She (Oregon tatcsman. (UKKKbPO.NUKXtK KKOM !.!' YOIIK. New Yoiik. Nov. 20. 1HT4. E. Statkbmani I llniti"lit I wmilil write Jim iilinui Hiti (mliiicnl situwitiii this lime, hut jut now UIITH lit nil (Illinium tlllilllllll. nut an 11 tliitnga uml snrciilulliill. Tilt- iti-utlice must III' Imiiiil nut. ami the nuts tutm-il in. Tin outi re r.'fiiif huril tii got in, nml the ina ri) wiirkiin h,rJ "Iny m, anil between the two tlu-re in great activity, nntl running to and fru lilts Hie mi it cliai'iii, (liiv. Kenliiu in at this linune (the Astiir) so i uen. uruw, uen. HicKlei. Tlwrliiw Weed, and many innro nf lesser notoriety. Gen. Grant seems In ha on t visit. Quvi-rnor Kenton it r-ct'iving the onngrntu jiitinna of hii friends anil preparing, fur the oklef niogistrimy nf this State. Last night lie was lerenudid nt this lintel by the Veteran Union Cluli Bund, anil aim received the con gratulations of the club. Gen .Sickles making the welcome. Thurlew Weeil. I1L1, ll im limit. In laying the wires fur the control of nits next Alliunv Legislature, and the next Ad ministration. Ercr liuce election day lie hit been hero and in Washington, holding council with tlio leader of the Union ruirtv. Some "big things' are to be lobbied through the next uigimiiuire, sncti n a lew city railroads are to , lie chartered Tor this city, which will, in due time, transfer a few millions into the pockets of those fortunato enough to get the charters. The big things tube lobbied through this legis lature always mean something out of which somebody is In make few million of dollars, , without earning it of omiree. In Oregon lliu Legislature organizes when they meet, according to thu direction nf the constitution nf the Slate. Here it i different, The legislature of this State, meets on next January, yet It will he organized for all prac tical and iystematic log rolling purposes by the first of December. Indeed, it might be called .organized in that respect now, for (lie engineers have already been at work for twu weeks, and, tike the engineers in the army who make pon toon bridges they build the pontoons before they coiiiii tn the river, and, on arriving, they I ediiitely nut the purls together, mid the liriilxe is built. The Mule, nod smile, nf the county, coiiniiittres have been lu re ; also nil those who Itel that the country could not get along without their services. 'And much bud whisky hue been pniwd around, uml ninny ten cent cigars smoked, mid good liiuuers eaten, liulf nf these at the expense of the lundlord. (irobulily, a n nil hiiiiiu, r nf schemes cmio-ncled 4i nd illuminated with gas, till one would think that a crusade had been planned against every body. Every man wants to gouge every other man so tuey dig into eneli ot iers interests like u many ruts in a South Street cellar. These ihilautliroiist, these lovers of mankind for each one lnv.s himself dearly do not stop at the control f atl'airs in ths .State, but talk nf "reconstruction," or ' the prosecution nf the war," the elm: ge of the policy nf the adminis tration which means the prosecution nf the war on groenhucks, for the reconstruction of their own pockets. The people of (Ireguu can not appreciate the force nf this remark. Hut if they could come here and look behind the curtains awhile they would understand it. if they could see men make a million dollars in a 4lay, and then the nexi day be strapped" In day see me null mid you not able to pay your debts, and tlienjlo-nuirrow see inu pour and not able to pay my debts, and you as rich as a lord then they would begin to realize what I ami trying to auy. We are a very patriotic and free people, but lo hold an nlliuc lie aiiiiointnu.iit. nt iIih will i f the one who appoints, is to be a public slave in every senro of the word, and the pay is all (hat keeps it from being as odious y bondage, ithile he who holds nfjiue by election for a fixed term is absolute monarch 'for that time. The premium mi gold is tlio gauge to everything dow, and there is uo oilier standard of excel lence. -. The whole country, like Sherman's army, has cut loose from its base, and uoooily knows where it is going It looks tu mo much like it was going tu the devil, or some other board of exchange. Yeett-rtlAV uml tllA Amv lutCir. tnt,l tr fl,,n. ping op and dowu like a ncketty jackass, and reminded one of an exhibition ol legerdemain, now its np now its down j now you see it and cow yuu dou't see it. Tins was the result of the change of policy of the administration, foreshadowed by Gen. llntler the other night, in his speech at bis reception at the Fifth Ave nue hotel, or else it was because Sherman had out loose from his base and started on an ripo ditiou to tlio interiutif Africa, and for all He know, to prove that dipt. Speku actually did discover the source of the Nile. These 'mlid moneyed men operate unjust about such a ba sis. However, these are probabjy not all the reasons. On Friday day belnre yesterday the government put about sixteen millions nf dollars on Uw market, and of course the gnm liters will let it go down a littie, till they buy it all; then they will shove it np a little higher than it was before. Secretaiy Chase tried this scheme mice, and wis badly beaten, and so Will be Mr. Fessendeii. There are six men in this city who could buy every dollar of it in nine minutes notice, if there is anything at all g'od in Ibis scheme it is by selling it l i a few frieu -s who will Ihe7eby become rich. Uariium is operating in 1'etroleum stocks, telling them mi commission, etc , nud piobu iily is making money. If bu succeeds III milk ing n fortune lar,'e ami handsome, he mil doubtless siiuurc up his Oregon accounts. Suc cess to him. The Oregon nml Malm gold interests are be ginning lo excite attention. Those lurge ship ments of gold from Oregon make men look Westward. The usual routine of winter life in New York is fairly coinmeiiciiig.iiiid from present appear ances there will be au uuusuully lively time here this winter. The city is rapidly griming iaateryiliiugaud paitictiluily in meanness mid mean men which may lie seen iu the figures of the increased democratic vote. AU sorts of associations ami conventions are being hold religious, Scientific and artistic The world's health convention was held a few days ago. I tried to get them to hold the next convention iu Saleiu ur San Francisco. in order that they might see a Gne country, a Hue peo ple and a glorious future in the distance ; and also that they might learn a few lessons of health in iet. exercise, dress, eto , from our people, particularly Iroiu the miners and ludi ass, who haw neither drugs, nor doctors, nor iokucss. aud great men arc born without the aid nf either acoouchcrs, mid wives or attend ants t but it goes to Uusiou. the Huh of the Universe. 