BOISE CORRESPONDENCE. FBOH OUR HI'.OUI.AU COIUIESPONDF.NT. Bannook City, Fell. 8,1804. Ed. Statesman A cmisiuVrable period of tlma baa iuteTwned niuce tlie iluto. of my last goniluiiirtantiontn the Statesman, several week if wbioh wo have been cnmpli'b-ly Isolated from "all the world, and tho rent of mankind." outside of Boise basi.v The winter Ims thus fur been mild and pleasant, ai a general tli'inff, far more in than wa anticipated Inst full, and but oaoo ban the thermometer Indicated n de- ;pto of cold below torn, and onnslilerino; the righ northern latitnde, the cold snap during the first week of January wa not extremely oold, though for about threo day and nights blue time and oold pedal I'Xtrcmitiei were the or der ot tiling reigmug In uanuocK. l lie Holi day pasaed off with much hilarity and consid erable eclat. All the trails and rem. la leading from here have been kept open, and not only fiaaiable but continoourly travehd by team, pack train, "anlitary lioracraen." and horse men in oompany, footmen and animal, during the entire eeaann. . Merchandise, provision, gmocriea, eto., in great abundance, are on hand for rale, and tored in fire-proof oelWa in every town in tho baain, and market price are, for tho high rate of freight, very Teuannahle, A oninbinntion wa at one time ifcted by detilers in this city to make die itandard value of Boise gold duat $15 perimnoe, instead of 10. hut it baa failed to accomplish the desired nliject, and "every thing goes" in the a hape of dust at tho old rate, ma'iy of thine inaugurating the depreciating polioy being among the first to hang out pla cards in front of their eitahlishineiil annnuno . fa to Abe pnhlio in large Ivltera, "Gold duat taken hero at $10 per ounce." Feari have been eipressed that the fall of now is not tulCoient for furnishing water the latter part of the aeaaon, but with the long linos and number of ditches that Kill convey water from every oreek and ravine tliroui;li mining ground next apring and aurniner, and tho depth of luow (varying at tho present time from five , to twelve feet on tbo surrounding bill and , mountain tups, from whence the streams must : derivs their main supply), it I the belief of , your correspondent that but little inconveni ence in working olaiins advantageounly on ac count of scarcity of water will be experienced before late in the fall. ; Tho quart)! mania, facetiously termed "quartz on the brain," atill rni;e with uuabnted vio , leuoe, and several ledges havo been discovered urning vii whiilt ijuilis hi, nun nun tTa,nei,j as any before known. Two of these, the Gnni brinus and Juniata, ar within lire miles of this place, and men bave been making as high as . ... . ........ ..B n ter. by nonding the rock in mortars nod "pan- ning out" the dnst from the pulverized quartz. North Boise promises to rival the already fiin ; ed Hon th Buise region for ricll quartz ledges, and Owyhee olso comes in for a share of do i served celebrity. Parties left here hint fall for : Denver City. Colorado Territory, to purchase quartz mill machinery there, and are expected bank uil.h aon-rul mills aurlv norfc anriinr. Tlin .111 nr uv wnrimifr fin mum ntirintr im w ti. Iireae nt year will demonstrate to sceptical .Sail ''rauciocMU. Californian. jealous Washoeites, and ntlipr. that THrIiii nnivMiM nntiilil and in- 1 calculable resouroes of mineral weullli not 1 hitherto dreamed of in the world's philosophy. We have been kept in a state of profound igaornnce as to the sayings and doings of the Territnrinl Legislature of Idalio at Lewiston, during the entire session which closed by liui- Itittiim iif nn ihi fitli lint. Hut nrm low passed by that augtist(?) boily has as yet been made nublio bv anneurinir in the. Golden Age, llie official paper of the Territory. The , District Court is to convene Fib. 22d, and it is exceedingly questionable whether we shall 1. ,.t ..1 r I l,i auuw niiyiiiiug more 111 me -law 01 uie lanu then than we do now, except as may bo "no rated" Verbally by some member of the Boise delegation who may accidentally bave the good fortune to find Jiis way bavk without getting lost, and being picked op by somebody and ad vertised as an eslray. Funny state of things, isn't it, where every man is supposed to know laws ho never saw saw nr heard of, and has to shoulder the responsibility of not fully under standing and acting in accordance therewith? The memUrs of Cungreas expelled IVointlie House of liepresuutnlives a few years ago for corruption, would shine as bright tmrtionhtr tars lu the galaxy of legislative intellect lately , assembled at Lewiatnii. where, if rumor hath it truly, private franchises, and tho quantum of interests of honorable (?) member in tbo profits of toll-bridges, ranches, ferries, bridges, dco., have been the chief subjects of dircusriun aud constitute the hulk of legislative) ennut ineiits. The exploits nl the famed forty thieve "palo their ineffectual fires" before the rapa cious demands of Ihesu modem Unions for in terests iu every franihise granted by them. There is one cnnsolution iu knowing that at least there is nothing more to he feared at pres ent from eillur legislative knavery or igno rance, though there is little doubt the members : of the late Territorial Legialature have done their best in the former line, and that nature left but little undone iu the line ol perfection as regards the latter w ith a respectable quorum of that body. Schools are flourishing in Bannock, and large Methodist church is iu the course ofereo tiou onder the iiumedinto supervisory control of Uov. C. S. Kiugsley, of l'oitluud, Orcgoii. As an off set to these, there are two large the atrical buildiugs, which will he in full blast lu ly all winter, to say nothing of hurdy-gurdy aud other dance-houses. The town is rapidly improving in nit, and many large and fine ed ifices ure going up, aud new streets are being opuued, dto. There ii little doubt of an in crease iu size the coming summer of 'ho corpo rate limits of Uunuock, quitu as great as that of last season. l'rouiineut among tho amusement of the passing hour, for some weeks past, that of . "coasting." or riding down bill, has engaged the lime and attention of buudredsof turn and boys, and una principal street of Bannock, a quarter of a mile in length, from the summit of Fast bill to Elk creek, has beeu nearly mo nopolized by the "club." Several severe ao Ciiienls occurred, aud do still occasionally no our, in ibis way making the roi sterers "have cracked crowns ami bloody noses, and pas ll,m Aumnl lit,, ' lint alill lltu Tittt ,,, nit Thus far, but one case of a broken, and soma three or four of dislocated limb have happen ed, thou-li there have been numerous oonlu- aiona. ut. .and brmas-a of iiiiiuir ujiiiaimiiii.iiim. Hall Lake City correspondence via h. L. C. Express (pray heaven we may soon have a , mail route) informs us that we need expect lit- ll DUtfi, ill tllil llllllill painii ill lltu lint, nl' nrn- durts from Utah. If suiii is the oase. Ilia more lunstonrue from the Willamette and nth r localities, for the maikets here are bound to be supplied Irani aoiue quarter. If the new route acuiss the Cascade ra go admit of atli tnals oromuig uett apring, they