The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, February 08, 1864, Page 2, Image 2

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s - "wntor for that purposes, nrtd yet are not nlllo in
orost tlio ccenn. Here ii a quandary, indeed.
' Tho London 'liraminir tnys tlm Armstrong
c,i gun can't knock an old ducsk tiff ill licet, ami
other pnpdvn vent even worse iilntsn ninn llm
J. bond of tho devoted Invuiitur. llutwocn tlia
imn-cladt tluit won't mil mid cannot cross tho
. ocean, nnd tho "long rmiRo" Armstrong guns,
. ,i. the national dofentct of Engluud would eem
-, to rouire a little attention.
. If tho reader ask how much hat nil thi cost
ID 111 :brtold Britons, wo antwor, only 1130,000.
01)01 Tlio twrap-lrnn trado of England will
' bo enormously valuable a tew years from tlio
' present time.
France is no bolter off. The Kmpcmr hm
a lot of old tn In lie culls "shins of the liuo."
Tho Norinaiidio, the Couninue, the Gluiro, tho
Magenta aud Solforiun, aio initio of tlio niniit-a
which dignity these children of tho sua. They
had a trial trip recently and Neptune whs so
indignant at the affront put upon him by tho
firesenoe of such oraft, .that ho tossed tlintn,
latturod them, beat and bruised thorn so sore
ly that they were glad to llm! refuge in Ilrost
a French naval station, . Thoy were totally
oiillt for sea-going purposes, us Indeed all ves
sels of that class are.
The iron olad navy of this country Is com
posed at present of monitor vessels of varying
tannage. There will be launched within a few
days one of the new eeean monitors the Dio
tator and there is every reason to asnrt that
he will be a success as regards sea-going qual
ities ; speed she will cerluiuly possess. ,. It is
not ton much to assert that no iron-olud ship
can hftte to weather a gale as easily as a wood
en vessel ; tiie lack ef Tinoyaiicy or "life,'' so
to tpouk, and the tiiwieldincsa which atlnolies
in a decree tn aH at them, inilitntea nimiiiat
1 obtiniiig the heat qualities nf wunden vessel,
ut it is not unreasonable to declare lliat witli
ahtonoe nf the extensive overhang forward
1 ,A aft. the projecting tide-armcr and favora
' .'(o iQddi, the two ships, I'urittin and Dictator.
TvtirVarry Uie flag of tlx- Union in triumph over
every ottauico, uutionnl end physical, Their
wcll-knowflyjiwililies for (iH'uiisa mid defense
the turrets, bVary armor, guns, and compara
tively light draft render thorn most formida
ble adversaries ; Vhilo the depth to which they
are (iihinrrirednr, rather, tho nmll portion
visible above water, leaves nothing to he ftt-
'taoked that it vulnernliln.
8n far the monitors have been comparative
ly aninjared. They have boeti ruined out nf
the water by torpedoes and have gone on with
their duty unharmed ( they have resisted show
era of shot and shell which would liavo sunk
the whole English and French fleets, if exposed
- at tlie same range, and in a few bours have ro
t tamed their duty. Tho Pnrrott gain have car
rlod farther than five miles ; they unit tidings
of their prowess unto the governments of all
Eorope belligerently disposed toward ui. What
ia tho consequence I Napoloon la complacent ;
it ii tnid he has seized the French rauio liuild
rebels uIinerstou bp J llussell are
... , ','.3A-" V-aii'i the rebut trim-olails.
Testifying of he, '- . , . ,,
banollcutl enecia ',,. ' - - - - - n;---
EK YOl'T '
i re
1 o
re iroii-cliiila" is
be placated, to bo
DO VOl''J J', "t
do vr,.'' fii, ,r''e,
i.titi:" (ft. . .
consequently we
ud the rebelliuu ia
DO YO" w
DO YoU w eJ
no vim v
Idor Murderers.
Its Conclndcd.
;Avlston Age tho remain-
DO YOU fir.
V Is" I. I . '
tlilionyV and the result of the
Fron Hefotl)
lit MeiT
son tV'l ,
'e of the murderor4 Magruder.
t iirto Lewiston, where they ar-
, dock at night, I'ngo says ;
'.I animali into a yard that onoe
, nines Uuys; I ruinaincd with the
J Howard and Uomiiiu weutto look
, Ae if lliee could find a boat; Hew.
nio nack and said that the stiiire was co-
t to leave vorv earltf in tho inuriiiuir.
alriOiiid that wo would nil ko' donn on iti Lower
Hbiwaid that he had not enough coin to pay the
J7Wrt' ' Knvo '" "" 'lu engaged
( ats for us. under assumed imuies ; myself hy
oc name of Smith, liouiaiu liy tho name of K. ,
'erkins, one by tho uuiue of Johnson and one
tiy the nuine of Clark; Lower oainu hack
, f where they left inn under tho shod ; they took
the treasure with them mid went to the Hotel
" ao franco ; lliey tola me tuitt tliey wnulil pay
'' v for my bed, and that I would hare nothing to
t do but to go tn bed ; I was running around
town smuo time trying to find Dish. Uoodrioh,
tn leave the aniimili with him i at the hour of
eleven o'clock, I asked the watchniiin if lie
I cuuld tell me where (ioodrich was s bo held tlio
V light up to my face and called me Hilly l'ngei
.. - lie aaid Ibut lie had seen me a timenr two and
nimiln-ed who 1 wnt ; he said Hint Goodrich
was in the Luna Mouse t I asked liiui to go
and call him out, he raid that be would when lie
hail called his round ; ke met me at tbo corner
nf the Iiinui House, and went iu and told
I Goodrich that he Wae wiuited 0. camo nut,
. 1 and in wnlkiug around, I told him that I had
I four ninles and a horse that 1 wanted tn Wave
1 with htm until spring he cousidered the mat
ter ov-r, then said that bo was going awny
-from home, hill would ua tlna thrv wtiro tnkei.
A care of util'ih'priiig ; lie and 1 led tho aniuiiiis
i(o Miimuer corral, aim l leu uiein w itli In in
t as tbvy were with fiiddlvs, bridles, blari-
stint inn, levxius. sours, fry pan, nulfea
, tin cups, and a liultulo robe ; we mixed up
Lliread ill the mouth of the flour sack i
ill enmo Along back with mo to the La
ky i he Weul in then and I went tn the
U' ranee and went tn hid wilb Lower;
Vnt iu, I asked the man if hu wiu sit-
.( fur any one he snid yes. but did not
m I... 1, I .....I. , , . ,
x'tniiw Hufli, a khi it uniiH 01 iirauuv, t
Hsaeir iiuu ui 'umiu soiuu mmi wiiiou no mil (
i rV n I got to bed I soon ot to ileep ; wheii
I. I stag onmethey called us lip after we gut
v aud onuie down stairs, we eauh tiaik a cock
1 t i ; I taw Judge JJecry, Muse the express-
l ili, MoCarly, llenkey, Len, the natchmau,
tnd Ooodriuli ; touiu were inside and soino out
if the bouse ; 1 saw that (key took particular
' notioe nl lie na we passed out of the door t we
got Into the si ago and it started for Walla
Walla t we went over to Wallula, nnd from
there to UiaDnlles staid one night in Dalles,
thep went to J'ortlaud, and from there to Hnu
Fmncieco ; we were iu Sun Frauuisoo two
nights before arrested ; 1 stopped one night at
toijajluts aud oue night nl a private Imiiee i
Lower slopped with me at this private house
on Dupnnt tt. ; we were arrested by Cnpt Lees
of the l'olice at this bouse the oilier two were
at (be Lick House ; when we were Urrt arrest
ed, w were put np in a private room, aud
guarded closely 1 Howard was acquainted with
the Captain of l'uliu Ilium was an arrange
ment to gel oat ou a writ of lialieas corpus i
' the ouptuiu was tit bave all hut one thousand
dollars ; after this we were all put together, so
we could all tell one tale ) 1 was to siato that
are met five men I he second day out. after leav
ing sJoraien ranch tlieee five nieu were tn
' ' bare tea niulve 1 was to state tliat they made
several trade with Mairro.ler on the mad :
where tiies men myself ami .Magruder dinped,
we lost ten or twelve mules, wluub Magruder
teW ine oat to Imik for, and that three of these
OcAoauKhl up with me, and told me that Ma
gruJ Vf did not want me any longer, and to
triib litem that oue of theso men
i ,l w to my head and oailud me a t n
j , and told me to show thmu the trail ;
4 1 ju were Ike men that ol luui the augo
' yi tliat Ust tkroe days out, at leep
- i..Jl: ..i... . ... , . i.
i 'lieae meu, (UaaarU. tioiniiiu and l.o-
. .taeruee by Uie MulUu Jioid to Walla
til a; lltatu 1 would clear tlioui i that they
aw si I witness i they mad uie
. V band tea time and swear that I
: llinth from Uns tale ; they told lue
.-. , whea I got to Walla Walla, that 1 nut
'" ! three meu there aud Uie wUir twu w lieu
; ; lo Wallula; 1 inquired what to say if I
i .ked who lb wen wore I they told mi,
, ;o frilled theiuselwa Willamett wl,.
