$h (Drrjon taffsman. fKKSIDKKT LIKt'OIiJf TW'BXTT-FIVK YEARS We are indebted to tho Ueudrliip of Gen. At Llojd. Enq., of this oily, r r very enrreeH portrait of Preiident Lincoln, ml within nil cxtrul from a ipaaoh dalivartil by Mr. Lin oln in 18.'J9. in a diicntsim with Meir. Douglas and Sanborn In tha Illinois Hon iif Representatives. It will lis rf-tiii'iiilieieil lluit that was tha ewiinienoametH nf lite, nl t i ti ! i n m tlo campaign of 1840, ami which reoiltcil in tin defeat of Martin Viui l'nren fur the. I'ros. idenoy. We copy from the Jilinnii .Slnte Journal of 1831). tha ccmdnd'uifr pnrt til" Mr. Llnooln'i apoech. tho following eiiKiitt'iit otit boritof pntriotiim and devotion tn principle: 'Many free eouiitriea hava Inst their lilinrty, ad onri may loio lien ; hut if she hull. he it UJ pronndeit plumo, not llint t m the Inst to dtMrt her, but that I neur deserted her. 1 kM? that the great vylcann at VViiaiiiiit'xi. footed and directed by tlie evil spirit llmt ftlini there, la lielohitiK birth the Invn uf pulit ieftl corruption in a current hrnad mid deep, wh,ich ia sweeping with frightful velocity nver the whole length and hreaitth nf tho laud, liiil ding fair to leave tiuscntlied mi given spot ur Jiliug thing, sfliilee.il ita htrsntn nr rilling, like demonaon the waves of hull, the imps nf the tjil spirits, end Aeinlielily torturing ami tnmit- lo all thoae who ditto resist tta destroying florae with tho linpeltUMiipaa of llieir etfurt ; od, knowiug thia, I cannot deny that all mny be awept away. UioUeti liy it, I tun mny lie ; boW to it. I never will. Tile priilinliility that we nay fall in tho strung e. uuglit not to deter M from the anppnrt uf a cmtse which we deem to bo just; it shall not deter me. If ever 1 feel the aoul within me elevutu and expand to tbote dimensions not wholly nnwortliy i f its Almighty Architect, it ia when 1 I'uiiloimsltttu the Mnae nf my country, deserted by nil the WOtld lieaidee, and I atundnifr up boldly nml Mine, burling dehiinco nt lur notorious op preteort. And here, williout uoiiteinphiting oooaeqnencea, bel'uro High Heaven, iiml in the faoe or the whole world, I awear denial lidl itt to the juet cause, aa 1 deem it, uf the bind (idt life, my liberty, mid my love. And who that thinka with me, will mil. fenrleaidy adopt the oath thnt I take ? Let nunc Inller who thinka he ia right, and we may succeed. Bot if. after all, wo ahnll full, be it ao. We thftll have the proud eoiiaoliitiou uf tit) ing In or CK uscienoe, and lu the depitrled sliudii of oorcoontry'fl freedom, that the cimrse npprnved hy nnr judgments, and adored by our In n i tn la disaster, in chaiua, in torture, ami in death, We Deter faltered lu defending." Flag. Ambbioan Nationality. Tho preaent - NVolotion bna exploded the dungernna error of independent St'atu'e rights, and extirpated the hidden death nf the slave power. The Ameri can dootfine ia that our Constitution ia not a transitory cnmpactlietwecn eevnral Htutea, or n mere partrjursiiip, tn be dissolved at will; but, that It it the nrganio law nf nut'oiinliiy, ndopted by the people of all the Htutea. united in body a ft nation. Our Constitution was created nnd ratified, not by the States in their corporate; ca pacity, but by tho people of the severnl com. monwraltha, in popular convention, in their ca pacities of citizeua of one country. Eneli per eoa owee immediate allegiiince to the Federul Government aa much aa though there were no ' political subdivisions known as States; and for all .ine purpoaei ot national lite, eacli citizen aarrendera every right, obligation and Individ uality, nnd consents to be merged with the One People: "We, the Ptojilc. do ordain" not We, the States." To know that this is the doctrine of the country, listen to tho proehiumtiona of cannon reverberating through the wnsloe of years; follow the desolate track of uruiiea anil count the multitude uf graves; measure tile wondrous are deaoribvd by the hitting shell that carries unquenchable fire Into the citadel - af 8tate'a Rights. Overlook the ileviistuted iarritnry of Secession with' ita aoiiliesa ruins. jeep trodden fields and Ibronga of widowbooil Md orphanage; then, turn to the atill United Btatea.and count the awarming milliona nnd bear Ihe undiniiiiishifl hum of iimtitifiictores, ; la war of commerce aud the sweep of lliu aeythe among the yellow corn. llm tlt'cliim- Nog ia everywhere, from tut- looiniiirin top to the ocean atrnnd, " We, the People, do or , sUlo."- Flag. QTThe return of peace and the opening of the Southern porta will involve a demand (or money, cotton, tobacco, rice, naval stores, etc., which can he counted hy hundreds of millions. A bale nf cotton at this moment is worth three hundred aud fifty dollars. In ordinary years the number of bales produced in Ihe Pnntli is 4,000.000. ' If there should be hut 2,'MI().(I(MI to nil on the rrtu n nf peace, the value would be seven hunilref millions of dnlluia. Hut the cotton would full in price, and might reulixe five hundred millions of dolbira. The tup vended looms nf Europe and England nnd the North would all contribute their quota to pny tho enormous sum. of which ft huge proportion Would he specie. lllia would require the auiu of ten milliona nf dollars ; tobacco (illy mil liona, and naval stores as much, HyCaptain RpSiH, in liia "jmiriml." iik-ii-tirtns iIip Wakldi, an Alntian trihe nf atnrk . naked people, wlm live up in trees ; iav amnll tools fun I nn In M;iil. nhtnya nnily lur siltini;; Wfar llrir lmr inticiii low iliin'u the lui- li, nil eowrd with enwrio shells; suspend liencls from wire attached lo their enrs and lower lips, anl wear itrnnc Iron cnllara nml linieeleis Thia people are an fierce In ar llmt tin ntlier' tiihacan atnnd ngninit ihein, llnni((li I hey iK aalf Willi ap-nra. ShEKP A NciTHSITY ON A FARM. All Eaglish paper anya: "Tim i-Xperienon f the Mat advanced aKiienlfiirnl nnlions. Iil(e Fn(f land, Germany nnd Franco, gnea In alinvr that (beep are a neco-iily of n pnnil (jervrnl avaii-m of hashnndrr. on eten the liii'liosl prieed In nils and amidst llm densest nnpiilnlinn. Tiler nf- lord aa much fnml tn man, in proportion tn their awn oonsnniptlnii ul fiaid, as tiny other domestic animal." nan ll. CHAaea .Hinlth Ac C? him ac, Nuriilcal and .tier linn lea I I DENTTISTS. aJt 1 T TOMMKlIClAr, street. Salem. Imve ri'tnovW llieit KJ ottioe from Hfnfe street In Orisreolil's briek. nun art aow InsartinK nrtiHrial Jeaili in any uiiti nil uf ihe Mia ImpntTed styles, inehi,ltntr A tileinote, t'onilila, IsiMr base. Ate, aa well as ro;u. mow no rluepa whatever, those d.'Strovci of the na'flml tmh lieinii auarly discarded in ttielr prscilco. Partieulur attrotitm Kiven lo disetseeor lite mims M tawa; atm. to iruiteiftiinium or einniren a teeth Taoth inserted from one tooth to a full set. CAll operations warranted. Iv4. Kiittrlir'a ftiilo. 