lite tDttgott lateift. ABRAHAM 1IWC0LW, of Illinois. tun vies nissniKST, ANDREW JOHNSON, of Tennessee. Tilt Statesman has a Larger Clroulalion than any other Pper in tht Stats, and iitht Best Medium for Advertisers. ' The D S lew end Resolution! ere published in the Statesman by Authority J AMENDMENTS TO TIIK CODK. The id to amend tlie code of civil procedure Iisj pissed bolli house! and will doubtless be t approved by (lie Governor. Tho amendment! were nil determined upon by tlic Joint Judicinry couiniittoc, and prepared by the code commii ,. ioner 1 , i , i '.::.'' ; We give a aynnpsli of them: ' , . ' Section 44 ia amended, so that an affidavit ( may be randu for a change of Ihe place of trial, by any one on behalf of the party, when Iho latter ia hot a reaident ul Iho comity, (propoaed by Mr. Underwood. " '. ,' . , t Secllnu 51 is amended so aa to require the . defendant to nppea and answer within ten daya from the ecrvico of the aummona, if lie lie icrvcd within the county and within twenty dnye Ifho b served elsew here, ( proposed by ,. Mr Underwood. . - , Section 55 ia amended ao na to allow service of a summons by publication, when it appenre "'that the defendant line departed from the State for the period of fix month and haa properly therein, and the court tin jurladiction of the ' euhject of tho action. In auch caae the intent With which tho defendnnt left the State ia not material. '" (Propoaed by Mr. Thornton.) i Section 81 ia amended ao na to requite the plcadinge subsequent to the demurrer or an- ewer to be filed by the firet day of the next term, .or if the hitter bo filed Id term lime, then with in one dny after auch filing. Tills wna necos iary to conform to section 51 aa amended. Section 143 ia amended ao aa to allow tho af fidavit for an attutchnient to he in the alterna tive, ao far aa the groendaof attachment arc 'eta ted in the alternative in the lection. (Pro posed by Mr. Underwood.) , Section 194 ia amended eooato allow two boure In each party before tho Jury, inatead of one, and tn require the Judge, if either pnity require it, and gives notice of hie intention ao to do at tho commencement of the trial, to re duce the chargo lo the jury aa to the law and the fnote to writing, and the aame to be filed with the clerk. (Modifications of amendments -proposed by Mr. Thornton ) v, Seotion 228 is amended so aa tn provide for taking the affidavits of reapectulilo nod disin terested hy-stnndori in case ofa diaagreemcnt between court and counsel na lo tho trulli of the ctateineut of an exception. . ( Modilication of an amendment propoaed by Mr Thornton.) " Section 209 is aim tided so aa to extend tho lei ii of a Judgment, or decree, to ten years, in stead of five. (Proposed by Mr. Thornton.) Si otion 493 la amended ao aa to allow n auit 1 for diaaolntion of the niitrringo contract, with out reference to the residence of tho defend ant.' (Proposed hy tho Co'o Commissioner). Section 521 is amendod ao as to require .ser vico of notices upon the attorney, if he reaido in tho county, whether tho party be absent from the State or nut. (Propoaed by the Code Conmiisiouer). ; -, Seotion 527 ia amended ao aa to require an appeal tir tm inkeir to ihe supreme court in sixty days, and tn tho .circuit oourt in thirty daya from tho eutry of judgment, or deerce. (Propoaed by Mr. Law son). " Section 231 la amended ao aa to allow tho transcript to be lllrd in the appellate court, by tho second day of the next regular term of such court, after the appeal is perfected. (Pro poaed by Cude Commlsainner.) "J" ,' Suction 533 ia amended ao that an appeal from a county, or juatioe'e court, the notion is "tried anew upon the merits. (Propoaed by Mr. Carta right). Section 53G, relating to the manner tf giv ing a decision in the appellate court, is amen ded so ae lo conform to the ohangea In section 533, --- ' . ' Section 545 la amended an aa to allow a par , ty to pay the feee of ultioere of courts in advance-, or give aecority therefor. The fees ao received may be collected by audi officera by an execution agninat the party and hie eecuri I tiee. (Proposed by Mr. Lawaou.) Section 546 ia amended ao aa not to require bill of diahoreemente In be verified aa to feee of oflioere. Hill may bo filed In five days, with out serving copy, and at any tiino thereafter, by serving copy. (Propoaed by Code Com missioner.) Seo'ion 742 is amended ao as tn allow a scroll to be oaed aa a private, seal. (Taken from Senate bill, unreduced by Mr. Crisuian.) ""' Section 026 is amended so ns not to require a jury to bo drawn for tho county court, unless upou the order of tho county judge, filed with " the clerk, by the tiiuo suoh drawing is other wise required. (Proposed by the Commis sioner.) And, also, to give the county court authority to order a jury, when needed, fur tho trial of ao iasue in tho county court, aa in a Janice's court. (Proposed by Mr. Warren, in the Mntiee.) Section 959 ii amended so as to authorize the clerk of tbo supreme court and county clerk to lake acknowledgments of deeds.1 (Token from Senate bill Introduced by Mr. Crisnian.) Seoliou 1002 is amended so us to ptuhihit uu attorney from practicing or appearing in any oourt of justice in this State until ho has taken tbo oath of allegiance prescribed by tho nutiou al government, and tiled the same with tho county clerk of the county of which bo is an inhabitant, or with tbo clerk of the supremo ' court. Section 1042 Is amended so as to make Iho Slate pay the five of district attorneys iu aoy civil action, or proceeding, lu which tho Stole 4s the real party in interest. The joint judiciary committee oonsisled of Uorey, chairman, Palmer and Pylo from the Senate, and Underwood, Lawson, Thornton, Cartwright and Fay, of tho House, and tho Code Commissioner. The committee was iu session part of each day and every evening for two weks, considering these amendments, and otheri that were rejected. Compared with the naauVr of liialten in the Code, and the clamor a boat it (rata certain quarters, it does not ap pear that anajif ohangea were deemed Keoee aary i and of those made, time may abow Mine of tliein tu bo of doubtful policy. . Small Mistakm- Our editorial of roster, day In relation lo Ilia aiueudwcu'a lo the Code got trrong in toine particulars In going through tint pre, la the first paragraph, instead of laying tho amcnaWnU were "p opoaed" by tbo Oaths oouiuiiseMMMtr, Mil ewuUi "piepuieii" tVy Iho undo ooniiniaaioner. The amenilmeiila to aeclinua 1002 and 1012 am not credited. Tho tint requiring attorneys In take the oath of nllcgiiinccwni proposed hy Mr. Thornton, and tbo littler requiring the State to pay the feee of the Dul riot Attorney, In .civil notioiia