LAWS OP THE UNITED STATES, PASSED AT THE . Firm Session of the Thirty-Eighth Congress. No. 6. AM ACT relating to the admission of patienti . ; to the Hospital fur the Insane in the District ' ' of Columbia. ' Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Ameri ca in Confirm assembled, That the Secretary of the Interior be authorized, io his diaoretion, during the eiistooce of the present war, to ad nit lots the Government Hospital for the In lane, such transient insane person! aa may be found lo the Diitriot of Columbia without the neoe of telf-aopport, to be there detained un til they ean be lent to their friend or proper placet of retidenoe, under the direotion of the aid Seoretary of the Interior, whose duty it hall Via tit nrnvillA tlirfn t ha iImm nraliml. nary to their admission to be the same, except m to the affidavit of reiidenoe at the time they ' Ylpftamn iiuMinA aa am rrnuiriil in the) nana of indigent persons who became insane while re aiding in the Diitriot. A Approved, January 28, 1864. V "' No.r. AN ACT making appropriations for the pay meat of Invalid aud other pension! of the , United States for the year ending the third i eth of June, eightuen hundred and sixty-five, Beit enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Ameri ca in Congress assembled, That the following tumj be and the tame are hereby appropriated out of any money in the Treasury- not other- ! wiie appropriated, for tbe-nayrnent of Ipcniiom .w"Jt.?Jnajiw'lhe thirtieth of Juno, AiirhtAan hnndml ami tv.v.Aui. . For invalid pension! under varioui acts, one million dollan. . r For pentioni to widows, mothers, children, nd listen, under the first notion of the aot of . fourth Jnly, eighteen hundred thirty. six ; aot of July twenty-first, eighteen hundred and forty-eight; first section of the aot of February . third, eighteen hundred aud fifty-three ; June third, eighteen hundred and fifty-eight; and July fourteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty two, two million two hundred thousand dollan. ; Approved, January 29, 1864. , , ' ' No. 8. AN ACT authorizing the holding of s special lenion of the United States Diitriot Court for the diitriot of Indiana. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of It . - j-, L Ti-.i.l .,,.. . r A . .... " ta in Conmess aiiemhled. That a inecial ies- lion of the United States District Court for the , diitriot of Indiaua ahall be holden at the usual place of holding laid court, on the second Tues day in March, in the year of our Lord one thou iand eight hundred and aixtv-four. . 8zc 2. And be it farther enacted, That luita and proceeding! of a oivil or criminal na ' tore, now pending in or returnable to said court, ahall be pnnieeded in, heard, tried and determined, by mid court at aaid apecial lei lion, in the lama manner ai at a regular term of aaid oonrt, and the judgo thereof ii hereby empowered to order the empannelling of a petit jury ror lata session, not not a grana jury. And nooaieihall be oomidered which itandi continued to the May term by order of tho court. Approved. February 12, 1864. '.V No. 0. AN ACT making an appropriation for rebuild- , nig me iiaoie at me f resiaeni i. ' Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Stales of Amer ica in Congress assembled, That the turn of twelve thouiand dollan, or io much thereof ai . may be necessary, be and the lame ia hereby nn( ttt ana nuinaff In Iks Tmm. Commiiiioner of Public ilnildiugi to cause the table at the President's to be rebuilt forth with. . i Approved, Feb. 13, 1864. fPoDLio Hesolution No. 7. J , ; A Resolution eipresiive of the thauki of Cnn , , grate to Major General Nathaniel P. Banki aud the oflioura aud loldien under hit com mand at Port Hudson. ' ' ' , Resolved by the Senate and House of Rep i resentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the thauki of ' Conrrt-ai are berebv tendered to Major Gene- ' ral Nathaniel P. Buoka and the oflioeri autL- oldiera under hit command, for the akill, oour age and eodoranoe wbiob compelled the itir- : render of Port Hudson, and thua removed the ' last obitruotton to tho free navigation of tho , VUiiitippi river. . Approved, January 28, 1864. Public Bebolution No. 8. . A BeaolulioD of thauki to Major General Ara r bran . Burniide and the officera and men who fought under hit command. Resolved by the Senate and House of Rep 1 reteniatives of the United States of America , in Congress assembled. That the thauki of Congrew be and they hereby are presented to Major General Ambrose E. Hurnside, and through him to the officer! and men who bare , fought under hit command, fur their gallantry, good oonduot, and ioldirr-like endarnuoe. 8o. 2. And be it further resolved. That the President of the United Statei bo reqnestcd to cause the foregoing resolution to be ojtninu nioated to Major General Buruaide in tuoh terma as be may deem but calculated to give fleet thereto. Approved, January 28, 1804. (Public Resolution No. 9. A Beiolution expressive of the thauki ol Cnn greta to Major General Joseph Hooker, Ma jor General George G. Meade, Major Gene ral Oliver 0. Howard and the ofhoert and oldien of the Army of the Potomao. Resolved by the Senate and House of Rep resentatives of the United Stales of America in Congress assembled, That that the gratitude of the American people and the thanks of their Rfipreeentativei in Congress are due. and are hereby hindered, to Major General Joseph Hooker and tho officeri and loMieri of the Ar my of tho Potomac for the skill, energy, and endurance which first covered Washington and Baltimore from the meditated blow of the ad vancing and powerful aruiy of mbi-l led by General Robert E. Lee ; and to Major Gene ral George G. Meade, Majur General Oliver O. Howard, and the offloert and loldirn of that army, for the skill and hemio valor which at Gettyibnrg repulsed, defeated, and drove back broken and dispirited, beyond the Kappahan ' bock, tho veteran, army of the rebellion. Approved. January 28, 1864. Public RgaoumoN No. 10 A resolution prtsemtiog the thauki of Cencrcsa to Corneliui Vanderbilt for a gift of the . iteamihip Vanderbilt Whereas, Corueliui Vaoderbllt, of New York, did, during the Spring of eighteen hun dred and lixty-two, make a free gilt to bit im periled ocuntrr of bii new and itauoch steim ahip "Vanderbilt," of five thousand torn bur then, built by him with the greateet eare, of the beet material, at a oott et eight hundred thoaaand dollan, which iwamihip bai ever since bera actively employed In the eervioe of the Republic agaiint the relwl devastations of her eonimerce ; and ahereai the aaid Corneliui Vanderbilt bai in no tuanuer eoagbt anv re jaual of th aiagaiticut gift, nor any olhoiil reongaiUea thrrrul