The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, July 11, 1864, Page 2, Image 2

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' Special Dispatches to Oregon Hialesmiin.
PHILADELPHIA, JiTmo !. Tho llidttlin'l
' Harrinburg special of to-tiny suy tlio rebels
" liad not orosed the Putotnno at 4 o'clock this
The tear of the people of IIih border eoun-
tie hud been appealed, but considerable alarm
atill exists,
, Over 1,600 horses passed tlirough Gettys
burg yesterday, during tho soarc.
An attack was made od Harper's Ferry on
the oioroinir of the 4th, by innio 4,(100 cnviilry
aud iofantry ; at lust accounts Gen. Webber
"wa making a iteady resistance.
, Albany, July 3. Tho President iuTitr : n
i Governor Seymour tlint a rebel force, estimated
, at from 15,000 to 20,000 strong, hud invmled
j Maryland and attacked Martineburg and liar
ejer.'i Ferry, and were throwingnronp in other
..point. Publio aafety required a cull upon the
, elate eioluiirely for military force to repel the
invasion, and call upon Now Yotk for 13.000
.! militia at it quota, to terra 100 day.
i Baltimokr, July S. Reports in regurd to
tbc movement of the rebel are fit i 1 1 oontrntlio
t tory. Telegraph operator at Hufferstnwn ye
, f rday afternoou ov they are no nearer tluwi
j Falling Waters and Williamsport, where fight
.Mif aa going oo yesterday afternoon. Same
. aoooont ay there wa also fighting, at Shop
rdstnwn. Previous reporte eay Sigel had been
Joined by Mulligan with a force from Lee town
.when a eattle occurred oo Monday,
. Nothing hnd beep,, received from Sigel or
.Mulligan at Harper's Ferry at 3 o'clock tins
afternoon, whioh is accounted for by the 11a
: e,iuitn atory that they were engaged oppn ite
Bbepardetown, to which point they mum have
.Jjeeo followed by the rebcla.
. Excellent health at Frederick enntinuea ; all
ick in hospital have been lent to Annapolis.
, Tbe government atorea have been removed
po reaaon it given for Ibia movement from
Frederick, at there it no hostile force within
twenty mile of Hie place, except n small cuv
, airy detachment near Point of Koclts.
r Hunter In to bq moving It in whole
force to thwart the designs of the rebels,
f BALTIMORE, July 5. Latest iuforiniition ia
M folluwa s He bel foreo which visited Point of
llock yesterday did not exceed, one hundred.
.Supposed they were under Moseliy, they ru
tired after committing robberies, .
. : loo excitement at i rotlerick bad m a great
measure tilmled it la believed the Provost
Guard et tliut place uuuld protect llie City
from all the rebel who bad appeared in the
vicinity ot thel'ointol Kocka, -
.--Sigel and Mulligan'a force reached Mary-
land Mights at 9 o'clock last night. No doubt
are entertained of our force being able to sue.
sjeasfully resist any attack from rehelt at that
jilaoe. ' Other reiufnroeinetil nre on the way.
4. A dispatch from Cumberland to-day any the
rebel raid ban been very destructive to the
Chetapeakc and Ohio Cunal, a large utiinber of
Doata were burned and team eaptureil.
i Philadelphia. July S The PrKsiilent has
called on Pennsylvania for 17.500 troop to
Serve at Washington vicinity lor 1UM days, un
lea aoouer discharged.
Washington, July 5. Fessenden ha en
tered upon In duties a Secretary of the Tren.
ry tins morning, and attended aCabinct meet'
inn at noon. '
Nkw York. July 5. Lata private advlcea
If ronf Port Hudson slate the reliels to be eery
alive in that quarter. It ia reported that Dick
Tnyiar crossed Atchafalaya nu the 51 li of Jane,
when an engngemetit ensued. No pnrlicular.
Officer Iriun Duval' IJIiiff report Marina
duke still south ol Arkansas river, 10 miles he
luw Napoleon. Hi force numbers about 6000
alien, with 6 or 8 pieuea of art illcry.
New Yon. July 6 Thirty fire occurred
in tbi city yeaierdny resulting from lire-work.
.Five large buildings on Washington atreet and
8v dwellings on Grand atreet were destroyed.
' Loa about 9250.(00.
, Chioaoo. July 6 The dispatch staling that
Hooker waa wounded in the recent nssault on
Kensaw Mountain, it incorrect.. Col. Marker,
wounded, ha ince died. The error waa ooca
(ioned by the similarity of name,
e The World'! special from Washington. July
8th, aay the. intelligence from the upper i'otn
mao ia confused and ragoe. The oiliteim of
opper Maryland arc terribly frightened and flee
ing in all directions. The damage thus fur
Mema mere apprehended than real, for the reb
el have not iwi-up'ed, permanently, any town
.on the Maryland aide of tiie Potomac. The
enemy are (npposed In be part of Kansom'a and
Sloan's cavalry, with inlautry from Ewell't
- The Asia with date from Queeiwtowa of
2tith June haa arrived.
1.. It wa rumored that Semmcs will snil In mi
other pirate steamer within a month.
The Conference 011 Saturday finally adjoiirn
. ed. It i stated order have been issued by (lie
English Government to have ready equipment
for itO.000 troop. The rumor causrd an iin-
proveoient iu slocks and consols.
- u Tbe yacht Deerhonnd ia charged with being
. tender to the Alabama. -
San FRANciaco.July 0. Steamer St. Louis
1 arrived at 9 p.m.
Private dispatches quote gold in New York
on the Sth at a-lCS 245( nn 6lb at 245240.
- Legal tender 4ti.
V MarvsvillE, July 81:13 p. m.
' Tbe following uvlie remainder of yesterday'
dispatch t
1 Nkw York, July 8. Tbe etramship Cour
ier, from Huston to New Orleans, waa bwt off
.the Bahama on the 11th of Juno. Ollicera
and ciew wero aaved.
, Tbe following is by the City of llnltimt re t
,TIe pirate Alobouia left Cherbourg 011 the
Jllth to engage the Kearsagp, and attacked her
teu mile from shore. The engngciut-iit lusted
uoe hour and forty uioutes. Several cnniplete
tiiiclei were made in umneiivering at a dirliinue
from a quarter to a half mile of each tuber.
Tbe fight resulted iu the sinking of the Ala
bama. , Captain Scimiic and part of his crew
irertiavrd by the English yacht Dccihoiind.
Jlefure leaving Cherbourg Ci',HII Seiiime
Uft sixty chronnnieters and nil bis specie and
.aaaeofu hond. No one killed and but three
r winded en board the KeatsHgc. Seiuines ia
rpertrd to be ejighlly wuuudt d.
r Latir.-H iaaiated that the Keara'ge rap
turad tx or eigl t officers and crew of the Ala
baaia. Semmea publisbe a statement tlml he
bad nine killed aud aoomled, and charge that
.the Kcartege coiititiued ta lire after tliu Ala
bama bad struck her color.
' Tbe Dano Germauio conference haa acvoin
pliabed uothing. The proposition for arbitra
tion wa rejected. The Conference was re
garded a a failure, and it was thuught tlint
Kostilitic tould be recommenced ou ihe2.ith.
. MemI'UIS. June l2U. Steamer Arthur from
New Otleans, S'lili. report General Canliy
having taken poesvssion nf all bouia there lor
ituilitnc) put(Mm-.
, The iron clad Queen City was raptured at
Clarendon, White river, a few day since by
rebel. General Shelby aud most of her olli
cera and crew were taken primmer. Three
gnu aud a quantity of ammunition were cap
tured with her. Tbe boat. acre burned.
Marmaduka with bis fmce.which report
ed on lted river, are on a fotk of the Arkansas.
