hf tOwjoii''tatfisman. -,. MONDAY MOHMXO. JAN. 16, IPfi.V The 8teman taai larger Circulation than any othor Faaer In th 8tt, and It th Jest Medium for Advertisers, Till U. Law end Rat sluttona ar published ia tk StteimaD by Authority. UTLXHM SEWS. In 111 war new of tlio weclt thero in noth ing exciting. Thlni; hofjire Ricl'.mnnd nre in rtfia quo. The duly item (if any moment in that department in lliu removal of Gen. Butler, the reason fur which ore nut assigned liy t tie President, anil only guessed nt hy other. We know tli nt IiIk exneilitiiiir-wainst Wilmington failed, but w hctlicr the failure I cliiirgublo tn bim or not in by no menus clear. We can only It-are the mutter to lie exp'nined by future de velopment. Tlio failure of the attempt on Wilmington Ik the firet thing the rebel lmvo had to rejoice, over tor ft long time, and they leem to be making lh best uf it. ' Sherman' movement! Hill indionlp a de lirn on hi part to accomplish the fall of the Sonthern Bubylon. The indication are that the Union eagle will soon float over Charleston, the net where lliu egg wan luyed from which Wa hatched thii mighty scheme of treason, ' .The English -inner talk considerably uhout the difficiiltie on the (Juiiiulu border, lint do not show their teeth much We do not think John Bull in on the (ijjht Just now. '' With regard to the rumor of peace, we n ill outspeak at length until they contain sntnc thing more definite. Wo should bail nith frladucaa any peace by nhich the integrity of the Union and the tupretnncy of the legitimise national anlhoriiie would be re established on firm, permanent bai. There may be mine foundation fur these rumor, or they may ho canards Inrented by pecnlaton to influence the gold market. A fun' day will probulily decide , THE OUGAX A 3D MO.VKKY. It if n ciietnm nith a cerluiit chiei of beg gar iu the Eastern citie to periiinhiiliilo the itreet with a grinding organ and a u key The beggar grind the orgiin nhile the monkey oatche the peiiuie nml make face for I lie amusement of the crowd. When the copperhead cnnclnded to eitnh lieh nn "organ" in Sulcm for I In' purpose of grinding nut tune euited to the tuele of Jilf admirer, they resolved not In lie behind the ouetoin of the craft. They employed a "man with a innk'' tn grind the thing, nml gave the Job of catching the penuie and iiniking facer to fpeciiuen of the genu above alluded to. It i a rather hiiielul apecimen in sonic re (pectt, but oi ly ha tiro nttriliiite susceptible of cultiviitiun loir ouiiuiug ami pitcfiiliics. The pwir thing rave must frantically in Inst Monday' issue, a though iniiu iniechieroii urchin lind given it a pinch. We ure ulinoet led to believe that a rciiiest of lung standing waa grunted, and il wua permitted to "run the !.! l r. , . . , m tiling mime nir one with." ll in ernteiilly uf Dieted nith cotton on the bruin ; nt Jctiet any one can aee that if need "pnddiue" in the pot vi here ill brain might to he. We are in- f,.1. J llusl H,M I, rv ,1 t,- -Iw.lg of padding iVt lint in order to obriuto the nc ocssity of nhtaiuing one nith a sh pe in front. But ;ieaking nilierly. ne think there ia lonrething iu the raring of a iiiadiuan entitled to reapect something in the imaginary flight of a giant intellect in nhich reaaon it dethroned that tend tn Inspire uwe and Ihonghirulneaa. Men may gate with terror at the at rung mani as who walks his prion villi the tread of a prince and clank bia heavy chain, nr with glar ing eye thunder at the bar of bia uungenn. Out the gyration and acreeche of a pnur, weak, blinking, chattering idiot, who ia men imply from a pure want uf brain, excite on ly ridicule and pity. Theae are the leelinga inspired in the mind of all aeiiaible men by the chattering of the apecimen norma (lie elreet. A Piratical Plot. Auoiber plot tn fit out a piratical emit iu Suit Krniieifvo liaa heeu diacovered. It eeni that one Miclmel lluyca had procured letleia uf uiariiie from J ff. Du tie. with the intention of purchasing and arm ing a linall achmmer with nhich to commence operation. Tlio pint n at diacovered by mean of two woret detective, and Haye waa ar retted. The proof of hi guilt I laid to be overwhelming, and if convicted nf conspiracy to fit out a piratical craft In the water of the United State, hi appropriate punishment nil! be. death. llaje ii an old reaident nf San Francisoo. a nan af atrong Southern feeling, and, during the Preaidenlial campaign, wua president of a large McCtellnn organisation. Death wnuld be too merciful a penally for tho wretch who enold eek In aid the rebel cue and enrich bimaelf hy disturbing the tranquillity of thia coast and dcttluyiug the property uf peaceful citizen. The people nf thia entire l'aeiflolopeare under infinite uhligaiiuu tn the detective and police force of 8au Frauuisoo for their vigilance and fneceaa in bringing to nangbt alio hellish chemet nf dniueetk) traitor. A nmll vee armed with a tingle gnn. and manned by a pi rate crew, afl.mt on the water uf the Pacillu, would make u feel a n uevtr have the effect of thia war. Imhan Fioht lit Coloiiaih). A regiment of Colorado volunteer recently had a revere fight with ludUn in tliut Territory. Eight while men w ru killed and forty wounded, ami from three to fire hundred uf the ravage were killed including aeveral chief. Colonel Chiv ington, who wa in command, report aa fol low t W mad a forced march nf forty mile and nrpriaed at break of day one uf the moat puw erlul villnge o the Clieremie natiuu.aud cap lured nier live hundred aniiinil. killing the) celebrated elm fa One Eye, White Antelope, Knock Kuee, ltlatk Kelile and l.lllle Kobe, with alaiut tive hundred of their people, tie tri)iug all Ilieir balgre and eiinpnge, making aluiiMt au auiiiliiiutmu of the entire inlaw. It l thought theae are the ravage thai uiad ike recent raid on the ovritand tage route. Dekbvwo. John L. Bono haa been coin miialuned by the Oovrmor a Kegiiuenta Ad jutant of the 11 O'egnu Iiifuniry. Mr. Bonn lerved vral month in the army, wa In the. battle of Hhlluh and terernl other Important engagement. II will duuhtlea make an ef ficient officer. MlMTASr. E. K. Miller hat lireo eleoted CapUin nt the "?,ih-m Mjrht BaMwy" nf thia f Uo ih blaeaj uf 0. K Crawlall, rvaiued. A lilVIIH.I) IIUISKIIDLI). A lii'imu divi 'id naiiiKt ilrell' c 1 1 1 1 1 1 i nliinil. So any thj Scripture. Jeff houaeliold ia di vided I lienco it n iut full, The leader uf thia rebellion recognize thia doctrine, for tliey linvo nlwnyi rejoiced nt anything that looked like divieinn nt the North. The New York riot, the plota of Valliuulighaiu'e deluded fol lower, and in fact all the aeinl-revolutionnry movement! of the coppei head party have given them freeh h:pe and oonriige. Tlieie thing have c'nne n much tn