1T lrtoa ot an exeeuiion issued tnti of tint Count r J' Coort of Polk county, and tn toe ttireeteil ut I'uvi.r af John H. Lawis. and atrntimt Joint Hiivhlen met w Oaaai for want of personal property to suitsfr tlie aama. I hnve levitu ui'ou and w:ll iiHH,-vd to m1 tha behest bidtler, for cash in lattd, at ihu t'oon Houm duor, in I'mIIhs, in Msid ottnittv, on Niiunlnv the 114 dar of Julv. A IV put, between the lioiira'f 9 'etoek, a- tn., and 4 o'elork, pT m., of stint day, nil tlie rlfbt, title and interest ot suit defendants o;. in autl to 1M mtiuwitiir uwwiw 'tnlp". n. i i.i.intr , aaflDBHtvof Folk and r-ntta orOn-uon. it bomi a aarl vf tfia land dottuted to tlia Tritsleea of tbo l.a uavla Aradentie Institute, known and ihMKitated in kka aorvey and plot tttoraof. as lot No. one (li, iu block Ha. ail (e). to be auld to satisfy the atn.ve exeeuii'tn. aaaaa an aeeratnK nu. 1 .11 iu I Lr K. M' ri. Iwlkta, Polk auunty, June IS, IHKt 4wl7 Adamluiatralwr'a otlt e. 1TOTICE Is barebr alvett Ibst the uuderslauad li X I baau duly appoluted Adunnietrittor of ihe eetalu m A arrteon a.ittrmtiu urveaseil nl uuiiuihs county, V foa. All persoua Imviux claiina iniiitisi itti,! o lava ara ret nested U. presuut the saute to the under at fad at his mideuce ia Youralla 1 rveiiut, in said Maty, within ata aionthi from this date, aud ell per aaaa Indebted to aid estate are roowiied to intake lus-av-iik pnvtoeot. . lll.N Ili.N SIll.LLft luesilla, lannylna cosiuy, June 17. M. 4 17 ali'c. rpHSRS wlllkak iaretliiKef tkcetnkhi Idrrt of tha J SHiaia Priatina ana faOlishitif I utnpauy.ai Snl-m . fwtag eoeiity, UrtwiMt, 011 lite 'itiih dny ut Julv, !M, ftftMO purposa or alectinjf diiattta ms titquirea l.v ker, and ttsneeetloK anrh etltsr hiiu,e-s miiy l.a teeaaary. J"1C ' '11-V.fc.M. l VTAl.l)l, . C. O. t'l'KL, 4wiy ' Corporators. , C taali for Tim llitrk. k BOLMAV will pay eoali for Br, bem 4 eMer tttek, and l'r raw btdvs. 1, et. -r, l4 Caipaiil , OREGON STATESMAN , 'if-..'.- ' ,1 s. liOOKiNDJOBrillNTING EST A33 7J1 S II M E 1M T - WEHftve liimlyrowivfld. DIKMT KliUM NKW YORK, por clipper liip Currier lov, Htid Imrk Alma, a nnw and Ixmniifiil Gordon Job Power Press, The LATEST wnt MrsT ATPWOVKO rnttoru. for lht NKAT mid UAIMD execiiiion nf .fob Primii, ...SUCH AH. , Crd, Prpf(rnmmeit fUlt-Jl'tult, flkrrk, Prafti, Way UHl, fthtnkt, Letter-Heath, Receipt-Bonk, Ihtit of Lading t tVt i aud run .uccosftfallv t'umpoio, in riLvtouud proinpLueHU, with knt urnci Korth of Sucrmuouto. For Hie lutUfHutury vxvcuiitMi uf UOOK Work, we Imve an VaVUUlU4 AiUAWVVU A U V V k alAWUi9j the moit perfect and complete prnn for book printing evwr invented, and in ting depimmmit wo ure well Bupplied with ood iiiaiorinl. Wo luivo hIho ryoeivod nn ad'Hlion to our former tuck nf A!U'Y TV1M , mich itf Script., Muditg. urn, Text, tVcttiiyl in I lie lino u! I lKCI 'LAltS, "AUIouie," Veddlus and VlsUIng turd cau iiiouoBufdlly uompeLu witli any ojf'u-e on the cvat. ORNAMENTAL PRINTING. Our stock of KANCY 1NKH limit been iiiereHvi'd.Hud by tho uddiiion of a rood HKHortnuiUi ot l'luill uutl DriuiitH litf d I hkIh, v art' piepitrcd lo giveeu litp fHtintuclion. Our kIoi.I( of CiinU nu.bmi-eD iiilver Barriered French Knumtrlvd, nnd Embimedt Yvwdvia and Vwitint.', Jltumtitttitrt t.m " Ooi$td, and Ifttn Colnn d, of many ni to mid irnuiifitt drtuutm. We defy cnmpt'tttlon in ihe Suite 1W neut mid limleful IJICCOIUTIVU 1'ltINTlNO.Hnd Iiuviiim been Awarded IhQ lfil Piciiiliiin fit UwHtatu Vain of IKOund 18ti.'i, wo oinltp tldi. HMi'jriion witlioltl fuur of succfuful contradiction. PRINTING FOR MINING COMPANIES. Willi other material, we lmv procured Elwarotyped Plttto. Boidei. Mining t hi , Tint iflock Jtc., Htid cim till orders fur I Jert i Ueatu- plain or colons! Ke cuipti and Checks, promptly. 3TOrdert for Bindtnfrcan betiled by ui. OurprirfBHre AS LOW hh can bo obtained in tin Htat. and wo KHHiiinteo fntiutitrLhtii with evct j; order or NO HAY. (trdem wdipite-l. iT Kpttcinieiin of woi lt, Wain ml Oi'imiiieiiiHl,cnii ho hq Ht (be office. OKEG0N PRINTING & I'l'BMSHIXG CO. Addl'BKS, 8rATKMAK OAii'O, KmIciii. KEN ION Id Now "TAKING PICTURES , .- AT THU NASI 10 OLD PI.ACJl, NEWLY FITTED ft'. Ha yiureliuKi'd u vny Uncus' aortmaiit of PHU'tO ALItLMS wiiili- ill New Vorli. , i (to und fee tlicui. Balem, Mixy 30, l(!4. IStf DA8HAWAY WASHING MACHINE. pATKaTKit Jan. l'lil. STAPLKTON MYKHS, Snliin. iirt w iiianufac tnrina' theKC maidiiiii'S. wltifli, :or 'ilieupnesa, ccono my 111 use. eiifO and tli'riiiliiie.-s iu tt.i"liiny . me Unturpaitcd by any MrHf nf (he kind EVER IS VENT El). Tney sIho sell V'.nnr s pn1 intent Liitta'nciirha self-ait. instiiiK CLUTHEH WllISnF.K.vtWuh IstlieW in in-e.and can easily lie itltuehed to tlu-ir wanliiti mu clilne. Olte them a cull. Sl.tnuruelory mxt door to the MntiHion House, Bjlem. Mny 311, lam. llttf MONTGOMERY'S ARKANCEJIENTS ARE COIIl'LETED, And I endy li.r"IIi I" Everybody is RUSHING for Pictures, HKAIJtJUAItTHHSlll'lLllIN'O.HALKM. Sslem, Mnv 5Ktlt. THE "HOWE" DOt'BM! Tlllli:A It I.IH KHTITCU Sewlnjy lInchluo, KItOJI WHICH ALL OTIIKHH DKRIVK THEIR VITALITY I IXnblMti'd iu 18 18 1 IMPROVED KRiM TIMH T' TIME AX1) FULLY PEn-PM TKH IS iwy! Huhstautiully tiud stronuly htnli. und let's liable to et out of order thitit iiuv otlior Muehine now uxtutit. They GATIIUK aud' SlOtV ON nt the eatne tiiiic TllfcY'NEVEK DRill' lilt 1 1 i:s ! llmt iKb!ly, sew rapidly and ure ttiotosi unif'te-ts ! Thev do the I'INKSTor tOAIlSKSI' WORK itb c(int fin-ility. Lnlest improved 11K VI Ill'.liS. MIX ItLIIS.ItoLLlMl PKKMHKli, AO.IL'Sl'I.N'U IIAMMKKS, etc., )!0 with each Machine. Letter "A," for family asa $ 60 (it) Irftler "A," ueltrl liniiih, with ceVer To (HI littor "11." for family. dress uitiktre or tailors' use e bit uu ltter"C," heavy tneiiuliieturiu tor I'piu.ls. , leritiK, I'hrrisuu TiiuiiitiliK nnd littrnefa Milkers, to this .Muehiue, esoeeiittlv, the attention of uiuntititemrui-H is solicited. . . R.ri III! Letter " D," lixlit cvliudor Hi m) Letter" K," heavy evlititter 141)00 Uueoioilcd forbisit und shoe Work. We hnve ulso for mile ihe (JLNl'INF. NEW ENGLAND MACHINES, (Formerly fcdd at f.'a), piicr $15 00 HVf QUARASTF.E ALL Oiii MACHISKS. reunite only uf n m- unr AmiIm.iih tliruitu tul1nup trlirk' in llic nmrkct I'KMINll V I'd, Nu. l Montyoiuery ot., vlMonif Tmiil), .Sun Fruii cimio, Hulo Aii'iil It ip In- I i h r Count. Agency fur the lule vt ii'mivh Miit'liinrn . kki:ki,M l'lios, lim 15 Atlmiiy, l.mn vtmiity . hvyuu. BEN J. STJiAISTG, PARLOR ANd'cOOK STOVES or Kvr.KV iatti;ic5( Kppi comtsnlly in hnntU nnd Alitnitfurlnro lo order, Tin, Sheet Iron, and Copper Ware, Oq ivitfo,ul-lu turn). MKTAL nOnFIXO, mid JUtllllNa of nl) kinds promnttv Kt tended to. Htitip on Coin uitrr iiil tttet Huli-in, tiegon, ) doui iNortn oi riirwin o iw.ni BR0WX MVKKS iV CO." HOtMAXS BLOCK. SAI.FM, ORF(M)S. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS I OUOCaUltllfN, AIMN, OII.M, &cr, HAVE junl rend veil fitnn S;tn Kmiiciitco h Ihi; wk ol Orm-fhen, lntviM,i)i, v iiien, Lienor, Jtc. Ate, eoniiitintf in put t of ilu tollowMiy t IS'uw OrU-iuift CisiiMpiMtti Uhoid criiftifd nnd pnw dcmi innani, Kimt Htwlon nnd (!. leu Svrnp, (lid Oovcmtneut J(vh, Ooiih linuM(l UU rottVe, .liipiiu lilnck mid ynten tem, entitle, rhi-micil, toilet und turn ilv ttuii'N, ndniiiHiiiinv. (4il nil Hint pvmi mntlUi, (lleittleld, Kinfiml and I'tiyei ';u.-l. iumI Mutnia, . Bulunilui, ModH, pirutn tnilnr nnd vt'intt pitwdnra, ndn, butter, Biiirtir, mid llitn rH t ri. yivi) nun. loom tie, tobttftre, pifkli-f. fdre, niurm, nvicr, Itmiev, cmiff clionerv, Ate. Mmkercl, ml in oh, vudliidi, molt ed herring, Uvuipotd und iVrituoi Irhiml wlt, mifiim, rurmntc, citron Htid cfdli-i. nii.-.tim, Hour, initl, lur in, tdpiuf. mare, new. loniiny, h-iiH harlcy Ace. ThehMt bmndiol' t'lilitt't iua winunHiid Tiiiortfor lnediful iimi, FHncy dupatt tti'di nnd Yankee iitijim, louitcco, " rlk'Hrt, and (jennini nM' ntMimi pii'.-c. (Wltery. k1ii" wure, rit i( Lull', Imituin and lamp cbtui'noyi, tmtijt nnd tUia timpk. " COAL Oil Wood nnd willow whi-o, elotlivrt, nntrket and tntv. elinii batktta, walt tiiH. nnti hoiinlv, eloihea pift, lutiU, bruoina, aiwa, how la nnd Inn . IkmI rnnj, I'lotnralinet, twtne, WKkintr mid riH, eluitiee, acmb. ino,tiov una white whsii Im u-nej, itoe blttcktiig. HARDWAJHE. Aim. wood mwb, ltoTvlt, vp.vlfK, ftmeu bovs, ntkea, ai bundle , mop bmidliH, vnttW unlli, cr(et una rouiiM neua uttiu, imiib, ptiw)r, tiiot, ptH-ket and table cutlery. ralnln, Oils, Mass, Ac. White lead, red lend, vemttmi id, puinuh w tiltintr, pntlv, uneeeU oil, bird oil. mntl uar, v-mit It, roel, lufulture, Uamar aud ulii'ltte varntfii, bmwn jupan, turieiitiue alcohol, cbrout ycllcvv, ehi-tntte Mi-ven, l'aita Kreeit, umber, eieunu, vun)ykc, In-own hd I'rueviatn blue, diamond ine imtU'tn, ulaiier'e pouiii, lamp blark, (mini bnialiea, uold leu), ito i'lie betl of Frvncli window kU ull aiite, froia Pali lo iHjjtlA. A good mworiiiit nl ( dvetmU Jlavinf purrlnued our etotk tor chIi in Shu Fran Cieco, we fell eotitideut thai we vm wll ne low at the tow eel for oah or remtr iiuv, t. .ill nnd .nmiue. Muled, bulter, effui, buyou, laid, nnd all kind of produce, fur w hich we will pav h I ithrHt market puree lybKJ IU4U.V.N. M VI) ti! At CO lrtt vl or MoU'ii, IRO Ibe euberrilter nt Ore mm t'ity.nti Ron AN 1 dav inorniPK, Jmi VmIi.oh bl.:k ll()tsKC2.V hlMMitV or K yeare old, l.'ij imi.tln ltik-li. hrmidt'd tui the left eboalder, tbu, T I hu whtte amMIe nmrkeon lui back, end maue wom otf by the inilar rtiy jhtwu rrturuinji hnn lo tno.or li.tviutf nd ; line ollive, will be etdtaMv nwerded OW X. Vt)$li. Jauiir,lbOi Uwl? in sii;ss caicds. A' LliKN Ac LKwisVlmpflrtrrrantl Wholn mh'tifuldiB ',u (Jrocpri.'fi, l)ry (loodrt, CltithiiiK. arnl Itnofrt ii ml ft met. A1k, nolioit ronninmi'iith til Onwon products for tliH Sim Ki-it'icluro mni'knt.oii whii'lt Lbcrnl uilvftiiccK will tic nmii- PtTMni atriippin-; Kdinlti trout tli P.nnt i' v ii St a i v f t o mirmi'i), run rely npuii tlioir rM'iviitjj; prompt itUi'ii tion, nt DiotliM'Htc olitii-oi. Oliictt in Smi Kntticisco, IM'J SH))rtonnt firct(. 'lHtl CHKfjTKHN.TKKItY, Atturnoy and Couo nelor at, Lnw, Siilcin, Oregon. i'otiimiinionor of liecdn, uud to tukntcHiiiDunv.miknowlcilemeiitHAi'. for low ii, IndiuiiH, MIsHoun, MirliiHn, ( 'iilifornitt and Wahitmton TiMTitory. LcIIimb of Attorney, nnd all other iiKtlniRLcntp of writiit. drawn on abort nolien. J'art'uiilni' tuu nuou paid to taking Deponirions, Cul loci ion of Note , Aci'onntK. tV-e. Htf T U. I'OWKLL, Ationiwv nt law, All'iiuv. Linn Co.. tJ Oregon (Mtieu in Moittcilb'H liiiildinu. Will priirticpin nil tin- coitr!n in (ircgonj and promptly Hi loud t tr all bindiiPKn ciilnicted to hip cure, l'urtirular nit int ion paid to rolled ioim fmm Portland, Sun Fran ciHcn and eUowhere, in all parts of Oregon, 'l lin bent of rcfdreiico given if dontrcd. 4otf wTOnrtfOhidt nml Jiotuil DmnnitMt, Uealrr ir. Foreign and Douieitic rn, Vutenl Medicine, I'nrfurnory, Fancy HoupB, Hull- ItriiMlie, line Toilet Articled, I heinieulB, lrut' MiHt'KOIuHNWurts&e. Alt40,n litre (piuntiiy nf eon- pontriiten cxtructH ot I'lmiu oi tturpnirni quality. Comuiercial at., Salem, llregon. laitf AUDISON t:. (lltlllrt W. L4IK 1111,1,. p IllilS to LU Attorm-yB T nt l-aw, Will h'wd prompt alt fttitl Coiinm-lnr rttinniion tn, alLuro- futtioitul hudineaH unliitHted to tboui (Hiue on Krout street, oppomty Ibt Dennuou Jlouie, J'orlland, Ore Koti. Cf.'.Jtf t. H. MITC'URLL. J"l N DnLPll. Noiurv Tablie. MITCHELL k DOLPII, Altorniy fltiJ Coiiiivelora at Law, olicitot- in Chrfticery. and P roc t oln in Admiralty. O If leu ovct IVmt OUica.'Front Dtreet, Porlland. bb'.ttf I II. -Mil I, AW . Uniiiiiilsanin .Mcrclinllt. Hlli; ll 11 luiiiortQi' and IK'uler in Wilson Mtitcriul. llulis. Spukos, b'olliuis. limits, liii-kury Axlrs, Ar.:.,on hand in lots tp suit. Flour and Feed of ull Itiinls. Hlore 2b Krout street, Portland and 'M strict, I 'nllos. tiiVJif a. T.CATOM. CO. Cl'lll,. CATON & CURL. Altoriieye nt Lnw, will tutti'tleo in tlie I'luurs OI tlili. Miilfl. Olticeiu Oris woM's In-ick, ovor Ut-ll Ac it rowu's store, Sitli'tn, On. November, :tl, IWej ,tf' J. C CAHTWHIOHT. C. a. al.l,IMK. CARTWHIGHT Jc HELLINHKJf. Attnr nsvs itt Law, Hulciu, Oregou. Oltice in Moorea' Itrick ItulldliiK- U6ltf W1LLIAM3 & MALL0KY. Attortieya nl l.uw. Olllcu iu Wilson's building, Salem, Or- eiroii. June, 8, IH:i. Iltf 1 0. MiiCOWN. Attumfv nml Ciiniiapllur itt 1 Law. Orlics witli Dr. W. It. Mutters, WBeonda. ariou county. Oregon. Post Otfirt: address, lie) pnsst. T C. JOHNSON. Attorney and Oiiniisclnr , at Lnw, Orr-tron rny, (trcKoii. Wilt Httund tn all htisinepti ontriutiud to liis rare. Collfctinnu nmdo and promptly romtfted Iv37 OKON, offeri Win niytoPBtniiftl nrvinm to tlio fit- IeuHH UK." Be hunt nf Snl imh nnd virinitv. OJIiceii Myoro' hnild- iik. ()l,(,,i,,J Kcnyoii's. iatf K. BONIIAM. AttnriM-y nt Lnw, La Omndu, Hnknr cmintv, Cprurn. Stf H "CM aSdIS i, uTl'.lJj,Attori)e,vul Luw,0uI1ur, WuHCfi ronnly, Oregon. i!Sif DIt. K. K. FISKK. rhysicinii nud Snrcmi. (tlHco )itrer)ideni:e, 3 dour, south of Ollice. NOTICIC i l)rely ffivcri, llm', hy virtue of u do cre nf fniclumiio in tin ciu nf Koltert PliippH v. E. W, 1'nrlinle und H'ifw.imd Hn (-xuculion lrnnud Ihernnn I Iikvu U-vii'd upon mid will proceed to sell In llie liiyliL-Ht bidder, fnl' i'tndi in Imiid, ut I bo Court liniiHQ door in Kuuenitrir, louuhi coiHtv, llrnoii, on Sulurdnv llm M duy ol Ml". a.D l'll, liclween the bourn of'J o'clock', am., nnd 4 o'clock, P.M.. of sitid d;iy. nit tlio riulit, t it It mid inltmtof Huid dofcndmitB, in nun to the l'olluw inir dexcri'-ed nri'iiiiwH, lo-wit: All tliiit uk;ai or inirct'l ot land, buinu tlie whole of llmt iiorlmu of the Uuimtion Chuiii of Kohert l'lnppn, Ivinr north of tho 8n It l;inptiiu river, in cectioim und Ji ut lownvhip a, ol r o w,iinn in kociioiih oiiiiu