She (Omw ftnfcnv orriuMb. 1 LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES, faSSIIl T THS First Session of the Thirty-Eighth Congress. ' No. 10. AN ACT amooilitUiry of hiiJ supplementary to "An act to provide oironit onurls lor tlio districts of California and Oregon, and for other purposes," approved March third, eighteen hundred and sixty-tliran. , Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representative! of the United Slates of Ameri ca in Congresi assembled, That the term of tho circuit court of the United Suites for the districts in California ahull he hold in tho oily of San Fronoisoo, in said State, on tho first Monday of February, and oa tho second Mon day of June, and on tho first Monday of Octo ber, of each year, and in the oity of Monterey, it) laid State, on the first Monday of April, and on the seoond Monday of August, and on the first Monday of December, of each years and that a terra of said court or the Statu nf Ore-. gon, shall be held at the city of Portland, in said State, on the first Monday of January, aud on the first Monday of May. and on rtre first Monday of September, of each year. Stso. 'i. And be it further enacted, That whenever the circuit judge is absent, or from any cause, it unable to hold a term of the cir cuit court as above provided, it shall be the duty of tho distriot judge of tho district to hold such term. No term of the circuit court in one district of the tenth circuit shall be deemed to bo ended Iroin the commencement of a term in another distriot. A circuit court may be -hcld in the different districts at the same time, 5i' 8eo. 3. And be it further enacted, That pot'drcait ludire of said tenth circuit may, at 3Vwwi(;iiiuii ojipuiuir rpetyim Hcnoiutin ui mo oironit court, to be held at the places where the stated sessions thereof arc to he holden, as provided in this act, by an order, under his band and seal, addressed to the marshal and clerk of said court, at least fifteen days pre vious to the day fixed for the commencement of such special sessions, which order shall he published by the marshal iu one or more of the gazettes or newspapers within the distriot where inch sessions are to be holden. At suoh nl.iioi ...:.,. tt i.,.n i. ..,......,...,, f. I I,. ........: M :.. :! .... ..c .k., laid court to entertain jurisdiction of and hear . and decide all cases in equity, oases iu error, or on appeal, issues of law, motions iu arrest of judgment, motions for new trial, and all other motions, and to award executions and other final process, and to do and to transaot all other business, and direot all other proceed ing! in all oauses pending iu the oironit court, except trying any cause by Jury, in the same way and with the same force and effect as the aine oould or might be douu at the staled ses sions of such oourt, At said special sessions li d eourt may also try and determine all is sues of fact inoases in which, by the stipula tion in writing of the parties, or their attor neys, and filed with the clerk, a jury shall be waived. 8eo. 4. And be it further enacted. That the clerks of the eirouit courts for the districts of California, shall be appointed by the eirouit Judge uf the tenth circuit. The appointment hall be in writing under the hand aud seal of the circuit judge, and shall be filed in the clerk's office aud entored at largo upon the records of the court. Tho circuit judge may revoke the appointment at any time by filing is the office of the olerk a notice in writing under his hand and seal, stating that the ap pointment is revoked. The revocation shall be entered on the records of tho court. The olerk, before entering upon the discharge of his duties, shall take the oath nf olfiou prescribed by tho net entitled "An act to prescribe an oath of office and for other purposes." approved July two, eighteen hundred aud sixty-two, and such oath shall be endorsed upon his appoint ment. The clerk shall also execute n bond to the United States with two or uioro sufficient sureties iu such sum as the eirouit judge may designate, conditioned for the faithlul perform ance of his duties. In case of a vacancy in the office uf clerk, tho distriot judge shall have power to fill saoh vacancy by appointment, which shall oontinuo until an appointment is made by the oircuit judge. Sec 5. And be it further enacted. Thai, the clerks of the circuit courts of the tenth oir cuit shall have power to appoint one or more deputies, who shall have the same authority, in all respects, as their principal. The ap pointment shall he iu writing, aud be signed by the clerk, aud shall be filed iu his olfice.and be entered at largo upon the records of the Court, The clerk may revoko the appointment nf any deputy at will by writing filed in the uf - floe, and entered upou the reoords. Kuch deputy, before entering npon his duties, shall take the oath of office prescribed by the aot entitled "An act to prescribe an oath of office aud for other purposes," approved July two, eighteen hundred and sixty-two. And such oath shall be endorsed upon bis appointment. Tho olerk may tuke from each of Ins deputies a bond with sureties for the faithful perform ance of his duties, but the olerk and the sure tie on his official bond shall be liable for all the official acts of each deputy. Sec 6. And be it further enacted, That e- the clerks of the eirouit courts ami j'f,7ff!!t cUW f theUnlled Statwjof JftgTH;lrio nf Californrato'fSS'shall severally he enti tled to charge and receive for the services they may perform double the fees and compensation allowed by the act entitled "An not to regulate the fees and costs to be allowed clerks, mar shals, and attorneys of the circuit and district court of the United Stales, nnd for other pur poses," approved February twenty six.elghteen hundred aud fifty-three. Seo. 7. And be it further enacted, That issues of fact in civil cases may be tried and determined by the said eirouit court without the intervention of a jury, whenever the par. tiei or their attorneys uf record file a stiptilit tioa in writing with the clerk waiving a jury. Upon the trial of an issno nf fact by the court, iti decision shall bo given in writing and filed witb the clerk. Iu giviug the decision, the foots found and tho conclusions of law shall be separately stated. The review of the judg ment or aeoree entered upon snob findings by the Supreme Court of the United States upou appeal or writ of error shall be limited to a de termination of the sufficiency of tho facts found to support the judgment or decrees entered, and to the rulings of the eourt in admitting or rejecting evidence offered, aud iu the conduc tion of written documents produced and ad mitted. The Supreme Court may affirm or modify or reverse the judgment or decree en tered, or may, in iu discretion, order a uew trial or further proceedings to bo taken. Seo. 8. And