k $flil J tafr swan. sracn or eon. j. b. itmude, In the Home of Rrprcientalivn, July 2. 1864, i en Ihe Hill to eitubliih a Branch' Mint in i: Oregon. i Mclirido I ask tlm nnanimons content of the i limine that the Committee of the Whole on die J State of the Union he discharged from the fur ther consideration of the hill of the Senate (No. ' 185) to establish Brnnch Mint of the United States nt Dalles city, in Oregon, with a view to it being put on III passage. No ohjeotion being made, the Committee nf the Whole on the Stato of the Union was dis charged from the further consideration of the bill. . . McBride Mr. Speaker t Aware that this measure is liable to eucon titer some opposition in this House, and that there la with many mem- ', here of this body a great want of information in regard to the merita of the proposition, I hall ask to he pardoned while I state as briefly M possible, the reasona for tlio passnge of tlibi bill. First allow me to Hate that the point where the proposed Branob Mint la to he Inoa ted la about 1 000 miles north of San Francis 00 and about 300 miles in the interior from the month of the Columbia river. It establish ment at this point will accommodate all the mining region from the summit of the Rocky Mountains westward, lying north of the south ern tributaries of the Columbia river, an extent of country not lesa than from A00 to 700 mile from cast to west and 1 ,000 miles from north to oath, in almost every quarter aud portion of which extensive and productive mines are be ing discovered and worked. But the principle, part of this extensive mining interest is upon those branches of thu Columbia which drain the ooontry east of the Cascade Mountains, and the (applies for which are drawn from the sea by that groat artery of the Pacific slope, thu Colombia river. The Snake river, its princi pal toutbern branch, ia now regularly naviga ted to Lewiitnn, Capital of Idaho Territory, and distant six hundred miles by water from thu Pacifio ocean. Tho Oregon Steam Navi gation company alone own and employ on this line more than a dozen lirstolass steamers, ami bare built and have in successful operation, twenty-two miles of railway over the portngea ut the Cascades and Dc Chutes falls, over which bnndreda of tons of freight and merchandize are daily transported to the vast region of the interior. I speak of thesJauts tlmt the House may be re-assured that they are not being cull ed opon to vote for a proposition tint has tin better foundation than an opinion that it mar turn out a "good thing" hot to show that nf ready the vast maleiiul interests nf the coun try which seek this legislation are so far ilevel oped as to place thu propriety of the in, asire beyond adouht. The popiihilion of Idaho Per ritory alone, which is exolnsively a mining rommnnity, cannot be lesa than fifty thousand. Eastern Oregon ia filled with either a striutly mining population or with tho. e who depend upon the mines incidentally for their prosper ity, and the tame is true of ull that portion of Washington Territory lying east of the Cas oado rungo of mountains. When I place the population uf this rtgion of ooutitry, vhose mi ning interests we propose to accommodate, nt one hundred thousand, and which is being daily increased try an immigration nf an extraordi nary diameter, I am eatlsfiedtlitit I may far onderate the truth. Where eighteen months ago waa a lonely wilderness the home of the Indian and wild beast there stand to-dny towns containing from two lo five thousand people, and every golih and ravine is yielding its treasure to the enterprise of tho hardy mi ner. Representing then, sir, thu interests of this largo and iucrensing population, to whom it ia important, almost indispeusahle, speaking relatively, I ask the. adoption of this bill. It ia admitted on-all aidea that something ought to bedone.and the Committee of Ways and Means reported a bill some months ago providing for an Assay Office and appropriating (75,01)0 for it eatabfisbiuent. The ouly difference between their proposition and the present one is, that this appropriates the sum of 1100.0(10 instead of $75,000; that is, a difference of $'25,000 in the matter of expense) and acme gentlemen bare inquired of mo why an assay olfioe would not answer the purpose a well. The reason why it will not is that the local currency and standard value on our coast are gold and sdver. Producing it in oar midst, never having had any paper currency whatever (in my owu Stato bank art piohihiied altogether by the State constitution, and in the adjoining Territories they are a effectually prohibited by public opinion,) it is the only article which our people know a money. The man who undertake to discharge his obligation to bis creditor with "greenbacks" make a wreck of hi credit and reputatiou the niomeut he due it. An indig nant debtor who ha been sued or feels that lie baa been unjustly oppressed by hia creditor aoinrtiines pay off a judgment with Govern ment currency , ami when be has done so he feel that his wrong have beeu amply re venged by tho act. "Greenbacks" are bought and fold at any other commodity, at fifty, aixty, or aeventy oenta on the dollar, as the case may be, but form no part of the circulating medium of the country what in other word we call money. Suoh waa the feeling of our people on this auhjeut that when tho 3' ale Legislature last year (of which I was a member) appropriated the amount necessary to pay the direct tax lev ied upon us by thu law nf 1801, it waa appro priated in coin. As an array office only ascer tains the amount of gold aua separates it from other extraneous matter aud metal, it is obvi on that it can he of no service in furnishing a circulating medium, ludeed, we havepriiate assay offices in different palls of the country, but they do not supply the object for which we ask this appropriation. In assay ofliue the gold is melted sud run into slogs aud bars vary ing in site from a cuke of soap up to a Patent Office report, wiill its weight and fineness stamped upon it, That ia all. When the owner Belli it, be must alwaya submit to such a have aa tile brokers, who n alto their own term, seo proper to inflict s and this last is made by a calculation of how much the miner will ubmit to pay before he will lake the trouble aud expense of going or lending lo the Mint at San Francisco. When we ascertain that from Portland, Oregon, which is the seaport city of the Stato and the entrepot