Therefore, , Resolred by the Senate and House of Rrp rtesnialwes if Ih United States of Amsrxcn in Congress assembled. That the thauki of Cong re be presented to Corooliui Vanderbilt for tLii ankee mauiieeUlioa of a fervid aod arge-cealed patriotuni. beo. S. And bt it further resolved. That the l'reiideat of the Uuited State be request ed to oauie a gold inwlal lo be struck, which ahall fitly embody an atteslalion of the nation'! ratiiade forthil gift) whiuh medal ahall be forwarded te Corneliui Vaederbilt, a copy f It beirt; wade aod dopoeited for preeenraUon la the library of CoogrM. Approwd.JaaMrr28.1864. Rksoliition n. 11.1 A Resolution in rulntinn ta tho Public Printing. Kesolved Dy the Senate and Howie if Rep resentatives of the United States of America in congress assembled, 1 hut the secouu lec tion of the joint resolution approved March tnira, eigntaen hundred nd nxty-tnreo.De ana the same ia hereby repealed ; and that the Su perintendent ot rublio Printing he uireotea to print hereafter, leven hundred copies of every oill and joint resolution ordered or required to be printed by either the Senate or the House of Representatives, under any .rule of either House, unlesi sonio other number be speoiully required by the House ordering the same. ' , Approved, February IS, lob l. Public Rkiolution No. 12.1 Joint resolution tendering the thanki of Con- gross to Major General W. T. Sherman. Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Amer ica in Congress assembled. That the thanks of uongreat and ot the people ot the United Statei -are due, and that the mine are hereby tendered, to Major General W. T. Sherman, commander of the department and army of the Tennessee, and the officers and soldiers who served under him, for their irallant ami ar duous services io marching to the relief of the army ol the Cumberland, and lor their gal lantry and heroism in the battle ol Uhattauno- ga, which contributed iu a great degree to the success oi our arms iu that glorious victory. Approved, l' euruary ju, ieo4. New York Politics, The New Vork corres pondent of the Bulletin writes i -TammaDT bai finally-broken loose from its af filiation with the peace faction In its party and mount! the war-horse once more with the evident purpose, of sticking to it until the rebellion it ef fectually crushed, lbs sachems hud a meeting ou Friday night, when an address was adopted and a platform laid down which together furnish an exposition of the reasons which have Impelled them to break with the Regency and of the course which they mean henceforth to pursue, A Danish Ikon-Clad in Action The first trial of a Monitor in Europe took place when on the 18th ol Febrnury, the Danish iron clad turret batterry Rolf Krake went to Elieu- iimd to attempt the destruction of the Prussian bridge into Brnager, (about which our special correspondent tolegraphod ui at the time.) We have now received authentio information about the result of this trial, which was most satisfactory to tho Monitors. Tho Rolf Krake wat under a constant Gre from the land batter ies ou three sides for nearly two hours, yet wnen sne returned to oondcruerg, the ship, turrets, artillery, machinery and everything, was uninjured and fit iro under fire acnin at aur moment. There wero about 100 marks outside her, where the shot had hit the plating, and mine of the crew had heon wounded by pieces of shells bursting just over the gartiugs in the top of tho turrets. The reivson why she had to return was that the water woi so shallow she could not get near enough to see the bridiro. which was protected by a projecting piece of land, and consequently the had to urn at the bridge at random, without Doing able to Judge of the remit. She however succeeded in do ing considerable damage to the enemy: Lon don limes, Marcli 'id, , ni, ii in mil a i ii WOULD announce to the Ladies of Hnlum and vi einitv that thev have taken rooms In K10N YON'S buildinpr.ouc door west of the Mansion Hoitee, where tney intend to carry on Millinery and llrem Mukiug. Their stock, recently selected in Sun Francisco, eon sisls, in Dart, of Honueis. HntH. Ribbons. Fluwers. fed. From long experience in bueineM, both in linstun and Sail Francisco. Mrs. W. feeli assured that she can give satisfaction to all, and would respectfully solicit a snura or ine puouc pairouage. -Salem, March JU, IBM. 3nVI SMITH & CARTWRIGHT, OUCCESdOK.S to CUHKE. HMI l'll Jt CO.. Hulem O Oregon, beg leave to inform the public that we nave ana are receiving a uiauis auu ncnt sb LKCTED sleek of general uiarobaudite, which is of- lerea at reaucea prices, m DR.L.8.SKIFF Surgeon Dentlat Office In Holtnan's ltrlclc ltuilding. Residence, near corner or r i rut and Uenler streets. None bat ttnished operations performed. I desiri the natronajre of such nerious as wish operations performed iu the most perfect manner. saiem, uo. ma. inn?. - 4-ai I. HI. H. CHANCk Smith Sc Chance. Surgical and Mechanical DENTISTS, COMMERCIAL strtet, Selem, have removed their ottice from State street tu Oriswold's brick, and are now Inserting artillcial teeth in any and ah ef the late Improved styles, including Vulcanite, tjoralit. Amber bua. dec., as well aa gold, using no clasps whatever, those destroyer of the natural teeth being utterly discarded in their practice. Particular attention given to diseases of the gnms and iwi 1 iso. to in regulation 01 children t leeiu Teetn inserted from one tooth to a full set.j CyAll operations warranted. Iy45 Cash for Tnn Bark. CLARK et IIOLMAN will pay cash for fir, hem lock and alder bark, aud fur raw hides. Hulem, Feb. iff, IHH, faeWpaid ROAD 10 DALLES (in, THK Columbia Kiver Kd, leading from Pnrthind. is aviUble for the nival nf KTOCK thrnuvh to Dulles Citv Laborer are eonstanily engaged in Improving th runt Hurt of the read. A GOOD FEKBV OK DOO UIVER aud one on andy River. Rates of Tolll Each Hone, Mule or Jack .V) cent " Man 50 " Head of Cattle over on year old.. SO " ' Bheep 10 ' Tickets sold at the Ferrie. NO KXTRA CHARGE FOR FERRY1NO. A ticket at the above price, is tno only cuarge ou ine aiisu inufie oy in 1 ompatiy. JOICL PALM Kit, President. Columbia River Rood t'ompany. J.J.Horrat, 8c'y. JOHN r. Mll.l.KIt, JOKL PA MICH, A. C. 01UUS, March 3, llf Directors, J.l.KSArr, I 5 M.S.aUHKIILL, Ban Francisco, Cat. ( Portland, Oregon Knnp, Tlnrrell V Co., GENERAL COMMISSION U KUCHA NTH, and VT Importer and Denier In Agricahural Imple ments, Oardeti and Field Oniea Heeds, tin Front street, Portland, Oregon, will give vneeial attention to th sale of Fruit aud Prodne uu consignment, lllliug or der, eVa., either la Portland or Man Fruucieoo, aud trHiisaet a geuerat coininiaeion Dusiaess. 7"Ollic in Kan Fraucisoo, U1U Wnslilngtou st. .March I. , , IvulMlf WAH NC1HP. 