ilic'toflw fftotgmag. OFCOIRSK. The Walla Wall SMcwutn supported Cati ailny iu the election canvass iti Idaho, okiming for liiiu that he wan as toy a! a no; other man. The Statesman pi'rlniis was more or less blind ed liy Us former partisan prtjailioen nnil dis posed to cling t tha bhihu democracy an though any virtue still resided iu tlio name when the emlistanee of all democratic party doctrines have lieen either totally almmloDcd, as in tlio case of tliu sccosli sj'inputliiitiirs, or have been nllowed to slex'p wliilu their partisans have be came patriots auii have ruslmd to the rescue of the government, as in the case of the war dem ocrats. It accordingly clung to Catiaday be cause ho was a democrat, though it must have scon that his Unionism wait of that question able sort which was acceptable to the rankest copperheads. At all events, tlt remit of the 'leotiim seems to have opened its eyes to the fact that the mixtire of domocracy with eop- perheaditm results necessarily in the death of the former whilo the latter gets no redeeming trait from the association. The nys wherever secessionists nave controlled democratic organizations the "arty has been badly beaten. It might also have said truth fully that wherever democrats have consented to not in political orgnniiations with seeesm mi ssis they have dttervtd to be beaten. The Idaho election is not an exceptional one Canaday was no more or less the ally and friend of oopperheadimn the rankest seces sionists of all the rankest seoewiou hard char actors in the mines being perfectly satisfied with him than was Woodward of Pennsylvania who got the support of all the bitterest ene mies of the government; or than Vallandig liam who received the votes of traitors and the liuzittlis of rebel prisoners ; nr than Palmer of AVisconein nr Tuttle of Iowa. In all these ciiacs there was an attempt to unite recreant Douglas men with natural copperheads with the view of party triumph, while the great consideration of saving the goveruraent was cither overlooked or totally ignored. In all tlio cases cited, tlk Douglas men who were to callous to the dictates of honor as to become the voluntary associates of copperhead traitors, bavo not only the smart of defeat to endure lint also the prickings of remorse, unless they are totully lo to shame. ' . 17 The late uews from the States, contains nn Item indicating where the trouble about a vlgnrons prosecution of the war lies. A great deal of wonder ha, from time to time been ex pressed that the army of tho Potomao should be idle so large a share of the time. It is. in onr opoinion, accounted for in tho paragraph announcing that at n conference between Lin coln, Meade, Hrillcek and Stanton, the latter were in favor of sending tho army into winter quarters immediately, while the President and General Meade urged that tho opportune mo ment when the rebel army is depicted, and de jected by defeat, should not be Inst, to strike a crushing blow. The weather was good, the Bapidan presented no obstacle to crossing at afmnst any chosen point, aid the army was in good spirits and ready to march cheerfully at the word. The rebel army was in such condi . tion that it dared not meet ours outside of their intrenched positions. Many of their best divts- 1 l. - I I l .!...!! ." V .1 lone uau own seiib wuuny ot in inn. vu uie ae- istanue of tho position iu Georgia. It would Aim that If Mil efTootiea titnar venra avar In ha truck, it should fall without delay. General Meade, direct from the army, might reasona bly be suppi sed to know of its capabilities and the physical snrrnundiegs lively to have effect in deciding the oontcst. The f 'esidnr.i warm-, ly seconded Monde's opinion and tho indica tions are that active operations will go nn, des pite the singular policy of the Secretary and General-in-Chief. Why these men should wish to refrain from damaging the enemy, when it seems it might so oertaiuly be done, is a le gitimate subject of serious inquiry. OubTfxegraphic Dispatchku. Wo have received hat one or two telegraphic dispatches from Yreka since a week agu last Monday. We have, however, compiled from the Sacra mento Union and other California papers, lull dispatches of news by the overland line. Tho line between Sacramento and Yreka has been Vwn nenrly all tlio time for two weeks. It is expected it will be in working order soon. C7 Jeremy deuounoes some of the late re inforcements to the copperhead faction as "ab olitionist," "wolves in sheep's clothing," Aro. terms which he applies indiscriminately to war v democrats. Jeremy is slightly mistaken in his terms. If he bad said they were limn who hat! concluded to wear asses' hides, or had call ed them tadpoles in copperhead skins, bis de nunciations would have been beyond criticism. tV Contin John Jamdyce, nno of the par ties to Dickon'? celebrated chancery suit Jarndyoe aud Jamdyce always felt tho wind very chilly from the east when anything went Wrong. The onpperheads of this eosA 'eel the wind very strong and very cold from the east since the State elections. In fact it has been decid edly easterly since the rebel defeats at Gettys burg and Vicktburg. It makes them feel rheum atic Mortality. Something like a dozen news papers have wioked out ia California since the election, in consequence of being so copery that people either couldn't or wonldn't read laem. mere are luree in Oregon which will probably go off with the same disoase. If people want to buy and read treason they can ft the original article by sending for the Rich mond papers. The Oregon treason peddlers ara antv liaaa Imitator IV The copperhead man, if not fearfully, is at least wonderfully made. He can see ever lasting calamities iu suspension of a single privil ege or right which he enjoyed In times of peace but he can see nothing of the kind in the de struction of the government under which such privileges and rights originated and are se. cared. He can't or wont see that, if bis cap tious conduct ruins the government, it also de stroys all that he ever enjoyed under its pro tection. t-'The copperheads bitterly declaim against Union men for supporting a war which spreads so much desolation over the land. Copper- iseds. yonr friends, the rebels began this war and render its further prosecutiou necessary. IjO, ISI HI luciu ; nni Miry vva w? llguv . , ,. .i I 11' 1. .... . I. aad yon shed your skins, it will be time enough for us to talk about letting up. j IT We art having some impression on the ' Confederacy. Staunch rebels frequently go to sleep in Ditis and wake up in the United BUM. That's owing to the "march of