The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, December 28, 1863, Page 2, Image 2

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UTotloa.-.The member, of tin fliate Union Central Com
mittee art requoated to met In Bnlam on Wrdneadae, th,
eih dar of January noxt. Quntlona In rKrd to tli tlina
and plica of holdlni a Stat Onnrcntlon, and other matter,
of importance will be prucnttd for the comlilcratlon of tha
eorarnlttee. A full attendance li dralred.
JOHN il. MOOIIKS, Chairman.
Baltm, Dee. 4, lsfts. 40tf
Tho report of the General-in-Chief il n
lengthy document, mainly devoted to a detnil
of military operations for the jenr. 'Ho deniei
the responsibility of tho movements of Burn
iile which reiultad in to much disaster nt
Frederickaburg. lie pay a merited compli
inout to Gen. Qrant, who, he say, never di
obeyed An ordur or omripliiincd thut ho win not
su.liclfntly eupporled by the Government.
' Halleck propose! Unit our or mica onjrlit to snb
lilt themselve on the country through which
they pass, hi the rebel do. . Hit alto suggests
the abolition of the lutler system, and the
. .. .1 r r, It- .1 t
lliflglua, Ul .iiv i,io,fvv - vii. . ... i ... ,,i
ment in that of tlie Adjutant General. Ho
claim that the cartel for the exchango of pris
oneri has been violated by the rebel) in their
treatment of colored prisoners.
It ii Hated thut the army of tho Potomac i
to be reorganized, roadu larger and better, and
to have a new commander. It need to bo
I- t--. .1 II. 1.. . . t -
limug uciwi nuu po.eooj mi iiw.u n lien will"
mander, but all experience ha sIiimyii it too
.large for one man' handling. A few thousand
men oould be added to it iu tho ihnpe of a
. . I ' I. I I 1 . 1
mint efficacioua reorganization wn could sug-
geit. The itatement that tho army wit about
to go into winter qu.rter-eciiis to be inoor-
' The great question of reconstruction of the
Union teem destined to receive a good deal of
attention iu Congress is well as in the so-called
Confederate Congress. Several bills looking
' to that cud have been either Introduced or
glveu notice of iu the Federal Congress, all of
- which will be doubtless referred to a oommitteo
- ruised for tho special purpose of reporting a bill
' to carry out the general plan of the President.
In the Confederate Congress tho question is
likely to be presented by members from North
Carolina elected on a peace issue. It it also
. staled that many others o looted on the " last
ditch" issue look with favor upon tho North
, Carolina policy. Senator Foote, tho old en
emy of Jeff Davis, has already opened a for
midable battery upon the rebel President, at
tributing to hiru all the calamities that have
. befallen their arms, Humors of peace propos
als from Hlolimoud have been rife, but they
: appear to have no foundation, beyond tho fact
that letters have been received from irrospons-
.- Ible parties asking upon what terms the Union
might be restored. We have no confidence
that peace it so near at hand ns to bo the sub
jeot of official correspondence
Benator Baulsbury of Delaware refuso to
" take the anti-rebellion n-.tli. It ii probable bo
will resign, in which case somebody will bo
chosen who is willing to swear that he neither
has aided nor will aid the rebellion.
There ii an unconfirmed rumor that Gen.
Sheridan mot with a repulse from Longstroet'i
rear guard. The rumor is improbable.
The sirga of Charleston still continues. Ad
miral Duhlgren ii preparing for a great move-
.nieut with the Iron-olads. designed, wo pro
sunie, for the reduction of tne city.
Con. Grant it pushing bis arrangement! for
au energetio pursuit of lib plans AITuirs in
t that quarter remain as they were a week ago.
Gen. Wafhbiirne, in Gen. Banks' depart
ment, has made an linportnnt onpttiro at Port
' Cavullo, Texas, which places that town, Mata
gorda, and Saluria under federal control. I (XX)
prisoners were taken at this ulluir.
, The House is looking after tho Pacifio rail
road. A special committee boa been appoint
ed to devise means of ensuring its early com
pletion. This committee includes tho names
of M'Brldo of Oregon and Cole of Washington
Mail Line mow Salt Laick. Tho Or-
i egonian lay! i
" Hi thin lie eoms when there should be a daily
, mail lin from Ml I I Hy to lining ami from them
loaome noinlon the Columbia river. The accommo
dation of (he people hi I lie iipptr country now out-
numlwriiiK Hie people In tlie Willn lie v.iller lo-
qnlrea ttirae mail fatillllea. Daily etna airoiiiiiiotla.
lloua aru reipiirtid fur trarelcra iiion Una route. East
ern nwil mntier would, by aurh mail fm iliii, be al
tered over t lie upper roniiiry, weeke before it w..ul,
he by present arninirenietita. The mine would IiiHiik
' Kaatern eminmnta and miners ditrrllv Into die hi-nrt
of I he mil.-,, and if ritrndcd to the '('nlnnihia would
fitrniah additional liiditctmirnta for Culilurmn minora
' ow""1' riv,r' "lllH '""tu to the miiiea.
1 lie lime proposed would hlao enable onr ritlcena,
, wlu-n diapoeed, to ihe Mtntee, williont ieslnu;
over II a ont of the way rout lo Kan r'muriaro ami
thence to Kail Luke I'ily. Tllia arrlion of llin willlilrv
lias a lilit lo rlailll lliew mull liu ililira. The (lor
raiaent will be nrlilr repaiil for anv approprtniinn
made for the eeialilmhnieiii of llio roula utfi..ic.l.
i lure ia a llbrraliiv lurmiM-a riihce, and a
witliboliliiig hkli teiiiia lo Hverty."
As the OrefoniaH says, lbs upper country
bat a riibt to claim these mail fnelliiiia. and
we have no donbt the rapidly growing Impor
tance of the Northern Paolfio slop will soon
luak i'self beard in this aa well aa wine other
. vital matter of CongrrMioual legislation.
tT" "Aoiiom speak louder than wordi."
When the new of Bragg' defeat came, Ihe
copperhead! looked gloomy. Couldn't be
lieve it possible. Th chivalry don't run
In that way. There wer too many of Bragg'
army to be driven like sheep. It was ono of
Hooker' bombastic report, etc., eto., but they
hnptd it was true.
When lit flrt report of Meade's retirement
acmes the Rapidan came they "knew It." Tho
army of the Potomao was eleaurd out. There
Could be no doubt of It. They bad vxpeulvd
it. We had no general able to cope with Lee.
Mead wa another failure. The rebel would
,bave Washington next. Greenback would
1m worthies in sixty days. The war had be
oouto hopeba. E eg laud and Kranoe would
now acknowledge Southern independence.
Tha war had better stop. Oh dear I Sad. sad.
they wer very lorry. If actiou speak loader
tha) word, they wer lb '-lidklrdest" vt of
fellow w over saw. There I n more evideut
thing In th world than lhat every copperhead
rejoice In hi inmost heart when the federal
arma meet with lll-iueors. If their aWs
don't (peak it in terms, their aauaacr does
They out disguise it. It sticks out of them
all over. -
rf Vallandigliam ia an lllu.lrniioa nf lb
proverb, "a prophet 1 nut w ilhoiil honor eve in
hi own country." II received special honor
while in Um Contliieverarf , and is new the idol
of all Ihe renegade traitor who have fled lo
Canada, "leaving their country ( their coun
try good." Bat when it wa propped to
riiak him Governor of Ohio, the people said
No. is tSm that bai not ceased yet to revrr
iieraU', and never will.
It is a peculiar characteristic of the Ameri
can people thut they cannot tolerate an ulTeiise
against the integrity of their government.
They pursue the until mid his memory, who
commits on error of that kind, with nli t do hit-
teinesa of hato and a portinocity that knows
no failing. No other people couhl havo been
so unrelentingly bitter to the memory of an
Arnold. While the continent land, Ins name
will be the synonym of treachery and all that
honorable men hate. Aaron liurr. though once
the idol of the people, Is never referred to now
without. a sneer of contempt for his weak am
bition and a recoil of horror ut tho crime U
purposed against the government. The Fed
eralists of 1813, though guilty of little more
than a merocnary opposition to the war, havo
been ever since held In such utter abhorrence
that lo bo called a Federalist has been esteem
ed almost too Insulting for endurance. As n
class of politicians, they sunk at onoo beneath
the just indignation of a people who judged
them rightly ns enemies of tho government.