fouler nml atreugt!ien the oanae nf trenon a uny nr all oilier influence. But the lim hope they had in that direction ia now dispelled, and the evil they Imped to aee visiting the North have cnino upon them- relve. The army uf Grunt hovering nt the gate of Bichnninil, and tlmt of Shsriunii mov ing unchecked through the very center nf the confederacy, are by no menu the only evi deuce nf decay and ruin iu the- cuue uf the Southern cunapirator. With their mvn mnulb they confea their ahame and proclaim the near approach of their fiuiif doom. They nro di vided. In their extremity, Davia prnpnse to arm and free the rlnve. Fonte oppime the nienfure, deununcea Davie and eeoedee from the rebel Cnngrea, while South Carolina unit ter arid kick and threatens to accede from the confederacy. The Hicliinond Sentinel, Davia1 organ, advocate the measure, while the other rebel papers fiercely denounce it. North Cnr ulina has lung been considered rebellious, and aome of her citizen are now threatened with hanging becuuse they re(ieil tn take the rebel aenp at par. It ia plain that there are many in Wilmington who will hail the oouiiug uf the ITuion army and be glad tn he mice more con fidered citizens of the United States. There is nid tn lie dianffcctinn all over the State of Georgia, and Richmond papers recommend Mint mars meetings be held to keep up and en courage loyal " sentiment. A late diapatch informs ns that Davis is in a quarrel with sev eral of the South western State. The Guv ernor uf North Carolina and Georgia have long been nt nut with the Davis administra tion. Even the leiiiling paper uf Richmond do nnt spnre him, and. iu fact, he seems to be in bad odor in all directions. Wo euppoae these ungrateful railings are natural enough nmh r the circumstance When men are lead by deceitful mean into difficulty and ruin they generally viit their vrralii on the head nf their leaders. If a coin pnny nf miner should "be led into a wild and fruitless gold hunting expedilinn. hy the repre sentation of some Ijiug deceiver, they wnuld be moat likely tn hrin j the tribunal nf Judge Lynch inln requisition for hi benefit. If J ff Davis and the coterie that surround him have promised pence and hnppiueea to those who nould follow their fortunes into a wild scheme nf useless, helli 'h rebellion, ia it not natural that when the deception practiced upon them become apparent, those deluded followers should turn upon their deceiverr ami open over their head the vials nf their wrnlli I At any rate, we thi :k it true that the pmver of Jeff Davis ia the only hope nf the rebellion. If be fuile. it will fail. If his hand cannot hold together tlio elements nf which it is UMnpnaed ennuot rule the storm that be was the main instrument In raieing there is no other hand that can. When hia scepter i broken, the rebellion Will be like A ship that tin ot its pilot. It will toss for a brief hour on llnttnrniy waves, then sink forever. Hence, every mnl- iiT UlruM,ii,it. very rvidt.liuft I lint hie in fineiice is decnying. ia nn omen uf hope in nil who desire to aee again the star of their coun try triumph. LIBKL SLIT IN 8.1M FIIAHISt O. Tho editor of the American Flag in San Frnnci'cn is being prosecuted, for lilo-J at the instigation uf June N'eabit uf tile Bulletin. It eeem that the Flag, when commencing it career iu that city, could find nothing worthy of it aleel in the puny out and out rebel or gnn nf that State, and an cniuinenued cutting right and left n'. the Bulletin and Alta, both of which seem tn have muiiy short-coining to answer for. In the course of tlio controversy, he Flag applied to Netbit, who i Scotch by birth and nn once a traveler in Australia, anch epithet a " ticket of leave-man." "Eug lib Copperhead," " au 'alf and 'ulf Jouiiihull," A.O. On the lrcngth nf audi charge a these, tile libel suit i now pending. The suit cause considerable furpriso and even amazement among newspaper men fruiu the fact that the Bulletin ha long been noted lor it abuse of numerous prominent and re spectable men both living and dead. It has long since oeased to be the fearless and nprighl nppnser of wrung that it was in the hands uf iu first proprietor, James King nf William. The Flag it learleu and unsparing In its de nunciation ol cnpperheailism, and ha aeoured in a short time an extensive circulation and wide popularity among the uncompromising Union men of California. It ia uncertain wlint the result nf the suit will bo, but it principal effect will doubtle be Iu increase the circala tion aud popularity uf the Flag among the maeee. Sunday School Books. By an advertise ment in another column jl will he aeen that Iter. G. II. Atkinson ha established a deposi tory for Sunday school hooks in Portland. We are authorized to stale tlmt book have been sent fur from publishing eocicliee of dihVreni df-iHinituntlim, aud it i Intended to obtain a complete tnpply uf theae hook au that nil Sun day school iu the Stale van replenish their II brarie from lime Iu time without the trouble of sending East. Il is nut Intended tn import anything but the best aud m xt approved Sunday school litera ture, the great importance uf thai branch nf the moral and religious education ol the young heiiij constantly kept in view. Mr. Alkinson has experieuco in the svlectiou of such hooka, and Sunday schools dt airing li brill iea wnuld duublle du Well to patronize this establishment. The bunk are fold fur coin at Eastern cata logue pi ice. Tub Dif ferkncr. The white livrred rebel across the at reel snye we Hero once a lawyer, but never had a case, lie once tried In be a third rate pettifogger. Olid succeeded in getting one case. lie defended a criminal before, a Justice, and at the request nf lliu Justice wrote the commitment. Jii doing an he wil fully and knewiugly violated bia honor and with a an attorney by writing it in audi a form aa to make it void. After that he n a considered a fit aubjeot lo do the diity work for a rebel npp?r. RoBlikD. On last .Monday night the stores of F. W. Geer 4c Co.. aud 0. A. Cone, Sen., at Buiievill. were bmkeu into aud robbed. Sum 1 100 worth nf heavy clothing wa taken out nf the Wore of 0r Co. aud article uf luralkr veJu wwe Ukvo from Mr. Cvoe. TU U i K klMl IS Hlll'M Y ID IIS KOh" III KltS, k K K I' VOL It IK) MIS. The hist ecsidnu of the Legislative Assem bly provided a bounty for. soldier eulis'ted in the service nf tbo United States from thi Slate. This bounty is 150, in the form of a Stutii'bnnd. hearing interest at the rale nf sev en per cent, per annum. payable ieml-annunlly both principal nml Interest being payable in gold. A bond equal to one-third thia hounly i- given to tlie soldier upon his enlistment, A might have been expected, a ennn as a Company nf men have been