She 0rrjon statesman. LKTTKB I'KOM A U II lilt X. AuiiHiiN, Mnrvk. 30, 1801. Statkbman. 'I'hiTu in already a. i. iiiviitlniia rurli of tnivnl tn tit n . Itllll th rw.m.l,.ll.... ,1... ...I ' ' . ppiT nniiiitry, ...v ,,..,,.,,,, , inn mine Will III- rrenee'l tf tc-iin of tlniiionndn tltirinnr llio Spring While lliere is no tiintlit 1lmt Trlnh., off...... J tiinro. ixUMirivo.TiriiHnn' region tliiin Ims Itfforu Inn-it dnower.-il North 0r California..,. i Mill vt ry iUhiWii! if tlm many tliunmuulii coin. iii(?unn hud priifitiilih. miiiloyini!iit, lmu,, )(lf(1 jr-ma imyins i,iinill(! clftium for vrcIi ii.iiii. 1 no hi-st t.f things cm. ho nvndnnr-, ami, unlog lliu Sonne riiinn 'nmi.h ....i.. .i . . ... f...e """"l'lv. mo watt-r 7"' "r-mnnu .umicieiit tn work nno-third f tlio paying elttitJid in H,,i,u nn,in. Tlio jrnst, winter hat n a modi lighter fall of -....t (l,m i proviuus one, ami t ,., win ciinriHjterreen at a very remarkably dry oho. Of coursr- tlio rush w,.eoiuo to llio leritiini..iit rn-tdi-iiu nf tho mini'., a It iriiar. ante.,, a plentiful supply f Uhur, ntl(1 onitlile price ; but, unless new mining' rerinns are fiiitml, tho price of labor must lie low, tuougli tliu rustless tboiiaaiidi will keen mi ropjtiiifr until every nmuutniii gnlou lin n name nf its own, and all its qualities are an. predated, and even tha great number earning jniiy bud "iiy," There it plenty of country lelt yet to devehipo and plouly coming to do. velnpn it. 1 Gold is vnlnable enough, but lilver will have a great race, anil uuarlz will iif,.,ln, ;,,! Ijucially on tho brain or ipeonliiton and Jor inn creek and Owyhee will ho a favored local- i.y mr eiiecuiatmn. Idaho has a great fu tin Jietoro it, and iu time ber quart, mill wil Dring bur mere mettle than a doren Boise Hu in rich in placers. Weil, we will see what ,t i j u tlle mma" Mm Willamette nm mm perraps mat the larms Well tended woiiiu evuriiiiniiy have rendered thorn more in dependent than the mines. Auburn even, dead almost as it has eemed, baa prospects ahead, and already a little water jiut a little Auburn gold in cironlatino among vi mum mo present; rush does not all go liy. Enough stranger aro coining to do tlio work for the tin-sent season, mil bound to have a tolerably abundant supply of miK-i mm reason ii never uelore, You will certainly near lonio gonil reports from Auburn mm, and some decent looking gold will find its way below to coutrast with the dirty looking oiim now nurse. -Conventions have been tho order of the day liere flnnng this month. The Union party has uiuiuugiiiy organized ilirnugli the county and f laced it tkjket in the field. Of oourso upon a platform of unconditional unionism.' Daniel Chaplin of La Grande, formerly of uiu vMunmeue from nainiwi county, Is iiiiini imieu lor mo Jii'gisiaturo, the other nominee )eing a ttiimtr in Humboldt Basin, south of Ifurnt river, named Samuel Colt, Into from California. Our candidate for Sheriff. Jona than LflveH, rormerly resided in Marion oonn ty. Kev. Neal Johnson, from French Prairie, is nominated fur County Judge, and will com jiiiukI respeot from his well known character nd venerable appearance. You tee Marion county will have a fair representation in the next set of county officer, as wo aro bound to elect the ticket. Especially as the self styled lcmocracy niter promising all the patriotically inclined or the faith that they would nominate oil good Union iimn on their ticket, and adopt n good nnre war platform, and thereby make tbe blacks (so they call as) ashamed of them elves, went and did nothing or the kind. Weil, after much tribulation among tho pre oinnt meetings, the democratic convention was lield. The renditions or the weakest copper lieail typo were adopted, and the nominations were mtiiie with considerablo unanimity, a all the defeated candidate concluded they bad lost nothing but another defeat. The President of the Convention was your old fellow-townsman, U. V. Dunham ; cue of the moat useful member of the convention waa iro lea tbau Theodore Bnrmester, lately from Siilenj, now resident at La Grande, and another influential member waa Dr. A. C. Loring, whom you Salemites will well recollect, and who ha been mining hero since first Auburn was a' oainp. Dr. Loring and Mr. Bunbain were the tioniiuees or tho convention for mem bers of the State Legislature, and Mr. Sinter, formerly or the Corvalli Union, was nomina ted for County Judge. Salem bail another name on tho Union ticket, a I. II. Marshall wa the nominee fur County Surveyor. So yon perceive that all parties hav had due regard Tor Marion county, jmd yon okii bo impartial in your sympathies, though I imagine your sympathies will natu rally tend Uuionward. There waa a marked difference in the char acter or the two convention. There never wa an assemblage in Oregon or any kind char acterized by more dignity and sell-respect than oar Union Convention, and all its proceedings were in keeping. It was a matter ol pride to all Union men that the county was to well rep resented in more respcots than one. The otlR-r convention Jacked much or pos sessing any dignity at all ; true, the President, Donharn did i;is duty well enough, and all our friends aimre named were the pink or decorum, but the elements gathered were most incongru ous. Jeiferson D. had many frieuds, and bis friend were uot very sober nlways. Some of he speeche were rich in their way rather a flrnnken way too, if I mutt say it and the a ni bble democracy adjourned with groan given for u poor "blacks" rtteuoililr. aud they will groan worse after election, and that will bo for he licking tho "black" will give them next June. The saloons drove a profitable ' tiusincs aU night after the convention. Dixie .wa played fur the excited democracy, and cheers given and toasts drunk to Jeff Davis aud Beauregard, and ttill some men who call them selves Union men, who have theniselve suf fered by the rcbclliou, aud Inst father and bro thers fighting n oar tide too, allow themselves to become candidates or such a parly, and ex pect In vote the tioket, aud pretend to think themselves opposed to secession. I hope they are : but "I don't see it." Portland tent au emitsary here to attend the Union Convention, who wa willing to aocept proxies, but be got unite, for you most know 'we demand a candidate lor Congress east of the mountains Ikis time, lint there was another item from Portland that way be o( interest to Salem: it was intimated that ticket could be bad all ft the taking ; Portland being liberal for mice could famish them ; but they would lie nrf toilk Portland for Sttt of Gortrn mernl. However, we re not weak enough to bo caught with sack poor bait. The people or Baker county are not fur Portland, and I am confident that Saleia will receive a tlrong vot from the Upper Country. And if the people of tho Willamette, Umptua and Itouge river Valley will refect that the Capital can nefer tie located South nf Salem, and vote for that nint, ibef ran tetlle this long vexed question at once Mid forever, and place the seat of gov ernment at a point eminently