where the Stato ia the real parly In interest, una pro posed by Mr. Underwood. To be exact about tho amendment requiring attorneys lo Inko the until of allegiance, it whs proposed ny the Statesman, in an editorial in the Daily of Au gust tho lflth. . STAND BY UN10I AND J0HN80X. Every Union man who deairea nothing ao much aa In aee the rebellion crushed out, and- the hereay of aecessiou forever laid out of the way of our republic, ought to stand uuflinch- ngly by the present chief magistrate, and to uso his vote and utmost influence for his re election. Uecauso there ia no other candidate pledged to an unconditional restoration of tho con litn tional authority of tho government. liccause, if Lincoln ia defeated tho war will end with with a certainty of the indep' ndeucu of the Southern Confederac, and tho recng nition of the right of n statu to accede at will. lieoanso there ia no hope of future republi can government aive iu Lincolu'a policy of punishing trenaon nud preventing disunion. Because, if that policy be defeated, there is lio living inn u ao far-seeing na to predict the poasitde end of consequent war and anarchy. Because bo has honestly struggled agitinat the joint machinations of rebels iu arms and conspiring copperheads, to preserve the Union and liberties ut the people. ; Because ho has struggled so manfully, and ancceasfully, that the rebellion is reduced lo an ebb of distress that must anon end the war on lerme honorable to tho nation. Ueoauae the defeat of Lincoln Would be un derstood by the rebels us a northern rebuko of tho whole war policy of tho government, i Because the accession of even a war succes sor would be attended with such delays of the war as would give the rebels time to recuper nto and proceed with renewed vigor in their infernal scheme. . . Because bia defeat would virtually deliver the destiny of (ho nation, nud all its people, into the hands of traitors, nud would bu fol lowed with oulamities, Iho number uud moment of which cannot be calculated. Let every Union nuin, then, aland by Hon est Abe and Fourloas Andy, whatever copper beads may cajole or threaten. If they thus stand, tho Union will yet bo preserved, and tho insulted majesty of the government lie avenged. llTMr, Boyukin'a lecture, lust night, waa greeted by a full house. Tho nuilii-noo listened to him with great interest, nut only because they had a deep anxielv on the auhject matter of the leutnre, but hi cause tho epoukcr. Intel from tho acenea of tho war, gnvo them encour aging assurances of a tangible character that the cnuse of the Union mutt tt'umph.- We hope he will visit na again. Poktlanu - Hacks. Tho race Tuesday, purse $200, for Oregon bred stallions, one unh and repeat, wna won hy Mr. Bnskett's Hum boldt, aguinat three other entries : ' Emery's Jnn. 0. Ileennn, Biirliank's Knglo Bird and Welsh's Dasher. Humboldt made four heats, nnd won on Inst two, lu 1:57 and 2:5. Eagle Bird took Iho first heat in :52j, and Dasher the second in 1:55.. Moun AoureeioNS. James O'Mea'u, Esqr. has come out for Miklillin. T'Vnull is expect ed to come ont soon. Joe Lnno will go fur Mao aa anon aa tho South Carolinians get thro' with hia " dead body." Cranston nnd Grover are stumping for him. Jeff Davis nnd dipt. John Lano would reinforce him with a strong column of "accessions" under Lee, only Grant Is in the way. That's the way the tide goea. ' t7In those sections of the country where cheers for McClellan are plenty, there ia never a cheer for a Union victory. These two kinds of rhnutlng don't go together. If yon want tn hear genuino rejoioing over o vlotnry for the Union nruts, you bare lo get into a Lincoln nnd Johnson crowd: 17 The soldi rs have a good way of putting thing!. One of Ihein was presented a copper bend ticket iu Vermont at the last election. He took il, held ft out and looked deliberately at it a moment and answi red, "What a d d foul I would be to go and fight Iho rebels fur threo years and then come home ami stub myself iu the back with such a bit of paper as that." Our CoNditEssto.NAi, Dk.lfhution -Messra. Harding and Mcliride readied the Dalles on the 16th on their way overland to Washington The same evening M -. Mcliride nud Mr. Wal laeo of Idaho, made speeches in support of the Union. . Foil Mihidkii. A. correspondent of tho Seatmel, writing from Elleiisburg, October 3d, says : "A foul murder wns committed nt Ibis place, Inst evening, by James Lewis, upon George Davla. Lewia succeeded in ruunuiir away and we think will endeavor lo crosa tho coast ruue of mountains, uud reach the settlements of middle Oregon." Lewis was a " constitutional democrnl," drunk, and on tho rauifinge. Ho provoked Davis by bluster and lunula into a fight and then stabbed liiin. Davis was a much esteem ed citiien. QllAUTZ Mll.l.. Tlireo wagon kinds of the now qnartx mill for the Sitiitinm mines bavo ar rived in Salem, nud twu of them bnVe gouv on toward the mountains. The entire mill iron work weighs about 20.000 pounds. The bat tery was viaited yesterday by a great number of people who had never before aeen one. Wo believo il goea on to day. , Tho bnlnuco of the mill will bo forwarded at once. IV We are pleased to'learu that everywhere in the anotheru part of Oregon there ia groat euthuaiasra for Lincoln nod Johnson, and the utmost oonfidenoe la felt that every county will rive largo Union majnritiea next month. In Jauksou county, where the Union party waa divided last euiiimor. there is now Iho greatest unanimity, and tho prospeot is fair that Jack eon will uobly redeem himself. u IT" While the Chicago convention waa galh eriug, and during iti recesses, hands of music were employed to amuse tbo crowd, and, we auppose, to keep thuin Iroin breaking out pre maturely in a counter-revolution. The tune of Di.rit. ft Is enid. waa played tliu olteiiat, loud- eel and was most vociferously applauded. IVThe meanest and moat contemptible style of rebels are those who blow and bluster around the streets of loyal lowna and villages, olfvr beta against Ilia success of the L'uiou cause and help Jeff Davis in such and various other small ways, but have nut tho spunk lo go down and assist him with inask?ts and villaiu. ous powder. LEGISLATIVE PROCEEDINGS. T'miuauAY, Oct. Uot'RB. Mr. Lawson offered a joint resolu tion complimenting Hon. S. K. Mar for his ef ficient and fitilhl'ul management of the nll'.iirs eunuee.ted with his ollie.e, which was adopted. A hill to prevent those who have noun en- gaged in rebellion from voting in this State whs reported Hack to llie House and passed. A lull to repeal an net authorizing the bring iug of auita against the State waa reported back and passed. A bill lo provide fur the location of the peni tential)' and insane asylum nnd the building of the penitentiary wns amended and passed. 