1 THE OREGON STATESMAN ii r u i t. inn r r icvrnr mow bay mornino, The Oregon Printing and Publishing Company, PKOF KIKTO US. Otttolal Pftptr of th Bttta. TI-'.IiMH-l'or.vnjir.l.Oll Bix montlin, ,IM), JtfT" Tk tUw ( print in win. l.tujal Tcndinr nottn will b ttikfitt only at thrtr oumnt valu. HfMitlitnncm iimy Iw nmrtt by mall nt Hie rink of Die puh- 1 dlior, If mulled tu the prono itf poitmaiitir. A.J. 1IUTLUH, JUL PIONEER HATTER, 1 72 KUONT STKRKT, PORTLAND. HAS constantly on hand n COMPLETE ASSORT. mut of Wentlemeii's Hutu mill Cups, of tho LAT. KST mill MOST Al'PIKIVKI) styles, miiilulm In part of the Oiess Moleskin, Press Cushnnre, low crown Cnssimores of hII colore, "Vionnia," or Peruvi an Hut, Son llaU, In ull shapes, colors, variety, Kiul price. IV Orders from Urn country promptly' IMod Gentlemen visiting Portlimil, from llie Interior, If not In immediate want, of it hut, wlio will leave with na their measure, will lui giinruutcud a comfortable lit, when u hut Is needed by them. The IimilKSTUAHll PRICE paid for nil kind, of fl1- , A. ,f. HUTLF.K, Jf Pioneer Hittler, 7!f Kront struct. BENJ. STIIANG, nKALn in PARLOR AND COOK STOVES "OF UVUHV PATTERN, Keeps constantly on hiinil, und Manufactures to order, Tin, Sheet Iron, and Copper Ware, On reasonable terms. METAL ROOPInTJ, and JOBBING of all kinds, promptly attended to. Shop on Commercial street, Salura, Oregon, 3 doom North of Hlrsch & Co. KMtf HEATH & CO.'S NEW STORE, Second Door In GUIS WOLD'S New Block, SALEM, OREGON. JUST OPENING an KrVTsltK IXFW STOCK of Ooods, the LAUD KST ever lirouiflit to thin mar ket, most of which, 1IAVINO BEEN PUUCHASICD IN NEW YORK AND BOSTON, ((renter induce ments are offered to the purchaser than ever before thin Hide of San Francisco. The stock consists of Pry Goods. Clothing, Fancy Goods, a large stock of Iron and Hardware, Paints and Oils, Groceries, Crockery, Ago. We cull the attention of bnyers from Denton, Polk, Linn, Yamhill and Marion counties arrCome to Salem, it will Pny.-S We are always ready to show goods. We sell exclusively for cash or barter, and can there fore sell cheap, and cordially invite the public to call and oxninino for themselves. 40tf Farmers and Shippers, Attention SALEM WAREHOUSE. rpHK nndersiirned, having completed their NEW 1 WAREHOUSE, are now prepared to receive alt kind nf freight, on storage or for shipment. Our fa cilities," lor storing grain, fruit, etc., are unexcelled on the river. Warehouse is situated ABOVE HIGH WA 1 ER MARK, on the bank of the river. Farm ers, haul your grain and fruit while the roads are good Hud place them'with free necese to market at any time ALEXANDER & MOHfiAN. Salem, Oct. 5, 1863. Iv35 WIGHTMAN & HARDIE, SUCCESSORS TO FltANK BAKER, U and 418 Clay Street, SAN FRANCISCO) Importers and Doalers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mattings, IJPIIOLSTEKY GOODS, AND ' PAPER' HANGINGS. For Sale in Quantities to Suit Oct 15 3m7 Lafayette Academy. LAFAYETTE, IAMMLL COl'STT, OBKliOX HEV. E. CARTWRKIHT, Principal, and Prof, of Mathematics and Natural Science. ItEV. W. P. NICHOLS, Prof, and Acting Teacher of Higher Mutbematics and Ancient Languages. xi'sr.s. Languages, qnarterly $! Higher English 7 00 to 8(H) Common English....' 5 "0 to fi Wt Primarv nemrtment 4 00 to 5 00 Vocal Musio, free of charge. Board in town at rea sonable rates. Cl,mlnr tar 1SU3-K Year divided into four terms, each containing 12 weeks. First term begins Sept. 7th i half term, Oct l!Hh. Second term begins Nov. 30ih i vacation during Imlidnvs; half term. Jan. ISth. IStil. Kxa'inination und exhibition at the closo of Sd term. Lafayette, Acg. 'Jd, IW). l"mv.i INSURANCE. marine, T"iri' mid Ltlo ! rpiIE nndorslgned are Agents in this Btate for the J. following Companies: MAHINE. CALIFORNIA MUTUAL MARINE. FIBB. " HARTFORD IIAUTFOKD, CONN. PHOENIX " " CHARTER OAK ....... J OOOlVliUE.'.'.'.'.'.'".'.'."'. . NEW YORK. METROPOLITAN " MAOARA HOME " PARK - AUCTK! " PHOENIX " WASHINGTON " LIFE. POITITART.F. LIFE NEW YORK. CONNECTICUL MUTUAL, HARTFORD, Conn, There are uo older, safer or more reliuble compa nies in the world than those nbove named. We will insure at I lie same laics that ran be effected through fun Francisco agents, and the California Stale Stump Tax is thus avoided. We call the intention of thenmin unity, particularly rnurried, to the advantages or Ute Insurance. tf Call and get a pamphlet Juitf RICHARDS it McCRAKEN. Notice T4 herehv eiven to all nersons whom It mT concern 1 that Mers. Oaton A Curl are my suthoriied agents for the transaction ot my Business ounng my mm Blem,Oen..0it.M,PM. M Final Settlement. a,... r Ofmhw Cmintv of Yamhill. ON this 7th day of March. lil. comes David Smith administrator of tt.e estate of John O. Northrop j ..i ..j ni.. hi. netition for a ttnal settlement l :j ' .... i. i. ih.nrnm nrderl that Friday, the h dav of April, IS61, Ihi set apart for the hearing ol said petition and the final settlement of said estate, at the court house, in Ufnvelte, In the county and State aforesaid, at wmcn time ami pi an yemum eeled iu said estate are nounett lo PP'"- By order of J. W . CO W LS, 8. C. Adams, Clerk.-lw3 Co. Judge. WQQL CA11DLQ. Th LARGEST. BEST, and the FINEST Cnrdlnir Muchlno IN THE STATE. In the town of Jefferson, on the Santiem river, Marion coantr. Deing tbaukful for past patronage and farora. we would respectfully inform our old customers aud all who may favor ns with their natmnage that we will he rcsdv to commence carding by the !Hh nf May .and -,,' there is wool enough in, we will commeure mnninr day and night in order y keep as , near np w th tne earning r'" j n rnbiic as much as we possibly can. aud we wil use ,.ur nlinnel endeavors in give genrai u.i.."u . , X mrf iutcnlion to do the we can for all onr i!'ji.ns. but wool must be wabed clean and freed . mnA !! h.m irmwn wo.il shuald be left out, oll sticks and oareedirt .liould I- picked out (Ine sound of clean grease wilt he reqnirea kit every eight pounds of wool. All rersona from a long dis- Uure will bavelt.eir ronsio .. -.. ......... iuaiblr. at our old piices. O.ir terms will be invaria bly cash or iu souiv.leut fc Jefftrsoo. Manb 14, M. w3 Tf AT AD CAP"! A good assortment I 1 of fashionable eivl. for sele bv ,f sHUHtltainaiuni. VOL.14-NO.fi. To the Citizens of Salem. Liimluir, JLuthM, l'H-Uots. 