7 1 V. rite cotton f tatcsmam THK HEART'S RKYIEW. Away into age long veiled in No More, The heart tooketli back through tlm eye rf tire miud. And eeeth recline on the Past's sterile ihore The moments Youth squandered sway oa the wiud. Ill the tnmh of By-Gones, neath the pulls of Regret, It vieweth full many a beauty repose, Whose splendor lay hid till ill feeing bad let, Like perfume unshod from tire lips of the rose. On the pillow of Last, 'neath the shroud of Self- , willed, There lietb a legion of treasures in waste, Whose giaudeur and worth were all slighted and billed By bauds of False Pride ami breaths of Uude Husle. 0, how the heart bleeds, when the reason of Age Sums lip In the book of tins Pieseut tho Past, And ennnieth the whole on its history's pare, - To balance Its gains 'gainst the losses at last I It feeletn the fore of Life's tingovemed speed. Like tornadoea break o'er Bealitv's irate i Alia uiournetu in gloom, whan iuir Truth dotb pro- oeil . ... To show Regret's dial is pointing "Too Lute I" i Additional Mail Facilities Wir Onr, Oon. The Oregon Honntors ami Kiprescntn-tivt-i have) bron iinremittiug in their .Iforta'to sfCDie for their State some ndJitimial fncilitltis fur tlit) transmission or mail matter fiom Ihe Atliiutifi Htdtcs, and tliey hnvo the satisfaction of tiwtlly semiring- what they havo desired The Host OfDoe De partment yesterday- let to Hen. .Jlnlludny ii Co. n contract fur carry inp; a tri-wevkly mnil hetween Knit Lake ami Walla Walk by the way of Fort Hall, i'mniin.iiciti with the first day of July next. ; The schedule time le tn bu ten tlnys from April to Juntmry, sod fourteen rlnvs daring the rcimiinuVr of the year.-' Bui the entitractor is cnnlidcnt of malt ing the trip in seven day during a greater part nf Jhe year,' f The bid pot in were five in num. Iter : Giorge F. Tbomai, one bid at 1370,000, and one liid at, $a50,UOOi T. W. Higi-low. at $V2.U5. but received ton late for consideration; C. W. Dtirket., at 0400. 0J0; Hnlhiday't bid, which waa accepted, was for I1M.U0M per an Him. ' Oor Oregon neighbors will, by this ar rangement, find themselves in receipt of East ern mails as early as the people of California, and die California mails will he greatly relieved by the diversion to Oregon Wathington Cor reipondence Sacramento Union. Ofn. Sherman's Official Hrpoht Tlio following is Gen. Sherman's official report of liii late expedition, to Lieiitermrit Gen. Grant t .':.! i i VioKSBUBfl, February 27. General: I got in this morning froin Can ton, where J left my oommand in splendid con ditiou. Reached Jaokaon, February 6th; crossed Pearl river and passed thrnogh Brandon to Morton, where the enemy made dispositions for battle, but fled in the night. I posted on over all obstacles, and reached Meridian, February 14th. General Polk, having the railroad to as sist him on hit retreat, escaped norms the Tom bigbee on the I7tli. Wo stayed at Meridian a week; aud made the most complete destruction of the railroad ever beheld, south below Quit man, east to Cuba Station, and twenty miles north to Lauderdale Springs, and well nil the way back to Jackson. I could hear nnth iug of the cavalry force of Gen. Smith, ordered to he there by February 10th. (I inelo-e by mail, with this, a copy of his instructions.) I then begun to give back slowly, making a circuit by the north; to Canton, where I left my army, ' yesterday, in spleudid condition. I will leave it there five dajs, In hopes the cavalry force from Memphis will turn up ; then I will have them come in. W, T. 8UERMAN, Major General. Tba following is from (Jen. Butterfield : "Our 'total loss In killed, wouudud and missing is 175 only. The general result of the expedition, including Smith's Yazoo movement, Is at fol lows : One hundred and fllty miles tf railroad, sixty-seven bridge, saveo thousand feet trestle, twenty locomotives, twenty-eight cars, ten thousand bales of cotton, aeveral steam mills and over two million bushels of com destroyed. The railroad destruction was complete aud thorough. The number of prisoners cupturrd exceeds all our loss. Upward of eight thous and coutrabauds and rtlogeus oauio in with our various oolunius." . , . . Death of President Harrison': Widow. We are informed of the death of the widow of President Harrison, at North Bend, Ohio, on the 26th of February. Mrs. Harrison was the duughter of John Cluvts Syuimet, Ihe founder of the Miuma settlements, but who is better remembered as the iuveutor of the fa mous .Syiiiuie' Hole" theory, according to which the earth is hollow, npeu at the poles, and capable of being inhabited within. Shu whs mairird jn 1705 to (theu) Cuptuin Harri sun, Kim was in coiiiiiiuiid of Fort Washing, tun. the site of tlm present city of Cincinnati. A biographer, writing of Iter a short time pre vious to Ihe dentil uf President Harrison, eiiys: 'She has been the faithful euuipuiiioii of this ilisiint-nislii-d patriot during the viinous perils ai d rtciitiidca of hit evtntlul life, and lives to witness the maturity of Ins famu. and the iiniinrs paid him by a grateful country." Mrs. ilHiriroii has died "lull of years, ' crntvurd with the glory of woman a true aud loving wile, a teuder and afleotiouate mother. General Grant at WAiitNOTOif Lieut General Grant,aouonipanied by Col. ltawllngt. bis chief of Slalf, reached Washington at live o'clock this afternoon, and proceeded lo Wil lard's Hotel, uumitiocd aud unobserved, and with bis son, a lad of about twelve years of age, walked into the dining room and took his seat at the public table. It was not long be fore he was reoogniied by an old friend, nod it run through the immense dining hall that General Grant was present, when every per son roso from the table, men, women and chil dren, and gave him three hearty cheers. Instantly lie was surrounded by .Senators, Members of Congress, Major and Brigadier Generals, who shook hi in cordially by the hand. The moment ho emerged from the hotel the crowd, who were waiting to see him outside, again cheered liiiu luudly. Shortly after tight o'clock to-night ha proceeded wild Colonel HawlinBs to the President's house, where Uia asual Tuesday evening's reception was being held. He passed along in the crowd until presented to the President, whom he met for the first 'time. They both greeted each other with great cordiality. Ho remained In the room with the President tome time, aud it wat impossible for half of the people to got near him, the crowd wat so large. It being noised around that he wat present, the band struck up "Hail to the Chief." t71t is an Inteteulng fact that the salo of ooniscaled estates now making at Beaufort, H. C.i 1 carried on from the verandah of the Ed