fthc (Oregon ftatcswau. A ('Alt II. To the Eihtnr of the (irifiiK Sentinel: Kilt In the Itim-oiter of llie Mil Instant II Is my iniHrnrlnnu to be mentioned, in connection with Oth ers, in ItM'tllB lit' t!utll1HUIIfltll illtl. Aa it, la evident llm Hepmtcr iilins theri'hy to fo ment disfnnls. which ho supposes to Mint itmnnir tint siippnrlers of llie Uoverttint'iit. il will he, well t,,r timet, g'tilleinn, ue well as 1, tn examine their jinst eoiiilnt't. und their feelings curefnlly iti aider to relm-m HO till' IIS Hot llgltill to deserve tint pl'lti.6 ot HI) ellelny. 1 linvu Liuuii iiiinWuin discover in anything 1 linve suitl or d'liie why mi ubsi'itm liti'iner, in no wnv lieloro Vhu public, hint received itti large u hIiui-h of iiiin tlnm ning pntise. It lit ti-tie, I would liuvc nil lliemeiisiirus of the AtlinllilllrtitiiHi the wisest iintl best, und nil it nppoinlineiiU Ut nllictt the ablest mid moHt liierilnrio nit with some of theso I Imvu not been etitisllcii but ' If hy ii word of censure I Imvu oU'emled it friend or given pliitisurn to un enemy of the country, that wont shall be spoken no nioro. The lepnrter siiys 1 Hill llm "most cnnsiBtnilt parti ami." While tliere wits tiventhctippeuruuca of patriot linn in the party i-ul linu- itself UeiniKmtic, I Imvo treated Its HUiiiirturx with the tulemnce mid tiomlesv I claim fur myself: but sineo tlio fnir issue iimde up iind.pritBontuil to the people, in tlie lute Presidential election. I'have eoiiahlered those whourrtiyed thum solves against their country niton ihe trwl of tlml. issue an unworthy of either Inlcrutifo or courtesy those wlio understood the imtitu, butmiise they are traitors, and those who mtpported tho wrong through ignorance., liuinnmo they huve not quulilled tliuniHul vih to discliiirgu n high polltleiil trust iinderauuidiiigly. With u man I believe to be it trno friend of bin coiinti-y 1 nevur inive nor novor will tiiurrul becnuse we do not agree in the mode of best promoting its weliitre ; -nml even now, when political parties no lunger exiitt, and men are for their country or iigulnsl it, I feel more of sorrow than anger towards those wliu thrnngh ig norance and the prejudices of hlrlh anil education, urrny themselves on the side of its enemies. Tlie Reporter says 1 am "the deepest thinker" "of groat depth of thought" which seems to bo un ad mission that iny'thoughts are correct. 1 liavetohl tho etlitor of the Reporter that 1 thought him a traitor of as deep a dye us JelF Davis, und cerium others, his present patrons, were no better. As theno thoughts are bust d on better evidence than the admissions of -Ilia Reportee, I think, snstumcd by these admissions, 1 have a right to consider thuni well founded. I think further, that it Is no credit even to a "cop- Iierhead" coinuiimiiy who would tin-ii out ft unlive mm citizen, who "baa done the State aome sorvice," anil put a "foreigner" and natural traitor in his place. The "old man" about whom tho Reporter uses the trelincd terms "drivel" mid "slobber," whatever wrong be may have done or said in the heat uf controversv, tir by following falsu lights, bus a heart in his bosom, which in ti.ncs past, "beat true to tlie nimtic of the Union." In Oregon, twenty venrs uge, when as now there were no political parties, when nil were lirilish or all -AinerirniiH, and the side of wealth und advantage were with the formes-, lliul "Old Mau" und myself stood shoulder to shoulder for our conn! ry. und for his sake it grieves my heurt if we do not so stand now ; mid I inn griuved there is a entinnunitv anywhere so forgetful of nasi, services, so stceied Hi fruition that would turn that "Old Man" and htithfiii servant out, -anti put a "reptile" in bis place, win -cannot write three lines without betraying the bitterness of bis hit trcd to our country, und the grossness and lillhiuess of llilt IlllllirO. JKSBK APFLXOATK. "Givb it A Oiianch to Dik. It will lio re iiiniiiui'retl that tho lutti Cliica;o Convention iliil nut its'ls usual with auc.li bodies dissolve -nnconililiniiully, lint niljuiirnod "niilijrot to the "cull of the Xiilinwil Demuurutio Coititnilteu." Since tha Presiilcntiiil election the New York A(tt'5 (pence ileniocrntic) is mucli exercised hnut it, mid urges tliitt it be culled together -again tit have an opportunity to diet gracefully. Tito Newt supported tlio platform, but '"(pit giou' tho oitndidata. It tnkca occasion now to tay many ipiteful tilings alinnt the whole concern, tho following front a late ii'stin for ex ample . We fuggest to the executive cntnniitlee of the Nnliiinal Democratic Convention the pro priety nf calliti(f that body together, and giving .it an oppnttutiity to adj urn line. die. Thu ennrenlinn, by it own resolution, in gifted with kind nf quasi immortality, dependent upon the volition nf its Executive Cominitce. The gentlemen of the Convention are naturally uneasy nnder thin doom of eternal organiza tion. After demolishing their platform, it ii tho refinement of cruelty to compel them to dwell forever amid its ruins. We hope that Mr.Bf.linrint will disembody this troubled spirit nd bid it God speed across tlio political atyx The New$ alto alleges that there was (reach ry in tho old "Albany Itegency," and calls for tho disbanding of that clique as a nuisance and tlio imposition upon its members nf tho mark nf Cain. The offense of the "Regency" was the support of McCleilan in the Conven tion, and a little "war" declamation which was especially obnoxious lo the ValUndigham and Wood branch of tlio democracy. The New York World on tho other hand acciis s some of the Newt faction who happened Ut lie ballot t)OX Jtcepejs of the elcction.of defrauding Gov. Seymear cf three or four thousand democratic totes. Tho democrutne family in New York do not seem to be any more harmonious than their brethren in Oregon. - Bbsults of Abolition im Mauylanu. The effects of emancipation in Maryland bid fair lo be as beneficial as it was predicted they would be. From tlie sales to immigrating pur . ties noticed in the Maryland newspapers sales that bnvo fuMoyred na a cnnseipieiice epnii tlie jusuroticu that freo labor is to be tlio rule in that State tlie reason and appropriateness of tbe President's words that "l ho Genius of Re "bellion will no moro claim Maryland" m iti etantly seen. Maryland has a sirl of unexcelled fertility, a olimate as healthy as it is mild and genial, and uperior facilities fur cotumiimcatinu with the interior, ns well as coiiHcf thin with the ocean. Nothing but the blight of slavery has made Maryland second in wealth and population to Massachusetts or oilier free States. This re moved and the only obstacle to her prosperity is gone. The adoption of a free constitution was great era in her history. Tuh Kaltinioro America a. wbig paper twenty years ago, afterwards conwn alive. but never distinctively republican hut aUuys - been tbe chief