The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, November 30, 1863, Page 2, Image 2

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    In the 'Full, The rclu know their friend and
arrango tho terms of treaty and itvdetietiiVrroe.
These results can bo aoconijilished niWhore
else than in lliii Deuarttrient. Th Northwest
4ionr real adversary.
rrlntlDf onios tor lal.
Ih amlra flxtarn of aaewapanar aed lob printing offlo.
.onslauag f M or 400 lb. Urn rltaer, ISO to ita) lbs. cask
of Minion aud Irsilsr, I Rot Washington Prm, Mo. I, ta
good u new, sticks, lUnde, galleys, Job type, ao., an ogreed
for ills o nutnMi terms. Moil of ths material It but
iltrU worn, and all In load order . Apply at thli offlc.,
Whea the State eloutioos were declared
year ago, the opiwrienU of the war Interpreted
the TetaH to be ft condemnation of the war
'jolrojr. They aeard only the voice of peace in
'the triumph of the democraoy. Sn far a the
leaden were concerned tho results meant
peace; bat leaden do not always truly rcpre
teat the people. The iaanea made were quite
different from those, made thli year. The 8oy
rneorltos in New York, while they meant, as
oca aa possible, to make a square '""10 ginst
the war, only fnnnd fault with ill prosecution
that it wat not vigorous enough. The people
thought that declaration to he true, to mine
extent at leait, and accepted the Seymour-vigoraoa-war
platform with such hcartineM as
U carry the Bute election!. The leaden
nade the grave mistake of supposing the peo
frte to have committed themselves to a contin
ued opposition to the Administration nn t!ie
ilidlng aoale of, first, opposition to the conduct
of the war, aod second, opposition to the war
itself. The people, when they voted fur a more
vigorous war policy, meant exactly what they
aid, and they meant, too, that the vigor
saeild be brought into reqniiitiou at nnoe, in
stead of waiting till the next President should
kooleoted. This, the leaders did nut mean.
neir apposition waa not to slow-going war,
bit to war of aiy kind. They committed a
fatal mistake when they came to the conclusion
that the people were disposed for that kind of
double-dealing. The linnet of this yonr wore
made tinder the fatality or that mistake, but
most thoroughly hove the people rebuked the
imputation upon their Inyaltv by the oippor-
head Interpretation of last year's elections
The eovnion-sympatliizing leaden will not he
likely to misunderstand the verdict of October,
1803. It is, plainly, that the war ii to go on
that copperhead hindorers of it are to get out
of the war or tut ran over, ami that the Ad
ministration which a rear Biro whs mistrusted.
is to have the generous, and Iwnest support of
we lovai people, llu onpnerlieatl have no
body hot themselves t blamo for this transfer
of oonfldenoe.
The political world waJfnot king since some
what exoited by Oen. 13 u tier, who expressed
the opinion that In oountlng the votes for Pres
ident in 1663, the nmjorily of all the States
(including these in rebellion) must be taken
Iota account. Thus, unless nearly all the
Northern States should oast their votes for the
tame man, there would be no election of Presi
dent. There are ten of the rebel States hav
ing no representation lu Congress, and which
Will probably not take any part In the eleotion.
There are twenty-four that will choose Presi
dential electors. If Gen. Butler's position Is
correot, a majority of Voters in the electoral
college, from all the 8 tales, must unite upon
one man te elect him. If, of the twenty-four
loyal States, seven or eight average ones should
tote in exposition, the eleotiou would fail.
We oanitat see kow Oen. Butler can recon
cile this opinion with bis other one that the se
ceded State have Ceased to exist as States of
the Union. If they have committed suicide,
they certainly can have no oonoern in the liv
ing affaire of the United States, and could
have no claim to be considered.
But even on the assumption that no State
baa oeaaed to exist, aud that all are still uiein
ben of the Union, we nre disposed to question
the correctness of Butler's opinion that a ma
jority of all is necessary to elect. Tho Port
land correspondent of the Bulletin solves this
question, we think corre tly, and unless-we are
mistaken in the correspondent's identity, his
opinio is entitled to great weight, lie says:
"Ths language of I he Constitution Isi ' The p. new
having lit gretet numWr of vulea for I'le-nJonl.
aball t lb Hrealdenl, It so- h number be s tn jnr'iy of
th whnla numliar of ali-otiira appointed.' riora Ibis
It would aeeni that Ibn. State lliul do nut vote, or
appoint electors, are not enunted In eatlmuting the
Dumber of in eiettoral oolleiie, ur, whst Is thasain.
Sinus, tlie ' elecbira .unoiuleaV fur any uarllenlur eleo
tion. The reasonable inleretjce la, that the role pre
scribed In tli Constitution for allniatlng the whole
number.' Is predicated upon the other well known rule
thltthuM who lall or relaa to imrllrlpst in an else
tloo. ara nn estimated In th molt, but ar deemed to
acqiueso fit what la don t In the same way that a urt
vate individual la, who remain away imui the polla at
a popular eleriloa. In other words, the majority nec
essary io sal election, u a inatorily or in wnoio iooii
bernf lertnra appointed' a majority ol Home that
mlht be been then, or hail been at same other time.