calculated Kir It, and where it will help to build op a good town, possessed or acadcraioil advantages, and highly favored bv nnturo at to attractions, aud more aoceuiblo' from all poinU than any town in Or egon. Deler final acliuu on tbi poiut and the vote or the enstern part or the State will pre ponderate, and the Capital or your State coine. to the Dalle. Baker county will count l.UW ....... . ,i.r Within two rear the mining in tl,i mnnir mar develop, and "S"" ... ,nii.t and leave the web-foot iry i the shade. Owyhee river I in ijro T,d Jordan creek is almost on the bur. "j WP,t of them no prospecting has lcn done. hTt much will be doi during the present sum A. M Flokkm k. The mow it about eight ep on the hill and mountain about t deep ill Florence. Snow have been Summit Kbit to Bablhion (ialch. i nearly com puted. It will drain the wbolo' flat. nd to lie supplied with water by whit U kuowu a the Curry ditch. Date to the 2oih March. DlBCOHTIstKD. The Paget 6na ntraui ami OctrlanJ Pn,t bare both beco ditcn-tintid. -11 ""nn'Mic, li. in,. lion'of Mr " Th,".P "T l,,t " V" tall. Mrs. 1 Layer is a tin,. eI,..1iii..i.. ,r li- i ,ur nro " Woman's .Ju " . "'i'l in practieal tiirr ... ,. ,. , , '"B"Be of ineerlty which irons Ui llio Imaror' in earls moro offnetnally than tlio lreimi.tft I....:.. .1 , ," most polished iiu usi poiisnou poriods of 4'ioncu. uiu it is not. i .. , nf :,!.. ...i.ii.. natrtnl!01' '"r.'?"' ?J 1,19 V'Xt"t ""P"'"'"" f ... i .1 t, " lenrotwu inat every wo. moo In tlm ftliito cannot liHtei, m it n.,, o "Orecnhaeks" is a goia 0f poetry, wit, llnlor .... IT. S Distinct Couht.-A private dis. ' """"BMiii siaies mac senator fJon- uiu, roguiatiiig tho U. 8. Courts in this Dis tnct bat nevoina a law. IIr.,l,.r It il,. Ti;.,:.. and Circuit Courts hold threo tonns a yean in rehmarv, Juno aud Oe.tohxr. Ti, 'M,,.. i. .k.u.k..r M ' B'Hisennoniiy me next torm of the Di . met anil uircint Court will bo hold hero in .... The agontt of the govornment in Oregon, have bought the sloop Christiana of Capt. Dodge for tho purpose of nsing hor as a tender to tho lirnou ai uia moutli ot tlio Columbia, i uat.t...fc O... tr r :,M.' 1 oiiripjun n. unrnentor lias boon orucrea irooi me pout at Urand Konde, Yamhill county, to tJnoo Disappointment, to superintend mwuiwiiwiiui n iiunfjiiiu lliuro. .... Jesso Morcland has boon appointed post master at Nooily, Clackama county, in place of ; . . . V " ' '"rm oinitn, at f.,n ... ....J -----r " ii'iniBUIirir, Xjlllll COUniV. in n flnfl nf k f... .... On a late trip down the river, the steamer viiwaru ran iu nines in 4a minutes. .... Dalle City Electhim. The election jnniL-ruuy rnsimeu as loilowsi For Mayor, C. K minus; Kocorder. .Iflnintt H. Tfnvtm .u . nt.. l... Nathan Olnoyi Treasurer, H. J. Waldr'on i Coun' ciiuieii, u., Munger, A. Clark, L. Coflin and Win. Harmon. The wholo Union ticket was elected, although dosperate efforts were mado by the opposition to defeat the candi dates for Marshal and Recorder. Tito total vote cast was 3011, an increase of only 36 votes over last yoar. Tho Union tickt was elpetHd hv average majority of 11)0. Mountainur. The rebol avmnathiznra nf Wuan 1..... held a convention, aud nominated the following ticket : For State Senator. Dr. D. D. StopheiHon; Representative, Thomas E. Gray ', Co. Judge, J. II. Nnvcei Sheriff. Thnma Mnw.r.l. fi..ri. 1,1 8. Holland i Assessor, T. M. Ward s Treasurer A. W. Buchanan ; Commissioners, Ooorga Wil liams and P. Koelor s Surveyor, J. Nisely ; School Superintendent, M. Fitzgerald. Delegate to tlio Stnto Convention. N. H. Galea, J. H. Neye, J Alphiu, Vic Trovitt, William Miller, Thomas E. Gray. Instructed for Col. Kellv for C and N. II. Gates for Judge. . Company "A." 9th Infanhr. f!nnt Jnr. dan, has gone to the month of the Columbia river io garrison tne tort at that place. . Last Monday tlio United States Mnrahal sold a quantity of opium, which had been run into Portland in violation of the revenue law. ine opium brought $J,3UU in coin. RotiVE Aiiout. On Suudav last, while a gentleman of this city was returning home, and while in the vicinity of 4th and Sal mon streets ho was suddenly accosted br thrsa scamps, two of whom presented cocked revolver to his head while the third demanded his money, which of course was necessarily surrendered to the amount of about $GU. After having received the money, they ordered him to " move himself " which he did. and after he had' gone soino dis tance the rascals disappeared also. futon. . The Pacific, last trin. carried awnv ntinnt $58,lK)0 in treasure, and 4,000 boxet of apples, for San Francisco. At the city election in 1'ortlaud lant M. day. the following named persons wore elected ; n. r ailing, aiayuri J.r. Ole.Uoy, Keoorder; H. 11. Murso, treasurer! J. W. Goiui?. Assesanr : H L. Hoyt, Marshal. About 8UO votes wcro polled. A. E. Wait, James F. Bylioo. J. B. t- vens, William Heck, William McMillen. are th copperhead delegates from Multnomah to the state convention of rebel sympathizers. .. Company "A," State Militia, held an elee. tiou on the ii inst. to fill vacancies, when the fol lowing named officer were choseu : (V H. Hill. 2d Lieutenant ; John Wolf, Orderly s Hall Wil- nama, zd Borgoant: John JJunUar, au Sergeant j A. J. Dufur, Jr., 2d Corporal. The dwellimrof Mr. A. Iluih. near ka was broken into on Wednesday nitrht Ut. ami robbed of a nnmlier of articles, including hod tling, etc. The thieve also mutilated some of the furiiituroi)ictures, &c, before decamping. No oue was living in the house at the time. .. J. C. Cartwright. Esn.. candidate for Representative from this county, will address the Union (Jlub at sublimity, on Tuesday. Auril IU. at 1 o'clock, p. m We trust there will be a largo attendciice to hear Sir. Cartwright. The "democrats" of Clackamas conntv have made tho following nomination; For Sena tor, John Myers; Representatives, H. Straight, C. F. Ueatie, and William HcCown : Sheriff, G. Trullinger; Troasurer, John Fleming j County Commissioners, Hugh Currin and W. Evans; Clerk. Samuel Bell; Assessor, Robert Potter i School 8up't, E. D. Kelly ; Coroner, H. Satfa- rana ; surveyor, A. J. liuruutt. .... Uriah Shepherd, who was convicted at the last term nf the Circuit Court for this county of petty larceny, and sentenced to pay a fine of $100 and costs, oft to stand committed to tho county jail until the same should be paid, Was discharged on Wednesday last by the County Commission ers. The fine slill stands against Shepherd, and will be collected whenever the Sheriff can Hud property sntficient to levy upon Morris Mensor, at Jacksonville, had his bouse burned up on Monday evening, iith nit., togeth er with his furniture, clothing, family presents, jewelry, Ac. Mr. Mensor lm) but bare time to get the children out of bed ami house, when the building was all in flames. Loss, about 9(3,000. .... A soldior belonging to a company of the Oregon Cavalry, fell overboard from tho steamer Julia, on Tuesday last, when near the Cascades. A boat was lowered, and search made for him, hot without success. The Ortgonm learns that hi name wa