11. C. Tba(jedy at La Ghaxde. A difficulty oo corred at a saloon iu La Grande on January 1st between Patrick Tubin aud George Luce, ad two brothers named Jesse and Jacob Hays, ia which Tobin and Luce were killed and the Hays brothers, it is supposed, mortally wound ed. Tobin and Loce were on a spree, weul to the saloon kept bp the Hays brothers, nick ed 4 quarrel about some trivial matter, aud iu the course of the melee pistols were drawn by all the parties, and the cod of the affair was as above stated. It is seldom a more horrible trrjedy occurs even in a mining region. PsMTENTiAkr Lands. The commission ' era appointed for this pmpose by ths last Leg. islatare. have been perambulating the region around Saleiu during the past week, in search f a spot suitable fur ths location of the l'eni - teotiary and lusane Asylum. We understand a spot has not yet been deciJed upon. Flits. The quarters of Captain Hopkins, Quartermaster at Vancouver, were burned on Monday, Jan. 9th. ' A Ere occurred at the corner of First aod Washington streets in 1'ortlsnd on Tuesday, Jaa. lOib. by which property to ths Value of f 3,000 was destroyed. OrrirtiL. Lincoln'! majority la New York wm 6.740. . Ankcimith of Rhkhman You will re member that mi order was promulgated direct ing nil civilians In leave Atlanta (North or Souih) within twelve days. The day nf its issue a gentleman entered Sherman's ollioe and inquired for the General, The latter answered very promptly, 1 am Gen. Sherman." The colfoiiiy was very nearly as follows : Citizen General, I am a Northern nian, from thr Stale nf Connecticut t have been liv ing at Atlanta for nearly seven years; have accumulated considerable property here, and as I see that Ton have ordered all citizens lo leave within Vi day, I came tn sec if you would muko an exception in my case. I tear, II I leave, my property will he destroyed. Gen. Sherman What kind of property do you own, sir t Perhaps I will make an excep tion in your case, sir. Cit'Zen I own a block nf stores, three dwel lings, n plantation three miles out cf town, and a foundry, Gen. Sherman Foundry, eh ! what have you been doing with your foundry 1 Citizen Hate been making castings. Gen. Sherman What kind of oastimgtl Shot and shell, and all that kind of things 1 Citizen Yes, 1 have made some shot and shell. Gen. Sherman You have been making shot and shell tu destroy your country, have you J and yon still claim favor on account of being a Northern man ! Yes, sir. I will make an ex ception in ynnr case ; you shall gn South to morrow morning nt sunrise. Adjutnnt, see that this order is carried out, Orderly, show this man the door. Citizen lint, General, can't I go North ? Gen. Sherman No, sir. Too many of ynur class there already, sir. Phidoki'ort, Polk Co. Jan. 7. Ei. Statesman j My attention has Just heen oalled tn an ni ticle In the Arena dated Salem, Nov. 23, 1801. which contains the fol lowing : "I am informed that un individual re siding in the truly loyal precinct nf Bridge port, in Polk enmity, demonstrated his loyalty on election day in the usual way a way wily known tu the advocates and supporters of Fa ther Abraham, by collecting a sum nf money for thu Sanitary cause, all in coin. The amount in greenbacks only, was accounted for." Now, the necessity for denying the truthfulness of the ubove statement is not very urgent, tin, very fact nf its nppenrnnoe iu tin coliiHins of the Arena is sufficient evidence of its falsity. On election day, nt Bridgeport, precinct, no collection fur Sanitary or nny oth er purpose was made, unless some of the Are na's Iriemls were there tn take a collection tu furnish the informant of the writer of the above extract with a sufficient amount of funds to lay aside all honesty nud regnnl for truth and thus be enabled to scatter broadcast over the ?"!"'')' !"'' villiiinmn representations. This iuforuinnt must be one of tho many friends of Ilia Arena who arc peculiarly gifted with a disposition to relievo themselves of all resnonsibilitr bv einnloiinir sunn, weak bruin. ed, nonsensical fool tu pen that which they themselves dare tint publish over their nwu name, mow, it tlio writer or the article in question is nil honest man. nud has been iloned by these worthy friends nf the Arena, justice lo himself and the public demands that the name nf the informant should receive the snme notoriety ns the urticle itself, and through the same channel, and I dare say should the name of the individual In, given In the public, he would bo immediately recognized as a person notoriously unworthy the respect of honest men. Net. Oolt. the nrimative mnn.lmr of the Inst Oregon Legislature, from linker county, who Ml into the toils of the Penrne Portland clique last snmmer.and misrepresent ed the known wishes of his constituents, has, we are told, "cmne to grief." Having invest ed hi mill means" iu Snntinin "Klvins Kin. ihant," "White Hull." cVe.. he has at lust dis covered that be has been "sold." and if now being made fan of by bis victimizes. Serves him right Mountaineer , rhe Cayuse itemizer has again been "vic timized." We are authorized to slate that Mr. Colt owns no interest in Sanliam, and it is nut recorded that he would lie "sold" if he did. The Mountaineer bad better manufacture items out nf subjects about which it has some knowledge. Still in Thoubi.r. The stock holders in our copperhead cotempnrnry aro still in a "muss." Having so far failed toget O'Mearaiu the place oftlieiiondescript.snmn nfthein swear they w ill sell nut, we snnimse to the Imvi-st bidder. One nf liie most intel'igent proprietors re marked a few days since that "ho would spend uo moro money un the thing, if it bad In run without brains." That win rather a scathing remark, to come Iroin the source it did, but the monk y wont feel its force. 1 1 o will onlv grin aud hold nut his paw for another penny. Kii.lkp David Helm. better known in this country as "Old Tex," was found dead on the mail between here and Ins home, on l)rv creek. on Tuesday morning lust. He bud left the city tlio night before, iu a state of iiitnxicstiou. and fimn indications, when found, it appeared that bis In rse had fallen down with, nod upon lino, erusiiiog ms l,r,-nt mm breaking Ins neck. II'. IK Statesman. A DEH'nt.uio Killed. William C. Cur. i dir. a tinted desperado or Nevada, was killed "'oess of ti n minutes, tu afford tin Senators at Esmeralda on tho ol December by opportunity uf nn nppnrlnnity of nu inter Moses llrockuisu. view Willi thut distinguished olliJer. The Ad- 7," ... RKLIHTrtNU IN GltAXT AMI WASCO Ci.I N- It' I .1... . . f. .., , . '- ' vnpv. i.or.a..u nns suo- , r.