KuppoM. roe itwtanc, that the State of Ohio, confraa
edly in Hi Uuiou, and legally entitled to a voire in the
Beat Presidential election, should naitleot or refuM to
apiiolnt kM-tor! s nujoriiy of the eleolora mrluallj
apmoiHttA would elect the I'reeldeut, and th Ktwt oi
, tililo muni bo deemed lu arqnlcet-e. It hardly l
Sloahted tben that the next Prvaiilenlial elet-tom, uon
atdentd merely a a roin4itotionnl qnotran, will Im de
terxiixil by a msjwityol the electors Iheu appiMUIed."
Nobtk Cakiilixa. Tho discontent in
North Carolina, with the despotism and mis
rule of the Confederacy has beeo expressing
itself rather sharply for awveral months, in the
way of resistance, open and covert, to the con
MiiptioD and other burdensome laws, and
through the denunciations of the press. The
people of some districts were always averse to
arcassioB if to procure ita suooess, required a
day at war. They are now opposed lu the ex
istence of the Confederacy, If tn support it re
quires the further prosecution of the war and
two er three of soch districts hve elected
Mae members to the Confvderato Congress.
This nay net be of vast consequence directly
to us, becaese the Issue, with thetu, la not
sqtarely agsiest separation, provided such Sep.
ration could be had peaceably, but circuitous
ly it answers as a tood purpose.
A In the North, peaoe men serve to embar
rass tad cripple ill govern (Ueot, so peaoe wen
io the 8oath sens as by embarrassing the Con
fcderaey. While the latter has Its effective
allies fa the northern copperheads, we have
on rt ia the disaffected men of th Soalh. In
this view of the case the election of peace
seraben of the Confederate Congress is a par
tial Union triumph. The rebels so us drrstaud
it. ,
E7 One or tws of our subscribers eosnplala
that w either doa't send th $rfssMx, or aotn.
body mrularly slaali iL W sand lb paper, yoa
bet. W doa't know of any way to ranwdy th
evil but to send ths papr to somebody la and
lot ear aarortanats subMriber stsal Uimb to fet
tT We overheard a copperhead th other day
eryiet; la eaplaia to another about th violations
of the ssaatitntiot) by the war ansa. Ws were re
mfalA of Pat's dslaitlon of metaphysics I "Two
awea are talking Uftlhtr and on of than is try
irg u si plain aosMtalBg hoo't kuow anylhiug
atM aad the othw raat andersttud hia."
The peace copperheads of this Stato partio
ulaily admire Vallnndigham nnd make him
their pattern. Their endorsnl of him is full,
complete and einphatio and ihey present him
to tho coppcrfatls as the new gnd to whom
they mut yield fealty. To thus endorse him
is to approve what he is. On the second day
of Novemlier, I860, he made a speech at the
Cooper Institute, New York, In which ho said ;
If any on or mora of tli Suites of this Union
should at anv time secede foe reasons o! th sufficien
cy and justice of which, before (lod and th great tri
bunal rif history, they alone man jndiie much as I
may deplore It, I never would, ns a KepreaenMtiee in
the Connrrass of th United Htatea, vol one dollar of
money whereby one drop of American blood hoold
be shed iu civil war.
This was taking the trouble at a very early
day to assure the conspiring traitors of the
South that they had at least one ally in the
North who would do what he could to see that
they were "let alone."
In a speech delivered during the second ses
sion of the 30th Congress he said t
Recession lias bneu tried and hns nrnved a ivnUv
and Irrrxlilt menu, Tkr practicability of doing tt,
ana me wtiy to ao tc, nave ooin ocen enlalHunea !
This shows that he was not only willing hut
anxious to recognize the complete success of
the Confederacy.
In April, 1862, he made a speech In which
he said t
I shall take th drat favorable opportunity to move
10' a peaceful separation.
Had he been elected Governor nf Ohio It
can scarcely be doubted that he would have
considered that a "favorable opportunity" to
move for a peacelul separation. Holding thai
the States are sovereign, he might also hold
that the recognition of tho Southern Confeder
acy by a State is a legitimate exercise of State
sovereignty ; or, wishing all good success to the
rebel cause, he might have attempted tn se
cede Ohio also and attach her fortunes tn the
Confedenioy. Or ho might, as the following
quotation would Indicate, have invited the inva
sion of Ohio by the rebel armies t
It has been nroclnlmed ttiitt It never was the Con
fmleriiuis' Intention to invade the Northern Htntes.
Yet, if this war Is kept up, buttles foiiKht, no relenting
apirit, no prospect of peace, no sound of concord to
ronch their ears, they ought to be induced to make the
tnvattonapccch at Aeterirnc, j. j.
The rebels understand the position nnd pur.
poses of Iht) Vallatidigliain peace faction as
the following quotation from the Augusta (Ga,
Cotiilitutionuliit, shows s
Mr. VHllandivlmtn himself, ns we have hoard, most
emphatically declared that the muccckm of Sonfhirn
arm alone could give Hrentftn ami contnfenry to ttte
peace movement: and we vorilv believe that it Vicks-
loirir hud been held ami had thoroiiKlv defeuted
Meade on his own ground, the Wood, Coxen and
Vatlandighomt and their followers would be rampant
for peace anil leparolwn.