J'arlaf his army bad crossed tbe river, and at
last adtioea ha wa preparing to occupy Crick
et' Blaff on tbe west sulu ol tbe river. Mar
jnadsk ia reported to havo 6,000 men and 40
peMM of artillery.
, It I believed fin intention ia In drire Steole
from hla bas of supplies, aud in on operation
With Price compel bim In evacuate the Statu.
Ban FAH0iaco.Jalyfl Private dispatohe
Rowing the prica of gidd last week in New
York, say it rove ta 275-2280. Lateat report
of ouotatlon to-day state it waa ittiO.
"Tha gold bill has been repealed, and gold
placed regularly oa the stock list.
Smi as i"!low of Mis Oreua aad LsJUornia Hue
I d survsy.
' sarvtr ef tbe Orsfna nwtion ef th Railroad ta
et Oragoa and Oslirofula I pmoduii r,Kllr
4 'gs,wa be completed. O L Brrr aud ptri sr
t tflst aluiids horn the South, sud imi Wrd-
t pnMrrdnl flarthirsrd. A p llim(h the
I -s MixanHiM em aind. winch stnwtrus Hi
4 .rt,1 n-itrblly aed ank asirlr Ui vNols mull
a Irrel k. and w'tlt rv.iuuv list ot of voui'truvtiii; a
rjtfMd atft'it "M Bjilli4) uf d'4Jars btle Uiv funur
MaM. Ik larntuss ef tin mntf will srvbeldjr be
at or aear St. Heicaa.
M ON D iaTmO KN IN OJULY i 1 . lH(i4,
ma PHmiDEKT,
roa vim pitr.sinitNT,
ANDREW JOHNSON, of Tennessee,
Bin Franolfloo -Aasnov, P. Fismks. n'iV Wsh-
rt(ti,n ilrwt. Hhii KrnntUi. Ciil., Ih tltn suthorlfril nsvut
roivHTATBSNAN, sun will trsiiHSrl nil biiiiiiMvi fur our of
0 n! llul ilnv.
The Itataaman ha a Larger Circulation than any
other paper In the State, and ia tbe Best
Medium for Advertiser,
Tbe U S Law and Besolntlons are published in the
oinioaman nj auiooriTj.
"Th publication of ths Daily BTATaaM Aa will be com
mvnceil on WkiIiikiiUji, July 6lh, t604. Pally malls and ths
more rapid trlegrsph, ruiiuVr wevkly newspapers sltoiiellier
too slow lo isUery ths publls greed for news. The oommu
nlly In which the Daily Btatsihas Is to clrculste Is irall, It
ts true, but we stiHll spsrs uo efforts 10 make the paper worth
lis prlee to every oltlsen, and rely upon a generous, if not
Sxtrnilve, support.
Ws slm to mike ttis Dailt Statssmax pre-eminently a
itsiof paper a record each day of euch evente ss occur In
our own locality, and such ae are gathered by the liuey pens
of reporters all oyer tho world, and flea .ed In pithy psrn
raphf over th teleirraphle Unci. In furnishing the earlleit,
moat reliable, and complete Intvlllirence, we do noi Intend lo
excelled, and to this end will spare no effort or rcaa"na
hie eipenee. Published at the Oapltal of tho Mate, It will l
able to sirs the freshest reports of the sessions of the LealS'
latlvs Assembly, tha Suprsme Court, Ac, and the public msy
rely upon their completeness and accurary.
In the higher sphere of Journalism, wherein It ll the prlvt
lege of the Frees to exert an Influence upon prtpular aentt
inent In matters of political Importance, local Interest, or
public naceialty, the publishers give the neeurance thai, gov
erned by no parly, or clique, devoted to His publio welfare,
tbe Statkbmas will be conducted with the single purpose of
npt-oldlng and irinlntalnlns truth and Justice.
rtellevlng the Government founded by Washington snd hli
fellow patriots of 17T0, lo be the bust system of human re
straint yet devised, we give to Its support our whole energies;
ami deeming the present Administration and the Union party
the Instruments which uan most efficiently be used to frustrate
the attempt of Southern traitors lo destroy that Government,
we shall do what we can to strengthen the one by maintain.
lug llie other. Hot our allegiance Is to principle not to
parties or Individuals. Error and wrong will be pointed out
snd fearlessly deiiouncvd, whoever limy suffer thereby.
Determined to make the Dailt STATKSUAa an Imlenendent,
enterprising, lively, good newspaper, we appeal to our
friends to aid us Id giving It a remunerative circulation.
To mall subscribers, for one year. In advance, $10: si
months, lb advance, .1 ; three months, In advance, $8.
To city subset Ibers, per year, lu advance, $10; per week,
payable to carrier, 80 cents.
BAUM.JuuslfTth, MM.
,1 Til B JiEHS.
The last few di-patclie received havo been
rather interesting nnd cloning, and at the nunc
time soincwlint vague and uusntisfnetory.
It seem tliut binlies of rebels are quite no-
tire in different quarters, and raiding putties
are at work in all directions. Guerilla bandi
are still infesting tho lower Mississippi, nnd a
portion of the rebel army of Virginia is attempt
ing to carry out the old programme by crossing
the Potomac and carrying the war into the loyal
A tui'co cstiiimted at from fifteen to thirty
thousand i invuding Maryland aud threatening
Pennsylvania. There arc probably tiro nbjeul
iu this movement one to tiljitin supplies, aud
tbe other to draw tliu attention of Grant away
from liichinond. Hut the hern of Yiokshiirg ia
not to bu disturbed by trifles, mid hit an
uouuued that no movement the rebels may
inako will induce bim to spare any portion of
the force with w hich he expect to talto Rich
mond.' Iu fact it it stated tliut movements nre
ou foot to reinforce him with more veteran
troop. It ia now decided that the rebel cap
ital is not to be taken by itrategy, lint by hard
fighting and patient resulnlion, like that which
accomplished the fall of Vickslnirg. With
Grunt and a force of two hundred thousand
knocking at the door of the rebel capital, it i
not likely that Lee can spare a sufficient loroe
to do any great duiimgc across tbe Pnlmuoo.
Secretary Chase has resigned and Kessenilen
of Maine fill hi place. We are able to Irani
very little of llie reasons for Chase's resignation,
and do not know much of Kesseoden's ability
aa a financier. Wo see the .Senate confirinc I
hi nomination by a unanimous vole, and ahoul.l
judge from tin that those who know hiiu have
eoulideuce in bis ubility.
The notorious Alabama bus at last finished
her course, but the victory uinouul to but lillle
a the pirnte Seiuines escaped by the aid of a
ntulral lliilieh vessel. England nnd France
n ill in a abort time re-supply hint with the
menu fur destroying American on.'.imcrcc. The
notorious robber uml murderer is a fitting uud
appropriate instrument in the huinls of those
perfidious tumor.
The Washington ooriespouilcut ol the 8nu
Francisco Bullttin, in sp?nkiiig of tho Cleve-
bind Convention, ys :
I liHS.trd nuttiiuu iu saving Out I.ihl' liiviiteil politli liiii
at WiiHhhiKtn-ii lk upon this if, it nUmt the weakest
ticket thet the Itudifrtie cmlil p,no,ll,lv lisveput lu the
Uelu Unit Is, tr Incy imve tliv oliglitiKt rxpnclutluti or
Ilium nr tin rleetion. Hue, rieiuout lis u i-eittim
Buiount of tiniAle lrvnu,tli in the large tiuinlirr ot tier
limns who lie likrlv t MipiMitt hint ; hut tlul vlv it
not larsiet enough t alv hm, the gliiMt r tcliaiii-e lor
suu'cw,, unless, II can lore uii one ,a the Kre4t par
ties uf the di,v to sorrniidcr In the Kie'tlont I41 lion . tu
uetlt'l1 loiweiin tins OeiuiHii vule. Tint prubAhilitlrs
ol soy sum result is snuni inure,!.