may be driven to Boise at a comparatively Utfliug fXpeiiae. In inv next. I will give aome pariieiiinr con- cernini tho first term of tbo DiMrini Court here. VEKI TAS. A Rack in tiik Snow. During the koll. days, at Tierce City, Malm, a race occurred wbiuh was fjaite novel and funny. Dr. Hioua ami a cbaraoter known a "Old Ironsides' wer tha enatestatita. The raoo was run through fiva feet of snow distano 2(10 yards i no at uiidnlght, with caudles burning lor lights. The coarser being ready, the word was given, and off they Jumped, Stone getting five feet tho tart. Halt way, neck and neck Stone sbmits head and foes ant of sight ander Ute snow. "Ironside," being name, Aew tho Irai-k aud took fast In a enow bank. The next sen of Stone is behind the stand, emerging from tbo now, and he was declared winuer, amidst gnat applause from 'Squire , who bad bn two biU let on the winning wag. fJT An UjJuatriou tradesman having taken a now apprentice, awoke bim at very early hoar ou um lint ntoruing, by calling out that tho family were sitting at the table. "Thank you." said the boy, a ho turned over in bed to adjust himself fur a nap. "thank you. I never tat any thing during tho uht ." CoHTHACTolt Faii.m. tho Auburn aul Buiso mail hat been auspnded en account of Um faUure of the oou tractor . She (Drcou Ji'tatfisiwatt. MONDAY MORNING. FEB. 29, 1804. NOTIt'K. All persons knnwhig llwmaolves In ilebted to Csakdai.1, Jt Waitk, for sHvertlslnir, Job work or suWri)i!ion to Orefon titatetman, will cou fr a spscisl favor by seiulink the smounta !'", to tliis office Immediatoly. CllA-N'OALL i. WAITE. 8nlein,Kb.l5,lB4. Mtf Prospsetus of the Oragon B.fttmsn. Nsxt wek, tlic 14lli rulam eiiuiiDfiKM. Th 7lh of March will Im nur Nrv Ytar'a tiny, when w aliull utilrr Uion the ntual In ttrnlliiK irhnl of aur Journr hlilnrjr. burins; tha ri'Sr, It la b-llcvqil, will iicrur uti wf tha nmal inomntitnua erlii'i ot our National lllii Um teriiilrialloli or Ihe Ki'hfllliin and t.ttlmtinl nf the qiiMtlmia out of whlt-li It orlglniM. Wc are aware of Ihe priive reepmielljIIHtea that real uooii a pub lic Journal ilui'lliK the ilUuiimloiia tit auuh a )ierlol, Hud, with II me nein HI nicrro iiv,ctiiiii.h.i.i mi nur i,it we alanine them, and pledge uumelvvs to the iierrormanre of eYerythln which duty polnta out, acourillng to our heat slll Itlra. Tna STATrauAS will be tleroleil To llie eameat ailroeary or s f iKorotu iiroeecutlon f the war tn the complete atinprfie Ion of the Ki-lirillon and the estlnrllon of treeaon. We rec nirnlie the olillKRtfon reatlns upon every sooil citlmn to render a generoue and effective support to the constitutional authorities mnat espvclslly durltis a time like Ihe preeent, when the wlthh'ildlnK of euch eupport tnuat reault in the Bud- den deatruiMlon of the Ooverniueiit. Aliore all other tem poral ooilHl'leratlone. wa look upon the preeervntlnn of a frond and free Ifovernment, Hl IC onA aiiam(iokt; and to thla end wouM we devote every energy and everx Initllullon of the e untry. lu our jiidirinent, no republican snveniinent In Amerlra II CDtialetetit with ma lilea or illinnlon, elth-r ' or herenrler. The sulijiiimlion of the Ht'licllloli ll then a ennauniniHllon demanded by every benellcent Intereat of the aire. Kvery ineaeura 0AlRuliiUri to acvompllih Hint end, will receive our hearty eupport. a.very nirmiure lonklnir lo tieaoe or accommodation of our national dillkultlci, which atopa abort of the extermination of Ireaeon and Die perma nent re.ealalilleliinent ill conilituoolioi euinoruy over nn the territory of the United HtHtea, will ri-nelve our oarnet oppnaltlon. We repudlele ami bold iu acorn that prrlruiKd loyelly which In profeailon ple-ls'i Iteelf to the ,iiiporl of the tlovernineiit. nut in practice reudera tne cotmutiin-d au Ihorltiee. throuah whom alone the tunelloiie of the llovem- ment can b exerclaed, powerlees lo priiurrve It. No man truly lupporll the Government In S crtall like llie preeent unleii he lend It the aid of his arm, If needed, and his aym patby and encouragement alwiiya. Holding tlnie vlewe, we cheerfully ecquleae In lb iiicuittres of the A'liiiliilltrHtinn for the maintenance of the Union, till inch time ai belter iilmie are uronoieil. Meantime, we are for eanieit, vlaoroi wnr, so Ioiik m tralton remlur It lieceaenry, and Hum for peace aa noon ai It can n nimoranry itiiu I'erniHnenuy nuu. Tub KTTiHMa will contain each week all the wnr, eon. ffreMloiiul, uud foreign newi di'ipitcbed over tlie overUm! telegraph line; Ibc newi of generitl Interest from each of our neighboring Hlatee sud Territoi'leaj s lull luminary of the doiiiuetlc Intelligence or una suite ; correHpobiii'iice irom tbe mine of Oregon and Hnlm; locnl and politico! cu res pi.ndeuce; intici-HHneouaaeleetloin of political and llleritry article! ant noetry : market reporta ; and auclt other matter aa will he of present interest to our readers. It will be our aneclHl care to tmbliiih a live newspaper. THa HTATa'MiN ) piildlsliiid every Monday, by the OHkQng PalNTiHO arii I'neil.lsniHfl C'oge.,NY (incorporated uti'li r the lawn of this ntate), on the following terma : Per year for sin gle copy, If paid In iidvance, OH.lKl ; where p-iytnent la ile laved six moiilh. f4.IH) : If payment ll delayed till the expl ration of the year, Sfi.fWl. Legal adverllaemeiili, ui-r souare of twelve lines or leea, $.1,111 for lint Insertion, and $l,lgl tor each Bulili'qoent Insertion. Thcae rutta are payable In all casei In coin or Ita ripilvalrnt. Where legal tender notei are offered, the rates will be enough higher to uiaki, the pay ment euual lo gold value. Vor ilelava of more than three monthi in payments for advertising, lb highest legal rate of Interest will he charged. UomiiKrclal advertisements will be published at liberal ralei. w . v. in. 1 1 .ii ni.T, kuii;h mai.i.uuy. U. W. ('lum, iDlnelon. C. P. CltANIlAM,, 0. N. TKHIIY, I'SIOM LEAGl'KS G'OLHEX CIIU'LKS. The copperhead mind of this State is terri bly alarmed about tho iiitroductioti of tho Loyal Leagues. That is one of the heat evi dences of the pa'riotic charnolor of the iustitu tiun, for, it may, as a general rule, be set down as certain that whatever the coppers bowl against, is right j not because they howl, but because they are morally cert mi to take the bad side of any question affeotiug the Union. We know but little of the practicul workings of the Loyal Leagues, but we do know that none of theiu ever proposed a disgraceful surrender of the cause of Union j none of them ever pro. posed measures to otulmrraas tho Government iu it patriotic endeavors to crush the rehullion; none of them over professed or practiced sym puthy with the rebel cause ; none of them ever rejoiced at the defeat of the national arms or at the discomfiture of the c titutud authorities. Wo do not believe one of them ever proposed to do anything, publicly or privately, which a loyal man might not honorably atd gladly do, publicly or privately, If one of them over yet did or offered to do anything except to promoto the best interests of the Union cause, wet have never learned it. If any League ever hound ita members to anything to which an honest Union man of any political antecedents, might not freely