(Ot'fo tatcsiMatt. A S 1 U X 1 V I !j Tt'0 M l' A U I N () 3f7 The I.mnlnn Star muhia Ilia following num. meiits mi llic Inst annual message of Lincoln mill Jeff. Dmis: Tlie two American mi'tang'S are mow in our lunula. I lie gri-ut !cui;lH ul Jetli'isou Davis compel n in reserve it iiutiliealiiiu till to morrow ; and II Imth appeared tnctlii-i, wo iliiulit whether any tine would find tunc tn read them from hegitmiiifv -'i. In fi-w rlnvs they will li ruprndneeil mure or less fully in nil tlm jnurnahi of Europe. ,'hat the rival poli oii'iof tin iliviilt'il Went will lie stilmiiitoil to hu judgment of tlio iiutinin (mm which both itawurrnir sections nave lieen pcepled. 1 iib I'uiiiK-niiu in un-M untaiii una franco will read wilti i-npeuinl interest the in which thn conduct of Iheir own government ii pruieeil or Warned, lint liofin-e we enter upon tho questions thua raised, it aa note aoine olh- r mutters of more iiuiverenl concern. Among the man v nointa of contrast between tlm torn documents, there la oho that strikes na aa of lieriuaticnt siginiicaiice. Whilotha I'roaiuViit of the Southern Confederacy ia silent on nil uiiji'ow nut me war, the President n the Uni ted State devotee a larce tiwtion of Ma much liriefer Messngo to thu arte ami enterprises of pence, fto lar trnin all thoughts and energies of Ilia Government being absorbed in an under taking inspired liy hatred and anihitiuu, lie haa time anil atrenirth tn lieslow upon auch pacific, mid pliiliinthmpin project na the extciisiun of railways and telegraphs, tlio cheapening ol iinatago, the encouragement nf emigration, the tistniilishiiietit ot homes in the Wilderness. He commend to the senators anil represent nlivea of the United State the promotion of all tncae oiijeclB. A nil way across the American continenl a telegraph through liuwin to the a'neilio an cleeirio eahle beneath the Atlantic nnil a eimilar one along ita western a horea from Canada In Mexico the reduction of the rules ol iiiternntioual nostuge an extension of the futilities for settlement upon the puhlio hinds, nnil a scheme for assisting peraona desirous of emigrating to the United State are maltera of interest to well nigh all the world, and of inmost aa much advantage to kurepe as Amer ica, it ia an extraordinary testimony to the con fnleiice of foreign nations in the future of the United States, that, aa the President saya, the Consulates of that power are constantly tlirnng d liy people soliciting the means of removal to n country where labor ia more than ever in de mand, and where good laud is to be had with citizenship. Thu operation of the Homestead Act haa lieeii a marvelous success. Nearly a million and a half nf acres have been distributed un der ita provisions) "within the last year. Thou euiiils of families have been comfortably located upon freehold estates anirty large enough to sustain tliein in comfort, but not too large to be worked by men nf small means. It ia proposed tu modify this beneficent law aa as to oiler spe cial ad vantages to the soldiers and sailors of the Ki'pulilic. Both the State mid its defend tiawili thus be benefitted. The former will bo delivered from the burden of maintaining unnecessary forces at the risk of social disturb ance from their sudden dissolution and the latter will be rewarded with a secure and inile--pendent asylum for the remainder of their -day. The Southern iiiembera of Congress conferred uu undesigned boon upon the coun try when, by their secession, they rendered it easy to effect a wholesome distribution of its unoccupied soil. No such measure, ws may safely predict, would ever be passed by a Confederate Con gress. To create small freeholds and to invite Ireo settlers would he to utterly subvert the ao jiul system for which the South ia iu anna. It is tint, therefore, a temporary contrast that we unto in the absence from Jefferson Davis' Mc suge of a topic on which Lincoln dwell with just satisfaction. The former makes it one of Ilia grounds of complaint againat Great Britaiu hut Ireland is the recruiting ground f the foll'ovr'h' We doubt whether ita much might not lid of ,tJv;(Mauy. Of thia wo are sure, it r CALl'Fon?iTA)r'r""'n''M' our Government ' ' Jie blockade that prevents the C'ouleaeinux, ..jin benefiting by emigration from our shores. Despite their murmurs, they have managed to supply themselves pretty lib rnlly with arms aud ammunition. They boost, also, of thu liveliness of their contraband commerce with our porta. How is it, then, that we bear of no emigration to such comparatively unobstructed ports u Wilming ton or Brownsville ? The former seems to defy Attempts to seal it np, aud the latter waa till lately easy of access by way nf Matamoras. Hut we heard of no contraband cargoes of Irish men or Germans. And for just the same rea son that wo never heard much of European emigration to the South. Tuuelave porter haa never wanted any emigrants but the colored aud compulsory whom it now Hilda wanting in "every esaential quality of the suldier," es pecially in the quality nf obedience, and fideli ty. It has jealously monopolized the vast and fertile but degenerate soil of the South. It lias accumulated lauded property in the hands of an aristocracy of wealth and race. It has put every obstacle in the way nf free laborers settling upon its open territories, knowing well that their Vote aud influence would sooil kill the institution which counts (he laUiera aa capital and pays no wagea but in coarse food and bard strine. Aud the (internments nf Europe arc so far in accord with their populations that they can show tin active sympathy with a system thua based upon the degradation and impoverish ment of the masses. If moral sentiment did out check any distinct movement in thia direc tion, prudence would strictly forbid it. Not only England, but also Krance, is fully con scions that all the sources nf permanent supe riority are with the free States of America. Ye must have closed our porta to the emigrant ship before we could have hoped to see the South successfully compete with the North. We must have been blind to one of the strong est nf modern tendencies if wo have not per ceived that the fugitives from Europe stetr their vessels to the west aa naturally aa the swallow fly south iu pursuit of the departing Sum : er, or as the sparrows light upon the crumb-strewed window-sill. J.lfersoo Davis makea no aconnnt of (he odda he has to contend against in the nature of things. The partiality with which he renrnacb va tht- Governments of Europe is involuntary and inevitable. Slidell and .Mason must sure Ir have reported that they met in Paris and London with aa rood a reception aa could pos sibly be necorded tn them. They certainly did not lack personal eivilitiea. They had not to wait long for expressions of individual good will that sounded very like the prelud j to public re cognition. But being men of keen perception, as I hey are said to he. they mast have noted that au nnaeen. overruling influence was im placably hostile to them. When Lord Rtwell told the American Minister that the people of A-.iigiauu syuipaiiiiKcu witn ine .Aunii against the South, be stated not only a political fact, but a moral law. It