paper iu influence and character in tlio State. Upon this subject it says : The abolition of slavery in Maryland is at tended with the good results tho friends ol mancipation eipeoted. A steady stream of immigrants from uur sister, Male particularly Pennsylvania, is pouring iu upon us, now that tree labor lias become a 'Settled laet. In every county of the Statu largo talea of land nave taken place miring nw past two niniuns, and the purchaser are men win intend lo set tle in our midst, and who do not nurolia?o for the fake of speculation. The worn out and naif tilled tracts of tho large slaveholder in in the bauds of fanners who till tlietr grounds by free labor who euctsiiragc free schools, and all the accompaniment ol trcu institutions .will soou place Maryland in the position among - tbe free Slates that tbe should have occupied long ago. CT" Geoeral Sherman is described by Captain as "a man who has a gauut loot boat a U he got Hungry naea a boy and nev r got over it. A nervous man, never qmot. pulling his whiskers or nuiioning bis coat, or twisting a string or rubbing a finger but with kind of look iu his face that reminds one nf panther, if be got angry, fiery, keen, power ful and a genius." Tfli Olhest Voter is tiik United ' State. Seth Marviu, ofConneaut township, Crawford county. I'ennsylrania. aged I03 ypar. deposited bis vote fur l.inioln ami Johmon, in that place on election day. He bat tea grand. Mot in the Union army, and insisted that hit Bam be placed upon Ihe mil by (he enrolling officer, il was iu the battle of Monmouth, in the Revolution, and retains all bit faculties bat hit tight. IT "When a superior race like ours," said woo of the chivnlry In a modest hmking fednal oldier, "comes in contact with an inferior race like negroes, what do yon think will be the re ault I" "I guest the oonlaot uiest result in a big trap of mulatloet in your State, jmlging from tbe complexion of a good many of your people," retorted lb soldier." OtT With 'I'iiuiii IIkads. Tho House yesterday passed, by a vote of IW to ,'W, the bill to (Imp from tho rolls nf I ho army till Ma jor and llrigudier Generals who uru not in ser vice corresponding to their rank, nml reducing to their legitimate rank nil of such officers ns nmy belonging to tho regular army, but who now hold omiiiuissioiis in tho volunteer service This bill is a pet measure nf Hchenck's, and was introduced by him at the last session. It now hits, however, number clause, which pro vides that on the fifteenth day of every n th hereafter, beginning with the loth nf February, a iiiusteritig-nut of tho unemployed shall take pluco, which has since been added. The pas sage of the bill was originally opposed wilh great bitterness by Cox and his compatriots, who wero anxious to savo McClellau, but now that lie hat resigned, their motive fur apposing the hill has gone, and, to keep up a show of consistency on their former record, tbirty-eight of the in voted against Ihe bill, but a majority dodged tho vote, leaving the Unionists to vote solid in favor nf it; thus ouco again exposing tho liollowness of thu "dumocratio" professions uf a desiro to seu economy practiced in tlie military power of the government. Cor. Sue. Union. . If this bill passes tlio Senate, as wo hope and presume it will, It will have the effect to dismiss thu following officers : Major Generals David Hunter, Ambrnso E Dorntidc, Franz Sigel, Raiiinol P Hcintzleinan, James S Neg ley, John M Palmer, Julius II Stnhl, Carl Schnrz : Brevet Major Generals Wm A Aver ill, George A Stnnard , Brigadier Generals 0 ' W Morrcll, Snni'l D Sturgis, Kleaiter A Puine, Adolph Von Steiinvehr, Jacob G Latmian, 8 S Fry, Mahlon D Manson, Fit Henry Wurron, Francis B Spinolo, Alfred W Ellett, Thus W Sweeney, Hubert 0 Tyler, Alexander Scbim itielfciiniug, Frank S Nickersoti, Gabriel U Paul, Walter 0 Greslimuii, James B Lcdlie.A B Underwood, Cyrus Bnssy, Wm F Bnrtlett, John B Mcintosh, George II Chnpman, Sulden Conner, Eli Long. TllH BUOIIKAUOI' FOKHION iNTliltVKNTION. The copperheads nio full nf all sorts of mel ancholy apprehensions for the country, of cours.0 ; but they have n way with them ns il they saw each bush mi officer. Their present greatest anxiety is lest thu European powers may recognize and help the rebels iu conse quence uf their freeing and turning tlio slaves, nud' the admonitory ninrnl they deduce from this new danger is, Old Abe begun it; if we had not put the negro into the war the South never would have doiio it. They say that the North nml Smith both going for eiiitiuuipalion, Europe will Imvu nothing to chooso oil that point, and ns its sympathies are with the Minth in oilier respects, recognition and intervention are pretty certain to follow tlio arming of tlio slaves by the Davis government. Vice-President Slcphciir intimated this hope some time ago, and tho Hichmond Enquirer has reccutly made it one of the strong arguments for arm ing the slaves. This matter gives lo loyal men no particle of anxiety. After the rebels have armed their slaves, let Europe recognize the confederacy. Thu moral support of recogni tion will be of no vuluo now, and Micro is no foreign power thut will dare, render them ma terial aid. The conditions of the problem will remain substantially tho same, will) this fact in our favor, that slavery is certain lo be destroy ed iu any event, and (hat (hereby the chief motive of thu South for Continuing the contest lulls. Our copperheads may dismiss their pa triotic feats. The rebellion is too far gone to be savo j by its negroes or by foreign support. An Incident ok tub War In tho annual report of tho Secretary nf tlie Treasury We. find the following language i " Failing' to raise the mentis required in the ordinary mode, and urged by the conviction (lint the largo amount of suspended requisitions swollen to more than $l:)O.OI)ll,u()()-sbould be reduced, (ho Secretary resolved to use nil the means nt his command to pny so much ut east ns wn due to our brave soldier, who were sull'eriug from tho long delay in satisfy ing their just claims, but still coniinniiig to serve their ennutrv witli unHinvhiug courage mid uncomplaining devotion, To effect this object he was compelled to replace the whole amount of live per cent, notes w hich bad been cancelled, ainounlliig in the whole (n more than eightv millions ol dollars, und even slightly to oxceed that sum. Moro fully lo accomplish his purpose, the Secretary resolved to nvnil himself of tho wish expressed by many officer and soldiers, through the iiaymnsters, to iffer to such as desired to receive them, seven-thirty nottsuf small deiiomimitioiis. Hewn grati fied to find that these note were readily taken iu payment to n largo uinnuut, our gallant sol diers in tunny instances not only receiving them with nlucri'y, hut expressed their satis taction nt being uliie lo ml their country hy loaning mono'.' to Ihe