bt it further enacted. That m term of the district court of the United States for the southern distriot of California shall be held iu the city of Monterey, iu said Stale, ou the first Monday of February, and on the first Monday of June, aud ou tho first Monday of October, of each year; and a term of the ilia t riot court of the United Stoles for the north ern district of California shall he held iu the city of San Francisco, in said Slate, on the first Mouday of April, and ou the second Mon day of August, and on tbe lirst Monday of De cember, of each year) and a term of tho dis trict court of the United States for llin district of Oregon ihsllibo held at the city of Portland, in the Stale or Oregon, on tho li rot Monday uf July, aud ou the first Mouday of November, of ach year. Seo. 9. And be it further enacted, That sectioo four of the act entitled "An aot to pro Tide uirauits courts for the distrkts of Califor nia and Oregon, aud for other purposes," ap proved March third, eighteen hundred and sixty-three and sections four and five if the nut entitled "An act to provide for extending the laws and Judicial system of the Uuited Slates to the Stale of California." approved Septem ber twenty eight, eighteen hundred and fifty, and all provisions of law inconsistent with this aot, be nnd the same arc hereby repealed. gee 10. And hi it further enacted. That this aot shall take effect nu the first Monday of May. out tbouraud eight H.idred .aud sixty four. Approved, February 16,1604. J Public Bksomjtiom-No. 14, A Resolution relative to the transfer of persons iu the military svrvios to the uaval servios). Resolved by the Senate and House nf Rep resentative! of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That tho Provost Mar-j shal General be and is hereby directed to enln-t such persons as may desire to enter into the naval service, of the 'United States, under audi directions as may ho given by the Secretary of War and the Suuoretury of the Navy, which en liniments shall be accredited to llie appropriate district i Providcd.neverlhcless, That inasmuch as persons enlisted in the naval service recuive prize money.persoiisso enlisting shall not bo en titled to receive any bounty upon their enlist ment. Second: That the Presidotitof the United States may, whenever in his judgment life public service requires, authorize utid direct the transfer of persons who huvo been employ ed in sea service, and arc now enlisted in rog- inienls lor land service, upon such terms and according to such rules and regulations as he may presenile Provided, nevertheless, I hat the nuuiuer ot trausters Irom any company or regiment shall not be so groat as to reduce such company or frgiment below the ininiirinra strength required by tho regulations of the military service i And provided further, That such sum as may have beeu paid to persons so truuslerreii, as Duality tor entering Into the military service, shall be transferred from the recruiting fund of the naval service to the credit of tho proper appropriation for the land service. Sec. 3- And be it further enacted. That there shall be paid to each enlisted ablo or or dinary seiirnnu, hereafter enlisted into the naval service, an advance nf three mouths' pay, as u bounty to be refunded to the Treas ury from any prize money to which such en listed man may be entitled. Approved, February 24, 1864. The Loading Insurance Company. Phoenix Insurance Company. HARTFORD, COHN. CaNli Capital, Vault Aanv.tM 0400,000 $30,000 Invested In Culil'oriila HKNRY KELLOGG, Pkksidkht. W. B. CLAltK, Skcuktaiiv. lA.CIFIO II It ATS Oil, S. W. Corner Mtiiitgomorj nod Commcrciul Sts , MAN FUA-V IM 0. wrl'reiuinins received by the "PHlUNIX." for insurance in this Mlute are retain ed for investment in California ' securities, and together with rill,IIIIO already invested Bonds, are held sub juct to claims for loss under Pa cific slope policies, MAKING THE PIKENIX A "Homo IiiHtltutlou." W Losses komrdbly adjusted and promptly paid IN U, ,i. UOLU COIN at points iMr I hey occur. R. H. MoQlH General A't. Policies issued and renewed in this trr!inx and popular Company, on all classes of desirable property without delay incident to the suh auenuy system, and at rules as low us solvency and fair profit will admit BELL So BROWN, fleililent Plucnix Agrnli, Oct 25, lR63.-!y:U 8ALHM, OltHOO N. Crockery and Variety Store, CoiuiiKtrcittl Ntrcet, Milieus. IV. I' I nil, would respectfully Inform opr his old friends, and the new ones ono.iliHt 2 Jjk he is now oputnnir at his NliW 81'UliL. vTlP nil Uutnoaurciul MhwHt. Kulmn. u 4t A Large nnd Varied Assortment OF CllOCKEKY, ULAHS-WAKH, WOODEN-WAHU, WILLOW-WAKE, XAItLF CtrTLEUY, and a FULL ANNOR TMEN T of Iamlly i i-ooorlon, alll nf which he will sell lit WIIOLEAL15 or 111! TAIL, at priues wurrimted In give satisfiiction, or no sals. Give mea mil, and look at tho line floods, if you do not wish Ui purchase, ho trouble to show goods. IIolcl-Kr-rpers uud Fuiiiilicn wll find It to their udvuntage to pnrcimse their Oluss. ware and Crockery from me. as 1 slmll AI.WA Vti keep a PULL A.SHUU TMKNT and sell A T LU It I'lilULa lor cash or ready pay. Toys 1 Toys 1 I am alio well supplied with an oitenslve assort ment of toys, of foreign aud doiuuslic maaalacturo. n. fish. Opposite Stutosuiaii Duildiuu, Chilem. June SO, 1RG2. "ijif Kicliitnla Ac IfIrC'ruk'ii, Forwarding and Commission Merchants ..AND JORI1KIU IN.. Oregon Flour, Fruit, Bacon, Lard, (JHAIN. dir., Aut. LIME, CEMENT and PLA8TEU received by every sailiuir vessel. ( V Will at'end to the purchase and shipment of jiiemiauutM) 01 every aesenpuon in tne r,asieru and San Francisco markets. Also to forwarding goods in mur rauoisoo auu rortiano. Tb.6. Celcbralftl Mnnny Rrnper nnd Mnvr";-,, and Agricultural Implements oj.evffj '- it.t ion fur lushed for eashatbaui1-,ti,ca una tiwwport, ,.. will also attend 10 the sale of Oregon Produce in Victoria, having estiihlished a house in I lint place under the management of Mr. I. Fisk,a genth-inun of eight yearn' experience in the trade in Hun Francisco. JOHN McCUAKKX, Commercial Wharf, Portland. JAMES D. KirilAltDS, 37 Sacramento ilreol, Hhii Frauclsi'o. ' ttltf J.i.KHAIT, t J N.9. lUIJUtr.t.l., Hun Fmneiuoo, Cat. J Partlund, i)ron. If unpin UurroH V C!o. GENERAL COMMISSION M KKt'HANTS, mid lmiii)rt tuut Detilura In Anotiliitnil I in tie niPiiU, OHi-iUit ntul Kilit Uruwt HMtlitt OK Kmtit plrcrt, lonltinl, Oregon, will ivo sjpuiI HtlemlMti U the iwloo' KruitHiid Prndiiroan coiwtuumriil, tilliti or rietit, either In PortlmMl ur hun Fmuciwo, uuil trntiMct n KeiiBtnlcnmniiimUm bimitiPM. t ()ttlr in Hun Kmuciwo, MO V'uliinglon nt. ftUrchJ. vull;ilf.. AVAil HC1UP. 