' ' ' n mule, to sUUe that 1 gavo Ma-
my borso for it j Howard bad
Dt p to ae hiji, and them had
1 A ttd in tlie Heaver Haul coeu
' " oder's uanw en it) that they
f f i fenrineu at this iiUoo, aud
(, ' named Hlaokfia4 Hill that they
' .4 too Mullan road I whenever i.v
' firwented itself, line w bave
JTl'O tick lo tho
old story nnd they would beat them yet ; there
was a small pieoe ol uanvas that wo used to
mil our bread nu ; I think that was tho piece,
looks very much like It ; tlio axo was a smnll
camp axe, and had a short round handle it It ;
it was one of tlie sumo axes lined lo chop up
these men with ; that is the sumo axe j Lower
put that handle in it ; the gun that vm brought
through belonged to ChaiTus Allen ; it was n
doable-barreled shot gun ; there wero two let
ters cnirravia on it ; 1 itm no sciioiar, uon t
know what they were, but liuvu seen them of
ten ; there was one screw out of the breech ;
that Is the gun it was tho prop rty of Charles
Allen; Uoinatu had ono or the oniinem' re
volve ; the one I had was put in a bureau in
San Franoisco, and the Women said that they
would not give it up to auv one, mi I let them
keep it j that is the revolver of oue of tho bro
thers; that ia ono of mine, nnd that ono it
Lower's ; that id tlio tamo gun left wiLh Good
rich ; Phillips and uie had traded saddles ; 1
hud never traveled lliu country before ; Mil-
grtidor was guide ; ho nnd Allnu went ahead,
nnd wo drove the mules ; it was n clear star
light night, the fire hud been burning hriiihtly;
as sunn as it had burned down the work com
menced ; it was on this r'do nf the divide, be
tween Clearwater and Hitter Koot rivers ; the
waters were runuing this wny ; Allen's horso
was a sorrel, with a white stripe down his lace:
1 lliliiK 1 have seen luui stnuo I came hack, iu n
wagon ; I do not know a mun by tho name of
baker, din not meet li i in on the mud ; tho
ropes aud pnoksaddle were put under the brush
near Cottonwood ; I have seen them since ; I
went not and brought them in.
' Here tlie prosecution closed the exnmiuati m
of tho main witness. .Several other witnesses
were called, and testified tn having seen thu
prisoners, on tho morning of the Intli October,
at tlie I reucli lintel, going into tho stage.
; Their Conviction,
The cose rested and court adjourned on the
evening of tlio aid. The next morning the jury
returned a verdict "Hint tho nrisomirs, Oavnl
Howard, Jiimea 1'. Homaiii nod Christopher
Lower are cHiltr or miinler in tin Ii rut ileirree,
aud the punishment shall tin death."
Tukhua v, Jan. 20.
The Court convened this morning at ten o'
clock, and the prisoners wero brought Iu to re
ceive their sentence, when Judiro l'nrks asked
each one sepura'ely if they hail anything to
say wny sontunoe ol ileatli slioulil not lie pass
ed upon tliern. Komain replied that iinustice
bad been done him, as ho had not timu tn get
witnesses. Lower stated that he was innocent,
and Imped tho Uml would forgive them ;
they ware dyeing their hands in innocent blond.
He hoped that they would turret nut tho truth
of the affair with the same enemy that thev
had to convict hi in, not on his own account, but
for the sako nf thoso lar away. Howard said :
I followed this man Fnge to Hitler Knot and
went with him tn Heaver Head. Hu is n had
mun, lio told you a long story, part nf which
may ho true, lint the greater part is untrue ; I
believe yon and the jury believu it is true.
Since I oanio lo Idaho I have dune tin man ituy
wrong. , I have violated no law, unless it be
gambling; I bitve found it hard to struggle
against uie consequences nt a great trouhle 1
f;nt into; I suppose tho Court and ynn all know
low hard it is to struggle against such troubles;
but I hare wronged no iiinu, and my hands are
iiiuooeut of tho blood of Magruder ; I never
murdered Allen $ Mngruder'a widow and poor,
fntlinrloii children ciiunot raiso their hands tn
Heaven crying for vengeance ngniust me; I
know that will bring this thing all to light, nnd
that at snnie future time the true story will lie
told ; I do not ask you to believe me, for I know
that God, in his own chosen time, will make nil
clear; 1 would rather be as 1 inn. a convicted
felon ami die an ignominious dunlli, than ho in
the place nf 1'agn ; I stand before the world
innocent of this bluntly deed ; I have nothing
innro to say,
The Judze then addressed the nrirnucrs iu
eubstnnoe as follows ;
The HrntPiiro.
Tho duty which I am now called npun to
parioriii, is nuo ol the most pamliil nl my lilu.
I a in to proununoii a suotonen wliiob will con
sign to nn early and iufainoes death three young
men, enoli in the prime or his life nnd strength.
A lew years since you left your homes ; all ru
apectahle; nil with ueful and lumorahlu occu
pations; all with high hopes, nnd nil the ib
jecta nf the love of relatives nnd friends. You
hriil mnl-e tlinn et-iliiniri- ,,,.r,.L- it,,, I inf.. It,.-., ,,,.
and might have innde useful nnd influential
men in your dav nnd irciicriititiii ; been resiieo-
ted and upheld by nil good citizens. How dif
ferent is the picture yon prevent to-day. You
aro degraded and tihatidoued outcasts ! univer
sally regarded as tho implueublo enemies of
Illinium')' yon linvu not only the Territory of
iiiuun, nut an civiiiTteu society coinliineit against
you. I do nut say theso things to reproach you,
but from a Sense nf duty, l'unisliiiieut is ill
Dieted even upon the worst criminals, not in a
spirit of vengeance, nor to expiate or atone for
tiieir crimes, hut to prevent snub oifenses in
future ; partly by taking away finiii them the
finwer to do further mischief, but principally
ly deterring ethers by their example. Iu this
rernnl, it is riirht that your lives and crimes
should lie commented upon, and your dreadful
end held up as a warning lo all evil doers.
Your hi'tury demonstrates clearly the ruin
ous cll'oou nf idleness aud bad company. You
abandoned your occupations to hiinir around
submits, gambling bouses, and lw haunts of
vico. leu heoaiuo the nssoeialesor Kiimhlers,
and then giuuhlera yourselves. As there is
hut a single step from gamhliiiL' to steiiliiiL', vou
mm n heotiine thieves, then rubbers, and then
murderers, of course. Aud you have dosed
your career by ono of the tuiut awful tragedies
ever recorded; nuo which, when it shall bo
kmiwu in its horrid details, will cutiso the ear
of humanity to tingle.
W lint a warning is this, tn all men, tn follow
re'iieotablo pursuits, ami to avoid tl;e haunts
of vioe and dens of the gambler. Upon nil these
sttike of imnnlty should ho written, in letters
of liro. "tlui Is the why to hell goltij down to
tlio otiauiiiera et dentil.
Another thing your history Illustrates, and
the lennin shonld not hi hut upon nil men in
clined to follow your ways; it is that there is
no security, tn any man in the comintssion of
soeh crimes, no matter how wild or remote
the place of eoinmiwion. Yon vninly thought,
that by the murder of ull your fellow travelers,
yoo secured silenee ntid safety. You burned
the liloml ot Magruder that it might tint reveal
your guilt ; but like the Mood of Abel, it cried
to Una against yen, and the cry was heard aud
answered. I'mrnteiiee has not imparted wis
dciin to guilt, and the very means employed by
yoo to escape, led tu suspicion, pursuit, aud de
lection. It is a strange coincidence tliat your
conduct first excited the suspicion of one of
Magruder s Irieiids ; tliat lie lollowcd and
brought you back here ; that you bave been
tried and convicted close to the desolate home
of the murdered man, and iu sight and bearing
of Ins widowed wife ami orphan children. The
robber and murderer tuny learu from your fate
that titer isnosaletv lor them, nnd that the
way of the transgressor ia Indeed hard. If such
men bam expected iiitmnuiiy. in crime here,
let tlient know new, that tho reign of law and
order baa eoutmcnrctl, oven iu this reunite re
gtnn ; that where bad lueii array themselves
scaiust ociety, they ciioouiiUt a power which
they cau neither resist nor escape, and that the
punisbinonM ol me law wti.1, ue visited upou
You bave had a fair trial, an 1 been legally
connoted, aud your punishment will be just.
It it my duly to tell yon that there it no hope
of pardon sir eenpe. The law give you but
lew dayt lo live. Lei urn nitvise you to employ
that lime in making what reparation you can
fur the evil J o have done, aud in preparing for
trial before thai Ureal Judge, at whose liar you
ill .miii taint i aliiiMi Ian a, as well at those
of man, yoo have violated ; whoso goodness
you have abused, and w hose power yoo have
defied And it will be lite prayer of nil good
men that, in your final trial you may hud
merciful Judge, and that your crime uuiiier
inn and great as they have been may be for
liven. The Judge then sentenced mem to no nung
by til uvoiu oo Ui 4th day of Hatch, Irtnt,
until they were dead. Alter the Judge bad
meted n-nlenee, Lower remarked that lie
hoped llint OnH wuttlj forgive them all, as he
Wahiiinuton, Deo. 19.