Government. The whole amount uf notes llms disposed of exoceded twenty million of dollars." Tho plain English of rill which is, that our soldiers in Ihe field have, during the yenr.lnaned to thu government twenty millions of dollars to carry on tho war ! Can any parallel to this be found in bistort 1 Wo surely kuriw of none. Ami can any man doubt the result when such are the mean by wlrch it is to be wrought out ! Flag. Tiih Fknians ami tiibiii OiiJiicrs. The Fenian brotherhood now claim a ineinhcrshin of .rilKI,(KKI and funds to the amount ol ' $1,501),- (MH). A Boston i ennui lalelv made some rev elations about the spirit and design ol the or- It r to nn hpiscnpul clergyman, and soon niter was waylaid und almost killed by beating. The revelations that be made huvu been uoiniiiuiii culed lo nur government und to ihe govern incut id Ureal lirilaln. I lie l'eliluus will hold a nalionul convention, to be composed ol a thousand members, at Cincinnati, on thu 17th of January. Thu call for this convention nil- uuiiiices that Hits will be tbe last general con vention to be Held in tins country that before the necessity exist for another convention the lires uf liberty will bu re-kmdled upon tho al tars of In-hind, nud Irishmen, from all parts ol (lie world, will no Hocking hack to (be him eruld Isle lo right their tunny centuries of Brit isli wrong, the t eiiiaut wisli lo restore Ire land to an iudepcudeat position in local gov eminent, such as it had before it was united with England and Scotland in parliamentary representation. 1 heir secret order has on ex istence wherever (here aro Irishmen, and (hey will admit men of any nationality who will heartily join them in their purposes for Ireland. The Cincinnati convention is expected to swell tho general fund lo a couple uf miliums, und Ihe Fenians everywhere are busy now collect ing funds fur that purpose. The Canadian Catholics tiro kept in a sluto of feinient all llie while in expectation that the brotherhood there will make an nttenipt at rcvolu ion. TheCath tdict and Fenians are not nlwuyt on cordial terms, though most nf (he Feuiant aro them selves Catholic. Tho Catholics of other na tionalities teem to be jealons of their power and influence, and nerhuna too fear that in anv emergency they would desert the church and cling to the brotherhood. The objects that Ihe t emails are aiming at will help to keep them on Ihe right suV of American politic, and we apprehend no trouble from Ihein unless some of their lenders get corrupted by polilic.il am bition and try to wield the whole power of their organization fur their own purptsei. It will be both interesting and profitable to watch Ihe progress and development nf this already in fluential body of men. Springfield Jir pub lican. Sr.xT tu Jail. Two vuunir men (what a pity) called W.J. and II. Foilis, ,re. tried yesti rtlay liefnro Justice Stevens fnr stt-alittg a carprl bf bt-lungiug to a liliml man. win, was topping at lliu Astoria House, anil convicted of petit larceny. Tliey Here P(.nl , for three luoiilks. Marine Gazelle. I f An attempt a as made in Saji Francisco, lately, to assossiuala linlierlai.n. nho exposed and caused tlie arrest uf Michael Haves, tbe wtiul.l be pirate. Two men dialed liitn into an alley on Market street and assaulted him with a knifo and piitol, bat ho managed to es cape, from tbem. TTI'K-SKTTISU MAdll.VKS. Ill no depirtmen,t nf printing has (hero burn more unwearied perteveruneo limn in Ihe per fecting of typo setting machines. Their feas ibility wits first proclaimed by Dr. Churoh in 182:1. but bo novor succeeded in his experi ments. His Ideas were adopted, modified and improved by many European inventors, hut in all otises without any practical result. One nf these European machines was set up in the of fice nf the New York Sun about 184(1. and de clared by its working the possibility nf tlie oil en declared impossible invention, Its econo my was not so apparent, mid tlio patetiteet abandoned it. Other inventors have been more persevering and moro fortunate. There is a type-setting machine now in such successful operation iu Londnn that the patentee feols warranted In advertising to do composition nt n great reduction on established prices. The first practical success must be conceded to Dr. .Mitchell, of Brooklyn, who lias produced a machine of grunt ease and simplicity in man agement. Mr. Truw, of this city, has several of them Iu daily operation. - Their avcrngo product, letter furnished, it 21), (HID ems per day t ami Ibis is done by one operator who jus tifies his own matter. Tho type is distributed by another machine a modification and im provement on tlie one invented and exhumed ny M. Victor Beaumont in 18.)4. It must formidable, rival Appears to bo the machine of tho Alden Typo Setting and Dis tributing Machine Company . n description of which has already appeared in this journal. This marvel of mechanism has recently been put on tritil iu tho New York Herald office, where, with a comparatively inexperienced operator, it has been successful in composing 2.0(10 ems in thirty minutes. Tho machine distributes as well ns composes, ami at tlie same timo; but when worked nt its highest speed, it requires a justilier at well as an oper ator. Fifty of these machines havo been or dered by different printers, nud will no doubt be in operation within six months. Mr. Charles W. Felt, of Providence, is still at work on tho details of his machine, which is intended to do both composition and distribution by a method radically different from thut of Mitchell's and Alden's. Wo have seen favorable notices of hie invention in two Eastern miners, but can not state how toon it will ho perfected. Mr. Felt is also busy on an invention, which is re ally a two handed stick, by w lrch. lie claims, it is possible for any cnmpnsiloa to greatly in crease his prrlormance. Mr. Stanton, of Boston, recently laid befnrn the employing printers uf (bis city an explana tion of llie Houston composing inauhiue, which appears to rival thu Mitchell in its sini licity. This invention hits already secured the support of several Boston ami New York printers, and will soon be iu a position to invite the critcism of the public It may be that sonic one or more of theso machine may not be successful in securing gioat popularity, hut there can ho no doubt that ten years hence it very large, if not thu largest, portion of type setting will be done by machinery. The Printer. 