subscribe, we have yet to learn the fact. Now how stands the matter with theOoldeu Circle and ita brother "Democratic" Clubs ? Did one of them ever propose to uphold the constl'uted authorities in this great crisis of the nation? Did ono of them ever i ffer syinpulliy and countenance to the brave men who lire periling life mid fortune to uphold Ihe national flag? Did nne ol them ever propose n mena uio calculated to diimuge the rebel cause? Did one of them ever attempt to remove any ob stacle In the way of national triumph? Did one of them ever organize except upon terms of hostility to tbe Federal authorities? Did one of the iu ever ceaso to vmbitiruas, by all mentis in hi power, nil etfort fur an honorable solution of the rebellion? Did one of them ever bear of rebel success or Federal discom fiture, without a chuckle of delight? There is not a liriug man who ciui truthfully answer either of theso queries ill the aflirmalive. There is not a "democratic" club in existence now but has for its buse a deadly lumtihty to the Uniou cause, as supported by the ollicial representatives of the people unit by the mass es of the people tlicinnelvus. There Is not ouo of them that date or that wills to unqualifiedly denounce the rebellion. If they have llie cour age to dn it, they are apparently unwilling. It is often denied that there are any of tbe Goldeu Circles in this country, but there is ev ident that they have existed since ihe break ing out of tbo rebellion. The captious and ma!iui)iit hostility of tho copperheads to the war and to the Administration, has not nbaled in any degree since the beginning. If they had treason enough in their hearts at my time to organize such oahnl. thero Is nothing In ex- isteuoe lo show that such treason is not fester ing as ntnkly there now a ever or that their mad folly would not a soon lend them into traitors' niidoi-ht dens inw as three year ago. Wa believe tirmly that there are organizations of tbo (Jolduu Circle in the State of Oregon, and that there has beeu, if not uow, one of them in Marion county. There is the most positive proof that there are secret copperhead club at various loculiiie iu the Siutu, into which nobody gains admittance without secret signs and words. What purposo they havo in view, I best Judged of by their open and st If confessed sympathy with the Southern Confed eracy. They bave, beside these, very utiuier cut club iulo which anybody may enter. All of these organisation are pledged lo an sure' Irnling hostility to the present Administration Now, considering these facts, what is the plainest duty of lojsl men? Orgariiulion be. get strength. While the copperheads, inspir ed by Ibo spirit which animate tho relwls, aro orgauitiiif for the purpose of overthrowing tbo Union, shall L'uiou men lie supinely on their back aud Halter themselves lln l all is well? Not if thef are true to tha Union or true to themselves. Their country' peril call upon them to leave undone nothing lu defeat tho Infamou oohemro of their ooaiilry't ene nne. Tbe first aud oouimoneet impulse of patriotism ought to move them to org loise orgauin in all loyal way practicable, for lha defense of tho Union. There ought lo bo a lo) 1 1 league or Unioo club in over precinct in the Bute. Will hoi tbo Unlou men ten to it that thii is duuvt WAR OVIIIK HOKHCR. The following letter, received by a lady of this plaoe, from a young lady In the Ettat, will furnish some idea nf the condition of those who iv c on the border during tho present war : l'KOivroitHVii.t.Fi, (Ohio) Deo. ,')l. My Dkar Chimin i If this epiatlo ever reaches ils destination, you will learn Ihacnn- n b I not one tn allow a rood correaponu- ent to rest easy under the conviction that olio has had the lust. I will admit that in this cine yon have bad the best of reasons for tliinkin,; so, but will tell you the cause ol this seeming neglect, aim trust to your good naturo lor par- Oll. ' Before this nneation was set tled, one nf fur greater Importance agitated and distracted our dear country, and sineu then huvintr had the fortune whether good or ill I am nnalilo to decide to I e a good deal mixed up in the hubliub. I have hail enough tn tlo withoat writing much, I have nn doubt that yon, since flii war began, have thought " full many a timii and oft " of year friend in Vir ginia, and wondered how tlvey were situated, anil what part or side they would take in tun awful struggle. Let me set your dear heart at rest nn that score no ono can ever name the word fra;or in connection witli any member of your futhor's family t they are of good old revolutionary stock anu pnssos too niiicn goon Yankee grit ever to join liautls with treason or traitors. Luckily for my temper (and hi' na- con) my good step father takes the same vievr f the matter, hut on the strength ot mat opin ion lie hud to take himself out of Virginia in a proiiigions hurry. (jiiyandnite is the only town nn the Ohio river that has ever presumed to flaunt tho rebel flng; that was raised mi Saturday. and as fath er was ono of three who dared to vote for Lin coin, he knew full well when the flag was raised It was time for him to leave, Monday morn ing a friend came in inst hb Pa was about to crjias the river, and tolk him ho was ft marked man, and hud no time tn spare, lie came at once and engaged a house on this side. Mint of our furniture came over that day, but moth er and I stayed (our nights longer, our true friends begging u not to slay alone, and our old neighbors and intimates looking daggers at us when we chanced to meet. A loaded re. volver lny at all times within convenient reach and tlinso who knew me were well aware that I cwtld and would nse it, if I had occasion, and I have no doubt that knowledge added greatly to our safety. Now was not til t a pretty state ol nllairs 7 We were not tho only ones in trouble, though we, ns genuine Yankee, and known tn possess strong anti-slaver-' principles, were special objects of hatred. We went so fortu nate ns lo save all our movable property of any great value, but a large aiunuut of money is mill duo ftoin many of the rebels mid probably will remain so till the end of lime. Now for our present situation, ns there wus no time for looking around, wo popped right into the first door that opened to receive us, and that hap pened to bo right opposilo our old home, and very small and inconvenient. Kcfugco run ning for their lives fled to us. and of course they wero not turned away. Our house was so small we bad no room for a girl and the bur den of the work fell upon my shoulders. Then every few days nil nllack would be threatened ii nil our 1 ! 