mund Ehelt House, where more Uia.ii ten yei rs ago the rebellion wat brooded over by the very men whose estates now past under the ham mer. It is tingalar, too, that the chairman of the Tax Commission, Dr. William Henry Brit-' bane, it the mau who, more than twenty years ago, wat driven fruin the State because he would liberate bit slaves. McCuxlan. The Amador Diipatck, cop perhead, edited by Long Primer Hall, says that if WoClellan or auy other war democrat is nominated fur the Presidency by the Chica go Convention nineteen-twentieths uf the demosraUo party outside of Sau praucisoo will lail to support the nominee. Tim WitOLst in a Nut Siikll. Of Gen. MoClellaa's report, Ihe Cincinnati Umtitte peaks in no tiuooth terms i "It it tbe whim pering plea of a lubberly lout, accusing others ol tbe nnisanoet in which be bas been detect ed. It is ao military report. No such docu ment ever emanated from a soldier. And It it false at a military history." ' LuDiOBOua. In Ioetown opposite St. Loais, wliieh It bnift on the frozen river, daring the Cold spell." t barkeeper built a Bro in his lent, and tat before it no a three-legged stool warm iai( his shins, when the Are thawed a hole in the ice, and ih man fell In and has not ret re-np-P'red, fl'ii assistant, verdant Irish hoy, wax asked where III proprietor was, and re plied : "Faitli, hu's (one Into Ihe cellar." Hard TwirwTho Sacramento lire In a Into issue remarks : "One hot it becoming patent, and should receive thu earnest atten tion of every nmn who has property in this Smtv, Bnd who Intends to make this hit future dome. It is this: Not a town or locality in the Slate, with perhaps half it dozen excep tions, besides San Francisco, allows ninrkn of improvement and progress. Not only this, hut ou all hands there aru marked evidences of de cay. Those, towns of tlio interior which not long since were all mo and hustle and lull ot busmena, are now nothing hut ragged, lifeless hamlets. Stagnation and deple.ion suem to pervade the interior everywhere. The State ut large grows poorer from day to day, while its comuierciul emporium seems to advance in wealth. Such a condition uf affairs is un healthy in the extreme." Jews. The Wilna Messenger states that according to the lastcst calculations made the number uf Jons now amounts to 7,0110,000, about one-half of whom reside in Europe. Knssia contains the most, 1.220,000; next comes Austria, B5J.IHM) ; then Prussia, 2m, 000; and the other countries of Germany, mgei ner ivzMiv. tine reinitrKnlile laut is that in France, Belgium and KniHiiud. where the Jews uro entirely emancipated, the number is gradually decreasing, w hile in those Countries where they are still subjected to a certuiu re struint, they increase From Oko Fino. From a private letter re oeived from Oro Fino. we learn that the miners at that pluec, Pierce City and other mining lo culities in that vicinity, are bent in getting ready to commence, operations in mining. The uittcreul camps are daily rccemiiK large audi tion of new miners who seem disposed to be contented tn come there and work und receive eight dollars per day, iietwithstiiiiding the great excitement about Kootenai and Hone. Mr. Levi Ankotiy had arrived at Oro Kiuo with his long looked for hand of fat beeves The news flew like wild lire through the dilfur cut mining camps ; a general stampede uf the miners took place, aud for a day ur two Oro Fino was a fast town. Age. The ItoAD to Kootenai. As numerous parlies come to ut daily for information in re gard tn the route, etc., in Kootenai, we again puuiisu me luiiowing i TAHLE OF DISTANCES. From Lcwiston to , Miles. Palonse Crossing 40 .Pino Creek JO Lottow . 7 Forks of Trail 2 Willow Prairiu... 5 Buck Creek 1(1 Autoine Plant's Ferry of Spokanef.. 15 Soltesa's 6 Pen d'Oreille Slough 23 Pen d'Oreille Crossing 24 East to big bend of lake 15 Northeast, through timber, to Puck river 10 Northeast, to Clielumta Cnsing of Kootenni...... SO A little Eatt of North, along tin di . vide between the waters of the ' Kootenai und a North fork of the 1 Columbia to Elk Creek, about 120 This latter creek is where the present min ing is going forward, it does not flow into the Koolcnni, hut westward into Ihe North Fork of the Columbia. The tributaries of tlio Run tenai, which flow East, also give good pros pects uf being rich in gold. 'Here the route follows the left baud fork, fl here is also an Indian crossing, about ten miles above Antoine Plant's the route to which leads from Rock creek, a distance of ten miles. Golden Age. GTParton'i Life of General Butler it elab orately reviewed in thu Loudon Spectator. The writer acknowledges that tlio hook has en tirely changed hit opinion of General Butler, and com pare t him, in versatility and onergy Ui Frederick the Great. . . The Trotting Stallion, FLY-BY-NICHT. w ILL viand in HhIpiii. tlm eimttintr itin, which commenced March l.Mb hiicI will end July lOtti, IKIM. Imp, $2.1; Srason, f40. lKDIOREE Fly Hv-Xiu-lit wim Kt hv Ciinada Hln-li Hiiwk, bo hy Old Vnrmmit lllack Hnwk hit. dui wtwa lurtre Uincb Mutvun Muru. CHiiudu UUelt linwk ww bird bv Col. O. Umv, of Novnn, i ud Klr hy Nigtit by David Uorick.of Clm-enruvilk, Fly bj-Nighl ft IS hinds thonb he comus just mb ueitr l-'i IntttdM h hhv iwrm hi tli HtHln tlnit can trot with him ur HiiYwiier nr Inm, llu it 7 yearn old. and will weiuh UH7 pnunda. Ho trultd Ht tbo Mnrion Comity Knit in iKihl.m the johrhii, uttd won llio Ut Pi-oiiiiuni, $100, und at the ftitil Fair, on three left, nmdo dcitd Umt with the winner iliu let i'ruaitum, Iwinic the fitRtttRt (unit nmd duiiiiif iliu Fair.Hiid the brut limn ever mude in theSiute; tlioupth only u roud tii fur Flv when in kw' comlition, Any mure iuiling ibii yeur can Imve tlto wattiin fur lKy mtis. Htockor produce takon mt it ooln value Id pnyiamit. I'ltl-MIUMS: I will ifire h luimoii tfratii to the own? r uf the Kly- hv Nitflit cult lkiuu the Ut I'reiuiiuu tit the ulinw of my huiie'g culttt tin yeiu in Sulem, und wvond ure Diinm uf the itjamin. on the puviueni uf (.". hlrv Irli ut the Livery SimMm ul Mt-iiuuU Jt Quint by, t'oithtnd, will be mm.1 to meet Suleui. UinmI ntWiiraKO Ht $1 ptr utoiilh, but no rvunotmi bility fur Hcridfiits or ecuue, hot I'ura will be tnken to n revet 1 1 either. i'lvHve h'uk Ht tbo colli of my horse, uud tln-n eome mid nun. c. u. tAui.iun Nile in, iUrcb lb, ltful. !iu PAUL JONES. PREMIUM THOROUGHBRED BLACK HAWK. WILL sluiiil the ciisiiIiik ih-usimi uf WA lo iminve Ihe brci'd uf hursns. Ht Hie l.ivorv Hlulilo uf 8. 