still at Sbreveport. Lee llis eniirt strength Is estiiuaud at ttrrty eight tlwusaod. only about twenty-live thMsd of whom are servicable. An im mense drore nf beef cattle, numbering some h'indred thousand head, is ruaniiAg the prai- ml W T.wna l .. . f , - . fimfch's, Mag ruder 's and other rebel ofiicers' saltan specolslians still eoutinue to be made. Karl, rebel agent at Matamoras, is said to have made a million dollars ia gold. LOCAL ITKMK. The two brothers, J. G. and J. M. Martin, for tome time past favorubly known as business men in this city, have gone nilh a stock of goods to try their fortune east of the mountains one of them to Bulse, tho other to Kootenai, During tho firing of a iintioiuil salute on the 22d, by the Salem Light Buttery, a premature discharge ncoiirred, by which two men, Ileverly Waller and C. F. Pleasants, were soverely in jured. One nf Pleasint's eyes is gone, and his faco and arms badly mutillatcd. Waller's faoo is badly burned, but his most serious in jury is in the right arm, the muscles nf which are considerably mangled. The acoident was probably caused by the promaturo admission of air into the tube, though we do not know that any one was to blame. On Feb. 22d, Joseph Sweitzcr, Mato of the steamor Enterprise, fell overboard near the mouth of the Suntiam and was drowned. Hit body was afterwards found. Ho was a brother of Captain Sweitxer wlnf was among tbo lust when the Northerner win wreoliud. The supper given hy the ladies of tile Bap tist Church on Tuesday night was patronized by a very largo number. The sain of $;MiO was realized, an amount sufBoieut to clear the church nf all debit. The Thespians will play ' The Toodles " and the " Two Bonrryoastlea " on this, Monday, evcninf. They state that this is the first en tortainment in their " farewell ongaeoment,' and that they expect to introduce several new features that will astonish the imtlvo-. Sallie Goodrich Thayer will appear in two highly amusing characters, Their last performance was an eutiro success, mid wu have no doubt this one will lie. The proverb that " Satan finds tome mischief still for idle hands to do," was illustrated iu this city Inst week. Sumo secret assassin made war on the canine species. Nut only the worthless curs, liui several very valuable watch and shepherd dogs died with the etryohniiie piuguu. oeverut wcu-traiued animals were destroyed for which tho owners hud refuted large sums of muuey. Wo suggest that per sons bad better wutuh their smoke-houses, hen roosts, etc, after this sneaking trunsnction. It looks to us as though the perpetrator desired to steal something and feared the alarm that might be given by theso fuithful aniniula. The Hesperian Society of this place gave their lifth annual literary exhibition on Friday evening last. This Society is composed mostly of young men belonging to Willamette Uuiver ity, and wus originally connected with that in stiluiion. On account of some narrow-minded persecutions on the part of some of tho Trus tees, tho Society dissolved its connection with the school, and now has quite a valuable library and is in flouriahinir condition concrallr The exercises on Friduy evening were all cred itable, aud some were marked with more than ordinary originality aud ability. I he weather the past week has been pleas ant no rain, but littlo freezing more like Spring thau Winter. A County Teachers' Institute has been called to meet in Salem on the 20th of March. Wo publish the call in another oolumn. Those associations have been efficient nidi to the cause of education in other States, and all per sons interested in the subject should aid in their establishment hero. The merchants of this city have increased Uie price of flour within n few Juys past from eight to nino dollars per barrel. Wo do not know that there has been any corresponding rise in tho prioe of nhent. The " owners '' of our rebel cotemporary over the way were in secret session on Satur day. It is supposed they were oalled together by the new exigencies nrising in consequence of tho fall of Charleston, and tho reported cap ture of Gen. Beauregard's monkey. The "Union army meeting" in this city last night was held at the Congregational church. Interesting speeches were made by Dr. Ben son. Cnpt. Keeler and others. These meetings ore held the fourth Salliath in every month in nearly every city in the Union, lor lliu purpose of discussing questions connected with tho ar my nnd presenting tho claims of the Christian Commission. Paiu the We noticed about election timo a wngerof rather a unvel charac ter made by J. K. De Lnshmut and J. Orchard in Polk county j the terms of which were that if Lincoln was elected. Orchard woe to carry two bushels of apples from hit place to De lusbmutt's, a distance of two miles; and if Mo- Clellan was elected, the same operation was to be performed hy Delasbmutt. The conditions lof the agreement were performed by Orcburd ou tho 17th of February, in tho presenoe of a large number of buth parlies. A correspondent sending us an necuuut of the affair, snys : You may lie astonished thnt anv one slumM have been so foolish as to think that McClellnn cool J ever bo President, much less back the opiuion with a wager; lint when yon lake iuto consideration that this unfortunate Cop. places oipneii vuiinueoae in want n Arena ears, the matter is explained." Some of the apples were received at this ofli-e. "VIZ," "OIB," ADCS.M Ed. Statrsmax : In a recent weeklr issni. ni one 01 lue raners ol Urecoii. the rdiiorilVo hav no rnri-tu ei at all. Ilniiv n,l in a low short paragraphs uses " we,' " ours." sua u, remine 10 nnnseil. some twentr. Gve times the we's being some tweutv. fi rend. tig. the we s came so fast that curiotit wus aroused, and a count instituted. Onlvt part ol Ihe editorial matter was examined. 