Calhoun, among the friend of tho Union, has
never been thought nnything better than a
defeated traitor since his attempt to destroy
tlie power of tho Constitution by his State's
rights scheme of nullification. Prominent pol
iticians at tho breaking out of thu war with
Mexico, sank immediately below the surface in
consequence of arraying Ihemsidvea ugaiust
what tho people thought the cutisu of the gov
ernment. The present war furmeties thous
ands of exnmples of a similar kind. What
name, short of one from thu infernal regions,
conveys the perfect conception of infamy in Its
fullest im-astire, liko that of Ji ff Davis? The
hi.tory of infamous men of America will he
crowded with the name of men engaged in
this rebellion, who bot for that one offense
might go down to posterity with a lair record.
Not a few pages of thr.t history will ho stained
with the names of sympathizers who living in
the Nortli have sold themselves to the conspir
ators fur a price of sliaino that shall he paid and
repaid, over and over again, ns long as Ameri
cans love honor and hato treachery. Theirs is
a crime never to bo forgiven. , On the black
roll will appear side by side thn names of Da
vis and Vuliniidighiiin and lesser traitors North
and South alternately. Their memories, too,
will remain fresh with our people till the last
age shall expire. They will lie remembered
to be despised, hated, and execritted nu long
as languago lasts. !
XTT The editor of Ihe Mnrinllii ItnmhUmn, u Hurra
YalliiiifliiliHtii aheiit, ta one Clnirli'S Klin:iils, who wits
in IHiil a eitixen of Virtfinin. uiid voi,.il for thn onli
titinee of aecessinn. Now lie ia u ic" oditor.
American Fttiff.
All natural and appropriate. To make it
"democratic" editor of a voter for secession,
requires no change whatever in Ihe mini's prin
ciples., . All ho has to do is to learn limv to
play the dodgo or tho "Conslituliiin ns it is."
The rest of his qualifications ho brings from
VW Aa a venom! thiiti. thn iiim of evprv hiiiiinn
beinjhf iionlliievonitoj now ia to luko riu-o ol' N'uiiiIiit
Oiio.'aoit 1,'t tlio devil liilie euro of tiio ivsl. Ktch-
tnotul It htff. ;
If the Devil dues Ida part us well as the roet of llio
reWie, thoy will ail Iihvu y,loriutta warm time to
gether after a while. ' '
ITT Jeremy grumbles because Union papers
hav'n't faith enough in Vnllaudigliaiu's honor
to publish and believe bis letter denying the
authorship of his letter to Iushnll, of the Con
federate army, in which ho uttered the imwi
unequivocal sympathy with tho rebellion, and
disclosed In Ins own lienrt tiiu iimst itiiuuuoueii
treason. Jeremy forgets that Ihe universal
judgment of mankind is that when a man be-
onmes a traitor, such ns Vallandigliam certain
ly Is, he is also capable of any other possihlo
vice among which may bo mentioned thut
lying. . We would n't believe Vnlhinilig
ham on bis point of denial any quicki-r
than wo would Jeremy, or, that either
of theiu Is capable of anything better than
TUE Till K DIM Tit I. K.
No more dangerous doctrine baa ever been
taught in tho United Stales than that the citi
len of j State owe no allegiance greater than
that to the State. ty the application of the
doctrine, tlie Slate steps iu between the Fede
ral government and the people, making a com
plete barrier between the two and assigning
to theiu tho dangerous attitudes of quasi ene
mies. Thu terrible cmisc qucnoca of such a
doctrine have never been fully apprehended till
its natural tendency culminated in the rebel
lion. ...... i. . .
Nevada Territory,' which is assuming its
place among tho sisterhood nf Stales while thu
paramount allegiance question is being sub
mitted to thu fearful arbitrament of buttle, is
the first to declare in puaiiwe and ciaiifir
terms that no Stale can tiglitfully deny lo the
general government its lirsl claim upon the
duty of il ciliieus. , In the constituiinn juit
submitted to the people of the Territory, occurs
tho following clamo which embodies tho true
exposition of the relation dieting between tlie
government and its subjects t'IJ
Hut die pHi-ftjinnitnt ulleu'nuiee of every elltien la due
lo the Kedern! uoverntnrnt. and no power exists tn the
people of ibiaorany oilier Hteto ot the Tntou untie
solve ibeir contieeii.'.n ilierewitli, or perform any an
tt'lldillrf lo inipuir, enlivvrl, or reei-l tlie supreme nil
Ihortty of the irnvc rnnienl of the I'mlrd Htiitoa. i'lm
ronsliiiiiion of the I'liiuil Stntea conlera full power
on the Kedcrel Kovvniiueiil lo nniiiilnin aim ier.
petnala iu exiKlenue, and whensoever any por
tion of Ihe roalea or eopla thereof utlenipt lo
een-tle from the rYilernl t'nion, or forvitiiy re
els! lb elerillion of tie Utwe, the federal Koverii
aieul may, by warrunl of the t'onatttmiiai, employ
armed lui-ce, ia roniH.-llin vU-diviue lo lie anthoiuy.
There is uo uiislakiug that language. Ne
vada call never imitate tho pxaiuplo of the
"wayward sisters" without committing ttiu ex-
Ire meat violence to her own constitution. The
provision quoted cut oil' scees loiiists'j :atifi
catiou for their treaanu, that llley are bound to
go as their State go. In tlie Sonlh, they first
seceded their Slate and tbeii followed tlieui
ou the plea of paramount allegiance to the
Stale. This cannot be done in Nevada. The
constitution tl. -elate iu the beginning, th im
iiuptmibiliiy of it. C. pperheads of Nevada
willprobnbly out be so anxious to follow their
Stale when il ia kuowu lhat,Ae lulhm the
VnileJ Statu. They will awotdiugly be Ihe
most slrenut u eppoueuta of the adoplion of
the constitution.
Kor tlie 8miceuiui.
Ma. ElilToR i The ingulr statement in the
Jannarr noinherof the "IlilileMwielr Record."
lo which puhlio attention Via called iu your
last Issue, was never luauo liy niveell. It Is
simply a bUindcr of the person w ho iiimle up
the summary bom my letter. He look tiue
remarks made in regard to Will W alla and
Iwiaion, and strangely euough applied them
lo Ihe Willamette and L'mpqua. sulienrnt
ly. one of th SecreUhea wrote in thai Ihey
had failed ta gel a proper idea of the geography
of my field of labor. 1 wa mortilird lo ee
my name oonneclrd with sneh a stnlemeut,
but supposed no cue cuilil he misled br it.
Krapeolfully, WILLIAM UUULUTU.
Sl.'I'i, Dec !i I. lart).
KiiiTint Statkhm an i Vou perhaps have
not heard llio proceedings of the meeting ex
traordinary held by the secession sympathizer
at this pmcc. on Friday lust, mid u Micro was
something significant iu its fcuturcs, I wilrgjvu
yon u hislory of the abortion Iroui its concep
tion to its Inrth. 1' roiu the nest inlnriiiuMoii i
can olitniu. it nppeurs that the iionduscript was
begotten in tlie town of Ncio in the wee hours
of a certain night not long since, tit which time
it is aiiid tlie "delectable purients" were labor
ing under the exhilarating eHuct of tho intox
icating beverage. It ia also slated that llien
and there tousts were freely drank to Jeff Da
vis, Lee, & Co., amid vociferous huzzas for tho
Southern Confederacy. 'I he original object of
tho meeting was to organize for the purpose of
resisting the draft. Of this there is not a doubt.