6l I. Uurbin, ill Hiilvm. Scmtull culinut'ii -wl Isluf April and w ill slid Julv 1st, tlwid and sunvsiiisnt pusiunivv irmiis. l'srsnns limdiiiK to Paul Julius this your, und full injr In ol'iHina rult.iiin hsvs ilt si'ssun uf Ht gratis. TKKMS-f.tlsiiiKli- liipi $ Hi stMisuu. WheHt sua twis iHSpn at tlie uiHrtti-t rates. Anr person briniiiMK t wo ur inoni ytMid mitres, can Iihvs (livio brad on sliarea. . Pntil Joih will Im liuiiiud to H iiisrus. Tliss efills uf FhuI are larirvi uue iiwiisd hr Mr. Colby !i bsnds hiirb at It vohi-b obi, was awsntsd 1st I'rviiiiuin al Huta for Iftil Anolbar ownsd by Mr. Riidd. tbs saius sisa, a. uHers to trot at lbs eutiiiug Htat Fnir fur "a tfood rtnitid sum" aaainat auy oult uf bis K i years) iu tba Hiaia. 1'ltEMIl'MS: Tlie person owniii( tbo msre takinir tbe 1st Pre. mi iisil ut Ibe sbnw uf I'suil Jonas rills Uiis season, will be jrlvrii season gruiis. Tbe winner uf tbu Ud Franilmn .11 in coin. Paul Jones is a beautiful btuek, belwaii nftcen and slxiuen hnittls tiiiili, uud weighs aliout HIH). Hu was simlbyJ.U MrCrakeu's lllailt Hawk; he by Hills lllai k (lawk, of Vermont. Tlie dam of I'hiiI was by imported KmlgnniU Cum. and see him and jmlite fur yuiirselves. KOI.. Hl'lllUN. Salem, April IS, Wl. , 07 Tli Fait-trtitliriK Blick Hawk Mnlllot Ml EMIGRANT, w ILL make u eiNUMin in Vainluil rounty, aerviiuf a hiaited nmnow uf man at i ui tn mm t the riiimu eommencinff on Ihe In of April and ending Julv 11, BiHUdiuv alterttotclT at iheetnolra ot II t Hill, Utfavetie, L.J. limiguiu, sUcamuville, and J L). Wiklliuit. Amitv. Kndirrani I a Wauliful client nut tuirrel. aeven tear old thi Hnritig, alAitd o liaudu hili, and t'ih tMXHiiia, poeerMiug great bmm, iHwer( and ao- tinii. Mitit m saiitdtd uf MViuniHirv. lit ik arkiiiiM I, dged hy all ludgtui to Ire ttie bvi iMllim in the State, and can trot mter than anv other atallion lu Oregon. Mis perfonnamea al the (at Miato Fair are loo well innwti h require anr ntuiiint'iu. Kntigratit wa aired hv Itillv Mi'Cracken. he by Mo Crack en' Black Hawk, of Vermont. Hi data wa Panirl Vlnoeul'a UcMmugcr, lie by Conkwriglit'a l,l('Hteiu(er, of New York. Muree from ft distance w ill And good (mulurageul fl per week. All wire tuketi to prevent aiVtileiiia.but uot reapouiuia lor anr. r inrnu-r iiiiormatiuu up r to A I). Tl'KTi, Keeuer.or It I LI .H k IU Ai( U, PortUud. lfaTette( Oregn. I'M. 3m THE WtLL-BRED RIFLEMAN COLT, 4iD BUCEPHALUS, tirll.l. stand at Joba al,oMllOelJ a In lluwrll V fruirit, Marion eaunir, lue muns uf XI, i',unnveiiiK April j(U and andina' July 'inh.oolue fullewiuglvraiai , Keasoa,f30t lasuraace, $33. ' Bueepluilus waa bred la Marina euuuly by Joseph alasjouet at vearauMl tbe tJth of June nail. IU was sires by tiinemau, be by imported Itleueoe. hu eepbalaa' dam by Uld Uearae ru,l dun kiwwu e. tlie Kdward's aaara. lie ie a beautllul dark brawn, i bauds bltb, standard measure, star lu forebead i a roll ef HiMi turm aud linudi, aud uf aruat uiueeular power. His appearauee and stueb will reedutuwud bin, wna eat btuslaritui ur blewing Iraai me. JAMa.t I). OKUK. Hawaii Prtiris, April 11, tM, sw7iaid THE HIGH BRED TROTTING STALLION, WATERLOO. r 1 1 It I S uiKli lirvil triiltniK stallion will stand the 1 pruiwiiL Mason, btsxuu April tut and sluliuK June :!, lwi4, on MoihIiiv, Twwliiy und Wednesday of enrh week at ttiH farm lit Win. Mr I Inn, in l.lnn nmnty, ' miles Ih ut I'anriu. ami mi Tlinrsdiiv, friday and fcnlurilsy Ht tint tnriu o! .Mm rilewart, one mils sonlh of t'orvallis, at :o tub aRAno. . . Any niaru iirovinu nut iu fuai can Iw rstiinwd nest seuson fmj or charge. (hind nwlurave furnished gratis, not ara-iusnts ann eaeies at risk uf owner. Cars will belukeil to pre vent elllier. Waterloo was got by Henry, f New York, and was out. uf Nancy, by Cliaiilirl'uer, imported by Col. Itay, of New York, flu is a bountiful dark buy, vnry luinilhy, and in Keimml appearance bloiallike. For nmnv vuars, Waterloo stood at the head of the West ern 1'iirf as a two-mile trotter, winning all the purses und premiums wherever sliuwn, inonv imtamx at llilmt, Witnmrin,) winmnft the I'rrmiim in the HLOOD lJNd ever the famoui Princtta, limit by .. M. Vlny. uf Ay. He alo wou the XWU.EF STAKE PREMIUM for Uaaditer Mafans at the California State Pair at Xiieramento in 1 84(1 . His last appnaruiaa) on the turf was ut the Illinois Hi ate b'airut Kreenort. iu lH.r)9. where he won the Hocietv's purse and urainiuui, trolliiiK the 7tli and last heat in llAJ. WM ilclLKKK, Aaent. l'eorla, Llim Co., April II, im. !ini7 HkTix, Ogn., April 15, 1864. This Is to certify that I was, In 1859, a resident of Do Kalb, III., b it crossed tlie Plains in IKtiii. I was present at tlm Male Fair ut Illinois in 1NW, and al the race above referred to. 1 naversaw bettertntlinit than was done by Waterloo, and ha fairly won and wu paid tbe Society's purse and premium. r 11. H. DIMICK. Tlm Tlui'oiiKlili'el Jack, COMPROMiSE, JK. WILL xtiiiid the cnsiilnKHeuson, eoniiiienciii( April Ut uud eniliiiK lu Jutv, 1H04. ut the farm of ttie sntiscrilior, 6 mi'es from Dsllas, on the Hslein roud, at fl'i llis sssson, to Insure. Compruuiise, Jr., is lit buuds li'ali, a ilurk brown color. SAMUEL OOFF. l'olk comity, March 19, 1861. i!m7 PEDIOItKE Compromiss, Jr., was fouleil near TexiiiKln, Ky., Keplember 2 Ith , lual). hired liy Hou. Henry Olay's old imported Compromise His dam by Huuk Haifinson, grand dam by imported Ulvs sea. K. V. TOUUl'.NTKli. hsxinKton. Ky., April 2S. lKKI. CITY BOOT AND SHOB gTO&B. JOHN W. GILBERT I) K A L K H IN BOOTS, SHOES, SHOE FINDINGS, IEATHKU, noil everv article usually fonnd In a J weil.miiilated shoe stora. has J UHT HKCKI VK1J a luive Himrliiieiit of tlsnts' Calf, Kip and Mining 1 It...,u ..l V ,A 11uuui. !((., l,4ti.M' MinrW mi'il CliildreiiB' (iniliirn und HImwk(hII of the I1KST inuniifHcl ure and of the LATKHT atyluNs Hootj and Hlume mnde to order, of the bent material, and frnnritiilited Ut plve wUiutactioii. tiT lieiiieinber, that tlic City Moot aud filioe Ptore In ihe friil v (i late where you ciin buy MNKICUT'S DreRi HootR. t'in4'-J tlSlFS CAltDS. AlTeN "& LKVvisrimpunerTana naledvjalTH in GrwiiHen, Iry Ooodi, Clothing, nd llootunnd Hliofli. Aluo, solicit crninijoimente ot Oretron produce, for the Han Kruiicitco market, on which iilieraliulvHiiceM will be made i'eron Kliiitiiiiitr ifooilu from the Eastern HtHtf to our cure, can rtdy upontlioir recuiviuff prompt utlon tion, at modoi'iito diargee, OtUcu in 6an Firincieco, in-jniiimoine mrout. CHESTER N. TEHttY, Attorney and Com. itolor ut Law, 8a loin, Oregon, Coin in inn! oner of Dei for fHla, uud to liike toHliuion.ackiiowIudtfrim ' Iowa, Imliimii, M innyiin, MichiHti, Calif iiniil.it. Af. Californiii him( Wnnhinirton Territory, letters of Attornev. uud all other iimtrtimciite of writing, drown on eliurt notice. Particular attMition paid to faking DepoBitioiiM,Col lection of Not en, Account, Ate. 