1 be suggestion simply is. that if a cnulnhutr lo a pnbiio journal, in a short eominunicatisi. should nse the " big I " as this editor did ka we's," be would not be regarded slightly eo- tistical ! Ought nut editors to he as careful in wrhuc as they wish their correspondents to be f ; ( Monmouth, Polk Co.. February 17th, 195. En. Statesman: Somewhat relieved i mr " ridiculous aiubiiiou to see my nsine in fiblio print." I again condescend lo notice tin fiat headed baboon of the Arena. I can agree with the monkey-faced editor in one parKular, and that is. that I am "green" grem for ever stopping so low as lo notice Ihe lay si wnsh, who is beneath even the dignif of a 'log. 1 am disposed lo take flat head ssilvice in regard to "lucubrating through Ihe plumns of a taper :" at least to Tar as publicly sotioiug any hosy that is low in the estimating of the pubhe as ia the vagabond editor of the Arena. So far as bis pity for me is consrrned, I "would advise him in all kiudnrss" tc reserve his sympathy for some of the inUrts of his tribe 00 the Grand Round reservation who are ondergoing the painful operation tba. he. him seir. had the sad experience of when a youth ol having their heads flattened between two boards, fur the purpose r.r piichinr them back at the angle of forty. five degree.. If my frienils will forgive nie for tins, t aa ill promise them in the future that I will not "riurlify" them again by paying any attention whitevor to the leather-beaded editor of the Arem. Harui Holmah. 1 CF" Wheat in Ibis market is 00 worth II 50 per bushel. IIIK JiKWS. After a silence of over twn',t,,(l tho wires havo spoken to us ngaiu. Tlnnous is of tho most cheering character. Grj lnl ,,iado a successful advance and holds position two miles nearer to Petersburg. Wman has captured Urunchvillo. Charlestoi Dnhy. Ion of tho Smith, the cradle of smlon and the nursing mother of treason, hai'fullen into his hands with hardly a show of resLnoe.and the flag of the Union floats ugnii over tho walls of Fort Sumter. It is thought,,, r,.bels ar evacuating Mobile. Wilmington 1 0Osely invested, aud It , is oven reported U14 Rich mond is to be leji to its fate, and ihajeff.'a forces are to ho sonoeiitrnted for a firmistrug gle in tho mouuluitii of North Carolina. ' Sev eral prominent rehds uregoitigto Mexicrnd, in fact, the affiir f tho Confederacy arc lie coining an disjointed that it is hard to tell vmt is their real ciriditim. The Richmond leaders are evidently1 aiming to work some kind f strategy to (et ott of their predicament. During the kmg tijue that the stage of action has been hidden fitin our view wo cannot sec that any of the plain of the government have failed, or that any' disaster has befallen the national forces. This is nn evidence that, though the progris of events is slow, we are surely appronchin the consummation that all patriots desire. Vie Confederacy , is doomed, tho counsels of eu men are coming to naught, and the time of iff final triumph is evidently olose at band. While affuirs 1 1 progressing thus favorably in the field, Co rets is doing an important work. The Co litutional amendment, abol ishing slavery, h passed by the requisite two thirds vote, bus een approved hy the Presi dent and ratihVi y the legislatures of several States. So the rld moves in spite of those who would and her to the barbarous institu tions of past og There is no in in the news that wo read with more sat action than tho one which status that Na iu is played out her ware house full of 1 rubandise for which she bus no market, her eving bluckado runners rot ting ia her hnrli , and the "neutral" pirates, who have fatten on our misfortunes, finding their sdiemes nldenly foiled. Wo confident ly b.diore the tiie is close at hand ohen Brit ish pinles nnd imericnii traitors will come to grief n lilis banner everywhere nnd find ihcmsfves thefietiint of the plots intended to crippl and despiy us, Titj IIvpottiTB Aoain. The low-bred our ad irresponsible beggar who is hired by the "Irena Cnupnny " to shoulder th ir lies and Niidcrs, whose natural propensity to lie is excettd by nnthing but his cowardice and ig norant.1, and who is permitted to run at largo becam his want of brains renders him harm less, oils over with impotent rage because we refund to the fact that some of his masters wcrapeculating in Bounty Bunds while hypn- oritidly denouncing the la,w by whioh they wenoreutcd. The knock kneed booby does not to the lact referred to that those who fill his nnth with bread were once tho custodians nf polio money, nnd that after tho people kick! them from their places of trust they be- c4n. gentlemen of leisure," with fuuds to spireand squander on a sheet devoted lo the divenination of fa'sebood and treason. He dots rot deny tho bounty fund speculation, and n.iiybave noticed the fact that his dcuunoiu liftis tf tho Ian creating this State indebted ness save weakened materially of Into. Ho publishes soldiers loiters, written to order duilitlesk, in which tho officials aru freely de- noinced for nut furnishing tho bonds fust esmgh. He talks about the soldiers being pforly fed ud poorly paid, vthilj his masters njo greedy to biy their bonds at less than one llird their valie. Ho says something about sUielmdy grouing patriotic over a salary of 00. Wonler if he ever heard a report tlat went the. rounds