OREGON STATESMAN . , , )::-?' 'a' i"v Mi BOOK AND JOB PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. WE have lately received, DIRKCT FROM NEW YORK, per clipper ahip Curriiir Dovu, mid bark Aline., a new aud beautiful Gordon Job Power Press, The LATEST and M 'ST APPUOVEI) pattern, for tbe NEAT and RAPID exeoulluu of Jot) Pruiiiuif, . ..iuch a. , Curia, Proframmtt, Rill-Hradt, Cherkt, Draft, Way-Billt Rlankt, Lctier-Hendt, Receipt-Boak: Bill f Lading. o.,.Jr., and ean necasfully compe a. in stvle and prompt new, with aki orrici North of Sacramento, Ftit th .wilsfactury exeoiitlnn of BOOK Work, wa hare an Adams' Improved Power Press, the wt perfect and complete prett for book printing aver Invented, and In t Iris department we are wall applied with good niateriHl. We have also received an addition to our former lock of FAM'Y Tl'PK.W'h in Seripis, Mudisu ana. Texts, etc., and in the line of I'lROULA U-i, 'At Home," Wedding and VltUUng Cards, can iticcesafully compete witlt any office on the coat. ORNAMENTAL PRINTING. Our stork of FANCY INKS hue been iiicreueed.and by the addition of a cmul assortment ot Plum nnd Ornamented L'nida, we are prepared to give en tire Mtixlauliou. Otir Mock of Cards oiuhraoea Silver Bordered Flench Euamele.il, and Embotml, , rvcaavig ami Yituttiv, iwimtnnlnt l:m boated, and i lain Colored, oj many new and beautiful detiunt. We defy competition in the Slate for neat und tasteful UKCOKAT1V E PHI NTINO, and having been Awarded tbe 1st Premium at the State Fain SlL Hn'-' ,Su"'. "' make this assertion without fear of auccessful contradiction. PRINTING FOR MINING COMPANIES With other material, we have procured Elertrolvpcd nates, uoracre. aiming ma, lint works ate., mid ean nil orrlere tor Uerlitlcutes plum or colored He Ceipls und Cuecka, promptly. BP" Ordert for Biniiiii, can be filed by tu. . Onr Drier are AS LOW at run lie obtained in th State, and we guarantee ratisfnciioti with every order or NO HAY. Orders solicited. L7 Spefin.etie of work, Plain and Ortiuuieiiul.caii be teen at the olflee. OREOOX PBIXTIXG Si riBLISIIIXO CO. ' Address. Htatkihah OIHce, Sulcm. I'A I TEH . Practical Printers, and Dealerrln Type,Presset, Printing Material), Ink, Paper, Carde, Ate., SIO Clay St.. aliove Sunnnine, i.l.rAiT , . SAN FRANCISCO. J. M. PAIMTKR T. P.fAiTk) Offices fitted nut wllhdispatch. lit Kendall's Amboline. It ft Stimulating, Oily Extract of Harks and Ilerba. It will cure all dis eaeei of the aralp and itch THE GREAT U EQUALED PRtFARATIOK ' roa RESTORING, INVIGORAT ING, BEAUTIFYING, 1,8 DrMatlnc ''tat HAIR! ing of the head, entirely eriidicatea the dandruff and ii event! the hair from fall ttir ont, or from turning premaiuiely gray, causing it to gr w thick and long It i entirely different from all other preparation!, and be relied on. Put np In hoxet containing, wo bottles price, II. Bold hv all Dnii-gl.ts. Ht'STtTTER, SMITH At DEAN, Audita, Ko 401 Buttery at., corner of (,'lnv, Knu Fruneisco. SMITH A. ItAVIs, ' JlMIK A-CALKF, W. WEATIIIikrOKD, tf Portland. , Sheriff 8nl4 NOTICE fs hrelty filveti, tlm', by virtue o' He ireitf lorciuetut m the tn of Knltert Hhii'i V. E. W. Chi1iiI mid wife, und mi exucutiuii ir-bot-il thereon 1 huv levied iifMiii mid will pnHtirii tdft'll to thu hijhvl hhlder, fur i-hpjIi in I mini, ut the ( ntirt Htnioe dour In ltinliurtf, DiiuaiInb toitiuy, Oifyon. on htttuidav the 'M Ihv or AIlv . a d., hetweun the hotin of 'J uVliH'ki AM, him! 4 oYlork, P.M . ot mid day, hII the Httht, till mtd liilnrcrt of tutid de feudal it n, in Mild tu the folloH iiiLf dt'Kcrihed remiri, tu-wtl t All tlmt piei-e or imrrel of Ittnd, Wmi the whole ot thut (Kirlion of the boiiHtitm Cluitn oi Hohert l'l)itin, l) inK north of the 8oti li UiiiMtw river, hi iwctiniiii Iti Miid 'M ot tiw ttvhip 'JA i, of r 6 w.Hiid in iwtiohe i Hitd 4 of towtmhiu VU i of r H w, hh known Miid de H'Hhed in the tdHimtid rfcordi of ihe United Silii iirveye.toffeiher with ull the MiituienHiicee ttierviiirtu veioiiuiuu, ut b ol i to NUialy eutd ext'cutinii, pttmt l : ... llllti'L- l Id UiieuhiirK, Miiy 30lh, tKHl. s 14 SMITH & CARTWhlGHT, dUt'CLS ul(S to UMlKL bUi ril U ( (J.. Salem O Urt-HOii, bt-K lunu lo iulonu llie uhltv thai we ve Miid are receivititf m LAkt.U und tt KLL KK LEt-TKU flock of yehurul luuruhuuuide. wliiuh urn u lored ut rwluced priest, ll nUSIIVESS CAItDS. A LI .EN & LEWIS. Imnnrformnd Wlinlt. 1 V aide dealers in Groceries. i)ry Oooila. Clothing, mi iiuoip anil nnoea. Alao, anitvii Cilualnuietila ol Orea-on produce, for the San Francisco market. on trliicli liberal advanttra will be made Persona shipping goods front the EitaternStateato our care, can rely itpoatlteir recetvlii): rompt attcn tion.at inoderat eharites. Odice in Sun e'nmnn'o, lo .tausoH.e street. 4Ktf sHUESTEIt N. TEUUY. Attornev uml f:o..i J selor at Luw, Salem, Oregon. Commiaaioiier of Ueeiis. and to takeieatimunv.ncknowledgeiiieuis.aie. for lovva. ludiuua, Missouri, Michigan, (Jaliinmia aud Waabingtou Toil Hurl, lA'lleiaol Attorney, and all otlier insirauenisof writing, drawn ou short notice Particular attention paid to Inking Depositions, Col lection of Notes, Accounts. Ac. 'Hit JO, POWELL, Attorney ut law, Alhanv. Linn I o., Oregon titties iu Aiouteitb's Uuil'diug. Will practice in all the courtain iregon,and proniptVv at tend to all huaiuees entmsted to his care. Particular attention paid to oollectiuiis from Portland, 8nn Fran cisco aud elsewhere, iu all parte of Orcgou. Thebest of reference given if desired. 4tf W. tt M. It. COX. Wholeaal,. nnd ltt lnil e Druggists, Dealers ill Foreign and Domestic Drugs, Pateiit Medicines, Perfumery, Fuller Soups, Hair BrnslBss.hne Toilet Articles, I'beinienla, Drug gist's abuswara.sV-c. Also, large quantity of con oeulrated extracts of Plunla of the punal quality Coinoiercial St.. Malein, On-giui. Ij'tf ad isos c fliaea. W. LAIN Htl.l.. GlUU.-i iL HILL. Allnrni ri mid t'.uiiiselora at Law. Will give prompt atletiiion to all pro fessinnal business eutriiaied to iheiu Ollice on Kroul street, oppneit the Deunisou House, Porihiud. Oie bV. Mi'-af J. R. NITCHKLL. jus S IMILPH. Noturv Public. MITCHELL f DOI.PH, Attorneys nntl Counaelorsal Law, ,ieitore in Chatirery. and Proctors in Admiralty. tlUlte over Post OINi-e.'Frout street. PiMilaud. taitaf HKMti LAW. Ciiiiiiiiiasion Mereliant. and Importer ntat Dealer in Wagon Halenal. Hubs. titak. Felloes. Nhatls. lihkorv Axles. &t on baoil ill lots loanit. Flonr aud Feed uf all kmda. sum Si Front street, Portland aud M alrvet, I alls. tJH . T.OATnX. C O CI RL, piATON It CURL. Attorntya nt I.nw, will vy praeuos iu tne conns ot tut. Nate, tllll.niu Oi ls wold's linck, over It 1 1 It ltrown'a store. Saleui. Ogu Nuteiuber. 