The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, February 22, 1864, Page 3, Image 3

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She (Ovcpi t.,tcu.
Doinrtllc lie in a. j
RtiMMHRg Aid EsTr.nTAiriMr.NT. Tito man
agers lit llio Sanitary Aid Society will present
aiiolher ntrtnimnant at Unswold Hull on I' n
dny vrninir. Sliskasponre's Rrniit piny, " The
Merchant of Venieo" is Mm piece selected for the
occaiion. .Should tha rspnits of the public be
equal to the efforts of t lie Bociuly in bebnlf of the
soldiers, A rousing hoiiao should greet this per
.... Tha Onward run (jrnnnd again Inst Tues
day on hot return from Corvnlli to- thin place,
and did not reach here till lata Wednesday. The
Onward, though a splendid boat, and officered an
well an any steamer on our rivers, it hardly a fit
beat for tha Upper Willamotte, in time of low
water., ,
Tha OrrYmUu anys Mr. Charles Shulta took a
fearful slid down tha flaff iitntf ot one of tha
Portland fire companies, last week, from a point
130 feet high to within !!0 feet of the ground,
from which point ha full to the ground- Ho, how
ever, escaped terious injury.
,' Man Miming, A man by t)ia name of Sann-
, ion, who owned and run a email ichoouer be
tween the Dnllei and Cascades, disappeared on
Friday evening laat, and has not yot boon found.
i A nan called "Mac," who had been at work for
Saunders, tayt that they had been drinking and
had a fight I that he itrnck Handera with a run ;
kicked him in the faee, and left him on the beach
where he lived,about 15 milea above the Cascade!
that evening. Blood was found at the place in-
dioated, and on "Mae's" clothing. Urcgonian.
....We noticed on the wharf boat, the other
' day, thirty-six boxes of Oregon raised tobacco,
' put no like Imported, and marked "N. L., Uma
ilia." It was raiaed near Bclo, Linn county.
Several other small lots hare boon shipped from
this place. : '
....One of the volunteers In the Oregon Cav
airy, named Francis Ely, convicted by Court
Martial of dOrrion, is sentenced to bo shot.
General Wright has confirmed the sontoncc, and
young Ely will have to suffer the terrible penalty.
i iDeaert'oiia from this regiment have bnon very
numerous and I lie hitherto adopted punishments
have been found inadequate to prevent them. The
officers composing tha court martial probably
'greed upon this sentence with a view of putting
a check upon future desertions. It is a terrible
netialtv. but it is in accordance with law, and, for
aught we know, may be the necessary course of
discipline. ,
....Eureka Silver mining company filed articles
of corporation, Feb. 20, 1HIII, in the office of the
Secretary of State. Capital Stock, $ 1 14,000.
Shares 300.
....P. W. 8towe is under indictment in the
Jackson county circuit court, for and assault with
Intent to kill. Dick Collins was indicted for
....The Union convention of Josephine county
is to be held in accordance with the recommenda
tion of the State Central committee.
First Lieutenant Gordon, of Company D,
4th California infantry, has resigned his conimis-
' aion and is now out of the service.
' Mr. Warren, Sheriff of Yamhill county,
, informs us that lately the provalcut sickness in
. Yamhill is abating. .
The last monthly meeting of the Yamhill
reorganized copperhead and copportail democra
racv was commised of su! members, present.
' ' Large and enthusiastic," vory! Tho cause of
the declension is said to ne trie tax on, anu ennse.
quent scarcity of Jeff Davis, ninoty-rod whisky,
" Tho weather has been good during the past
week. The mud is drying np very rapidly, en
abling the farmers to come to town ami bring
their "truck." The stage from Albany arrives
early in the afternoon, and the stage from Port
land gets hero between 6 and 7 o clock, P. M.
Miners and packers are daily passing through on
their way to the mines.
. Latkb Haininglika blaiet-'-miid getting elo
riously muddled stages don't get here early in
the afternoon.
Sanitary Fund Keckifth. From Mrs. A
Kelly, $10 SO, in coin.collectcd by her near Zion
Chanel. Multnomah county,
From D. Maxim, $6 ; some of the "little ones"
in Zion sunday school. $1 80; Mrs. ilarrer. 50c;
Mnrv E.. Puclla F.i and Kitty Slavin, Mary,
Gusta, Willie, Lottie, Jessie and U. 8. Grant
Mnrauam. 25 cents each.
" From citizens of Milwaukie, monthly subscrip
tions, hv W. J. Bradbury, coin. 9.14 o.
From Mra. E. Ainsworth, Treasurer of the
Portland Ladies' Sanitary Society, coin, $04 50;
currencv. $20.
From Mra. P. Masiker, Dalles, $5; W. Mar
ker, currency, forwarded by Kv. II. C. Lip
pincott. A. HOLHHOOK.
A ileaneratn fellow named Perrv Vickera,
who was guilty of an nssault upon an old man
Wilks, was arrested on Tuesday lost by Seriff 01
jiay, and is now confined in the county jail. The
assault was committed in Multnomah comity
and the accused will be sent to Portland for trial
....The Orrgonian says the jury, in the case of
the State vs. Dr. Noble, came to a decision upon
their verdict by tossing a quarter for heads or
tails the quarter losing for the defendant. The
; .ifu:.l.l .: ....I , Ml .I.. I..-......1 .......
JUry WUS UIVIUCU SI A im oi., hi, "to io, iiru nt
nicnt of "heads or tails" convinced the six stand'
ing for acquittal that their judgments wore wrong
nud the divining piece ot lucre, rigni. u, wise
judges ! O, excellent arbiters.
....A human hand was found last week in the
river at Portland, which created conaiderntilo ex,
citcment. Little Jimmy has been talking about
a hjyid writing on the wall it may be thut.
:...Onr town has fairly broken out all over
with improvements since the dawn of our I rbrii,
ary summer. Quite a number of new buildings
have made their initial bow to the public gaze
while repairs of old ones, new fences, fresh coats
of paint, &c, nw"too numerous to mention.''
The world moves, and Salem is trying her beat to
keep np
....Portland is now supplied with fresh, pure
water from one ot the mountain streams uacK oi
the town. Leonard and Green are the proprie
tors of the works.
....The steamer John IT. Couch arrived at her
wharf yesterday nt 1 o'clock. She towed np th
hark Samuel Merritt. She also brought np the
prisoner Jack I'risrh and Mrs. Edwards, charged
with the murder of William Edwards, some time
since. They are in charge of the Sheriff of Pa
cific county. W. T., and are on tlieir way to au
courer, where they will be held for trial. Wo are
told that the ease will revoal one of the most atro-
cions murders ever committed. Edwards was
murdered by his own wife, and with a gun load
eri by her paramour, who is a Kanaka. f aim
....On the last dayof January, a man named
Greenwald roinmitten suicide at Linpqua city
hv shutting himself in a close room and inlialu
the gas from bnrning charcoal. He fortified him,
self for the fatal (bed by drinking a large quail
tily or whisky. He was formerly from Capo Cod
Massachusetts, and leaves three children
Mr. Z. Ellsworth, of Eugene City, furnishes the
following item to the Lrntader.
"Spencer Butte," is distant from Eugene City
4 8 miles; elevation aoove x.tigene uuy, i,u.
The "Three Sisters," distant from Eugene City
70 miles. Elevation above Eugene City, 6,754
feet, not allowing for the conventy of the earth
Obaervation taken rob. .'J, ittil.
....We understand there is to be a I'nion
meeting at Lafayette, on the td. Gov. Uibbs
and others are to make speeches.
Win. Svkna was committed to the count,
iail on Thursday, upon conviction fur an assail
.and battlerv upon Mr. J. J. Fetier, on failure to
pay a tine of f The fine was paid next day
, and Sykes released
....Mr. A. II. Osborne, of Peoria, Linn conn
ty, is this spring importing a thorough-bred Mai
trse Jack, from Blair county, Kentucky. Hi
lands I. '4 hands high, lie was shipped from
New York, January td and is expected to arrive
in Oregon about the 1st of March
GiistP. The 8. F. correspondent of the V'ir-
fiTinia Botltlin save the reasnu of Artemus Yvard
sudden departure from California, was the refusal
of his "heart and hand by Mnt. Mine a. Oood
rich, who is now playing an engagement wit
Mrs. Julia Dean tlayne, at I'ortltnd. Miss 'all
couldn't think of playing second fiddle to Betsy
Jane and the twins. We don't blame her nor
Arlemaa either.
The ritixena of Eugene city are still en
gaged in efforts to open a wagon road across the
Cascades oy way oi jtciveuite s roru.