a few years s nce of a ctrthin individial who sucoeeded in clearing lie sum of t lb;iK)l) in four years on a salary of 1.5001 It wis one of his "owners" that lint circulated lliu repurt, and we presume tly nnderstoid each other's financial opera tins. ,Tho 'tool has evidently forgotten the overt), ' lime who live in glass houses liould not thrisv stones, Tancouvbii, Feb. 20th. 1805. Ed. Statesman 1 I notice in the Arena of lie f.'llll inst. 1 letter dated Fort Vancouver. fell 1st, fniiii a "vnlnnteer under Gibbs' call" vbidi is false from beginning to end. But it I milling more than I could expect, coining Iron tho souru- it does. "In the first placo we were promised a Wuity from the State of Oregon of fifty dol hrs: we were promised a bounty from the United States of one hundred dollars, ai well us limnties from tbo different counties. All Ibis has nut come lo pass, nnd we cannot glean toy hing certain as to wheu we will get any of .hose bounties." how this teller cnold not hare been written by a soldier of company A, if by one at all ; from Iho fact that there were only two compa nies of Oregon Infantry here nt that time, and lley bad received their county bounties before tli'y came here. Company A gut their State b ride nn the 4th. and it was known by most o lliu noys that wo would get them about thut lie. "We have three ounces of bread. two nances meat and cne pint of coffee thrice a day. hourly is the constant wurd. why don't wo set leoougu in eni. Some of us were a little hungry at first, bat since we have got nsed to the grub we have plenty. We have not heeu curtailed in our grub lo pay for conking utensils nr anything else. We have eighteen ounces of bread, one and one-fourth pounds of heef.or three-fourths of a pound of pork per day. We have, alto, all the coffee we can drink, and bean or rico soup once a day. Any one who is familiar with the Army Regulations know that is what we are entitled lo. I suppose "Volunteer" thinks government ought to furnish tobacco, pipes, whisky, Ate ; and as to cutting and fit ting onr clothing, the most of as drew clothing to fit. and those who did not, took them to the Quartermaster and exchanged Ihem. " Hut every man is cursing the government; this kind ol treatment is a good war to make democrats out of Ihe most rank abolitionist." There is not a svi in onr company that ia cursing the government. We are just as strong Union men as when we enlisted, uur officers treat os kindly and with respect. The most of os are well satisfied, and enjoying ourselves huirely. In fact. I think we will fall in love with soldiering. Soldier. VT A national salute was fired by the Salem Light Battery on Saturday in honor nf ihe capture of Charleston, and the raising of the natinual flag over Fort Sumter. The salute was fired in obedience to a general order from the national capital. ptawAi. Uv. Dr. IWimoo, of th AJnttU, U Vnrv4 ns with a frintlr mil mi HutonUv. A CARD. Th fonoaltis rrtnnrtloft. vm puscd Ujt ll-prtan S. tifir. r-k IVh. Iw. Ktmmm4, Tltnl Om tttsnks f lti H',tr1iit twirl? srt rtr lrttrrS u Ow Helws sml frntleii i, ur,1 th Intitif .S ttcr!lltt bmi' wu U oceasi'4 ! Us t. ii, on rti,ir. r-h e 141. Sr t4rr (if th. S-ictely. 1 C. UMPSON, ' Sun H Oimv, rnarfaal. txrtivr. THE LATEST. Fperiul I)spatelies to tlm Oregon Stalummii. Details of Iho Capture of Charleston. The C'ily Blown tip hy the It !' In. Great Destruction of Life and Property. WILMINGTON OURS. New York, Feb. 21, fltemnrr Fulton Iirr rrlvrti from Cliitrlcrttun hartmr. Tribune's corn'Hfiulfiit iHih nny : Kurly lut eveninj( fien. Hchimmelleiiuinf;, com main i n k northern dUtriut Dopwrlment of the Houth, dicnvtTft) ln,(.icHtioiiH thitt re he Ik were about to evucii ato CMiailcHtoti, Accordingly he ordered the picket to keep a lookout nil night and report itnmedluteiy wiy movHineiit of the enemy.' At liulf ibkI three In Hie m ruing n tcrrflic exploMon took place, which shook every rtliip In the harbor and otT the bar. Alnnmt im tiltiineoiiHly HanicH broke out In difterent purl in nn of the city. PiiKt explosion took place ut Wilmington depot, lire from width cuuscd peiiurul conflitgratlon all dwell. Uft Iiouhch in the vicinity. Hccond exploHlon which tok place renulk-d very dlnuatrouHy, caunlng terrible Iohh of life among women and children, who are repre sented having been horribly ntntihittd. At nix o'clock ttchimmcHeniiiiitf occupied city nnd itn dvl'encei. For inidiihle earthwork on JniueH filnnd were found nlmit doned rinriguim Hpikcd. Klwlit o'clock a detuchmunt wna wnt to t.ilti' postHenfiion of Fort Humler mid i'Hi-e the flag wliicli Anderson hauled down nearly four yeara ago. Ah fflKt aa the f'orceacoufn lie thrown Into tbecily they were net to work to put out the lire that won ray in a fiercely In difleient pnrU of Ihe city. Old mcii.wouien and cltildrcn were rutthlnR frantically to and fro in RRony of dpHpafr at Iokh or h'mea and the killing and iiutilntion of frienda. In all probnliihiy two thirda of the city will be do atroyed before the lire la extinguished. The left or reur Kmird of re he 1 1 lefi Clmi'lntOon at 4 lliia morning. 