3il, IHtrj. J.S j. c cartwrioht. o i etLLiaosaT" CARTWKIUHT it HELLINtiEo. At Mr nersM Law, Salem, Orryou. Olllce in Mmiree' Brick fjiiiloing. obof WILLIAMS It MALLOKV. Atmriirv at f T Ijiw. Odtca ia Wileuu'a buildiug, Salen, Or egou. i Juna.S, I4if FO. McCOW'N. Allofiier and Ciinell.w ut s L. Offir with Dr. W. B llagert. Wacunda, Harisa eoeinljr, Oregon. Pit tittle address, Bel i. r. C. JOHN HON, Attnrm-r and Connselor U , il Law, Oregon City. Oregon Will attend lo all business utrusted to his cure. Culleclioue made nd promptly siUs4. lyiff DRrjOlcATEE7rii)ii c-tnii mid SUK OEOM. offera Ida proteaeioioil services to Ihaeit Imum of 8u!em and Titiuitr. Ottlce in Myers' build tier, onwsite Kenrooa. ifft B K.' HON HAM. Atii.niry' hi Lw. La s Grand. Hokeriwrale. Oiwmi Sif Vd iSi'A aVilDEI.L., Vt. uibcsiil Law, Dalles, W aseo eonutv, tli-egou. g"ll DiU H. K FIiKE. I'hrii-Nin mid Siireiim. UeUsj at jtMsdWHM, 4 4tWfi.wuU.s sV',' fids. ra a MiorllPs Half. VTOTICE is lierohy Kiven tlmt, bv virtue of a ile X y erne of fowloaure In the case of Win. Clnrk o. M. It llm k and hninnit llnr1 und an exeuitiiou isaned thereon. I have levied upon and w ill proceed to sell to the liiubeat bidilei, for cash in hand, at tlie Court IIoiihii dour, In Diillna, Polk countv, Onyon.on Sulnr duy the Mth dav of dune. A. 1.' IHlil, between the hours of 1) o'clock A. H .und 4 o'clock t M , of sutd day, all the right, title, and Inteival of mid defendimts in and to the fallowing deaerihed preiniaea, to wit i Lying in the counties of Polk and .Yamhill, and Slate' of Oregon, and hounded aa follows, to, wit :tilii"ihe Kuat by the laud cluiin of K T. Stone i on the South by the htud cluiiue of Jxlin ICades and IIi-o'IIiIImiV" i on the Woat by O. VV. Worden'a anilAliiNHoinVViog'a laud claims, and on the'Noi-th hv snid Winif'a land claim being the donation laud claim of M. It. ilitrk, In t fi s, r b w, Willamette meridian, in auctions two, three, ten and eleven of said tovviiHliip,e.otitHioiug VM acres, more or loss, to buaold tu sutiafy anid execution, costs and tiremiug- costs. I. At. HUTl.KU. 4wli hheriir. NEW AND FRESH STOCK OF SPUING AND SUMMER GOODS, M1UK tnidumitafited hits j itHt rutui-ned fromilie City of X Han PmiH'tHcn with tt Ihi;u mid vat it'll Htock ot FANCY und STAl'LK DHY y.UI, uuiublt for Hie peiuiou, which cuiuiniB, in pan, of Ladles9 Dress Goods, CIohVh, nmntilhtA, hIimwIb, cormits. hoop skirtn. ho mery, druiw triiiitninH, imrumillH, nliMkerit, tiiirinuMi hitU, honnt'iH, huiinel una cup ri..imii, hulttt und rib bon, t'liiuin duuiiifk und iu hiiim, eHrtel und stmw nmttiiiK, mi 1 a tfroitt vuriety of gootln too luuiit'i'oue to mention. (lotlilnir and Furiilshlnir Uoods. CoiiriidLs in (niitot ftinrv it ud )Ihiii uiifHiiiiere utiitrt. lHin-y hum umin t'Hcviuieiu (uduk, oht iinu piiniH, uoytt linn, linen honor n Miiiitt, rruiten nunuul tiHVthtii: Hhirts, ovuiHliirtH, druwtjiu, nnduiitliii'iii, Hockn, nei'K liuk n, pockut hdkfn, nock tii'i, snflponduiii, liunki, vu lines und CHi'pet huge. Hats and Caps. Rim It, brown, drub and peurl cuniiiiiiero Intli.itrtiw. h'liorn und pntiu K-ut liutH, for mun, liuyn und chil- arc ii, Boots and Shoes, Lwdiea' glove kid guitvi-B, Iridic' hltu-k und colored cloth, cong, uultni,lH' Il-b kid, yottt and t-nlf I'ulunt ml fthofi, iiiimten, children nod inttinf Blinteut' nil norli and qimliticfi, nien'a culf drt'iw, wnlking und riding boots, ooyi , y out n e hho cniniren uoon huh niioee. Wood and Willow Ware. Fancy, work, market and knife baskets, children'a willow wugoua and g'a, wash tubs, waalt hourda. tiroonis, acnihbiuu unit blacking tituahes vluthei pttie, music boxes, uccordeons and work boxes. Hardware. Kuila, axea, hamtuurs, imivhets, gimlets, tllea, fenc ing nails, lacks, tuaiiiire tnd pitchlorks, gsr. en hoe, rakes shovels, scythes and snathes, r pe, powder, smoothing irons, coifce mills, shot, lead, percussion caps, oto., atu. Bheep shears, padlocks, currycombs, brushes. 4c c Groceries. Sugar, coffee, tea, pepper, spice, uindntd. cinnamon. niuuieus, eaaiiie aim oiowu stmp, loueoig. iiyaioin, lobsters, atut'cll, tieliper aauce, svruii, rice, ulioeohite, aulerutua, cteaiu lunar, baking soda yenat powduta. washing soda, touuecu, nmtcties auu ttmizenu. Crockery and Glassware. Cnpa nnd saucers, plntea, bowls bitsiua nnd pitchers sugar-bowls butter dishes, vegeuthle and steak dish es, mugs, llower vases, tump cutinneys, luiuoiere, travs. waiters, luoktng glasava. dec. cVc' I will aell all toy gouda at such pi-ices as will defy couitietiiiun. anil take, in exchange, ull kind ot PAK.il PRODUCE, and puy the HIUHEnT MAIiKET i'ttit;r.n. DOME ONE, COMB ALL: And judge for yourself. I nae no van for Cool tHl is much cheaper, anil I oo not mow auy,ior mountain breeze is strong enough lor comtort. A Word lo II: 1 Wl Is Kufllrlt'iit F. LEVY, Opposite the Woolen Mill, North Salem, Ogn. Salem, Pirn, April 4tb, l"lil. Hmft Hodge $r Calefy PORTLAND. OREGON, de.aler$ in Drugs, Mi-tlicincs, Puints, Oils and Glass, . Whites Lead, Varnishes, Brushes, Puintt'iV Mateiinls, c. ALSO Kurohi iK- Oil mid Lumps, -OFFER FOR SALE Liiisei'd Oil, Mils, am! cast's. Lard Kerosene " " Midline " 'runners' " " White Lt'iuli lii'gs ami puils. Turpentine, Puinteis' Block, Window Glass, -AXD A STOCK OF- DRUGS AND EIEDIC1KES I' iisui passed in the Mate, in Extent, vuriety and Completeness. IIODOE CALEF, 07 Front itreet, Portland. I7tf fuMI Odd I'rllowtt ltiirnl ''iiifl'i'j' SALEM. UllECJUX. rillSE who have ivlutives or friends interred in I this Cemetery are requested to furnish to either ot lite utuleisiguett as s.kiii its pruetliaioe toe loinnv iug infonuation, via t Name age, sex, rdor, married or single, place of birth, of what family, number ol days lib died when, whri. and cause t buried, when and by whom, ill object of the loiegoing iliqiliriei tslorttte puiitose ot rwgislialion tu is book ahvaily prtH-tireu lor that purpose. I. II. HOOIIES.) C. N. riiliUY, Tru.lres. S. E, MAY, Salem, Jnnmvrr U, IStH. 4titf HI 1.10 Tt UHB (111', nUK Cohuutiia Hiver Itiatd. leading 1 from Portland. Is available for tbe , of KTtll'K Ihnuioh lo Dalles t il Lstluirers are constantly engaged in in. proving tlie oral parts of llui naol A O'lHl) K K It K V OX DOO IUVI.lt and one on 8 -ndy Kiver. Italas of Tall i Earh Horn, Mule or Jnck SO cent " Man afl " " Head of Cant over one year old., .'al " " Sheep Ifl " Tickets sold ai lb Ferries. Nil KXTKA CIIAItflK Ft lit KKUKt INO. A ticket at the above prices is lb only charge on lb Itiwdmaite by the t onipsnv. JOt-.L. HAI.tlr.lt: President. ' I'uliiiubia Kiver Ittatd t'omiiany. J.J.HorrMAX, cWy. JOHN F. .MII.Li.K, JII1.L PAMl.lt, A. t. (ill! IIS. March i, lMt Itf Dlrednrs. 