mustered into the service, and received or become entitled to their first installment of the bounty, they have been pounced upn i by people n bo lire off tlie follies, extravagance, and short-sightedness of others, to sell their bonds. If the mldier will ell th;Mii. as the world goe. no anpposo one person might as well buy them as another, nml so long ns fair mean tire used, nnd no ndvnii tiije taken, it may b considered legitimate. But the temptation nnd opportunity thai offer tn take advantage of the soldier is likely, in such case to lend tn tho rise of very question able practices. For instance, nu nrc informed t tut t n person who was seeking to purchase the the bonds of a company nt very low rates, ap preached the officer iu charge nf the company and offered tn give him a bonus nf $2 50 for every bond uf fifiy dollms, tlmt he would in dnoj his men tn sell to him for twenty-fire do!. hire. In thia ago of sharp dealing, rubbery nould be considered a harsh name fur such a transaction, but in ' the Court of Heaven's Chancery, ne think it will stand n good chance to he recorded. The officer applied In was not rich, but, he it said to his credit, he was not poor or distressed enough to consent In make money by trafficking iu the bounty of his men. at the barefaced lhave of fifty per cent. We honor him, nnd will exp ct a good account ol him, wherever nnd whenever called upon to face the enemies of Ilia country. But no want to advise tho soldiers against eelluifr their bounty linud nt nil. Lay them away for a rainy day. Yon can du within with the money now, but spend it, and llint uselessly. Tho government will provide yon with nil the necessaries and many nl the com furls nf life. Reside this.-ynur monthly pay al hough in greenbacks, will suffice to buy yon nil else that t needful nr useful tn yon. Save your liouniy. It is better to have the (liiOaud interest, when ynnr term nf service ha expired t ! iuii to hnve sold it for half price and sqnnii dcrcd the proceeds.you know not hmv. These bond and the accumulated inti rest will In much better tn leave the service n illi, than au empty pocket. Yon have no need to sell them now. While iu the nrmy you can make no u-e of the money, except to squander il. Fen hihnriiig men are Letter provid d for in food clothing, lodging mid meibciil ulteiiduuee than n soldier iu the United S ate army nnd all this independent of yuur monthly pay. He r, . solved, and turn a deaf ear In nil snlieitiitioio and temptation to part nith your bund. MlKDKIl ANultOBBEKT. D iniel Dehiuy. Sr., was murdered at hi residence about seven miles South ent of Sa lem, nu last Monday evening. Himself ami n negro or mulatto boy uhout eight or nine year old were the only persons nt the bouse. About In-k. according In the mulatto' testimony, two men came near the house and called when the o'd gentleinnn went tn the door and was inline (lint, ly shut, it is sntMiosed VtiUl a shot con leu, I,., I wlili tiuch lii. as i. r. II. I,. . I.,,i in the buck of the head wit h n pistol.. The first wound "ere sufficient to have caused al most ii.slant dentil. After the perpetru ion of the inhuman deed the murderers rausa.ked the house from top to bottom in sinreli ol money, which was evidently their only object a it has been long known thnt Mr. Dehiut possessed A large store of hoarded wealth. We have understood that the wrele.be suc ceeded iu finding lint little if nnv of the money. The neighbor! weru not aroused until late tho next morning, nml. nllloin,di they were tracked for n considerable distance, tin clue to ihe ierpetrntir of the inhuman deed ha been obtained. Mr. Deluny was originally from Tennessee, emigrated In this State from Missouri in ISM. and has resided, we thi .k. iu Marinn county ever since, lie wa a citizen much respected iu Ihe community, and nt tho time uf hit. deailt waa about 71 'yenr of ai;e. P. S- On Saturday afternoon, Sheriff Head rick arrested Geurge. P. Benle ami n man named Baker both resident of this place, nn suspicion of being li e murderers. They will have their preliminary examination tn-dny. The evidenoe i said tn be rtrong against them, hut we forbear comment until further develop, meiit are made. Anotiikr Cakb. A man named BiHith.nhn was a etar performer among the ' democrntio' fung who held forth last se miner at Griswold's Theatre, and who said be came "Anil the wny from illinoy to oppose Ihe mncnnstilutinnal Aacts uf alio Lincoln' ladministration," left town a few days since under suspicions cirenm stance. A iiumncr of hoom were missing about the time from different law office, nnd shortly after bis disappearance a request cinie tn the sheriff here, from another quarter, fur his nppprehensiun. He has nnw gone in prao tice his style of democracy" in mine other quarter, lie is rather a short built man. well diessid, has a monsiaohe, is mar lighted, and bis accent tinws him lo he a jiinnibull." though he denies il. nml has stolen the livery of an American citizen tn serve Jeff. Davi In While in Snlein be wns very appropriately a contributor Ihe copperhead paper here. He was a "high toned gentleman," and his absence may acc t in part Tor the weakness the thing manifest of late. Mouk Trimi'S. We publish to-day the proclamation of Ihe Governor rafting for vol ur esrs In fill tip a cavalry regiment. Il will be seen that ibis Is in obedience In a requisition from Gen. McDowell. The Infantry regiment nn being mustered into service will be needed In gairison the different posts in this Stale and adjoining Territories, and cavalry will be re quired lo keep in cheek the tribe of hostile In diana nn our borders. The term nf enlist ment uf the First Cavalry Itcgimcut have now nearly all expired, and Ihe necessity uf keel itig the regiment full will be apparent Iu nil. We doubt not that considerations nf patriotism liherul boii'ilies nnd incrensed pay will Ik suf ficient indiicein ut to many to obey the call. Thespians. The Koblier uf the Kblnewa repealed nn Tuesday night in a manner that gave nlisfic(ion. A nng entitled "Grafted tutu the army." by Mr. Coolie wa enng with fine elfi-ct. Mr. Thayer recited a patriotic poem entitled "Greenback." every Verse if which wa loudly applauded by the andienee. aud we thought very appropriately, lor it contain soul aiirriug tcuttmeuU aud wa re pltrtl to perfect. 