lite tottpn jatcu l'ACll'KJ UNIVEU81TI., Jan. 25. Ed. Statksman i As the, distinctive aim of till) iimtilutinii nt KnriMt (Jnive lira nut under stood by nil, it will suliscrvo its interests if ynu will pnlilirli a few staU'iiieiits in jour pa )t. What'i the (?cinl wmk ttf a collide J It ii to eiliiuitle young men Hint they may lie come master builders in constructing society, mid lenders in the tumuli nf popular progress, Nut lor their own sake, but fur llie suite (if tlio people. We mint richer, na it people, educate the leaders Ihut we follow, or wo ahull follow . uiitiniilifieil men. We must see that uur teacli ors are tiiuilit,tliat our puhliu men are ground, til in aound priiiuiplei Hnd nre men nf wisdom, or our moat enorcd popular interea a will be at tlii! mercy of dulihhng ignorant politicians We must sea that llmse who diacuaa and argue upon great and important themes are men of t hough, and know that of which they allirm that they do not delude themselves and ua with dangerous sophism. The only way to aecure this and a long list of other pnlilio advantages flowing from the existence of educated and good men ia to eee that iualitutinna that give a imiid oulturo and reatraln by wholeiiouie dis cipline are foatered araiing ua. There is no other wan. If tliia ii sonnd I .l.nli ........ the oonoluaion la inanifeat that it it a popular Interest of the first maguitudo thut a college that intelligently and earnestly prosecute its proper worm annum lie. loitered, anil should not lunguifU, at leait for want of indiipensa cie things. PaciQo University wai chartered in 1853, with the eipeotation, among ita frienda. that it would become a first claai college and do a great euucalional work, not merely in ita own neighborhood, but throughout this Slate and ir....l.: . rt, . nuiiiiigion i erntory. - First of all nt Forest Grove thev have lonlr. d out for initruction, letting care for citernuja wen nign tune, caro ot itself. They have ao cure ciiuowiiicnlj, a library, Ho., and have till further provisiona for these in the future, while the outward show and li; rly of a oollege are almost wauting. This hai been detrimental on uount, in onu sense. It leemed uuuvoida l)le, unless they unwisely snorilieed the cud for We sake ir (he menus. The time has come vhen tlie friends of education seeing the work iiu me necessities in me oollego suy that an Hort must be made In secure needful build ings. It ia proposed to preient its cloitna to l ie people of the valley this spring, hoping . it luumiNt respousu may no given. Tub California Winks. The Stato of lalilnrni has suddenly sprung into notice as first among ttie grape growing nud wine pro duuitig Slates of the Union. So little win known of the capacities of our golden State in this respect, thnt the announcement made, a hort time since, in our columns, to the effect that California would produce this present year, 5.000.000 gallons of wine wai received with astonishment. Grapei were planted in California at an early day by the Jesuits ; at Los Angelei in 1770. by cuttings Iroin the vine of Malaga. Since then the vine has flourished mightily, grows more luxuriantly and lives longer tliau iu any other part uf the world. The grnpe crop in California is always a certainty ; while in Eu rope, for 432 years the records show only clov en gears of eminently good yield, and twenty eight very good. The enormoua productiveness of Iho soil of California is another great advantage. From 1350 to filiO gallons of n ine is made to the acre, -While the very best land in Europe gives, oven under the in it prosperous circumstances, but 430 gallons. Thus it will be seen that Italy (called ol old tile "vine land" par excellence) falls fully two hundred gallons short of the av trage yield per acre iu California The wine is richer mid fuller bodied than tho German wines, without the lurtiiesi which ia trimgly developed in all the Iflittiisli varieties. It ia a fine wiue, and meets the approval of many ol our best connoiseurs. Specimens of it Le been loot to some of tho wine districts of Germany, and tho most fluttering expressions iu Its favor have enme from the Khine. But ton Commercial Bulletin. Greenbacks fur Taxes. The question whether United States legal lender notes will pay tares in this htnte is uhout to be tested. On the 17th inst. several citizens of this (Lane) county tendered to (lie sheriff Iho amount of their taxea in Greenbacks and demanded of him their respective receipts, which were re fused by the sheriff. On the refusal to receive and receipt for the money, an application w as mad to Judge Straltou for a writ of inanda mns. After Inking the matter under consider ation on the 18tli the Judge made an order di reeling the clerk to issuo an alternative man damus; whereupon the clerk issued tho writ, -directing the sheriff to receive iu lawful money of the United States the amount of taxes al leged to have been tendered lo said sheriff by the parties named iu tho petition, and live re ceipt! for the amount! so tendered, or that the ihentf allow cause why lie has not done so. The 10th of February ia the day set for hear ing. . This, as we understand, fairly raises III- quesiion so that if the court! of Oregon decide adverse lo tlio act ol Congress creating leiriil tender notes, the case may be taken up to the supreme court oi tue culled stales ou appeal. State Journal. Timatt with Indians. Tho Senate has ratified the treaty with North, western hands of bhosoone Indians, establishing peace, etc. The tercral bands stipulate that hostilities and all depredations upou emigrant trains, mails and lelegragli lines, and on citizens of the UiiuXl State within tie ir country shall cease. Tho boundaries of their country, as claimed and occupied by tin in. are on the north by the middle of llie Great Desert; on Hie east by Steptoe Valley ; ou the south by the Green Mouulams. and on the west Great 8 It Lake and Tulle and Hush vallevi The Indians giro to remove to the reservations, whenever the President shall deem it eiiedient for them to do so, and iH-enine herdsmen and sgricultu lists, the Government paying them certain annoaltiea in money, provision! and goods. The Indians also agree that the Pacific Kail road shall not be molested, and that military posts, etc., may he constructed, gold and silrer mines worked,' mining and agricultural settle Oieut! formed, and raiiclieroe. Attcmpted Escape Three Penitentiary noviot! named Lattin, Indian Dick, and Hog. abri. alias Win. Johnson, alu-mpted to make their escape by running away from their guard while working near the Plain in Portland on last Saturday. They were immediately por loed by the gnard, who succeeded in capturing theaa after shooting and wounding