'IMK nndrmlifiied will piirrlmm) On'm nd V11nh 1 iiiHion War ('Itiimt, Htisw titled ClniuiK, OiUluwotl Urnfu. alto., and will luko claim fur rollroiitui on rounonitblo torum. CAT ON iVC'l'KU Nilem, 0Kn., Aprils 144. Otf BK.L.y.SKiTF Huriroii Dentlnt, Ollloe in llolmsn'i llriek HuihliiiK. Ilesidence, near enmer 01 r irsi anu 1 eiuer streets. NT) None but tinished operations porformed. 1 deaiie the pstrouaite of sueh persona wish oiieraliuns perlormed iu the most neilWl uiannnr. Salem, Doe. Ml, Wl. 4.1 f To the Citizens of Salem. Lumber, Laths, I'icUetas. THE undersigned hes leava to inform the eitiiens of 8lein tliat he has re nurrhaM il IIm I LII'I'I K DAW Mll.l, and Pl. VNINli MACIIINK siluated on llis Oreiton City rosil.uj miles nnnli of tialeni, where ha wilt uo liappv to furnish his old eustoinert w ilb the hert quality of Vnllow, WI11M, or Ui Fir Lumber, Laths, or Piekets, oil short notire and reaaoiiable terms. is ii sun FOI'H YORK UF OOlll) WOIiK SV ICAITLK wanted t--W E. 1). TOWU danuarr IHih.lWI. E8TADLI8IIED 1760. l'KTKR LOKILUKD, 3nuffand Tobacco Manufacturer, l 1 HAnHKim sir., (Formerly 43 Chatham street, New York.) WOULD omII the attention of Dealers to the arti cle of his nisniilsoinre, vis i UllOW.t Kt'KP. Uaeatmy, Iniiuros, Fin Nappe, Pure Vltvinln, Coarse Happse N'aehitoehes, Ameriean Oetitlemnn, Copenhafren. VKI.I.UW HfllKf. 8eoirh, Hone lew Seetihr High Sroleh, Fresh Honsr Dew Scotch, Irish Hiyh Toast. Frssh ilrh. or Lnndyfoot. tT Atlentlon I railed to th Isrm mlnellon in prires of Fine-Cat Chewinir nnd Huioking 1 ottaoens, which will ha found of a superior quality. TUBA CO. SMOKING, tons;, Hi. 1. F1NSCCTCHEW1SQ. 8MOK1X0. P A. L, or plain, 8. Jairo, Cavsudlsh.or bwt, tlpanish, twat ikonted Oronoeo, CauastMr, Ko. I 4t8 silxsd, OmnulstS'l. ou iuii vkvtsuaa, luraiss. lira, jmtiuiairi. 4 N. li A eirtultr of prlea will us ssnt on applica- N, tioa. oiayia iv4J m'SIM'.SS CARDS. AU.KN & X jL sale- dnuhsr LEWIS, Importers and Winde rs in Ui'ueni'ien, 1 iv Hands, jtlluthing, Hunt anil Slums. Also, solicit cnusiKOments ot Orui produce, .for til a Kan Francisco market, un wmrli libi'i-al advances will bo muilo - Perilous wliiiiiiiim'io'iils I'ruiii'thc'lvistern Stnt.osto unrcaru, can loly upon their roceivlnrpr"mpt"utieii tion.itt modurale ehurgus. Ollleu in Sun" Francisco, IK'.mansoine street, inn OHIiSTKlt N .TBRUY, Attorney and Coun selor at lnw, Saltan, C.""iion, Commissioner of Deeds, und to luko tcslimonv . uiikiiuwlediriiineiit,.. fur Iowa, Indiana. Missouri, Michigan, California aud Washington Territory, letters of Attorney, and all other instruinHiils of Writing . dran u on short notice, IVtlcuiur intention paid to taking Depositions, uoi lection of Notes, Accounts, 1V.0. H'-itf )CI. I'D VVK1U Attorney at law, Albany. Man Co., Oregon, Olllee in Alotileith's Building. Will practice in all the courts in Oregon, aud promptly at. tend to nil business entrusted to his cure. J'urtlralar attention paid to oollw lions from Portland, San Fran cisco and elsewhere, in all parts of Oregon. The best of reference given if desired, 4litf lv7&Mni7COX, Wholesale and Kotuil Druggists, Dealers In Foreign and Domestic Drugs, Patent Medicines, Perfumery. Fancy Hoaps, Hair llriislies,llne Toilet Articles, Chemicals, Drug gi.t's GUsswure.ltc. Also, a large quuutiiy of con centrated extracts of Plants of the purest qiiulity. Commercial t., Hulcin, Oregon. llitf AUIIISON 0. OISI1S. W.lAltl MILL. I U liS & HILL, Attorneys and Counselors A at uiw. will give prompi at Law. Wi I give nronint attention to all pro' fosoionul business entrusted to it ss entrusted to tliotu Olllce on trout street, opposite tho Pennison House, Portland, Ore, gon, CtWif J, H. MlTCHKLl,, JO. . DOLFH, Notary Public. MITCHELL & DOLPII, Attorneys and Counselors at Uw, Mnliciturs in Chancery, and Proctors in Admiralty. Office over Post Olllee. Front street, Porl land. lioW HENHY LAW, Commission Merchant, and Importer and Dealor in Wagon Muterial. Hubs. Hpilius, Felloes, Hliafls, Hickory Axles, &e.,on hand In lots to suit. Flour and Feeil of all kinds. Htore 25 Front street, Portland and Sid street, Unites, tiOiltf H. T.OATON. 0. 0. CVHL. riATON Sc CURL, Attorneys nt Low, will V nrHi'line iu iu ninns ui nils' am to. vimoni vim- wold'i brick, over Hell & Jirown'ntora, Sulom.Oyn. If I 111 1U.-.I 'IU,! J. C. CAUTWRIOHT. C. B. riABTWKIUHT & BELLINGEK, Attor J neys at Law, Sulcin, Oregon, Office in Mooros' llriek Building. 66!ltf WILLIAMS & MALLOHY, Attorneys at i T Law. Olllce ill Wilson building, Suleui, Or egon. Juno, 8, lWB. 14tf FO. MuCOWN, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Olllce with Dr. W. 11. Mugors, Wacondn, Marion county, Oregon. Post Olllee address, Del pilSBl. ' VAT C. JOHNSON, Attorney aud Counselor II s at Law, Oregon City, Oregon. Will attend to nil business entrusted to his cure, Collections mude and promptly reunited. I y-w D"u7rVO"lcAI''EE,I,ysi'ciaii and SUli fll'ION . offers his nrofussiomil services to the cit izens of Hidein uud vicinity. Olllce In Myers' build- ng, opposite henyen s. ui T F. HONIIAM, Attorney at Lnw, La 1t (Imnde, llukor coiintv, Oregon. "ir UMAiSON ci ODHLL.AtlornuysutLuw, Dalles, Waseo county, ttregtm. "tt TB. K. It. FISKK, Physician aud Surirenn. M.J tlfliee ut residence, 'i doors south of Post Olllce, Siileui. oo-ti Hodge 4; Calef PORTLAND, OREGON, dealers in Drugs Mt'tlicillt'S, l'uitits, Oils and Gluss, White Lead, rariiislies, Bruslies, Painters' Materials, &c. -ALSO- KcrosL'tio Oil and Litmps, OFl'Eit FOR SALE Linseed Oil, Mils, nnd cases. Lard Kerosene " " Machine " TanneiV " " White Iii'ail, legs and pails. Turpentine, Painters' stock, Window Gla ' AXb A STOCK OF "" DRUGS AND KEDICIWES Uiistu passed in the .State, in Extent, variety and Completeness. HODGE If CALKF, 07 Front street, Portland. I7if 650 SIli'lilT'S NitlP. 11 Y virtue nf an execution, to nie direrled, from the 1 1 Clerk of Circuit Court for Ihneonniy of Yamhill, Ort'unn. in BWorilaneB with a nocree rpiulered ui the April lerm ol said Court, in die year IX1V4, to foreclnse a morluniro and sntisfv a iiuluinent in favor of 8. It. Stone end against John lnwli-y and Lucy liosiey, 1 huve levied upon tho follon-intf described mortgaged premises, to wil i Simula in t 5, r 4 w, in Ynnilnll county, Stale of Oregon .and more particularly known as Ilia' donation laud claim of Carlos Uullimi and Lnev liununt, nis wife, and recorded in tho Surveyor (lea end's Ollleo of the S ale of Oregon, aa Kotilication No. 1,'JI'J, and claim No. 5i. and eontainiug H40 acres, more or less, Willi all the imprnaenii-uta und appur IcnanceM thereunto helonginir, eonsisi'na of a dwell ing honso and other out buildings, which I tiall oiler for sale lor so much thereof as will saiisfv said exe cution and eostsl at public unction to the hiaheat bidder for cash at the court lionse door Iu 1-atuvelie, in said eouniv. on tho Bill day of June, ItM, at U o'clock, p. m .nt Bind oar. tir.iti nAKitr.n, Liluvclle, April '.".I, ill 4w III Sir It nf said Co. STRANG, PtALSR IS PARLOR AND COOK STOVES StS KVKIIV PATTFKI. Keep constantly on hand, and Manufactures to order, Tin, Sheet Iron, and Copper Ware, Ou reasonable terms. MKT A I. HOOKING, aud JOHIIINO of all kinds promoitv attended to. Shop on Commercial alivvt, eialein, Oregou, doors v..mi. ..r niM.a 4. ,i-i. ........ ... V ... IH'll l'AITi:i( ft CO. Practical Prlnlrrs.anS Dsalsrsla j Type, Presses, Printing i S. Js Ink, Paper, Cards, Materials, per, lards, ., 510 Clat St.. above Sansonip. j.s rixtB) SAN KKANCISCO J. N riaTf t rrnatis) Oltircfllled out with dispatch. Itf SEW lillll ID wilts tin. milK Columbia Itivnr Hoail. Imdnitf 1 from Peri htnd Is available fortlie emii rvtt nf KTlltK tlmttmli la Dttllps Cil- Idtlmii'ra are ronsiaiitly engaged in improving 111 . orvi pan 01 ins paii. 1 A ll'iOU FKItllV OS 1)00 KIVKR and on oa aodv Uiver. - - Ralra or Tolli Each Horse, Muh or .lack M eeots Man... V ..-. SO Head of Cifllle vcarold.. .VI. .Shri-r,.". .-s. 1 10 . Tickets aold al th IVr'rieV.Nll EXTRA CHAKOK FOR FKKHYINU. A urk.l at Ui aboTa'prices Is lh onlv cliarg ou th Knad msdc bv the Company. JOEL PALMKH; PreaidmL Cohnabus Birer Road Company. J.J. Horsxait, 8s m JOHN F, MILLAR, 1 A. 0. GlHllS. March 8, 1ML lit Directors. jioh riyrrioit's t'F.l.KllltA'IT.D STOMACH IUTTKKS. Conclusive 1'rouf of llm liffifiiry nf ivs Jlellciiioii. (Jill-AT TKI TIIMIV HIIAI I, 4 Ifll'ASIN. WHAT THK HI'I'TKHS AUK. A pure, delightful vegetable hidm. To cheer the spirits, und the nerves to calm, Protect the system from Mission's buna, House torpid Nature uud the strength sustain. TiiKiii iMjiu.imcvr. l)y chemic art expressed with patient cure, Juices of plants, roots, barks, of virtues rare, And the luild spirit ot the soundest rye, Purest uf all diffusive stimuli. liKal l.T OK TIIKIII CK. Digestion rallies, appetite revives, The food itssiiuihilos, the patient thrives, Dyspepsia vanishes, with all its throes, Aud puaceful sleep succeeds disturbed repose, HFI'RCTS) ON Tlllt 1.IVK11. The hlllous sulferor, langiiid, listless, pule, Physlelied for yeHrs, uerliups, williout avail, Finds ill the Bl'i'TEKS all he ask or needs, Aud lives to smile at doctors uud their creeds. OPKItATIO UN THE IIOVVKLS. Kelaxed, constricted, or the seat of pain, 1 hese oruuns sliould not, tor one duy, remnm i The cause of each extreme you can expel rue uuitiis tone una regulate as wen. KFPKCT ON 'I Hli DDHII.I TATED, The flaccid muscles tirtnueissoon acquire. The frame gains strength, the eye resumes its lire, Strength to tne Imios, nope to tue Heart returns, nil stun ana cruieu tue couvuieseeiit spurns. BIIOKRN COD JH't't t'TIOiV. The constitution tried by pln or care, Or wild indulgence, is not repair i The genial Tonic, as the liculthfiil dews tjuickeu parched herbs, lis wasted power renews. CHILLI AND FIT.VF.U. Damp, cold, oxposure to malicious fog, . Brings on of ills a fearful catalogue, But interinilients, whutMoe'er their kind, HUSTETTEU'S UIT'l'tillS scullers to the wind, SICK IIUADACIIK, This torment dire that all enjoyment kills, Yields not to pungent scents or drastic pills, 'Tis from the stomach thiil, it takes its rise i Tone with the Bl'i'TKItK,ud the anguish Hies. WANT OF AIM'I'Tlli:, Without due nourishment life's pulBes wime, The blood grows thin and dullness clouds the brain, But this Elixir sets the system right, And "Oood Digestion waits on uppetite," Tlllt II ITT I! UN AI'TKIl Stlt'KNESS, Kxhausting fever leaves its victim low, And unassisted, Health's return is slow ; Then with tho Bitters weakened future uid, For lu each drop vitality's conveyed. Aft A 4Ji:.IUAI, Iltl!VI5.TIVH. Ily night and day, on river, sea or land, Iu instant peril of disease we stand ; But its dread arrows harmless seooi to glide Pust all Willi this iiivigoriiit forlilicd. I II PC II F ATATK II, KTC. Iioam through the world.throiigh ovory climate range, Here is the antidote 'gainst every change, . Water iiunure it tempers, und inures Mcu in till hurdships to nil tcinpei-uturcs. S4I!A MICKiVKMIS, Who has not felt how fcehly words essay The qualms one feels ou shipboard to portray ? Dreud them uo more, defy old Neptune's power, The Bitters cure tho nausea in un hour. an i ,vAiri,Ti:itATi;n tonic. Of all tho liquors borno ucross the sea Not one murk that from acrid poison 's free; These Bitters sumd 'mid sUuialauls ulone, Powerless to irritate, Ihouuli prompt to toue. A .HII.I APKIIIENT. nnmember, too, uperient loot and herb, Are blent will) those that relaxation curb In this rare mixture; give this tact due weight, That while the Hitlers tone, they regulate. a ckm i.i: conicEr ri vii. If on the stomach food to acid turns, And pungent gus the inner membrane burns, This grand corrective soon removes llie ban, Aud from the heart huru frees die inner uiun. A SAI'F All) aV.MTI.U ANODVNIi, IVbv not with all the ooiules dnninst. Thnt shake the nerves and paralyze the sense, mien tnese rare ui 1 1 r,9 soutne Ootn mind and frame, Inviting both to yield to slumber's claim 1 THK AVOIt I. ICS) OPINION. Touching the IlITTKltS . this grand fact is clear, Their fume tills ult the Western Hemisphere. lYliown in nil uiuos, wasueu nv Its oceans twain, Health, llurs and Vioux fouow in their train I AVOIR I'OI Tl!lt-I:i I'M. I108TKTTKICH BI'ITKIIS slmre Ihfi fHKSwYMa' Of all thingstw). , Imposiiiiitoie. Of IhesjwnrQ. Direelly use your eyes, f 'oifi'lionest houses puichuse your aupphes. CAUTION.. THE GOVERNMENT ENDORSEMENT. Iti order to vimrd Hiriiitmt dtniKorotm iimtoHitionii, the puulic Hie ri'titit'HtbU to litKe cct'fciai tiotu ot tlio iteau tiliilly ciiKruvcd priiprieiHi-v Kninp, tlirunh whirti the UuvuruiuuMt of tlio United Shi leu olHcinllv auilifiui nti iiverv botl le of IlOSTKiTKU'S HllTKI 8.- Ibis ibiultt, thrown bv llie Government over the pro prietoni ttiitl the uubfic lor their iuiut nrotuction. ti plHi'eu conrtpiciionMiy Heroes tne iorK imn over tue nevk of eiti-b bottle, Hitd cannot fail to strike the eve of the moKl mftttil ohwrvpr. ' Notliinj.' that purports to be HuaiiM i r.u a uuiluscuii to u"o uu lew the muiiitt in ilium. It is hi no proper to ntiite tiiut tin mil t.iin are sold I'lfliuivi'lv 111 kin, uiul nnvi'r tiinlt'r iiuv cimimnUnce uy luu Kitiioii or uio uuri-ei. iniM)tinn( utm inmuiom are abroad, utid the only fiitt'cuunl the publiu have HKtiiiMt ilium in to we that the Hitters thev buy tifur thr piiumviul IiiIxm Rtnl nlc nt luuid ot iiivKern. JIO MKTlKli At 8MHH, and the stump ubovo iiieu tioia-d. UOSTLTTEIi it SJIITII, rillsburg, h. Korsiile by all PrntflMR, Ormi-rs und Sturekecpen iiirouytiuni me nor ui, And by HODGE & CALEF, Whotoftnle IruRiNtn, rortlinid, OrcgoDs To whom all order should be addressed. b8'Jtf Summons. Q. Mehl r. Christian Scheiirnmu and Fred. Volleller. In Ilia County Court ot tloughis County, for the Mai ol Urcuon, jury urin, a.m., ii. 