I of (nwiiiiliiii VU b of r ti w, it n known nnd de ncrihod in Ihe phut and ice on I of tlio United Suites tmrvevM.lotn'tliLM' t)tlutl1 ihe Hiipurh-tiniii'ctf thurunnto l.eloiiuinif, tj bu xdi BHUftly Mtiu rxiTiiiinn, riiutt und ucvruiiiir pik1h li. HOWE, blierttf Kosohnrg, Mny 30lti, 180 L 4wl4 Hodge 4 Calefi POKTLAND. OREO OX dealer in Drills, jMi'ditities, I'uiiils, Oils uiul Class, While I-ftttl, Viinii.sliv's, JinitilicH, l'aiiik'i's' Materials, kv. a l.a (j Kerost'fK' Oil ;tiid Lainpi), Off EH fylt 8AI.E- Liiiset'il Oil, IiUIs. autl ciiscs. Lanl. " KfrostMii; " " Macliitii! " " 'l'lllllll'ls' " ' Wliitu Lend, Kegs uiul )ails. Titfpt'ntiiir, Painters' Mm 1, Wiitilow (.lass, -AXP A STOCK f IP DRUGS AND FIEDICINES Unsiii'iiaKH'il in lite State, in I:l.tfiit, variely ami (.'iuiiileteiu'.. HODOU CALEF, !7 Vonf ttrttl, Portland. l?if Oiltl I'i'Houn' Ituriil Omrtory, ftAl.EM. UKEGOS. rplll'SK who Imve retiilivm or li lends interred ill I this (Vineterv ttre trottested lo fiiruinh to either nl the itiiilersiKtied as seoti us uraetieahlnthe follow inv information, tin Ninne eve. sen, eelor. niurried r ainale. plaea ol hitili, of what fitmilv. number of tiuya ill: iheU when, where, and eausc i tniried, when itnd liy whom. 1 ha ntijeet of lh toreuoiuK llitltliriM tsforilio purpose ol renisiration in a book aitvadr procurvd for llial purpose. I II. MOOUKS,) f. X l i:l;Ul, jT.osleee. S K. MAY, ) Salem, Jtiuioiry It, IStil. 4t,tf m im ii) units my, PPI!K Cehitnt'ia llivar Hoad, lvadittif spw raeel of STOCK tlironeh lo lhillea ( in ir.nii i "r, mini, iv niniuie nr llie Laborers are constantly euttnh'ed in iinnjroviiiff Ilia ,'wrl parts of Ihe- nmd. A ttmil) I'KliltV OS Pita BIVKH and one an H.tndv Itiver. Units uf Toll t Fneh Horse, Mala or Juf .Ml cent, " Mmi X) " llend of Cattle over one yerold.. ,al ' Sheet. .' in Tiekets sold at llie retries, Nt) KM'liA I'll AKOK KtlU FKKLVINU A tiikel at the shove priees ( lit onlr chsre on the Keed mnde br the Comnnnr. . JOKI. l'Ai.Ml.n; lVsidettt. Coluutl ia Hirer h'oad ConiinnT. J.J. llurrata, (ee'y. JOIIX I' Mil. Ll.lt, JltKL I'AMHU. -A C. Gtltnrt. M.trrh lSf.t. Uf Utrerlgra. ' a amis, ( t x i irmitL. Ban Krani'iat-o, Cnl f l'onlnd, ttr)irn. lianpp, Itut't'oll ,V Co., (TV Nl.lt A I. CO.tlMlssitix MIlftllAXTS, wid VI linporten and I'enler. Ill Aiirn'ul' mni Imple ttiettls, ttatiien mid r'lekvl tlross Seeds. !'S Kiont street, rortland, tiretrtm. wilt uite seveut stleuliou lo the sola uf Kruil and I'nAluee on c.tisiirninetii, rilling or dera, a;e., rithvr in Pitbuid or Sun f tnneiH-o, and lniii.net ii ifensrul e..inlnt..i,n toi.it, p. Jtf tlli,iSu Kiaasitr, Hit M Mhinnlvu s. Uteh 1. , I... I Hit IIUMISTON, WILSON & CO., ,M Toil I V. M Aft) tVtint.rMM: liKAI.rtll IS Ftnc Branillrs, Wines and Liquors, Fll'e ll-iMtr It.lrli W.itf, l-'i-nhf liv.r, t'litiit i f O.tU, Poltl.Hift. AflTTf W inlii' ii.isiir! in ainini-inK i" mir old : ) Uj pal rum ami Hit' .nltltc nl I M-fiion mni Wash w,''iiU)iiii iVrrilurv, llial alier t jftii"' Ii4 liffs, wo Iinvf t'sinlilisht"! itlniili' nml fucili llf 1'or !miiiini( in unr linn nl jinoils linn ilcllus emu pctilinii. Almt, tint! vm tii-tt t-lliit tnulrt AT SAN FilANl'ISlK) l'UK'lCS uiul irimmnlttit ttn-til lo bo (rt'nnilta, our Hlni-k hi-inif nl nil Liiiirn suliji-cl lo Ilia Hlrirl t'fti. t'liciniciil nniih.iitiiiu. No Trade Solicited except In FINE LIQUORS. OIJKHTOCK r'ttN.-ll M IN PAltT ttF FINE T LD BRANDIE8; Olard Dupuy it Co.. Jim. Menneatv, l.'uiled Vineyard jirupiictoia,' A. liiiinuL t'o. Pnmt, CttPiilhm U Co., C. Mnt'unelt,, A, Siuynell, Cniou of Hie J'l'oprieluru, and varioui other brand". Fine Old Port and SHERRY WINES. I'niB old tljorto Port, film old Unwindy Port (sweat nml heavy! lnlf flordnn Pulo nnd (.lolilen Slierrv, llannnny' Nqiliaws and Col.blcr Kliony (lino and Heavy. . CIIAMPAGNK nnd CASE WINKS or Every IM'iM'rliitloii. Fine (lid Jiimnini Hum, St. Croix Hum, PURE HOLLAND (UN. OMs WIIIMKKVS. Stnworl and llurvcr'a fid Sett. It, Old O'N't'ill'a tine old MhIi Old) itiU'KKON' of tlie tincat nniiliiy. Hiioorior Old Uyo. t Old Pouch unci ('hern' Uruniiv oi anpprior quality. Alo, ti luriic liwirtiiiunt of CASK OOOUil of evary doHcription nsud in tile liiwir trii'lo. X. h-q Ii live Ht nil iiuios iinir" qnunnnus oi liquors put up in suiislilo puclimrex lor imi kiug lo tlie mines. OrdiT, from Mt-n-ljiitttt und Ot-nlrrs resttct tullv snliciicd: Ill'.MIS'l'ON, W'll.SoN fc CO. P'ortlund, Auk- Hth, 1- Mtilf The leading Imsiranec Coinpiinj-. Phosnix Insurance Company. HARTFORD, CONN. :un a piuil,. : -im,oo CiinIi Awl s'j,a:i,N liiVi'Moil in uliloi niil sj!5,OUO JIESHY K ELI W. II. CllAUK.SiltHKTARr. .000, rRijtiaT. PACIFIC 1IIIAINCII, 8. W. Corner IHuiitgomcrjr'niiil Coninifrdiil SU MAN ritftttl'IM'O. ji'l't'eiiiiumH leeeivej liy the ''I'lhKNIX" tur insnriiuee in this Suite tire i-etitill-ei fur invf-stfuetit. in Cnlil'irliiu . seetiriiieH, nml ttiueihur will) fill lien nlremly investutl Itiituls. ttre liehl sub a jui-t lo ehiiinit let Iush HU'ler I'll cille hlopu pulieies, MAKING TI'IK P1KKNIX A Jloii.e Institution." S" Miff Itimortitih wljitHlcd and promptly paid IN U. A'. GO l.L) CO)S nt pmntn'wlwre tlicy occur: R. H. M c Q I L L . General Ai't. iViliciea iriHii'd uud renewed in Uut.nerln.ft und pnuulat t 'jiiiimtiv. on nil cIuhhuii ot dumrmile prooorty without doluv incident lu t he ruh-auenrv hvhIimii, nnd itt m'cBiiB low ub botvancy und luir protit ill udmit BELL 56 BROWN, fir.slduil I'litrnix Ail ills.. Oet. 20. Ifta-ly.'ll SALKM, OUICUON. Crockery and Variety Store, , CwiiiiiK'iriiil Miff I, Sflis'iii. ntt-n ft. I'IHII, vvoiiltl i-uspeetfiilly iufiirui .v J,f i liia old IrieliiU, uiul the ttetr onen rt,t littt gslie ia now openinu ;tt Ins NKW h'1't.tKK, r'j. on Ooniinen ml rjlreet, .Sitieiu, a A Laritc aim Varied Assorliiu'nt OK CltOCKKltY. ULA6S-WAKK, WOODEX-WAUK. WII.I.OVV-WABE, TABU: t l'TLEUV, and a fl'I.L ASSOll TMESTat Family CS roocfUm, tllll nf w hieh he w ill sell Hi WIII)I,FALU or HE TAIL, ill priees wiirriuiied to ivu sittiJiteiion, or no tutlo. Uivo tne a eulLaud Ionic nt llie tine oeds, if you do not wish to pnrihiieo. Ko troulile to sltow yonds. Itnlrl-Ki'rim ii nt) Fiimili wil find it to llmir advunliio to piirriinso their OIhss ware and Om-kerv frotn tne, tn 1 sliull .ALWAYS ke'p a rCI.I. A.SU1! TUtF.ST and mil AJ IUH J'JilCES lor euhh or rcudy puy. Toy ! Toys ! I am also well supplied with nn extensive assort ment of lovs. of foreign and iimtetie iiittinttiieture. N. FISH, Opposite Sitttesuian liuiiditiK, Stilem. June Mil, i'tiif NEWt.OODS! NEW (iOODS! EEATH, DEARE0RN & CO. VKIi now rvit'iviiiy HiiiI I'punintf a very lare Btoek uf new uud tic Mm i il GOODN l liiillien, OiU-iinn i hth, Silk Ueptt, Dt'lK'es, Fim-it " " FtiplhiB, lifNiyi'B, (Miotiititi ' HIaek ailkn, leliiiiiti, Alpuitta, Kamy " , All w md tlelaun;!, Mi- iur , J'.iMlk fat m. ALL of the luteot and newest Spiin mle. Fam Y ami 1 1 itMNinxj noon. Kianliliab. Vailc, Lmhruidery, C'lowkn, Chive, UiUiioi.a. ShnwU, (YiiMiii, Anilitiult, tlau, "M ui, llobiury, THOMPSONS faors. STAPLE DRY GOODS. Spnigitu 1'rinU, l'ioiiii, llmwu Munliu, .Mt:rnui4io " llul.oty ntnpea, Hid " .''rt-nch " Tii 'a " A: llr'u uhe'g Caiuii uteres hiittmt'c, 'I'wcciIh. BOOTS JX- BHOES- MittS and child calf and kid Hitlmom., do do do d (iiniem, , do do do ili Shoe, Iiadtea fa If nnd kid tmttrr. " nnHitr'd cohim Ill's' iih ittiipn, " knt and eailironimt .