'T'lIH undersigned begs leave to Inform the chitons o . S"'1'"1 h ' ro-pimhiised the CLIPPER SAW MILL and PLANING MACHINE situated on the Oregon City road, J miles north of Halem, where he will ho banny to furnish his old customers wilh the bust quality of Yellow, White, or Red Fir Liimhor, Laths, or Pickets, on ahurt'nollce and reasonable terms. FOUR YOKE OF GOOD WORK ILL, wanted Immediately. E. D. TOWL. January ISth, 1864, 4lllf Odd Fellows' Rural Cemetery) SALEM, ORKUON, rpiIOSE who have relatives or friends Interred in J. this Cemetery are requested lo furnish to either of the undersigned as soon as practicable the follow, lug information, vis i Name, ago, sex, color, niuriied or siuglo. placo of birth, of whut family, number of days ill; died when, where, and cause i buried, when and by whom. Tlio object of the foregoing iunuirlus is for the purpose ol registration In a book already proenred for that purpose. I. It. M00HE8.) . 0. N. TKKKY, ..Trustees. R. E. MAY, ) Halem, January 14, 1RIH. 45tf ii mm mm machines. THE SINOEit STANDARD MACHINES for mail uliu'turtii imriiows, ar of greater apved, ami mi potior tu ull utlier machines fur like mwt. Tlie bh pe rl or, correct, simple urn. ('uruble menhnnlcfil pHuci pleu of thane mueliiiiMB .place tiiftn beyond competition. All tne ffre.it munnfacUiries of tlio Unitetl Suites und Enro(e are supplied with thorn. The Mingor Letter A "Transverao Hhuttle" iuu.ily MhcIiiuo With recent Improvnmrntt fer Hemming, PelU in If, Binding fyc.f In tlio moht perfect und roliublo fumily inacliitie vet of feredt They are certain of oorruct action, nt all rates of aimed, upou ull kinds of materia), and with ull kiuds of tfircud. The mechanlrim is entirely within view, and nnder the cont rol of the operator, who thereby can avoid the Snrptexities and annoy aius so comniun with Sewing Iiitdiines having their tnnchaniitm bidden from view, under pretence of simplicity'ol'cniiHtrm'iioii. tlT Plain printed instructions accompany each ma chine, from which any one can readily understand their nm. I'tT Pamphlet, Price List, and specimens of work mailed free to any add rem. ftTt A ve,ry grent reduction has been lately made in the prices of the Singer Sewing Machine, thus ena bling purchaser to get a Hint-class machine at the same niton of inferior or nec-ond-clawi machines. THE KINGK11 MANUKACTUIUNO CO. (Hnccessor to I. M. .Singer & Co.) 139 Montgomery street, San Kriim'isco. . 3m48 WM. UKODICHK'K, AuenL LOCAL GENTS WANTFD. CITY BOOT AND SHOD STOICS. JOHN W.GILBERT ukalku in BOOTS, SHOES, SHOE FINDINGS, EATHElt. and everv Article tuttinllr fonnd in a J well-reiiulaicd shoe store, lias JUST'RECICIVEl) lui KB nssortment of Uenta' t nil, Kip und MinuiK xiuj nnys lull, Kip and Heavy Hoots: uiuics isses' und Childrens' Oniters und Shoes, all uf the P. EST niannfncture and of the LATEST stvles. Itoots und Shoes made to order, ot the best material. and iruiimnteed to uive satisfaction. I xr Kemoniiier, unit the uitv Hoot and bhoo Mtorc tue only plate where you can tuy IIKiVM.Kl Dress Hoots. 6m4'i 5fDR. Tj. S. SKIFF Ollice In tlolmun's HiUk fiitildin((. ' Residence, near comer of First and Center streets. N- T) None but linished operations performed. I 13. desiie the patronage of such persons as wish operations purtormed in the most perfect manner. naieui, ueo. aa, len,'. in uno MB mi, THE Columbia River lioud. leading from Portland. isavailable for the ravel of STOCK through to Dalles CHv ljaoorers are cuiiHiniuijr eiigayuu hi iiuproviug me 7orst parts of the road. A UIIDU t r.uiii V!i LIUU uivtit ano ouo on umly River. itnirv oi ioiii Each Horse, Mule or Jack fal cents Mai 50 " 11 Heudof Cuttle over one yearnld.. 50 11 ' " bheep 10 " Tickets sold at the Perries. NO EXTRA CITARGE OR KERRYINO. A ticket nt the above prices is the oniv cnurge on tne itoaa inline uy me t oimmny. JOEL PALMKI!, President. Columbia liiver Roud Company. J.J. IIurrmtR, Sec'y. JOHN K. MILLER, JOEL PAMhii, A. C. OIUIIS, March 2, lRfil. llf Directors. Owyliet' Saloon. rpHK above Saloon situated next door above L Moody's Hall, Dalles, has been enlarged, relitted and relnrnisned, ana win uo conuuneu on tne eiyie oi first class saloon, t ree concert every nivtit. GKEIt & McCONNELL. Dalles, fell. W, WM. 51tf JACOB COKSKK. MANUKL O. CIIKSCR. JOHN A. COXSKK JACOB CONSER & SONS, 'roduce & Commission Merchants Second Street, Dalles, Oregon. fTMIE rerr best brands of Hour, feed of nil kinds, 1 and every description of Produce constantly iu store and sold at the lowest rules. FAMILY GHOCKKIKS. A choice assortment of familv groceries, including the best selection of Teas. Coffees, Sugars, Ate, select- ed exprcsslv for family use. Consignments received, and a general Mtoruge, ror- warding and Commission Ilusliiess promptly attended We will also pay the highest CASH market price for all kinds of country produce auch as Wheal, Oais. Means. Boiler, Eggs, Cheese, Dried (roils, o., at the Jenersou Mills, Marion to. Oregon. JAI Ull L.IIAM.K SUAS, Second street, Dalles, and 4f.if JcHVrsoii, Marion Co., Oregou. TIMOLEON. THIS well known horse will stand, the ensu-ffV-, ing season, coinmsiicing April 1st and end-Clx iug July 1st, at my farm, one mile northwest ot Ism pico, ai uie loiiuwuiK ii.w ..- . Mngle service ' tty the season 15 00 Iii.iiraiice 25 00 Persons parting with an in.nred mare before she is known to be with fosl, will be held responsible for the insurance money. Mures from adi.lance will be pastured tree or charge. All care tiixen io prevent ac cidents, but I will not be responsiine lor any. Timnleon will be hunted to lo mares. PiDioKKK. Timuleon was sired nyTimoleon, he bv Sir Archr, he by Diouiedo. Timoleon's dam was sired by Medoe, which leaves him in possession of as much rood blood ss anv horse in the Stale. Tim. .Icon is a beautiful dark bay, free from white,l hands high. JOHN WILES. Tampico, Benton County. MUiUmtiuUiu fOL'I.D announce to the Ladies or Salem and Tt II einitv that lliev have taken rooms in KEN YON'S huilding.oue door west of the Munsion House, where they intend lo carry on Millinrry md Dreu Making. Their stork, recently selected In San Francisco, con- lists, in part, of llunnets, Hats, Ribbons, Flowers, Ac. From haig experience ill business, both in lloston and San Francisco, Mrs. W. feels asenred thai she ean give satisfaction to all, and wonld respcctlully solicit snare ot me rmoiic paironage. Snlem, aiurrn IS, low. Jni. Final Settlement. State of Oregon, County of folk. In the matter of 'the estate of Joseph E. Davidson. vV this ith dav of March, a. D. IH64, comes Ira V J M. Untler. ailministrator twiih the wiil snneae.ll of the estate of Joseph K. Davidson, deceased ami files ais pennon tor a nnal eetuemeni oi sain esiaie It is therefore orderadttisi the M day ef Mnr, a. d. Mot. be set apart for Ihe hearing of said petition, and the final settlement of said estate, si the court honse in Dallas, in the county and Htate aforesaid, at which time and ptace all persons Interested in said estate are notified to appear, iiv omer oi titan, c. ai.iTin, to. jnoge. W. V. Whitsos, Clerk. 