8yeml li nnd red re be In who nee re ted tliemoclvea hi different purta of the city when the in win ndnmn were rctretiting. have given theinaelvon up. Another account iHva (Jlmrleaton waa evacuated on ihe night of the 1 7lii, leaving the lorlilicHtmni uninjured, be idea three It nnd red gnna which were apiked. The evitciiatiun who Hmt discovered nt Fort Moultrie in the morniiiur. Hart of the trntinn lulioiied on Juoiei and croxited over in loan nnd look povaemiion of (he city. I'mvioua to evHciiatiug the enumv hrud the up per part of the city and destroyed sixty thousand hulea of cotton, ' A fearful explonion occurred at Wilmington depot by which aeverul hundred citiena were killed. Ad mi ml iJahlirren waa limt to run to the citv. where he arrived about two o'clock, (len. Oil more followed, and had an Interview with Schimuielt'euniug in the city, for the prusetit in command, Keruftliit of tw Iron elaiU were found which had been blown up. Dloukarie runner Cyrtne, juit arrirrd from Ni nn, fell Into our Imiidn. Ilouaei In the lower purtof llio cltj completely rlildleil by our hot and ihell. Weill hy portion of Hie population Imve kbienled theniselvei from Uitt oily where only tlie poorer clnuea remaln,who are luffirlug from want of food. CiiARLKitToa. Feb. 18. Clmrleiton and all the DoMewion fll Into our liiiiula this mnriiltitr, with W) i1eca uood artil lery, and lupplk'i of nmiiiuulllou, M nJor Mclluili mrrender edthuclty loth troops of (Jen. Bchhuuielllnlng, nt 9 tlili mornliiK. ,Our Hdvauce on North R tlsto from Dults Buy htMenel tin eueiny'i ret reat. C'ottun wirclioufes, arnnNl, qtmrlermititer lores, rallrorid hriilgi-i tud Iron cld were burned by the eneiuy. Home of the rmeli In the ihlp yrd were nlio bunivd. Nenrly all the lalmbliAnia rental iiIiiit behind be long to the poortr clism. (Aik""') UlLslOitK. Ban pPAVCiM'o, Feb. 25. Private Ulaunlchei auole sold on tin-24th mmtt-nfO. A dispatch of yetterdny saya WltmlnntoD Is oura. MAR HIED. In this city, Feb. ft 1, hy Rev. 0. DIcLlmon, Mr. A. II. M or ran, ami Mist Mfllntta K. lloou. Coiiiiliiiieiita of pnrtlca received. No curds sent. In Ysuihll county, by HfV. t)eo. O. Chntllrr, Mr. John Henderson, and Mlu Luclnila T. Van busk Irk, all of Yamhill county. roii run ry nve miles east or eatem. at tne reaiden.e or thebrMr'a fnther, by Cider John Btlpp, Mr. W, B. Culver, formerly of Athena, Ohio, and Mist Louisa J. 0 lover, all of Mnrlon county. In Han Francisco. Feu, 'li, by Iter. Dr. Cohen, Mr. Jacob Cohen, of Portland, and Miss Emily Uruckman, of New I or. At Vancouver. Feb. ? John F. Smith, J. P.. Ernest Ferdinand Latige, ol Folk county, aod Lenoir Ady, of Marl on county. In Hetiton countr. on the loin Inst., by D. w. Russell, Esq.. Henry I. Dtiy, and Miss Francis K. Hill, nil of Denton oounty. At the residence or the brine's nthcr. tn Yamhill county. Feb. 16ih. bv U. W. Branson. Mr. Allen Homy, nnd Helen A. Falconer, buth of Yamhill county. br Rev. Win. R. Koscr.A. J. BurTord.and Elisabeth Jones both of Multnomtih county. Feb. 81st, by Hev. Win P. Kofer, Hamuel welch and Fran ces tf. Culberson, of Multnomah county. DIED. Nenr Oakland, Feb. 2,1, of congestive chills Oeorse. voung est son of Dr. L. Hall, used in years. un Josi nana rratrie, w, t. rett. lotrt, or tiintheria, Jninff, Rilward, younttett aun of A. 8. and 8. O. Yantli. tied 3 years and 8 mnnihs. n this city, after nrotracted Hlnesa. Mr. James Jones. formerly of Rosehura:. Funeral irrvtCf. In rnniMiiisni- nf snntlnnswl alrkni.M In immory lumuy, win be hetn at the residence of lir. Flake, on trottl rt. whrf friend Arts InwiltMi la suaainhU T.,u.l. f,.rn....n tit til ..'.,1..nL Hac of School Lands. TS Kccordnnco with an order made bv the countr X comiulaaioiieni' court of Marion wmnlv, Bute of Oregon, at tho hobruary term thereof, loi, nil the vacant achool lauda in said Marion county will ho of fered for aide nt the court house in Sale in on the 'Jthh day of March, and aa many daya thereafter aa may be deemed necessary. The In in is will be sold lo the hiirheat bidder, at not tii an two dollar per acre, one fourth to be paid down, the remainder in three anniml iutdalltnenta, with interest imvable semi annually. All rumminta mnsl be made in irold or nicer coin, and all the notes and bjude will be dmwu with thta under atandinir. N. IJ Persons desirinir to offer bida at this aale will gnat ly fucilitate tliebuainesa hy ohtaiuintr bfforehnnd correct drcrtptiona of such Iota or paro It of land aa inry aepire to purctinac. Ify order of the county coinhnwlonfr rmtrf. P.S KNItlHT. Feb. CO, Ifi.,iw5:51 Marion Co. School Mip't FOR SALE AXD HOT. rpiIE u nd trsi ned, desirous of changing his Lusl I new, oiler for sale the KUUXITL UK, SALfftiN STOCK, CiOOO WILL, and FJXTL'KKS of the HOWARD HOUSE. and will rent the hitter nn reasonable terms. The 1IOWAKI) HOI HE has leen recently imnrov eil. and is in receipt of a Ulwrtil Patmuajfe, and leins; shunted between the landiiitf of the Oremi SteiiuiHl.ips and the Oregon Htfarn Nnvintion Compiiny's wharf. otter superior families for a lucrative husmeM. i'ronosilionH in tide lotue uncle rsijfiipd on the prtm a, or at the aioie of A. Cuhu 6c Co., will mfct with attention. JA8. W. OOlNit. I'orthnid. Feb. I. im. i w4 FRUIT TREES. Grapes, Eoses, Shrubbery, Bulbs, &c. I I1AVF. onliuuds Bn cullncliun of Fruit stud (Ir 1 nnmsnial Tn-es. Slinihs, and I'IhiiU, wliicli 1 oiler lor sworn uiw I'Kltba. ( herrj-, l'lum, Pear, and Apple Trees, in sverv mrlotv. (illAPKS, uf all III. W.l haidjr stirts. Twcnlv Bve Turi lie. of the best Imrd per rlnat IIO-KS Kiflren sons or Olieal IIAHMAS ULADIULU.-. IIONEVnUt'KLKS, CIH-UA.vr-, IIAF1IKI(UIK.S, and ulli.r siunll Irniu I.OMUAHUV 1'ul'LAK, KLU, Hiid other furert Orders nmf be len villi S. O I'AUIIISII st CO. at Rulein.or tlie umlenii)fiied st Albany, mid will re reive prompt attention. JOHN A. II 1 1. 