....A new paper, to be called the ifuWay Jour
Mi will be issued weekly at Albany tnpginmn
Marrh Wth the " Albany Printing and l'ubh.
in comoany." proprietor. Thomas llnntnith
J. 11. Foster. A. lUnan. II. M Brown and II.
k George, are the Directors. The JoaraW will
Jl... ,. We wish it all possible I
....The Orrfeaiee U now printed by steam
nr. nn one of Hoe'a power presses. This U
the first application of sicam to a piloting press
in the Stale.
.The 8rt aoarti snill ever bail! in Oregon
is now b 'ing cut al the Oregon iron works in this
city. It it to b. used in th Boite mine. law.,
The Yreka Union says a company has been
organized for the purpose of working coal mines
i I no uainpooia mountains. Miieenueiis taken
om them provo to be of superior aualitv. and
tho leads are said to be extensive.
. Mr. John Minto niaJo a snocch at tho court
House, Friday evening, on tho subject of the
mon, Wu were not amnio be iireseiit.hut learn
that he mndo several excellent hits at modern "de
mocracy," .The Portland naners sav Monnt Hood has
taken to smoking. It is a bad fiabit.and had sup-
sca Mr. Hood olil enouirh to know bettor,-
What will the Three Slaters tay t and St. Helen I
...T)nnks of sulmrriptum In the capital stock of the
reg.m City Woolen factory, aw opened at Smith Sl
lartwriirht's. Halem. We understand that books have
been opened at Oregon t'ity and Portland.
An Intertstinir letter from the Border, next
.The Seattle Oatrlle savs the brie Charles Dny.
ens went ashore week before laat, near l'olut uo poiiit
during a heavy fog.
RiNiriHT Kusn lUcEirTs. From eitlzons of the
Dalles, by Rev. U. C. Lippineott, (106 l'J coin and W
From Oregon City, by Win. Barlow, proceeds of
leial Entertainment flit.
From Ladies' Sanltury Aid Society, Vancouver, W.
, $100 in otirrenry.
From J. P. Kciiler, Washington county, )S cur-
f rom J. w. uoorgo, binu county, io enrrenrv.
a. iiui.uuuun..
Thb Anobl or Praofs. Harper's Weekly
Jan, 2d, hail ft most excellently ooncciveil
onricaturo of tha Angel of Pcaoo. It is it pio
tnra of Ben Wood, Hnrolin Seymnnr, Vallan-
glmra, or lonio "other man," with very sorry
legs, terminating in vulture claws, a pair of
bags wings tlmt, folded np, envelope the figure
ke the valves of an oyster. Tho upper part
each wing is a vultures beak and each de
scending quill it a gnlilin finger tipped with a
bird fiend's talon. Tho Angel it apparently
itting dnvrn upon "Stato'i rights," or lomo
other modern "democratic" contrivance, and
leaning hit drooping chin upon hit hand ; he
iiokt tired, and hat upon hit conuteniince an
attempt nt looking benignant, but which fails,
and makes nothing but a mixture of sheepish
cmftines! and disappointed malice. The An
gel it provided with a posterior appendage, an
ornament not usually worn by angels of the bet
ter tort, but very common among the friends of
elzebub. The tail is labeled "copperhead ;"
though, by the way, that was entirely unneces
sary, the inuko being quito rccoguizublo. The
varmint it not remarkably handsome.
r7 Two thousand, eight hundred and three
fotes were reoeutly oatt in the city of Hono-
la for representative to the Hawaiian legis
HTLive toads form a regular article of com
merce in the London market. They are gen
erally imported from France, and tell for from
nlty cents to 91 50 per dozen, according to size
nu activity. They are purchased ny market
gnrdenert in the vicinity of the city, to protect
their oIiihcu vegetables iroui sings and luteott,
men they do very ettectuailjv
ty An orntor of the cnppertail persuasion
lately complained that it wat an intuit to be
tigmiitized nt " coppeheads " " coppertailt,"
lea., for the only reason that they were
enough to declare their principles. Well, now
we suppose the Devil would claim himself
grievously slandered, if anybody should charge
him with having a tail !
Francis Ely. Tho sentence f Francis
Ely to bo shot for desertion it approved, by
the following order of Gen. Wright :
"Tho proceedings, findings and sentence of
the general court martial tit tlx' foregoing case
ef private Francis Ely, of Company A, First
invniry, Oregon voluteert, are hereby an
proved nnU continued. The sentence of the
court will be executed under the direction of
the onmuiunding uflicer of the post where tho
said Frnucis Ely may be nn receipt of this nr-
er, on the second f ruluy thtreut er, between
the hours of 1U a. h., and 4 p. M.
Wasiiinoton, Feb. 12.
Richmond papers have tho following i
Lakk City, Flu., Feb. 8.
Eighteen gnnhoutt and transport! hare ar
rived at Jacksonville. The enemy it presumed
to u in lorce.
Charleston, Feb. 8.
The enemy resumed lire on the City last
evening. A filth monitor made tit appearance
to-day. The enemy is engaged in mounting
several gum on Wugner, bearing ou the chau
A 200-pound shell exploded last week iu a
blacksmith shop, killing and wounding six men.
Kielnuond bramincr contains Lee t report
contains Lee t report nl a federal rccnnno'i
sauce, which ttntet that Federal t left 17 dead
and 40 wounded in rebel hands. Their lost
war 4 killed, 20 wounded, nud one Lieutenant
and 0 men captured. Quo Federal captain
anil dU privates captured
Hie tjxammer savs the authorities have
taken measures to prevent the anticipated
rising of Yankee pri oners at Ut ile Island.
1 he same paper urget the ngi I enforcement
ol the conscription law.
Six guerrillas dressed iu Federal uniforms
were cap'nred three miles beyond Harrington,
last week.
Baltimore. Feb. 1.1,
A passenger train on the l)a!tiinore and Ohio
railroad, wot attacked by guerrillas, two unlet
west of Mnrtiuahurg, a., yesterday morning,
Tho train was thrown off from the track, and
the passengers robbed of 40 or 50 watches, and
flU.lKXi. o resistance was made. I he rob
hers were dressed in Federal onifurin and made
off with the booty as toon at possible. They
did not attempt tn destroy me mailt or cart.
Cavalry hat been sent in pursuit.
New loitK, Feb. 13. I
The Herald't Washington dispatch reportt
that Gen. E. O. C. Ord it in town. Humors
tay that be will take ooioand of the army to
day or Saturday.
A convention to amend (be Constitution of
Virgiuie meeU to day.
The railroad it open and trams are running
tn Knoiville. crossing the creek at Tunnel
bridge across llulstou river at Treulon, by
The temporary drain of the army for re-en
listments by those going home it fully equalled
by receipts of recruits, and oonvalesceut nival-
d regiments also begin to return.
Geo. Logan left Huntsville, Ala , rome days
ago, with the 15th army corps, to join General
A cavalry expedition under Smith and Grier-
ton.goine Sooth. It it understood that these cav
alry are load in to attack and
ine other to cut off the enemy', retreat and
l,a,u.rHj p nrrptt onralrt. naiar mtiirm Ihm
dis)H-rM Forrest's cavalry, now tcouring the
country in .urlliern Mississippi.
A Challanooga telegram of the 12th, tayt
that the army it under marching orders.
Morristown, Tenu., Feb. 12.
Reportt from Knoiville represent the garri
son a suffering from small pox. of which there
ar. 70U case. ; alto from soaroity of rations.
New York. Feb. HI.
A special dispatch from Washington In the
Pott tayt there are over 25 millions in gold la
the Treasury, and it it announced that fteore
tary Chan will toon tell part of It for treasury
The Republican hat authoritatively an
nounced that comninnfcatina between Knoi
ville and Cumberland Gap It cut off and Uiat
nearly all of Eaet Tenneseee it in poeeewiu. of
the rebel, ar. eulircly antrue.
Cincinkati. Feb. 4.
A Knoiville telegram of th. IIUi received
by Adintanl Gewral Shaw atate that all Is
quiet in front. The enemy hat fallen back to
tbeir old encampment. Our line ar. being
leiu-odcd to the Virginia lis. Th tpnog
campaign will bu thu most vigorous of llio war.
j.(iuiHvii,i,r reu. 1 1.
Gen. Fouler arrived to-day, Hu left Knox
xille on Tuesday, at which time alt was quiet,
with t lit: exceptiou of slight skirmishing lio
tween cavalry.
Caiiio, Feb. 111.
Report! from the South teem to confirm the
rebel newt of lighting up the Yazoo. The
gniibontt participated with excellent effect.
The first fight wat at Surtatiu, the second at
Marysville, a short distance beyond. In both
cugiigeiueute our lost wnt 0 killed and 13
wounded. Tho rebels had a battery at Surta
tiu, w hich our troops charged and captured.