Cha'les Whitehurat, and that he waa aged 45 years. He ha relatives and friends at Springtield, Illinois. .... SaxitarY Fl'ND. Tho Ladies' Oregon Sanitary Aid Society acknowledges the following contributions ; S. S. Mann, of Empire City, $21); Mr. M. A. Beal, nf Roseburg, t IO ; Thomas Frazar, III; Monthly collection from the Congregational Church, Portland. $22; If. W. Corbell, $50; L. M. Starr, $R; 1'. C. Schuyler, Jr., $:; Mr. Hurrage, $4; Mr. Joyce, $lj Mr. F. DeWitt, 50 ct.; W. Burton, Cascades, $j. Amount, $132 SO. Acknowledgement March 2, $1,001 73. Total, $4,137 73. MRS. A. C. GIBBS, Secretary. Portland, April 2, 1W3I. Monthly contributions ; "Two months' con tribution. In the prooedingt of the Slate Union Con vention published by us last week, the name of the delegate from Polk county were omitted by mistake of the compositor. .... Gov. Gibbs has had selected HO.Ifil acre of land in Baker county, for the Stale of Oregon, as part of the donation of live hundred thousand acre made by Congress in It'll to each new Stale on entering the Uuion. The land is represented as favorably located and of great prospective value. ....F. P. Fatter write to the Nountauutr that up to April 1st, 3,300 person have passed Lee' encampment on the Blue mountain, for the mine, and 4,000 animals ; large numbers have gone over the Dealy road. .... Mr. and Mr Thayer gave seriou and comic readings at Moo res' Hall on Friilay evo ning. Extracts from Shakapeare, from Webster' speeches, and a eoraie poem emitted "The French man among the Rata, by Mr. Thayer, and the "Song of the Shirt," and "The Raven," by his lady, were creditably performed and well received. ....The Journal tay tkat on Monday hut Rev. J. W. Miller, whilst retnrning from an appoint ment on the Calapooia Jell and broke hit right leg just abov the aukle. .... Any information in regard to John Stonglit, formerly of Ohio, will he thankfully received by Wis. Swank, of Albany, Linn eeanty, Oregon. ....The .Vv'aiar lays a vexing man named Warrrn.whilst driving a wagon down DesCbutrt hill last week, was thrown frmn his seat.and both wheels passed over him. inflicting serious inju ries. It is Jbublfttl whether he will reeovcr. .... AYtiolet of Incorporation of the Willam ette Gold and Silver Mining Company, were SleJ on the fth inst.. by John.Vllodlry,,Vm Me J. Mct'allUtar. U. W Maaley.C. A Da vis, 11. M. McCallister. S McCallitter, Hardiit MeCallioter. J. R Ream, John J. Mostler. J. L. Durris. Jamea Bnrris. J. Irving. Jarn Elkins, and J. C. Powell. Capital stock, tltil.ijtl. Jtmnul. .... The law oflice of Williamt & Mallory has been removed t the eonrt-hoine. ....A llenhnw of Mr. Loirail rlierl nt tlia 11,N,.a last Monday night, from llio tlWls of a wound caused by running a nail into bn foot one year ago. .... Tho Sisters are having erected a fine and commodious. building for a school, at the Dalles. ....Rev. Mr. Waller hau "broken ground" for tliu new building for the Willamette Universi ty at this nlace, mid oipoctt, Providence per mitting, to hav the walls up aud the building covored, by fall. Tlm ttructure will bo of brick, four stories lu height, 81 feet in length, 40 feet wide, and In tho form of a Greek cross. ....Clint. Thomas, who killed J.'imes Young at Scio week before last, bos Ireoa committed for murder, to await his trial at the next torm of the Linn circuit court. An effort is being mado to have a special torm of court held for the trial. ....The Sanitary Boncfit given on Saturday night, by the Thespian club, was patronized by a very fair attendauco. Jerrold's great piece, The Kent Day, was performed in a very oreditn blo manner, considering the difficulties of the play. The Thespians acknowledge their success in this performance, due, in a great degree, to the very generous assistance rendered them by Mr. Thayer. As a means of making t'ut acknowl edgement luoro nraetieal. thev nrnno..fl tn autinnrt him and his wife in the fnvorito popular play, Tho Lady of Lyons, wliUh will be presented on Thursday night Mr. Thayer as Claude Melnotto, and Mrs. Thayer as Paulino; othor character by mo momuera ot llio i nospian clou. , J Tho dwelllnir-hnuse and barn of Charles iiisnan, Clarke county. W. T were lately ties troyod by fire. . The Catholic church in this nlace was fled icated last 8nnday, with the appropriate coremo nies, by Archbishop Illanchett, assisted by seve. ral Priests. Rov. Mr. Fierens. of Portland, delir. ered a discourse on the occasion. .The Qrtgoninn savs the dead body of E. D. lirozoe was foyid on the 7th inst, in Clark county n. i-i cause oiaoam nuanown. II. B. Parker. Kn.. IT. S Denntv llevanna fid. lector, made a seizure or a quantity of articles in seve ral stores In town, hut week, which were exhibited for wile in violation of the revenue law. not baviuv tue prujier autmp timxeo 10 mem. COUNTI COURT. The April term of the County Court of Marion county commenced Its tession lust Monday. The business was light there, being but tew civil cases on the docket, and only a small amount of Probate business. Tho Court made a new precinct, by dividing 8Mem Precinct a follows commencing at a point where the north end of High street extend ed would Intersect Mill creek, thence due south of the intersection to a point on the State road lending from Salem to Jefferson by the way of JohnMintot to the northern boundary of San- tiam precinct, thence east on said boundary to Mill creek, thence down said creek to tho place of beginning all east of said High street to be called East Salem Precinct. The Court also added a portion of Fairfield Prcciut to North Salem, as follows t All south of tho following boundary attached to North Salem Precint beginning at a point on the State road leading from Salem to Oregon City, where it crossos Lake Labish, thence northerly on said road to the land claim of Linus Brooks, thence along south and west boundary of Brooks' line to north-west corner thereof, thence due west to the W illamette river. Tho namo of Southern precinct is changed to Jefferson, and Mill creek precinct to that of Sub limity, Southern Blusteii. When it was known that Ucniiregard was defeated at Shilnh, tho old men or Memphis thnso about fifty yenrs of ngefarmed themselves into a inammnth car airy regiment, huving for its object tho total annihilation of the "vandals" under command of Gran'. To mako the organization more terrible in its effects.a certain oatli was admin istered to every man, and those who were not willing to subscribe to it in full were denounced as coward. The outb had becu admiuislered to about fifty men, nil nf whom signed it with a will that indicated that the toil would be blenched with Yankee blood, when Judge Brown, one of the oldest and most respected citizens, arose and objected to the further adininstrution of the oath till he bad bceu permitted to make a few remarks. No man could command more respect among the followers or Jefferson Davit than that geutlemau. The audience was a iuict at if at a funeral. Judge Brown said t "I have been a quiet participator in the no tion or this meeting. So Tar