The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, April 18, 1864, Page 1, Image 1

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i pnai.inuKii rvntr wmi mousish.
The Oregon Printing and Publishing Company, ,
P II () ' It I K '1 0 K S .
O ffl o 1 a 1 ripit of t h B t a ta . .
. TKItMS far yotr, JU.OO i Six months, t'J.OII.
ray" 7Vi dfcuns rir pMcM in mln. Ltgat Tender notee
win en iiutm tttuifiu their tmrrem eiius.
RwnilltJini'i, muy be minis liy mail tit ll.e rink nf ttiu pub.
i, ,, iunn ,,, in a ncM,:ii,i i n iuiiiier-
A. J. ItlTTI.I.It.
r AS constantly nn hand n COMPLETE ASSORT-
vst , ,1 M fiH T A i'ii( i . e.
..... ......... consisting in
part of the Dnwi Hiilankin, Press Casimero, low
urown (Jiissimeres of nil coin, "Vicnnia," or Peruvl
Hit Huts, Hnft, Mali, in nil shapes, colore, variety, mid
price. fW Orders from the country promptly' filled
Gent ellien V mtinir Pni-tluiid fi.m ' ' im . .
. , ,. " n i " mn interior, ii uoi
In nimrdiate want of h hat, who will leavo with na
inoir ummure, win oa guaranteed a cnnifortub e lit.
Ulln ll lull iiaujlfl ,1 '
The UIQIIEST CASll 1'UICE paid for all kinds uf
, A. J. HUTLEIl,
'" Fioneer Hatter, 7H Front street.
Keeps constantly on hand, and Manufactures
to order,
Tin, Sheot Iron, and Copper Ware,
On reasonable tonus. '
METAL UOOFIXd, and J0BUIN8 of all kinds,
promptly attended t..
Shop on Conimwclnl street, Salem, Oregon, 3 doors
norm oi mrscn ot vo. oiMtr
Second Door in UIUSWOLD'H New Block,
- salem. o&soosr.
of Goods, the I.AROKST ever brniitrht. to this mar
ket, most of which, HAVINU HEKN PURCHASED
ili NliW rUKn. AMU liUNTUN, irreater induce
ments nre offered to the purchaser than ever before
this side of 8an Francisco.
The stock cousisfs of Pry Goods, Clothing, FBncy
Goods, a large stock of Iron and Hardware, Psinte
and Oik Groceries, Crockery, tea.
We cull the munition of buyers from Benton, Polk,
Liinn, ismlull and Mariou counties
rCome to Salem, it will Pav.-Gs
We are always ready to show goods.
We Bull exclusively for cash or barter, and can there
fore sell cheap, and cordially Invile the public to call
and examine for themselves. 40tf
Farmers and Shippers, Attention
THE undersigned, having completed their NEW
WAHEHOUHK. are now prepured to receive all
kind of freight, on storage or for shipment. Our fa
cilities,' for storing grain, fruit, fee, are unexcelled on
the river. Warehouse is situalod ABOVE HIGH
VA 7ER MARK, on the hunk of the river. Partn
ers, haul your grain and fruit while tho roads are good
and place' them with free access to murket at any time
Palom, Oct. 5, ISO. IvM
Murine, Fire and Lifo Z
THE unuerriirned ere Ageuts in this State for the
following Companies i
CITY " "
l'AKK "
There are no older, sufer or more reliable compa
nies in the world than those above named.
We will insure at the same mtes thai can be effected
through San Francisco agents, and tha California
titnte btatnp Tax in thus avoided.
We call the attention of the community, particularly
married, to the advantages of Lile k-iauraiice.
1 7 Call and get a pamphlet.
Carding? Machine
IX THE STATE, in the town of JelTeron, on the
Rantmni river, Marion comity.
Being thankful fur punt patronage and furors, we
would respectfully inform our old citft outers and nil
who may fiivor us with iheir pntronnge that we will
be ready to commence carding uy the 'iOtli f Muy-nud
as soon as there is wool enough in, we will commence
' running day and night in order to keep as near tip
with the carding as possible, and accommodate the
public as much hso possibly can, and wo will use
ur utmost endeavors to give general satisfaction to all
who inav favor us with their patronage, as it is our de
' aim ind intention to do the best we run for all our
pntru. , but wool must be washed clean and freed
from ginti and all fleece grown wool should be left out,
nlsoail slicks and conrsedirt should be picked out.
One pound of clean grease will be required for every
sight pounds of wool. All persons from a long dis
. lance will have their rolls to take hack with thein, if
feasible, at our old prices. Our terms will be invuria
I j cash or its equivalent.
Jefferson, March 14, 6w3
HATH AMI CAPM A good aesorhneiil, jBMfc
of ftishioiiablo stvlnn. for sale hv
To the Citizens of Salem.
Lumber, Laths, IMoUetn.
THE nndoriiiirned lgs leave to Inform the eliixens
nf Kaletn that he bui re-pnn-hamd the t'LIFFER
SAW MILL and FLKMNIl MACHINE situated on
the Oregon City mad, 9 1 miles north of Salem, where
ha will he liapjiv to furnieh his old customers witii the
beet quality of Yellow, White, ir Red Kir Lumber,
Laths, or 'l'irkets, on short notice and reasonable
f TCATTLK warned Inimcdlnielv.
a E. D. TOWL.
January M, KA.
Odd FellowN ItnrnI CcmcU'ry,
THOSE who have relatives or friends Interred in
tbia Cemetery are rvqtiet ted to furnish to either
of tha uiKlvrsigned as eotu aa practicable the follow
ing information, vis i Name. age, sex, color, married
nr single, place of birth, of what family, number of
lavs Hit died when, where, and causa ; buried, when
anil by whom. The object of tha foregciug inquiries
Is for the parnnse ol registration in a book already
procured for Inst purpose.
I. R. U00KES.1
M a ,
C. N. TERRY, Trustees.
K. E. MAY. J
January 14. imW
LEATHER, and ever article nsnallr rnnnd in a
well-reirulaled shoe .tor, has Jl'ST RECEIVED
a large assortment of Gents' Calf, Kip and Mining
Boots: Hoys' Culf, Kip and Heavy Boots; Ladies'
Misses' and Children.' Maitera and Shnea. all of tha
BEST manufiirtiire und of the LATEST style.
Boota and Klines made to order, of the beat material,
and irnnranteed to Hive satisfm-finn.
J-jr Keinemiwr.mat the city Boot and !nn wore
Is the only place where yon ean buy 1IKNKKRT 8
J're1 Wts. wns
r-Ti VII. Ti. S. SKIFF
Crtf t Tt Stirft-oon Dcntlait.
OBea in Holman's llrlrk Hnilding. Hesidenea, near
corner ol r ira ana teenier atreeia.
f T None but finished operalions perftirmed.
.1). desiir the patmnaoaof sack persons as wisb
operation, pertonned iu.the l
I HWI pvriw. iimin irr.