The rebels fled with some Iims. We have a
report of a fight at Highluud Hills between the
rebels and a part of Sherman's oorpt in which
uur Ion wat 25 killed and wounded. Nu par
ticulars. Infamous. One of the Chapman pirates,
Ilarpcndiug, refuses tu take the amnesty oath,
He would rather lay In jail than commit perjury
He says he don't Hta the Lincoln government, ana he
will not support H nor swear to support it.
The 7" VaulUnger, one of the most aban
doned of all the infamous teoessinn theott in
Oregon, tuyt of Harpending't declaration t
llullv for llarpendlnir I If there was nerve enough
in all those who don't ilke the Mnuolu government,
there would be uo fears ut' iltuonuuuauce after the 4th
of March, 1HM. ...
Hanging would bo mild punishment for the
man no, thin g who thut applaudi a traitors
17" "There is a horrible place on the Eastern boun
dary line culled 'Damnation Canonl' "California 1
paper, .
That'i the bead of the copperheads' Salt
The Daily Pren is the "Conservative" organ
at Nashville, and hat Inug been finding fault
with military government, and calling for "re
construction." Here it itt response to
The Proclamation of Amnesty.
From ull we can asoertain of the general
popular sentiment, tho people of Tennetsee are
leooming daily more reconciled to Us terms,
and more convinoed of the liberal und conser
vative spirit by which it wat dictated. ; It it
union tn be regretted that, even in those parti
of the State subject to nu rebel interference,
owing to the want of mail facilitiet, or other
meant or speedy transmission, a large portion
of the population will, for a long time, only bear
of it through the ignorant interpretation of
some, and the intended misrepresentation of
others ; and thut an unfair prejudice against
the measure bo created.
Tu remedy this mischief, to far at we oan,
we have concluded to keep the proclamation
standing in our oolumnt, at least for rome dayt,
in oruer tnnt as many citizens at pnssinio may
havo opportunity to read the document itself,
without being reduced to the necessity of re
ceiving the first impressions of itt character
through tho perverting comments of Ignorance
or bigotry. i ,
e leel confident that, hv discussion and re
flection, the President's plan it rapidly making
convert! in ill favor, and that moderate and
prudent men, comprising, we would hope, a
urge majority of Tenuesseo voters, will toon
be brought to view it at nn expedient well
adapted to relieve them from their preteut
anomalous and most distressful onndition.
Well, so emit the third year of the rebellion,
if we reckon, without precise reference to days,
from the beginning. This putt one in mind of
a mot of one of our supreme court judges. On
tho ditv w hen we heard of the fall of Sumter
before Gillmore's batteries, tome one told Judge
II., nl it, and added tho remark that " Una it
the beginning of tho end." "I think," mid
the judge, "it is the end of the beginning."
The actual beginning, I suppose, wat the se
cession of South Carolina, perhnps the resig
nation of the first U. S. officer who threw up
hit office in Charleston, and this, I believe, wat
the dny after the telegraph nnuonnoed Lin
coln a election. 1 lie rascals were prompt
enough nn doubt of that. There doet not
teem to be much reason for despondency at Ihe
end nl the lirst year nt emancipation. II we
are iu no tuch state of exhilirntion at we wero
six months ago, when Gettysburg and Vicks.
burg newt hurst upon us, we have a calm as
surance of a victorious close of the war. A
year ago it took a pretty sanguine man to
prophesy with any great degree of confidence,
our success, r till hall the people, probably,
had their doubts about it. How is it now 1 Not
one man in a hundred has any misgivings.
This it in itself victory. There is a time in nil
enterprises, whether grcnt and arduout like
war and courtship, or little and unimportant
like starting a newspaper nr managing a can
ons, when a sagaciout man is able to tay, I've
got 'em (or li i in. or her, or it). That time hot
now come to this people ; they know that we
have got 'em, to-wit, the rebels, and Europe
knows It ton, and the rebels themselves are fast
finding it out. Cor. Sjirinfitld Republican.
Wasiiinoton, Feb. 14. The enrollment
bill as returned from the Senate will pe acted
upon by the military committee to-morrow.
Captain Porter of the 14ib X. Y. cavalry ar
rived overland from Richmond to day, having
escaped Iroiu Lihhy prison a week tiuue,
Wahminoton. Feb. 15. Senate's tpeoial
comiiiitlee on slavery has deei led In report a
bill legalizing the Vrcsideut't emancipation
The supreme con it to-day refused the nmili,
cation for a writ of certiorari lu the case of al
landighain, ou the ground of a want of jurisdic
New York, Feb. 15. Special dispatch to
the Evening Pott says the Senate military com
mittee voted this morning tn una concur in the
House eurollmniii bill. The House committee
nf Wart and Meant will report the following
joint resolution this allernoon
Hetoleed, Thut the Secretary of Treasury be
and It Hereby authorized, iruin time to tune, to
tell, at bit discretion, any gold coin in the
treasury above what, in hit opinion, may lie re
quired by the government for the paymeut of
interest on the pulilio debt or other purposes.
Wahminoton, Feb. 15 The Herald't dis
patch from Washington tayt it it understood
the Government it proposing to protest against
the r rench occupation ol Meiloo.
A letter from Newbern tayt "the enemy it
coming upon as we are ready lor them.
Kebel cavalry skirmish occasionally with our
pickets at .Manassas.
Richmond paiiert mention the escape of 10
officers from Libby prison, by digging a tunnel
under the eirn-t. A number were afterwards
recaptured; the others are believed to be te
orelcd iu ihe neighborhood of Richmond.
New York, Feb. 10. A portion of the goer
rillat who robbed the passengers on tha Belli
more aud Ohio railroad have lieeu captured.
Richmond papers of Feb. 10 contain a pro
clamation Iroin Jeff Davit to hit soldiers, Con
I ,MWj ,,., ,hejr , tioU)r(fli ,lld
t .
predicting th downfall of the Union armies
Chicaoo, Feb. 15. A Cairn dispatch tays
a fight took place at Salartia Mills ou the 4th
wilu I eiat troops, who bred on trvi
porta. They were Dually dislodged with In.
New York. Feb. 15. Over lO.OU) bales of
ontlon were accidentally desttnyed by fir. at
Yt ilniliigton. .V U., on the Bib,
A dispatch from Vicksburg tlalet that Jack
ton and Yazoo City were in the bands ol Gen,
Sherman, after a flight skirmish, Wtb little kit
to in l iiiou troop, i ins gives ua a nn. lor
atinr country.
Gen' McPbertoo and Hiirlbut bad reached
Jackson. Cater oooopied Yazoo City, after a
short fight, when w loet a lew men. Dis
patches to lb. Herald Irom Washington, tay
t m renortwl to military authorities kern thai
troop Iruin Lee't and Beauregard's anniet ar.
being tent to other point tn the confederacy
probably tn Mobil. Atlanta and Knoiville.
It it iteti tnai LiM oat nut uiiny tuoasand
lulantry on the ttapiuan.
Easter News. S fourth page.
"Much of a Gentleman." Amusing
thing! sometimes occur in relation to teriont
matters. The frlendt of a certain Washington
scrip agent will probably bo able to console
themselvet tomowhat for tho loss of their mon
ey, by the reflection suggested below, by a pri
vate correspondent at Washington, writing on
tier date Jan. 5tli. As Artemus Ward would
tay, the allusions may be considered "carkui-
tikle i"
K M. Barnum is in Now York. I don't think he lit.
lends to Diuke tlreiion Ins film re home. He will lnoli-
blv open an ofllce lu new lork City. He was very
tortunaie in nia aiieruniiions, last summer, ant llio
'eiomaus will sutler m coiincmioiice. 1 regret It, for
he is very muck of a gentleman.
The tame correspondent tayt, in auother
ace :
Kx Senator B. Stark has gout to New Iomlon,
onn. lieo. K. Nien is Here. 1 none he is not a fair
specimen of your temperance men in Oregon. If so,
pity your regumr urniKors.