its- proteoxnt" iu the shape of Union soldiers. CALIFORNIA DISPATCHES, Seizure or Btonmshlp PacMc fur SmuKSllng. San Fhanoisco, Nov. 17 10:30 p.m. The Idaho murderers will go np to Portland tn-mnrrnw; from tlienco thoy will be uudor mil itary esoort, ordered by Gen. Wright. Tlio Surveyor of the Port and Naval Officers have seized the steamship Pnoifio for smug gling. They have had the ship under suspicion for several months. On Friday night, wheu the Sacrameuto steamer arrived, a movement was observed nn board the Pacific, which was lying nt tho samo wharf, and when the hurly burly of passengers landing was at its height, two men were seen to bring a trunk from the I'aoifio and set it down on the wharf. They returned on board, apparently for another. One of the watchers incautiously moving toward the trunk, excited the suspicions of those nn hoard, tind tho samo men returned and took hold of the trunk with the intent to carry it back. At this movement tho officers inter vened and seized both trunk aud men. Malt ing senroh on board, thoy found in the stew ard's room three trunks, two of which contain ed opium. On Saturday the discharging of the vessel proceeded, the oilioers secretly keeping niuco. Aiior a snort ume, a trunk was Hoist ed up from below on seeing which, the mate ordered it down ngain. This trutik was at once seized, and found to contain opium. Fur ther search being made, three more trunks containing opinm were found, and ono trunk containing fine silks, eto., which had evidently been sent from Victoria to be smuggled hero. On this tho vessel was seized, and the following parlies were ajrestcd for smuggling: Michael Wollaoe, the shipper of the opium; Geo. W. Hutchinson, mate of the Pacific; John Phillips, clerk of the Pacific and Fitzgerald, a hack man. Hutchinson and Wallace gave bail, aud the others wore kept in confinement. It is said the practice was as follows : The opinm having been delivered on board, a number of the boxes were opened by the mate, and the con tents packed in trunks. Tho boxes were seut ashore again, being placed in a hock and driv en rapidly away. The balance, after getting to sen, waB taken out of tho boxes by the mate and packed in trunks, tho empty packages be ing lauded at Victoria (V. I.), which is a free port, and oath made before the American Con sill that it had been landed, so as to clear the vessel at tho Custom House here on her return. Yesterday Surveyor McLean made examina tion of tho different stores of Chinese mer chants who sell opium, and seized thirteen oases smoking opium on suspicion of their be ing that smuggled from the Pacific Tho total suized amounts to twenty chests, which leave's eight ohests unaccounted for. The evidence in this case is said to be very strong, mid that very likely the steamship Pncifio will bo for feited to the United St ites through tho action of her first mate. The duties being eighty per cent, ad valorem, aud the ohests valued at $8,000 cool), nearly 18,000 would have been gained by the successful smuggling of i!8 chests. The Russian Admiral and suite arrived to night from tho Navy Yard, and were saluted with 13 guns. The Alia says, relative to the Comanche: " The weather last evening very unexpectedly cleared off, with no wind of consequence stir ring. Tho speediest and most efficient exer tions are being made to raise the Aqmlla with her cargo. tjupt. Fletcher, agent of nudcr writers, was on the ground by 7 a.m. A con tract was at once entered iuto with Capt. Bach elor, who, with a gang of men, will right her if possible. If the masts but bold, this can be done. The services of the divers, who were about going down to secure th? remaining trea sure of the steamer Golden Gate, have also been engaged. By their efforts, it is believed that the main and forward hutches, which hare slipped off, can again be seenred. The power ful steam pumps of Capt. Harrison are to be pressed iulo the service, which, together with the Griffin pump, will be able to discharge some 10,000 gallons per minute. It appears mar, tne Annua was in a lcnuy condition when she entered this hnrbor. The Board of Under writers entertain sanguino hopes that the ves sel will bo raised aud cargo saved with but lit tle damage." San Francisco. Nov. 18. The parties charged with EtnarglinB opium by the Pacific, were examined to-day before U.S. Commissioner Hyde. 1 he surveyor ot the Port and Naval Officer detained the steam er until late this afternoon, when tho owners garo bunds for her in $2o0,000. I ho work of securing tho shin Aquilla is proceeding very slowly. If a storm should occur, there would be little hope fur saving the Monitor, it is nerteotly calm at present, with a prospect of cnutinnnnce. original. SUKM WORKERS. Wo wreathe the crown for those alone Whose lives are wrought in deeds of glory, Ititt for the voiceless aud unknown No magic lyre will tell their story. If oue can rcuch the valued prize. The world a triumph bears before liiui AIhh I thu sileul worker dies Aud dust aud gloom are heaped o'er him. Weep not for those whose lives were led 'Mid all the smiles of lame and beauty, Hut grieve for liim whose weary heud Hue drooped beside lite path of duty ; Not where harmonic pawns sweep t Ir plea-tirus dunce or poet's warble, Hot where the fulea their watches keep lu homes devoid uf gold or inurble. Yet do not deem thut they In ruin Have pone lo join obliviuti's number, lo silent statu no ulnrics gain llocaus-i in upper deep they slumber f 'lf siugiuir breath or echoing chord" To every golden beam were given, l'erehnuce die melodies outpoured Would buur un angel's voice from lleuveu. (J. Melt. Epidemic Among Stock.