Indeed I havo been informed upon credible
authority lhat tho first notices written to be
posted up called upon the democracy tn meet
lor llio expressed purpose ul organizing to re
sist the draft. But when the fume of bud
whisky passed off, and their benighted minds
became a little clearer, they concluded to shake
off tho honest rattle they were about to exhibit,
and become the sneaking copperhead again
So they modified the notices, and merely called
thu democracy together "to pass audi resolu
tions as they might deem tiecessury" giving
uo other object for the meeting. There was
about ono copperhead participated in the meet
ing, with a sprinkling of genuine rattlesnakes
and two coppertuila one of the latter being a
man who has been twice honored with a seat
iu our State Legislature, placed there by the
votes of the loyal men of Linn county, whom
he lias now deserted. He has become so de
based that he was Jiosen one of tho e uimittee
to draft resolutions expressing the sense of the
mcetliiL', und Mo acted in that capacity. Well
ho will soon find that none bargained on so
easy terms with political death iu he. After
the committee retired, speakers were called for.
The first that responded was an ancient indi
vidual, for a number of years assessor of Linn
county ami ex-secesn candidate lor the legis
lature, lie spoko in a very solemn ami im
pressive I on ii and manner told tho young
men that the chains were forged and riveted to
hind t heir free, limbs forever spoko of tho
conscription nut ns being unconstitutional, nud
said no citizen was bound lo obey u. law unless
it was strictly constitutional. lie also urged
upon his Ii lends iliu- necessity of immediate
action, but charged them to act with ciulion,
and closed by appealing lo the young to know
II tliey intended to submit to lie drolled and
dragged hack to the Stales to light their " bro
thers. Ills speech was revolutionary in its
character, and would liuve been well received
by a backwoods Arkansas audience. Tlie sec
nud speaker was a young man who has been a
standing candidate for a democrat io nomina
tion fur a ii ii ui In-r of years, lint has always
been defeated, simply lor the want nf a Hit Hi -ciciit
number nl votes, lie addressed llio an
ilinnce iu a patronizing manner as though lie
had a bright anticipation of favors yet Income
His speech amounted to nothing but a little
bombast. Ills efforts to round Ins period ' were
truly excruciating. 1 was foreihly reminded of
tile old hootch deacon, who, being called upon
by an egotist io young minisler that had made
use of a great deal of grandiloquence iu his
sermon, in close meeting Willi prayer; lie
pia) ed earnestly for his young friend, Ihe min
ister, that the Lord would be month nud wis
dom unto li : in. ami prick him w ith bis Spirit
and let a little id the gas out of llini. I he
third and last speaker was nu ex-siiperilileud-ent
nf public schools, once or tw ice a candidate
for a democratic nomination iu this county, mid
lias some reputation us corrc-poiideiit lor the
jjemorrat. lie spoke with It manner and lueiu
peculiar to himself, mid it was evident from hi
embarrassed appearance that he was either not
posted as to the original o'j.ct of tlie meeting.
or that he wished to cover up somelliing that
had prematurely en pped out lie slid that
he was opposed tn any organization outside of
tin- ileiiiociiilic said llieir organization was
pcrltct, and exhorted Ins mends In rally round
il spoke of many flagrant violations of the
Coiisuiutiou by President I. i1 coin, nud of the
existence ol many unconslilnlionnl laws up-
petlil-,1 10 lllllia -trr lrr.i,J.n mmK ,K- I-.---
indeed, I think if there bad been all ilitelligeul
foreigner present, nun uiineqiiiiinle I with our
lorni ol government, ho would have gone away
impressed with tlie idea that our President w as
invested with all power, legislative, judicial,
ami executive.
K.-Miiiiiiiins were now presented, read, and
adopted, beginning williont a whereas or a
llleielorc. I cannot repeat them veibalitu, as
i took no noles. tin there was one in which
llley declined theii allegiance, due In no officer
or man, but alone to the I oustitutinn (Ihe one
Joseph s ood ou). The meeting then resolved
itsidl into what llley termed a democratic cluh,
to meet at Scio ono evening in eaeb week, and
Viewing the concern ns il was, having no
oliject vieible lo outsiders Ihe solemn lupine
lion of the speakers tn act, hut to net with
cannon Iliu pledges given to each other ul lite
anil lort iioo Ihe culling ul such men as Uiiaii
Ircll uud Morgan their brothers the til'scuco
ol a single loyal or pmiiolic expression or sen
timeiil. nuu not a word of sympathy with our
tinverumeiit iu its struggle for existence. no
should remember thai the same hellish spirit is
rile nuning us made a wilderness ol .Mis
souri uud Tennessee and dyed many a health
stone with blood And it tviiute only u chalice
ol success and a baud t chi f to "try havoc.
and let loose the dogs of war," nud we should
have scenes like that at Laurence enacted Iu
our own brautiiiil valleys. Thercforo 1 would
say to Union men, one und all, "Keep watch ,
and warn ui-nigiit. icsi n may yet wiiu iiiini
lie said ol some ul our now peaceful and happy
hoines that . .
Mi,. Itlti.-kit.-ss ul indie murks wle-re lliev stood.
And the wild mother arreauia o vr her l.ooielnotf bnxKl.
r , ' t'UKNLY
fir" If coppeiheada arc not discouraged by
federal vicloriis, why 'lite they so mole upon
such occasions! If tin y ate not encouraged
by rebel succcsfoe, why are they so lunch mure
bold uud defiant and jubilantly noisy whenever
tho Union arms suffer defeat f Answer thai,
will you, copperheads!' "'jCJ ZZ,
US?" Prank Leslie's llluttralttl X wspaptr of
Nov. 21st has an excellent caricature entitled
"Uowing iu thu same boat." ' Louis Napoleon
and John Hull are represented as at sea in a
small laiat called ' Intervention," beaded to
ward a distant hiirixnii of water, over which
hangs an impending storm. Louis, with coat
nil and wealing profusely, ia rowing as for
dear life, while his companion, aa if struck by a
new inspiration, has put ou his gn-nt coal, laid
hi oar across the bout aud sits guiing placidly
ov.-r the stern, while great clouds of smoke
fiuiti bis meerschaum rise and float out serenely
upon the air. Louis don't seem to understand
Johnny's changed mood, and bawlj out as he
rows t "Hy gar ! Mistecre Ihad, why fur you uo
pool 1 I eauuot pool t IhhiI all inyevif, and
nere we is iu xe middle ol tu ocean, it is
very uiiHiah loo bail, by dam." liul "Mistcure
Iliad" dou'l seem to ear a wlnlf.
I " Several copperheads have uiaiiilesled an
anxiety, lately, to find out something about Ihe
loj al league in Orvgoii. They have no such
anxiety alHHil the council uf loo lioideu Cir
cle. They kuow a hare (are are.
Pu TiiKiAU. Major J. Slraliuau, hook and
news dealer, San Pranoisco, has furnished us a
bundle uf pie-tori 'la from New York and Phila
dolplua, in winch hav attended all Ihe
phase ol the Uustian ovations in New York,
aud hav visited sum uf th M interesting
sorur of th war.
CT It it Just a impossible fur O'Meara to
utter anything savoring of loyalty as ii wa for
hiiu In keep his cowardly leg fni.n running
wheu Denliiijw wu aftr him.
Irltl-SM' Id-it.
The great vveiil of the las week in Salem,
except Christinas, was llio Siitdary Aid Enter
tainment at Moorca' Hall, underllm superintend
ence of tlie Hociety's itunrd of Jaruigers. Tho
programme prnaonted, cunsldoriirr the brief time
occupied in giitllug it up.did grunt credit to thusu
engaged. Tho Statuary was en-oilimt In con
ception and well put on the slag". Tho Charade
played, we. believe, is an original piece by a gen
tleman of Salem, designed to lllntrato the for
tunes ef war a seen in this re.iellioii. During
ono sermo tho audience was triatcd to a repre
sontatinn of a battlu which Isokcd almost too
real to ho a play. Hut tho jrayhaeks, of eoursa,
got the worst of it just as they should, and will,
in the real theater of war. Tho "Intelligent con
traband" who lias pnrforniott suih aignal service
in tho war by escaping from all sorls of places
into our linns, was present and "(puke a piece."