As the time aniiroaehei for the next annual
letting of the contract for carrying the over
land mails, there are sundry giviiAs out of the
Ilolladay interest, which show tliat they are
about and are ready to avail themselves of their
pre-ocupatioii and naturally strung position
upon tlio route to secure tlie contract tor an
other year. .Inst at tlie close of tho last set
sion of tlio Thirty-seventh Congress, Senator
Uuliiiill Procured tho pusaageot a bill allowing
thu Overland Mail Company to pre-empt the
tracts nf land upon whioh their wny-sintimii
were situated, thus giving them a virtual title
to ull of tlie land fit for stations fur a greater
portion nf thu distance across thu continent.
This and the other improvements noon the
mad will ho very likely to give tho Ilolladay
Company a monopoly of the Overland Mail
contract! and other bidders will stand hut a poor
show in competition with them. If the mail
arrivals on this sido for the past six months aro
any criterion of tho general character nf tlio
service overland, it is certain that it it a very
poor alfair, For instance, tn-dny I received
liy Ocean mail a quantity of California dailies
to November 21st, and the same mail from the
North brought Overland mail matter from Sao
ramonto containing dates from November 17th
to November 21st, inclusive, being tin earlier
than the steamer dates ; nnd it frequently hap
pens that tho steamer dates are ahead of thoso
of the Overland mail. As fur tho facilities of
travel on thu Overland route, I subjoin tlie fol
Inwinc letter from a well-known citizen of Sac
ramento, written in reply to nn application for
iiilormation :
Washington, Deo. 10, IBM
John Connrhs Dear hir : With pleasure
I impart any iiilormation collected during my
late overland trip from California. I left l'lu-
cerville, fifty miles east of SuorniDonto, on the
iilith nf October nt two o'clock p.m., arriving at
Atchison (Kansas), on the Missouri river, on
tho 10th nf November at twelve o'clock M.,
lacking two hours of being twenty-one days on
the trip. Tue instance is j.uuu tniiet or mere
nhnuts; the road it one of the liuest in the
United States, yet onr time on tlie trio was
but about four mita an hoar. Twice 1 wns
detained twenty-four hours, each timu iu cou-
frcouoneo of there being no team to imiko thu
ouniieotioii. Thu stations average a littlo over
fourteen miles npitrt, there being about one
hundred and thirty on tlio entire route, and 1
am sativlied the lost time would iiverniro one
hour at each station, which, with the forty-eight
hours of lying by nt dill'erunt stations, would
make over seven days thrown away nu the trip.
From Folsom (Cnl.) to Suit Luke, or to Green
river, two hundred miles cant of Salt Lake, the
road is finely stocked with L'ood homes and
gentlemanly drivers, who make good time while
on the hex, nnd then keep you at the stage
stands from one half an hour to an hour nnd a
half. When I arrived at Green river I met
with n different and more unpleasant state of
things. From there to the South I'latte, a dis
tance of nearly four hundred miles, a general
system nl disorder and vugaliomlugu was prev
aleut almost thu entire length ; ail of tlie at
taches of the road manifested but little interest
in their different spheres of duty. Thu stock
wns broken down, and I was informed that
soarnely a team had hud u particle of hay or
grain smuo last .March.
When we wero driven tn a station tho team
was tinned out in the sago brush, and the
herdsman (tnrled to hunt up the team which
waa to convey nt to the next station, and I
thought myself lucky if ho made his reappear
anue within nu hour, ns it was uncommon
for him to bo absent from ono to three hours in
that benighted part of the Overland route. It
was nn this section of the road that a couple of
mail lilies wero lout while 1 was passim;. I
heard the driver from w hose stage the mail bags
wore lost charge the Mormons with tho thelt;
but it occurred to mo that if the Mormons were
more likely to bo dishonest than tunny persons
employed on that part of the road 1 am now
describing, they must bo a smqiiuiouii class of
1 often heard drivers, and others connected
Willi llm road, any that they ivnnld not tin
working lor the Overland at small wages if it
was not so unhealthy just now tn their differ
cut homes, tho draft was so dable to overtake
people.'' One driver told me he was just out
of the rebel army. I con hi not help mdting
myself if such men should have so direct a
charge of the United Stales mails. Hut I will
nut trouble you with any further details. From
the little I learned I mil snt sfied that in eight
months in tho year, hllccn days per trip is am
pie lime nn this road, and that would not be
uie and a half miles per hour. I hu would in
sure thu I'nuiliu coast speedy and regular mail
laeililies mid would make thu route a lavorite
one with the trnveliuir public, which latter con
sideration is by no means nn unimportant one.
Recent rich silver discoveries are said lo have
been made within a short distance of Salt Lake
(mid I have no reason to doubt it), which, with
the rich and extensive cold field of Idaho, north
of Salt Lake, will create an immense amount
nf travel. If the Government makes it a "fast
coach," instead of a "slow coach," it will do
more iu a short time to solve tho problem of
Mormouism man will a standing army in the
uiuiei nt mat people.
liespeotfully yours,
This letter, which ia Indented in its slato
menu by one nf the representatives iu Con
great from California, who traveled over the
same route hat year, has been placed on lilo at
the I'ost Office llepartuieiit, and its contents
may have tome etlect, with other evidence now
accumulating, in the next letting nf Overland
mail contracts.
The following it the President's Proolnma
lion of pardon of Kubcry, one of thu Chapman
pirates t
Abraham Lincoln, Preaiilenl of Ihe Untied
otutr of jlmeric.a.
Tit alt lo vhmii Ikrtt presents thall eomt,
K reeling :
Whereas, one Alfred liuhery was convicted
nn or about tho PJih day nf October, Irtlh). in
the Circuit Court of the United Stntet for the
District of California, of enuaein in and civ
big nid and comfort to Ihe existing rebellion
against tlie Government nf tint country, and
sentenced to ten years imprisonment mid to pay
a fine of $10.000 1 and whereas, tho said Al
fred Kubcry is of the immature nge nf twenty
years, ami in iiiguiy rcspcoinmo parentage
and whereas, llm naitl Alfred liuhery it a tub.
jeet of Great Hrilaiu. and hit pardon it desired
tiy .lonn Itrtglit ol t.iiL-lanil ;
AW. he retort, ho it known that I. Abraham
Linuolu, President of the United Slates of
America, these and diver other considerations
me thereunto uiovnnr, and especially iu a nub
lij mark of the esteem held by the United
Stales of America for tho high character and
steady friendship of Ihe said John Itrighl, do
hereby grant a pardon tn tho said Alfred liu
hery , the tame to begin and lake elfeot nn Ihe
'.Mill day of Jaiuary, I Slit, on condition that
he leave tlio country within thirty days from
and alter that date.
Iu titlimony whereof, I have hereunto signed
my name nod caused the seal of the United
States lie affiled. Done at Ihe oily of Wash
ington this I til day of December. A.D. IHti-'l,
ami nf tho Independence of the United States
tlie ttu.
11 V Ike Preeidenl r
. Wil. 11. Skwahii, Sec of State.
The reputation of President Lincoln for ori
ginality tt pretty general now, hut nobody ex.
peeled molt an original nieeeag at that com.
muniealed to the ,'irst eeesinn of the 3cHb Con
g'ess. It has taken everybody completely by
surprisii; aud. 1 am glad to add, Ihe surprise i.
an agreeanieiine, nir ine message it temperate,
wise, statesmanlike, and broad in itt proposed
treatment of Ihe vexed questions of this hnnr
and ol tne coming nour. I am not now thrust
ing indtvidval opinions upon Ihe reader, but am
Irvine to reflect avernee public sentiment hem.
It was expected that the President would either
ignore reconstruction altogether or give an
elaborate and decisive programme therrlor.
He hit done neither ; but has pleased the rad
ical an J tnliefied Ihe oontervnlivft by plainly
projerliug a plan or reconstruotiun, which is
just ulike lo popular rights, lo tlie cause of lib
erty, and to thu loyal people of all sectiont of
the Union. Nor is this programme a finality
as to its detail, for it ia generally understood
here in Washington that tlie president weaves
through tho whole n thread of contingency,
plainly implying that while its broad, general
principles aru immovable mid nbiding, events
yet to arise may change materially ike P!l11'
and theory laid down, It it obvious tliat wu
uro at sua in this wholo matter of reemiMruo
tiou. and that wu must trust to I'ruviileoco,
wIioko overruling care has thus far led us, f. r a
safe pilotago to Ihe haven of seourity and rest.