"Ca llne" of the Sacramento Union, writing
from Baltimore, while the National Convention
wa in session, allude to tbe same matter iu
theso words t
The Ciemon! letter of arcfiitaursetfAmn'dvtdr.hut.ftri
lira routrsry, diaut tl,iv vrhs see In it pUin tud
rr the ii,iiniU4ti,-u ,4 tit? Chicago t'pwilieA,l t 'nvf li
tem, on the tmrrttvr pljlforui of upiHiMtliiii to Lincoln.
The rracv ruduili wit', g uv mi;i,1 ever their aull
Une"liiwm lhr.,teit ,lirvtul thius. but they sre so few
that they are nt v-rth cMtinlerstloli, ll,,M,gli. like e
buiiiiurute in aisitiir. ttiey iniu.v uml me w rni tr
ouuda auk the buxnu nhali llie nre t;,iiu-i,
itinkitia- Alter Itsving all ahu prvdu tt-d tlie
pS'Uile srere aasiimt Liuenhi' rvii'MtiiiiulnHi. hvr same
deliutetl Utdividuels nw eono-de thjt the H,ple are lor
lout, but that lie cau't tv clei'teU. Who will lie elei-led
they will m,l uf rourr My. It e4ey, yial know, te
rusas prediction a Vrfgue as ine-M-.
The movement of llie Radical which culmi
nated at Cleveland, i a failure aud it liaiillnig
lillboru. The iutlieatiou uow are plain that
Fremont ha not a ghost of a chance of elco-
tiou or of diverting enough volts from Lincoln
to leriously injure bis prospect of election.
Tbe Sao Franolsco Monitor a copperhead
piper is blatant for Fremont and all the
copperhead pre and politicians are lending
bun a helping band aheie liny can ; but ll is of
no use the ptttjil nre lor Linooln nnd will re
elect him.
Waoom Riiau to Canyon Citv and Boisa.,
Th people of Lane oounty are moving en
ergetically in tha matter of a road from Eu
gene acros tha Caswde Mountain. The
Jcarnui alatea that it wil,b completed before
tlie oIum of the preevnt suiiiiner. Wa bop it
can be. for wa know of no way in which a
larger benefit eonld be secured to western Ore
gon, than by connecting the largo agricultural
district ol Ike upper Willamette with the arid
gold producing regions of eastern Oregon and
The candidates lor County Treasurer in this
county. T.A. Rigga find Joseph Nixon, received
each an equal number of voles, The) Ihen
drew for the ollioe under the (Statute, Btul llie
lot fell un Nixon,
lilgga gave uolice nf a contest and c!iiiii the
oilicu on the ground Hint he had received a mii-
nrily nf the legal vidua.
flic case waa heard by Judgo Hoitie on
Tuesday and Wednesday, a large number of
witiicsac were examined, mid quite a large
number nf illegal vote alleged agaiii't both
parties. lint the court found only four illegal
vote. One waa the case of a mini, who, when
he voted, aid to the Judge of election, that
he had been in the county about 17 days, that
hi residence wa in Jackson oounty, that he
was in Linn county only temporarily mid in
tended to return immediately al't.r the election.
In this cast, it was held that he waa not a resi
dent iu Linn county, and could tint vote there
for enmity officer.
Another was the case of a innn nlio last
October engaged to teach school in Marion
comity for one year from that time, aud had
since that time been engaged in that business
in Marion county, bad hi board and bulging
there, and intended to remain lor the year at
least, but bud occasionally been in Liau county
lo visit bis parents. In this chso it waa held
Ihat-the voter resided in Marion county.
The other two were case of citizens of Linn
county, who voted by mistake in the wrong
preoinot, tu t being aware of the precinct line.
There wa another case where on the poll
book it uppeured Unit tho vote of one man had
been set down to both parties, in this case
there being evidently a mistake, the court a
lowed tbe voter to testify (or whom he cast bis
rote, and he said he cast it for Itigga. This
mililif live votes to be taken from the pull hook
aa canvassed. Two of these had been counted
for Nixon, and three for Hlgg. This leave
Nixon with nuc majority, and therefore lie holds
tho office.
Eli. Statesman. At tile democratic fW.rais
log at this place, when the deninerntic innnngnrs
were nattering themselves that thoy would curry
llie couti'y democratic, they (juve niitU:o Unit tlie
democrnts would celehratn the Fourth of July nt
Ilnllns; nnd pursiuiitt to this notice, the deinoc,.,t
ic ep;,iiis flanemliled iu the forenuoii, under the
sprendiiiu; lirnnclies of some oak trees, uenr the
Methodist Church iu this town, mij prnceeild tu
iioike the proioisn frond. If the mnnnirara wnro
prompted hy patriotic seiitimenls, we nru vrilliop;
to give iiieni lull credit tor lt hut we must say
tlint they wure very unfortunate in their prepara
tions for the occasion, if indeed, any luid buen
made. A man who never rends anything hut the
Constitution, and does not understand it when he
rends It, pretends to Solomonic .wisdom, but to lit
tle or nn learning, it seems, was provided to read
the Declnrntion of Independence; and the Old ex
Aposllo of demoe.rncy, delivered wht might be
styled the Ora $rrmon, if 1 may be allowed to in
vent a new word, to apply to a new and strange
concoction. It is my opinion that they liad nonu
uf that thing Holmes calls programmy, atoll events
there was nothing resembling that cuuiioodily
exhibited on or about tho tcork-brnrh or pulpit.
There noty have been gram, and 1 am inclined to
think Iherii uvj some of that. After prayer by
Mr. Waller, which was probably tillered in the
house, Mr. Iloltuns aud others. In true democratic
mass meeting style, began to call for liaydon.
Mr. II ' popularity wns breaking out at several
places, when some one suggested that tliu Declar
ation of Independence had nut been readi where
upon, Mr. If oioniited the work bench and com
menced rending, but had not proceeded far, when
a rein storm which hnd been gathering as fust as
puasililc(l think) burst upon him and llie rongro
gfttion. willt malicious fury; driving the Indie like
chart' into thu house. Mr. Ji. held his position on
is hnrh for Homo time, seeming, with tliu tlcclar
ati',11 of Indepelideocu ill bis siirtltds, lo defy
1 )n in Nature's mild rebuke;" hut thu storm in
creasing, .nr. K. dually tieiuime liiworithzril, nlld
toik rofuge in the house al, whore as I nin til
formed, hu Middled his reading. Now this was
quite a dumptr on thu patriotic (Ires, burning on
the open hold, and it was not till the " Old Apos
tle get his old gat-yipt to going, that they begun
again to oitrn When tho "Ulu Aposlle hail
uncu got fairly into position upon the bunch, " all
was sale tor two Hours longer. 1 hroug;ti cufist
and storm, through sunsnme ami sAate, this won
ib'rfiil oratorical iiiAcliinu poured forth iu retu
rn n ui stream, the n o t remarkable concoction
of matter; politienl, partisan, spiritual, temporal,
&c, that ever btiummd the tympanum uf any
car. 1 will venture to say, that llie most skillful
ilirmist that ever lived, could not raolre this mat
ter into its elements, and name them, to thu satis
faction of himself ur any one else. His favoriie
geslura was exactly the same in movement, as
that of tlie " pitt-sawyor." llul his gestures wure
various, mid at limea, he fairly fawukeil. from one
end of the bench to the other, squealing like n
Hindoo howling Dervish. Ofcourxo mining so
siusy things there wero arie goml, and as well ns
1 ran can pick it up now, this isoneof lliem:
' There is not a faffs within the sound ot my voice,
who would not spurn the idea of losing one star
In in that tbig." He knew there wure male succs
siouism iu hearing lie deserves a credit murk for lere is another go, id one: "1 think the
leaders of this rebellion should be punished, by
being foiuver prohibited from holding ollice."