11:111- (juiird would flock in to protect llie ho der. All there timet he fed and I would cook us long as I could stand. At length, in Ihe Kail of Irjtil, a new regiment was being organized, untl they miulo their headquarters at (iiiyar.dotte. Wo then felt easier. They liail about "Oil enlisted men, and had been them two or llneu weeks when they were nt tack.d one ninht by UOO rebels. Ten were killed uud (II) captured ; the rest escaped. All this ouuurretl in sight anil hearing ol cs here, and we tlid not know what moment they would make us a cull, ns I here were boats on that side of the river, in which a strong force could easily cms . As that was our first experience in ncluiil wnr, you may guess It was terrible enough, but it was worse the next morning. when they hegnu to lire across the river at us. No one wus hurt on this sole, uud it is strange, loo, for the men wero so thick here, but the robs soon found it convenient to get away from the Yankee bullets. .As the reliel citizens of (itiyaudooto were known to hare unused the raid, their bouses and stores wero lireil, and left lo tho flames by one of our Colonels. All tlie best houses weiu destroyed; also, all the business part of the town. A good many Un innielM were heavy losers, too, but the re I is re ceived a sev te lesson which Iniight tin in to he onielul till- mi inviting their Irieuds another time. Mince then our trials have been numberless. When the river gels low enough to ford, ns ll sometimes tloes, e have to sleep with one eye open, not knowing what in uncut no may have lo greet an iiiinelcouie visitor. Ami these men me our old ftienjt young gentlemen who have been my ohacquious ultendaiit lo places of niiiuaeiiieiit and to church and whom I have met almost daily for years. You may imagine how I feel, but can never know until you have beeu placed ill a similar situa'.ion, which I ear nestly hope ) ou never may be. During the past year, wo havo hud but one serious iihir.n. and I hat wus when Morgan made us tt visit, but our greatest fear was that he Would escape. After he and his gitug Were se cured H e It-It eueior. You will uieh tn hear of your other friends. Uncle I), is still iu Western Ohio. Mary is married, and Irvine, Ins eldest son, is n Lieu tenant '.'oloiiel, in Misenuii. Ilvron, Ins oilier son, is ll'ieiiitnl Steward iu the regular nrmv, at Kurt I'ltkcus. lis is llie highest lion .com missioned ollice in tlie service, soyoti see some of our representatives are iu tbe field, if yon and I are not. My poor father is unlit led for service by the loss of one eve. We have not beard from bim unco lust July, and feel quite anxious about him. Uncle 11. 's family ure still iu Charleston!!, Va. Have been driven out ouuu by the relet, and rohhed of everything tin y possessed, except one trunk or clothes. When they got back (uiii, which was when our soldiers re-look the place, Ihcy searched the reliel bouses, aud re-took enout;h of their prop erty to ol a rt with, but they had to lake a guard of soldiers for the purpose Since our sijmtrii in Ohio, mother' health ha beeu good. My health is miserablu. The over-exerlum, an (lor two years) ulmoat con slant excitement, has given my cousliimion a severe blow, and changed me greatly. 1 hard ly recognize tlie little ghostly shadow 1 see in Ihe glare ns a relied ion of mysolf. (.Hi ! cons in. you havo good reusou tn be thankful you are out of sight and hearing of this terrible warfare and Ihe desolntion it has wrought. It is utterly impossible for me lo give you an idea of the horror of it, aa seen eveii here, ami our experience is but a drop in the ocean. We be come used to the alarms, to a great extent ; for instance. t first the crack of a sentry' musket alter dark would cause everybody to be on the alett. Now, though often wakened by the gun. I generally go to sleep while wailing lor another report. We may bo aroused to night as our funics, I am told, are expect. og an at tack. If the enemy should come, vtilh the knights of old my prayer will be, "Ood pro tect llie right," and nit It that pitilion answer ed I know the cause wo Id be speedily decided in our lavnr. Bui yon will be glad lo rest by this time ; to hoping lo hear from you soon, I will clian. in the hope that the New Year may bring health, happiness, peace and pro pert y lo you as well as ta our dear country. Yours, Ace. "Mr. Wood (Fernando uitsrlr dasiiiaes the nmli IDihm.) stttl his (irini i,lra, n,l would ralbwr sole ir or Heeler i ns ivitiir ol iiKnuinvr.nrsiims miisr jiriwirM J-.;m im U President H..0 Mr. feline P. 1 . W have uo doubt of it. Very few of Ihe copperhead would have any objection to King Dahomey nr any other desml if ho wer ouly copperhead. Jt IT Davis I something of despot, yet liny have an abiding affection for bim. TV Wo met a copperhead the other day who na in favor of taking "high ground" on the questions nf war and peace. W left him, thinking thai if he had his desert he would occupy a high potiiion, bat Dot on tho ground., TRIAL 1'OR TltKASO.V. There was a great rush yesterday at the Sen ate to bear the (rial of (iai rett I)avi, of Ken tucky, upon the iiiilictinunt embodied in the resolution of expulsion submitted by Senator Wilson, It had been broiled uliotit that a stir rine dclmto would be ou the luiiis, and that it was possible that a bit uf a fight might be ex pected. Ho tho galleries wero crowded to ex cess, the assemblage even overflowing into tho reporters' gallery, where tho aggravated cor respondents wero robbed of their comfortable quarters by the extraordinary pros from the outside. There was a profound bush in the crowded chamber when Wilson openeil a pile of manuscript and commenced reading his speech, He began by stripping Davis' resolu tion of their verbiage, and then, piece by piece, showing how ail their logical connection was but a complete appeal to the worst paasion (if the penplu to rise ag inst their war leaders and to "revolt" against Iho present Administration showing that the Kentucky Senator had used the sumo Word "revolt" as applied tn the re bellion as well as to tho proposed popular rev olution which he urged. Wilsoo then went nn to show that the Peaco Congress which Davis pulled for would be a revo ulionary assemhliige, which proposition Davis ascnted to as the de bate wore ou, He then endeavored to show that the appeal of the KeVituclty Senator was cal culated to iticlln rebellion and revolution, ami he mid tic J evidence from the resolution of Davis to show that his fiilmiiiations were iude cent, disrespectful and treasonable. Shorn of some nf it renditions, Ihe speech nf Wilson was a strong one, and a murmur of appluuai! went around when its rea ling had been concluded. Davis li'nriilly ' Ipped him self for the fight, taking off his r.i tk slock and unbuttoning Ins waistcoat. The burden of his speech was, "You're another." lie spat upon Massachusetts and New Kuglund generally,; branded the people a disloyal uud disorgani ze r ; dignified tho Hums rescue case in Hus ton into a rebellion, and Insulted Wilson by re peating anonymous and irresponsible attacks upon his courage, honesty aud legitimate birjh, insinuating that lie wus a gipsy, and repeating all sorts of innuendoes and insinnulions which he bud heard. Dav- madu one or two good points on Wilson, however, one of which was tho assertion that when Tootubs, Jeff. Davis and other Southern firw-ea'crs bad uttered their traitorous harangue) in the Senate, Wilson had remained iu his sent "us dumb as a liab." All of which is nearly true ; and now, bucked by a pimei'lul uiiijui ily, w iison is noitier man men. Davis went into a lengthy history of all the commotions iu the North which could be tor tured into a show or semblance of rebellion, and argued therefrom I hat the North especially New England, bad been guilty