Extravagance of the Government
Ope nf tho Handing complaints against the
present administration it that it it guilty of
great official extravagance. Considering the
war and itt ennoomitant neoetiitiet of expen-
itnre, we believe there wat novcr greater
economy in the administration of the govern
ment. That the anthoritiei are inmetimet
practiced upon by sharpers and rogues it unde
niable, but that frai always to, and it by nn
meant peculiar to this administration. It it
ithin the recollection of alt in thit oountry
at many of Pierce' and Iluchanan't ap
pointeesIndian agents, for instance entered
poor, upon their talurict of from $1,500 to $2,
SCO per year, and in the course of three or four
yean retired, wealthy. Doet anybody know
f a tiuiilur iuttnnoe under this administration?
tT"It it state .1 that Daniel & Dickinson and
Iteverday Johnson are coming tn San Francisco
this Spring, having boon engaged in a great
mining suit.
fP'The Constitutional Union published at
Washington, tayt Emerson Etheridge is going
to take the field for McClellan as the next
President. Etheridge wat formerly a republi
can, and laid to be now crazy. Politics and
insanity make ttrangn bodfellowt,
TTWe havo the authority of the venerable
Daniel S. Dickinson for taying that Pretident
Madison made ten mistake! in the war of 1812,
where Linooln hat made one in the present
war ; yet tho democratt of that day stood by
him through thick and thin. Their fidelity to
the administration then made their political for
tune! and laid the foundation of tho unparal
leled popularity of the democratic party. The
want of fidelity to the authorities now displayed
J the faltely ttvlcd "dctnocraoy," it Inying the
foundation for their political damnation and
infamy a thousand time! more enduring than
that of the Federalists of 1812.
tT'Geo. E. Cole, Delegate in Congress from
Washington Territory, hat been admitted nn
attorney and counsellor in the Supremo Court
if the United Stales.
State Teachers' Institute Tliia asso-
ointi n of teachers met at Corrallis, Tuesdnr,
r till. IGlli, witlinut a quorum, the I'rcsiilfiit anil
Vioo rrcsiuVnt linth absent. Upon nsacrublinir
quiiruiu, Prof. J. U. DcarJorlF of Portland
wna chosen Pretident pro tern. Of sixteen leo-
tnrert and essayists srhoso sort ices had been
promised, only five were present : Win. Ship
ley, F. Stilton, I. D. Driver, Wm. Huberts,
and Mitt S. A. Cornell. By much effort, the
ezeroisea were continued till Thursday noon,
when the Institute adjourned. The lectures
of Revs. I. D. Driver aud Wm. Itubi-rt were
interesting and contained useful matter. Mist
Cornell's essay on "School Hourt" wat highly
spoken of.
The association adopted resolution) thanking
the citizens of Corvullit for their hospitality ;
the lecturers and essayists ; the P. T. Co., for
their liberality iu reducing faro to teachers at
tending ; and deprecating the want of iiiteres',
tuken iu the Institute liy teachers.
W Ex-Pottmaetcr Parker, of San Francis-
oo, replie to tho statement that hit removal
wat in consequence of troubling the Depart
ment with suggestions for improvement in tho
mail terfiue, that he never made any commu
nication to tho P. 0. Department complaining
of any pottal agent; that he never wrote or
caused tn be written any communication re
flecting npon any one in relation tn postal mat
ters ; that he wat not removed from office upon
any charge nf inefficiency or want of integrity,
and that nt an early d;iy the public shall bu fully
potted in relation to Ihe whole matter.
San KRANcist'n, Feb. 8.
At the ship imperial, Captain D. K. Ilutch-
intrs. from Hongkong, was entering the port oi
Singapore, some lime during the latter part of
tha month of November, llio Captain discov
ered Ihe Confederate steamer Alabama, about
thirty miles distant, entering the same port.
1 he excitement nut very great, at it wnt only
a few dart before that the Alalia ua bad op
tureil and destroyed the Contest, with a cargo
ol ragt on board. Captain IIutclniiKS imme
diately dropped hit nnuhor, and look passage
in a iteain-ltiK Tor Hongkong, and there told
hit ship tn a British house Tor the sum ol fid.
(XK) Ira than he was off tred for her a few ddyt
firevioui to hit tailing from Hongkong, lint
io wa obliged to do. at it wat the only alter
native left to save hit vessel from destruction.
A letter to a gentleman in thit city from
Hongkong, dated Deocinber Ifilh, written by
a passenger Irom tint port by the ship Ilelois,
tay : "The only occurrence of note on our
passage wat Ihe speaking ol the llnlish bark
Santon, who report, d the Alabama at being on
I he ooast and lite tlestruelio i ol two Vessels,
the Winged Itacor and Alinednn, both with
cargoes, and since then she hat destroyed tho
loutett, on her way Irom Manila to .New luik.
FT Tlie American Flag, Sonora, California,
tayt :
Wm. J. RVfl-u-a. who was ber awhile, last summer,
ha been drliverinir comic lectures at Hin Juan. Tlia
truth is that Hew ha got mora real wit liuul Arte-
sua nnrd usually dlaputys.
F" All notice of raarriagee or deaths sent ta v for pub.
IteaiMia aioM hav s retpooaila nasi aUecead, er ibey will
bo appear la ur column.
On the tilt of Jan. I"M. t the reaHenee of
ftroanevllle, blnn eonnty, by Re. T aanderaoa, Mr.ohD
ti. Iie and Miaa Ann Maria Uohain.
An IrreauoMibte cittaen of this nlaee sent notice U the
AtVlleenf i, w leh appeared la the hearto date Jan.
let. I not, that the stwve-aanied lady va enlte ia Mamas
y ne to John Pavw. ehteb Is falae. 1 Inrbear to give hk
mm to tit puUW, as a has. aokoovleilse his fault, an
pr aya lor parUon. T. taaasBaos.
Brownsville. Jan. M. IM4.
Ttut above waa received Marty a month ag, and. by aa
accbletrt, raMlatn )
In Waoom..iathfr.,fltVrMn and MiMMntefaltoa.
tn Laneee .reb. II. M Poosherty aaj Jaee a Mclianiet.
In llallea, feh. S, Joaph Horron an May kvlaad.
In Inxnevllle. r-b. T. Mml M. In ami tlluKell, OoM.
la Una CO., fek. II, HI Walkar and aarsk bentaoa.
At ftalsai. f-b It. ISM. ef eons-retina of ths brala, Allass
Ulraoh. M"l J7 year, elle ol Leop"U lllrach.
Han rrancMco and Nee Tort paper pleeje eo,y.
In Mr,oa eonnty, Oeeswi. t. a, 144, Harr-el Cleavw,
lh el SWnyuaiB lieever, ae 46 years la t MUM.
Alton I III ben) peper pt- aaeeopy.
On aonVHi'a lelarei, a th- ISthlnet.,oMeeleMiefC H Bain
In JchMallle. to the M lnl . koar aarao, aoa ef W.
C- Raneova, aire three year and eleven month.
Ii, Jeffer,. of heals fever, M. L OMtee, ara at year.
At her resnteneo ta Mareea ermety, Ja. ts, la4, Maasy
HibWil, iv tu years, t aMatha, an I day.
lllMKiUi paper pWe Ot
to. Uneco.. lef. oth, ol erarWl leva, Mlaerva A. Raos,
aye -' ysae. I raonth, aed la days.
In Kosene clly, Seb l. Albert Utel.y. ase t yV. Wd.
tr, lMi,ooo.,Hroen Xewromh ogM I sioblha and th da.
I Mn eo , Jan 17, Mary Jan Aika. ase s nan.
laOirfoaCMr.) .11. ! t rl, ajv tyie.
Union Convention). '
rn-r-r j-a'rtr-ct..-.. t-m.'v . xsiii. . :Gzzara1
Union fttau Ooavtntloa.
Til Unlftn VOtm of lh VlriotM dniintlM nf tht fltfttA of
Orwn, who are In Uvnt of th eotitiimil mid vlgorim,
linmtt'uMon of the ir cnt war to tli complete nl flnul
Mtipresthm of rehp.llon und eitlntlon of trenxon, unit In
furor of htiftrty ind rfflclcnt mpiiort or ttio t)tttor!lt of
the flemml Otivprnmeiil In Iholr i-fforU to protect and .!
feivl tli ;nnMtimt(n and lawa of the l!nltd Htalfi. anil lire
icrwe and prflualt tht Union, and who art willing lo emu
nin wrint ei'ictton or mm or lika prtncinlM to all onVva in
this flute, ar mnectfully and earn fitly InvlUd tn hold
oonvfliittonR accniiiliifr to umtal ouatotu for the cloctlnn tif
ili'lr-lialM to a (Hate) Unlun Unity en II on to he held at AMIA.
Nr. in Linn eounfv, nn the HOth oat or MA (MIL i.e. IniU.
for the puroa nf notnlnntlnpt oandtdatM for lUitreavnUtlva
tn Oonitrffi and 8late frlntcr, ItctlnK delefatvf to tht Nfv
Monal Union Convention, and profldliiK fr tha eolectlon ol1
anll(lntrs for freRldenllal Klectort, and tnt intact Inn tioh
ether tmilnmsi ai Ihe tinnvenUoD ah a I tteent proper.
nm rpeeiiuuj recommend tno nmtiin)r ot uuulilj uon
rent loin on tht 12th tur or March, a. d. lM,
We alio reanect fully recommend the hnli,tn of conven
tlone of dtjltstfuiM from the rartoue dtetrlcti at tha. time and
place or holding the State Convention for the nomination of
oandldatra for Htipreine Judge and Proeeeutlng Attorneji
in tne eeverai t mine re wnere vauannee anaii exiat.