Tho " oldest Inhabitant" was ou in several
appropriate characters and acqiftted himself ns
won as could be expected eousiiering tho anti
quity of his birth-day. The itidience soemod
perfectly satisfied with the perfouianco and will
doubtless bo pleased to learn this the Society will
give another similar cnterliiinneut in a few
weeks. Tho receipts were $111 Co in coiif and
910 in legal tender.
During the last week vo have received
several anonymous coniniuuiertioiis. Ono from
"Hill'1 whether from Hill, the Iirondway swell,
Hill Ilowlcgs or Nebraska Hill we can't toll.
Wo are not acquainted with Hit a fact which we
regret almost as much ns the, lots of our dinner
tho other day. Wo shall not tike the responsi
bility of introducing Hill to otr renders. If ha
is ashamed to inaku himself kniwii to us, wo fear
there is reason for us to be ashamed of introduc
ing him tn our friends. We decline the honor,
Hill, till wo are belter in'cpiainteil. In short,.
Hill, wo never publish anonymous eominiinica-'
tiona at least, when they aro so emphatically ',
anonymous that tee can't rriako cvon a guess at ,
the author. ' ,(f f'"- . ,
-VC". A Cerc.o wordy war is ffolng u between
the Olyiupia Stutntant. tlie .Secretary of the Terri
tory, and other parties too niiueiroiH to mention,
in relation to the disposal of the public printing,
lately made by the Secretary. Tits for tats, and
liolaiuU for Olivers arc hurled so indiscriminately
about that it is impossible to tell who is ahead.
... . W.Niiss and Charles Miwinel havo been con
victed nt Ihe Dalles for horse stealing.
Tho village uf Milwniikio 1ms given $'105
to the Sanitary-fund.
.... At a spucial eleclioa for tho district of
King and Kitsap counties. W. T , on tho 5th
inst., Mr. .Sinclair was oleitoi member of tho
....A man named Hall was knocked down nod
brutally beaten by a couple of rutlians about J2
o'clock Inst Tuesday night at Portland,
.... A until named Smith,! Norwegian miner
at ('eulrcvillc, Hoiso county, shot hit wife about
llio 1st of l);'eembor, giving her a dangerous
wound, and then shot himself dead,
....Those persons who seem to think our ex
changes arc for ptthlic use.bolpro wo get a"e!ip" at
them, nro respectfully informed that wo don't
take th-tt view of llio cieio.
....The Dall--s Juitrntil lias not been received
nt this eliiei) for several days. What's tho matter,
Hanerol't ' Send it along Timrt.
And it lias Hot been received at this oflico hut
once or twice, for two weeks. What's tho matter.
pmtitunttn I Send it along.
....The Auburn correspondent of tho Orcgo
uian says under dnte of Dec. t'itlt :
The Mnilietir Indians are still engaged in dep.
redations Not long since somo twenty. six head
nf horses were stolen from a ranch six miles from
Jordan creek, though it is dillicult to say if In
dians or w hite men wero the guilty parlies.
A man nnined John Ileekman whs murdered at
me Maiiiriii, u., a,, o.-k.o road somo two
weeks sinro. Ho left hero with a pack train, but
this side of llio Malheur he left train to go on by
liiniself, and wua piobahly killed by tho Indians
whilst enmped nlone. Ho leaves a family at
Yrclui, California.
....Tho ihunlaimrr furnishes quite a list of
names of men sentenced to the penitentiary, from
Wasco county at tho late term of court : Sheri
dan, convicted of borso stealing; Johnson, con
victed of a liko offence, and assigned n three
years' residence -, (irahaui, assault with intent to
kill, twn years; Ticheiial, manslaughter, two
years; in. Nils and Ohns. llnuuel, liorso steal
ing, good for three years and probably longer.
....Quite a number of Stato muskets wore
soineiiine since distributed iu Coluuihiii county
and It is alleged that nearly all of the in fell into the
hands of secessionists The preseui judge of the
county has eudeivored tn liud tlieui but unaitc.
cesst'ully. The copperhead are so rampant in
that county as to enuso some local alarm, and ap
plication tins been made to the tioveruor for bis
advice. The Gov, nior intimates lhat if the guns
can be found, steps will be taken to secure thetn.
1'UiiMnTliiNS. First Lieu'-unni I'. V. Kinn
bart. Adjutant "f the Oregon t'avalrv, has tieeii
appointed Captain, and ord.-rcd to Wnlla Walla
to take command of Co. A (late dipt. Harris',
now stationed there.
I.ieui, n.iiit West, nf Co. (' (Cnpt. K'lly's),
has been appointed Adpitant nf tho Oregon Cav
alry, vice Kiuehart, promoted. (tntmian.
...Newspaper postage for 1 ho year l-fil, be
comes due mi the l-,t day of ,1,-inu iry, and mint
bo prepaid or postinnatcrs cannot deliver papers
to suh.crihers, Hy taking notice of this reijuiro
ment, much iiieoiivenieiH' to belli postmaster
and newspaper subscriber may bo avoided.
A tire occurred at Sii ilnciann, W. T , on
the li'ub, destroying an unoccupied building be
longing to the military quarters. "' v
Mr.' Thomas J. Frier of I'olk county, a
few days since, killed a grey eagle Iwliich mens
Hied, from tip to tip of iHelwing seven foot, six
Inches. , s J i v- , 4
- v - . J
....The q Million ivlmtlier United States legal
tender notes aru receivable for Slate taxes, is up
before the Circuit Court for Wasco county.
....A special term uf court for the trial uf the
Magruder murderers will be bold at Lowiston
next week by Judge Parks.
....Willamette Lodge No. S, Masons, Portland,
has elected J. W. Cook, V. M. I P. C. Schuyler,
Jr , S. W ; It. Saxer, J W. ; T. Kobertsnn, Treas
urer; S. Penuoyor, Si'crelary ; F. Naucker,
....The California Stag Company stages are
making their trips from Sacramento to this place,
about two days inside of schedule time. This
enterprise of Ihe company entitles it lo tho thanks
of the entire State.
The Oirfuaias aays a turpentine factory
will soon be inoperalion in Portland, under auspices
umsl favorable to snrcess. The Oregon Iron
Wrrks has just fin'uhcil retort for this factory,
weighing 1,IM pecunds th largest piece of cast
ing ever duna in th Stale. Tha turrwiuine ia
uiauufaelured from th gum of ihe fir tree.
....Th Peoples' Transportation Company'
new steamer Surprise designed lo run between
Oregon City aud Portland, i described as a fia
boat of ) tons burthen, I Vi feel iu length, '.'I,
feet beam and 6 feel depth o! hold. With lis)
tons of freight she will draw but 9tl Inches water.
.... Beiide th eounliea mentioned in tb
$ttam last week, th enrullineut has been co.n.
pleted in tb eounliea of Jackson, Cue. lUnlon,
Yaoihill anj Cbxlaop. Tb number ef enrolled
well now reaches nearly lO.UOt). Nothing has
been received at the Provost Marshal's oftiee, 'be
yond tha newspaper reports, concerning the inter
ruption ef th enrolling eracer al Canyu City.
The Coniunche-Ranltary r'tiiid-Chaimiaii
rirati-H Arrl
San Fuanuihoo. I)ee.i:i.
In reply to the New Vm It Hmtrd of Under
wrders, regnrding the Aqnila, a rcspoustblc
ontnpauy in Kan Franciscn oiler tn savu the
iroii tl'id at the expense of $l.")0,()()0.
The Sanitary Couiinilteu made a remittance
tit Vi.u VorU pes lerdar. aecoiniianied Willi a
message lhat San Francisco will tumuli
tn the Sanitary Fund during I Nil, paja-
, thlv iu New Yurk. It is atea
the Stale at largo will furnish $11)0.(1(111 mure.
li , i.eed bv lawvers I nrolialllV Loniier-
hcud) that, under thn last prnclainatiou ny
President Lincoln the Cliupiuiiii iiirates, Orent-
house, Kubery, nntl llnrpeiidiug, will escape
plliiislnuelit by taking the oalh ol allegiance.