1 Mr. Cult offend a joint resolution memorial izing Congress to establish the branch mini at Portland instead nt Dalles. I ho resolution was supported hy Messrs. Cult, Lane, Under wood nnd Wakefield, and opposed by Mr. Bor land. Tho memorial passed. The following hills passed : A hill to provide for Iho division of Douglas county j " A bill to change tho boundaries of Salem ; Jl bill to inonrpnmte Canyon City j A bill providing for tho adoption of children; A bill to regulate tliu salaries of county judges i A bill lo regulate nnd apportion the senator ial and representative districts of tho State ; A bill to encourage good conduct in convicts in tliu nenitentinrv : A bill to reguhito terms of the Circuit Courts; A lull lo regulate the Mate Llhrary ; Joint Convkxtion. Pursuant to joint res olutiun the two houses met in joint convention at .1 o'cloeli, p.m. Tho following officers were elected : Pilot Commissioners on the Columbia river: James Taylor, J. II. Couch und V. Ketclintn ; Statu Librarian : P. L. Willis; Commissioners to locate tho insane nsylmn and penitentiary nnd superintend the construction thereof, J. II. Moores and T. K. Cornelius Tho tomahawk with which Dr. Whitman was murdered, sold fur the benefit of the Into sanitary fair, wns presented to the State to bo placed in the nrelnves, by Mr. Shipley of Clack amas comity. Tho President of the Senate and Speaker of the House uiudo neat speeches in acknowledgment. Convention adjourned and the House resnm ed bu mess. Tliu following hills passed : A bill tn provide for tho conveyance of in. sunn persons to the asylum ; A bill relating to tliu distribution of estates; A bill relating to justices of the pence and constal'les ;, A bill to regulate tho penitentiary ; A hill relating to tliu olliuu of District, At tnruey ; A bill to incorporate churches nud other so cielies; A bill to provide fur tho disposition of differ cut kinds of inoiiev in Iho treasury ; A bill to provide for the election of clerks, slierills and coroners. During the evening session tliu rules were suspended a great iiuinlier of times, nnd a large iiiiuiher of senate lulls were rend hist and sec ond times. A bill to define and punish the crime of tren sou iiganut tliu State was read third lime and passed. Sknatk. After rending of journal, disposal of reports etc., the following lulls were rend a third time and passed. A bill providing aid for tho construction ofa rnilrond; A lull lo amend an act entitled " An net lor llie recovery of real or ncrsonnl nrooerlv vti - J I t 4 cheated to the Stale, and for the distribution of estates when the heirs are unknown;" A bill to amend uu net entitled "All act tu incorporate tliu city of Jacksonville;" A lull fur the relief of il. W. Davis uud Pe ter Taylor of Multnomah county. A bill extending the time of payment of tax es id' certain counties; A bill fur llie collection of taxes; A bill to provide for llie election of two com missioners lor I'olk county; A lull relating to the suluries of county treas urers; A bill to ctuilile municipal corporations tn iimkv ti lu dcuds to, and diioseof luinln entur ed under provision of net of Congress; A lull relative to tide-mud. The follow iug billa were indefinitely post poned: A Dill in relation to sureties compelling cred itors to sue; A bill relating to tho sovereignty nud juris diction of the State, Legislative Assembly, and tho Statutes and public documents. Senate adjourned to 7 P. M. KlttDAY, Oct. 21. HotiSK. The session opened w it la a rather spicy discussion on a sVnulu bill to fix the sal ary of the (iuveruiir's private secretary. Tho motion was tu indefinitely postpone the bill. Mr. Cartwright favored the mntiun, thought the inouu.beiil now received enough, being pri vate secretary to the Governor and also assist ant Secretary of St ito. Mr. Murphy luvnred llie bill; was in favor of paying the important oUicers a liberal salary; Thought it just nud proper that the man who runs the Slate all the year, except during the forty days and forty nights when Judge Deady runs it, should bo well paid. Mr. Moores opposed the postponement; said the Governor did not reside at the capital; the ollicu ought always to bavo somebody in il to attend to otucutl business. The incumbent is an ellicient nud fuithfm ollieer. Any officer w ho devotes his lime to puldio luisinese should be adeiiuiite'y remunerated. Mr. Bowlliy opposed the postponement. The million to postpone failed. A motion, lo recommit failed. A message wns received Train the Governor. SPECIAL MRSSAIiK. Gentlemen vf the Senate and Hou$e of lien reeentaliret: in mv niessngn of September 14, I culled your attention to the fact that moslrf the members or the 1st Kegunent ol Oregon Cavalry wool! bo entitled to a discharge in a few months. That troops to Inks their places are needed and must bo bad. Under diito of October 1 Hi Ii, ling. Geo. Alvord, oommtimling Distriot of Oregon, writes to me that " For the defense of the frontier against Indians il is ne cessary that the present mili'ary force in the Oisinot of Orci'iin should be maintained. 1 have been coin pel led lo reduce Korts Uulville and Lapwai to one company each, which ia ton small a loree. tho 1st uregon Cava'ry ha perfiirmed the past summer ellicient und admi ruble service in that purl tif Oregon south of the Columbia river and east ol the Cascade mountains. Traversed in every direction by thoiisuiids of miners Iho last summer. Iho urea once and activity of the troops have been of the utmost importance, lu protecting thai ro ll ion against the Snake Indians," It has been found that tins small force has been inadequate, and, in spile of It, depredutioiis have been committed, particularly on the road leading from the D.dlea lo Boi.o riu Canyon City. To induce the tilling up ol Copt. Ulucy a com puny which wna mustered into the evrvioe for lour months, tbo patriotic oititena of Dalle City coulnbuled largely from their private means. No well informed man enn truthfully say that troops are not needed, "in the npier coun try" tu sar nothing of the necessity of bavins an adequate forte lo keep in check those who are disposed In old uchnnoe lo llie law and (he authority of the Government. Heretofore but a small part of llie quota due from Oretou has been called for. Al least two reciiueiits are due from this Slate. i have this day been called upon by Major General II win .McDowell, eoiliuinniliiig De partment of tbn Pacific acting under authority of tho War Department, lor a regiment ol in fantrv consisting of a thousand men; lo be mus tered into the service for three years, lukse sooner discharged. This