is with the law and the fact that Jefferson Davis quarrels. He' is angry with us because wo differ from bint and his adherents by habits that are a second nature. All the educational influence of oar private aal puhbo life are against the principles and the nbj.cts which he represents. We have been neutral between in m and the Power against which he has set himself. If our neutrality has been imperfect, the imperTcotiona are hugely in hi favor. But we do not sod cannot believe in the right of Seceaaion from a detested Union. Still lee have we any faith in the future of a political system that would arrest, and even reverse, tiie progress in which we rejoice. We prefer to anticipate the triumph nf that opposite sys tem under which all that is beet in Europe ex pands to the dimensions of the American Cos- Uncut. t7 Just after the adjournment of the loyal r, Jeffs, Saturday night, ou of them waa over heard to say, tn a knot of theni gathered in a dark corner, " I'll be d d if I will vote for him. of lirv under his administration." Per haps lie meaut Jeff Dutia J perhaps be meant Lincoln. UA.NTKUN 1NKWH. HI iilB ORKu'OHf TKI.KUlt.lNl LINK. Tim rioiidii Kuppdilioit SucreNfiil. Knrollincnr Kill I'nvtcri. Sit ci iu uu A.Ituik lap townrd Mobile Wanimnuthn, Fob. 19 The House to-diiy ittssed the Senate resolution iiuilioiimog trim, lers of persons froin the military tu the uavul sffvioe, Twenty-eight of Miiaeby' men were cap tnred to-day by a party of our cavalry at Pied mont. The Enrollment bill haa passed both the Senate and House, and now only awaits the signature of the President to become a law. Nkw Vottic, Feb, 19 Sub-Treasurer Cisco received to-dav seven millions of the five per cent,, notes. 1 ue uctiiami is very great. 1 lirue millions more can be sold here. The Atlantic, from Hilton Head, Feu. 1(1, has arrived. The Florida expedition haa met with complete success. Several porta, boeidea Jacksonville, were recovered, No particulars of the expedition hare been received. , Tlio following has been received at head quarters t Baldwin' Flat, Feb. 9. To Gen. Holleck : I have the honor to report that a portion of my command under On. Seymour, convoyed by the gunboat Norwich, ascended the St. John's river 011 the 7th, aud lauded at Jacksonville on the same day. The foroe consisted of two regi menta and one battery, and pushed forward into thu interior. On the 8th they passed by the enemy drawn np in line of battle at Camp Virginia, seven miles from Jacksonville, and surprised and captured a battery three mi es in their rear. We started about midnight, and reached theiu about sunrise. At our approach the enemy absconded, scuttling 'lie steamer St, Mary' and I liming 270 bale of cotton. We have token, without the loss of a man, iiliout.50 prisoners, nine pieces of artillery in serviceable, condition, aud other valuable prop erty to a large umoniit. Q. A. Oiu.Mimc A lire occurred on Delaware street, between Second and Third, this morning, destroying property to the amount of $100,001). Partly insured. Nkw Yohk, Feb. 19. By tho Roanoke we learn that an official person claiming the rank of Major-General in the Confederate army hud arrived at Havana via Naaenu. It ia said that he hears a commission to Mexi.o of great im portance, and he leaves for Vera Cruz Feb. 21. Nkw Yohk, Feb. 19th. The Hciald'i spe cial Washington disputch says something of a sensation was created in the Senate, to day, by the statement nf Comics that tho authori ties have positive liil'iirmalion thatseveial war vessela have left Asia fur the Pacific coast, and they feur tlint Snn Francisco will he attacked before protection can he nll'orded. Iu the 1 1 do so Mr. Girlicld stated that there would be $74.OM,000iii the Treasury by June 1st, according to the present ralea of income. Wahminuton. Feb. 20. General Hardit,ir is seriously ill in this city. fJTlio Supreme court adjourned over for Wnsh iugtun'a birth day. till Tuead.iy, when the Cal ilurnia mining case will be taken up, and will probably continue several days. , Chattanoimja. Feb. !9. Adjutant General Thomas and Stuff arrived here yesterday from rtuoxvillc. Looiistreet has retreated berond French Broad river, to avoid a contest with our greatly superior forces. 1'he bridge lit Loudon will bo completed within a week, when railroad ooimnunicalioii between Nashville and Knxville will bo pur- itci. Lnnestreet lias concentrated Ilia forces at Daltun, Ga., and advanced his picket line to Uingguld. Fuurful of attack, lie cannot (pare reinforcements fur Polk. The Mobile JSrws says Polk has been shame fully outgeneraled by Sherman, who had ad vanced beyond Mcridao, and got between him and Meridan. ' Tho Mnri-tta Rebtl has minors of a hard fight iiv Mississippi on the 13th. No particu lars. CllATTANOOOA,Feb.l9. Hebe! naiier con tain the following 1 Clint, kston, Feb. 13. Our batteries opened fire on Morris Island fur two hours, this morn ing. (July lour shells were bred on tho city. tllAltl.KSTos. leh. I J. Ihe enemy have withdrawn their force from Johnson' Island. and are reported to have cone off iu cunhnat. Thu Yankee nt Munis Island are engaged in repairing iiijurie to their batteries caused liy our shelling. MimiLB l eh. 111. Wirt Attain attacked a Federal train near Decatur, yesterday .destroy- ing 50 wagon, mules oud drivers. Keinforce- ments coming up he was compelled to retreat. He managed to carry oil' some prisoners. San Fuaxusco, Feb. 20. The steamer Senator, Iron) the South, has arrived, bringing a large quuntity of gold from thu Colorado country. Domestic Items. Kkench I'n.MitiP., Feb. i lC3. Ed. RrvrKS.VMN : Thecelelirationof the Wash ington Literary Society at Helpassl, yesterday, was a complete .suitress. Tin addresses of Hon. (ieorga 1. Williams and Ifer. T. H. Pearne wore every way worthy the 111,'u and tho occasion. Tho Aurora U.tnd, Prof. Kuijes, and Mr. Smith s elioir, discoursed pntnutic music throughout tue enure day, and until the exercises closrd. To their united efforts is thi society in a grent measure, indebted fur the. lively itcrrst taken in their celebration. Mr. Pearne offered the following resolution, and uttered souiu well limed remarks upon tlio progress the Society had made, A c : Ittsvlttil, That the Washington Literary Soci ety from this dnv forth is a fixed tiaet: and may ils children's cliiklreii risn up and call it blessed. Oilier resolutions, thanking the speakers, the music, ana tne pout1'4 generally for ino good or der observed, were offered, aud after a hearty en. dorse meet nf them, the audience adjourucd at VZ o'clock, (iiiiJnichl) to meet again at the same place on tue 4Z- 01 r enruary, 150.1. Amount raised for the Sanitary Cotnmisiun, $175 ilo cash, and $4 in greenbacks. The Directors elect nf the Portland Libra ry Aociatinn are 1 W. S. Lnd 1, B. tloldsniith.L. H. Wakefield. II. W. Corbett. K. I). Slmtluek. C. H. Levis, William Strong, W. S. Caldwoll, P. C. Schuyler, Jr., and Charles Calef. The time each Director is e.ecled for is to be determined by drawing. The constittitioo provides for rotatiou, two going out every two years. ....Kichard Collins, indicted in Jackson coun ty for the murder of Lemuel Prnett was convict ed and on the