4w HOWE'S SEWING MA( lllK. THE NEW" STYLE ' Howe's Family Sewing machine, 11 ILL seam, sltlch, gather, hem. fell, htnd.nni V run.bmid.andinfact PKUKOKM THE WIMM ran(e tiK family sewinu h ns tw Tbrea.ls. making the I.Ot at MTITt H. There are different slsea. PrlrM from trffiO lo N5. tV It received the HIGHEST Premium at the In .World s-Kair at l.ond. d, sod has been M iu tier ntanr, Frunce'aiid'Lugland'fnr'ti.urteen years, with Derfect salislactloS). be4 for a hut of mnert"" . FREELAi-D BROS : Albany, Agenti for Oregon K..r sale at N O. Pi rrlih a Co l, Salem, and Free land Bros. Albany. omlo SALEM, I (Oregon f tattswan. FLl.NKEriSM UKbTKKD. A corrospoinluiit of tUe Yrckn Journal trav eling through Oregon to Idaho, thus speaks of an inoidniit on his tray : In another part of this letter I said the p- iticul hoei were not io olcarly drawn in Ort- on nt in California. I also noticed another act i that I found fully as many itraight Inr- ward Unionists front the ilavcholiling htutes a om the free etutoi, and vice verta. lint to my story. On board the stonmer that plies between Salem and Canemeh, I saw two re- apeotuble looking Individnala approach each other both, leutumgly, itad pasoed the men tan ol me they looa entered upou an ani mated ooDvurantioD, front which I toon learned that they were fanners, residing in adjoining oonntiea in the upper end of the valley.. At the conversation wore on, ouo of the parties. with true Yankee Ititiumtivenoss, asked the other from what part of the country he hailed, at the tame time remarking that he was from the State of New Hampshire. The party ad dressed replied that he ontue from North Car olina. Whereupon our Northern Copperhead, ithsthat obtenuiontnett ohuraoterialio of a Northern doughface, commenced oomtfisera- ting him upon the unhappy and desolate con dition of hit country, ami wound tin by do- nunolng Lincoln ana ins Ationtion inreitugt. Yet," replied the old patriot, "I content timt my oouutry it in a uitiublo condition, but 1 have tlio consolation of knowing that her one- nnet are in a far wane oonuitiou, and that tins oruel war must toon terminate in an honorable uce." Doughface, thinking his game teenro, -iiin coinmonoed abusing the Government, luting npou ruinout taiatiou, negro equality, divided North and united South, aud conclu ded by taring that he hoped Horatiu Seymour would be next President. The tpirit of the pld patriot wat now fully aroused, and looking the copperhead full in the face, he answered, Sir, the Government ol tlie United states is my friend, and itt enemiet are my enemiet. I wat hum and raited in a slave State I I wat taught that ilaverv was a divine institution ; the most of my relatives are slaveholders ; but what did that profit met It brought me nei ther land nnr niggers. The Government hat been my friend. It gave ine tlx hundred aud forty acres ol the best luuu iu uregon, protec ted mo from Indian outrages. If nut rich, I ave iicomrcd a competency, sucb as I never could have dune among my ilaveholtlitig friends of North Carolina; und 1, sir, am proud to Hand by my friends. I go for Old Abe." If this win not sound philosophy, then I huvo nover. learned what those wordt comprehend. 1 FACT0BI SPIDEUS. Lighting my candle before retiriug to rost one night, I witnessed a umrvelont scene upon tlie top ol tlio flowerpot. When 1 first placed the very tiny spiders upon the lump of olny . ey very quickly disappeared, most ot tliein taking possession of liiygalo't uett. Duriug tho day a few watchert and patrols were 'o lie teen; but when the caudle was lit at' lit. om thirty to forty of the spiders were .een busily engaged in weaving a tent, dome awn ing or canopy, from tho rim of the flower pot and over tlitlumu of cluy. The pinnacle of the dome was the broken wing of a daddy loug- -CI which I had put upon the top of the clay. fancying Ihe spiders would eat it. Toe weav ers were divided into parties of warpcrt and woofer and wcro under the superintendence of overseers. On receiving a hint or touch from the uplifted fore leg of an overseer, a ooler rnu twiltly tlown lrom tlie pinnacle, hiring threads from hit spiunerctt, and last- eniug them to the rim of the flower pot, aud then running quickly up again. 1 no moment the woofer reached the top, a warper wat start ed off from the opposite side of the pinnacle which he laid down by traveliug over the cir-, cuit of a comparatively long crescent, or seg ment oi a circle, wnicu nino descended tlown as fur us the outer edge of ihe flower pot Thir ty or forty tiny spiders, with white bodies and fawn hued legs, busy weaving on factory or co-operative principles a dome nf the finest silk, made up a tceuo never to lio forgotten. It revealed what it called " instinct ' iu a new and startling form, for the faculty of co opera lion under overseers, woofers and warpers, is, ns fur as I can learn, a new fact in spider hfo. The projecting ends of grass roots and the like were tkilllclly used the canopy about all round away from the day. 'lint fabric wot teeu, besides other persons, by two members of the Brighton aud Sussex Natural History Society. It wus ao fine that ihu unassisted eve looking straight upon it could not see it, but when view ed at fnvorablu nnglea both warp and woof were clearly discernible, aud ou Ten close in- pection, I discovered a very few little holes. Ouo of the Brighton naturalists who saw it says it resembled iu ill shapo a "skull-cap ;" aud tho other naturalist, although fresh fioin the marvels of the International Exhibition, elarrd it to be the most singular etructuro be cvuraaw. Une (lay l put. Ily upon the out side of the woo to ascertain What the functions tho spiders which I hare called watchers and patrols really were ; for there wero three or four inside under the piun icle, and as many nntsido, wandering about all day. Tho iustunt put the fly upon the tent, ouo of the patrols swiftly ran close np to it, aud then, seeiug the fly was relatively a lings animal, ran away again. jiff Ihe Year Round. New Usfi of Photoobaphy. We