It is likely that the "Aposlie" intended lobe
very sevete upon .left. Davis and his otlicers, by
thus exprussiug himself. The people have pro
hit, iled him from holding othce, probably lor life:
and some think he considers the ptitiiihiuent al
tiiuat as ae'vore aa liiiiiiring. I will cnu'UlJo with
a synopsis of the Om-urmon, fur the benefit of
" unborn geuerulioiia, tor I am not so scltih in
my nutmeas tu desire that Uallfs, or even this
generation alone, should have the benefit of this
iii-A utiMfeir rfusttm 1 " This is the fouith nf July
n tiny we have been aeeiistioe, to eelehrnte
1 do not believe in mixing politics and religion,
bn' I unlit mix n little to day, i have represent
ed you so of'eti; 1 have bceu niih you so much
you are dear to mu-l am glnd to see yea tieday.
O! I feel as if 1 could take the vilest trailer from
prison and him him lo my bosom, if he wuuld re
pent. There i not Christianity enough anioiig
the people. Many unities have been fought on
Sunday: bat I ho. nltni'kiog parly on that day is
always deteated. When two opposing armies are
near each other on the Lord's day, ill why don't
the good Christians of both parties lay by their
arms, moot half way, erect a table and take the
sacrament together. Why here's WhitlyMSod
bless yon, hilly ! Msy you be faithful uulu the
end. You shall have my prater morning smj
evening. O! what is to become of the sultcritig
is idowa and orplmna, deprived of hiiihauds and
fathers, by this cruel abolition war. The aboli
tionists take the negroes from their masier, ami
and enjoy their service; I don't know but I would
like tu be an abolitionist inysailf. Ladies, you
have great iullueiive with til" un n, mid I want
you to use that iutliience to stop this war, 1 am
ai deiu:it, and if )oit vtutilj like lo know how 1
got to he a domorrat, 1 will tell you. 1 wo born
on Jitrkaon'a birth day, and so 1 was born a dem
ocrat. Democratic principles are right. Parents
you should train np your children in right princi
ples, t believe there is more true patriotism
among the people nf this county, than any other."
Aa evidenee of th truth of this last opinion ia,
that sis precinct waa very uenr a aast against the
"Apostle." S-
Sr.Kvr.n Him Rioiit A man named ChtV
in Nevada, California, has been in tlie habit of
sevreling bia money in hia dwelling to avoid
paying taxes on It. On tlie 123th of June, while
he wa absent a short tune, the house wa en
tered and lobbed of alamt $7,000 lu gold. He
would have found it belter eootiomy to bar
paid hi lave like a man and kept hi cash ia
a tafer place.
OsKLAND. July 0th. 1804.
Ed. Statesman In your last Issu I observe
that Tour Portland correspondent ia of th opin
ion that the atrrnt of the Ksnitare Commission ia
not doing up hie business with the Commission lu
a faithful and honest manner. If Mr. Hvlhmvk
can tify the people on this coast that th charge
against hiui i talis, let hitu do so at one. These
are very grave charges, and we ail waat te kuuw
the Iruih in regard to the matter. lVnuit me to
suggest that until Mr. II. eiplain this matter,
that all money received for the Sanitary fund be
forwarded to oer very worthy Oovernor, A. C.
Uibbe If any think of a belter plaa, let us hear
ef it through your columns. Tear.
Special J)ispalilus In tlie Urrgm Stattman.
Kobe!: ftiirn n 1'orllnn of the II rid no at llnr-
prV Kerry. .
Ciiicauo, July 7 A Ilultimuro telegram nf
to-tiny says thu city Is lull uf rumors ; the lol-
wing is believed to he correct :
Intelligence from the region nf Maryland
Ilighls anil beyond warruiita the belief that tlio
rebel lurcu thir siilu of the l'utiiiiiuo aud nn tin)
line nf the Virginia tidti it not leas than 30,-
01 K).
Gov, Cttrlin telegraphs to Washington that
2, (HID rebel crossed ut Point if Rucks,
Iu the absence of auciuate accounts of tilt)
tutu of affair in the viniiiity or Harper' Fer
ry report must bo taken for what tliey are
Nkw York. July 7. The Trihune'i Hnr-
riaburg special of the 6th say official infuraiu
tiun received shows that Grant uotilled the
War Department that a large force ol the rub-
el army had left hi immediate front.
A large portion ot Hunter lorce reaction
I'arkershurg nn tbe way east, tbe advance will
reach Cumberland tn-morniw.
The IIVM'j special aurs, notwithstanding
the wild report, the rebel burned only one
Important britlgn west ol Harper terry: ut
I'liUermu's Creek.
It is understood that untiling the rebels can
do iu the Shanandoah vnlby can Induce Grant
to send any portion uf hie irmy to its defence.
Movements are under wiy nt Washingloii to
reinforce Grant' army aitb veteran troop
frtnn point less vital than U cliiiiiiiid.
llAitiitHnurm. July fl Dispatche from
Chainlmrahurg state that rebels, supposed to
bu Uradley Johnston' krigmle, entered Ila
gerstnwn thia afternoon'. Federal force, of
ter spirited resistance, wns compelled tu full
buck tu Grecncustlc.
Telegraphic communication was open up to
9 o'clock to-night.
A llc clamiilinn has been issued hy Gov.
Ciiitin fur 12,000 tionps, in uddition to tho 17,
000 called fur nil tlie Sth.
Batihukr. July 7. The rebels at Harper's
Ferry destroyed all the railroad property, tele
grnpli and ticket tdDue, nnd burned a largo
aiuoiint of foriitc.
There is no lunger ai y doubt that Leu bit
sent a considerable Million of bis army iu this
The American has tlie following:
FltKDKltlL'K. July 7. At 10 'o'clock, tbi
morning tliu Mi llliuoii cuvnlry made u recoil
nuisance, marching live miles from Frederick,
when they tin t the enemy in strong force, in
fantry, cavalry and nitillory j after a sliurp
fight our forces were repulsed and fell back to
Frederick, tho enemy closely pursuing.
Luter: The enemy is noit' oue mile from
town on the Ilugcretonn pike. All sick and
government stores moved.
lULTiMnitB. July 711 Reliable ro
liable report from Loudon county say there is
no rebel force in this enmity. Alan say that
Musi by. with 200 or U'H) men, half u uteil,.
crossed the river, omniDiltiiig depredations, at
Point of Rock ou Monday.
Another attempt was made to crust ou Tues
day, hut deterred by the nppcaranco of our
cuvalry, llie)' have liil'en buck but guard tho
road leading lo the river to prevent loyal citi
zens Irom coiiimuuicutiug with thu Maryluud
The following particular were gathered from
Headquarters : Inforuiatiou was received to
night that, yesterday v. M., the rebel ndwncw
made an effort to gain the bridge over Morri
Creek. , with only a email portion of hi
force moved In check them, and formed a line
one mile east nf town. After 4 o'clock, fight
ing ooinmenced and lasted with mure nr les se
verity till 8 u'cluck, when the rebels retired,
leaving us iu possession of tlio ground. Dur
ing the action several shells fell in the city.
Wallace is confident of holding Frederick. Ho
gives nu estimate of killed nnd wounded ; rein
forcements are rapidly pushing forward. There
is every reason to believe that this imiveinejit
will result in diuter nnd disappointment to tlio
rebel outKO.
Nbw Voiik, July 8. A peciiil Iliirrisburg
dispatch of the 7th says the following is the sub
stance nf a dispatch received by. Ueu. Couch :
The ollicera of tlie U illinium uud Ohio Hull
road say the invading lorce now iu Maryland or
'invading that State arc not less than 30,000.