Snrlns Goods.
Tr'T BECEIVED a new and elegant assortment of
tl Spring dress goons, sum
LmnMa Clnll, I J1.tep
Xl.aO-UteMrtvie SPRISO hOSXETS, Far
trimmer Shawls, dtc,
VleJd. March W. 1W-I.
Blooded Pigs for Sale. ,
' i rri!IO"K wlphing to improve, their,h"g ranigei a
1 1 FEW GOOD FIGS by applying.thisjnnnth r
i - " :
i iters from a distanr wi
be filled with'tbe best .Prlea.
J per rair, or, dear is, aow f i".
in. ...
I April 1. 4wj
C a-ih for Tim UiiiU.
i-lLARK HOLM AS will pay cash for Ir, baa
C , Inrk and alder bk, and for raw liidra.
talent, Feb. i', lovt.
VOL.14-N0; 1
OL H I .111 rt
THEHINGEH HTAMtiAWn uirtiiMK4f... n,..n.
1 iifiiiiluriiig pnrpomi.are of grentor speed, and an
psrlurto all othor inucliines for likeunes. The supe
nor, oorrcct, simple and I'nrublo merlmnlcal piiuci
fdes of thasa niHchiiws.pluce thorn bevmidcnmpotiiinn
Ail the groat muniifai torins of the United Huub and
Europe are supplied with them.
TheMnger Letter A "Trnusverse Shuttle"
rnmily Machine
WUk recent Jmprovametta fur Hemming, AW
iitg, ltindinft, 4'r,i
la tha most perfect and reliable family machinn vet of
fered. They are certain of correct notion, at all rates
of speed, upon ull kinds of material, and with all kinds
of thread.
The mechanism Is entirely within view, and nnder
the control of the operator, who thereby can avoid the
Serplexltios and annoyances so common with Hewing
lachiuss having their mechanism niiklsn from view,
under pretence of simplicity of comuriirtiou.
'V Plain printed instructions accompany each ma
chine, from which any ono can readily understand
their nse.
IV. Pamphlet, Price List, and specimens of work
mailed free to any addicts.
RT A very great redaction bus hoen lately made In
the prices nf the Singer Hewing Machine, thus enu
bliug purchaser to gel a flrat-class machine at the
same rates of inferior or seooml-alnsa machines.
(Hnocessor to I. M. ginger At Oo.
' 1311 Montgomery street, Sim Francisoo,
am WM. BKODEItICK, Agent.
rpiIE Columbia Rivor Road, leading 1!
x Trom mniana.tsavaiiante fnr.ttie 5
ravel of b'l OCK thronih to Dnlles Citv.
Ijnborers are, constantly engaged in Improving the
7orst parts of the road.
andy River.
Itntes of Toll!
Each Ilorae, Mule or Jack SO cents
" Man..... , 60 "
" Head of Cattle over one year old.. SO "
" " ' Bbeep 10 "
Tickets sold at the Ferries. NO EXTRA CHARGE
FOR FERRYING. A ticket at the above price, is
the only cliurge on the Road made by the Company,
uir.u, rresiueni.
' Columbia River Road Compnny.
J. J. HorrMAtt, Soc'y. JOHN F. Mil,,
' ' A. C. GIIIBS,
March 3, lfl4. ltf Directors.
Owylu't Saloon,
THE above Raloon situated next door above
Moody's Hall, Dalles, bus been enlarged, refitted
anil refnrnished, und will be con-ducted 11 11 the style of
a llrst clnss Haloon. Free concert every tiivht.
Dalles, Feb. 10, 1864. 51 1 f MAKUtt. o.consxr. johsa. consxr
Produce & Commission Merchants
Second Street, Dulles, Oregon
Till!! very best brands of Klonr, fed of all kinds,
and every description of Produce cmietamly in
store mid sold at the lowest rutna.
A choice assortment of family groceries, hiclnding
the best selection of Teas. Coifeee. Snintrs. etc.. select
ed expresbly for fumily use.
Uon sign men ts received, iimi ngeueriit Htorage, Kor
warding und Commission Business promptly attended
We will alio imv the hiirhest CASH market orlce for
all kinds of country produce such as Wheat, Oats,
JJenns, Hulter. Ktfgs, Cheese, Dried FrnilSjiVo., ut the
Jeliersou Mills, Marion Co., Oregon.
Second street, Dulles, and
4f-tf , Jetlerson, Marion Co., Oregon.
THIS well known horse will stand, the en mi
it iif season, commencing April 1st anil eiid-cG
ing July 1st, at uiy farm, one mile northwest of Tain
pieo, at the follow ing low rates :
otngio service ......910 mr
By thescusoo ... 15 00
Insurance 25 00
Peri-ons mirtiitv with au itiMired mare before she is
knowu to he with foal, will be held responsible for
the hum ranee money. Mures from a distance will bo
past ured Iree of charge. All cure taken to prevent ac
cidrnts, hut I will not be responsible for any.
nmoleon will be hunted to 73 mares.
jpKmoitr.K. Timnlmm wan nin'd bv Timoloon. lie
br Sir Archy, ho by Diotliede. Timo.con'sdmu was
sired by Mcdoc, which leaves him in posHCr-sion of as
much good hlfuxj as any horse m the State. Tiuioleon
is a beautiftil dark bay, free from white, Hi hands high.
Tampico, Ben ten (Jonnty. -'nil
WOULD announce to the Ladies of Kulem and vi
ciuitv that thev huve taken rooms in KKX
YON'S liti i 1 din ir .one door west of the Mamiuu House.
Vhere they intend to carry on
Ulillincry and Dress Dlukiiig.
Their stock, recently selected in Sun Frntii'Isco, con
sists, in part, of Bonnets, Hats, Ribbons, r lowers, Ace.
Krnm Ion,; experience in bindueas, both In Boston
and Han Francisco, Mrs, W. feels tuutnred that she ran
give sat infection to all, and would respectfully solicit a
si 1 11 re of the public patronage.
halem, March I'.', 101. Jm-i
Filial Settlement
State of Oregon, County of Polk. In the matter of
Uie estate 01 aiosepn v. i'aviusoti.
ON this 7th day of March, k. D. cmues Ira F.
M. llutler. admiiiinlrntor Iwith the will aitnnxedi
of the estate of Joseph K. David.'son, deceased, ana
nies 111s petition lor a nnai setiiement 01 said etitate
It is therefore ordered that the Vd day of May, a. d.
1H64, be set apart for tho hearing of said petition, und
the final settlement of said emuie, at the court houso
in Dallas, iu the county and State aforesaid, at which
time and place all pennons interested in said enisle are
noiinea 10 appear, nv omer 01
MAO. V. fflUtlK, LO.JIlflge.
W. C. Whitsom, Clerk. 4w4
Howe's Family Sewing machine,
WILL seam, stitch, gather, hem, fell, hind, nuilt,
run.bniid.and in fact PK FIFO KM THE WHOlK
Threads, making the r Ol K HT1 TC1I. 'iiierware
dilTervnt sixes.