have newt from l'ari of- a remarkable extension of the use of photography. Strange as it may now enter a photographic stnilin, constructed with reference to the new process, bu therein photographed in a few seconds, and, on calling the next day or the day after, instead of the usual photographio print of one's face or fig ure, an exnot fne liinilo in the shape of a stat uette in modelling clay it produoeu by the ope rator. The invention is French, and it has been patented in England, and in all the continental Kates. The process appears to be simple, a nieohaiiicalapplicationatipplcmeutiiii. the chem ical results iu the first iustauoe. Th. titter it placed in the eeoter of a circular chamber lit irotu above ; around the walls of tins chamber are placed ,at equal distnuces, twenty-four lenses by meant of which be is photographed in every possible view. By a mechanical contrivance of extreme ingenuity three images nf tlio sitter are traoed aud moulded upon tho elay. A thort sitting it required, and under the handt nf an experienced sculptor, a most faithful likeness it secured, and, it is added, ao agree able work of art. The statuettes already pro duced are about a foot in length, but it it as serted that life six atatuet ean be produced with the same facility.' Any number of copies of a particular statuette may be made by the eruinnry process ui casting. t7A gentleman called ou Mr. Liucoln a few days sgo, and in a conversation about tlio Presidential prospects, remarked that a num ber nf men in the present Congress seemed to be aspirants for the Chief Magistracy. Abra ham, smilingly, replied : "l es, because I was ttrnck by lightning once In my life, they think their chances are good too." ClTJadge Nelson, of the United Slates Cir cuit Court of Minnesota, hat decided that cili sent of Statet in rebellion are to be considered st enemies and are not entitled to sua in that Court. The decision was nude in case of Israel '. Nash nf Malein, North Carolina, com plainant against Lyman Duttou and others, of St. I'au'., citizens of Minnesota. The counsel for the defendants insisted that upon the alle gation id cititenship on Ihe part of the com plainsiit. he'appVared to be a public enemy., not entitled to sue in the Court,' anil the lull must necessarily be dismissed. ' TU Judge', as above indicati-il, sustained Ihe position. AX&r : OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 11, 1804. , CALIl'UBMA DISPATCHES. neaTjr Knlns. San Francisco, April 2. The Overland telegraph it working to-day, but no report came through. The heaviest raint of the season have fallen past two days thioughnut the State, with a good quantity of mow In tho mountains, improving the prospect both of Agrioultur. and mining interests. The weather continues cloady aud threatening. Money Mutters, The steamer Golden Age took to-day $10, 529 03 treasure, and 503 passtngert. Ilankcra rates lirnt. Currency bill 50 to to 55 ; coin, S to 6 ; legal tender, 63 to 63. - New York telegram, quote gold yesterday 1C3 to 164. , : Gum for Ilirbor For'tincallons. Star ot tbo Uuron brings fifteen-inch Coliiin tiiads lor the harbor foftihoationn, and a splen did tteam fire engine for California Engine Company. ' Seizure of Muskets. Tho Custom House aothoritica to-day seized 3,000 Springfield muskota on board the J, L. Stephens for Mazatltn. They may lint be confiscated, but held for instructions from the War Department. . !,:;.,., Escapade of Prisoners-Arrivals. Eighty-six prisoners esoaped from San Quiu tin this morning ; all recaptured, 4 killed und 6 wounded. 4 ' Arrived Star of the Union, 121 dayt from New York, and Topgallant 124 days from New York. Lroal Tender Notes and their Con stitutionality. Some weeks since the Dis trict Court in Philadelphia bad before it two cases, iu which the constitutionality uf the Act of Congress of February 25, 1802, making uuueu statet notet a legal tender, wat in volved. In One of the cases tho party had offered legal tender notes in payment of a mortgage, and the money wat refused and the party cited into Court. Judges Hare and Stroud delivered the majority opiniun of the Court, af firming that- the tender of tbo United Statet notes wat legal, inasmuch as Congress, under tne constitution, giving power to regulate com merou, had the authority tn pass the Aot of February 25, IBM. judge btrond, iu bis opin ion, held that even the authority grunted iu the Constitution to "deolare war" curried with it all the incidents of inch a grant of power, and as money was one of the most Important ele ments ni itrenglh, the tiovurument mutt Have the authority to declare what ahull past as le gal tender. The debates in the Convention which Iratned tho Cnuititution wero referred to in support of the views eutcrtaiued by the majority ol the Uourt, i : i ' W. M. TflACKEttAT. AS ACnOSTIO.' ' When morbid fancies hannt the soil ' Made fearful by their black army, The spell that can their power conioil Hides its weird magic in the scroll And matchless pen of Thackeray. Crown we Ihe monarohs of the mind Kings, though they often lack array : ' Each nature's flower the brow may b'ind, ' - Homnntic, roguish, mournful, kind, aim the rich chuploti all entwined ! Yield a tit wreath for Thncksray,' t. It. a. Things Founded in Kkasos. The idea of Superiority felt by a man in a big steamboat over another in a little steamboat. - i The contempt a man who is going the whole route in a stage feels for one who gets in to ride only a few milet. 1 no dislike a person experiences against a stranger who wears hit bat rather to please himself than nny body else. lbs pride ol a gettlemaii in the boxes at a theatre over one in tkeTdt. 1 lie credit you awtrd to a shopkeeper when ho assures yon, on his "honor," such an article cost himjio much. ' 1 he belief of anything because it hat been in the newspapers. Thr National Debt. Tho Now York Timet publishes the following tabular statement of tho National Debt on tho 29th of January, loo4i Fundable and Fundable on Gold Intrre.il. Popular Loan $l!ix.'J4:i,7r8 Loan I) per cent. 1SHI liS.SVi.S.'iO 7.M porcenta, fundable l;M,5:ti;,4.'0 Lrfxiiia o per cents, iwunu. it.-rj.t.atit Loans J per cent, lbtf 74 au.ll.ll.-I.W Loan 1801, Oregon l.Ulli.lWO Total gold bearing (7oli,717,6UI Temporary Loam and V. S, Currency. One year certilkatea ..$liiloU,OIIO ucpo.iis-0 H;r ceuk Greenbacks 3 per cents 5U,!M7,7ia Wl.'.lll.Oii 18,l.').'