'l'O CHRISTIAN SCIIEt ltMAX and FHKPER 1 tt'K V01 TELLER, dclcndauta Yon aroherehv summoned nnd reunited to upN-ar iu said Court on thn Ural dnv of too Icrai Ihi'rc.if. In 1, hld at tin. cnnn-hotis In the town of Roscburg, in the cuuntv nf Douglna atorcsaid, ou Hie liisl Moudav of July, A. I)., i.4i, lo-witt llie -li is day ni July iitorosaul, and an swer the caiiipluint of Oothub .lfbl. lilcd against yon ill said court, or llie aa.ue will he laken for confessed, and tlw ptaiatilf Hforesnid will lake ludgmeut against voa for the waul of au answer for the sum uf live hundred dollars logclher with costs and di.hurs.-meiits of this soil to be tuxed. 8 F. Cll ADWICK, Uy order of th Court, All y for Pi'tf. U. L. Wili.ums, t onntv Clerk. HiMcbiirg, April 13. IDl). Civ 10 u mi iii (ii. . llT'tXIt.U auuotinr tu the Isndtc of Hnlt m Htii) ! M rimlv tliul llifv iiavss Utkon rtin in KKN YON'8 hmMiiiir.otie tlwr wrri ut tli Mannioa Huum, where Ihcy i(utl U currv on .UiKlnrry and Urrsi Making Ttit?ir HiH'k, ivrrnttv neierlod In Suit FiHtir.tro, poit it, in purl, t f H:ut.:, Him, lvilit.oiu. Kluwen, Alo. Vtvm Um exju'ritmi- in humn, btih tu Morton md 8mu Krwncim, Mr. V. fwln HMnrvd tlmt the ran pw iHtiffuotiutt lo all, ami wtmM riiHH'ttuli)' mlicit Mum ol pnblir pMlrsiiiMifV, Hulem, Man li ID, lt. ' , M SMITH & CARTWRIGHT, CCl CESSOR! to COOK K. SMITH tt CO.. Salem s3 Oregon, liea: leave to intern tba public that we imvr uiul art receiving a LA KM f. ana ni Lbtr. LKCTEt) stvk of gviivml niertdmndiso, which is of. ,' it,, m it',hm .r,iT. til IIS. H CRtSCS Hmlth V Cliitucc, Nunticnl aud Meehiinlcal DENTISTS, (10MMKUCI VI. street. Haleio. have removed their ynritce irns Hiale sir-i lo flriswolds brick, and are now Inserting artificial teeth in any aud all of the late iiiinrovivl styles, including Vulcanite, Coralile, Amber base, Ate". as w,'ll4ns eold., using no clasps wbatevr.,itns,'"desii-oiet of ibe natural lecih Wing uiierlT'discanled in their praciiee. . laiiicalar attention given lo diseases of. the gums and jaws i also, lo the regulation of children s'teath. Toc'b interred Iroin oiis UhuI, to a full set., , I7AU epemlHMU wurnsntcd. lj'j Cnili far Tun nark. CLARK fc HOLM AK will favcsish for Sr, hen. lock and alder bark, and for few bides Fkn, Feb. JT, 14. SmKi l'rot .' " CONSTITUTION WATER." " 't'llE ISI, Y UEMKDY , J For Diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, (.ravel, Di'opsli'.'ll KhcIIIiikh, GENITAL DEBILITY, Etc. ritilK AiTomisiiii ursn'nsisi wiili:n 1 has ui tended this INVALUABLE Medicine ren ders it llie most valuable one ever discovered. No litnuuiiae can convey an udenunte Idea of the innnedi lllo lilolilliiMiet iniriu-uloliB elimiu Hliich it occusions in llie debilitated uud shattered svslein. In fact, It stands unrivulled us a remedy for the permanent, cure of tho maladies above mentioned, and also WABKTHU, 1MPOTKN0V. LOSH OF MUSCtJLAn ENKHOY, PHYSICAI, PliOSTltATION, INUI0HHT10N, KKMINAL WEAKNESS (ILKliT, FLUOR ALDUS, Aud In evory Jlseaso any way connected with the dls orders or decuv of the PllOCKHATIVH FUNO 'I'lONS. Persons about to marry, if conscious of any weakness, sliould take tue CONSTITUTION WATER. Whether broken down bv excess, weak hy mil lire, or impuired by sickness, the unstrung and relaxed orimu izuiiou isut once rebraced, revived, und built up. Well iiiiiv tula celebrated medicine be culled llie MEDICAL WONDER I I; l: .looping, trembling victim of depreesion uud debility boeouies a now mam he stands erect, he moves' with a firm slepi his mind, which was previ ously sunk in gloom of an almost idiotic apathy, be comes bright and active i and he voes forth reuegeno raied, conscious of new vigor. The medicine reaches CONSTITUTION jfplt, aud restores it tons normal couditiou. Irritation of the Neck of the Bladder, Inflammation of the hidnps, and Catarrh of the Bladder, Strangnarg and Burning, or Painful Urin. olinr, Calculus. Gravel, Brick Dust Deposit, and Mneous or Milky Dis charges After Urinating, For those diseuses it is truly a sovereign remedy, and too much cannot be said iu its praise. A single doso has been known to relieve llie most urgent symp toms. TRY IT iu those cusos, and you will ever (five your pruiso to CONSTITUTION WATER! Males or Females, Are vim troubled with that distressing puin lu the smart of the hack, and through your hips I CONSTI TUTION WATER will reliove you like mnglc. Dr. W. II. OKKOO. Proprietor. MOKUAN & ALLEN, (ieuerul Agents, New York. HOSTRTTKR, MItllTH Ac lM'.AN, Agents for the Pacific Coast, 401 and 403 Battery Street, Corner Clay, Situ Francisco, and lIOsDOE & CALKF, SMITH ft DAVIS, W. WEATHISRFOIU), IHf Portland. "otjiTximk UAH COMIC. A LL persons Indebted to us in any way will please Xl consider tliemselves invited to come torwurd ana settle up. If it is impossible for yoa to pay, come and say so, and let us know when vou can. Should this general Invitation not bo he heeded, It will be necessary tor us to isBue more rwnud more urtrenl unneulB. nt the exiiense of the invited. Expecting to ehango our business, we intend selling goods in future for tue KEADl-PAi. No more no counts made, except very short ones, aud by SPE CIAL AkliANOEMEN'P with PAYINO CUS TOM ER.S. J. I. II. iTIOUUU. Salem, Oregon , Sept. With, aTtf. J, A, Wood & Co. ,. A RE manufacturing for the wholesale trade, a i perior article of TURPENTTNK, JAPAN OIL, and EXCELSIOR STAIN. The turpentine cannot he beaten in any market iu quality and cheapness. Tiie Japan Oil is far superior uud cheuper than any other oil for brick, boat, house aud fence painting. The stain is a perfect imitation of Rosewood and Matiogany. I'rtce $i,3u per gtiiiou. kt i iio-vt sTiti;i:r,, Sept. 30, 18113. 6li3tf , HARD W AUK Such as Iron, Uiv- Ktvilit L,e" "oils, lienors, jm uts, springs, nuns, grlhri i'iwB Spikes, &c. Ate, for sale bv 7tf SMITH At CAHTWIUOHT. Fiuul jM'ttU'int'iil. ST ATE of Oregon, conn! v of Coob : f)n this 5th duy of April, 1804, comes Jemima lliitl'uuiu, adminis tratrix of the estate of Abram llutfmun, deceased.aiid files her petition for a final settlement of said estate. It is therefore ordered that Tuesday, the 5th duy of July, loth), bo set upurt lor tue neutitig ol sunt peti tion, and the tinu! settlement of snid estate, ut I ho Court House, in Empire City, in tho county and Stale aforesaid ; at which time and place all persona Inter ested iu said estate are notified to appear. Pororder of GILBERT HALL, County Judge. David Moiisk, jr., Co. Clerkj 4w final Sclltoineiit. STATE of Oregon, coiintv of Coos i On this 5th day of April. ISM, comes Mary Ann Hirst, administra trix of the estate of William Hirst, deeensed, and tiles her pciliiou for a linul settlement of said estate. Itjs therefore ordered Tuesday, llia'iiidayrjuly7 1804. &tl upurt for the heating of said petition, uud the finnl settlement of said estate, at tlio Court House, in Empire City, in ttie county and Slate aforesaid, al which liuiu and place all porsons interested ill said es tate ure untitled to appear. By Onler of GILIIERT HALL, Counly Judge. David Morsk, jr., Co. Clerk. 