of repealed treason, and llrlt the Senator from Massuchii setts had never lifted his voice or arm against it. lie read copiously from laws, letters, "peech es uud even aiionyino'is letters, tho while sil ting ou his desk to rest Irs legs. D.tvis is a small, pule old man, and Ins body gave out long before his voice did, and It wa a comical figure which he made, sitting oil his desk, his little legs hanging down in front, and his body doubled over an immense volume, fro n which he read nearly the wl.oluof the Fugitive Slave Lntv. When he had concluded bis three hours speech. WiUm replied extemporaneously and made a very good s'ecb. refuting completely all of the personal slanders winch had beeu cast upon lum by the indu-Orions scavenger of scandal and gossip from Kentucky, lie ex posed the inul cc unit narrow miiidcdueas which had prompted the vitupeiative attack of Davis, who hml never touched, in all his vuticatious, llie real merits of list question, hut hail con fined his ell'oils to a acreonul abuse of the nil - thor of the resolution of expulsion, Wilson's reply was not long, nor was it so nlile us a stiouger man might nave made it, being a good exemplification uf the old adage, that he who pleads his own cause lias a root for a client. Wilson itruggh' iiiiuifully and red-fscedly with his subject, hut never seems to be master of it somehow, but splutters mid fumes when be should be calm, sarcastic and dignified iu bis invective. The whole matter has been post poned until Ihe amendments to the Enrollment Hill aro disposed of. CA.lll.NL. s UP" The Yrcka L'm'dm says Superintendent Steele, of (he Northern District of California, has concluded a treaty with the Klamath and Modoc tribes nf Indians, by which they agree to be subject to tbo authorities of Fort Klam ath. We judge from the reports that the trea ty is not a formal one, but rather partakes tif (be nature of a "talk" and agreement nn the purt nf the Indians lo behave themselves. It is to bo hoped that the measure of Mr. Har ding iu the Semite w ill go through, so that n permanent trenty can be effected with those troublesome bunds. The X. Y. Aetrs lately filled several columns with boastings of its great success, tbo multiplication of ils fence freinds, the necessity of enlarging, &c, to meet tbo demand for its treasonable drivelinga, Wc see it slated upon what appears good authority, that lien Wood, its editor, bad announced lo his copperhead friends that he would be obliged to suspend publication for want of pulromige, aud that the latter, including several members nf Congress, came to "the rescue by pledging Wood t?tKII) per week to continue the publication. The uddeu turn of boasting which came across the Aries, and it enlargement, are confirmatory uf the statement, fur it is simply ridiculous lo stippuse that such a rebel sheet ns the Acics could enlarge upou legiliiualu patronage iu llie Northern Stales. I"' Weiiuell I'billipt is Hying to butt his brains nut against the war policy of President Lincoln, Wc hope be v. ill succeed in bulling them out. He ought to remember that the man who bus for three years directed the ener gies of a great notion successfully against the rehtllioii, is likely to be a rather severe subject to run bis feeble machine against. tV Long primer Hall, formerly editor of the Corvallis Peridental, has recently been "bus ted" out of the Merced llunnrr. Ho is said to have departed from that rcginu in a very do moralized condition. Hi sh uncles devotion to the Jeff lUvis concern was the cause of his misfortune. Akkansas. Tho Act organizing a Provis ional Government for Arkansas i In be sub milted to the people, iu March. The Union Convention nominated Isuao Murphy for Pro visional Governor. The work of reconstruc tion 1 almost ooin pleto In Arkansas and from that point it may be expected to progress till the whole Southwest agaiu float the national fln' IT A dispatch from Washington City to Astoria, ha been received jnat lour day after it dale at Washington. Thi lime, Ihe short esl ever accomplished, will soon he shortened to a day aud a half, nr (wo day. t"t""Aiiiori I'nlon priorir rwaiitly rwaord IVrtn Kiviiuiiiiid, tiitf iwilie of Joull K. Mel alluiiK'li, nf tit r'irel tVisrvuaiii, is rmr(u .Wct'nlloilirh fpitfiied . 1 , . 1 . ... ataiStn L..u 1 ... ... , UJl(4 , ,.ilmHli r,,mi.lKl hiui a c.l. ot a j ,h l.l.nket, bv mswis ol wlil.'li be enabled to wot Ina way up lu vur lines aud Dually to mcb YtHSlUlltflOU. That feigning "dead" wa unconstitutional, wasn't it. O Meara f Now, wasn't it a mean abolition outrage." Jimmy I Then w hat ib--picable ineanueea to leal that ecesh blanket ! Milt never mind. Jimmy, when your kind get Into office you will, of emirte, send him back with a belter blanket for the rebel, have all those um-fliistitnthinul women arrested, and thus vindicate the "cuistltution as it U" On ler- ' Uoud by copeth.aJ. A ATltOriOlS PROPOSITION. The following la a sample of the tone of Ihe Copperhead pres at the North, which Is cqniil ly afraid wilh the Kiohinniul rebel that the President's proposition of amnesty will find fa vor at the South, Could anything bo more atrocious than the )iibjoincd extract from the Chicago yVm'i .' Peiliups tin. K'iiiiIi will consent In these Kirrns. If sht does, tlie dctradtitwn thrii tigtr ieH not lie o 1rrrc us iel,M be mjlirlrd upon a p--cplr k rnuhl nrrrpt that itegriiililtion. If .lie does. is nol Jit tn he in the Union upon termi of eiuHlilfl mlh alhve Stulri.iir to eiertue nnl political privilrirt oj nnu nmnc of natnrt. if "lis dues, lire p ople ihonld be compelled lo rhanae titnatioM leith tlmr tlare.t, mid governed only Im tin overtcer'n lain. No trim American eoillil propose such (legrililntirm to his fob liiw-eitiznin, ami lite fact Unit, llioy liuvs linen tiiinlo l proof that tlielr author isellluir Itisiuis wilh laualiuistti or a trniior who glories in his eiiiitiirv's slunim. the Confedrralet nee not dor: they trill free, arm ant mo r, lud their tlnmnjar empet by offering ai ill Ki'eat er briliea than ure oilered them liy Abolitionists, hefor: Ihry will think of iiiimmnion to the I'rrtidrnft termi. Tliey are audi us no patriot or tins Unionist, or oils who reaped Ihs memories of those, who foiindinl III government, or tha honor nf the American uurue or character, could wish the South to accept. This extract is from a paper which constant ly charge that tho administration doo not wish the war elmed j that it is ready at all time tu oppose any pinpoaition upon which ft peace might he concluded. Now. whisji a dis tinct, practicable plan ia proposed by the Pres ident, the copperheud Timet, boiling over with venomous hntred of everything not rebel, throw off the veil of hypocrisy, and reveal how little it want peace on any term not en tirely tu the advantage of tho rebel. It dis tinctly advise) the traitors not tn accept the President's terms ; to figln to the last rather than do it i tn arm their shtvus for the hell-born work of treason. Tbe Timet, and like cop perhead sheets bare never ceased, night or day, to censure and howl down tlie employ ment of negroes in subduing the rebellion; but now when term of peace are offered, to which no loyal iniin can have an objection, the Tines, alarmed lest the South shall accept them, frantically appeals tn tho rebels to not only fight on, themselves, but to Irec an.l arm their negroes. This is the spirit of the copper head press and the copperstitiko generally, To arm a black man in the cause of the Union is infamous! Hut to arm him' in the cause of trearou is right and advisable ! As the copperheads are on (hi question of negro soldiers, so they are on all others. Any expedient which prom ses help to the govern ment, meets their denunciation. Korerse things end offer tbe same measure for the ad vantage of the rebels, and they adopt it with tho utmost avidity. l"5"Judge llofTiitan of San Francisco', nn the 10th inst.. released Ilidgely (jrealbouse from the penitentiary and the payment of the 10. 