..'illl 95.700 Greenbacks in circulation .... Fractional currency Custom Notes not presented.. Total temK)ranr 4111,663,608 Grand total of all t. .,1,440,071,607 'Inclusive of notes ou hand. The outstanding rrouisilintis upon the Treat- nry which wero iu suspense, or unpaid, on the 2I)t h nf January amnoiiteJ to only $22,261,183. Another Notable Aumihhion. Auother remarkable admission appears from an old cop perhead authority. The New York Erjirest tayt t All feel that slavery lias gone by the board. Politically, it wat dead before the war bo gun. Physically, it it dead now, and ought not, for one moment, enter into any discussion relating to the war, any more than anything else that it dead beyond all hope of resurrec tion. The Border State men all tee this. Slaveholders in the Cotton States are also be ginning to see and acknowledge the troth. Nnbody needs to ho convinced that both the political and physical power of slavery it over in Uie United Stales, We need on argu ment from Gantt to assure at of this fact, nor of the folly of the South in making the slavery question a pretext for the war. War from the verr start was more of sn abolitionist than an army of Garrisons aud l'hilliptcs and Gerritt Smiths, From an Inuionant Mexican. The fol lowing appears in the Virginia tVaioa, and it good enough to be a veritable letter i CmrtAn rm ViaoimA, tl vient det de Marzo, '64. Senor Editor : Jush heard, have I, mnr es. timada Senor, dat el Emperador Maximilian, he ionst anooint have dooe, dat viejo old car- r.io G d d n Gwiu. a big nobleman Dunne. Muy very bad, Senor, earrajo ! d u. Uie Gwin. de steamboat Paoitio Mail ileal big di nero muohitimo. earrajo, plata d n teef. aud no have Paoitio Railroad kill pass el Congretso de Ins Estados Unities, tjarrnjn! UranUi aenio rascal. G d d n. .Vaximilian, el F.moerador, mocho muy, very big d n fil V.. Senor Editor, must tell me I tay earrajo. De ole grizzle Lime Point swinxle. Gulielino . - . . - I J : 1 I..-J ae Uwlii, Dave Dim, ei uicno, nommauo gran jonza El Duqm de Punta Cat tixa I Car. rajo G d d u. Good bye. Yo Q. b s. m.. F. VALVARDE. Only Man Can Smile! "Nothiug on earth can smile but man !" tayt Mr. Breeder. And the Hartford Timet replies: "Henry Ward you're right. Nothin' nothin' nn earth oan smile lint man. Flowers have coin, hut they can't crook the elbow they can't untie that's wbat't the matter. Birds, alto, can't come iu neither, loo. Thev have beaks, but no beak ers. What do they know about 'the bubbles that aw tin on the 'beaker's brim V What do they care alxiut. julept f, ' Nut straw. Their I't'ily'idea of a cocktail it a bunch of feathers, 'No, a 'smile it 'the prerogative of man' ol man wilh su pence iu hit lueccliei or, al least, Ihree." fill ODDS AND ENDS. . .Men do not steal now-a-duvs thev vie ulale. Or, if that is too strung a word, thev put an i to it i they tpiculalit Men aro not now employing all tho skill of their minds tu oe uumonest they are AanticiefiBg-. ...If Mine of our rerv oonservntiva men bad been present at the orcation, tboy wnahl have said i "Good God ! wlmt it to become of chaos?" ; ... , .. Harry Webster, nrineinal chief of the Onondaga tribe of Indians, died at Onondaga attie, recently, or consumption, aged 75 yeart. Wobtter served In the war of 1812. ... .The Mission Woolen Mills, San Fran cisoo, are now manufacturing largely of blan kets, tltinuels, broadcloths, tweeds and shawls. The capacity of the mills it now equal to a pruuuui oi isuw.uw, out under tbo new nr rangemotit they hopo to mauufaoture $1,000,. uw they intending to manufacture this year o oon itu, v ... . ,ouu,uuu pounat oi wool. Jlpvtul, . . . .The number of rebel nrisnners of war now in our hands is upward of 46,000 about wiittiMiuiiuiicu u uiuers, aim ine rest non commissioned officers and oulisted men.: ... .At San Francison, a few days ago, John A. Crabtrce. father of Little Lotta, was con- victea In the county court of assault with doad Jy weapon on John H. Bums, of Mngtilro't Crabtrce it an old Oregoniati j lived iu Liun county. , ...... formerly A down east editor toys that modesty it a quality that highly adorns a woman, but ruins a mau. -y - The man everybody liket it generally a fool. The man nobody likes is generully a kunve The man who has friendt who would die for him, aud foes who would love tu see him boiled alivo, it usually a mau of totiio worth and force. They boast of enow-drifts forty feet high oat In Wisconsin. Tho only chauoo for tome men's hats ever to oontniu anything valuable it to past them around for pennies. . The liiohniond Whig is growing facetious iu its desperation. It thinks dentists should be exempted from conscription, and says if they must go, there oan be but one explana tion of such legislation " Legislators may ooiilenil that, it the supply of food is to be short, tho fewer teeth we have tho better." Maonificent Contribution from 'an Englishman to thr Sanitary Commission. Georgu Elliott, of Loudon, has presented to the Sanitary Fair, through Cyrns V. Field, one thousand torn of oottl, to be delivered free of expense on board of any vessel which may be chartered to bring it to thit country. Field hat chartered a vetsel for the purpoee, und hat direotcd that the coal be sold to the highest niuucr on ue arrival in nut city, and the pro ceeds thereof handed over to the Treasurer of the Metropolitan Fiiir. JV. Y. Commercial, LETT Kit FROM DOUGLAS COUNTY. ' Hosemtrq, March 31, 1804, Ed. Statesman : The confederate demon. racy of Douglas comity met in convention at thit place to day, and nominated tho following ticket : For Stute Senators, Clmrlee Drain, It. M. Gunner; Itepretentatives, E. Stephent, B.' J. Grubbt, K.J. Browning; Anditor, L. G. London ; Sheriff". J. E. P. Withers ; '1 reat. urer, Fred. D. ltobinton ; Assessor. Snmuel Adamt ; Sup't of Sohooli, Dr. S. Hamilton ; Co. Commissioners, II. Piiikston, S. C. Moore; Cormier, J. 6. Clark. Tho county wat ahout two-mini! represented, ana the convention was made up of the most out-spoken Jeff Davis men in tne country, and the tloket is pretty much of tho same tort. TIIK 81KGE OF CIIABl.KSTOX. A letter from Charleston harbor tu the Bal timore American, Feb. 13, saysi We have a oonstant and steady stream of ucsuners uoiuing in, varying in number from four to leu daily. The mnioritv of them are from North Carolina, but almost every State is aiso represeuieu. a fortnight ago a rebel LiieuicnaiH iron) ueorgia cume In. Day be foro yesterday Beauregard's barge urew do. sorted in a body and oiime over to Admiral Duhlgren. Their news is very interesting tu the fleet. It seems that the rebels have eight torpedo bouts like the David that attacked the Ironsides. 