Arrived Danish bark Lizzie, 181 days from
Hamburg, tn Zeil Bertlieuu; ship Uoaricr, KW
days from Hostou.
Ml. .. I II
1UC Aquilll.
San Fkanoihwj, Deo. 10,
The hoard of New York underwriters have
declined the offer of the company organized to
raise the Aquila. They can get it cheaper.
Meantime, the creditor will attach tho vessel,
and sell her for work performed iu trying to
raise her.
William T. Coleman and Henry Carleton
have been found guilty of misdemeanor in col
lecting tnlls at Nortli Point Dock. This settles
the right of tho Water Front C'ommissionsrs to
take possession ol nil Hocks. A iiotiiiuui nuu
will be imposed.
DlHriiiteliM from New York Arrival Cast's
In the Inltcd States Supreme Court
Murder time In Los Angeles ytiii'KCi
Street Kallrond.
Han FitAN(jlBi:o, Deo. 1(1.
Private tlispntoliesfrom Now York statu that
Butter bus advanced to 'M and iSl cents. Cul
ilornia holders are advised not to sell ut present
The bark Ingeberg, 80 days from Hongkong
to Koopiuuiisc:;up,briugs teas, lire crackers and
matting. 8,? g i '
, (Jarpctiter received this dispateli tn.dny :
( " T ' T WA8IIIMIT(IN, Dec. 14.
II. W. Carpenter ; Your telegram is receiv
ed by Judge Field. There ure cases ou
the (Juleudar, 75 nf which ure from (Julilnruia.
Tln v w ill be heard ns soon us reached. There
is no special day set for Fossalt'e case, No. 111.
.Sutton's case is No. 238. Already argued. No.
7d. Signed by D. W. Middletoti,' Clerk of the
Supreme Court,
A dispatch from Los Angeles to night suys :
Charles Wilkins, alias John Peters, win arrest
ed yesterday at Santa llarluira fur thu innrd, r
of John Saiidford, near Fort Tejou. Sand
lord's watch and istnl were found on Wilkins
w hen arrested.' He this morning confessed to
having inuiderel Samlloiil aud six I't'ior men
iu diilcrciit parts of the State. He is now iu
tlie hands of the civil authorities uud w ill have
u preliminary exaiuin itton this iilternoon. A
special Grand Jurv has been iinpaiiiiclled lor
to inorrow. Great exciteiueiit exists in this
community, laud fears are entertained that
the Vigilance Committee will take possession
of the prisoner."
'i he .Market street Railroad company has ns
signed its franchise to Win. M. Lent St Co.,
who propose to expend $11,1)1)1) Iu muko a
connection with other roads, uud build thu line
In Hunter's Pi int.
Tho Magruder Murtlcren-Jlall Contract
New Postofllre.
The Guillen Age has the following items :
The prisoners coiiliued ut this place charged
with th.' murder ol .Magruder and Allen havo
waived an examination and await the action of
the grand jury.
A. L. Downer, Esq., nf this place, has let
contracts for carrying Iliu mail to Florence and
ami also tn Oro Finn, semi-monthly. There is
uo mail service lo Elk City. A post ollice has
been established. at Slate creek, Willi nil Camp
bell, postmaster. The mail will go semi month
ly from this place.
The Legislature of Idaho.
The Idaho Io'islntiiro ...ncucd ou the 7th
inst., and on tho tith, Joseph Miler, of Last
liatinocK. was elected I'resnlenl ot the Coun
cil. Ou the 8th. Mr. Tufts, of Last Ha k.
was elected Speaker of the House, aud on the
Hill, Win. li. Dauiels, Acting Governor, de
lived his message.
fiovcriiinent iafcnid to bo rellei tiuu on tlie IVa-il.ililv
of linniiing a lew I'l'iiinliileut cualnietors F.jrcktinpi.
Wheu that sort nf hanging begins, we hope
shoddy ropes will not be used. They break
too easily.
W A virulent copperhead newspaper of II
limns publishes a "tiemeiijus" warning to Old
Abe, beginning
We hi-c coiblng, Abnilinni Lincoln,
From iiioiiniuin, wood ami tden,
We nie eoniinir, Abmloirri Lincoln.
ill) tile Khotlsof nninlercii null
If the lust line were, "Willi the ghosts of
hangtd men," we would say, amen come on
McYilluimlamhiiuhniniucra uud 'lie hanged.'
Glnsts nf traitors are not as plenty a they
ought to lie. any way.
I Mm ion low-nsliip, in Merer roiinlv, Ohio, pive
Vitllimililiaia tbrce hundred und lifty nine voles and
ltionch none A. 1. Ii'-r.tltl.
That must lie where the Dutchinaii, while
traveling, declared, "1111 ish not one-hall
mile from dish phislie."
l"t" By nil means, let ( 'oiiitcss icM n premium on
tho breed of usw-s, wild 11 view to si,i,Iyine vanm
rics in tli? preiM-nt Cabinet. A'b-ittjf (.V. i'.l Aditi ami
It is clear the Atlas and Argui men want to
get into th Co inet.
Ml'itiiKitKii nv IxniASa. The Victoria Col
oniit of Deo. I I, has a letter from Pin t Ange-
! les, W. 'P.. dated Dec. !, statin,' that a man
j named Sale, from Victoria, ami anot'ier called
j "Cup" had been murdered by Indians on Pish
river, the Indians were of the Qnililule tribe.
T? A cHjipertienil of our tH(uniiitauco nay
"llio mipptirtiTd f1!!!i Limoln i-iimticiputinii
ptdiry nu not fit for thu unHoeiutinn of deviU."
l'lieli then ou hi liy nep-iialion of tlieui foiu
rl... -...;.....i..ti,i,' r'
isiv vi ?iiii-ii unit living, ay - , -
tT Siiiiuv uiimttii;iitrd Floyd . fellow ha j
tuUn a pair of ,double-iycd grvin ppeotaeW,
from llio editor of the Atlanta Confederacy i
lie p rob ul) ly wanted them to "recognize" t'oth
er Cniifnleruoy.
' ' ' - i n
If T!kmj who cry "wat" want rrace fiir tnor
tha.4 lUuy w.iony "j-wie" do. irr mttcr.
Yen, mid they are taking much the ihortvtt
road to it.
IV SuvernI loyat J. U.ivk men, lierenbnuU,
have diceoHtl lined wearing copperliead li least-
pins bicauKo tliey deul tho shirt fiont. Oughul
not ttiu s bin la coiuo oil the wearer for thu
fit mo reason!
Inrank. Wo learn fnm privnto source,
that John Scranton, formerly of the Lewintun
Age, is iu San Francisco snppKrd tu be in
satie, ami it is thought it may be ticcessary to
scud bitn to the State Acylimi.
W The copperheads and tails are making
trvnuoot exertions iu every part of the Stale to
injure the circulation of the Statesman. Per
haps they would like to know hew Well tliey are
succeeding. Tho ratio of new siiMription to
the ducontinuuiivvs front all causes, is over fire
to one. Up hill work that, aiut it, copper I
We think we can stand it if you cm.
Ml auta or an 0ftcaom.-4inuel Bunion
formerly of I'mpuua, was murdered at SaIi Lake
City, Dee, ?tk, by a man named Jaaoa Luce,
whom Buntou bad previously attempted to kill
at Btunoek City. Luee stabbed hi in aud cut bis
neck half off tlie first lunge.
c t,
,l,.,.,.d from Ihe dispatches I formal no-
tic ha. been Riven by the rebel authorities that
.l.v will receive no more provisi for prison
ers in their hands. They are hereafter to re
ceivo sumo rations as reliel souners .., ,uo m o..
Sumter is still the object uf a heavy fire.
0V gun have full control of the bar. No
IMits are seen in Charleston ut night. I' amino
and terror rub in Ihe city L.mgstreef.
army is reported as worn out and dispirited by
retreating. Sarins of men aro deserting.