Dick iu the kuet. and lending a bullet through the body nf Lamia the ball eutered below the shoulder blade and pissed out below the ribs, inflicting severe if not fatal wooml, Orcgoniar. Killed. A man, whose name we could not learn, was killed at Idaho City week before last by one of lha sleds of the Idaho Sliding Clan, lie was standing in the street, engaged in eoavefsation, with his back toward the hill, when aoo of I he sleds, coming down with great speed, took a sheer from the track and ran against his legs, tripped him op and threw hiiu bacLiardi agaiiwt the ground with such force as to split his bead open. He neuier breathed aftaf Um fall IK. W. Statesman. Hols im the Giwund These new dig. rn-, situated between, Grrve Creek and G surer ; He, are creating considerable exoile memte late. There are quite a number of rich c'aims being worked iu that vicinity now. air. Powell and partner are taking out IU0 per i f. Otheri are doing nearly as well Sentinel. Roaaoor DlK rotors At the election held in Ita Ceert House on Saturday Slat, the fol sowib pcrseni were elec eil Director! of lb Corva.,;aaod 1" aquina liar Hoad Ci ropany for the sait twelve months : J. It. Hay Icy, T. II. Mental, A. Xewtoo, Jcssee Wood, Ichabod Hial , W. M. Pitman and Hiram Bond. GttZ 4. CTTbrea druukeu rebel Lieutenants wero lak'y tried ia liicbrooud lor parading the Vfc fcumkarawilbsafra woman. - HmiitcFH up PETitw.RUM. The bituminous shale has long been known in Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky, ai the "black slate-' of the West, The bituminous ahules ara tho source of tho oil of Ohio and Western Virginia, Michigan and Canada. What the chemist is doing in his laboratory, nature is ilowly doing iu tho bnsniii of the earth. From the black rhalei an oily emanation is coiitiimiilly separating. When nothing inter cepts it, the products escape to the atmosphere and are lost. When a rock is overlaid by a sandstone, as in Ohio anil 1'eunsylvania, that erves aa a reservoir, In which the nil Is accu mulated, a further escape being prevented by an impervious covering over the sandstone.. Ily lu ring into the sandstone the reservoir is tapped. and the hydrostatic pressure uf the sur rounding waters force the oil out, These shales arc extremely bituminous, and tho value nt the land where the oil wells exist may be determined by the presence of the overlying rr,ini-, A iiu uuiuoer ui uuinpiiiiies inter ested in oil otieratinns ia immense, and the nf. leriiigs of Petroleum Mining Company stocks is quito a feature at the stock boards of our large cities. How Richmond Papeiis ahe Ohtainkh.. The manner in which regular files of Richmond papers are obtained would astonish some of the slew people ol tho ooniitry if they understood it uc uui-iiiiiieiu is generally inueutiu to the newspaper press of the country for its first copies of the leading rebel uewspnpors. Two days alter Jeff. Davise,s message was printed in luciimonu, a newspaper man hetc, a Wash ington correspondent, presented Mr. Lincoln with an advance ooor. II. H. Painter. in. defatignblo correspondent of the Philadelphia imjuircr, presenieu air, f'eseeuden with a copy of the report of tho rebel Secretary of the Treasury, when it was but two days old. Oil Saturday lust, at ten o'clock in tho morning. I ant down to a table whereon lay copies of the Uiclnnnnd dailies of the previous Thursday. A large proportion of these journals come di rect through the lines at Petersburg, but nine come direct across the countrv to Alexandria blockade runners bring them pickets make i-iuiiuugcs nir mo new lorkr journals, nnd in different ways the files are kept perfect Washington Corrcinondcnce SnrinufuLL Rt. pubhean. Queen Victokia Vixenish. The princess Mary of Cainbridgd hits fallen in love with Lord Viscount Hood, an officer in the armr. and he with her, mid the queen wont let them n married. 1 Hero is a preposterous " Royal Marriage Act" which allows her majesty an unrighteous veto on the anion of a ineuihet or members of tho royal family with anybody out of U. and her consent has yet to be obtained, though it is said that the princess has solicited It. I told rou recently how she bad niniln linr. self ill by "trying Hauling." She is the plump, est and handsomest of prinoesses, very "jolly" in manner, and proportionately popular, while her choice is the best looking fellow at court, hence the sympathies of those who talk of the matter arc stronirlv on the sida of the Inters. Thejjiieen has, ns is well known, a pretty strung idea of her authority nnd prerogative, and folks bet on bcr refusal. She is also, as I think I have written before, n dniirou for eti quette, as any court lady offending against it i) so iiiucii us n snauo hi the color of a ribbon become) painfully conscious of. Should she persist in saying nav. let us hone that tho vnonir couple will get iimrned in spite nf it I won der what pams nud penalties thev would ren der themselves liublu to! So fur' as face and figure go. the princosi Mary would make a oapital queen herself. Not very long ago I anwr her walking unattended, and without crin oline, iu Parliament street, nnd before I had recognized her haiidsomo countenance, though her a line figuro of a woman. Letter from London. ClIIIISTIANlTY IN India. A few venr since the education nf high caste females was uiiKiiown iu mum. Two years since, a school was opened at Madras with livo hig oaste girls, whose number bad increased last voar In sev enty, some of whom now read the Gospel in uieironu iiinguiige. mere nre several simi lar ehools i India. Miiiij- educated l!in,l,.. are now anxious that their wives and Jiuil' liters should receive tlio advantages of education. At Nellore. two nntive Ililile women have been appointed to go from house to house to read and explain the word of God. Ono of them is supported by thu nntiro church, partly by a weekly collection, and partly by the produce of cocoa nut (roes dedicuted for Ibis purpose by the native Christians, every Christian house holder having set apart a tree, the produco of which is sold once u month for the suiioort of ,1... i:i.i.. 11 tui jiioiu women. CmiRCHKH IN LlHKttiA lii Liberia there aro about fifty churches, embracing fire differ ent denominations, namely : Methodist, Dap list, Presbyterian, Episcopal and Congregation al. In most of all these ohurehes there nre Sunday schools and Iiihle classes, that contrib ute every week for missionary purposes. It is to be remembered that both tlio ministry anil membership of Ideso churches are nil colored persons with the exception of a few individual missionaries connected with the Episcopal mis sion. No Meiicv to Gukriullas The Nevada Tranicriil thinks that guerrillas should be