of its trade with San Francisco, the express charges to the Mint are five per cent.. Insurance two and a hulf per cent, more, lud the loss of time from one to three months, we can have some idea of thu .amount of the shave which the people have lo aud do submit to. This is altogether exclusive of the charge of traustuilliug the bullion fiom three to ix hundred mile out of the interior before it reache this point. But there i still ' another reason. Gold is virions in quality some 1 worth twelve and some is worth right . MB dollar per ouuoe, aud all aloug between these Bgurrt. Those who take coin into the mining region wilb which to buy it of course . fix ita value. It may be unjust to the niiues, it never U to tlm purchaser , It i alwaya arbi trary, the result of agreement aineng the buy er), bat the seller ha to submit. He is a thou sand mile away from a Mint, he need the coin to pay his debt or purchase supplies, and what ever the peculator offer he is compelled lo take. When, therefore, I state lo tin House that the mining population are, by the lack of miuing facilities, robbed of from tea lo fifteen per cent, of Iheir produot, I do uot exaggerate the fact. And now, sir, I propose to call at tention to the amount of the annual product of . , that mint a derived from the bes, attainable data. And 1 ask that an extract from a letter addressed by my colleague in the Senate and myself to the Chairman of the Senate Commit tee on Finance an Ibis measure while it was pending before that Committee, be read by (he Clerk. This extract, having been already published in tho Statuman, we omit. . I'or.-tdeio corroboration of this, 1 will re mark that a subsequent publication of the ' amount assayed in tho two assay offices in the City of Portland, Oregon, ahowa tint from the month of Jim, 1803, to the month of Februa ry, 1834. about (even month, the amount -aaytd was only a smell fraction below five mil lion dollar. The Railroad Record, of Juno 1H, 1--4. gives 111 Increase In too amouut of go! J Cr wrJ ftott San rrwclieo darinf tbo four months previous to May l.over the corn ponding period of IHli.'J at $ii,IK)l ,(W-1 Ml Tln Inureuse, it is well kmian, ia oning ( I - -tup rueiits from the Columbia rlter i. Sin. l''t nn i oo, as the gold yield f Olifnnih i Uimiv, ii to bo declining. When we recollect that theie is another assay office at Dulles City, from which we have no return, that thu peculators aud brokers it gold dust tukejlieir bullion lo the Mint in Son Francisco without assay, and, in consequence nf tho shave whiuh they impose upon those of whom they purchase, that large producers take Iheir dust out of the country in private hands, the actual amount assumed tar nishes nn adequate idea of the amount 'pro duced. The Superintendent of the Mint at Philadelphia in bis annual report to the Sucre tary nf the Treasury, speaking of this new re gion, says: Idaho at this tine especially claims our attention It i emphatically the I- n't of' promise and unld. This region was 1st off aa a wpHtsio Territory at the lut session of Connross. Ii lit:! uorih of Colorado and I Utah, and takes In the North ranges of the Uur.kv mountains, with the head -waters nf the Missouri, Co-lunihia.Yellow-st.nlie and Nni'l.h Pint.!., ri localities whors workings have biiun cumin-need uie numerous, bat many of them have not hceii reported nr d,i,i-lrl Tl.u., ....... K.. 1 ...;.l..l. rated, juibiinj from tho characteristic varieties in qual ity of 4heir productions. Aiiiouir the t anosits i-m-siv. ed we have hud prudes of niienesB from 7U5 Kit) 111 tnoiiBiinmns i tne latier In considerable quantity trum Salmon river, a trihntarf to the Columbia. Tie qnaf Ity of the void produced from the mines of Id,ili i equal to that In the older regious of our country, and the quantity anneurs lo be inexhuasiihla Not less promising, are the minus opening in Orca-on and Washington Territory. Tin worklium re merons and constantly increasing in iiuuiher Tna characteristic energy of our penplu will no doubt soon develop the mineral wealth ol thou fiir-dialmit re gions, and thus invite and stimulate emigration to uur uorui racinc territories. In Oregon, the fineness of gold seems to be tolera bly regalur and steady, and iicurly equal to the aver Hue of California. In tin, unld fi-mu Yiuliiijliin Ter ritory, the variation is great, ranging troui tksl to KM Miinismtfiins. The returns from Oregon and Idoho und Wasliinis ton Territories are ai yet importer! i but enough is nuMwii me uueaient tuai in quantity ana quality me gold of those regions will rival if not suriuiss the mo- ductions ol the California mines. keoott on Finance. pp. LVI , ion, And mv honorable friend from Vornioiit. whn fu sol doin given to exiigjfcrntion, in Ills late speech on the ooi estimate tne annual yield or bullion in the Territories of Idaho, WHuliiiixton, New Mexico, Ari mil mul the rttato of Oregon, at t l5,Uull,uiitl. Ity far the larger portion of this must come from Western Mann, excluding Montana. Urrgun ami Washington ; so that In any separate csiiuuile founded upon known fuels, he must have intended to credit the district ol uoiiuiry which t'lis mint is to aciouiiiiodale, with not less limn Irom IJJ.OOII.ulIt) to 3ll.t)IIU,ol.'0. And, sir. al though I do not believe that so much us tl'ut was pro diicetl there the mist year. I liuve nn ,l,mlt ilii r,n the future It is a low esiiaiute. And. sir. while tiiesu people are pouring milieu,, of treasure into the 1h i of we nation, is notning to no done ror lliem except to -s inrm 10 ine extortions ol money hreKers ntid speculators, mul ti lleeee. ilicin hv taxation 1 Hut lor me bullion which the lahurHinl e1.er.7v ,,f ti e miners of the l'.icitle coast supply, the lubrlc iif vonr Nniioiml credit would tumble into ruin within a 'month: urni. sir, in one sense the destiny iif this nation is ia their hands. With the resources which thuy can furnish, we can not ouly ride out the fearlul h'irlwiud of this rebellion, but restore iu 1 1 1110 the material credit and prosperity of tho nation. Anything which tends to, and sliniulalos the development ot those mines is a K'cni minimal good, anil as sueli siiouui ruceiro lit tumble coiuiilorutioii. Jly liimul Irom I' linsylvauia l.ur. nievcusi tuoiigiii tlio otlier Hay tlmt 1 lie mining I'opuimion -niiii noon )ilei uy indulgence and I hat We Were seeing the results III' tl'leil- ilnlnliellf,, in llipii- wishes expressed iu this hull by their ilepreseiilaiivs. 