11 AVbKIt ON' Till t COAST. CnnvAi.i.m, D. o. 2!,18(il. En. Statkbman t In my late uummi idea tion I expressed the apprehension that n large iotlnx of disloyal person Iroin ihe East might place the I'aciliu Stale under r hid rule. In such event, is it likely tl.eir rule will be peaceful? Considering the element, which compose the party here already, and those likely tn Jnin it, there is much reason to fear it will not, Some men of property, more perhaps from prejudice tn Mr. Lincoln, than sympathy with the ri b llion. voted for McCh llau. These generally accepting the deciion uf the people at tlie linllol-liox as liual. tn respect mine inoue of obtaining pence, are coining over to the un- port of the Government, and lliongli they ami strength to those wishing to maintain pence and order on the Pacific coast, leave the party they almnilon without a conservative .element tn restrain it within the bounds of law leaving iu the lintida uf unscrupulous leader n class of men having nothing In lose by aipircby who are at nil time inado to respect the rights of others by the loirio of force. These here are mostly foreigner the largest nntnner irisu. No race ol men have more goon ii mimics ny nature than tho Irish) open, frank, generous and confiding, their ignorance enable the de signing to use their good quulhie a nids in mnkmg t In-in tool tn accomplish their wicKi-il purpose. Their Government at home being Administered by a people not of their race or religion, they are taught tn believe their ignor ance and poverty are due to it oppression, and tlmt it i meritorious to Line their oppre sors, and to resist or evade their law being Inn ig norant to discriminate between bins protecting ihe right of others, and those taking away their pwn. they hate all law. They come to America not tn enjoy libsrty secureu by law, hut the liberty nf the savage without its re straint nut the liberty tn enjoy the frails of his own labor, bill th liberty lo appropriate the labor of other. Hence it i. Irishmen are always forennot in mobs and riot, nnd form a large per eeutuui of Ihe inmate of State pris on, and lb victims nf thr gallon. Uiib'rlvtiuti ly for the pence of the country, mre of the most virulent editor iu Ihe ser vice of Jeff Dnvi on this ooa t are Irish, who know how to npneal to Mie prejudice f their coinitcvinen nnd stir up the worst traits of tin ir chiracter. These men having nothing hut tieir worthless lives lit slake, seem bent upon urging their ignorant countrymen In nets nf vi olence. One of 'hese. known among d 'Ceiit people (from his low, brutal and fiendish qual ities) us the reiitilo," edited n sheet in this tmv II lit the eooiuieiicmnelit of the war. For il open nml flagrant treason it was denied a passnge in the mulls, and for its gross iuib cency was excluded from the hniises even of iis pa trons. Tliuiigh forced to (jive up the publiea- li f a paper, the reptile " did not give up hi design to cause rebellion on this coast, lint exercised nil the influence be could use nith hi oonnlryinen. both iu tin State ami California, to form comliinaliniis lo resist the law, nod set. he Go '.'eminent, both Slate and Fedeiul. nt defiance. Tlii icle-nn beast" is now editing a paper at Jacksonville, where it is suppc sed treason " mint flourishes." Tlmt he is nlive mid nt large, is sufficient evidence of ihe misplaced mercy nnd forbearance, uf the Government. No one who koonsi tii man doiibt.i his desire tn briiiif ii this State all die homes of civil war. and should be succeed tn hi wickeil pmposu he "ill lake such a purl in ii a will shame Qiiaiitiell iu atrocity. Yet men chi ming to he sta in h sit porter of tlie I'm. in ndveriise ill his pier, apeak lo him. mid even shake his hand when they meet him in the streets ! ! I Panic, IIV TELEGRAPH. We copy tliu following fnm the !nily Orejnniant St. Lou'S. Jan. ID. The Vtck-bnri; fer- aid. of the 5th. ha A Ml statement of Grier-sou- recent raid in Mississippi. The expedit ion left Memphis. Deo. 21st. M.tintl strong. At Egypt, nn the Mobile and Ohio KailroHd, A considerable force of dm enemy wa encoun tered, and a sharp fifrlll ensiled, in wiell quite n number nf the enemy were k lied nnd woitu- led. nnd ,500 prisoners taken. The rebel Cienernl llolcou b, coiiinuinditi(r, wns aiming the killeit. t r nil Cgvpt Hie coinmauil -rru K nestivnrd. cmssitig tlie Mississippi Central Railroad below Grenada, de-troying :)! mile of road. Several louoinutive and SO ears were destrnwed nt Grenada, nnd extensive loth nud shoe manufacture nt Baukston. Tli expeili'ion brought in few horse and nnil-. Aumns the prisoners captured nrc one Colonel, une Licuicuaiit-Coluiici. 25 line offi cer, nml u number of oar mm, who, to esc ipu Ihe horrible treatment of our prisoners nt An dersouville, had joined the rebel ur y. On the night of t'le'Jtiih, Easign Ilium, of the steniner Firsinia. cut out from Galveton he sohuoiier Doltie, from N'assii. 120 hales of coi ton. t In-schooner, when capture I. nn nitbiii 500 yard of n rebel guard. She wns close iu shore mid protected hy ashore battery ; she also passed illicitly under be gins of two fort on her nay out. Caiiio. Jan. 10 Advice from New Or h im report that the gunhunt RnVlit drifted ashore iu the late Sturm li-tweeu Vickshurg and Natchez, and wa lire I by a gang of guer rilla nud burned to the water' edge. A letter from Mobile lo aciiizen of New Or h nn says fighting was going on iu that vucin ity. the iil-t ult. Advices of Decemger 27th eny Lieut. Wil cox of the Chickat'iw gntthlion La I an inter view niih Gen. Thayer, on. Dec. ilthli. under a flag of truce. The reported o.j.-ct id his visit was lo iiegotiute the terms of the surrender uf hi vntlnlioii to the Union force. The remnant uf Price's army was nt 7..y Depot, Red River. Deserter wen- very nn moron, nud the whole country was filled nith straggler. NkwYouk, Jim. 10. The Libeily. nitb Havana dales In tlie 4th. ha arrived. But little news Iron any quarter had reached Ha vana. Accounts hum Sun Dnuiirgo represent the Spaniard tn be n nkiug very poor progrer. Tlie gi ml opinio i is that Spain ought to nliiiuilon her attempts to conquer the Island. The glorious news from the United States, re ceived iu Havana lately, continue In inako converts tn the Union cause. The lltarald'i Washington dispatch say : A leading Peace Democrat, who look a prom inent part in the pence movement during the election, and whose personal relations with the P isidelit have been very fin lid ly. ha gone lo Richmond and mil probably be heard of there in n day or two. Tlo. H,,rf,'f special snv 'the Democratic politician who h is gone on a pence mission with the nproiul ol the President, is Gen. Single Inti, uf Illinois. He preceded III air a day ur two. It is at last known thnt Blair goes tn Bichmoud null Ihe full know ledge and consent of the President nnd is clothed with authority requisite In open negotia ion w ith Jefferson Davis, with n view lo re store peace, aud Ihe rebel aiithorilie will bel assured ol thi when be slum his credential. Hi instructions are embraced in three prop osition. First t Amnesty lo nil, no matter wiint they may have been since the war began. Second! The