-'tippets, " rillf. Kid. rhah iid tli.nnt.'ltil hiim-, Gents lint enlf peifu'il and rtened Hoot. " Infiititf and cu'f ptitd and sewed finitrrt, sMen'o kin anl cult Kr -x tn, Boys kip mi'l Men s heavy kip Uoeti, CLOTHING: A splendid s'oek of lu.-n n and h.iv's Kpriup and Siimiuer n hn of l ansiiiivie, Clutti, lfeakin. Tweed, Linen, . leans, Cuiiunane t tmis, I at Hnd ciu, (ver. Neultifee. I'lulrr. Wmte ami Cheek Khirts. Mleuettrd and Hrown OnH-ntf, Merino and Shaker Hairnet, lraveiir, -'ek, Cloves, Ties, Suspender Wool nml Mraw llais, isnvy Liijw, etc. y n n v T t Atl A O U Ai U AA ill SOUS: t'hiiin. Mirnirt, Innis, Axles. v Ht. !, A xvs. WHoliixiardi, I'amls. Varnish, hvvnp, Sonp, Tolmero, Saalemtus, tie.. All of which we tnun" I"t eah or u (Jlni, (iieetisware, l.;iiiii'B Itinleriit, Sire!. Nadu, piii'K Itidt. Il-Mi. Kakt-i. II i iiiiHr, Shell H'cTuHre, 1 t:t8, Hrotiu, (til, tihlAtt, Tuipent'mo, 1'atty, iilitr. ' nllt'O, l ull lies, T"H. iiH', Muu h, ( rtton Turtur, Hpi' will sell cheaper than nnv nther which l iti-r we will pay Ihe hiw'hu'tit nmrKt'l prir. fc W ttike plciiniiic ii ultuwliiif (tmls utid eordially invite all purctiinu-rs ti ivo ns a run. Hdlem, Apnl li. soi. ?tf Ailiiiaiiislnuor oli VJ't.iTICK ii hertliy yiven I hut Ihe iiudursint d haa 1 1'itMi tfnir api'oinit-il Htliuini''tiiM r ot tlie - Ute vt ii t. Kfiulitir!. riiH-enH'd. "f Poiul.is Coait' ty. Oret'ou All ptwom. I.hviou claims H-flniit said estate are requested to preaent th sntne in th under turned nt his nstdmio hi Peer trek pn nu't, in said ronniy, ithtn six notohs truni tins dni and nr re quested to make itnnmimii? pnvnieiil ol ihe same Irtld U HiVK. R'Mtrhutv, poithiA ('. , Otrii , .lime II, SALEM FOUNDRY 4.n 3lACIII?ii: SIIOl', Sitls'iri. Or'K". DliAKK MDKIiR. .Manitfartnrara of STEAM K.ti l.Et. huA iUjil.EKX, Sw iltlls, II ml Mills, Keepers, Thmsliers, 1'uti.ps. and and all kinds and styles (4 uiel'iiipty. Machinery rrpuned at short Noti.e, rottein-Mnliiii)t d"iie in ali its vhtioii, forms, aud all kinds of IlliAiv ml IKON I'ASl'IMlH rut ni thnt hi short not he U F PKlKK, I :tf J. II. HUitiKri X d in i ii 1st I ; to r' olive'. IWM (' SMITH, l.svinit been duly appointed ad ,!ioiiislrBtor of llie estate of i'eler Smith, lute of Vhi'IiiiI tooot) sttn-Jen, deceaard, hatahy notify nil jM tsi'i's Ji.'Vtotf eltiiti'. ttainsl snid rslale, to r.eut tliellt lo'me duly veri-.-,i. hi Mty rsnielice, ei ill Bute west of lafavette, win,. n ix months tivia litis data. U it C hMI I'll, A'lwitilstniloK ljimyftte, June till, m . IwlppH " CONSTITUTION WATER." '; O.V.V Jil-.MEI'Y Fop Disftases ol" tlve BLADDER, KIDNEYS, (li'iivcl, llniiislnl SHt'llltiKs, GENITAL DEBILITY, Etc. rpiii: An i iiMKinx; Ht'' i:asi which 1 Inn. intt'Mtlt'il lhi l. V A l.L! A Itl.l-; Mi'diciiio rim- dent it tlie most, viilimliln olio rwr disrovored. No Iiiiiuuiiio i.'itu cuiivfy an udi-quiiie nlcti of tlio itnmeili- lllf llllil lllllinHt tliiriU'llluln' fllMliyi! Wllicll it IICVHHiollS in I lie tli'liililnti'd mid slitittiu't'd sVKicni. In 1iirt,it sutndt. uurivuMi-d iik a rrrru'dv tor tfir uirnuinei)t cure of I ho umliiiln- iihurii ntcnlintu-d, and ulso DIAHKTKS, lJIPOI'I'.NCV. LOSS OK Ml'SCTLAI! ENBROY. PHVSK'AI. I'UOSTItATION, JNIiHIHSTION, NOMINAL WKAKNKSH (II.KI'.I', KLUtllt ALDUS, And in evvrv iUhchhc any wnv rouiitirri'il wllh tlia dis miles or demy of Ihu l'llOrKKATIVK Fl'NC TIONS. Pciyous nt.oiil to imtiry, if couacioua of tiny wt'iiliui'NS, should ttikc tlie CONaTITUTION WATER. Whether broken down hy exretB, weak hy uii'tnro, or Impaired hy nickneaa, thc'iitiislniii and ndttsed or urn n ifNti'in ib nl onee rfthmced, revived, nnd built up, Woll uiitv thit eelebruted medicine he nJi'd tlie MEDICAL WONDER Tit itoopitiK) treiubliUK virtini of' depreHhlnli und tl.'bi'ily I ict 'u uu' i a new man , he HiHiido erect, lie iiiovL' with a linn tt!pi hi mind, which wue previ ously anuk iu yluoiu uf an Hlmu&t idiolio apathy, be conies bright und nctlvo j hihJ lie noun furth runeKene ruled. coiincioiiH of new vnnr. The inedicine reach en CON.STlTljTlON iUeli, nnd lenluiea t toils uvruiul coixlitiwn. Irritation nf the. Seek nf (he Blnddtr, Inflammation of the Kidnepi, ami Catarrh nf the Bladder , tit ran quart and Burning, or f'ainfiil Urin. nttnir, Calrnlnn, (travel, Brick Dutt t , Vrpuntt, and Mvvom or Milky Dit. chafget After Urinating. For tlione dieiicM it ie truly h aovereiKH remedy, Htid too much can not bu mud tu ita pi-nio. A single done bus been known lorulieve (lie moHt nment aynip totfiM. 'fit V IT In thc.MJ iuhcb, uud you wilfovtii' give your praise to CONSTITUTION WATER! Mu lew or rVmales, Are yon tronhlsil with that distressing puin In tho smiill of the hiu-lt, hiiiI thruiinh your hips 7 t'ONSTI Ti:TIO,N WA'I'KK will relievo vnu like miiaie. llr. W. 11 tlld'.tlfl. IVuurietor. MOHOAN & AI.I.KN, tieiienil Agents, New York. 110TI'.TTi:it, StllTII & DKAN, Agents fur the i'acilii! Const, 401 and 403 Battery Street, ' Comer t iny , Kim Frittieiseo, antl "llOIIOBdsC.tUiP, MMITII St IJAVIH. W. WKATIiKltKOIID, tftr , rOTtlanil OITJt xijik lit AH COMM. A LI, pers'ins imlelited to its ill any way will please consular tiieinseives inviietl to come lorwai-tl and- utile ut). It it id impossihle for yon to pay, corns nnd say to, aim let its snow wtten you can. Should this ueneml 'iuviiHtion not boltelteeJed.it will tn, neeeamtry lor tin to issue more itwtWund more urgent ttppeuls.at the expense of llie invited. KxHtetiiitri-ochaiiueonrhiisiness, vu intend selling goods in liiiuru luriiie KEAHV-l'A Y. No more ne. counts tnietu. exeejit very thort our.n, and hy SJ'E- IJ1ML. slliliJlivrrjJIK( i- witli i'AVliNlf :uo TOM KUS. J. II, & I. It. ntlllHKa, Salem, Oregon, Wept, Mtltli, . 27if. J. A, Wood & Co. ,4 HI? inuiuifncturiiitf for ll) wholesale trurie. a S perior article of TUKi'liXTIXlO, JAPAN OIL, mid LXCl'XsSlOK TAIN. Tiie laipiMitiut' etuiuot ho pulton in any umrket in quality and ehenpuefii. The Japan Oil isar uperior aud cheaper than any other oil for hrick, hoat, hoaw! and fence naiutinu. 