--A singular and fatal epideuiio has made its appearanoe among the horses and ca'lle iu tho neighborhood of Stockton, California. They are first tuken with a general swelling, then become blind and then drop and die. The course of the disease is run in from twelve to twenty-four hours. The flesh tf the dead animals when skinned, bos the appearance of having becu thoroughly bruised all over. . OT Joremy has, for a year or more, been in great trouble, fearing that Douglas democrats war democrats were about to slip into the Copperhead den, and steal away bis leadership. He need have no such fears no Douglas dera ocrat who has the least respeot for either himself or tbo memory of Douglas, will ever be guilty of so mean a thing. They mi'gftt steal the sup per from a blind "intelligent pig." but they can never get low enough in human depravity to steal into a copporbead b : whero Jeremy ia a leader. tjT A certain species of snakes have a way of congregating in great numbers and "har monizing" themselves into a consolidated mass of hissing, writhing reptiles, with only htadi sticking out. Their odor is said to be indescrib ably sickeuing. The copperheads of Polk county tried the experiment a few weski ago.but their numbers were so few that when they got harmoniously wriggled iuto a mass (meeting) there were al most as many oupperfatts as coppericaii visi ble. . -But the odor was none the less revolting Boise News. We condense the following items from tho Bout iVetct : Canrco City, in the John Day mines, is said lo be almost depop ulated, owing to a rush from there to supposed rich diggings on the Malheur. Capt. Molthrop and party were preparing to start down 8nak river, to ascertain whether it is possible to navigate the river or not, aud at the came time, prnpect for gold, silver, and oiner precious meuus. From the returns nt the Territorial Engineer, the latitude of the Boise valley is 43' 31' North Latitude; Longitude 115 west: from Uie Ocean, direct, miles. Taxable property of riots onouiy, f i, Important Ukrrutino Regulations The following regulations, approved by the Secretnry of war, nrn being promulgated by the Provost-Marshal-Genorul: District Agents are to be apnpinteil by the Provost-Marshal-Gciierol to arrest deserters and prnoure recruits. $:) reward will be paid for the apprehension and delivery of a deserter. $25 premium will ho paid to the Rgonts for each aocepted reoruit presented by them, who has served in the army at least nine months, and been honorably discharged for other cause than disability. $15 premium will bo paid fur all othor ao cepted recruits. Tho moneys received from draped persons as an exemption from servioe shall constitute a substitute fund for the payment of premiums and bounty to recruits. Tho total amount of bounty to be paid to each recruit is $402, of which he will receive $75 cash before leaving the general rendez vous. The halanoe will be paid to him by in stallments according to existing regulations. The monthly compensation of soldiers enlist ed nnder this order will be at the following rates : If continued in the servioe three years, Veter an Volunteers $24 ; other volunteers, not Veteran, $21 30. If discharged at the end of two years Veter ans $2!) 70 ; other volontcers, $25 50. If honorably mnstord out in less than two years, tho monthly rate of compensation will be increased as the term of service is tlyninished. If the Government shall not require these troops for the full term of three years, and they shall be honorably mustered out before the expiration of their term of enlistment, they shall receive the whole amount of bounty remaining unpaid the same as if the full term had been served. Legal heirs of rooruits who die in the icrvice, shall be entitled to the whole bounty remaining unpaid at the time of the soldier's death. Any person practicing or attempting to prac tice fraud or imposition either on the Govern ment or the recruit shall be summarily dealt with by a military commission. Men enlisted under this order shall be as signed to old regiments. Puotectino the Wool, GitoWKiis. The fol lowing resolutions were adopted at the first meet ing of the Wool Growers' Association of Illinois: Heioleed, That as long as the revenues of tlio country are derived so largely from duties upon imports as they now are, the samo discrimination that is now made in levying those duties to pro tect the manufactures of wool should be extended to the growers of wool. If the argument is a good one that this country should patroniie its own manufactures, it is equally good that tlio great stnplos of those mauufacures should be raised in our own country. ketolttd, That, whilst we acknowledge onr obligations to the press of tho country generally, wo deprecate the courso of a few newspapers which quote from the Now York Economitt and other organs of wool speculators nud monopolists, and thus doceivo many of their too-confiding readers into selling their wool below remunerative rates. No press can be true to the country that is falae to its ag"icitltural interests. Ilaulval, That the wool growers of the United States have a common Interest, and should have a common organization to discover, expose, and protect them s.'lvos from the various combinations of spec ulators and monopolies who aro not only contin ually decrying the price of wool, but are laboring to reduce the tariff upon the wool which we sell, whilst they wish to raise it upon tho cloths which we buy. IDAHO NEWS, Election Reports from Dltter Root, it. Tho Walla Walla Statetman publishes re ports that have reached that place to the effect thut the Hitter Root couutry and the precincts east uf the Rocky Mountains have given a ma jority of 1000 votes for Canaday. If so, lie ii elected ; nut at present the matter rests npnn report merely, nnd the complexion of things may bo quite different when the official returns are made. An Indian Raid. The Lewistnn correspondent of the Timet furnishes the following item, which looks some like a "auuik story" : LiEWISTON, Nov. 23, 1803. This morning, about twenty men, who have been milling on Stiuko river thirty miles above bore, onme iu to Lewistou, having been driven from their claims by the Nez Perues Indians. The parties state that they were driven sudden ly from their miuiug camps by tho Indians, who congregated in large numbers (soma UO0) nud threatened them with death if they did not leave. The miners came to the conclusion that prudence was the belter purt uf valor," and skedaddled iu double quick time, leaving their camp equipage and grub. The probability is thut nothing very serious will grow oat of it. These Indians are considered us harmless as any on this side of tlm Rocky Mountains, and ns easy to mauage, if tbey are treated correct ly. I he general impression is here that when i lie affair is properly investigated it will not prove so serious as some anticipate. Horse Thieves Shot Road Agents on the Trall"Kobbt'rj"biinke River Mines. Tho following items ore condensed from the Gulden Age ut the 21st: 1 wo horse thieves, named Hitchcock alias Johnson, and .Mike Welch, were shot on the 11th inst., near the Frenchman's, on Camas Prairie, by a .Mr. Henderson, whose horses they hnd stolen. Hitchcock wns shot dead, and Welch badly wounde d. Uor. allnce lias arrived at hewiston, on his return from Boise, locking hale and henrty. Wo learn from some parties who came from Oro Kino n few dnvs since that they have good reasons to believe there nre road agents on that trail, nud they aro fearful some unsuspecting