4wU PAUL JONES. PREMIUM THOROUGHBRED BLACK HAWK, WILL l and ttie enituing wafxm of IPt4 to iiiiprove the hrped of homo, at thn Livery fcltalile of H. &. I. Durbiu, in tNtleni. Seaaoit ooiiunen'd lutof April and will end July Ut. Good und convenient pHituruve gmlii. PemoiiH Ureedinir to Paid JmtcR thisi venr, and fail iiijf to obtain a colt, cau linvu tlm seHon of 1HG6 gratis. I r,H.H- f vingie leap ; 9 iu Bcudoii. Wheat and uat tuke 11 al llie market rates. Any pemon bringing two or more good inures, can liave Mit'Tii oreu on Kimres. 1'aul sfones will be limited to 75 mares. 'ihe rolls of Paul are target one owned by Mr. Colby h liamts high at 2 wurs old, wus awarded 1st rreiiiiiiiu at Mate Tor lo"-.J. Anotliur owned by 31 liiidil, the same size, he otfers to trot at the coininif Stale Fair for "a good round sum" ugaiusl uny coll of Ins ago (si years) iu tue btatu. The person owning the niara taking the tst Pre niiuni at the show v( Paul Jones colts ihi season will bo given a season gratis. Tue winner of the d Pre 111 Mini S U 111 coin. Paul Jones is A beautifr! Mark, between fifteen And sixteen Imndu hi(fh, aud weighs uhout HtW, Ho was sirvdbvj. U McCraken's Black Hawki he by Hill's lllack llttwk, of Vermont. The dam of Paul 'was by imported Kaiigraut. Come and see him anl indue for I..... Ci 11 ni'n it 1 v Salem, April ISiil. tiw7 The PasMrotting Black Hawk Stuliion ffiu EMIGRANT, 1 1 7" ILL nmke a whumii in aiulnll count v. sei vinir f limited mini her of mares ut $.D in coin : the season eotnuieiiving on tlio 1st uf April and ending July Ut, standi 11 tr alternately at the stables of II. Hill, Idtfuvetio, D.J. Yeurguin, McMiuaville, and J. V. Walling, Amity. Kmiuraiit is a beautiful chestnut sorrel, seven years old this Spring, bUmuIs I.jJ hands high, aud weighs 1,11' poiimis. poweRsing greui bone, power, und ac tion, und is n model of svtumeiry. lie is acknowl edged by all judires to be the tmt stallion in the 8tm, and can trot faster thau auv oilior Uillion in Omtnin His iterformanu's ui. the last fetal e Fair are too well Known to require any couimentii. Kmigraut was sireilbv Hillv MeCrncken, h by Mc Crackeu's lllack HawV, of Vermont. Ilisduinwai Mtiiiiel Vmeetil s Mtwssitger, she by Coukwright s Menwnuer, of ew Yrk. Mares from a distance will find good pasturage at $1 per week. All rare taken to prevent accidents, but not responsible lor any. r or turt tier in format ton ap IJ 10 A U. 1 11 1 8. Keepers or HILl.Sot CO.tAy u, Portland. IafityeUe, Oregon, 18il4. 3uii" The Thoroughbred Jark, COMlHOMIE, JR. 1rII.L sland the rnsuimr season, eonmienrinir Anril f V 1st and ending in Jnlr, a,, nt th farm of the auhseriliar. o aniva Im Ilallan, on the Kaiem road, ut $t5 the season, f to iusure. Compromise, Jr., is 1-! nauos aiyu, auara grown color. KAMI' EI. UOFK. Polk eoontr, March l m. Shu? 1'KOUlkh.K Compromise, Jr., wus foaleil near !e.iii4tou, Ky., N?pivuitier 4ili, leYtt. hiid hy lion. Hriiry 1 lay's old imported Compromise. His dam by Mlark rnmpson. grand dam lv titiponnl i lr urs. K I'.TOIIlll'XTKIl. lxiot.n. Ky April !.", H5I. ShrriirS KiiIp. VOTK'K is hetvl.y irircii that, hf virtue of au ee is eolion. lo me direritd. froni.the'Clerk of the I'ounie l ourt for ihe counly of Yamhill, in fuior of Stephen A. louiiK and iairamt' James A. loung and John of stllhrient personal properly lo sutistyithe same. I have levied upon the followiuif deserient mil property neitnr ttie property uf l'hu Kumaue te will Ibe north half of ihe land funmly donated tu Janice l!atuat.e and -arah, his 1 n il,-aud Ihe part set nir to ttie said Niratl It.ionue. 1 NnliSralion No. l.i.'.Mu t 3, sr i w, in Yamhill eunn ' ty. (ire iron, eontaiuiuit tMI aeree. more or lees, with ailthe improvements thereunto belonging, which I thail offer for sale at public suction, to the highest oniiier lor rasa, at tne rtairt noose tiooi in laitavette, Vanihill county, tlreaon, on the Mth dar of June, IHti si I o'clock, p. m , ol mid day. In eattsfv said cseju lion and oosta. 111. tit nAKKS., Ufeyette, April . M-lwlO Sh lTof uid Co. V DR. D. JAiINt S . ex:i i :cr r o 1 1 a:n t r And Sanative Pills, II AV'K IIH10N IIKFOUK Till! PUI1LKJ m 1,0,N(1 and found such generul lavur nt every region ol country whore thoy huvo linen sold, (unit there Is no phtcci on the civilized globe wlieru thoy huve not been sold) that it would seniii almost suparllnoua at this time to direct uttunlioii to ilium through tho uiciliuiu of the press. Vol it is duo to suH'eiing Immunity, and es pecially to Hint numerous class who, iu the changea ble rliiuute of the Pncillc. count, seller from Diseases of the Lungs and Throat, Inducing and ending ill CONSUMPTION, ninny ot whom nuiv not luivu used this remedy, that they should be iillowed lo read some of the casus where its inlluenco hu.i been useful in remedying, complaints from which they are sniloring. THE EXPECTORANT OpcnHM IIMIEIHATIM upon the Disease, Surely and Speedily Eradicating, while the SANA TIVK PILLS, bv preserving regularity in the bowels and giving a healthy tone to the other internal orguus aid and assist the perfect operation of tho former. Attention is asked to tho following cerlilicntes, se lected at random from the mass In possession of the proprietors I Coiummis, Miss.,, Tun. 24. 1857. Ur. D. Jayne Dear Hir i (Jen. Win. P. Orton, one of my neighbors, was cured of llrouchilis hy the use of your Expectorant and Alle.ral.ive, after having lain forty days at the point of death, and three eminent physicians having exhausted llielr skill upon him. Several cases of Dropsy and Cancer have been cured in my neighborhood, illy little daughter wu taken lust November with an a enlargement on the neck, which grew very fast. 1 immediately commenced giv ing her your Alterative, and she is now nearly well, THOMAS L.TUNNELL, ' From the Rev. Nelson Cook, lute of Brooklyn, M in. New YoiiK.Jun. it, iSill. Dr. D. Jayne Dear Hir i A youug man liviiigin my house wus takeii with a violent cold, which settled on bis lungs, causing a bourse, hollow cough, intended with much fever. This continued for more than two wueks, when all thought death to be Inevitable, At this point 1 commenced giving your Expectorant and Sanative Pills, according to directions. In the course of two or throe days, lie oegun to expectorate li-ueiy ami in about two weeks ho was about and was loon well, A homcuonatbio pliveicmn and family spent n nigiit in in v house. The daughter wus taken with u violent croup, winch threatened speedy death. The father having no medicine, concluded to give the Expecto rant which soon ullorded rol.ef. From the liev. X. M. Jones, Hect. of Prot. Epis. Cell, u..:... ii 1...I ... lJI,ilu,l.,l..t,i,. nillllb llttll iiMtutliwn , ,uira-i, .in.. Philadelphia, March 