The aeveral eountiee will be entitled to delegate! fn the
State Convention aa followi: Benton, 5 Olatrkamat, 9;
(Jlataop, t; Columbia, lt Uooi, 1; Gurry, 1; Doughta, (
Jackaon, lit; Joephloe, B; Lane, 8 Linn, 18, Marlon, 18!
Multnomah, S; Pulk, 6, Tillamook, 1; Waaco, 10; Waah
luittna,4; Yamhtll,6; Umatllla.8; Baker, 8. Total, 118.
lly order of the State Uentral Utilnn Committee.
JOHN 11. MOOKKS, Ohalrtnan.
A. O. Hotit, Reorettry. '
ttalem, Jan. 4, 1M. ; ...... M"
Marlon Oo. Union OonTentlon.
The Union men of Marlon oonnty, Oregon, Are retpeo
rully recjueatetl to meet In their ecveral preclude on Hittur-
day, the 5th day of March, 1404, for the purpote nf Reletting
delegate! to attend the county convention to be held at
lem, tn aaid county, on the lvm day oi narcn. lew, at
which county convention twelve delegftUt are to tie elected
to the State convention, and t hill oounty ticket nominated
to be supported at the next general election. We recom
mend the apportionment' of delegates from the several pre
clnct as follows : fltilem, 18 ; North Hftlem, A ( Mill Oreek, 0 ;
Silver Greek, T; U lllah, 5; Kfttrfleld, 6: Northern, 0;
Southern, T; Howell Prairie, ft; Abiua, 5; Ohampoeg, B.
(Klgned J O Peebles, O M Parmenter, Is K Pratt, I M
Cooke. L Heath, 8 Headrb'k, p McOolly, Preston Hamilton,
Deo A Edes, W Hhatmmi, H 0 Ueer, 01. Uesr, U Wolford, Al
Ooolldge, C M Cartwrlfiht. Joha J Murphy, J Rngle, Samuel
llrown, T B Allen, II P Jackson, L H Poajade, J 0 Carfwrlght
David Mlnipson, J tawynr, Paul Darst, A C Keenc, Wiu M
Case, John W Orlm, U I Turner, J O Boon, Willis DuitagaO,
John Downing, 0 N Terry. 1
Polk Oounty Unlom Oonventlon
The ITnlon voters of Polk county, Oregon, who are In fa
vor of the continued and vigorous prosecution of the present
war to the complete and float suppression of rebellion und
ritlnctlon of tremnn, and In favor of hearty and efficient
support of the authorities of Ihe General Onvemment In
their effort to protect and defend the Constitution and laws
of the United Hmtei, and preserve and perpetuate the Union,
and who are willing to combine for the election of men nf
like principles to all offices In this State and oounty, tre re
ipeet fully and earnestly Invited to hold precinct meetlnn In
the several precincts to elect delegates to a County Conven
tion to be held at Dallas, on Saturday the I8lh day of Mnrcti,
I MM. for the purpose of electing delegates to the Slate Con
vention, to nominate candidates for oounty offices, and to
transact such other bmlness as may legHlnmlely be brought
before the convention. It Is recommended that the precluet
meetings be held on theftth nf March. The veral precincts
are entitled to delegates In the county convention as follows:
Dallae ft, Rfthel 4, Bridgeport 8, l.uckiamut 8, Lane 8, Mon
mouth 6, Hola 5, Hull Luke 8, Jackson a, Douglas 4. By or
der of the County Union Committee.
1. fa. 1J U Tub. It, Chairman.
Tiiot, Piargk, Bec'y. i
Tamhlll Oo. Union Convention.
Tlif Union voter of Yamhill county, Oregon, are herehy
nollfled that tiler wilt be a county convention held si Ls-
tsyelte, in unltl count.r, on anturdsy, tlie ivtn day or Slsrch
next, at IS o'clock, M., of .aid tlsr, to snnolntslx rielessl.
to attend the Union elate Oonve Mlon to be held at Albany on
thelHIth dayof March. 181, ll la reaotnmendoil that ttre-
cluot laeclluy l) held at th ueual ,lnce of votlns In Hi
aevernl preclude, on Snturriity the filh day of March uexl.for
the purpoee at electln delegate to aaltl county convention.
rile aeverat nrrolncls ylll ne entitled to nelexnte In am
cotimy convention s lollowa : Lafayette, 4 : Dayton, 4
Willamette. 1 ; Amity, s; south Fork 4 ; McMlnnvllle, ; Ho.
rora, a; bait ununajvui, x ; nest unenaiem. y.
Mem. Union Stale Oommlltee for Yainlillt On,
Douglas Oo. Union Convention.? e loyal voters
or uouitma county, wlioee patriotism, aiinerlor to rortner par
ty preference, dlapo,. them to unite for the nurnnae of im
porting onr national irovrmment In the Uiireslon of the
present diabolical rebellion deslsned to effect die dismember
ment arid ruin of our country, are requriitril to meet In their
respective precincts, on the il7lh day of yVlmisry, Inat., for
the election of delesate lo represent them in the Union
County Convenllou which la to be held at Holeburg, in aaid
county, on the 12th day of March, 1H04.
Tlie apimrllonmenl of neleirntee to be eleetm In the aeverat
preelltr-le, la aa follows : Cow Creek, ; Coffee Creek, 1 : Can-
yonville, fl; Winchester, S Ten Mile, 8; Mount Scott. ;
LonKins uiai, x; wyme ureek, s; vote' valley, x; i:ala
poola, 4; Peer Creek, II); Oalatiooia, (Umtwiua oounly), Hi
Voncalla, A; Onrillnor. 8 ; Klkton, 8: ScutUliurs, 3 : Green
Vnlh'y.o; Kinlth'i Klver, I.
The buelneee tc lie traneacted by the County Convention la
the nomination of oounly otHcera and meinbera of the lesia
latur. the ohnice of deleate lo attend Hie Union Stat
Convention at Albany, nn the Rath dny of March next ; and
wnaiever eue may u ueiueu rsquiaue ami proper.
r. It. 1111,1,,
1. Tl'RNKR,
h County Cenlrnl Commltte.
Rnceburg, Douglas eonnty, Ogn, Feb. al, ISA.
Lane Oounty Union Convention Tlie Onion voter
of the vsrloue precincts of Lane county are respectfully In
vited to meet at the usual place of hold Ins electlona, In '.heir
reenecllve Precinct, on the Ixlh day of March, to appoint
uelevate in ineel iu oounty convention, at Knseitc i lly, ,,
the 10th day of Mnrch, I.D.. IsrU, for nonilnallng, or provid
ing for the nomination of a Htale Senator, three Hepreseata,
lives to the State Leklelatur. and the nacrusry oounty nfll.
cera; ami likewise tor the purpose or sppolntlns eisht net
galea lo Ihe Hlate Convention, to lie held at Albany nn the
IkKli day of Mnrch, next ; and s Union oounly committee.
Precinct mretlng tn he heir at 1 o clock and county conven
tion at 11 o'clock on th dare apnrilntol, respective y.
The several preclncu will he entitled to delegates In ths
oounty convention a toiiowa :
Kuguue City. Ill: Coael Fork, t; apencer, X; Camp Creek, 1
Pleaaaul Hill. 8; ltlchar,laon. 1: Mohawk, x
Brier's, 0; Long Tom, S; Bluilaw, Lost Valley, i; Fall
C'ck,; Willamette. S.
B J Penrtra, A A Sklon-r, A Small, A 0 IMniunrla. M W
Mlchell, II K Hlrallnn. 1) M Hladon, A A Smith. W W Uria-
low, 9 H llunn. T J lirxttalu, A H I'alteron. J (1 ttrav. J
llrumlry, M Hlamlliig, W II Huillh, A W rtluwell, Yt T Unburn
0 llarkehaw, T Ulia, II Partem, 0 8 Paraon. J M tSln.lwn-
aon, n Aiexanncr.