the proceeding have been just and proper. A large number iff men have this evening awnrn to meet and slay ten Yankees. Tbi is a it should be. There now remain iu this room about three hundred or my fellow citizens, who, liko my self, have passed the meridian of life, and our power of endurance are nut equal to those who have already beeu (worn ; I therefore move that the oath be to amended a to require of nt I mean those above sixty year old to only slay five Yankees. For my part I am willing to kill my five, but mora than that I dent feel willing to prepare for their " long hornet." On the receipt of the above speech, the meet ing adjourned, to conveue again tn discuss the amendmeut of the Judge. Soon after that the Yankee took menphi, and the ten to one mil itary organization caino to a audden termina tion. CP At the great deruuoratio festival at Co lumbus, Ohio, Cbarlea Follett made a speech closing with this sentence : M us, fellow democrats, try voting once more, but I tell yon there rotnes a time when resistance to ty rants is obedience to God. There it a text far democrat. Tho democrat of Illinois are practicing it teachings resist ance to the constitutional authorities. A lend ing democrat in the Marion County convention of copperheads, suid hu wanted men in the State convention that aro sonnd " men that can bice tlio steel." The Review, Democrat and Intelligencer, preach that resistance may become a virtue. Copperhead in private and democrat iu public ask ligniGoautly, " how long shall we endure the present ttato or tilings 7" There it a constant threat rnnnibg like an undercurrent through all the copperhead speeches of the day . All these things mean, simply, that if "tot ing once more" fail to give the copperhead outs, the poatestiou of place now held by the Uuion in, the next retort it "resistance to tyranny" under the pica of serving God. The practical experience or Illinoisan with these copperheads, whn brawl so luttily for peace, should bo a warning to all tho rest of the North. Copperheadism i alike everywhere; it only wait for opportunity to break ont in civil war. Had the opponeut or the gcvernment been tiotoriout at the poll two year ago la Oregon, wo (hould have been, fro this, embroiled in crimson Insurrection, as are now the people of Illinois U they taocced tbi year, Oregon may look far the bloody tragedy or Cole coun ty to be repeated on Pacific, (oil. 17 It it noticeable that tht Democrat did uot puff the copper nominations of the Marion comity convention. It was because the con vention had already lilowed them op. CP Dr. Solon Borland, formerly a promi nent politician in Arkansas, and once IT. 8. Senator, lately died In Texat, whither he had Aed on the approach of the Union force. CT The Governor of California bat com- mitsunrd Win. M. Buell, Charles T. Blake and S. W. Casey, Commissioner of Deed for Idaho Territory y Rt a priTBt riia!vh twelved Hntonlay art ninir. datd at Waalnnirton laat Kridav, w krn that en that day Mr. Neaniith made ail eseellpnt apf-eeh in lite Hrualr en the Mint uueatinti W hope and br- hete he will tticiwd in aavin ibis mwnre. It Is nt vital rntwva.'Mura. arid we do nut sea whr It ahoiild meet with any opp. anion r,f,n 4(1. Twii'tidi men ri til hsrt bsoa bung by tho Wj'ilan't t aimmea at Bivtr Ilea4. W Wo give plnoo to tho following, at the request of the writer i Roiikhtson I'iMOH, Md., Fob. 0. '(14. Ki). Statesman Sir ; lu the I'. C. Advo cate of Deo 5th, 'U.'I, them was a quotation from tho Central Chriitian Advocate, concern ing dirloviil preacher iu Iowa, Southern Illi tiois, nu J Illinois Conferences, und directly un der it, and in the tamo connection remarks by lite editor of the P. C. Advocate, a follno-a "This is probably a fair typo of the loyalty or iuciuo(i!Bt pronoun in uiuer puria ot tne con nection. We do not now know or onu in the Pacific Conferences. There was one, but ho went out from us becnuae be wns not or nt." At I am tho only Methodist preacher absent troin Oregon ol late, anu us the I'. C. Aim cale has, for two year past, taken frenucnt oc casion to attack tne in it coin inns, as I think unjustly, and as tome may suppose, therefore, that Mr, l'eurno alludes to me as the "one" who was disloyal and who "went out," lea., I beg permission to say I am in favor of the gov ernment, und against rebellion aud treason ; that I never did believe any State had a right to secede from the Union of Stnto ; that for year I have believed slavery to bo a great evil ; und that now, a heretofore, I hold it to be necetsary to put down tlio rebellion in order tn Mcurcipcneo. 1 ins, then, being my pint form when I allude to politics, wlioever can gather therefrom that I am disloyal, has liberty to do to, and make the most of it, A good name may uot bo worth much, hut it is all I huvo, and he who steals it, steals what money cannot purchase. I, perhaps, do wrong in troubling you with these lines, yet, valuing tlio good opinion of those with whom I have to pleasantly atscciated for years, you will, 1 hope, miuw mi inseruuu in your column. Yours, Respectfully, r GEO. M. BERRY. Am Exboutor and thh Greenback Ques tion. Henry S. Magrnw, a creditor of the Broderick estate, some time tinoe filed a peti tion in the Probate Court, asking that the exe cutor, John A. McGlynti, should be ordered to file an amended account showing whether the moneys ho had received for the estate were ;aid to him in legal tender note or in United States gold coin. The petitioner had a claim against the estate for $10,412 SO, nnd thit the executor proposed tn pay in greenback, to whioh the orcditor ohjooted. The petition wat granted, and tho executor was ordered to file an amended Account, which wa done. This account showing that the debt of the estate wore paid to the executor in coin, it was order ed the executor pay Magrnw hi claim in Uni ted States gold coin. To this order the execu tor excepted, asking a ten days stay of proceed ings in order to enable him to perfect an appeal to the Supremo Court. All decision concern ing legal tender notes have a grave public in terest in our community. if. t Bulletin. UTFrom the proceedings or tho Polk county copperhead convention, it appears that "Ben" hue concluded to piny tho roic or '-learned pig" to O'Meara's Jeff Davisiaua. It will be A bur lesquo or tho first water. ., FROM BOISE. -, . , . Tho Bniso i'eii of the 2Gth of March, con tain the fallowing : 1 Henry Greathnute ha in operation bis long line of stuges from Buise Basin to Wullula on the Columbia. They are arriving nnd depart ing every other day at and from Placerville, and will come straight through to this city, bringing the Express and passenger. An ex press messenger will come through ouoc, and letter bags threo times ench week. The scenes o( last Fall are vitihly brought to mind within a week pust, by the bright fires that illuminate the various claim along the creeks at night siuce the water hat been turned in. Very little water will be allowed to escape this season, either by day or oiglit, without be ing used. In the District Court, the