1ST A fearful hurricane accompanied by deluging shower of rain occurred iu the prov ince of Valencia, in Spain, November 3d and 4th, by which four town nud several adjoining villages were submerged in water. About 100 square miles of the most populous territory, in tlio provinco were inundated, t nun the. near est approach to the valluge of Albnl.it ouly tho church spire could he seen iibovo water. Olio thousand head of cattlo and ICS duineslio nni tiials were drowned ; 217 houses weroiuiucd, nud 035 other were iu n tottering statu. In Alcirn alone upwards uf 200 houses near the banks of tho river were completely swept away ; others hail fallen since, nud many have had their foundations supped. The poorer classes, whoso houses wero of one story only, wore obliged to get nn the roof to savo them selves from being drowned. Thousands from their bouse tops anxiously looked for the morn ing. Tbero was no escape. Thu water b!id risen to the height of six or eight feet iu tlio highest parts of llie town in tho lower part whole houses were covered. In the convent of (.'tircagente the water was fifteen feet deep. Except cats and dogs not n single domestic or farm animal has been left nliv'o. Now that tlio waters have subsided, the streets and house are full of llm dead carcases nf horses, mules, do'ikeys, pigs, goats ami sheep. On thu first entrance into die town twenty-one corpse were found in the streets ; bow many more aru to bo found iu Hie houses that have lalleu, how iiiunv drowned in their beds, and how iniinv swept away with the flood no one presumes to estimate. Already above ono hundred corpse have been taken lo the church ; but there is no place of interment for them, scarcely a ves tigu uf thu cemetery having been left. Chief Justich Ciia.w. Tho Washington correspondent of thu Pitteburg Commercial, writrtig under uaife ot tlio l.ith ult., in noticing Mr. Chase's debut on the Supreme Court of the United Sta'es, s iys: "Chief Justice Chine look the oulh to day and entered upon the duties i f his high oUiuo. The Court ouuie into the Chamber as usual, accompanied by Mr. Chase. The Clerk (lieu read his commission, signed by the President and Secretary nf State. Mr. Chase then read tlie oath of olHee himself, there being no judi cial ollicer higher than he to administer it. At he came lo the conclusion of the oath, he laid it down, and said, raising hi baud, "So help me God." Ho then took his seal on the bench robed in a black silk gown, as is the custom with nil of the Judges, ami tlm business of tho Court proceeded a usual. Thu scene was witnessed by tho lending ineniliers of the bur now in the city, by several Seiintnr.1 and Mem bers of Ihe House, and a large concourse of spectator." TlIK ItlUMT WAY. Secretary Stantuu liu conillieiiued I Ii ti work. Li'1, llie pruning pro ex's extend Ihroiiyh all lint branches, (iive mi aid or eoinlort tu peace men ur rebels. Sec retary, you are doing a good win k. A few days aRo .Secretary .Stnnton dismi.se J twenty clerk from Ihe Quartermaster De partment, some on charge uf disloyalty, and some fur intense zeal ill opposition tu .Mr. Lin coln's ru-clrctiuii Uuu nl tliein came directly tu .Mr. Stanloii ami asked hint if lie considered a man disloyal because ho favored the election nf Uen. Mut'lellau. "liv no means," was hi rep y. "but when a ymiuj man receive hi salary from an uilmiiiislratiou. mid spend hi evening in denouncing it in the must ollensive luiiriiiice. ho cannot compluin II that ndiuiiiis trillion choose une of its Irieuds to tuke hi pluce. Tins is what I have douo in your case, Qt'K'K Tiup AT 8sa. Tlio liaik Samuel Merritt, Copt. Wiggings, left Sail 1'ruuoiico ou Saturday, Jan. 'ii, and arrived in the river nn Thursday, Feb. 2d ouly Ave days from San t raucisco. 1 his is llm quickest trip uf the season. Marine Uazelle. Special Notices. A VKRITT The crodec! n most nc:r rtntedlet from lite 'I..Vrtory of Nsture," srs eutliraH In Nrw.U's Ptiltnin.ry rn"P. CKKTAIS, SArr, ASDHPrKIIY CI KK for sll ducats of thvTlir.mt siel tunu.. Ills iu.lhr f frrtiTi. m ailolt or Itit.nt It- rai.-.. sn-l ran he urtt with Int. punliv tud OHTAI.NTV or ItlXIKrin sll sal.lrrl.of Put oton.rr sITtrlioii.. I'm iiq etlirr, if litis Bjo.t iksirsble fr'trllrn riu be hid. ffTlio couolry sent, lo be lillwl villi SwlDc. lor Ut cure of Lou 1'nwi.t-s, tlist on. .c.rc.ly fcnos. which to use for want of cotillifrncc In llirir mnlical propt rltM, bil from the rctiisrksl'le curr. sml tit. high order ott.1 ..Ir.orUtutr efftrsry ot All.ti's Lun Hjl.ant, Utal e art cottiwllc.l lo refar the .ri.l.n.'ra of our I'ttM., and conn l.talf ital. for r.o.'l. o,l C .1.1. ao.i t!i. I Hy.lnl St.l.lr-l Uon.l.r CON Sl'MnitlN, . Ihlnk Itial prrarati'tn A safe and ccrlam cur. Utal I. oo l fort lbs iiul.lic. For sile br .SMITH IMVIS, .(rnl.. I .rllitnl llr.fin. Also, hy tit. Il.al.r. In .'.lolly Mwlkltt. s-tt. rally. UR. IKISTKTTKR S STtlMAt II Him.l:S.-ll rmoraU., ptir'.A-. an.l tr.nsthed. tlir ,;.l.ol, .lid ai.i. Hi. .tne,a Il in Ihe performance 'if It. fanrthin.. It Is a sov.rripi .c,rtc f.,r lnttrtlns rtreofth, vtr"r and .-e to th. .j.l.m, ;t p.M...iiir lh. curaltve iN.w.rl fr alt itla.n .rl.ms from a slrUwel .lomach. In tlia m.l sv .-re cai.. nf rramp,, tli.rh'a .tirt veaitn.. In til .t.imarlt, the "lllt.r, ha. tw.n ssl'llr t,t.t. and alwa.a with th rr.awn .urceM. JM-t I'Jf H Itrutt .t. ant il-.l-r. .rerywUere. IIDPKmR THK Arrt.lfTIIl-In another .arl ol th a rljM-r will t foufi'l lh" a'l.rtit.tiii,t nf lh. r.l.brat'd nsl.lut. .t.l'ti.al by lr. i. U. VufNU, In Is'.l. In th.M B. ut iWett rhirl.laiti.m II 1. a hiti, lo th. iuir-ririr , point out In th.m h.r th.r sr. .ure nf outlining Ihe tttahed tor r.li.1 ann rttrp. I'ihIt the car. .f th. .killfnl boetof lh. l.fk and Iroalld r.n S.tmI Utenwl.n of their bar.l.n "f y.U .t 'l '.B)e, la, a.,u their rroH, and se cure health atfl haptone... tl ,oa are .irk nr Ir trout.).. di no, MatMle. R'S4 Ihe ismlsnwM anH folin lh. adtlce. lit not H.rr'l the nnettw-r nor lh. manner ml llr.rtlns ymir klur. lliNSt I.TATIO.N urfll K, tH) a.hlnjlnn Strel, eae Pranrtf. e. 49-a ai Si nt.iMiTr Cm t.K'.K. The semi iiiiuuiil examina tion of the classes I'rinneeted with this institution was cmiinitmred on Ihe Htli, and continued for two tbivs. Mui'h iTi'dit Is due Professors (.'rawforil untl Heaeh for tie able and ellb-it-ut manner in whirl) they Hre con-dnt'litip- Ibis school, which, under their direction, with the patronage its merit deserves, is destined lo lie phu'fil iimoinr the leadiiiK schools of the Htale, On Friday evening the 10! h, nil exhibition was i veil which resulted satisfactory to illloiineoriiod. The pro ceeds (arisiuir from il tifty cenl admission fee) are to lie appropriated forth'1 benellt of Ihe college. X floss into TIIK Si.Hvii'it. Mr. Samuel J. Pennls, nprelly fair cotnoiliHll who has fnxj neatly umtised a Portland audience on the boards of our Tutmtro, lias "ehanned bis base,1' and iroue into Ihe active drama life, us a Cavalryman In Company K. Ho was joined yesterday by ''Itctldy," the fatuous bill, poster ant) 'property inun" of the same troupe. We wish the boys good luck ill their rbosell chuittcters. Oregoni an, lliA. Til K Kksians A Nutional Convention of the Fenian Hrotherhood Is to bo held ut Cincinnati, Jan miry 17 It . and it is expected that there will