Thu President has been forced, by prematura
uiscuHsiunt nnd ill-digested theories ol oinurs,
to announce what thu policy of tho Adminis
tration will probably be iu the premises, and
hit message, a worthy document in itself, bus
found Its only significance iu being thu reflec-
I'.- ..' ... . , : r
uon ui ins views upon tins inooieii qneauoii in
reconstruction.. As such, then, it gives, prob
ably, more general satisfaction than any mes
sage sineo tho days of Washington. As no
Administration since Jackson has been able tn
preserve in belli branches of Couirreis n ma
jority of itt own, until now, so no President
since that same period, certainly, lias succccd-
vu ao wen iii siiusiyiug mo various ponueni an
tagonisms nf the times us Abraham Lincoln in
his last message; uml it is generally remarked
that this has not been done by skilltul trim
ming or by a iion-c littnl. emasculate policy;
but bold, high, original ground is taken, appa
rently disregard fill of the claims of either of
the great factious which profess to own tho
President and the next Prciiduticy. Wath.
Cor. Hoc. Union.
ki ro iMriNmuii KXCK.
Tho dates from Kurnpu ari to Jan. !Hh.
It is confirmed that Maximilian will visit Tarls
and reach Mexico before tho end of March with
tho requisite reinforcements.
An address tn Napoleon was Introduced to the
Corps l.cpiilntif nn the 4th. It oxpreases the
hope that hunelieial results may be derived from
the Chinese and Mexienn expeditions. It is very
pacific in tune toward Hutsia, ami loudly extols
the Kmpcrnr's scheme nf n Congress.
Tho rebel steamer Florida bnd completed her
repairs at Ureal, and is anchored nbout tjlll) yards
from tho Federal steamer Kearsargn. Sim will
sail iu February. A French vessel will accompa
ny each nt nu interval of '2t hours.
The Knglish press ia quiet upon American nf
fairs. Thu Than publisln a letter from Ita an
eeaaion correspondent nt Liverpool, in which tho
iv i iter ad in its that tlio North has mttdo progress,
but not in proportion to the coat.
Tho understanding between Maximilian nnd
Napoleon is said to bo excellent, nnd it is snid
that capitalists aro overwhelming thu Duke with
offers of money on the simple guarantee of his
acceptance of tho throno of Mexico.
The Princess of Wales gavo birth to a fiuo boy
at Froguiuro, on the 8th.
llolatein matters continued tn wear a threaten
ing nppeariineo. The greatest activity prevailed
In the dockyards of Coricnlingen. The king of
Denmark has Issued a warlike) address to tlio ar
my. Ho calls nn it to uphold the honor nf tho
eooutry. A dispatch from Copenhagen snys that
14, IIUU troops of tho roaervo have been called nut.
The (lornmii troops in llolatein show continued
activity. An official and geitural correapuudence
from Vienna cautious the ininoi- German States
against precipitating action with Denmark, and
warns them against carrying out tho attack.
It is reported that the excitement is Increasing
throughout (lerninny and at Vienna. Thern ia a
universal belief of nutivo movements in the spring.
Onribuldi has resigned Ilia sent in tho Italian
Parliament, 'l'lu reaiguatiea was accepted, to.
gether with tliat of other members. Unrilinldi
disavows tho recent proclamation in bis name,
and says it is a forgery,
Tho affairs of Poland wero without change.
Tho Louden Timrt is suspicious of the pacific
tone of tho Kmperor of France, and is of opinion
that such a liuo of conduct is at this time, much
inerothan nt any other, favorable to schemes of
French ambition. At thia particular juncture of
affairs, fur the Kmperor and tbo Chambers of
France to cotiliiiu themselves tu preaching up tl'9
merila of peace, is not the readieat way to oiitaiii
it. It would bo better if F niuco were to employ
her whole iulliieuco iu endeavors to cheek those
nilicidnl pasaions which are urging Germany to a
war which must before Ion; sweep into i:s ever
widening vortex every power of tho F.uropean
The J lines sa ilmt with ! "Iw nf naaiating
Knglish diplomacy, and for the prot -ctiou uf Itrif
iah interests, the Channel Fleet had been ordered
home, and might soon show itself iu termini wa
ters. Tho Times regards tho commencement uf
tiin campaign iu Selilesivig as almost certain
within a brief space.
niili-a lo Jan, 90.
Tho cominitleo on elections has decided ngainst
the t-lnitiiH of Kcgar, of Virginia, and Fields, of
Louiaiaun, for aeata in tho lloiiao.
Four ballots for Senator iu the Kentucky legis
lature took place .Jail -' Id. All nhke, na Pillows:
Guthrio M, Hell Hi, lliirhain M, Huckuri.
The shelling of 1'harlcslon continued night and
day, at intervals ef ten minutes, nnd tho city wns
gradually crumbling under this incossnnt' bom
bardment. Postmaster General Itlair's speech at Annapo
lis, in advocacy of thu President's Kuiaucipatioii
Amnesty Proclamation, gives much antislactioii in
the House.
On the 'i'lth, Fornnudo Wood spoke against tho
Confiscation bill, nnd in favor of peace.
The House military committee lias reduced tho
commutation clause in the .Senate enrollment bill
to If'.'MI, and refused to exempt Quakers or cler
gymen. Tho Sonata committee on commerce lias two
important measures under consideration. One is
the catnhlishinont of a liuo of steamers betweeu
California and China, nnd the ether fur a lino be
tween this country and South America.
The tiovernaient ia in receipt uf information of
annthor contemplaled at lack hy the rel.els in Can
ada on Johnson a Island. The Canadian author
ities are considerably imitated about Ihe matter.
A dispatch from Nnslivillo nays: A Federal
train, with a guard of six cempauiea nf the loth
l'eiin., was captured "W miles east uf Knoville, on
the l lth. Col. Palmer's brigade waa sent iu pur
suit, and in a fow hours overtook the enemy. r
rnplured the wagons, and killed and wounded t.'iO
of the rebels.
A bill was introduced In the House authorizing
Utah to form a Stato government.
A dispatch from Nashville snya: The excite
niniit concerning Knoxvillo was totally unfound
ed. Tho demonstration! ef Longstrcet were ap
parently intended only to recover the forage
ground taken by Fester, and the latest informa
tion is that ho has retreated, and that our troops
are in winter quarters, tleti. Fester anticipates no
attack, and is ablu to repel any that I.oogatreet
can make, 't here is reason tu deulit tlie truth of
tho report that Leo haa reinforced l.ungstreet,
Kllorts toward a reconstruction of tlie State
government are emending alun all parts of the
comities ef Middle Tennessee, hut there was little
hopo of its early return to tho Union. The Rad
icals, with linv. Johnson at their head, aro iu fa
vor of calling a convention to form a new ennati
tutiuii on tho emaiieip.itiiin principle. Kaat Ten
neaaecaus aro reviving the old project of forming
a separato State in that section.
Kehel officer a continue to come in daily, dcair
liig to take advantage of the amnesty proclamation.
I'ho liiclimond papers contain a dispatch an
nouncing the suddeu and serious illness of Alex.
II. Stephens.
tiou. l.siiit will issue an address to tho people
nf Arkansas, urging them to return to their alle
giance, dee taring that, as alaverv ia dead, thero is
nothing left tor the South to right fur.
Tlio Senate having passed a resolution reqnir
its niemtx-ri to take tlio oath, Senator Uayard will
have tu take it or resign.
The F.migratiuti Committee will probably r,-c-nimueud
sending a comniiMioii to northern F.u
ro;i lo facilitate the enormous emigration ex
ported this year.
A dispatch says Gen. Hallrrk expresses bit be
lief that the last desperats effort will be made by
the rebels in Ihe spring lo transfer the righting to
Northern soil. '
Senator Wilson intend to introduce a billyiro
tiding that all lands enntiaeated in the South be
divided into homesteads fur the soldiers.
A letter lioin Fully liland aava: Kumnrt an
current uf an expedition toward Savannah, but
nothing reliable concerning it it kuuwn outside uf
headquarters. All hope of reaching Charleaiou
thit winter hay died away among tht troopt.
Deserters my Lee's army it widely scattered,
but they don't believe any portion of it hat been
ten! off. They tay furag it difficult to be uIk
tained, and the horses are reduced in nuaibera
and efficiency. A battalion of the loth New York
envalry made a recumiuisauce to Wolf linn and
the Ocroquan, but discovered only a few rebels.
The roads are veiy bad and the mud is deep.
Tho Senate hat confirmed the nominal iou of
Addison K. Flint at Receiver of Public Moneyt
at Koseburg, Orvgou, In place nfUeo. E. I'riggi,
i he IV O. Heparttoenl it now selfjisjjj,-
for ihe first Him In Bfttsa vetrt. J" B
A ttalcmont copied frstm Kor.lrM l. rui
Marshal .Forey had obtained B pledge while in
this country that tlio United States would not dis
till h tho new Mexican monarchy, in return b r a
promise from Franco with regard tn the South, ia
entirely without foundation. 1'oroy nau no cum
inunicaiiou with the lluvernmetit whatever.
Mai. Utiinlaii, nf the 1st N. V. Cavalry, who
commanded the acnuta just returned from tho
neighborhood of Woodstock, says hands of men
are forming tu resist the rebel conscription.