'A'ttf TC. POVVKLL, Attornev at law, A Urn nr. Linn Co., Oregon 4Hf in Monteitb'e Huil'ditiK. Will practice in all the courtHin Oregon, und pnmiptlyut tend to all haxiuueK eutrimlod to hieeare. Partivulur Htteiilinn paid ti GollHctioiii from Portland, Sun Kran cieco and elMewhere, fn all fwrta of Oregon. Tlm heat of reference ((ivitii it dttnired. Ai'At I V. k Me U. COX, WlioleHttlennd n.-tnil IJ KruirKinin, lHiera In Koreijrn mid Domeatiff Di'tia, Patent Medicine, Perfumery, Fancy KoHpa, Huir Itriiriln.tlne Toilet Article. 1 hemii'iir. Iruif xiBt'sdluMWam.Af c. Also, a hire quantity of con CHiitritteii extrncte m riant of the pit rent qnalttr Commercial Ht., ShIpiii, irrcuon. I.rtf ADOIBON 0. Ollina. W. I.AIH Hll.f.. G.IHiiHdc MILL, Atlorm-ya nud Cminflnri ut mw. Will ive prompt attorn inn to all pro fi'Hnioim! iHiftinpKH eutninlcd to them, (tftiraou Kiotit atreot, oppimite the DtJiiniiya Huuee, Port land, Ore f""' (HUM f J. H. MITCHKI.L. jo, a. IIOI PII, Notary PuMic. MITCHELL As bOLPII, Attorney a and CouiiHi'lor ut Luw, Holicitura in Chancery, uud Proctor in Ailuilrullv. Office over Pot Uttlce.'Krout treet, Portland. ftt'thf 1 1 ENHY LAW. CoiuiniHuiou Mcrcluiut, mid I L mnorttr uud iValerin Wauon Material. Hub. Spokt, rVlloea, Sliiiltn, Hickorv Axle, Ate, on bund in lot lortnii. Flour uud Feed of all kind. Store Ui Front mrnet, I'ortland ami Vtd alreet, Walhm. HtiVlf N. T.CAToN. C. O. ri'HL. CATON Ac CURL, Attorneva ot Lhw, will praclic in the courlaof thi State. OIHceiu flria wold brick, over Itcll At lirown'a atore, Salem. f)u. Nov.Mi.l.nr,;!, IHtl. ;!,( J. O CAIlllVHIiiHT. C. B. RELI.IM1KK. riAUTVVUIUUT & UELLIMiEK. Attnr- J ncvHiit Iiitw, 8ulem, Oregon. OHice In Mt tores' Itrick llnl.iinK'. fitiMif WILLIAMS a M A LLOUY, Attorney a at Law. (Mlioe in Wilson' building, Malem, Or- eifon. June.R, IH('nI. Mtf 1,1 O. Mil'OWN, Attorney nml Cuunaellnr ut 1' Law. Office with Dr. W. U. Mnum, Wacouda Alarum county, Ure gun. Puai Ottius addreaa, Bel pawn, T C. JOHNSON', Attorney and Couum-lor T? at Luw, ttreion City. Oregon. Will attend to all buniiieM eulriieted to hi cure. ami proni'ilv reuiittrd. Cullectinu muds i;i7 DH. J. W. McAKKE nffors liit mifessionnl servii'eslo ilir riiiseiis uf 8aleia Slid riciniiv. tlllire in Kenvou's tMiiblinfr J7if rnilOMAS D. WIXCHESTEK, Attorney 1 al Ijiw, Umpiro Ciiy, l oos Ituy, t)(n. 4llf TBrNirATOtinrii-y at Law, La Oranile, Itaker runntv, Dreiron. Hlf 11 FMA8UN Jt lliKl.lAlloruevulUw,llal Wast'ii nuiitity, Oreirun. liHlf Hodge 4; Calef, rORTLAXD. OREGOX. dealrrt in Drugs, Medicines, Piiinta, Uils untl Glass, Vliito Lead, Viirnislies, Unibhett, Pitinters' Materials, &c. ALS()- KeruKene Oil und Lumps, -OFFER FOR SALE Linseed Oil, bbls. and cases. Lmd " " Kerort'iie " " Muf.liine " TanneiV " White Lead, kegs aud jmils. Tiiipfiitine, l'ainters Btotk, Window Glass, -ASP A STOCK OF- " DRUGS AND HEDICINES tJiisui ased in the Slater in L'jitent, variety and Completeness. HODQE If CALEF, 97 Veal Hr. WfW. irtf ia1 uowfjrrrKHH ('KLKIlUAIliU STOMACiyUlTKILS. Concltisivn Proof of the Etfiraty of llllSTEITEirS Willi II11EIIS. l'rotetitlvu 3ItMlicutloii. UHV.l T THI TIIH inr IM,l.VnVAHH. WHAT TIIK IH I'TmiH AUK, A pnre, H.'llliifiil vi-irciaMc, bu'm. To Phenr Iho spirits. hiiH ihe nerro lo rnlm, I'rotsrl tlio system from M iusmit's bune, House Uirpid Nature and tba slrenKtli sustain. THfCIH INUKRlllKKi't. Hy cliemio art. ospressnd with pslient mrs, Juices or phmls, roois, bnrks, of virlnes rare, And the mild spirit ol iho soundest rye, Purest or all dilfusive slinmli. RF.IMILTN OK Tltr.lR U.K. ine.iion raines, sppsiite revives, The food assimilates, the pHtient thriven, iv"iwia THinsnes, won an itsrnroos, And peaceful sleep sucveeds disturbed repose. KFKKC'T ON THFi MVKIl. Tbe bilious sufferer, IhokuIJ, listless, pale, Physicked for venrs, norhups, without avail, Kinds In the Ul'l TKlirj all he ssks or neeils, And lives to smile at doctors aud their ereeds. CfP.llATIIl.t ON THB IIIIMKM, Itelsxed. eonstrlctod, or the seatof puiii, , . These ortiiiiis should not, for one day, remain ; The 'ennsa of eaeh extreme yon nin oxpol The Bl TfEKS lunu und reyulute us well. ; : Kr'KKCl' OW THtt OKIIIUTATKI. The fluccid inascles tirumess soon ac(iiire. Tlie frame Kiiius strenjiih, the eye reiuuies Its Ure, Ktreniftb tu the limbs, hopo to tbo heart returns, Till stalf and crutch the convalescent spurns, , ; BKOKKN COSHTITlTIOfl. The eolistitution tried by pain or eare, Or wild indulgence, is tiot repttir i The genial Tonic, as the healthful dews Quicken parched herbs, its wasted power renews. CltlLl.t AMI FEVKH. Dump, cold, exposure to malicious lof, Hrinpi on of ills a fearful catalog-no. But inlenrtiitents, whnlsoe'er their Kind, lIOftTKT'l tit H BIT! EKS scatters to the wind. RICK HfOADACIIK, This torment dlrs that all enjoyment kills, Yields not to pungent scents or drastic pills, 'Tis from Ihe slmnwh that It takes its rise i Toue with the Ul'n'KUH, aud the anguish Hiss. WANT OP APPKTI rr. Without due nourishment life's pulses wane, The blood grows thiii aud dullness clouds the brain, Hut this Elixir sets the system right, And "Oouil Jjiyestiou wiiits on appetite." TIIK BITTKR AfrRH MICKIVK8S). Exhausting fever leaves its victim low, And muissisU'd, Health's return is slow ; Then witli the Hitters weakened Nature uld, For in euch drop vitality's conveyed. AN A ORNERAI. PBKVE.TI VF. Hy night and day, on river, sea or laud, 1 as insiaul peril of disease we stand ; Hnf its dread arrows harmless seem lo glido Past all with this iuvigoraut fortilied. IHPI RK WATUn, ETC. Roam through the world.thrnngh every climate range Here is the antidote 'gainst every cliaugo, Witter impure it tempers, and inures Mun in all hardships to all tempsrulures, HF.A DIIIK.'VKNN, Who has not fell how feebly words eswiy The qualms one feels on shipboard to portray 1 Drend them no more, duly old Neptune's puwur, The Hitters cure the nuuseit iu un liour. AW I HAIU I.THHATKD TOMIC. Of all the liquors borne ucross the wa Not one mark thul fnnn acrid poisou 's freet These Hitlers stand 'mid stimulants alone, Powerless to iihiute, though prompt to tons. . - A IWI.D APKKIKT. Kemenitter, loo, afairietit rn'A nnd herb, Are hlent tvitli those that rehixution curb In this rare mixture: give Ibis fact due weight, That while the Hitters tone, they regulate. A UENri.R CORIIECTirii. If on the stomneh food to ncid turns, And pungent gas the Inner meinhrune bums, This gruiid corractie soon removes the ban, And li-uiii tbe beurlburu frees ttie inner nian. A SJAVIC AMD VKNTI.B iKODl'MU, Why not with all the opiates dispense, That shake the nerves mid nanilvie the sense. When these rare iH'ni'K.S