1 . it ire San Francisco, , j si. a. atianki.i., Cal. ( Portland, tiregon. ICnupps lliirrcll .V Co., CiF.NKHAL COMMISNItiN MtHCII ANTS, and I Importers and Desiler in Agrirul nnil Intpl nieuts, (tardea and Field Orass Seetle, Fnatt street. Portland. Orrgen. will give special aileuiioii lo lb sal of Fruit a"2 ProHuc on consigumetit, nlling or ders, ate, either in lVrtlaud or San Francisco, and tranaaet a genend cmninissHtn bnainea. i conic in Han Fmiicisro VIII Washington . -larch I. I vol! -Ml BENJ. STRANG, PARLOR ANd'cOOK STOVES or KTKHY rATTKB.X, Keep constantljr on hand, and Manufactures to order, Tin, Sheet Iron, and Copper Ware, ' , , ,0 iwnabla terms. " . MKTAL ROOKING, and JOUUINU of ail kinda protuptlv attended to. , - Sr.-p""' Ct r -. rc .T etsvUuaa.O.xvoa.r -nhki Itirliitids A .1I( iiikon. I FonnirdiiHj ami. Commlmtm MarhanlA . .a,..M ,.. . I Oregon Flour, fruit, Bacon, Lard,! tilt.tlrV, iiu- , ,. I IMG, CEMENT and PLA8TKK received by every I J-ailing vraael, I ! tf Will iitteml to. the putcliitae ami shipment of i Mrl'cl.Hmiiao of every description in the riiialoru mill Siiu'l,'iniiciHio'uuirke'lB. Albo lo I'onvuidnig goinla in San I' riiiicicn unit I'.irtliii il. Tlicl clcbriilnl Jliuuiy Rrnprr nnd Mnwrr. d Agricultural Implements ot every description fur- niahed for rush at Suit Francisco cost und transporta tion. o will also attend In the sale of Oregon Produce In Yietotiii, buviug ertaldialied a house in thut place uiiilerthe luunugeuieiitof Mr 1). Fink, a gentleman of eight years' experience in the trade in Sim Francisco, outlet flil-u.i m:.-. Commercial Wharf, J'oilland, JAMES D.UKTIAKDS, a? pucrainento street, Sun Francisco. 62f AVAlt HCHIP. I'lllCnndcrsigiied will purchase Oregon nnd Wash ingtoii War Claims, Suspended Claims. Outlawed Di-u'ls. 4t,c, and will take vlaima for collictt.rii on reiiaomihle terms. CATO.S & CtJItL. aletll. Ogn., AirlH,RfvT inr H. SMITH. UR" H.CHSXCi Hinitli v Cliuikou, SuikIchI nnd Mecliiinlcitl DENTISTS,' '"' rtOMMKKCIAI. street- Siilctn. have removed their ..ill,.. (... Htuie alreet lo Oriswold's brick, and tire nuw inserting artilicial teeih in ai y and ull of the late improved slvles. incluillng Mllcuiitio. i,oraiiie, Amber hnae. Iti-'., us well as gold, using no rhiapa whatever, lltoae deatroyers of the iiulurul teeth being uttcrlv diactirded in their practice. I'ui'iii-nliii- oiieniiou uiveii lo diseases of the gums mid iuws ; ulao, lo the regnlutioii of eliildreu's teeth. Teeth inserted from one tomb to full set. LVAII opemlions wiirrunted. tyi- (Sltt'l ill ' Suit. VfOTK'K ia hereby given that by virtun of a derreo ; of forecluauie, in the ease of lletirv Hill v. E U. Hill, AfliuhiistrnUir or the estate of J. M. Hill, de ceased, anil an execution issued thereon, for want of pei-so..ul property to aiitiafy the same 1 have levied upon uml will proceed to sell to the highest bidder, lor curb iu huild.ut the Court House door, in Dallas, Polk coiuilv, Oregon, on -aturduy the &th dav of June. A. 0. I Not, between the hour's of V o'clock a. M . and 4 o'clock p. M . of said day, all tbe riglll, title, and inter eat id the said deleutlau'l in and Pi the lollowing de aeiihed ni-Hiniaus. lo will beuiniliuu 17. ti chains B. Ulld liAi chuiiis n of the n e corner of eectioii IU. in tS s r4 w, Wtllumclte nieridiuii. thence a M,J cliuuia, thence w KMU chuina. thence it UU.KU chains, thence w 3-1,04 chains, thence n U7,bH chuiiis, thence a 41,111 cluiliis. to the placeol liealliliiug, eoinaining mo ucres. more or less. Also all those certain lots uf land shu nts in the f wn of Independence, Polk county. Ore gon, described as follows, to wilt lots I uml 'i, in block No. i:. bit by I feet, each. Also lots No 1 and 8, in block No. (Hi nine, ua the same are laid down and numbered on the lown libit of satd lowu of ludepen ileucu. logether with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging, to be sold to satiety said exeeuiinn, coals and accruing ct sts. i. ji. i ur.vx. 4isi - dir. NKWtUODSl NEW WOODS 1 hEATH, DEAREORN & CO. 4 UK now receiving und opening h very large stock ut new uml uesimnle LADI1CH' DltKS.S GSOOD.S hnllies, Orleuns cloths, Silk Ileus, Debuges, Figured " " Poplins Herages, Ottoman 14 Illack Silas, Deluilies. Alnucua. Fancy ,l All wool delaines, Merinos, lix silk Piil'tn. ALL of the luteat and newest Spring style. FA.vt v ai I'i'KJihiina onsj. .Mantillas, Vfitils. Kinhroidery, Clonks, Oloves, Ittlifutiis. Shawls, C'rnvats, Artificials, Huts, Collars, - Hosiery, THOMPSON'S HOOPS. STAPLE DRY C00DS. SnrHifiitt Print, Penuiti, Itiown Mnslin, Mui'inimc " Hickorv stripes. 11 d Kreiicli " Ticks " it Hr'u nlie'g Uuieimeres rnl metis. 1 vveeos. BOOTS AND SHOES. Mli9 and cliildV calf nnd kid Hitlinoruls, do do do do (Inner., do do do . do Siloed, Ladies en If nnd kid giiitem, " HKMor'd colors lml'iii nilers, " kid nnd enihrnideiud Hiierg, ' culf, kid cloth nnd emtmelfd Shnrs, Oenls Hue calf ('PitihI utid r.evvfd HootH, " liiniintf nt id calf pegirtd and sewed On iters, -Mi-n's kip und oil I' Ifroguns, HitvH kip nnd cnlf " Men's lieavv kip Uonls. CLOTHING: A splendid iiH:k of men ninl hoy's Sptinirnnd Snmtner m vU s of CiiMOinero Cloln, )oedkiii, Tweed, Linen, ileiins, (.'otioiiitde Conii, I'anlH mid Vests, Over. Ncifliuee. Under, While and Check iMiiris. Hlenclied nnd llrou n Drilling, iMcrmo uml Shaker Flannel, Ihitwers. SiK-kn, (thives, Ties, 8ufeiiders Wool and .Mn.w Uiiim, Nnvy Cantt, eic. MISCELLAWEOUS: Cbinti. (ihirtR, Queeimwure, M it rois, Linus Liiiiierns, lions, hietd. Nails, Axles, hirinv!St lhdt, ISliovcls, I Iocs, K liken, AxeH. liaiimtera, Hlielt U'dwaie, Wiinh hoards, Tulis, Unioins, I'uinti. Oils, Glaus, Viunirih, Tuipentine, Putty, -ynip, Hnuur, ( oitce, Httii)i, t 'hi idles, Tt'rt, ToIiikw, Piie. Matches, S.iloruinn, C rem in Tartar. Hphes, iVc, die.. Ate. All f which we will sell rhenpor than 1 any other niiiii" f r rush or pivdnct. whii li latter wo ill pay tile IrVHt nmrliHl price for. We take plemmnt in showinir kimhIs und eordiully invite all piirclinhem to give us a will. Salem. April 1 1, Ttf BROWN, MYERS & CO. ttUl.MASS BLOCK, SALEM, OREGON. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS I flllOl -Kllllfrt, PAIrn, 01 1, H, AiV. T AVE just received from Sun Kniucixco u lurjje I 1 siovk of Ontcericii, Pmviiii)ini. W 'nu's, Lit; ours, dec Ate, cottHistiiiir in part of the f'dlowinif t New Urleuim CoMipona lelaud rrmilied and pow dired stntars. East Boston and (lulden Svnip, Did Oovmiiiieiit Juva. Conia Uico and Kin ctitlVe, .lapan bhii'k aud Kiwu teas, rnstilu, chemical, toilet und tain ilv in in 1 iiihimautine, cnul oil and serui rnndlcs, (ileulii-lii, Kiui-Hitiml and I'nvee starch and Miii-iiu. Muhi'iitiH. hhIh. cream tartar and yeast Hiwileni, soda. miner, siunr, ami iiohih,. cmcKeis iveii cmii. toma toes, lohntors, pickles, spices, suui-es, nytert, houev, ciiiilL-ciionerys Acu. .Hitckerel, snliihitt, rodlinh. smok ed l-erring, l.ivrMMi and i'ariuau lrlund suit, misitm, eurniuts, cilnut iiii'l fertile ruuuitB, Hour, meal, lur iini, tapioca, mace, rice, hoiainv, pearl hurlrv AYc. Tie hunt bmiKls.of California w ines and liquors for lliedirul n. Fancy lapan gontls and Yankee not tuns, tobacco, Client's, and genuine uiuerHhauin pipes. t naksry. la-s ware, coil nil lamps, hintemt and tamp t'liiunieys hnniz and side Ump. COAL OIL. Wowl and willow ware, clthes, market and irav elinit hiiftkets, wash luhn, vvuh boards, doilies pins, puilrt. hriMims, sives, bowls and trays, lud cords, f,olhcn lines, twine, wickiiitf and hpe clothes, scrub, shoe, stove aud while wash bru-dies, shoe blacking. HARDWARE. Axes, wool sjovs, shovels spades, gnnlen hoes, nikes, ae handles, mop hindles, eotfee mills, cart ami round lieid lacks, uails, powder, shot, pm-kei ami bible cutlery. Paints, Oils, Glass, 4c While lead, red lend, veuilian red, Spanish whitltnr, pu'ty. linseed ml, lurd oil. sand paper, cmich, eiml, liirnilnn, dniimr and iliehic vuniinii, brown jitpttti, loriieuiine akobol, chnmie vellovv, elnviue Krveu, I'ans Kreeii, iioibr, sifinm, Vandyke, brown ulid Prussian blue, diamond tlries) miters, ulaiier's points, lamp black, paint briirthi'S, iold leaf. tkc. Tlie benl of Kreiit h window glais ot all siies. from 8 16 to 'dux 18. A icoml arMHtrtineol of ilventnlts. HaviUaf purehawed oitrioek or eaili in Hn Kran risco, we fell ct'iitiileni that we can sell ss luw as lit lowest tor rush or ready tuy. Call and examine vuulfd, hulter, euus, bacon, lard, aud all kinds of produce, lor wbivbwe will pav the hiuhrsl market prices lytiSJ UUOVV .V, .MVliiiJi Ac CO. Knlltr. In the rotintv Court of Marlou county, Oregon Woj. t tdlius and Elita Collins, Plsiittirts', rt. I'. S. Kno.'s lev and Itavid .tlct ally, Defendants Actiou lor Debt. rptl C 4 KINOLEY.oueof tbe above named de f fetidaniat Yon are hereby summoned to apaar III aatd court mi lb tlb d' y of July 101, aud answer the com, -taint Hied against yon iu lbs abovo emitted ran-, or pidgeiiH-ut will ! taken against yiat by said plainiiHs for ill smn ol Pair huudre.1 aud eevvui'y dol lar and fttty cents, togetlier w ith dicbiimuueut aud r.eis ol suit. . HH K Willi I' I'I HsAify. t order i f J. C Pissl.t., County Judge. May III, 184. 6wPi CITY BOOT AIVS B0S gxOXUJ. JOHN W. GILBERT BOOTS, SHOES, SHOE FINDINGS. fcAlHF.K. and every artlrr mnallr fiuind In well ragnlated aho stors. baa Jlsl KK. KIVED a large anriineui 01 i.ems ail. nip slut Mining It. vols i Hoys' Cnlf, Kip and Heavy Hoot: La.ltes Misses' aud Cbibltans' Duller and shns, all w ii HKST nianuficiure and of th LATEST si vie. Iloule and Shoe mad In order, ol tit beet material, and guaranteed to give satisfaction. if' KoliHjii.W. thill tt City llwl .-rl !, Ro-e ' tfe .-i t paat wlasc) jvt usb tat UW'Ke.Kr MMaM. dttis THE HIGH BRED TROTTING STALLION, cf W AJWAX LOO. ritlllS hiub hied trolling i win siiitui inr I zzZtlZl W1,rk ,,, ,,, ,;, Win. Stcllree. in .1 ion cniniy, V miles north ot Peoria, and on i'lniidny.,niuv unci Sntiiiiliiv ill tlie lul III ot Joloi Mewnit, one in lie Ninlll of Corvnllie, at Anv mare iiroving not iu foul can bo returned next seilNuo lice d clinign. Oooo puaiurnue furnished gratia, but acculenla and eaeatiea ut liak of owner. Care will be tuketl to pre vent eit her. Waterloo wm got by Henry, of New York, and was out of Nunev.hv Chanticleer, imported by Col, llav, of New York. ' Ile ia a beautiful dark hay, very lengthy, aud In general appearance bloodlike. For many years, Waterloo Hood ut the bend of the West ern I nrf ns a two mile trotter winning ull the purses and premiums wherever shown, in ont intlanct at Hrlott, H'i,rjutii. winning tlie J'rrmtiim in the III.OOD-. ISO ever the fomoiil Princeton, bred by J. M Cloy, of Ky Ile Hlao won tlie sH tF.P STAKE PREMIUM for Jbmditer Slalliant at the Uatijornta tsiate tatr at aocromenro it inm. ma hiat nppciirunce on the turf waa at the Illinois Stute f air at f reeport, In IM'J, wliure no won tne nocieiy a purse mid preiuium. trotting tbe "th and lust beat in U-.4-J. WM MclLUbiS, Agent. Peoria, Linn Co., April 1 1 , IHb i. .in' SAMtM.Omi.. Anril IS, 1864. This Is to cerllfv tlmt. I was, Iir I8.1.1. reiideiit of IfcH Krt h. III . I. il. 1'1-o.hhi tlm Ha IIS III IbO!. I WHS prertent nt the Mule Knir ot Illinont in I Kill, and ut tlie ruceniiove releired to. never saw oeiierir uiinii nmu wnsd-nehv W mei loo, and ho fairly won and wn paid the Society's pnruo nnd prLMiiiimi. .I , ii . i i i'i i . INSURANCE. Mut luc, Flva nnd Llib I 'IMIK nnderaignril are Agents in thla Slate for the A following Companies! MABI NE. CAUFOKNIA MUTUAL MAIilNE. FIRE. IIAItTFOHD HA1ITF0UD, CONN. PIIOKNIX CIIAHTKK OAK " CITY " " ODODIII'i: NEWYOItK. MKTH POUTAN NIAOMtA ll'i.MK " PAhK " AtiCTIC " PlIflKNIX " WASlll.NOTON " LIFE. IIQCITAHLE LIFK NEW Y"HK. CONNECTICUL MUllIAL, HAItTFilKD, Conn. There are no older, safer nr more reliable compa nies in the world lltitu thnrtc above mimed. We will insure nt the same ates thai can hoetlVcted through Sun Francisco agents, aud the California State Stump Tax is thus avoided. We cull the iilienlh.il of tlie community, particularly married, to the adyaiitugeaof Lite Insurance. I'i" Call and get il pamphlet liellf K1CHAUD8& McCHAKKN. HTJMISTON, WILSON &. CO., DIPOKTKIU AND WMOl.liiAI.K DKAl.EltS IS Fine Brandies, Wines and Liquors, Fire I'i-..! Hi-irk Muni-, Kiuiii Mrt-il, eoruei uf Onh . PoiIIuimI We lake pleusure in uimonncing to our old pal nmu und (lie uuhlic ot Oregon and Wnali nnioii Territory, thai after two year' bmi nefK, we have eslnbludied u tnnle and ltu-ili lien for hiiiiortini; in onr line of woods that dericM cotii' neiition. Alno. thut vvo ure sellinu uoods AT hAN r'HAN'Clsro Pi.ICEH and gimruniee them to he genuine, onr stock be-in if nt ull times subject to tlie si ri dent elieuiiciu nnaiizttlion. Ko Trade Solid. td except in FINE LIQUORS. ot'R stock consists in part or FINE OLD BRANDIES; Otard Dnpuv & t'o.. Jus. HeiineNV, United Vinevard pronrielora, A. lloinot At (Jo.. Pinot, I ant i I Ion Ac Co. (,' Maif net t A. Sieunett, Uniou of the Prop lie Lois, mid various other brands. Fine Old Port and SHERRY WINES. I'nie old Oixii'io Pm-t. Hue old Ihimundv Port (sweei and heavy) Dull' Gordon Pule and (Jolden Shen-v, Hiirutony Acphews and Cobbler bherry (Hue and ueavv. CHAMPAO'E and CASE WIXB j or Enrj' lliscrlptlon. Fine Old .Tnmniea Hum, St. Croix l.'uin, PURE HOLLAND UI.. OLD WIIISKCVS. Stewart and Harvey's Hid Si oteh, Old O'Neill's line old Mult OLD li.il'KUoN of the fined quality. superior um l(. Old Peach and Cherrv Ilratulv of superior rtuality. Alan, a large assortment ot CAHr, OOoDS of every deacriptiott ured ill the iiipior tnele. N. u. We huve at. ull times (pig" quantities of llqnora put up in suitable packages I'tu- packing to the mines. Winers iruui ..lereoania mm I'eaiers respect lullv solicited. Ill'.M ISToN, WI1..V1N & CO. l'orlbind, Aug. I lib. IKirt b'M lf The Lending Insuriime (ompiinj. Fhfjeaix Insurance Company. HARTFORD, CONN. Cnuli Cnpital, $1100.000 Ciwi. Asst'i isao,i;i,t luvesU'd in Culiroi iiiti $,VJ,000 HENIIY KKLL00O, PiixstuisT. 