1. A HI). Feb !I0, IHfiS. ' 6lw4 PAINTING, PAINTING nv WILLIAM JOII.K01. Steamboat, lloaie, and Hsrob Painting, WHITEWASHING, Inper-lianfln(f nnd Crlay.ltif,; DONE in tb best of stfle and si the loiresl rates. Hbop over the blacsnnitb shop north of fttarkey's Lirery HtMble. Rrfrrtneti C. A. Heed, D. HrTnllr. K X. Toole, J. I,. Ht rkey. T. MrK. Fallon, JndteAViliii. Nnmmonn. Forawn Snein-er, Fit IT. st. Flora and JW4i Sevan and Alexander Adair. lelte. It, the IJireist tleorl of the State of Oregon for Yamhill county, April term, IH60. Hill for Pan ill on of Real Keiaia and Settlement of the Title. 'PHK above-naoied delendant, Alexander Adair, Is J hereby summoned, in the name of the btate of Oregon, to be aod appear at and in the curt abeve named 'Hi or before tlie lint day of the April teim thereof, commenting on the second Monday nf san) moplb for Ihe year lA and anewer the e-unplaltil nf Forman Spencer in the above entitled aelion, who site, in obtain partition of tho wt half of donation Uud claim No. , Noiillcation No. lU'll, being lb. laud belonging to the beirs of 1'belie A. ravage, situ ale in Yaiiihillrountv, Oregon; and lo settle the tille to tlie mme. And if you tail lo appear nr answer, t-luiniitf will apply lo the ennrt tor the relief therein demanded. STEA AKIt at I.AHHttN, for Complainant. Br order of Hob R. P. Bom. Jodae of Uh Third Judicial DiMriet. Feb. U. IMi-i. Alwlxl Adiiilnimlrnlor'a "iollrr. N'OTK'K is herehy given that tiie onderMgned haa been dulr appointed administrator of the etoale of John ('handier, deeeased, of I)onglas enemy, Or egon, by the eouniy eonrt of said eootiiy. A II rrmis having claims agiunst said estate are nHiieeteil to pre. eetiltbe same Ut nw at Cnyonville, witliia sis months froei this date, and all perm. indebted in eaid eetate are requcted to aiake luiinediato payment of ihe mm. . J L. WHITE. Kou-Urg. Feb II, tmii I'lnsil Hflllftnrnt. In t'nunly t oert, llvaglaa enonly, Oregon. N O I l E is hereby girea loat Oeorge llannoo, ad aiiniUMtort.f tfie eMate of James rewed. baa hd hte nwoanis fur Boat settlement. It Is therefore ordered that Mmiday the tlord day of Apni, li. 1 eel apart for the final heNrfog. Uj onler ul Iho euarl. LL.WILI.UMt. Co. Ckrk efaiHl eut. tjr. Rorrbnrg, Feb. ll.lrM. ilwt IIOHTKTTEK'H riLiiiKiTsn STOMACIIJBITTERS. TIIE oiertloiMif this piilnlalilo remrdy npnn the stonnieli, liver ami the excretory orKuns Is slnn larlv lootllilltf Hllil conaervHtive. Il retfiilHIes, reernils and purilles Ihem. llyapepsia in ull lis forms yields to its control and invigorating properties. JNVIOOKATK TIIE BYSTEM. VI(nrone digestion and pure bile nroduiws nutritions blond, and niitritiinia hlool h liealihy frame. Does the victim of a dvspeptio stoninch and it disordered liver dosiro to know how the dip-Mion may he im proved, tlie bile and oilier ilnids of the body purified I Dlt. HOSTETTKU'8 8TOMACII UITTEK8. Will accomplish this desirable revolution in tbo system, regulating the secretions and excretions, giving tone to the nnimitl juices which dissolvo (he food, strength, et) every relaxed nerve, muscle and tibre, aud brings the whole machinery of vitality iuto vigorous and healthful plur. 8THUNOTHEN THE SYSTEM. Tlie best means of imparling vigor to the broken down frame and shattered cnnslitutiou. which bas vet been invented or discovered, is proflered to tlie feeule of both and all age. iu DR. HOSTETTEK'S STOMACH BITTERS. Debility, from whatever cause arising, may be mredi strength, in whatever manner it may 'have been wasted, may be reniored bv the nse of this pow fill nnd beiiltliy liMgomut. For indigestion anil Its painful ell'octs, bodily aud mental, they lire a positive specific A VYOItl) TO TUB AGED. In the decline of life the loss of vital force conse quent upon physical decay ran only be safely supplied by some vivitying preparation which recruits the streoglh and spirits, wiiiiout eniiiiling the exhaustion which in alwuys the linul v i '-ct of ordinary stimulants. We leudur to the aged Dll. HOSTETTER-S KTOMACII I1ITTEHS, As an iiivigorautaud restorative, immediate in ila bun ellcial action and poi'inaneiit in ils ell'octs. It tones the stomach, improves the upietile, and acts like a cburra upon the spirits. KOIt KEMAI.ES. Tliounands of ladies retort to it at a remedy for hys teria, fluttering of the heart, nervous headache, verti go, general debility, and all ioculiur disturbances and derangements 10 which as u sex, tliey are subject. Il cheers and enlighlens the depressed mental powers, as well as strengthens the body, ami its uso is never fol lowed bv anv re action. ' f jTIIEVVAUE Ob' COUNTERFEITS, ruichase only of reliable denlors. Sold everywhere. HOsTETTElt, SMITH & DEAN, Agents. San Francisco. 1IODGK & CALKF, WHOLESALE DltUOQlSTS PORTLAND, Hole Agents for the State. il CAUTION." HOMTKTTKII'M HITTKIIN, ltJT IIP IN SMALL IIUTTLICS for tho Easlern Market, are Uniting their way into this. ' l'lirclmners will obsuivo tint dillerence between ihem and tin ts put up for this Market, "KXi'LL' SIVELY IN THE OLD SIZED LARGE BOT TLES. IIODOE k CALEF. feiWtf Agents. 