I7ih mat., sentenced to Imprison men! in the peuiteotiary for life. ....Salem may be justly called the village of schools and churches. Ul the latter there arn live church buildings, and besides these places of reg ular worship, there are two or three other places where stated services are held. For a population of twelve or thirteea hundred thia certainly de- notea a church iroinu psople. While the moral train ing ia thuaearetully attended to.th're is no lack of places where the young nica is ungni 10 snoot. The Willamette University has a roll of atudenta numbering- nut far from '.'00, and the school, un der the superintendence of Prof, (iatch and his corns of assistants, la justly entitled to Ihe repu tatiun it has nf being a first class institution. W ith its present and prospective stock of apara tus, the school will continue tocompsra favorably, aa it baa done in the past, with inatitutiena of a similar character in the tastern Slain. A very succaaesful school ia in progress at the District school house, under Ihe ehargn of Misa Emily llelt. Principal, aud Miss fteliie stipp, As sistant, both graduates of the Willamette l oi enraity. Thia school numbers about sixty, with a rapidly increasing list. Mrs. J. II Eoork is teaching a private school , with near forty scholars. Miss Elien Leslie haa another private school, with as many scholars as ber rooms will accommodate. Tha Catholic Sisters nf the Holy Names have a very large school, mimboniig.wa believe, some thing over one hundred aehoUra. Beside these, there are several private clasaea in various branch es of English and eliw-ic study, music, &o. If any town in Oregon can makea bettor showing iu respect of religious and educational institutions, we would be glad to hear from it ....The steamer Pioneer basbrea libeled for wagea and Ukeo Into euatody by the U. 8. Mar abal Unguium ....A Vancouver correspondent ef the (aiea eaya a rumor la sooat at lb lurl that Lient .No- hie haa hecu ordered List la t nter service) in the 9uartMoatr drpertonat. ....Several families have already left this conn ty lor the lloiso and Owyhee milling regions, More me going. ....It has been noticed hero that the dally pa pers published at a placo within a thousand miles of Oregon City have omitted the observance of an anniversary day iu tho usual way of Issuing no paper. The annivorsary waa tbatnf annual firayura for Aineriean collegea, 4c. The dailies icing issued on that day, it ia concluded that Uiuy either overlooked Its occurrence, or ara not in a praying way, ....The Light House, at the mouth of the Ump ua river full about three woeks ago, from doing gradually undermined liy the notion of the wator upon its sandy foundation. The lamps, lenses and apparatua had beeu previously removed. ....An unknown genius perpetrates a stupen dous witticism ill answor to the qui-ry In Stuln mini, how best to preserve (ir fenoe posts I but failing: to norootrate his name to tho witticism, the nit must content himself with the knowledge that nis manuscript is snugly hid away In our pigeon hole for rejected matter, ....Capt. Meara of the Oth regular Infantry, has ueeu ordered from rort Vancouver, to Ualitorma to take command at Black Point whore new works are in course ef construction. ....Agent Simpson, last week arrested quite a large party of Indians who some time ago ran awa.v from tho Sileti Unserve and have sineu been prowling around In different localities in this valley. Governor Oiblis made a apeech before the Union Leage at Dalles, last Friday night, by in vitation, .... Julia Dean liny no and Waldron's Star Troupe have gone to the Dalle. ....Next Friday Is the day fixed for the execu tion of the Magrudor murderer, at Lewlston. .... The ateamor 8iorra Nevada, brought up last week, over CUU passengers, mostly bound to the mines. Sani'Iahy Fund nrx-KifTH. From the citi ten at the Dalles, forwarded by Rev. T. Condon, 17 25 in coin, 917 iu currency. From Mrs. E. Ainawnrth, Treasurer of Portland Lmlius' Society, HO In coin, $9 in currency. From B. 8, Bouncy, Treasurer of Washington Literary Society, iU7fi 7! in coin, and $H iu cur rency, collected at Belpasai on tlio tUd February. A. HOLBUOOK. .... Tho Orrguumn has been shown a box of tobacco raisod 011 the farm of Dr. P. Prettyman, which exhibits very superior quality. It was of the "Coriander" variety, and it ia stated can be manufactured and put in market at M eta. per pound a material reduction from the price of im ported tobacco. The Soldiers' Aid entcrsalnment of last Friday evoning.waa greetod by a full house. The "Merchant of Venice," thoni;h an unwieldy piece for amateurs, was rendered creditably, am the audience appeared highly pleased. Many of the character were supported with marked ability. The receipts in favor of the Sanitary commission amounted to $170 IV., coin, $1 legal tender .exclu sive of expenses of lights. At the request of many of tde cilizens.tlie piece will be repeated in about two weeka, At the cloae of the play laat Friday evening, Mr. Mnllorr read a poem entitled, "a voico from Belle Isle,'1 which waa received with a atorm of of applause. Altogether, the entertainment waa a complete success, and was alike gratifying to audience and performers, ....About seventy men nru now employed on the fortilleiuions at the mouth of tlio Coluuiliiu river. It is found dillieult to prol ine as nuiiiv men ns are want ed. One K'in.ciirryiiiir a allot of four Iniiiiireti poun la, is in be mounted ou the works at C'uihj Hancock, near the light house. ....Tlio number of cattle and pack animals now po iiiir up (lis Columbia is so xe a that the O. 8. N. Co. bus been obliged to put on extra stock bouts. .... The scarcity of editorial, this week(may he a' triliiued to u little "episode" in the family of Ihe ed itor. The "episo le" is a ten pountler,of the inulu per suiiMlon und all parties concerned are "aa well as could ho expected." ....On Tuesdiiv, the !Kth Inst., Mrs. Wrlubt. f MoMiiiuville, Vamliill county, waa so severely burned that, her recovery is tlioiiffhi 10 be impossible. About V o clock, a. it., she sat down nt a lulile near the tire place to write a letter to her Imnbuud, who is in the lioise mines. While writing, bor dress took lire. If awn. .... At the sanitary ball at Astoria, on the niirht of the J'.'il, 41 were realised for tho bonellt of the suf fering soldiers lb. .... Thre is to beairrand public entertainment at Kola, in I'olk county, on Monday, March 7. ....Mr. Frank Howard and wife, who resided near Mill creek, Chiekuiiias county, wore drowned a week aro last Saturday, while uiteiuptiuir to cross the Mo lulla in a waxon. The bod nf the wairon came off the wheels iu deep water, und llomiutr down slreaia some disluneo, was capsized by running against a drift. ....The J nil announcement of a candidate for ofllee, at the next election iu llre'ton, ia that of Jiunea K. Amis, a Jim O'Meara ciuawrliead.ot Lane eoimty.who wunta to be county clerk. C'opierheads have no stomach for olliee I Oh, no I IDAHO NEWS. A New Itoiid Proposed, Tho We if says a company has been formed at Dnunnck. for the purpose of building a wag on road from Snake river ferry, near Hoiao to lied Bluff, Cnliforuia, via Kuliy