00 - fine, upon hi) taking tho amnesty oath, We suppose Jeremy ami T'Vault will say ' 11 til ly for Hoffman," ami curse Creatinine for "betraying the icccssiuuists to lite aboli tionists." Rkmemiik.ii. Next Saturday is tbo day ap pointed for holding tbe Union precinct meetings for this aud most of the other counties. Theso aro important conventions, and all trim Union men should attend them, not only for the pur pose ol securing good delegations to tlie county conventions, but for tbe moral effect of a gen eral turn uut and consultation with each otii r. r" The copperhead affect to believe 'a Union man insincura when he professe love for the Uniou. When a ooppcrhead vonts his hatred nf the Union, his sincerity can't be doubted. That' the difference. Pkaiison'b Minium op tub Wak This great panorama wits exhibited tlirco night) nf last week.jn Sulutii. It embrace) all the prin cipal scene) of buttle since the firing upon Ft Sumter donn to the bombardments of last au tumn, together with many other scene of his lorio interest. It is decidedly the best paint iug of tbe panoramic kiud ever exhibited iu Oregon. Pacific Coast Appointments Conkium ed. The U. S. Senate on llhh January cun- firmed the following nouiinatio.i of the Presi dent : Lewis C. Guiin, of California, to be Collec tor ol Customs for the District of Pugct Sound, territory ol uelniigtun. Charles James, Collector of Customs fur the District of Sail Francisco. 11. M. Miller, Appraiser of Merchandise for tbe Port ol Snu Francisco. PnltTi,ANi) Pbices CutiKKNT. On Satur day tlie following price) ruled at Portland : Flour, country brands. $ I S.'j'ri 4 .10 buck wheat flour, 5 eta ; Indian meal, 5 cts ; butler, freeh rolls. ;)0 a ;b" cts per lb; lard, iu keg, 121 cts y lb f lb. in tins, 10 cts; bucoa, side 17I8 cts V lb-hams, 13-ttId; eggs. 25 c.s d"i. ; wheat. 7U cts; oats, (il) cts; hay, from wagou. (20. 17" Tho Mountaineer says T. J. Dryer, lor luerly of Ihe Oregonian, bus lukeii up a claim in the Pike' Peak region, and settled down to the life uf an honest fanner. Ck.nsliie or McDotJOALi,. The resolu tions ouocci ning Senator MuDougull passed the Assembly of Culifomia by a vote of fifty -two tu live. CPTlio Washington Utitcsman uy a baud uf Indian ha gathered o:i Snake river, a few mile ulaive Pulouso, aud ordered oil a compa ny uf miner wintering iu that vicinity. Ou the refusal uf the miners to leave, the Indian tore down their bouse uud compelled them to leave. FROM NEVADA TERRITORY, The Virginia Bulletin is inf rmed that a ledge of ten leet wide, of really good ore, hits been struck within tbe past few day on the Hartford claim. M jor F. Alum Wheclock, the notorious, came very near gouging the landlord uf the Golden Ksgle Hotel, at Gold Hill, a few dues ago. He had made the landlord believe that be was Mr. lialetnn of the banking bnu of Doulioe, li.ilstnn 4C Co., of Kail Francisco; but Virginia i.llicera stepped Up and uahlied him. llu wus detained awhile aud set adult. On Ihe II Hi Hint., say llie Gold Hill '.Vie,, an explosion occurred iu the Cedar Hill Tun nel, on Cedar Hill, by which two workmen, w ho were UTping at the liiue.were wihockiitgly injured that it wa leared they cannot reoover. Their u.tues are Peter Kelly' aud C. O'Neal. Kelly is the same il an who on the 4th of July last wa shot and badly wmmJed-duriirg a fight in Ihe San Francisco Saloon, Virginia. The Committee of Safety ol Aurora, have addressed a letter to C K. II. Whiuum, in forming him if he does not talk dilterenlly, ho will have lo be banished. He replir in a somewhat defiant epistle which is published in the Aurora Timet. Troubla may grow out U it. In regard to tho noted Del Monte Claim, the Aurora i'mrs sues : It I not a hubs singular, in view of the fact that stock In this great mine ha declined from 9 lo0 to 17(1 per foot, within the past month, to see the yield of bullion from it rich rock. Lately the company ha been running three mills in this district. Seven handsome bullion burs, Ihe result of three day' crashing in Fogos's li stamp mill, five day' crushing lu II. e Aurora null, 10 tamp; aud four and a half day' crashing In their large uw mill, auiouulinj lo ,771 72. The Ai.aiiaA.TIw telegrapbiu newii of lust week aiii'fjiiocd that the pirutu AUImmn was cornered in tbo Chinese port nf Aiuuy, and watched by two American vessel. The ves sels are tho Jmnenloum aud tho Wyoming, the former uiio nf tint old I'lieliiiined sloop) of war carrying lomu heavy gutui tho hitter i) heavi ly armed with broadside guns of nine iuohes, and two pivot guns of elven inoliit). l lie Al abama was in dock for repairs and in that con dition would be easily destroyed it' the Federal vossels should attack her at tmoo, instead of wutching the entrances tn tho harbor, of which tberu ure three; ouo shallow and dangerous, tlie other two, deep and of easy passage. Fur ther intelligence may be looked for in nbiint ten day), when another vessel is expected from Kuiiuguwu. Wo hope then tn bear that this pirate soonrgo nf the seas, has been destroyed. Sommei bad Just before written a letter to the Commander of tbo Jamestown, that he ihotild non sail for New York. ft" Gen. Grant, being annoyed by the N. V. Herald's persistent use nf hi name in con nection with the nomination for tbe next presi dent, write i " I tisplrs to only ono political ollice. When this war ia ovei', I ninao to rtui fur Mayor of Oaleim (Ins place of resiiliMiee ) And if elected, I intend to havo tho sidewalk Hxud up botweeii my house aud the do pot." Gen. Grant would make a model Mayor, as he is a model fighter; but we are inclined tn agree with him that he would make a better Mayor than President. Declaration ok Puini:iplk8. We are In formed that at tbo meeting of tho democratic ohib at Eola on Saturday, -the Secretary of the club declared hi opinion that " JefT Davis i a more loyal man than Abraham Lincoln," and the declaration was applauded by the club members. That is democratic according to the. modern sense of tlie word. It is also dem ocratic, in tho same sense, to believe that Jeff's cause is a right 'ous ouo and ought to prevail, It is, th rehire, also detnuoratio to do Jeff any little service within tho power of the democrat ic patriots, by impeding the war and bringing tho national Administration into contempt. Wc are glad tn tee the democratic club ollicers thus frank in the declaration of their real sen timents. It shows what estimate to put