punished as traiinrs. It says there is no mod ern history, but oue, parallel to Southern goer rilleiiig. and that is the case of the Sepoys in the late East Indian rebellion, and every one of these, Itritish military authorities blew from the mouths of cannon. Under no government but our own would paroled prisoners, taken in the enemy's army, be allowed to go anexece ted ; certainly iu noue but our own would guerrillus be treated as prisoners of war. Lvncheii bv Women A young man named Isaac Cnitip. who had played the gay Lothorio quite extensively among the young girls at Deerlield, in this oounly, greatly tu Ihe prejudice of good morals, was'waited upon by a deputation of matrons of the village, recent ly, nnd fitted with a suit of feathers, lar serv ing the purpose of securing the feathery gar ment! to his person. Ooe young girl, a victim of the lilierliiie, lias been missing for some time. Adrian Walchv uer. Helpless People. The Copperheads ex press great fears that the negroes will not be able to lake oare of themselves when free. They had belter be concerned ulmut their "Southern brethren." Accounts on file in Ihe department at Washington show the singular fact that, siuce the rebellion began, forty thou sand more Southern whites than blacks have received assistance from the United State! government. Flag. t7"Earl Kossell, oo being installed rector of Alierdren University, spoke si follow! of the results of the civil war iu America : If there is any bright spot in the dark scene, it ii for the African race. I cannot but believe that tbe oivil war in America whichever way it in y end, whether the Slate! unite again, or whether there ii to be final separation I can not but believe that out or tbeso events the African race are tu receive their freedom. If A petition from fifty thousand citizens of Illinois will be presented at the coming session of the Legislature uf that Stale for the repeal of the Black Lawi of Illinois, which forbid negroes from coming into the State, under se vere penalties. Mr. Junes, of Chicago, a colored man ol great energy, formerly a slave hot now the owner of one uf the finest build ings iu Ihe city, ia amung Ihe most active In urging this mailer. tySometliing over a month since Gen. Grant made a quiet visit to bis family in New York. He also called on General Hood. When Gen. Grant rose to take bis leave. Gen. Scott pre sented him a ilh arolameof hii autobiography , with this written on thi fly-leaf: From the oldest to the ablest General lo the world. ViNrtEu Scott," Italt Mauiui has come out in a strong letter against the French Italian treaty. He declares that if llie Convention become! an accomplished fact, tbe party of lbs Notioo will try to array Italy ia opposiliou W Ik Govern. SMBt. . - Otrit War nit a Failure, The great Wellington took six yenn to drive Napoleon out of Spain, a country as great as Virginia, and llieil he retired because nf revuise else where. Four nations of Europe took two years to occupy the Crimea, a counlry as lurge ns New Jersey. England took 23 months to repress the Sepoy rebellioo, about as great an undertaking as to put down a rebellion among the negroes of South Carolina. Franco has in more than a year succeeded in getting only about 180 miles in Mexico, where she holds a very insecure position. ' England had better look ot home before criticising the movements of our armies. Butleu and Hig 201)-Pounder Upon the accession of Major-General Duller to hii present camp, situated about 111 miles from Uiclnnnnd. on the north bank of Ihe James, an immense !UO-pouiider cannon ihell was found on the very spot where it had been decided to pitch the General's own tout. One of llie fa talities of the war has been the tampering wilh tin ib ugly missiles on tho part of soldiers and others ignorant of their explosive powers.caus ing in many instances death lo persons and de struction to property. General Butler at once caused a hole to bo dug, and had this iinex ploded 200-pounder buried immediately be neath his chair, tcmarkitig, "I will put it there that I may Imow where it is." W. R. V. Cobb Embraces tub Old Flao In the rebel House of Representatives on Thursday, on motion of Mr. Chilton (Ala.) to proceed tffconsider tlio resolution concern ing the disloyalty of Williamson U. W. Cobb, ono of tho witnesses against Mr. Cobb de posed that when Ihe Yankee troops passed op the Chattanooga river, just be'lore tho Chatta nooga battle, Mr. Cobb came to his door and said he wanted to see the United States flag once more unfurled to the breeze. Ho took the flag and embraced and kissed it. Man Killed. A man named Edward Mo ran, of Corvallis, wai killed on lust Saturday. Moran and u man named Kinney, got into a dispute and souffle iu which n gun carried by Moran, was discharged, killing the owner in stantly. The coroner's jury returned a ver dict i.f accidental nf accidental-shunting. The affair is to be further investigated. State Journal. CiTThe Hayes brothers, shot in the row st La Grande, wen still alive at last accounts; though one nf them, shot in the bowels us hourly expected to die. The other, shot in the hip. it was thought might possibly recover W. W. .Statesman. tsTTho citizens of Josephine Comity are moving in mnss for llie purpose of raising their quota of volunteers. They have almost raised the money . by private contribution, to give the one hundred dollars bounty promised their volunteers. Sentinel. TUKIK I.KADKII. Just lit tint tii-,,nt limn (I,. ..... copnerlieads in OieKou Hie much exercised as to who elinll be llin recognized hinder of that purl v. Frnia present indications, Hush is working the curds in his iisiiuI siruttixical manner. The lirst move made liy him was lo engineer the removal of T' Vault from Hie. Ullweurer, Mid the siitisiiimion of Midline, whom lie could control, hiiiI wlio lacks the ability to become a successful rival. The next move of the ' strategical cuts' was to procure tho removal of O Aleara from the Keen, hy prollen of 'consolidation,' etc., which bait look, anil O'Jleara, who hnd made liis iiuhlisher cmii. diilalo lur State Printer, hud ' irrioitlv 1, ,.,,.,.....1 n,. circulation ol bis paper,' who was a consistent cop. perliend anil cuiue at the heck of no man, hot adhered steadily to the tenets of the copperhead party proper, was turned oat to giuss. This leaves Uosli muster of tlie held, and the copperheads of Oregon will have to a o the yoke of Hie old tile leader whom tiiev have o oncii auu so uillerly denounced, ir O'Meara fails to oust Hush from the Arena, the jig is up, itu-li is victoriuns nnd copperheads will have to how in Im utility. Htcile Journal. HciioiciL. A severe and fatal surgical operation was performed hy the