-.-u , luring ii'illl IM Ol me Jll men III compose the quota of wiiat was once Wasoo county. He expects to raise cnniieh tu form a minimum cutupany and bo mustered into Ihe service by ihe 20t.Ii or this month. Oregonian. Kate or Pabhaqk to the East. Hy the last opposition steamer from San Frnnriscn to New York, the passage rates were as follows : Upper deck. (iMt Cabin, $110; second cab iu, toll; Steerage, tH- Sax Francisco, Jan. 12 Gold yesterday was 222'i,22l). Currency exchange. 1 11). Coin bills. SUO. Legal Tenders, 4."4 S Hi. and in active, owing tn large disbursements te he made iu the military department in a few days. II. B. Parker, nf Clatsop eo., ex Deputy Internal Heveous Tin t.'olleclor.nwes this nlhce l(l'fr adver rising. He has promised frequently tneall and settle, but has invariably orwtn lo do so. If ihe ex-official intends paring u, this naiie may fall his allemionui the muMer, if ui. it will nn our omemuoraries truss trusting hno as we have dons Alba Jamrnnl. Would ths Journal be willing to take Its par in Parker rkiiky' If It couldn't get ths runUckti IuAlto I.NBANI. The Legislature nf Idaho bas assed an act authorizing the Governor of that Territory to eontraet with Hawthorne tc Loryea for the keeping of ths insane and idi otic of that region. Liiikral. The oilixens nf Curry county have pledged themselves to raiso privats bounty of one hundred dollar for every volun teer that enlists in that county. Stkahf.r Iir.t.lANCK This new boat nn the Upper Willamette, waa built by the P. T. Co., at a cost of !:E.0O0, and Is commanded by Capt Cochran. It ia probably the best craft that aver navigated the upper waters of the Willamette. Oregonia. Thi Capital or Idaho. The citizen of Lewislon have placed an injunction upon Ihe removal of the capital from that place, on ths ground that the session of tlm legislature at which Ihe bill was passed was not legally convened.-If. IF. Statesman. ' EX-GOT. ItAMMOXn. El-Gnreriuie Jims, II. Hammoml of Sooth Carolina, whose death as recently announced, was the one who, in a public speech declared that free (ahnrma of all classes were "the mudsills nf socity." t was an original nulltBer and secessionist. He hsd been Governor of South Carolina and a Representative and Senator at Washington. Since the opening of the war, which be helped to brivf about, b bas remained it rettreovri. THE LATEST. t Special Dispatches tn tlm On-Kin Suilssuwn. Ni:w Yohs, Jun. l.i. Ttis Aruirn frnm PortHnynl on ths nth, hrlini" ri'iinrts of !nirtn. It true. It Is suiil sevsrnl eftnntica iu Cii-orKiu recently held flections ttnil dnelHrcd hi fuvir of n return tn thu Union by over whelming majorities. It also rep irlcd thut the ienple are urinimr to imiUrt theniKelves IVoni sseuKHioiiiKU l,v. Ilrcwn tins itlahuiidcd the Ueurifls mllills who have returned home. Nw VniiK, Jun. H.Hrrtittt't 8s.vH.nnah eorres. poiidenl nf Kih reports Hlfidrs In the city as quiet. It oonllrins the report of yesterday relative to nmvetiisnt uiuoiiK the cliisens of (Iwii'itia f'T Union, Tin, onrv respondent says they need continuation. Nearly all the traders uf Saviia'iiuii had taken ths oath of u(leui snre. (treat sultering umunir the poor still continues, and to h considerable deirue Hinonir the wealthy. (lea. Sherman's entire army Is being recruited and cquippod. WASAiNOTnif, Run. It.- Tn ths House Mr Ashley moved mid it was airreed thut after to-day lh further consideration of the anti-slavery constitutional amend meats are postponed for two weeks from Thursday next. Mr, Cole Introduced a hill In amendment of ths Pa cillc Itailroad, notifying ths assignment made by tho Purine Knilrnd ConiiHiiy of California to ths Wes tern Paclllc Itnilrnnd Company, requiring said road to complete '-'.' miles yearly, and the whole line from Han .lose to Kaeninieiito ui four years. Hubbard of Iowa introduced a bill authnriilni; the Secreiury of tint Iiilei-i-ir to institute a KCohi(ical sur veyor of ths lllaok Hills, Dacota, and appropriate I'jh.min for that purpose. Wshisoto!I, Jan 111. The Government received information last eveainir. that in attemptinu to escupu frum rettelduDi and enter our lines. Senator Knots was captured tiy two rebel cavalrymen at Occoqnan. IS miles south. west of Alexandria.' Kears are entertained thut Jell'. Davis may deal harshly with Koote. It is understood our djive'rnment has taken steps to prevent any injury heiiurdnue him. The Tribune! t Washington special iiivos It as the opiaiou of an old hand at peace negotiations that a cessation of hostilities preliminary to formal negotia tions will lake place within a few days. It is under stood the President has declured that if Senator Poole, is harmed he will hriu( live of the most distinguished rebel prisoners to grief. Our cavalry have been or dered to pursue Poole and his cuptors. (This is sim ply nonsense. ITuder the rules of war, lliu President could not retaliate for unv iniary intlicted on Foote. The rebel belongs tn JetV, Oavis and the rebels ) Nrw Yoiik. Jan. 1:1 The steamer Melville of New York lor Hilton Head, foundered at sea vu ths "111 Forty eight pusscngers were lost. The steamer Costa Itiea sailed to-day, among the pascngers are Oen Sickles aod Blutf The overland mail ot Dec. tilth, llth, 1 3tli and l'lth arrived this morning, Uai.ikax. Jan. lit The blockade runner Cluniielioii, Inter tite Talluhassp, is under arrest at Bermuda. The bloekade runner Col. Lsonb is at Nassau iindnroiog repairs. There are now it bl vkade raauers lit Her Hindu. (If ,1 blu,-kade runners veiling llermuda dur ine t he past year, 4 1 have been Inst. NkW Yoss, jun. IS. Thi-Cliiri from Liverpool nn the Silt has srrlve.l. The Times altuillns In the present allltu,l l the N,irlii luwnrtl Cnnsl.,, says In ttis liresunt slsteof Nitrlti em reellnff tilers Is tun much rtssna tn s,Mit-nilsniiie set wlileh nisy ren.ler A rupture liievitnlile. The Aiuerl csns nsltlier iippn'lieml Hie slr-iKlli tit KupIaihI nor un-ib-rstHiHt the vlpir wit Is wlik-li the wiir wnul,l lie preircu ie,l H forced upon s reluclsnt cnvertiiueiil end nntion. The nrst result nt Ihe war ,ul,l he Die liametllnle end irrerncnble .ftshlifllniienl nt Southern hxlrpeiirteiicc. Has Kk, 14 Ui,IJ 'ill. UreenlMcki i-l weil neiit. Ileil st atlnul 41. ' Arrived slcnmer Orecnn frum VlrWirls. sVuutor frum ttSN Aedlo. Slilp Ansel, UtS bail, frum Ulss guw. TKLhOllAI'llIC DISPATCHES. Headquarters Army Potomac. Jan. S. Sev eral deserters from the rebel annv camn in to day, besides n largo number of contrabands. All were in the most wretched condition They report that tho rebel cavalry has with drawn lo llickford, tin the Wi ldnn railroad, where) they have gnno into w inter quarters. They were compelled tu full buck to this point owing to tile lack nf forage between there and itenius station, ami also lor lack of transport atiun, owing tu the destruction of thu railroad in that district bv Warren. They, however, have pickets ai far as Heains' Stitti mil on the west side nf Hatcher's run. with a division nf Hill's corps located on the Iloydstown plunk ..H.t l.