6ir, tiie miners uf the l'aciliu coast, are not spoiled by iuyois i out mey uo Know lite Immeiisu power which "i accpoig. unu ttioir re an vii luipoi tiiiieii t, (he tmlioiijind knowing this il is untstranuu linn tlmt seek legit iiuulely their Just lights, and even the muni's ol my ti icud eaiinui provoke the 11 into uoyitoug hm a , icoivsciuniioo ,11 uirtir just rigtus n,-ri-e 1 i,e conn try. When wo can huvua llitnriii ,ve know It, ,i ins lice will be done. But w lien yoa Hpproaeli a iinlii tluli producing from lifteeu to twenty millions f (reus ure aud tell Hion that though it will sure ilicni und tlirougli tliem the nation, million a mlly. vou denv them an appropriation ol ltiii,lliiu lor the' eiectinu iif a branch mint, von ne,l iil l,n iietxiM.rl it' ii,mv ,, braid yon with the injustiooof your coarse. You keep up , uiiiii, in i-iiiuiuuipnia tints voius f .i.oihi.ikhi only per year, at an annual exnetise of liaii,lnia of thou- sands, and reluse to establish one at small cost, where there is absolute aud imperative need lor it. You nav estaiitisiied brauches at New Orleuns.iit Duhloii ega, and al Clmthitu.-, where during their whole exist ence they have not minted as much us nnr mines its,. dues in a single year, but reluse a brunch to us. Vou erectud 0110 iu Colorado when the product as shown oy accurate r, turns, was only ruur millions, while you refuse It to its when we produce fifteen, with a speedy and certain promise of large increase. Sir, voti my uo hub, nut yon cannot convince our peo pie, while you refuse lint linnn to them, that yon are inn; discriminating uguiiisl them bv partialiiy und Injustice. Some gentlonicn am tuuiiul lesi the mint he made a source of great expense In tiie Gov eminent. This is a false idea. Any mint doing a large and regular business rati he made self sustaining. At even the niylerate charges at preeeui imposed, the tan Kniucisco mint, as the hue haperiiueiiderlt, ele vens intorms uie, lacked only a few ihou-mul dollnra of paving expenses and snsiiiiuing itself. The mint at Fhilailolphia costs us a large sum, but II has eouiiara tively little to do, and is not tiDeraied with miv seei iul regard to ccouiomy 1 indeed, If I were to say that It was more a political almshouse tliun a useful pub lic iiisiitutioa, 1 presume I would do no injustice to the truth. A mau 111 California can A nit Ins bullion to the mint at riiiludelphia aud have il returned in coin with quits as much safety and expedition as u mini in the Dimes of the northwest can send to Sun fc'nmciscu and procure hi return. Aud it would be us unjust 10 compel us to go to Hun Francisco to mint our Irensiire a it would lo compel the California tinner lo come to ruiladelpbia. Sully convinced that Ibis bid 1 just aud reasonable, ana that It i bused anon sound iioimv upon economy aud fairness. I conUdemly appeal to hub uouse 10 msa it n itnoui uunty. The bill wa ordered to a third reading, aud was ao eordingly read the third time and missed. . Molinde moved to reconsider the vole by which the bill was passed, and also moved to lay I lie motion 10 ravonsiuur on uie teoie. The latter motion was agreed to. Fine Stock for tub Fair Mr. V. C. Myers started for Salem on last Thursday, to attend the rair with his Morgan colts, Nig J anu Jia- llnoKcr nue match ol snrn-l stallions. one Tear old last Spring, fifteen htiinls hmli. weighs 812 and 875 pounds, measure six feet in tne girtn. 1 tiese colts aro pericctly gentle oud work well iu harness. . Hanks black stitllioii, same ago, fifteen ami a half hands high, six feet in the girth ami weighs IHXI pound. Mr. Myers hut In best colt a few tluys ago, by a snake bite. He was the same age as tho others, weighed l.tXX) pound, fifteen ai tl a half hands high. Our impression i that the three living colls will lint ne neat ny many nt tho coming t air. iea tinel. Unitarians Ukcomb Univbr8ai.I8.tr Th - AmbatsadnT, a Uiiiveraalist neper, sav : "Uur Uiiitiiiiau neighbors are rapidly coming to lie uuiversaiisi. A quarter ol a century niro it was very rare for an Ameriuun Unit nan to titter a word that ctuil-l he construct! in favor nf the final eiilvalinu of all mankind Siime ere utnl return! to uoiiiilain the popular lloctlilie ill ellilhss punishment ; some perllup) eiiti-i 1 111 in il the notion that 'the iiicnrrtxihle' were finallr to he annihilated, an nther- were eminently retkent with respett lo the ultimate fate ol the w.eki-d. Pr. ( lianuiiig. we think. never exiiresn-d himsell clearly upon Hie sub Jevl. while Dr Dewey was even more nrllio Una than the oitliinloi theoii-li',-. At the present time the great body of Unitail.'iis. we suppnee, are avnai-d Uuiversn'iete." Onk-Siueu. The oopperhead insist nn free speech against the Government. The ques tion, is. will they reciprocate? Will Itmwn. Street tc Co. gnnrantt-e to us the fame liberty of speech In Kiclitnoml or Atlanta that they (Urown it Co.) enjoy horef Will they nni- cure n a prolvolimi from JcfT Davu that will enable us to publish th America Flag at Charleston, navanuan, or Molnlel lieally, when we reflect up in the 'liberty'1 which loy- ai men enjoy 111 me vouieuerauy. tiie cool tin pudence of our dnmestio Irailors In clainorini for "more liberty," 1 quite stoundiug. S. F. CfThe Board of Cnmnilssioner levied a las of two peroentuin fur Stale, Srhiad and Connty purpose, on the taxable properly of Uentnn oouuiy, aisn military anil Vi pull Ui. The valuation of all property in the county is alawt one million uf dollars. Cor- taltie Gazette. ty Ws tak the following Items from th As sies of th 10th tost 1 , John Mulhollaus train nf ever 30 animals, heavily laden, started on Thursday for Canyon City.-fcjr way uf ths MrKonil route. Bristow hiothers' train, with valley oroJuo. will aUrt arly nest week for tho saiuo desliiiatiun. Un 1 nursoay nomer ouni eeawo 10 o land lord of th Ht. Charles Hotel, and Dr. Knfnw cam again intopcessiaa of the favorite eld stand, lie will continue it as a Ural-class hotel. Mr. Smith rom to Corvallis to assuma harga of th Cily Hofal. The lending Iimiiriinco (oiiipuiij. Ihfja.ix Insurance Company. HARTFORD, CONN, Ciitli fii'iital, m 100,000 rush Assets Ud'iO.tCiit.MI IllvcMftl ill CalilVsiiiiii sjl.'il,000 lll'-NKY KKUsflOO, l'arsinsaT, W, B. Cl.AHK, HrcitKTAitY. S, W. I'uiiier Jliiiilgiimrry nml I'oinuicrciai Sis, M FIIA-Vt IsiCO. SrrPreinlums teeoivc.l by Hie "PIlfEMX" tor iiisiirauec in this s'tuto ure rciuiu ed for investment in California securities, and together with l-V.i.ono ulready invested ltonds, ure held sub. ject to claims for Iosb under I'a cille slope f policies, MAKING THE'I'IKENIX A "II OHIO IllHtltUtlOH." tV Lout honorably adjunteil and promptly paid f.V U. U. GOLD CulS it pmnf where the occur. R. H. MoQ ILL, General Ag't. D..11..!..