City, Owyhee mine. A Man Shot by Indian. A man named Samnel Hogan, a packer, was shut, supposed by Indians. He was encamped on Snnko river, about mile from lloiso city nt the time of the shooting. Distressingly Pleamtnt. The weather at Boise was distressingly benn tilul, and miner begin to fear a lack of water in the Spring. No snow worth naming baa fallen the present month andready the earth ia bare iu spots. The Magrudrr Murderer. The following is from the Mouiitainrer'i Lewiston correspondent : Through Ihe kindness of Mr. Beachy I was permitted to visit Ihe prisom-re, Howard. Ito mnine and Lower, now nndet sentence of death fur the murder of Magruder and fnnr other per sons. Si ice ill ir conio!imi, they seem to have given np nil Impu nf escape, anil although mnch of their time is spent in reading the Hi lile. it fails to irPtil into them that spirit or re peiititn 'o which their horrible crimes demand. They seem qnitu cheerful, and talk of their ap proaching end ns though it was nn anticipated holiday. One of them asked where lliey were to he buried, and another wa initiisu'iva to know where the execution wns to take pine' When tho spot was pointed out, lie smilingly remarked that the riiln would ho a shnit one. Lower seem more wicked and depraved limn the other. He maintain a stoical indif ference tn the ignominious cud that awnits him, and it is the impression of many that his hands are more deeply dyed in blind than any nf the o'her. The plaoe selected for the execution is about one mil from town, and the ground form nn amphitheater. wlicb will afford a full view to all whose enrnsity is morbid eoongli to witness auch horrible toene. The military from Fort Lapwai will be present to prevent any attempt at resent or disorder. flTtepresenlimr lbs I'nion paly hv a bar nf snap. we should tlnd some mflcnlir in dcterminimr which ol the former rartiea fnrninhi'd the oil and which the pearlaili, to oiuke it of. This llimir ia eertain, and to our mind quiia elear. namely, that the l.'nion party is no compound, but a new s ibstaneo elaborated from new combinations in the chemistry of publics. The v !", ymtj pnnj. t aiea. Hepreaentiog the copperhead party by a bar rel of soap, there ia no difficulty in determin ing who furnishes the greaie aud the yr they are both home-made. The copperhead faction if a compound, elaborated from old political affinities by the chemistry of treason, to. wit Hartford oonveuliouista and South Carolina nullifiers. It i no party, but a niiwruble, trea sonable faction, composed of political grta$frt) and ye(rs), with a few seedy gentlemen thrown in aa Tendon of the "villainous compound." CLOSE Of NIK VOLFHK. Tins issue elnare olatue Torn-en. A good time to pay ep and ben in anew. Oold and ailvsr received at par sod lirl lenoVra at tha current diaroant, for all mot bled tieas. 17 Johnny Hackleman who ia very young in the newspaper business, baa run plump a- gainst the true tenet of democracy, a taught by Jimmy U Meara, who j (omewbat older in the " bit," and who thereupon take Johnny pretty severely across hi knee. Johnny tbooghl the recreant Douglas men ihould le taken iulo the copperhead den without question of their de.nocracy Jimmy says they can't come in. and Jimmy who know a black pig from a striped one.nnjht to know best. "John nr. bow's your dog " CNIOX MEKTINQ AT UKAIKTTK. According to notice the friends of our linly Union cause gathered nt the Cnurt-Honse ill Lafayette, Feb. 2:1, 18(54. The house wa crowded, including a goodly number nf ladies. The Dayton Brass Band was in attendance and also Mr. Spencer's choir of vocal musicians. At VI H. Ihe house wa called to order. Gen. Palmer was elected President, Dr. II. V. V. Ji hiisoii, Vice President, aud B, F. Giltuer, Secretary, The meeting was then opened by a truly loval and affecting invocation by Hev. Geo. C. Chandler. The band then gave Hail Columbia. A committee on resolutions was appointed by tho President, consisting of Messrs. G W. Lawson, G. W. Stewart, S. C. Adams. Dr. J. W. Watt, and A. G. Cook, who presently reported the following resolutions, which were rend and passed unanimously. Unsolved, That in tho acta of oar President and Congress, and in the victories of our arms on laud and sea, wo recognise the approvul of Aliuixlily (lod of tho justice of our cause and we arknowleuVe our selves solemnly convicted hv his judituienia recorded in tlie deatiuiea of nations, that America cun only pro- Riliuto and peqietuate Divine fuvor bv lioing true to er mission the extension of tho priceless boon of liberty to all mankind. Unsolved, that we lionrtily endorse the present na tional administration that we are in favor of the most viitorooa prosecution of the wur, without regard to rest or sacrifice "that we have 110 sviniiathv with any person or party tlialadvncatee peace 011 any terms uifier than uucouiliiiuiial aubiuissiou 10 the majesty aud power of the L'uioii" that every ritiiou owes paramount allegiance to the LIuiled Males, and only secondary and subsidiirv allegiance to the Slate of Ins nativity, aud that upon no other doctrine can the prin ciples of our government aud constitution be iiiuiu tiiiniid. Unsolved, Thut .tlio emancipation proclamation of the President, aside from ils intrinsicjiistire, was jus tilled by inililorv laws, aud demanded by the gigantio necessities of tlie rebellion that it was an uci ul' wis dom, discretion and great strategic ability to strike from Die exchequer of a relentless and determined en emy, throe millions of slaves, having a serviceable property relation of one thousand millions of dollars, winch gave them a labor use at home and a money ere'lit abroud, and our nouiitry will forever austaiii and perpetuate ihe act as the most decisive, yot blood loss victory of the war ami we believe our greatest hero ought to be our next President. Unsolved. That we are grmiticd with the lale recon struction and amnesty propositions of the President, and look upon them as being best calculated to re store the governmental reluiious of the revolted States with the general government, while the clemency ex tended to tho rebels ill arms ia a maguillcoiii aiid utiri vnllod tribute to the pence and mercy of a great and good novoi anient, tbut lives und melius to live, in the pride and atteetiotis of its people. Iteaolved, That while the Gray Eagle of the North waa lighting the block Huxaard of Slavery in the South, it waa cowardly aud unworthy of the British Lion to go to sea 011 the Sumter and prey on our mer chantmen, all tho while declining to show his teeth, or in auy inaiinor 10 give aatisl'uclion to our iron clada sent after him : therefore, his conduct is that of a sheep killing dog, und his government must, be rospon sihle for his sneaking depredations alike oiitrageoua in a christian nation and iiitanioua in a wurlike people, Jteiolmt, Thut the Kreuch invasion of Mexico, af ter tho United Slates had offered to pnv her sobiecls the eight millions of dollars dun from Mexican citizens we regard us an evidence of unholy ambition, and an uiipermissible intrusioa of the "Inland llyiuisiy," in the all'uira of our comment; and if France' build's irou dads for no iiimiigent pe; ;-'-', having