upon their passage, at the same meeting, of a set of war resolution. They profess to bo loyul ; think Jelf Davis mure loyal than Lincoln ; pass war resolutions ; put those three things togeth er taking all of them for grunted and we find by their own profestiun, anil confession that they tiro for war for Jell Davis and against Lincoln. MuituRit of an Old Oiikoonian. George Corliss, who will be remembered as a resident of Salem iu 1 850, and late of Olympia, W. T., was murdered, together with his wife, at Las Cruces, ubuiit fifty miles this sido of Santa Iltir- bura, California, on Sunday the Kith of Janu ary. No clue has yet been obtained to the au thor) of the ho rid deed. Mr. Corliss wa from Elgin, IlliuuM, married his w ife at Olympia, ami bud been in California about a year. The Soldier's Vote. The decision nf the Supreme court of California ngainst the right of Soldiers to vote, ha) called out a very gen eral expression of disapprobation from the Un ion press and a corresponding jubilation from the copperheads. From a somewhat curory reading of Iho opinion we obtained the im pression that the court mudu up its judgment on very leuder grounds, and thnt no special violence would have been dona tn either tho constitution or the spirit of the law. by an op posilo decision. While we aro of the opinion that great injustice, or at least hardship, ha) been done the soldier) who are thus disfron ohised, we cannot approve tbe practice among newspapers, of attacking the adjudication of our courts upon strictly p ditical grounds. 0 ir courts are organized to administer the law, and their conduct should be governed always by an honest understanding nf the law aud never by political passion or prejudice. If conventions and party managers nre tn dictate tn courts what shell he i plain enough that tlie judicial branch of the government it practically abolished. Perhaps neither nf the judge silting on the California Supreme bench ha a particle of sympathy with copperhead isin or ugaiust tbe soldiers. It is most probable they made np their opinion without reference to the likei or dislike) of politician) of any school. If so. they did their duty, and it is the duty now of nil citizens tn acquiesce in the decision, unless by fair lejrul argument it can be shown tn be incorrect. That line of criticism is perfectly legitimate and may he in dulged iu without any danger to the purity of our judicial system. We should be heartily glad if Ibis decision should be shown unfound ed In law, as we certainly deem it in justice. If legal criticism shall prove the means of re versing Iho decision, tho soldier) will ho re placed in possession of a franchise of which I hey never ought tube deprived by reason of b.-iiig absent from homo in their country' service. "UUL, CJSSABt READ IMS SCEDl'LE." Ei. Statehuas : In looking over a pile of oiu papers, i turueti np nn antiquily that might interest even the diggers among the winged lion, flying bulls, and crested serpents of old Nineveh ; and. I am sure, would ho ab sorbingly interesting to thnt class of natural ist who enlist tln-ir sympathies and employ their talents, in the development, "spread," success iu life, uud latter " eeml of the boa con-copperhead. You ce. tbe next day after "old Joe" wa hong iu clh'uy here by Ben. Hnyden and Out house (politics makes itrange bedfellows), the neighboring secesh came in. armd and equip petf for the bloody f ay. (that didn't ensue), took down the well-worn brooches and dilapi d'Ued "old hat" a fitting representative nf all that wa left of lhir hern and with im posing militaiy pomp, Te Deums and oral hint, deposited the acred remain iu a "hole in the ground" in tlie street, near the N. W. corner uf the public square, where ti e saying of the great departed might be fulfilled when the "black aliolitinners" should "paw over his body." That "eend" of Iho renowned defunct represented by tbe "old hat" wa pluced north ward, probably, indicated m ruu "agin" the 'Yank.' while the efaer extreme, represented by the old breeches, was turn tlie sunny South, demonstrative, likely, of the "Ginerals" fence proclivities (and il may have been in tended for other figurative purpose), and, then, upon the clapboard thnt marked the ta cred sp .t where the "old hat" retted, wa rev erently larked. Ihe antiquity nf which I hare tpokeu. in tha shape of Ihe 'following literally lraucribrd fimtaph ! "Hero Lie. Geu. Joseph Lano The rreate Cilixeuand soldier ol the United State Who was mglonouely Hung by a Band of rufliaiu. O lo Pihtical Demaicsggaet Slay thy Han for here be. a man Which wa Slav,,, by a Hand of Midnight AaslEut Whd is much more worthy than thoe that Huuglrmb " And then, with mingled imprecation aud la mentations the patriot baud di persed, " And left Mm .Ions In hi glory." till the hog routed hint op. n LACURYMUS. Dalia. Feb. W, IrJCi. . Mssi ( is ,, ITT The Union meeting at Lafayette i ken of on all hands, as a ust coinnlclo y ........ In ul,.,Mr ,li'ftut u!ll. It,., . u..l .'V ' VI"' I" rt,,,ft v mi- ,--iM eilii actnr of lliu copperhead gatherings, the audi cncti waa cotnposed ol tho highest order of cit. ir.ens men of properly,' business, character ami intelligence, instead nf flic coiiglotucnitiou of ignoramuses, Inafurs, hummers, cVo., that form so uoiisidnrublu an element in the I tit ir day deniocralio assemblage. Tho men who have most at stake nre naturally in favor of )in,taiiiiug the government. Tho bummer who live from hand to mouth, or by the chances of th day, naitirally look to revolution nf nny kind as a God tend that may turn np something ti bis advantage, but which cannot do him any harm, Iluncu that stripo nru naturally seoei itinints and copperheads. Wo should go far beyond the truth, howevor, in classing with them all the copperhead. Thero aro men nf honest convictions and of intelligence anion; them, hut it is uiideuiable that tbe larger pro portion are of I hat olus of citizens that the community could best spare It is cheering In the highest degree, that In Yamhill and elsewhere, the loyal musses nre waking up to tbe Importance of preventing the trickster copperheads from spreading their poi sons upon tbo public mind without any, let or hindrance. A lew such meeting in each county as that held at Lay fnyette last week, will lay the secession fuctiou in Oregon, so b w ns to ' be beyond the trumpet of rcsiirrrcjinn. Let them be held in every county, and if possible, in every town, village and precinct. If thi I) done, the result iu the approaching canvass, will as certainly be a most crowning triumph for the Union party, us that the day of election conies. W The peach crop in tho Wnlla Walla valley i reported nipped in the bud by frosts. There is danger that tbo same thing may hap pen in tlii) valley, for the bud) are opened, in many localities. Special Notices. A. T, A. M. SALEM LOllflR No. 4 lmlils Hi reirtilar commiml- callutiiiin the aeciinil snil tourlli Krlilays In eaoli Dliintli. Ilretliren tu gouri atantlinK are Itiviteil tn attend. T, H. Cm, Bee'y. fJltf tiKU, A. KDKB, W. M. I, O. O. F.