-l- I I I :.. li,,.,,, hot iruria imvt, ureu IIHSJ preparing the railroad uorth uf llickford, for r laying the rails. As yet, none have been put down. New York, Jan. 12. The steamer C. C. Collins, from Port Royal, nn the 7lh, has ar rived, Purt of Sherman's army had arrived at Beaufort, S. C. by water. The Richmond Enquirer at Ihe 9th. says t Nu man would be safe in Virginia who dared In exhibit the least willingness tn reconstruct the Union upon the most favorable terms. The people uf this State have taken General Sherman at his wurd. aud mean tu fight it out like men. They nnght tn bang every man, be Congressman. Lccislutor, Common Councilman or private citizen who exhibits tho first act to ward submission i r recnustruclien, an J we be lieve they V ill do it. New York. Jan. 12 It is announced Ihnt Geo. II. McClellnn leaves fur a Kuropenn toltr on the lirst week iu Feruary. He lias declined the offer of a private vessel, tendered by bis frienas. He leaves nn the steamer China, and Will be absent two yenrs. Uen. Hull r In his farewell address tn Ihe army nf the James pays a high compliment tu the conduct of his troops in the field and in the camp, sating they have captured forts which the enemy deemed impri-gnuble, and held them against the fiercest assaults. He asserts that their lines of defense were unsurpassed iu strength aud are objects nf universal adinira tion, uml save he has refused to order Ihe use less sacrifice of his soldiers, knowing them lo he willing, obedient end devoted to the coun try's cause. A portion of the address is direct id to the colored Ironps. of whose fidelity be speaks iu Ihe warmest terms. Washington, Jan. II 'I he vote on the con sliliitiomil umeudmeiit will probably be tiki-u in the bouse this week. The indications ure that it will lie close. Its friends are not yet satisfied that the lesuit will be favorable' lo lllelll. Admiral Far ugut visited tlio Senate to-day. iu company with Cnpl.Dravton, oomiiiuuil.-r 'nf t1"' Admiml's flag (bin. The Sen tu l,k n mirul alter urds turned the House, where iiiuur .. i I I ... I.;... ' " -"-.c . .t. u ... mm. xr York. J n. 12.- Deserters from the rebel giiuboiii Un liiiioiid. report that ernft lying uenr vuapiirs mull, oil James river,- with scarcely u complement of men to wo: it her, desertions among her crew having been so nu merous within a mouth pdst. Forrest is represented lo be concentrating a large force at Paris. Teim. A number nf his men are hovering around tbeir homes in Ten nessee and Kentucky, conscripting, robbing and mutderiug Uuioii men. Humors prevail that a force is being organ ized lo attack Padiioah. Ky., again. The steamer Orineila, from Kvnusville, Ind. reports Uiiioutown. Ky., in possession of pos session of guerrillas who aro firing into pass ing steamers, aud rubbiug and murdering people. " Tbainksi oe Animals llurb need tn chsrge O'M si rs with owe luring besu the prnprirtor.fa learned pig. We believe It was jMvari'lurged. howevsr.that he tried to nuke an editor of the pig. At k-it we sre cerUin that he lu-vtr was cngsgtd in the absurd bustDeea uf l(sining a munkey for that prutesshai. If mnn ksy and O ilesrs s pig wsrs put itits the ssras pen liny would cut shout ss oks a Rgura ss their masters do in the same parly. This Boy We learn hy private letter that Company C " was expected to sail from Vancouver for Stc ilacootu to-day on the steamer Pacific. PAHTy. The Salem Dancing Club gave a social dance at Griewold's Theater on Friday evening which was pronounced by those pres ent a pleasaut affair. Entertainment. Early in next month the ladies of this place will grr an entertain ment for the hcuefit of the fj. 8. Christian Commission. The exact lime is not yet de cidi d. . Postponed. The preliminary examination of Heale and Haker for Ihe alleged murder of the late Daniel Delany, bas been poelKned until to-morrow (Tuesilay) morning 10 o'clmk. I.ettkk Hox Stolkk. Un last SalunUy ' ....... II. ur l...L. I . t .. ' uizllt, SiHi hiW thief broke loose Ihe letlet. j bnx ' lrout u" 'l"t Office, and curried it off. It contained qui' number of letters. No clue has been disoovured to lead to the discovery of this audacious rubber. Stntinel. ft" A man named Charles Chrislman wa killed about thirty mile below Huise City, on the east side of Huise river, on lb 22d alt., by on Ahri. Kubw. Special Notices. C'inRiimptInn Is A Dllrsse which Is e irrjln Iu vletluis to theteuih hy ththnuAsnU wlllioul bcliis Rrmleil in lis ro Sress. Hut s brlshtsr Usf Is cnmlns surf ha enme to sue neoafully sm-st It lav illsi-sse. Allen's buns Ihtlssni It ms kins truly remsrksbls cures of whst wsi eotilldfred by Phrtlclsns as Ineurslile Cnntutnptlnn. rnriuleby SMITH A DAVId, inle Acmli, Pnrllsml, Or ssnn, Also, by Ihe Dealers In Fsinlly Ueillclns srnerslly. 800TIIINU AND BIIAI.'INU.-Thers ! no pr.p.r.Unn In existence which hss such s souUiltig effeel In usses of nerv ous cxollemtnl ss. till. IIIISTETTEU'S STOMACH DITTEIW Althnnsh the fniae nf this renownMl Invlsnrsnt rests mainly un Its sslnnlslilus cures of U.viiulo, Liver Cianilsiitt, Slid Intestinal ilfsorilers, It is ripully ell'iu-lnvs In iisrvuus oom plaints. Thuiiiniuls of lsills resort to II ss s remeily tor hysteria, llutlrrlug of His hesrt, nervmis hsoUsnhe, vrrtlsn-svnersl debility aod all peculiar rilslurbsno ontl dersusriiienls Iu which, as o sax, uVy ere f tilnVct . It cheers sml lliihtens the depressed tnrnlsl M,wers si well si itrensth ens ths Omly, sml Us use Is never Howeil by suy unpless set rssctlnn. Hold hy sll UrueslllinintlileMl,.j everywhere. IIUI'K KOU THE AKEMOTED In snnther port o( this psper will Im fuund the Hilvrrtlsenieul tit Ills orh-brate,l liiltltulsutslilllhed hy Dr. J. 0. YUUNI), In IsSU. In I Ins sire uf deceit chsrUtAnllin 1 Is s boon to the sufferliiR to pelnt nul lo them where they sre sure of obtaining ihe wished fur rebel and curs. Under ths core of the skillful Doctor ths sick end troubled osn divest themselves of their burdens of peine and shame, Isy aside their crois, and se cure hvslth sml hspplness. IV yuu ere ilck or In troulde, du not hesllsle. Resil Ihe salf vrtiseinent and fullow Ihe advice. Do not foriiel the number nor the mammr of dlrectlns