no sea marine, nor any port of their own open to ocean commerce or shipping, the act ia piratical, a violation of the lawa of mil ions, aud of her neutrality, lor which satisfaction must hereafter bo made, or llie 7er tit Li be swept from the seaa aa we swept the Coraaifs of Tripoli and Algiers. lietohed, That the democratic parlv (admitting It to be in favor of a vigorous proaecuiion of the war) by its alliliution with actual Hecessionints und rebel aympathizera. has Inst 1I10 confidence of the nation, and ought not to ask, und cannot expect to be entrus ted with tho government and the winding up of the wur 1 because ils councils would be disirucicd, and ils ends perverted by tho demands of its rebel allies and associates for favors and concessions, which if grant ed would fuil to settlo wiih tha usual decisiveness of war, the g-eat issues which have been uppealcd tn the gauge of buttle and no permanent peace would be insured, failing which, the blood ami treasure of the nation will have been poured out in vain. Rrtohed. That slript of all subterfuge, the creed nf the Democratic parly of the North fs sluvery, and Ihe olflces to sustain it; while the corner stone of the Union party ia liberty, and the luamigouieiit of the government to maintain it I That we believe slavery and t u political power given by it, are no longer com patible with freedom and Ihe iiislituiions of freemen, and that in the irrepressible struggle of each for exis tence on this continent, sluvery is dcstroriiig itself, and must go back into the night of burbitnsiu whence it originated. I.ftihei, That while from our geographical posi tion, we may not be culled on to enter tlie field of no live war. yet we owe it to our brothers in anna in the East 10 give freely of our substance 1 to elocl true und unconditional Union mon to the nation's councils ; 10 carry our political Hag aa far into the ranks of our connltesa enemies at tlie ballot box asonraruiiea have borne ihe nation's banner into tho heart of the rebel Confederacy, and like them to persevere until not a foe remains to dispute the supremacy of justice and order, law aud Uuvernment. And 11111 Uod uiainiuiu the right ! Htmlred. That the Union papers of Oregon are re nnested to pnldish these resolutions and the proceed ings of this meeting. Musio by tho Cuoir Rally round the Flag. JJoyj. Key. T. II. Pearne w.-s then introduced, and made one of his most effective efforts for one hour that being the tiino allotted to each prnker. Mus:o by the Bnnd Reil. Wtilc, anil Blue. Judgo William then took the stand, and copperhead ought tn remember from him w ho commenced the war the rebels or Abraham Lincoln. Song by the Chnir The Star-Spangled Banner. Judge Boise thereupon addressed tlio Mat and patient audience in a truly able and search ing review of our mtliouul difficulties, their cause, and cure. Musio by the Band Yankte Doodle. Several other piece of musio weie perform ed, and a couple of solo pntriotio songs were sung by Mr. Spencer, in hi liest ityle, H'hat't the Matter, and the cnpprhead anuount of the Death of Uncle Sam, lintli ludicrous and satir ical, and which brought down the house in storms nf npplanse. The speakers ought to be highly gratified by their effort, which were well applauded. Messr. W. C. Johnson nnd W. L. Hill were present ami were assigned places to speak, but aj'ologeticully declined on account nf the late ness of the hour. The day will be ever re inembered a the most stirring, cheering, and glorious that ever beamed upon our town and enmity. B. F. G I LTNEIt, Scc'y. Niam.t Complxtxd. Mr. Htrong, operator at this place, informs na that a gap of only four miles ia now open in the telegraph Hue, wliLh will bs filled up about Wednesday. Popularity or tub Pbkridbnt. In New York, the other night, after Wendell i'lullipps had displayed hi ' unconditional loyally" fur an hour in say ine all ho could to make the President of the United State appear mean and ridiculous, and ended by expressing- his preference for Butler or Fremont fur the next President, anil Horace Greeley had followed with Ihe nomination of Mr. Chase, ihe crowd that filled Cooper Institute responded to both with three stunning cheer for President Lin coln. Tho same thing ha since occurred at ajweeting 111 Boston called by the radical anti r i . 1.. 1. : . .. ... 1 11, . . lu.rry nriMiiv. is 11 en w uerv. rv nat may occur to change ihe drift of puhlio opinion 111 tue nexi teu momii. 11 is inipcrime 10 say But there is no mistaking tiiat drift now. If the election should occur to-day, Mr. Lincoln would be elected without any opposition worth onuntiiig. The proplo bold him to be honest iu intention and in act, sound and reliable, and a fast aa it It i safe tn be. They see that the general diieotinu of public nffuirs is about right, in spite of all mistakes, and they believe no thing is to be gained now lit experimenting with change of policy. Tin is Ihe way the matter now stand iu the popular mind, aud fmpiilar opinion is confirmed rather than thaken iy the effort of the uneasy spirits who are nev er so uncomfortable as alien thing go right. oprxngjiela tsept)luan. t7 All nMlc ttt merrtsret er deaths ssnt la as for paW. IU-siiqm niHi kav t rtsponwbUi Mine suae!,, sr Uwj wlU n'', eppear m evr coienina. CARRIED. In iilna. Jan. M. I? 0 Dlrklntnn. Mr. Alfred Me ss and M Locrrll Cnnlr. bnia nf this eiienty . In Portland. K-n tt. bj t. . Conwl'aa, furpoel Thf" rr ana Mus Sll, I lI'Mrlrk. In Una eoaoir. kr " 0. Mofsrlnod, WiUlaa H. taker snd llrlm M. ThmaKoa. In R,t.,n aoanlf, kf 1 Modt. J. P., Alfred Ureas', ef M kUif, Caliieraie.eM Banef aprlnfcr. DIED. In lane eemitr. r II, ef 4nrr of Hie rkm, Miard t(it. formerly of SOvrrMl, af4 f era. I mm., IT ears. In Linn eonntjr, Jan. i2, Jiho Sraokllo. son ot Win. at. I RlxMla A atollh. aa aS I irar ana months. In W s.klnaton ootinlf, Prk. U, lira. CallwMn Pearaoo, trrtl lit iar. and 10 tuontha. In Oramle KooUa tu.r. Jaa. 1. ScIIm Urate, daashter VI . .ii- noursnii. aaoo a lean. It. l e'toaymetln,, t. T. Son.. Irk I, Vrta Pftcy MA, fi 11 prfn Ml f ias. limit and Mixku At tho funeral of a Cnl iforuia "Pioneer," the following address wns delivered by one of hi fellnw-metiibers. It il lustrate bow closely the sublinio and the ridic ulously practical may be associated t "Pioneer s Another corpse lie before u ! Another time we are reminded that our oirolo is narrowing j another member ha been lost to us ; another link In the chain of brotherhood has been severed s unnther Pioneer has left j another spirit has sought refuge In tho bosom of it God. Stephen B. Freeland wns an early pioneer. Ho was our Urst Postmaster ; ho wa the first Librarian of tlie Sacramento Library. Ho wa gentle a the falling dew ; genial a the Sumner' wind 1 faithful a the ihcpherd'l dug ; truo as the North Star or tlm Southern Cross, under each of which he had tailed. lie wa born in the North in the city of New York.