call ia made for our own protection, nine have been heretofore re quired to go east of the ltocky uiounlaina and uono will be herealler. Were the facts other wise the eall would hava to be obeyed and the troops furnished. Troops may be raised in this State or elsewhere by voluuteering or by draft. The hitler ia a Just and proper method to be used when enough Volunteers eonaot be other wbe obtained, aud i oue lo which rulightenrd rmlimil not unfiequently resort. While this is sli, when wo lake into coiisiilernllou the small pay received by soldiers and the fact that their services lire for tliu benefit "I nil interested in the present and future welfare of this country, 1 think wo ought tn give volunteers n liberal bounty hud raise the regiment in that way. Huppuso tho avenues of trado are closed up by Indians and highwaymen, east of tho O suudu mountains, the property holders will bu Iho greatest losers, Nuppopo those wlui are lu fn vur of n Pacific Republic or desiro to unite tho fortunes of the Pacific coast with the Southern Confederacy, should, for want of troops, light the torch of the incendiary nud inaugurate civ il strife, the tax-payers will be thu brst nnd among tliu greatest lasers. (leu. Alvord in the Inter before referred to snys, "I fuel thai il ia vury important lor the puldio Mtrvioe. as I have, continually ruu'Mi ateil tn yua for a Iouk time, lliul the IjUfiinliil lire of Oregon should puss law niv- iii)I ootiuty lo volunwors. livery duus nas piwiwu such laws." Home Wales jjivo bounties and uilililiuiml pity. 1, tlicreloi-u, ui'Kuully rucouiaisuil that a luw h passed llivinu homilies ui siii'Ii volunteers as have been, or may liereattei' he, ralliul for. mat one iinro inereoi bu paid at iliu time uf eulii4tnient t one-lliird in eigh teen mouths, uud llie baluucu ul the oud of three years. i aar 10 prnviue a lima lor tout pnrpose, i roeeui lliul Hnuu bonds be prepared, payable ut some future litnu huv. ten voais with svau iouuml inlur-' est. Thai the bune Treasurer be uuiluiriaed to din- pom; of tlie situe, miller proper rules and restrictions, t'o bring those ImiiiiIs witliin (he reach of volunteers, who may wish to receive bonds instead of niouoy, so us to secure the interest, aud Inivo uooil security, some uf lliem ouuht Ui he issued ol' lu luw denuuiiuH lloa as lllly dollaiK, W illi cuupous utiuciieo. A um oi one half mill on the dollar will, in u lew years, re deem these bunds. The debt tliu created, and inturest, will be due to our uwu citizeue, and, witli the luvruHse ol pupula- lion, and wealth of our Mate, ils payment by decrees within ten years cannot le injuriously felt. I reeiiecifuilr call roar attention tu the Meonte hill. now before your booumhlu body, which propones some iiiiMilaiil iimeadmeais lo the militia luw ut this Mate, uud rucumnicuii ilApussiige. Under the pruseut Hgimted condition of our coun try, we ought not to leliu nar ell'orls tu iucreuso the force aud elllcieucy uf tn Slate uiiliiiu. Already it is a credit iv the bni'w, and a 'lurmr to evil dours" iu svmpathy with thu wit-kud rebellion. A little money spent by way uf prevention, mav save thou muds uf valuable lives una Iniudrods of thousands iu property. 1 luive couimuniculioiis from Ueneiuls McDowell and Alvurd, ia winch they uxpress a siruug desiro tu have our militia orgauuittiou sept up and uiadu as ellicient as possible. ADDISON C. CI1HI1S. Executive Department, Baleni, Oct. X, 180-1. Referred to committee on military ull'uirs. The bill tu regulate salary ol privitto secre tary of the Governor was passed. Tho bill relating to election of Presidential electors w as passed. The bill relating to common schools and the election of Superintendent, of public instruction was indefinitely postponed. Thu committee on education had reported ngaitist its passage be cause there was not sufficient time to perfect the bill. The following bills were passed: The hill relating to tho sale rtf school lauds; The bill relating to boundaries uf Multnomah -county; The bill to amend the militia law and pro vide for a camp of instruction; The bill providing fur bounties to enlisted soldiers; ' On the question of passage of this bill, Mr. Gillette anid: It has beci'iiio necessary lo raise a regiment of infantry ut once. To do this it is believed lo be necessary tn olfer bounties to voknuteers or submit tn it draft. The military coiiimitleo after discussing the matter, preferred the plan (fullering bounties. A tax w II defray llie expense. Every lo) al Stale gives bounties, many of them levying heavy taxes therefor. Uur annual tax will be lit t lu mure than noin iunl. M r. Lnfnllot We have, fur three years whilu the war has been raging, lueii laying back, talking much about the war but actually doing little or nothing. Tho time has come w hen tee must net. We must raise troops, by volunteer ing if we can, by draft if that fails. Ho favored the plan proposed by the bill. Every loyal man will be willing to slaud his shnru of llie cost. Ho believed that every Union man, di mocrnt, or any other man would prefer tn poy his quota of lax lather than mnko n draft necessary, llelleved the reg'menl could lie raised w ithout drafting a man. This bill will accomplish it if any mentis w ill. A call of tho Ilnu" was ordered. Messrs. Beall. Cox. Lane, Uudrrwood and Tatu were absent. Tho bill to provide fur raising volunteers and to pay bounties, iio., passed. Those voting against the lull were Air. Italic, who said he was in favor of a draft; Mr. Perkins, who assigned the sniuo rensnn; Mr. Tate, who said he had been out during the later singes uf the lull and could not Vute intelligently, therefore voted nay"; Mr. Thornton, who said be thought tbo vol unteer system a vicious cuie nnd that the true method of raising trum, s is by draft. Mr. Underwood, who thought the bounty of fered so small us to be of no benefit in filling the regiment, and he would not vote to niiiku a useless expenditure. The bill providing for aid to a rnilrond; The bill relating to common schools; The Sennto hill relating to printing puldio doouinctits; The lull mnking general appropriations for Stato and legislative expenses; The bill relating to private) incorporation!; The bill relating to disposal of llie lot upon which the penitentiary stands was lost. A resolution asking nn overland mail mule connecting llie present overland route from St. I i to Sucruiucnto City, at Salt Lake, and California and Oregon ru. to, ut Eugene City. Passed. EVF.xiNfl SK8Sns.