'J'he Hlain in a perfect imitation of Kosewood aud MttixwHiiv. I'nce if I ,.o pi-r yiillon. h7 I IM 1' HIHKI1, IMMl l I.AIf. Sept. yu, IHiy. - . (Hfltf UXHnXYAHK Sui has Iron, Riv ''''.f el, liolts, Wimlieis, Nntj, Springs, lVuilu, aWAWastiaaV9piKei), tvo. lVc, lor wile uv 7lf SMITH it CAli'fWItlOIIT. Tlifl Fust-trolling Bhtrk Hawk Stiillion EMIGRANT 1 IlIJj ninke a S4'ii8nn in Yamhill enmity, serving a v T J mil led nnmour oi inures at f fit in coin i tns M'ftson citniiiieucjng on ihu let of April und ending niiv ibi. siiiiioinj' tioemarciy ai tne stamen oi ti. hill, Iafayeiie. D..I. Y (.argaiu, McMinnville, and J. D. Wiilliuif, Amitv. Kmiuriiiit Ih n hKnulilul chestnut surrel, seven year ota mis sNpriiiLf, Bianiu j.j nauiis ntifii, anu weixh 1,1 lai ptemds, pOHKeHsin ureal bone, powr, and ae urn, atin is a mooci 01 Mvuiuiciry. no isacunowi e'l(ed hy all jndues lo he the het slullion in the State, atid can trot laster lhati anv othir stallion in Oreion His performances at tho lit nt .Stale Kair are too well know n to require any coinnieuis. Eiiiiifniut wad niied hv Hiilv McCraekeli, he bv Me- Cracken's Itinck Haw k, of Vcrniont. Hia dam was Unniel Vincent a Medsenuer, nln hy Cuukwrighl's ilcsn nxer, ol Stv York. Mmes Jiotu a distance n illllnd Lfood pasturajfo at $1 pur wtfi'k. All cure taken to prevent amdeiiia.but not respoi situe lor any. for lurilifr inlonmilioii ap iv to A If. l N. Keeper, or lilld.S at CO., Ag'u, ruitlami. lsafayette, Oregon, ISo4. 3in7 Farmers and Shippers, Attention SALEM WAREHOUSE. MM1K midcrs'mtfd, havinii coiniiieted tlieir NEW X WAIiKIIDl'SK. nr6 now prepared to rereivo nft kind offmaht, on Horace or lor shipment. Our fa rilitiiM. for pttninv irrniii, fruit, Ar.e., ure unexcelled on tin river. Wi,.houe ia fttunted ABOVE HIGH U .1 1 EK MAJiK, on the hank of the river. Farm em, haul ymtr jmiin and tmil while the roads are jfood ano place iik-mi wiiu nee ih ri rth in muruet at anv time AJ.KXANPKU A-. AlUiiCAS. 8ah m, ilrt. IKf.y. lylU Why do you use an Inferior Article vtui eati hnv at tli sumo price? The V eelchr.iftd 'Ioviii' UvniM'iio Oil" The best niatlc itiue. white Hiid non e.ttihH-ivo. bum iuifwiihn ht illiunt. steady fl.one, and combining ull the Hdvrtii'aii'fs of this incomparulde and cheapest illiimioaioi , withnut the attenJanl link riliddaiiuer ot explosions in iinjiiu a puor mlivle. At M0OKK8. alm..lTo. t'.Hh. Ir-T 4tUf iaim i;a: a t o. I I'mctlcsltrinii rs.and Dcalrrrln Type. Prcwx, Printing MaltriaU, Ink, Paper, Cards, c, .510 CLAY $r.,ulmve Sunmtine, J. .rAi.irr.it) a AN FiCAXCISCO. J. M. PAINTKH T. P. pain i Kit ) Oirict-sHttednitl with dispatch. Itf Kendall's Ainboline. ia a StiuiulutiuK, Oily 1 UK UliKAT u-ivt i.sn rnrrAR.THi.i tea RESTORING. INVIGORAT ING1, BEAUTIFYING, Extract of Bar It a and Herbs, ll will cure till dis eassi of the scalp and itch ing of tlie tiend, entire! IcntiHrstesthe dandruff and pi events the hnir from fall DrftaalQf tnti out, or from turning 'prcuiiitinely uray. causing il lo gr w thick and buig. 'It isetilirely ditferent froiu 'nil oilier inepiiratioiie, aud II A Lit! AMI I'C reiie.i on. 9 lnt op in bo.tes containing', wo bottles price,! I. 8old bv all liruvt'stit. lli'M E IT EH, SMITH At DEAN. Aventa, No Itaitcrv st.. cortieref flnv. San Francisco. ' SMITH it DAVK ilniK .V CALEF, W. H EATHEUr'tlrlfl, !tf Portland. JACOB COMra. MAXI'KI. 0. COVSXU. JOHN A.CONSBR JACOB CONSER &. SONS, Produce & Commission Merchants Second Street, Dulles, Oregnu, rpUK very best brnuds of Flour, feci nf all kinds, X and evei v description of .Produce eoiitiantly in atore and soiu at the lowest rales. FAMILY (iK0( F.RIFS. A choice a'snrtmnt of fnieilv itnveries. Including Ihe liesl selection of Teas. Cotfcw, Sugars, &c, select ed expressly lor family us. i'onsignmonta received, and a general Slnrnge, For wanting aud Commission llusinese promptly attended to. VV. will also pav the highest C ASH market price for all kinds ol country nrmiiive su,h as Wheat, Oala, lleans. Hotter, Ejus, l .teeso. Dried Kruiu.Ao., at tha Jetl.ra.in Utile, Msn.'ii Co.. Orevn. JAt'tiltcuNSERat SONS, J we.iia ri. iiaiire, and rf Jeitvrton, Manun Co., Oregon, J. It. H iMII.To, I. Homeopathic rhjshlan nnd Snrgeon OFFICE and re.idence at tlie DUDLEY HOUSE, fformeilv Bennett llnuefj - S.tli-ui, Jaiief, laej. Utf DR. D. JAYNE'S icxPEcrroi; a.nt And Sanative Fills, HA VI- HKKN I1EKHUK Til V. l'L" Lldl) .- l-OXll ,itnd t'.miid nucli uuncril nvnr iu ovory irtjion of counlry where they hnve liccti uold, (uiul them ikjio pliu-e nn tin1 1'ivili.i'd lohe whore they hnve mil. been Hold llmt it would -oin uttnnt' rupoi tluonn ul thin lime to direct itllciitioii to tin rii tlnoiili the nicihiim ol' tlie prcrtM. YL it id due to miliunutf hnuiHiiity, mid oh- l pecmllv tn Mint nnmoroiii ruiHH who, tti mc cimiien- Mo cltiiiHtt! ol the lJiicilic eoant, miller frmii Diseases ol the Lun nnd Throat, indm-inK Htid ending In roNKUM I'TION, itmny ot whom mny not have iiacd inin'ieuiHiiy. iaui iuey Rhonhl he allow ed lo rend virtue of t lie where iU iiillueiice Inn been iiHeful in rvnii-dyinK cotiipliiiiilH from which they Hro mill'erintf, THE EXPECTORANT flpcrnies lJI)II?il)IATI!LT upon tlio Dhrnso, Surely atid iS'ja'iiiy Fradicitling, while the HANA TI Vti l'l LhS, by preeerviiiK ieulHrit(v in the bowels und Kivin u henlHiy tone lo llm oilier Hitenml orgaui mil nnd iiHHimabe perfect openilhui of the formur. Attention In Halted to the following ferlitl.'alen, ne lerifd nt reuduin from the ii)i-ia poaeesHion oi' the proprietori i Cot.itMHn, Minn., Jnn 24. 1857. Dr. 1). Jiiyiift Pftir Hir; (ton. Win. V. Oiton, one of my neihboi-fl, was enrfd of Uronehitin hy the uho of vonr Expectorant and Alterative, nflor havinir lain forty dnya ul the point, of (loath, und three eminent nhvtnchiiui havitiif exiiHUKtvil tlinir ak ill upon hitu. Hevernl cue of Oropey and (.'mirer have been cured in inv iieiifiinoriiooa, mv nine aniiuiiter wan taiten bitt iNovuiiibur with uu etiuu'tfeuieiit uu the nock, which Hrew very lat. 1 lumieuiutely cimitnuucedtfiv lug her your Allerativo, and nlie ia now uetirlv well from the Kev. KeUou Cook, lute of Brooklyn, Min. riltw i okk, Jan. o, m. Dr. I). Javiie Uuar 8ir i A vouuir omu livhn in mv houne wan Inliiiu with a vioWut uld, which ni'itltd on hiit Imiun., cuiifiiitf u hoartiu, 1ml low cimih, Hi tended with niiifh fever. This continued for tnoa-c tliuu two eek. when nil thouifht death to be inevitable, At thiH noiut I (Hiniineneed uivinir your Expectorant and SaiiHtivo Pills, Rceordiiiff 'to ilireelione. In tho cotnw) ol two or three duve, he beunn to exnnctorute treelv and in about two weeks he whh Hboiit and wub soon ell. A hoinieouiililr phyeicfari und family pnt a iiiyhl my botiKA. 