lite Oregon Mcu. Domrstic Item. TllK 1'llllTI.ANI) IilllUAKY At':llTKIX. Thin society Inn now W' tiuiinburs Tim sum of J,4IKI haa'bucni deposited ill Now York, fur llio iinrchnse of n lilirnry, thn aoloetioiis to bo miulo I hy Messrs. Ni-lmrn nnd Hs-tt, the former an Oro pon ex-,Iudir, Ihu Uttr fnrmurly of tho iirm of Vailing & Unit. .Why not in Sai.k.m t Tito Indies of 1'oriland r giving ice-cream festivals for thn bnnidit of the rtanitary Kund. Why cannot the oxnerimcnt ' be tried hum I In theso warm days, it slrikrs uh it ' would be a littlo tho coolest thins; yet devised to relieve our snliHors. Who'll try it? Eurkka HminK Smith, of the Eurckix Iloiue, ' near tho liritlpu, in fill city, is prepared we be lieve, to accommodate) A fi'W nioro boitrdors, and those who Jiavo bwn stopping at the Mansion I will find plenty of good tiling;) on kia table. Entt.rI'IIIhino. Mr. Kronenhcrirer, who was tamed oat In Kalem on Saturday, baa already .commenced building a new market on the site of the old one. i1'. ....The ofHrsrsf the California 8tAjje ConiBanv ' Sri Saturn has bm.n removed to the Dudley House. " ' : ",: J. ..Isaac Hill, an old and esteemed resident of this vnlluy.dicd at hit rusidenco near the Mnnn '" tain House, on the lfilh lust., after auilluussof a , few hours. Sentinel. AcclDKST. Mr. Lowry, late of tho Mansion ilonsn. wu snrnnwhat Injured on Siiturdny hint y being thrown from a wiijjon, ono wheul passing over his right Itronst, another ovor kia rightthigh. The wagon win lienvily loaded. Blow Tn.aVKt.iNa, We noticed a man riding 'avstecr Ihrimgh town on Saturday afmrneon, Katlier a tiovol mode ef conveyance, wo ahould . ejay. , ,'. Finn IN-PniJt Coonty. Tiie barn of Green i B. Smith, In Polk county was on the'JUfli destroy--ed by tfro, tojretfior with a fino stallion, a wuffon, ,k nd many fanning utensils. It is thought to have , j been tiie work of an incendiary. Sanitakv. Mr. llolbroolt state that he has ;'lrcsdy received nnd sent .to the Sanitary Corn V ; snisaiuh over fifty two thousand dollar. . . ; ....We understand from fmrsiins just relumed rom Lowiston, tliat times are rather dull in that '' region. Numbers are leaving for the Kootenai 'mines, recently discovered. ) I'atkioth;. J. C. Grubbs, a resident of Ben ton county, nnd sue of last year's graduate! ot Willamette University, loft for the Enst on the ru:'i'last steamer for tho purpose of joining tlioKa ' tioiml army. . . .. i MancHlMa on. The telegraph wire has been - stretched as far aa Lewis Hiver, on the routo to . . Victoria. Erelong electric messages can pass iotvveon lior Majesty's sitbjocts from New Diuns wiek to liritish Columbia. KkvovaLi The Lewitten Golden Age has been , .removed to Boise City, and will hereafter be pub lished at that place. Tun Lakokht BiIIPMRNT -It. is estimated that ,i.,'-$44'i,7f8,UII wore shipped on the steamer Pncirie, i which sailed en SntHiday. This is believed lo be i" he largest rfhiprnerA of treasure mado this yeaf. 1 1 ' Oiir.flim Floi'R. Onr Suite brauds arc in good ' -demand in Nan Francisco. Kixty tons of Oregon flour were shipped en the Pacific. ....A drtrvo of four hundred cattle passed hrougli town yeterdny bound fur the Nurtli. ,! ., We uiiderstaiid that numerous droves have passed 't . sslong the mountain road east of liiiroi bound in 'the same direction. We also leant that numbers '' f sheep are being brought into the tipper part of " '-.the Valley from California. Wo havo not learned ' bother any of these sheep ore being "imported Jnto Folk." to bo sheared. i AllKAD of us. They had watermelons in Jack- son county lust week. Wo will do well if we get - mny In throo weeks more. Tim Piiiht. The first immigrants from the "( ,. Plains this season passed through this place on e i Monday morning, on their way to Linn county, -whore they have relatives. This is the first iii '" .atallment of a large lucrenso to our population. SVDUtS DKATU. Sara P. Strang, a private 'j '. soldier, belonging to Company C, of Fort Klanv , ' ,uith, died very suddenly in the street on Thurs , i lny sftemoon. Running up towards Wettorer's "browoi y for tho purpose, as he said, of overtaking ti the butcher wagon, he fell down, apparently un i ' ler the lnlluence of liquor, and was removed to 1 " -the shnde, where he died iu fifteen minutes after , "wards. Stnlhtel. . ' John Kelch. an old citizen of Yreka, com- -i luitted suicide, during a fit of temporary insanity, v'On the night of July 25th, by cutting his throat wiin a ra.or. ....J. D. Locey, Esq., a promising young law , Hi jer of Oregon City, has been appointed County f, kludge of Clackamas county, in the place of lion , j. JS. Iluelat. resigned. iti, .... In the tight with Indians, in Idaho, where "'t Mike Jordan was killed, Ceo. Harry was wound- d III tne tiaud, and u. ivastuian slightly wounded V' ' Su the thigii. , . ....Wo learn that Mr. Book, of Portland, has . been appointed Deputy U. 8. Assessor for the district composed of the conntiea of Marion and ! Claekamaa, in place of J. C. Cartwright, resigned Couldn't 8k it. We hoard of an individual - - the other day who went up to Snntiain to nunitk, nnd on returning pronounced the thing a humbug. ; By making inquiries, however, we learned that said individual oulv went as far as Ouartzville, ' and there found to his disgust that a steep hill of considerable higlit iiad to bo climbed before be could be permitted to gaze upon Hint famous beast ot the mountains, the "White Hull." In attempt. ' ing to make the ascent his foot slipped, ho fell rolled over, mado several "dips" and "strikes," peeled bis noso sovorely, and after regaining the sjottoni ot the hill and having his wounds dressed, ; made his way back to the land of Web-foot, fully convinced that there was no such thing as gold or silver in the Cascade B.mgo. FoitT Klamath. From late advices from Fort Klamath, we learn that the sergeant's quarters aro about completed. When the several buildings comprising the officers quarters with the extensive building calculated for the soldiers, and the fine stable for tho (jovornment horses is fully com pleted, Fort Klamath will be one of the most de sirable military locations in Oregon. The climate is good and healthy, fish of the most luxuriant class, in fact, everything to render ntliccrs and men comfortable and contented tntetlienar. Fatal AmtiKNT. Jthn McBriety, late Com' missioncr of Josephine county, on Friday of last week came to his death i tho following mannert He bad driven his team iuto his barn with a load of hay and commenced In unload it ; by some means his horses becsme frightened and started ; in order to stop them ho slid from the load of hiy and was caught between the hay-rack and a post and instantly killed. Mr. Mcltriety was an old and respected eitieca of Jnscphiuo oounty. He leaves a tvifo and several children to mourn his untimely death. StatimL ....On the way to t lie penitentiary, Charley Dnggs msde a free and full confi-ssion of bis par ticipation in the attempted marder and robbery ot tne Italian woman, of which crime he ami Patten were eonvictrd at the late term of tho Ih triet Court. The confession fill I v implicates Pat ten, and shows him lo be a hardened villain. Monntutitctr. M ah im:t Prof. F. II. Gmbbs and Miss Lucy A. jLee, both instructors