miner or merchant may be nipp d by them. It behooves all to bo on their guard coming from the niiues, as the fall uf tho year is the high wayman s nurvesi. ('. Jacob, of Walla Walla, was robbed of $7110 in gold dust, whilst on his way down to VYallula. Mr. Watson, who came down one dar this week from bis camp on Snake river, seven miles below the month of Sulmon, informs ns that the miuers fur 7 or 8 mi es both above aud be low him are averaging $G per duy to the man with rockers. About 5(1 or CO men are mining in his viciuity on both sides of the river. Mr. W. says he saw men at work on nearly every bar as he came dowu. and thinks there are ful ly 200 between this place and Pittsburg Land ing, who are all making fair wages. mmmmmmmmmmlmmwm No I'ncehtain Soi'ND. Gov. Seymour wrote a letter to the Wisconsin secesh democracy Inst before the election, and closed by saying, "I trust the voice of Wisconsin democracy will niter no uncertain sound in this erisis of onr national ex istence.'' The sounds ottered by the "Wisconsin democ racy" (which, by the way, is the rebel stylejwere before the election, precl.iely like those uttered by the chiefs of the Confederacy "Down with the Lincoln despotism," "Death to the Republic," 4c. During the election, and while the returns wers coming in, the sounds they uttered were like uie groans 01 aometning oeiug squeiciieu. 1 His sound gradually died sway to ths whispering sigh of something that dies. It was no " uncertain sound" it was unmistakable. Two banks, one express and a gold escort have been established by which (tersnos may transmit their treasure to Victoria at the rata of three per cent. tV The copperheads are exoessively anxious about preserving the "Constitution as it is and the Union as it was" and ret there it not one of them who would consent to a settlement of the difficulties that should not inoluds amend ments to the Constitution guaranteeing further rights (!) to the rebel States. There is not one of them bnt is doing what be can to prevent a restoration f the "I ninn as it was." AxoTHER Gale A second gtl eesamd at Baa Francisco on the "lt, doing torn damage on tu Bay snJ shore. A DlKFEitENCB. Dayton, Ohio, the homo of Vallnndighaui gave 270 majority against hiin. Curtin's home majority is nenrly n thousand larger than a year ngn. Notice. Omen Soe'T Ivoias ArrAins, ) Halcm, Orogon, Nov. ill, IHlU. ( INFORMATION having been received at this ofllce that parties in California and olsowhere aro intend, ing to proceed to Alsea and Aouiiui bays and points adjacent thereto, for purposes of settlement, 1 deem it proper to give notice thin the points named are within tho "Coast Indian Kesorvutiou," I he boundaries of which are us follows, to wit : Ueiiinning on tho shore of the Purine ocean at the mouth of a small stream, about niidwnv between tho Umpcua and hioaulaw rivers, thence e'aaterlv to the ridgo dividing the waters of those streams and along such ridge or highluud to tho western boundary of the eighth range of townships west of tho Willumelle meridian thence north on said boundary to a point doe east of Cope Lookout i thence west to toe ooeuu , thenue along the coast to the place of begiiioiug. This truct wus llrst designated us a Kexorvuiiou by late Hupeiintendent Joel l'ulmer on the 17th of April, 1855, and his action wus subsequently approved und eonllnned by the Department of the Interior and the President of the United KUttrs.nud the land withdrawn from settlement and sale. No settlement of persons not In the employ ot III Indian Department can be permitted within the boundaries above named, and parties attempting such settlement will be requirod to remove forthwith. The tract has few attractions for whites, while there are numerous oqmilly valuable locutions now uuouou pied. both above and below on the coast. It Is hoped that good citizens will discourage at tempts to trespass upon the only tract now remaining where Iudiuns rnn be located apart from the while race. J. W. P1CK1T HUNTINGTON, 4w38 fciupt, lud, Allaire lu Oregon. Notice to AliNciit Defendant. , , TO JAM ICS PRIEST You are hereby notilled that an nctioti has been couioenced in Justice's Court, before I). VV". Kunsom, one of the Justices of the Peace in and for the county ot Douglas and Siute of Oregon, by John Kelly, pluintilf, for the recovery of one hun dred aud ten' dollars ($110 (10) and that unless you shall appear before said justice ut his office In ltose bnrg, on the Kith day ol Junnury, ut 1 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, and answer ill the said cause, judgment will be taken against you for tho Said sum of one hundred und ten dollars, together with interest and costs of suit. JOHN KELLY, PI'ff. Uy order of D. W. Hansom, Justice of the Peace, dated November Suth, lKoU fiwiW lTElL1IAljTsjil.--.Tin8 DISUASE 18 PRODUCED BY IMPURITY IN THE BLOOD, WHICH CLOGS THE CIRCULA TION t AND WHERE THERE IS PAW IT SHOWS THAI BOMLTIIIXO MUST BE DONE TO FREE THU FLUIDS. HCOVILL'S 111,001) AND LIVER SYRUP IS ONE OP TIIK MfJfiT VALUABLE ALTERATIVES I1KFOHE THE PUBLIC. IT WILL CARRY OUT OF THE SYSTEM ALL IMPURITIES IN THE BLOOD AND LEAVE THE FLUIDS AC TIVE. THE BLOOD AND LIVER SYRUP HAS CURED THE WORST KIND OF RHEUMATISM. HEDl.NtiTON & CO. WHOLESALE ACEXTS, 410 AND 418 FRONT STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, AND FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. lmlsSS Notice. State of Oregon, County of Douglas, ss. rpO GEOROE KUXTZ-You are hereby notilled 1 that a writ of attachment has been issued against yon and your property attached to satisfy the demund of Jonathau H. Tibbetls, amounting to 'is '25-1(10 dol lars. Now, nnlcss you shull appear before Kenjniuin Duller, a Justico of the Peace to und for said countv, ut his olllce, in Calapooia precinct, on the With dny of Jnnoiiry, nt 1 o'clock, r. 18ot, judgment will' be rendered utrninst vou and yonr property sold to pay the debt. Dated this Uihdnvnr Nov., IKKI. BwlW JONATHAN tf. TIIMETT8, Plaintiff. Taken I p, BY the subscriber, on the llrst day of November, living near the Portland nud Uavton road, two luilos southwest of Taylor's Driilgetiu Wasbineton county, one black niaro with white spot, iu the luce, nnd saddle murks ; fourteen hands hiith and uliout niue yenim old. !iw3K WARREN JOY. IVolice. Johu It. Cooper, Plff. vs. W.J. Matney, Deft. Ill the county court of Polk countv, Oreuon. rpO W.J. MATNEY Yon are hereby summoned to X bo and appear in the county court of Polk county, Oregon, on toe lirst Monday of .liinuury, 1K04, and an swer the complaint of Johu R. Cooper ugainst von for the