-CIIE...KKKTA LODtlK No. t meets ever? Weiliies lay vvenliiir, at Its hall in linlmitn's Untitling, Brullieri In gout! standing are invited in utteml. BAML'tL E. MAY, N. CL C. P CaastiAU., R. Sec'jr. )tf Take no mort nnptniMiint and uneiie Jtetticintt. fr u),letmit and iliiiiKernus itlseaets, use ' IIKMHOUl'S KXTUAUT HIX'IIIT, Which Imi received the eti'lorsi-niclit of the most PftOMI NKNT PHYSICIANS IN THE V. 8., ll now otfereil tn af Ulcteil humanity ai a certain cure fur tlie following diseases anil symptoms originating from diseases and aliuie uf tli Urinary or Sexual Orgeats. Ucneritl Oel.llity, Mental and Physical Depression, Imbecility, Determination of lilooil to the lleml, Confined lileni, Hysteria, Oeueriil Irritability, Hestleisuess ami -!euil,'ssn,. lit Night, Absence of MusculM-ettlcleucy, Los of Appetite, Oyspepiln, Kmauiatlon, Low tiplrili, DisorgHiilsKtitiu r eerMlysli of tlie Or gans of Generation. Piilnllelloii nl 0,n ll...i ami, In fact, all Ihe concomitant ,,f Nervous ami l)elulHM ted state f llie system. To Injure thracnitine, cut tltUoui. ASK i-OII lIKMBtlLD't. TAKK Nl) (ITIIKIt VL'ltKS (i VA HA A' TEED. gee silvertliemcnl In another column. amfti Vff During nur visit to lvwell wu were shown tli..,.,. the latioratory of our celebrated countryuimi, Dr. J. C. Ayer. Hcarci-ly could we have ut-l!evd without proof, what Is eea mere oeyonu uispuiiug, Tlcy iniike a barrel of tollil Pills, nhout 15,000 limes, and three barrcll of Cherry Pectoral, lau.UOO (loses, per diem. To what an Inconceivable amount nt human unfertile tinea tills tiolut I I'il.DillI iIospi a dav 1 riftv millions r .... year 1 1 What acres anil Ihoumntla of ncrea ofilc bedi does.. t,, '-.i i.cii.rc tne iitiHgiiiKuon i Aim wnal sympnttiler i ami wile I True, not atl of thii ii Inken by Ihe very sick, but alii, murh nf It Is. This Cherry Drop and this lugared all are to he th companion of pain and angulih and sliiklog orrow the Inheritance our mother Bve bequeathed to th whole family of man. Here tlie Infant darling hni been touched too early by the blight thai wither half our race. Its lungs are affected, ami only watching and waiting shall tell which way lis breath shall turn. Thii red drop on ill ta ttle lithe tills nan on which ita life shall hang. There th hlossnin of Ihe world Just bursting Into womanhood Is strick en also. AITectlon'l most asalduoua care avails not -,-he Is still failing away. The wan messenger corneal buhl. n.,nr ...r, w If. Th II, tl.. i,....r Ihelr last, perhaps their only ...-m e ,,mB planted in bis vitals, this same itiseaae. Thii reo 4,i. ' aide Ii helping him wrestle with the Inexorable tlt'e l wife of tils h'tioiu and the oheruti of hli heart ar ws Me-,n lek sorrow and-fear leit the rod oo which they lean, In this World, be broken. O, Doctor ! 8pare no kill, nor coat, nor toll to give Iho perishing ilt-k lliu belt Uiat human art can give. Ualveltoo, Texai, Newa. Itrown's Bronchial Troches, "t hare never changed my rnltid respecting them from ths first, excepting to think yet better of that which I began thinking well of." Ker. Ilasav Wash Hkkcukb. "The Troche are stair of 111 to me." Prof. Enwasn North, Prei. Hamilton College, Clinton, N. T. "Por throat troubles Ihey-are a ieell)c." N.P. Waus. . t'Too favorably known to need commendation." lion, f'nas. A. PngLss, Prea. Mail. Delist. "Contain no opium nor anything Injurious." - Dr. A. A. Havks, Cheralil, Boston,. "An elegant combination for coughs." Dr. ti. P. Bioslow, Bo-ton. , "I recontiueud their use to public siieakera." . Itev. K. II. Cuins.' "Mult Military relief In hronchltli." Rev. 8. Skiiiksiid, Morrtstowo, Ohio. "Very beneficial when sntTeriug from colds." Iter. 8. J. P. ANbKKSOg.St. Lout. -'Almost imtant relief in the distressing I bor of breathing pet-tiler to Asthma." Ker. A.O. KouLKirrug, N. Y. "Toey have suited my case exactly, relieving my throat so thai 1 could ling with ease." T DtTiURMx, Chorister Prench Parlih Church, Montreal. Al Iher are Imitation!, be sure to obtain the genuine. A(ciili h-r California, KKtil.viiTiis k Co., 8an Prjn. Into Najai.v Kstks us Alivs. -Who hai not heard of Ihe esse of Mai ilia Willi ney of IliilTiilo, New York f Nile wal at tacked to Mt-rofula of Ihe most rapid, deadly and lo,lhsom lytic. Vast ulcen, that deepened daily, consumed tho Uesh of her lower lloitw. Tlie very bones rotl.-d. Tell months sh lay on her bed, wasting to a skeleton. Pliyslclaiu were sum moned from fir and near. All gave her up. Phe prayed for death At Una Juncture, Bristol' Harsaparilla win recom- ,"r'. ' . -,,! i, ni earcu inousaniii ot'iore ner. Tne plague wai stopped. Tile lores healed and clcalrllrd. 11,-rappclile and streuclh returned. In short, her health and cheerlnlneta were thoroughly restored, and she has ever sin. e enjoyed those supreme earthly blesaings, soundneu of b-hly and content of mind. Por every form of scrofula, can cer, lienor, ahace, and rheumatism, Hriitnri8rlaparilla Is announced, with the aiienl nf lit Picully, ai the molt prompt an.l ccrlain of all known remediej. lmfrtl iimu Livisn. Ttils Is very apt to a disordered stomach, reiultiirg in dyspopal. Hoofiand's Uermali Bluer will entirely relieve any nausea or bad feeling, and prevent more eer consequences. If you have the ilysp. psla, a few holllet will entirely reitor,- the digestive orgiuia to their original vigor. Por sale by drugjiiu and ihopkeepors eve ry where. .,vj Our Marc-ants should bear In mind that Ihcy can noT purchase Hueiton, lUsliiies A Co.'l make of cl'Sliliig at whi,lei,ile. They hive recently muved to Ihelr new building, corner of Battery k P.ue, San Prancuwo, and are now .1 tlog a Boe Jobbing trade. A 8 ip toaod Oanoer Cu Wvnaivo, O.-Tober ti, , ISre-Mrsar. A. L. S-ovill k Co. (leiils BradUy, of Bith county, K. Mucky, hal on his hand a very had swel ling, which hj lhii.-lit Incurable, havlna; been ther for year. He also had nn III cheek bone what he luppnscl to be a cancer, aud could oldaiu no relief until he used Dr. lin ker'. Pain Panacea, which cured him of Hut discaae, and aleo lh swelling on 111. hand. Tile medicine Is thought so m ich of that every family In our neighborhood keep it con stantly on hand. In fact, II Ii the best medicine for Ihe dlsa earn Ii is recommended for, that can get. . . , R. A CAI.DWKLL. Por sal by every dragglil In California, Nevada and Washington Terrilorie and Oregon. Krdlniton k Co., Sol Agenli, .lis and SIS Pront trt, San PranclacO; twW Neoo ii d A.iicnrin?p. IX 8.1LEM, OX FRIDAY EVE., MARCH 4th. Tin Elite rtnintnent will eomtnenee with the NAl'TICAl, UBA.riA, BLACK-EYED SUSAN; OR, ALL IN THE DOWNS. W lib ArSRorm.T C08TI ME and SONGS. ASD COSCLDD WITH TOODLES. Poor open t R) i to commence at 7. Tickets, 50c. V voiiiiren. jjc. l ick eta at the store I,r onler. Cnah for Tan Bark. ribARKcV IjtUMAN will par rash for Ur, bom ' hick and alder hark, and for raw bides Nl.m.rh '.7. 1 wit. Gm.W,utid DI..L.8.SKIFF 1 Kui Boon Deiitlsat. OfJc. in llolman's Hrick ItiiililinK. Ileaiileuce, near cornr of Kim and Ctnt.r street. X T. .N'hn,'n',,,l"int'l"nsnerfnrraea. I 11 . I . deaue th pnlnm-Ke f such perrons as wish TrSKrU" mUrt - w 10 Keuard. " p STRAYED, on. .., 3 Tesr oM brown liers. ton. ..r ..I . t . . .. " ' "I ' 1 i 7 . A' wiia. S.I rtn, Ogn . or to lis julaa-nber, living on Wlnibr', .,d ton Tem.orr.will secure ,! rinnnlZ ," Si j...s,iw. UAJ5