1 hese boats are all ready and ex pect lo come down nightly. They experience great dttlicnlly iu getting crews for them, nl though there are plenty of officers who volun leer lor the duty sii.,1 .nriiio a mir, i ley lay, came out V .i , , . . S, ' '.""""""K w ton V ahHKli. lint sliu ,,tU ufhu,, .. l... 1 .... .. , .. ...... ,..,..., ,,, ,,, and drowned all hands. She wat raised Ihe succeeding night and towed in again. This uiuuci uie third timo that she bus sntik and drowned all hands. Eight vessels (blockade runners) are expected soon by the rebels, one of them nnined the St. Petersburg, loaded witu a viuuanie cargo oi gum and ammuni tion. 1 bo number of vessels outside the bar bus been doubled, the iron oladt all move up ut uight, and one patrols the shore channel. The Monitors have beeu rendered unapproach able by tenders, netting and torpedoes. There have beeu lately two large fires In Charleston causod by our shells. Deserters tay the city it now divided into two districts, vu ; "Iu range" aud "out of range," and that no oilier expression it used. I on hear con stantly tuch remarks us "Where aro yon go ing r- "ven, i ve got to go iliiwn In rniigu," or, "I'm going op out of range now.'' bur glaries occur every uight in ruugo, at the in- uauituuts uo not stay mere to protect tlielr goods. One nf the guns in Wsgner niched a piece out ol M. Andrew s steepls lust (Sunday. It must have oreated a sensation, as they were holding worship there. ' - ' A correspondent of the Newark Dmfv Jour nal, writing on board the United States burk Ethan Allun, off Charleston, Feb. 13, toys t Duriug the evening of the 6th inst.. seven deserters, belonging to the Confederate Navy, lauded at Jit. Gregg. 1 hejr were from the lurge three-masted vessel lying behind Castle I'ltickney, wbioh is being iron-plated, but It used at present for a receiving ship. I hey say onr thcllt are cruauug tad uavoo in the city. Nine persons were killed a few nights siuoe, aud a large number wounded. including meu, women and children, and twelve bouse, burned to the ground. W. could plaiuly seo the fire from our thin, and it It neediest to Disguise tlie loot that 1'arrott shells aro not entirely harmless. Th. smould ering rains of the city speak for themselves that Charleston will soon lie a mast of ruins. NKWSi'AI-KltS AND PATRIOTISM. Take th whole country together, or our own Sutte as a saumle of it. inquire from township to town ship, from neighborhood to neighborhood, aud this geuorul proposition holds good, that two third I of thou uio takt their flitici from regularly reading one or more niutpaperi vote on Ihi right tide, white thou mo pic up tchut little they knou of public ajfairi la bar-ruumt and other kindred haunU of tentuali'v vote Uie other way. Scrutinise closely almost any township which is pretty equally divided iu polities, and you will perceive the same gene- ral truth that two-thirds of the voter, who' regularly take and read a newspaper Tola with the Unionist, while two-thirds uf th. hiuse- bolderi wherein no paper it taken give their voles to III. 'ham Uemooracy. The Young men who are esteemed, studious, widil in formed, riluiiaive and ha itunl rendri., are iiminlv on the right side; while iho. who rend little or nulhlng, and the little mainly in grog shops, are Usually copperheads. A, Y. Tnhune. " : WHOLE NO. TKOTTKD OUT. 1 ,. Polk Co., April 4, 1804. En. Statesman: Last Saturday the 'great' copperhead party of thit county drew itself into a belligerent coil, at Dallas, mid, after thor oughly poking up Die den, simiiiorcil down to an organization. G. B. Savory and H. N. V. Holmes were elected "President." ' Hen's fu gleman mid a Mr. Stevens (the man who invt "Jeff Davis it a more loyal man than Abra ham Lincoln") were chosen secretaries. After picking up delegates, tome of whom did not rotideln the precinct! they were requested to repretent, everything began to wigglG. The "president" toon announced that "tlie Rev. II. M. Waller wat a-nominalej for ontinty senator for Polk county." He is a minister of the gos pel, of fair ministerial abilities, aud has re peatedly declared that ho would not accept a nomination under any circumstances, hut, ow ing to the proscnt great tribulation of his friends Hon and his fuglomau-1 think he will allow hiiimalf to be "run in o the ground" this time. The next dive brought op, for repre sentative, one half nf the "president" II. N. V. Holmes who has, apparently, awallowed several dictionariet in hit time, but, unfortu nately, got them in up aide down. I wonder if Yauihili will run Shuck this year! Isaao BalL a mau little known in the county, and, most likely, always will be received the other nom ination for representative. The convention in structed for "Beo" to run against tJucle Dick Henderson for Congrett I i Ha! Iin! Im! The other half nf the president" was annonnoed ns a "oaudidute for atsiilunt county judge, nolmthtlanding the men." Ben and hit fugle man spoke their old "pieces," after- which the "president" announced the motion to bet "that the proceediugi of thit convention be publish ed iu all the democratic papers of the State ifthere are any democratic papers in the Mate." The question was decided Iu the affirmative, and the convention adjourned. : " Yonra for the war, CAMPAIGN. P. S. Oilier nominations : For Clerk, Out house; Sheriff, D. Gibson ; Treasurer, James Smith ; Assessor, J. H. Lewis ; School Sup't, -George L. Russell j Surveyor, William Hall ; Co. Com., T. H. Luoas, G. B. Savery.. Del egates, Ben Huyden, II. N. V. Holmes, B. F. liurcli, 0. II. Smith, and Outhouse. ' A Nuuoetfbom an 0u Minr. We dig out of the report of the Congreiiiuual oommit teo on the conduct of the war, tho following telegrnnhio correspondence between General McC'lellnn and the President.'- It occurred tome time after the battle of Antietam, and a few days before MoClellan'a removal; and for the rest explmni Itself : i , , Huauquabtkks Army of Potomac Ootober 23. 