Price from (60 to (3.
TIT It received the HIOMKsT Premium at the late
World's Fair at London, and baa been used in Ger
many, France and England for fourteen years, with
perfect satisfaction. bcd for a ht ofpnert.
r iirir.utii j nnun,,
Alhanr, Airrnts for Oregon.
For sate at N. O. Parrisli 6l Co.'s, Salvia, and by
Free land Bros. Albany. 6tn4A
. No Credit!!
CH ARMAS, WARNER At Crt , fmtn and afler this
date, propose to do STRICTLY A CASH Hl'I
HESS, btlieviiia it will be benelicial to llirir friends
and customers generally. It will etiable them to aell
goods at a
and to effectually compete with Portland. Their de
termination it to tu gooat at ewap at sjr haute tn
Althnuifh the have extra freitrh. fmra Portland.
ret iheir etpeneV are mnrh liffbtr in Oretmi t'itv.
and by their uiauner of doing biifhieea they can mora
thnii balance tie rltaiye lor ItePut bdwrrn the two
pluree, and thus be enabled to sell gtfods Vhttiper than
mnf other Hon in the A7re.
Oreirnu City, Muirh 7. m. HmM
-as-tOosimeretalStrMt.Ssleni, Dealer! n J
Solid Silver and Plated Mare,!
Spectacles, Fine Cutlery, 4c.
All fsodl toll by si art WAIIAKTKD Is bs ta
Psrllcalsrsllenllen psl 1 te re-istrlni line Wtlchet.
Clorkt, Jcvetrjr, Ac.
8slin,0rfnn,Nof.l.lsSl." 'lias'
1 .
' ; 1 J. W. (sOl'TIIEK,
....iso laroatsa or stimssni,....
Ut, School, Medical, SI iKcIlaneoas,
Jnta 01 ltf Second street, CWmIIw
Dealers In Foreign and pomestio
WE take pleasure In announcing to the public of
Salt-in, ami vicinity that after several weeks of
pvi'tiiiiul examination amoiiR the ImportiiiK bouses of
Sun Fi anuisco, ws have uiude the most judicious seluc.
thins of the above poods ever before 'ollered lu this
city. Our stock consists In part of
I.iidict' DreM Ooods,
of the moef. fathionubU fabrics, heretofore uneqiialed
iu elegance of style, quality and cheapness, euob as
Auperb Ottoman Cloths,
Silk and Wool Reps,
Rich Paris Lanaitre,
Elegant Poulards,
Paul de Chovres,
Plain and Fancy Bilks,
Merinos, all wool Plaids, Poplins, Moliair, Dele
gea, Delaines, tie., aVa. .
Domestic and Staple Dry Goods,
in huge quantities und variety.
We oner a choice variety of CLOAKS, Shatrli,
Gloves, Hosiery, Balmoral skirts, Hoops, ck., AW, for
ladles, Missus and Children. .
A Complete issortmeiit of Woolen Goods, '
Hoods, Nubias, Ureakfiiat Capes, Soi.tags, Knit
Jackets, dto., tto. ( t , ,
We invite the atleution of ladies to our aniierior
stock of Ladies', Misses and Childrens' GAITEltS,
llalmoral Blioei, Slippers, oto,,' of Philadelphia man
ufacture. '
We call special atlentien to our styles and variety of
Gents Custom-made Clothing,
including the LATEST FASHIONS, and most
durable textures. : .
OverroaU of every description.
Business suits iu large quantities. , ;
Black Cloth Coats.
Velvet, Silk and Cnssimere Vests,
lllnclt Doeskin Panta, ... '. ' '
Heaver and Cassimere Pants, .
lleaver Coals, business Coats, lit., tie.
Gents ITiirnletliliiif Ooodw,
Comprising evrythinir necessary for a Oontlomau's
toilet. Uwta, tihoea, lists. Caps, Trunks, eVc.
Boya anil Childreus' suita mid Overcoata.
Wo bnve also a large und well .selected elock of
nnOCmilKS, suited to the -vantaof the city and
country trade.
We nre resolved upon keeping the best vsaorted
stock in the citv, and have made nrrntiffements to
und by a strict attention to bneinessand a determina
tion to sell
Cheaper than the Cheapest,
we solicit a share of the public patronage.
Diiiw Salem, Oregon.
Notice. -
Probate Court, Marion County, Oregon, ss. Estate of
Geo. F. Myers, dee'd.
TO all whom it may 'concern Know ye, that
whereas the said decedent and wife executed to
one Ai Coolidge. a certain mortgage to secure the pay
meat 01 two several promissory notes at uie cmtea ana
for amounts snecillnillv set forth in a uetitiou present
ed lo this court and on lile in the same ; and whereas
it is thought best to sell tiie real estate described in the
mortgage lo pay thu amount of moneys secured there
by, there being no personal property by which tore
deem the same ; therefore, the wl'dow of decedent,
heirs.Biid all persons intereeted in said estate will take
notice that Tuesday, Muy the 3d, IrJIiJ, is set apart for
the purpose of considering the matter, at wbicb time
they can preeeut their objections to this court grunt
ing an order to sell the real estate described in said
mortgage. J. C. PEEBLES,
A pnl 7, IHlil 4w!i County .Inclgc,
A lutly, trim signs heravlf "A Martyr to Late
Hnnrs," uflvra the fullowinc viv sensible sug
gestions to young unmarried gcutli'ttten :
Dear ccntlenif n, between the ages of "Is and
45," listen to ft few words of gratuitous advice.
When yon make a social call of an evf nitiir on
a young lady, gn awny at a reasonable hour.
Say ynu come at eight o'clock, an hour and a
half ia certainly as long aa tha most fascinating .
nf ynu in conversation oan, nr rather ought, to
desire to use Ilia charms. Two lionrc, indeed,
can lie very pleasantly spent Willi uiusio, chest
or other games, to lend vitality ; but, kind sir,
liy no mi-inn stay longer. Make shorter calls
mid come oftrnor. A girl that Is, a sensible,
truehearted girl will onjny it better and really
value your acquaintance more. Just conceive
io agony ui a girl who, well knownic the feel
ings of lather and mother anon the subject,
hears the cluck strike ten, and ret most sit on
the edge nf her chair, iu mortal terror lest papa
should put his oft-repeated threat iutn execution
that of coming down and inviting Hie gen
tleman to breakfast.