31, 18!6, Dr. 1). Jayne Dear bir i In all casus resembling Consumption, 1 recommend Juyue's Expectorant, sft'ects in tho two lust cuseB which cume under mv ob servation. The administration of the Expectorant has, 1 am happy to say, been aitenueu oy tne most ue cided improvement of the palieuls. For a greater number and variety of certillcates.and fuller information regarding these and other oit Dr. D. Juyne and Hons' Prepurntious, reference is given to their ANNUAL ALMANAC, which muy be had from any druggist or dealer in uie. urines. SMITH & DAVIS, ly(i.4 Portland, Oregon, Agents for the State, PORTLAND FOUNDRY ....AND.... MACHINE SHOP. First Slicit. Uctween Viunlilll mill Morrison. HA VINO become sole proprietor ot this establish meiit, the undorsigneo is now prepared to nianu f'aclure ALL KINDS OF STEAM EN01NE8, of sizes from four to forty-horse power, portable or stationary. Also, Circular Suw Mills, complete i Hay Presses of allaktes; Pinning Machines (VVoodworth's pattern). Wrought und Cast Iron Work for Vertical Saw and Osist Mills! brass and iron castings, and wroughtirou work of every description. All orders executed with dispatch, nnd in a work manlike manner. DAVID MONNASTHS. P. 8. A reduction has been made on all kinds of work nt my shop, to suitthe trade and correspond with California prices. mayio llitf SALEM FOUNDRY, IS. F. DIMKE, I'roprictor. HAVING purclmfted the entire interest in tiie foim dry at Sttlem, I am proimred to turn iuii CA8T 1NGH and VVUUITG1IT IlloN WOKK of every dee cription.on phort notice. All ordorn for MILL WOKK will be filled with din patcli,undin a ButiHt'uctnry manner. Agricultural impletneiHaof all kinds uiamifartiired to!order, or r paired. 4?tt J. W. feOUTHEE, DRUGGIST, Mtrerl, Corvallls, Ori-Kon, HAS .IUST HKCljlVED A LAKGE AND well selected stock of AMF.ItK A., KIllCNCIl AND F.NOLISII Clienilnils, Driifs, Medicines, Perfumery, Dye Muffs, Fancy hoods, i'uints, Oils, Tiirpciiline, Glass, Putty, Yurnishfs, Brushes, ic. Physiciuns cuu rely on having their prescriitinns ctirefully compounded at all hours. llitf m J. H. HAAS, I Coramercis) Street, Salem, Dealer in TtlOLI) AXfi SILOS WATCHES, L i JEWELRY, ! Solid Silver al Pliilcd Waic j i FINE CLOCKS, I Spectacles, Fine Cutlery, &c. All goods sold by me are WARRANTED to be aij ; represented. t Itopairiiifr. Parttcularattentlun paid tn reiinlrlag Qne Watches, t blocks, Jewelry, ac. J ALL WORK IV All RANTED. ! Salem, Oregon, Nor. 3,1868. 1)'85 Stationery Tor the State of Oregon. CKALED PROPOSALS, will bo received ut the Ooliice of the Secretary of Statu, nulil Tuesdny, the 1 lib duv nf .lane, laol. ut II o cloch.A. M., tor liirinsh- uig stationery for tho State of Oregon, us follows : 'JO reams Congress Legal Cap, Carew, white atd,U pounds, wnie ruled. so ivams congress Lnp t.arew,wnne iain,i, potinus, wide ruled. 1)11 renins Congress Letter, Carevr, white laid, 12 pounds, wide ruled. 6 reams Commercial Note, Carew, white laid, 6 aiund, qunrlcr packages. 9 .u. omciai envelopes, ex. neavy onn no. . 8 " " " " " white ' 4 ' letter ' ex ex. huff 4 " " white. 1 ream Government blotting puper, 100 pounds. 10 gross Hbodes Sl Smis superior D. pens. 1 " Accomuiodatiou pun holders. 11 ench, spool lupe, Xo.s l.t, to, and 17. 7 dos. Sillman inkstands. No. ti. 1 barometer ' brass rack. tj) " S'eel erasers, gutta pereha handle or cocoa. 3 gross Pahers, No. pencils. li) dot. Ivo v folders, u iu. 7 " small mucilage, cap. 5 ' oringon rnlera I 41 gutta pcrcha rulers, 15 in. II 18 3 dos. Arnold writing fluid quarts. 7 " Congress Knives Wotlcuholm &. Sons. 1 " bulls colored liueu twiue. I " silk ribbon. b boxes gold seals. No. 3. 4 pounds White rubber JO lo the pound. Samides must accomounv each bid. The person or persmts receiving the contract will, wnen tne stalioucry is nelivereu,receive a warrant on tne atate 1 reaeurer in pavtuent tliervlor. 8AMTKL K MAY.Scc'r of Slate. Sulem, April 11, ItllM. 9w6 HOWE'S SEVISG MACHINE. THE NEW STYLE Howe's Family Sewing Machine, I7I1.L seam, stitch, gather, hem. fell. Mud.onilt mn.braid.and in fact PKRKllRM THE VYHOI.K KANOE OF FAMILY SKWINll. It uses TWO Thnwils, milking the LOCK Sl l'l I TII. Thereare different sixes. l'l'icr from dm lo SS.I. tiT II received the HIGHEST Premium at the late orals Pair at Lmtdon.and has been need aider- many, Frame and England for fourteen years, with peneci saiisiucuon. ocaj or it im or price. KUEKLAN1) IlliilS., Allmnv. Auents for Oregon. For sale at N. 0. Parrish it Co.'s, Sulem, and by Freeland llns. Albany. limit! ltlHiik4. 1111 E following blanks are for sale ut the Stnltman Odice. in quantities to sail. Orders, accompanied with the cash, pjomplly attended tot Connly Orderi, in oohira i Oraud Jury Summons i Utters retmenw.y ; Letters of Ad'ininislruiion ; Attachments i Executions i Adminismior's or Exec mor s Bonds i Marriage Licenses; IVimiseorr Nolca; Proof of Will : Jnsticea' Summons: Justices1 Attach ment i Appraiser's Commissions; Warranty Deeds i Tax Keceipls t Subpn?iin. ckc, Ac. Notice IShcrehv eiven, tlmt Ihe undertime,! lias been ap pointed, hy the 1'robaie 1'onH of Polk ennnlr ad minis'retor of Ihe estate of A 1. WII.EV. dereawl Those bavins; churns opon said estate will present 'heai. withiu one year, at my residence. at Oiand Boand. Ihoee iudebled will please pay up immedi ately. A. 1), 6ABCOCK. May 8, 164. if noiST'irr run's I'KI.KIIIIATI'.ll STOMACH JBITTEES. rpHE operation of this piilulahla remedy npon tlis 1. stonmi'h, liver and tho excretory organs is aiugu larlv soothing mill ronwrvulivo. It, regulates, rseruii, uiul purilies llieiii. Iiyspepsla.iit all its forms yielilj to its c iiitrol and invigorating properties. INVKiOKATIS THE SYSTEM. Vigorous digesliun and puro bile producos ntitrltinttn blood, and nutritious blond n healthy frame, jboen tho victim ( a dyspeplie stomach and a diswderml liver desire to know bow Slie digestion may lu, jm, prove.l, the hile uud other fluids ot' tho body purilled ? Dlt. lllWTKTTEIl'S STOMACH HITTERS. Will accomplish Mils rieaimhfo revolution in iliesystsm, regulating llie wierctiotis and oxerolious, giving tuna to the animal juices which dissoWt tho food, sli'i'iigth. en evory relaxed nervu, niuscle mill fibre, arid brhgK tlm whole iniicliiuery of vitality into vigorous mid healthful piny. ' RTHKNOTHEN THE SYSTEM, The best menus nf Imparting vigor to the broken down frniue uiul shuttered cnnstiluriou, which has yet been Invented or discovered, Is proffered to the fcehls of both and till ages in Dlt. HOHTISTTKR'S STOMACH 1I1TTE11S. Debility, from whatever rnnso arising, nrny be cured strength, iu whntover inunner U timy have been wasted, tiitiy he restored by the use of this pow fnl nnd ticnllhy luvigoruul, I'or indigestion uiul iu painful eirecM, bodily and mental, they ure a positive specific A WORD TO TUB AC1UD. In the decline nf life the loss of vital force