-1 1 , , ... ., , ,. ..j 1 oucies issucii nun n-ueweil III hub t'rtr.ne unn pnpulnr Coitipany, on nil classes of desirable properly without delay incident to tho sub agency system, and at rales as low us solvency and lair pt'dit will admit BELL & BROWN, Rfkitlriil riitcnix Agnili. Del, !. IKialy34 SALrM. okkoon. HUMI3TON, WILSON &, CO., INPoaTStl kSU WHDI.KHH DIAUSaS IN Fine Brandies, Wines anil Liquors, i-'ni; Pool Hi-Il k Silore. IiVohi Miuel, iui-i,e, of 0.k PotllniKl. JTI X v6 '"l6 pleasure in announcing to onr old j '-., lW:iuthinsHiid the puhlic of Oregon and Wu,li. PtjSiugton Territory, that after two year"' bust wsb)wiujmi w0 hgvo established a trade und facili ties for importing in oui line of goods that duties com petition. Also, that, we ure selling goods AT hAN FlMNCIttt'O 1'llICKS and gmtraiilce lliem lo he genuine, our Mock being at ull limes subject to the siriciest cneiuicai aiuionai 1011. No Trade Sollohed except in FINE LIQTIOBS, OltB STOCK CONSISTS IK PAIIT OF FINE OLD BRANDIES: Otard llitpuy & Co.. Jus. Heutiesv, United Vineyard proprietors, A. Hoinot & O , Pima, ( aslillon & Co., .Uanpioit A. hteguoit, Union of tho f roprietors, and various other bramls. Fine Old Port and SHERRY WI17E8. I'nre old Opuno Port, tine old lltirgundy Port. Iweel and heavy) Dull' Ootdon I'ule and Golden rihorrv. Ilartnntiy Nephews and Cobbler Sherry (line and neavy. - CUAMPAGXE and CASE WINES or Every Description. Fine Old Jamaica Uuin, St. Croix Kura, PUKE I IK OLD WIH!SKEVH. Stewartand Itnrvev's Obi Scotch, Old O'NoiU's (lno old Malt Ol.b lt iUKUtlN of the Ittiest quality. Superior Old Ityo. Old Pencil and Checrv Urandr of sunerior nnalliv. Also. 11 liirgu assort merit of CASK OOUDS ofevery descrintiim nsutl in the liuuor trade. X. It. We have ill all times lurg" quantities of onuoi-B pin up in saitaoto pacaages ror packing to I lie mines. 1 inters irom siei-eiiunts and liealei-s respect fully snlieiicil, lllt.MISTON, WII.B11N ft CO. Portland, Aug. 1-ltli, I WW. ,Vir,f WHAT KILLED HIM. lV!t. IT.UJj, fu win" Journal of fraM." ieakiiij( jr ui tu.niMiiii irvnitf, u-Kft uie uiiDve qiu-fiinii. Hint ail : I It uiL'Itt well Iihv ieinuiiiii willi iu for onif vvttrn tu i-ointj. Iiud il iiitt lieitii for ml vie', kimlly iiiii'ii'lfil, uti doulM, guuu iu tliuiigliilcw mid rackle iguuniiM.'u, II K HAI A COLD wliicli hy Houit injiutiriun prtRi'Htim had licen con verleil into un Hr-lUiim. lio k.ivb tl.nl (njtcriif ion, or wlntt il wju t lie out nidi: world mav nuvitr know. Let me suy lu lui-tor Hull th.it tlmt " preMcription " aa ii" NewelTs Pulmonary Syrup, for that in n article tlmt doe out engender hen it di- eime, n.ir u it irutiuctye ot any amlimauc unucliuusi hiiu hm wr Coughs and Colds, the wnrld nevur miwM better remedy, mid never will, until Nuture pi-iiduee mnw new lUKrfdient out ot wnit-n w prepitrs ii. vou i ue Htrmn tu tint it treelv. Every iirtklu in it is fVotu NrtlnteB own Lnliomtorv the Hitme todav tlmt fliev were a rhummtid viurn Hifti tut ruicuiaU'U lo sKMiihe, huul auu strengthen. liiuie m no BETTER FAIIIL7 MSBICINE I Keiiitin the hnu-e. iik it freelv.uuk to mn children npmi the ilitiiettt imlii-at'ioii of h roid,' nud iuu miiituiiiK huh n)vitH ni 11 iiis mi no i nut iiuve ne euiue assured with its imrit. ULD1NOTON Sl CO, AntK, uit Kntiifinni. And for shIo everywhere. Umti Kl HU 1 DALLES tin. 'UK Cobinih'm Nicer Itoail. Icailine r,-iip- J from Pi'iiliiiul.isavailalilc for tiie ravel of MTOt.'li throUL'h to llallcs ( it. Lalnuurs are coiisiuntly etigaged in fmprnviUK the uisi mns in 1 lie roiltl. A Omil) HJUIiV O.V DOO ltIVi.lt and nue on a.uuy uiver. ttllll'S uf Tolll Each Morse, Mule or Jack SO cents " Mau &0 " " llcsd ol Caltle over oue yearold.. W " " " " heell Ill " Ticket. old al the Feme. NO KXl'UA CIIAKOK Fillt FKItKWNll. A ticket at the above iriccs is me oiuy cuuruu on uur noau iiinae uy me 1 inniinuy. JOhL I'AI, Mi.lt, l'icsiil.nl. Coliiinhia Kiver itoiul tjotuimny, J.J. HurraAK, Secy. JOHN K. M1I.L1-.K, JOKL 1'AMI.U, A. I . Ulilli.s, Murch 2, Mil. Itf Directors. DA8HAWAV WASHING MACHINE. I'iTKKTKU Jan. I J. lno't. OTAPLKTllS ft MVKim. Kutsm .r. ,r.. O tuniia these uiachineH, which, :or cUciiaieas, econo my 111 use. ense sua iiionuitiiuwu in anuliing, are UiUHrpaiui by gas Machine nf the kind EVER IS VESTED. They sl"o sell V"anir' patent cutta ancha nelf-sd in.toig ri.iiTHKK-lVHIXtiER.wAth Is the best in ue, anu 011 easily He altacUed l, tlicir trashing ma chine. - Hive them a cull. Manufactory next door to the JIIIIISKMI IIIIIISV. OUIVm. Muy 3D, ism, jjtf A. J. lll'Tl i'ie a PIONEER HATTER, JH 7il FliONT 8TUKET, POItTLAXD. ITAScniiniHiitly on hand a COMl'LETE ASRiHiT II li.sslit f.ril..nllMisMlt'a s sis - ... " - , " , "I""' "e LA I cat aiin mmt Ai ru CU styles, i-onnntlinrf sns- ui n iTVH 4uiHnHiut 1 'ns MPituere, cniwniHMintfresuf all eulon, "Victiiua," or I'e u.s II...- I. ..il 1 I 'enivi " isn.ss, 111 sum siiiit, nuors, vaneiv, and prite. I jr" Otilrr firm the country (inn.itlv HIImI Ot nlleiiieii vmiuiiK INihUikI, fn.m the inieriur, if ma , and " n'v sa ( sisbs, n 1 lis win ICHTV Willi thiir tiifasitr. will hi trttHmntced couilurtwble ...I ... .. (... I. LJ I .1 " ' Vn B ! III-T-Sr 1ST SyllflH. The Hlmll-l'l. Atsll 1KICE H,i,l rr,ill kinds of us a. e. 111, 1 Lbll, aitf r OUlt TISIU IX AN COMIC. aft 1.. I , A in. I'crsous iHiicifii iu lis in auy way will ninase cmisider themselves invited to cuuie lorwaril and seine up. II it Is impossible for you to pay, rente nasi see se and let as know when vou eua. (ihouhlthis uencm! inviliition nut he lie linxli.,! Ii will be necessary for n to issue more pWaiid aiore arrral appsals, al lite tnieuiie of iheiuviieil. Kxpeciiuir 10 chaniie our hnsinns. we Inieud eellinc M..I. S....1.. UUll,, l,.v 11 y. ,r , nr.ni'1-rni, is o mom sc munis niaile. eircpl eer tkaei vara, and be AfA'. VI Al. AKKASU E .V E V T with PAVINt, t'U TOMKU.H. j.ii.avi.a.naoHivi. 8leiu,t)renim,8epl. 3uth. ,'if. J. It. HAMILTON, SI. . Hoiucopalhlc I'hj slt Ian and Surgeon "VKUCK od rsw,lene el Mr rilIAVV'6 IWiUtig. w nousv, am a-air suns ui me jail bsileiu.Juiieli, iW. Hif WAH HCliir. 