They say ns u certain fact from their own
agents, that tbe enemy nuinbi ring 1S.IKH) in
fantry, artillery and cavalry, principally tbe
latter, left Hagerstowu Ibis morning ou the old
Nuliiinul Road, moving in the direction of
lloonshurg, en route to Frederick, inarching nt
dovlight. A minor prevail that a Tnroe sev
ernl lliousaud strong encamped south ol Mul.ilo
bury; between Greeocastle and Hugerstown.
The rumor i not credited. Tho force levied
contribution nt Hagerstowu, particularly lin
lioden', besides the old forueof Jenkins', which
led Lee's advance into I'eiinsylvauiii hist year.
They have information that there are no rebel
on the other side of Hugeretowu.
The Tribune's special from Munocncy tha
7th. ay Harper's Ferry is iuvesled by rebel
who have sharpshooters housed behind fence
to prevent our men Innn coming dmvu the
I lights. I.nst night tln-V fet fire to the bridge
and burned fifty feet of trueelo wood work nu-d-r
t! e spun on the Virginia side.
Wallace bn estnlihlied Ins headquarters
here for the present ; he sent Col. Cleuili ill
with a force ol cavalry and Inn guns to feci the
enemy, with orders lo proceed us Tar at Uoons
borough. Cletidein met the enemy one mile
east of Middlt-ton u and had a brisk skirmish.
Found tlio eiieiny in superior numbers, but
drew him toward Frederick where he showei
ull I,.. Meantime, Wallace' reinforce inunte,
under Gilpin, tine mile east of Frederick, were
attacked by rebel. Tlie battle npeucd nnd
thu lire continued severely lor three hours
Gilpin's coiinniinil dislodged nnd drove back
the enemy lltreo limes.
The oliject of the lii;lit was to hold the bridge
across Momainey to Frederick jntiutinn.
Reinforcement en route will arrive at Har
per' Ferry.
Nbw Yoiik, July 8. Daily Aessi say the
yacht Deerhotinil i charged with acting us a
sort of tender to the Alalmnut. Cnpt. Wins
low would havo secured oil the ollicera nnd
crew of the Alubama, hud be not placed confi
dence in her as an Knglish yacht, lie consid
ered 8einins and olhvrs alio escaped, bound ill
honor to give themselves up.nnddidu't pursue or
fire upon the Deeihouud because he did'ut be
lieve a yacht of the royal squadron would not
n dis honorably. Tlie .Vtj publishes a Idler
from the master of the Kearsage. who com
plains that the Pcerliound acted as consort to
llie Alabama.
New York. July 9 The 7Viitr'i special
ay the occasion of the suspension of the writ
of habeas corpus and proclaiming martial law
iu Kentucky i in c.neiuctioe of anticipated
troubled lu tbe enforcement nf the dull and
particularly the enrollment nf slave.
ll I understood that Fessendeu will uot con
tract the currency.
Nkw Yona, . Inly T. The HeraU't lh corps
correiponileot, Petersburg 1, a.v. today wit
nessed one of the most eii'iling artillery lest Ileal
of the war. After two hour cannonading, the
rebel batteries were completely silenced, ami the
rebels driven from ths place. At three u'rlock r.
M the enemy agaiu opened tire, and soon his
works were enveloped' in a continuous cloud of
dust from nnr hells The rebel "gunners were
seen running to th rear for safely. Alter two
hours tiling thu rebel bslleriee were silenced.
Our balleno wens placed with great (kill and
ears, so that at any uieiuent they could conceu
Irate at any given point.
The boiubarduieulof the city nt steadily doing
it work A largo number uf buildings aro al
ready destroyed.
Ties TYisan' special correspondent says I hat
Petersburg It now revered by more than 100 of
onr guns wailing tkanl order. Th dsiu no
tion will b but tbe work of a few hours.
C. M. Carter, of i'ertland, ha been appointed
Scial Postal Agent for Ibis coast. terras Stl
Our understanding is, that Mr. Carter was ap
pointed special Igcnt to inspect th ovsrljnj line
to California, aud not for th Oregon rout.
W hop th JWaal I aerrect aud that w are
THE rol KTll.
The (lelelirutinii in Salcin pnssed off without
accident, and as fur a wo have heard gave very
general sutisfactiunv
Tho procession waa formed at, ten o'clock.
under tlio direction uf Col. Muorcs, and marched
to the grnve below town where comfortable
seuU bad been prepared. After piayor by Rev.
Giistavna nines, and reading the Declin ation of
Independence by Mr. Iluntiugton, the large an-
ilieneo listened tn the nildien uf tho orntnr nf
the day Judge Stratum which wa one of
marked eloquence and ability. After contrast
ing the bnppy eondition uf the Pacific State
iu their exemption from the culamiliea which
war has brought upon our Atlantic Bisters, aud
expressing the gratitudo which we all ought tn
feel in being thus fuvnrnd, ho proceeded to in
dicate, the train nf thought which he designed
lo pursue. Rather thun follow the usual track
on such occasions, bo preferred in a time of
doubt and uncertainty to offer something tn
which the patriot might fix the anchor of hope,
something which might give assurance of
strength and euiluranoe In our institutions.
Reviewing the unparalleled material progress
of the United Statu, tbe speaker thought it
was attributable mainly tu the inherent vitality
nf tho principles of freedom. The principles
ol the Declaration of Independence were not
burn iu a day. They were tho growth of cen
turies. They would he eternal in duration,
Our government was no longer nu experi
ment. It hutTit foundation in the principles
of eternal justice, and is enshrined in the hearts
of a loyal people. Rebellion is not peoulinr tn
any form of Government, but may and does oc
casionally nocur under all forms,
In all associations uf men there is nn irre
pressible conllict between good and evil virtue
and vice. Republican Government being the
most purlcot nnd just, and absolutism the worst,
this evil principle tends to drug every free gov
ernment toward absolutism. Every frco gnv
erninent must rely on thu faith nnd condition
of the publio mind for support hunco tho best
way to maintain a gnvornineiit worthy of sup
port is to educate and enlighten the tunsos.
The cause of thu rebellion was unterior to
the constitution and government itself. The
seeds of it were planted when the nristoorntio
cavaliers settled South Carolina. Slavery-was
not the cause it was only a valuable auxiliary.
Of the final success of the Government and ut
ter extiuctinn of slavery, tho speaker bad no
Theso were the leading ideas of the speech.
We regret tliut wo cannot publish the whole
of it.
The poem prepared for the occasion and rend
by Mr. Knight, will bo found iu another column.
The Aurora Band discoursed ninsio with their
usual skill, uud Dodge and Hiiynard enlivened
aud entertained tho crowd with, several comic
and pa'riutio songs. Tbe closing snug, sung by
Mr. Dodge, was written by liUn during thu pro.
grcss uf tlio exercises. It contained an account
of tlio ituitigs of tlie day, and was filled with al
lusions tn the performances and puns ou the
names of performers that caused great merri
ment. Wo think bis "mashinc" was pretty
well oiled for the ocoaion, for it "ground out"
near a yard of burinonious jingle iu about two
The Fire-works entertained tho crowd for nn
hour in the evening, nnd the Sitnilury Bull
given by tlio Salem Light Artillery afforded
quite n hirge number pli-usure during the night.
. Tin, most otdeotioimblo feature in the whule
affair, and one that tins been often commented
upon before, was llie refusal of a large number
uf those present to join iu the procession. Tho
military companies, a few societies, uud a lim
ited number of the most respectable citizens,
joined iu the. prooessiun nnd followed tho di
rections of the Marshals, while a largo "demor
aliied," nnroly crowd rushed along on either
side, raising the dust nnd obstructing the pro
grei'S uud destroying the order of the procession.