jury in the onse of the People . Wiley, far the murder of Hall Sutton, brought in a verdict of murdur in the second degree, and that ho be imprisoned in tlie penitentiary ton year. Goorgo Owen, for the murder of Jnkey Williums.wa found guilty nf murder in the second degree, and sentenced to the penitentiary for 20 years, i , , Tho Lewiston Golden Age tay t Gcurgo Stilts writes to a gentlemau of this town, from Iduho City, saying that the prospect ia, that soon there will be a great many hun gry men iu lloiso luisin. There aro thousands who have ix claims, and but little water for those who own claims. The unconditional Union men of Idaho City have nominated the following ticket, for the city election about to take place : For Mayor, George I Gilbert; Couuoilmen, I.D. Iliiutoou, S. Warner, J. Marion Moore, J. J. Donley, N. Scheline. G. P. Newell, W. K. Leveridge; City Marshal, It, II. Moore ; Treasurer, H. M. Swinnertou ; Assessor, Will. Thuina ; Col lector, W. Mower. PROSPECTIVE 5KVV STATES. We perceive with pleasure that Congrest ha provided far tho addition of three new star to the galaxy of the Fedoral Union. Enabling act far the Territories or Colorado, Nevada and Nebraska have been pasted, aud it on!y remain far the people by adopting Constitu tions, and electing State officers, to increase tho present number or 8tatc to thirty-eight. Whether those now Stnte enn be admitted in time to rote nt the tiext Presidential election we cannot ny, because the brief tclegrnphio dispatches give no detail of the Act, nor it it material, viewed In rclntion to the result j far their votes, like those of all the other loyal States will ondnubtcdly be given to the nomi nee of the Convention to assemble iu Baltimore on the 7th of June next. Neither do wo con aider it of vast importance, looking to the po litical complexion of tho next Congre.,far loy. al sentiment is too rapidly increasing in the other Slate to admit an apprehension that it will not control that body in the futnre. Doubt less the rebel sympathizing representation in both branohe it greater now tbau it ever will be agaiu. But in another view Mery patriot must wel come these youoger iter to our Federal fam ily, with feelings of pleasure and pride. They are the result or honest toil and peaceful enter prise, pursued while tbe country hat been car rying on the most itupcndou war the world ha ever known. Lavish of men and prodigal of treasure, our failure from exhaustion ha been the daily expectation of foreign nations. lit three yean of war not ouly find all branch ea of industry in the older State well auatain ed aod prosperous, but the march of population goet steadily on. Oar explosive people, ever grasping after new region to conquer, ha re duced to civilization a wilder nest equal in area to the half of Europe. Nevada, Colorado and Nebraska are triumph or peaceful progress, contributing, with Antictaiu, Gettysburg, and other well fangbt fields, to the nation' glory. f7lt will be teen by the fallowing. In auswer loa letter ot inquiry by ."New York Notary, that the Commissioner r Internal Revenue baa materially modified tho decision or Controller layior iu bis circular ol the loth or June last! Tnotcar DtrsRVKMT, Orrin or I'thrsju. j itsvtsot, Wsms.iT, January !Jt, ltt6l. ) Sir In answer to your letter on the 3d in- taut, I have to tay that to the general rulo that a jurat to an alfidavit ia subject to a tlamn duly of five eenu there ha been made the following exception i Certificate iasurd or affidavit made in a toit pending in any Court are exempt trnm iiatnp auty. Very respectfully, oiim W. Lewis, Com. miwiouer. ' Idaho Cur By an act of the Territorial legislature, the name of Bannock City, or 'Writ Bannock," a It hu been designated, ha beta changed to that of Idaho City. X TIIK (IKK AT KSt'APADR FU0M MMIV. Tho escape nf the Yankee officers from the Lihby continued to be the liveliest, lopio id" yes terday, nnd cotijictiiret wero rile as to the meiina or the eoscape oilier than thono de scribed iu the published accounts. The enti nol, nt nsnal.were enriched with laurels which their native modesty, if nothing else, would cniiHo them to decline. Aftor all. I man vol. this prttinl delivery dnen not exceed In jflnry or tcoreoy the escape nf John Morgan from tlirvl Ihe Ohio penitentiary, aud yet neither tho enn - ni...n. . .i.. f ., " nivaiicenor carelessness of sentinels or others hnvo rcoeived any credit from Morgan or his Historian, iuiikco or Southern. It is most proiiiilile, in taut, that tin distinguished Gon erol it, more than anybody else, resnunsibln fm the success with which Straight and his chums made Hit ir exit from the LiliLv. Tho cxneri. eiico und example nf the one was an admirable lesson tor tho other.- i , It appears that tho tunnel nndor Twentieth street wut dug with an old hinge.ntid tho earth, a brittle, marly sand removed with an old sugar scoop, stolen from the hospital quarter. A the work progressed, tho miner took with him, besides hit tool, an old fashioned knap- iuck, matte anon a wooden frame, to which K cord waa attached. When bo filled this w ith earth it wns drawu out by an accomplice who ruiiianieujn tne cottar, the contenti depoittcd safaly out'of tho way, and it waa then thovod back to the digger with a pole. i 1 be basement iteelf, in which the work waa carried on wa kept constantly looked, never used, and tho windows being tightly nailed, it wa a dark a pitch. The principal in the tunneling operation wa Captain J. N. Jobu son or the Sixth Kentucky Cavalry, who it imnnn llm ....... ....1 1 1 : - I! ,..-.,, ,v counjreu. ma Huooiupiiuos were different, as ocousion or private arrangement demanded. On several occasions it had been observed that this Jnhnsou was absent Irom roll cull, and now nnd then two or throe others, a circum stance notvory gratifying to those hiving the roll to cnll, who.of oourso, would have it to go over again. A short time after, bo would appear uud make bis presence known, and would give as an exouso that it was only a little fan 'jnt deviling the clerk." On one Oceanian, wlien tin thing, had occurred once too often, he wa called up roriuiiiabniont,wben he pleaded very earnettly, with a good-natured grin, that be "wa ouly joking, and wa rolled up in hi blanket wheu hi name waa called." He vrn excused this time, with a warning. Ho took care to keep better hour in quarters, while the work continued below to it completion. Rich mond Enquirer. Monmouth, April 4, 18C4. El) STATESMAN : At rmito ft nnmber nf tl.a. reader nf your paper are or tho modern dem ocratic raith, I thought it would bo interesting to uoh tn give some, or the particulari or the grand rally nt thit place. On the evening af tor the democratic county convention nt Dullu some six or eight copperheads left tho conven tion and came to Monmouth to attend some gathering, unit when they went to mount their hortc for hoiucthey commenced the most hid eout yells for "Jeff Davie nnd hit brave ol dier" that any one ever heard keeping up tliu yells to nt to be heard for more than a mile. Tho must noted norsona in