soothe both niind and frumc. lnvitiug bol b to yield to slumber's claim f TIIK WOULD' OPIMO. Touching the IIITTKR this grand fact is clear, nieir nuue tins an tlie vtestern itemtspiiere. Knuwn in all lands, wnsiied bv iu oceans twain. lltil.TH, lluri and Viooa fuflow in their train ! AVOID (III VTtRFKITS. HOSTETTKR S IIIlTIJiS share the common fata Of all ihiuus good linposturs imitate. Of these beware. Discreetlr use your eves. Frum honest houses purenase your supphea CAUTION. THE GOVERNMENT ENDORSEMENT. In order to uiiurtl atmiiiBt dunieioun iuinuitiiiont,. the public ure R'tinc-itfii to uiKe enneciul note or the ueuu- titully eiivravfd ttroprieiiirr tMiii, through which the Uoverotnent oi the tnitca ntntt'ii oim'itiiiv auttiriiu rutei every bottlo of UDSTKTTKU'H UlTTEKS. Thia ihield, thrown bv the Governinent over the pro- pnetoraami tue puouc lor Uair juiut oroiectiou, plnrrd cotmi'k'iHHislv Hi'n the cork mid over ihe nerk of ch hnttlr, and cannot tHil to urike the eve of the utotit 'Hiinl ohncrwr. NoUiiiitf Ihttt purportti to be llOhTKii'KK'8 UUTEIlo cHit U gvuuiue uu hue the sintnp t thrre. It is elto t'ropur to Mate thtU tbe lil l l KKS are told excimivelv in Khtw, Hint trover undfrHtiy cirruiiiKtamv Dy me fptnmi or me DHrreL liuponiurB aga nnitatnri are abrtsad, and the only aufevmird the nitdio have airaJiiKt Ihem ii to nw that (he Ifittrra tlwv buy iteur the eovrnved Uhet and uoie of baud of .Meura. HO 81L11LK b.MUH, and the stamp above men tioueo. PKaPARKD HI HOSTETTERit S31ITU, nilsliurj, Fa. Vor tule hv all Prnvifitts. Grorrn and Storekeepers. throuytiout ttie Worm, And by HODGE & CALEF, ' Wholcattle Diuxtttt Portlnnd Ore Ron, To whom all order nhoutd Iw addreiwd HH-tf Why do you use an Inferior Article VV 7HX yo. rau buy at Ibe same irioef The Feleumteu "Downor Kcroarnc Oir' The beet made pure. whit, and non explosive, burn ing with a brilliant, sieaoy name, ami combining all the advantages of this incnmpnraMe nnrl cheapest illuminator, without lies stlendaiit risk and danger ot explosions iu using a pour article. At MtlUHr.O. Salem. Jan. l!th. IX3. Ketire. ' In the Comity Court of Vamhill Comity, Jnne Tsrm, ItKH. atiiuu al laiw. Edgar I'oppletoa, t'laimilf, vs. Alexander Caldwell. DriVndnllt. 1 rillj Alvnander I'aldwHI, tlie above named defend- I ant i In the name ol tba State ol Oregon, yoa are herebv siiiuiiioihhI lobe uttd appear in Ibe County Court of Vnuilull coaniy. Oreg( u, on the first Monday of Juno. lNi, aud aiawer the comprint ol r.ilgul r'onnleton aifainat von lor Ihe sun of a.HD. vsilh ia trrert thereon lioln ties. her tflb. 111, alt libs with the Clerk of said Court ia tba above entitled causa, ur judgment for want thcieof will be taken against yon turuKWoui. J u.to", w4 1'IITsAlt'y Potior. In tbe roslter of tbe eslal. of John P Oalnee, TV- oeaerd. In tbs County Court of Mane county KlulM nf tlr,in IT appearing lo tbe Conrt, kv the petition presented aud tied bv Marvaret U. tsaines, widow of said de ceased, and natural guardian of Catherine P Oainee, pmying ror an urdertu sell real estate, mat is uee essarv u. eell the interest uf aald minor Catharine V. (lainrt In and to said estate, it is therefor ordered by the Court that all persons interested in lb. said ee- tale sptear aeiore ne emu vonntv our on aunw. ibe v'.l dav of a d . I8h4. at the Court room ol aid Couutv Cauri,loenw rans wky an order ebouM nut be aianled to the said Margaret II Uaiue. Ul sell aid real estate. And thai a cmy of this onler be pub halted at least three sueveesive weeks in lb. OreaTes filatf mnn. a ucwepeper printed and published in said JsanuuLauniv. J. C. I'tKULKS, April 1, IM4.-Jw6 to. Jaujfa. riMnl Ks.iilnifnl. VOTICK ts berehv iva that Nancy Harpole, i IV rolnuomins ine eeraw oi t. r narp.., , k a i.., , r ,l. inj tm mi Ihss anart. prayiasT a nnej sauwaiemi u sii ' lore oniered bv the court that Monday, the 3d day ot Slav, A.D.. IflH, ine nasi rvaumr irrm w. . ... Marlon ennntv, Oreaon. teTierebyset astb. lirn. of tbe teartna .1 s aruaieauoa rov enmi ". aivoi in aara auiaiaisiiaii.., " "' r- - required m be present al that lime and show cause, tf auy, way tu. ssia acronm suimvu JOHN C. PEKBLES. O Jodr Caloa Cnrl, Au ra tnt Adannislrairla. ealeia, April fib. tfeit. ... , .. INSURANCE. SIiirliMo, li'lr? ami lAl'ol riMlK nndorsigned Bre Agents iu this Hlale for tliu JLlulluwitig Companies i , MARINE. CAl.IKOIt.NIA MCT1IAI. MARIN' I'. 1IARTFORI) HAltTKOltn, CONN. I'HOKNIX " ' CHAUTKUOAK " I'lTV " (lOOlUICK NKW YORK. !WKTKiH'lUTAS MAIUKA " HUM 10 PARK ARCTIC IMIOKMX WASIIINnTON " LIFE. ' EQlTITAtllR IAVK NKW YORK. CONNKCTICUL MUTUAL, HAUTKOBU, Conn. There ure no older, snfer or more reliuble compa nies In the world ihnn those above nunied. We will Insure at tint same lutes that can be eflectea throuirh fan I'rsnciseo agents, aud the California NiHte Htniup TaK is thus avoided. We call the attention of the community, particularly married, to the advantages of Life Insurnnce. 17" Call aud get a pnmnhlet. (Oltf RICHARDS dc McCRAKEN, OUIt TIME IIAH COMIC. ALL persons Indebted to us in any way will please consider themselves invited to come forward und settle up. If It is impossible for you lo pay, come andtay to, and let lis know when you can. ,,,,,, Khould this general invitation not be he heeded, It will bo necessary for us to Issue more (ciind more urgent appeals, ut the expense of tho invited. Expecting to change our business, we intend tolling goods in future for the REAUI PAY. No tiioro lie counts made, except very tkori ones, and by SPK VtAl, ARRANGEMENT with PAYINI1 0118 TOM KKS. J. II. 4tl.lt. niOOHKN. Haleiu, Oregon, Sept. :tht)i. SEtf. J. A. Wood & Co. ARK oianiifacturing for the wholesale trucle, a su perior article of TURPENT1NK, JAPAN OIL, and KXCEL810R STAIN. The tnrnentine ennnot be beaten in any market in quality and cheapness. Tbe Japan Oil is far superior mid cheaper than any other oil fur brick, boat, house and fence painting. The stain is a perfect Imitation of Rosewood and Hahoganv. Price (1 ,50 per gullon. ST VKONT SJTKHKT, PORTLAND. Sept. ail, Wii. 5li3tf WOOL CARDING. The LARGEST, BEST, and the FINEST Carding Macltlno IN THE STATU, lu the town of Jefferson, on the Hnntiaui river, Marion comity. Being thankful for pint patronage and favors, we would respectfully inform our old customers aud nil who limy favor us with their piilronnge that we will be ready to comtnonre carding liv the thh of May,and as soon as there is wool enough ill, we will commence running day and night iu order to keep us near up with the cardiug as possible, aud accom module the public as much as we possibly can, aud wo will use our utmost endeavors to give general satisfaction to nil who iiihv