We think if our people would study propriety,
and havo some cure for the feelings ami com
fort of others, ns well as a mere desire lo gratify
their own curio.-ily, they would pursue a differ
ent course.
(jTThe Willamette Uupti't Association held
its annual session at West Union Church, on
Tualatin riaius, lat month. The following res
olutions wero adopted unanimously by the Asso
ciation :
Whereas, our beloved country is still desolated
hy war, and sorely troubled by the rebellions,
and need tho sympathies and prayers uf all
Clirialiaus uf whatever name, therefore :
It Ireil, that as Christians, wo desire thus
publicly to record;
)it. Our gratitude to God, for his favor shown
in lb victories of nur armies, in the reduction of
the area of tiie rebellion, ill tha enlargement of
tha border of freedom, and in the prevention of
foreign intervention.
Ul. Our sympathies wiih the authorities of our
government in their efforts to suppress rebellion,
aud with all who have gonu forth tu battlu fur our
3d. (W firm trust in God for the final triumph
uf right, the establishment and perpetuity ot our
iinliuti, and tho destruction of oppression in all
the land.
4th Our humble prayer that divine guidance
may be vouchsafed lo our rulers; and that all our
trnublos and afflictions may result iu the purifica
tion of the nation and glory of tied.
8i mmf.ii Wot sr. ox Clatsop Bkacii. This
duliglitlui watering place is situated near Tilla
mook Head, about fifteen miles south from the
mouth of the Columbia river, is easy of access,
passengers being conveyed from Astoria in safe
and comfortable plungers to Skipanon. where
there are two good hotel, ami where they will
find gejud carriages In convey thorn over a beauti
ful country to th Summer House, for 9 1 each
way. ,'1'lns celebrated watering place possesses
mure attractions for invalids and pleaslire-eeekera.
than any other ou the i'acilic coast. The house
is situated only a short distance from the ocean,
Eossessiug a fine beach, and tine chances of sea
athing The grovea nnd surroundings are nn
snrpassed. and the rliiiMta salubrious. Few sick
have ever visited this place without immediately
being bviwlitod. The hotel ia kept as well us any
in Ilia Suite: its table excelling in variety and
cooking. F.Ik, bear, deer and small game abound.
Fresh tish of every kind, salmon and mountain
trout, taken fresh from a trap as wanted for the
table. Crabs, eltins and other shell rih abound
on the beach. A magnificent mountain stream
runs right by the house, where lovers of tho de
lightful sport of angling, can enjoy themselves to
Iheir heart's content llerriesof all kinds abound
ou the premise. No one will have cause to re
gret ever visiting this delightful place. Orrgtm-
F.astkrn Mail rRM Wai.i. Walla.
The first stage fiotn Walla Walla for Salt Lake
started nn the 1st instant, with the expectation
of making the trip through in ten days, aud
t brooch tu Atchison in twenty days. The pos
tage from Wall Wa la lo Atchison I expeoted
to be about (130. Ortgonian.
urThe Senate has passed bill grantinai the veto
power loths Ikiverawrel vVaxkiuutoa Territory, with
the usnal proviso that manty nf Ism thirds ol both
bramhea of tha Legtdjture shall override the veto.
Swh Power. f"r eon reisoo. hu hitherto been with
held Ot? cmisia.
To the Ladiks. The ladie of Salem and
Marion oounty, who feel an interest in the san
itary canse, are requested to niejt at tha resi
dences, ol Mr. J. G Wilson, in Salem, on
Tuesday afternoon, July I'dtb. at 3 oclock. for
the purpose of arranging for a State Sanitary
Fair, to b held at tbe Fair ground tha com
ing fall.
DotiM-itlr lli'iiisi.
.... P. S. Knight has resigned the nfficn nf fitntn
Librarian, and 1. L. Willis has been appointed
tn fill tho fill thu vacancy.
....The people at tbn Dalles havo subscribed
tnoru than f',illll) toward fitting out tho Canyon
City road guard.
Tn Portland, Juno 11, a little girl, seven
years of ago, daughter of A. ftosenhniui, wns bad
lv kicked by a borne standing near tho sidewalk.
Tho bursa struck the child full in the faeo with
both hind feet. F.vnu if alio lives, tho little girl
will hodih'gura.l for lifu.
Efforts are being msde to raise money to
construct, a bridge across the Willamette at Cur
vnllis. The move seems to he a popular tine, and
so far has met willt fair success. Home propose
to givo as much as three hundred, and nu one
less than one hundred dullurs Gazette.
The Oregon Btoam Navigation Company
has declared a dividend of two per cent, on tho
capital stock, payable on the loth of July.
....The Urtgonian says that K. F. Wilson has
boon appointed enrolling officer, In place of J. W.
Drew, resigned.
HAI.EM Elf.cted. 8alem has been chosen by
the people of Oregon to ho the Capital of the
Htate by a majority of 79 votos over all other pla
ces. We are glad to sue the question settled.
....Mr. Kalloch, proprietor of the new enter
prise of obtaining salt from the salt springs be
low this city, showed us samples uf tha product
yesterday, which appear pretty good. Ho
has christened the new establishment Willamette
Salt Works, and when he has thoroughly com
menced operations, will bo ablo to manufacture
from two three tons daily. The springs have been
enlarged, and deepened to about thirty-five feet,
and have at present a How uf about 1 tj .000 gal
lons daily. Urrgoninn.
.... Edward Coliuacho hits been -commissioned
Assistant Surgooit in tho Oregou cavalry.
Received from Salem Light Battery, on ac
count of Haoitory Coiimiisaiou, SJIIUU 25 lu coin,
and $0,5 In legal tenders, being proceeds of ball
on 4tb iliac. J. 11. MOOUES,
Tress, Marion Co. Uan. Aid Society.
....A son of Jacob Censor, of Marion county,
was thrown from a wagon in which lie was rid
ing, nn the road between Jeftursnn and Albany,
on Wednosday last, and severely bruised and cut
about tho head and face. Tho horses altaclicd tn
the wagon hocatuo frightened and run until they
camo in collision with a tree by the road side,
smashing the wagon to pieces and throwing young
Conner tu tho ground. Wliun found he was quite
insensible. Journal.
....We learn that Mr. Jos, Watt intends build
ing an oil mill at Salem this year, the work on the
samu tu be commenced soon, Mr. Watt says the
greatest drawback to the ruiini nsr- nf an oil mill
will bo the difficulty in procuring flax seed, the
farmers generally not showing n disposition to
engage in tlio raising of that article He himself
has twelvo acres of Hax growing, which prumiscs
ait auuuuani yiciu.
..The Origanum says tlint on last Tuesday a skiff
containing t,vu men went over the falls and rapids
at the Cascades. One of the men, "Happy Jack,''
wns drowned, and tbe other, named Bruwn.passed
Iho entire rauids, and was picked up a mile bo.
low. This is the second lime Brown has .made
that trip.
The young ladies' academy, in this town.
tautrht by the "bisters or Charity, Had an exam
iuatiou during two days last week. A tasteful
navillion wns erected near the school house, un
der which the exercises wore hold, in the presence
of a largo concourse uf people. The exhibition
showed -creditable advancement on tho part of the
scholars, and proved the capacity and disposition
ot tho teachers to keep a first class school.
....Edward Tichenur, charged with cutting
timber on guvcruineiit lands, wus tried last week
it I ortland, beturo Judge ilendy, of tlio U. ,
District Court. On the lirst trial tho jury failed
tongroe. A now jury was immediately summoned
and another trial had. Ho was found guilty.and
the jury nssnsscd tho value uf Iho lumber he bad
cut at t),,Ai.
Forsythe, Patterson & Co., whose sawmill
in this ptaco burned down, snmc weeks since, are
erecting a new uiuiuiug ou the rums ot the old,
ami expect to bo ready tor sawing lumber in
short time.