Constitution as ills; the Union ne it was. The South to return to Ihe Union with all the right and privilege which it held before any uf tin- state seceded. Third : The I ital nhohliun of slavery. From this last point the Pieeident will not retract one in! a. Ho doc hot insist upon immediate abolition, but be doc that niea-nre may lie taken tn secure it extinction within a rcasoimLle length of time. It is stnted nn what seem good anthority, that J. If. rson Davis is strongly Inclined In pence measure, and willing In nccepl less lib eral term than il wa at lint (iippoacd he would. Lincoln on the other hand is disunsed in be as hnieut a possible, but insist that the first public action on the part of the South must be lo lay down its arm ami acknowl -dge Ihe snpreimey ol the Union There i no de sire lo huunlilAie the South. Il is Iu how to the Union not ibe North. A an instance of the temper of the Aduiinistr tion tn obtain peace, il w slated that Gen. Butler wa re moved not solely for hi incompetency and misdemeanors, but also a evidence llint our Government i die poed In. treat with Ibe Smith nu liberal term, and . ia willing to re UH'Wy wJ i4'.lv that mt etaud ip iho way ol II peril Ct III dollullillli with tlmt "cell It is said that the rebel Uuiigae adopted iu secret csi"ii n resolution tn appoint pence cnuimissiiitier. nud they have been selected nud eiit tn Grant' headquarters. Messr. Orr. of South Carolina, Gilmnre, of North Carolina, and Alexander II. Stephen Afe ot the coiiiini-ston. It i also sai l llint Ijiaol tins telegraphed that Stephens solicited permis slim to puss through bis lines tn visit Washing ton. It is r pirted that ex-Gnverunr Orr nnd ex Goveriun Hive' ure now on tlulr way to Wash ington on II peace mission. Tlie Timc'l Wiishiugtuii special learns thnt Ihe reb I neiiee commission consist of Vice- President Sienheiia and Judge White, uf Georgia! Messrs, Price nnd Orr, of South Carolina. Leach nnd Gilumre, uf North Caroli na, Rives, uf Virginia, and Smith unci Single tun. uf Mississippi. Thi snecin also savs t It Is learert there is no hope of passing the Couslituti. mil amend ment abolishing slavery. Nkw YoiiK, Jan. II. Late relict papers contain an interesting detailed narrative uf the late Liiiiou raid ol Gens. Stoiieiniiu, llur.,rnlge ami Ullleiu u r.asi i cuiiessc unu ,-oum-nesi eru Virginia, which was u danuigiug to the rebels in suit nml leml win Us mm a vast ainoiim of oilier prnporty. Though nn elbitt is made to represent the extent id the injury as much less than it really was, the writer caniu.t uvuiJ ucknnwleilgiiig that it was very great. The Hte imoml Wine special account ni Bui bridge's ruid says that it is impossible for Breckinridge tn defend his lines with hi pre- nt cniiiiiinud,uiid Unit lie ueiuauilcil rcmiurcu- meiits. Niiw YoitK. Jan. II. Ihe llerald'i army of the James correspondent says: All in camp except Gen. Butler himself appear greatly snr- pnseil nt tils removal, li me removal was unused by Ihe Wilmington failure. It was ask why it nu not sooner uiiide. I he answer to tli is wns that Gin. Ord, win lemporutily succeeds lien- Butler, was nhseut, and the au thorities only awaited his return, Gen. liuller received the uider nt about II o'clock nu Sun day fureiioiiii. nud lii lore three iu Ihe alteriiooii hud made all his farewell pre pnriitiniis. tn d over the nrmy tn his successor nud taken his departure lor Ihe North. Hood's ollieial report of his defeat bus been received. He nckuun ledge a loss of fifty gnus in one .1 y. Hi account of the battle id j Nashville wns n bud business. The Dctpulth think Thomas will turn nml bend his column toward he southwest. The Examiner iMuk this would be n stupendous undertaking, with lint n faint hope of success. It thinks it more probable that this nrmy will be kept ill Ten uessee as A corps of observation, while huge detachment will be scut us iciiifiirceineuls to Virginia and Loui-imia Beauregard telegraph from Mncon tnnt H repoits from Tupelo, on the Mississippi river, nu the 4th. with six guiihonts and ix ran part' going toward Euslport. Ti e rel e' Senate, J iu. 6h. adopted a reso tin iitts giving thanks to their Indian allies ol the Cherokee pillion. The Richmond papers are nil indulging iu glorification over ibe full re uf the expedition against the Wilmington defences. Moscliy Is stud to be still alive and iu a place uf security and hi early recovery ia anticipated. A sharp discussion is imw going on between ebel paper ill which Jeff. Davis' n eddling i charged as the cause of recent disasters. Some of tin ill hi defence, nru assailing Lee as tlie marplot. The Milledgeville (Ga ) Recorder says Ihe Geeigia Legislature will be re-convened as soon a the Stale hone can be repaired. The AhihiuiA Legislature ndjniiraed. nfler amending the laws providing be the support uf indigent families uf soldiers aud clothing for the Alabama soldiers who tire prisoners. nnd for ill,- deficiency ill the treasury. The two houses could not agree upon a ihilitia bill, and none was passed. The Senate una in favor of a sweeping lull, nhile the House insisted upon certian exemptions. A joint resolution against recniKin ction was passed. Nkw Yoiik. Jan. II. A Washington dis patch snye Secretary Fesseiulen haa asked for a modification of iliV Inn, so as to eonlile bim to issue two hundred in. llion more of the sev en and three -tenth notes. The vote nu the Constitutional Amendment Bill (ami slavery) will be postponed for several dnis to allow n full di-cussiou. Li U 8VU.LK. Jan. JL The Gnlt Hnnsewn entirely destroyed liy Ibe nt an early hour this morning Some adjoining buildings Were also dcslrovi d. FiiankI'ort. Ky.. Jan. II. Jnnie Guth rie ha been elected United Slates Senator. re ceiving on Ihe first ballot sixty-live voles nguiust lifty-six Voles for L. II. Rnsseau. Autil'KTA. Me . Jan. 1 1. Hon. Win. Pill Fessendeii wns elected United Stales Senator ln day fur six years Irom the dill of March. Nathan A. Farwell was elected for the unex pired term caused by Ihe resignn'imi of Fes seiidcii to take charge of the Treasury l)c jiii tm nt - Nkw Yoiik, .Inn. II. The llerald'i spe cinl a it s orders have been telegraphed to Den verlnrthe Arrest of C'ol. Chiv logtoti. for the slaughter of the Indians near Furt Lyons. Or dels have nl o been sent tn seize all the prop erty and pri-ooers taken from the Indians to gether with Ihe remnant uhu escaped the laughter and have llicin taken cure of at the at the expense of government until a disposition cull be uiiide of I hem. Cincinnati. Jan. 12 A resolni'mn passed the Ohio Legislature n-king Congress to adopt the proposed ailO'ii.tini lit to Ihe Constitution fur ihe abolition of luVry. Caiiio. Jan. II. The remnant of Hood's army i