They were suffering Intensely for food
Official Information of the cnptnro of Port Ca
, n . i.. .1-. a
vullo, Texas, hits lieetl receive,. " ....
amount of cotton will probably be secured at
Victoria in consequence of this capture. Hebel
loss, 1000 prisoners , we lout not a man
The following are tho special committee on
Pacific railroad s Stevens, vuiuer, oiecie
Y.) Price; Cole (W. T.) Noble, Donnelly, Mo
Bridu (Ogn.) Steele (N. J.) McClut'g, Ames,
Yeatman uud Sweet The resulutinn of
thaulta to Gen. Grant has passed both houses ol
Conerese Rollins, of Mo., introduced n
resolution declaring the House prompted by a
just ptitiiotisui in favoring n vigorous prosecu
tion of the war; that it is tho duty of govern
ment to prosecute it without any pnrpnso of
subjugation or conquest, but lor scouring oue
diencu to tho constitution and laws. House
negatived a motion to table the resolution by a
vote of 114 to 50. It was laid over.
W Tito copperhead stylo nf proving the
guilt of the rebellion npnii tho Ninth, reminds
us of tho fellow who proved that u cat hod
three tails, ns follows : "No cat has two tails ;
n cat has one more tail than no cut, therefore a
cat has three tutls. '
Sknatk Committkks. The Pacifio Sena
tors are placid on llio coiuiniltees us fulluwa t
McDougall, on the Committee on Foreign Re
lations und Private Land Claims; Comics,
Finance nud Post Ollice; Nesmith, Military
Affair and Indian Affairs; Harding, Public
Aid roit Poland. Tho Polish committee
of Paris acknowledge tho receipt of 83.000
from San Francisco lor the relief of Poland.
About $8,(100 have been remitted by the San
Francisco committee.
CV The Southern people rebelled against
what they called the oppressions of the govern
ment. What will the; no.v do tibout the op
pression of tlie despot, Iluuger.whieh they are
likely to suffer in consequence 1 Hud n't they
better rebel Iheuiselvc back into guod fellow
ship with northwestern corn cribs I
tV There are eighteen war vessels doing
blockade) duly off Charleston, eight of which are
ye scni.iMK TSAooKinr. nv a. .iommocs.
8:; Jurktonrille, on the emincnee of a Summer
Lonrfrfoml have lead in some old marvelous tale,
II titlier roar il slantwise down I he loil uellle,
Smith Wltiit mighty maiiic powers prevail,
Ijroiftrhton'l'u win by lies yoar pairou smile.
Pike And when tlie troubled heart iniiy ache,
Emerson Nor rose, nor bird, nor stream is fail'.
Sn'itnriiei Where stroinf Ninviini's iloiiiders wake
Mom Hie frantic ju i rl . m w-iiil despair,
ten. llmiilrnl tell vou. Whit, we mMs unite!
t)l,l ii-l! I say, we're ctemi'd out, Ion,
.V"-7M:f' And iu the battle una tlie tbirlit l
limn Lee's waste was 1,'ienter than bis gniti.
lirttiiiartt And Freedom's breezps wander there.
Hut-nit Where iH the snnw Ihe Clinpmiin's moor'd :
St'tiil Wo look, nud we can enlv liesr :
Oil Abe llohl last. Pick, nud scu Iliu salvation of
I lie i,erd I
XoTK. The last line is a teleimiphie dispatch of the
Old Joker to lion. Iti'-luird Yates, Itovernor of Illi
nois, t 'opperheail crilira noir object tu tlie meter
but, ive say, long may it wiivo !
Wlin :ire tlie uii n tliitt clntimr mot
jAniiift ilm wiir, itn ranttc iukI cuh( f
And who Jell I'hvib Htniictiuityfl toiutt ?
Tlio I'ttjipcrlK'nilii.
Win), wliun by wrrti'lii d wliiiiky tiht,
lIiiH out in rae llieir vetiniu'd )it ?
Wiio t-niwl iiml piin. ttiu m-vi-r liht ?
Tlie Cnppvrhruds.
Who liold pciiri! inccliiitfK. where tliey plies
J -4-iiit li v rtfolveit of u mil hii1 iis,
Miu'li like i lie bniy uf llalimm'it huh ?
The i. upptjihemlit.
Wlin, when faUe fuction in forifnt,
W litii nuiiii-tn kt'fp ii t'omiiiou tliouuht,
lltivu umconl and liiwi'iiiiim titiiht ?
Tiie ('4tpK.'rhfHdn.
Whit atrpjir hy hondnue, wtmhl wo
l'rttli-r ilit-ir ntiiniry hn-t limn fne
Who dtvnd the imine ff Liheity t
The Copperheads.
Who hale it freed tin loving Vrvmt
The trulh, mid nil who it prnlVhs '
Who don't believe in our wiiTei f
The (.'opiMjrheailt.
And who, wIomi r:ht hu wm the duy
Will lake lln'ir chiiiv m-Ivcm itwuv.
And iu their ditty h"h j will mny
Thu ('tpM-i-lit,ud)i.
And who will he the hi nud ,eor
f jfeneiiititm yi'i uulMini
Huted, di'dpised, dij-raeed, fornworn ?
Tin l'iipiei hti,iU.
J?t V.!i. niton T-Tr.ti.rv. un tin- GHi nift
ihl Mirv Alut- Jt'inih
, lr. K. T Dj-U-e
In M tnoti enmity, N-ir. S9:h, by R-v. J. Conmrrr, H. C.
Turpi, y .ii.l M:irtlmK H :,..y.
lu M .rlitii cmiij. I. Sti'd. liy R.?. R P. M-n lrnmn, Mr.
Jau,. II F Ik c-mity. 4tt.i lltrt,r K. Ilr .irit.
In Oiltm. Ilc cnimiy. It .'tth. liy K m Oim. K. Muor,
Mr. A. J. L.rflaly ii1 Mi Mtry fitn.ii-ri.
Ii PhiUikI. Dpc M. Wm. A. M. Xvuir, utrr-l Jl yrnn.
I i Li lir-iMf. m th rcll-lrnre of It K. It -nlmm, Ulh ulL.
M. II. W, ii, ,. a.t T.
Cllf rof in-l N-w V rk rrn plctw c-inr.
Al A1'rl, tlif (nll'io.inr iimiinl rl. Mrifi, i f tfurlrt ffTrr:
N-v. Sili, rimrlrt Uutiar l, i-in vt U. W. H arrcn, gvd
ysirt mi.t A itMnilia.
lw. lflth, 1'iirxlee Ltvfn i, ilnujht-.Tof E. A. WoodrulT Ml
I?c. 17. Artlmr Cnlg. yonnitMt oo of W. L. A-lami, ftgetl
N-ir M unio lii. . T. lire. Him, on of J. C. C!rk,
Al r.'.-st (irsjvf, Def. I3lh, Jrttt,n of W. N. GftwMI,
i rtvc "Ut.Joho rratillia son of RVt. X. A
Starr.jtjrt4 1 yew. - -
Special, Notices.
i Tort Brlilfrr.-lVil. Bn.iurr, ihr hrnwtrtnr of F..rt
Itrt.lirr. fniniMw In cnnnivtin Hh ihf hutory of th
M.t.ikmi .l.iiirl.inri, it-iilH hi t)it ?k tally of ?nlt Ukc In
NU, rW hii ini; matlr l tingulili,tl liitntrir Imnlrr,
lr.pMr, tmilr. anl gui.l. In n mlTTlrw with tioT.Cuut
nunit. on tlx aUaavt u( lh irmr to t'uh. he utd in him
tint ...n -it im, whilv ptirutnir lh buffalo, he hart sit.
Curet an iniaiii rock ol pure crvatal, ihrnnsh whtrh llw
un ray wrr tvHrclri witn all tit. ..nrtoiiMirw of ihe
m roarniflont ratnlv, but that he had Inet the place,
and hi-i itfrrr hvn at to rrlirr It. HoAflah't' lter
man Biltvra, hi hcnh ditcurpml In the tnt of any
IruKtor or tlfair in mHkin-. will pltiTrly cure DrRpen
ita. Liter C Mlfni. Ihw of Ap-i-tr, fr., and will almoM
rtMre to thr i.t all the rpr nf thflr yntillifulilayt. lit
A Dlatraaalnf Huttash Cured.