1)7 Front street, Portland. MumUUcturei'M I yOV ARE HEUEIIY NOTIFIED Hint I shull re 1 quire vouto keep Hooks, selling forth ihe monthly iimtmnt of your utaunfiictnretl article. And ill roll derinir uccount of sucb itrlirlo. wnreM. ice. Mtdd. the full amount of actual sales must he staiud. WM.A. K..MELI.E.V, V. H. Ase't Ass'r, -till Division. Februurv, Mill. IKii'i. AH Vin Kctil Kwtatc for Halo. J WE OFFER FOR SALE A FARM OF 455 acres, in Yoncnllu Precinct, Dnnuhts county, with good Dwelling, Oicluiiil. and about 311,000 rails upon the placo. There is li fine Mock Hanre counseled with tlie laud, and ubundalit supply of good tenter anil timber, m Also the DWELLING, with land attached, Alii. 203 feet sqtinre, in Ibis C'liv, now occupied by .1. W. 1'. Husti.xotox. M-tf WILLIAMS i MALLOKY. Satcm. Oregon, Feb. 13ih, ISIki. .IdmiiilHtratui's Notice. NOTICE it herepy given tlint ntlhe February term of III (i county court of Mnrhui county, Suite of Oregon, the nutlet'sigued wut appointed adininistrator of the estalo of Daniel Dcluuev, Hr., hue ol said comity deceased. All persons holding claims against sijd e.lale will please piesoul Ihem properly veiifled and within tlie time provided by law, to-wii. i within six months from this date at my residence in Marion county or to Williams Si Mallory ut their office in 8a lem. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said estalo w ill pIcRie make iiavineul immediately. wnil.MM ItKI.ANY, Adm of tlie eBtate of Daniel Deluiiy, tr., dee'd. 8ulein, Feb. (i, IKliS. 450 Notice of Final Sctllciticiit. NOW, on this day, February 7th. 1W15, in the coun ty court of Yamhill couuiy, Oregon, comes Isuue Rogers, exeenlor of tlie laol wi:l und testament ol Lowia Rogers, lale of Yamhill cnuniv, lire-jon, and liles his fliial uccount for seiiiemeni and distribution of said estate. It is therefore ordered that Wcduendiiv, the Sib day of March, IXiio, be set aart for linal net llemenfHPid dimribulioii of said Mule ut the court homo, in Yamhill coiiuty,Oregoii,ui,d thut all persons interested nre riled lo uppeiir ill said lime and place, and I hut notice I hereof lie published iu the Oregon Slolrtman newspuper for foorsucrrsnive weeks prior "hereto. J. COWLS, jwjflpd . County .fudge. IJ. W. At 3f. K. COX, II AVE just reeeived. direct froin San Krancisec, a LARGE STOCK OF DRUGS & MEDICINES, Taints, Oils, Glass, White Lead in Tins, Varnishes of all kind, MIST AND VAUMM1 BIIISIIES, Tube nnd Common Colon, Turpentine & Alcohol, KEROSENE OIL, LARD, POLAR, ASD NEATH FOOT OILS, rrrfiuiiri U n, I'mir y Kua, Hair Brushes, Fancy Toilet Articles, Together with PATENT MEDICINES, of tlie Uttviit diiiiiVftr.M ; And mmiT oilier nrtitlcii, (w inimc rom to mention; nil of whu-li we nfi'cr mm low a iIm hwetit. for mi h Cull hihI oxHtniim. I. N'. ik M it ('i)X &iletn. Due. lit. WA, 4:itf ' 18657 CAN YOUIeAD? 1865. OUR BOOKS ARE CLOSED. For particulars, enquire of tlie Proprietors. TVotess tttttl Accounts Tu ditHe of. tiT Don't wail until you an culled on. tie! Out of Debt, and Stay Out! Every Variety of Goods, t UK XAI., AT LOW PRICES, KOIt CAM 1 1, or almoet anything elw, except PROMISES. J II. at I. K. IIOOIIRf). Sulea, Jan. 3, 44tf KncouruKe Iloiuc Iniluwtry. KEEP VOIR MONEY IX THE fOl'MRY I AM now niannfaetiirlng a superior artirle of ye. low and brown FAMILY HOAI'g. out un In a. and 41 pound boire that I will sell a. cheap a. any brand, of soap of the same quality manufactured onl side of Ihe niale can be sold lor. 1 will warrant every box nf soap told just w hat it is represented Orders from the country, accompanied with the eaeh, or sent tbrongh trane' House In the citv. will meet with prompt attention. A liberal discount made u lite trade for rash. Mend for s sample. VVM.L. IIHIOIXS. AWN Roap Works, 48 Front at., 1'ortland. LATEST NEWS ! w E, the nndtrlirtied offer onr Urg and well lfri?4i MtrK ul ntfrrnnnnite et REDUCED RATES, nn arrotint of iimkiiiK change io our builnm. Our lock eonsietn of CLOTHING, DRI -GOODS, UUUI9 nPtU anut.3. 11 ATS AXD CAPS, rruitKM iititi vnllsts-ss, GROCERIES. CROCKERY & CLA88WARE. and aiany otber snides, too numerous in m.nliou. Tome One, Tome All, si tliia chance of buying LOW-PRH'f!) GOODS I. i.nemi .re y itav. Mamma ovr Mia-h, nni sati.ty yonrselves. ill Kindt of farmers' Crotlure Takra la Etmanxe. H illTCIIKI, st CO. ftOTKT.. All person. Indebted lo na ruber hy nHs i bn.k Aocoant, will plsasa comet forward sod erttjethe saroe B. HITlliLL Cf. ralm,rb , I'M. (Hoi Farmers, Mechanics and Traders, OP TUB WILLAMETTE .VALLEY : nAVISO opened s house, and and established my self in OREGON CITY, For the tmuiHctioii of h General MfreantiU Iluti- nfMi. Wfinlil ltftf itMVn In cull vmir Mttnittimt ti il fuel tliHt we (tun kcII goodn iii cfienp In Orriion City hi limy citn iu 1 tiriiHiHi i wnexpeci 10 wtni, h eiieml HMortnietit iT tiien-htiiidii'fl, eiu-lt Hfl ionii, dry (foodi, boot and ihocn, lisrdwHre, t turner ' loofg, quceniiWHre, PUtiery, Jlein cloth, ijiiiiny nHiks, wnip pi nit nnner. Arc. . Aluo, Isiverpmil hi id Kroimd iilmn unit, mid h frond uxptttrimt.Mil' nf driiim, indigo, lilun vitriol, &o. All uf wlilcli we will null ut J'"rt land pripcn tlinroliy iwvin the freight to tho pur clitwtjr. We will hIho tuko wheat, ottta, butter, bucon, lord, ow. puck hihI pntHtie in exchnuj(e( or ptty the WM. BARLOW, Oregon City, Kov. 1, lSfi4. lyJti (SUNDAY HOIIOOL AND q'ift books, FII0M TUK AMKIIICAN TRACT SOCIKTY and Massachusetts Huuilav School Society. For sale at Mossrs. HurKi en dr. Hliindler's, First' street, near Alder, PORTLAND, OREGON. Receiving new invoices bi-monthly. O. 11. ATKINSON, Secretary and Treasurer Oregon Tract Society. Iyl O.HIIINHLK1I, llepositary. AT KENYON8', J a rivr i,nr or PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS Just received from New Ycrk.ut Very imut h Reduced Prices). ALSO, THK CXLEBRATCD The BUST MACHINE on the Pnrlflc- Slope, or any other Slope, Nolice lo Donation CIuIiiiuiiIh. Lakd Orrtrt, liostuuno, niituoN, ) December It). IHIil. WHKHKAS, It hnving become a mutler of neces sity to perfect the permanent reeords of this Office, and lo determine the validity or Iuvnlhliiy of donation claims in this district, many of which are Irregular and some void i aud it