sum of :IH,MI, with interest at the rate of fif teen mr cent, per annum, from lite iilith dav of Oct., IHoil, till paid, lees a crudil of (1(1.00 dated 'Nov. 1st, I8tt! ; . nd you ore hereby notilled that in case you mnke de tault'und fail to answer said complaint, judgment will, then and there, he taken flitainst you for the said amount, (claiuied to be duo said plaiutiff on a certain promissory note held by hiin against vou) for want uf un answer. Dy order of Uie Coonty Jndgo, J. L. COLLINS, Nor. loth. I8U.1. !: PHI Att'v. Executor's Notice. KVTOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned have L v been duly appoioled executors of tho estate of Vlbert Tibhetts, decensed, lute of Dallas. Polk county, Iregon. AH persons havinir eluims attains mid de eased are required to present them, with the proper ouchers. to tho executors in Dallas, within six lonths from this date, and all persons indebted to said eceased are requested to cult and settle the same im ucdiately. WM. IIOWK. J AS. II. HIIKIS, Executors. Dallas, Polk Co., Nov. IT IWZl. 4w:w PAISTEIt&C'O. Practical Printers, and Dcnlcrii n Type, Prem'i, Printing Materials, Ink, Paper, Curds, .Vc, 510 CLA7 St., above Sansome, i.b. rAiNTKit tAN HtA.SUr.CO. r.r. paiktrk) OIHcesflltedoutwithdispatcli. Itf s. HAS. o. . a nr. i.. Dr. L S, Skiff, Surgeon Dentist, HALKM,OHKGO, Office In llolnmn's Brick Building, BKSIOKM'I! NR A ft COR1KR OF FlltHT AKD t'K.WKKSrS. ft. II. None but finished operations performed. I desire the patronaire of such persons iim wish their operations perrormed In tbe most perfect manner. Salem. Dee. IMd, lWit 4.Hf BASS & ABEL, ..AT THSIR.. STEAM FACTORY .III THS STKAMBOAT LASI1IS0, Utl, KEEP ON II A SO, Al JMMKACTIRK, A I.I. Kl.1l OK SASH, BLINDS, DOORS, CORNICE, Window Frainrej, Ac, Ac, Ann risnH,To uansu. Every Variety or OmiDC and INSIDE Finish SCItOLL-WOOL, WOOD-Tl'ltNIXO, 4tc. All kinds of JOB WORK done with nentnese end 'lispateh Ut f HASHUr AH EL. 80,000 Acre, of School I.nndsj for Kale. BY order of the county court of Marion onnnty Jjtate of Oregon, I will offer st pohllo sals all the r alining school lands of "id county, at hal'io. oa 'unulsy, lHe. "th. Hit. The terms of sale will be as . dlosrs: One-fourth of the piircha money tn band, .ad the reratinder In three equal annual insullmenle, .cured by notes of tbe putrhaser, with sufficient seen ity. at 10 per cent per annum Interest from date of ur,-he. Interest payable seiut-ennnally la advance, ihe sale will continue more than one dav. If no-eaaanr. A.C.DASIKW. Connty He boot Superintendent. Salem. Oct. ID. 1CJ. w34 Shrrtr ftalc BY virtue of an exeeotKis from lite elrenU eoorl of the fvtate of Oretron for tbe ennnty of Marion, and to me directed by tbe clerk of said court, in favor of (Ireeu C. lasvidsns aud aiainst Andre fhalifona. for want of personal property, have levied upon and will proceed lo sell to the highest bidder for nub In hand, at the eoart-hnose door. in rmlem, in said comity, nr.: iiiintav.iha Mb dav of December. Imo.1. between the hours of V o'clock, a . and 4 o'clock, r. , of said day. all the nnht, tills and interest 0r tne said Atlm Clialifnni In and to the followins described premises, lo wit i C'tnated In Marion ennnty. Hiaie of ree-m, and anown nno wsrniiwi mm iouow. wn i Notilicalioa 7 l,rlaims iiand on, sections Ul.njand 33 in I 4 a., r. a w., and sections 4. 4 and , m I. i a . r. tf w . mm dVsriibed In tiie nlflre of the Willamette band of Oregon, eotumeiuiiia; at the a. w. corner of said claims and ranning thence n. nv oeg vi mm., e. luU.31 chains ; thence a. 2 dg 4.1 min, w. 10. U cons. ; tbenre w. Hfi de-. 4i alio ,e. 'JII.D4 chains ; thence it. J.l.'i chains i thence e 3o..W chains i Unnre . 10 deg. 4.i niia , aeat '' '' shall, lu the piece of beirliioiou. eoautiuinu- IhICU'j acres, Wsether wiik the tuioune- muiree tleemiln belnnvinf . te be sold to se'i.fy the aforeeaiu execntieti, costs Aim seernms eosst. SAMLIltAOl.KK.Jaeriff. Cslem.Kov If.lW. 4w37 14 WIGHTMAN & HARDIE, SUCCKHHUItO TO FRANK BAKER, 416 nnd 418 Clay Street,' ' SAN FRANCISCO, Importers and Dealers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mattings, ITIIOLSTF.ItY GOODS, ISO PAPER HANGINGS. For Sale in Quantities io Suit ' act IS 3i:i3 Notice . IS hereby given to all persons whom it may concern, that Miik-m. Catou & Curl ars my suthoriaed agents lor the transaction of my business during my nlmence. W.C.tiHISffOLl). Salem, Ogn.. Oct. 2:1, sf Notice 13 hereby given that a meeting of the Stockholders of the Cascade Mountain V agon ltoad Company for the election of Directors, will bs bald iu Hulem on the id dav of December, I Si a, Sulem, 'Oregon, Oct. 1S63. 5W35 To the Public. HAVING recently returned from En-ope, I would most respectfully Inform tho cilitens of SALKM, aud the public iu geuerul, that I huve opoued business On Boon's Isliind, opposite the Woolen Mills, . In the Are-proof building recently occupied bvjolin i. Boon, where can bo found 't UENEHA'L aud r'ULL stock of Fancy and Staple Dry Qoodt, Hosiery, Yunkee Notions, small wares, Clothing, Gems' Kurnishiug Goods, Ladies', Misses and t-'hil-ilreiis' Wioos, Genie' Boots und Slim s, Hals and Caps, Groceries, Crockery and (llass Ware, Table and l'ock et Cutlery, Nails, Hope, See., Hilda general assortment ot Goods usually kept in this section of tha country, aud 1 will hem slate thut I will sell everv aitieloiu my litis AS CHEAP AH THE CH KAl'EST, trustiug by paying strict attention to my business to merits share of public patronage. I am reudy to nurcuuee WOOL, TiKEV HIDES, l'KLTKY.aud all Kinds nfVnmi Produce, and pay the HlUIIEST MARKET I'UICE.S. I herebv tender my grateful thanks to mv friends and the public for the liberal putronuge bestowed upon me berelol'oro, und 1 will endeavor hi deserve a con linuunce of the sums aud remuiii, respeutfullv, K.'LEVV. Salem, Oct. 10, lSfil. (im:i Ig HAYNES & LAWTON, f Importers and Dealers ill Crockery, . Glassware, French China, , ,J , ,. . - j ..... i Coal Oil Lamps, Table Cutlery, Clocks, Silver Plated and Brlttania Ware, Etc., Etc., Etc. Have on hand a Very Urge aud Full Assortment of the above Goods, which they are selling In quantities to suit, at the Very Lowest Market Rates. 