'T'llK undersigi'.oil will pareliaaa Oregon and Waih 1 Inglon War Claims, buspaiided Claims, Outlawed Drain, tic, and will tak clanrt for collection on reasonable terms. LA! ON dt CCHL. tNilem, Ogn., April IRtM. litf Owylior? Snloon. '11IIK above Saloon silmiled nut door ahov X' Hall, Dalles, ha heen enlnreed, relltled and nfuraisbed, and will be oondurled on th styl uf a oral oias rmioon. rre concert every nigni OK Kit 4 ilcl'O.NN'I'LL Palles.Feh. 10 oixt ' fAITt:itCO. a rracncaimniers, octisrsln Type, fresscs. Printing Materials, Ink, Papr, Cards, c, S10 Clay St., almve Saninme, J.a rAisna) BAN FRANCISCO. 1. rira T. r. SAlSTka) OttlceslttUd ont wlthdispateh. Uf To the Citizen! of Salem. Lumber, Laths, lMekcta 'PHK nndrignil beg leav lo Inform the rilliens 1 of tale in that he has re purrhased the I LIPPKH RAW MILL and PLANI.NO MACHINE situated on th Orvgoa City road, 'Jj mil's north ot 8aln. where h will be happy lo furui-h hi old cinaouiers with the 1ml aiulitr uf le ow. n i l, or tied r tr Lnnil-er. Laths, or Pitkeu, on short uotie and reatuDakl IfflUB, S3' term , FOUR YOKE Or GOOD WOK a CATTLK wanted inmeiatrly. K. D. TOWL. 4rf Jtt'iiwrjr IMibi Oregon Insane Agjlmn and hospital. DHM. II AWTIIORVK AXIS I.OH, KA, PHT- It'lARU AND I'KOPmKTOIl. THESE Instltalloas ar silonled la East Portland, i lumiikf and nlraeaul locality, near a beuuiifttl perenuiai spring. AnpleaooosaajiodatliMisar aaordial for th comfort and speedy cur of those that favor us with their patruuagw. Offoe at WMtasn-foKl'i ttriu; Stor, t reat strait, fettlaa. SKf Hl'SlM'.SS CARDS. A LI .EN it LEWIS, Importers and Whole sale dealers in Groceries, Llry Ooods, Clothing, and Hunts and Hhoes. Also, solicit cnntiKnmanti ol Ottfon produce, for tho San Francisco market, on wlii'-li liberal advances will be nmue Persuus iihipimiu Roods from the Eastern Statesto our care, cau rely upon their receiving prompt alien moderate charges. Ofllce in San Francisco, CHESTER N. TERRY," Attorney aud Coun selor at Law,'.Salein, Oregon, Commissioner of Deeds, and to take testimony, acknowledgements,, for Iowa. Indiana, Missonri, Michigan, California and Washiniitou Temtorv. lUm of Attorney, and all other iiistrumeutsof writiug, drawn on short notice. Particular attention paid lo taking ueposiiione.voi loclum of Notes, Accoants, cVcJ 3'tf JC. I'OWKLL, Attoruev at law, Albany. L,iun ( 0.. Orognn. Office in Monteltii's liiiilding. Will praciicsin all the courts in Oregon, and promptly at tund to nil hnaiiiMs entruaied to biicnra. Purlinnlar attention paid to collections from Portland, Kan Fran cisco auu eisewnere, in an pane 01 urogun. 1 ue ueni of reference given If desired. . 46tf DVV. it M. R. COX, Wholesale aud Retail Druniiits. Dealers in Foreign and Domestio Drags, Patent Medicine, Perfomery, Fancy Koaps, Hair Brushes, One Toilet Articles, themicula, Drug- gist's tilaeswareAo. Also, a large qnantiry of con centrated extracts of Plant of the purest quality. Commercial t Salem, Oregon. lotf AOOISON 11. OIHBS, w LAItt H... GIBBS 4c HILL, Attorncyi and Counselor! at Law. Will give prompt attention to all pro fessioaal basineas entrusted to them Office on Front street, ouposite the Uennieon House, Portland, Ore gen. . mit i.U. MITCHKIIh -: , JOS. . DOLPH, Kolary Public AJ-ITCHELL 05 DOLril. Attorss sn-J 'lil. Counselors at Law, Holicitors In Chancery, and Proctors In Admiralty, umeo over rost umce. rroni street, Portland. 66i)tf 1JENRY LAW, Commisgion Morcbant, and LL Importer and Dealer in Wagon Material. Hubs. Hpukes, Felloes, Hhafts, Hicliorv Axles, etc, on band in hits to suit. Flour and Feed of all kinds, btore 26 Front street, Portland and 'M street, Dalles. bfi'Jtf riATON Sc CURL, Attorneyi at Law, v J practice in the courts of this Stat. Office in Oris- wold's brick, over Hell cV Brown's store, Salem, Ogn, November, 3d, 18DS, Wtf 1. 0. CAHTWRIOHT. C. I. SELLlhOKR. riARTWRiGHT & BELLINGER, Attor- J novs at Law, Sale in, Oregon Office In Moores' Brick finilding. 66!ltf WILLIAMS & MALLORY, Attorneyi at 11 Law. OIHce In Wilson's building, Salcin, Or- egon. June, 8,181,3, Mtf FO. McCOWN. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Oulce with Dr. W. D. Magera, Waconda. Marion county, Oregon. Post Office address, Bel passi. WC. JOHNSON. Attorney and Counselor at Law, Oregon City, Oregon. Will attend to all business entrusted to his care. Collections made and promptly remitted. )yo7 DR. J. W. McAFEE, Physi cian and SUR GEON, oilers bis professional services to the clt- itens of Balem and vicinity. OIHce in Myers' build- ug, opposite Kenyon's. wtl rpiiOMAS D. WINCHESTER, Attorney JL at Law, Empire City, Coos Bay, Ogn 40tf BP. UONHAM. Attorney at Orande, Baker rmiutv, Oregon. Law. La 8lf UMASOK kODKLL, Atlorueysal Law .Dalles, Wasco county, Oregon, liHtf DR. E. R. FI8KE. Physician aud Surgeon. Ollic ut residence, 3 doors south of Poet OIHci, fcalein. M'iil Hodge Calef. PORTLAND. OREGON, dealers in Drug9, Medicines, Paints, Oils and Glass, White Lead, Vumiblies, Brushes, Pith) tors' Materials, &c. ' 1 -AL80-Kerosene Oil and Lamps, -OFFER FOR SALE Linseed Oil, bbls. und cases. Lard Kerosene it , i IS II II II II II White Lead, kegs and pails. Turpentine, Painters' stock, Window Glass, -AND A STOCK OF DRUGS AND MEDICINES Unsurpassed in the State, in Extent, variety and Completeness. HODGE ty CALEF, 1)7 Front street, Portland. 17tf CM NlH'l'tV's Mulr. 1) V virtue of an eieeution. to me directed, from th 1) Clerk of Circuit Court for the county of Yamhill, Oregon, in accordance with a decree rendered si the April term of said Court, in the year IHGt, to foreclose a mortgage and satisfy a iiidirnient in favor of 8. B Stone and against John Iooeley and Lnev Looetey, I have levied npun the following described mortgaged premise, to wit t Huuat lit 15, r 4 Yamhill eounly, btai or Oregnnjiiiu wore particularly Known aa the donation land claim of Cnrlue Bulluni and Lacv llutfutn. his wife, ami reeorded in th Survevor Oen ami's Ollle nf th H'ate of Oregon, a Notification No. 1,-U, and ulaiut No. &J, aud containing otil acres, more or tree, witn an 11m tmprovemeai and appur thuances thereanlo belongina. consisting of a dwell ing bouse and other out buildings, whieh I ahull oiler for sale (or so much thereof as will sattsfv Mid exe cution and eoets) at pithlle auction to the highest bidder lor caati at tn court-nonee floor in Ijilavetto, In said count v, on th tali day of June, IBM, at 3 o'clock, p. ui.. of" aaid due. 1IKNIIY WAKUKN. Ulaveit. April 'W, 'fit twill HI. ff of aaid Co. I. IASS. O.I.UIU BASS fe ABEL, ..AT THIin.. STEAM FACTORY Mia tui 11 1 AMsoii LiNuiaa. ialim. KEKPUS IIAdU, A MO MltM KAtl t HK, Al.l. KIN OK OP SASH, BLINDS, DOORS, CORNICE, iiidow t'rwm9, c, e , aud ivaitisM, to