be one thousand delegatus prusent. The ctttl for tins Con iitlou announces liuti tins win re mo last uetierul Convention to be held in this country I but before the necessity exists for anotbor Convention, the tires of liberty wil he rekindled upon llie ttltars of Irelund. I.VE.vira Hilly Smith, of Virginia, says that "llie negroes are found co operating with the enemy, and occasionally indiiliriliK il) the utterance nf treasonable sentiments mid threats against our fellow citizens." The idea I bat chattels can niter treason is radical. Wonder if any of tho horses or cows of tho Confed erates have, been known to "utter tieasouable senti ments T" Tun Voicr. or tiik Pkopi.i! thu Vole or Oon. It lias been truthfully taitl thut the voice of tbe peo ple was novur more unmistakably tho voice of God than iu Ihe recent election. It was in this faith that a I'lurgynian of Mitldlelown, t't, at a recent torchlight distilav. exhibited a transparency over his door, with atpioletioii from G' tiesis xxii. 15 "Tho aupel of the ijoni called unto Auruiuiin out ol heaven a second time." I IOHTETTEH'H CKLKll HATED STOMACH BITTERS. THE operation of this palatable remedy upon the stomach, liver and the excretory organs is siiuru larlv soothinir nud conservative. It regulates, recruits anil purities thetn. llyspepsia in hII lis forms yields to us control nnti luviuiaituir properties. 1NVK10UATB TIIK SYSTEM. ' Vigorous digestion and puro bile produces nutrillous hlonil, und nutritious blood a Jiealthy frame. Does the victim of a dyspeptio stomach and a disnrderutl liver ttesire ro Know now inn iiuresiiou niitv ou un proved, the bile and oilier rluiils of tlio body ptirilied 7 I)lt. HOSTEl'TEK'8 STOMACH HITTERS. Will ai'uoinnlish this desirable revolution ill thosysteui, jnliilinif too secretions nnti excretions, giving tone llie nniuial ittices which dissolve the food, strenvtu- en every relaxed nerve, iiinsela und fibre, and brings tno wjioio inttciiiitery 01 vuauiy into vigorous uuu neHiiiiitii piav. STRENGTHEN THE SYSTEM. Tho best means of iinpurtiiitf vijror to the broken Intvn frame and slinltcred eonstitutioii, winch bus y been invented or discovered, is pi-ottered to the feeble ol until uuu ull aes 111 UU. llaSTETTEK S STOMACH HITTERS. Debility, from whatever cause arisiuir. may bo cured i stroiifiih, in whatever manner It inay have been wealed, mav bo restored liv the use of tins now. tul and Healthy luviKoraut. for intUKsiitin aim its painful oll'otts, bodily and mental, I hey are u positive spec) tic. A lYUllli tu iiir. Aur.o. In tlie decline of life the loss of vital force conse queut upon physical decay can only bo safely supplied by seme viviiy'uiK preparation which recruits the Btrci'uih and spirits, without untniliiiK the exhaustion which is alwitys tlie lltiui eiiect ol ordinary suniuiuiiis. M e lender to tlie aired Pit. IIOSTETTKRS STOMACH HITTERS, As an invitrorHiitHlld restorative, iinttiediato in its bell- ilicial uctnin and permanent in its eltects. -It tones Die toiiiiit h, improves Ihe uppelito, and acts like a cliurm pon tne spirits. t un r b.iiAi.r.3. Thousands of ladies resort to it lis a remedy for bys- riu. t iilleriuir of the heart, nervous hemmi'lie, vertl Ito, Kciicra! debility, and ull peculiar disturbances und dcrniiL'onicnla to which as u sex, they aro subject. It cheers nud enlitrhletis the depressed mutual powers, ns well us streiiKtlieus the body, una us use is never 101 lowed bv anv rc-uetion. tir BIWARK Of COUNTEJtl'EITS. I'mcbuse oltlv of reliable dealers. Sold everywhere. 1IO.STETTER, SMITH ti DEAN, Agents. Sun Francisco. IIODGK CALKli", WHOLESALE DHUGGIHTX I'VUTLASD, Nolo Agent fur the State. itr. W. WATSON REHPECTKIHiLY oilers Ins services in the pnte. lice of Sl'ltllKliY, OHSTETKIi'S.aiid At 1,1)1 IN E, to the citizens nl Salem utttl Iho Btirroiiniliuir coiinirv. flllUenittl resltlenee sernntl door llurtll ut the SiMcrg' Acudeiuv, on Church street. Feb. I, IKbj. 49tf LATEST MEWS I I "l K, the tiiulf rp'titucd oirer ur large anil well V lee ted stni-k ot tiierclinn(lie ill .REDUCED RATES, un uccotit)t of in liking a change iu mir liir-i,icit. Our slock con-iiftiis of C19TW, DRY-GOODS, BUUIb AINU bnU LS, HATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY ( CLASSWARE, hi id uiHiiy other ur tides, too munvroiiii tu mention. -Come One, Corue All, an thin clmiK-if of buying LOW-PRICED GOODS is not oH.'rc. every dny. KxHmino our tlotk, mid Bulimy yourut'lves. All Kinds of FarmrrA Produrc Taken In t.vcliange. 8. II ITCH EL & CO. NOTICE. All m'rsnim tnilebUMl to us either bv note nr bnok ttccotiut, wilt oleniH! tuine forwnnl ami nettle I he wtnie. Hnletn, rt. ft, IWiTi. 4'tm'. IHssohition, rilHK COPAirrNKKSIIlI ImreU.forfi exittin Im 1 twnii .1. VY. Ilrown. AI. Alvcrs Si J hit Miiuhes. uinler thu tirm iiamo of Hinwn. Mvitb V i'n. in tbi nur ilivi-i ly nuitiiHl concent. The t.iiflin'M will he coiHiniieil tin lieretitfore uhUt tlio tir in imiue of Mvers. II uu lii-sj it Co., to whoMi Hit Hfiif n line tlie thru will be jmitt, und who will HHumy ll li.ihililii'ri. si. . 111 ft. . M MYKliM, joiin nn.iiKs. Salem. Feb. lt;j. '.twi t iMssolufioii ol' u-Mii'lnrrHliii. rPIIK pHrtiiere'iipheretoforooxiitlinir betwooti Avert X 6i lIciuiT, iu llie Brewery buitiueiw. in the city of suietn, is huh ouy iiiMioived liv mutiuii coiiwni llnwe havniff cluiuis will ireent them, aim thone indebleu will evil and si-tllu iiiuueimtelv. A. AVKItT, JACOB HKINKIt 6u1.mii, Vuh. t, !8tW. i(w-y EUREKA Improved Ki-ir-AdJtiMin;; CLOTIIKS - WItlNGhR. Awarded First rrrmlum at the Oregon nime r air, ixoi. ' a -1 1 r. rimiwaeeperi lll'.l riir..-l,, r II tax res 1 lime and climbing, and promotits healtli and good cheer. Alnlraetfrnm Ejatninint Committee Prnn.-I f tkr trial Kihlblllon nf iHfti. "('I.OTIir.' WKfVUKKV-" A variety of li.ew ej-rrttrmt knmaetvy AWm titii funud r(Miii-(intf fr piijuiliir fivr; tlioiikdi iionr of tlifrn nrv cntiUrrt to pri'inium, wh rwinmlfr the 'Kl'KKKA ixtubil-d liv M K. Triiver V Hrn., wntiliv of hotiontlde rhii- lion." f te No prftninnii nt ild Kxfnliliimi rt MwitrtlfHt lit HrtU '-a nf ("rftvtrrn niHiiiifHur.iirp The Kl'UKK K i-ii--l.tTn no v'trm ur wwdni iHtif, tliitmli w-n-wii, ur rnliiwr liiindii, lild lo UrrrHne dm nrdtrel,tut i niiidf iiri'rtOMlloili(frr.hY (he u f ralfnl Klllptlral Bird Springs wliirh ftidT H Sr'f Atjtirtf. Conremettt, nud ) rahlf. Tlt Imfirnrr.l Kl'KKKA lg m i tt (tlitll foti(rtirid thnt il will n-ndily lit Biry ixf-J or nlnii H Tub or Wiiliinif MMrliiitft equally writ, mul ia ! wvt rpdif, n Imldfl, itd camt'tl ft ant of ordtr. Every Family Should Have One. M K. TIIAVKK k. HHOTHKK, Hun KmiH-t. mid Porttmid, Airrnt-4i.r the I'unlir t DfMfwitorv witli. nnd fur Mlt Uy, Mfnrn. AnritntHT tt ilenn. Vnnlntid , J. I'i kiiim i.'ooMr), h.tni ; und ia tho ptitKil Wwufltbroa(bout thttat. . :m4 M tJ IN 1) AY H CJ I O O L AND GIFT BOOKS, IjlKOM TIIH AMKKICAN TRACT HOCIKTY mini Massachusetts Nmiduv School Kociely, For sale HI Messrs. H'irtrren 6l Shitttller's, First street, near Abler, I'OUTI.ASI), OUEUUX. Uoceivhig new invoices bi-monthly. ' (I. II. ATKINSON, Secretary itud Treasurer ( Iretron Tract Socioly, Illy I (). HI 1 1 N I) I , Kit , I leposiiary. Farmers, Mechanics and Traders, OK TUB WILLAMETTE VALLEY : IAVINO opened a lieoae, and and established my self in . OREGON". CITY, For llm ImtiHuctiou of u iiencral Mercantile Jluni ticii, would bpjx leave to cull voitr Httntion to the (Hot that wo cku hl'II truud h vdoiip in Oreuoii Citv nn tlmy ciin hi l'urlliiud ; we expect to kuu) h funeral UHttoi-tinunt of iiiercliiiiidieo, tvidi im grocuviu, drv- iroofJH, doom nn 'I ilioim, Imrdwiire, tunnel-1 loom, qiipemiwHi'tt, nillcrv, Hiilin cloth, yiinny Hack, wrai pinif jtnpcr, &c, cue. A I ho, Liverpool and ground ulnuiMilt, mid u yod nMortinent of drain, indiiro, blao vnrtol, Sic. All of winch wo will h.