Ah ! tie girls nnderstand it all by experience,
and know what it is tn dread the prognostic of
displeasure. In such case, a sigh of relief gen
erally accompnnies the closing of the door be
hind the gallant, and one don't gut over tho
feeling of troiiblo till safe In the arms of Mnr-
beus. hveti then, sometimes, tlio dreams nre
troubled with some phautoin of au angry father
and distressed (for all parties) mother, all be
cause a young man will stay lunger than he
ought to. - "
Mow, young gentlemen Irlends, I'll tell you
what w o girls will do. For an hnnr and a half
we will ho most irresistibly charming and gra
ciously fasoinating ; then, beware! Muiioeyl-
luhiu responses will be all you need expect :
and if, when the limits shall have been paat, a
startling query shall he heard coming down
stairs : "Isn't it time to ctore up !" yoa must
consider it a righteomvpunishiiiont, and. taking
your hat, meekly depart, a sadder, ami, it is tn
e hoped, a wiser man. Ln not get angry, but
the next time ynu come be careful to keep
within just bounds. We want to rise early
these pleasant mornings, and improve the "shi
ning hours ;" hut wheu forcfd to ho op at suoli
unseasonable hmiri at night, exhausted nature
will sneak. And, as a natural conseniience,
rith (lie almost speed in dressing, we can txiril-
ly get down to breakfast in time to escape a rep
rimand from papa, Who don't believe In beaux
as though bo never was young aad a mild,
reproving glance Irom mama, w ho understands
a little better the poor daughter's feelings, but
must still disapprove outwardly, to keep up
appearances. And now, young men, tuniK
about these things, and don t, fur pity a sake
don't, throw down your paper with a "pshaw,"
but remember the safe side of ten.
What Hkcomks or Dead Horses. Some
people will no doubt be astonished to learn that
larfffl fnrtuiiAa have been made everv rear since
tho ooiiimeucenient of the war, out of the dead
horses of the Army of the Potomac. The pop
ular idea is. that when ltneinaule yields up the
Shost, he is buried in some field, or left to moul
er Into mother earth In the woods somewhere.
Not so. lie baa made his last charge, and
gnawed his last fence rait, but there is from
20 to 140 in the old fellow yet. A contract for
the purchase of the dead corses in the Army ol
the Potomac for the ensuing year, was let a
few days ago, to the highest bidder, at $ 1 76
per head, delivered at the factory of the con
tractor. Last year ICO.000 was '-ared on the'
contract, and Ibis year it is thongtit $100,000
can be made nn It. The animals die at the
rat of about fifty per day at the lowest calcu
lation. At the contractor's establishment they
are thoroughly dissected. First, the shoes are
pulled off. They are usually worth fifty cents
a set. Then the hoofs are cut off. . Tbey bring
about two dollars a sot. Tben oome the cau
dal appendage, worth half a dollar. Tben the
hide 1 don't know what that sells for. Then
the tallow, if it be possible to extract tallow,
from the army horses, which I thiuk extremely
doubtful unless be die immediately afler enter-
1... tt An,l Uet ttnt not Ut tha
1 .T l-l.,.l,l Ivina .,.v.rl,I.L-
eillll lenive .1- i u.H.ui. . 0 . ."
avarieivnf articles that many
let that many believe to be
composed of pure ivory, socli aa eane beads.
nue-nauuiCT, chi. wn "'. ......
Spain. The Government party in the Span
ish Senate was recenlly defeated ou the bill for
constitutional nfoim, whereupon tha Cabinet
rcujned and their resignations wire accepted.
A ne w Ministry i, to be .of mid.
Richmond Correspondence of the London Times.
Again I feci tempted to raise a warning voice
nbnut ttie disparity of the armainentnn board
of the English and American navies. ' It is Im
possible for those w ho have been many months
absent from England tn ho well informed as to
the actual ituto of public opinion at the pres
ent moment upon this vital suhjeot. But, judg
ing from the officers of Her Majesty's navy,
who have at rare Intervals brought Vessels nf
war into Confederate appears still to be
held thut tho 08-poundor or 8-inoli smooth bore
is England's best weapon of offenso against
iron clnd vessels. The eipertonoo gained at
Charleston enables me to affirm that as well
might yoa pelt one of the Yankee unuitors or
Ironsides with peas asexpeot them to be in any
way damaged by 8-inch shot.
Another disagreeable question forces itself
upon the Englishman's attention wien he is
onguizantof the terrific broadside thrown by
the eight 11-inob guns of tho Ironsides one ol
the most formidable broadsides, in the opinion
of the defenders of Charleston, which has ever
beeo thrown by any vessel upon earth. Have
we any ship in existence, tvhloh osulr success
fully resist such a broadside and respond to it
with anything like commeuiurate weight and
vigor I I should be faithless to my duty if I
did not mention that it is tho universal opinion
of all the English officers serving ir, the Con
federate army with whom I have onvereed.
that England is behind America in tini weight ,
and power of the guns scut by both nations to
It Is still a matter of greatest surprise to
those who are cognizant of the endless experi
ments in gnus and projectiles which are every
day made bv tho Federal and Confederate
States that Englaml has not thought it worth
while to attach to the armies of both nations
such.n commission as MoClellan had in the
Crimean war, with a view to their gaining such
Information with regard to ordnanoe and pro
jectiles as at this moment can be gained no
where else on earth. It is my conviction that
from both lections such commissioners would
receive uothing but courteous and unreserved
information upon all that It Imported them to
know. It is souroelv oreditablo to our govern
ment that they should be blind to the importu
nities fur gaining information which this gigan
tic conflict affords, or that from Old W.orld
pride they should refuse to avail themselves of
the experience to be derived from a continent
destined henceforth and evermore to play no
secondary part iu the drama of tho world.
(7 An excellent London contemporary, The
Bookieller, gives the following biographical
anecdote concerning a very popular foreign
author, and bis most successful work of no
tion :
Not very long ago, wheu M. Victor Hugo
thought of disposing of his now famous work,
"Lea Miscrahles," lie entered into negotiations
with an eminent Paris house, to which he offer
ed the copyright for three hundred thousand
francs, or twelve thousand pounds. The sum
was tl-.ouglit exorbitant, which ltd tn the break
ing n IT of the negotiations; not without sumo
secret sneers at thu extravagaut demands of
book-makers. This came, to tho cars uf a
young publisher of Brussels, M. Lacroii, who
nn sooner heard of tho matter than be set nut
for Guernsey, demanded and obtained an in
terview with Victor Hugo, was allowed to
read a portion of the manuscript of the "Misor
ahles," and, having done so, offered at once to
Cay the threo hundred thousand frunos. "Yoar
usiness is not a large one," remarked M. Vic
tor Hugo. "No ; but I intend making it so
by your book," was the roply. "Then, you
ure licli." suggested the poet. "No, lam not;
hut I hope to acquire wealth by your book.
To publish it. 1 stake my whulo fortitue.".. It
ia uunecessnrr to say that the stake has proved
an exceedingly good ono the sale of the "Mis
erable" surpassing that of auy other hook
published ou the Continent for the last ten years.
M. Lacruix, we are told, acted throughout with
tho greatest liberality, feted the author and his
friends at a most sumptuous banquet, to which
were invited celebrities from all portions of the
globe, and distributed presents and souvenirs
lu right aud left. Such liberality proved Uie
best form of publicity, aud perhaps contributed
not a Utile to the success of "Lea Miaerublcs."