'J'h du hler wtui taken with ft violent croup, wlnrh tlirentened opecitv uentb. Thn lather navmj no nieuicine, nnictuuen to yive itio jxpeuto rant , hich Bonn afforded rel.ef. roin the Rev. N. M. tlniioe. Kert, of Prof. Kpi. C'ch, wnni iiiintioiotnew, runuiieipnia. Iitir,Ai)Kt.pHiA, Munli 31. lHSri, Dr. I), Jayue Peur ISiri Ia ull vhv reBeiuhliiiir ConHiimption, I recommend Jayne'e KxjM'cUiranl , bavins in 90 many ihntitucen wiliibBned kit betieltvial ellei te in the two Wat c linen wliicD came nuder my oh nervation. The adniinibtniliun of ihe Kxpertornnt iian, i a iu nappy to say. oeen aueinioa uy tuy most ao- idea itijpruvuniouL ut ire pa lie i m. For a if real er nuinbur and vurietv of cnt1.illrtei.and fuller in Ion nation reuurdiim theHe uud other of Dr. 1). Juvue nml Soiih' Vrepuralionii, reloreneu ie uivon to llieir ANNUAL ALMANAC, whioh may be bud from any utuggitii or ueuier iu intuirnieH. .1.UU1I t3t liU H, ly OH Portland, Oregon, Agciite lor tho Suite. PORTLAND FOUNDRY ....AND.... IvlOitilKTB SHOP. Vlr1 Htiett. Iletwen Vmiililll uiul Moi-rlioii. JAVINO become sole proprietor oi thineftlAhliidi tneut. the tindernitrned in now nrenared to niuiiu- lucture ALU KINDS OF STEAM ENUIA'ES.nf i.ei from four to forty hore power, portuhlo or stationary. Also, Circular !SaW Mill, cotnplelo; Hnv PruHes of alUren; l'laniiij? Machines (voudvortli'B natturn) Wrought and laet iron Work for Verlical Haw and Gixt Mil In; brattfland iron castings, and wrought iron worn oi every nenuripi ton, All order oxecnted vvit-h dispatch, nnd iu 11 work manlike tminner. DAVID MuNXA.sTKS. t. H. A redaction lnm been mudo on all kiudn of work nl my Bli"p(to suiLtuetrndeHndRoricnpond with uuiiiorum prices. muyjltf HOWE'S SEVI MACHINE. tiie new" style Howe's Family Sewing Machine, WILL seam, stitch, pnther. hem, fell, bind, titiilt, iiiti.lirniil.iind in titet l'EIIKuK.M THE VVIIOI.K KANUE OK KAMILV KEWIXfl. Il uses TWt) IhreHds.tnuking the LOCK Mil TI II. ihereare dlllereut sizes. el it es Ooiii !(! lo It received the HIGHEST Premium nt the lute iitlils fair at lintlon, nnd tuts been used iu Oer- ninny, Kniuce and England for fourteen yeHrs, with perteet saltslactlon. send fnr o hut of prim. eitliisl,Al ItKiirt., Alhiinv. Aicnts for Oretron. For sale at. K. O. Pnrrish Sc Co.'s. 8tilem. and bv rreemuu uroB. ituiHiiy. oni'tn Oregon Insane Asylum uiul Hospital. IIKH. MAWTItOIIMC A M) l.OII V B A , I'll V M( l Y Al l'ltOIMtlK'I'OKH, THESE IimtUutionB nr Frluatrd hi Kant Portland. 1 in ii hrallti y und pleiifant lorulily, near a beautiful nemnuiul HpriiiL'. Ainuleaceonuuodiitioiis ure attbrded for the eouifort aud upeody cure of (hose that favor ua witn tneir pairouae. Ulnce Ht H eutliertord'k lirng More, r rout ulreet. I'ortland. atitf J. C. Skelton, Physician nnd Surgeon. rnvuni-Tu ii it . m, TV TOMOl.rH,liilk tounlv.Orejjon. 1 he Doctor heitit a urndtinte of the Curtis, or Plivsio-nieiliciti college, t.ineiunuti, Ohio, is a trne Hotnoic in hisprao tiro.eiilin.lv diecunliiiK calomel and all uiineriil noi sous, and using,' none but purely veiretithle medicines, nnd onlv the nerfectlv iiitiocen't at thnt. Itio loctor would turtlier say to the public, also, mat ne is prepurea to cure uu caurers. niiluleiit sores. abscesses, luniurs, Arc., thnt are curatile, uud with iifteuts purely veKetublo. . atf DI1.L,H.8KIFF 0 Hlce in llolumn'i Brick lluildinir. ' Ileeideitee, ne enrnui ot e nut anil t. enter Mreetn. XT TI None but finished onerulioiiR OHi-formid. I ll J ! deiflie the patmnatfe of meh perrons anwiab operationn pertonn'-ii m tlie mont perieet manner. oaiem, iee. vn, iwii. ivii Forirm tHlt'l atid Commimon Mnrhakts ..and jnuortts iv.. flrpirnn Plmir Prnif Rannn Tatrl VI Vf VU IVUI I . UAVJ WLlVVUj XJU1 Uj lilt.ll.X, die. !ME,Cl'MENTniid PLASTKU received byeverv J J.-iiilintr vessel. sr HI attend lo the purchase nnd shipment of i nn.iutn. r. c, . v.rv.1 umiv'i, iu uiu i.Hsierii nun .-"to rnun-ireo iiiiirneis. lieu 10 tot waruillg goOUS 111 JNHl r rancisi'o unit romnmt. Thf I'flrbratrrl ManiiT Kenprr nnd Jlnwrr. and Aarivultitrnl luiplenteutsof every desrnptioii fnr- nisneii lor enstt at Mtn r i-nueisco cusl autl truusporia ti.'ii. e will also aiteud to the sale of Oregon Prtsluce in v ictoria, iniviu cejuhiisiieii a linuso in tlittl place ntider tlie tuunageiiieui of .Mr 1). Eisk. u icentleuiiui of eiljlil yenra' experience iu tlie tnide in Sun Kruncisco. JOHN McCHAKEN. Commercial iVkarf, Portland, dl.lll'.n it. 1, H. MAtiUB, o. Sucrninento street, Sun Francisco. C'JItf '1'IIK undersigned will purchase Oregu und Wash 1 iiiglon War Chiitns, Siie)wuded I'luiuis, Outlawed I'raits. c. auu wilt take claims for collection ( reiteonuble lorma. CATON' & Cl'IIL. fuieni, Ugn., AprilP, igg. ulf No Credit!! ilIAKM AN, WAUNEK & CO., from nnd aflertlils KJ date, propose lo do STUICTLV A CASH IlL'SI HESS, believing it will be beneficial lo llieir friends anil customers fftierally. It will enable tliein to sell gooq ai a LOWER PRICE, and tneilecntnllT compete wilh ruithm.1. 7V termination is to tell goodt at cktap at an y Aoiw is Although Ibey Imve extra freight from Portland, yet their expenses are much lighter in Oregon City, und hv their mittiller of dninir hn.in,... il.-,- . .... .....i. thau balance the charge lor trrfuhi beivceeti the two piares. ami inns ue enabled to K (juod, Cheaper than Oreitnn City, Mnrch 7, lrH4 SmllA OZTY SOOT AMD 8H0S STORE J3 JOHN W.RILRERT BOOTS, SHOES, SHOE FINDINGS, IEAfliEH. and everv nrtitle nsnnllv found in a J well-regulated sh store. Ims Jl'Sl KEt KIVEIi a larae aaaortinent of Uenta' Cidf, Kip and Mining Hootji Hoys' Calf, Kip and Heavy Hoots; Ladies' Mtseee' and Childreus' Oniieva and'8hoea, all of Ihe HEM manufacture And of I ha I.ATk.sT atrU. B.mla and tthoes made to order, of the beet niaterial, IV Kemember. that tbe Citv Hoot and Shna Sinr. Is the only place where you ran buy HESKEKT8 n-MKMMiia. Om4 To the Citizens of Salem. I.uitilier, LatliM, PlcUot. riHK nndersimted beirs leave to iuforni lite eiliiens 1 of Suletn l ht he has re purchased the CM ITER, SAW WILL ami fLAMXtl MACHINE smutted oa ine ureuon i ny roaj, vj miles north of Salem, where he will oe hepyr to furnish his eld easterner with the beet quality ol ' Yellow, White, or lied Kir Lumber. Laths, or Tickets, on short uotice and renaonable terms. 5efTCE KOCH YOKE OF 0OOD WOHK HaLaiA1-U1 wanted Ittjtnediatelr. K. o. TOWL. Jsnaary lSb, lt iioHTK-rrint's ril.niitATtD STOMACH JITTERS. rt'HK nperniion of tins pnhitnhle remedy upon tk. 1 hf.it h.' livet' ttuit'tlln exerelnry oritn, i, ,jn Inrlv snolhiivLr anil I'onnervntive; 1 1 rpiiilHta, mni purities litem. Dyspepsia In all its form', to lis iimllol mni itlvtKorilllllff properties. ' " INV1UORATK TUB BYSTIW. Vlxomiia digestion nnd pure Wta pt'oilnees m.t.i.i blood, and iinltitions hlood a hmtllliy fmnn h ' thn vii'iint of n dyspeptic stotniieh and a tliaonlssS liver desire li Know now tur tiiKeatiun tuny w proved, the Ijiki und other ttttida nf llie body ptirifltti till III lUTL'TTVII'll UTIISIAI'II l.tf. ' Williii'eoini'liali tliisdesiraiile rwvoliuimi in tin. ' reKululinp tha serrelions and exerelions, (rivinj, J; tn tha aininal jnirea wha h disaolva tlin ftiod, streninL et) every relnxed nerve, muscle and Hare, ml(j ,,,!.! ' 'V ""o "'Korou, m lietiltllllll phlV. KTRENGTllEM TIIE SVHTEM. The hesl means of InipiirliiiK vluor to the hroltM iwn frame nnd shattered tiousiittiilon. vtliiel, l.... : linen invellled or tlisroveretl. is nrotfered I,, it.u rl? 1 ul Voth and alUiKes