your lellrr. CONSULTATION OVHUK, M0 Wuhllifton glreet, oaa rrsucisco,, 41)- m A. r, A. M. VJf SAI.EM LODGE Ne.4 holds Hi rerulsrcommunl fr cations on the second end lourth rridsys In each month. Urvthren In good Heading are Invited to attend. T. H. Cox, Sec'y, tilt A. McCAbLEY, W. l. I. O. O. P. CIIE...EKETA LODUR. No. 1. meets ererv twenties lay evening, ul Us hall In Holmau's Dalldtus, llrcthers In good itionllng are In vllid to attend. UUlX'g MALLUUY, N. U. 0. L. yisass, It. Secretary, 4Ulf . WALLAHET ENCAMPMENT, No. 3, I 0 0 F.. ,1 KKT8 ON TIIK KIHST AND TDIIID SV7 it,; JURY. CP. ill rridav r.veiiinirs uf each moiilli H o'clock, ill their Hall. In lloluiaii's III Brethren iu stood Btaiiilinir ara invited attend. C'lllisTiilt ,N. TUKRY X Ckl.itDltlTKD ST0MACHBITTERS. fpllK uperuilon of ttilo pulutrtMe rvmcily upon the X tniuiicli, liver and tlic excretttry uruHits in eiitin lurlv ttoclhiiiif unit cntiwrvntlve, It reunlultfri, reritnth nntl piiritifH tliciii. I'(.ie)mia hi hII lu funm yiolili IXVKIOUATI3 THE SV.STl'M. Vicftronn Hii'siilnii atnl pure bile itimIupm iHttriiimin ItlrMtrt, hi id niitmiuun hUnni h bealtliy frauie. lim virtini ttf h drpftiri ctfimtib mid dinoniffred ivtr d(!tiru to kunw Imw tho dietion mujr lo im proved, the Im le nml oilier HuiiU of lU Imdy puiilied T IIi. HOSTKTTKU'8 STOMACH HITTKIW. Will iK'cinnjltrli thipideiirull lovidutiim in tlienyntem, rciiliitini; tlie wcrct.niii mid excretion, jiiviitx tone to (lie Miiiuml juices whiel) ditutve (lie twd, nti-eiiKtli-en every rcltued nerve, iiiiifelu uud tilire.atid briiityn tiie wliiile muetiinery of vitality inlo vigurou and lieultlitul play. fiTKKNGTHKN TUK SYSTEM. Thu lieHt mentin of iniiHrtii)K vior to tlie broken duvvii fruuie mid nlmttered vUMlituiiou, ftliieli )ihh yrt lieeii invented or diwoveret!, ia protlered to the leeblv of both and all unsn iu IK. UDSTETTBR'S STOaMACH IHTTKItS. Debility, fin in wliHtwr cans uiiiiiiiir. mur b eiirod i Htmigth, in whatever manner it may have been vunied, may be o red by the ue uf tliii (w fnhind lieultliy luvixoraiit. For iiidis'itiion and Un inirntiil ell'tHtH, bodily and nicntul, they ure u punitive vpveilic. A WOW TO TIIK AOKD. In the decline of life the toss of vital force tonne (iienl upon pliynieal decay can only be wifely mpplied by sointi vivilving pretiaralioii wliicb recruit the mreiiL'th and npiriitt, wiilnini entuiliiitf the exIiaiiHtion which in uiwn the linul eil'eet of ordiuury stiumluuU. We tender to the atrett DU. IIOSTETTKU'S STOMACH 111TTKI.S, An an invirornnt and rmtonitivc, immediate in lie ben elirial tit ion mid ertiiHiient in iti erleetn. It tones the utoiiiHi-h, improve! the uppetite, and at it like a euanu upon the ipiritf. FOIt FEMALES. ThntiKnnd of hidiei resort to it ai a remedy for hy teria, .latter in nf the heart, nervoui headache, verti fro, e ne nil debility, mid all peculiar distil rhaiicea and derangement to which us a cux, they are subject It chef Ik and eiilililenn Ihe deprefrrd inentnl nwera, as well un tro.iiuilieii the body, and iu UM) is never fol lowed bv anv re-actioti.- J-yiiE-VAKE 4iF COi;'TEKFEIT3. Puichaw only of reliable den lent. Sold everywhere. ilOft'i'ElTEU, SMITH oc DEAN, Agent.. Kan Franc i two. IIODGK & CAL10F, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS POIITLASO, Solfi Aftenta for the Htnte. 1865, CAN YOU READ? 1865. OUR BOOKS ARE CLOSED. For particular!, enquire nf the Proprietor. TVotess ittul Act'ounlH Tod itpose of. jrDon't wait nut il yon are called on. Get Out of Debt, and Slay Out ! Every Variety of Goods, tUK BALt., AT LUtV I'KICES, JFQlt OAS 1 1, or slmust anvtliinu; else, exeept PUOMISKS. J. H. tc I. It MOtiltKS. tf Sals:n, .Ian. Q.'lriilft. EUREKA Iiriiriv'd Hi'lf.Adliislinjt CWVniRS-JN'KINGKK. Awartlftl rinl rrrmlum at thr Oroson Kiaic fair, 1K01. rPHE Hunseketpee', IIKST KRIKNI). tor II saves I time and i-U.tlisiisr, and pruinoti-e lienlili and uoud plieer. Aiitrarinf htnmining Committee's litml of He San Francisco Mrrhanlc'i Institute Indus- IbI..I b.klkiii tiiwi caiiiuiiiuil Ol 19ilf 'r'l.riTMI,'-l.U-ilv-rib-lc.. .. a ......... A Tffrrrre ,n ii.cmv ernlhm; kousek,.U kelp, wen found coni'ie'ioa- lor ntiniili- favor il,ni,,.l. ..r ., . - ti- m "-" cini, e ,ww n .,,., runsMivr ilia ' Kllf r.lV A, exlill.ltsrt ' ..' ' J n"r,,.fc ,,ro w""'iT "f holiomlile men- ....... ....... ..u ,r,uiiinis ai uns r-xtiiinnoa were asrarded inartielw of Kasiem maniifae are I I'l L'l'llltf , . .1 . . ' ...n r.i.r.nii nipiojra nn lr or WO,,l.,prllif, - , rx-iir nanne, naoia ro neronis ilia ordeml. lint is maile superior 10 all others by llie use uf raieni Elliptical gtrel fiprlnc. wlileh render it Stlf A-ljii,r. Court sisnf, and Du rable. TllM I.' I r L' If A I. I 1 ! eiaislnieled lhal it will readily til eeerr sited or l,ai ed Tub or VVa.liini Mai-liiiM rjuatlf writ, sad is al ways ready, reliable, and mnmat gtl out of order. Ercrr Family Should Have One. M K. THAVKR it HttttTIIEK. ban r'ranrisrn and Portland, , Aaoina for llie IVilir t'oasi. Pennslinrr with, am! for sals by, M sears Assssstht k Hiaa. Portland: J. Lltisnsa iC'ooper). hs'em; and in llie prinripel uiwintbroriKbuut tlismate. timt Law Pnrtuerahlp. THE andersiKiwd kars formed a panuendiir- hi llie prarlice of tlie Law. and will (live prompt and earefnl attemin to all bnsiinasa eatrneted to ibeircar in Marion, Linn. Hoik, and Yamhill eminiiea, and Im the rlr.nreme Cam. Tlie Slate Library oSerinK exlra tiuihiies for briellng- esaes, attorneys at a diwan, ean arail iheiuseleee of oar services, ia this particalar, on Terr reasonable terms. Office ia Moorae' block, Salem J OATOV Oct. . ItWif J.f. CAKTWBIOIIT. Ipgiil Trader Note BOLtillT AND he r.VKTWUIOHT t O.tSTOK. tlfflre ia Mooree' lliork. eiw3 A i'nrsl. DR WARINXKK bavins; retarnrs) to his funa near llrtiiel. will sire etnet alieniioa lu all raits in llie hue of his pnnVseina. Ileih., folk coanty.Oreiiiei. Ne wfl. yp4 Ts Whom It miiy- ('ourrrn. I) H KXIHIIT. of felem, ie aothorited le leeeiee ana iMeejS tor a,oiys due iIm hue flrss of t res aalt l Wane, Ihhii liiie Ouie aunl fnrtlwr am ire ' P. I kAM)t,L. K U VVAllfc. Persons ind bte-l for enheerif'tKais or Job work a raqurstH to settle the seine with Ur Knight as se as possible. M m-iu, Jan. V, lao e J Orrgos Rtnle Bonsta. B OTH DENOMIVATIONH of flreyna siai, IWhss b.MKhtly VAKI WKJIlllT It OAKfON iXl Uftee crs JJJT S rve SUNDAY MOHOOL GIFT BOOKS, FROM THE AMKRICAN TIIACT SOCIETY and MaMM4i,lta,,iiB u..nUH B..l.n..l fit.:-.u u... . .. .,,.i.unT uoiwi u,-iqit, riir SaeaLMAH.r llll'rn X.'