physicians of lliii place yesterday on llie person or John Troalmau, who has been suffering lur several months with a large tumor on his leftsido near the heart. The tumor was removed and Ihe ua- tieiit breathed his last In fifteen minutes alter tho oner- atinn. He waa oueratcd uuu entirely at his i.wn . ipiest, being convinced that he could live hut a short time as it was, and feeling that there might be some hope If the tumor was removed. The operation was performed hy Drs. (,'arnenter. fnlamuilie. Fiskc. Mc Afee and Dunforth, and all the physicians of the place were In attendance. There Is no doubt but all that medical and surgical skill cotild do was done to prevent the fatal result. New Pot.itoks. A small lot of new potatoes came Into nurkvt some two weeks since, selling at (l per pound. They were grown out beyond the Mission. Tlio hiith rljv.ired esculents raised iu the same locality are now coining ia slowly, and prices are enough to make a man s hair lite ou end lfnrio Umettt. U'e Ii ivc always heard that Clatsop was some Tor po tatoes, but did not before that they grew them down there in January. We are at a loss to know where the Clit.i "Mission" is located. Does the 6'a zclte allude to the institution where the "0 llcge''waa upset, "for the lienrt of the lick and rounded tot iiert" t 1'oan.tMD Dirsctorv We have received from the publisher, 8. J. McCormick, the Portlund UnsiucM Directory for 11-65. ll is a book of 148 pages, nud contains much valuable idformatlon relative to the business iifTairs of that city. DtuiCATioa. The Uaptist C'lmrch In 8aletn will bo dedicated on Sunday, Kebroa.y 5th. Preaching in the morning by Key. O. C. Chandler, 0f McMinuville, and iu the evening by Kev. 8. Cornelius, of Portland. PORTLAND IAKKKr.-Hour, , lo 9. Wheal, $I,M per ua ; 0ls Ittc. Bulter,0c. .gs 85c. Polsloes, l. Ap ples, 1,2A lo l,75per ba. Special Noticei. tWNMf i-ll'i Pulmntury Syrup la eoiifl'lently recomnten de.l u s SLUE Cl'Rt l..r cuuglis, cul.U, .ilhuui, cruup, wlio.plnx cough, ami all pulmnnary complaluu. f tuu butoiiclfjtjt jruujnll wisrlshjotawluioullt. AX APPEAL TO TIIK INTKIXKCT. -When Consumption takrs "hol.i on the at!m," II nrit bh rks up Ilia sir erlls, ln. Inflstne Ihe mucus nirlnlirsue. which csuwt Ihe luttitp tu become Irritated ; ami if this Is Dot cured, liuslals will k.d form, which will ro on mhil f..rro tulwtclrl which will ulcerale sail end life with falsi C.oiiuiiiplion. Sow. when Ihe phlegm first commences to rnrtu, nature makes every effort to eipectoralc the msller, but sh Is ansblw lo do so without MsiManee. Allen's Unr Bslsam hss Ikip round lo b Jusl llie remedy for curing Mils dtaesse. as II causra the eiliecloralloa of Iho phlegm and heals Ihs Irritaled pans, and restores Uie ajrstem to health. RIOTHINO AND BRACiNII. There Is no preosrsllon In existence which has such a soothing effect In cases of nerv ous exclynenl at. UK. IIOHTrTTTr.RS STOMACH BITTERS Although uie faint ol thw renowned Invlgursnl rests mainly on Iu asloiililtfng curei of Dyspepsia. I.iver Complaint, and Intestinal illeorders. II Is enuslly cfraclovs lo nervous com plaints. Thoueonda nf ladiea resort to It aa a remedy for hyilerla, Sullering ol Iho heurt, nervous headache, vertigo, geueraldcbiluv and all peculiar disturbance and derangements to which, as a sex. Ihey are subject. Ii cheers and lightens the depressed menial powers as wHI aa strength en the body, and itB use Is never followed by any wnph-ae-i ant resnioo Sold by aJIJItagtlHi and ilesleit every ertlere. IIOPrrorTlll AFFLICTED.- lo another part of Hits paper will be found the advert lse,nenl of the cel-brnlnl Imtnote estaMUhed hy Dr. J. 0. YOLNU, In ISKt. In Ihla age or deceit charlatanism It Is a boon to the suffering lo point out lo them where Ihey are sure of obtaining the wished lorrellel and cure. Under two ear ol tho aaillfiri Doctor Ihe sick and troubled dtveet thewntlve nf their burdens of pain and shame, lay a in their ere, and se cure health and happiness. I.' you are slrk or id trouhle.dn not hesitate. Read the advertisement and follow uie advWe. Do Bo! forget the number nor Ihe manner ef directing your letter. CONSCLTATluX OFSlCpt, 640 Washington Street, Oaa FraocMco. do-g a tUT.M LODfeE So. 4 hoM. i ntutareomBBiii. imiorMnd th eoa4 iimI iourxh rrlHin In twh lioiiin. oinnrro ib fQOa II.DaUif IRTMn Irt tllffDd. T.H.CoK.aW. but A. McCAUKT, W. U. Dress Making and Needle-Work! N llft. K, PAItlMrt K is prepared lo do all kinds of work, from colling, lining and making Uw iooat drrasrs, tn the heaviest lirexlte wurk. l'elxina wish ing sewing nf any kind done will please call ou her, at the residence of Haniel Utraujf, near ihe Coinrrrmi tional tbnrvh. ,-,f Iioa rfllii(-, VTEWLT (Ini.hed. sirv, and comfortable mums, il with a went ai a well rut-melt,! IHI,U I .... joyed al oor bona by paying from jj to f per week. irur pinrw i tnei mrgei UllllOlO uU Llbort Stgeet, until of thd WonUn Farlorv. Also, will curwlullj silend to Ihe traveler and his horve. Kartners, let ns see tour eira. kntter. mmii. chickens, fcc, Vc, bdfnn selling elepwhero. , , 4tl. r. KKWEt.L. balem, Jan. J3t ft.Y ;(r otlrr. BV.ISft duly aicbotlg i in settle the busine of the bna nrmsef HaotUlcn At IU Dun. and Hiintislon, ,V ilano, si. Co., I will pav all claims agaiurt the gaud Inn ou den And, and ail permit I tide hied to tilber of Iho above honsoa ars rarjawtaai to mils the same with JO. UN. 1IUMI1TOS. 00c ate). L. ParrlJi k Co. a Book sure. PotUaud, iiov. 10, Itioi. 37U IIOSXliJTTKlt'H C'gl.IUIUTID STOMACH BITTERS. fT'lIK openulim of this palatable remedy upon the .a. Bioiuacii, nvcr auu tne excretory organ la singu larly aoothing and ennservative. It regulates, recruit and purities litem. Dyspepsia in all lis forma yields lo its control and iuvigorutiug proierlies. INVIUOHATB TliK 8V8TEf. Vigorous digesiiou and pure bile urnduros uutritlous blood, and nutrition blood a healthy frume. Doe the victim of a dyspeplio stomnch and a disordered liver desire to know how tlio digestion muy be im proved, the bile and other fluids of the body purilied ? I11. IIOSTKTTEU'S HT0MAC11 lUiTKBd. Will uccotuplish this desirahle revohitiou in the system, rugulnting the secretions and egcreiioiis, giving tone to the minimi juices which dissolve ihe food, strength en every relaxed nerve, muscle and Hhrn, and britige tbe whole machinery of vitality into vigorous and healthful plnv. bTBKNOTHEN TUB bVSTEM. The hest means of imparting vigor to the broken down frutue and shattered const ituliou, which has yet been invented or discovered, is proffered to the leehl of both and all ages iu DR. IIOOTETTEirS STOMACH HITTEnS. Dnhility, frnm whatever cause arising, may be cured i strength, ill whatever manner It may 