inW illamctte University were married at the residence of Uev. G. Hiues this morning. A few minutes after the knot was tied, they started on a wedding tour to the Dalles That's thn way to spend vacation. Compliments of the parties were received at this office, also a apply ot cake. , ....Thomas Bowlrhss been appointed sneer inleude-Bt of tho Saotism Company's operations in the Ssatiam mines. ....The steamer Pioneer is being fitted out at ' Portland and will soon leave for Yaquina bay, to bo permanently engaged there as a packet, con necting that harbor with tka Corvailis wagon road. Commexcko. The work of laving the walli of the new University building comrainced to day. The Messrs. Bowker of 8alem have the con tract, and that is safe rnaraiitee that the work will bo well done. Jackson county hao! 235,04 in her treasury Jul I'll II. Not L)BAn Ales Dodge telegraphs to the Or efesuia tkat Commodore John ). Scranten, . (whose reported death ws noticed A few davs ago) was in San Franeif, and well, on the fliih iut. .... The steamer Orcgoa ill probably arrive id Portland to morrow. Nbw Stramek fob tub Pacific. The Sac ramento, for San Kranrisco, via Panama, sailed from Now York on tho lillh ult. She will run on the Panama line. .... A meeting was held at Harrisbnrg on the ittth iul. in behalf of the Freednien'a Aid Asso ciation. Mr. Bracket! addressed the meeting. M.w Coal Mink. Fifty tons of coal from tho Dew mine discovered about four years since, on the Washington side of till Straits of Fura, be tween Port AngeliM and the Cape, has beca sent to &uu Fraiu-iacn for trial. ....The sum of t -1 1 4.70 wis received from the ' floral ami icecream f slivalsof the Ladies' Vaui t tary Aid Society, lately held at Portland. 'Er HaLL. Secretary M.iy is fitting up a Bw and capacions Beprespuutive lUll'in the newly built addition lo iiolman s brick. It will be provided with reporter's stands, a ladies' gal lery, and considerable lobby room. Oar Holons will stand a good chance to be watched by their constitneuts through the comioiug session. TCACIIIitj" ISSTI If T It is to be hoped there will b? a fill attendance tf teachers at Albany on Tuesday asst. It is las last atin htfora the Legislalui'ii, and iiieslliiii8 will bn brought up of general interest touching the question of ediieii lion. Thn (Secretary of tho Society informs lis that from letters received lie anticipates a lingo at tendance. - - . . ...The AluuHtuiuerr says the mercury stood at IOC degrees at tho Dalles on'tlin 7th. I.i-wis Byron, for some time, absent from our city, Iihh returned, uml wo understand intends going into business near his old stand. ....Tim bark Industry sailed from Portland yesterday with s'Xty tons of wheat and oats and tea tons of other produce, for Man Franeiseo. lodge Hliattuck has ordered a spocial torm of the Circuit Court in Multuomnli, to begin Au gust ....Rev. T. It. Penrne passed through Salem this murning, en routo fur Portland. ' l'OKTLAJIH I'OlUtEHl'ONDKNCE. l'oui'LANi), July 23. 1804. Ed, Statesman We shall endeavor to assist your enterprise by collating items that may be of Interest to your readers, Iroiu this tbo metropolis of Oregon. The good citizens uf this city have lint just recovered from their surprise, itt the nnnounoo ment of the fact that tho vexed "Cttpltnl ques tion" has been finally decided iu favor of your burgh lor the next Ueuty years. At first there was a feeling of having been mid, for we fondly imagined that Portland would he the favored locality, at S"tno future day, and con sequently remained (niet, with these pleasing utitieipatluiis ; but it "chuugu lias come o'er tint spirit uf our d renins," anil, unou mature oonslderution, wo rejoice that Huloni, one of the best places for the statu capital, should liave received a verdict in its favor, from to honest yeomanry of yc land of webl'eet. For a lime stock lever lieciiuio epidetmo in oar midst, and affected many who had anticipa tions to become wealthy naliobi, by (peculating in lluise and Snntiain shares ; but we Oregon- tans are u cautious set of liombrca, uml uller the moinentui'y excitement quieted down, with fond asstiruuoes of ultimiilu success, on a sc our e basis, In a legitimate war, from ititliw- tioni of mineral Wealth, hotli iu gautiuui and Boise gold and silver lends. From the report of the party of gentlemen, from this city ho lately visited the Suntiiiiii, those who lire not onmiiers have every confidence that at no dis tant day neli lu-ds or mineral wealth will be there opened that will give a new impetus to the denizens of the Willamette Valley. Our city Is Inst assuming the characteristics of a metropolis. Low doggeries nnd Inirdy gurdy" sah Otis are by nn means nncominou, and render night hideous by their riot and rev- ilry. An attempt by tho tuural portion t the community tins been miidu to rid ns of these nuisances ; but our worthy city council, from some causa unknown, are unwilling to assume the responsibility of putting ii quietus on these establishments, as would appear by their action on Hie Miliject their lust meeting. Wo see it stated in tho Portland correspon dence of tho.l(u. that our Library Associa tion is a failure. This is not a fact. Through tho exertions uf the indefatigable VVukoGeltl, it is a decided lucem, mid is now a permanent institution. 1 ha rooms are elegantly fitted up, nnd everybody adds to tho amount of material lor tutellectu 'I repasts to tuo members and friends of the Library. It is renlly the best place in tho city for one to enjoy a complete otitim cum dignllale with his friends Iroin the country, over a deltoato cigar, playing ft game of chess, or rending nf the successes of Grant uiih nuormuii, or in utu ueariy respouees iu me nomination of Lincoln and Andy. Business is dull, and, iu consequence, onr city does not present such a spectacle nf bustle and activity as it did a few uonths ago ; hut we are patiently waiting for Fiat good time to come soon again, when the faces nf our busi ness will nguiti be wreathed in smiles to attend to profitable orders from up country. ' - Xour enquiries concerning tile sum titul do- nated to the sanitary Commission Iroiu this State is re echoed by every one here, but Ilul brook keeps mum. As Agent of the Coinmis sioii, it is iiis duty to reply In thesj reasonable demands; if everything is on the sqnur.e the people vv ii tit to know it, and ll he remain quiet. they will In licve that " something is rotten iu Denmark. Nothing more at present. ' Yours, U Si I. RioitT Betweun the Eyks. The Louis le Journal, eager to do the work of slavery, remarks : The abolitionists advocate Amalgamation ; but before they practice it, they will have to get consent of the nigger, and the nigger is getting proud. . ' " ; In wlitcll the Louisville frett responds with the lolluw log stinger: "Ueietiilnre the patrmrcbal nristoeracy have not consulted tho nigger, but practiced amal gamation at will, and wero always proud. St, Louis, July 27. A dispatch from Lea- venworlh snys Indians attacked a 17. S. train on Simla l'e road, destroying A large amount of stores. Km n-i-t gut 3000 men by his conscription in Kentucky. Hath (Mb.). July 21st. A fire lias been rngmg on the south side uf the city since sat urday (lutn.l Hundreds ol acres have been burned over, and for thu lust two days the city lias been seriously threatened. The Gre has worked its wav op to the very edge of the. city Later. The fire which has been raging since the 10th has been extinguished. The Ore has burned over a tract nf six thousand acres, extending six miles in length by three iu breadth. 