oaoaa. Knr Tirltlj it UlTSIDK ui JNS1DK Finiik 8CROLL-W0OL, WOOD-TCRSISa, Vo, All kinds of JOB WORK don with neain aad di.pau-h iWf llASel at AHKL. BENJ. STRANG, alalia PARLOR AND COOK STOVES OP ItVFBT PATTBRN, Keep eonstanily on hand, and Slanufaetar to order. Tin, Sheet Iron, and Copper Ware, Oa raaaonabl term. MrTTAt. ROdFIN'O, and J0I1UIN0 of aU liada promptly allended 10. . Shop on Coniuwreial Mrt, SaUat, Oragon, .1 door North of Hlrerh at t o. tktHf Farmers and Shippers, Attention SALEM WAREHOUSE. rpnK nndenlgned, having completed tbair NEW J WAREHOl aK. ar now prepared tu riveW; tinWs of Jrtifkl, on etorair or for shipenent. Our fs olllir,, for noting grain, fruit, lie. tr nnrxrelled on the river Warrhmie is iioated ABUVK HIUH WATER MARK, on la bank of th river. Farm rs. haul your grain ai-4 fmit w hi! tb road ar good id plac Uieu will mse aeers to narfcet at anv Urn. . ALEXANDER at MORdAN. tUVsa, Oct t, W3A iiom xirrrj'.ii-H CKLKBKATKD STOM A CHJ 5 ITT I' RS. Conclusive Proof of Hie llffirary ot nosiEiiER sraitii mnEBs. OBEAT TltlTliaiK H.HAI.I, ( OnPAHN. WHAT Tim IIITTEUil AUK. A pure, deliglitftil vegetable halm. Tn eheer the spirits, and the nerves to calm, Protect the system from Miasma a ban. Uoiuw torpid Kutura and the strength sustain. TIIKIH INnRRDIISNTg. By ehemic art expressed with patient eare, Jaicee of plant, roots, barks, of virtues rare, Ana ine nine spirit 01 me enmiaett rye, Purest of all diffusive stimuli. ' RKHUI.T". OK THEIR ISK, Digestion rallies, nppetlte revives,' Th food assimilate, the patient thrives, Dyspepsia vauiabes, with all Its throes, , Aud peaceful sleep succeeds disturbed repose. , EFFECTS ON THE LIVER. The, bilious1 iiiflerer, languid, listless, pale, rnysicaeu lur yen re, pernups, wiinouc avail, linos in tua mi it, its all tie isks or needs, And lives to suite ut doctors and their creeds. OPERATION ON TUB IIOWEI.I, Relaxed, constricted, or the seat of pain, These organs should not, for one day, remain 1 ' Tin eanse or each oatrcms you cau expel mi;tKBtoiie,uiio iwiif'tjiui wen. . EFFKCT ON TI1H DKMH.ITATED. The fluccld muscles lli-tniiesntooti acquire. The frame gains streugth, ti-.e eye resuines Its fire, Strength to the Men Us, Dupe i the heart retnrus, Till stall' aud crutch the coiitaleicent spurns. BROKEN COKSTITITIOIV. The constitution tried by pain or care, Or wild indulgence, is not repair 1 The genial Tunic a th heuUbfni dews Quicken parched herbs, its wasted puwer renews. CHILLS AM) Damp, cold, exposure to malicious fog, Brings on of ills a fearful catalogue, Hut internilltents, whatsoe'er their kind, HObTETIlili S UmiiUS tenners to the wind. HICK IlKtOACllB. This torment dire that all enoyment kills, Yields not to pungent scents or drastic pills, 'Tis from the stomach that h takes its rise 1 Toue with the B1T1LUS, and the anguish flies. WANT OV APPETITE. Without due nourishment Dfe's poises wane, The blood grows thin and dullness clouds the brain, But this Elixir set the system right, And "Good Digestion waiU on appetite." TlsB BITTERS AFTER SICKNESS. Exhausting fever leaves Ita victim low, And unassisted, Health's return is slow ; Then with the Bitter weakened Nature aid, For in each drop vitulily's convoyed. ' AS A OENKKAI. PHRVKNTIVB. By night and day. on river, sea or lund, 4 In instant peril of disease we stmld 1 but its dread arrow harmless seem to glide) fast all with ibis iuvigorant fortibed. I.TIPl'KK WATER, ETC. Roam through the world.lhrougli every climate range, Here is the antidote 'gainst every change, Water impure it temper, and Inures Men iu ail hardship to all temperatures. SEA SICKNESS, Who has not felt how feebly words essay The qualms one feels on shipboard to portray f Oread them no more, defy old Neptune's power, The Bitters cur the nausea in sn hour. AN UNADULTERATED TONIC. Of all the liquors borne across the sea Not one mark that from acrid poison 'a freet These Bitters stand 'mid stimnlants atone, Powerless to irritate, though prompt to tone. A JTIIIiD APERIENT. Remember, too, aperient root and herb. Are blent with thoee that relaxation curb In this rare mixture 1 give this fuct due weight, That while the Bitter tone, they regulate. A GENTLE CORRECTIVE. If on the sloniuch food to acid turns, And pungent gas the Inner itiembruue hums. This gruud corrective soon removes the ban, Aud from the heartburn frees the inner man. A SAFE AND ORNTI.E ANODYNE. Why nul nitball the uplubts llp,a. That shake the nerves and paralyze the sense, when these rare nuifttto soothe both uimd and fratue, Invitiug both to yield to slumber's olaim T TUB WORLD'S OPINION. Touching the BITTERS this grand fact Is clear, 1 neir lame nue an ine western nemispnere. Known in all land, washed by it oceans twain, Uxalth, liorx and. Vlooa follow in their train I AVOID COUNTERFEITS. HOSTETTEU'8 UITTKII8 share the common fat Of all things good InipnMer imitate. Of these beware. JJiscrectly use your eye, I rum uonest nousee purcnase your supplies. CAUTION . THE GOVERNMENT ENDORSEMENT. In order to guard iiruitiil dittiirerotu impotitioat. the puMic are requested lo take wpecial not of the beau tifully eiiKruvrd proprietary etamp, tlironirh which the fliiverntuftHt of the lTniied MtHtet. ntficiiillr anthenti- ata every bottle of HoHTKTTKK A UlTTEKS. prietora and the public fur their joint protection, ia placed conspicuously acroee the curie and over the neck of each bottle, and caunot fail to iirike the eye of the moat caannl obwrvfr, Notliinjf that purporu 1 ma mi in. 11 rown iit ti ituvamnienL over mm nm vo om nuciiLt ir.nomi iluo cmu ue vuuiub go lem the tlttuiu it there. It ia alio prone r to elate tnnt tn in i i cus are told xcl;ieivelr io fflHne.Htid uevtr under any circuroMance by the irallofl or th. barrel. Import ore and i mil store are abroad, aod the only wfeitard the public bare aKit tlittin in to aue that tho Bittcrt they buy near the engraved lawl ni note or band of MeMra. Hi- MiMiiitt D.U11U, aim ttie atamp above men tioned. kepahid by DflSTETTERk SH1TII, Pltubnrg, Pa. For ule by all Driiwiai. Ororera and 8torekeepen inroiiKnout tue w orld, And by HODGE & CALEF, M holeaalp Druggists, Portland, Oregon, To whom all order should he addreiwed. 