. .. . near Alder, VOUTLASO, URkMOS. HoouivinJ new llivoicos Ul-Ulnllllily. It. II. ATKINSON, Secretary and Treasurer Oremia Tract Hoi iely. 40Xl n.HIHNnLKK. Donosltarv. Farmers, Mechanics and Traders, or TUB WILLAMETTE VALLEY: OREGON CITY, for ths tranaaellon of a tiensral tferrantile Bun- wo.ou on,, irave 10 cuii your aitention to tlie lact tliat we can sell goods as cheap in Ureaon City as tlioy ean In Portland ; we expect lo keep a general assortment of merchandise, such as jrroceriee, dre- IOimU. low,, Mud akn.. l.u..l.. . . I - " " -,," to.,,, wore, intioere lOOIS, qneenswaro. milery, Saleia cloth, v'imtiv sacks, wrao- ,, nwi, Liverpool aim fc-rnnnd alum salt, and a good iissortinent nf drnus, Indiao, due vitriol, etc. All of whieli we will sell at Port- lanapricea ilisrsliysaviua- ths freinlit to the pur oliaser. V s will also take wheal, oats, butler, bacon. Iilm. ffirirn. iwipk nit iaIsi.uisb In .ui.... . cash lor .lis' ,u.. dall and " n WM- BARLOW. fireonn f.ny, Mov. I, ISfit. jyjj Private Medical Institute! Kstablielied by DR. J. CvYOUNC, IIV 1850, FOR THE CURK OI-' PRIVATE DIS EASES, OP WHATEVER NATUHE. And all Female Complaints. Consulting Office, f50 AVnsshtiiij-toii Ktrcot, ttecond bnllilinit below Monliromerv s.. SAN FRANCISCO, t t CALIFORNIA. NO Ci:itE. NO PAV. COXHL'LTATIOX By I.KTTlUl, OR OTHER WINK. KUKK. For Direction of Letters, See Below. rplIH rEI.KI'.IIVTEl) INTITCTE has eidov 1 nn this coin,! an iiliinlurrnpted success of Konrlei-n years, and has In-come una of the renon-md llosiiiials of tlie nie. What tlie celebrated Isnk llospilalsisto Ismdnn.nnd ti e no 'ess renowned establisliinelit of Hieonl to l'aris. tins Institute has liecou,e to the IV cillo toast. Tl0 iliniisatids annnally received uud cured, phii'i, It in point r number of patients amoue t lie very lirst or the world . and the success of its treat ment ranks It seriind in none. . W"! YATK lWKAKH IN MAI-KS and IttBROB- , 1 1 'I, 1 N. A I.EK are llie ureal deal rovers of neaiiii. i ney nisiaiioiisiy aitack tlie srsiein and Kind nally niiderinine and destroy it tliev drive the I, loom from the click, I ho lustre from the eve, Hie slreuslh and viitor from Hie Inline j lliev lve In the world puny and diseased inTsprhitf, and poison, throna-li sue cessive, itciieraiioiis tlie nice of man. The murks ran be seen iu iWohila, Consumption, Cripples, the Ui )l Ir, Hie I'amlytle, Hie Insntic. etc. There is no re terrible scourge In the human race than ihnse diseases ai ri.ina from Hie contamination uf olieral I'olson. The ret leal inn In the blond, hold ever over the one afflicted, the soi:l or deal ruction that ia liable at anv moment to full and bllalit to utterly destrov all eiirthlv hopns. MKliCUHY, rmgniirit ns the mott fnlnl mritieal enemy to man, rombiniua' with the Venereal, doubles his dniiucis Those who Imve been treated with lliat iiernicious mineral poiiou are not cared i the diss .ss has only assiimeil a new form. Do not be Satisfied Kith Partial Care, tliat leave the poison to crawl through tho system, eul-nia-its way In'o tlie tisanes and organs henoaih the upareiiilv sinooili surlare, to buret out in the fnlure lili a virulence thai will liallle llieell.iou of medisine. WIIKN l'liUKKC'l' VL'ltKHcan be olitaineil hv eon. sonsilltniK ll phvsiciali whulu lone nnirii .H ,l,. lij-li invesiiuutiou into the causes ot IIISKaKK of llie L'ltlNAKY ultOANS enables lo deteruiiueat once the ualure or the disease. In all disrusea euirusird lo ths rtoelor's caro. TEH r'lXTHl'ICKHV and I'l-.KM ANK.NT Cures aro always Guaranteed, r.. ...a t,. -j! f, .... ...... ,...,,. w,,u n n,iIllnciei noimrnna alio lis ae rnnipiiayiiia- diseases! all disronlers of the Bladder, Kidneys and prostrate ; Keminul Weuknrrsi Ids eases of the Heart and l.uiiirsi Dyspepsia ludivesiion; InipiHenry i Incipient C'onsiiuipti'ou, and all dnauovs of til Urilinry orirans. in euther sex. cure al. wiirHiiied, OK NO PAY RMjUIKlit) at Ihe i'lw- A I b Modlcnl InnitUiitc. MO. 510 WllHliarnH itittir 8NFIUXC'1J(), t t t t i i CAMKOUNU. Seminal Wfahness or Spermatorrhea. Tn yoiiiitr mnn who KpeHini tluit rwiiiK niMikncca in M rtiMNcnlHr titxt iju'iKmI oruutiixHilnn tin m Id imp to coimiiU-r whvtir it urir,. H will find in tlie U(mktteMiif Hie Iwt'tf, trenitlimr nf(1. limlii. iliwtrilereft Hiientitm, unm-rnuniNMe fuiliiitf nf tlie puwera f tii ihmi'I. Ji mhn to tor K.ff tr, Hrtrud f im fttiirlintf irmilik. InrelnMliium Hf evil lef pleiies, trmiMei, nul IriNcivintm lre.tniH iifctiniiwiiietl Ur intw. deulnew, lon f niiiJviilr pmtr. him) limner. hh oilier RVintsiainr) of (UnrimniZHiinii. Tim iiiMiii tin f tlmt tunxt (Drridle hihI iHiniHlvi of till Ii h , hrmtiml WtnikiiPM H'HRtiiiir hmht lii power, ilemroviiitf I-in hnennf lii tn4 ninhn.Ht, ihkI ilniL'uliitf iiim Hioiitf lite uruKmt pittii of Im extmenm tnwiml h tirviimlitrv irnv Ti lnui who ttinin lit life nliliiir out In ll dui imMfe of the vttul priiiripiil of xirtnre iti tiorhirtiHl hihI (liurnul ftninssioii.. the uu-rt ifwtimi of I lie cutiaH til it iippi'iirHtirr lintiK no mworHm e ol rriift. Miirriiw'. ttittt nfl'M. tlm wifrymml rtinl hope of iiiiiMiiiHHi. in inu iu pin-it n iit loi itime 01 run, inn HlUtit Inn iiiir-.-rir in the ktinvrleilirp Hint ihe one wlm look to him for no n,u-h of her ImppineM, in n virtim of lliu evil, wii1 1 mi iiu.iK'f ill roinpiiioon t Ina imiii-li. meiit. Ut' uil-lii to Im iiiimtv Mud tl murder tmlil liitpe Imvifi hint. Tlore tn no retirit exrept in proper it ml ftlullltil Ireiitnieiit. ('oumilt, then, m( oiii.h ptvwiHi whom httitf prut-tire nml riirfful rereHnli ltMi umde tlunuuvrhlr t'oiiveivMiil wiitivrv plme of thft tint fcnne Ilium w ho have he iho vittinm of mtltiurT viie. thm iln-Hilfin, fmyiiiHtiiiir. hihI ileMnirt.To h.. il, wliirh llllst thoiiavtiHl of nod rMtrim with piimlyiir Hn.l roitntitiipiivee. uud liiuolirU of uminw v iimve Mh it tnieifiitned vn lime, loMild eoimult w ithout h iioiiieiii'diltv.oie who will thu miIiiu wuh i.'i.-i: uHrniijfB. To mih the Doctor would epji'inly tiri dre himnelf, ulvinif t em it Hitd nil ti-niir-nitre of nil.ra;TMi.d I'KKMANKNT VVKK rtr Aim Hrtinrt irvm binae!, thance pf dnt,or fear af pv'ttrt. IK uot loryet lba ndi.ra Se below. Importntit to Imu1r. When a fcoiule in In Irouhl ontlflirteil with ill... huh rr-niin n michi or wirin aei-lltlire . Ilia eiirtulre ihonlil Im, WhHru lullierr n idivniriiin who i lullv toiiHteteitl to Hd in iti) iter relief, mol wiim reeiHlile Dint it) inif in tficiety recwMiiuofiMU Iiim lo (Im eonlidvuee ni inn eotnnmniiv I H' iwtor, oiHleratNtMlioK hmi impenitively nereaearv thew wtitrrmeiit ur. fpsU ntlled npni la Interpol, mid by mlliiipf tha ah em inn nf th Hmiriftd lo tti Met Hot I lie hat l-een a I'liO KKS-iiiU on OU-TKTUICH and KEMALK hlrt K HK? for iwatity vetrf mid U fully qimliHed lo ad miniaier in all eHei, Will tnedieollv and i-urKh nIIv, ih1 in nifMrttrlHl manner, but In mm, a limit iier im reura of atndy and nrartitoboth in lioepitul mid pnvHi (anilie ran umk. to mv them from il a han-U nf iha HnqtiuhfltHl, utuK-rnptilrjoitii, and d itfiiintr. Therefore, fumiliea emn t? mjHm bin a upon a father All in afRiction ran And in him one who ran fl and Tmpmliio with and Utfrwnd them in trouble una inwh'-wrJi't trrr theittm"t CHili'h nie rtn lie vnrn. C N I'LTATloX UV UTIEU OK OTUKKWIHI,) KKKK H.