Kii'.hngli l-ee has gone back to liordotisville
with Ijis coiniuiiiid,
The liiclimond Baytiwr of the llth advises tho
public that general orders have boon prepared at
tho Adjiitant-dencral's allien, to ha Issued in a few
days, for the Immediate conscription nf all per
sona who bavo over furnished substitutes, nnd
they will lie put in camp of Instruction in ton days.
lien. Oetty has been assigned to duly as chief
of artillery on Gnu. Monde's staff.
Littlo Uuck advices to Jan. Ill, sny the Arkan
sas Slato Convention, which assembled nn tho
Hth, bad about completed its labors. A great por
tion of tho State was represented. The article
prohibiting shivery was adopted with una dis
aent'niir veto. Tho constitution is to ho submitted
to the peoplo ou tho second Monday III March, nt
which lime the Stato officers and iiniiiihura of tho
Legislature aru to bo elected. Tho action of the
convention is univorsally satisfactory to loyal
men. Tho qualification' uf voters is that prescrib
ed bv tlio President's proclamation. Loyal citi
zens say they will bo able to poll !W,00n votes for
the couatltlllioii.
The New Orleans Era gives tho statement of a
Union refugee juat from Mississippi, who says
fully una half of tho population of that Stato left
at home are strongly Union, and the women espe
cially are bitter against Jeff Davis. Hundreds
of men are in the woods to cscnpo conscription
Hie same paper has intelligence trom icxns
through a preacher whn resided nt Port Lavaca,
una mere wns an uverwiiuiniing umuii iuuii
tnetit ill Western Texas.
Considerable indignation Is felt throughout
Minnesota at thocoursonf tho llritish authorities
in furnishing the Sioux Indians ammunition, and
sending them back upon our soil. It is snid (lov.
Dallas gave each Indian ono pound of powder ami
lead in proportion.
Mic (Drcgou 'tittcu.
Union Statt Convention.
Tti Union vuti-ri of thu vnrloit countlri of the fltnta of
Oreion, who nru In fnvor of ihu oiitiiiui't.niii vl(f"rinm
princtillun of the pi'CBcnt war t'i lh uuiiipllti ninl Jliml
minnrenii'tii of ri'hclllon niul vxtlnctloii of rmtnt niul In
fAvor of hciirty niul cflicli'lit mippurt ill tho iiulhtirltli'K f
I lit (Ji-iicrnl li'ivi'rmnpiit in their I'ttnrtu to prutccl mi'l tie
fen'l the lliiimlltutliiii rut'l In uf the lnlttt Sltit.m, niul pre
nrrvt Hti'l pi-rpi'liiHte the Union, an1 who Hre wllllnit In com
hhic for llu ek-:tion of turn of HWtf prinrlplca to all ollicn In
tilt 11 nt, nru rctteriTiiiiy mm mrncNY mviifti to non
couventloiiii nerorillnjr U uiuiit cuaUmii for tin- clt'cllnn of
l-ijffitiM to a riito Unr)ii ('.uivtMitigii tn im tii-id nt ami v
N V, In l-litn county, ou Uiu 1H)TU hay nr MAIH'tl, A. u.
tor the piirpoiM t nominal Iiir CHtidhiiLtH fur Itcprenifiitatlvt
tu i;oiuriiMn. ! rtHTt I'nnivr, tti-ctiiiiT ai'ii'itaicii to int- rn
tlonnl Union Oonvmiiou, hmI provltiliiK for thu m-lectlon of
citmllilitlfn tor rrfHhifiitini htert'irn, Ntid trmii'irtlnK uch
oiht-r i)iilttfn ns llie tJiniv'tiitlou "tut 11 tivvta nrotn'r.
We rMpei'tfuliy rr.'oinnii'n'l the holilliiK of County Coti-
rruTionn on me i.'tu u.Y or maiii.ii, a. d. lo-i.
Wp iiIho ri'uprH'tfulJy ri'troinrncinl the hoMlnjr of conven
tion of dfluviitvn from the vnrloun illntrlcli nt the time anil
place of hoMluK the Htitti Cunvi'iitton for the nomination of
ertiiimii' lor Hiiprrmo Jini(i;i hiiu rntnetiiiiiiiK Atioiiifyn
in ills' ii-vrai tiijtincu wiitre VMntucien nnau exmi.
The cvcrnl fittintifH trill he t'litltleit tn ili-letrnttn In the
rMnt. Convention nn follown I lifiitmi, o; t'litckHiiiim, v
CUti'ip, 1; Columliln, 1; Cioi, 1 ; Curry, I ; iiuzl'm,
J'li'kMon, 111; Jiii'-phlin!, fl; l.itne, H ; Linn, 12; Sluiloii, Iii
M.ilttmtnnh, S; l'olk, 6; Tillninook, 1; Wanco, It); SnW
liurtoti,4; Yamhill, A; Uinntllhi, !i ; H.-ik.T, Jl.-Totiil, IU.
Jly nnler uf thu sStute Out ml L'nlon C'niiiiitt.'f.
JOHN II. MOOKE, Chafrinnn.
A. O. Movkt, F-MTetary.
H ill-in, Jim. fl, iNA-t. ,-4ft
Polk County Untoa Convention.
Thr Union votcrf of Polk eountr. Oretron. who nre In f.
vor of the onnllmiuil uuJ vltioroiu protiecuthiu of the pri'rciit
wnr to tlm complete ami fltml (tuitirelin of rcln-mmi ami
(KtltK'tlmi of trendon, anil in fnvor of hearty niul rltii'lent
support of the autlorlth-i of tli General ('.v.-niiui-nt in
tli.'lr elfortit lo p. olect nul flcffml the Coimtltiillon nml laws
of the United 11 rites, anil prcnerve aini mfrpeliuite the Union,
ami trim nre wIIIIiik to combine for the election uf men of
like prliichiW tn all otTk-ei in tins Stiite ami ciuntv. nre re
ipeutfulty ami eanienlly Invlteil to liohl prvcluel iiteetlnifn In
the B'-vvntl pmnnftn to elect deleitalea to a County Cuuven-
tl'.n tn be held nt lliillnn, on Huturduy the ,'Jth day ofMnruli,
istU, fur the purponf uf ebTlln del.-cates to th finte Con
vention, to nominate candhlalrn for county nttlera, audio
iraiiHiu i mini tuner nutiiieNH as may h't'ltlnnilcly lie imiunt
before the eouvimtlon. It is reroiniiteudeil that thu pr cinel
meeltiurA be held on thefith of Mareh. The s veral ireelm:n
nre emi'ieu lo UfiesaM't tn the county cuivc iii..n nn fti.wn:
l4llrm 5. Ib thel 4. Ilrliliri'port :t, Litoklamute 11, haue ii. Mu
mouth n, R"lB ft, f ilt Luke U, Jm-kion 4, DouglHs4. Ify or-
ucr mi uiw uouuiy uqiud umniiiipf.
I. II. mfTI.KU, Chairman.
Titos. Pbarok, Bec'y.
Yamhill Oo. Ualon Oonvontlon.
The Union voUtrtof Yamhill county, OfRon, are hereby
ihiiiuiu inanncrn win a rmiui v eunveutiuii ni'hi at
'')--o. Ii tiulst unlVi on Hutiiriiiy, Ihe I'Jlh U.iv nt M,
nest, at VI oVIock, M.. of snid dny, tu appuhtt nix di-lfCAlvn
io aueim ine mion Plate uonvenllun to Oelu-ld at Albany on
Ihe :tuth day of Man-It. lti'4. It Is rtc.mimrnded that pre
cinct m.ttntm he held at (frt Uiiml plm:es or voting in the
.oevernl preelm-ls. on KHtunlay thefith day of Match uvxl.for
the purM)t. f electing delHirates lo said county convention.
The several precinct will be entitled to i(-b'fHleii In nahl
eouniy con veil I ion as lollws : Lamyrtte, 4 ; IMrton, 4
ilUmetlp, I ; Amity. j Houlh fork 4 ; McMlnnvillu, 6 ; No.
rurK.z; fc-iiu Lticiiaieui, ; nvstuiielinletn, ',
ii. II.STK.VAIin.
Mem. t'nlon State Commit tee for Yamhill Co.
Marlon Oo. Union Convention.
The Union men of Marlon county, Oregon, are respect
tntty reipifttpd to meet In their several pteciiti ts un Sutur
dy, the .)tli dny of March, lsW, for the purpotie of selecting
il'-lt-KiUea lo attend Ihe county convention Iu bv htld at ttn
I' m. in ssid county, un the liflli day of March. JmVI, at
which county coiivi-lilion twelve delegates are to be elected
t. the State convention, and a full county ticket iiomluak-d
io im supponeti at tne next pcnerni election. v recom
mmd the appurlionment of dih-Knles from the several pre-
viih i nn nuinwii rnir-in, is ; nnriil PKieui, n ; mill l rerK, V
f ilver Creek, 7; l.i ilinh, 6; Falrlleld. A; Northern, V
(km thern. T; II' well Prairie, ft;; Chaiupoeir.d.