favor us with their patronuge.aa it is oar de sign anil intention to do the best we can for all our pntrons, but wool must be washed clean und freed from gum and all Heeee grown wool should he left out, also all sticks and coarse dirt should be picked ont. One pound of clean grease will be rwiuiied for every eight pounds of wool. All persons from a long dis tance will have their rolls to lake back with ilium, if Kotsible, at our oh! prices. Our terms will be iuvuria ly cash or Its equivalent. E. E. BARTER & STEWART. J.ffbrsou, March 11, lidi-l. . tiwii To the Citizens of Salem. Lumber, Lathe, Pickets. TIIK undersigned begs leave to inform the cilinens of Salem that he bas re purchased the CLIPPER SAW MILL aud PLAMMS MACHINE situated on the Oregon City road, 'J J miles north of (Salem, where he will bo happy lo furnish his old customers with the best quality of Yellow, White, or Red Fir Lumber, Laths, ur Pickets, uu short uotiee and reasonable terms. FOUR YOKE OP OOOIJ WORK CAULK wauled immediately. E. U. TOWL. slutiuary IHth, I8G4. 4itf Odd Fvllowft' Rural Cemetery, SALEM. OREGON. THOSE who have relative or friend interred in this Ccmetflry are requeued to furnish to either of the nnderftiKiieil u rood, as practicable the follow hiu infm-iniitioii. viz : Name, huh. sex. color, marrierl orbititfle. phire of birth, of whitt fumilv. number of daB ill: died when, where, and cause ; buried, when unit by whom. Ihe object of the fnreffoinif inquiries is tor tlie pur now ol iviBtrution in a uook Hireuuy procured lor that pur pone I. R. MOORES,) C. N. TKKUY, 8. E. MAY, ) Trustee!. Ralem, Junimry 11, 18(i4. 4fitf Notice Probate Court, Marion County, Oregon, as. Eatate of Oeo. F. Alveri. deo'd. TO all whom it may concern. Know ye, that w he i eft the said decedent aud wife executed to one Ai Coolidjfe, a certain mortKKe to secure the pay ment of two several nrooiiHory notes at ihe dates and for amounts specilii-ully sot forth in a petition present ed to thin court and on' tile in the same ; and whereas it is thought best tu sell the real eslate d turn bod in ihe niortffHtfe lo puy the amount of moneys secured there by, there beiiiK uo nerKonal property hy wliitih to re lii.nm the sauie. therefore, the widow of dmttdeiit, Ltjirs.aiKi all persons interested m sait estate will take notice that Tiuwlay, May the 3d, 186 1, is set apart for the purpose of considerm! the mailer, at which time they chu present their objections tu this court Kraut iuu ail onler to sell tbe real white dewi ibed in said morttfaire. J. C. PKKilLKS, April i, lM. wo County Jndge. Filial Si'llleiiiOHt. Stale of Oregon, County of Polk. In the matter of Iho elate of .foseph K. Davidson. ON this 7th day of March, a. n 1NH, roms Irs V. M Duller, adininistrntor (wilh the will anneied) of tlie estate of Joseph E. Davidson, decerned, nun hies bis petition for a dual settlement of suid eslate. It is tlierefure ordered that the i.'d day of May, A. D. IKo4. be set apart for the hearing of said petition, nnd the dual settlement of said estate, at the court house iu Dallas, in the county and State aforesaid, at which time and place all persons interested in said estate are notilied to appear. Bv order of f-IIAS. E.MOOR, Co. Judge. W. C. Whitsos, Clerk. 4w4 GKEEKBACK MIXISTEH. I AM compelled to inform the pnblio through the Statesman that Kev. .Ins. Sellwood. of Snlem. paid me an account of f'W, which had been stnnding due VI months, in greenbacks ot rr, after I bad agreed to throw oft interest, provided he would pay Ihe amount in coin, or its equivalent in legal tender. ' This was for lard and meat delivered to him at inv market. THOS. CKOSS. Salem April 10, ISM. 3n6 Sheriff Sale. Samuel Drown, Compl't va Joseph Hebert, Esther llcbret aud F. X. Matthicn, Def ts. BT virtue of a decree of foreclosure In the nhov. entitled cause, aud an execution duly issued there on from tlie Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon, for tbe County of Marion, aud to me direuled, by the Clerk of said conrt, 1 will expose for sale, as the law dim-ie, al Ihe Court Hone, door, In Kulem, lu Marion I'nmiiv, Slate ot orxuon, on HVI'UHIMV, THK 7 I'll KAY OF MAY, ism.at Ihe hour of 1 o'clock, r. M. of said day, the property of said Ikifendants, as described in said decree of foreclosure, to wit t Silnaie in Marion Couutv .State of Oregon, known as the south half of lire dotieikta claim of Edward lieionger in t. 5, a. r. 1, and U w., and parts of sec. 13 in t. b a, r. i w., and sec IS, t5s.. r. 1 w. containing :ui acres, more or leas. Also, Ihe following described premises, silo sie in I A s . r I and it w., commencing al the a w. cor ner of W. H. Mugers' laud aud running luence north to tlie a. .. comer of Edward Helnmrer and wile's said claim, in I. & a, r. It w., thence easterly to the east line of VY B Mairers' so as to embrace t'ift acres, sooth uf said lino, thcuce lo the southeast corner ot YV. B Ma ge' la'id.tbeura west on said W. B. Mugers' liue to Uie placa of beginning, containing 115 acres, being land conveved by said Mairers and wife to said He bert, Jan. ill, IHjil, to be sk! to satisfy said execution, interest, costs aud accruiug costs S.AM L IIEAPKICK, Sheriff Marion County. Salem, April tl, IM4. w Police IS given that the Ursl regular meeting of the stork holders of the "Pine Creek Water Company" will be held at Pius Valley, ia Bakercnuniv,llregnn,oB Saturday, the .'Ul day of Mav. Ii4, lo n-t directors tar the corporation. OEHHOE A. TVKLE, for th. ineorporaiors Auburn, Msrrh VS, 14. 4wt AslmiiiialrHlor' .ott'c. TOTICK is hereby siren that 4ha andeniimed bu 11 been duly appointed Adminlstratl of tbe estate of jtnH.uini ouuiu. uecraeru, Ol I oil county, Uregon. an persraw narina nanus against sain estate are re dneeted lo present tbe same to the AHmini.an.i.. Pallas precinct, IB atudcouiity.wilbiii six monlln from Hinnaw. JAMES W. SMITH Hall... April eih, lU. 4wfird , "J.'.V. SOI TIII H. B'O O K8 E L'L'E R ....asd iroTa or itiTustar Law, School, Medical, Miscellaneous , AD BLAMK BOOK. Jan. I Ittf Second street. Corvallis. II RD W A II r-Such as Iron. M. sis, Bolls, n'asbers. Nuts. Springs, Nails, spikes, ete sr., tnr sale bv SMITU 4 CAHTWRIGUT. DR. D. JAYNE'S ; JXlMnCTOllANT j ' And sanauve nni . .,, li i nvtl . i,i,.,;y t.:h'l t ' T K I'D l"' " ". . ,,rV-.,eVc '.! - . , , .