'PHEnnderslnned will pnreliase Oieiroa and Wash 1 inaion nar Claims, hnsiu,trd l laiais, Unilsiwed irrans, eta, ana will Mas claims tor enlleetnsa reaa.Mu.hu uiais. CAIOM Js CL'KU eaJs-w, Out., April , 18m. taf Nollrss. T a BieelbiK of the Bnarrt of Directors of the . New Khl orndo 0li lhst4 tMI ver IU iiiinir i 'iitiiiuinw on the 'JKih ilay of AuauM, 4 u at,l, an aseeMiurui ,',( lea (10) ceuls la-r sham in I. t. eoni u. Icvir.lou th eapiuu siocs 01 ins lotnpanv, pnvaiie 111 Hurts lUrs. A. k'arciivn u SaUo, Aayut JO, ISM. 3Tw PERUVIAN SYRUP, OB PUuTliCTtU Solution of Protoxide of Iron, UiiH hmn ufcil with (Jn-iit Siift'CHu in u i inu THE DYSPJSFSIA, Affection of the Lirer, Druviii. Neuralgia, uroiiciiMi una votiiumplire I eiiiictictcs, Dimrdered Stale of the Blond, Female Complaint!, Chronic Diarrheta, liuili, Scurry, the Frustrat ing Fffecii of Lead or Mereury. GUNKRAL DHDIUTY, and ull diseases which require A Tonic ond Alloinllve Medicines 'PHE PROOFS ft ITS KFFICACY are so numer 1 oas, so well authenticaicd, and uf such puculinr character, that inll'erurs cjnniot reasonuhlv hesiluM, to receive tho profl'oreil uid. tne ciuss 01 dlsenses for which Hi Syrap provides cure, is precisely that which has so often liuillud ih highest order of medical skill. The facts are tangible, the witnesses accessible, and the safety und elllcacv ol the byrup incontrovertible. From WeU.Kiiown Citizens of Boston. The nndersiglied lllivilnr cjkiierisuced the biieRetl elleelsof tile "Peruvian Syrup," do not hesitate to iccoiuuienu 11 10 lite utleiillon ot tho pllblio. Kev. JOHN PIKHPONT, THOMAS C. AMOKY, THOMAS A DKXTliU, PKTHIl IIAHVKV, 11. a'.AlMkb, ill. U., J AUKS I,'. illj N, AMLliL MAY, Kev. T. WUiri'GMORE. CciliUcnie of Dr. Ilny os. It Is well known tliat the mudiciuul etleet of Pro. loxide of Iron is lost by even a very brief exposure lo air, and tlmt to maintain a solution of Protoxide of iron, wnnout luritier oxiduliou, ha: been deemed im possible. In the Peruvian Rvrnn. this dt!slmlileroint Is u luined by coaiiiHATioa is a wav axruas tiaanowai nun this Bolinioii muy rcp'acu ail the prmo carbonates, citrates aud tjirlmleiof the .Materia Medici. A. A. IIAYKf, M. D., . Assuyerto the Stulc of ilassachuaetts. lfl Uovston streot, Huston. IIWMTItTTKK, (SUIT II ev DKArV, 401 und 1W Battery street, corner of (lay, Sun Krancisoo. SMITH V DAVIS, HODOHfc CAUCF, W. WKATHKUKORD, M Portland. " CONSTITUTION WATER," THE OXL.Y REMEDY For Diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, (J ravel, Dropsical Swellings, GENITAL DEBILITY, Etc. Tin p. AMTOiKiiia nrrcRNS) wmcn s lias attendee this 1, VALUAULr. Medicine ren tiers il llie most vuluuhle one ever discovered. K, lutiLfiiHife can convey an adeonute ila of tiie immecli. Hie und almost miraculous change wliicli it oecaslons in the delimitated hiiiI shattered system. In fact, il stands unrivalled as a remedy for the permanent cure 01 tne inaiaaies auuve nieuuoned, and also DIAItETKS, lMPOTIONCV. LOXX OF MUSCULAR ENERGY, 1'UYSICAI, I'lltlSTKATION, l.N'UKIKSTIO.N, tiliMlNAL WEAKNKS8 OLEET, FLUOlt ALDUS, And in every diseaso any way connected with the dis orders or decay of the X'KOCUEATIVE FUNC lit IN8. Persons about to marry, if conscious of auy ncukiicH, siiuinu luao VIIU CONSTITUTION WATER. Whe'lier broken down by excess, woak by nattire, or iinpuired liy sickness, the uiistruiin and relaxed oriian izaiioa lent once rehraced, revived, and built up. tsll may una cetcinaieU luudicme be culled the MEDICAL WONDER The aiiMipinx, treiiiliiinir victim of depression und delu ity liecoiues a new muni he Simula erect, he moves with a lirio step 1 Ins mind, which was urovi ,,lv snolr in l..n,n ..e .... l.i:...:. ... ,. couies briiiht and active 1 and be aoes forth reiu-Kcne- ......... v-ov.-,... ., Vn ijr. tiiu uieuiciiie reacai CONSTITUTION itself, aud restores it to its uoriu; couditiou. Imalwn of the Keck of Ike Bladder, Inflammation 01 me tLidnepe, and Catarrh of the bladder, atrangnaru and Burning, or Painful Urin. almr, Calcului. Uravel, Briti Duet Vepoiii, and Mncoui or Milky Dit char its After Urinultnil. Vnr il. a;...... t. . 1. - ... 1 t v. ...ww uimiKi ,o a sovereign remeoy, aud too umch cannot be said 111 its praise. A single tlose has been known to relieve the must unrein synip loms. I KY IT iu these cases, and you will ever viva your praise to CONSTITUTION WATER! Males or Females, Are you tronblsd with that distressing pain in the small of tiie buck, and through your hips 1 CONST! TITiON WATEH ill relieve vou like magic. Pr W. II. OltEOrt. Proprietor. MORGAN ii AI.LEN. l.euerul Aleuts, New Tork. IIOSITETTKR, H.TIITK cV DEAN, Agenla for the 1'aciHe Coast, 401 and 403 Battery Street, Corner Clay, San Francisco, and iIOOr.E&C.aEr. SMITH & DAVIS, W. WEATUEKFORD, Stf Portland. IODlEWTiiIl. 'DINE Water is lite most Important discovery of modern chemistry, and it is impossible lo over-estimate its influence as a remedial agent. Iodine has luien considered the most useful arlielo in Materia Jledica, and many uf the most sclent itic and practical chemists and physicians have Investigated ita ellects upon the human system. It is to act upou Ihe IIEAKT, MVnt, Kl D.VEf H, GEHTIVst OHfJ AMSOli ULA.IOILAB siisi v.n, and to have great control over SCROFULOUS AFFECTIONS. N'lawiilislaudiug the leal and ability which have been devoted lo its investigation, it remained almost useless mill Dr. Henry Audcra.a physician and chemist of New York, alter yeats of patient labor aud experi ment, discovered a chemical process which enabled him to dissolve PCliE IODISE IS PURE WATER, ithoiii a solvent. This, considered impossible by the scieiitilic world. I attested hy certillcates of anal ysia from Dr J. R. t hilion of ibis olv, and Prof. Uoolli, V 8. Alius. Pliilailelphin, The importance of this r'nci.very was no highly appreciated by the Fac ulty lli,,t it wa published in Medical Journals, and iu use nrninmemlcd In pnictiiioners (see "American Mcdiciu Monthly," July ii, ISjti, p, ?ti.) This valuable medicate is now available to the rub he Tor the cure of Mcrolnlu in all its manifold forms, Consumption. Cancer, Heart. Liyr and Kidnoy Dis eases, hlieiiiaalism, Nenniluia. Noryona AMoctiona Uysistpsia, bronchitis tic. t AS A TOISTIO J Its operation is evinced by strengthening the digestive organs and increased nutrition of Ilia h,l ia Ilia ra. - suit of the employment of Iodine. The patient re covers llcsh, slreugih and color i billierto pale, relaxed and leeble, be becomes full, wrong and lb-rid. Full directions accompany each bottle. Hold by all Druggists. Price, SI per bottle. Pre. pnreil by I r H. Anders at Co., Pbysivutns aud Chem ists, Aew York. HoSTKi rER. 8MITII 1c DEAN. 401 aud -sua lisllcrry street, corner of Chiy, San Francisco. HiiDOKCALKF, KM ITU 4 DAVIS. W. WEA lTU KKilltD, tf Ponianil. Kendall's Ainboline. la a StiaiuUting, Oily Extract of Barks and Herbs. It will cure all dis THE GREAT tiivtLto satriaTioa sea RESTORING, INV.SORAT ING, BEAUTIFYING, ass Draaaloff TBB HAIR! i eases of the scalp and llch-' lug of the head, entirely eradicates the dandruff und piereiila the hair from fall injr jiii, or fnim turning tna i ilnrely gray, eautiaa it lo gr ibick and long. It ie eotinlv dilferent from all other pieperaliona, aud jean tss ntlttaou. Pnt op In hones contaluiug; wo hollies pries. fl.