-e addre M'.vr. TIIKCKL IIK1KI) rKMALKKEXEDlES n poandedfroin IhaprivaUpreeeripiintMof DM VOtWli. hafe now oMnined a woet extended potmlariiy, aud are correctly viewed u he llie Mifoet ana nre reme die fur tha eomtdaiitlta for whir II thaiv ans aunliul The conMantly aocrnitt; tevtlnmiUU of thir effl.ipy NM-iare iimm iw wm yrm aiisniuj vupenor in uieir ac tion. No .Lady honld Im wlthottt IIiinm Renovatinif Auenla. NotM kfenuiii anleae proenrwi at thia otnee. ienl by Mail or Kxprew, to anv pun nf rh HtHte TIIK flHKAT KKMAI.K MKIUCINK' fUCVKif TIVEH)WiKUH KuUX. UKIKlLAllK. New. Knfe and Infalhlile. itin tmm four tn six month IW H. KKKNCII lUNAK, OK KKHALK Mi (NTH l If HI.L- For ...ppro, AHrr flfty veMraofaiw theea pill atHod unrivalled tn eWrary. I'rii-e j per bvx. TOtOHRFftPOXDEJTM. I'ulieri rrvidintf In any part of the Mute however diatanl, who may defiie madiritl advice on tlsfir re pertive CNavee, and who tluuk proper t anlxuti a written UIovul of urh in prelate ore tu hohima a pertonal interview, are aurrd Ihul their boaiuihtiUa tlotr wdl le htfld moi artw. All U-iier nniat Ihj aildrMM-J lu (ha eorrjjtndii,f pliysirisUi.lbii t D. V. JoSF.LYX. M.D.. l!M"pl 510 Washington Hirer!, Itni I. O. Sasj fVoanseo, Cat. Ilm.1 .Nollrr. MR 1 Yoawers seen ukins sir e J ll.flnd Wnt froat Hale least wee. and2a If joe de sast retais Iier hi very seam line, I will erjeeeate rust fur stealing. . sIOUV C BFI.L, t-Xwi p- niw SV X). W. Ac M. It. COX. HAVE Just reeslced. dlreri. from San Francisco, a LAItOK STUCIv Of DRUGS & MKDICINKS, mints, Oils, Glass. White Lead In Tins, Varnishes of all kinds, PAINT AXD VAR.MSB Bltl'SUbS, Tube and Common Colon, Turpcmlne k Alcohol, KEROSENE OIL.. USD, POLAR, AND NEATS-t'OOT OILS, PcrfumcricM. Funcy Aoniia. Hair Brushes, Fancy Toilet Articles, Together with PATENT MEDICINES, of the latsst discover!, i And manv othsr articles, too numerous In mention i all of wlil h .. nlT.-r u. i., u. ,i,. i.. ...... t... ..a Cnll and examine. LI. W. it U. It. Ci IX. Kalein, line. Ml. IVh. :itf Notice lo Donation Clalinnnlsu LssoOrrirt, Itoscsvao.ORsaoN, ) Deceiubor Id, IH.II. ( WHE11KA8, It having become a sity to perfect the permanent rsrorda of this OIRce, and to determine tlie validity or Invalidity of donation elaims in this distrirt, many of which ais IrrrKiilur and soaie void t and it beinit essential in the well as to Ihe irenerul Interest of ths eommmiiiy, that ABANDOXKH DONATION CLAIMS, and THCHU COVEIIKI) I1Y INVALID TITLICS, should he lirnnulit into market at as early a day as possihleilierel'ore, in pursuance of iustriic lions.we huieby tintity all donuiina rlaimants, their assignees, or laval representatives, wlio liave not riled in tins utiles proof ot four vears' residence and culti vation, as required bv Act of 'JTlli Hcpleiahar, IVd), arid amendments, to do so within three months from date i . nd all who have uot taken Hie oath of alls Kiance nud paid for isstiiua' linal cartittcutes, usees lemplated hy the flih section of ihe Act of mill May, IHlii. are respectfully requests! to comply as early as possible. T i save expense and trouble, inthoss'lir. inn at a distance from the laud Olllie, it is heseby all uounred that most if tint all of said business van be sutisfuctorily transacted Ihrouiili the mails or express. JOHN KKI.LY, KeiriMer.. IW Al)l)I!ki.N It. KL1NT. Heeelvsr. EUREKA HOUSE. Commercial Street, near ths JlriJge,Ntitem, Oregon. I. V. MONSMAft, t'rop lelor rpiIIH well known hnnss has lately been refilled, 1 and Is now ready for tlie accommodation of its nu merous patrons, with riiua-le ami Double rooms well furnished, and tin proprietor hopes by strict attention to his business lo merit a liberal shunt of palronaite. A hark always In attendance lo carry paaseuKers snd baumwi to or from the house. Nov. Id. dlmlOl Now l'liotojf ruph Gallery. isi- cm v. Vln. I.AIIIA A THE SOX TTAS nprtiedanew Picture Oullerv over Strang's ii i in enure, (.oiniuerciiil lrcel, I'iiolngi aiilia, or Vnrioiia Slxct, Curie de VIkIip, Ambrolfpea, snd Every Ntylc of Picture know ta tha Art, A fins assortment of I'liot lymph ALBUMS. Ruleni. Nov. IW. I KM. :tlf New Store. New Goods. J. M. COULTER elnajiut opened a largo and well MiVted ataort nient uf FA MILT GROCERIES I Which he will sxchsuKe for cash and all kinds of COUNTJtY PKODUCK, ALL KINDS 0V COOPERWARE Kept on hand and mails ta order, at short notice and al low rales. The celhrated Clothes Wringers of Different Kinds. , BASKETS, Aud a good anaorttpfut of . Useful Household Articles. Always iu store and for sals at prices which CANNOT BE BEATEN. TO SMOKERS: OK MKKItSCII Al Ml I'lPr. TOUAIXO AXD MATCH KS, Afjl Stork Cannot be Beaten. Cull and see me I will sailsfy aiiybodir who wants to buy liUOl) AliTICLbH, Cheap for Cash. PhM fuvrne thankfully will' in Ure. I, and fnture iHir'Mmite rt't-fioi-il till y ndit iieil ( yt'iill at Urat ijiHir iiuiili uf tlaae' Jewelry Store, CiHiitiifmul nlrtfl fvilfin. jf 50,000 Classical. Seieniifr, Poetical, Mechanical, Mirlical. Surgical. Uiblical, Ueotngieat, I'hrtnologirat, Physiological Philc sophiral. Phonographic. Militaru, I'elerinary. Surveying. Mill uright. Engineering. Draft' ing. lliiUltbuitdinfHaU- , TuaJ making. Steamer and Shift-build. ing. IfC., l(C., BOOKS, at CIIATILKH IIAHRGTT'M Front street and Washiiiifton street, POllTLAXD, t t t t i OREOOS. 9.000 fVhool Books, by all ths best aathors, at Ha FralH'isrn pi ices, at t IIAItl.K-t BARltETT'8, Portland M),0O quires llnleian bnand Blank books, al less Ibau nan Kraueiero prieee. al CHAMt.Krt IIAltUKTrH, Portland. 