- Ho spent a portion of his time at the South ; hal frequently visited the East, and died on the Western confines of this oountry. Time and travel mndo him a citizon of the world. Time, travel nor nssociatiou could de grade his nature. He died as he lived a gen tleman. Let us, Pioneers, follow him to the grave, and say, 'God bless him !' " WUO CAN BIIOW BUTTE II f Sum, Feb. Ur, 1RU4. I have been solicited to publish iu the Statetman the weight of my large hogs ahnwn at the fair,aa they had never brerr pat mi and pushed aa auppoacd. I have concluded to feed and show them at the next Slate fair, bill to thoso concerned 1 will give the weight or a pig Vi months old, which 1 lately killed ; weight, H-lUl lbs. 1 cut meats us follows t sides, 1U5 lbs, hums, (13 lbs 1 lard, 31 lbs; M lbs. elear pork nf neck. I make no shoulders. Total green weight. 308 lbs. The bacou will be shown at the Htule fair, and when this is beaten I will try again. This pig would have been larger but for an accident. I told Jacob (onser I could make VI months' piga weigh 3IM), He appeared tn doubt it, and said when 1 did it h would say some thing. Jacob, what ia it? My opinion now ia, at 1 uiontha lean gel them at SOU; at (tor 7 montha, '.DO. tiring 011 your line piga to the Slate fair, and let us eoiinmre them. Don't khv vim Ituvn bnLtur nt home. I am ready to show against the bust on this uoast. Thia Dig gives a better eer eent. of bacon than any I have seen or read nf. THOMAS (JltU.-tS. Port Axoklob vs. Port Townsend. Till old quarrel lion come before Congress in the shnpn nf a bill introduced by delegate Cole, of Washington Territory, to change tho port of entry fur Pnget Sound district Irmu Port Angel es (whore it wns fixed by Victor Smith, Tate Collector) to Tort Townsend. I ho bill ha been referred to the House Committee on Com merce, which has in turn referred it tn Use Sec retary nf the Treasury nnd as he is known tu stand by Smith, it is very likely that the propo sed measure will be defeated. In the meantime Cole and Smith have been firiug away at each other in the newspapers, a soothingly explana tory article having appeared in one of the mor ning pupers when the ueatrncttnn ul tlie villuge of Port Townsend and the Custom House by n mountain torrent was announced liy tele;rnph. 1 lie writer ot the article said that the Govern ment had not rpent any money fur the Custom House building, and that it wit proposed to move the town tu the "table land" above Its former site, etc Tn all of tin Colo replies in a brief letter, in which he any there ia 110 town site ot Port Angelos, and that the character nf the location makes it unfit for a port of entry, as he proceeds to show. Probably but few persons here know or care anything about the merits ol the case, which is so interesting In Ihe Wnl. I. T.. ;,...., -,.. f ,ForgiN(,,lj IVIIIIWIJI JICUJNO. sVr, OHC, union. IX A TIGUT PLACE. The editor of the Union wa at the Union meeting at Lafayette, and reports the following among other incident: There were just three copperhead in tho meeting. 1 hev could not net out. for the crowd that pressed them on every side and would not give way. And those lliree copper heads were about the moat forlorn looking spW imens nf the sovereign biped that it bas been our lot to heboid. Two of them emne tiear fainting while Judge Williams was speaking; and the third kept muttering between his teeth, lint not so as to be distinctly understood. We heard him any something like, "abolitionists," '111 love with iiiirtrcrs," "marry n darkey. "take-Jeff. Davis iu mine," "too much of a good thing'1 but we were unable tn catch the words that went between these, und so failed to gel ihe connection, if any connection there was. He was evidently in hot water, bat there wa no use o knockm .' Yamhill county is all right nn the intiin ones tiou, and will turn up a larger Union majority next June, according to thu number of vote curt, I lift 11 it did two years ago, and whatever copperhead may any to the contrary, the entire nlntu will do the same thing. Copperhead ism is dying in Oregon lust at fast ns the rebellion dies in the South. Tho rods of the two are likely to be simultaneous, a their object are identical. llodge Calef, PORTLAND. OREGON, dealert in Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils und Glass, White Lend, I , Varnishes, Brushes, I'iiintt'is' Materials, kc. -AI.UO Kerosene Oil and Lamp's, -OFFER FOR SALE Linseed Oil, bids, and cases. Jmrd " " Kerosene " " Machine. " " Tanners' " " White Lead, kegs and pails. Turpentine, Painters' stock, Window Glass, .VO A STOCK OF DRUGS AND SQaDiCINES Unsurpassed in theStale, in Extent, variety and Completeness. JIODOE Sf CALEF, 1)7 Front Hreel, Portland. I 'If A'J Durrkit Kilvrr .MIiiIiik Couipnnr, NOTIO; is herahy irlven that a meetlnx- at tlie .l,t...l,l.. .1.. L.,UL. II t. , w n....... , ,ii... nitvor 1M ill, K I.UHI- panr, for Ihe elm-lion of liim tora, will lie held in I-... .... ,.. ,.l u ... ,1 L I ... I . ,, I I. .. ..., v vmj u .',. a v -,.N-a, r m. a- i r.nui, Ou Wbalf of Stockholders. Halem, Oraitoa, Keb l, IHM. 4w.il .ollre. rfHISiatonrtlfy that mv win. Mary Blanton. did. X oo the 1st day of hut Augiwt, without auy ust cans, leave my houaa and bed. and earrisA on" hsr eiotnee, oml aueii iniogs aa sue riaimae, anil put prop erty in amrtlmr man's haurie. and thia ia to Ut all n.r. sons know that I am n aecotiuubl for anything she njuae aiuc a,, a wit mj ouiubi ISAAC DLANTOM. Mari'ti County, Ogn, Dec 14, IWJ. Urn Jlii tVanlrd. A COM I'KTKNT nerana In art aa eanTaaalnu aani V foraellmg new and valuabhi pnblirauona. For liuonnmom e,t,M,r na un otewsavia OUIra. February IK, Itt. ilwllpald t HOI KKMV and OLAHH W - KK,at low alee Aleo, Enghfh Htnne V.'nr. hr lya rlROWK,MYEReC0. NEW STORE! NEW STOCK I BREYMAit BBOS., Dealer In Foreign and TJomeitlo DRY 000 DM, rr.OTIMNti. KCliNISMINO GOODS, IIIIOT8, SI10K.S, HATS, CAPS, NOTIONS, OKOCKItlKS, Arc. WK take pleasure In aiiiioiluriiijr tri the puldle of Salem und virinlty that alter savoral weeka of Knrsontil exaniimilion union) ilia importing bouses of nn Pmneiseo, we have made the most judicious selnn. tiuns of the above jroods ever before ottered ia this cily. Our stock consists in purl of I.icdlctt' Drew Good, of the mott fmhionablc fabrics, heretofore itncipialed iu eleiruure of style, qunlity and clieapneaa, such aa Superb Ottoman Cloths, Hilk nnd Wool Kopa, Kioli Paris Lnuaiire, Kleirnnt Poulards, I'anl de Chevrea, l'lniii and Fancy Silks. Merinos, alt wool 1'lalda, Poplins, Hohnlr, Debt gus, Delainea, dto.. Ate. Domestic and Staple Dry Goods, In large quantities and variety. We offor a choice variety of CLOAKS,' Bharli, Aleves, Hosiery, llalmoral skirts, Hoops, Ate, Am., for Ladies, Misses and Children. A Complete Assortment of Woolen Good), Hoods, Nubias, Breakfast Capes, Bontags, Knit Jackets, etc., Ato. We Invite the attention nf ladies to our siinerldr atock of Ladioe', Misers and Children' OAITEIW, llalmoral Shoea, Slippers, Ate, of Philadelphia naa ufirture We cull special attentien to our styles and variety of Genta Custom-made Clothing, Inclndlnir the LATEST FASHIONS, ami most durable textures. Overcoats of every description, Business suits in liirge quantities. Illaek Cloih Cnuta. Velvot, Silk anil Caaaiiuere Vesta, lllack Doeskin I'anla, Beaver und Cnssinior Pants. Heaver Coals, Business Coals, Ate., Ato. Ooutar ITui-iiis.Mn Good, Comprlslnir everything necessary for a