- Sold by all Dmcvisls. lli'STm KK.RMITH PEAN, Agents, XoUI Battery sl comer of Clay, San Francisco. SMITH DAVPs, IK1K I'AI.F.P, W. WKATUtkKOKn, ll Portland T. A, Wood & Co, ARE saanafaonring for the wholesale trade, a su perior an i.le of Tl-HPKNTINB, JAPAN OIL, and EXCElJdOK STAIN. The larnentine eaoaol k beaten In any aiartat la qnality aud cheapness. The Japan Oil is far superior and cheaper than aey olher oil for brick, boat, house and fvnee painting. The stain Is a partial imiwlion ot kusewood and Slah"any Price per mi km. a. 1".2TST MMBTs rOStlsANIH Bcei , IMS. CSaJtf HUSINIS ('Altl)S. A LI, EN k LEWIS, hiiiini'ti'mtiiil Wlinlii saleduabirs Iu t.lnicm'les.llrv (looils. Cluthiiiir, ami Hoots mul .Shoes. Also, snlicil consignments ol Oregon pt'odiii-u. for tlio Han Kranclseo market, on whieli I i born I advance will lie uuulc Porsous sliiipitig goods from tlio lCasteriiStatesto nurcare.can rely upon r.heir receiving prompt alien lion, at mndurate cliurges. Olllce in Sun Francisco, LH'.ISiinnomesll-eet. IHi C 1IESTEU N . TKUKY, Atturtiej' and Coiim solor al Law, Halein, Oregon, Commissioner of Deeds, and to tukelestiinon.ai'.kiiowlcdgetnenlse, for Iowa, Indiana, Missouri, Michigan, California and Washington Turritory. Inciter of Attorney, and all other instruments of writing, drawn on short notice. Particular attention paid to taking Depositions. Col lection nf Notes, Account, etc. fchf JC. POWELL, Attorney al law, Alhunv. Linn Co., Oregon Oillce in Moiitcllh's Uiiilding. Will ?r act ice in all the courts iu Oregon, und promptly at end to all btislnoss entrusted to his care. Particular attention paid to collections from Portland, Han Fran cisco and elsewhere, in all parts of Oregon. The best of reference given if desired. 4litf D" W. & M. 7t7(:6X. Wholesale and Hetuil a Druggists, Dealers in Foreign and Dunioslie Drugs, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, Hair llrusltus.lliio Toilet Articles, (lioinli'Hfs, Drug gist's Glassware, Ato. Also, a large tiuantiiy nf con centrated extracts nf Plants of tiie purest quality. Ooininereiul st., Halum, Oregon. L.'itf At!ISOH 0. OIHIIS. W. LAIII II It... CI I BUS ii HILL, Attorneys and Cuiiii'i-lnra T at Iaw. Will give prompt utleulion to ull pro feMsioua! business eutrusted lo litem Ollicn on Front street, opposite the Oeuiiison House, Portland. Ore gon. litiiitf J. If. MlTCIIItLt. Jot. H. 1IOI.PI1, Noiary Public. MITCHELL & DOLPII, Atlnrnevs am) Counselors a! Law, Solicitors In Chancery, ami Proctors in Admiralty. Olllce over Post Otliie.'Froiit street, fori limit. ntititr HENUY LAW. Ciiiiiitiission .Merchant, and Imiiorler and Dealer in Wagon Malcrinl. Huh. Kpoke, Felloes, Kliafl, Hickory Axles, Ate, on baud In lots to suit. Flour and Feed of all kinds, htore 25 Front street, Portland and M street, I 'nlles. iititiif K. t.imtos. o o. cuai.. CATON tc CUltL. Attorneys nt Law. will practice iu the coin-la of till Stole. Olllcelll Oris wold's brick, over Hell it brown's store, Salem, Ogn. November, !)d, IHIM. J"uf w ILLIAMS & MALL011Y, Attorneys at utw. umcs in me uouri-uonsu, siuein, ur- eirou. Juno, 8, lRli3. I4lf FO. McCOWN. Attorney and Counsellor nt . Luw. Oltice with Dr. W. B. Mugors. Waconda. Marion county, Oregon. Pott Utiles address, Del pussi. Iif C. JOHNSON. Attorney mid Cimnselor " t it Law, Oregon City. Oregon Will intend to all buaiuers entrusted to his cure. Collections made and promptly remitted. y'.7 TiB. J. W. MuAFEE. I'livs' cimi utnl SUR XJ GEON, offers bis professional services lo the ell- nteiia ol halein anu vicinity. Olllce in Myers hntlil ng, opposite Kenyon's. " tl7i.f B F. HON HAM, AUuriK'V nt Lnw, La lintHiiK, ntiKcr rniinty, (Jrcytm ntf H U.MA8UN 6tt)DKI,L(Attoruujat Uw.Uallfa. no'o Pftmifv. i irctfin. vtr HARDWARE XT IMPORTED DIRECT FROM TUB MAXtFACTlBEKS IN ENGLAND, AND ritOU ALL THE Celebrated Manufacturers I THE EASTER1 STATES. A Good Stock of Agricultural Implements. Abo---Constantly on Hand A. LARGE STOCK Boots and Shoes Direct from the Ccltbralrd Sunufuclurfm. B. D. GODFREY'S CELEURATED BOOTS Consiantly on Hand, and for Sale bj H.W, CRIETT. Portland, July II, 1S74. IjOilT MIUTARV TOIIPAMES, AnETI0S! rTM I R IttlllvrahntAJ 1... ... . I I Jl . : w.w mvvu, uiitvs inun new lork, ihe fiilhiwing goods, suitable lor auiforns w. .u..,j , ra.airy ania Hriinery Saihe. Coal and Vtit Ruttont, -Sitk Cord. Red. Yelloit and Blue. Shoulder ttlrapiand Hat Cordi. Gill Cord, and Gilt Braid, and QoldTiugtti, Sabret, U.S. Wreath Cannon., suiiaMe for Hal aud Tap Trimmings. A fevr ri.K PKKaK.Mf 4TIU.M SJWOKDK all of which we will furnish at eery reasonable rale lo military eompaelee. GOLDSMITH BIIOS. ,Jn Front street, Portland. PAI'TEH CO. 9 rracllcatPrlours.snd Dcahrtla X2i Type, Prfiei, Printing Materially Ink,Paper.Canls.e.. SI0CLA7 ST.,aboye Sunsom. t i. rsisTia ) 8A.N FKANi ISCO. Ilium. as 1. r. fsiarsa) OWeeafltted oat with lispalrk Itf II. smith. atn H.cRtact fniltli aV Clinncc. Marsjicsil and Meckaulcal DENTISTS. CIOMMERCIU, street. Mem. have rerooeed Ikelr ' olllce frost Kiaie Mrvet In llriswnld's brick, and are now Inserting artificial leeib In any and all of Ihe lale improved style, including Vulcanite, toraliu, Amber liase. fcc, as well aa gold, nsme no clasps wtwteeer, thoae deetmreraof Ihe natural laalh being aiieriv discarded In Iheir p ran Ice PanUular atlaniinn niyen to disease nf llie gnms and lawsi also, lu Ihe regulailon nf rMhlreu's tsetb, Terih inaertajd frpsi one sMt toafull Ssl QT Ail eafratRSis warranted. 14) to BROWN, MYERS & CO. HOLM AN' 8 UMiCKt SAl.KM, OH lid ON. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS , IX f-JIKM 1 KIIX, IMIM, OII.N, Al!. HAVK jtiHt itM'clvt'il from Hiiti Fmiiriuro n hirv j Htoili nf Orui'iM-ii'N, I'luviwiinm, Wim-H, Lirnori), &(', tVu,, ('oiifigiinvr in purl of tlio fnlluvinjf i ilt-it'll miK'Hi't., KhhI, Jltminit uml OdIiIhi Kvrnp. ()M (iitvernnifiit slavii, C'ofla Itiiwuiid Win rullVu, s)iiinn Muck mul fjroi'ti li'im, rnniiln. rhi'iincitl, tuilct hihI him ily ntinpH, inliimiiiilinu, rml oil mul npurm nttKllc., mlurHtiin, Modii, crciim-iurtitf liml vuiihI pit il(rK, mxln, bulliT, diijxur, utnl Himtuu criit'kiirp. rrei'N com, (omit tot'K, otMtirnt jtkkli pi, Bititcg, iitit'cn, iiyittt, Imhm'V, t'onfttflioiu'rv, olo. Mmikdrul, mtlirinii, ririllUh, smok ed Imnitiy, liivurpool itml i'tintum lulimd Hiilt. iiiinini, rurmutH, citruu mid Heedlt-n ruifdiiti, tlnnr, mmil, fur- ilia, uipioni. m ace, i Ire. Imniinv, pt'iii'l burley. &( Tim buHt bnindd ol Culitorum winvUHiid liquori tor inediuul UHe. Fancy Jupun (roitiln und Ymikee notions, totucoo, clKHnt, und gwnuiuo luoernhmun pi lies. Crockery, ftt wure, coil nil Imnpi, lunterni und lump cbiiiinuys. mn und lido liimpH, COAL OIL. Wood find wlllmv war, vh tin', tmirknt timl imv elltiK biiHltiili, wnnli lulin, u ukIi liuiii di, clot hen pltin, puilo, Itruoun, nive, IiuwIh uml truyn. btd ciiiiln, cliHlicHlitiuiit twitiu, winking und ruptsoldtlu-ti. Bcnib, ulioe, itove und while wtinli Ui-uhIich, hIiim blue king, HARDWARE. Axor, wood rtitWH, hTiovuIh Npmlot pirdcn liocn. nikeit.uxo Imndlcn, mop lutiidlt'K, cnll'w tnilb, curpul ii nd round lie.id luck a, imils, powdor, ihut, pockclund tuble cutlery, Paints, Oils, Glass, Ac. White lead, red Umd. voidtiuii I'pd. Pimnffh wliitlnir, pilKy, liiiBi't'd nil, bird nil. nund pitpor, coHtdi, ropul, fu rtu turo, daniur mid kIil-Iho vuniii.li, brnwii jiipuii, titrpeittine ulcoliol, tliruino yellow, fhroitio xrtun, I 'unit Kreen, umber, siomiu, vundyke, brown uhd rnmriimi nine, uiiimoiin kiuck cnner, iuxi3r polnti, lumn bluck. tmint bmnlieii. iruld leaf. Slv. 'f lie bcf. uf French window tihm of ull aizos, from Hx 10 to 3lix 18. A good wmir. meat of dvenl utt'n. Having pnrclianed onrutoek tor cunfi in 8hii FrRii-cii-co, we full eontidt'iu tlmt we cm. hl'II tin lnw nn thu I o went tor tut eh or ready ptiy. Cull und exmiiuie. Wanted, bnltrr, e(n, bticnn, lunl, and all kindtt of produce, for uhuJiwo will pny llm lnhful iiiaiiiet PORTLAND FOUNDRY ....AMI.... MAOI1INE SHOP. PIl'Sl Ktreil. ilctweili inhlli atul Moi-ilaot,, H A VINO become stile proprietor ot thlsiislnhllslt inunt.the unilcrsigiiuil is now nreiuu-cii to tuaiiii fuciiireAI.I, KINDSuFSI'ICAM KNtilNICS.nf sizes from foitrlo forty horse power, portable or stutionurv. Also, Circular Haw Mills, complete; May Presses id allsizes; Planing Muchiiit's (Woodworib's paltcrti); Wrought oitdt'UHl Iron Work for Vertical Saw aud Qsisl Niillsi brass and iron castings, and wrotightlrou worn oi every oescription. All orders executed with dispatch, am! in a work manlike manner. DAVID MliNXAM'KH. P. 8. A redaction has been made on all kinds of work at my shop, to suilthetradeiiud correspond with California prices. inay& llitf Hodge tSjr Calefj PORTLAND, OREGON, dtaitri in Drugs, iMt'dicineBy Paints, Oils und Glass, White Lead, Varnishes, Brushes, Painters' Material, &.c. ALSO- Kerosene Oil und Lamps, OFFER FOR SAI.E- Linseed Oil, bbls. und cases. Lard Kerosene " " Machine " " Tunners' " " Whitu Lead, legs and pails. Turpentine, Painters' stock, Window Glass, ASD A STUCK OF DRUGS AND HEDICIWES Unsurpassed in the State, in Extent, variety und Completeness. HODGE ty CALEF, 07 Front itreet, Portland. irtf cm j.a.KNArp, Sun Krancisco, Cul. 5 H S BUaKSLI., ( Portland, wreeoa. Knnpp, HurrcU Jt Co., C1KNMIAL COMMISSIiiN MKlit'llANTS, and I Importers and Healers in Aariculiiiral Imple ments, linrdeil und Field Orase Seeds, !IH Front strict. Portland, on-n-m. will itive swciul attelilion to the sale of Fmii ami Produce nn eousiifiiincut. tilling or ders, eVc, either in Portland or San Francisco, aial trunsni-l a aeuerul cuuiuiisslon husiuss. llOtlice ia San Francisco. 1110 Washington st. March 1. IvollHtl Farmers and Shippers, Attention SALEM WAREHOUSE. rP"K nndersianed, buvintf cotltplcled their NEW I WAIIMIOL'SE. are now prepared to receive all "ffrripht, on storat-e nr for shipment. Onr fa cilities, fur storins' strain, fruit, itc.are nnpxcellcd on the river. Warelmuse ia situated ABOVE HKIH WA 'I ER MA RK, on the hank of the river. Farm ers, haul your (train and fruit while the roads are iriaal aud place tbcui with fr.-c ac-ers l nmrket at nny lime. ALEXANDER St, MOIIHAN. Salem, Oct. 8, 1863. ij.;ii New nnd Fresh Goods. WE are now in receipt nf a VEUY LARGE and well selecied assortment nfevervthiiiaiii our line, embracing, LAUIKS' Ut KIDS uf every descriplion in irrcat vurieiv. We hin-e ulso u fine line of MEN'S AND HOY 8 sTIiNISIIINU UOODd, arranged as a speriut depart ineiit: up stiiirs. Foreiirn andilotnestir DltY ROODS. OIlOrEKIFS HAIiDWAKK, IKON, I'liOCKEnY and Jllst'EI I.ANKOUS HOODS of all kimia. as usual; which we are oilerlna; cheap for cash, or any kind of produce, at Uie hinhesl market rates. o , , , .t J- H. et 1. H. MOOKES. Salem, July 8ih, IhCI. 19 if. Why do you use an Inferior Article ItTIIEN yoa can buy at lbs same price I The I I eelebmleit (ll1awnsr Isrnamts Aisst The heat made pure, w line and non exploeive. bnrn ,,,a ,., uriiiiuiii.sieaay name, sua coniblinna ull the ailvanlairm. nf this innm,,ar.,l.la unJ l.. illnuiinatnr, without I lie attendant risk and daneer ol x plosions in usiiii apmirarlicle. Al alOORFn 8alem.Jau.19lb.IKo3. . 401' fX. JACOB COHEN. Watchmaker and Jewclcr.l raeittl MTKrT, rOKTLAKD Dci.ta ia FINE JEWELRY & WATCHES, WFIGHT ARO SPRING CLOCKS, Solid Sllrer t Plated Ware, Cutlcrj.ie. SaBaBBtBB r AGEST FOR IV. BOIf.VS LADIES' PATENT IMPROVED OOLD BELT BKKI.ES. Walcki rnd Jrwrlry Rtpairtil oud WarnuUd. rarttcatar Atetln Paid to IteBnlriai riiie Watches. I keep nn hand a complete aaaortaient ol SPECTACLES, of the improved styles. Also. Opera and Marine Glasses, Qa.irta Magnify- mt is-ra, itimpasses, Arrniieiiurai Ins ramruti, It., it, t" AH roods aold by me are warrants) as rsria. ated All osvipsa fenas ih tt-ill . l.l" .nsniWto.