-The restitutions on ques tions of national policy, introduced at iho begin ning of the session were called up. Mr ISowlhy stated that the conHn'tteo tn whom these resolutions had been referred had selected portions of each sol refeired. and had lidded some from thu National Union Conven tion and he thought that in su doing, the com mittee hail been able to present a very good set of rcMilulioii. Mr. Lnne olTered a substitute consisting of the usual rodomontade of "glittering generali ties." nud cnpable uf various constructions. The sulMitulo wns not adopted, the Union members unanimously preferring those present ed by the committee, which were then adopt ed, only the demoeralio members voting no. Sknatb. After rending of journal, disposal of reports, etc.. tlu Governor's message wns irfiercd wnliWry,,-. - The following bills were passed : A Senate bill tn amend an net entitled "An act to provide fur the safe keeping of insane and idiotio persons ;" A lull to provide fur priming tueeaago and documents ; A lull to provide for Hie imped ion of .Salmon; A bill for the relief of Aaron Veeder ; A bill tu establish nud regulate quaiti min ing claims, and in relation lo placer claims, town sites, mid water right! iu mining cauips; A bill for the relief if Geo. Catoit ; A bill to provide for the destruction of nox ious weeds; A bill lo incniporate Cnuyon City I A lull relating lo foreign corpora, lions ; A bill to incorporate Eugene City. The following bills were lost ; A .bill relating lo aulanes of Justices of the Supreme Court) A bill relative to the adoption of children. Mr. Chiismati presented a protest against Specific Contract law. ArrBKKOott. Tho following billa were passed : A bill to provide for the ale of lands and the management of llie common school fond; A bill to prescribe the fees ol ocrtaiu officers aud periHins ; A bill lo amend an act entitled "An act fur Iho establishment uf a pilotage on the Colum bia and Willamette rivers; A bill for llie relief of John Darmugb; A bill In amend an act entitled "Ad act to regulate roads ;" - - A bill lo incorporate the city of Umatilla ; A bill relating lo tho adoption of children ; A bill relating lo oath of allegiance t A hill relating lo hurdy gurdy dance houses; A bill to amend an act entitled "An act to incorporate tbe city of Salem I A bill lo repeal certain lawa; A House bill lo aiiK-od an act entitled "An net for the sufo-kceping uud treatment of in sane uud Idiotic persons ; A lii' I to niitlinrizn the biiiiging of net ions and suits r gainst thu State. The following were Indefinitely pmtponed : A loll for the division of Douglas county ; A bill to amend the school law. The following bill wui lust ; A bill to nineiid nn not entitled "An net lo amend no nut tn provide for the sale of com mon school lauds. ISO Ll)l KKS CALI.KD Kill. This morning thu Governor sent a message lo the House announcing that be hud received frum Gen. McDnwell, n requirement that be rniso a regiment of infantry, to number nne thousand men, fur llie protection ol our State against hostile Indians nud any other enemies that may now or hereafter exist. The Governor states that must of the present fnrco of cavalry will aoon bu discharged; that Gen. Alvord urges the necessity uf keeping up tliu present foroo to proteot our frontiers; that tliu present force even, is inadequate, I' oris Colville nnd Lnpwni having already p been re ducud in strength to one company each, loo small a force; nnd Ihnt the Slnto bns never been required tu furnish its full quota of troops, which would be nt least two regiments. Tho Governor reoommenda Ihnt tho regi ment be ruised if possible by volunteering and that to enunnrngo enlistments, the Legislature should provide for liberal bounties to volunteers. He suggests Ihnt Statu bunds payable, say, in ten yeare with, aemi-nnnnal Interest, be provid ed for, in denomination! within the reach of en listed men, for the purposo of enabling the State to pay such bounties without nn onerous tax. - The messngo wna referred to the Committee on Military AITairs, and a hill will probably ho offered to-day.; This matter will doubtless prolong the aession imo or two dnye. AII01T AN AUM1STKK. The copperheads want an armistice declared. So do tho rebels. The copperheads are not particular about terms. Tliu rebels are. The llichitioiid Examiner furnishes the conditions. Tho copperheads will agree: "Whether Lincoln is to make, such a propo sal an armistice now, or whether tho demo crats are to carry in their candidate expressly that ho may make it from whomsoever it may come, it IS WHOLLY INADMISSIBLE. If thu North desirea to havo negotiation for re union' entered upon at nil, Ut all tronnt and blockading fleets be witlulrmcn and lite light of tcrcsaiuit formally acknowledged; nnd then negotiations would bo nt least possible. If they invite ns to negotiate on any other footing our only rational answer would bo another blow ut the heart ol Pennsylvania. In relation to pence propositions, tho Exam iner furnishes further conditions. Still the coppers nro willing : . "It is for thise who have unjustly nnd wnn tnuly invaded our country to oiler tta pence; and win n they do, they will still oiler in vniu until their nrmed men are withdrawn from the Slid of these Confederals Stales, anil the felon flag of etripei is HAULED DOWN from ev- lull within our holders. Alter that, It will lie time enough tu prate about peace. Now, this very word is nonsense." The ltichiuonil Entmrer furnishes condi tions. The cuppers accede: "Save on our own terms, we can accept nn peace whatever, nud must light till doomsday rather than yield au iota of them, and our terms ore: llecognition hy the enemy, of the indepen dence of the Coiij'cdernte Utalet. Withdrawal ul the Yankee forces from every footol Cnnletlerule ground, including Kentucky ami Missouri. Withdrawal of Iho Yankeo forces from Ma ryland until that Stato shall deoido by a free vote whether she, shall remain in the old Union or ask admission into the Confederacy. Consent on tho part of the Federal Govern ment to give up to the Confederacy ill propor tion of the navy at it itmd at the time of the ie cesnion, or to pay fur the tame. Yielding up ol ull pretension on tho part of the federal Government lo that portion ol the old territories which lie west of the Confederate Suites. An equitable aettlement nn the basis of our alisolule independence Mid equal rights of all accounts of Iho pulilio debt uud public lands, and the advantages accruing from foreign trea ties." JelF Davis oirers terms. The Northern Con federate uru clamorous to accept: " So the war came, and now it must go on till the last man uf this generation fulls in his tracks, and bis children seizo bis musket und fight nut his bailies, unless you ncktiowledga our right to self government. Wu uru now figlitijig for independence uud lliut or extcr iiiiuutioii we will