6S'.1f PllbllC Suit. NOTH'E is hereby given that in piirsuane of an order of the County Court of Marion couulv, in the Slate of Oregon, made on the aecond dav of May, 1864, in the mailer of the eeiat nf John P. Oaine deceased, the undersigned will sell at nublic auction, at the court-house in Salem, to the highest bidder for thru, huu suuirrs w ruiiiiriiiuKwi kt sum rusn. on lire ?th dav of Juue. ISo4. the fidlowilm rtal estate, tu- wit t The undivided interest of a minor heir to the north half of Ih south half uf sec. III. t Bs. r .1 w, being about 7 acre of an undivided interest of 16& ii lull acres. MAKT.ARKT B. UAINKS, Salem, May 0. '"1-4 will Guardian of said heirs. NummoHs. Q. Uehl . Ciiitetiaa Mbvaraiaa and Fred. Votltlltr. In the County Court of Ovtigla t ounty, for the mate ol urvgon, jiuy lenn, A. 17., leoi. T-O CHRISTIAN RCIIEURMAN and PREDKtt 1 ILK VOiVELLER. defciidunt You areherebv snminoued and reomred lo appear In said Conrt on tb ant dav of Ui term thereof, to be held at Ui court-house in the town uf Roaebara , in th eonniv of Douglas atoreMid, on the ntst Uondav ol Jnly, A. D. 1064, lo-wil i The 4ili day of Jitlv aforesaid, and an swer lli camplstut uf Outleib Melil, tiled against you in said conrt, or Ui same will be taken for eonfeeeed, and Ui idamtitf aforeeaid will tak iudnmnt amuoat yon for the want of an answer for the sum ut riv hundred dollar together witb coal and disbursement of tins suit to be Lied. g. V. CHAD WICK, By order uf tin Court, Au y for l'l ff. L L WaiUMs.luntitvCletk. Knebnry,.April 13. Ittol. twlO SherifT't nlf. XTOTirt I brlv glren that, by virtoe of aa sx- ll cuiioo, to an dirMied, from th Clerk of lb County Court for th county of Yamhill, iu favor of Stephen A. Young and ugHmt Jnuie A. Yonng and John Ramm. and for want of entflrieitt persooaj finxny to Miuty tlx sam. I bar levied a una tb ullown'ig described real properly hesug tb property of John Itameire to a it i I be north half of tb land formerly donaunl to Jama Rnmag and Sarah, bi wit, and th part e, off io tbe aaid Baraa Kama. Notiniaiioa No. I,4,"A la 1 1 sr 4 w, la YtmhiUeoan- ty. tlramui, eoataining aces, snor r lee, with all ih improvement thertRlo llonging, which 1 vliall offer for sat at public auction, to th highest kto.ler far eaesi, at ih euarl hone in Lafvrti, laaibili eouaiy, Osvgoa, on Ih eth day of J una, irM, at 1 o'clock, p. at., uf said dav. lo Miiefr said sse Uon and cost. llKNKY U'ARREN, Utaystt. April S9,t4-4wl0 Sh lfof said Co. BlatMka. TR E fellowiag blanks an tut sal at th ftasnausa OKc, i ejoanlili losnit. Ordw, aeeosapaand with lb rash, Moaipily attended lot Cnantv tirder. iu cvdoret Oraud Jury Snmmont; Letter Teetanentary t Letter of AdiniuistratKm i Altachmvnu i Ka"iivnt i AdmlnlMrator't or lis se nior's bVnihi : Uarriag License i Proasiwory Note ; Proof of Will i Justice' Summous i Jiwtnt Attach aiaole Appnwtar Covousstous , Wanaaly ld , Taa Keeeipt i Subpflsuas, c , e " CONSTITUTION WATER." THE OS LY REMEDY For Diseases of tho BLADDER, KIDNEYS, (iravcl, Dropslnil NwclllngH, GENITAL DEBILITY, Etc. rpilU AUTOWISIIIIO atl''l'l!"l WHICH 1 lias attended tins INVALUAIII.l! Medicine ren ders It the moat vuluable one ever discovered. N'o laiiKUHKe can convey an adequate idea of the immedi ate und almnst miraculons cliiiune wliicli it occasions iu the debilitated and shattered system. In fact, it suintls unrivalled as a remedy for the permanent cure of the maladies above meutioned, and also DIA1IETKS, IMl'OTKSCV. LOSS OP MUSCULAR ENERGY, PHYSICAL HKOSTHATION, INU10KSTION, SEMINAL WEAKNESS GLEET, KLUOU ALBL'S, And in every disease any way connected with the dis orders or decay of the PROCKKATIVE FUNC HONS. Persons about to marry, If conscious of any weakness, should take the CONSTITUTION WATER. Whether broken down by excess, weak by until re, or impaired by sickness, the nnstrune; and relaxod orirail izaiion Is at once tebraced, revived, and built up- Well mav tnis ceieoratea meaicine oe cauen tue MEDICAL WONDER The stoouiiibT. tremblinir victim of dunrussiou und debility becomes a new man 1 he stands eroct, he muvea with a I rin sten 1 his mind, which was nrevi ously sunk in gloom of an almost Idiotic apathy, be-' comus Diignt ana active t.auq ne troeii i'in.reneKeue- rated, coiistious of new vigur. The medicine reaches CONSTITUTION Itself, and restores it to it normal condition. Irritation of the Neck of the Bladder, hjtummation of the Kidnepi, and Catarrh of the Itlattder, Strangvary and Burning, or Painful Urin. ating, Calculus. Gravel, Brick Past Deponit, and Mvcout or Milky Dis charges After Urinating, For these diseases it is truly a sovereign remedy, And too much cannot be said in Its praise. A single dose has been known to roliev the most urgent symp toms. TltY IT iu these cases, and yon will ever give your praise to CONSTITUTION WATER! Male or Female, Are you troubled with that distressing pain In the amHll of the back, and through your hips 1 CONSTI TUTION WATER will relieve you like magic. Dr. W. H. OHEOO, Proprietor. MORGAN ec ALLEN. General Agents, New York. HoiTRTTtn, an it 11 v dean, Agent for the I'acitle Const, 401 and 403 Battery Street, Corner Clay, San Francisco, and HODOE & CALEF, SMITH & DAVIS, W. WEATHEUFORD, 9lf Portland. OTJH TIME IIA.H OOMK. ALL persona indebted to us in any way will please consider themselves invited to come forward and sett le up. If it is Impossible for you to pay, come and say so, and let ns know when you can. Should llii general Invitation not be he heeded, it will be necessary for us to issue more iccinand more urgent appeals, ut the expense of the iuvited. Expecting tu change our business, we intend selling goods in future for the READY-PAY. No more ac counts made, except eery short ones, and hv SPE CIAL AURANOEMENT with PAYINO CL'8 TOMERS. J, n.eVI.H.IllOOHKI, Sulem, Oregon, Sept. With 87tf. J. A, Wood & Co, ARE manufacturing for the wholesale trade, a su perior article of TL'ltl'EXTINK, JAPAN OIL, and EXCELSIOR STAIN. The turpentine cannot be beaten in any market in quality and cheapness. The Japan Oil is far superior and cheaper than any other oil for brick, boat, house aud fence painting. The stain ia a perfect imitation of Rosewood and Muhoganv. Price $1,50 per gallon. Sr FROI'r JTIIKBT, POUTLAND. Sept. 1)0, IS63. etfltf j?,T( IIAKDWAKK Such aa Iron, Riv- eta. Bolt, Washers, Nuts, Springs, Nails, faaeaaaAaaitipikes, etc oce., lor sale nv 71 SMITH at CARTWRIGIIT. Notice. The undersigned, having been appointed adminis tratrix of the estate of Julian Bihau, deceased, all persons having claims against said estate, are re quested to preseut them, with proper vouchers, to me at my residence in Bt. Louis, Morion county, Oregon, within six mouths from tbii date. EMII.IK BIHAU. Fslr-m, April 25. 1864. Jwt Final Settlement. STATE of Oregon, county of Coos i On this 5th day of April, 1864, comes Jemima Hull'uian, adminis tratrix of the estate of Allium Huffman, deceased,and files ber petition for a llnal eettlemeut uf said estate. It ia therefore ordored that Tuesday, tb 5th day of July, 1H64, b set apart for th bearing of said peti tion, and the final settlement of suio estate, at lb Court Uouse, iu Empire City, in the county and Stale aforesaid at wbicb lime and place all persou iuler esled in said estate ar uotitied to appear. Per order of OILUKRT HALL, County Judire. David Morsi, jr., Co. Clerk. 