1 he loss ol properly is very heavy and will reach muiir bundled thousands. tjfTlio sam of $13 000 has been remitted through the luiiiking-honso of Sather cc Co. San Francisco, to the Christian Cotumissiou at Philadelphia. Iti (iiX) of this sum was from thu proceeds of a fourth (if July festival at .Napa the remainder from city collections. .Sacramento lias remitted $-".000 fur the same object lately. Mr. UnderfttHid. secretary nf the Oregon Central Militury Koad Co., received a dispatch from Washington last evening stating that the bill annroini.iiiiig lands to the said road hat passed both bouses of Congress. Stale Journal AltitKSTEU. Ilishnp Kavuiiangh, a rebel emissary from Georgia, and preacher of the M. E. Church South, lias been arrested for treasonable utterances, in California. A Romance in Kkal Life A school teacher in Polk county a few days since eloped with one of bis pupils, a girl about fifteen, and escorted her to Vancouver where they were married. On returning to tho neighborhood of the girl's father for the purpose of "making up" with the old folks, a "raid" was made nn the happy pair by the father and two or three brothers of the bride ; she was seited and forcibly carried off by two of the party, while a "skirmish" took place between the remainder and the bride-groom in which the latter was placed ion dm cental and somewhat thrashed. NorTHr iTras We clip the following items from the Ignition Apr of July '.(1st : Twelve haudred dollars came down by Ripsnn & Co.'s Express, from Mhoo county, as a free will otfsr- htg of her eiliiens to alleviate lue sutfcrmff of our wounded soluivn. Adam Homier, formerly a resident of Pittslinrg.ra. rouimitted suicide on ilic niulil of the 114th. nt Ins sslg inga hi Lewiskm, by calling bis lliruat. lie formerly lived in Niasta, lui General McPherton was killed at Atlanta. Latest by Telegraph. Dittr to July 20. Dlsrorcrjr of (treat Conspiracy t Importnnt Position Oalnrd by Geu. 6 rani: A discovery has heru made of a great con spiraoy in the North, beaded by fruuiiornt democratic leaders, the object of w hich is to aid the rebels in overthrowing the Government. The order is a secret one, called American Kiitghte. nllaudighnm is (ho supreme com mauder in the .North aud Sterling Price in tin South. Yallandichain s purpose in letonini was to stir up a democratic insorrcctiou in the North. I be Oorcrnincni is watching their de signs. A dispatch says advices from Ike army of the Potomao show that Grant has secured a Very important strategic portion above Ueronda Hundred nn the 27lh. which gives him gottd base ol supplies, ca'y eleven imles fro'ii Rich- ! mood TULI'.bitAl'HIO NEWS. . ' HpeiiaflMplie"u Oregon Ktnleinan. Waniiinuton, July 22. Dispatches ro ceived by government this alieinomi announce thai the rebel general. Joseph Iu. Johuslnii.lias been superceded by (ion. J. 11. 1 1 nod, Hlid a buttle bud taken piaco between opposing ur ttiies, in which the rebels were defeated. Dispatches have nlsu been received dated Atlanta, but no ollicial utinniinceliieiit of the occupation of that placo hy uur forces, hs come to hand. Louisvii.i.R, July 22.' To day's Nashville C'wt'wn (uys that telegrams from Gen. Sherman say thu enemy attacked Thomas fiercely on' tho 2lth, hut were handsomely repulsed, and roughly handled. Tho Union adds, the armies ant now on level ground, where the fighting will bp more equal. ' ,, One hundred and fifty rebel women from Georgia arrived here to-night. Three hundred nnd fifty more are reported at Nashville, to be forwarded here, to be tent out of the limits of the Norlhern? States. , . . ., Nkw Vohk. July 23 flerald'i Nashville dispntch says Gen. Honsseftti left Decatur nn the 10th, on a most important raid, with ft force of 20,000, well mounted, one thousand of whom are armed with Spencers repeating rifle. The route tuken is one never before followed iluring tlie war, hut is most identical with the track pursued by Jackson in the war with thn Creek Indians. The first point of any impnr tiince is Bluuntsvillc, five miles beyond Coosa river. Thence they move ranidty upon Talla.. ecu, and the nearest bridge or ford over the Tullupoosa river. The route between these two streams is being rapidly pursued, and the briilgiw completely destroyed. Tho passage of the Tullapoosa will probably be mado at To- pcKa. i ins win bring tne force to uadesvilie iiiountnin road, which will carry them to the railroad at several points. The work of do. strttction will then begin. Thero are eight ridges on the railroad between Montgomery itnd Opellika, Near Columbus on another oute are three bridges. Returning after the strtictiou of the Ml r"".d. Itousseau is to move n the west side of the Clmtlahnoclie f opportunity oQ'ers, .loin Sherman between Marietta and Chiittahoochie. If the the move is accomplished, lioniscau Is to make straight lor Pctisttcolai and there take vessels for New Orleans.thenee to Nashville. Richmond papers of the 20th say wo have first reports nf Kosseau's work. Dispatches from Atlanta, 18th. say telegraph connecting witli Montgomery, was separated last night. Interruption was supposed to have been caused by a portion of oavulry reported nt Talladega Hie lolh, Ho trams to-day from West unit. Another Nashville telegram says the success f Sherman's move cutting the eastern section f communication with Atlanta lends to the be ef that the rebels have been foiled in the at tempt to escape, nnd that operations at that place have been narrowed dowq to a siege A largo cavalry Inrco some time since left army or utlterent points, ami have doubtless cut the Macon and Columbus road in such a manner that if the enemy leaves the city to go South we will destroy his property. d ue Memphis liuUclin ol the UlUli has a statement made before the Provost Marshal by Lieut. Allen, from Forrest's command, who de serted and took the until. He reports that S. ' Lee commands Polk's old Department. Riclinrdson has been superseded by Neely, he having been charged with making $2,000,000 nut of tint conscript business. Allen confirms the previous rep rt of wounding of 1' orrest at Tupelo. The rebels lost 1.500 men at the Gun- town nght with Gen. htnrgis. Cincinnati, July '4 l lie Uazctte corres pondent, uuder Atlanta July 22, gives the fol- iwttig : Sherman commenced crossing the Chntta- hoochie on the morning of the 17lh. His whole line advanced, Hooker taking position on extreme right and centre, Howard on right centre. Palmer nn extemc right. On the mnrinue ol the 18ili, the advance renched Beech Tree creek, fonr miles from At lanta. After considerable skirmishing, the enemy wus dislodged, and a portion of How ard's corps cros-ed, our left swinging around to the Atlanta anil Augusta railroad, nnd on the evening of tlu, tearing on several miles of the track. On the morning nf the 20th, IIownrd,Hookcr and Palmer crossed with the balance of their corps, forming hue along the sooth bank of the creek. . - At 3 o'cloclt, P.M., tlio