tho ernwd were a rouug Dr. E.. frain Lafarettn. who Im.l hit tpiritual ilrenglh reuewed of late, by little Jimmy ; aud a person who offered a toast at Ihe celebration at Iivllas, laat 4th of July, wishing that the "rebels might bo lathered with oqunlortit and shaved- with a hand law." I wonder if ho ho got bravely over that J "Tbi it a progressive ago." Now these are the kind ol voters that will erect tho Kev. gentleman at Eola if elected the man who talked hlmsolf nut or breath eleven months ago aguinit pro ressora of Christianity, and especially ministers of the Gospel dabbling in pollitir ! "But thia i a progressive ag." fain not or the opininu uowover mat lie win violate any written or iiu. aginary law against pcachen holding office. ' I..MON. FROM CANYON CITY. A correspondent of the rtoi;"writiua from this place on the 29th nit., savs : On the 1st of March, four of lia started tn make the trip of one hundred and eighty mile nn foot. We fell in with two different panic on the road, which increased the Dumber to eluv u. Gram and water were nleutv on tlm route, but the country is wholly destitute or wood. Houses far the accommodation of imv. eler were all along the toad meals, at the first, cost fifty cent, but nearer tliu mines, one dollar was charged. The settlers onninluin much ol the ludiau stealing their stock. Ou the 9th, about noon, we beheld thit town from the ton of a bill, laying deen dawn in a caunn water ditches and iirtwpecting hole in tho streets. The anuses all made of clapboard aud timber. A tooii a we bad entered tlm town. rn. oeived offer everywhere to work at $5 per dny. iiuuuo a very aunrce nere a great number hnving left Sir the Boise and Owyhee mine. Ground wa Inird to ret. union l,v imri., a high price. . 1 ' Military Licnt. A. G. Cabannit hat been relieved on tixty days' absence from his pott a a. a. .11. at f ori w aiia walla. 1st Lieut. Clawsnu takes hit place. Tho expedition to the plain will Icavo about tho 15th of April Cant. G. B. Cnrrv common. ding Lieut, Pepoon gnet a Quartermaster of llio expedition. Liout. Robinson, of the Oregon Cavalry hns been ordered to Fort Boise, to relieve Quarter master Funk at that ploos. Cnpt. D. W. Porter bn been ordered to Fort Dalles, to go nut a Quartermaster of the expedition from that place to Canyon City and the John Day mine. The beiulquaiters nf the Oregon Cavalry will hereafter be at Fort Boise. If ufu U'alla Stateimuh. nTTlie California Union State Con vein ion ad journcd with three cheer for th Union party, threa cheers for tbe next President, Abraham Lincoln, and three cheers for flea. (Imut. CALIFORNIA DISPATCHES. 8 Kmsnico, April 8. Owing to heavy siurni the overland line has nut been working the uil waek. Ridgcly (IreathouM waa re arreaicd by Ilia I'rovtnM. MiiikIihJ, at Vreka, yesterday. It ia conjeliiml the object of his arrest ia to try him by a military cnnimia Sinn fir tbe viululiou of three di Herein uallis nfallegi. nee taken previous to tlm Chapman niraey slliiir. The tclearutiis of Ibe (ith quele gold at ltitl. Grain iid produce quiet and tMi'iiNUtfiMl. A Miilt Lake lee-urnm reporta thai a putty nf lluiae eiuigratila were attacked by lite Indiana, iilv mile from fcort llull.un the direct road from llit east to ItoiM. The Indiaii were whipped. Mbh's Fuknibiiin Owing Wholmai.k Pnr .., r.r. tlr. K... ..t I . .U. tale furnishing store in San Franciacti, and 11 t a. . . . nur-imi, nailing re io., seeing tne WIIIIU ui tlm LrMilu. bnva iiiihiimI a. ttihltlnir llnnaa i.h tl. corner of Battery and l'ine,(their new bnlldiug ), wnere tney win always keep a general assort ment of Men' furnishing goods, trunks, valitca and fine clothing at wholesale only. l"FTbe editor of the Old Piute (Nevada Territory) oanfone to clipping from hit own paper of three week old, for a fortliooming ia. snr. That Is the clearest mm nf running a newspaper withost brains, we ever heard or. (Spring Goods. T nsT KECKIVKD a mw and elegant aaaorunmt of as epnog oreea gmwe. stirn m Debase, Mohair (thue, Kmprea ( bah. Ilytnalia LuMer. AI.HO Ian itvle SPRtSd UOSSK'l'S Par Bsola.btiiimar Nhawla, Va, ' at IlltKYMrtN llltos. Knlem, Mnwb WA Blooded Pigs for Sale. rplinHK wlahiog In Improve their hon ran ret 1 KKW (l(K)U I'KtH by a,,,,!,,,,, Uiu .h, , dr frmn a dirt lira will b tilled wiik lh best I'rn tXt pr pa"'. boar w lfl ' Apnl 4 -Ami' TIIOM All CltOKH. 'nh for Tun Bnrk. CI. A It K II 1IOI.MA.V will pay rh for Hi, m lock and alder bnrk, and for law bidet HaWra, Feb. 17, IM. SmWpalct OOTI AliD ailOfclt-A cheie. variety, nut rfirrd t 7rr HI1TH rARTWRirjHT NU. ITAKVtSST ISO I. MACHINES.' i.rpp, HritiiKi.i. Aio., J luiNirteis Slid Dealers lu Alt CSSr ricnlluntl implement, have ntm tm V? kttnd. and tn arrive in thr ne.rt HO duy, llio f.nrgest Itlid Heat Helerted Stock of AKi-leulluiill Omul ever brought to Oregon. Having seven yea' experience, wo are shabbM toseleet good and wsll-omde inneliino. suited to ttia wiinu of fur. l""r. "" luyitg,ii wo w tit, iref.;fem M ma.-i- '",f''!'?"' w" 7? ni" f"r m"'j rat' ,,( cimixtttmh. Uelow. Wo append a partial li.t of tl.S best iimeliln.s, ' U ' , ; REAPERS AND MOWERS. New York Reaper (California Olant) nnd Niw Yowt UimuiatD Itnl'mt and Mowiii, with impor tant iinpinveiiioiils lor IHtet, etroug, durable and el lee tive iiiitehiues, eat 0 to 71 feet, and eaiiiible of cutting from 16 to tlft acres per dav. Over will in ne nit this coast. -Nnd for our newly illustratedand door'i live niimnhlet for IW4. - , ,. , .... i:terlya Combined lteaper nnd Mower iniprovea tt now writ nuc,uiits , to u canity and imietljf aitintted tn cut stubble. Huh or low (can cut In to '0 inches high -driving wliuels large and high, and gearing simple, lliis machine doe not clog and will work on on very r'oMifh, tlony ground, over dead farrow, and in all kinds of grain both met nnd Jry, Udfed nnd (asgrd. I nurpMnl for igf neu of and freedom from ttdt diuunht. convenience and tkortmprhneu of uork, aud wilb only one upon of ntiw win eaniy averngo i.i to is acres per day. in tiict, it is now tlio ii film ultra of t horso oonibinod iiuieliines. .. ' . . " itlct'oniick's Combined Reaper and Mower, fi lout cut. of tlio now patent, onllietv ditt'eraiil from tlm old slyle. Very strong and serviceable.' ! Hull's "Ohio " llm Improved " Jl "IlirCK KY K,-'l'lils is aliead of all St-wheeled machine, and the principal objections heretofore urg ed agaiiiet that clsss of Kenpora aro now removed, as it is welt and durably mad: and will 'ork on rough ground t has a sickle intttad of a knife tor reaping, and a support for oiuer end of reel, Out B feet as a Itenper aud 4 feet 8 Inches as a Mower, hlrby Renper and Mower, ;' " Nninea Illinois Headers. .'