4wtf Final Settlement STATE of Oregon, count v of Coos : On this 5th day ot April. 1804, conies Mary Ann Hirst, administra trix of tbe estalo of William Hirst, deceased, aud files ber petition for a final settlement of said estate. It is therefore ordered that Tuesday, the 5th day of July, 1804, be set apart for tbe hearing of said petition, and the final settlement of said eU)t, at tbe Court House. in Empire City, in the county aud Slew aforesaid, at which time and place all persons interested iu said e- tate are notinea to nppear. By Order of GILBERT HALL, County Judge, David Moasa, jr., Co. Clerk. 4w PAUL JONES. PREMIUM THOROUGHBRED BLACK HAWK. WILL stand the ensuing season of I8C.4 to improve the brood of horses, at the Livery Stable of S. At I. Durbio, in Salem. Season commented 1st of April and will end Jaly 1st. Good aud convenient pasturage gratis. Persons breeding to Pan! Jones this year, and fail Ing to obtain roll, can have tbe sessotf'of 1865 gratis. TERMS-I-.D single leap : HI season. Wheat and oals luken at tbe market tale. Any peraon bmigtng two or more good mare, can nave mem ore ou snare. Paul June will b limited to 75 mare. Th eolt of Paul are ianret ou owned bv Mr. Colby 15 bands high at 9 year old, was awarded 1st Premium at State for ISiJ. Another owned by Mr. Rudd. th aaiue sis, be oners to trot at the cumin Stat Fair for "a good round sum" against any colt of uis age id year, iu lue oiar. PREMIUMS! The person owning the mar taking the let Pre miiiui at the show of Paul Jones cells this season will be given a seasou gratis. . Th winner uf the lid Premium in coin. Paul Joue is a beautiful black, between fifleeu aud sixteen bands high, und weighs about 1 100. Ho was sired bv J. G MeCrakeu's Black Hawk; he by Hill's Ulucl Hawk, of termont. luedauiof Paul was bv imported Emigrant. Cora and see him and judge for Salem. April 15, 1HC-I. 0w? The FasHrotllnt Black Hawk Slallion 2 EMIGRANT. A MI.L make a season in Yamhill county, serving a 1 1 limited number of mare at loU in com t tbe seasou commencing oa th 1st of April and ending tfuir iss. suiumug euemaiciv ui me siauie oi n.i; Hill, Lafavelte. D.J. Y Bargain, MrHinnvill, aud J. D. VVallina-. Amity. Emigrant i a beautiful ehealnut sorrel, ven years old this Spring, stands I5 hands high, and weighs i.iia ponndt, possessing great bone, power, and c bou. and m a model of vmmirv. II ia arknnwl. ged by all judges lo b tli host stallion in th Slat, and ean trot lastr than au other stallion in Oregon. Hi performance at th la Stat Fair are loo well anown lo require aiiroomuient. Emigraut wae sire by Uillv McCraeken. be by Mc- Crx ken Black Hawk, of Vermont. Hi dam was Daniel Vincent s Messenger, she by Coukwrighl'a Messenger, of New York. Mare from a distance will lad good past n rage at ft per week. All ear taken to prevent ccidnu,bul not reeponaioi lor nv. I or fnrtlier Information ap lyto A D TCFT8, Keeper, or BILLS at CO., Ag u, Portland. Lafayette, Oregon. ItW. 3n7 The Theroaittsbred Jack, COMPROMISE, JR. T. V ILL Hand the ensuing season, commencing April M 1st and ending ia Jul. 184, at lb fanu of the subscriber. 5 mile, Irom Dallas, on Ih Salem road, at fl th season, fa to iusur. Compromise, Jr., ia i, uaao aign, a aara lews color. SAMUEL OOFF. Polk county, March 15, 1864. . iuu " PEDIOREE Coapmmise, Jr. waa foaled near teungloo,- Kv ." Septmbr'24tb.,- liJ9 Sired bv Hoa. Henry (.lay old imported Compromise His 01 by blart Sampson, grand aatn by imr,rte,l uly- . . It r. IllMl STKK Leiington. Ky, April ,'5. Ida.' 'I .Malice ... f . .t ISktrebv glv. lhl th ndrr.rd has ben ap tmaKj, by the Probata Court of Polk eonuty, ad uiim nstor f tu Mtai of A J. V. lLi.1. aaaed. Tiio having claims upon said it will prveenl lliai, withia on rear, at ny rvehlenc, at Grand Round. Tho IndeVtrd will please rv np Immedi A. I). bABCOCK. tfay t, ia. 4w4 DR. D. JAYNE'S J KXI .M3CTO J i ANT And Sanative Fills, HAVF. 1IEEN BEFORE Til K I'Ulil.IU fit i.".m nod found such general favor In every region of country where they have been sold, (and there is no pluce mi tlio civiliiiil glubo where they Imvo not been sold) that it would seem uluiosl auperlluuu at this time to direct alu-ution to xnem tnrougn me mcmum oi the presa. Yet It is dn lo eorl'uring humanity, and es pecially to that uiiinorou class who, in th changea ble cliuiate of the i'acillti ooaet, suller from DIkcuscs ol the Limits and Throat, inducing and ending In CONSUMPTION, many ol whom may not have used this remedy, that they should be allowed tu read some of the cases where its inlluenre haj been useful In remedying complaints from which they lire sunerlng. THE EXPECTORANT Operalei UttlEDlATL'LY upon the Disease, Snreh and Speedily Eradicating, while th SANA Tl VE PILLS, by preserving regularity in the bowels and giving a healthy tone to the other internal organs aid and aesisl the perfect operation uf the former. Attention Is asked to the following cortincntes, se lected ut random from tbe mass in possession of the proprietors i Columiius, 111ns., Jan. 24. 1857. Dr. D. Jnyne Dear Sir i Oen. Win. P. of my neighbors, was cored of llroucliitia by the use of your Expectorant and Allrrahre, alter having lain forty days at the point of death, and three eminent physicians having exhausted their skill upou him. Several cases of Dropsy aud Cancer have boon cured In my neighborhood. My little daughter was taken last November with an enlargement on tho neck, which grew very font. I immediately commenced glv iiig her your Alterative, nnd she is now nearly well. THOMAS L. TUNNELL. From Hie Itcv, "Uooa (look, late of Brooklyn, Miu. ' Nkw Yd.,.', Jan. 6, 1861, Dr. D. Jayne Dour 8ir i A young man living In my house was taken with a violent cold, which settled on his lungs, causing a hourao, hollow cough, HI tended with much fever. This continued for more than two weeks, whon all thought death to be inevitable, At this point I commenced giving your Expectorant and Sauutlve Pills, accordiug to directions. In the course of two or three duys, he b :gnn to expectorate freely and iu about two weeks lie was about aud waa loon well. A uomceopathio physician and family spent a night hi my bonse. The daughter was tukeu with a violent cronp, which threatened speedy death. Tbe father having no medicine, concluded to give the Expecto rant which soon allbrdod rel.ef. t From tb Rev. N. M. Jones, Rect. of Prot. Epis. Cell, Saint Bartholomew, Philadelphia, Philauelphia, March 31,1856. Dr. D. Juyno Dear Sir : In all cases resembling Oonsuwntion. I reoommend Javne's Expectorant, having in so many instances witnessed it benelicial elfecla in the two last cases which