VIM. A. L. (Cotiu Co. i I haft- for atanr jnn bere
tmtibk.1 llha-v.r alUrka of h.larl,e, third ultra re
tart4 me to my bl. Mr .ulTrrlnct hare bewi Yrrr trvnt.
and B ooe can havranr l.lta ef their aertrltjr eacrri thnae
bo hare effrrrl ana tlie tame ,l't-i.r. I tnwk y.Kir Ha
krr'i rain P.uacM. tuUtr.1 my Itn.l ai-h it, and runbH II
la ertl. t atK, Irak, al Ihe aame tune, one half of a tea
rnnonfal of aalrraluj diM.lvel In onr-tourth of a luttiblrr of
water. .,on aHrr. I took a accoml le of Panacea, and it
Jiut Ihr thini for all the world, for II knocked Ihe palo
craj,r. and I hare not had Ihe headaclw . Ince : for whmrrrr
1 1., I il online en, I take the Panacea, which alwari rhecka
II at, mce. r.lnVAKD (AnYKIt.
Ri.ience, Math ride of Third Mrerl, opn,Mle toe Burnet
S-M by dneclfl, errrrwhere In f alifomla. Kreada and
Wuhlnaton T.rritor'. Oreeon. Rriilth Colombia, and Ihe
Sandwich Utui-la. RrillNt,TON CO ole Areuta, 4
ami 411 Frnt atrret, San Pranceco. ,
M.1I4 er frHHtit,
If to hare been offrtr from a hahll tnnlard la he Ih.
it wa at. ineai Hr Mtmtge,
Aud the (reelt eell whkh caa befall
ee irmploau enaarraled la adTertiaeaeat, and If ra an
a 9S'Trr.
Cut eari tbe Adeertlerwaral,
And send for II al eoce.
DtbV are danrernwa.
M for llellutHild'a.
Take no olhee.
. . fare, maraaleed.
"" OmnttrftUt am Imtiatun.
Be. odrtntemfnt. a
s tr One el tli" liuniiiiutsrlsa inov ui' iin it mir tl. as, al
UmiiuiIi llllli' know i aiu'li. "Hi hardly !' iiver-i'slliimti'il In
' iiiutiirlio'i'i' i i the w.-ll'lii'lii or' s Id, l.v-i:iill,.n ,l
Z Z ih" M.puPill..n "( th" Am. rli'nii Mlnl.s I, In
m 1 wi'lliins si'ir." Uud .klltru .v.lelso. iirs
" ' ,,,,. 111. V"l lllllliliers of our people lire lllo ,l
n . I v In .h'kiii-s eoeli , lest relief n. Hoy can l,ar ,.f
rrin .'.oil utli.'i, or Indeed nay ""V ' '" any ipiar-
e li HlW, Uo, pi, -Id Sllllipll',11 of Piilent M,-,.
elu'es iiiii'.MIl a. sr-ul-l' by far Hem I V of the ol.l ,.,m -
n-lel wllel's 'Idll'lll pli. V'lrlaiis are nceesadile In ,1 n eliiM.-l,
I oi'hicl.l.'.l men liiiv'tlniiKsriilM Ih.'ii.selve. nf llu, .
,,'. iv n. i.iilui mr th.'lr w.uilil.'ss iiostrums, naril the wont
i'hii, heemi s sviiioiviuoiis Willi lnii"UI'Hi ami elieal. duo r
Z lemtliii .'iieiiiiila In Hi" Hsrt, Pr. Aver, Is au'.i,l,, a
c, i.r.whldldele.,lst '.V. Hsbrluea ,,,,1 only hie
. lU Iie.l st.111 of our limes to bear, f,.r Ihe prmlue.
lion . if Ihe l'l reineilles ahh li eai, lie maUe. rtieso are'il n, llin ararld, In a I'liiivunlei.t form, nt ., prices,
and Ihe nniple will no mere buy I r lie'ille nes IlKleiol of
,,,(, at u,e same ee.l, llinn tliey lll bran Insteail ef Hour.
The liievlliil'le coiieiiU'iilB "f Hits is, that the Vila earn
,,,,1111,1. that H.hkI oar eiamlry are illsranli-d for thine whlelt
honestly neeoniillsli lh Mil In view wbb'li cure, Da wn
nver-istlinste Us linpiirtaiiiia In bellcvlliu Unit this pnispeiil
orsiliailioilliiK Ul'' bv-wonl IK'tlii'S Ub Ibnae of urinal
worlli nnil vlrme, Is frauclil with Im' i'"iieiii"iii:B for
1 1 )m miKsea of onr isoiler-tVusl, ', At. Iln4l
ili'iirnl7s HaTisai'aiiii.i.a. Multitudes of twini
Sarsanarillaa rocketed up for a brier season, bv dee
penile and ineiidacioiis puH'ury, have fallen liko the ex
liiiKiiishcd slicks of rockets since this mmd spociflo
dawned lipoll lltllllliuio, ror iniriy "mi yenia ne
course lias been over lite preach s of buinbiiu coiupelit
era, culled into a brief existeiiro by its peurless success.
It, bus been ou tho trail of disease wherovor ami In
whatever shape It wns to be found and its course lis
been nuu keel by the most wonderful cures that lias
ever shed bistre on the liealinir ait. Kcrofulu, llvor
disease, remittent und iiilerinitieiit fevers, dyspepsia,
uenriilKia, and all ulcerous and cancerous disorder
yield to ils uiurvellous properties us surely as ell'oct
r..ll,.ie. ..inou,. All tho liinilniir druuuists keen it.
novtlll li"1"
Pou'l full tn procui'o Mrt. Winnluw't Soothing By
ruv for Children Teething.
Tliia valuable preparation Is tho prescription of ono
of the bust femiile physicians and nurses m Ihe United
Htati's, and has been used for thirty yours with never
fniline safety and success bv millions of mothers uud
rbildrcn, from the feeble infant of one week old to the
adult. '
It not only relieves the child from pain, but invigo
rates the stomach aud bowels, miTcets acidity, and
icivcftoiiu inn.1 oneruy lo llio wholi system. It will
iiluiosl iustitidly I'clievu
Griping the Bowel, anil Vinil Colic.
We believe It ia the IIKHT and 8 U BUST Rem
cily ill the World, ill all cases of piienltrii anil Uiar
rhienin Children, whether it arises from 'foetliingor
from mi v other cniiso.
Fall directions for nsini will neeonijmny oacb bottle.
None flennioo uiilejM iliu fuc-simile ol Cu'iiTis & Pun
kins. New York, is on llio outside wrapper.
- Kolil by all Medicine Dealers. Principal Office, iff
Pey Stiiiet, Now York. Price Only !2o Cent per
lie(lini.'ioii y Co., 10 nnil 418 Front 8t,Ran Fran.
Cisco, Auonls for California. om'Jli
1815. .1864.
At Griswold's Theatrical Hall,
(riAsciso ham. t.'.x.W rr.r:e)
rrTickcts, $5,0lt, including Supper.
(Um. A. Kden, Sittnnel Haw, K. M. Phtmondotu
W. HrevuiHii, John Tuvlor, O. 1. Uiml,
Wm. Millr, H. K Hnnvn, A. A. Hinith,
A. Donahlnon, Knimie Itreyiniiti (loo. IViikh,
V. X. Mntihieu. J. ii Sites, A. Keliliwwl,
l V, Traey, It. Jan. Davidcon J. W. Grim,
Cupl. L S. Seott.
I). W. .Tone, J. W. Smith,
T. McF. I'utton, V. M. Curtwright.
Jaeob Conner,
fp No fiirda of invitntioii wilt be iosuud, but eve
nriionr is invited to utieiid.