1) CLAUK, dxcKXTAai. w PACIFIC UltAIVCII, S. V. tinier 51nni2i)inrry uml rommrrrinl Sts, J-Preinluuis rer.dved by lh "PHtEVIX" lor ins 1 1 mute in this -Nate ure relum ed tor investment in California secuniies, and totreiher with f Allilll already invented lbnuls. hi held uub- jlM'ttOChllHIHfor loss nmh-r I'a eilic lilope pot ictus, MAKING THE I'll (EX IX A "Home Institution." V p" Lome honorably adjusted and promptly paid IN V. S. HOLD COIN at mats s-Arre rr oirar. R. H. MoGlH", General Ag't. Policies issued and renewed in this erftug and pnpnlur Couianv, mi all classes ot lcair.ihle prowrty without delay incident to the Hiih-inrency system, and at rates as low as sotveticy and luir pudii will uduiU BELL o BROWN, Rriiilrul I'hiruix A ills. Oct, g.i, ISta lv:t4 SAI.i-.M, OIIKOON. T. AVr. SOUTUliU, DRUGGIST, fleroiiil Sirecl. Cirvattls. ttrea;on, HA8 JUST RITEIVKD A LAkOK AND well selected slock of VMKItIC A., e'.lp'.M II AM) KN(;,IHII ChnnirHli. Drills. Nrilirlnrs, Pfrfiiiiirry, llyr Mutr. Four) uuotli. 1'iiiiils.Uila, Tiirinilluc, IiIum. I'ully, Vuriiialin Bruthrt, it. I'hysiciaus can rely on having their prescription carefully comtouuiled at all honrs. Kltf To the Citizens of Salem. Luitihvr, Latitat, l'iokota. 'PHE nnilerrigucd begs leuva in inform the ciluens 1 of Salem Ibnt he lna re purchased the I LIPPEIt SAW MILL and PLiNINu jIACtilNE situated on the Orcuou t ity road. '-' uiih s uoilii ut s.ileni. tsbere be will be happv to furniab his old ciiali nt -rs with the beat quality ot Yellow. While, or Ited Fir Lumber, Laths, or Pickets, on abort uotic aud reusoueble lenna. 3B- Font YOKE OF OO'H) WORK CAVlLr. wauled iliiulrtlialelv E. 1. TOWL. .lu nuir, IS h, 1S64. 4fif Crcckery and Variety Store, f'oiuincrriiil Kiwi, tiloiii. ,k t-'IMII. would respevtfully Inform Whia old friends, mntkt srr ear. uso.that fjA he ia now opening at his NEW Sl'ulih.'j on Commercial Street. Stdeai, a A Lante and Varied Assortment OF CltOCKKUY, 0LASS-WAKK, WOtlDENMVARE. WILLOW-WARE, TABLE CITLEIIV, and a FILL ASSORTMENT ot r'timlly roocrleat. sill of which he will aell at WIIOI.KAI.K or I1K TAIL, at pries warranted lo give satisfaction, or no aaH). Mir Hie a call, anil ka.k al the Hoe goods, if yoti do not wiab'to punluwe. No Iroubl to allow gotala. llolrl-Krrpm and Fimlllf . . , wll nnd It to their advantage to pan-has thir Olasa war and Crockery from me, as I shall AL WAYS keep FCI.L ASSOR TMESTmd ttll A I" LO II PRICES fur cash or resMy py. Toy I TofI I ara also well .applied with aa silenslv asaort meat of lur, of foreign aud duaiastic manulariar. N. FIMI r . .. ... .pi'i Slilliaji atfaMUl)-,ltlB., J0lV,biU. iOt " CONSTITUTION WATER." THE ONLY REMEDY For Diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, (.ravel, l)i'tiisit.il SHt'lllnss GENITAL DEDILITx', Etc. ritiii: ts roiKitiNtJ i 4''i:ism iviill'il 1 baa alteltiled this I W Al.UA IILK Meilicine ren ders illlie luoat vitlnuble one ever discovered. No luiiguiigi! can etintcy ait adequate idea of the iuiuu-tti-ale uml almoal uiiruciiloua cliauge which it occnalona in the tlebilitnted and ahntiercd svstein. Iu fuel, it stands unrivalled us a remedy for lite pcrmitueul cure of the maladies above mentioned, and ulso DIAIIKTKS, IMPOTKNCV. LOSS OF MUSCIILAn ENEI10Y, PHYSICAL I'llDSTitATION, 1JIDIIIKSTIOM, SliAIINAL EAKNKSS GLEliT. FLUDK ALDUS. And In every discitec any wuv conuectetl with the ilis nrdcis or decay of the PUOCUEATIVH FL'NC Til INS. Peistina abtml to marry, if conscious id' any weakness, ahuuld take the CON TITUTION WATER. Whe'hcr broken down by excess", weak by nnrnre, or impaired by sickness, the mist rung and relaxed ontin iziii ion i at once re braced, revived, and built up. Well uinv this celebruLed nindiciue he culled the MEDICAL WONDER Tiio si oopiii, treinbiiiig v nt mi ot depression und delii iiy bucoines a new limit i he stands erect, he moves' with a lirtu slept his udnd, which was previ ously sunk inglooui of an almost idiotic upailiy.be conies blight and uclive i und he uoes forth leiicKeue ruifd. coiiKcioiiM of new vigor. The medicine icm lies COaNVI'ITCTIUN itsell, and restores it toils noriiml eondition. Irritation of the Neck of the Bladder, Inflammation of the Kalmpn, and Catarrh of the Bladder, istrunguui y and Burntiff , or f'ainfal Unn. , atxuff, (fatcutu. Oravrl, Brick lt Jjeptmt, and Ahfcoun or Mttky Dts churn? After Urinating. Kor tliese direUHen it is truly a sovereign remedy, nod too much cannot be said in its praise. A siiifle dose Iuih been known to relieve tho most urgent syinp toms. TUV IT in these discs, and yon will ever give your piuise to CONSTITUTION WATER! Mule or liV mules, Are you troitblstl with that distressing pain in the small of the hack, aud through your hips 7 CONSTI TU 1'iON WATEK will relieve von like magic. Dr. W. II UltEOO, Proprietor. MO 1(0 AN & AI.LEN. tieuerul Agenls, New York. 1IOXTKTTRK, MM I Til aV DKAX, Agents for tbe 1 ueillc Const, 401 and 403 Bitter; Street, Corner Clay, San Francisco, atrd HilDOE & CLEP, SWITif At DAVH, W. WEATUEKFOIID, 3tf I'ortlmid. OU11 TIME UAH COJIK ALL persona indebted tu usjn any way will please consider themselves invited to come forward and settle up. It it is impossible fur you to pay, come and toy to and let ua know when you can. Should this general tuvilaiion not hchelieeiled.il will he necessary for ua to iaaue more npecrolniifi more urarent uppeuls, ut the expense of the invited. Expecting to chutiae our huainess, we intend selling gooits in lutitre tortile ItKAHl-PAY. No more lie counts matle. except very abort onet, hiii! by iV':,' ClAL AKUAiXUEMES'T with PAYINII liCS TOMEHS. J. II oV I. II. MOOKKN. Snlein. Oregon. Sept. .tnili. a;if. J. A. Wood & Co, IIE mituufucturiiig for the wholesale trude, a su perior article of TURPENTINE, JAPAN OIL, and EXCELslOU STAIN. Tne turpentine cauuot be beaten In any market ill quulity urn! cheapness. The .Jupuu Oil ia far superior and cheaper than any olber oil for brick, bunt, hoiiae and fence naiutimr. The stain is a ierfeet imitation of Rosewood und .liauogauv. rnee f t.oii (utr gallon. hi f'Mtmi' ni uiitr, ioki i,a.i. Sept. an, IKnU. (iiatf STSii II A KD WA RK Such us Iron, Kiv- i.oikes. Ate Arc for sale bv 7tf SMITH & C .I.TWIIlfJIIT. The Fil-lroliin Blurk lliiwk Slullion EMIGRANT UJ iLL make a season iu Vamhill county, serving a limited number uf mures at $ in iu eiuu; the season coutuienciug on the 1st of April and ending July 1st, standing allenialcly at the sluhles of H Mill. Latnvelie. D.J. Vearg'ain, McMiunville, aud J. D. VA ailing, Amity. Kmiyraut is