came under my ob servation. The administration of the Expectorant bus, 1 am happy to say, been attended by tne most de cided improvement oi tne paueuia. For a irreater number aud variety of certificates, and fuller information regarding these aud other of Dr. D. Jtivne and Sons' Prenarattons. reference is iriven to their ANNUAL ALMANAC, which may be bad from any druggist or dealer in medicines. djii in at OAiin, ly644 Portland, Oregon, Agent for the State. PORTLAND FOUNDRY AKD.... MACHINE SHOP. First Street. Between Yamhill and Morrison. HAVING become sole proprietor ot this establish ment, the undersigned is now prepared to manu facture ALL KINDS OF STEAM ENGINES, of sites from fourto forty horse power, portable or statiouary. Also. Circular Saw Mills, complete i Hay Presses of all sizes; Planing Machines I Wood worth's pattern); Wrought and Cast Iron Work for Vertical Suw and Qsist Mills; brass and iron castings, aud wrouglitiron work of every description. All orders executed with dispatch, and in a work manlike manner. DAVID MONNA.sTES. P. 8 A reduction haa be. Lit made on all kinds of work at mv shoo, to suit the tradeand correspond with California prices. may25 12tf SALEM FOUNDRY. B. F.DRAKE, Proprietor. HAVING purchased the entire Interest in the foon drv at Sulem. I am urenared tn furnish CAST INGS and WROUGHT IRON WORK of every des criptions short notice. Alloraersior .uii.Li vvuita. witioeniieo witnais patch, and in a satisfactory manner. Agricultural imnlementsof all kinds manufactured toiorder, or repaired. 47tl , T. W. SOUTHER, DRUQQIST, Heeond sjlreet, C'orvallls. Oregon, HA8 JUST RECEIVED A LARGE AND well selected stock of AMERICAN, FRENCH AND ENGLISH Chemtcnlii, Drugs, Htdicinei, Perfumery, Dye- siuim, Fancjr uootii, rainis, uiu, Turpentine, Glun, Futty, farnUhri, Bruihei, tc. Physicians can rely on having their prescriptions irefii lly com pounden at al I hon rs . 1 3tf jtCH J. H. HAAS, OommercUistreet, Sulem, Deilcrlo GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, JEWELRY, Solid Silver and Plated Ware, FINE CLOCKS, Spectacles, Fine Cutlery, 4c. All goodssetd by me are WARRANTED to be a, represented. Repairing. Particular atteaUon paid lo repairing fin Watches, Clocks. Jewelry. Ao. ALL WORK WARRANTED. - Salem, 0reea, Nov. 1,186s. Irl5 Stationery for tbe State of Oregon. SEX LED PROPOSALS, will be received at the odire of the Secretary of State, nntil Tnesdav, the 14tb day of June, 1864. at II o'clock. A. St., for furnish ing stationery for the State of Oregon, as follows : '20 reams Cot.gress Legal Cap, Carew, while laid,14 pounds, wide ruled. till reams Coogreea Cnp Carew,white laid,14 pounds, wide ruled. 30 reams Congrea Letter, Carew, white laid, 13 pounds, wide ruled. 5 reams Commercial Note, Carew, white laid, 6 poond, quarter package. 6 M. otficial envelopes, ex. heavy bnft No. 9. 5 " " " " " white " 4 ' letter " ex ex. bun 4 " " ' whit. ream Government blotting paper, 100 pounds. 10 gross Rhodes St Sons superior D. peus. 1 " Accommodation pen boldors. 3 each, spool tape. Nn 1.1, lf, aud 17. 7 dui. Silluian iukslanda, No. 3. I " barometer 11 brass rack. b) " ,'eel erasers, gritla percba baud I or coco. 3 grosa Fabera, No. 3 peucil. 6) doi. Ivory folder, 9 in. 7 " small macihige, cap. 5 ' octagon ruler. I " gutta pefcha ruler, IS in. 3 18 3 do. Arnold writing fluid, quart. 7 " Congress Knives Wostenholn St Sons. 1 " halls colored liuen twine. I " silk ribbon. 6 boxes gold seals. No. 5. 4 poond whit rubber 20 to the pound. Sample must accompany each bid. The person or persona receiving th contract will, when the stationery I delivered. reoeive a warrant oa the Suit Treasurer in pavment therefor. 8AHUEL E. MAi',8ee'y of Stat. ' Salem, April II, lot. . 9wt Sheriff Sale. BY virtu of an execution leaned ont of the county court of Polk county, and to me di reeled by th clerk of said court, in favor of John K. Cooper and against W. J. Malury, for want of personal proper ty lo satisfy the same, I have levied! upon and will proceed to sell to tlx highest bidder for rash in band, at the court hone door in Dallaa. ia aaid county, an Saturday, the Hh day of Mav. A. D. i"64, al I o'clock r. a., all the right, till and interest of said W J. Uf t ney, defendant abov named, in and to the following described real estate, to win beiriuiiing at th n w comer of said Matnev'a laud chum, not. 268, claim Nr. 61, In see 33oftBa.r5wof tbe Willamette me ridian, thence 3SM chs, thence s 3665 chs, thenc w 4v rb, IImoc a 8 90 chs. thenc 4 fU chs, thenr n 38 90 chs, to the plac ot beginning, containing 134. SO 100 acre, more or lei. Sold to satisfy Ui abov execution, costs and acerning costs. I M HI TLER, Sheriff Polk Connly. Dallaa, April 3Uth, lt4. 4wg HOWE'S SEWIXG MACHINE. THE NEW STYLE Howe's Family Sewing machine, UTH.L seam, slitch. gather, hem, Ml. hind, unlit nin.bniid.and in fa.1 PERFORM THE WHOLE RANGE OF.FAMILV SF.WINO It nse, TWO Threads, making the LOCK STITC H. There are different else. ; , " 7. ' Frier from fjeo to $8.f. r?" It received tbe IIIOHE.T Preminm at the let' World' Fair al London, and bae been used in Oer amny. Franc and Euglaad for fnurteea yri, with perfect satitfactloa. arad for hrt of prim. FREELAND BRiIS.. Albanr. Agent for Oregon. For sale al N O. Parmh k Co. . Salem, .nd hv rreehnd Bre Albnv. fn4 1 lOHTJiTTlCl t'H t it l. mil a i in STOMACIIJITTERSe rpiIK npemlion of this palatable remedy upon th, J. stnniuch, liver nnd llie excretory orgnns , ,iiiRi,. larlv sonthirw anil eonsorvallve. It reguliiios, recruit, anifpurillrslhem. Iiyapenala in all lis forms yield, to its control and invigorating properties. INVIGORATE THE SYSTEM. Vigorous digestion and pure bile produces nutrition. blood, ami nutritious Mood a hoHithy frnm. . jw the victim ol a dyspeptic stnmaeli and a disordered liver desire to know how tho digestion may be n. proved, the bile and other tluids of lb body pnriHe-d I DR. IK.IS I ET I Kit 8 Sl'OMACH IMTrEUS. Will accomplish this desirable revolution in the system regulating the eeerutions and excretions, giving tog,' to the iiinniiil juices which dissolve the food, strength, en every rchued nerve, muscle and fibre, and bring, thewhnlu iniicliiiiory nf vitality Into vigoroai mj tieu.HH till play. STRENGTHEN THE SYSTEM. The best menus of imparting vigor to the bmW down frame and shntterud constitution, which ha, yet neen inveincti or uieooveren, is prunfrou to ine leetll, of both and all ages in DR. HOSTETTEK'8 STOMACH BITTERS. . Debility, from whatever cause arising, snsy b cured i stmngtli, in whatever ninniier it may have boeu wasUid, intiy be rustored by the use of this pow. fill and healthy iuvigorant. For indigestion ami it painful effects, bodily and mental, they are a poaitivt