coins, queut npou physical decay can only bo safely supplied hy some vivifying preoaratiun which recruits tlio strength and spiilis, with out entailing tho exhaustion which is always the final ell'eetof uruiuury stimulants. We tender to Iho aged , Dli. HOSTBT'f BH'8 STOMACH BITTERS, As an invlgornnt nnd restorative, immediate ill its bn eflciul action uud pernuinent in its effects. It tones the stomach, linprovos the appetite, and acts like a churiu upon the spirits, FOR FEMALES. Thousands of Indies resort lo It as n remedy for tiVP terttt, fluttering of the heurt, uorvons headache, verti go, general dchilily, and all peculiar disturbances and derangements to which lis a sex, thoy ure subject. It cheers und enlightens the depressed mental powers, us well as strengthens the body, und its use is never fol lowed bv uny re-action. Cr-HEWAItE OF COUNTERFEIT?,, Paiehoss only of reliuhle dealers. Sold everywhere. HOSTETTlili, SMITH & DEAN, Agents. San Francisco. ' IIODGK Ac OALEF, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS PORTLAND, Sole Agents for the Stitto. PERUVIAN SYRUP, OE PROTECTED 7 Solution of Protoxide of Iron, Hub boon tifcd with Great Success in Coring THE DYSPEPSIA. Affections of the Liver, Dropsy, Neuralgia, Bronchitis and Consumptive Tendencies, Disordered Mate of the Blood, Female Complaints, Chronic Diarrhoea, Boils, Hearty", the Prostrat ing Effects of Lead or Mercury, GENERAL JDE1JIIJTY, and nil diseases which iwjuire A Tonic and Altcrntive medicine. rpHE PROOFS OK ITS EKKICACY are so numer JL otts, so well authenticated, and of such peculiar character, that sutl'orers cannot reasonably hesitate to receive the proffered uid. The cluss of diseases for which the Hyrnp provides a cure, is precisely that which has so ofteu bullied the highest, order of medical skill. The facts nre tangible, the witnesses accessible, and the safety uud elllcacr of the Syrup incoutrovurtihle. From Well-Known Citizens of Boston. The undersigned having experienced tho henetlcial etfects of tiie "l'eruviuit Syrup," do not hesitate to recommend it to thn iittHur.ion of the publio. Rev. JOHN PIKHPONT, THOMAS C. AMOUY, TI-m&IAUA IlKYTirU Ul,"ri,' LI A DI7I,'V S. 11. KKNDAljIi, M.D., SAMUEL MAY, JAMICS C. DUNN. Hev. T. WHITfEMOEE. iililicat of Dr. Iluy-. It is well known that the medicinal ell'ect of Pro toxide of Iron is lost by even a very brief exposure to uir, ntul that to maintain a solution of Protoxide of Iron, without further oxidation, ha, been deemed im possible. In the Peruvian Syrup, this desirable point is at tuiiicd by coaniNATioM in a wy nuruut uhkkowb ; and this solution may replace all tho proto carbonates, citrates and tartrates of Ihe Materia MoHicn. A. A. HA YHS, Jl. 1)., Assnyor to Ihe Stale of Maasuchusetts. 16 Boyslon street, Ikieton. IIOMTF.TTKII, HIIITII Jfc Il. A V, 4U1 and 4IID Battery streut, comer of ('lay, San Francisco. SMITH &. DAVIS, H0DUK& CALEF. W. WEA'I'HKKKOKD, 91 f Portland. IODINEJVATEE. , rOVIXE Water is the most important discovery of modern chemislry, and it is impossible to over-estimate iia inlluence as a remedial agent. Iodine bus been considered the most useful article iu Materia Medico, und many of the moat scientific and practical chemists uud physicians have investigated its effects upon the iiumaii system. It is to act upon uie SIKAKT, MVKR, KinKKYH, DICKIITIVtS llllflAXN OK UI,AOl'LAB vri;.n, and to have great control over SCROFULOUS AFFECTIONS. Notwitliutuiultiiif the zi'iil and abilitv wliirh have been devoted to its investigation, it temnmed ulrnost lueleM until Dr. Henrv Aiiduiu. u plivnuiitii utid rliemiet of "....t. ..i-. .. . i i.. i i i irw x in n , uncr yuui n in fiiiiifiu niuijr huh wjuicn- nient, diccovurrd clietiiit al (irot-eitB wliicli enabled PURE JOV1.XE IN PURE WATER, Without a solvent. Thin, considered impowililo ht the Brie utitlc world, in ntloptcd bv cortittciites of nntil Vmib from Dr. ,f . li. (,'hiltnn of iIiim iitv.uiul Prof. booth, U. 8. Mint, i'liiladeiptiiu. The iuinotimtce of llii r'iw.tiveiy was po highly upprocialt'd by tbe Fac ulty tlmt it wiif" published in Mvilu-ul Joiiniiiin, and its tie recont mended to priuiitionera (nee "American .Medical Monthly," July n ltb page 7t.) ThU vultiubtti'niedirine in now available to the nu b lie for the cure of iSerofnIji in all its nmnifold fonn, Consuuiptiun, Cancer, Heit, Livrand Kidney Dis eases, iiltetuitatism, Kenmlgiu, Nervoui Alleclioua, Lyspepiut urouctuiia, etc. AS .A. TOISTIO Its operation in evinced bv itrenutbuuiiitf ibe ditfestiva oi'kuhh and iiicreanvd nutritiou ol Ihe body is jlie re Bull of the employment of Iodine. The patient re covers Hnh, Btrenili and color i hitherto pale, relaxed and leeblu, lie becotnea lull, strong und llorid. rulluuectiiinH accompany each bottle. Sold by nil Uriiifta. iVitu, $1 er bottle. Pre pared ly Dr. II. Anders & Co., Physicians und Chem ists, New York. HOSTETTER, SMITH & DKAN 401 and '103 Hat terry street, corner of Clay, San Francisco. SMITH fit DAVIS. W. WEATHERKOUD, 9tf Portland. No Credit!! CHARMAN, WAKXKR CO.. from Bnd nfler this date, propose to do 8T ItlCTLY A CASH BL'1 ItKb.H, lielieviiiK it will lie heiielicial to their friends and customers generally. It wilt enable then, lo sell (joodsuja LOWER PHICE, and lo effectually eompcle villi Portland. Their tie trm$natwn ts to sell gwds as cheap as any hvuse in Oregon. Auhouiih they hare extra freinlit from Portland, yet their expenses aro much liiihler ill Oreuou lily, and by their manner of doing business they can more than balance Ihe chnre for frciulit between Ibe tivo pluiwa. and thus be enabled to sell goods Cheaper than any other Home in the State. Ureon t'ily, March 7, IWI. HnilB Why do you use an Inferior fllKN yug can buy nt tlio nut no price? Th. ceivoruieu "Downer KcroMpnr Oil" The best anile pure, white and non exphanve, burn intr with a brilliant, steady flame, and coiubiiunit all the advanlaires of this incomparable and cheapest illuminator, without the attendant risk and dauber ol el plosions in using a poor article. At WOOKKS. Salem. ,Inn IHth. IKia. 4rtf oilrc. rilllE Stockholders of the "Cascade fluid and Silver J. Alininir Comiiativ'' will meet at Ihe ottiee ol V il- Hams 4t Mallury, in Nilem, on Nalunlay Ihe '.'wh da of May, INil, lor the puqmse of elertiiiKa Board f Uireet'ors. By order of Ihe Company. Sulein, April 30,' 1S0I. M Farmers and Shippers, Attention SALEM WAREHOUSE. rpHE nnderslimed, haviuir cnmpleted their SKW 1 YVAHKHOISK. are now prepaiwl to receive ail k,nds of ftetght, on aioniire or for shipmul.Clur ta cilitiea.'fiir slorinv (train, fruit. e.,are uncsi-elled ou the river. Watelinuar is situated AHWE II 10 II VA 1 ER HAKK, on the bank of llie river, term ers, haul your grain and fruit while the roads are irncu and place' them with free access lo muilict al auv nun ALEXAKDEK ft MUWJAN. Palem, Oft , 13. lyW N S