Free nirriaKes to and front the Hull for imy part of
the City. Perm urn deniriiiK enrrinueH, run leave thuir
onlcrH wiih livll (V Itrown or Smith Sl ( nrtwriudit.
tlT Arrutitfemeiiln huve hrii inmle bv which per
(toim tlc-irciis of attwidina tho Jit'krou Ball from u di
tunce cuii he convL'Vt'd to and from the wiinu,oii board
of Htfinnhnat. at Imtf price.
Dee.yMh, !;:.. Sw43
Itct'mitiiifl; Ollice, Sah'Mi
Bounty to Volunteer Recruits ! !
rplIK followinir atiionntR will lin Hiid to Volunteer
L ILWruitfl en tinted by recrnilinj( orticero to ;rv
fur three yearn, or during the wur, in old regiment
mm iirirmiize'l, whora terms of nervkt) espirw m 1Ho4
a ml S(hi:
At linit reirnhir pay day after onteritiK the
wrvit w 105 00
At liixt nyiilur pity day after fix months' or
viee, an nddiiionul iiiBiulaieut of bounty
will lie paid 40 00
At thu tirM lYirnlar pay day after Ihe end of
ihe tlrl year's mhtitionat in
ptnlnieiit of Ixnimy will be (wiid 40 (0
At Ihe titi regular pay ilay alter eighteen
immllii' Be r vice, an additional instalment
of bounty will be paid 40 00
At the tiret reifiilnr pay day after two years'
MTviee.unaddiiiomil iiintahiiciit of bona
ty will be paid 40 00
At the expinitiou of three renin' hp rv ire, or
to any foldirr enliMin 'under th i author
ity, who may he honorably diwliaryed,
al'ler two vear' iwrvire, the n.-nmiiider of
butmtv will be paid 40 00
trlf the (iovermneiit nhall not require lliefo troop
fr the lull period of three veun, and they rhall bo
imixtcred hononibly cut of tlie wervice before tlie ex
piratiuii of their terms of enlmtinent, they nhall re
eeive, on lieintf uiiiPtered oiH, the wlnde umoiml of
hi.iiuty remaining unpaid, the wune us if the fnll leriii
hutl been wrvftl.
The Ittul heim of soltliers who dto in twrvim. aim It
he entitled to rvreive the wlioU- liotmtv reuiaining uu
piiiiUt the time nf ihe soldier's death.'
; v nnnteer itmnK in three rear ornii Nation,
who mny re enlift for thn venrs or the war. in Ilia
enmpai.ieri or reuimenti to whirl, ihey now belong
and who have, at the Hate of rr enlit-tiiif q. lem than
one vear to H t vet ithall be entitled lo the bounty ami
premiimi uf $l!f to ho pjHl in the manner herein
provided for other tritons it enterinif Ihe mrviro. '
nu. M. w I Mi x , fllaj. t. H. A.
Sunt. ltVcniitiii Sfrviee Dintriet of Oregon.
Fort ancouver, V. T., iVe. I", )Si:i. 6w4:J
HY virtue of mi e.verntion iwnvl nut of the Circuit
Cmirt of tin- State ol t)n Jon fill ilia pmiiitv i.C
I'o'k, nnil i; nu- iliri-rleil. pimil.-.l Miiry C. KuiiiiclT
va Niirtiuil T. Kenni'ily, for want of ,et-iwilml imippiiy
luanlialV llm wiinii, I Imve luviiil npoii ami will pro
reed lo avll lu tliv lul-,i hiiMrr, for oikIi in UiinJ. (
llw ( oiirt llonw il.. or. hi Diillua, I'ulk ruuntv, oil Sut
uriliiy. the L".illi iluy of JmimirY, Atn M.'la-tiRni
ilo'lu.iiia f a iii-IikIc. ;.h.,'hiuI 4 o'cliH-k. r .. at
kiiiI Juv, ull lin; rixlu, till nnil inirnwt of Mary C.
Ki-lllieilv, of. illttllli III. the followillir ili-.vriUrt mill
i:iie. lu-wii : TIip mirth hlf of tioiilimtion No. 4,-J'-ti,
in i,vii!iiua So. li. , , r. t.,i a., r. t w.. li a , r.
ami , a., r. I w , ailown ami in llm
plala mill nrv,.)-i of ttiu l'iiili., Ktte. aa li url of
wtiou So. ill. i,6a.,r. 6 w. j.iirl of section So. 6, U
't '' v.W' : ,:lrt "f l,rl'"" ' ' r. 7 w. ; ttirt of aoc
lion No 1. 1. 7. r. 7 w. i liwiti VI uti.l ilciM-rllwii ua fol
low,: IU mnniim al u mint Jii iairl nina a., uu.l ItVJj
iliac of ihe n . ronu-r of aT. L 6 a r 6 w t
ilirnre a.. -JM.ISI rha. nl.,i, J ,im KMriilve's lino i lhen
- . IM"li-ha; llirnr s., J'llSi ilia; th-nre w 5U IN)
riis : ilinm n . t ISl rha ; .un a . 4U.ISI tin, to th
I'lura of k-jiimintf, roiitaiuin! UJt) arm, iiKire or
Iris. Sold to aatialj- Ilia ulxiva eupciition. roata und
aicr.uncoata. I Jl. IH'TI.KK,
l" '1 Sheriff l'olk t-ouiity.
. Fifty Dollars Rewari "
- ... Molcn I Stolon 1 1
FHOM tlif anliwiWr, at nrriron Tit v. a oVanfiV-
lu,y UnUSI-:. iiFuraixirrn Ii'mh. wiib!c2jj
away Imrk, amiill Mar in Hie forrhmwl. itn-r at tho
rnon f th? tail i alio saihllt. The tilwi reward
will b, ,id. A. L. LOVEJOY. l!, IRtJ.
, - Blanks.
THE Mlowinu blanks art fr ml al ha Htnletma
( llBra, iu iiuniiiie hi mil . ( Inlera. acconipnnird
Willi tiie mail, luoiuptlr attendvti loi
CounlT i.r.ler.. in colors: (irand Jiirr Summons t
Utters Tealnmenlarr : Letlera of Aduiiniatratio
Anarliroeiit. ; Kxerutiona: Adininirlratnr'a or Kee
tilor'i I Honda ; lluinaite Licenwja: I'romisaory Soleai
I'roof of ill : .luilirea' Sommoiu , .l.,.,i.. i....u
ivrnia; Apria..r toiiiniiwiona ; Humility Dtwtlsi
lleceipla : S'ihMinaa. iVc.. Vr
War Snip I'ollprlrd.
C, o r'V,kT,K! ,ll,w,r, f'" W-ahintr. !
.V A "f J,""",,r-'-!. 10 eollect rlaioia ou
he Oovernnient, ., ,rj, ,,;,, io , ,hort
time. IU wilt protnptlr attend lo all basinee Inlrtu-
teil to him
J & Ml Tit. Eeq of Snltn.. Orvjrnn. la hi. author-
: "1'J-, o.,, iw mm ai its
l'eeeiuler J, INI.
(XS the l.'dli dar of Jannarr; nine milesiVV
J aomh of Ntlenj, on nie farm, in riiiitianiaOj
btdtoro I will aril at public antion. to par paaiarairr.
Jn. TTi "J m?re " '? farm m
June, lv-J,by O. W. Unrderof lh,y. ,'
R'nnittown, lee , 143. iiw4.l(,d
.1 l'o l Kt"Vk I'd JOHN J. HKKKY. in
IheM.w k Hoaine. in Currr enuntT.ui ihia dar die
Mved be nintaai conaent and a tinal Jiei.i,m nf prov.
erlriuaJt,. J,)H S 'KK.HVKLl7
rnrre rwiiitT, yT, 1 ishj, 34aral
Vl.l. prnons who hare, or mar wi,h o. loin t.
HU.IIIA CdMI'ASY in l-olk .,... . ii
reoiiewetl lo aim at Ihilla, on Ratordar.thi Vlh U
dar of Jaiiimnr, 1K.4. to utvaniiw il,,.i,. i, '
alonpwir, , jwjj