speeilic. , A WORD TO THE AGED. In the decline of life the loss of vital force mnw. qtient upon physical ducay can only be safely supplied by some vivifying preparation which recruits tbe strength mid spirit, witlionl entailing the eihanstioa which is always the fiiulhullout of ordinary stimulant, We tender to the aged , DR. HOSTETTEU'8 STOMACH BITTERS, As an invigorant and restorative, immediate In n. k... elloiul action and perniuuent in its ell'ucts. It tone, th stomadi, Improves the uppcllte, aud nets like a charm upon the spirits, run HKMALES. Thousands of ladies rosort tn It. llal It MnttMtir 4TnM terin, Hutteriiig of the heart, nervoua headache, vertl. go, geiioral debility, and all peculiar disturbance, inrf deiangements to which as a sex, they are subject. U cheers and enlightens the depressed mental powers,, well as strsngtnens ttie body, and Its use is never fob lowed bv any re-aotion. I'?' BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. Puichu only of relinble doHlers. Sold everywhere. HOSTETTER, SMITH At DEAN, Agent 8au Fmncisco. HODGE & CALEF, WHOLESALE DRUQOISTS PORTLAND, Sole) Agents for the State. PERUVIAN SYRUP, OK PROTECTED 7 Solution of Protoxide of Iron, Has been nied with Great Success In Curing THE DYSPEPSIA, Affections of the Liver, Dropsy, Neuralgia, Bronchitis and Consumptive Tendencies, Disordered State of tlie Blood.Female Complaints, Chronic Diarrhea, Boils, Scurvy, the Prostrat ing Effects of Lead or , Mercury. nL'VI.1!? A T . T-T7-rTT Irmr Mt a .a. and all diseases which require A Tonic and Alterative medicine. THE PROOFS OV ITS EFFICACY are so nnmer ous, so well authenticated, and of such peculiar ehuracter, that anU'erors cannot reasonably hesitate to receive the profFered uid. Tbe class of disease for which the Syrup provide a cure, is precisely that which line ao often baffled the highest order of medical skill. Tbe fact are tangible, the witnesses accessible, aud the aafety aud eiHcaoy of the tjyriip incontrovertible. From Wcll-Kuowu Citizen! of Boston. Tbe undersigned having experienced the beneficial effects of the "Peruvian 8yrup," do not hesitate to recommend it lo the attention of th public. Rev. JOHN PIERPONT, TIffTMAS 0. AMOKV, THOMAS A. DEXTER, PETER HARVEY, . S. H. KKNDALL, Al. !., JAMES C. 1HJNN, . SAMUEL MAY, Rov. T. WHITTEM0RE. Certificate of Dr. Hayes. It Is well known that the medicinal effect of Pro toxide of Iron is loat by even a very brief exposal to air, and that to maintain a solution of Protoxide of Iron, without further oxidation, baa been deemed im possible. In the Peruvian Syrup, this desirable point is at tained by COMBINATION IN A WAT BEFORI UNKNOWN and this solution may replace all the proto carbonates, citrates and tartrates of the Materia Medica. A. A. HAYES, M. D., Asaayer to the State of Massachusetts. 16 Boyston street, Boston. HOKTBTTRR, RMITII eV KAr, 4111 and 403 Battery street, corner of Clay, ban Francisco. SMITH DAVIS. ' HODGE It, CALEF. W. WEATHERFORD, Ptf Portland. IODI3STEJVVA.TEB. IODINE Water ia the mont Important discovery of modern chemiMry, and it it impowtible to over-eiti mate ita influence ns a remedial nent. Iodme haa ben romidered the most nsefnl ttrticle m Materii AledicH. aud umnv of the moat acienttHcand DractieaJ chemieU nnd phyaicinna have inveaUKtUed it eifecta upon tue Human eyutein. it la to act upon (ne UKAKT, I.IVICK, KIINBYR. DIGE9T1VK OHflANHOHdliANDVLAB SVSTK.H, and to have preM control orer SCROFULOUS AFFECTION8. Notwithstanding the xeat and ability which have been devoted to its investigation, it remained almost nselesa nntil Or. Henry Anders, a physician and chemist of New York, after year of patient labor and experi ment, discovered chemical process which enabled him lo dissolve PURE IODISE IS PURE WATER, Without solvent. This, considered impossible by the scientific world, is attested by eertilicutes of anal vsis from I)r J. K. Chilton of this city, and Prof, booth, V. 8. Mint, Philadelphia. The importance of this discovery wae so highly appreciated by the Fac ulty that it was published in Medicul Journals, and ita use recommended lo practitioner (see wAmericaa Medical Monthly," July 6, 18j6, page 76.) This valuable medicine i now available to the pa b lie for tbe cure of Scrofula in all ita manifold forms, Consumption, Cancer, Heart, Liver and Kidney Di. ease, ltheumatiam, Neuralgia, Nervous Affections, Dyspepsia, llronchilia. etc. AS -A. TONIO It operation I evinced by strengthening the digestive organs and increased nutritiou of tho body i tb re sult of the employment of Iodine. Tbe panent re covers flesh, strength and color t hitherto pals, relaxed and feeble, he become fall, strong and florid. Full directions accompany each bottle. bold by all Druggists. Price, (1 per bottle. Pre pared by Dr. H. Anders dt Co., Physicians and Chem ists, New York. IIOSTETTER, SMITH &. DEAN, 401 and 403 Dal terry street, comer of Clay, Han Francisco. HODOE Ac CALEF, SMITH PA VIS. W. WEATHERFORD. 9lf Portmnd. No Credit!! CHARMAV, TA'AItNKH ft. CO.. from nnd after tbuj date. propoe to do STRICTLY A CASH BU8I HESS, believing it will be beiiefleia! to their friends and customers generally. It will enable them to sell goods at a LOWER PRICE, and to eflectuallv compel with Portlaud. Tknr it termination u to tell goods at cheap at any house in Oregon. Although tbey hare extra freight from Portland, yet their expenses ar much lighter In Oregon City, and by their manner of doing business they can more than balance th charge for freight between lb lw places, and thns be enabled lo sell goods Cheaper than any other Hmtst in the Slate. tire goo City, Merch 7, 1K64. n3S Why do you use an Inferior Article WHEN yon ean buy at tb same price' celebrated "Pawner KrMM?n Oil" Th beet made pure, white and nea explosive, hurt ing with a brilliant, steady Dam, aud eonbuiing sOl the advintage of this incomparable aod cheapest illuminator, without the attendant risk and danger ol explosions in using a poor article. At M00RE8. 46tf ftalem.Jan. lth. 163. Nolire. T 1HE Stockholder of th "CacaJ Oold and Silver Mil. r-rtM,MaM' will -f mi I ha AfBrflof U llams at Mallorv. in Sulem, on Salunlsv ihe "-iJT of May, 164, for the purpose of elwUng a B"rd Uirector. ny order ol tne Louipauy. Salem, April 3n, IK64. .AaM-asiineiil Knfirp. IT the Regular Meeting of the Directors of lb A ANTIAM GOLD ASP SILVKRMIMM IHMPANYi hel l iit'iheiriflHce in'Salcui. on lb -l 'liav.ol 'April. A n ;-li, an asscsemeut of IS cents o each share wu's lvid on th Capill Stock of s Compiiiv. All holding saoek io said to" pany are requested to py tb amonal ' . reepectiv asseoMneul to th Secretary in gold ctaa, alkisvlle In Salem, within thiitv davs fryn ' qt. SiriS HAbliO.i. haiem. Oregcn, llay i, l4