rebels mndn ft des perate sudden assault nn Howard in great lorce ; the uttuok si on extended to llookc r.the rebels advancing three deep. Portions of onr line first wavered before the terrible onset, but quickly rallied aud stood firm. On this portion of the linn was massed tho (lower nf the rebel army, both sides lighting for the first time on open fields, lli fmu dark the rebels wero en tirely (leleateit, having lulled to nreulf uur lines. I Ir v retrenti d in disorder, leaving most oi their dead and wounded on the field. Our loss will reach 2,000, principally Hook er s. The rebel Killed, wounded ami missing exceeds (i.OOO, including three brigades. On the left onr operations were entirely successful. MePhersnn drove tile rebels severut miles. Ulair'e corps advanced one and a half miles south of Augusta road. On the morning of the 2!et the enemy worn driven witn a small loss lo their work immediately nround Atlanta. On thu 22d they bad with riuni entirely from Hooker s and Palmer's Iront. At 2 P.M., por tions of our army entered the city. We may liavo romu lighting lor foil possession ol the city, but the campaign is considered closed. A report believed to no rename announces the occupation of Montgomery by lionsseau. Another dispatch says Kowc&n was at Pnolcs vi lie. l'JO miles south nf Decatur. He had a short fight with a body if llio enemy, dispers ing them. Loijisvit.r.e.Jnly 24. Tlie EvansviUo Jour nal silts Henderson, Ky., was attacked on Thursday by guerrillas, and fighting was going nn. Gunboats have been sent to the assistance of the garrison. 1 Ins city is nincu excited liy the genernl nn- proeinent uf horses. The city is barricaded at all avenues leading nut of It. e have reporls, nut anthe nticntcd, of a conflict witli guerrillas at Hopkinsvillo. Onr loss is M lulled, wounded nnd missing. A re ported rebel force of fire hundred, from Carrol county, intend crossing in vevay, Indiana. I'liiLAiiKLriil, July XO. the UuUcUn spe cial Washington dispatch says Gen. Crook met tut enettir on the 2.Sd. at n inciiester, and was repulsed and driven back to Williumsport, hy way ol Martinsnnrg; ueu. urooK commanded tho militia. Dispatches from Chambersbarg says no sign of rebels advancing liirtner tnnu Alnrtinsburg, Bai.timouk, July 20. The American has the following : Tho city la-t nirlit was foil of rvrltinr rn mors of reiiel movements in Ulv Shenandoah Valley, together with vague acoonnts of disss tors to the lorce under Averili. The fuels are ascertained to be that Averili, after successful encounter with Eurly's fnroe, pursued them to the mountains beyond Winchester, when Early made a stand. Alter beuvy fighting on Sutur day and Sunday. Aveiill was compelled to fall Hack to Harper s rerry. causing mo evacua tion of Mnrtinshnrg. The rebels pursued, and yesteiduy afternoon, the 2jth instant, occupied Martinsbirg. where they cut tele graph Jlire, and commenced destruction of track rn Baltimore and Ohio R. H. Our forces were concentrating at Harper's Ferry. It is rumored, tlie rebels were in large force, under Early and Breckinridge. Object of rehrls is doubtless to give tima for their trains of plun der to get sray, and to secure portion of crops lo Shenandoah valley. Probably they may again make a raid into Maryland lor more plunder. We have nothing authentic ns to the extent of the disaster to our fotces beyond Winches ter, and un confirmation of the death of Aver- ill. Kelly and Mulligan. We lesrn that orders were sent for the remov al of the army medical stores from Prederiuksu bnrg last night. Gen. Wallace convened the loyal leaguers of Baltimore. It is reported that a heavy fight hud taken place between Harper s let i) and inchest) r, and Hunter was rrpntsrd; severnl piece of artillery and two hsttrtirs were csftnred by tbs rebels. New Yoiik, July 27. The Timti' Balti more correspondence sari no npprclicuslniis n entertained of rebel demonstrations toward Washington or Baltimore. Crook suvs the force that attacked him near Winchester on Sunday wui greatly superior to Ins, and showed ft trout tout miles, overlapping im on both sidee, nnd could have easily anni hilated hiiu if he hadn't retreated. Col. Mul ligan was killed iu battle on Sunday. The Baltimore American to-duy snys no confirmation of report nf thu rebels having re entered Martinsburg by way of Sharpsbnrg and Shepherdstown. Hardly possible that Early could oome in thnt direction, as ho must be aware that ho will enoounter some different troops from the broken-down columns of Hun ter, i The Commercial snys a gentleman from Fredericksburg repurts much excitement there ou Monday aud Tuesday. The Government removed the stores and wounded, nnd the In habitants were preparing to leave. The ene my was known to be soutli of Pea Ridge, and it is feared wonld oro s at Point of Rouks and push for Frederick. Chicago, July 28. Nothing of a definite character from rebel movements in the Shen andoah Valley. ' It is positively known that se rious battles occurred Saturday and Sunday. Thu Federal troops were overpowered and compelled to flee to. Hnrper's Ferry and Wil- llamsport. uur loroes held Harper s Ferry No rebels seen In Maryland. Thu War De partment says the raid is a humbug. Bamumokb, July 279 p.m No attack on Harper's Ferry yet. Heavy skirmishing re ported between Crook's forces and rebels on Monday afternoon. Forces falling back this side the Potomao to Williatusnort. The ob ject ol tlie rebels is said to keep our foroes out ..r l. ci .i..i. .iu I..Y. .,. - ui mid qiibiihiiuuuii vuner wuuu nicy gainer harvests'. Later reports say we havo ro oecupied Mar tinsburg. Gen. Wallace has issued orders for tho Im mediate enrollment ot all able-bodied colored men in this city. hook succeeds Hunter In command. The rebel raid appear dwiudling Into a eXtmparalively small effort. ' -. - - - MAi.TiMoitr:;-,!i;iiy to. A dispatch irom Frederick snys all quit's-Gen. Kelly ocoupies Martinsburg. No information jpf rebels-oross- imr into Maryland. ' " Late Intelligence snys only a smali' h'.'ljv of relicts engaged m this expedition, and tlnu the rebel army at Petersburg is as strung as ever. . The telegraph gives us n lot about this rebel raid, which is lot more of stuff not wortli the cost of putting it into type. bw YtiitK, July as. The Timet' corres pondent with Butler says tho rebels attacked the 11th Maine, holding Straw bury Plains ; the regiment It'll back Pelure the assault, retiring to Foster's headquarters. Friday Foster sent a regiment to retake the old position, which was Untie ; during the night lie sent reiulorce nient to hold tho pluee permanently. Sjieoial dispatches ray Grant telegraphed be was still in front of Petersburg.. , Washington, July 27. Grant is clearing nut camp hospitals, sending sick and wounded to Washington; several hundred arrived to day nmong them a number of officers. . Nashvillh, July lutormntlnn from from ollioers front sayl in tho two battles iu frout of Atlanta we destroyed the bettor por tion of the enemy's two best corps. During Kossenn raid ho captured and pa rol d 2.U0Q rebels ; ho took 8,000 horses nnd mules and same number contrabands, destroy ed 31 miles railroad, largo quantities of stores, besides burning 13 railroad depots ou Atlanta and Montgomery railroad. Louisville, July !JB. Major Kelly, from the front on Monday night, reports, that after the i tit tie ism, jutn ami jin corps, our men buried 3.000 dead rebels ; We captured 1.0IK) sound prisoners, 1.000 seriously wounded, 11 stand ol colors and a oluocrs. Sherman does not desire to occupy Atlanta, but expects in twu hours to establish headquar ters' there. Nkw York, Jnly 28. Government lias re ceived dispatches from Sherman stating that there had been no fighting since. Atlanta is being gradually invested hy our troops, who were progressing. Intelligence ol a suucoeslul result ol tho cavalry raid on the rend tu Atlanta nnd Macon is hourly expected. There seemed no disposition ou the part f Hood to ovaoiiato Atlanta. It is probable tho city will not be taken without a strugglu or regular siege. ST Louis, July zi.