.I. MOWERS. Hull's "Ohio," the Imnroved ,j "IIUCKKYE"- splendid niticbiue, 1! driving WKL'UIRl . ' Molly Stark and Day State 1 driving wheels i Ketch urn' Iron Mower strong, and soluble for rough land and "Utiuch Grass,"' but tor ordinary use not a dosirableus the 2-wbeeled mewer. ' THRESHERS. : , We are tole ageni in Oregon and Washington for llio OUNUINK PIITS BUFFAU) TIIUICSHUK. frooi 4 to ID borne power, band and geared, both of the Pitts and Hustiel! patern. with tho VsrKitT Clrankii, wliicli pluees tbeui I'ur ulieud of all other machines. Those ThrvKbers are gotten up etrpnnly to onr order, and are ttroug, well made, aud ejlra jininkcd. ' ' ,. , IIOllSK POWERS. , PITTS' l)Oi;i)l.E PINION AND I'UXCT I'OW BUS KXTHA, from 4 to 10 horse. '' , jcairua. Heretofore we huve hit only a small auppl lixtms, hat we now nave noon to arrive over mi pply of $1.IHHI worth of extras, couiDrlsinir diiulicitto imrts most like. ly to woar of all our leading Thrmhern and Reaper. together with a largo stock of NlrKI.H SHCTION8. i ff' Particular altleutlon oalletl to this department. HARVESTING TOOLS, Such hi Drui ii Cruillei, MuwIiik Bc'vtliot, HoTolviiig H(rne UiikfM. &c, toHotbur a lull Hup of Aim cultural Oooth, coiuUting in purl ut Knbber Ma ch'ne II citing of all widtbi. Pi-rWi, atwttrttMl litflt sud kindi. C'ultivntorn, Horte iltie$ Ox Yokn and Born, vurn Whflit.- 7Vcm, Sccd-tiowcrii Orind-lSlvnei, etc. Ainu, Frtmh Garden, tirasN, and Field Seeds. (7 Wo tire prepared to furnish, at two weeks' no tice, through our Iiiiiiw in Sou Francisco, any stale of machine iu that ninrkut not kent bv us, that mav he desired, at Sim fc'ranclMiu Pi leva, freight alliletl. ifr ttrdurs Irom tbe upper t;oluiiilila, or other re mole illstrietH, accompanied with CAHH, filled at at low rates a if the partial were here, and pain taken to puck goods securely and tnitgly for shipping. fjsll and aeo ue Iwfore purebasiug elsewhere, at we will aol be underaold. KNAPP, HL'ItltKI.L, It CO., -Agricultural aud Meed Depot,' . ' April 4, 18t4 -3m5 Portland, Oregon. NEW AND FRESH STOCK or'-' ' 'b SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. rilHH mi ile raliiod hits jimt returned from th City of X Han Krhnritipo with n I art: nnd vurled itnck of FANCY and KTAPLK 1) BY -GO 01)8, niuble for tlie otuioti, which connint, in part, of Ladles' Dress Goods, ' , Clonk, mui.tillurt, eliuwk, coraetlj hoop gkirtt, ho siury, drcra triiDinniffB, purusolli. bukem, trfmnidd huts, IwniiotB. lmnuet urnf oup vibooni, belts and rib bon, curtuin diimtwk uud ouriMina. viirneU and ttruw nmttiiiM, itni a grnt viirlery of goo)a loo numerous to wuiiuim. llothln? nd Furnishing Good& ('oiiiiKts in purl of ftmcy and plain enmfmm aaiU, ftiiMj and Imim raisiuitra oohU, vecU aud panu, bova' uiu, iiiittii bonotii iliiru, 'reneh ttaimal traveling uliiilt, oreraliirts, draw era, undoraliliii, aocks neck In Ik 'a. pocket lidkfi, neck tiea, unvtjmlflri, truuka, va litwi and onrpet bug. Hats and Caps. ninck, brown, drub and parl cntwimere liala, aliaw, lfllmrn and palm lent aula, lot men, boyi nnd clul droit. Boots and Shoes, TadipR glnvft kid unlttra, iHdtpa' hlurk and colored cloth, cook- icaitein, Tinliea' kid, nont and calf Ilaltn rut shoes, miimns, children and iuitwX slioaaof all aorta nud qmtlitiua. nmn'i ralf dreaa, walking and riding unwi, outh , yonin i anu cimnren s ooois ana anona. Wood and Willow Ware. Fiinrr, work, market and knife baskets, children's willow wngmis and gigs, waeb tubs, waah boards, brootns, scrubbing nud blacking bm.hes. clothe pins, Diiiaic ouaea, u;oriieniiB ami wnra ooitas. Hardware.' Nails, axca, lianiincrs, hatchets, gimletsfiles, fenc ing nails, tacks, aisniire and pitch-forks, garden hoes, rakra. .hovels, aerihe and aonllics. roie, powder, snioolhlng frtnis, ootfee t illa, sh'K, lead, pcrcuasiun caps, dec, iic Groceries. Kugar, colTee, tea, mmKr, epiev, nuiiinrd, ciiaiaiiiiui, nutmegs, tuatile and limwn soup, blueing, mMtrs, lob.lern, autrth, peiHir aMiic, ayrup, rice, chocolate, sidai-alu1, enuni lartar, bilking atala, yeant powders, witaliing soda, tobacco, uiatolimi and maisena. Crockery and Glassware. Cult and saucers, ntstea, bow la busiiisand nitcbers lugar bowle, butler ili.hea. vegetable sud ateuk diell ea, nmga, flnwer vsmhj, lamp ebiinnera, tuoiblers, triiv.. waiter, looking ulaaee. fat I will eell all my kihhIs at aiich pricea a will defy fnmpciiiion, and lake, iaexcbiinge.all kind nf KAKKl Plttilll.'lJK, and tiay tho IIIMHKMT JlAKKKl' Prtlt'KS. OOME ONE, OOMB ALL: And judge for yunrself. 1 ox- no go. for Coal Oil is much cheaper, and 1 do not blow uny, fur niouuitiln breew is slrnug euoiigli for couifurt. ' , . A Word to llio Witt USufflrlrnt! V. I.KVV, Opposite the Wmden Mill, North ttalein. Ovit. Halein, Ugn, April 4th, IM04. Sm6 Notic. In the County C'ottrl of Yamhill County, Juua Term, IMil. Action al ICilgur I'oppletun, Plaluiilf, ) vs. Aleiander Caldwell, Defendant. ) rp) Alexander Caldwell, Ibe ubuve nauiod defend I ant i lu the name of tbe Ntale nf Oregon, yon are hereby euumioned to he end apHiaf in Ih County ( !onrt of Yamhill cnunly, Oregon, ,m the nrat Monday of Jane. IHtil, and aniwer the euinilaiiit ol Mgar Poppletou against you fur the auai nf ISu.OQ, wilb in terval thereon ft.iai Uclober itth, lty. on tile wilb the Clerk of aaiit Court ia the ebofe-eotiUed mnae, or judgment fur want thereof will be taken agmiiet you for said .inn. A. U. COuK, 8w Pir AU'y. TAK-: lil. BY the enbacriber, llrlog in Kola piccinrt, Pnlk co-iaty, cm the 1.1 day a." March, mA, one dark aorrel mare, one fore foot and one hind foot white, some Middle marks and hlajui face, abont 14 hands hiuh and Mlxuat 7 vhh.I mt.A . ,, 7, ' ' -- -" wt.ii to lu- dos'jntable brand. IIIKIH H AKRIH. BY the aubeeriher, liring I mile nortbweet of Hob liinily. one bine roan mare, throe or four yean old, about l:i or 14 lianda high. Haul nan be been running in uy pasture abont lour weeks. , , IIEXJAI11N HTASTON. March M, nl. VwJ BY the undersigned, residing at Ilia Uud ripringt, in the count y of lleker, Htate of Uregiat. ou or about the Hih Jiiunary, 1H. two mam. detcribed ae lid low. : One a dark bav, 1 4 hand, high, i rear old, small blase In fare, left hind font while, saddle narks, no brand visible i l In oilier a yellow Hni.h auarn, about J year old, with erar on left hip and Hpani.h brand below Hie owner or owner, are miooeu-d to rmue forward, prove property, i. tr rharirea aud take Ili-ni awnv. ti-iAAC I'll 11.1,1 1'S. Mud Hpringe. Uaker Co., Feb. 9, '64. BY ll nnoVnigned, living In Kobt pretvncl, IMIk connly, one aorrel hnree pnU, aupiosed tti be two years old paet, left hind foot white, with a star Io the forelteed end anip uu the noeo; no other mark or brand, perceivable. Hatd eolt ha. been running on Ibe ran ire with my bones since laat Kail. s o. ) fiASKETT HV tbe auderslginJ al the Uwe aUltun, l w wiln froai Jertereuu, Mariuu touuly, one light Iron gray burse, abont I4 hand, high, .bod na threu fact about vesranld. Also, one light rlaybank here blare in face, dark maim and tail, low, heavy an, fore feel white, erart on heed and neck i about IV veure oil.. Take en Uatrk X, lhoi. ' 'TOBm;MfiA0HEIl&C0.! iHrnnTKits wiiolmai. rir.i.i is WII1TK OflflDS, Hosiery, Olovee, Linen and tilk Ifnudkerchiefsi Kmbrolileries, Hoop Hkirts, opOdCriiread. 1 ' Istces, Ijidies' und (teals furnishing Goods, '' i Hewing Silk, Yankee NiKMttt, l'erfumtry'( Pocket (!mIory, Coinba and brushes, .