'have been wasted, inny he restored hy the use uf this pow fulund healthy invigoraut. for indigestion ami its painful effects, bodily and meiiuil, they are a positive specific. A VVOItl) TO THE AGED. In the decline of life tha loss of vital force conse i in-lit upou physical decay can only be safely supplied by aoniu vivilvitig preparation which recruit the strength and spirits, without entailing tho exhaustion which is always the final elfoct of ordinary stioiulaute. We lender to iho aged 1)U. HOSTETTEU'8 STOMACH HITTERS, As an Iiivigorantnnd restorative, immediate in lis ben eficial action and permanent in its ctl'erts. It tones the slomuch, improves the appetii, and Mis like a cburra upon the spirits. FOB FEMALES. Thousands uf Indies resort to it as a remedy for hys teria, fluttering nf the hoart, nsrvoos headncha, verti go, general debility, and all peculiar disturbances and derangements to which as a sex, ihey are subject. It cheers and enlightens the depressed mental powers, as well as strengthens the body, and its use is never fol lowed bv nnv re-action. I iTHEiVAHK OF COUNTERFEITS. Pnichass only of reliable Healers. Sold overv where. HOSTKTTKH, SMITH & DEAN, Agents. elan Francisco. IIOIJGK & CALlUlf, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS PORTLAND, Sole Agents for the Stale. VfllTED STATES WAIL. Oregon. I'ovr Ofucs Hki'akthskt. ) Washmoto UlTf. Oclnbcr li, 1. ) PltOFOSAI, will be received nt tho Contract Of lice of I hie. Ili'paitineet nnlil op. tn. of March A, ist, (lo be decided be i:i) for carrying the mails of the United Stales iu tlio Slate of Oueook In. in July I, INM, to June ao, IMG, ou the routes anil by the schedule of departures nnd arrivals herein snecillod, being routes established bv Act of Color . ni,i,mvd Jane M, lxiit (and others). lMli'i From Portland, bv Taylor's Ferry nud Che liulciu Uap, to Lafuyettu, -ill rn'iles and back, once a week. Lftive Portland Monday at II a ntt Arrive at Lafuyeito by ti p m i Ls;ave Lafayette Tiiesilny at li a uit Arrive ut 1'orlliitid by li p ill. I.'ilttli From Lafayette to Tillamook Valley, 40 miles and back, once it week, livave l-utiiyelle Mondav at 6 a tn. Arrive nr Idliiinook Vallev by (i p ui; Leave Tiiluni x.k Valley ui 6 it mi Arrive Ht Lnlarette bv 6 p m. ljU'7 From The Did lea. bv rnnvnn fSiw ui,.l 1. dcpendeiiee, to lloise City, Idaho',) 3lil) miles and uln a, unco a weea. Iliddera to prouose a schedule of tlennrturea unil as rivals. luH-,'8 From Iloseburu. bv Ton-Mile fWb. f'a,.,., Valley. Jitticlion of Middle and Houlli b'orlie ni l'.,. nuille. Leiiloiiri'i Prairie, and Six .Minos, to Port Or lord, l'Jti miles and back, once a week. Bidders will proposo schedule, of departures and ar rivals. IjUH From Jacksonville, bv Mock Point. TWd,i. elles. Leland, Halnsville, North C'aiivoiiville. Mvrlle Creek, Koseburg Wilbur, Oakland, b'ngene t:lv,' Cot tage O rove, Corvallis, Albativ, Jell'erson. Sitleni. Del- imssi, Aiin.iu Mills, Oregon City, and Milwaukie, to Perl land, 'Joil tuiltis and buck, duily. jeuvo uacKsouviiie oany at a in ; Arrive at Portland, from 1st Anril t let nliw iuico iinjui reiiinuioer oi tue year ill nve uays; Leave I'oillauil duily nt 6 n in; Arrive ut Jacksonville, from 1st April to 1st Decem ber, iu three days: remainder of the rear in live dars. If service on this roole, nud IJHI4, California, :he let, unit ou route l I'.'l.l, Cnltloruia, will not be. Kids most provide for the conveyance of the mail Willi "certainty, celerity, aud security," using the terms of the law. For lorm of proposal, giiuranleu, oVfd;i mniit of this date at the principal post otlii es. W. DENNLSO.V, 4bw4 PostmiiBlerOeueral. EUREKA Impiorril Scir-Adjustiuir CLO'J'HES - WEINGKR. Awarded First Premium at the Orrgon mine rair, ism. TUB Houeekceper's BEST FRIEND, for it saves time and clothing, and promote health and good cheer. Abttrarl from Examining Commit Ire' i Reart of the San Francisco Merhnnle'i InMltuto Indua Irlal Kxbibitlon or im. "f'l.OTIII'd UldVfitrua . ... . etnllrnt houuholi kelp, were found cuniaiing for i-.K...-. nnjn noneoi litem lire ciilillrdtoa premtntn, we ennsider the ' El'IlKKA exhibited bv M. fc. Trnver at llro., worthv or honorabla men. lion. I-Wc Nopremitimsat'ibis Exhibition wera "irr". . '.o articles of Eastorn tnaniifaciiire liie tl'KKK t euiidoji no wire or Wooden springs, thumb serevcB, or rnblier hands, liable lo la-come ilia ordered, hut is made superior to all others bv Iho use of Patent Klllptlral Steel Sprliijr, which render ll Self-Adjuring. Cotvi, and Da. rablr. Tim umJ l-!'Ui.-lf a i. i : i ,,i ' ,e niaeiii.meiv cnustntcml lhat it will readily Ut avert- sited nr aliap- ed Till, e VUmI,1.. M.k;..- ,i..- '. e,o,.i,w ryemio wrii, ami I Ul- ways ready, reliable, aud raaxoV g,l oh! uf order. Every Family Should Hare One. M. K. TRAVKK t IIROTIIEIt, San Francisco and Porlland, , Agonte for tho Pacilic Com. Dcpmitorr Willi, and for sale hy, Messrs. AngusiTlir it tUan, Portlandi J. Di'itH ta (Cooier, Salem; and in lha principal lownethroughoill the Mate 4'.'m4 A Card. DR WAIIINXKR having relonie-l to his farm uear Hethel, will give strict alleniioo. to all call, iu the hue of liia profeaswn. Ilelhel. eoiitmr.Oregnn,,, Hil. Irpd A CARD FOR THR WHTEB SHU6 nOTHIXG TRADE OF SAX FItA.ClSCO. BADGER & LINDENBERGER, horn. 411, 41.1 mm4 415 Bntlftry ffttvet. Importers and Wholesale Dealers. ENTIRE NEW AND FRESH 8T0CK! WE wotiM rail the alteulion of COl'NTRY MKR rltivTu inH. . n- i ..... " - - v " " "" "c of itooda. Our stork comprise, every srlicle in Ihe Clotbiug and FurnialiinaT line. We bare constantly on ,,nd Uw SSr-f "'' Ifreatwat variily of Caaaimara .ml ool II ATi of any house in Haa Fntnciaci, atid our prieca for thews floods sjrei leas than thM f any . . -- ' - ".el. mn-n i 1 "ii me munui.ti u rer s coiisigttmenf. (lur crnck of W inter and Muring Oootls ia particalarly attractive, and llie great feaiar to the eoautry taen hanl Is the unusually low prices Leu Thai Ihe Cmt of Importilloi I Wealso keep the STAPLE ARTICLKH in the Dry floods line. wrhK li flooda we have pon-baaed in tin markea wn.h-r lha hammer, and are offering theni at New York I - M. and lea. We publish ibis card in order that we nnr make new a4-4iiaiiitancM. and indite tbne who have not faeretufitrc ourckased of u.. to call ttnj . . vw SMak. jOood Article! and Low Pricei! arc ine trneat intiuccmeota lo all who pnrchaac t sell again. Alenrhaul. who bay of ua eau aaakc m gnMl pmlii, and acll lo their cu.lotuers at iuw 8gUr), y, ( rarnaiu, rr.iccifidlv, YiHir nldieut tSeirvant. BAI lll.K u l.l.M'KVHKKffKH, Wholeeaie Cb'tbtng and Hat Warclioaw, , 4l''4,1""Wail71tii. Ban Pntnciecei, .Ian. . IH. 3m.7 I. o. o. r. Sit "-"'"""is i-tiooa, no. I. BtMl. e.eri : - " nan in IIMauui Jmm Ihualina. Ilrialur. la is ...n.. .... ' 4. U. UAaa, ft. UatUij. r SUNDAY NOIIOOL AND GIFT BOOKS, lROM TUB AMERICAN TltACT SOCIETY I and MHsaachnseltB Htiuihiv School Moelelr. For sale ut Messrs. Hurercn At Sliiudler's, First' street uear Alder, fOUTLASl), OREGON. Itoceiving new Invoices bi monthly. 