1,000 reema N"'e. teller. Cap. and Leual fp Pa per, at CltAKLEK DAUUtlTH, PoiUand. llianes for IKS.1, 20,000 Novels and flonx BiMks, . a,0OO vols, Rcietitilif and other works. al III AltLKS UVItllKlT S, Portland. DRAWMO IMsiTRl' tlKlsTta, Drawing Fa per. Kilst and l.inen. .nrajMJ AMD ni'nil'AI. lmTRlMIBtiTaj, rioSIIMSl HODS), Lines and lliuiks. riioiociKArmsj Ai.Binis, snd PIMSTOUNAPIIs) of all His Notsd Msn sad I'larre in lbs nortd, 431 FT HOOK", a splendid assnnmsnt, al ItAliKf l f H, PortlaniL I.ATIf, Freaeli. Rpanjsh, Greek, flennaii, Italiaa. and Welsh ll-.k. at LIIAKLKH BAHIIKTT S Portlaml. And IS. 000 IrtlrlM, loo Kamrrous to snrntluN. Newspapers, Magazines, &c, at sjai ri4Mf'isit'o Pmritai, eVISiiit at CI1AUI.KS IIAKimTS. Porland. AT KliNYONa. photqgrapFalbums Jaet received from New Very Ttmvk Hcsleircal Pricf. ALSO, THS CSLtSasTIB CROVER & BAiER M.UBHE TUst MAT MACIIIMF. caj'ha Peetls sess,r saerisVs . CURE YOUa COLD, SAVE VOtll LINGS. NE WELL'S PULMONARY SYRUP lias Cured Thonannda, XT WILL CURE YOtJ. "A eoiuili la generally the elToet of a sold, which lias either bsn improperly trnated or sntirely neg lected. When It proves obstinate, TI1KUK IS AL WAYS REASON TO FEAU THE CONSECJUEK CKS, as this shows a weak stats of tlie lunits, and la oftsn the forerunner of consumption." llochanan'a Pouiesllc Medicine. STOP THAT COUGHING! Some of you can't, and wa pity yon. Yon hav , tried avsry reinady bat ths one destined, by its Intrin sic merit, to supersede sll similar preparation. It Is not surprising yon should be reluctant Is try son, tliintt else after llie many eiperimeui, yoa bar nade of trashy eompounda foisted on tks public u a certain cure i but . . . , -i NKirei,i. 1 PCLMOIVABY iTBrv Is really ths VERT BEST remedy svsr eonnoonded foe ths ears of Conghs. Colds, Bora Throat. Asthsta, Whooping Cough, Kroncliills, and Coosumplion Thousands nf peopls in Utliforni and Oregon have al ready been btneKted by Its surprising curative powers. WHAT KILLED Hint Dr. Hull, in his "Journal of Health ," speaking of Ihe death of Washington Irving, asks the above que, lion, and sddsi " He might well have remained with us for come years to some, had it not been for sdvlss, kindly Intended, nn doubt, but given ia thoughtless nsss and reckless Ignorance. I " ' He had n Cold I Whkh, by sou Jnjiidicioa prescription, had beset converted into asthma." Lsl s say to Dr. Hall liat that "prescription" was not . rsKWKI.t.'S rvtnoNABV - Yiwr. KEEP IT IX THE HOUSE, ass te freely, glvs h to) our children upon tlio slightest Indication of a Cold, and yon will think and apeak of Has all do waa Lav bocouo sonuaiuled wltb Its uwrlls. BED1N0T0N It CO., Agents, . Stia Frauoiaco. . And mr sale every whore. domr THE LA CREOLE ACAUEUY, Dallas, folk Count, Orrgoo. l!i. W. D. KICIIOLS, Principal. - . Teacher in Primary Department. The Arsiletnle Vsar will b dlvWed inlo four terms et eloveu weeks each. First Term will commence October 10, ISM. Mecnnd Term will commence January !l, Ifujj. ' Ttiird Tern will eommenee March , I86J. Fourth Term will commence . expeTsesi Primary, SI Winer term. Cninnion KnaMsn. d IHI per terra. ' Higher English $4 00 per tern, languages, extra, t'i la per term. No deduciioii will be mads for absence, latent la rases of protracted sickness. Mr. Nichols comes among na highly ncommsnded ss au abls and elllcieul teacher. NICHOLAS I.RB. OKI I. IILLOTS0.V, Dall... Sept. .m,. E'U'" -'"-"" Kendall's Amboline. Is a. Stimulating, Oily Eiiract of Barks and THE GREAT sso.uisn rasrsRSTioa .. . Herbs. It will cure all dls- of the scalp and Itch- RESTORING, INVIGORAT ING, BEAUTIFYING, ' tn ' Drssslag TSB HAIR! ing of the head, entirely eradicates the dandruff and pievente ths hair frem fall ing out, or from laming pramauimly gray, causing it to gr w thick and long. It ieelilirelv dilferenl from all other prvparatione, aud PUn lul HIiA n.I I'nl ae ta hnaaa mmluliilotf-. .. k ! -J.. Sold bv all llnnrirists. . 1 lHi'STKT'1 ER, SMITH A DEAN, Agents, M 401 Ualtery st,.eomerft'lav,ftan Francisco. SMITH et IIAVIN. lOK Ar VALKP, Vf. WEATHKUr'OKr), Portland. W. H. WATKIND3, Dr.AI.ER IX AIIAIAirsi ssssassvsasa mm. AND DKALRR lit LEATIIKH, wnipi, rtVHa. roliforiiia, Trxos, Wajon ui hm' Sidilrt, ....ALSO.... Wagon, Concord and Bngg; Harness, Which he will warrant tn he surpassed bv none in stteugih and neatness. I will sell rkeoptr, for cask, tkau nuo olkrr eitahliihmtnt in tke Cits. Wfhnp between Slarkey and Duibin's Uvery Staldes, oi'iH.riu- Mooree' block. riHNT fun mi.. nn awabbkd w. h. Wnlkiiiit., by llie Oregon ftiale k'aire of Imu-'J, for llie best Lady's saddle. Tesas Hanger, and Oregea saddles, and best Buggy llaruen. W. U. WATKINDB. Saleta, Oct. 17, 18fil-3m3J. Nolire. , BKINO duly aullioria d Ui settle the business of the late arms of Humistou A Ma Dan, and Huuil.ton, Wileon, A Co., I will pay all claims agaiust llie said Bruia n deiaand, and all reous iiuieuwu , either of the above bouses at requested to settle ihe same wltb C. S. Hl'MlhTON. I ifflie at J. U Parrish It Co s Boot stuns Portland, her. IU, IMcA J7if A4mlniatrnlr Notlre. NOTICE Is hereby given that Ih aeeWsigiied baa Wen duly appointed adininietreviar nf lb estate), of 8. P. Tliorntou. laie uf Hoik county, Oreana, de ceased. All persona bavins elaims agalnet said estate will present lliria lo ths uudersiKned at bis residence in I'olk county, duly auihentiraied, for settleaieai, wilblii eis mouths Irani this date, and ail persons knowiinr themselves indebted tn said estate will pleas snake immediate payment 8. J. UAUUNKK, llee. M. ISot. 4w43 Adat'r. NEW ROAD TO DALIES CITY. TIIK Columbia Hirer Road, leading tJ-N frmn Portland, is available for the I ravel of UTOI'K thnmgh to Dalles CitT. Isb..rerv are constantly engaged in Improving the .'orn, parts of the rmrl A Ootitl IKltHY Oil DtHJ KIVtB andossoa A-ndy Kiver. Bales of Tot! I ' Cacti Hons, Mule or Jack M esnts " Man M " " Used of faille over on year eld.. M " blieep 10 Tickets sold si the Kerrh-a. N( KXTKA CIIAROR POK r'KNKWMI. A ticket at the bIkv prieee I the only charge on the Kd made by tin, t ooipanr. JOKI. I'ALMKIi. IWident. i'oluubia Hiver Hiaid t:,impany. J.J. Ilurrxss, Hee'v. JtlllN K. MII.LKU, JOIX PALM Kit. March t. mi. ttf Dirsetors, SAAIt'CL BASS, Manilrlirrr (lain, Brditrids, Dtort, bash, Blinds wlnd.vrraact, l orn let, Atn Ac. - Also, every variety of OUTSIDE AND INSIDE FINISH Tiirtifd la Order. Moulding of Evtry Description, Scroll biwlnt, and Tarnlni. He keeps mtuaanily un hand. Balusters. New'll Pmrts, Chails. ltea,lsliHi,tst eWsli, ll,n,rs, Ulltida, Moulding, Ac. Tenons desiriiiif any of lbs aluve will vl as lo call and esamiue h,r thenieeliee, as I will l CHEAP S'ult C.ll. MAUCEL BAHd. titleiM, llee. W, Irl4. 4:gf Dr. Waa. Dalai, AM INDIAN I'ltY-lriAN. of twenty Its year' pnutire. lim ha-a'ed If the winter al say reei. den, iu Pulk nniuty, Ave wiles nonliweel of dalem, and I feet l list I owe it in soSmu bnssasiny la tell y,,e that yuu will Ind it ta year advantage, to eeneolt die skill, especially iu ell rhreaie eeeee, and those kor. deling o eiaisoariaioa. k'rom all UteA I ksww sl bis eeiiriiee, I can eaeus yon, w nil cm dssirs ef trad dense, dial you ill fur usee ihfok yoa iusee bs4 sag your aHMiev ia vaa To lrmMeluel bv Mtsro. nrts. PeticatsuKriv-'T " lA-s ,- XT" "j