- i :.. has ordered nn assessment npou disloyalists of Shelby and Monroe counties, rulhcien tocever damage. The same rule is strictly enforced un all rail roads. i e Fisk's militia are doing llinrmigli work. Every brush patch around 1'latto City nnd other rebellious localities are being thoroughly searched Tor liusliw linckcrp, I hniuton Is said to be disbundoniug his men, telling them it is impossible to cross the Missouri river, ns the Federals aro close npon lliciu. 1 hey will lie destroyed ll kept togetner. !-nni lliillctt uns killed at Wynndutte, yes terday, by a man named . No cause as signed fur the net. 1 rices army is at Camden, Ark. JInnna duke nt James' Landing. Keinfurucincnls are being sent to Hunks' department. Steele is at I lie mouth of White river. Kicliinond papers of the 2'2d claim a decided ctory at Alluutn . -Federals driven hack with loss. Same papers say the federals were defeated nt Snicker's Gap by Early, and a number nf prisoners taken ; very few deserters are com 1111; into our lines now. New Yoiik, July 28. Sanford retnrned from Washington last night, having succeeded in obtaining the consent or the War Depart, inent to raise hundred day men in this .State Those in service at the time of draft shall bt exempt. Gold 2.ri0. MARRIED. Ill ftalcm, July !!4, by Uev. O. Dickinson, Mr. The mas II Crawford, of Sublimity, uud Kmilv J. 1). (,'rau dull, of Kulem. At Kiigeue City, Jnly SI, by Uev. W.R. Lewis, John U Lnrkv and Miss Klla Miller, all or hinn-oe t itv. June 't, ,v Uev. J. 11. i. Henderson. W. L. 1'nw era and Miss Keliecra Ann Davis, ull of Istne emintf . ' In Dalles, itlth. by Kev. Mr. Condon, Chas. A Uib son, formerly of Saeraiuentotad MissEinilyL. SuiiJi ot iMilttmore, ain, On the Sth of , Tnly, iti l'olk the real dence of John Phillips, by (;hus. K. Moor. Co. Judge Mr. David McCarty and Miss blitaheth June l'billipa. an oi ruia vuiuiby. At the n-si dence of Col. Jennings, near Oregon Cit July 'Jit, ISM, hy Uev. (!. C. Htratton, Mr. leaue I Courtlier and Miaa KliKubeth flotl. July loth, at the residence nf the bride's father, by D L 'Spalding. Mr. Lyman Kellogg, Scotlaburg, and Miss Hary 11. 1'lnkstou, nt n uuur. hi Ijine county. Inly 2Hli. by Thonuu Lister, J. P. Jereiuiuli Huv hi Miss M irtha 'Kvant In fjtne county, July iidili, by same, Jospor Evans anu Mias siiasouri loung. DIED, In Dulles. Jnlv Sllh, Edward W infant son of J.J and M, K. llorris. In Jarksonville. Ith. Arnold, son of Peter and Ameha linu. aa-eil 1 niontlia and '21 ilara On the l.rnh iii-t jit Jump olf Joe, Josephine county, Mr. Frederick ltilssell. In nennatiy, June tlth. Mrs. Rairh Fish, mother of N K sh.ol Sulcm. aged 117. In Kaleui. -loir of congestive chills. Thomas, in fant son of J. A. and Sarah I. Prater, aged 4 months and tfl davs. At ( aiuwlre, Jnly 1 1, Isabella Anu, youngest duogti ter nf Uichard and '('atherire MeCrury, aged veara. In the U. 8. H'Miiital at hteveuson. Alaliama. June Hull. 1XU4, Chariee W. Moo res, nf Ibe lit A regiment Indiana Volqnteers. The deeeaend was a brother of Mers. J. II aud 1. B. M.sorae, nf this elar. July H, Tueodure, sua of John W. Oale, aged veara. Iu Lena county. In Portland July K4, William 8., yonngeat sob of J. II. and J. 8. Vales Iu Jacksonville. July IS, Arnold, yoongrnt eon nf rrter and Amaina nnu, aireq i uontns ann aurs. In S dsrs. Jnly 30. 1W4. Sarah Amcliu, infant daegl. ter or Mrs. II. .ttgie.ageo io moa. aiel ll oaye. Moumtmnnr plesuw sntir. Near Miiwaiikie. July 'tl. Mise Mary Paliny Choea nved Iti tears. I month and lHdiivs. in Dalk-e City, July 'JH, Mrs. Cutlieriue Moloney 'Jtl Tears. Near Lebanon. July '-''. Martha Klilalieth. infant da-igliler of Juckaon and Sarah J. Hull, aged i mos. nd l.'i tlitva III Dalle City, Jnlv 34, Edward W., infant son of J.J aud H. r. iwrns. At I'mimc ftrove.roasl Fork. Jnlv 77. Charlee ft wnn of O. and Mary V. Martin, aged 17 yeasa, 1 saoe ano 1.1 daya . . i. r... .f.ilv 2.1 lr in.. nt ti..- O and lary J.'liendricks. sgj 1 rn'ir, 10 months ,,ft M fluvi. In Dooirts' enintv. Jnlv S3. Mnrl!i Ann. djllehler of J 1) anl It. E Bursrt, sard l rears. 3 msstba aaalOdara. MRS. 8. A. ALLEN, A LADY OK W0ULIMVIIIK KKPUTATI0X. MRS. . A. Al.t.KN'S WOUUVfl IIAIlt ItfSTOItHll AND ZVI.OBAIJ'AMUM or WOKMi'S IIAIK DIIKSSIMl are uo quailed, soil so acklinwli-.ltftil by nil wh sse Uit restor ing, luvifuralltiff. bssutllytni; and ilrvulng tli Hulr, render InS tt lolt, alllcy and glossy, and disposing 11 In remain In any desired position : qukkly cleansing tlie scalp, srn stlns the fnU aud Imparting a healthy and natural culor Ui Uie llnlr. They neeer (all tu reitnre grey Hair to its original .voultiful entor. They set directly upon the roots of thu Hair, giving them tlie natural nourishment rt-qulrtd. No laity's t'rilet Ii cnmiilets wonout nr Kyieuauaniioii or nuir messing, it eleanses the bed mid Imparts lo It anostdellghtrul fragrance aud Is suited to bolu yiwug and old. The Btstorar fttproluoas. Tho Balr Draaalas Ottltlraus and BsautlHas. If your hair Is thin try II, If scurfy try It, If harsh try It, tr lustrelcsa try It, If none of these try it. for all who use It wlU preserve thylr hair tlirnugtt life, for sate by sit Drug, glsta. Agents for California, Hoitelttr, Smith A nean, San yranclseif. fiinlt MR. R. HOt'K ADV stated tliat he was induced to try Dr. WU. HALL'S BALSAM KOUTHK LUMOH Irom the reeoiunwiidatiou of otliors. Ho grave it ton child eleven months old i also asud it iu his fuinfly geu ernjly lor roughs and eolda, and in every Instance found Immediate relinf, and that he would not be with out it. Mr J. 1). MILLKIt states that lie used Dr. Win. HALL'S BALSAM POK TUB LUNGS with ifrrut benent to himself i he was entirely relied of a severe cough. His ueiifhbor was bleeding at the Lungs, tu whom he administered a part of one tiotlls utid it en tirely cured him. Mr. JOHN DAVIS was eured of a severe eouirli, and also guve it to his infant child for me noopnik: coinn. umi Hays it is uie uieiiivinu ,i u,,.-,,. ieines. Mr. JAM1CS N. 