being essential lo the Government, us well as to the general interest of the community, that ARANDONKI) DONATION CLAIMS,' and TIIOSK COVEKKI) 11Y INVALID TITLICS, should he brought into mttrkot at as early a day as possible thorefore, in pursuance of iu.truc. tious, we heiehy notify ull doimtloti claimants, their assignees, or legal representatives, who have not liled In thisotllce proof nf four-years' residence and cnlti vation, a. required by Act' of !itt Sepiember, 1K60, and, to do so wilhiii three month, from dule; .lid all who have not. tukeli the oath of alia glance and paid fur issuing linul eortillcates, as con templaled by tlie Bib serlion of the Act of dtllh May, ISO-.', nre respectfully reipieslo I to comply us eui-lv us possible. To suvo o'.vpeiisu and trouble, to liuwe'lir. lug at a distance from the Land Ollice, li in berijhy an uoiiiiccd tlutt most if not all df said biiHiness can be satisfactorily traiisactcd Ibrough the mails or express. JOHN KKLLY, UeirUer, 4:im:i ADDISON li. FLINT, Receiver. I hi proved Seir-AdJiiHliiifr CLOTHES - WHINGER. Awarded First Premium at the Orrgon State rnlr, 1801. THK Honsekeeper'a BUST FRIKND, fori! saves linte and etolhoig, and promotes health and good ehoer. Abttrarlroa Kxamimvj Ctrnmillnfl Report of Ike Han rrnnclftco Merhanlc's Institute Intlui- irini Kxiiimtioii or 18U4. "CLOTH ICS-WKINOERS."" A tnriely of these excellent koutekntd Help were found cumpeling for popular nivor; uiougli none or tiiem are entllleil In premium, we consider the ' KL'ltKKA,' exhibited by M. B. Traver it llro., worthy of honorable men tion." Note No premiums at ibis Kxluhliion were awarded in anicles of Kusiern innniifuciiire.) . The KUULK.oiuploya no wire or wooden springs, thumb srrawa, or rubber bunds, liable to become dis ordered, but ia made superior to nil others by tlie use of rutent Elliptical Steel Springs, which render it Self Ailjoilinfr, Convenient, and ln. raote. 1 no Improtrn ia lil-.KA it so Ingenioindy coiistruclvd thut it will readily lit every sited or shup ed Tub or Wanbing Machine eoMnllt rrll, and is al ways ready, reliable, and cannot i;ei onl of order. Every Faintly Should Hare One. 51. E. TKAVKIt HIIOTHEII. Sun Frnncieco nnd I'nrlland, Agents for Ihe Fucilie CnssL Depository wllh. and fnrsnln bv. Messrs. Ansnsnur At 1 1 e it it . Portland r J. Dt'.ilu (Cooper), SaKimi and ni me principal towns inrongiimii tiieniaie. svmi EUREKA HOUSE, 'Covimercirt Htreett near the Bridge, Satcm, Oregon I. V. MOKNMA., Propi.Hor. THIS well -known Iiohmj hae lutcly ben rrfittcd, nnd li nnvv rvfdv for the iicronimwlulioii of in im mertniB pHlmrni. with binule nnd Double room well Iiiniinlmil. iiitft ilia pmpneior hopf by Mrirt Hltrntioii to bin btmiiMMui to mttrit h libnil nil nre of tmtrontitn. A limit hIwuvi in Httnditnre tu curry pn Mr libera ami imyunfiB 10 or unit, uie nniiiMt. Nov. 1 1.. illmll Now I'ltutotffiipli Ciillry, Itlrw. LAI KA ATURMOW T TAM Hned a new 1'lrtiire Oallerr over Strang's XX J in More, Commercial htreel, IS A Li. m. PliotoKmpha, of Vnriousj HItvh, 4'Hitris df Viilte, AinbroljrprN, and Kvery ftlyle! of Picturea know Is Ida Art, A fine aomnent of Hhotogrnph Al.ltl MH. Halem. Xoy 9. I mil Mtf J. C.Shelton, Physician and Surgeon, M ONMOL'TII. Polk County, Oregon. Tlie Doctor beiiiu a irrailiiute nf the Cnrtls, or Phvslo-medicsl college. Cincinnati, Ohio, is a true llotauir in hisprae tice.eutirely discarding calomel aud all mineral oui sons, and none but pnrely vegetable medicines, and only the perfectly innoceut at tlint. The Doctor would farther eay to the public, also, that he it prepared In cure all cancels, indolent tores, alieceatra, tumor., are., that are curable, and with ageut. purely vegetable. iftf DASH A WA"S" WASHING MACHINE. PaTSimtD Jan. I. lMlt. STAPLKTON A MVEIlf . ft.lrm. are now manufac. luring ttiee machines, wliich. for rhenpnt-as, econre my iu tat, eaius and tlHinaigbnew in washing, are L'mnrp-itrU tt any MfcHne nf tie iiaif EVER INVENTED. They aln sell Viaing's intent rolta neacha eelf-.d. lasting CLOTHES WRlNltER.mWi I. the bnt in ne,and nan euily lie attached to their wa.hinir ma chine. Hive there a rill. Umiufartorr nut ih.r bi il.. Mansion Hmee, Halem. Nay 30. IU4. t It T l o. o. r. (IftKxt KKTA 1ilH.K. No. I. laeeti -' Wfwtti.Ujr evening, .1 II. h.ll Iu llvlmanY aultdiaa. Brother. In .mmI .l.n.llite vltrd I. .Item). t). M.BTKorU.N II. 1. II II.... K lUerelsry. IM A A. T. A. M. X3f 'AI-aM L'lPtia Xn 4 bold. it. terilnr eiHaraunl lepe.ll,n.on IIm Mennd .ud toarth Vrl.taye In erh Binnlli. Hrethrm la gwet .l.uatng ere lnvlle.1 In atlenit. T. n iis.eee-y. Mil A. Hn', w w. Dr. W. ivATNO.K HKHPKCTPI'I.I.r orTcr. LI. -rvh-r. In th. prae lire of HI IH.KHV. ulis ll. ritli s.and llr.HI (-'INK, lo the rilitcits of Haleia and the wirroandiiig country. OIHre end residroee wcond door north of. the Ki.lera' Arudemy, on Church street. 'eb I. I Htw. 4!if A (.'ttrtl. Dlt. WAIilNNKH having returned to hi. furm near Hethel, will give strict oUenlioo to ill call, in tbr lite of his proUMioa Bttb.l, I elk county, OrtgMt, Xo. It, IS", I. I;,,J TREKA BO, OHO Classical, Scientific, Poetical, Mechanical, Medical, Surgical, Biblical, lleological, Phrenological, Physiological, Philo sophical, Phonographic, Military, Veterinary , Surveying, Mill-wrighl,ingineering,Drafl-ing. Housebuilding, Rail road making, Steamer and Ship-building, tfC., tfC-t BOOKS, . CIIATtLES DAIinETT'H i Front, street nnd Washington ttreet, PORTLAND, i i i i i OREGON. 4,000 School Book., by all the best authors, at Baa Franciten prices, at I'll A1ILE3 BARRETTS, Portland. 