a beaultlul chestnut sorrel, seven years old tins Soring, slands IjJ hands hih, aud weighs l,ll'J poouds. poHitessiiig great bone, power, ami ae lion, and is it model of svmmeiry. lie isucknnwl e'gcd by ull judges to be tlie bet stallion in (he Slate, and can irot taster than anv other stallion in ilieuon. His performances ut the fast State Fair are too well known lo require any comments. KiiiiKHiut was sited hv BilK McCracken. h by Mc Crackeu's Black Hawk, of Vermont. His dam was Daniel Vincent's M cum; tiger, she by Coukwright's Messeiiifer, of New York. Mares from a distance wilt find good pastumge at $1 per week. All care luken to prevent accnlenis.bul not responsible tor anv. For foil her information up ly to A " I). TlJ FTH. Keeper, or BILLS 6l CD., Ag'ts, Portland. Iufayetti), Oregon, loM. 3m7 Tlie TliorouuliOied Jack COMPROMISE, Jit 1 Vr H-L stand the riisuintr stetson, commencing April H lit and ending its Jn!v, I Nil, at the lunn tl the subscriber, o un'es Irom I Lilian, on the Salem rttad. at the seusoii, (i6 to insure. Com promise, Jr., is uauos U'gn,a uara orown naor. SAMUEL O'-FF, Polk countv, Murcli lu, 1Hi4. lim? PEDtUl.EE Compromise, Jr., wits foaled near Lexington, Ky., Sepiember V-lth. 1H.VJ. hired hv lion. Henry Clay's old imporltd Compromise His tin in ov VituiL aulpsou, grand uaiu iv imported l ees K. P. TuDHL'M'hU. itexington. Ky., April 25, bU Farmers and Shippers, Attention SALEM WAREHOUSE. rPHK tiudersiifiied, huvinif completed their NEW 1 WAIifclHOL'HK. are now prepared to receive alt Kmtit oj jietgki, ou sloraK or lor slnpineiit. Uur la ci lilies. fr si'o am grain, truil, fltc, are uiifXi'eMed en the river. Varehuse is situated ABOVE HIGH M A 'I ER MARK, on the laiuk of the river. Farm ers, haul your gram and fruit while tlie roads ure khkI aud place ibeiu w lib tree urcess to market at anv time ALL iNDLU & MultUA.N. Salem. Oct. Iflfi3. lyilj Why do you use an Inferior Article KM von can buy at the same price! The Celeb lined 'Downer Kerosene Oil' The best made pare, white aud lion explosive, bum inu with a brilliant, steady lUiite. aud combining all the ad v. illumes of this mcomparaMtj and cheapest iMmiiiuuUir. withuiit the attendant rik andduugur ol explosions in using a poor article. At aiooiii-s. Salem. Jan. PMh. I Kiwi. vif ESTABLISHED 1760. rETEB LOUILLABD, Snuff and Tobacco Manufacturer, 16 Ai IH t'llAtlUKHH nr., (Formerly ii Chulbatu atreet, New York,) llTOVLl) cull the attention of Dealers to the arti st clca ul bie luauulecuire, vis i UUUWN S.lll KP. Uacabny, Demigroa. Fine Rappee. Pare Virginia, Coaiso lluppe Navbilocbes, Auteiiutu Oenlleman, Co,auliagen. 1 K 1. 1. tUV AM't-lS. Scotch, Honey Iev Scotch. High Toast Scotch, Fresh H-nev Dew Scotch, Irish High loast. Fresh Scotch, or Luudvfnnt. t"" Attention ia called to lb larg mlncllon in priees of rtne-Ctit ilievvingaud btiiokiug tobacco, which will b fouud of a superior ,ualiiy. TOUAllO. SMOKINO. FINE CVT CHEWINQ. SMOKING. Long, PA L. or plant, S. Jago, No-I. Cvndish,oret, Spsnt.h, No. 2. bweet scenltai ilronoco. Cnuastar, No I at t Tin Foil Cavendish, Turkish, mixed, GrannkUed. N. il. A circular of prices will b aent on applica tion. n.ayl.- ly,H3 "No Credit!! Ill ARM AN, WARNKK A CO . from and after this V ' date, propose 10 do STRICTLY A CASH HCM HESS, helievin il will be la-tielinal to their friends and ciisiounrs generally, it Kill enable theia lo sell u,kI. a, . ... . , . , and lo erfediiallT compel with Portland. Tkeir de term i alio u to ttll gotdt aa cheap at any hut ,a Ureaas. Ahh.mgh thev hay sxtr freight from Portland, yet tlteir ex,tie. are minrh lighter in Oregon lity. and hy thir meaner f dnntff l-ueiiaHss Ihey can aaw than balanr Ui charge for freight between th two Via.., and thus be nahM lo eUl cuwd Chtvptr Una tttj.:it- Yj' i f A rtt. CAvyMi Ovy, iUlvtt 7, DR. D. JAYNE'S ICXIMOCTOKANT And Sanative Fills, HAVE IIKKN IIKFOUKTIIH PUIIIJC -O I.ONH uml liiiind such general fuvor In every region ol country where they huve been sold, (and there ia no place on the civili.ed globe where they huve not been aold) thut II would seem almost snperlliious hi this lime to direct intention to lliein through the medium of the press. Yitf il Is tine to sull'ering Immunity, and es necinllv to lluit numerous cluas who, iu the changea ble cliuiatc of lbs l'ncillc coast, sillier from Diseases ol the Limits and Throat, Inducing and ending In CONSUMPTION, many ot whom miiv not have used this remedy, that ihey should lie allowed lo read some of the cuaea where its iiillueurn hill been useful iu remedying compluiiits from which Ihey are siill'oring. THE EXPECTORANT flprriitt IMMEDIATELY upon the DIstiim, Surety and SwetUlu Eradicating, while the 8ANA TlVh 1MLLM, hy presei'ving rcgulnrllv in the bowels und kIviuk a healihv tone to tlie otlier intcriuil orguns uid aud ussist the perfect operal ion of I he former. Ailenlinii .studied to the following eerlilicutes, to leded ut rundum from tlioiutus in possession of the proprietors r Coi.UMiiirs, Miss.,Jnn !M. 1W7. Dr. D. Jiiyne Dourrtin (leu. Win. P. Orton.nne of my neifjhbors, was cured of Bronchitis by the use of your Expectorant und Alteratict, utter liuviny lain forty days Hi the point of dentil, and three eminent, plty'siciuns having ex haunted their skill upon him. -e vera I i'smcs of I'ropsy aud Cancer have beeu cured iu luv uenlihurhood. Mv little dauifhler wtu taken lust JSoveinber with an enlargement on the neck, which grew very tust. I Immeiluituly commenced giv ing her your Alterative, nnd she is now uearlv well. TllOMAa L. TCiNMiLL. From the lie v. Nelson Cook, Into of Brooklyn, Mill. Nuw Yokk, Jan.'H, IHtil. Dr. I. Jnvne Dcur Hir i A young man living In my house wits taken with a violent cold, which settled on Ids ImiHS, cunning a hoarse, hollow coukIi, attended with much fever, This Continued for more than two weeks, when ull thought death to be iuevituble. At this point I commenced giving your Expectorant and Sanative Pilla, according to directions. In the course of two or three days, he begun to expeclorute freely and iu about two weeks he was about und was toon well. A hotnwotmiliic uhvslciiin and family spent a night I In tnv bonne. The duuii liter was taken with a violent 1 croup, which threatened speedy death. Tlie father Having no tiieuicine, conciuneu to give me uxpecio runt which soon afforded re I ef. From tlie Itev, K. M. Jones. Ucct. uf Prot. Epii, CVh, Suiul liiirll'olouiew, Philadelphia. Philadklvhia, March 31, IW), Dr. D. .Turns Dear Sin In all cases resembling Consumption, I recomiueud Juviie'n Kxpeetoiiinl, luiving in so uiuny inslunces witntssed its beucliciul elt'ecls iu the two last cuses which came under my ob servation. The uiliuinistration of the Expectorant has, I am happy to say. been attended by the most de cided improvement ot the putieuts. For a yrcnler number and variety of certiHi'ittos.and fuller infiirmutiou remirdiutf these und other of lr. L. Juyue and Hons' Pivparatious, reference is given lo iheir AN.NCAL ALMANAC, which muy be bud from tiny uinggiHt orueuiurui UHdiciiics. SMITH At DAVH, lyb" 14 Portland, Oregon. Agents for the Stuto. PORTLAND FOUNDRY ....aud... MAOHINS SHOP. Kli'tft MIreil. Uclvrecii ttinililll und Alorlson HAVING become sole proprietor ot this establish ineiit.the imdersigneu is now prepared to maim laclure ALL KIMUK o EAM EaNUI.N IvS, of sues In mi four to forty horse power, portuble or stationary. Also. Circular Saw Mills, complete; llav Presses of nil sizes: Pluniin Machines (Woodwork's pntleni). Wrought uudi asl Iron Work for Verlicul Suw and Ovist Mills; brunsund iron uustings(uud wroughtiron wora oi every uescripiiou. All orders executed with disnntcb, and In a work iiinulike mauiier. DAVID MtiNNA-1 KiS. I'. S.