Gentleman' toilet. Hoots, Khoes, Huts, Caps, Trunks, Ate. boye mid Cliildreiis' suits nnd Overcoula. Wo have also a linve and well aelected stock of .' IIOt-'KHlKa), suited to the wants of Ilia city and country trade. We are resolved upon keeping lbs heat assorted atock in the ritr, and have made arninvements to receive new (iOIIIW BV KVKKY MTKA.TIKR and by a strict attentiou to business and a determina tion to sell Cheaper than the Cheapest, we solicit a share of the public patronage. UHKV.TIArV Bit OS., Ini46 Salem, Oregon. To the Citizens of Salem. Xjiimbot', Iuthx, PloUotts. rpllK nnderslgned beva leave to inform tlie rltniens 1 of Salem that be has re purrhiied the ( Iill'l'KK SAW MILL aud I'MNlNll MA0I1INK situated ou the Orogon City road, miles north of Salem, where he will lie happy to furnish his old customers with the best quality of Yellow, While, or lied Kir Lumbar, Laths, or Pickets, ou short notice aud reaaouabls terms. aaW-JfcOit IWH YOKE OP OOOI WOHK tW TTJCATTLB wanted Immediately. Vrfl E. D.'TOWL. .lunuiiry IXth, IRl'd. 4tf rpillS SINOBB STANDAKO MACHINES for roan Ji nl'actnring purposes, are of greater speed, and su perior to all other machine for like uses. The supe rior, correct, simple mid Humble nuMiliuuical princl plea of these machines. place them bevond competition All the great maiiulneloriea of the United States sad blurupe are supplied with thorn. The Singer Letter A "Trnnsverae Shuttle" Family Machine Witk recent lmproivmenlt for Hemming, Fell inf, Btndinp, trc, is the most perfect nnd reliable family machine yet of fered. They are certnin nf correct action, at all rates of speed, upon all kiuda of material, and with all kiuda. oftlivead. The mechanism is entirely within view, and nnder the control of ihe operator, who thereby can avoid Ihe perplexities and iiniiosaucea an common with Hewing Machines having iheir iiiecbanisin hidden from view, under pretence of simplicity of construction. f'ST I'lain printed instructions accompany each ma ne, from which any ono can readily understand their use. 17" Pamphlet, Frire List, aud specimens of work mailed free to any addrcee. IV A very gival reduction baa been lately mads in the prices of the Singer Sewing Machine, thus ena bling purchasers tn gut a flrat-elaw machine at Ihe same rates of inferior or aocond claa. maehinea. THE SIXOHR MANUKACTUIHNQ CO. (Successor to I. M. Singer Ac Co.) 139 Montgomery street, Son Fnineiseo. 3int8 WNI IHtODKItK'K, Agent. LOCAL AGENTS WANTKU. HOWE'S SEiVlXG MACHINE. THE NEW STYLE Howe's Family Sewing machine, WILL seam, stitch, gather, hem, fell, bind, quilt, rnii.lmiid.aiiii in fuel I'EIIKilltlll TIIE WilOl.t: KA.NflE OK FAMILY HKWINO. It uaea TWO Threads. making th LOCK HTITt II. Thenar different siies. Price from f)00 to $85. tTT It received the IIIOIIEST Premium at the late World'a Fair at lndon.and boa been used inOor ninny, Kranre and England for fourteen yeiu-s, with perfect aalisl'action. iiend for n tut of prim. FltEKLANI) DU08, Albany, Agenta for Oregon. ' For sale at N. O. l'urrisli At Co.'s, Salem, and by Freehold Bros. Albany. inula" rpA! TKASlt Fine Blark and Oreen 1 JA CAN Tens. Also. CHINA tens, in rietv. wholesale and retail, at ,n'Ssil ly(W8 1IKOWK, MYEHS At CO.'S. ft ii u I Seltli'iiittiil. Stale of Oregon, enmity of Polk. In the matter of tne esime n Joiin r.. l.yle. OV Ibis 3d diiv of February, . n mU, comes Klleu l.yle, ailinlnistnitria of ihe estate nf John K. Lyle, deceased, und Ulea ber ietiiin for a Anal setllemeut of said estate, ll ia therefore onlerrrl 1I1M the Sth day of March, a. ., I'M, Iw set apart for the hearing of a.iiil ittin uoil Ihe Dual net lenient of said eniate at Hie coon honne in Dullas, in the enmity and Slate aforesaid, ut which time und place ali peraona Interested iu said eslale are notitled to appear, Ity onler of t'HAS. E. MOOK, Co. Judge. ' C. H hit.ni, n, rk. 4Wo( COfPKlt. Hio, CoauTltira and Old Oov't .lava. J l)bat BltOWN, MYElWItCO. D V K.KT I' r Ps), a good aasortme.il, at ' HltOWN. M V EHS At CO 8. Owyhee Maloon. rpHE above Saloon ailiiated next door above X iioo.lv a Hall, Dalles, hue been enlarged, rrllitrd and refurnished, and will he eoinlucled on the sivl ef lirsl cluas Snlonn. Free roncri every niiilii. OEKtt At McCON.VKl.k Dalles, Feb. 10, IH,4. ji( Work IIoriM for Mnlj. I HAVE three good work horses foe sale, at T- my farm, one mils from .lehcrenn. Marion JOS county. llwjl JOIIN UELLKNUEH. Kollce ititi F.nrntirka. rillARLKS KOIILF.TT. whose not. I l.alH for hoc. V I rowed coin. Daid oft" the same III vreenlmrka at llieirrar. liCOIl OOltllON. Oregon City, Feb. IH, I8M. .',! TAKEX I'P. BY (he suhacrlber, living S miles northwest of Sub limity, Marion county, one sorrel mare, hald fare, lump on right knee. V or IU years old. shoot H hands hinh, bnuoh-d H or Tor anmelhinir like it.na rivht l,ln Said aiare ha, been ruuning about mv prrtuiaea aliout our K.as. JAiltSt. UhALCIIAMF. Feb Hi IHlil. VwM HY tlie aubacrilwr, iu Salem, on the 1st day of Feb ruary. I'M. One small durk hav mara almiiL !t ad. biased face, hlaek main and li.il. Iau drk in',l,a knee, with collar murka ou the neck i no nihrre marka or nrauna visniie. vw.ia c. II. llttAY I)V Ilea euliarriher. one mile weal of Laoitae'a ala JJ lion, Jan. iUlh.lHM. three vouoa mam. dnrrih! aa fidlowe I dark iron grav, heavy set, i years old next spring; I light sorrel, with while oioa and nmler lip and hind legs, light mane and tail. 1 reara old next spring . alan, one bright hay, small star in forehead, II r" -"" .,,r,a. a., 4. n. i.t'isr.i UY the undersigned, near Wapuloo Lake iu Yamhill eonntv, Oati. a small eniv mare. hIhoii nix yuan old i euid mare haa beea about my prvuiisea and ka tbs neiguuoniiMHi lor anoill two venrs. rKhUKIIICK FI.ORY. Febrry IS, 1 UY the auhacrlher, living near th uMiutb of Saudv. U .. L. ... L . . u T IT j ' m a.f,in,u,a kvuimt, wan. (, -, naw reo Bi a,r, nuHley face. p,ant of right horn broken on", branded II on the ten sine si year ekL VwM I. B. PAI1KF.R. T Y tlie uii'UrsigneiTrsi milee northeawt of Scio. one Ii hia'k lllly.inu-niuiigled with while hairs two years ol,l. IIIIJB, At. lILiMflllteYS. F'lirnary 4, l4 Hw i I)Y the mherribw, living en Ih upper road, three I) mile above tha fork of Butler ( reek, ou roan cow, aoppueeu to na nnir year old tins spring, brand- en on tne nyui nip v n, epiu m tne rtgnt ear. F. M M01IKISS. Bullet Creek, I'matilln Co., Feb 6, ISM. VwAI IIY the subscriber, living tl mikn north of Uflrand ijliaaer eouniv. iign, on red ox. wilh while spot m, ahead i braiided with A n tlie right Horn. p U'M Ullltl.TilV U0raoa,Ju.l'i,tS6i J,5 jAfna cuMbkk. Aur.t. o. cossi.il. joiis a. t:os. JACOB CONSER U SONS, Producd Commission merchants Second Street, Dalles, Oregon. TIIK Very best htitnds of Flour, feed of all kinds, and every description of Produce constantly In atore and su'd al the lowest raiaa. FAVILT ftKOtKBIES. A eheie aasorltueni of fnntilv gfoeertes, mclnding the beat aslecthm of Teas, CotTeef, Sugars, Ate, select ed expressly for family use. Coiisiguinents received, and a general Hterage, For wurding isad Commission Business prmrratty attended to. We will also pay th highest CASH market prfee for all kinds of country produce such as