Tub Secession Isiposturb op. State Sov
kubiqntv. The present rebellion -was set in
motion open the fundamental error that each of
the States of the Union is a sovereign State,
aud can leave the copartnership upon any pre
text, as among the rigiits reserved lo the States
in the Federal Constitution. Now mark how
easily this bald iinpoetare is demolished. Ac
cording to tho Constitution, by a vote of two
thirds in each House of Congress, ratified by
three-fourths of the States, slavery may be Con
stitutionally abolished in all the Stales, through
an amendment of the aupreuie law of the land.
Virginia, Niirth and South Carolina, Florida,
Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and Te ins. may
all vote unanimously against it ; but tho su
preme law will still prevail in those Suites, as
in the States voting fur the proposition. If a
law then can be made constitutionally hiudiug
npon a State, iu the face of the unanimous vote
ol its people, what becomes of tins preposter
ous humbug of State sovereignly I It is as
dead as that other Southern heresy of King
Cotton. cir York Herald Feb. 17th
Good for Spurof.on. The Kev. Mr. Spur-
f;eon recently comforted his hearer in the fob
owing manner: "Lately a great deal nf in
fidelity bad broken nnt in the chnroh, and he
thanked God for it. It seemed as though God
had let the devil loose among them to stir them
np lo renewed exertion. He trusted that God
would deliver them from a sleeping devil, for a
roaring devil was a blessing rather than the re
verse." Tub IIostilb Armt im Viuoima. Tho
highest estimate of I he rebel fnroes mustered fur
the Spring campaign allows them two hundred
and seventy-live thousand men. Au equally
liberal estimate of the troops available for con
centration under Lee is a total of oue hundred
and thirty thousand men. If, therefore, the
rebel leaders decide to stake their cause npon
the result of a great battle In Virginia, as now
appears probable, aud Grant concentrates two
hundred thousand men for the struggle, we
may expect to sec the most desperate fight nf
the war. rtuwtliatwe have a tieneral who
comprehends the virtue of concentration, aud
who is renowned for tenacity of purpose, it is
to be hoped tho enemy will bring their fighting
men to irgima, instead ol scattering lliem
through the South, where the chief difliculty is
to reach them. It it true that the defeat of
Grant wonld be a s-rious blow to the Union
cause, and protract the straggle ; lint, on the
other hand, the decisive delcat nf Lee would
lake the breath nnt of the rebellion, and we
should be rejoicing over tho advent of peace by
the dawn of the 4lb of Jair. Tne Concentra
tion of the enemy in Virginia Is fortunate for
the Lieutenant Geuernl, if ho be the leader hit
victorioa have taught nt to believe him to be.
Sue. L'nion.
SrxATOR MuDoi.'oall Makes a Spkrcii.
Last Friday night a serenade waa given lo
General Meade, at Willard's Hotel, when the
General waa introduced to the crowd in the
street below by Senator McDongall. Meade
made a brief, sensible speech, winch waa re
plied U) llT McDoUKall,
iu behalf of the crowd.
, , -
4 av P'"-'11 " " "PP.' " ""
' ninar. l.nt II i. rtuirtl In hafM linen a Varv
I ipirittd affair, and to have commenced some
j what afler this fashion : "Feller sulcus of
Wasbilnl : You've 'xembled bore to do jostles
tn yonr military Oen'ral of the Army of the
Pot-mit-piif the rest of which speroi Was In
audible tn our reporter, in the langoago of the
Ulube. lluii. tor. !ae -aifiilo Lnton.
T 1 -.
An Enav. Read at the Late MeHinr nf the Slate
Teacher' i InttUutcISy Miei S. A. Cornell.
In those favored lauds first cheered by the
beams of day, and first illumined by the light
of reform, a few thinking minds are waking up
tn the necessity of ono important change in our
present system of education. Against firmly
established oustom, they labor with fourfold
difficulty; yet tho Justness of their cause will
surely make their efforts appreciated, and final
ly bring tho desired triumph. Presuming that
the few thoughts we have to utter In sympathy
with these reformers, may find a response in
tho minds of our fellow-teachert, we beg leave
to present the following theme of inquiry:
"What it the proper length of time for confin
ing in tohool our youngor classes of pupils J"
including in this number all under twelve years
of age. , ,
Long established custom has fixed tho term
of six hours for all ages, and so strong are its
fetters that we soaroely hope to seo them bro
ken, injurious as wt believe lite system to be.
Though many are ready tn boast that the days
of "iron rule" in our school rooms have passed,
this praotioe it a relio of the tamo dark age.
And sinoe those who are mos, wronged by it
have no meaus of pleading their own cause,
ours be the sympathizing voice raised iu their
lit. We maintain that this long imprison
ment aadly interferes with the true develop
ment nf both mind and bod)i. It is physically
injurious,-toecansn It requires the enntinuanoe
nf one position of the body far too long for the
health and growth of the frame and muscles of
the ohild. The order of the day is to tit with
book ia hand during almost the whole period,
varied by occasional recitations, during which
"toeing the mark" is io striotly enforced thnt L
very little rest it lounu. And all thii in the
face of tho distinot assertion of physiology thnt
a long continued position tends tu heud aud de
form the comparatively suit bones of the young.
Granting that we may slight the painful weari
ness, whioh it nature's first intimation thnt her
laws are violated, shall we overlook the life
long injuries whioh must fn'low I
2d. It is contrary to the uuiversal instiuota
of the young, cither of humanity or of the an
imal creation, to remain quiet for any lengtli or
time. Watch their playful aud varied gam
bols whou free, and then place yourself in a
position to restrain them, if you would know
the force of this instructive activity. The laws
of muscular development are must faithfully
uliojed, itr the various diversions whioh they
choose, but we fear that older heads are sadly
slightiug those lawt, when they diotuto to long
a term of study.
Another soriuut evil is the vitiated air of the
school room, aguinst whioh very few of onr
buildings are properly guarded. We do not need
lo be told the sad results of this method of poi
soning the blood aud stupefying the braiu.
With all the hygieuio improvements in the con
struction of school rootus yet devised, the.teu
der body- is not too well protected. W hile
many are lacking, hmv inoolV lucre intolerable
it the imprisonment ! I . i .1'
The long, weary afternoons, which "drag
their slow length aloug," tell in painful Hum
bert that the vigor Willi which the earlier duties
of the day were performed, hat been exhausted
in the prolonged pursuit. Our experience, at
pupils aud as teachers, need only be questioned
to detail the history of anxious longings for the
closo of school. Doubtless the whole secret of
the tenacity with which this system is adhered
to, lies in the fact that the evil results of abuset
o. the physical frame, are not always immedi
ately apparent. .