-A reduction has been made on all kinds ol work ut my shop, to suitthe trude and correspond with luuiorinn prices. may- i -u i J. II. HAAS,iS!i Ooinmerels 1 Street, Salem, Uester In J GOLD AND SILVER WATCUES, JEWELRY, j Solid Silver ami Plntod H'nrr.i j FINE CLOCKS, I Spectacles, Fine Cutlery, &c. i All good, told by ma are WARRANTED to be aa '. represented. , ( ICiiiriiir. Partleulsrstletitlon pshl to renslrlng ftae Watchea, ( t Olurks, Jewelry, Ac. ALL WIIRK WARRANTED. Bslcm, Oregon, Nov. 9, 1868. lySS t HOWE'S SEWING MACUIXE. THE NEW STYLE Howe's Family Sewing Machine, UTTI-L aeam, alilch. gather, hem. fell, bind.qnilt. run braid. and in fuel PEHKuR.M THE H 111 II.K KANtiE OK FAMILY SEWINO It uses TWO Thread, making the I.Ot'K HTITC'II. There are tiidereiit sizes. Frit-cm from S0 lo SM3. FtF Ii eceeived Ihe HIOHE.oT Premium at tbe lute World a Pair at London, and haa beeu need in Oer niauy, Prunee ami England for fourteen years, with perfect sulinluclion. Send for a hot o)' price. KREr.LVMI ItROS, Ail-any. Agents for Oregon. For sale at N 0. Purrisli it Co.'s, Sulein.uml by Frcelaud Hroa. Albany. bmlti 0 retro n Insane As)lum and IlosjiltaL UllS. IIAWIIIOHl4 AMI l.4M K A. I'HV rtll'IAN FHOIHIKTOKH. 'TlIICSi; Institutions are situated in East Portland. 1 in a hrtttth and pleasant lKalitv. near a beautiful perennial spring. AmpleaccoiniiMHlatiotisare a Horded for the com Ion and speedy cure of those that favor us with their pairoinnre. Office at Weat lierford's Drug Store, Front street. Portland. Vtut J. C. Slieiion, riiysielaa and Surgeon, TOXMOlrni.lolk County. Oregon. The Doctor A 1 heiiiif a trradiiateof the Curt is. or Phminnifdirul college. Cincinnati. Ohio, is a true Botanic in his nrae lice, entirely diaciirduisr calomel aud all mineral do! sons, aud using none but purely vegetable medicines, and onlv the perfectly innocent nt (lint. 1 he IJoctorwiuhl tnrther say la the public, also, that he is prepared to die all canters, indolent sores, nhscesses, tumors, iVc, that are curable, aud with aiteuts purely vegetable. '.'tf Dl.L.y.SKIFF Otlice in Htdman's Biick Building. Hesideuce, nca m.u. ..r v. 1 1 ...... ... NT) None but finished oteruious pet formed. I a Da desiia ttie DHlrttti!'! itf inch iwnsfiiia us wt'tmh oMraiioiis pert or me in tbe most perfect manner. ik i.i iu.:. i.t. onrii. it. n. i-". iill Summoiis. 0. Mehl rs. Clirislian Sch -onnnn aud Fred. Volieller. In the I ouiity Cm rt of Ounglna i onutv.for the Slate of Oregon, duly Term. A It., IstH.' 'I'O CHUIsTlAN St'llECRMAN and FREOER 1 L K VUI I KI.I.KU. defendant Yon nn-herehy summoned and required lo appear in aaid Court oil lb fnx day of in term thereof, to be held at tbe cntiri house in the lown of Rom-burg in tlie county of llougla alorewid, on the Siat Mnndav of July. A D , 104, in-witi Th till day of July aforesaid,' ami an swer the complaint of Go'lleib Meiil. filed against you ill said court, or lite suiue will be tukeu for coufeased, and the plaintiff aforesaid will take judgment ugamel you for the want or an answer for the snm of .1ve hundred d dlars together with costs and disbursement of tin. sun lo lie taxed. 8 F. CH ADA U K, By order ..f the Court, Atl'y lor IT IT L L. WiLLtaaa.i ount Clerk. K.atebu.g. April 13. lS.il. 610 IS. P. 1 11 1LU1I (l W'Ol'I.D aniatnnce to the Ladies of Salern and vl 1 1 cmii thai Ihey have taken Moms in KEN YtlN'S biiiidine.one door weal of the Man.loo Hons, where ihcy intend to carry on Jlilliiifry mid Urtst Inking. Their ainck, rerenily eeleried In San Francisco, eon sins, in part, ol Bminei. Huts, Itibbnii. Flower. Ae. From long eiiwrienre in busineaa, both in Button and San Francisco, Mr W feels assnred lhal she can give satisfaction to all, and wonld respectfully solicit abare of the public patronage. Saleu, March 111, INt. 2m.i Mit-rur's Snip. BY virtue of an execution issued out of the Cirruil Court of tbe Slat of O.egon for the county of Polk, und to me directed, eulilled State' of Oregon s. William P. Murphy et'al : for waul of penauial prop, erly.to satisfy tlie sain I have levieo upon and will pna-eed o aell to th highest bidder, for rash iu band, at the Court Hons door, in Dallas, in aatd eonnlv, oa SatnnWv Uh ah day f dun. A. I. Ita4. between the hour ol o'clock A .. and 4 .loek r. a., ol said day. all th right, till, and intern of mid defendant in aud to th l..llowmg Veribrd preatav-a. to wit t all Ihoae eertaia has of land, situate nt b tow of M,l aioiith. Pdk eotuily, ttregoa, know and destgimted n. ,1m I..WH nLu .if .A . . . I v.. . .1 . . in block N.k . toireiher with all Ihe appurtnaiK - -wn.HHAT, Vt VW SUtU V) Beim' SS'O X?ei M'a'tw.utliaM, .i.wCi.ill.t . 4WA, - , ,11 iioM-rrrirrwii'H IKI.K II HAIKU STOMACH BITTERS, 'Pill! npi'riillon of Ihia puliituhlit rtiniedy upon t 1 stomach, liver and the exeretory orjttna is sinm,. larlv aonihiug and t-onaervutivu. It regulnies, rerrujij und purities them. Dyspepsia iu nil iia forms yiclii, tu its cnuirol uml iuvigoriiliiig properties. INVKKIRATW THE SYSTEM, Vigorous ilige.tion und puru bile prodiu-es iiuiritlon, blood, aud iiiiirtiu'is bhtotl it healthy frame. tc the victim of a dyapeptiu sioiuacli aud a dinoriluruii livur desire to' It umv how the digestion muy he n,. proved, the bile mid otlier fluids of ihe hotly puriOuiJ j Dlt. HOSTE ITER'S STOMACH BITTERS. Will ttccotnpliah ihiadeaii able revulution in tlie nvatein regiihtling the serrelions nnd excroiiotia, giving tm,, to the liiiitiuil juices which dissolve the food, strength, en every reluxed nervo, muscle and tihi-e, and brine, the whole miiuhiuery of vitality into vigorous aud healthful plitv. STRENGTHEN" THE SYSTEM. The beat tneiius of Imparling vigor to the broken down frame nntl shuttered constitution, whieb lm, vat been invented nr diacovered, ia protlered to the feeble uf both und all ages in .. DR. llOSTETTKU'S NT'OMACII