Mr. Samuel Simmons, of Howell
this county, was kicked on tho lower jaw by n
horse, one day last week, whilst gearing the ani
mal, receiving a severo nnd dangerous wound.
..Some citizens of Washington Territory, as
wo learn from the Standard, nru making utforts to
raise money for tbe establishment of a woolen
factory, nt some eligible point on Puget Sound.
Thu capital stock ia to bo $:iU,0UI, of which f 10,
000 have alrondy been subscribed.
....The corner-stone of the new building for
Willamette University, in this city, will be laid,
with appropriate ceremonies, on the 20th of this
nioulli. An address will bo delivered, by Gov.
Uibbe, on the Oceanian.
The treasure carried toin Francisco from
our northern mines, by the Pacific, last Tuesday,
was a li t to over $310,000.
Dodge and liny ward gave their fsrcwrll
concertsin Salem, on the evening of the 4 1 ll. it
is almost snperlluous for us to add anything to
what has already benaid in tboir praise Wu
hope their trip to Oregon has been pleasant ti
them, as their entertainments were refreshing and
satisfactory to all who attended them. When we
have been aeked which of the two we considered
best, wo have answered that bulb aro perfect iu
their departments, but must bo taken together tu
innku a perfect feanti Hayward, with his vigor
ous expression, plain pronunciation and dp. ear
nest pathos; nnd Dodge, with his perfect mint
iery nnd telling witticisms, t-ulh free from any
thing low or vulgar, make an entertainment that
has been seliloni equalled and never excelled.
The Church v. here I hey song ou Mondny evening
was packed full, and several hundred wore turned
away for want of room. They started south on
the morning of iho 5lh, and intend going east by
the overland route. May iheir fame never grow
less, and may tho glorious Fourth I hey spent in
Salem remain loug as a green spot iu their luein
orie.a. ....We understand Ben. Itlanton, who was
bound over for selling liquor to Indians, was
cleared. Stout, of Portland, was his attorney,
and was assisted by nigger Jack, a nne legged
contraband of Salem. Stout appeared iu Court,
while Jack worked upon llie Indian witnesses,
probably wiih some uf Blaulon's peach brandy.
The consequence was when the witnesses camo
into court llicy knew nothing about the transac
tion. We have not been iuforindd w hich was en
titled to thu most credit fnr managing the affair,
Jack or the other man.
Tub Fhkeiimbn's Kkukk Assuciatkis.
Hon. Mr. Brnckett. Agent of this Association, ad
dressed a small audience at the M E. Church nn
Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. Some com
mittees were appointed, though but little interest
was manifested in the subject by our ciliiens. -
Indians in CtiitBt County. A correspond
ent in Curry County states that a number nf
Indian from lite Coast reservation have re
turned to thuirold haunts, and apprehends that
they will commit outrage on the white settlers.
We ho;e they will give lest trouble than is an
ticipated, and will be removed to the reserva
tion where they belong without deluy Strag
gling Indians aro a nuisance in any whilo set
tlement, and are especially so in a district to
sparsely populated a are Carry nnd adjoining
limts ATTOItUYS.
firjf Pietrirt For Prosecuting Attorney :
B. F. Dowell. C5I ; W. G. T'Vault, 050.
Djwell't majority, 1.
Strand Putrid Forjudge : R. E. Stratton,
1.511) ;S Llsworlh. 1 .03d. Strnttun' major -ll
v. 431 . For Frosecu'iug Attorney j J. F.
Watson, 1.48? t John Buruett, 1,13d. Wat
son' majority, 351.
Thir,C Viilricl For Judge t R. P. B oise,
S.6ti8 i Beu llayden, 914. Boise' majority,
1.754. For Prosecuting Attorney . R. Mallory,
2.744 1 U- C. CurL 1.603. Mallory' majority
fimrtaj Pietrict For Prosecuting Attorney:
E. W. Hudgkinsoo, 2.091 ; L. Wolff, 85.
Hodgkinson's majority, 1,231.
'ill )itrtc(-For Judge: J.Q.Wilson, 65tJ;
J. II. Slater. 1.357. Wiktati'a majority, ).
For Prosecuting Attorney! C. R. Meig. 1.653;
S. H. Gale, 1,377. Meip' majority, 27d.
Vm-r ron Stati Printer. H. L. Pittock,
9,42:1; Jamea O'Meara.8; D. W. Craig. 3;
A. Noltner, 24. Pittock, over all, 9 pi.
VoTS or Tillamook Co Henderson, 31;
Kelly, 3.
The richest specimen yet brought nut uf Sm,
tiniii Mniiiilnius Is now in Monies' store, ft
wns taken from one of the claims owned by la
"Union Gold ami Silver Mining Cmnpniie
mi the "White Hull" loud, by Mr, Fil.iiirorni.'i
It appears tn bo mure solid and crystulizcd llinn
that found" nearer llie siirl'ituc, white It hm very
littlti nf the "rotten" or "rusty" iippuarance nf
the first specimens. Nut luss htu one f0li!jl
tliu bulk of ill is. small rock is gold, according t
one estimntf. It nnw appears that the "Whu
Bull" lend Increase's hi richness ns it dusccmli
from the surface.
Immense wealth is destined to come from tit.
Siiiitinin Mountain j et, We notice tho or
gnniziilion of several new companies, but the
"Union" and "Sanliatn" having opened their
ends nnd taken not "tangible evidence" of
'heir rkdmess, are still tbu favorites, There
seems to bn no reason why others should not
prove equally us gmsl,
Wallamet University.
rpilK examination of the classes cinineeleil with ths
J. liistitutu will ciininieneu Monday, July kd
o'elock, a m,, uud eoniimie two and onu liull iluvi
f'iiiv.i,i- l..(..,.Hl ... : i. .., .
. .......... ,..,,,v,i .v nAMlooiu III UlliaSL'S on the
studios of the Term, and sulislV themselves us to the
,ri'ir,'teiii:.r nno i iinroiitfimoss or enetl pupil.. ,
T hureiLiv. ill iVlo,.( e h imMu...u,..t
81 o'clock, e.H., address to Iho graduate bv J. H
U. ..!,!. I,' O... II, P ,n ..
Aiiiiiiiilstnitiix INotlii'.
'TIHIJ undersigned tin si been duly appointed by th
X Probate Court uf .Marion county, Oregun, us Ad
ministratrix of the eslute of K. A. Woodside, deueuswl,
uue ui emu vuniuv una niaie. rioiiee is therelore
given to ull persons iiidolileifHo tho estate tu make
ftHVlnenft to llor. Hiui ull l,nr.n.,a tiuwl.... ..I..!...- ... :.. ..
r..v .... ,,.,,, ,,(, Kuit
said estate nre hereby rui)iiusld to present them lo
or, .,r pine 01 rvniueiiee two nines nortn-west
l,',. Kiti'apt.,,, i 1U....1.... 1.., .-..,!... ,
................ ...... ,u,.y, u,y uiDimiiueillAHl
aeeordnig lo low, wnliin six months from this ditto '
Vlni x of said Deceased.
Manna Ci., Ogu., July Wth, IHIvl, 4wltlpiiid
rpHE Stockholders of the OOI.I) CHKICK HI NINO
1 COMPANY will hold their lirst meeting ut Nulem,
Oregon, on Monday, slm I th duy of AiikusI tor
the purpuso of organising suid company according to
luw, electing directors to the saiiiu, ami transacting
such uiliur biisinuss as nmy appear expedient.
H.r Order of the Stockholders,
niiloin, Ogtv, July ll, tril4, 4wlll
A will meet at their ollko in Saletu, August 11th, IHM,
ut :l o'clui k, cm., for llie pin pose of electing a Uonrd'
uf Directors for said Cuiupaiiv.