-II ut Port Innd prii'BH therl)y Mjriiiff tlio frtiijlit to tho pur c.liiiHrti'. Wo will alrio tuko wln-ut. oata. hotter, hueon. hi id, fKK". pork and potatopH in exchange, or pity the uhji iur iiiu Burnt), iau hiui see. . WM. HARLOW. OretfonTlty, Nov. 1, lftfi-1. yM Private Medical Institute! ICet ubl intietl hy DR. J. C. YOUNG, I1V 1HSO, FOIt THE CURE OK PRIVATE DIS EASES, OK WHATEVER NATURE, And all Female Complaints. Constilling Ollicc, CO Wnsliliirton Htrcct, Second buthliti"; bolow Montifomory St., SAN FRANCISCO, . s CALIFORNIA. wo cuitn, NO PAY. CONSULTATION HY J.KTTKR, OU OTHEU- WISK, KKEE. For Direction, of Letters, See Below. TIIW CELEIIKATED INSTITUTE has enjoyed on this coaxl un uiiinternintud atu-cecii of Fourteen ycar,miM imt iicconie one ot Mm renowned nuiiiluli of the ttjre. What the celehmted Lotk llonnitulu it to LoiKifiti, una ti. e no cm renowned entuhhuhmeiit of lticortl to rai-lfi, tins liiHlitnlo hits -beeoine to the IV eilie Coitot. Tim UhmihiiikIh Hiinuiilly received und enred, plHce II in point of nnniher of putioiitH anions tne very unit ortnu woriii.ni.u ttie sti(ce ol lie treat- inent ninkn it sccono In none. PltlVATE OISKASKS IX MALES nml IKKKOU. LAIilTIKS IX KKMALKtSaiethegreHtdi'Htroyei'Hof NPiuui. incy iiiHiiiiioiiHiy aiincit itiuHyxtemana xmti unity mult-riniiie Htid dent my it j they drive the bloom from the cheek, the lustre from the eve. the strength und vijror from the frame i thev tfive to the world nunv and diteineil offHprin, and poion, tlirotih nc eciimvu, cuertuiotiti the rare oT uiun. Tlie niarkti enn be wen in Nrroiiiln, ('ntinniniioii, CrippleH, t lie Idiot ic, the IWIyiic, the IiiHiiue, etc. There is no more terrihltHt'onrge to the bnmun nice than those dieHtteK nrricii;jf from the contnminalion of V'eiipntl I'oiHon. The mihii'Ht forniH. by relautiiiK to tho bloud, hohi -ver over the one aHlif'led.the nword of dcrjtnietioii that is liable iituny moment to fall and bliKht to utterly dewlroy all eurtlily liope.t. MEIUU.'HY, nvosrniznl tt the mtrnt fatal mrdirai enemy to man, rouihiiiiiifr wilh the Venereal, donnlfs liis riiitinrein. Tiiotto who hitvehecn trtmled wilh that fmrnii'ions tniuera pman aro not cured ; the disease inn only autned a new font). Do nut be Satisllod Mltli rnrtlal Cures thut h'tivo the poison to crawl through the sytteiti,eut injf its way in'o the tintmeH and orHn hi'menil. the Hppureuily sinooili fotrfuce. to buret 'out in the future H-iilt a virulence thut will hatlle theelffets of luediaiMo. WHEN PEUKEtT tTltEKrun bo obtuinod bv eon- soiiHiiltuitr a iiTivmrniu whom lonjir nrm-tiro und thtro- ukIi luvfiHiiuaiioii into the cm.nen ot DISEASE of the LKINAUY OlUIANrS cuubloe to deterniiueut once tlio inn nre of tlie diseabe. In all difciiru-s enlniHted lo the doctor's euro, PEK- r Kt T nrr.MJi ami I'I'JKMAXENT Cures are olwaya Guaranteed, In Syphilid und its adjniieft; Oo nur rum und Its tie fompuiiymv iImciuch; nil (ltt!mltri ot the illauuer, Kidtuiys und proMrute; Sfiuiiml Weuknti ; i rnweHoftlio llfiuluud l.iintfrt; lviieifiu Itnimftiiion; luipotenrv :Iiiripicnt ('otinumption. und ull di-n'itfen of l he I'rimuv orKHtit". in euih.T ncx, cure nlwiiys wr'ntnteii, UK SO PAY UKOl IIIEI) ut Ihe PHI VATK NO. r 10 WASIllMiVUS STIIKKr, SAN KHANCISa), t t i t i t CALIKOI1XIA Seminal Weakness or Bpermalorrlitpa, Tne yotiuir man who exnerli-neps that irrowiuu wenkiiKiw in his nmpriilar und inrnlul oiuuiiiution should slop to eoimi.hr whene it iirixon. He will Und iu the weiikitefs of the buck, trcmhUuir nf (he limbs, disordered diuextion, nuiu'countuhln luiliutr of the powers ol the miiiJ, (HHiurtie tor so tvlv, ilreail of nn- n end in if liouble. hiri'lindiiiirs uf evil, slf-etilesancs), troubled und luftivinru dreioiiH nccouiptinifd bv uruvr- in it deafnens, Ions nfmuM-nlar power, and numerous oi nor nviiinuiiiB tu iiinrrtjrii.i'.itim. i u (Kwiina int res ol mat niont iernni ami oesn ticiive oi an omens es, Heuiiiuil VVenkut-fs Wastinit nwav bis (towers, iH'slrovuiif his hone of life und tmtuhooil, und dmiririuir hitu bIodk tbe broken p;ith of lit rxinienee toward a preuiniure itmvo. To him who tinds his life diihbliii)( out lu the iltiM')mre of th? vital prinriptil of exintenee in nocturnal and diurnal emitviouH, the more t-esiuition of therHiies ol its nppctininee briupt noiirtsiirntifeof re lief. MarriHue. that holy nlhcu, the sjift-ifniird tml hone of mHiitiooil. brinus to sui'b a one no Imt re of rare, hut adds tn his nij-ery in (he knowledge that tho one who looks to mm lor n mum ol nvr tiAppiueM, is a rirttiu of his evil, Htid hii inuorrnl coinpniiioii of his punish ment. He nd-ln to his inirjcry and disnrdi-r until hope leaven liha. There is uo rem it except In (jroinT and skillful tmiliuent. CoiiniiIi, Mkmi, at onre. a ptivsirian whom lonif practice und careful rum'iircli hits mude IhoroiiL'hty coiivciMtul with every phane of the dis etino 1 lioe who have im'couic the v m tuns ol itoiMai v vices, thut dread fill, fiiscinatiiiUs and detractive bub il, whit Ii tills thouruiud of ate k rooms w ith puiulyties and coiisnmptivcs, und buudredtt of uulimeiy fmves with its idiciiiiUmI victims, Mioiihl coiitoill without a moment's dcl iy, one who will svmiialhixe wilh their sulb-riuttfi. To stih the Jl.H-lor would enM:ciully ad dri-Ks hiinslf, KivinK to each nud all Hasurnnre of a PKKEKri and PKUMAXK.M' VVUK tnlhat h,n- dranre irom iHBitiet change of dirt, or J'rar of tJ.