18(52. The following it nn extract from the report of Col. Robert Williuini, 1st Massachusetts Cavalry, late nf .Regular United States Dra goons, now commanding a detaohment of oav- airy on duty with Gen. Newton's division at Cherry Runt ' ' "I nave in camp 07 horsei belonging to of ficers und men. , Of these, 123 ar. positively mid absolutely uuable to leave the oainp from thiffbllowing causes, vizi tore toifgue, grease, und consequent lameness, aud tore backs. t or example, the nth United (States Cavalry hat now iu camp 70 horsei; of these, 53 are worthiest, (rum the above causes; bat of 139 horses, the remainder, 1 do not believe 50 oan trot eight milet. The Other portion oi my command, now abtent ou picket duty, has horses which are nbnnt in the tamo oonditioo,, as no selection, unless absolutely necessary, hut beeu made. The number of tore-baok horses is exceedingly small. Th. diseases are principally grease and sore tongue. The hones which aro still totind are absolutely broken dowu from fatigue and want of Hesli. I will also remark that the moo in my command are uiucii in want ui olotlmig." G. B. MoCLELLAN, , Mnj.-Geh. Commanding. To which the President replied as follows: ' ' '"' War Department, ' " 1 Washington, D. C, October 25. 1863. I liavo just read your dispatch about tore tongue and latigued horsei. , Will you pardon mo for asking what the hortet of your army have dona since the battle of Antietam that fatigues anything f ' A. LINCOLN.' Maj. Gen. MoClollan. ''-' South kiin Abolitionism. Gen. Gantt of Arkansas, a distinguished citizen and at one time a rebel officer, whose late address to tbo people of that State will be remembered, hat delivered a tigiiilioant tpeeoh at Cincinnati, In which lie planet slavery nt the root nf the whole difficulty. "Yon would think," said he, "If you visited ns in Arkuusos, that Ilia seat of Aboli tionism bad beeu transferred from ew Eu- .,. t0 Arkansas. Our people have a right- God knows-to be sick of slavery, and they are . . - . . . ... tick of it ; 0 1 so tick. ' They cau point to deso lated homes, devastated fields, forsaken fire sides, and smoking villages, as a monument nf slavery. 1 hey turu from It with loathing in describable. But while we who aro so niuch interested pray for the deliverance from thit ourse, there is a sneaking party Iu tho North who would lores in in Beep tint enrse with lis." Constitutional Rkporm in Russia. The tpeeoh with Which the Emperor Alexander opened last year Ihe Diet of Fiiilund, led to the expectation that constitutional reforms fur other parts of the Russian Empire wero in course nf preparation. This is the fact. All Imperial nknse has beon published for the or- guuiztition of tho provincial mid district re ore. sentatinns of Russia, with the exception of tho western and Halite provinces, Archangel, As tracAM, aud liessarabin, Tbo reign of consti tutional monarchy it fairly manguritted iu Hus tia now. The rights of the people will still be small compared with some oilier countries, but still it is a long step ol reform, nud, coming from Ihu largest of European nations, it will have a marked influence on the dustiuy of Lurnpi 1 A Hint to Jtrif Davis. Gen. Grant np pears to have been acting from the beginning of his first campaign npou a fixed principle to take away from tho rebels whatever they de clare themselves least able to spare. In Jan uary, 1W2, it was romorcd that the rebel cap. ital would presently be removed to Nashville Hen. Grant determined to be beforehand with Davis, moved upon the works ef Fort Donel- iiii), and, after very unhandsomely capturing the garrison, with Gen. Bnekner, took possess ion of Nashville.' Next, Davis annonnoed to all the world that the fate of the Confederacy depended upon the fate of Vioksburr. Here upon, Grant moved down and captured that tilnoe. East Tennessee was next declared to is absolutely heoeesary to the safely of the rebel cuuae. The outtrlng Grant no sooner heard this than he sent Sherman tn Knnxvllle In rfeiv. off l.nl,..ln..l .n,t l.i.-,e.l dm.. j n . froln Chattanooga, ft Is now Da- vis't turn will he kindly mention, fnother ttuint the possession of which it necessary tn in nesce of mind and to the snores of his plot against the Union? Gen. Grant waits. iY Y. keening i'osf. IV The old Minister of Dublin, X. II. had fallen into 'the mistake nf preaching works mainly, aud wat inspected of unsoundness, ! committee uf the church Vailed upon biia.with iheir crevaiiori: "W. bav. had works, Mr, Snrasue. until tbo church il alarmed i 'and we have called upoo you to express to yog the grief and the fear of the brethren." Th. pat- lor heard them patiently through, and blandly replied. " Gentlemen uf the uoiumittee, put t ourselves entirely at teat, and let the brethren beoomforuu, 1 do assure )uu that there are out good works enough In the town of Dublin In damn a tingle soul." Munihlj Religious Magnunt. ....... BOOK ANI JOB VIUVI IX. Of lsiy dNSt1pllonN(ATLY sndP!tOHITl.t exocuttd DA'PL'tl II, .tlV,'lfTlUIWn i I 1 Mipni snveni.emi.iii., eo pa. .tiu.rD, urn insertion I' ft OU esch uhriiient tn.prtlnn. IieitAl nnd sit transient advertisements muni tie prepaid to Insure Insertion. Adniini.tratur,' notices, snd sit a.lvertlssinsnliretsllngto thesststenr ilcnssssU person., must be prrislit, nnh-m or Jureil published by lh county Judge, And gwsmetH1 to be V paid Uy lilts, .j. . A lvertlsliiK tillts not pstd within one yrsr from the time witHH iuintp.i-t.wl. will ha I ri,r..il t.wnl v.Av.ti.r ..,. ..nh yssr payment iBniigtciitctllti-T.sft.r. THE RRItEIi ARMT IX VIRGINIA fiTATI HKNTS BY AX OUDERLI OF (iKNtBAli -' LF.K'B. - - ..:::::.:;'!. Washinotok, February 25. One of Gen. Lee't orderlies, private Taylor, of the Fourth Virginia Cavalry, came into- oar linet yestor-.. day, and arrived here to-day. He has been in the rebel army about fifteen months, and tho lost thre. momlii hat been on doty at Goueral Lee'i hcadqiiarten.nt orderly to Gen. Lee, whose Winter quarters are upon the road front Ornngs Court Hout. to Vaudiertville,-' nliotjt two miles from tlie former place, Gen. Lee Uvea In a tent without any floor to It, bar ing reftiaed to have one put iu, at others were having done. Ue keept very much to himself, never drinks or swears, and it very popular, with the army, who have Implicit reliance in , the old man. General J. B. Stuart has his headquarters nboot two miles from Lee's headquarters, and on the road to Robinson's river. Hit camp it on the side of tho moun tain, in the woods. Hit force Is rodaoed by casualties, desertion, by lost nf horses, and by" going horn, to recruit, until they have scarcely enough men to do oamn duty with. Job. Stuart is very gay, drinks bad whisky, anil,, givet a great many parties, at which he enter tains a great many friendt from the army anil from tho surrounding conntry . " Taylor is a young man. and has rrlaliva. tav