, . W. K. KIOIIY, President.
('. It I'lSHKlt. Ser'y.
Salem, July 7th, 18ii4. 10j
at their office in Malum, August Mill, at. a o'clock,
p. at., latil, lortho purpose of electing a Hoard of Di
rectors fur said Conipuny.
W. K KIOIIY, President.
V. L Jt'isihii, Sec'y.
Sail-in, .1 illy 7th, IWif.
' 19td
A MEETING of the Stockholder or the LOVE
PANY will be held at their olHoo, id Sulem, on
Wednesday, the Huh day of August next, ut 1 o'clock
P. St., for the purpose ot electing Dire, 'tore us provided
by law, suit tier llie irwienetion of such other business,
is uiuy be deemed uecessury,
0. 1J. MAXSOX,
C. P. CltANDAI.I,,
'J,'d Coritorutnrs,
Wallamet University.
rpHK corner stone of the new llnivemlly building
I will be laid with appropriate oeroimjiuea on tlio
SiOth day of July, hist., ut !i o'clock, p. M.
An historical sketch of tho Institution win be read,
and an uddross will he delivered bv Gov. A. fl. Oibbs.
C'llE.sTliU N.TKKBY.
Secretary of Wullntnnl Uiiiverniiy.
Ralein, July 7ih, IHol. iiwllt
Bjt Hie Uomrmr of Ike State of Oregon .-
WHEHEA8, It Is provided hy law' that the Exeat
tiveol the Hlale ef Oregon, ahull pnwIniiB the
result of th election of Kcpresenrutiv to Ciaigress,
ami it appearing' upon the ciiiivimb of the vote given
lor that ollice, ut Iho election held in the said Stale, iui
the bth day nt June, lHU4r tliiis. James 11. U. lluuder
aon received die highest number ;
lie il therelore declared nnd proclaimed that Juaies
II. D. Heiiderson is elected the Heprceentulive of the
peorteof llie Stntoof Oregon to the thirty -ululh Con
gress of the United Slates.
Given under mv hand, ill Salem, this .lib day of
July, lnl. Hy the Governor i
Saucsi. E. Msr, Secretary of Suite.
Reaper mitl Mower.
lOHN Tt'STIN. potetilee, is pulling up I'nwit
el Hcapcri and Motreri al the Oregon Iron Works,
Portland, Oregon. K. K Jo.s'ES eV CO.
Jill V S, li. twl! .
for Sale.
ONI! ItEArKIl. Hnd un S horw Threshing Machine;
also, a epau of Mares and a spaa of Horses, aud
mi iron ax NS agou, three llowa.oue a breakiug Plow,
one Harrow, uud a Panning Mill. Por terms apply
to IIENKY WHKUUXM, rit. Iuis,
July 11, 'HI awl!) Marion Co., b'rench Prairie).
Douglas comity es. Daniel N. Cook in the County
Cuurl of Douglas cuauty, for the Suio of Oreuvu.
Onolier Term, lMi4.
'pu DANlELi N. COOK i In Ihetiauie of the Slate
A of Uregou, you are hereby eiinnuoned mid re
quired lo appeal iu wnl Conn, uu the lirsl day of the
Hclubui leiio, to win llie Ural Mondny, llie W due of
Oeiober, l,, m the Court lloiiselollie town of li'wtt
lung, in said county, and answer the eoinplaiut of
Douglas County, Planum", tiled against you in said
court, or the shuui will bu Ukeu for confessed and llie
plaiuulf uforceHld will luko jiulKiuelil against yon fur
waal uf nn answer, tor lues snui of oue iuuidred and
evenly two dollars and twenty eight coins, ifiriiitf)
together with coeta uud disbursements of this suit, to
boiaxcd. JAMKS E. WATitiN,
Hy order of the Court, All y for PI tlf.
li. L. Wu.LiAs,Cuuuly Clerk. liwlf
IN Salem, or vicinity, on the night of the llh of July,
n Saddle, Hi-idle uiel Hluuket. The liuder will be
rewarded by Ivuving the same at tbe nt'iltntm ollice.
July u, i-; i. awia ueo. u. nel-jON-
M'W nnd Fresh Goods.
U7K nre now in receipt of a VKItY LA ltd K and
well seU'ivd assortment ot everything in our hue,
embracing, LADIES' GHUDS of every ,fes"riaiuii,
in great vnrietv. We have also h Hue line of MEN S
SKirial department: up stairs.
b'ureuru aud Din -GOODS. GliOCKHIKS,
LANrJOUS GOODS uf all kinds, us usual; which we
ure utt'enng cheap for cash, or nuy kind of produce, at
the highest market mie.
J. II. ec I. K. MOOItKS.
Suleui, July Stb, IXl',1. 1J, ll.
Mieriir Sale.
NOTICE is hereby giveu that by virtue of a decree
of foreclosure and au execution issued tliereoa
by the clerk of the rirrnil court of ihealuteuf Ore
g,Mi, fnr tbu county uf Polk, said tu nre directed in
favor of J. li. V. Hiitleralid agmuel J. M. Harnes and
wife, for want of personal pn(crty to satiety the
same, I have levird upon end will pnweed to sell to
the highest bidder, lor rush itl-Jmiid, al tlie court
house door in Dallas, m said enmity, on SATL'UiiAY.
Hie l.tlli day of Aoesnt, a. li , l",li lielwuen the hours
uf 9 o'clock a a., eud 4 o'clock, p.m., uf said day, all
the right, title and interest of eaid dfcudauis of. in
and lo the t!lnwiiig riescrilied premise, to wit ; All
of lite sniitheissl ipiarter of aecliuli At in township 7 -,
r 4 w. Willamelle Mvildiau, being part uf N'auicotHHl
No. Dili, coutvuuing lislacivs, ue,re or lees. obl lo sal
isfv the abuve exe,-ulion, and ih-c mug cwts
- I. M. lit I, nhcria Polk Co.
Oallas, July 4, KA. 4wl
KherliT Sale.
M'OTU'E is hereby given that by virtne of is decree,
ll of forecbwiire ssat on exeei'stiim issued ttiereoa
by llie Uerk of the cin-nit court or the Slale of Or
gon. forth eHiutvof Polk, and tn me directed. m
fuvcsr of Asahel Bash and against Wa. Taylor, for
wsuit of personal -operty In satisfy tlie same, I have
levied upon aud will proceed to aell lo the highest bid
der, for cosh in band, at the court house door, iu Dal
las, in suid eomtty, on Saturday, the Huh day of Au
gust, A n., ISt4, between III hcHirs uf U o'clui'k, l;
and 4 o'clock, p. in , of said day, nil the right, title and
interest uf tlie said defendant of. in and to the follow
ing described premises, to wit i Kuown as the a i of
eecl'J,nd strip 6 ens wide from Ibe smith side of
llie a of avnd section i also tbe following tract
Beginning at tbe a e eurner of claim, j!' not. ao.
I,!'lj, Ihenee w 10 chs., thence) s TS.S4 tlisios. thcie"
e III chains, thence n 7i,a rbntus, emttalning W
aerea, more ,r lesei theabove deecritied traet beina;
iwrt of section IK. 13 and tit in I ? s, r 4 w of the
Willamette meridian i alau the fractional w J of
19 in I 7 a,r 4 w, and the u of sec i'4 iu 1 7 s. r 5 w,
in the count v uf Polk, and Male of Oregon, conlaia
ina JOli aci-s, mure or less, it being tlie land thusa
originally held by Daniel Chandler aud Marian Ann,
his wile, sold to aalisly said uecation. costs and ae
crningcosu. I. M. BCTLEB.
rHulas, July 4, . D. Il-twl9 Sheriff,