BITTEIIS. Debility, from whatever cause Hiising, nmv b cured , strength, in whalevet- manner it muv 'bava been wasted, muy be ruaiored by the use of this pow fill and heallhy invigorattt. For ludigeatltin ami (, puiiiful ell'ucts, bodily nud ua-iitnl, llicy me a poaltlv, spuviiie. A WOI(I) TO THE AGED, ( In the decline of lilu tho loss of vital force emits, quetit ii tnili physieul decay run only he sufelv supnliiid t hy aotne vlvllying preparation which reeruits the ' strength and spirits, viiiltoiit eutuiling the exhuustion whuli is always the linul elici t of ordinary alimulauia. We tender tu the aged DK. HOSTETTKR S STOMACH HITTERS, As an InvlgorHUtitud reaioi-utieu 1 ,,i;.,i.. u . , elli ial action aud perinnnt-ut iu its effects. It tones th alotnnch. improves the appetite, and acta like n charm upon the spirits. FOR r EM ALES. Thousands of ladies resort to It a. ,.,.i.. r... i term, nuticring of the hmi, e,.Vous heatlacho, verti go, general debility, and all peculiar disturbances and derangements to whirl, aa a aex. they are auldeet It cheers and euligblens the depressed mental powers, a. wn ua sueiigiueits i ne uooy, auu its use is never lol lowetl by any re action. I VBEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. P,ii.l,. only of reliable douiere. Sold everywhere. uusict i lilt, SMITH ot DEAN, Agents. San Francisco. UODCiK Ac CALKF, WHOLESALE VRIOOJSTS PORTLAND, Nolo Agenta fur the Stnte. PERUVIAN SYRUP. OK PRUTECTtD 7 Solution of Protoxide of Iron, Hub been utcd with Oruat Succeas in Curing THE DYSPEPSIA. Affectum of the Liver, Dropsy, Neuralgia, Bronchitii and Comumptire Tendcndti, Disordered Stale of Ihe Blood. Female Complaints. Chronic Diarrhtea, Boils. Scurvy, the Prostrat ing Effects of Lead or Mercury. GENEUAL 131CUIL1XY, and all diseasea which require A Tonic und Alt-railve Medicine. npilR PROOFS OF ITS EFFICACY are so nnmer 1 ous, so well authenticated, and of such peculiar character, tlmt stitterera cannot reasonably lieailute to receive t he proffered aid The clnas of diseases for which lite Brrnp provides a cure, is precisely that which hna an often bullied the highest onler of medical skill The facie are tangible, the wilncaeeauccoMtihle, nntl the eafely and elllcaey of lite Syrup incontrovertible. From Well-Knowd Citizens of Boston. Tbe undersigned huvitig experienced the beneficial ell'fc.ls of the "Peruvian Syrup,'' do not heeitule to recommend il to the attention uf the public. Kev.JiillN PIEKPONT, THOMASl!. AMORY . ...j... .-.- r. in: a . civ. rr. i Tjt unnvr.l, .-. II. K'-.NIALL,,I.L., JAMESC. DUNV. -SAMUEL MAY. Uev. T. WH lTl'EMOIiE. Corliflcalc of Dr. lliiyes. It I" well known that the uiedieiual t-ll.-.-t of Pi-o. toxitlo of Iron ia Inst by even it very brief exposure to air, and that to niuihtaiu a solution of Protoxide of Iron, without further oxidation, ha been deemed im possible. In the Peruvian Syrup, this desirable point is at mined by ciiMatXATioa is a war Burtnm iimkw , ami this subitum may rep a - ull the protn carbonalta, cili-utes und lurlruu-a of the Materia Medic. A. A. HAYES, M. D., Assayeeto the Stute of Jlasaacuiuu-its. Id llovston street, Hostou. uoa rtt i TKii, n tiiTii v nr. a ft, 4U1 and Wi Uallcry alreet, corner of ('lay, m Sun Francisco. KMITH 4- DAVIS, HODOK & CALEF, VV. WEATHERFORD, Dtf Portland. IODIXEJSVATEIl. 10 IU Water is the most important discovery of modern chemixlry, anil it is impossible to over-estl mule its inHueitce as a remedial aent. Iodine has been considcreil the most useful aiticle in Materia .Medirn, aud uninv of the most scicutilir und nraclicat (diemisisand physicians have investigated its ellects npou tne nil in a u system. It is to act upon the IIBAKT. IJVFII, HIDMKVN, DKalEHTlVK OltdAn OK tiLA Vl'LAB Mi l I KaTI. und to have arent control over SCROFULOUS AFFECTIONS. Notwithstanding the zeal und ability which have been devoted to its uiveftigntion. it remuiiied almost uscies until Or. Henry Aiulvrs, it phvsiciail aud chemist of New York, alter yeaia of patient labor and experi ment, diacoveied a cbvuiical process which enabled bun to dissolve PI RE IODINE IN PORE HVI TEU, Without a solvent, litis, cm.idcrci! impossible by Ihe ecieutilif world, la attested by eerlilirates of anal ysis Iruui )r J. It. I lull, u of this cltv, aud Prof. Itooth, U.S. Mint, Philndelphiu. The Importance of this I'iscovery waa so highly appreciated by thu Fac ulty Ibnt it was published iii Medical .luuruals, and it uae recotuineiided to practitioner (see "American Medical Monlhly," July ii. ItMi. ,iage i'a Tins valuable mediviuc is now available U the pith tie tor tne elite oi serolilla in all Its nmulloltl forms, Consumption. Cancer, Heart, Liver and Kidney lbs. ruses, Mienmuiism, Neuralgia, Nervous Alloctions, iysjH;psiu, nroncuitia. etc. AS A TONIO lis operation ia evinced bv etrengthening the digestive organs and increased nutrition of ihe body is the re sult of the employment of ltuiin. The paiieut re covers flesh, strength und color i hitherto pule, relaxed aud leeble, he becomes lull, slnuig aad rinrtdr run directions accompany eaeli bottle. Sold by ull druggist. Price, If I per hotlle. Pre tared by Or. II. Anders at Co., Puvsiciau and Cheia isls, New York. HUSTETTER, SMITH k DEAN, 4U1 and -Hal Uaiterry street, comer of Liny. Sail Francisco. H'ltHtK at CALKF, SMITH At DAVIS. W. W E A I'll K K Ft t H , lf P.trtland. A- J. IllTLIilt, II PIONEER HATTER, R 7i FRONT STREET, PORTLAND. HA constantly on hand a COM PLETE ASSORT- . itient of fieittleinen's Hats and Cnpa. of the LAT EST and MOST AI'l'lt'iVEl) stiles, ronsisiiug iu part of th Dree .Moleskin, (Irene Caeioiera, low crown Caasituerea ttf all color. ' 'icunia," or Peruvi. an Huts, S., ft Huts, in all shape, colors, variety, and prti-e. Order from Ilia ctamtry pmiuplly' Nlled. Gcntleuiet, visiting Portland, from the interior, if uot iu itniaeiliai want uf a liar, wh will leave with n llo-ir measure, will be guaranteed a comfortable lit, when a hut is nt-eded bv Iheiu. Th HIGHEST CASH PKICE paid for all kinda of fur A. J lit TLEK, !-"'tf Pioneer Hatter, 71 Vml elteet. JACOB COHEN. Watchmaker and JewelerJ ltO.T srKEavT, POHTI.AMs. FINE JEWELRY WATCHES, WklOHT AND IPHINO CLOCKS, Solid Sllur A riatfd Warf, Catlerj,f. AGENT FOR II'. BOH.VS LADIES' PATENT IMPROVED COLD BELT BKHIKH. Wiilclin nnd Jruelrr Irpslrrd tad WarranUd. rarticalar Atieatlnn Paid ta ResirtB Flue Watches. I keep on hand a complete assortment of SPECTACLES, of Hi improved style. Also, Opera and Kirlnr 6Um, qairU Xasnirr lag bias., (ompatxr. Arrhlirriaral In, ruarnta, Ac., Sr. If' All rood sold by in are warranted a repre sented. All orders hom I he country will be promptly altendedto IvhSj JACOU CnHKN. HT A.tD CArn-Aaood BMotlmuit. fi ist faal. iiiSiabi -lv lei, fo. aac by , . lm W laitCAitwilsiii.