(HiKnedrJO Meebles, M Parmeiiler, I K Hrntt, K N
Cooke, L lleslh, llt-adrlek, M McCully, Preston Hamilton,
lieu A Kds, W Phuinnn, K C Over, Cal. (leer, I), Al
t uolidfre. (J M Ctrlnrucht. John J Murphv, J Kunh-, Pamuel
Brown, T 11 Allen, II P Jaekson, L II PoiijauV. J C Cartwrmht
Marin iinipon, 4 i.awyer, iui uartii, a c Kfene. win M
tune, Joiin n Urim, II L Turner, J 1) Doon, Willis Dunaifati,
siouii iowiiiuR, v a terry.
Tlio ttrli'tnf ilenincnicr tire tint vorv iliverse
nnywliuro. Whero there it nny tlitturonut-. il
is tlm rrsnlt nf pnlicy the ro' ia mmothing In
ho giiini'tl liy wenring n specilii-il elmriictcr, nr
liy putting it (iff. In tho Soullu-rn Slittot il is
n iiHitivt war pnrty against the Unimi ; us a
nlinlo it it in Ihe North a positiro nuti-n nr
inrly nppnrcntly socking tho tiune oinl. In
particular si'ctinnt. hmifvur, nln-ro nn anti
war policy would lie itt certain anil speck rnin
the ilotiincrncy, as in Illinois, it fur tlm war,
ui with nn ij. Iu New York city nn J in must
nf New Knglatnl, ull the loyal democrats long
ago dropped tlio namo and joiticd the Union
organiiittions. In audi places, ooncimliiuintt
anil fiiAc pretenses being nselesa, nro teldoin
tiltenipteil. and when tho democratio faction
spenks. it speukt itt ti-ntimcnt ; nt least more
generally than in tho West. Tlio "democracy"
of New Hampshire, for instance, resolve :
That tho (loniorrutia party, alwuvs iiHlional anil
m'r wtiuiml. slioiiht. Iv riirlit. linvu tiikiMi no wn
inthesliife i the Nnrlhern mu Snullwrn b.t
lions of iHir Knleral I'tiieu, it io tkuumn blli
iarties lu il.
Here ii an open and shameless declaration
by tho 'deinnorrtey" in contention assembled,
that tliey have no interest iii the struggle in
augurated hy thieves, rotihert, brigands and
cutthmut coiispiratnrt ngainst the lifu of
the nation. Let the Union lw tuinliloil into
fragments about our ears, the democrucy
have no interest iu il ! Let the government
be uprooted and turned into the w ildest anar
chy or despotism, the democracy have no in
terest iu it ! And liy itt national and time-
honored professions, tlmuld lake un part iu the 1
strife except to deiiouueo both parties toil
those that stiive tu save at wcil ut thoso who
seek to destroy !
Having resolved tlmt Ibey ought not to have
lakeu any part in Ihe war, they further practi
cally resolve that they w ill not take any part
in it :
Krwole,!, That w, pmrUininr tiww ilw prineiplw.
nf ..s, ,a ..n. . ' .
plaitorm. prtesl tuninst ihe r.uiluiuuiKM of Ibuj i
1 7. ' ' . "'"" "I""' " mail, naiiniiai
ereswry anu annatunil slrtle.
$0 it is protested tlmt this strife is unnatural
and aaarcrssiiry. It iru gntialurul and uumV
etsarr for Ihe democrncy to liegin Ilw war, hat
ihey having hogun it, it was necessary and nnt.
utal that loyal Oicu tin uld resist the fu treat
on uf the alUck. They have been doing it
against Uie protest of the ilemocra. v and are
wnlinoing lo do it They would have been
iniworlhy the blcstingt nf any gorernnient,had
Ihey hesitated about
mailer uf tuch nlain
ilmy and patriotism.
whlU j0 lU . ie h ft
, reneit
"uuiiuturul niul niiiieoi'ssary ' rcliidlimi, stand
before the nation and proclaim Hint the strife
!.. .i..r...,. nf il ITninii. the cntistitutinll, ill"
Ml UUH-lir,- ,., ,
hwn nn-1 freedom, in r iifitnrnl rvnl (inni'crn
Hiirv,' nml that they protect, in tlm cliiiniuter
uf a tmtiotml puny nguum. it furtln-r oontinu.
If tliL-ru immy mu llmiff willed butter tlinn
tuiothor, it in Uml llm reM wo Uetunif.ioJ on
hreiiliitif; up tlie Union of State! i flint tlinn fur
tliey indigimiitly npurn tho idmi of any terini
tmtiini of tho wur except upon condition of their
independence. In view of timt fact can it lo
ponnililo tlmt unyhody in tin north nhonld per
sistently urgo "coinpromiHo" with uny oilier
object than tn einlmrriiMi, and defeat the gov
erimmnt? ThU New Jlainpfltiro convention
of "ileinocmtii" urges :
Thttt we unitedly prvttoitnrc in favor nf immc
d'uUti iiee 11 wm, liowmtlilu in il limtuiu m
Iir nuiimf, niul l)noiii'iid in it romiUt t n peiii'o Hint
will infiiiu nmkf) AiDtTHTiiiH nu unitml, pnwpi'nnw uml
tmwurlnl pc..,W)i tttxl Mutt micli H pern;., can only Im
Uie HtiwlL ol' mutim. t't)rlioHruni),coiu-iliutiuu nnd com-pi-omii-t.
As ii prelimiimry iiioosnro" of compromise,
these pinUfl of doinocrutio patriots propone :
Tlmt wo uuiti'illy rrivn to Mufiiro 11 truce btitwuKU
Mm lioHtile HfTli'mB, nnd Miu witlulmwul uf both arm
it to (l(jt'cnivs Iiiihh,
Give np nil rebel territory Biibdued, nil tho
progress made in nettling tho difficulty honorn
b!y and go into n "dicker nnd tmdo .arrnngo-
incut will, cuUhrout oiitltiwD, whoee necks must
escape the halter by un act of mercy that just
ice would never grant !
That ie modern democracy, and tho above
extracts contain the gist of modern democrat
ic platforms. If any local ones aro made of
different ingredients, it is only for tho purpose
of securing political trinmphs by a trirk where
an honest avowal of "doinoorutio doctrine
would invite defeat and difgraoe.
Ei). Statesman Wolmtl pretucold weath
or for about ten days, voninieiiciiig nliont tho
3d of January. Tho river frozo over nnd ev-
eryliody wns crazy on tlio suuject ol aitating ;
skulet lirnnclit fabulous tirices, but just as ev
erybody got their tkntca ready and bound to
have ii "bully" time skating, (to-morrow) down
caiiui nu nvnlnticho of snow. Th:!ii cvery-
builr went ilornntrod on thu subiect of sIc'il-Ii
riiliiiL'. Sleighs nnd hells were eenrco but
belles were plenty uml anxious. Just na eve
rybody liail gut ready with their sleifht, (lulls,
cutters, jumpers, nuriKt nml tlufnuuiet in gen-
oral, up comes n .puff of wind from Ihe big
Willamette uml the snow was missed (mist) iu
brief time so everybody got disappointed nt
nil points.
1 uociiaiaiially receive ft copy of tho states'
man, i. e.. when it ilotit go to Walla Walla nr
Jacksonville, or some other outlandish place,
nod I must say I lint I nut verr well pleased
with its manly nnd truly loyal nuil patriotic
course, as well ns Willi its general nous nuJ
particularly its domestic items. I shall ho Imp
py to eoiitritnitc to Hint department Ireiiuetillv
Vou can just put it down that the wentber here
is uVliglitluI nml ou lliu "beaiililul summer em
iiieucu of nu evening," around thu Dalles is
getting nnilo green with the new ernss. The
O. S. N. Co. (Golly, what n name) nro getting
ou to n decline, i. ., extending their rutlroad,
down to thu river so na to load the freight di
rect Iroui their steamers on to the cars. This,
liodiiubt, willgrentlr facilitate their liusiuess
Theru is a nourishing Division of the tSnna
ol lcuiperauco hero, of which vonr humble
servant is W. 1'.. nml J. E. linker, formerly of
halem, is 1 s. e have iiuineruus lady vis
Pack trains aru coming ami going utmost
daily, aud thu rush of miners lor tlio upper
country tins tiegiiii. I n expectancy oln great rush
uf travel in tho spring, the (). S. N. Co. have
nearly completed a staunch new boat, tho Ya
kima, which ie to he tlie boat of the uniier riv
er. She bus a "Texas" on her hurricane deck
which in a novelty lor this liver. No doubt
they will drive a Nourishing this business sea
Sunday Mounixu.
I he eurth is covered ubont nuo inch with
snow, mil turner tne uriglit rays ol a clear tun
It Is Tost disappearing.
iMrouTAvrro mnu ii.uii.ints,
Vo arc informed by Mr. (Starkweather, Register
of the Land Olhec, Oregon City, that a considera
ble portion of tho land claims ia Oregon do not
conform to legal subdivisions, and consequently
no patents will bo issued to such claimants until
their claims are amended and innde to conform to
the requirements uf tho law, whether they are
certificated or not.