The objection will be made that children
have endured, anil still enduro tho evil, and
therefore, no injury oan be therewith connect
ed. Let the objector rust assured tha'. the
violation of nature's laws will, sooner or later,
biing the penalty. If tho elasticity of youth
suspend it for a lime, it will yet fall upon man
hood or old nge and enfeeble or shorten life
Hut tho muiiileet results may now be seen in
the sleudur growlh of some of our bri .blest pu
pils, whose intellectual development so far ex
ceeds tho physical, that it is painful to behold.
L)a we see no "rouud shouldered" students
among our college graduates t And who shall
say that tho sad work was not conimuuaed iu
childhood, when the weary frame sought relief
by resting the elbotvt upou the desk I Or If
the injury iu their case was afterward contrac
ted, might nut thu euuiu results be inure readily
produced upon the lilllo ones 1
True, as teachers, wu acknowledge it our
duty to guard against thu bud habit of leaning
forward, among onr pupils, but shull we nut be
wiser to look for the cause, aud remove it, if
possible I . -
Of the mental injuries, still more grievout
complaint may justly be mado. Frequently a
dislike lu school ia induced iu the minds uf chil
dren, from this unnatural confinement. They
must then he driven to study as n tusk, iustuud
or being lurcUjliy the tleliglita of the pathway
of knowledge. This disliku is not wholly from
innate nerverseuoss, but aa these unfortunates
will tell ynu. something acquired from actual
experience of tlio unpleasant tusk of silling still
so long.
Have we never sympathized with tome hon
est friend, iu mature years, who lamented his
want nf mentul culture, assigning au uncon
querable aversion to school, when young, as the
oausul Perhaps ho has been blamed, rather
than pitied, but sorely the fault is not all
his own. Even congregations find them
selves wearied afler listening two hours to an
eloquent lecture nr thrilling sermon, liy whut
analogy, then, do wo require oliililren tn give
attention to some theme, often one difficult fur
their comprehension, fur a much longer period I
Many may say wo do not expect tlium to study
all the lime iu school. Thou why not. by all
means.giVM them their liberty out uf the school
room I What ail vantage is it to them or their
teacher tn be inaotive at their desks longer than
necessary to learn aud recite their leasnus I
The truth is that but a very small uuuiber do
study, or oan ho made to study this length of
tune, and then what solieniea of nnshiel em
ploy their restless minds !
As teachers, we ure familiar with many try
ing misdeiiienuors, which, by school discipline
are capital crimes, yet, a right view of thu case
would exaulpate the active, fuu loving offend
ers. What wonder that in the conflict between
childish nature and school " order " they fre
quently fall victims to the rod I They tltns are
annual unavoiauniy contracting nanus oi aisn
liedienee, and the moral injury overbalances
all that may be supposed to be gained from the
six hour system.
On the other band, suppose that, through
hope or fear, a few are indnoed to apply their
minds during the allotted lime, we question
much whether this stimulus nf the brain is not
an Injury, rather than a lienefit. Memory will
doubtless he burdened with a load, with which
the ohild's understanding oan But dispose, and
a sort of parrot wttdom will He Uie result.
Hut allowius: that the intellectual lacnlliea
are harmoniously developed, it will then be at
the expense of vigor. We venture the asser
tion that these hot-lioiitc students will not many
years stand in advance of those who have been
directed tn ttmlirt according to ineir capacity
and have b'lilt npon a itrong physical fouinln
In our humble opinion, half the time now
snent in the sehnl room would enable the vomit:
student to make as rapid progress In learning
as the unfolding of his mind will allow, and
with a far greater degree of nleaore.
Ifet inure of the dar he devoted to reerea.
tion, and tn some naeful physical employment,
aud with lighter heart and morn active brain,
lessons would be quickly learned. This is no
Idle fancy. fur often bars we seen children learn
at home, lessons equal lu length lo those as
signed at school, and In two hours' application
accomplish ai much aa tbey wonld In the whole
day at school.
With the prospect of poring over a bonk for
the entire day, the task of application Is doub
led, and the stimulus which inspires nt nil, of
toon accomplishing, tho task is taken away.
in nrliulo in a late number ot the Sunday
School Teachert' Journal, expresaos more forci
bly than vre can, onr views nud feelings upon
this vital sulijoct. It it at rollnwt :
"Children aro, from the very origin nf life,
mismanaged. Childhood needs a champion.
Who will gird on his armor and battle valiantly
and manfully for their rights? Not for orom-
ptti and ginger inapt, meat-pies, and apple
dumplings i not eveh for plum puddings and
beef, but for their birth-right growth and de
velt ,;ment ! Society needs a Solomon, one to
detail the -niuntite of training ; for it It so In
its dotage that it cannot oouneot causes and
oonsequeaoes. 1
This anhjeot should lie kept before the eyes of
the people should be sounded in their ears.Jtill
their very souls are startled the integrity of
the race demandi It. "
What it the first need nl children t : Animal
growth, physical development. : Are the meant
necessary to seoure tint compatible with the
confining of children tix boors a day, or even
three consecutive hours In a school' room I
Let one of those who oonstitnte the "powers
that Do ait still one near, wu the certainty, in
oaie he rises from hit teat, turns hit head, or
obeyt the irresistible impulse to make fun, nl
reociring from somebody be either loves or
tears, a trown, a blow, a scolding, or a tweak
iug f the ear, answer this question. Lot him
nute his mental emotions aud hit bodily tenia-
tious, after the expeilr nt, and then say if thii
is the way lu which a olillil should be trained ;
if by this means ho can be rightly trained, men
tally, physiologioully, morally 1 . r
To tint unnatural coulluemeut, whioh out-
rages all the initiuuti of the healthy ohild, in
peradd a tuinporatuiu now nf Sahara, then of
Liberia, and instead nf respirnble air, give a
mixture of oarbotiio aoid and other gases, ren
dered offensive and.. putrescent by unwash
ed, obstructed, diseased bodies, then give
the result; teacher, parent, physiologist,
whut is it, according to the arithmetic of
yonr oommon sense I '. What can it be
nnt minus, minus, minus, ountluually, till
the larger and hotter part of vitality ia lost
health and Intellectual power T In body and
mind, th ohild is dwarfed.
Yoa tay that now is the only time the ohild
will have for mental culture, and that in this
time he must receive as muob as possible. How
do you know that it is his sole chance t If you
had a hard day's work hcfiiro you, with the
oertaiitty of hnviug only ono meal for tho day,
would you at that meal to gorgo your stomach
at to render yourtolf unoomfortahln tbo whole
day, and narulrte vour efforts! Fie! Give
your child now what ut this liuio he nceis, means
of health aud growth abundant out of door
exercise, plain loud, limply oooked, and good
oxaiuplct ; then trust hit future to himself and
God, and ynu will have done your duly aud to
on red your child'i love. Aye, his love! Cul
tivate his affection I now is the time for it ; at
tach him to yourself aud to your home, and he
will be a blessing to you, the glory of your gray
hairs, an honor lo the world. . Or would you
prefer to see hi u slarllo the world liku a rocket,
to explode aa soon 1 What really is gained by
taiing the braini of children: thii stimulating
their intellects; thii forcing nf mentality T
Add It all together the aiunuut it expressed
by a oipher.