Multnnmab Oonyentlon. The legal Vetera of Mull
noruah county who are In favor of loyally and union, Instead
of ireaaon and disunion; who are in favor of a rrpuuhran
uenioeracy inalean ot s ranneyeu a alave oli
garchy ; who are ready ruid willing to eninrl the present
reileral Ailmlnlitrallon In the meaeiire it hae employeil lo
prenerrc Ihe t'niun and pnl down the rebellion : In floe, all
good, aouud, unconillllniial Union men, are retuetteil to
: In their several precincts, at their uaual nlaee nf voting,
on Thureday, tlie 8,1 of March next, al I o'clock, P.M., for
the purpose of rhooaing de eiralee to attend the county con
vention tn he hol-len at the cnurt-timiee In Portland, on Sat
urday, the ltih of Marrh Deal. The eeverai preclude will he
entitled lo the following number of delegates : North Port
hind It, tonlh Portland SO, flnuvle'e lllnml 8, Ut. John' I,
Willamette t, Handy , Powell Valley 8, Multnomah , Mult
nomah No. 8, S. By order ot tiie Conunltiee,
A.J. Pt'Fl'R, Ch'a.
Clackamas County Convention Th L'ninn men of
f la, kauiaa oounty are riMtiia lel tu me t at tlieir several nre
clnct on belnrilay, the blh ot SUrclt, IrMtl, at II nVluce. a.
a.. In elect d-l,-gau-i to the tourily Union I unveiillmi lu be
held un Ihe lth day nf Itardi, al the hour nf II o'clm-lf, A.
a., al the court hnue In Orefon ( ity. The aeveral preelnela
II be sUnwi'il a rr,rerM-ntaoa s luwe: ur,-iron irly la,
Milnaukle 4, It'ick Ureek t, Y'lunc' - Hi rlns W iter t. Ilir
illna'al. II.Mv,r I'reik 1, L'piier l"lalla 4, tlar,Uani' 1,
Lower Blolalla t, Union H, Pleaaant Hill , Tnaleili, I, Liuu
in n ciaeasnias vo. union uoiuiuntee.
tlnn Co. Union Convention. Tli l'ninn vnter nt
Llun onurilv are renueeir-l lo liolit thrlr aeveral iireelnel
uteetlntra on Saturday. Hi 5Ut day ot March, al I o'clockjor
the nurimar nl eh-rllint deleitatea to th county .-onvenlion at
Ainany on eaiurnay, tne isin nay nr Haren.inere tn elect
Iwelv delemte lo aHTrd the Stale conveult,l he held at
Albany on the Sole. Marrh, I. The aeveral ieclncu vlll
l,r enllllel tn the flloartn niimtnTr at drlrcete Alba-iy. a;
llroe navllle, t, Tliuntton, r, llmnnvt, t, Hnrunyton, 4 ; Me
lionald'a.4; tyrankhri Unite, 4i t-Vn'er.t; Urlvaoa, 8: Feo.
ria, S; Kay'e, S; H)rog,,; Urueh Creek, I,
liy oriltr ol in Mo. vomoiuiee,
J. II. rusTKit.
Albany, Teh. mil, IsM.
MKF.T1N0 of the stockholders of the Union Oold
and Oliver Mining Co. will It held al their nthre
in nnlein on Tuesday, March 1st. Iliieitieaa of intM)r-
uuc lo iraiiauct. I ii. him men, l re.
As a remedy to partly and
cleanse the blood, leaving it
fn- from all hiiaiors and iin
purities, we assert with eon
lidenee that there i nothing
lietler than SroriH'i Mood
C I'O T I I, l!
AM For lb cor of long
standing Coagbs, Broocbitlt, aa
well aa Consumption, Dr. Wat.
Hall's Balsas it invaloabl. Iu
peculiar ombinalioa i th resolt
of experlenre, and aa hrtlmsl
knowledge of th ran of the
disease, and lb eerli urate of
rmrkall ra ar tuflrietit
proof of It siipcfWity. IIKD
' INOT()NtCO ,
Forth PaciA Coast, 4i6ani4ll
Front otrnt. haa Fraaruau.
Dealon in Foreign tmd Domestlo
WR taka pleasnre hi annonnclnii to the publie of
Salem and Ttcuiitv that aflsr snveral weeks of
personal examination amoiiu; the Importing housns of
nun Fmnclsrn, vte, hav mailn the roost jmlicitma sleo
tions cf ihe above jrooil ever bel'or oatersU in Ibis
cily. Our stock consists in part of I ; 17. ui ,
f.ndifsr Drtas Utoilfi, ,
f the moil fanhianMe fabric lieretofor nnequaleil
lu enviiice or siy in, quality auv ousayucse, auuu aa
, Woporl) imoinan uoius, , , '.
;' Hillc and Wool Keps,
Hlrh Paris tanaim, ' ' - ,u;" 1
Ktcirant Konhirds, ' - K' j i
Paul ile Chevres, v) ,-jit
Pluiii and Fancy Bilks,
Merino, all wool Plaids, Poplins, Mohair, Debe
gee, Delaines, dec, ttto.
Domestlo and Staple Dry jPoods, ;
in large quantities anil variety. ... '. ,
W offor a choice yarlety of CLOAKS, Skmrlt,
Oloves, Hosiery, Halmoral skirts, Hoops, &.O., 6cc, for
uiuios, aiisses ana i;nii(iren. ' 11
A Complete Assortment of Woolen floods,
Hoods, Nubia, Breakfuat Capea,' Sontaga, Knit
Jackets, ace, ate. i
Wa invite the altoutlnu mf ladles to oar snperlor
sinra oi limes', nisse aim Ulnlureru' liAliKUS,
Ualmoral Hlioea. Slippers, 4tc, of I'hilaiclphia man-
we can special attention to our styles and variety of
; Gents Custom-made Clothing,
including- the LATEST FASHIONS, and most
uuranie lexiurcs.
Overcoats of every description. 1
Business suits in large quantities, i
; Black Cloth Coals. ,, !!,.,
Velvet, Silk and Cassiuiere Vests, '.
Illitck DoR.kill PiinfN. '"'! " 1
1 Heaver and Cassimere Pants,' "'l v "".:''
Heaver Coats, business Coats, Slci, Its i 1 '
Oenta) irurnltthint; Ooodst,
Compri.inn tvnrytltinir neosasnry for a flentlemnn's
toilut. Hoots, Hhoes, Hats. Jans, Trnnlu, eVe. :
Hoys aud Cuildrens' suits and Overcoats.
We hHve nlsn a lariro and well-selected stock of
a BOCK R IE, suited to the wants of the city and
oonntry trade. r , '
Wa are resolved nnon aeraiinr tli best assorted
stock ill the city, und havo mwle arraiiKcinents so
receive uewOOIM OV ICVttKV MTKAmitH
and by a strict attention to business and a determina
tion to sell .i - i .v. .. . :
' Cheaper than the Cheapest, " "'
we solicit a share of the public pstronaue.
Hm4fl " ' ' ' ' Hulom, Oregon.
To the Citizens of, Salem. .
Lumber, Iutlrat, l'loketst.-
THK iindcrsitmed bags leave lo inform the cltisens
of 8ulem that lie lias re-purclmsed the CL1PPKU
SAW and PLANING MACH1NB situuted un
tlie Oregon City road, miles north of fialem, where
he will bo happy to furnish his old ouatoinera with th
neat quality or lellow, White, or lied cir l.uinlmr.
Lallia, or Picket, on. abort notice ami reasonable
CATTLIJ wanted Immediately.
it. II, TUYVli.
.Iitnuitry IHlh, 1W4.
uliicluriiitf piiriiuiMis, are ot irrmiivr ipeed, ftuil su-
perlur to ull oilier nmchtiiei for like nuei. Th anpe
rior, correct, limple mid fnmble niwlmiitoHl prinoi-
dIcb nf thftNft inHiiliiitAsi.iilnrH thnm bevuml )intMitition
All tlie Krent niHniifui'liiriei of llie United StHtei md
burope are utipptied with tliem.
The NtaKer Letter A "TrnniiverM Shuttla"
ramiijr iViHchiue ,
With rtcent lmprorvmenf$ for lemming, Fell
tug, Uindingy fyt,t
im tli mmt. nnrfpifll. Hnd fflliiihlii fnmilv mflnliina vt of-
fprvA. Thev art CHrmii. of correct m'tion. tit all rntee
of incH, iip'on all kinds of material, and with all kinds
of thread. '
The meed nn Ism is entirely witbm Tiew.and nnder
tne control or the operator, who thereby can avoid the
mrmxiiieR anil aiinoyanceii 10 common with newimi
AlHoliinee liaviiiK tlieir niecimnimn hidden from view,
undrr pretence 01 stmpticity 01 oonitruouon. ..
I f Plain printed initriicliotin acoompaiiy each ma
chine, from which any one can readily nnderstand
their nue.
ItT PamnhlRt. Price List, and SDeclnwns of work
mailed free to anv uddretts. , r . .