-, bave mil heell place till I lie 1.1 u,hI slll'elllnolis III till". .Ul) mat " SJilnTw, 'n:to,l,.:L. who, in the chnngea. ll eliuiale ol Hi. 1'i.cinc "Il,'r fc'"" , . DlsctweH ol the Luiiks and Throat, inducing snd ending In COKSimTOfW. iaam; whon, W .ui have used hl. rem . thi t Uie, fruin which they are nillering. THE EXPECTOKAiNi OpeniH 1HBWATELI upon the Disease, , i U.....UI., KraJicatiiut. whilo the BASA TlVt l lLLsfby preserving regularity In the bowels 7. I giving a h'eaftny tone uTiIh. other U orKa... aid and assist the perfect operation of the former Attention Is asked to the following certificates, se- lected at random from the mass In possession 01 proprietor,! . m tx. r. i...... n..hli., lien. Wm. F.Ortnn.on. . ,.V .l nf llrnnellitis bv the USB V. nI!;n'"' " after haVing lain lorty aays at tne pom. o. v,., -. L.:i....- i uvi,.,,,.iMi iheir shi 1 upon him. rieveral cases of Dropsv aud Cancer have been cured ' 'ii . i ...... 1 1 1 wna inlinn last November with an enlargement on the nocK, which grew very last, i immeumniy Afinnilive and she S HOW nearly Well ' THOMAS L. TUNNELL. Krom the Rev. Nelson Cook, late of DrooVlvn, Min. Nw YoitK, Jun.o, 1W)1. Dr. D. Jitvne Dour Sir t A young man living in my house was taken wilh a violent cold, which settioa on hie lungs, causing a hourse, hollow cough, attended with much lever. This continued for more than two weeks, when all thought death to be inevltnble. At this point I commenced giving your Expectorant nnd Sunative Pills, according to directions. In Wie course of two or three days, he began to expectorate freely aud iu about two weeks he waa about and nils soon " A honraopnthlc physiciun and family spent a night I. ... i. ...... 'i n. a.uuliter waa taken with a violent croup, which threatened speedy death. The father having no medicine, concluded to give the fcxpecto- rant which soon altonleU rei.ei. Prom tbe Rev. N. It Jones. Reet. of Prot, Kpli. Cell, Saint Bartholomew, Philadelphia, PHtunti.rHiA, March ', IMS. Ir D. Jnvno Dear Hir : In all cases resembling Consumption, I recommend Jayne's Esnorlorniil, having in so many instances witnessed its beneficial effects in the two last cases which came under my ob. servntiou. The administration uf tlie Expectorant has, I am happy to suy, been attended by the most de cided improvement ol the patients, 1'or a greater number and variety of certifleatcs.and fuller information regunling. these uud other of Ur. 1). Javne and Nous' Preparations, reference is given to tlniir ANNUAL ALMANAC, which may be had from auy druggist or denier in medicines. ... lyfi14 Portland, Oregon. Agents for the Stale. PORTLAND FOUNDRY ....ASD.... MACHINE SHOP. firs) street. Uelweeii Vuinlilli ami Morrison. HAVING become sole proprietor ot this eslablish nieut, tlio undersiuued is uow prepared to manu facture ALL KIN DS OP STEAM KNOINE8, of sizes from fonrtu fortv borne Dower, portable orsiutionary. Also. Circular Saw Mills, complete i Hnv Presses of ull sizes i I'laiung HucUines (Woouwonu I niiuern); Wrouglit and Cast Iron Work for Vertical Saw uud Usist Mills; brass und iron castings, and wrouglitiron work or every description. All orders executed with disnntch.and In a work ninnlike manner. DAVID MUNNAbTliS. P. 8. A reduction line been mude on all kinds of work at tiiyBliop.tObiuttlieli'ttdeandcorrcRtHinti witb Crtlit'imiHVi'icos. miiy'iii 12tf SALEM FOUNDRY. 11. F. DKAKE, I'rorllor. HAVING purchased the entire interest in the foun dry at Salem, I am prepared to furnish CAST INGS and WltOUGHT IKtlN WOKK of every des criplion.on short notice. All order for MILL WOKK will be Ailed with dis patch . and in u sut isfucttiry manner. Agricultural irupleuieiilsol ull kinds mannfartnred toionu'r, orrepnii-cii. 4. 1 1 l'AI VI EH A. CO. PractlcslPrloters.and Desler.ln Type, Prmes, Printing Materials, Ink, Paper, Cards, -ttc, 510 Cla7 St., above Santnnio, j.s.rAisrtn) SAN FHANCISCO. T. f. paintkii) OfUcesfittedoiitwithdispatch. Uf J. W. SOUTHER, DRUGGIST, Herond Street, Corrallla, Oregon, TJA8 JUST RKCEIVED A LAKOE AND 1 i well selected stock of AMEK1CAX, FRENCH AND ENGLISH Chemimli, Dmps, Hlfdicinm, Perfumery, Dye Muffs, Fancy Gootli, Painti, Oil, Tnrprutine, Glass, Pull)') Ynrnishei, Brnslirt, 4c. Phyelriuns can rely on having their prescriptions oureliiliy coinpounueu at an nonrs. Mil CROCKERY AND VARIETY STORE, Commercial Stri'i'l, Snlem. Mr I". I''IMII, would resiertfiilly inform Jl his old friends, and the err ones o.o,tluil vVlie is now opening at his NEW STUliE, on Commerciul Nreet, bulem, a A Larire ant) Varied Assortment OF CUOCKERY. ULASS-WAHR, WOODEN-WARE, WILLOW-WAKE, TABLE (I'UJOKV, and a FULL ASSORTMF.yTot Iuniily GrocerioM, Mill of which be will sell at WHOLESALE or TIE TAIL, aiprires warmuted to give snlisfartion.nr no sale. Give me a call, and look at the tine yoiais, if yutt ao uot wisn to ptircnuse. Ito troni-ie to snuw goods. iioiei-Jtctpcri snd ijaiiiiiic wil Dud it to their advantage to pnrchase their Glass ware and Crockery from me, ns I shall ALWA Yli krrpa Fl'LL A niltiR TMEXT and tell AT LOW PRICES for cash or ready pay. Toys ! Toys ! I am also well supplied with an extensive assort ment of toys, of foreigu and domestic maniifaeture. N. FISH, Opposite Statesmau Building, Salem. Jnne IWW. !(t;,f The Lending Insurance Company. PHCENIX Insurance Company, HARTFORD, CONN. CnahCapltnl, Cash Asmi.... ....8IOO.OOO 0-20,6ti,80 839,000 Invrslrd in California . HESRY KELL0OO, Pkhidmt. W. B CLARK, SscnsiAar. PACIFICBRAXCU, S. TV. Cofucr Hi)iilgoDJtr ami l'ommrrci.1 SU , ha.i rRA.nrisca. sT Premiums received hy the 'PIIIT.N'IX" lor iusurain-e in this Stato are retain ed for investment in California eerurities, and together with liSMiut) already invested ltondi.are held sub ject to claims for lees under Pa cific slope policies, MAKING THE PHffiNIX A "Home Institution.' ty IM aoaoroWy tdjHitti and promptly paid IS V. S.GOLD COIS at points s-Ar, ia,, R. H. McQILL, General Ag't, rolUiea issued and renewed in this sfrrfiar and a,.p,ir I onipanr. ou al! classee of desirable property witbont delay inridenl loll., snb airency system and at rales as low as solvency and fair profit will .dinit V e.w.BE.LL G,BRpWNJr Sriidfnt.Phffnix.irrnu... Oc4..iw3-iya salem. oreooh.- t SMITH & CARTWRIGHT, CtCCESSORS to COOKE. 8MIT1I et CO 1 J.