Ohio. His chances for knowing the strength, and condition of the, army were good, and ni story Is credited by the War Department, and , he has been given transportation faVt-Jcin"Mt!j He tayt there are not now left in the vicinity of Orange Court Home, In Lee't entire com-, maud, over 25,000 men, if there sr. that many; that titer last month Lee haa been giv ing Inrlougha liberally to all who would re-en- . list, to go home to reorolt; that from thirty tu fifty daya are given them. . . . , General Lee tell, bit officers that the Yan-i kces will be filling np their armies in March'1 and he mint be ready for them. He lays he , will have sixty thoutaud men by that tinie.anoT, can hold doable that number in oheck; : When wo made onr Inst movement across the RapU dan, while Butler threatened Kichtiioud, they were apprised of our movement when It com-, nieuoed by citisent coming in ; and when onr troops crossed the river and surprised -their. pickets, General Leo was engaged in sending , men to Richmond by rail, and told General ;. Ewell that thit move nn hit front was only a:: feint. .-. - , s They have hot twrt corps now, nnder Gen-' orals A. P. Hill and Ewell. The Liter it full, but the former haa been depleted to aid Long- J atreet, whose corpt it still absent, . Their . horsei have tnffered severely from the want of -forage, many thousands having died, and hun,, . dreda of men are without shoes and ehilhlug In -keep them warm. Over two hundred men ', have been shot during the Winter for deser-, tlnn. ' They were captured trying to get over to our lines aud at home, not being willing to . return to the army. H. says two thinga, geu-' ' erully of some account, hare ceased to have , any value in the rebel army they are paper money and life. , Private aoldten have loos; ceased tn use money to buy anything. Sutler.' , are no more, and anything wanted il either" obtained as a gift or stolen, generally the lat-i ter. ' Many relused to lake their pay when of-'. fared to them, alleging that It is worthless, it taking nearly, three -months' Wf to buy one dollar iu gold. The soldiers' families all over th. South bar. long been objects ef ehsrity.t und been forced to beg or steal to keep life Iu their wasted frames, and thii is tending more than anything else to demoralize their army, and may retard the return of those home furlough, Cor. Phil. Enquirer. " 1 .- tT?" "Let ns try and convince th wavering, brace op thn firm, and above all, let no Dem ocrat hesitate to ttaud boldly iu support of hisr principles, his party, and his party organs. We want no vasoillation nor hesitation, but straight-out, straight-forward adherence to esoh other, for In this way, and in thit way . only, can we havo power for nrotsotkia and eveutnal strength lo bring back tho govern ment of onr fathers." Napa Echo, (Copper.) Government nf vour fathers, forsooth f You remind one of th. uhap who killed his father and mother, and then asked the court to deal mercifully with him, as ha was a poor orphao. Hacrainento I3ee-. j .., Hioii Dresses. We are thankful for at least one of dame fashion's freaks i she haa turned her haok opon low-oeoked dresses, and 1 rather iuiiitt that collar-bones and ihouldor bladet shall be covered. It It certainly a great ' improvement not only -because the study of anatomy in privato parlora it not desirable, and ' that mutt American damteli are apt to run to bono at tome tall flowers do lo seed t and be cause spiusters of uncertain age, fearful of he ing outdone by their nlecei, presented tuoli vast expanse of yellow neck and shoulder to the view at evening parties at were calculated to alarm nervous people very seriously ; but because, tinoo custom obliges ut lo wear gar ment!, there oan certainly be no reason why we should leave the most delioato portion of onr frame without protection. - Plump thonl dvri aud arms ar. pretty. But to (let ut whis per) are plump legs. The toother who should fail to provide her daughter with stockings would be considered a oruel wretch, yet a year ago the might neglect to cover her cheat and arms with impunity. W. Irust thit itate of tiling! it over. Wo hopo that the wisdom which oauiet every prudonl parent lo protect the pretty shoulders of her bttlo girls with com fortable woolen sacks or capes will be appre ciated; that seme will conquer vauiln and that in a little while It will be as absurd lo tee a woman in a low-necked drest at it would to- day to tee a limn in a low-necked coal.1 17 J. G. Whittier, the poet, says that while William Lloyd Gnrrisou was in prison in Bal more iu 18 JO, Henry Clay wrote from Lexing ton, Ky., to a friend in Baltimore, directing him to pay the fin and costs, aud liberate Garrison. This fact has not bean publicly kuowu until very recently. . ' tT After the dreadful repulse at Freder icksburg, Presideut Linoolu it reported to have laid, "If there it a man out of hell thattutfor. more than I do, I pity him." In those dark days, his heavy ryes and weary air told how our rovenet wore anon him, and yet there was a never-failing fuud of patience and bottom,, that toaieliiuet rose to the surface in tame droll, quaint laving or ttory, that forced a laugh cvtn from himself. XT An old toper hot that ho crxild, when blindfolded, tell each of several kiudt of liqiion. When brandy, whisky, gill and ether drinks were presented' to htrtn he pronounced correctly, what they were. - At length a glass of pore water was given him t hv tasted hV paused, tasted it agnisi and again, considered, . aud shook bis bead. - - At last said ha i "fits. I tlemen. 1 give it up j. I ,am sot need I. that ' kiud of liqunt."'i i s - i . " i ai-s (in,, , Postage- to Canada. The Postmaster General has issued tho followiug order I "It it hereby ordered that tn future th. In lemutioonl charge upon all hitters between Canada and any part of the United Sttift shall be IT cent the tingle rate of half ounce and under, prepayment optional, without regard to difference of dlstuuoe or route of con-' vej anve." . Pottage lo Canada bat hitheno ' beeu loctill perlalfounoe. , , . nrsir Robert Cotton happening lo call at' bis tailor's, discovered that a man held I. h band the identical Magna Ckarta. wilh all iu a seals and appendages, which he Wat just guing tu cut Into measures for bis MTtomrrs. Tbe baronet redmed this valuable cnriotlty at r prim of old parchment, aad thus tvewerwl ' what wat tup posed tit have been Irretrievable- st. It Is new preferred In Mm British Mo- ' . V -J