These, illegalities, ns explained to us by Sir.
Starkweather, aro general all over tlio Stato and
Washington Territory, and will involve great dif
ticulties if attempted to bo changed into legal
form. Mr. S. thinks that a fair representation of
these difficulties to Congress by the citizens of
Oregon and Washington Territory, will secure nn
aet of relief, nnd prevent a vast amount of trouble
lo the peoplo interested.
The informality most general is a squaro forty
lying on both sides of a section line, and a long
forty one-eighth mile wide and a half nolo long,
neither of which is admissible. It is oasy to see
Hint a change of hues at this time would invol
universal embarrassment and considerable loss of
bind. 1 he attention of thoso concerned is called
to tho necessity i' petitioning Congress immedi
ately for n law legalizing such claims as they have
been made.
l't"Koln" camo loo late for insertion in (bit
issue, but will rcecivo attention next week.
Sanitary.- The Sanitary fair in Huston
closed after a season of nevcu d ij s. Tho re
ceipts were far beyond tho expectations f the
imwl tauguitiu among its projectors, the sum
neiug consiiteratiiy over 8HHI.IU0. This it
something muni limn f 10.01)0 over tho receipts
of the great Western Fair nt Chicago.
I TT- A.I n.-lkes of lusrrinins or desth. will louilor mil
II. nn e.u.i l,.,e . rr.,Mii.e name atuclitd, or tlier will
not ,,. ar In our rolumiia. ' ' "'"
tn t,n Frsneijco, C4pl. J. C. Alostorlh ol Portland nnd
Al Cseales, 'Jin, ull
., Joseph n.lley and Mrs. It. A Clsrev
. ).ksr It.leh.y sn. I '. t'. W,l.,,n
lu P rtlsii., So:!t till
In W S-ltlllgMD
uinj, Wthult., S. J. Uim
Airily Sl.-ree
Al llslles, 1st, ti.inurt Pries and Pslmyr A. Iltrslksr.
(In Ihe SMI, ull., . t Mri, and Hhen. A. ginlth, all of
' ", - . IIIIIU .OO J .lte l.lll.r
In P.-lk county. William ror.l and Ml., t.r.tls K. HnMurd
of V h n '""Mm ""''" "d M' Khuibelli PeitiBS, .11
Near Salem, J-din P-ree.
li,eslem,S,.l...f cartel ferer, P-anees Adrlildt, dsnch
ter of J. . ad n, j. PtTNr,. 4v ; ""
Al t).ai.., H.ll..,, r..,mty. IHh ull., ll,c Mlr,,
"f J. and M.nha Pierce, as.1 Iry, ., ol lunf lerer
' ""i iu ueaui.
, i'?"' Wh"!7 Uw' "','" J "'
.S.1I.. y M. IIS.,,i, ,,, .(fed 14 UlonP.s. l'..rtu,l, Mr. J., T,.e. sited about 40 years.
In Porll.,.1hl,. J.,,h L. w.thn,, only Bf0 f M. W
.'Jf i .ves." il 1 dsr
, Special Notices.
, .Wh'B Ut""T 8ocl.t7i,lUel,i,r.
, trsry elilrrtaiiimen
j.,.,-. iu. U. w,ntra,i b
ll r- ...
ST" V '? ht,'!""""1 ) Sanuary'fiiO'l." Th. .VurTS
Brass H,. dl h m .licn laiiw. Tits
..,M ,.r ii, f,Li,ieJ Pruvan phTsici.i. and nkllo-tl
l."., '"'" ''-".ud' Tiiroiuwr
Jr. brn faivllar ho.,.-l,,l WOr.l, an t Iher, .re hu, l
in our . s-wnnrm .ho a, , .sp.H,,,, g
f lo. rr-al nedli-al sod oelnun, ,iulmiK ItT liT
rated j f..r th. cura of Linr l omeUmi n,..
..Xe,l. IWntlly, ... Is . pee,,.,
mkiI, and r'ea Ui. sum wn.-aett,, , . . ' , "
prepsre.1 tn IhM .-..unlry by llr. C it., lluuwi.i.1.
..ler IKe..f H.-rtand's ttorJflZSZ
jj " 2!J nmn or duller In medlelnw' JJJ,
t-l.r, yi aotlred Uis mbnldery which toraa,!,, .
child,,,, , mH e. f f,ulunrti,. ,M rtdZl
...I al w cheap a r,l. Th nanuer in II l, dL ,T"
.l. m hh a ea he eau-.l. nd .11 li " J"'-
sry can ke ..Mu,re,l hy e.lltn. , an, f lk. Apei'Tui
J .
tllnrliiK nirvlli I" IWt'll wit m-rn uln-nii liimiwlt
tlir liiboniloiy ofmir ui'lrlintteil tiniuilryinnii, JJr. J. (J.
Hi-ini'.-ty coiiM wr tiiiv.- lu ln-n'-l wlilimit i-nrnf, vlmL U m'tm
thTti Iii'VuihI ilUlititl'iK'
Tl.fv miik- n Imrrfl .if nlll I'llln. nlmut liV -mri. nn-l
threw imrrt-U t Ulwrrir iwrnml, l-'it.iNHl tUw. r U-n..
I'll wtuit rut liinoii.'fiviil.l.t n mil "r Immiui milloi'lii ilurrt
iln- i 1 1 ! Uimhhi ilunn ii liny I Fifty mllllntm uf -;,-
1 1 Wlmt inTt'H nml iliMiiitiimUor HiTm ntnWM U'iU 'tut t
thin Hiireml tHifnpf tlm Inmiflimllim I Ami wlmt yiiinilil 4
nml ttntd Trtu', in. i nu -it mm- i .i.- - .... . - ... -nliiit,
nuinh , II In. ThU ('It'-rry ltr.-i mi'l thl Hiinrirnl 1'itl
iuu tuliii tlio f.tiiimtil'iii f pnlii mt luiifiilHlt Hiiti Kliikl'iK
mirntw the liih'.'rimtHT mir iiiuhut u. -i ... .....
win lit family ul Hlliil. lli'M UlU llillllti uiirimu nn ihii
ni'h.'il l.ui mriy ny nm wijnn mm n..-, ...u. . ... .... .-.
In UtiivM aronirit.-il.Hiiil only wntrhiiiK ntu wkiiimk hi.iii
t.'ll whlfti wny III luiiilli tliall lurn. Till" rt-tl ilrnji nu Iln ln
hte Ik tint tiilisonnii nn whlrh IU llfi-hIihII liun. Th.-r IIih
bloHNoin of tho wui-1.1 JiiNt Imrittliiir Intn wniuniihuinl U tttrk'k
rn hIki. Affrdtlnti'i imwl mwlilunin onm ftvnlla iml; lm
mill fiiilliiu Awny. The wmi miwiiKLT ctimcii wnrvr mm
llfiUiT L'VUiy WCfll. ThUIIMIO IllfU'llflltli'lll Biinit hmtp,
tli.'lr In p. l, iiTh'ipK Ihrlr only itu. Tlio Hlruitr! innii Iiha,
iilniitdl hi hi viLn If. IhU vim.' (lUfimi!. ThU ri"l !.')) liy III
Hule ! liv.1t.liiK Inm wrntlu with the tiu-xnrnii.e pin iuy : tlio
wir oflilK hniDiii niul ih eliornlm of IiIh hfiirt art' wiilllnji n
lfk utrrow nml fciir lent thu rml on whli'li thry k-nu, In tliln
worhl, Ih lirohi'li.
0, hontnr I Himro no iklll, nor eoiit. nor (nil tit tiivn tno
ncrinliliiv Nick llm bust tlmt Imiiiun art can nlve. tlnlvi'uMin,
r'nii, wrwii,
tST'T'Tritiltf DltUtis'tifpmcntii rle fritin pxti-rnul itlnfflMfi,
hih! ii iiiuun tin) illttU'iiiL'hl bluoil wlih'li i!iuirti'H them tu hu
mri-tl uf Hit pultun, hy tlie ime of llt fiini n priiftriiia thtt
niniit potent ufnll tluturtfciitii the nnlt'L-rers will nut only m-uk
i'i-llif fur tlivinttt't vt- In vniii, but will ii Nu Iriummlt tlie din
ortliTitnH hi. InlK-ritfiiiiiB lo t tit Ir oMMren. Ituth text's, nt
nil ii.'rluils -if llfii, will llml tlila uiirlviilb'-l vi-nHnliIti nmii'ily
anwlft nml ni.llciil nur fruptlfPimnri'B, nlciTB.tflainlnlar
swHIInirs, rhi'itniiitlHin titnl nlitxiftt. evi-ry (Mru-iiHu whkth din-
ntfurett or ilmtortn the imiwnrii inriu, iih'iiiuiiik iTiirmirini
cuiiiplAliiti. Klnt cliiN ili uKKlnts uiilvvrnHlly km-p r nuppty
of the m tirlo. lm4S
Brown's Bronohlal Troohos. Thesn I,iikis nro
,rrirr,l from lilillily esteemed reclH' lor slleyloUnit Urnn-
elllin AireL'lliuls, akmhiih, iiuurni'!i.Bn, utniMiin, vni( unu ir
ritation or Hiiri'iii-is of llie Thron.1.