have." Jeff says something more. Thu cops arc agreed: " Yun nuiy 'eiiioiicipul' every negro in llie Ciuilederacv, not we w ill no ireej wo will cuv em ourselves. Wo will doit, if we have to see every Southern plantation sacked, and every Southern city in flames." Still iho copperheads want an urmistico and lu negotiate- IT" Tho richest Joku of llie campaign, is Granny Wait's learned opinion, that persons who six months ago left the States lo come (o Oregon, have resided six moot lis in Oregon By that logic a man res des just us well where he isn't aa where he is. Wu believe Wait has a child: In reckoning the child's legal ago does he start from tho dny of its birth or nine'inonlhs prior to Mint time ? UT Most of your exchanges used tn compli ment Gen. McClellan. Intelligencer. That was before ho somersaulted into (he dell of copperhead snakea. Siocebe consented to be llie ready tool rf trnilore, most of onr ex changes don't compliment him more Ihnn llley would an escaped conviut from Arkansas. IT?" One Chailes Wilsm haa been committed lo the Jach'ou county j til in d fault of $.'OT0 bail, nn a charge of stealing a riflu frum Maj. Bowman. Wilson pleads guilty. Just What We Say. Senator Nesmith says, in his U tter in the Arena, (lint the Chi cago platform "omiMsts of vague and glittering generalities, calculated only for the purpose of cntohing votes, an I is susceptible ul diltcrciit constructions." Skhiohs AmnpsT. Mr. Jeffrey, of Mar lon county, with hia family, while returning from Polk ootinly, on Thursday afternoon, Oct 20lh, and when near the ferry the horses be came unmanageable, and running, brought the wagon in contact wilh a slump, throwing out Mr. and Mr. J., breaking Mrs. Jeffrey's arm, nnd somewhat Injuring Mr. J., The children lelt iu the wagon escaped from it withoot in-M- ; CP The Intelligencer enya Snpt. H:nlington arrived at Klamath on the 10th iusli The In ibana were assembling about six miles from the Port at La lake's camp. Several Snakes had come iu. Some of Col, Drew' furor bad re turned lo lh Fort. Xkvaoa Ei.kjtion. At the reoent election in Nevada JudgeCradlebaugh was elected Del egate to Con tree. Tho constitution bavin been adopted, another election for Member of Congress will bo held. ; AoJotRNKD Both Houses uf the Legisla tive Assembly adjourned tint Jit at 13 at. Saturday. Tcrrilk Ilaltlo Ncnr Mlddletoii. riillllp I AlmiitTht Army Caught Nap .I'K. The 'Knrly lllrd" CntchM the Worm. Kollliiry llureninn-riillli-t'liccrs. Sheridan Arrives., nnd Uncorks uf Ilia iVrulfi. tho Villi N Karly "lliul a I'lcnty. Tho "Knrly lllrd" Kllea Awny-Mlnus. mild Worm. Wc Capture 3,000 I'rlaitnfM. And Jfcar'y nil or Tholr Artillery. Our Loai Heavy. A Large Munibcr of Our Officer lost. Tho Fight to bo Kenr-wcd Next Dny. New Yoiik, Got. 22. Tliu World'! ipoehil correspondent with Sheridan's army nf tho 19th aaya, every morning during llie preecnt week, hut this one, the troops havo been ill rendinosi at daybreak for an expected attack. For sonic reason, this caution was omitted this morning, nil apprehensions of attack having probably died nwuy- The army was posted along llie north hank of Cednr Hun ; the Army of Western Virginia on tho left on Winchester a: d Slruabiirg pike ; the lUth corps in the center, sixth corps on the light. In the afseitce of Gen. Sheridan, Gen. Wright oi'uiinaiided. On the previous night Early, who commnii ded tho rebels, massed three divisions of in fantry, Pi gram's Gordon's nnd Knmseur's at Cintrul Point, threatening our extreme left; tho two remaining division's W burton's nnd Kershaw's, moved from Fisher's Hill, alcng the pike, threatening our center. Shortly alter daylight, while tho army were dreamless of danger, soundly sleeping, an as sault was nuide on our right. A rapid nnd continuous dischnrgo of senti nels' muskets extended thence along the front towards tho left, when suddenly rebel itilnulry advanced against Crooks' position, In solid col umn, pouring n fierce firu on our flank 'nud frunt. Only a portion of our troops had mnnneil the breastworks when the nssnult cniiiiiienod. it wns so energetic and deadly na tu break onr lines immediately. Men were swept frum llie breastworks instantly Into which thu enutt y oiimo Hunting like a sea. They entered Iho en campment iu tlie rear of tliu worka, where sol diers bad scarcely wakened ; I lit! men actually rising from their blankets. To snvo the artil lery at the breastwork! became a desperate ob ject when the assault wns first disooveied, but the nainre ol me ground reuiiereu tins next to linpossililu. lSuttcry 13, (Hit rennsyivnntii, lliul mx guns captured. Hy superhuman efforts nil lint nne gun of tho 5th regulur battery waa saved. Meanwhile the enemy 'ndvuiiced completely turning our left Hank, mitl were nenriug the ptlio tin t lie liighte niiove. I tie w noie army ny lliia time was aroused, wagons and iimhuluiiors mnking"for tlie rear. The l'Jlh corps which hnd stood firm daring iho assault on Crooks now formed itself, con frnnted by the 2d (Uvisioti uf the enemy which had moved un the pike and attacked it liercely on the front flank wilh musketry nnd artillery. Col. McCausley'e brigade. 2d division on the left, swung out its position in front, lo receive Hank fire of tlie foe. The nssnult iuureused iu fierceness nnd the whole division reformed it self lo meet llie shock. The rebels ndvancing. mounted (he breast win ks and wilh withering volleys forced it back in retreat. Tlie entire 'IDlh corps nl in ii ilo ii ctl nil ils works nud now foiiuht n trentiii" nud partially broken. The left of the army was completely turned nnd half of llie army ol Western Virginia waa flying tu disn ny thrungli the log. Its camp nnd the greater part of its camp materia! ore in posses sion of the enemy. Tho remnant together with a pnrl of the provisional division of Col. Kitch ing'a command w hich had been encamped ia l he rear were still ngtiiinz tor me nine, i tie IUih corps tiuhting stubbornly fulling back and constantly leaving stragglers. The country about Midtllelou und hrviuid in tho rear was populated with deninrnltzed soldier. The mo ment that the army of Western Virginia and the IDtli torps were found falling back Wright sent orders for the sixth corps to change front nnd stem the torrent. Scarcely a moment hud elapsed when when its oolu inns were seen mov ing by llie left Hank straight into thu heat of the ciminet, opening a moment lor the passage of stragglers and then elesing nn immediately. Fur a moment the career of the. rebels ill llie center wns brought lu n pause. Enemy's oav airy had already penetrated into Middieton on the hft. capturing n portion of Gen. Crook's ambulance train. Their infantry bad swung around