'HAUUliN of lioek C'uslle, wished it proclaimed everywhere that his daughter, aired aixtoeii years, was sorely ullbclod with coaih and bleeding: at tho hinir for seven mouths. ISlie wus curod sound and well by usiu part of one bottle of Dr. WM. HALL'S BALSAM Knit THK LU.NOS. Mr, Win. II AUDKN tiutitiiM that his wife was irrentlv af flietetl with cough, and siirl'ering much with puin hi hor hseast. nnd siiiu t also her little dinnllter. Itlfud two years, hud so greatly solferud with ihthiHle that her lite was uospaireu ot. j.uiii mother una oiiua lonua immaliate relief in using: Dr. WM. HALL'S BALSAM I'Olt 'l'HB LUNGi. Those ui-en few of the munr testimonials I have received in favor of your groat L,nng itemedv, and u-you ausire, i can retnu many more which have enine to mv knowledge. Kespcct' fullv vnnra. I. 1) SMI'l'II liiohmnnd. Kv . .Inlv 15. I860.' Sold by KEUINUION tc CO., 4 Id and 418 Front struel, hail Frauoisoo, wdio aro also au-ents for the Pueirlc ('oast for the sale, of ticovill't Hlovil nnd Liver Siew, and we would direct tin utimnioti of those w-lio sidlor from scrofula, eruptions, or any other inipnrity of tho blood, to tlaiviir Blood and' .ter Svrnv as it will cleanse the blood uud nei'iuancntlv entdieate from tho system the cause of t lie diseuse, thereby rcsiorinir Lcidih uud vivacity to the svsteui. Scovtu't BloodanA Liver .Syru;i compounded upon seientitic principles and with' gruut eare. We do not pretend it is a curu-uli, nor that in all cases and uudur oil i.iMii,,taruiif.Ma. it 1m ulienliO.Ml v IdImIIiLIm tliMittmti ..sense twchei tit that the day of Miraclm luu pawd, hut science and facts remain, and ou the strotiifth of these w-c eull uttentioii to tjcovtll e Blood and Lwr Sump. The noble srhmco of lnodieine is eontmllod hv tlie same powers which u-ovem tho entire world. &re tne patteuts Miuiply to lake tins medicine for a aUal1'1 tlini n cases 01 uourn, nypnailu or craj ulua tm,TrttMlctralutn of the boneM. etc.. uttd then ,i,.,m it. ilw.v'voiild receive from it but verv little Knd 1 for unless fc'K:mr'd in, lite money oxpended lor 11 IB COtnpBrullvOIV IHIV. ' . ."..t litod, the dismiss remains nnc'iifCi) f'"1 tlle reputation uf the medicine is injured. The i".'1",'1 ot Nmntfe Wood ami l i,:r Svrun Is thmnvli E..f secroltoil OI ie absorbent vossefs, whiult consists in reedfv"e 01' takinir up certain substances known as etrws oP toHone princiiitee, and removing them from tho uV' ratted parlt throua-h the secretions and exhalents. un- 1 titey aro earned from tne system ; ut tne same tone ffttott blood ts trunnportta through the vtrlf 10 the uisuKsea puns of hid bony. litlil.M. nix a cu., Atfeoia, 41tiund 418 Pront street, San Frnuoisco, and tor sale by all di'iiiKists. Jin'.'U Dr. Hostetter's Stomach BittersThese nilleriarc unlveriallji acknowledged to bu u eure preventlvu and cure for Fever and Ague, Flatulence, lleavlneia ut the Stomach, or anr other like affectlou. Their elTeet upon the sitm Is most miraculous ; Ihey give Ia,l,ealtli7 tone to the Bystria, re Here all morbid matter, and In faut rleanee Uie sysleni of all Inmurlties. In no case has It been known to fall, but oa the eontrnry, now virtues have been found In lie uae. To those iilti-ttd witti any el tne anove ills 01 ine onay, the "Uitieri" are nuerel aa a speedy and certain cure. Try them and form our owu opinion. Bold by druiteists and dealers every where.. , . , . lmly, Notice. . ALL persons holding a license under the U. R. Ex rise l,nw are miuirod to comply with tho follow ing instructions, vis : (.'bunging their place of business from that epecilicd iu their liceuso. selling out to other parlies to occupy the same place, dissolution of part nership, or taking others others into partnership, using the sanie license, must apply tu the Ansessor 111 thoir division; that the changes so mado hi their business, may bo entered oil their license 1 otherwise they will ue uuuie w puy lor a uew license. ' ' THUS. FKABAil, IT. S. Assessor of Oregon. U. 8. Asskssok's OrriCK. ) Portland, Oregon, July tilst, 1801. t (Mw3w4w21 J. H. & 1. 11. MOOEES, DKALKR8 IN FOREIGN MD Oll.ISIlt III1KIIIS, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Corner of Stale and Commercial Strcclx. Snlrm. WE nte now In receint of a very Iui d uml com plt-tc aiwcrlinont of everything in our Ih.o.wliich wo proposo to Hill a cheap a ike ckrapeit, for ALL lCIIVDH orPItO!XJCK Including (itrenbnrkn.tnv which wo will mir flic hivk- fi market price. We will imt even refime CAKII, or iinytliintr rIto, exctipl- tick, having heuoino thorouvhly ntulit'd tliHtcatili in Keller for both linver mid srller tlinn credit, u well for iniineitidle rcnultM to holh, nn lliMt it oliviiUM the liahility of m(iiti grrenbacketl. wikmi lonu-winuco accuuula ure nettled. Wo aro dr lerniiiietl lo Sell for Cnsh, or Its Equivalent Only, l.xcept by npi'riul t.rmnirpment with prompt flftvtne cum to mat. We eluini lo Imvo lite lient toek nof in store tliat hao ever been offut-t'tl in this nincu. int. rrisjnrtHiuiiv in situ nn in inspect nur ptiwiH uini pmue, "Ao trouilc to tkom gootli," Our utock comprUes, in pan, l.ADIItNV JOOIWf ....In frraul vn riety THffetjia, Motoiniliiqnes. nwifp, iil.mfinn, , F'tiilHrdn. C'hitllicits MohiiirR, Urillifiiitm, Isttwnn, (Jinltams, Printed CHmbrim, Frrnrh. Knelitk and Amrrirau i'rint. of nil itrlnn ami qniilitien, ntt4 a full Hiworttnent of Triiumiii of nil It m i is, iiiniidHi' tho IhUpI laoiiioui. ALSO Hirh Embioolrnrn, Fine and JCIrtrnttt tiettt Collar, Hrttiti. lianilkerchirfii, Cuff, Rohr ait Wniats. Ural I.arrt Luce, Yflrnci ennet. Unipnre and llrmtetti. Jink nnd FatkiuHtthle Stlk SarrfurMt i ihmity. NttiHMook and Jtot (t il Stti, Fwbioi'irrid Curtain, Unimorat .S'V,rt, RiMmn$. in vartrfjf,ar Bonnet and TrimmiHift, I'aranol nnd Sitm Umbrella, lnon Skit'ti, Hotter jf, (Jlotrei, Head Itmtra. Aetta and Fan. Jionnrtt. Nata of latctt fathion. trimmed and vntrimwed FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS, Of nil kind; utiiplen mid tioveltien. All k!wU of ui.iiitrsK wipifus,elii8iic web, cord. roiobi.LtmoDt, hairpin and thimbles. AImi, LariirY Sin and Cbildrcnfi Caitcn nnd Shofs, Of nil qualiliei and prirei from the bit Willmlelphii wwrsi, w csiiniiioii low nricn. We have Hrrantred in onr Mttennd itftrv n a niilnl uciuriuiniir, i a miii biiu complete una or Gentlemen' Furnishing Goods, here a man or bor ran be ".Med from "fop to toe" with a romrdet suit of HlvST CUSTOM MAI1B ('l.f)TIIINW. or some of lower priree. We Inty onr elothiotf of the tssM houses in Hhii Krnnrism. snrl will take isurh pluujre in showing or flilinir It to all who nuy luvor us with a nil. We hare ulso a good wsorU uieiik oi BOOTS AND SHOES, AND HATS AND CAPS, Kr men nnd Ikiti. In tulilition to our FurauLiug OfodR, np mnirt, We hiive A Good Assortment of Carpets, Three ply and Inrahi, Chiim and Jfipan tnutting, of 4 4, iV ttnd (i4 widths, mau, rutr, hemp mid oil floor cloth, with in ..Mortiiieut of njdmlitery K"0) well pHpvr mid hordeni in ttn-nt variety, window iliuden, cloth and pupar, ill eornire, liitiifii'nffe, eStc, tVc. IRON AND STEEL; A Married liiee, itnd Hurdwnre ot ell kind, hww mid belt very thin ir for baildinir end fnniichltig lioaee oumpietA, exeepl lumber snd brirk. PAItTN, I.KADs Oils. TrRPKNTINK, And varninli, Wiudnw OIhm nf nil iditee. front -7x9 In .4:t6 inclndiiiK ESiLItl OuUHLE THICK, but little infvrtur to pUte mid not hulf no cottty, CROCKERY AND CLA8SWARE (If all kinds uauull kspt in audi establishments. iLL K1HDS OF GROCERIES; We still here Ikot FISE JAP AS TKA, C'osla II Ira Coto-e. and a rariety of siouri, reftiipd rrusbed slid uruniilau-d, brown, "N. I. OotTue (,'," Kew Orleans snd Isiund. Cannrr osifes. tar and feathers, markert-l, rhildren's eat, k'its and bniriues, tmstii.