-riii.r 1 V " , ann K LKl TKU stork of araeral rend at reduced ort , J 7,, L1ASS &, ABEL. ..AT riitiu.. ST 1 0 A M FAC.TO I lT NI'.AIl TIIK STKAMSIIAT LANDIKII, SAkKK, KKKI" HANH, AIVII MAimiFAt'l'lIliir. ,11.1. Klli OK ' SASH, BLINDSj DOORS, CORNICE. Whitlow rniiiH-c, Ai MlVc, ANII rUUKISH, TU DKIieil, Every Variety of 011TSIDR mill INS1UH Finish SCROLL-WOOL, WOOD-TURNINQ, Ac. All kinds of JOB Wt)RK done wilh neatness nnd iii.piitch-:t llf HASH at AllEL, HUMISTON, WILSON &. CO., IMPORTIIBS AND WHULKSAl.t tlKALXIlS IK . Fine Brandies, Wines and liquors, ini I'lOllf IllUK BIOII!, I' lOUt such, ' conirrol OnU, I'liltlnnd. We tnke plensiire lu iinnnuneing lo nur old nutroiiB a nil the public of Oregon und Wash. vrisi iiutiin TeiTTtorv, that after two years' busi. nuss, we huve esluhlished a trade and facili. ties for importing in our lino of goods llint delles oom petition. Ainu, thai we ara selling goods AT BAN FUANClnUU l'i(tLr,o aim Kuarauiee meiu to ne genuine, our stock ueing at mi limes sunjoct to ins. strictest chomicnl nniiliiution. Ho Trade Solioitsd sxoept in PINE LIQUORS. OU K STOCK CONSISTS IN SAKT OF FINE OLD BRANDIES; Olard UuptiV 4c Co.. Jas. Hennosy, United Vinevard n.nnrlulllH.' A. Iloillllt & Co.. Pillllt. I'SStilloll Co.. C. Muniiiett, A. Siegnett, Union of the Proprielon, and various other brands. Fine Old Port and SHERRY WINES. Ture old Oporto Port, line old Burgundy Port (sweet and heuvyj Duff Gordon Palo and Ooldon Sherrv. lliirniony Nephews and Cobbler Hherry (Uue and heavy. CHAMPAGNE Mill CASK WINKS of Every Description. Fine Old Jamaica Hum, St. Croix Hum, PURE HOLLAND GUN. UW.. FINE OLD WHISKEYS. Slower! uud Harvev's Old Scotch, Old O'Neill's line old Malt. OLD jJOUliUON of the finest quillily. Superior Old Hye. .... Old Penrh and Cherry Brandy of superior nimllty. Also, a large ussortnient of CASK 0001)8 of every description used in the liquor trade. N. )). We hnvo ut ull times lurge quantities ef liquors put up lu suiliihle puckuges for purkiiig to (lie mines. Orders from Merchants anil Dealers respect fully solicited. HUMISTON, WIl.SUNct CO. , Portland, Aug. Hlh, Job. WW Klcliunl A JTIcCriiki'ii, Forwarding ami Commission Merchants ..AND JOtlUKltS IN .. Oregon Flour, fruit, Bacon, Lard, UKAIN, die., e. IIME, CEMKNTaud PLASTUlt received by every bailing vussul. :' jyj Will attend to tho purchuse and shipineutof Merchandise of everv description in tho Eastern and San Francisco markets. Also to forwarding goods in Sau Francisco uud Portland. ' The Cnlflinilril Mmnif RtnDer nnd Wower. ' aud Agrienltiintl Implc incnts of every description ft) uished for cash at San Frauciaco cost and transpostj tion. i 4 We will ulso attend to the sale of Oregon Prods in Victoria, having established a house In that pis) under the management of Mr. D. Pisk,a gentl.maaj eight yeurs exponent in tue trade in Mm I rano JOHN McCltAMCN,! Commercial Wharf, Portiant IARDS, J street, San Francisco. ": IB JAMES B. RICHARDS, J7 nucruiiieiilo New Ferry at North Salsa rTMIE utidcrsigiied would give Notice to the tral J lug puiiiir I inn ne nns esiatitisiien iswiimn RY on the Willamette river, ous-balf mile beloani old ferry, and will terry at any stage of voter aas' ail KtntiM aj Ktaincr. -d ..95 0 , ... 6 ' KATtJ nr FEaKIAGK I sun of horses or yoke of oxen. . Each additional animal Mun und borsu Footman l.oose cattle and horses each Sheen and hogs 3 I we liuve exeelleul facilities fur fcrrvuw BIUCI all kinds. Our bout will carry 40 head of catJ one lime wilh perfect safety, and will cross the r in from 4 lo 6 minutes. t'UX SHELL' Salem, May 8th, 1801). K'mHIptpaid ICItlllkSi. ' , ' fltUE following bliiuks ure for sule lit the Stntut X Otlico, ill qiiunlities tosuil. Orders, aocompai wilh the cash, promptly utlcnded to i flnillltv lll-ilers. ill eiilnrs ; flemiH .Tuev AnmsJ Letters ostanientury ; Letters of Administrati Atlaclimeiits ; Execnlions ; Administrator's or K. ntor's Uiuids; Marritige Lii-ouses; 1'romissory Mo Proof of Will ; J urn icon' Summons; Justices' Atb melils; Appraiser's Commissions : Warrant Del Tux Receipts i Subpunias. otc, dec. r . . ii Oregon Insane Asylum and Hospll OilS. HaWTHORjE AKD I.OHVRA.PH1 81CIA. A.NU PUOPUIKTOKS. , 1 THESE Institutions are sitnuu.d In East Portp in a htalthy und pleasant locality, near a beuqi pereuiitni spring. AUipieaccoiniltountlolls are anol or tne com ion ana speedy cure of those that favs with their pntromige. i umce ut vealliertoru sirug Store, Front sa roriiunu. ESTABLISHED 1700 PKTER L0RILLARD, Snuff and Tobacco Manmactur 10 IS CIIA.TIBKKH T ' ' (Formerly ChntliBtn street, New York J ' WOULD cull the attention of Dealers to the cles of bis manufacture, vis i ,i I UHUWID SNIFF. , . . Jlacaboy, Domlgros, - ' Fine Knppee, Puis Viria, Coarse llnppee. .tMUH-hes, Americau (icntlemnn. Coponha VEM.UW IFF. S4ot(h, , Jloney Dew Scotch, High Toast tV'i'bi I rcsh H.iiiey Dew 8ct Irish lllgli Toast, Fresh Scotch, or Lundyfoot. t'p Attention is called to the large reilnctioi pri,esof Fine Cut Chewing and Smoking i'obas which will be found of a superior quality. ' TOIIACCU. SMOKINd Long, No. 1, No. 2. FINE CUT CHEWING. 8M0KI P. A. L, nr plain, R. Jng, ' Cavendish, or Sweet, Spanish, Sweet Scented Oronoco, Canastar, Tin Foil CHvendi.li. Turkish. Nns. I dr. 3 mixed, Qrannlateil. N. II. A circular of price, will be sent on app tion. mayl& lye' J.C. Shelton, Physician and Snrge, MONMO CTH , l'olk Connt v , Oregon. Tbe Dor beini; a graduate of die Curtis, or I'hvsio-meal wllom. Cincinnati, tlbio, ' fn. Botanic in hisic Uce, entirely disranling calomel and all mineral, 1 ' sons, and using none but purely vegetable mediess, . and only the perlerllv innocent at that. The Doctor would' fnriher env tn the public? so, that he is prepared to enre all nincers, indolent as s, sbsrease. tumors, etc., thut are uurable, and 1th agents purely vegetable. 2tl Farmers and Shippers, Attention SALEM WAREHOUSE. " nSifTif' l",r,n oopleted their NEW W A lit HOI, SK. are now prepared Ui receives " affreight, ou storage or fur shipment. Onr fa ciluies. lor storing grain, fruit, Ate., are unexcelled on ,VZV-- .."iT1!1."1" ' situatasl ABOVE HIGH WATER MARK, on the bank of the river. Farm- ; ere, haul yonr grain and fruit while the roads are good and place them with free access to market al anv time ci a . . .ALEXANDER at AIOWJAN. Salem, Oct. 5, 1P63. T j BENJ. STRANG, PtALtR IU PARLOR AND COOK STOVES Of KVKRV PATTKRV, Keeps constantly on hand, and Mann fact ore. to order, . Tin, Sheet Iron, and Copper Ware, On reasonable terms. METAL ItOiiFIXO, and JOBBING of all kinds, promptly attended to. ' Shop on i Commercial street, Salem, Oregon, S doors North of HirschdtCo. Ktttf A.J. BUTLEK ii PIONEER HATTER. XL 7i FRONT STREET, PORTLAND. HAS constantly on hand a COMPLETE ASSORT .. .-"""J pf Oentlemen's Huts and Caps, of the I AT EST snd MOST APPROVED styles', insisting i part of tl-e Dres. Moleskin, Hre Casiroere, Ion crown Caiwmrres of all colors, ' Vicnma " or Pem.i rJU,r4l"n!iU"' 7 '" vsrieivTand price . Cr. Orders from the country promptlvinlled . Gentlemen visilins Portland, Troin tne interior, if nol in immediate want of a hut, who will leave w ilh ns -IIT'."-' " '."j1? "iaranteed a comfortable IU, ' i When a hat is needed bv Ihem The HIOIIEST CASH PRICE pnld f.r nil kind, of to A .1 mm t u , 'J .. . n. ... Piomiet Hatter, 7'i Frail street n.T." tA D, 0 K"' asuortiuent. an ol raaoioaablssivlee. for sale bv tZJ SMITH fcCARTWRIOHT. i