"1,111,10 W'KAKKItS A.Nll VUUAl.iriB
Will Unit them liMli'llrlsl 111 dflirhiK tlm voles lletnro speak
Iiik or shi!liil, lliid rellrvliiK the throat after nny umlauul
exeitlon or the vocnl ononis, Imvlnx n n-i-.Hllr niliiilsllo,t
to urfeetloiii whirl, tllslurb the oriiiui ot speech. Ilil44
Aifenls for Onllforiiln, ItKDlNOToN h (lo., biih Franelsetb
I. O. O. P. OIIKilKKKTA 1.(111(11''. No. 1 meets every
We,lnes tuy evenliiir, st Its Imtl In Itolitmn s UunilluK.
Brothers In ifo-ul Htsntllnif aru Invited to nlleml.
eAjiur.i, r,. siai, n. ,
0. P. Cll.txtiAM., It. Bec'y. 4tllt
jiOTiii;iisPMoniKRs"i i
Don't fail tn rtroeitre Mrs. Window's Soothing &
rtm foe Children 'JWIhiriff.
l itis valtiiililD iirenai'iilioit Is tne nresefinitoii nr one
of the best ternnlo pliysieititiH and nurses in the United
Htiifes, and lias been used tor thirty years with nevor
I'ailinir sut'etv anil success bv millions of mothers mid
children, from the feeble initial of ono week old to tho
ail a It.
U not only relieves the child from pant, but tuviira-
rules the stoinitch and bowels, corrects acidity, nurl
gives tone ami enemy to the whole system. It will
almost instantly relieve
Gripinp in Ihe. Itotrrls. nnd Wind Colie.
Wo believe it is the 1IICST utid NUIiUST Ketn-
eily iu tbo Wnrld, iu all cuses of Dysentery and Ihar.
rliixa in uiiHttrcti, whether it arises mini leui.mng or
from auv other ciiuse.
Full directions for using will accompany each hotlle.
None (lennine uiiIc:ik ihe fac-siinile of ('cutis & 1'Klt
kins. New York, is on the, outside wrapper.
Kohl tiy all Medicine Dealers, l'riucmid Odlce, 48
Dev Street, New l'ork l'rice Only Cents per
Itedioglon & Co., Illi nnd 418 Front 8t , San r'nin.
ciset,, Agents for California. tinitili
Mute or female.
If you have been suircrltnr from s tiuhlt InilntRcil In by the
It unjlts thtm foe MtrHttie,
And Is tint evil which oso befall
man on woman.
See symptoms enuiiierutuil In advcrtlsvmeiit, sml If you aro
A stilferer,
Cut out ttin Advprtlsenient,
Ami send for It si once.
Delays sre daiiKi-rous.
Ask for llehnbold's.
Take no other.
('tires minrantecd.
lewiire of Counterfeits uml Imitations.
Bee nilverllsenienl. 3in4'i
llent'llt or the Salem SiinKiiry Aid tioclcty.
This Society will give nil ICnlertuinnient nt (Iriswobl't
Hull, on KltlDAV Kveii'm, Feb. l Ah, 1MM.
Ktitertaiuiiieiit to commence with the t.nnghahlo Play,
And conclude with the Nautical Drama
Or, All in the Downs.
With appropriate Sonus nnd Contumo.
Admission, 511c,
For partirulur, see
I'er order.
Sh-rill" Sale.
NOTICK is hereby jjiven that by virtue of nn exe.
coiion to me directed from the clerk of the circuit
remit for the county of Vamhill, ()re;on, in favor of
Mm It. Mcllriile aiid amiinst James .McOimtciM, and
for want of personal perty to satisfy the same, I
huvn levied timit lite followioR described real estate,
to wit : Lying and situate iu Vamhill eonntv. Oreifon,
in t It , r 4 w, ami parts of sections l'.l, JU.' ait ami itt),
beine a part of the donation land claim of tho said Jus!
Mctiinuess, coutainiiiK I'M acres, more or less, with
all the improvements uml apnnru-imuccs I hereunto bo
InneinK, eonsislini of a dwelliiiK houxt ami uther out,
huddiiniH. which I sbtdl otter forsnlo ut public niictioti
to the hkrhcHt biibler, for cash iu hand, at tho court
nonso Hour, lit thn town ol l.ufavelle. ill snid county,
on the Kth day f March, lSiil, ut 2 o'clock, r. ., bf
said day. to satisfy said oxeenlioti and eosln.
SherilT of lauthill Co., Orcifon.
laifnyette, Feb 1st, IHbt. 41V pj
Final Sollli'iiM-m.
Stale of Orejjcn, Cmitity of Muriuti. In the matter of
the eslntu of Sa'muel Miller, det-eiuK'd.
ON this 4th day of January, a. i., Imil, comes Chat
Miller, executor of the (ust will nnd testament of
hiimnel Miller, decensed, nnd tiles his p"litia r B
linul sellletneul of snid estate. Il is therefore onlereil
tluit the ?th day of Iitr,-h, a. n.. IHIil, ho sel apart for
the heurilm or said petition and the linul B,:ltleiiient of
stud estate, lit the court liuuse. in Snlem, in llie county
and Suite nfoivsaid, at which time mid place ell per
sons interested in ntid estate are uolilied to imp-nr.
y "tiler ot J. t;. l'i:KHI.K8,
Ceo. A. Kiles. t lerk twll'pnid Co. Ju life.
i'oiii''I '
In the Circuit Court nf tbo Stun, of Oregon, for tbo
Count of Marion. March Term, IS'.I Samuel
lirown vs Joseph llclwrt and Esther llebert uad
r. X. Malhiew.
T V) .IDs K I'll IIKHKRT and Ksther llebert, two of
1 the above lutincd defendnuts, noil residents Yon
a hereby nolitii il lli.u iho above named iluiiitili,
Nuttiuel Itrown, has commenced an action aititiust you
to foreclose a mortifuife Itiven by vimi to seeuro 'the
payment of a certain nromissorir liido aiven bv tbo
said Joseph lleliert and dated N'ovcl V-r Unit 'IStil
aud pronitsine 10 pay to Samuel lirown or oritur tho
sum of JS.4I C-j.llH), wilh-inn-n-sl tbereon at '.'J per el.
iter motiili ufier due, payable twelve months alter
dale, Interest puyuhV sctiu-unnuallv.
Now, ynn are' hereby iiuiili,.,) tlmt unless von ap
pear on (he tint dny ol the next reirnlur tertn'of suit
court to Ih bolden ut in Suleni on the ad Monday nf
.March, istil, nnd unswer the romphiint on tile in said
action, tho some will be taken for confesseil and tbo
prayer thereof iinniM bv the court.
In the County Court of the Rt f Orewn for the
lonnly ?f Manon, ,, Trustee, of (Wketa
'"i'--..nM. lt:miur.
rjiO K. M BARXl'M, I)eren,lnt-Yo
X rtiiure.l 10 n,,iear 111 the county rilrl ,)f S
of llnajon lor the count of Miirii'ui, 011 ihe first M
ih .si him
v of April a. I)., wf. ,m,l answer i rA u pS
bh d in, be l..-e e.ttitled a, nin,, Z ' "it
yon full to answier such complain,, j,lKmc,'lt, ,, r J
hereof will Iw taken CTin.t Vo fr ihe ,.,
hundred aud twenty seven d-llun.. wilh lu-en.LT
teres, Ihenum, Iron, j,,!,- 1, ih,;,, lnx "t "J '
illslutrM-iuents. '"
TltLvrKKsni.' rm.-itri.-L-r.
(Win ""v.-
No. I. I 11. O K., I'l tT.
AiliiiiniMiator'w ,.ii,n
''''!ii--.-Xm ant a
surth.lN.I, ,u, been se, apart bv Ihe C. urt lor ib
tieurtiiK f ,he sau.e , ,.' Sin sl.',,
Kile.. Keb. 4. mH! C' 1-Mr.
i:xcriilor'H ii..n.
VOllCE i. hereby Kieii ,ha, Thomas XT Whin.
rnlena.n, of ,bTJ " ', fSf eT'T 1
M..Uy. ,h. ;,h day f "lZ " "e
H.e bear,,,- ,,, .,,. , xll in sll,m
S.dem, Keb. 4, IH,1
" t'-l'KKIILKS. Co. J,le,
4w t'J
suaiM roa ,or any dV;jnV.,,,,,U1",fur J"'1""'""
NuW.utilm Toil inntui -.,J . .
.oHn'n;.;!!' "1W to, he court f-r the reltef
Id r
KI'P, E,ui
"T"" Stewart's rwden
Svnins, at
, Khcot. U M J
B(ITil.IIAV?,.PrUr -