-ts sod lime, bm-krts nnd met nil, brooms nnd piaster of Psris, lard oil and mstrrH-s, moe seM on ana imiKm )u., ,(iae and ererr osher kind of stone ware and, lastly, tverythingai eeu ed ir a ennipieie oniui iq tna SANTIAM MINES, Kuril a bUtikn, h9Vlt itoit hmnwrt, hirhi, WrijI:l tc ('nil. u' piwtkr, futw wrnimuu tui duulilk tapfl fl'tur. bsftcon, driM upplwonq 'ii nut $um ma IiKANS. aW. itc. caa ba bouiht eaeas at dltf 1I00BES' Always Bafsr Always K4"tilall-Areyouasuffer( from Kever and Ague Are ynU smieleit with lbs periodical return of that cold aiH formal vtstfir, tTro dull, fnllmre ojr Its faithful attendants, rho Inlrfil ig freer and drelicfilnf per splratlon? Isise no time, then In procuring s bottle or Dr. Osgood's India Oholagogue. You lti have Iml one alilll St most after you commence It and probaMy htrtie t all. Tour neighbor who has used the medicine wit! assure ou of this. It a) but the promise of a result which thousands hare already . eallsed,and which your own experience will most fully prots. If yna havo been disappointed In other medicines, soil arc doubtful of alt, obtain the Chnlagngue and you will doubt no loafer. ' ' IbjUaWons an abroad t Be partlculur te enqulra for Dr. Oftixfi Imlia Ckolitgngut. told everywhere. RKDINUTOX k CO.. 4lt and 418 Trent street, Ran rraatUoo, sole agenu for the Paotflc Coast, lmlt Wealth and Resources of Oregon. "lOMSfUNlCATMNS from all narts of tha Htate KJ of Oregon, and especially from the Willamette, Liupqus.nml itogue uivsrf sllaya, ar roquosieu upon the following subjects : 1st. 8tatemunui and sinristlrs hi relation to the pro ductivenesa and character of tbs soil, as tried In the cultivation of wheat, ohU. I a lev, rye, corn, buck wheal, tobacco, nax and hemp, potatoes, tbs orchard, and Uie garden. suiusuca or tlie proiluc per aero, for a autaber of y,u.tB, is uaKirutiiy uesirco. ' 2d. Slaiomenls sud statistics adtb rsganl t tlie iu crease and cost of raisin,: horses, auule, sheep sad hoes. . , 3rd. BUttementsand statistics In relation to the eosts snd expenses of cultivating Held crops, of the JitTeeent kinds, and the ovemge pries mceivexl for Hie same, by the farmer, and where so!4. ' 4th. The average) aiuouulof luud actually anlliyated by the farmers generally. 5th Statistics and st'atcmsnts with retard to mines of the precious metals, eniiper. irou, lead, tin, coal, and deposits of tire-clay, pottor's clitv, hydraulic cement, and quarries of murble, sluts, litiiestone, and building stow.-. .... - . ... . - lith. Statements with regard to the dlstributiuii of living springs of purs water, running stresms, sulphur, aouaaiiu inner mineral waters, uie rcglilanty utiaeimr aoter of the cliumte, and the general lieallju.' Also, concerning suit springs, and spiiugs or deposits of pe troleum (commonly called rovk oil or Seneca oil). In addition to iiiforniulion on the above named snb- jeuls, coi i nspoudeiits are reqnesbsd to state any other matter tiiiu wotiiu ue iisoiui in rarinhig a .correct opin ion or uu iiiiiurui wouita sua resources ol uregon. lneobiectoi prociinng tho information, tierein re quested, is, that tlie same luiiy bo digested nnd faith ruuy sua luuy comuitca into tne lorio .Qt a itepon on the' 'Wculth'aud ltesoiu-ces ot Orogon,'' to be pub lished with the Mtinauiid lienor! nf the Riilroad bur vey, now being made by Col. Charlus Harry, under I ho auspices uf the California and Columbia ltiver Itallroud Conipnuy. ' A large number of these Keports will be printed uud gratuitously distributed among Congressmen, Kustern Capitalists, Kewspaner men, iviiugruiib oociuLiua, aim every otuer piuce wnero ,uey w ill have au Influence for good to Oregon) not only for I he benollt of the liuilroad Company, bat suually so for the people of the Aula, There will also be in corporated in the Heport slutisttus of the amount of ar ahltj land in each county, ami the 'amount under culti vation, Acq. No one can fail tu see the immense latin dice that such a Itcport must havo ou the growth and prosiierlty of tho State i and It is therolure Imped that persons in every neighborhood, In every county, will not only foul it a pleasure, but also a duty to the Htate una rue public generally, le respond to this advertise ment iu a lengthy and curclully prepared eominuni siiiou. Doe acknowledgement will he made in the published Report, lo ull those who rwutribuU) iiilorniuiioii for it -,JI coauuiinieaiioim should ba seat in prior lo the first u.',v of sjeptelnhur mat, addressed tu ' ' , Secretary J L'. U. Itiiilroud Co., - :lo,.0 ta rnloiu, tliugoa. (Weekly Motinlii,""01'iw'''ly Ore-ionian, Christian Advoeatc. Albany lii.'il"Uil, Mmt(l -Journal, C.'isvullis Qusotts, KeviuwV"'' lnlelhgeiuwr, requested to eoppv three limes and ei,j '"H above ddress. HARDWARE W IMPORTED DIHEOT atJ FROM THIS m a iv ufa cr mui; rh IN ENGLAND,1 AND FROM ALL THU Celebrated manufacturers IN THE EASTERN STATES, A. Good Htoolt of Agricultural Implements. Also-Constantly oil Hand .A LATIGJ STOCK Eoot3 and Shoes Direct from the Celebrated Manufiiclurem. E. I). GODFREY'S CIOLKIinATKD HOOTS Consiantlj on nand, and fur S&1 bjr H, W. CORBETT. Portland, July 31.1 74. ly07 EUREKA Self-Adjusting Clothes Wringer, MmpierKDiclrn. and Binble. NO family ran afford la da witlimit ths Clothes Wrihiti ll saves lisie. health and etothinv. It does the hafoeet art of the UUrof wiubiog, wilb ease lo the operator, and without the knai injury lo uie mono, i loines-wnnirers are meeting with rapirt sale i their uei-fuloese is lievond nuesiioni therefore, Wliio kind shall 1 buy I A.'rere family sWd . c KVHiK A, because, by the uie nf tltiplieal sler Hiring lis rututrity is tnriruaed and it Is rendered per fectly self-adjusting. All artKlre and pans varying In site 'receive mwfarm prtMiurr, wliicn rauraM'be af eompllshed by raschiiun rennring IhuotU screws fto raise and lower (he rolls) without roualunt allerutiun. TheKt'KKKA is light and suliaUuliul, and having little or no wevd work about it to crack or awell from the artiimof soup aud water, 14 will lliarefore, with giKal usage, coutiinte in working nnier for a long time. Although self adjusting, k ia sail Hike other maehiuee) liable to becotue disarrnnacd. Any child can work it Dealers supplied. M. K. Tniver k Jlruthcr, Baa Prancisro, Hcneral Agenla. Itepoeitorv tVar Onuon. Meears. Alafnelhy At Tferr, Pon'and. tor vie hv IIKNJ. HTKANUand JOHN DUNHAM. rlalMod in Ilia prinril towns througk- wh in niai. Baiera, Jone37, 1HH4. , Jo, 17 Suntlwleh laliiutl feuttur. Jt;T received per Dark raaiWidgs, SO!) surf of kl'ti A R uf vsrinns grades, and for sola as lml3 H1CUAKUB HeCKAKEN. From the arm;' liosiiMl -the bloody Iwltlo tild thej mansion tit tfio rich Sod (lie lioiohle nhode of th poor from the (iltiueund the snored d-sk from the nountiiln top, distiint vnllevs snd. fur oll islnnlls of the ooesii from cer.r nook snd corner of the ctvilisod world is nonrinir'ln the cvldi-nr'i.of the nstonlshbg efats of DHAKK'8 PI.ANI'ATIHN IHTTKIIS. Tbnusunds upon tboiisunds of letters like tlisl follow ing tatty be seen st our oltlre t , - KtsnsnoKf , Wis, Supt. 8, I lisre been In the army noii(uls for four tren months sporcliless uml lo-utTv desd. At Alton, III. ther nave me a bottle of I'lHiidition Witters. Throe bottles restored mjr sneerh