( , ,, I'liting Cards, Fancy 8onps. Paper '! and I'lnveiopes. Milinory Goods, 11 ' !1 ' " 1 Mtraw Good's, Hlbboiw; fee, ttt, We have tm hand the LAHUEtiT and HJMTttou sorted slock ou the Pucilic const, to which wo are re ceiving cou.tant iidiliiimia. We Invito buyers Hist amine before purchasing. . ' ' ' All order entrnated to, an will reeeWe our nartlni lar attentiiw. ., TOU1M, MKAMHKft ct CO,, ,,, Sill to Mattery al., corner HncmiiHmto u, 401 to 409 Sitcramento st . up stairs) 1 ' ' SAN FRANCISCO. ' - ,. ; ,,. CAUIl POU TIIK ', .-; OP NAr FRANCIrKTO. ' " BADGER & UNDENTEEGEB, N. 411, 413, ami 419 Battery Mtre.t, vitr, aierciieni,, nan erauciaco, Importers and Wholesale Deaers, " : ENTIRE NEW AND FRESH STOCK .' 'j WE would ealT tbe attention ol COUNTRY MEK CHANTH to onr usealtr hrge Mock nf Ooodsi '-' Our stock comprises every article iu the- Clothing and i Furnishing line. We have oouttaully est baud the , largest slock ond greatest variety of CuesHodre and Wool HATH of anr boose in Saa VnlUcisfo; and our price for these Ooode am less than ttioae 4f eof'i house, a we receive them direct from the mauaiuia- '' rer's coiuiguuient. Our stock of sbrihg and Uuinutor , Qoods is particularly attractive, aud the great ffture to tile cuulitrv tilcl-cliaet ta the nnuaaallir low nrifjw ' Im than the Cost of lmporttiUon ! rve also keep the Ki AfLK Aiti'iL'I.r.M in the Dry Ooods line, which Goods we hv purohased in thh innrket under the hammer, alul aieoiferiug them at n New York Cost, and lose.. , ,. . ' , . , ,,i We publish this card in order thai We imw utke new arqoaintancra, and Indhce ikosk who. byv got ' lioretaiore parcoaeeu or oe, to fail ana ejmtflue ir ' lock. . , V-1il Good Artiolei and Low' Frices! Are the great. Inducement to lf wWpiireliae to sell , again. Merchants who buy ef f emv metre a good i prolit, and sell to their onetonein el tow litee.i W, irmain, respeolfully, ; ,, . ... .,..,.,1, ,., ... Your Obedient Servants; n ' ; DADOUK tV lilNDRNTIltliOEK, ' " I i i Wholesale Clothing aad Hat Warehouse,'1"1 . Nos. 411 . 41 J, und 410 Battery streel., ,, San Krnnclsco, March I I, ima. . 3m4 , BUCKEYET-IOVVCR! to vAiMMvsnffi '";"7 WK with great conlldence offer tlio Biwheye Ma chine for this reason i knowing it tor be siiterior to any mower for wile, and thut il will snetaiir the rep- " ittalion it hat made for tho past, three 1 lug any other Mower in Ibe following resneelas .-i ;1 Ileing belter made i much stronger, and more dura ble; will run lighter i cut much closer with greater eiuw to the team, and no side draught. . We can bring twenty farmers to say that the Beek eye Is eiiperior U anv other mower ,lo one who cue be found prejudiceit agailut it. - h .:'- e i The Buckeye mower are of two sites, catting four i feet, and four feel eight inches. ; . r ; , i . , The Buckeye as s Reaper. ' The important advantngei which belong to til , lluckereasa Mowor are retained ill the Keeper, and ' it can be used oither a a Mower or a Hooper by at taching the platform aud reel, ; .1 Though importing largely of them, w hav been unable, for two years, to supply the demand. They are better adapted to the want nf California ' and Oregon furmw that any other eumbinjlltl machine for sale. It will adarit itself to every surface) oil ground. will run lighter, uud will deliver it grain esuierana.j better than auy other reaper. Tlie reaper' seat is di rectly over the' axle of tbe machine instead of being on I tb plalform, where it add greatly to the draught. I WE ARE SOLE AGENTS M i! i in 'I 8AN FRANCISCO AND MAEYSVlLLE.'i . , rjon TBS , ' Haines' "Illinois" Header This I the OSLr Header which, dnring the ft six yean, bat Blood ih leal and give aaliafaction f . all others, which have been tried, have proved fail , ares, and have been withdrawn from the market a , unsaleable. IN ALSO,SOUS AGENTS FOR . i AULTMAN'St l-i -.'i'ii "Sweepstakes "Thresher, i . Together with a full aasortinaut of : . I AGKICI'LTVKAI. IMPLEJWESITS. :(, lUWLIYACS, . Comer of California aad Dstlery atreets, , , 3ni8 ! i SAN FRANCISCO. A JUST JTJD0KE1VT. ', pUULIC OPINION IsTTar befts wMok fcw tr to appear, uulea their aW will, aland Ut errtt crutiny. Borne lay It terelct are harsh i aevtrthe leal, they are generally Just and correct. 8COVILL'8 flAHSAV ARII.LA ' BLOOD AND LIVES ' : ad . i BYItCP has been on trial , MTll.I.indlA,., fur some ihirteen yewrs, asuf i iiiii. in . r. i"' . . , i ,.- i : i- HI- ', '. during llait period, tiiuuaumk uf wirmnaea bw sriaru , tn apeak la Us favor. One testlDei that be wu-enrae) 4 of arrofela after .nlfering da year t aseehart, that he found immediate relief IWr ' 1 sufTcriog with Halt Uhtna for twentyyeam and III such evidence as this that' 1 eCOVILU'8 Blkod Ktid Lfrrer BY ttt'P. ' ' has canned the public to ren- , .J. ,, der the fulhiwing verdict i (leihy of ealeraiaatiog ' from the system every hemor wM which It comes in ' euutacl, and we recommend H totli couaideralioa of Uieaffiicted. IIKDINUTON t CO.1, AQKNTS, IIS AND 418 VttOXl' tlTltKET, BAN I'HANCISOIX - Imlsi ' ' H. Will. HAI.I.'H BAI.. ' tSA.W 'ur lb ear of long- '" ' 1 ' etunding C'ongh, llronrbilit, a , ' ' ' well at Consnmption, Dr. Wat. , ' '" .'.) : Ualfsllalsanila lurdnabka. It peculiar combination is the reeatl ( . , ( 'of experience, d an Inlieut : ' knowledge uf tlie cause of thee dieeaaea, and tb eertlncair of ' :, remarkable cure ere auaVieeA proof of It tuperierlpy. RKU- . ,t INOTOXItCO.Ccneralagente Forlhe Pacific Ccmt,41aiid 418 i Front Street, Kan Francisco. , ' I md CAI'TION The only gtnnlra) bf the sL'litturs ol 0. k Heker II Co. Take an other. No Credit It CIIIAKMAfT, WAKNKR fc CO.. trnm and after this ) date.propoaetodnHTKICTLY A CASH HttPI-; IIKSM, believing it will be heeeHemlM their frkmds and customer geuerally. It will nebl tlieut la Nil food at a . LOWER PRICK, and tn eAVctuall v compete with Portland. Their it. , trrntnotion is to tell gowets as cheap at mum kontt ia Oretmn. ! Al.hoiuth they hav extra freight frota rerlltnd,i yet their expeuae are much ligbler la Oregoa CHy, aud by their awouer of dning haaiueae they can more than balance tbe charge for freight between the two places, ud llwabeeoablrd tetUoelt Vktmptr&t any oiktr tl'nue in the titnta. .. , .. , ., Oregon City, March 7. ItM. 8m 33 . Tlie ThornKhbrel Jah( COaMPROMISE, JR. ! WILL stand, the eiuuing sraann, commencing April lit and ending In July, ItW, at the farm of the aubacriber, & mikta from I'allas, on Uie batlem read, . at l j ibe ertuaia, I'M le Insure. Couprotahai, Jr., It 1 II hand high, a dark hrnwu color. bamckl aorv. I'idk eeuaty, March I V IKHI. 4U,id ' l'tmaaaa.-:omproeie, Jr., was fiwled near Li- . iugton, ky., rViaeralier Vlib, InjU. (bred by Una. , Henry 4'ley's eta imported tomproaifae. Ilie dem by black Hampeoa, grand dees by imported l'!yeeee. H.V. TODIll' JiTKE, " Uxlngtun, Ky., April '11, IHoX . , , .,. . , r- fmp Tjraislmi.' flMlR Wlllamerte M ootea ManafSctnrlu Coinpsnv ' X will kev feed strong wit ante el the ku-lorv, while 1 thia notice appeari ia the tfturwaea. , . II SMITH A.t ii V "'( , . J LOOMT. k .JtBhl.lM. "' ' ' ' ft? .-..a.' .