0. H. ATKINSON, Secretury and Trettsiirer Oregon Tract Soriety. i'y O.SIIINOLKR, Depintitary. Farmers, Jleehanlcs and Traders, OP THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY : HAVINU opened a house, and and established my self iu ' OREGON CITY, For the transaction of a General Mercantile Bnni. aw. would beg leave to call your attention to the fact that we can Sdll goods aa cheap ill Uregon City as they cau Iu Portlund i we expect to keep a general aeeuiiuient oi uiercuatiuise, siicn as groceries, drv. goods, boor and shoes, hurdwnre, tanner's lools, niiMn.v,M e.,ilM.. U..I... J...I ... , , uau-iu cioni, guiiiir sacas, wrap- tnniv HUM, Ar X.f. At v: 'I ... J .. . r. ,.... I.,,, uiverpoui ana grontta a Inra salt, and a gond assortment of drugs, indigo, .....,.....,,,. ,,, vruicii we win sen at rort laud prices-l hereby saving the freight to the pnr chaser. Wc will also take wheat, oats. butter, baeon, Inn , eggs, pork and potatoes iu exchnuge, or pay the cash for the same. Call and sec. , WM. BARLOW. Oregon City, Nov. 1, 8ta, lyM .Private Medical Institute! Established by DR. J. C, YOUNG, I1V Ipjso, FOR TUE CURE OF PRIVATE DI3 EASES, OF WHATEVER NATURE. And all Female Complaints. Consulting Office, CS-40 AVnuhlnjfton Street, Second building below Montirnmarv mt SAN FRANCISCO, s : CALIFORNIA. NO Cl'HE. NO PAV. CONSULTATION BY LKTTEtt. OK OTIIER- v inr., c itftK. For Direction of Letters, See Below. . rTMlI.S CELKDItATHI) I.VSTITCTK has enjoved ymn. mid hiiu Uei-ome one of the renowtml HuNpitnU , " imi iiir irrieiti-HitfU Lhii K IIOPpllHlM in to loiKinn, itiKl li.eno Vm renowned vmiililic-hment of Uicoril to 111 lid. linn IimtilntH llll. ItAlilltl.n In t.m tl.. cilln IViM.t. Tl,.a tl.i,.,n.l. u. ....... II.. :u...i .... ... .....r,.a uu, rutciveti aim cored, place it in point of number of pntienls among ..... ,,,n., lmc ntirin. ui.u tne success ol its treat llieiu milSS II BOt'OllU HI notlC. IMMVATK niSI.,.Al.,a IV M .IT VII inme LAK1TIKS IN FKMALKK are the gwitdeslniyi'm of ten tu. TllAV lllllll-lf ll,a .uA. .....1 ...... .1 nally iiiiderniine and destroy it; thev'drive the blooui frnm the I lie ui. I'w.n. I.A 1 i. .i. u ,.vl , , UL.gW and vigor from the frutue ; they give to tho world pony and diseused oll'spring, and poison, through suc cessive, genernlions the rucc of man. Tho murks can r.0 o, ruiiiin, oiisuinpiioii, urippius, tlio Idiot ic, Hie Purulvlle. Ihe Insane, ale. Thei-I, i. nil Mine., laeeil.l. uuinn.a t. . vc.v.,,i; ,,, hid minimi rui-r Mian thoso diseases nrrising frnm the coitiamination of Veueeal I'oi.mi Tl. i,il,l..M. i.H : . ... ... ...w ivim,, I., reuTOwng iu tile lilnoil. Ilnlil wvne nv.. iI.a ...... ..Oil... I .1.- I ,..w u,,w niun ieu, ilia ewuru of destruction Hint is liable ut any moment to fall and uiiumi to inieriv oestrov an earllilv Iioiitjb. III:ei:I'Iiv r.i..;.j . ii. I-.., , ... ,n". (..ui eirr.frm eiflMw In ., n,.n.l.l..l..u .hI.I. .I. 1' t j ,, i . , ' . wnii iuw veiiei-eHi, oouoies Ins dangers. Those who have been trealed with lhat ,.,,... niNriiu pimon urc not cureo i tue disease has only assumed a new form. Bo Dot be SatlNfJed with Partial Cures, lhat leave the poison to crawl through the system, sat- nig ns why in o uie tissitus aim organ beneath 111 apparently stooolh stnliiie, to burst out ill tint future ?.','!' ."J'.1''!1?'"'" ,,mt wil1 hulllethccll'ccUiof mediaine. WI1KN PEUFKCT CUHIiScan be obtained by con- sonaiiltnig a nlivsiciuu whutn llltlir timi'lllNIUIlS tlmMi. ugh invesligution into the causes ol llISKAttK of tho LKINAHY oHUANa onaldes lo dctormineat once we uniure oi tlio iltseaae. Ill all diseases entrusted to the Doctor's cure, PUB FUCT81'UK1Y und I'lCltMAiVUNT Cures are always Guaranteed, Iu Syphilis and its adjuncts Oniiorratnand its ac companying diseases; till iliscorders of the Bladder, Kidneys aud prnsirate! Seminal Weakness i Ills eases of tho Heart and Lungs i Dyspepsia Indigestion; "!." ' 1-";rJ-' 0-,......,.lo.,, nu all ULeascB ol the I unary organs, in eatlier sex, cine alwnvs waranted, OH NO PAY RKyi'IKEU at llie PSI V A I'K Medical Inaatltute, so. 510 WAsiimoTua, SAN FHANCI8CO, I'll CALIFORNIA. Seminal Weakm-M or Hpermatorrhrra. Tim young man who experiences that growing weakness ill his muscular and mental organisation should slop lo consider whence it arises. He will lind in the wenkucea of the back, trembling of the limbs, disordered digestion, unaccountable railing of the powers of the mind, distaste for ocinty, dread of im pending trouble, forebodings af evil, eleeplessncas, troubled and lascivious drciiius accompanied bv grow ing deafness, loa of muscular power, and numerous other Bymptoros of disorganisation. The positive tra cos of that mn.t terrible and destructive of all disena ea, Seminal Weakness Wasting sway his powers, destroying bis how of life and manhood, and dragging him along the broken path of his existence toward a premature grave. To Into who Hilda h's lire dribbling out iu the discharge of the vital principal of existence in nocturnal and diarnal emissions, the mere reaeuiion of tbe causes ot its appearance brings no assiiranre ol relief. Marriage, lhat holy ofllce, the safeguard and hnpe nf manhood, brings to such a one no hope of curu, but adds to his misery iu tho knowledge that the one who looks to ItiinXor so much of her hupniocss, Is a victim of Iob evil, and an innocent companion nf his punish ment. He udils lo his tniaery anil disorder until hope Irncrs hnu. There is no rose it except in proper and skillful treatment. Consult, then, nt once, a physician whom lung practice and careful research lias made Ihurougblv eainvetaanl wilh evert- phase nf the dis ease Those who have become the victims of solitary vices, thai dreadful, fnseiiwiing. nd destructive hab it, which fills thousands nf sick rooms with paralytica and conauniilivea, and hundreds nf untimely grave with ita misguided victims, should cumuli without a ni.iineiil's delay, one who will sympathise with their atltfcriltgs. To Blush the I loci or 'would eaiweialle erf dress bill. self, giving lo each and nil lliwnranre r a PKUFECT and PKU.MANKNT t l'IIK W dranrrtrom buttnest, caoaee of dirt, or Jmr of rj- poturt. lo not lorget Ilia address Mce below. I Importune lo Feranlea. When a female is In trouble oraHlirtad with luu and require midical or anrgictl aMi.tance, the enquire should be, Where I there a physician who ia fully competent lo