Wheat, Ose, Beans, Butler, Eggs, Cheese, Dried Fniile, Aic, at lass Jeltoraon MtMs, Marion Co., Oregon. JACOB CONSER At SONS, Second street, Dalles, and '"If Jefferson, Marion Co., Oregon. BOOT) MIloew-A cholcs variety, inat received at fa I ' SMITH At CAnTWHIOHT'8. ' IpiNII. A prim lot of sal: Salmon S and Mackerel, just received at AT . . , K BKOWN, MTER8 At CO.'S. q-IO Vtj I TOY f MoKOay present for th w? J. million, and everything eJse, for sale cheap, 4j Q , at ftf BHOWjf,MYEItBAaC0.'8. -4 BROWN, MrEXS A CO. KEEP EVERYTHING tumidly found ma Family Orocerr Store, aud DELIVER GOODS FHEB OF CHAIttlE to any part of the city, im SunARS Island, New Orleans, Coal pore, Coffee Crushed and Crushed sngars, cheap, at 'ylKH BKOWN, WYE US k CO'H. Notices Orncs Buft Isdias Arrra, ) - ' Salem, Ogn, Dee. !U. 1863; ? nlUHUANT to Instructions front th Secretary of X the luterior, I will offer for tale, at tlie FlONriKIt HOTEL, Portland, to the highest bidder, fur cask,, on MONDAY, the 7th day of March, ISdl.at Wo'ckwfcf .. th tract of land reserved for Indian Department Rnrpoaes, situated on the Willamette river, opposite lilwnukle, known and described in the surveys and plats of the United Slates a Lot No, 5, Section i, Township 1 sonth, range I east, containing A 871(01 arrea, more or leas, with the Improvements thereon. Thia trai'l Is at the termirms of Ibe Portland and Mil. wankle Macailamixed Hood, and ia worth the attention of bidders. J. W. PKRiT fUTNTINOTON, Snp'l Indian Affair in Oregon. Jan, 4, ISM, 41tniarl f A Card. T THINK It a duty which low telheauhlictocan- A tiou them againat peraon wheaee R the hakil of ayiug ttteir Honest debt in greenback at their face. he peraon I wiall to cantinn the nnhlin aoalnak la .Inka, u. ..r,a,aa, ui riniiriiie, lamniu eounty, wno bor rowed gold eoht from th undersigned in th spring of lHfia, which he wansed to speculate with ia th up pec country Thia waa before llwre were any greenback in cirrulmioir in tliis eoontry. He returned home the same year he borrowed the mony, telling out to good udvantage, II did not pav'rne then bnt kept putting me olt Iroai trme to tune, ontil a few weeka ago,wben -he paid off the note In greenbacks, requiring ue to' take, them at their face, after previously stating to several person he would pay the note in gold coin. This same John E. Brooks la reported to be going to the Umatilla Landing to trade, th coming aniiimer, aud 111 is is iuteudrd aa a caution to the pulilic there to : oeware or hint taking similar advantage Mora of hi meanness might he told 5w48 WM. CAMI'ltKI.U Notice. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County or Marion, . Trustee of Chemekaltt Lodge, No. 1, I. tt tt ., pi n, va, E. M. Barnum, defendant. rVi K. M. BARNUM. DetVnihmt-Toii are hereby 1 required to appear in the erninlf court of the Stat of Oregon for the eounty of Marlon, en th Brat Mon day of April, A. n , IHitl, aud answer the complaint Hied in the above e.itilled action againat yon, and if you fail to answer sucb complaint, judgment, lor want thereof, will be laksn against you for the sum of one hundred and twenty-seven dollars, with accruing ia terest thereon, from July 1, IHol, Muted for com anil diahuraementa. THUsTEKS OF C1IEMEKETA I.ODOE, i .Bw4fl No. 1, 1. 1). O F PI C SVBUP, East Moaton and Stewart' Golden Byrop,! BKOWN, MYERS At CO.'S Eola mills. B AXTER At CO. have thoroughly refitted th Eola Flooring aud Saw mills, and ara now urenared tn do all kinds nf work in their line in good tlutpt. Thn flouring mill will now do the beat of merchant jr dia tom grinding. W ran furnish every style of lumlier, white and yellow llr, oak, ash, maple or pine, dressed or on dressed, at the milla.or delivered in any part of Salem, or elsewhere, on the river bank. Iw prices for Cash. BAXTER At CO. Eola, Jan. 22d, 1S4. 3,47 T. J. Baxlor having bnnght oat Ihe old company will settle the amount of the same from the 1st day of April, IHli), All persona having deinauds against lb mill will please present their claims immediately, and an moee mueoieu so rn atm aiual ootue forward aud settle the nam without delay. 61 . Node. In the Circuit Court of the Stat ef Oregon for the County of Mariou, sa. William W. Page, plainlifT, vs. Eli M. Banimn, defendant, Snmmona. rilO ELI M. BA1CNUM, lefendant You era hereby A required to appear in the Circuit Court of Ih Slalia of Oregon for the comity of Mariou, on Ih second Monday of March, A, u., 1SU4. and answer th oou plnint II led in the above entitled action against you, aud if yon fuil to answer such complaint, judgment, fur want i hereof, will be taken again yoa for lh sum of Itfteea hundred and lea 40 UK) dollars, with ac cruing Interest Ulereou from th 1st day of September, A. v., Itkid, taxed for coils and disbiiraeroeuta. W. W. CAGE, Plaintiff. Portland, Jan. 9I 1K64. Uw4N 1llOTO(HtAPHSof alltliepromineut Woroeu. Uo toMOM'OOMEKY'S. aw SO M ONTUOMEitY'S Pholograpliaare the beat in th runic, aotf Atlatiuinlruliou Notice. fpHK undersigned, having been appointed admlni J. trator of the estate of John Bvrd. dee d., all per sons having clahne aguinal told atate ara reqaired to present iliem, with the proper vouchers, lo ma, at sty fnw oltiie in Lafayette, Vauihili aouaty, Oregon, within six uiontlis lrom thia dale. O. W. LAWSfW, Adm'r Feb. S, IW4 IwM tamte of John By id. AMKKTiNO of the atockholdereof llie Unioa Gobi ami Hirer Mining Co. will be held at their atSea in Snlem on Tuesday, March lal. Business of impar lance to trausact. 1. R. UOORE3, Pre. A a remedy to piirllv and cleans th bloo.1, leaving it free frmn all humor and liu- BLOOD AND UVEB SYRUP HAS NO EQUALASA BLOOD pnritiea, w assert wilh eon lldenee that there ia nothing better thua .Will'i Hlood AND LIVEUSYKUP. MEDICINE. IT 18 NO SECRET MKDICINK.A8 TIIK FORMULA HAS BEEN PUBLISHED IX THE MIMICAL HOOKS, ANU IS USED EXTEN SIVELY BY PHYSICIAN'S AS TtE MOST RELI ABLE MEDICINE KNOWN FOR THE CURB OF SCROFULA, WHITE SWELLING, AND ALL DISEASES GROWINU OUT OP AX IMPURE BTATE OF THE BLOOD. THOU8ANDS WILL TESTIFY TO ITS VALUE. BEDINGTON As CO., SOLE AGENTS, 4I AND 418 FRONT STREET, HAN FRANCISCO. ' ! Jl. W.H . HALLt) AL. HAITI For the ear of long standing Coughs, Broohillt, aa well aa Consumption, Dr. Wat. Hall's Balaam U mvalaabU. Iu peculiar oatbiDatioa I tin rants of xpricr, and an Intimat knowledge nf the cane of tliete diteaau, and the certificate of remarkable core are nuOHrnt proof of It superiority. RED INOTON At CO., Oeueral ageula For ihe Psclflc Coast, 416aod ill Front Street, gaa Fntneiseo, IsaM Lafayette Academy, urnini, ihiillcocxtt, iisok. REV. E. CARTWRKiHT, Prlnclptl, and Prof, of Mathematics aud Natural Selene. RKV.W. I). NICHOM, Prof, ami Aslg TWae of Higher Malhematic and Ancient Language. Sirt.aas. Langaare. anarterly OH lligliar Knubah 7 BO in 8 On Common English i en In t M lriniarv Department 4 V0 k i M Vocal Moalc, free of eberge. Board ia Iowa at res- eoneble rate. Cmlimdmr far 1M&4 Tear divide.) Inin fiwr temia, eswh coitamlag 13 weeka First Mm twwiaa Hepi. Ith i half term, Oct, loth. Sm aid Km Wains Nov. kk t vara lion daring bolidars i halt lerw, Jan. Ih, leM. Kaaininaiinn and exhibition at Ih cloae of 9d term. Latay.ll, Aug. Kd, lil 0u