616 Sansome Street, Corner of Merchant, ilinWfr RAN FRANCISCO. She. ill Snle. . Joseph I). Ijoccv, C'ontpluinuiit,) r. John Albright, Defendant. ) 1)V virtue of a decree of foreclosure in I lie above ) cntillod ruiire, aud un exei-uliou dulv issued there. oil from tbe circuit couit of the Slale of t Iregou for the conmv of Marion, and to me diructed, I will proceed to sell to the hiuhest bidder for cash ill hand ut the court bonsu dnor in the city nf Salem, in suid couulv, on natunhiy. the h'lh duy of Dei-ember, imsi, between ihe hours of Uo'chx-k a. m. nod 4 o'clock r. H. ol said dav, Uie properly as described in said decree of fore closure, to win minute in jiurion roiuilv, Klule of iirciruu, lu i. uk K. n unit J West, iu Biciioik lUuuJ 7, Claims Nos. (.? and lit, Nutilicatinn No. :bM upon tbe surveys of Oregon, coumiFiii iug I III chains Irian lite intersection of half mile line in Heriiou 7 aforesaid; thence h i.'i'i chainsi thence West t.:t-i chains. North lbii.1 chains; East 47 Ah chains; North 'join chains; South 70 4.7 East 7 1 IS chums: South 4j' West X1..VI chains; them e North in West 7d.i. t liuinn, to the plitco of beginning, containing ai res, more or less, tnireiber wilh tbe apiiurtemiucea thereunto ueionitinx, to be sola to sittlsty mid elocution, eoim, sua accruing uosu. RAM'L IIEADIIICK, Nhoritr. Kalem, Nov. 1(1, IWCt. 4w;l7 J, A. Wood & Co. RK fnanufucturinir for the wholesale trade, a sit perior article of Tt'RPE.NTINK. JAPAN OIL and tXCELNllllt STAIN. The lurpentiue cannot be beaten in any miukel la ijuiiiny anu ooeapueM. The Japan ld Is fur superior and cheaper than any other oil for brick, boat, bouse end fence tutinliiiir. The smlu Is a ierfect imitation of Uuauwood and Mahogany. 1 rice fi.Mf per anllon. UT S-HOtT MTHKKT, FORI LAN D. Kept, an. W3. Gtiikf MIUVAUKKK i'(1 RELIANCE WORKS. Edward P. Allin A to nriwAUKEE, Wisconsin, MiaorArTi'aiKS or French Burr Mill Stones, od til dewripiioiui of - MILL GEARING. Dealers in Bolting Cloths, And JI descriptions of MILL KCKNLS1IIN08. Agents for the sale of Dsn. Print, Jr.'i Smot Kurhins, PlLltl'S Improvtd SEPAB.UOE, ind . Bcnlon't World Cballt djIdi Brio Outer. We also nianufueiare lbs eelsbnud Goodwin Water "Whocl, Wbkk we believe to lie the best water wheel la use. Pleas sod estimates furnished oa appllreuW KliniDP.lLLIIAtD, , fanM Milwaukee, Wis. C'rmrnf Matt nnd I.ilrrly ., Salm, Orrren. TIIK Maoslnn Ifonse is li e laruest and most canmodions hotel in tht city, snd ieciav !i; venient U the rueauiboat Iudmu. Poet orflre h-i and fcsnreea tlfSi-e. Frerv attention lo ts.1- eons. THE OVKHI.AKO KTAtlKKleave this hmi. deilr for PnrtUtid and aeensiurnio 4'itv. Cut Hoard and kidiliug Jier week 10 lo 1 10 (SI Board per week 3 fO Hoard eev dav f biniks eseei. and kidsingd JO U3I M PIMICK, rrcprletor. Farmers and Shippers, Attention SALEM WAREHOUSE. rpiIE undersiimed, having completed thoip NEW 1 VVAItKIIOLSE. ure now prepared to receive all ''' "f t 'rriglu, un storugo or for shipment. Onr fa cilities, lor storing grain, fruit, Vc, are unexcelled on tho river. Warehouse Is situated ABOVK Illdtl WA 7 ER MAliK, on the bank of iht river. Varm ers, haul your gruiu and fruit while the roads are wod and pluce them with free art-ess to market at any tL ALEXANDER L MUlKlAN. Kaleni, Oct. 5, 1863. . , . ;, Ifii Dr. Itnkrr'ji I'ain Iauuc;a ISaomposed entirely of healing gums, anil vegetable oils and herbs, h is perfectly sale for the must deli cat to use. I can most sincerely suy that I have never known any.howevor be injured by It iu ths least. I will continue to ask the afflicted, who have notnseu it, to try it ror the following diseases. If Ihey are not wtislfed with Its healing properties, the money wil he cheerfully refunded by the agent where the median is for sale. ' , - If you huve I'uinlnthe Stomach or Bowels, try a doso of Ham Panacea mteniallv,bHlhexteriially ovet the pnrts affected, and von will at once rostoro the proper action and reliovo the pain. If yon have a Bruise or Wound, bufhe It well with the Pain Panacea four limes a dav. It will relieve the pun. and take out all the polaon, and heal the wouudinashorttituo. , Ifyouuresulfering from Neuralgia or Rheumatic Pains, apply the Pain Panucoa freoly, and take a dose of it internally, morning nona uud night i it will not only cure the pr.iu, but will remove the cause of th disease. , , If you have the Disnensln .Kilt! Vnitffiwul ti.Bt-Ps.asin yonr stoniHoh Hftor utiuu. taken, dosu of Putii Pun. acea after enoh meal. , If yon huTe a Cankered or Sore Month or Throat, iplV the Puin Punacen la the N,.u,l ,u.n. mA ... glu the mouth or throat thro or lour times a dav. If vou have the Diarrhea, nr a veluirorl ini nf ih bowels, take a fcwdosesof Pain Panacea, and Ihey d remuruu. ii yon nave a puintui swolllng bathe thenurtsfreelv and von will iwmMli,vitl, mitt. and the awcllhnr will ho'rednoed. if von have a m. vera toothauhe. apply the Pain Panacea on a piece of cotton, and bathe the gum at tlio same time i it will stoptne pain instantly. If you have a tmln in the Side. Breast. Buck nr Kid neya. lint lie tlio parte affected morning and night t nt "me iue a aose 01 tne I'anacea iiitenuillv. If a Mother litis a Caked Ilreust.unnlvthe Pain Pan. acea as hot as can be borne. If yon feel chilly or cold, us though vou wore going to have a fever, take a dose of Punucc'a. , If vou have a wound out or gulls on voiir horse, an ply the Pain Panacea t it will toko out all the Inflam mation, and heal the sore In a short time. Hold by all the principal druggists, and hr ' , , HftDINOTON It CO., 5!l"f Exclusive Al-imiIs. 41(1 and -118, Front stroot, Sun Francisco. Planters House. Payette City. rTMK proprietor of this hotel tukes pleasure iu an Ji nouncing to his friends and tho flouting population of IDAHO TEH It ITOIt Y, that he is now prepared to aceommodiile them with the very best board, lodging rooms, dtc, . liny uud grain and 'good stabling. A, J. UlljU)N, Proprietor. MtornK und Forwarding. NJ. DILLON, Rioragc, Forwarding nnd Coinmls- sion Merchant. Front street. PAYETTE CITV. This house is both KllilC and WAT Kit I'ltilOF. and is situated ut the foot of tho luonntuin, in Payetlo vol ley. b7 miles from Pluce rvllle, ut the junction, or cross roods. N. J. DILLON, Proprietor. Nov. 3, IRbU aiitf 0EEENBACKS ARE G00S, nut ROBACK'S ARE BETTER. STOMACyiTTERS. 