nud were just passing thu pike above when Merril's, Powers', and Cnstnr's divisions were withdrawn from the right tn the center to nr vent further ullvance of Iho rebels. Aflcr checking th? enemy in the center the lines id" (ilh and llltli corps relormeil; txh on the lelt, lUth on llie right. It wns then found necessary tu withdraw the whnlu lino sumo distance in or der lo connect with cavalry who were advanc ing to drive the enemy from thu pike on the lelt and Hold tne Held at thnt point. I lie retro gade movement was not accomplished without loss. 1 he enemy luilowi-U so closely nnd vengu fully their bullets rained on our artillery killing horses nud men and embarrassing the attempt of onr artillerymen to move Iho gnus lo llieiu, The guns were fought splendidly. They fought everywhere until llie last moment when it wns found they could not he removed. Six guns wero lost iu the llie attempt lo remove them when llie lines had reached IIm- creek just lu the right where llie second stand was made and w hero llie charge of Ike euemy were repulsed. Nearly every field officer Hie first divi iun of sixth corps was wounded. Hickt-lts, commanding llie corps, was an badly wounded he was forced Iho have the field. lttdivcll, commanding third brigade, second division, mortally wniinded by a shell, which tore his left shoulder lo pieces. Here, at 1 o'clock, for first tiino during the day the nrmy presented a consistent from to wards the foe, bidding ila own against further attack. So far tho results of l'"' contest were every where simony. ' Wo had been surprised, driven fioin a spl-n-did position; lost beavi'y hi prisoners; we had lost twenty three guns, thirty four nnimihincea, including all the medical wagon and medical supplies ol III1 IDlh corps, and several quarter master's wagnna. We had deserted more two milca of Iho bat tle field to enemy. Many of our finest ofiiotrs wero killed nr disabled. The enemy, relinquishing llie nltnrk. con tented himself with the use of bis artillery. At this moment, loud cheer rnng along llie lino in the rear. Gen. Shctidtin had ridden post basle from Winchester, and waa approach ing. Hii appearance excited the wildcat en thusiasm, beginning it the left, he rode along iho whole front of Ins army, waving hia hat, mid the wildest cheers. The retreat slopped in an instant, nnd fro in that lime until 3 o'clock, P M., every nerve waa strained lo get the army into aa offensive po sition. At 3 o'clock. Ids whole arnir dh In rsntsr, I0ih on rinlit. t'rnnlt'e eomnmml on left, with Merrill's CHvuir; on entrain h-lt, anil Cuslitr'e divinon on f ! treiiis ritflil mud nmuninVfiit resistless rhsrues, svTsrplnir envmy utTlhe Isrvnt th? earth svsrv where bef.ire II. Tin eneoir lisil aeiiwll j bemn lu throw up brvustworks, and was preparing to km into cninp when a rlmrue was tinulc. He waa driven hark al double quirk, and through Mi.ldlelnwu, armea Cedar Cicvk. wlicnee ha came, and hencv pursued hr ruval ry and Ihronith and Iwrond Stmsburjr. Forty three eirceaof n.-tilierr, iiirlmhns. sums irons taken front us ware raptnrvd. Al tonisliurir, uvvr lilO wavmia, am luilaiicrs awl cainsons iantiinenihle. lteltel tteiwwl, Khihsimii, rapiured iu atiilialanes, srriouslv if ma mor tally wounded. ProUslily lHI prinonsrs picked np allien the road. Two hours more ut davliitht would have iiitm us II euure relwl anuv. Krtwutls of onr luaeea or euetny'e, at present, inipoasltds. Army is urueren 10 nors Htfsm.1 enemy al a, a. a., 10-normw. Herald't rorrrapoodenl says' our lueses art A.iaJO. rnsouers say ntrir ant litres lunntiia ei tin urtuierr, Wa captured 3uu0 'prisoners. I r Galea tf wind on the Columbia have re. cenlly interfered wilh navigation Cincinnati, Oct. l!).-Tlio National p.,,,,. Convent ion met here yesterday dosed iL,.,. liliy delegates present, A uoiniuiiteu on oluliuuus was appointed, when tho couvenij,,.. adjourned lo meet tu-day. It is understood that independent Presideiilinl iiiiminali,in ,n be uindi'. Pence Coiivoiiliuii met noctirding tu adjourn, ineiit. nud discussed report of Coniinti(,B ,1 resoli, lions which wnsndopled. The plnlforfn deeleres fur pence on llie luisis uf u. soverin. ty uf llie Stales, ctuiilfinns the nutiou of tips CliicagnUniiveiilinii, repudiates MoClellan, in,,! calls for a ciniveiilir.n of Slates lo seltlu iir difficulties. Long, of Ohio, ninl Singleton, of Illinois, are spoken of as c tulidnles for Pre,. Iilcnoy and Vice Presidency. Htiiiw.NOTiiN, Vt.. Out I!) A parly r twenty men redo inlnSt. Albans this nltrrnnun and rubbed three Hanks of Jtl.'MUKH). h t supposed they were Hn itlierners from the hnr deia of Canadii. Five citizen were shot and one has riuuu died. Alter ucuuniplisliiug t9 object 'lie band left Immediately fur Canada N'KW YoitK. Oct. II). A large meeting ,,'f officers uf the National Hanks was held at thu Astor House lo-dtiy wilh closed doors. It j, rumurid Ihnt Iho objcol uf tliu movement j, 0 operate nguliist the Stale Hunks, Wahiiinhton. Oct. 1!). Thu President was serenaded to night and made n speech congnit- uiuiiiig i uo iiunii'iice, iiiiiryiiiiiii, llie Nulioii and the world tin Iho tin constitution uf Mary. initu. ... San FitANCistto, Out. 2f llie Eastern lino was interrupted lust night east of Omaha but ie working this morning. Despatches of the l!)tb qitolu gold iu New York at 201) 211; Legal l entlers lo iiay vj v ou it is generally Ull . dcrstood tluit Secretary Fesseiulett luts ordered through speeitil ugeht Itrovvu, n rigid investi gation of oust ni n -house affairs on this coast it ia also, eonieeiuced that the sodden depart ure of Seiiuttir C'omiess on Inst Eastern steam er has reference to this matter. 8ts.Tr. or Ouvuos, Kxicvriva Obs't ) Uetolie ihi, trUil ( Whereas, 1 Iiiits rsceiset n renirlsltkxi from !,. Ouiiural ti-vvui Mclhiwell. eummiiudiuir. tlis Imparl-. im-ii hi urn I nvnu-, UKIUIK llllliur uiiiaoruv ill tllS) War lliMmrtincut, tor one nuiniaot uf Lifnntrv. it. uddilioo lo-lliu volunteers now iu llie. eervicn. ut tha, uuiteil Mutes, lousit m tliu euloreuiiiunt or tliu luw. suppress inaiiri ortion nod nivimoii, uud tu eluuiis llOMtllu tailiaus III tins lilillturv uitrlet ; Now, ihcreroro, I. Anmso C Oiniu. Oivnmnr nf Iho State ol Oieoo, awt SiHlllllHUiler ill ehier ut tho iiiililw tliereur, do lieruUy call upou llie elliuas of lliio. Htxte lu oruiuiij) themselves into cooipiiaius millbietn to till tlis toretuin( reipiisilion. lawuiiuMi vvaeiutu, i navo imreiuilu. set nijr hand, nnd vhiisuiI tho seur of the Kuere of ar il. s.J euu lo he ulllsud. l)uno at Salem, litis itlili day of October, a il, IXiil. ADDISON C. OIMIH, Ooveruoi' nf Oregon. Aitest i Samcei. E. Mat, Huoruinry of Slaw. Tie follovviiiK ie