IV A verv m eat reduction has heen liitelv made In
the prices of llie Rinior Kewlnir Machines thus ena
hlinu; pnrchnRere to fet a ftnit-clese machine at tha
miue rules of inferior or sewind-elase ntauhiues- A
(Siu'iweftor to 1. M. Sintfer f. Vt.)
131) Monlifuniury utrect, Han Knmciwo.
3nJB WM, HHODKHirK, Agent
Local aoenth wantkd.
'the new gnu "' I'" (
Howe's Family Sewing machine,
WIM, seam, stitch, gather, hem, fell, bind, quilt,
iun.bniid.nnd in fuel I'KIIKOKU THK WHOI.R
Tlncails, milking Ihe I.OC'H MTITt II. There an
ditluront sixes.
Prlrot) rrom 9A0 to 93.
nr U received the IIIOMKHT Premlnm at the late
orld s r air at London, and bus hnen used In Uer-
mnnv, France anil England for fourteen years, with
perfect satisfaction, tend or a of trnrrt.
, . KliEKLA.NI 1IK08.,
Albativ. Airents for Oreuon.
For sale at N. O. Ptirrish At Co.'a, Hnlem, and by
rreeiana netai. Ainany. " ' mnm
rpr! TKAH!
Ktne lllack and Oreen Ws
I JAI'AN reus, Alsn. CHINA teas.
lu va- lii'l
rintv. wholeaula and rrvlail. at lf-
lyli.'t llltun ., DUI'.KS or. UU. t,
filial Mrllli'inciil.
Slat of Oregon, oonnty of Polk. In Hi mailer of
tlie ealllt,. ol Joint r.. l.rle.
V this 3d dav of February, A. D., Ihim, cornea Kllcn
I.vlt. adtnltiiatnitrix of the eatale of John E.
-via, dnccaard, ami hie her petition for a Hnal
-tllenient of said eslalo. It I therefor ordered that
the Htli dav nf March, A. n., lHinl, lie set apart for the
hearing of said itilimi and the hiull settlocieut of said
ceuie, ar Ihe court hnoae tn Itnilsa, In ihe rnnntr and
State aforesaid at which lime and place all person
luicrestcu in sntu usmie are nntiiieri to appear.
Ity order ol t II AS. b. vo. duilge.
V. C. W hltmn.Cle.k. 4wSII
3 Y the subscriber, living fonr miles nnrthwsst from
I Indctwadcnee, on hav mare, about fourteen hands
igh. a small lar in forehead, om saddle inarks
soiNMM-d lo he nine nr ten year old i no other marks
or timiMis percuivaote
Itt. JU.1t.S-
I Y Ihe stihacrilwr, living two mites' north of Salem
Don the latdarof February. IHB4. on bav borae
sun yeara old, som Ktddlu marks ou left side, I j
hands high. Sio olliei' brands mrcelvaliln.
vwmi jtiim n kkiei it
I a Y tho aubacriber, living at Sublimity, Marion Co.
1 J un bay bars, snnp avnl to be a half breed, o or
year old, about H hands high t kaa beta running
aoout my pretuiaes anout lour weesa.
ifWijo anr.n n.
BY ihe suliecrilier. living near the month of Sandy,
Mullnnineh Co.. on dark brindle eteer.whit faee,
some white nn his bark, branded H on Ihe left smI
about 4 year old VwM J. B I' A UK Kit.
HY th snbsrrilier. living If utiles east of Mo, Linn
eoonlv.oiw bay horse, II years old t star in fore
head, three white feet, eaddie and hartieas marks npon
tirn and had, when h came ti mv premlar about
h.. IJ, IJtej a small piece oi rop artuttm nts ncca t;. w. i-ivrti
I lY the subcrilier. living near the inmttb of Sandy
II MnltiRimah eonnty. ih following deacribetl ani
mala on rod steer, aboat & Years oid.drnoo horn.
marked wilh an anb.ettit tn the left ear and swallow
fork in Ihe right. On of th same age, with larg
horns well turned up. star In forehead, som whit
alrout tin flank and bally, crop ulf both ear, with on
HI In th right ana mi in uw HIV. I nkea np about
lire l.tfli ol ueeetuoer, intbl.
9w.VI N. R. rvONTEN.
Y) Y ties eoWnlwrTTivittg I, rnibja o lb road sorttli
1 frtHrt Jenerwm, ott iron gray Indian hone, a born
V.l bands bight braniled A. P. oo riabt sltoulder. sad
dle marks, auiinal about & yeara old. Also, onn grey
Italian mar, about Ii year old. no brand or marks
pofcvrivalih. About LI bauds hiirh.
Jan. 41, INrt.-aw.1M llhMlir 4HIIINMON.
I s Y the underslguad near WaiwUM Ixke ia Yaoib
1 1 eounty, Oga. a staall gray mars, about sis years
old i said autre bas baea about my premise and In tha
BelguournotKl lor aoons two years
rnr.Ur.KILfa H.IIHI.
February IS, IRM. Vwj
HY the eulMCrtber, living nar the voouth of Sandy,
Mallaotaak eounlv, Jan. If, INt4, en red ier,
m4ley face, point of right horn broken off, branded
II on th left ude aix yit obi
Uw34 I K PARK Eft
black IIHr, inlarraingled wilh whit hairs two
yeara old. IHOH. M. 1IUMPIIUEYS.
February 4, ltil iiwiit
TlY the olMrrilrr, living a Ih aptwr road, Hire
J) Bailee abov th forks of Butler Crek, ov roan
cow, supposed V be dour years old this spring, brand
ad oa Ui right bip C U, syhl In the right ear,
F. M, MoKttlrtS.
Bull Creek, I'matilla Co. Feb. , IHiA. liwSI
BY Ih nbacribr. living V miles nanii of U Brand
Bakar e-mnly. Ogu, on red oa, with white spot
in forhad i bratulcd with A on the right horn.
U Oread, Jaa IJ, ISV14.
! Jl.l I I j
Odd Fellow' rtural rcmptory,
TIIOSR who have relatives or friends Interred In
this fiemetsry are rerptestd to furnish to eithn
of th underelKned as soon aa procticalile the follow.
inu; inforinntion, vist Natna.aas, sex, color, nmrriad '
orsinttlo, phico of birth, of what family, number of
dny illi died when, whore, and muse t burled, when
mill by whom. Tlie object of th fo'-enoion iiimiiriet
I for ths purpose ol n,Kiti liun in a book already
procured for that purpose.
V rTl. B. MOOUR8,)
' ' C. N. TKKitr, JTrostees,
' " ' ' 8. E. MAY, ' ' ) -
' Halem, January 14, 1HH4, . ',:.- '.4fHf "'
1IABDWABK SnchasIrort.HiV.'
T Tets, Bolts, Washers, Mutt, Sprinirs, NsrH
Waii alrtplltea, (co. 6i.t., for sals by " '":(
7tf tiVllTltV.C'AHtWmOllT. ,
I KOt HKHV and OljANH Wi low-
rates. Ajo, English Htone Ware, by , ,
i ' iiixMirH itirrsfiu nr
' f
jacos cohjir. aasosLocosuR. ' johs x.coiiiiai
Produce Sl Commission Ceitbasts
Second Stieet, Dalles, Oregon.
TUB very best brands of Flour, feed of ull kiiidir',
and every description of Vroaan constantly la
store and sold at tire lowest rates, i . ,'i : ,i!
A choice assortment of family itrocerles, foeludint;
the Iwat selection of Teas, Colfbas, tjsgars, Ate, alsct
etl expressly for family nae, - r,
(Jonsiifuuienta recoived, and autneral StoraKO, For
warding and Commission Business promptly attended
to. , it
We will also pay tho highest CASH .jawket price for
all kinds of country produce such aa Wheat, UaU,
Ileum, llntter, Kkrs, Cheese, Dried t'rnits,eYe., at th
Jelluraou MIIU, Miirion Co., Orevon.
' - Second street, Dallas, and : n 'n
4f,tf Jett'erson, Marion Co., OraRuas
TOOTt) AKD tnont-A slioloe variety,
Inst received nt
VUHll. A prime lot or salt Salmon
J; and Mackerel, jDRtrecefviH. tW f
. fii!8 lUOWN,MEUacCO.a?
rilOVVI TOVSt Holiday presents for the tV
J. million, and everythinir else, for sale cheap, V
nt 7tf VHOWN.AiireilScVCO.H.
frEEP KVKKTTHINO ntKiallv found Id a Family
b. (Irocery Htore, aud DRI.IVKU OOOD8 'HKE
OKCHAKtlF. tnanypnitof tlieclty.- tun
SlIflARtl Ialsnd, New Orleans, Coslpore, Cctfee
Crushed ami Crushed snirars, cheap, at : -lylUH
A prime lot of salt Salmon
lylWH ,
Rio, Costa' Rica and Old flov't Java.