- puHte, IK not forget die aiiros re netow. Inipoiiiint lo I'ciiinlrs. When n feinnle is in Irmible oralliit'tcd witli disense, untl ri'ttuires uiidifiil or stiriti'.tl iissl.litiit'o, tin enquiry should he, Where is there a pbysit inn who is fully competent to it'lminister relief, nml who. respectable, sluinling in society ret-'immentls bitn to tbe ct'ttHdeiice of llie cotiiuiuiiity I The I'tH-tor, uiiderslHtiiitnif iiow iiiilM'ntlivelv nweawirv lliese reililireuienta ure. lecls rulled upon to interptMC, und hy ealliuir (lie ntlftitixn or tlie nllllclf'l t 1le Met nun lie nut iteeii u rui, KEHSOU OK lillVl'KTIIICS and FEMALE III K INKS for twenty yenrs. uinl is fully quulilicd to ud uintisler in all t'HM'S, liolh niedii tiliy uml stirgli'Mll v, not in a sittertU-iitl niHiiner, but in as lh'iroiili a mini tier as years of aunty and pniclice holit iu hiwpilula and prlvme tniniliea run niukn, fo suve Iheitt from the liHll.ls of tlie luiq'iulilied, uust-rnpilltinns, utttl dee ignintr. Tberettire, fittnilies run rely tipnu biin aa upon a father. All ill alllii'titin can flntl iu him one wlio ran fcnl and syniputliiza with and befiiend ihein iu trouble one inwlioseserrerv ibenini't.t c'liiti'lenre eiltl l. pl.,ee.l, VI NI' I.T.t 'I I' ' V fR V LiTfEII till nTHEIIWISK) FREE rVc ..l ire., below. THECELKIIU.tTEI) FUJI ALE REJIEDIEit.riim. pounded from ItiApiivntepiesrriptioiiaof lilt. VtJL'Ntl, have uow o'lUtiued a mMt extended popularity, and are correctly viewed lo be tbe snfeat ana surest rente dies for the eoraplmnts for which llie are applied. Tiie eonsluiitly at'cruing tcatuiitmiala ni their elllraey dm-htre them lo be pre eminently superior in their ac tion. Nn Lady should he without these Retiovntiug Airents. Knlte geniiine utiles. priM-tnrd nt this ittlire. l-ttt bv Mnil or Kxpreae, It, mtr purl i,l llie Stnle. TIIE-rtltKAT FKJI.JI.K MKIMrlSK! I'ltEJ EX TIVE l' I'KRn Full JIAHUIKH I AlHKt. New, Hn l'e ami llilnllil'le. bt.ltng tr'un lour losix liuuttba I'rice (Hi H!KN(H li nar, or fkjiai.e HtlNTIII.Y IMLI. t.tr sitppris.i.iita After tifiv Vnr f iprr Hoi. to roititfPoin; i l'titti-iiU rM-initii hi an? tmi-t nf llm Ktats how(s ! diftiuiit, wlm nmy drti inHtlirtil udvlif on tlii ir rr (.fllV THN-i. HIM. Wilt lIlMlK pn.MT to utihmti h Writ1H HMtrniftit oi porh In 'rt Itph to ImliiiiiK u t?rMii.l inirrTifW.Hrf fi'Mr-1 tli tlieir coiiiohiiii.. lion wiH be hfW ni". wt-rwl. Alllrtlt-r miwl L Mtldiawr lo the rories-iMiiidiug plnjti'in.llnii: IUii.t'l n. F. J(SELYN, M. I).. WO Wa.lnngtiiii Street, . 0. San Franciiro, Cal, liog 735. I' tihn:l tlrr. MK. ' t I'tm wees seen taltinu ntv "t -O II.Ktnd Hlnl from Nuleta last Week, an.l2a if vua do not return her in a verjr short lime, I will prosecute von for stealing. JOIIX C. BKI.L. BJeai,De.Su,llf.l. ... 4ttf 1865, CAN YOU READ? 1865. OUR BOOKS ARE CLOSED. ' For particular!, enquire of the Proprietor!. jN'oteN ami As-'ooimlM To disposo of. tf?" Don't wait until you are called on. Get Out or Debt, and Stay Out! Every Variety of Goods, full HALE, AT LOW 1'RICEH, iron CAKII, or almost anything else, except PROMISES. J.II.etl.R. MOORE. BkI,Jii.S, 44"' AT KENYONB', a risi lot or PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS Just received from New York, at Very Hindi Ilrdiirrd Frier). also, tiik ci;i.tmtATr.n IMiriKL'Ulll The BEST MACHINE on the Pucillc Slope, or an j otlwr tilope. 1. W. Ac M. i. cox, HAVE Just raraivml, dlrsot. from Kim Fnuidsco, LAIUIK 8'1'OCK OK DRUGS & MEDICINES, Paints, Oils, Glass, White Lead in Tins, Varninlies of all kinds, PAINT AXIf VAKMS1I BKl'SnKS, Tube and Common Colon, Turpentine & Alcohol, . KEROSENE OIL, LARD, POLAR, AND HEATS-FOOT OILS, PoiTiiiiMTios, ruiM'y Sull, Hair Brushes, Fancy Toilet Articles, ToRetlior with " PATENT MEDICINES. of tho latest discoveries t And nitmv other articles, too numerous to mention hII of which we oiler us low lis the lowest, forrotdi Call and examine. D. W. U M. It. COX, Kiilem, Dec. UK I4. 4:itf Notice lo Donation C'liilmiiiitx. LiKn Orrirr, llti.Kut ttn,Oitr.(iii)i, ) Kwpiiilier l!. Wil. S W IIKRKAS. Il linvinir beotime h miiltttrtif itet'cs- sitv lo' nr eft tlio tifriiiiiiit-nl rt'rtii'ils tit tins Olllm, mill to ilntvrtniiie llts viiliilily or liivtiliiliiy of iloiiiillon I'liiims hi tins tlMilt'l, iitiiiiy ol wlnrli lire imtriiliir nml soma vuiil ; uml it lining csieuliHl to tlio Uuvuriitiient, an wi'll us In tlm triMierm mit'i-t'si tn ine minmnnilv. Unit AIIANDONK.II DONATION CLAIMS, mill TlUVSi; l OVKIil'.ll II Y lftAI-tl 1 1 1 l.hS, sliimltl tie liroiiitlit Into niurKet ut us eurly a dttv us iinssilile tlierefoi".., Ill tiiirsiiunt'e of insll'tlc. tiniis.we liercliv lintilv nil iliiliHliuu t-luiliiliilts. tliuir ttssivuees, fir lentil ri'ii-esetitiitives, wlto lutve uot liletl in tliisolni'fi proor ol touryeurs' resmenos mm cttiti. viitinn. na rerillirefl liv At'L of '.Till Scllteltllter. lH,tl) mill uitieniliiients, to tlo bo within three months from dtttti i ..ml nil who lutve mil litkeii tlio ontb of ulle w uitii e nail iiittl f"r issiiinu Until cBrlilitules, us run tetnttlnted bv the lilh section uf Iho AM of Mill Mny. lKtl-J, mo resiiotttttillr retineslo I to comply us curly us nossilile. lo suvo expense uuu irounie. 10 ititiiw nv inr ut u distance from tlie hnlid Ollic c, it is Iterebr mi noiuiiTtl thut most if unt ull of said business inn he siitisrurtoilly tmiisnctt'tl IIii iiiikIi tlie minis or express. . .itmn rvi'.i.iji, ucit.ior, tllnill ADDISON K. KM NT, Keeeiver. EUREKA HOUSE. Commercial Street, near the Britltfe.Stilrm, Oregon. I. V. ilIONS.ll AW, Proptictor. rillllS well knnn ii bouse hue lulely Iteon rrlltted, I uml is now reutlv for liis iiceiiininoilHtioll of its nn. nierous puirons, with Single mitl Double moms well furnished, und the proprietor hopes hy strict stlt'lttioll tn his business In Merit a libernl sliitro of pntronnKe. A hiick nUvnvs iu iitleiitlnnco to curry pusseni(ers unit initririiiro t.t or lrom tlio House. Nov. lo. UllUltll Now l'liotofrriiji Oiillei'y lIrM. LA 1 114 ATKES03I nAH oieued n new Hicttire (lullerr over Stranu'i Tin Store, (-'oinmerciiil street, SALEM. riiotoKl'iiplin, of VminsiH Sir.fsi, 1'nrlrsi d Vlxiti', Aiiibrolypcsi, Still Kvery Mtylo of Pictures known to the Art A fine nssortnietit of i'hol Kniph ALBUMS. Pnleiu. Nov. !W, IMiil. !ttf NEW!! New Store, New Goods. J. 3tE. COUIyTEIl Hhb jut ojwned large mid well nt levied aiwoii mettt of , FAMILY GROCERIES I Which he will exclmnue for rush and all kinds nf COUNTRY riiODUCK, ALL KINDS Ob COOPERWARE Kt on Imnd und iiiitilu to oidi-r, al sliort noih tj mid lit loW hUC?8. i 1)0 PClliIHtl'tl w Clothes Wringers of Different Eindx 1JAHKETH, And a good mmorltiicnt of Useful Household Articles. AlwHy in more Hud for wtle Kt rina wliit li CANNOT BE BEATEN. TO SMOKERS: OK MliKUSCUAlMI l'll'KS, iOHAtTl) AND MATCHES, My Stuck Cannot Lt Beaten, Call and see uie. I nil! satisfy aiivh'Mlr who wauistohnv (lOt)l) AIITK.'LI'.K, Cheap for Cash. Pmt fttvor lhntiksjllv rrmemltrd, and fntnr pHinMnun rrapH'tfiilU oh.iih1. i y( hII m fin door north of Hniu' Jewelry fltor, .ooituemiti etrt-i-i, Itoti. 