administer relief, mid whose respectable standing in society recnmniends hint in the cnnlldenee oi me community I llie Honor, anderaianding how imieralive!y neceaaary these requirements are, feels called upon to interpose, and by calling ihe mention nf the afflicted m ihe fart thai he hat been a PHI). rr.n.'Miit ur ttUM t.lltlt .1 and rr.MAI.r; DIH EAKKS for twenty years. and hi fnlly qualiheil to ad minister in all cases, both niedieuily and surgically, not in a npertictal manner, but in as thorough a man ner aa yeara ol study and practice both in hospital and private families can make, to save them frnra Ihe hanJs of the unqualified, unacrupuluons, and dee Igniug. Theretore, families can rely upon bin aa upon father. All in aniiction can 'find in biia one who can feel and sympathise with and befriend them in ironbir one inwhoaeaecreev themmnat confidence can he nbteed COSM'l.TATIoN (HY LKTTEK OK OTIIKH WIHK FltEK addreas below. THE KI.KUKATKU FKU A I.E HKM KUI KS com poundedfrom tbe private prescriptiunaof lift. YOt'NU. nave now obtained a moat extended popularity, and are correctly viewed to be the aafet and surest re tne die for ihe eoaipUin rirwhidt luey are applied. The constantly accruing tenUnioinals oi their eHicacy declare them to be pre eminently superior In their ae Uon. No Lady should be without these Renovating Agents. None gettniiM anlees proenred at this ofHe. hent bv Mail or Expreaa, Ui any part of the Klnte THKAHKAT FEMAI.K MEDHiNK! I'KEVKN TIVK POWIIKKH FOR MAKKIKII I.AD.'EH. New, Kafe and Infalltble, lasting from four tn six months' Price am. KKKNCI1 LI'NAIt, OR Fr.NALK tlDNTHLY PILLS. For (iippresainns. After Sfty years of a these pills stand unrivalled iu edlcary Price V per boa. TO COKKEftPO!DETg. ' Palieut residing in any part nf the Hiate however diidant, who may desite madieal advice oa their re spective case, and who think pnqier to submit a written Rtatemeitt of uch in preference to holdiug a personal interview , are assured that their eoumunka tlon. will be beld woal mered. All letter must be addreeaed lo the rjorreeDondiug physiciauitho t Hump !. F. JOSF.LYN. M. I)., ' 5-10 Washington Htrcel, Buz 7:15, I'. 0. Han t'raiuitco, Col. re.:i Nolirf. MR. t Too were seen tal.lnf my e J II.Kind Hint frcn Balsa last week, ....l-,sS if yoa da aot retura her In a very short liuie, I will proseouta f oa for stealing. i JOHH C. BKLL laka, Dae. 6,1864. 4ltf 1865. CAN YOU READ? 1865. OUR BOOKS ARE CLOSED. For particulars enquire of the Proprietor: Notes una A.ceount To dispose of. ."STDon'l wait until you arc called on. flet Out of IlcbtTand Ktay Out ! Every Variety of Goods, FOR SALE, AT LOW PRICES, FOll CASH, or almost anvtlting else, except PROMISES. J.H.fcl. 11. M00RE8. Salc-n, Jan, 3, lKl'.j. 44tf A.T KENYON8', A rim lot or PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS Just received from New York, at. Very Kitsch It educed Price. ALSO, THS CILIBRSTID The BEST MACHINE on the Pacific Slope, or ssy otner eitope. r. w. & m. it. cox. H AVE just received, direct, from Ran Francisco. A LA HUB BTOCK OF DRUGS & MEDICINES, Faints, Oils, Glass, White Lend In Tins, Varnishes of all kind, PAINT AMD TARXISU BRUSHES, Tube and Common Colon, Turpentine i Alcohol, KEROSENE OIL, LARD, POLAR, AND NEA rS FOOT OrLS, Perfumeries, Faucy Soap, Hair Brushes, Fancy Toilet Artioles, ToKelher wilh PATENT MEDICINES, of the latest discoveries i And mniiv other articles, too numerous lo mention i all of which we oiler as low aa the lowest, for cash. Call and examine. 1). W. It M. U. COX. Salem, Dec. Ill, 18114. 4Mtf Nollve lo Duiiutioii t:iaimanin. I.A.VD Ornrr, RosKnuRo.Oiiitoox, Dcceuihur I'.'. Iliil 5 yVTHKRKAS, ithavinu becomea muttcrof necee. V V silv to perfect the permanent record nf this Olfico, und lo nelerniiue lite validity or invalidity of donation claims in this district, uiiiny of which' a--e Irreirular und some void ; nnd it heitta: essential lo tha Government, its well ns tn the irenernl Interest of the cotnniuniiv, that ABANDONED DONATION CLAIMS," uud T110SB COVERED IIV INVALID TITLES, sliould he hroiiabt Into market at as early a day aa possibletherefore, in pursuance of instroo lions, we hereby notify all donation claiinunts, their nssiirnees, or leiinl rep'reseiilutives, who buvenot tiled in this oliice proof of four years' residence aiideulii. vuiion. as required bv Act of V7th Septeiuber, 1H&0, aud uineiiiliuetits, to do so within three months from date i ..lid all who have not taken Ihe oath of alia aiunce and paid for issuina final certificates, as con templated by the liilt section of the Act of 90th Muy, IHtiJ. arc respectfully requeste 1 to comply us early as possible. To save expense und trouble, lolboaeliv mu tit a distance from lite Land Office, it Is hereby tin nottneed that most if not ail of said business cau ba satisfactorily tnuiftitctcil throiiKh the mails orexproes. JOHN KELLY, Heiri.ler, 4Hm3 ADDIHON li FLINT. Receiver. EUREKA HOUSE. Commercial Street, near the Bridge, Salem, Oregon. I. V. MONSMAfr, Proprietor. THIS well known house bus lately been refitted, and is now ready ftir the ncuommodatiou of ils uit mcroos patrons, with Siuule and Double rooms well furnished, and the proprietor hopes by strict attention to bis business to merit a liberal share of pittronaita. A hack always in attendance to carry passengers and bauiMae to or froul the house. ,.. . Nov. Ui. dlinlOl New lJHotOfrupli Gullory. .fa- im v-y TUn. LAURA ATKEMHl II AS opened a new Picture OuUery over Slraog's Tin More, Commercial Htreet, SALEM. PhotoRrnphN, of Vnrioti SU.ea, Carles de Visll, Ambrolypra, snd Evory rllyle ofTiclures known to tho Art. A lin assortment of Photograph ALlll'MR Halem, Nov. '.1, 1li4. Khf SOMETHING NEW!! New Store, New Goods. J. M. COULTER Htujiiit opened i large nnd well Mlettad iuort- me nt of FAMILY GROCERIES 1 Which he will exchange for cash and all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE, ALL KINDS or COOPERWARE i-ipiij ieui ou iiantl tutu uiaile lo order, al aliurt iietlce ai.J i at iw rates. I Ue eciiirnted Clothes Wringers of Different Kinds. RASKETB, AuJtgootl auorliiieiit of Useful Household Articles. Alwayi in ttore mid for ml at prim which CANNOT BE BEATEN. TO SMOKERS: Of MEERSCHAUM MHW, TOBAfl O AXD MATCHES, My Stork Cannot be Beaten. Lall aud see an. I will minify anybody who wants to oay tltHJU 111 1 It J.EB, Cheap for Cash.' . Past fmvoia thankfully reraeuibered, aad fat or putennair reapectfully eniiriled I al Urst di.r worth of Haas' Jewelry Store, wiHne-iri.i mni, nairni. 