TAV K-rsTVPrit. a uood asaortment. nt
Lf MS . . UltOWM.MYEIWfcCO-'a' v
: -. 1 ; Nonce. :
' .OryictSor'y iNDtst ArrAtas, X
' ' 1 Kalem, Oiro. Doa. . 1TO3. p
PUKHUANT to Inatrnetloo from tha tjeeretary of
the Interior. I will niter for aula, at tha HONrjBR
HOTKI,, Portland, to the highest bidder, for oaab, on
MONDAY, the 7lb day of March. IHfil, at lUo'ctfick,
si., the tract of land reserved for Indian Depart aieut
Riirposes, situated on th Willamctt rfys, opposil
lilwaukie, knowa and described in lh.nrveyaand
pints of th United States aa Lot No. S, Section 115,
Township 1 south, raufe I vast, oorrtalhina; 3 87-1011
acre, more or lens, with th improvement thereoa.
This tract ia at tli terminns of ttio Portland and Mil
watikie MacadHiuized Hoad, aud is worth the attention
of bidders. , J. W, PKKIT HUNTINGTON.
"' ' Bnpt Indian Alfkir. in Orettotli
Jan. 4, IBM. . ' .' ,- . . 4tawti
' n " i 1 i
, I 5eoap Wasted. ,,..:, ,.-
Till! WilUioclte Woolen Manufacturing Company
wil1 good strong soft soap at the factory.wliilt
tlits t
1 uotlce appears In iuvtSiaJetman.
Jan. SI, 1814.
47tf' !i
A Cartl. ii
I THINK it a duty which I owe to the nnblle tn cau
tion them against parsons who ar in the babit of
paying their holiest dubta in greeahaok at their face,
Tlie person I wish to caution III pttblio against Is John
K. llroolia. of McMlnnville. YarnnlH ennntv. who bar.
rowed gold coin from lb undersigned hi tlie prig of
1HW, which he wanted to apaealale with In the npper
AuunUry. Jlii. was before tlier war any graanbaclia
in circulation in this country. He tetnmea home th
same year be uormweo ine money, telling oat to goo
advantage. He did not pay me then but kpt putting
at olf from time to time, until a few whs ago, when
ha iaid off th note iu greeuliHcks, requiring so M
tako them at their fucs. after previously staling to
several persons he would py the note lo gold coia.
This same John K Brooke I reported to be going to
me umntiua lainaing to iraaa, id eonuug summer,
und this is intended as a eaution to tha publto there to
beware or nun lamug similar advaniagea. More or Qia
meanness might be told 'ws WM. CAMI'HKI.L.
In the Circuit Court of the Stat of Orvgon. for tli
County of Mariun. Marrh Term, lr4 - eaooel
llrown v. Joseph Hebert and Esther Hebert nad
F. X. Mathinw; i i
aO JOSEPH HEBERT and Esther Hebert, two of
the nhova nnnied defendanta, non resident Yrm
are hereby potillcd that th abov named plalotllT,
Samnel llrown, hat oomrrreheed an action against you
lo forooliuu) a mortgage given by you to smiira th
payment of a ocrtain promissory not given uy trie
said Joaeplt llnlwrtatid dated November Itttb. 1S6I,
and promising lo pay to Sumuol Brown or order th
aunt of .)" l.-i-IIMI, with Inlerest thereon at ill per ct.
per uiimlb after due, payable twelv uouui after
date, interest puyablo seuti annually.
Now, yon ar hereby notified dint nnles yon ap
pear on the tint day of the neat regular term of said
court lo be holden alia Harass oa the 'M Monday of
March, lRb4, aud answer lb eoniplaint on HI ia said
action, the same will be tuken for ooufusscdaad Ui
prayer thereof gntntci by llie oonrt.
K. 0. McCOWN, 1
' Feb T, IK.14 (iwtt) ' Att'y for Pl'tt
'John Prnck, Compl'l, v Jamc H. Ilslsrd, I)er.
BY virtue nf u decree of foreclosure in lit abov
cause, and aa execution duly named tlmrenn out-of
the circuit court of the Slat of Orogoa for lb eonnty
of Polk, and lo me directed, I will expoa for aala aa
the luw directs, to the highest holder, fur cash is hand,
at the coitrt-hoiM- door, in Italian, in said oounty, on
Saturday, the fan day of March, A. I) I Kiel, between
llie hours nf U o'tUii, A. a , and 4 o'clock, r. M., of
sniil dav, Ihe following described real estate, to wil t
Lying and being in the enmity of Polk and Hint of
Oregon, th undivided balf of the a w ,rof aec vai.ths
n i of the s w or of sec liH, and tho n qr.of lb t qr
ol see 'A, and the s e or of th n qr of see , all in t
S s., r 6 w of the Willumette meridian . tha annie being
the donation land claim of Humuel T. Heat, eontaining
3 JU acres, more or less, acid to satisfy Uie abov as
oatiou, soais and accruing ciMte.
I HI. lll'TLEU, 8lierllT Tolk Co.
Dallas, Jan. W, ISiil. 4w48
Notice. -.
In th Cnnnly Court of th Stat of Oregon for tba
County of ' Marion, aa. Trust of Chemeketa
Lotlge, No. I, 1. 0. 0. y pi II, va E. M. Homo at,
TO K. M. BARNUM, Defendant-Yoa ar hereby
roqnired to appear in lb county coart t th nuttis
of Oregon for tlie couuiy uf Marion, ou tu first Mon
day of April, A. n., IHtit, and answar tb ooiptaioi
hied in the abort e, Hilled action against yon, and if
yoa fail lu answer such oaplaint, judgnwut, fur want
tliereuf, will b lakeu agaiust you for th anas of on
hnndred aud twenty sevou dollara, wilh acerning ia
trreat thereon, from July I, Idol, taxed for ooala and
tlisbursentenla ' ' -
6w4fl No. 1. 1. 1, O F., PI'ff.
SYHI'P, East Boston and Stewart's Ooldea
Syrupa,al BltOWN, MYEItS It CO. '8
' Eoln nilla. 1
11 AXTEII Ai CO. have Ihomughly refitted th Eola
II Flntiriug and Saw mills, and ar now prepared lo
do all kinds of work in their lin ia roadl sAsw. Th
touring mill will now do th beat of sMrehant JC cus
tom grinding. .i
W can furnish every style of lumber, while and
yellow Ar, oak, ash, maple or pin, dressed or an.
rlmaved, at tba milU.or delivered tu any part of Salem,
or elsewhere, on lit river bank.
1iw price for Cash. BAlTEB aV CO.
Eola, Jan. !ttd, 1"M. doii7
T. J Hatter having konghtotrt th edd company
will set lie Uie areounisof th siuo IVoa lb 11 day nf
April, IHod. All parson having damsswie against lb
will will prsas prewat tbeir slatm imweuiMUly. and
all tbiai inik-htetl to lb mill ajnt eotno forwartiand
M'lle the annie without delay. ftl
1 ' " 'J t
Notice, i .. . - 'i i .: ..i
la th Circuit Coart of Ih Saat of Ongoa tor th
County of Marion, ta. William W, Pag, piafciulT,
va Eh M. Itamum, defenlaiu. Knoituoua. , .
Tn V U. BARNUM, Delcndant rou are hereby
required lo appear in th Circuit Court oi th State
of Oregon for tit oounly of Marl on. Ma tli weood
Muuiuy of March, a. o , I'M. and answer th coat
piaint filed In lb above entitled astion against yoa,
and if you fail la answar ansa soaipUlnl, jtulgnienl,
for want thereof, will be lakea against you far lb
uta of llftoea kindred and Urn 40 Hal dUar, Willi a,
ertiiug intaraat Ibereoa fro th lit day of September,
A. D., lathi, taxed lor rosta ana dtrbnreement.
W. W. PAtlE, PlaimlrT.
Portland, Jan. SLUM. . . w4aV '
1"" iTl(T04liTPHHnrallthtmr li
.oMitNIOOMriKVcV Hwall
MON TUOMKUYH PhotograplMar Ih t la tb
Stat. ' Mif
Adtnlnlalratioti Notice. ;
THK nndertigned, having hcn appolow admlui.
tnttorof ihainf Joha Brrd. deed., all per
no having ksims again aaid Batata at reojaireu to
nrewnt Lkem, wah tba proper vouch!, to ,, al ray
law olltea in latmyeiie, iwuimi weiij, orru
within six atouilit Irom mis iisie
O. W. LAWSON, Adm't
rtAiltwU aatsSeafJoaaaVyrJ.