4IH DAB HAWAY VASlIh(iMACHINE. P4rKTKH J f. 12, IM.4. OTAl'LKrON k MY MIS. htilim. art? u..w uuimtttc O tnriiiK Ibtp tiisv liUM , nlii' li, for t lu'itpntit, ti:i't;o m) tn tt. rivr n0 llifiriiKliui hi Wttxuing, aif L'mrfntttt hy M'trkt f lie kiwi EVER IM ft .V . . TIm t aWi m il Votimr't p.,tnl iintU iiwn iu -r't Hd In.itng vi.otiies winsai.i;, wui ti i.iiu- u-i In tiP,ritl rmi wily lit atu lid to inrir w.ifliing m (iilnc i.tvt thftn i "ll. W ut'itst-t-iy apst dor to the M t'tflun Holla, P4irin. i. o. o. r. rilKaskkKrA UtW.K. No. I, mr-rH nvfrv Wloriln rTPiiinf, t IU IirII in Mclmen'e -'Mietf llulhltitit. urniiirti in f-t miri.ii'it r in- viut tn ftttfmt. u. h. vnturu. ri U J. H II. K tUcrsrfsry. 4tt A. A. T. A. M. f SAI.HM Ulllim No hi.l.l.iur.lul.rtumnnnl- eatlntiaon tha atcund and l..rta Sisla,s in arU mwtilli. Ureuiren la $vo .laiitllus sr tt.u.'l lu alt.lHl. T. H. Cos, Heft's". 'HI A M.l'AUI.V. W. M A t urd. I-vR V AKINXI H having returned lohlsraimnnr J i Ueibel, will give strict alteutloa to all calls in thai line of bis profeeeton. Itethel, folk cuuuly.Orcgua, Nov. 38, 1881. BO , GSO ! - Claitical, Scientific, Poetical, Mechanical, Medical, Surgical. Biblical, Ucnloxual, Phrenological, Phyiiolofrical, Philo lophicat. Phonographic, Military, I'ete.mary. Surveying, Mill wright. Engineering, Draft ing, Housebuilding, Rail road making, Steamer and Ship-building. tAtr.ifjr., BOOKS, at CIIAItLES UARUETT 'm - front street and Washington street, PORTLAND, t t l 1 i OREGON. 9,000 School Books, by sll the best authors, at Ian v nuicisco prices, ut CHAULK8 BARRETTS, Portlsnd. ; 90,000 rfnires Russian bennd Blank Books, at less than Ban r ranciseo prices, nt CHARLES BARRETT'S, Portland. 8,000 reunts Note, Letter, Cap, and Leiral Cap Pa- Iter, at UHAHLLN liAKUr.1 1 B, I'ortland. S,00O Diaries for 1865, 80,000 Novels and Song Books, 8,000 rots. Beientinc and other works. ut UIAKLiHS UAlillbl i o, rortiana. DHAWIrVO INSTBUHIBNTBt, Drawing Pa per, Mia anu Liinen, ItlSJiaiO AND ItllJMISJAI. INHTRIIIrlBrlTa, FINIMftU ROD, Lines and Huoka, . PHOTOORAPniC AI.BUIrlH, and ' PIIOTOURAPII of alt tha Noted Mea and I'lucca in Ihe WsrM, fllFI" BOOKS, a splendid asMrfment, at uiiAici.i'.B iiAitKtn B, rortiana. I.ATirv, French. Spanish, Greek, German, Italian, and Welsh hooks, at t'HAKLKS BARRETT'S Portland. Bobinsion't) Ssjrlcsof Arillimetic, THE. UNION READER, t7The Host mid most l'optilnr In the Atlantis States. TEACHERS, LOOK TO IT! And 10,000 Articles, too mention. Numerous to Apcnt for' 1IKADLE & CO., Dime Book Publishers, Kew York. Newspapers, Magazines, AT slAPI FRAKft'lNt'O PRICES, tlcUmO nt CIIAULKS BARRETT'S, Porlnu'd, CURE YOUR COLD, SAVE YOIK MJNGS. N SWELL'S PIILinONARV SIBtP Has Cured Thousands, IT WILL CURE YOU. - "A cough is eucnill)' the effect of a cold, which has either been Improperly trnuted or entirely ne( lectetl. When it proves obstinate, THERE IS AL WAYS REASON TO FEAR THE CONSEQUEN CES, us this sl.ows a weak stutoof the tunys, and la often Iba foremuner of consumption." Buchanan's DomcBlie Medicine. STOP THAT COUGHING! Some of you can't, and w pity you. You have tried every remedy but the we destined, by Its intrin sic merit, to supersede alt similar preparations, Il la not surprising you should be reluctant to try sorae lliliiH else after Iho many experiments you hare mude of trashy eompouiide foisted ou tha public aa a certain cure i but ' NBWEI.IVN ' PULMONARY sjyHl'P Is ri'iifly Ihe VERY BEST remedy ever compounded fur lite cure of Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Asthma, VYhonpInK Clinch, Bronchitis, and Consumption. Tliuusunds of people in California and Oregon have al ready been benefited by Ita surprising curative powers. WHAT KILLED Hint Dr. Hull, in bis "Journal of Health," speaking of lbs dentil nf Wasltington Irving, asks tha above ques tion, und atldst " He might well have remulned with . na for some years to come, had It not been for advico, kindly intended, no doubi, but given in thoughtless ness and rerklese ignorauce. He had la' Cold I Wlili-h, by some Injudicious prescription, had been enlivened into nsibma." Let me say to Dr. Hall that that "prescription" was uot NEWELlS Pl'LHONAHY SVBl'P. KEEP IT IN THE HUD8K, asa It freely, glva il to your cbildrea upon the slightest Indication of a Cold, and yon will thiisk and speak of il as all do who have become acquainted with Ita merila. HKDINOTON at CO., Agents, -. Hau Krancisco. And for sule everywhere. de-t.inliis Kendall's Amboline. Is a Stimulating, Oily TIIIC GHEAT Mtii'Ai.nD raariatTiua Extract of Darks and Herbs. Il will care all die- eases of the scalp and Itch ing of tlie head, entirely eradicate the dundrtifaiMl RESTORING, INVIGORAT ING, BEAUTIFYING, Dreealnf iievents Ihe hair from fall tig ont, or from tnrninir prematurely gruy, causing it to gr tw thit-k and long. II A 1 11 ! It Is entirely dirierent from all other preitaralions, and rau be relietf on. Pill up In boxes eoulaiuing'. wo bottles price, $1. Sold bv all llntirtrisls. IICM Ki iKH, MIITII St DKAN, Agents, Xoil'l itatlery St., comer tif lllav.HHn Krancisco. Ml ITI I 4 DAVIS, IIXIK at I'AI.KF, W. WEATHEKKDHII, (HI Portland. Suinmonn. Iu li e Circuit Court of the State nf Oregon for the enntitv of Marion, Maarh Term, IHliJ. Alice K. IMiaier, IMaimitl,) ra Still for Divorce. Frank .1. Hulister, Deft ) 'IM) KinnkJ. Ilollsteri Von are hereby notilled that X tbe above named plaintttf has couinieneed suit In llie above named court, and filed her complaint pray ing the eourt lo dissolve III bonds of matnmnnv here tofore existing ImKveen Ihe plaiuiitT and yonrself, on the irroniids of burh, cruel, and iiihtinian lituuuieui and personal indigniiies towards plainiilf. Now, na l yon appear at lite rircuil court ul Ihe elate of Or eutm tur the comity of Marion, on the second Monday iu Mart'h, into, aiid answer llm complaint hi saia caase (lied, lies plaintiff will apply to the court lor lh relief ilemandetl therein. JCfAltTWHIOHT, J OASTOf, rVolieliors for l ompl' inaal. liv order nf It. P Itoise, Judge. January W, '&. 6w 18 Dress Making and Needle-Work! NUM. K. I'ADDOt'K Is prepared lodnall kinds of work, lrom rulteig, ttttiiig aud nuikitig the flue tlrewa-a, It, the heav teal needle work, l'eraona wish iltlf sewinu of any kiud dune will pleuao call oa her, nl lite reentettr of llastiel Israug, bear llie Conxrega llonal I bonh. 4a( llofii-lliijr;. rKWI.Y fini.betl, nlrv, and cniuforUblt re wits, i withaH-atal a well furnished table, to be (if Ji.yetl al trttr honae hy paying front j to $7 per week. Iltir plnee is thu larue 'huildtug ou Idbeily street, eetllli ul tlie Woolen Kartet v. Also, w. II carelully atleul lo the trevehst aed hW horse. , Karmera, tl ua see year eggs, butter, parselpa, chit-kens, 4cc, skc ,hvfore selling elsewhere. tlr.ii, NKWKLL. H.tiein.Jan.'.'-J.IM. ' t,u Nollis. T)KIMI1 duly amhoria d lo artlk, tho koainese of Hi 1 1 late finite of lliiuiistva i Ma law. aud Huiaialun, V iksai. at to, 1 will pay all claims against tbe sank Drew en demand, and all penoae luk ta to either qf lite above kuuavs ate acojueeied to ttla the same Willi me. C. ti. IlUillbTOS. OOea at 1. L Parrl.l. Ii Co. s Ugok slora ronland, MoT. 10, ISbi Tl