reported lo be loriifung t, oritillt with a view of going into Winter quarter nl that place. It is also said lb.it he is repairing the Muhile nud Ohio Railroad. Nkw Yoiik. Jan 12 The llerald'i Shen andoah correspondent sins: Tin- inliuhiiuuls are suffering f rum scarcity uf rood, nnd the rein I troops are quartered upon them, render ing their condition alill mure deplorable. Nu new of military movement uf iiupnr Innee have taken place recently iii the valley. The llerald'i Springfield (Mo.) correspon dent say : The Union garrisons have been withdraw ii (mm all posts south of that place as far a Fort Smith. Ark., by order uf Gen. C'anby. A KMT op THE Potomac. Jan. 9. The reb els made au attack on our picket line this morn ing and captured a few Vldelte. Nkw Ykk. Jan. 12 The Herald "i Sin n andoali valley correspondent say: There nrc Minim Itiat tlie rein I. Imve om,v,,I ,I.ii in SlrasTiurg, but il is thought not in sufficient strength lo uiiuuy Shernbiii. The Ituhinntid papers of Monday contain u telegram from Charleston stating that a por tion of Sherman's lorce h Ve occupied Gra h.imst ille. S. C. 33 mile north of Savannah. A Charleston dispatch or the (l b say t The enemy crossed New rivrr uu tlie road lo Gra luiinsville on the Sill. Washington. Jan. II Richmond papers ay that nl last accounts bum South Carolina the enemy were still in trout uf llardeeville. fOKKIUX. Portland, Me., Jan. II The Moravia. from Liverpool, Deo. 21)1 h, and Londonderry, Deo. Ull. hue arrived. Gen. DiX'S order to purme the rebel raider inln Canada attracted much attention. The lead ng English-journal hope II will not be acted open, a il might cause trouble. The paper generally discoun tenance Ihe idea nf bring driven into unfriendly relation with the Uui' d Slate nn account o raider in Canada. Tlie Timti shuwa that the rebel could desire nothing better. Nkw Yohk. Jan. II. The latest advices fruiu Mexico elate that Maximilian has issued a umiiilesiu directing a revision by hie ministry of tl.e title and claim under which ecclceiaa Ileal property ha la-en lor some lime held, in rlfect declaring that it belongs In ihe Slate and that it ia In Ihe province of the Govern ment lo exercise superior control over it.( It appears Ihul he opened negotiation with Ihe Pope while iu Itume nn the enbjif I, hut In hi great surprise finds thai the Nutu-iu w ho has Jusl arrived tn Mexico is wilhont instruction m Ihe matter. He then-fore boldly adopt hi own policy, and it i said Ihul it nu received Ub gnml eulhttaiatut. (0,M.Ur.,MSl0MAI ('llli'AO'i. Jan. 12 Nothing nf iinpuiliince ha transpired iu Congress during the session as yet. The llnusu hnil been engaged the greater pnrt of the lime, in discussing Ihe u 1 1 it-ii il 1 1 1 1-1 1 1 to the Coti-tiliillou nbulisliiiig sla very. The debate continues lu iliiy. His nut likely that a vole will be reached ibis week. Nkw YiiIik, Jan. 12 The Ci'inmercinl'l spi cinl dispatch says; The bankrupt law will he passu! next week by the Semite, and if it is amended by the House the Semite will adopt the amendment. Wasainoton. Jim. 12 In the Somite, the Chair hud heliire tliu Senate A message fruui the President, giving itiforiuuliiiii us tu tin agreement hctWkcii the United Slate nnd Great Britain cancel niig the naval Iniou un the lakes, which was ordered printed. Trumbull, uf Illinois, from the Judiciary Coniiuillee, lonhoiii was referred A resnhitiiiti instructing that cmnmittce In iiiquiri if further legislation was necessary In nutlioiizctlic I'n s id nl to call an extra session uf Congress, with out giving sixty duys' notice, reported ami ask ed in lie tlischiiigeil, I ruiiiliiill sn hi lliey could find uu law requiring tile President tu give sixty days' notice. No notice whatever nas required by law. Wilson, of Massachusetts, offered the follow ing, which was adopted i Resolved, That the Committee nn the Con duct of the War be directed to iiuuurc into the causes uf the failure uf the bite expedition to linn igiiiu nml report Illicit to the Senate, On nullum uf Sumner, the Semite proceeded tn the consideration nf the resolution to repeal Ihe recipiirnciiy trculv . Howe, of Wis., tuok the floor in opposition to the repeal. , M on ill. of Me., advocated the ntitietil. Hale, ol'-, N . II., argued against the repeal, stating Unit its mlvnuiiigca hint lieeti reciprocal Alter n lew reiiinrks, he moved to rcler the subject to the ColllinitU-e on Filiilllce. DiHilittle, of Wi,.' explained why he should vole lor the resolution. 1 lie new revenue sya lem id the government ileiiiiiinled the nhrogii. lion ul the treaty, and he bud prepared an ll iiiiliil nil-lit that, instead ol repealing Ileum- iiiissiiiii be nppiuiiteil to inaiie a new tin ,ty. Further rcitnirks mi the subject were uiuile by Comics, of Cal.. liuldle, uf Del., mid Hen dricks, of Iiid. The two former in favor, nud the latter nguitisl ihe repeal. A motion to refer the subject to the Judicia ry Comiuillee was lost. , TheiiM'shnd noes were then called nn Ihi passage of tho resolution wliiu'.i was adopted Ales, DI. Noes. 8. Iu the House, Elliot, of Muss., introduced n substitute lor the lull tu reorganize Ihe rebel States, providing tlmt none of them shall lie allowed tu resume their political r. iHiiiiilioii till the toy ul citizens oi'cuniz-a government repul) licnn iu In! in. nml loiever iiriihilii'ing mvoluti liny servitude; nud further prohibiting thai Luiiisiaiiii shall resume her political relation under her constitution adopted iu April, 18(34 Urilereil to lie priuteil The House resumed the discus-lull uf the proposed Constitutional niiietidiiu tit, EMAXIIPATI0.V IX MISSOIKI. St. Louis. Jun. 11. In the Missouri Con it ul ii hi ul C'onveiilioii. the committee nu eiiiau cipatioii reported (lie foil, nving ordinance ut noon, which tins just passed Ihe Convention by a Vote nt 1)0 to 4 t He il ordained by the people of the Stnte nf .Missouri in Unliv i-ul inn us i-iulileil. Unit here nlti r m thi Slute there shall be neither slavery nor liivolnntury servitude, except in punish incut of crime, w liereut I lie parly shall liav been dull convicted. All persons held to ser vice ur labor a slave arc hereby declared free. The Herald thinks tho conduct uf Missouri iu passing the ciir.uoipiiiiou net will soon be imitated by Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky anil Delaware. The World says the passage nf the nrdi nance nn a wise step, resulting from clear siglilril iierspeclion ol I lie teiiileucy uf event It thinks that if the war were to end to-morrow and the States to resume jurisdiction over the sulijeut. nil would lollow the example uf .Mary land and Missouri. The Tribune i briefly exultant and make nu comment. The Past points nnt Ihe. advantages possessed ny taiiorer