heroin' nrunuilimted : The iiIhii of reeruitiiiK and uLnuliiiiiiK tlto uhuvu force, will be ua follows, uuld further untitle a IIKCIIUITI.VU i . The reirlaient will hu known an the First Itifuutrv. Oreiioti VoluutaoiM. The Held, stall' unit Una (illicit will he cotnmlitHioiicd bv the I o.vwtHir. Too Noit will he divided into districts, uccorduiK tu tlie utiuihcr of persons iu ew:h disiriet liable to do Military duly. When sih-Ii distrwi luw liirniidiud ils ipiuta of meii, there will hu uu draft in live same, under tnis call. bach district will tunusli tmo ioio;ohv. Commissiims will he issued, bv iho Oni'timor. an, company utlieei-s, e.HMlithniRtl lliul they shall recruit their respe live euiuniL'ies, uud bu reiu'ty tu Ua mus tered ialu the service, vvilliin a time hereafter lu bo owned. A ciunpmiy rendezvous will Iw estiildishctl iu aum central point tu eueh district, and if prueiieahle, all reeruiiB will be retained tlieru luiul tne euatpaiiy is lilleit und reudy tu lie nniKlered illlo eerv'iu Tho Slide Iws pruviiled hy law fur the NiyineuS oi a bounty of ai."U in SlHte iaturest buttriug hui'itU, pny. able in field to each volunteer unietered into tho serv ice, ill uddilioii to the houiities Hilthorixeil to he ltail hy the Untied States (S.e statutna I Hill I, pn;e ini). The w-uee of a siddier, iu addition, are, lrj h-i,-nioulli, besides clothing, emiipiueiini, rulious, aud hK luwuuees, fiouished Ivy thu Vuited States. See stat utes ItHid, puge 0t.'.) UROASIZATIOX. The proper osKiiiiuutiun und strength of a regiment of infantry is as billows t One (l eulonel, uae (I) lieutupant colonel, one (I), inuptr, uoe (Il Niljutaut (ua extra lieutenant one (l iitasslriutislur (ail exlm liutUeimtill, one (1) surgeuu, two (-) asfislunt stirguuas, une( ) ehaplain, oue(l) ser gount uiujor, one (tj regimental ipiurntrinnaier see- geaut,uue(l reitltnoalal eeaiimsNU'.v serguuat and una (1) hospital sloA'nrd. Ten companies form a regL went. CUMI'Altr or IMASTIII. Ooe(l) eapiain, one (I) 1st. lieutenant, one (liiit lieutenant, una (I) 1st. sergeant, four (I) eergeanta, eight n corponils, twu ( uiUNiciiius, uue ft) wiux uner, fixiy-fjur (lit) privates, uimiinmii, and eighty twu (H;') priv-Hti-a iiiaxiuuiiu, busidua thu iiuii-cutuiuis siuned ollleera. MiwieiMiia luay be eolisteit in eitdi eoniiany, wins will he rated and paid as privutes. To the County 0 nicer : Other Stales have tillud, with cotnineadalde prompt itude, every coll that has heuu nmdo iisn them, i'lio people have h very nanjml ropugiianee lu a draft, au dur u-liieii every drat'tcil mull must servo ur funiiah a BiilMtitule. Uu'tor il lliem innsl InoviUtUly ba aoine eiowstf severe but necessary hardship. Dpp-irtuuity is now given to avoid saclt u dnifl. Tae laeti are need ed promptly, uud every cuusideralioa uf pairiulisiu lliul ut' niate, lue:d, uud iersutui! pride ntmren that yuu cmnuuntce promptly, and pru$ecnte viporoutlf tite liMtHea of obtaining voiunteni't. The olhVervuf liie Stale fee-bug the inunt earnest desire that the eu .tile Stale sltuuld uvuid a drutt, Hjipettl to Ihe pulruitis eilisens uf your eotiuty. thrungli yuu whu ore theic oltit-cre and legnt umi naliinil representatives. As gnurdmus uf titeir right nnd of their iiuiiur, iliain euaiheiit lllMitl yuu tu respond tu rllislipjteal by ettrtHut and saecewful wurk. C ill to your aid the sssisMiiee nt the active uud itiKaeiiliJ eftiu-os uf tlie ouutiiy Ia'I every biyitl cililell ul tile coitily lladerslaild, oimU II poauiblu, iiiduee tutu n, ruHlixo thar. he hss au imme diate and pertmltn I hue -est ill I he suueoss uf your ef forts. Il uecensury, mill meetings ill your senu.d dts Irkuaud bring the mailer buio to every inlmhluiiU Kulidswili be needed lu pay ex)llses, nut provided for hy luw. Lstt aiihscripiioiie bo eircuhued in eueh euuiit'y fur tliMi pui'HMe, nnd preserve a neurd uf Um liunies uf tliu douurs amuug thu. i reltivus uf ihe vonuiy. In ahurt, the ttovoruur, Utuu whom the reiiiuniliou is uude, eximeu, and itisily, I'wt yuu will respond tu tins coll upuii yuu wan uu euruesiiMrss uf pnrpew wlncli shall insure sue ees. Due nuliett ul llie disincttug of the Slats will be given as euuu n it can be made. tsT Umeitntun. MuHHtaiHur. Sentinel. Alba Journal, State JouriuU iui (jazetlc please, iiuurt lour O. McCOWN, Attorney uud Counsellor at X Imw, Sulelu. Oregon. "Oregon niir scrip eolleeled. OUiee in lite Cuurt ttuuse, -4 , ,olic. A IX persona indebted lo Dr. J. V Shellun, of Uoa ntuiiili, IVIk county, Uregou, by aecouut or mua will uk-une cull and settle ibu suiue iuunelialely, with Juuulhuu C'altruu, uf Muiiuiuutli, and avoid tur Iher exwiise. J. C. Slllil.TtiN. . tlttolKir t.'th, 1801. ' swWpd ftMSVV. - . It fit. JOI1S It. IIKCKXKU will Irausaet all hnsi W I iiims for me in mr iilieoneo to receive and re. ceipt fur all uiunevs due ma ' - f v 1,1.-11 , JM. 1 JUU..H Oct. SI, 1H. sw:tlpd slO KfWttrd trnyMi or Htols-n. IIIOM my reaideara. two miles southwest of Aa ' rora. raie liirhl sorrel Hlly, threa years old Inst spring. Said llllv has two or three while feet I Ml , for hoof is bb'k ; has a small white ilin, liegiunttur M a sUtr. and ruioiiiig to one side nf the face ; is well made. Said animal h it tnr plie- on Iho 4?ih of Uv ApiM. Tlie aWv rtvranf will ha given lo any who will furnish information of, or deliver mid atihaal p, Ihe owner. JOHN SMI 1 11. Aurora, Marion Co. Oct. A, lUil. awWptpd AdiniiiiMrnlor'a holier. NOTICE is hereby given that Ihe uiidersitiiwd ksv beeii duly appotnled sdmioisiraluis of the eaia of Tbomaa Cuok, kteeMd, of Ihe oonnly "f Ma''"' aud Stale of Oregon i all parsons having ' against said estate ars renired to present lb"'"' w hmtwr v.M-ltir tn tliat nn.lMiufied. Ul lit Onlea SI V'.O. Me 'owii,in the Court House. Salem 0g"a.. within six mmths from Ilia dais of this man- All wiiii,h Ha ui,hoii inn,, ,u unm w, . ----- . persons indebted lo said eslata are requested lo oaxe liiimedmte pavnient lo the iinderslitiied. . ' AMANDA COOK. UKNItY iSKLt. Salera. Oct. S4lh, 1M. . Police of Snlc of Ileal Eait' i NOTtCK ia bsrelty given thai 1 will.oa the 2fth dav ul Juvinl-r. A O., l.l. bel""" the hours of !) o'Hork, .., and 4 o'clock, l '''', ... .. .,. ..f the estate putiUc-aiu-iMMi. lor cusn, ne . ta of H. 1'arris, ikwwl, by "' "r V? Connlr Court of longlsa cunlily, Oregon. gUSI XU, .! , IM.Ute IOOOWM.K "... ,k stlitaiea in iuuimb i-u,,,,.?, -. ,..,if Hf sotilh half ihe nnhea.l quarter and ibo iiorili iu" h. ,.!, . ...I ouarlir of welton l.lewnship sight (( aoalli, rangs Bv. (6) west, coostatiM hundred and stl seres, mure or Irss, kU"" donatio" knd claim of John H. l'arrni. dV" Sal to at 10 o'clock, a ., f "Hi J ' ? J tNKS V. W'ATSOS, Att'y. 3 Kosebnrg, Ogn, Oct l? , 11- ,w A.