4111 Rhertff Salo. , T) V virtue of an eicculion from the eirrult evari of J tne Male of Oregon for the eouuly of Marlon, aud to me directed by ihe clerk of said smiri. iu lavor of Meverin aud again! John V. fluerin and Isabel Ouerin, and for want of crson.l pmeertv, I have levied anon aud will proceed to aril, as tlie law ,li rerts, to lite higliesl bidder 'or rash Iu hand, at the court bonee Aunt in tlis rltv of rtelem. countv and elate aforesaid, cm HATCRIfAY, the IHlh DAY OK KKHMUAItY, Hh.. at ihe hoar of 9 o'cltH-k p. m. nf said day, all the right, title, and interact of Ihe eaid J. K and laabel Ouenn In and to the following de embed real estate, to wht situate iu the enonty of Marion, state of Oregon, and known as Notiacailon No. KH4 and Claim No. do. In T 4 H. H il W. of the WtlbjiHlio meridain, in sections? 10, and II, es'ns. laiiihig in all WtXi acree. It. Imi sold lo satlify said eaeeutMu, costs, Interest, and accruing costs. KAMl'KL IIEADRH'K. Haleni.Jan W, I4 I7 - Mierift Vallamet ebcampVeut, Ke. a," i vvoir A IKKIKONTHK r IKK I' AND Til HID il riiaay hveniiig of cadi month, al a o clock, in their Hall, ia llolman llloek. Ilretltren ia good suuiding are invited tn attend. N. TKRHf Nolit's. ;c.p. Til f, annnal aicetlng of the storkhnhlers of tha ''rkntiam Gold aod Hiker Mining (.'ontiainy" far lha election of directors, will he held at their emoe In halem no the trst batarttay, tha 4th dav,of februav ty. A D 1H04. H. MA1.L0KY. gee. aklea.Jatt., Ittu. 4d BO, GOO! Clanical, Scientific, Poetical, Mechanical, Medical, Surgical, Biblical, Geological, Phrenological, Phyiiological. Philo sophical, Phonographic, Military, Veterinary. Surveying, Mill-urighWEnginccring,DraJl- , . ing. Housebuilding, Kail road making, Steamer and Ship-building, Ifc., S(t., BOOKS, CIIAllLKH BARBETT'S lfront street and Washington strcst, PORTLAND, t t i i i OREGON. 0,000 School Boohs, by all tha best authors, at tan , Francisco price, at , CHAKLta BARRETT S, Portland. . 10,000 quires Russian bound Blank Books, at ksd than San Francisco prices, at UHAKLE3 BAKHETTB, Portland. ' d,000 reams Nolo, Letter, Cap, and Legal Cap Pa per, at CHARLES BARKETT 8, Portland. . ,C0 Diaries for 1865, " ;"' 00. 000 Novels and Song Books, 9,000 v Is. Bcientific snd other works, at CHARLtld UAKRKTT 8, Portland. DRAWIKfQ HVSTRUMB.HTbI, Drawing Pa. psr, Silk and Linen, Jll'tlfl AND mtlSICAI, IlfrJTBCiriBNTt, VIIHINa MOD), Unas and Hooks, PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBt.TIS, and PIIOTOORAPnH of all tha Noted Ilea aad Places in tha World, . HIFT BOOK, a splendid assortment, at CHARLK8 BARRETT'S, Portland. 1. ATIKf, French. Spanish, Greek, German, Iutlan, and Welsh Books, at CHARLES BARRETT8 Portland. ltoblnaon'a Serltia of Arithmetic, THE UNION READER, (7'Tlte Best aud most Popular in tho Atlantis Stales. T&ACHEU8, LOOK Ti) IT I And 10,000 Articles, too Memerou I mention. Agent for BGADLR CO.. Dime Book Pnbll.hers, New York. Newspapers, Magazines, &o AT MAN FRANC'laJC'O PBICKI, del-JuiB at CHARLES BAHHETT'8, Porlaud. t OURIi TOUR OOLD, strti IUUH LlfllUI. NE WELL'S PIXnO.ARV RTRVr II Cured TboaiMUi4ia, IT WILL CURE YOU. "A cough ia generally tha effect of a oold, which lias either beon Improperly tniated or entirely neg lected. When It proves obsOoato, TIIFCBB IS AL WAYS' REASON TO t'b'AU THE CONSEQUEN CES, as this shows a weak state of tbe lungs, and ia often the forerunner of consumption." Buchanan's Domestic Medicine. STOP THAT COUGHING J Some of you can't, and wa pity you. Ton have tried every remedy but tbe one destined, by Its Intrin sic merit, to supersede all similar preparations. It la not surprising you should ha reluctant la try some thing else after ilia many ssperimenls yoa bave made of trashy compounds foisted on the public as a certain aire i bat NKWEIIVa PULSION ABY TRl'P Is really Uie VERY BEST remedy aver compounded for Ihs curs of Coughs, Colds, Bora Throat. Asthma, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, and Consumption. Thousands of people Iu California aud Oregon bee al reudy been benefited by ita surprising curative powers. WHAT Kllil.BD Himr Dr. Hall, In Ids "Journal of Health," speaking of the death of Washington Irving, asks the above ques tlon, and addst " He might well have remained with us for some yeara to some, bad it not besa for advice, kindly Intended, no doubl, but given in thoughtless ness and reckless Ignorance. lie had a Cold 1 Which, by some Injudicious prescription, had beea converted into asthma." Let ma say to Dr. Hall lhat that "prescription" was aot RBWBI.SVB PULMONARY ' VRrp. KEEP IT IN THE HOUSE, ns it freely, give It lo yonr children upon llie slightest Indication of a Cold, and you will think and speak of it as all do who hsvs become acquainted with iu merits. REDINQTON it CO., Agents, . , . 8an k'rarteisoo. And for saw verywbr. de'-tarea The la creole acaUjemy, Dallai, Folk Counti, Oregon. Hiv. W. D. NICI10L8, Principal. . Teacher hi Primary Department. The Arailentic Year will bo divided inlo four terms ot aleven weeks each. First Tana will commence October 10, 18t4. Keened Term will commence January g IHoi. Third Term will commence March UU, 18o4. ; Fourth Term will commence , EXP En's K B t Primary, 91 (Klnerlerm. Common no per tertn. Higher Kngliah $ 00 per term. Language, extra, t'i Iw per term. No deduction will be made for absence, except ia cases of protracted sickness. Mr. Nirhnlaenutes among ua highly recommended as an able aad efficient teacher. NICHOLAS Le-r!. OKO. TILLOTSON, Ihdlas. hVp,.a,lao4. CottatlUea. Kendall's Amboline. Is a Stimulating, Oily Eitract of Barks and THE GREAT siiiHtiD raEraatvios I Herb. It will cur all die sacs of the scalp and itch ling of lha head, entirely roa RESTORING, INVIGQRAT IN6, BEAUTIFYING, saa radicate tbe daadraf aad ptevenis lbs hair from lul ling out. or from uraing preiualurely gray, eauaiag il to gr-w thick and long, ll is entirely different froto all other prep ration, aad DreaMtae; van .1 HAIR! ,cu oe railed oav . !'.u! .1.,,.ko aontaiaiugi wu koltles-prlca,l. Sold bv all Dmevieu. Hl'HTKTTEU, SMITH BEAN, AgeaU, No 401 battery St.. comer of ( 'lav, Kan raocieoo. SMTTII 4k HAVia, IM1ISCALK, W. WEATHKRKORD, X' IVtlaod. HA, Til' EL BA, Handler tnrf r of ( bairn, Brttatriii, Boon, fcaah, Bllnua, Wlndowrraoi, Cornice, teH Ac Aleo, every variety of nilTtinr Akin ItlOin aTIlaa TBiUfel lo Order. Bouldlaf of Evnry Dciorlptloit, Scroll Sawing, ud Turning, He ksepa constantly on hand. Balusters, Neweu i ua, Chairs, UeadaUMila, Hash, Duors, Ulinils, Moulding, 4te. Penoiie deeiriiiv any of Uie above will pleeee to eell and esamiuefiHrshewseU, ae I will sell I HKAP Vtlk CASH 8AMLKI. HA HIV Halem, Dee. M, 1W4. 4f WAH HCBIP. rplJR itndBralgnrd III pnrclie Oregon and Waah 1 iiigloa War Claims, Kuse jided Chuai. Oallaered lira its, St., aad will take tiains wa eollec'-ei sat K.ix.aU sarm CA10N4C). Ja. tialrai, Ogun April 9, 1ML ij