snd enred me. C.A.FtAtTK. '" 1 South Warsaw, 0., July 28, 1963. " One yonnp; man, who bud been sieN and not out of the house for two Trurs with Hornfnla end Erysipelas, after puylnir. the doctors over $IAU wlthoat benellt, has becu cured by ton bottles of vonr Killers. . , EDWAHD WOUKLL. The follow, )g Is from the Manager of the Union Home School lor the Children of Volnnteersi Mansion, KirTY Kuvssth St., Ksw VoiiK. Aii(nst 2, WU. Dn. PttAKiti Your wonderful Pluntntiori" Hitters .luive been Kiven to some of our little children softer luff from weakness ami weak lunjrs with most happy ttict. Ono little )(irl, iu rnirtit-ultrr, with puius in tier head, loss of uiputite,ano dsily wusling eonsiiiHitioa. on whom all inediral skill hud hfoa ealmoeted, has bee entirely matured. We rommoftml with but a 4usjiooiilul of Itittersaduy. Uor appetite and strenu;tl. mpidly HKreasad, and she is now Weil. " ttospeitfullr, MRS.O.M. PEVOB. i ' I owa anucli to yon, lor I rerlly sellers th PlatitStion ttilbirs Inivs suvod iuv life. Uf". W. II. WAUUO-S'Klt, Hftdtid. M. Y. ' Thou wili seju mo two bottles more of thy Plnntution Hitlers.' My wife baa batu greally twtw Oted bv tlwir use. - . ' a o 'i'lij friend, ASA CUIllllN, Philadelphia, Pa. u . . I have been a prreut sufferer from iHspopsia, and IimI to ubaudon prcuclniig. Tbs Flantatiou Hitters have cured ips. .... , , . , : ov, J. 8. CATIIQR.V, Docliastar, N. T. ' " ; Send us twonty-fonr doicn more of yoor Plnntution Hitlers, tlie popularity of which are dully iucreusitig with the iroests of our hoiisi. , at ttYKKS, CHADWICK i. Co. rroprlctors VVUlAr"s Hotel, Wushinirton, D. C. I havo alven tho Plantation Hitters to hundreds of our disabled soldiers with the most uston- Ishing ell'ect, ' ' 1 0. W. Hi AJfDBKWS,' 1 ' 8 'perintendent Soldiers' Home, CinciiiiiMti O. i t ' Hie rhistatii Hitters have cured me ot liver coinphdni, of which 1 was laid up prostrate and lind lo iibuudou mv business. ' II. It. KlNOSI-KY.t'levelnnd.O. ' The Pluntatliiii lliitsrs have cured me nf a derunifomeiir of ths kidnnys mid urinary onmns that hits distressed me for ruses. It acts like- n chario. , . C. C.iti)t)llK,itt4 Hroatlwuy, K. Y. fee. ' dec. b. &s. oVc. The Plnntution Ililtcrs ninke the weak slron, the lunuuid brilliant, and are exhausted nittnre's ureal re storer. Thuy aro composed Af lite cek-hmSpd t'alisnyn Mark, Wintvrnrccn. Sussufrits, Kmus, Herb, fcc, all preserved in purferlly pnuO'i. l.'roix Ruin. I'tis.iusof n dn:i';,,v k,;l'i,''''!,';;i:J(!, woiikocss '"",V "I, hiitpiiHiimi oHhsj heart, Imk of appelili, olslrvss after eiitinu. twvid lives. e4rttirFnni, tcz.t desi-rve to suffer it llwv will not try tbiin. 'i'hey are recomuiended br tho ftiffiiest medical au thorities, and are warranted to produce un immediate benelicial ftl'ect. They are exceedingly aeeahle, pertoctly pure sod harmless. Nones. Any person pretending to sell limitation Hittors in hulk or by the fmllon Is a swindlor and im pnstor. It is pnt up only To onr patent lojf cnlilll hot. lis. Dowure of bottles refilled with imitation duleter- , one stuff for which sovorul persons sre alrcndy In prison. H.'e that every bottle has onr private CniSnl btates Stomp over the cork nnmutilalea. and sigaatnr on steel phtte side label. - 8old by respectable dealers throughout the habita ble globe NUITH tt DAVIS), 71 Front st, Portland, f Imron, Agents for the Htate. I 6uil l. AMUliOTYrKS. ,. KENI0N Is Now"TAKHB PICTt'RES '' AT THE SAME OLD PLACE, Nfitt'LT FinED UP. He purchased a very fine as sortment of PHOTO AUIUMB while la New York. thi and see them. Balcm, May SO, 1801. . ' 1W HUIII, DEARBORN & CO., WholcMito un HnUM ' DEALGHB IN : Dpy-0:ood$, atidl Glathtaa URUCER1ES, BOOTS, SHOES, HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS, QUEENSWADE, IltOS AND 8TKEL, sic.. Salc-m, July Ifi, IftH. Wf Nolic. Omns Sastiam OkLB akd Sn.vrs Misisi Co j Kulem, Oregon, July U, ltV. ( AT a regular mnuiing of the Biuird of Diractdra of the Boiitinm (InLtind Silver Uiuing (luinpnny, on the 1 tt h itiiy of July, ad., Imi4,au ussesetnentrif threa dollure per share, in IJ. H. coin, wus levied on Vhs easi Itul slock of suid coinputvy. Twothlrda of said sum to lie paid within thirty dnya. and the remaining one sldrd nt the eud of siatv daya. '. HEO. A. 1?1EH, Pres. IIL'FL MALLOEY, Seo'y. iJO CITY IIAKEUY. ' O B E R H E I MJt CLARK. i liakors and Conleotloasrs, " Dirrclly Upioiilr STARR'S Tin Khnp, Ftlrm. N. 8, FIFTEEN LOAVES FOR A DOLUR,1 If it in, iw.f :tmii SAML'KU UA.SS. al his bu-nm Kautnry.nrnr lbs Klunmb.iiit lauidiug, Halnui, keeps ou aaitl and tuanufuciiirvs, all ki.ids of huab. lilinda. Doors, d't nice, Window frames, lie., stcaud furnish. In order, verv variety of outside aud inside llnish, scmol wool, wow'l tinning, eVc. All kinds ol Job Work done will ueatnea aud dmpulch. i!lit Holier. rpilK KKYMTuNK HININU COMPANYwUI meet I m, tl,i.i nlll,.., in sialciM,. Anuirsl IHrli. al 3 o'clock. r. at.. llio purr PI eleciuig a uaiaru oi in reebm for suid t. 'uuipaiir tf. K BKIHY, Prealdvnt. C. I,. Fnnitn, Scc'r. HleDi,JVily7th, I tall. Wtd ' 4' for Tim Bitrk. Cl.AltKlt nt)LM AS will pay cash tot lit, h.rn hmk and alder hark, and for taw bides. Kaleui, r'eb. '.7. IN4. limiVpald Nollrs. . rplIH Shu uf the OWM CHKEK MININH L COMPANY will hold their tlrst meeiing at dulem, Oregon, on Monday, the I lit duy of Augnst next, for the purpose ot organiiing suid eoiapany according to, law, circling directors to the aaiue.and traneacling such wilier huaineas as mar appear expedient. Itv tnU-r nf tha Hluchboldrre. 8aleia.Og.,Jaly6,ls'. 4wlti- Notice. THE PACIFIC COPI'Ett HININO COM PANT will meet at their office in Rnleiu. August tlth, DM, al 3 o'clock, r. ., for the purpose of election a Board of Directors for said Oinnanr. v. &. ItKillT, rroahteni. C. L. risara, Hce'r. Halem. July 7th. IHU 4. fld Notice Ii IIKIIKIIY given, thai the amlrrsignvd bus been duly appointed by the Pruaais Ounrl of Marion riHinty. ailminlsiralrix of the relate ol John Karnes, lata of said county, riVcrused. All persons having claims against said estate wdt present I hem. with Ilia proper voik-Ikips, to the niHlemgned, at her residence, sis miles sooilirasl nf thifcni. within six tiionlhs ; ait nil persons Indubred lo said delate are P (intid la bus Iromcdwe payment. , KANCT FABNCS, Alm-g, .,lwn,Ja)r H. 1HB4. 4w.'0 NOllta rpilfS Rlockholdcra uf the Alpha Coppe Mining 1 Coiupauy will meet al the othre uf A. K. s iiiu, koeebnrg, 10 n'ehaik, a. a , oa Hainrday, the KTth day ef August, Iht4, tor the pnrpoee of elect. ing a Uonrd uf Ilinctura and transacting eaaer bnat-H-ae of said Com pan v, sVo. Per order uf Ituard uf KlockhuUers. 4wtt U V. UO.-llt;K, SerrHary. July II, IHM. itenpers, nnd Mower. JOHN Tl'8TI?(. pnkntcc. Is palling ap fai'oa Reaprrt ead Afcrsrs at the Dreimn Iron Works, Portland, Oregon. . t U JtVN KH CO. Jnlv i, IBt.l. vrW 3 Notice. AT a meeting of the Dirociers nf h Vttion Gold and Hiker Mining f"aimmv. held Jsily Sllal,aa n ssmmt was levied of five iridium apoa each and svevy sliareof capital stock f sold Cwuuiiiy for the Siurpiuwol nsrtng waxmn. iu ifn.uj cmtnivtew or. uud said asetssmeuis Iu be paid within ihiity daya froia hte, t" Ibu bocruiirv , t lee (npnnr In luiltd KAate veld coin. HirVB MALUiUT, drey. July tl, I'M. acoaetJWJtu