unit inaniilaclnrers under the new si stem. The Commercial thinks the net inn nf Mi sour i is au tirgnin, nl iu favor of the passage of ine cnii-uiuiinnui amentum-tit. Iiik h' I, in Kits I? iiikxi). We have re ceiled Ihe first lininhertif n pent lit le pnpc published nt Astoria by the ladies uf Ihe Sntii tary Aid Society of that place. It contain number of creditable original composition, poem, dec, and I neat in typngriphiual ap pcuriiuce. liKMK.MliKR. The Thespians nill nlny "The King'a Uivnl," or "Court nnd Stage," tu-morrow evening. JUriM-lauiiit Ion. SrtTicor Outaux, Kxkcctivk )KriiTMXXT, llllllllll-V I'.'tll. iai.V lTn"',,l-- ' '"ive reeeivnl u rtiiiisi'iiii from W Wnj.ir tieiiend Irwin Mcliouell, roruriiiiucinij the Dcpurtoieiit or Hie I'm-ilic, llcllli under the uu llioritv t 1 lie Wur lleeuriioviil, l'.,r u rvjiiiieol ol I'liVidry f-ir unoiln-r lenu nf veins, bv n-niuiiiur in whole or ni pint lliu Kciritiie olid and ('uiiipiinv orifiin ixatiii of ibe pivsetil llreuoo Iti-uiinelil nf 'uvttlrv In uid in Itie elilnrc.-iii.tiit uf llie bills. In suppress in .irrciill. repel lilviistoll. UIIO loclitollie huslllu illill 11ns ill ibis Mililiiry I'islliet. Niivv.iliei-uiore, I. Adili-ou (' Oibbs. (iovernor of ilia vine ot Oregon unit ('ouonuiider-ili-C bief of the .Militia ibureof. do liereby call upon lliu eiiixeua of lliia Slute I -guliize the llisclve intu ('uiiipuiiiea sllf- tii-ieiil to till ihe fori-ifnin rviiuisiliiin. Iu wiloesa vvhereiif, I buve hereunto set mv bund l.s mid etniMal llie Seal of the Slute of ( In-iron to It, iitbxeil. Done al Sol.-ui litis t'.'ili iluv of Juiiuurv, A. I). I.tsi AIU-1-4IN C. (IttlllS, d'urermr rj Oregon. Attest 1 8urL K. Mir, &rcietarjf of istate. PI1111 of ItVcrniliiiu;. The IteKimrnt will reiuin ittu iihiiio of the let Cnv airy Oiegon Voliiiepeia- If will consist of twelve t oniiiiiiiiea seven I'litnpaoie of Mir old Hcuiiiienl will W reemiicd to the iiiiuiiumn itii-eiiiiiti required Kive new ComiatiiiFS reinuiii Iu be raised. A Ueeniit iiigOllirer for eiicli new L'oniMiiy will be appoinied. CniiiiiiissMiiia will be issued bv the tiuveruor 10 Ua rruiiiag DtNi-ere. rutidiiioucd lliut lliey aluill recruit Ibeir reseelive I'liiiipaiiie in tlie di.'irici to which they urenmigued.uiid be reudy la lie musieird into the service w iilnu a liuie liereulter tu lie named. All llie UHieera for llie new Cuuipuiiiea and the Furt and Second Lieutenants fur llie uld one, will be appointed iu eoiai ua llie Cuiupanive mi filled. A, msiii it 1. ,r,iliiii a,ile. the St, It will he divided illt idisliK ta.acciidiig 1, ll, mitn.s-r of peraoia in em li liaiile Iu d ui.la.iry duty and tn llie lounlier uf inii lierel il. re lurni-lieil. Uiieimucli dl-lmt lm. iiirin-liid it, qu ite nl men there will lie nu dnlt In the ime miller tluscall, Tlie 8ute Ims pruvidrd Icy lair fur the p iyment of a tenuity o l.iu in St,ie interest bcann U-nds. pav ile 111 (uld Vi each vuliiiiteer niiwleird ialo llie service iiTttlirteyeara. In addition to the Iwuiilies autborurd to I paid hy the United Stutes. Under Ad ul Cuiipjrw. iUum whn enlist for one year are entitled to a Is ly from the (ieucral (loeerninent ol une hiudri'd d dlan. : lor tarn ye in. two hundred d 'liars, aud d,r Hires lean, three bundled d dlar.one lliird f which is payable at tlie tune id muster-in. Neither drain d nun iior'autwlltules-fiimislied either uelore ur areer llie draft are entitled lubuuiity. The irate of Private a-ddier are tit a muitu.be able cl illnnir, equlunei.t, mti. ua. mediclim and medical attrudaiice, aud ullier alliovauve furul bed by the U uited Sutee. The pay per m .nth ia tn lt Serrant nf Cavalry, tU; Scnr..iiU. I.'O ; t'nrH,rals, Its; Bnxlcra. lib A ciiniwuy van l inuatvred tnou reacliiiig a miuiwuiu ul i c nit-led mea. All Ur karnt for tke (etsfed men will ru ira Ajr tk fiereraaire. Appnrviatiuu litlily the patrtntlc action of the peo ple In re-p"mhntf in ihe prtvion. call lur an Infantry hVgiincnl. it ia li "d that equal .ila nty will be exbtb ilcdin raising a Hrgimeutof Cavalry. OrKauiintlon of a Itcgimrnt. One Colonel. One Rut'll'iimmi-aary, One l.iml.-Cikinel, (aaeatra lieuteiuint.) Tlirre M ijole, ."Out Velertnarjr Kurgeon, One Surireoe. Une Sen-rant Major. Tro AnisUut Bargsmi, One Qiiaiternia,trr Seru'l. Oi IteginH-nUl AitJaUnt, One 1 i,niinlwrv Hcrireaul, (an extra lieulrtianl) Two H--pilal Is'lewarda, On Heu'l Q itterma-ter. One Sadaler !ereaiil, (au extra lieutenant) On Caiel Tniniieter. Or-tunixitiion of a Companr, One t'4ploi. Five Serneanis, On lirst Lieutenant. Kiabt Cmpoials, out second LKalrnant, Tani Trumpi trni. (ineKir-t HerKeiuit, Two f'anieanr Utackamitb Due IV-iarlcriiM-lcr rVrit"t,()nf S-uldkr, One ( uaamtsaiiry Merneniit.Oae Waguner. The moiiiuiou wimurr of entieil men required for a On, p,nt la al 1 Um tBazifaiua ouabw, tut. 013 six lli, ,., i nihil' of Mr. Deluny's iiioney have been ,1,. covered on the premises since tha murder. Tee Divine Nhnkspenre ha said of mem. I luit "It ia l, Ire Id, ssoil lilnsdiiu lit,,, l, ..i, . ..,,,,, " " S1'". Hill him who mill's. J he suiiie Ii true of Newell, ' nionnra 8)'i iii,llii,t most aiii'i'uistiil of ult reirimli,.. r. coughs, ciilila, oi'imp, milium, whooping cough nnj coimtiinpliun ua una rriul will innst iiii.IuiiIhIiIv ,)rn(. MARRIED. Oct. , Ml. bv Iti-v. T il. Smstl. . J r i. ... .. ViruiniaCuiiuaH.il. J,,,, o. lsiif,. , u,. .., . , " una Mrs. M. A. O.nnllt. All ,f Mrl,,i, ,,. ' '" In Yiiii i h ill un, Jitn. I, lailA. Iiv Khl. fl. w in............ .. Uliarh-a il. f.lir nml .Ml.. Snrali K. Juluum,. " "r' Jim. I, in tliu rulilmce nl II, in. Hiram Mmlll, ii.. . uncle, In 1,1 ii n en., hy ll, . g, K (Krv. Ji,. w " " lit, Kail., nml Miss I.jiIIo, .Iniulil.r u lion m. n" ivuveuwerlli clly, Kaiiana. ' "", At lliu rt'ililmice uf tliv ltrl(ti'i fsihr. l, u u. Mr. It. r. Hey. of Clv.l,nil, Ohio, ana Him Anal, li,,,, "i Sublimit, Orsnn, ' DIED. Al RiKtlarg, Jan. t, tt typlii.lU few, Ore. W. SniaCT, R l ray N olive, rAKEN UP by the aiibaeribar, living f,)ur mil(,. nuriti eiMt of Suluiii cue Imy mura puny, au,uT u v,H,i, inn, ,, nut llHMIIl lllgll, (kill, amnll while eudille iiiaik uu lli left ai,la iU ul, mil kaoi- bi-unils iiei'cetiiitilo. dun IU, IHii; !lw4 W. H MUSKKlia Four Lli'i, or One Thief. MP. OWEN, In iimwiir to my itdvurilaemsut ab ait In. v . save lie run prove tiv mv nt-ii.i. unit iny liired huutle that 1 iliti not leave ilve tune of I II, Ol III, uiti iii i,,i,i nun i iiiiuirii h nu uvvny except wiiui- is leu. ii iu. r. ii "'c ii win pruve tlia ,y my Idl ed bauds ami my iiciglilmrs. or by either of ilie0 tlien I uui a liar il lie fails tu do il-, be miiea t.e h thiafl oioi, iii, iiiww , 'j. u, luv jj. IMTI.O -STATES MAIL. Oi'i-koii. Poet Ori.iea )piitikt, 1 W.UIIINOTOS Lrrr Orloliei-li!. iftj i pnnPDHAlo will bo wieived at the L'ouiriwt nr. J. in e or line iieiniiiei i mini 3 p, m. of Him ll ISH5. (lobe ilceiiluil bv Ittl u. enrrvlnir il., .1. 