Parent ! to yonr heart we appeal rob not
youromidol bis Dirtnrigtil!" , -, , . , .
The following is the last speech delivered by
Seuutor Douglas, ou the occasion of bit reoep
tion iu Chicago, May 1st, 1861. He said :
Ma. Chaibman i I thank you for tlio kind
terms with which yoa have been pleased to
welcome me, 1 thank tho committee, nud 1
thank the ' citizens or Chicago for ' thii
grand and imposing reception. Hdt f beg
vou to believe that I do not do you the
injustice t ounsider this ovatinn a peitonal
one, but rather that 1 rejoice iu the
kuowledgo tbnt it is au expression of your do
votion to the Constitution nnd the laws of oar
country. I will not conceal my gratification at
the incontrovertible to'timouy which tills vast
audience presents, that whatever difference! of
opinion may have heretofore divided nt, the
conviction now exists iu your mind that in dan
ger my loyalty lo uiy country may he relied
upon. That danger ia imminent, none oau
conceal from themselves, no matter how they
may desire to avert the evil ; but if war must
lie II tho liayonet must crosn social order and
liberty, then, before God, 1 feel my conscience
clear. I have struggled as bang as there was
hope, and even alter hope bad almost disap
peared, lor a peaceful solution ol the trouuie.
havu not only tendered lull salisluution aud
ample justice, but huvo prnlfered conciliation
even to the extent of magnanimity aud gener
osity. The return which we receive it war on
our government, the march of armies on our cap
ital, tlio olittructlon ol our trade, the Issue ol
letters nf inarquo lawless pirates to
prey upon our commerce in short, a concert
ed movement to blot the United Status from
the map of the world. The simple question is
whether we are to maintain the government, or
allow it be stricken out of existence by those
wno no muger ncannwieuge its autuomy, ana
soek only to destroy it,
W hat excuse can the iliauuiotiista give tor
breaking up the best government the sun ever
shone upon 1 They are dissatisfied with the
result of the ltist l'resuleiitial election. Were
they never beaten before ? Are we to tolerate
the Idea that tne ueleated party is to resort to
the swnrd T I understand It to he a fundamen
tal principle thnt the Voice of tho people must
oninmand obedience. Tbey assume that in the
election of a parly oaudiduto their rights are
not sale, Wuat evidence have we ol ll f l
defy any man to ihow a fact that will tubttan
tiate It. YV bat one act hat neen oiniiieu wuico
they can complain of f So far at the rights of
the South are concerned the rights of slave
holdersno act has been omitted nr whioh
they can complain. There lias never boen the
dav since the hour of Washington's iiisuiura
tiou down urtlna moment, when the rights) of
the South have stood firmer under the laws of
Uie laud. There never was the tune when tltey
bad not qnite aa good oause for disunion as
now. What speciuo grievance can they as
aim from the dayi nf Washington to thit mo
lent 7 II they reler lo the territorial queaiton.
it is an extraordinary faet there it now no act
ou our statute books limiting slavery in any
uiauner. If to the enforcement of the laws,
the only complaint is, that too much hot been
done that we have been eager to enforce the
fugitive slave law. Then I ask what excuse
has the Mouth, lor me scheme which they nave
aoiioocted to wind up the Union I The slavery
question ia a mere excuse. The election of
Lincoln is but a pretext. The present seces
sion movement is the result of an enoriuont
onuspiraoy which wot matured a year ago.
Tins conspiracy was irameu uy mo luauera oi
the secession movement twelve mouths ago, aud
they have used every meant to urge it nn.
Tbey have caused a man to he elected by a
sectional vote, lo demonstrate that the Union
waa divided i aud wheu the history of the
oountry Iroin the time of the Lecouiplnn Con
stitution to tha date uf Lincoln's election, is
written, it will appear that a scheme was ma
turing meantime whioh was for no end except
to break np the Union. They desired to break
It nn, and ihev used the slavery qaettion as a
'meant. They desired to create) a purely tec
tional vole, lo duiuontlrnte that the two sections
could nut live together. Tha disunion card
dictated that the South was to carry its owu
election, aud that the North was to elect Lin
coln. Then a united Houlh was to assail a di
vided North, and gain an easy victory. Thit
scheme was defeated by the overthrow or the
duunlon candidate! lu Kentucky, Tennessee
book as it job rnivnin
Of sv.-a; ilesnriptlnn NEATLY and PROMPTLY (itrultd
Tjral aii,ertlrnifltits, $H no per square, In! tasertton
91 .00 eiinli HulMcqtient Insertion. . . ,
l.ssslsiiil sll transient advertisements moat bt prepeia t
Ins.'re liii.ri.inn.
Ailmliiltrittori' not Ices, and all Rdvrt.ieinenlR relating ta
the estate of deceased persons, mutt be prepaid, ttnlett or
Jftred piiliNl.t-U by the county judg-e,nd guarsntseri lo be
V p.itil itr him. ,
A.lTirllil.i, bills not paid within one rear from Ui tlms
win contracted, will he IneroMrdlwenty-Areper eent.saeh
year tmyitmnt l.lmrteete.l tberrsfnl-. . .i ? .. j
and Virginia. Btill the grand coticplrscy ex
isted, and the disunion movement was tha re-'
itilt of it. But I have no time to enter into
details. Armies are raised and war Inn bemtf
levied. There are but two lidet to the ques-.
tion, and every man must be on the side of the
United Slates or against traitors. There earn
he none but patriots or traitors: Thank God,
Illinois is nnt to be doubted on thit question.-'
They contpired to produce civil .war e.mong
Rupuhlicam and Democrats, expecting to ttop
in and accomplish an easy, viotory.. ,, Their
suheino will involve oivll war and bloodshed ha
the United States, and the calamity ia only to;
be averted by united action. ,,, , . .
I repented that so long at there waa a possi
bility of settling the trouble peacefully, every
sacrifice was made and proposed, and now,
when the qaettion it to be transferred from tha
cotton Htatet to the ourofisldsof Iliinoin, I tay
the further off the better., . War Is tnd thing, .
but civil war most now be recognized at exist
ing in the United Statei. Wo can no longer
close oar eyes to the solemn fact. In thit exi-;
genoy the government must be maintained, and '
the mure stupendous aud overwhel Bra onr
preparations, the shorter will be the struggle. ,
But, my countrymen, we must remember that
must not forget that wa are christians, and that,
war must lie waged In a Christian, tpirjt, machines
against the rights of women and chij,.,;y umr errfs
that never will ynu lay downer id extrajlnitktd.