-i,83 iifficSmky " Kwtrs ON immii " ' Ii iiD COOK SIfiffi v IRON AND ZINC. 1 Lead ripe and Brass Kettle s, And 'flu-Ware of all Kinds, The latest stvb s'nf Cimk nml p., An. , . lu store, ami eycrything lu my llm. f. " as ran he lunl in liie W ilhuuutie Vulluv '! I..I.. U, I U.i I J ' THE "HOWE'' IIUI UMC TIIIIICAII MM K urirt,, Newlnsr Muolilnc. FROM WIlIl'U ALL OTIIKHS Ukiiivif VITALITY! ICalnbliahed In 1848 1 ISiniOVKD Vto UIT1MK TOTI.MU AND Fin ,. PriI.'H('T.MI IV l " '"bit Siihsliiiilliilly 111111' smmply built, Hiuriess lfuh : ' 'i "in,-, ,ii,i niij- niiiar allien lldluiw linlu... Thee (lATIIKIt and HICW f)N at tl,B ,uS U sew rapidly nml ure almost milsch-ss I Tliv dt rf ' rini'.ci or UMtiswr yvuiia. will, c,,,,,, ,,,,, Lnicsl Iniproyud llltAIDKIIS, lWN'DKlla , in ffl; HKI-SSi-.fi. AIMLVmo HAllllKUa '' each Machine. ' " " Letler "A, for family uss , s m iv. Wler"A," pearl ItniNh, with cisyar 75 m Letter "II," for family .dross makers or laiiiir,' line . . Letter "C," heavy iitiiiiufarturhijr for UpliolV- imii'S, ir,,Mur iriiiiiuiii Willi tlHrtlasi Makers, to llus Machine, especiuliv, the attelilion of iiiMnnliii-ntsi-s iu h,,i;..'...i a. Utter " D." liiiht cylinder ,,'; ij?J letier " r,, nt-avy cyliiult-r njj L'ncqiialed for boot und shoe work. '" n e iiaye aiso lor sale tne ii l'. ft l j l ,N l; HEW ENGLAND MACHINES. (Ponnerly sold al (-.'.'i). Brii-e sit. II Zi itUAHAfiTEE ALL OUR MACHixzi Purchase only of us or nnr Aiienls, un tilers h a spurious article in the market 1)KM IXtl it (VI No, 3 Moiiiioiiiery st, (Aliisonh; Teuinlck Ka uisco, Sola Aauiil for tho Pm.iliu (jBMfc Agency fur ll,o uulu of tlte nhnco Macliines ,. . FUI'.ELASI) UU0S., . hu l.i Albany, I. Inn cniiuiy, Orodm, SALEPJ3FOUNDRY 3XACI1XIV10 MIIOP, S:iI-iii, Oickoji. " DUAKK & MOOKK, Munitfurliirors of RTF AM "'l'" "'' ,HOII.F.RS, Saw Jlills. (InJ Mills, Keepers. Thrashers, Piunpa. n.nl und all kinds andatylesof niaihiiinry. Machinery repaired at short Notice Potlern-MakiiiRdone in nlfiis various fonss. and all kinds of II U ASS aud IKON 1 ASTIMIs (i nisbed at short notice. B F DHKK 1:,f J. II. MOIlliK. J. C. Shclton, Phj slclan and Surgeon, MONMOUTH, Polk County, Oregon. The Dodoi heiim a Kriiilnuti-Dl tlio Curtis, or Phvsio-tnedirsl coIIcko. Cincinnati, Ohio, is a true Botanic iu Inserts tire, entirely discarding calomel and ull niinernl pel sons, and usinnone but purely veiretuble nicdiiiuii and only the perl'celly rimoceiil al thai. ' Tlio Uoctor would' fnrlhcr snv lo the public, iW that he is prepared to euic l euncers. Itulolcut sort, , i " u,v Ms-UJ( UIKI WlUl e J'" I ti J 'IHBIIIUIO, Hiirftjeon !ntiMt. Ofllco in llnliiian's Itrick HailditiK. Resilience. Heir corner of Kim and Center slreeis. IV 7? N'.'"" bat tinislted operiiliona performed. I ii I J9 dcsiie the patrouue of such persons us wilb operations pcrloi iued ia Ue most laiifcct uiHimer .Salem, Pec. 2Jd, IHili. iStt' liiclmrds) 4 IHi Crakrii, Fortcarding and Cmnmimon Merchant ..AND JonilKltS IN.. Oregon Flour, Fruit, Bacon, Lard, KllAIN, ik , I IME, CEMENT and PLASl lCU received by tyerr JJsuilina vessel. liT Willailend to the pnichase and sliipmmt ut Meiehuiiiliso of every dcscripiiou in tin, Kasien sia! Sun Kiiincisco markets. Also to forwanliiig goods i bail (rancisco and Portland. The I'elobrntril Munnj Rtoptr and DIovym. r and Aifricitltural Iniplemeiiis of every descriplinn fur uished lor cash at sau Fmucisco cost and ln.i-orui-lion. e will also attend to the sale of Orcon Producs in Victoria, haviiiK esiahllshcd a house in tlmt plus under the uiuiuiueuieiit of Mr. I), b'isk, a Kcntletunn of ciglil years' experience ia the trade in Sun Kmncisco. JOHN MiCIIAKKN, Conmemat Wharf, Portland, JAMES U. KKTIAItUS, J ' 37 r-ucraiuentu street, Kan Francisco. 63ltf - -T T-T TT A A CI fJ5i j Oomotrclal9treel,3alem,Daalcrln ; nmn ivn ciirrnii'iirMiro 1 vvuv anas uiuilitl j JEWELRY, Solid Silver nnd Plntcd Ware, FINE CLOCKS, 1 .&o. Spectacles, Fine Cutlery j All (oods sold by me are WARRANTED to be as) j rcprvluiitcd. j I Hrpillllll)(, j Partlcularattenllen paid tnrcpalrlnirnnc Watches, vmi-Ks, jiweiry, ac. I ALL WORK VAHI!A.NTi;i). Bslcm, Oregon, Nov. S, 18C3. lySt jacos ?oKsr.a. . a. asjtTKB. jiiiYa a. couisT CONSER, BARTER So CO., Produce & Commission Merchants Nccoud Street, Dalles, Oret-on. TUB very Wst hrands of Hour, feed of all kinds, ami every description of 1'ivduee constantly ia store and sold nt the lowest raics. FiMHT tllOCKKIES. A choice assortment of family groceries. Inrlndinf the hest selection nf Teas, Collces, Sugars, Ve., select ed expressly for family uss. Consignments recii-,i. nnd a general Sioraire, For warding aud Commission Business promialy attended to. "'will also pny the liijtliest CASH market price for all kinds of country produce such n Wheal, Ihus, Henna, Ilntter. Km. Cheese, Dried k'ruiis.cVc.atllie Jcllerson .Mills, Marion Co., Orison. CONSKK, IIAliTER&CO Sccond slreet, !ullcs, and fitf Jelfcrson, Marion Co.. Orcjioh. s. L. Jo.tcs, A. C. OIBBS, JOII.V HATIOH OREGON IRON WORKS I K. I.. JO.KRN aV CO. VITE mannfnclnrn Quartz Mills, Steam Es Klnes and Boilers, TliOiiion IJrnprr and Mowfr, lJune Powrri, Cooking Ranges, aU kinds of dills, lloieatlngr MuchliicM, IMO.H OO SIKH AND ttl.HDSWI. st' L .... .... n iists recently anned to onr estaiilulnneni sn the marlmicrv and panenis nf the lale ttrois of UASSI A. M.A I mm m ...... ... . .h m -- m. a w., ana siansiiai,!, ac .n ,, , of Oreeon Cily, and are prepared to ilnl7. KISI'S OF WOKK usually d,,ne in a FIH.sT CLASH FOI'KltKYnna M'4CIIISF. SHOP. Comer of Muulgvuiery aud seventh streets, Pirt bmd. Oregon. K. L JONDS & t'O, June to, I Hi'. I. - 8tf BENJ. STRANG, PARLOR ANd'cOOK STOVES OV EVIIKV PATTKBV, Keeps constantly on hand, and Uaunfuelnres to order, Tin, Sheet Iron, and Copper Ware, On reasonable terms. MKTAL RO'iKlNO, and JOHEIXO of all Un. promptly encoded to. Khp on Commercial street. Salcn, Oregna. S doers N'onli of llirsch at t o. IsUlf Odd Fellow s Knrnl Cctnclerjr, SALEM, OREOOS. rPHOSK ho have relat ires or fijenda Interred is X this Cemetery are ecqui-eteil to furnish to either of ths iiuderaianed as soon as pniciicahle Ihe follow tna ieforuiatioD, vis t Naoie eve, sea, color, starried or sinitle. place of birth, of what family, nnmheruf duvs ill: died when, where, aud cause 1 buried, whea atal by whom. The ohp-et of the h,rrk,)iiu( inquiries is for the purpose ol reeislnillou iu a book aires,! prorared for tna! purpose. I K. MOOKES,) C. N. riJKIIV. Trnsteev, . R E. MAV, Bah-m, January U, Ifltel. . 4"stf A Cnrd. Dn HAMILTON hikes this method to inform the friends of Homeopathy that ciruimstaueee have so rhai.ged Uml he will not now k ave for the Atlantis States, as contemplated, by him 1 but will raaava ssf feaarntly la tMepi