1 tie I'liileil Simes initio Mime ol (Wkuu Irom Jul, I, I MO j. to Jiuin UU. tWili, oil the 1 tee nml u nj seheiliile ul' itepHi'lmes and arrivals liei-oiu siN-ciiini betlitf rome eNliililisln-il bv Act ul Cuiuivm ui,i,h.wJ June JU, IMil (and uilicrs). r laOliti Kroin Portland, bv Tuvloi-'a tVn-i, u,.j m..' Iiiilein (lap, to lituyolte, ill) miles and tiai k,uiu(s H CUI. Ijmivo Pni'lhiiid Momliiy at It u in; Ai-iiie at Lat'uyi'itu h.v li p 111 ; I'iive l.iiliiyeiie Tuesiluy al li h m; Ai-livo at 1'orthlliil by (i p ill. l.'ilUli Krioii Isiluviilii tu Tillamook Vulb ul miles and bm-k, once a week. l,eiive Lattiyeiiu nlninlnv ul- 6 a ni. Arrive ill 'J llamook Vnlley by li p nn l,envo iilliiiii-iok Valley ni ii u tn; Arrive hi l.nliivetle bv ti p 111. ltlli.'7 Kroiii Tlie hiilles. by Canyon City nnd In iteliunilelli'e. lo lloho t'llv. ildiiho'.l ;tlit) uiils, nj buck, oni-e a week. H-iblei'M to propose a schedule uf departure and . rival, lli:JH From llosetnirg. liy Ten-Mile Treek, Cwmi Vnlley, Jiuielioii of Mnliltv and South' Kurka ofu ipiille, ljriiliiii'ri'a Pi'Hirio, unit Six .Mines, le Furt Or hud, i'JO miles und buck, once h week. Itiitiiera will propone sclieilute of lietiarlnree auJu. rivals ItitLtl From .Turkannvllle, tiv lloek Point, DarilKn. tiles, behind. Oulcsvillo, .Norih C'itiivoi,vil!e. Uyuk l i'cek. ltohchiirg Wilbur, tiukluinl. I'Jugeiiu lityGui Iiiko (trove, I'orvulli. Albany. JultcrHna. Kulsia, H. piissi, Aiii-oiu ,viiiie, I'i'i'Kuii 1 uy, una Muwuukie, I'crilHinl, ittui miles hu! buck. dudy. Jfiive Jucksoiiville duily at g u in i Ai'i-ivo at Porthoiil, tioin tsl April lo 1st Dccembtr, in lln-i-e days; remiiimler of the yeur iu rive duyii beuve I'orlluiltl duilv ill ti II 111; Arrive ut Jucksoiiville, fruiu 1st April to tit Dtne boi'. in three ituye; leiiiiiiiiiier uf the year in live din If service uu lhi iiniu. and I'lHU, C'ulit'oniia.'lt let, Ihul on ruule J4'JI3, t'ldiluriiia, will nut be. Ilids must provide fur the conveyance uf the mil with ccnuinty, celerity, and security," uuii.g ii, terms of Ihe Iniv. Fur lonn uf proposal, guaruiN, iiiol certiticuie und fur tiistructiuns, roiiiiixinctiu,lu., die., tiiddei-a ure referred to ibe piimpldel udveru liiout uf lliia dute at tbo principal poet utticea. W. IILNNl.lD.V, 4iiwl Poeiuiualer Gvuenl 'A Complete Pictorial History erifct TiuicM," "The Vol, Cheapest, and Molt Succtuji .Family Fuper in the Union." HARPERS WEEKLY feI'LENDlDLY ILLL'STUATED. ClUTICiL oTK'la or thi raiias. "The best Family Ptiper iuhliabed Iu Ilia Unild -.Imi,4 ' Xric Loitiwn Adtertiter. "The Mu.'KL AanirAraa ul uur cnuntrywnpaa iu nil llie department, ut nu Amerii-uu Fuiiuiv hpe lUarxu IVkki.t liuaeuuied tor itself a ritltta 11 title, A JUllt.SAL OF ClVlLlZ.lTIOi. "- 1 ,V. V. &rntng Vott. "Thia rupee InriiiBliea the bent illnttratioiu, Ov fuluie biatuiiuiia will enrich tlieiueelves outuf lbs imi'a Weekly lung ullur writer,, aud pumteii. aal publi,liui-a uru turned Iu dust." -V. Evtnirtlul. "A uevxaeity iu every liuuaebotd." Beito Tn sertpt. StltStHU'TIOAS. lt5. Il'irper's weekly tor (be Pacific Slain.' v lltiiig dreiioiia uf extending the intlaeuceef a publicHiioiia in tin srciion, llie. Pnblisliei uf Uu. ru'i Mauaiixx and Wr.sat.t will pay eorfcrne attention lo aulim'ripiioua Irom tho Pacini: Swa. and siiliaciihera uiuy rely upon the pnnupi arnrild ibeir pupera by emii mad fruiu New Vurk. fussa ten uml oibcia doirniia of getting up Hubs, will supplied with a handsome picluiiul bhow-biU f pIlCHllOII. I he I'lildiahera have perfected a system of it by w Inch they 11111 supply llie MtuaiiNit aiulVYiuu iieiiy lu liiiHw wliu preler iu receive Itiair arar 11-11I, ilireclly Irom llie Ulll.-e uf PiihliculluiL Tnu postiiKe on IIaki'Ui i ll nKl.r ia iH ami yeur, Wt.iuli must be .uidnl ttiesuesc tUr't lJ. TKllAISi lUurKii's Wkeki.v, one ycur lll An Kslia Copy of cither lb IV g Ki r or Hmv will lie supplied rtralis lor e.erv Clan t tirt oee brrg ul 91 i'U euiTi, ill one remiliHiice; ur six iof lur t II ell. ll.ii k Niiinlices ran be supplied al any liiae. Tlie Annual Volume ul llAiiraa's ttsHU iieni iloih bioiliiig, will be seni by exafc f exienw. lor $11 eiicb. A comple'e tiet, enapisftj ri'.irW Volume, sent uu reeeipl ul rash all'ie i a) I on tK-r volume, Jrriuhi at cjprwe f p"tW Audivsa II U(l',.lt et UMOl'siKK- Fhakli neAua,.k,i,tt "liiqiKslioiiitlily I lit beol Milal work or llie kind in the WorM. HARPER'S New Monthly Magaaw eanirAi. otics ur tu r- It is the foremast Muuaiiueoftlieday. Th4',j' never hud a mure delightful coinnuuwii, nor It ion a more eiitrriiisuig fricml. ilian llrieri auf line Methtlt frottttunt lllaltiinntel- The uiuel popular Muiilhlyiii Ilia urld.-.w Obntrrer. it-ia W e mn.t refer in lerine of eulogy t W ami varied excelleinea of llABrxas journal with a luunihlv eircul tiun of alioal "'-. epiea in whose imgea are 10 lie '"""".""r fi chuieeat light and general reurting uf ,T',na) speak of lliu work us an evidetice uf Ihe People 1 and the nopuluritv il baa acquired Ku.ii Number c.,i..ui..a felly N4 mutter, upproprlaieiy illnstHied with and it rouihinra in itself lb "V "'ZZ uiure idiiliwipbiial qnurlerly, blended ' "'", leutnreaul the daily journal. Il ll f1 Jlfni the diesemimuion ut a hive of pure luemi a arr'a UaioV U American Literature, " f:: . lilea- The volumea bnniid toiisliliit of ll'"', rvof niiac lluneuiia reading such aa """"'L, m in Ihe earn coin par in nv other pubbeaiw w cum uuder uur notice H'to t'uner. PACIFIC BTAIEslrBSCBlPHO!" . 1883. Being dealruua of extendin tli fS Hu "ublicafiona in thia nelioii, the PiiblnHe raa Maoaiidi aud tt lrZmM attention iu "uba:riilioiia Iruia lb r"r'.'J, u aiibMntiera may rely upu tb roiBp m Mneanne, bv mail. . ,f aaitt Tn Publiihera hav perfected a ayate" 1" bv w liirh tber ran eiipply tlx N'n",B,,Sr -oat prompt, t iIiom who .rferl w-'v !" r icala direr III frim t-e OlHc of Pabliealioa- The p. a.Hg on ll.rp.r a year, which must U. paid at the tutKnnrr TEKMSi Harper's Maguiine, en year Aa Extra Cupv of eiihe the U?."r ii will bo aupplied gratia fur every cmo ' wc serteer nl l 110 each, ia on ream11 " ie,frAI UU. ....ii 11,,-k iiamliors can b nppM .' A t omplet Sel. sow composing kf - nme. in neat elolh binding, will "frierwn treiiilu al expenaeor pnrchaaar. foi Jra Muill TolilUB-i, hy Bail, pnalpal. ..yna for binding, . rem, by mad- P"'l!yrus, HAKI'Klt . IHlll HEH. I-t Franklin Square, PHotlrr-, .i1bS MF.F.TINU of th. atorkholdera el . A Milvee Mining Co. will toJJTw twlern on Tuesday Jan. n on lneiav Jan- " '. J. 1 i.mim of general li-Minea. Jaa- lb,ltMwll iJlll.ANV H iMllNKY I Men