"'. nuiuii j wu viuiiii ex -t X - "
TilrmJ. We were bora "n ,,-ioN AND PLANET POW
of the United State and Ut prvVwuar.
birthright. Then be prepared tn enmroe tta i
inalienable rights whioll it confers. , . ,. . j
Wo have peculiar reasons why we cannot
rnoognite the right to secede and break op tha
Uuiou. Onoo reoogniieit,and you nntnnlyde-
ttroy the government, but annihilate order,aud,,,
inaugurate anarchy tuch ai disgraced the hit- f
tnry of the wont uayt of the French Revoln-'
tion.' My friends, you have solemn duty to '
porform.i Uio all yonr power lo maintain' the J
Conrtilutinn and tlio Government whioh nor.j
fathers gave ut. The greater tho unanimity .(
the less the lost of life, and property, And the
looner the establishment nf peaoe. I am aware
that we have tome prejudice to enounnter, hat
that does not surprise pie., It it but a few short
months since we passed through a stormy elea-.
tion, and it takes tome little time to drive out '
the party contention! and lubttitote patriotiim j :'
and yot he who would notaaerUice pnll!ioal(hf-"!
ference does not. dctervo the, support ot.his ,
country. How then aro wo to present a united f
front 1 Cease to discuss, oease to criminate .
and reorlmlnate. Indulge in no tauutaatto"
who oaused the trouble, hut nnite manfully
now, aud when the (lag waves uver every InoB )
of our country, argue the point of auUiorihlp, ,j
When we shall have a government for bar chil
dren to lire nnder, It will he time enoagb to''
dltoust itt difficulties, bat now, let' hirn b
marked aa an untrua patriot alio distrusts aar.f,
cause and tows disseusion. I havo laid more it
than I intended. It it a tad talk, bat tod ei
. it Is, bloody as it will be, I believe in the jut-"
tioa of our cause, and earnestly hope to sear 1
every patriot rally round the flag of but country;,,
in the hour of its peril. ,1 renew to yon aij
grateful acknowledgements for the Imposing re- '
oeption whioh yoo have given me. ' 1 acknowf-"
edge It on behalf of the Government, and tna'l
' flag of our oountrr. You have demonstrated
that you prefer to lay aside party feelings. andui
nnite to a man iu the council! of the nation,
iu the field and every where that men ean make '
themselves useful and patriotic Illine4t eceed
niet a proud position before the nation, and let j
her sous uuito in the detcra-ined resolve never
to permit thit Government to bt dissolved.' ' ' .
-! ': - LINES
Precious baby flora, ,,,, , r, ;! -
im A
I noil wert verv rair
With thy gentle ayes, ' d-iq l-l . i'i,i. '(
And thy soft brown hair,
Out, alas I slaa I bow frail earth's treasures are I
Only fleeting pleasures
Caa le earth ba given i j :. .! n , ' i.uil
Honda of pure atfevliua , . ,, -; ,',( ,
Are so quickly riven i " '
but we joy ta know Ihoe art "laid up In baavaa.1 ll
There onr ''pearl'' it abinbig , : ' . n 'ill
(In the Havior'abreaat i ... ,
Pure and apntlesa aver,
Oh, how fully blesl , ., ' . ,i't
lu the blessed mansions of Eternal rest.
..ii if
When the Huwers aha loved
Made her low bed aweetj , ' ' '
And tired of life and pain, . . ,'i : . , 'i,
iirn.v nur wenry lev,
She has found bar real lu a salts retreat.
Go. ' I
Washington, Feb. 10. Men who read. Uie ,d
tignt of the timet by that alone which they tea
on the surface, will regard nothing In thedevel- '''
npinenisuf the past three months so remarks-
IiIh at the rapid growth of Kadioal anti-slavery . .
sentiment iu tho higheat Conservative quarters. .',
Said nn eminent New England Senator the
other evening, "Since the meeting of this ;I
Congress last Dcoember, there hat been mora :
genuine auti-slavury progress than 1 hava teea i
iu any dozen jean since 1 have ideutified nitr-.,;,
self with the movement." And when Rcvcrd
Johnton avowi himself In favor of an amend
ment to the Constitution, prohibiting slavery i' i
anywhere within the limits of the United States.
whether iu Kentucky or in Georgia, ona ma j
well believe that tho Now England Senator'
was right. " ' ' J"
- " , m " net
Stuu'pinu or-r Maury's LAuitsi.8."eThe ,
National Academy id Science, at ill late meeW
ing In Washington, did one service to the conn
try, as well at to the came of soience, by expo- w
sing the real character of the rebel Maury's -q
nautical researches and publications, WsbV ,
Informed men of soience have long kuown that
be w t a obarlalau ae well as a traitor. Tbeir
opinion now finds an authoritative expression
iu the following resolution nf the Academy i
Ketolved; Hy the National Academy of Bci"
enoe. that in the opinion of this Academy, the
volumes entitled "Sailing Dirtotieat," hereto.'
fore issued to navigators horn tlie .Maval Ob- ,i
eervatory, and the " W ind and Current Charts,"
which they are designed to Illustrate and explain,
embrace much which is unsound in philosophy, "
and little that it praolioally useful) and that, 'I
therefore, these publications oagbt no longer to ,
be issued iu their preeeut form. , t ,ll (n
MllNHTF.a Gt;. The Pittsburg Dispatch says '- '
a twenlv-iimh Rodman gun was successfully east '
at the r'nrt Pitt Works in that city, on the lltb. .
This is ths largest gun ever east, and its sucoaaa '
ia a high tribute to the akill and renins of the
partita engaged in the work. In twenty-five saia lo
utea afler the furnaces wars tapped the mould ,
waa filled, and in that time I70.0VU pounds of met- '
I had naasod throurrh the peel, nearly 7,000 I
pounds per minute. The weight of this mouster
gun, wheu li nit bed and turned from the lathe,
will be 115,0(10 pounds. Tbt whole length, from
broach to nmssle, will be mS3 inches, a little
over twentv-oae faet. The length of the bora will ,
bs 310 inches, eeveutotn and a half feel. The .
maiimum diameter will be tixty-four Inches, and "
the minimum thirty-four inches. Tha solid twea-..,
ty-inch ball will weigh one thousand pouads, aad.
the abell about seven hundred pounds. The charge
of powder will vary, according lo etsmasaUnoeaVi
from silly-live to eighty peauda. gome two weeks, , -it
is said, mint elapse before it can be lifted fro '
the pit in which it was cast. 1 '
- 1 -"" v
Nkw Hampsiiihh Election. The Union ;
majority iu this State, as we were informed ,
some lime since by telegraph, was about 6,000.
The Home, Senate and Counell are all largely '
Union. Wo learn by snail that Frank Pierce'
owu town. Concord, rebuked hi Copperhead-,,,
ism ami that of bit partf by Urge majoriiv.
Gilmnr (Union) received there 1.408 and Har
rington (Cnpperhead) only 898 Votes. There
were heavy Union galnt is every town beard ,1
fropi eioepl three. On the Sight of the olec- , ,
tion, March BUi, the UnUm victory was oile
hraled at Concord by firework, mnsio nnd prn-
. -
A.,. w