'en thousand botlles sold in one month. The most popular stomach timers in nee. . ROHACK'S B1TTEUS. Good for a deninitement of the Stomach, Hillionauess, uiver uonipiuiut anu ucnerai ueoiiny, KOHACK'8 HITTERS. Tliey poRtwH womlerful tonto propartlct, driving tone iu iuu njuposivsj anil uichiiyo urgum, . BOBACK'8 BITTERS. - , Debilitated I.ailies and sedentary persons will und in mem an excellent tome. , , ROBACK'S BITTERS. , .. Vi iuc-gluss full before curb meul will remove indi u...iin ..ii i;UAH a; ROBACK'S BITTERS. lin y can he tuken without regard to diot. As an up- puuser inuy uavo no equal. ROBACK'S BITTERS. Tliey uie prepared by au old and skillful physician, trout wen auown vogetuoie retneoies. ' ROBACK'S BITTERS. Wherever known they' have become a standard fami ly strengthening remedy. ROBACK'S BITTERS,. ,, . Try one bottle, ami ytti will alwavs use them nnd re- columella thein lo otbers. ROBACK'S BITTERS. ! . For sale by wholesale and retail Druggists und Liquor weait-rs evcrywnore, , Hole Agcuts for Uie racillc Coast, UKIHMITON At CO., 41(innd 418 Front street, 3uils.')G ban AdmiiiiMlrntor's) IVoticc. . JflTICK is hereby itiven that Ihe unilerslgneil has I Ibis day been uppoillloil bv Ilia piinntv eonK uf Yamhill couuty, tlreuou, adaiini'ilralor of the estate of Klilimiin Ford, hue of said couulv. deceased. All per sons indiililed lo said esiuie are reiuesled to settle np iniuieiiiaieiy, nno nil persons navmg accounta ngliuist Ihe estate must pri-at-nt the satue lo me at toy rest-ilem-e in Mi-Miuuvtllc, Yiunhill coujity, within ais months ftuui tiisdme. i'KNBV WAItlll'.ti'. Adunuislraior. Ijifayette, Yamhill Co., Nov. 3, 'CI. 4w-aii MIM KL1.A OOHIIAN, having uiovcl to Kulettl tor the liurlMUM of enuiiLOin in her LL 1 bnsiuese, inuv lie found at Sirs. V ui. Johnson s. Slie would solicits portion of the puiruiinge of tlie lu- dies of lish-iu, ... rmcts. Plain i iilicodn-s., r I ..'ill i nluin worsted ilresa. t ' 00; plain silk disss. -'i,Wi. Ibjya' tlolhing ml and loude. riateui, Nov. 7, Nt, uiihi i:.tat of Henry C 'ooiicr. NOTH'H Is hereby given Ihul the ttiulenlgned has on this 7lh dav of Novetnlier, IHtkl. (hhui antioiiit. il eaeeunn-of thu hut will aud testament of llenre i.ooprr, lute or luioinil countv, Oicgou, deceased. Therefore, all nereona bnvilie claims amiinst said An. ceased will present them to the undereiirned, at his resilience eiut tallee nortbweet .f laHavelle, Yam bill euumy.Orrg wiilun six moiubs fniii. this dale. JIIUUA4 IIHOWN, r.lrciHor. Nov. 7th, IUGI. 4wd7 Ksliils) of 4 linrli-e Tuatiii. ' FINAL KETTLKMEXT. """ NOW, cm this 3d dny of November, W, eoowe Daniel Smith administrator of the estate of ('has H. Tustm, Uie of Yamhill county, Oregon, dee'd. uud flies iu the comity court of said county bis account for Hie anal w-uietneni aim uistnonilon ol aula eslete. It is ordered that Friday, the I llh dav of December. IK&J, lie appointed for the heurimr and atilumnt ..r Uie said acenunis, at tbe eonrt house, in Lnfavcile, In Ihe eoniity and Kiale nfoieaaid, at lime and place all persons interested are notilled to uppear. I'j rucr ui vv, t, ' Countv Judge. ILC.AOA.tS, Clerk. 4w:t7pej,l Eirrnfor't Nntlrr. VOTK K Is herebv given tha! letters testnmentarv il have been by the ennnty jinlirn nf Morion eonntv Issued lit ihe nuderaiKne.1, exii-nlon. of the estate of Kicbolae Hhruio. deeMumt All wH..n. ..i... h,a estate are requested 1 1 make immediate fmvmeul, and all persons finvina rlainia airsin.l said estate are re- quin-o, ui presem inein, Willi tne neeeesary vnncbent, wunin six monins t mm tne ante hereof, in ns at onr residence, five miles east of Halem, ia said inarioa county. DKI.ILA KIIHCM, IIKNIIY HIIHl'tl. Nov 5. Hi;'4wm Kxeeirtora. FLAX SEED WANTED. OA Ht'XH KI.H Flax Heed wanted, dcliv evl'slwV end ia halem next summer, lor which I will poy'-ij cents per la atni, ot f)l,.'aiper bushel. Persons bavins seed on baud, ean obtain the above price by sending their address, with the buin'ier of iiii.ii'IS mi nmi'i. Hi nij niHiri-M, neirin. I arm ers wisniug io eogUh-e in raising seed, HUNT PLOW Di:i:P, pulveriM well, and sow 1H quane lo Ike acre. The flax can be cut with tbe rr die or ma chine. From lo lo VA hashcts can lie grown to Uie cure. I v. ill also bnv lint. JOSEPH WATT Halem, Nov tl, It:!. 2,, AtliiiliiSirutor'a Ioti-, NOTH'K is ben-hv given lhal the undersigned has bean duly apaiiniil by the euuiity court nf Polk county, Oregon, u'lnuiusiraior of the aetata of Janiee U. Mill, lalcly deceaeed. All persona iuvnig alaima auainwt add e-tate are lequestcu to exhibit ilH,ui will, lu nx menrtis flmu ibis dula, Wllh tkeM- urotaw - rt-t 'o . .. i .t i:..u,, at io- r-nlemw in I'utt cennte. Otegoa. LBk.N B. HILL. 4w4,"fald 4 Administrator, if SMITH & DAYIS, 12 rORTLAKD, oki:o, ' WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, : " 1 Intportem Hitd IM1IV1" in ' PAINTS, OILG, WHML0W GLASS, DYE-STDTF5, h,, Are constantly receiving, by j EVE II V ABKIVAI. S7ROTI TIIS NEW QOODH, .. . : .,,(.., And lire therefore enabled to offer to their customers AT A LL Tl M K8, it FHIOHH nnd WKLL. . ; I ; AMSOltTKl) stock from whleh Ufi-i i make their selections, Koroseiie and Keroiu-iio Lauips. Alcohol, Lard Oil. ..- ,' 1 ! ".:;' , llachinery Oil for salo Hi reduced prices.1 tly&f Scrofula, pITKinrEvilJ is a constitutional disetuio, a corruption'of tho blood, by which tlus fluid becomes vitiated, weak, ana poor, licing in the circulation, it pervades ths whole body, and may burst out in disease on any part of it. No organ is free from its attacks, nor is tliero ono which it may not destroy. The scrofu lous taint is variously caused by mercurial disoase, low living, disordered or unhealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy habits, the depressing vices, snd, above all, by tho venereal infection. What ever bo iu origin, it is horedttary in tho constitu tion, descending from parents to children unto ths third and fourth generation ;" indeed, it seems to bo the rod of Him who says, " I will visit tho Iniquities of tho fathers upon their children." Its effects commence by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, In ths lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed tuber cles ; in tho glands, swellings ; and on the surfsos, eruptions or sores.