ill ' 1)11. llliMTICTTUH'S STOMACH IlITTEItg Debilitv, from wlmtever ettusa atisinir. n,.. t enreil i strength, in whalaver ninnner it may ban been wasted, amy lie restored hy thensa of tin, hq. fill und liiinllhy InviKorsnt. For indiuestion anil Ii. painfnl etleets, bodily uud mantal, tliey are a nositln apeeiiiu. A WUKII IU 1IIK AU1-.1), In the decline of lit tha loss of vital force ,,,,.. qneiit upon physical deeay van only lie safely sumilmj by aomo vivilyiii prenarutinn whieli recruit, Oj, strenKlh and spirits, williout. entailititr the exhaustion '' whieli i ulwaya the llnal etfeet of ordinary stitonknii We tender to the aed DR. H0TETTK11'8 KTOMACH 1UTTEBS, Aa an inviiorant. nnd restorutlva, tin mediate in Ita bet. eliciul action and pormnnent in ita ede-cta. It touenb, aloniaeb, improves the appetite, and acts like a cliara npon tha spirits., rim "KMAliKH. Tltonsanda of Indies resort to it ns a reined v forli.t tstrin, fluttering of tho heurt, narvotta headache, Terti. o, general debility, and all peculiar disturbances ud iieriinifcnicniB to which as n sex, they are ulieet. It elteers and enllt.itens the depressed mental powers, well as stretiKtheiis the body, and lie nee ia never fol. lowed hv anv re-action. CiTHEWAKU OF COUNTKHe'EITS. Pn.eU. only of reliable denlers. Sold everywhere. . ttusir.iir.il, ii h ot 1EA, AKaiits. Ban Francisco. IIODGK Ac WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS PORTLAND, "sic Ken is tor ine mate. PERUVIAN SYRUP. 0K PROTECTED ' Solution of Protoxide of Iron. Hub been mod with (ireat Sacersa in Cariitir THIC DYSPEPSIA, Affection! of the Liter.-Dropty, Neuralgia, uronctoiii ana Lotnumptive Tendeneiei, Dimrdered State, of the Blood, Female Complainti, Chrome Diurrheea, linilt. Scurry, the Prostrat ing Effcctiof Lead or Mercury. GEKKKAL IJEBILIXY, and ull diseases which require A Tonic nnd AltcrnOve mallrlnii. rjMIE PKOOK8 OF ITS EEFICACV are ao nutan J. oils, so well authenticated, and of such iwculiar character, that sud'erers cunnot reaaouably liesittite lo iweive the prollered aid. Tito class of disaewiB for vrhicb lit Hyrnp prTividea a cure, Is precisely that which baa ao often bellied the niKiiesi onier oi meilintl skill. Tlie Tacts are tangible, the witnesses accessible, antl the stifetv and IHoU, n the ctyrup incontrovertible. From Well-Kuown CUiizeua of Boston. The nndersivued liavitnr exnerieneed tlm l,M,AAi.l etlecl of the "Peruvian Hvmii." do not hesiutta ia reeouiuiend it to the attention of tlie public. liev.JOHN PIEIU'ONT, THOMAS C.AMOKV, THOMAS A. DEXTEIi, PETEU HAItVEV, S.ll. KKNI1ALL.M.D., JAM EH C. D1INM. HAMUHLMAY, Kov. T. WIIITfEMORB. fi'tiilirnte of Or. Ilayra. It h well known tlmt the ntedicintil ell'eet nf Pro. toxido of Iron is lost by even a very brief exposure to air, and that to maintain a solution of Protoxide of Iron, without further oxidation,, hm been deemed im possible. In the Peruvian Syrnp, thia desirable point la at-' tnined hv combination in a way aaroaa iimrnni , and tliis solution may replace nil the proto carbonates, eiirates uiiu tunnites oi tne materia Matuca. A. A. HAYES, M. D.. Assuyer to the Slate nl UussachuselU. 16 llnvston street, Itostoti. IIOSIHTTKII, IS -TI IT II tk DEA, IU1 uud 1113 Uultcry street, cornee of (May, Kan Francisco. ' SMITH V KAV1S, IIODfiEoV OALEF, ' W. W'KATHERFORD, I'tf Porlland. IGDIINli: WATER. Tor,I.N'E w;lsr '' ": importani discovery ot A modern chenii.try , itntl it is impossible to over esll- mnto iisiuHiienee na a remediHl a;ent. Iodine has bfcfcll rnilKiiWed lliA hi nut Mauriil nrttiln tti Mu lariat .M.-.lVa, and many of the most scieulilic and practical eheiiTiftri and tdivsieians hare iiivcatiifated its elfecu upon the human aytem. It it to act upon the HEART, I.IVKH, KII.KYM. OIGUBTIVU OMOANNOKtAIHIi;iiAB nnd to have treat control orer SCROFULOUS AFFECTIONS. Nolwilhstauilinir the teal ntld llbilitv whiuh hnv. been devoted to its investigation, it remained almost nselesa until llr. llenty Amlers, a physician nnd chemist of New York, niter years of patient liibnr and experi tneut, discovered a rhemicnl process which enabled liiin to dissolve PURE IODINE IS PURE WATER, Without!! solvent. This. eollHidel-eil ilititOKaihi. Ii ihe srientilic world, is attested bv eertilleutes of anel- ysiB from lr J. II. t hilion of this city, and Prof. ,""!' v 8- 5lin,i Philadelphia. Ihe importance of tlllN iH.'.i.'Mrv u-Ma an l,t.,lllu u. ul l. !.. U.. erv was so hiirhlv Hiinrnciiiled bv thn Fsa. niiy llu.l il wits inblisheil in Medical Journals, and ita itso recommended to practitioners (see "Auericaa Medical Monthly," .Inly H. IHM, pnye 76 ) 1 liia valuable' medicine is now available to tha pub lie lor the cure of Scrolula in all ita manifold forma, Consiiinptiun, l uncer. Heart, Livr and Kidnev Ui. euses. iilieuinati.m. ,.,in,Ui Nervous Altections, I mih.imih. iin.iirniiiM Mr -A.S A TONTO lis operation iseriured hv slrenitheniiiir thediKostira orvuiis and increased nutritioti of the body is tlie re anil of the employment of Iodine. The patient re overs llealt, stieuyili uud color s bitberio pale, relaxed aim lee'ile, lie lieeomes lull, strong und llurld. Full directions accoiunanv each boitle. Bold by ail I iiiukii. Price, i I pur bottle. Pra pared by Dr. II. Audera ii Co.. Plivsiciana and Cbeto ista, New York. iinM bt ten, smith at ur.A.n, 401 and 41)3 Hullery street, comer of Clay, San Franciaco. 1II1DOE&.CALEP, SMITH ot DAVIS. W. WEATHEUEKHD, '.'if Portland. A. J. IllTLKK, il PIONEER HATTER, ill Ti KKOXT &TKKET, POUTLANO. HA.H conMantly on hand a COMPLETE A8.SORT-, mem of Ocntlemen'i Hats and Cap, of the LAT EsT nnd MOM' Al'IMittVKD styles, ronitttioff ia mirt of the Iiresi Moleskin. PrvM Ctwimere. low i crown t'atttimerefl of nil colorB,'Vicnnitt," or PernviV j uu lint. Soft Hals, in all lmpei, colon, variety, nnd price. (r vmnre irom tne roniiiiy proinpny nueo. Geutleiucii visiting Port laud, from Hie interMHr, if not in iuuneiliHte want of a hat, who will leave with nt their measure, will lw Htm ran teed Couifortahle fit, whn a hat in nemlt'd hy them. Tho HIGH KM CASH PRICE paid for nil kiudioC fum. A. J. HUTLEK, .Mr I'toneer Hatter, t'X Front street. JACOB COHEN,' Watchmaker and Jeweler,. UtOVr Stril EtT, POIiTI.ANIt. ticai.aa la FINE JEWELRY & WATCHES, WEIGHT AMD 8PRIH0 CLOCKS, Solid Silver & rioted Ware, Callerjr, Ac. AGENT FOR W. BOIIiTS LADIES' PATENT IMPROVED noi.n belt BtrKi.ua. ffatchfl Ond JtWClfY Rfpnirtd flnd WlrTaBlfd. Particalar Allention Paid to RapairiDf Mae natchra. I keep on band a complete ueortoient of SPECTACLES, of the improved sti les. Also, Opera ind Marine blasea, Quarli Magnify ing tiinssea, mmpassea, Arrniieriarai In rnmenta, 4c, tt. VV All antals sold by we are warranted aa repre sented. Ail onlers Iron the coautrv will be prom put intended to. lyiVCi JACOfl CoHEW. n "T AMTrara-A .od assortment, 0 of fashionable steles, for sale hr a A 7tf sJriTHtCARTWRinftr