90,0011 quires Russian bound Blank Books, at Iris I bun Hnn Francisco prices, at CHAUlIiti BAKUETTS, Portland. ' 0,MO renins Note, Loiter, Cap, and Legal Cap Pa per, at CHAIiLEH IiAUliETTS, Portland. S.OOO Diaries for lHoS, 90,000 Novels and Song Books, 3,000 vols, Scienllflc and other works, ut I II A KLKrJ BARIIKTT8, Portland. DBAWINO IPtttTRl'TIKiVT, Drawing Pa per, Silk and Lineu, .... Ml'tlHI AND milHICAf. IMMTRVmitNTI, FmniNa ROItM, Lines ami Uooks, rnoTOOKAPIIIC ALBKMBJ, and PHOTOURAPHS of all the Noted Hen and Places in Ihe World, OIPT BOOKSI, a splendid assortment, at . CHAltLKtj BARKETT'8, Portland. I. ATI It, French. Spanltb, Greek, Germatt, Italian, and Welsh Hooks, at CHAKLKS BARKETT'8 Portland. ! Hoblnsoii's Hcrlra or Arlthuietir, THE UNION READER, t7Tlie Best nnd most Popnhtr In the Atlantic States. , TEACIIEII8, LOOK Tt) IT! I .1 ,A AAA . I t. . . - mention. - Agent for BEADLE 4c CO., Dime llook Publisbsrt, New York. Newspapers, Magazines, ' &e, AT HAI PRAMIM:0 PRICKfl, doI'iiuO nl CHAHLEr! BAIIUKTT8, Porland. ' CURE TOUR coldI TT" SAVE 1'OUIt LUNGS.' NEWELL'B riJLnONABV SVRIP Ha Cured Thoetitnnsts. . , IT WILL CURE YOU. , 'A enii,b to ll, nlt'eet nf u nnlit which lias either been Improperly tmated or entirely neg lected. When it proves obstinate, THEKH 18 AL WAYS REASON TO FEAR THE CONSEQUEN CES, as tbls shows a weak state of tba Inngs, nnd II often, the forerunner of consumption." Buchauaa't Domestic Medicine. STOP THAT COUGHING! Some of yon can't, and we pity you. Yon bay tried every remedy but the one destined, by Its Intrin sic merit, to supersede all similar preparations. It ia not surprising you should be reluctant to try some, thing else after the many experiments yon bat mads of trashy compounds foisted on the publie aa a certain, core i but NBWEIiL'a . PVLIHOIVABY YRITP Is really the VERY BEST remedy ever compounded for the cure of Coughs, Culda, Sons Throat, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, and Consumption.-. Tlioimands of people In t'slifoniia and Oregon have al ready born benefited by Its surprising curative powers. WUAT KII.I.KD II I lit Dr. Hall, III his'1 Journal of Health," speaking of lb. death of Washington Irving, asks the above ques tion, and addsi " He might well have remained wltk ut for sume yettra to come, had lUuot been for ad vice, kindly Intemled, no doubt, bnt given In thoughtless ness and reck lees Ignorance. He hud n Cold 1 Which, by some fnjttdicions prescription, bad been convened into asthma." Let me say to Dr. Hall thai that "prescript ion" was not NKWEM.'r) FII.IIONARY YBVP. KEEP IT IN THE HOUSE, use It freely, give it to your children nion Ihe slightest indication of a Cold, and you will think aud speak of it as all do whs have become acquainted with its merits. KEDINOTON k CO., Agents, Han Francisco. And for sole everywhere. de'Jbmtiie Kendalls Amboline. la a Si Initialing, Oily Extract of Barks and Herbs. It will cure all dis. THE OttKAT stu.tuuii msriKiTios roa easrs of Ills scalp and ilck RESTORING, INVIGORAT ING, BEAUTIFYING, ling of the head, entirely eradicates the dandralTand I pievente the hair from lall ilug out, or from turning Dreaalng ti I prematurely gray, canting H to gr iw tbn-k and long. H -j- -y-j lit i. entirely different front XI. X. X I sail other urepurnliout, aud Utn be relied on. Put up in boxes containing'- wo hollies pries, II. Hold bv all Ilmirglsis. lll'hTK'l f KU, SMITH at DEAR, Agents, ' Nn .nl Battery at., corner of Clav, Han Francisco. HXlTHeVllAVlH, !(IE It CALKF, . W. WEATHERFOHI), " Portland. Mutts tsaona. In tlm Circuit Court of tlie Stole of Oregon for Ibe eniiuty of Mnrlon, March Term, ItHlu. Alice E.lloli.ler.l'luiulirr,) s Suit for Divorce. Frank J. Holi.ler, Deft. ) rpo Frank J. llolltleri Yon are hereby notifledlbst A tlie above-named plaintiff bas com moored suit ia Ihe above named eoort.and flled bar complaint pray ing lh eonrt to diteoive Ihe bond, of matnnouy kim. tofore .lining between tbo plaintiff and yonreelf, est thegrooudeof barah, ernel, and iuhuman treatawut, and personal indignities towards plaintiff. Now, sa les! you appear at the circuit court of the state of Or egon for the county of Marion, on the second Monday in March, IBA5, and answer the complaint in said causa liled, Ihe plaintiff will apply tn the eonrt for the relief demanded therein. J.C.CARTWBIOIIT, ' J. OASTON, Rotiritors for Complainant. Br order of R. P Boise, Judge. January 80, sj6i. 6wtt Dress Halting and Needle-"V7c:!J Villi K. PADDOCK Is prepared lodoall kinds of ll work, from culling, tilling aud mulling tho linert drvtttc., tu the heaviest netnib, work. Peranits wish ing sewing of any kind done will phraM call on ber, at tlie ri-Mdriice of Itaniei btrang, near Iho Coogregi ttunal t burrh. 4,'tf 11 on f 11 n f. VJKWI.Y Oiii.bed, slrv, aud rouifortabk, rooate, 1 1 with a sral at a well furnished table, lo be en joveii st our bouse by paying fniw $0 to (7 per week. liar pines ie the lame 'building on Liberty etteel, Sonib of the Woolen Factury. Also, will rHtfully attend to lbs traveler aud hi. borne. s'.norrl. let iu see Jour egg., butter, parsnips, rbick.ns, ate., Jtc, before .riling .laowbrr. OKO. P. Nt.WKLL Raleiu.J.n. '1, IN15. Nollrt?. Bl:IMI July amhorhrd to eetih, Ihe loi..nei of Ui. bite lirnie of Hnniiatini k M lata, and lluadeion, Wilson, At Co., I will pay all cl.iiaa agaitwt the mid Arms ott demand, ami all pereot,. iude,oM v eilber of the shove hmt'ee are n-.or.te.l tnwllb the mho. nitb me. C. N. IIUMIMfiK. U-e t J. L. I'tmdi k Co lkk store, Pmiland, Ko. 10, lent. JJgj I