- This foul corruption, which genders in the blood, depresses the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitutions not only suffer frosa, scrofulous complaints, but they hsve lu less power to withstand ths attacks of other diseases con sequently, vast numbers perish by disorders which, although not scrofulous in their nature, are still ren dered futul by this tuint in the system. Most 01 the consumption which decimates the humsii family has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamina tion and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, srlxe from or are aggravated by tho same cause. ' One quarter of all our peoplo are scrofulous I tlieir persons are invaded by this lurking infection, nnd their health is undermined by it. To cleanser it from the system we must rcuovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and invigorate it by honlthy food and exercise. Such a medicine we supply ia .., 3 , . - AYE Ii'S .' ,-. . : i Compound Extract of Sarsaparilkv the most effectual remedy which tho medical skill' of our times can doviso for this every whero pre vailing and fatal maladv. It is combined from the most active remedials that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and tho rescue of the system from its destructive., consequences. Ilence it should I employed for' the cure of not only scrofula, but also those other affections which arise from it, ssjch ss Knomv and Bkin Diseases, St. Amtiiokv's Firs, IlJnv or EaysirxLAs, Pmri.tjs, Pustules, Buvrcnis, Ulains and Boim, Tumobs, Txtteh snd Bait HllBUM, 8CAI.D IIlUD, KiNOWORM, ltHIttllATlSX, ; Stphilitio and Muhcubial Dusases, Deopst, DvsrEntiA, Desilitt, end, indeed, Alt CowLAtrrs arihino raoM Vhiaibd on iHruuE 11 loo d. The popular belief in impurity of the Hood ' ' is founded ' In truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. Ths particular purpose and virtus of this Sorsaps rilla is to purify snd regenerate this vital fluid, ' without which sound health is impossible in eon- ' laminated constitutions. - - ' . AYBE'S Ague Gnre, voa tiii speedt coax or Intermittent Perer, or Ferer ead A ewe, Hemlttesit fever, CssUI Ferer, Dusak Aae, S Per lort leal lleadeehe, or Bilious Hsedache, nd lllllous Fevers, Indeed for tile whole class of diseases orlglnatlne; la blllarr de raniieraeat, raased by the MislarU at Htae Matte Coaatrlea. We are enabled here to offer the community s rest- , edy which, while It cures the above complaints with certainty, ia still perfectly harmless In any quantity. Buck a remedy is invaluable in districts where these afflicting disorders prevail. This "Cutis" expels the miasmatic poison of Finrna AND Aois from the sys tem, and prevents the development of the disease, if taken an the first approach of its premonitory symp ! turns. It Is not only the bent remedy ever yet diaeovr end for this class of complain ta, but also tbe cheap est. The large quantity we supply for a dollar brings it within the reach of every body ; and in bilious dis tricts, where r eveh and Aoua prevails, every body should have it and use H freely both for cure snd pro tection. A great superiority of this remedy over sny other ever discovtrea for the speedy and certain euro of Intermlttents Is that it contains no Uulnins or min eral,, consequently it produces no quinism er ether injutioui elfeeta wh.tnor upon the constitution. Those .' cured by It srs left as healthy as if they had never had j ths disease. - - Fever and Ague is tot alone the consequence of the miasmatic poison. A great variety of disorders arise , from its Irritation, among which are Nrumtpia, Ithm- I swliiffl, Gout, Hiaiack; UtinHntu, TixAlmcht, be, orAe, Catarrh, Asthma, Palpitation, Pain f ul Affection 5f tho Splm, Ihtttru i, I'ain in tin liotnlt. Coke, 'aratyui and Drrmaimmt of tho btomaeh, .11 off which, when originating in Oils cause, put oa the intermittent t ype, or become periodical. This " Cvaa " expels the poison from the biood, sod consequently cures thein all alike. It is an invaluable protection to immigrants and persona travelling or temporarily re-' siding in the malarioua districts. If taken nceasionalry or daily while exposed to the Infection, that will bs I excreted from the system, aw! cannot accumulate ia . sufficient quantity to ripen iuto disease. Hence it Is even more valuable for protection than cure, and lew will ever suffer from lntermittrnta if ther avail them selves of the protection this remedy affords. Prepared by Br. J. C. ATSS es. CO LsweU, Us, MJIITII sV DAVIS, Portlimrl. i BOLD BY AIJL, 1311X1001310. eowly lIt. HWKKT'W Infallible Liniment. ..THS.. '. GREAT EXTERNAL HEM EDY, , Por Bhenmatlim, Oout, Neuralgia, Lumbago, tttf Keck snd Joints. Iprains, Braise . . i . Cuts and Wouads, Files, HsadstkSi j , and all Bhsumalk and Bsr- ... j k . vous D Isordsrt. . , F)K all of which it is a speedy and certain remedy, him nover fails This Liniment is prepared from the recilH, of lr. Mleplien Haset, of Comiei-llrnt, the famous bone svuer and baa been need bi hie pracrrra for more than twenty yeure with the most astonishing SUiveae. , A AM AM.KVIATOU OV PAIM, it Is HnrrvaM ' by any preparation before tlie public, ot which the most skeptical may be convinced by a simile trial. This liniment will rare rapidly and radically. I Itheunuitie Pinotilere of every kind, and iu Ihuuaanda uf casus where It has been used it has never been known to Hill NKttRAI,OIA.rtwllln!rordiuiincd:.iUi rcrwf in every case, however dislrowiug. it will relieve the worst cum of I1EADACHK in three Minnies aud ia warranted lu do H. I ' TOOTH Ai'lIK also will it cure Instnnllr. Vflll SI L-lltl ilia IkL-lll. I 'I- V A U 1 1 'lll'VCttll I.ASSITUlliC arisitis front tiaprndeuee arexceaa. thie Limuieut w a uiost happy and an failing remedy. Acting directiv upon the nervous, it sir-mgihene ana rvvi titles the svileai, und reetoraa il toehjUcily ansl viiior. k'OR 1'II.ES As an external remedy, we rlaim Ihut II is the s known, and ehullengu tbe world lo pnahue an eiual. Kvery victim uf this di.lreeping complaitil should give II a trial, for it will mil tail lu atlord immediate relief, and iu a majority of cases wilt sllecl a rnilu nl cure. 0,1'INsy AND BOItB TIIKOAT ars sonietime sitreinety malignant snd dangerune, but a timely ap. piiiniioii hi i ii ib Lmuuinii win ss-ver inn ui cure. t THAIS are imetim(a vi.ry obstinate, and en larvetuent uf the joints is liubh so occur II nettlacted. Tlie worst case may bs conqnered by Ibis l.iutuieut in two or three davs. Illll 'IsW, t L'Tft. W0L'MJ5. SOUKS, t'LCflRS. Ill UNSand HCALDM. vuhl n-iulilv toll) wmub-rful healma-preneitka of till hWr.Kl'8 I.INIMK.N'lwheitiHdnccm1ingtndirectio'ni. Alwt, ( IIILIlliAINH, rltObTtU VI&Kf, AXU l.VSttt lHTljiaudBH.NUa. - ... , Kvrrv Ilnra Awmi ' should have this remedy ut luitid, for its liuiely ws SI the firs I apiearanre of lauuenee will ellcrtually pre ' vent those formidable diseases, lo which all bursas are liable, and which render so ninny other w us. vaiasUW borsaauearly worthless. Over four hundred voluntary IrMimmisIs I the wonderful cuietive roirtHa f Una Lauiasaoi latve Iwen received b. two years, and maay of , thmu from peraanain die highest ranks of hi v. Cal'TIO,. . , To aveld lniiii"0. observe the Rignaiiir and Likeness of llr. (asphen Hn eet nn every label, and ai- -an "Stephen Xiveela Inbufibk. IrfiiitiKut," hniwa In Iha xlaas uf each Wills, withoMA ha h maw are aain aim. lilt'HAKIiraiN It CO.. ., 8"l r'ropriiiirs,,i;i. v H"-li:rr:n, Arr'il , ...... I n cd ..:.:. ' 6iinTH.ntvi8, FortbiBd, Oga. S'-'Hlyiicow ,