This is the mail whom tilt) copperheads copy
after, believe in and swear hy, as their ben u
ideul of a Uuion saver. We must suppose
they aro just as near like him us it is possible
for one snake to be like another.
From Eastern papers of Oct 21th, wo have
the following returns of the late elections :
In Ohio, tho itrnjorities for trough, with
only a few counties and towusliins to hear from,
foot up 73.403 s Vullandighnin's majorities are
10.807. Drough's ernes of mnjnrities over
Vnllumlighum's, 62,60(1. This is the home
vote alone. The soldiers' vote in camps, as
far as reported, are for Brongb, 23,309 ; for
Valluudigham, 628,beiug a majority for H mug h
of 24,681. Total Union majority 87,287.
But a single county except Wood shows a
copperhead gain, while Ihero are hot few which
do not show a deoided Union gain, and some of
tliein largo ones, over tho vote of 18112.
good many of the regiments give Vullaudighnrn
none while others givo him 1 to 30.
In Iowa,35 couuticsgaveStnno (Union) urn
jorities amounting to 13,r76. Five counties give
Tutlln (copperhead) .1,525 mnjority. Differ
euce in favor of Stone, 12,0jl.
Im Pennsylvania, the returns are not so
well in, but the Philadelphia Bulletin, after
making a oureful estimate, sets down Curliti'
majority of the votes oflicinlly and uimflicin ly
returned as 18,438. It is thought tho lull nlli
oial returns cannot re.lnoo this below 18,0110,
The total vote nf the State will not full far
short of 520,000, about 27.000 more than eve
before cast in the Stato. Tho legislature wi
liavo a Uniou majority on joint ballot of five
Agnew is elected Supreme Judgo by uot less
than 15,000.
Gold JUrket-JfacVr Appointed a Brig
auit r none nil.
Nkw YnitK, Nov. 20.
Gold nia.kot excited to-day by uuluvorulilc
rumors as to liurnsiUu.
lti-ports are that a French war ves-el took
out to day s)27tl,(HXI for Vera t'rui. and that
In-morrow the shipment Io Lump will be
lieport snys that Gen. Menghrr has been
made a Major General and ia to command old
Irish Brigades, after recruiting Iheiu to llie
maximum standard.
The Uuesiaii admiral and fleet leave Monday
fur rortress Monroe, where they rxpeot Io
l'lum Tor Ihe Krtnrn or Krbel Stairs.
Nkw Yoiik. Nov. 21.
The Trii line's Washington special suvs the
attention of the 1'reaident and more prominent
members nl the calnuet Is given Inrgelr tn llu
consideration of Ihe important uiieslinn con
meted with Ihe recall of truant Southern
Stales tn the Union, several of which mar soon
be knix-kiiie? at the door. The precise course
to he pursued has not yet been determined.
Si-veriil theories olalrn the rresulent ear, hut
be is tnjaged iu maturing a practical plan by
which Insecure reunion upon the only iiraell
oal basis that of freedom and equality before
the law for all. Heuvut utterances ol the Pre
Ideut, and instructions to recently loiniuiMiou
ed representative of government iu Southern
district uow lu cur nwaeetmu, leave uo douli
that Ihe policy ol the administration is to per
nut no vagraut Slate to ooui uaok with a Slav
From Army of Potomac.
Naw York, Nov. C
The Herald has the fullowiug Irom Army of
l'otnmao t
Guerrillas around Warrentno having fired
on our pickets quite frrqueutlv, the citiietis
nave been uotiliod tnal upon tue Drat recur
renoe ol picket shooting Warreuton will b
AaNT or thi Potomac, )
November 20. I
The movement of the enemy on Wednesday
(18lh) seems to have been one conceited along
th whole front to ascertain our position.
force nf Infantry crowed a short distance below
Haooona Ford and attempted to cut ntf th 11
Michigan oetelrr, but Major Itruner discovert'
them before an attack could be made. En
Inv crossed river during the night and exmMed
IkeTwdve just at dawn. Alter skirmishing
an boor or two, and Boding their plans disouv
ered they returned to opposite bank,
firrat Bscceu of Banks' Sipedlllon.
Naw York. Nov. i0.
Steamer Morning Star, flora New Orleans,
Nov. 14th has amvd.
Expvditloa to Texas by water, accompanied
hy General Banks, met with great suoor.
Brownavill aud Poiot Isabel wore captured
aud ar. no In oar po-kie. Euetuy threw
away their (una aud fled to Saa Antonio.
Casualties on either (id not oirulioued.
Keports state heavy flgbing in western Lon-
nana urfirne. There has been sliKlit skir
mishing, t'.t nothing decisive. Our forces still
in the vicitiilv of Vermillinnville. Correepon
dent nf Hie Herald thinks the occnpalinn of
the Rio Grnmle and blockade nf the entrance
thereto, which were leading topics nf discussion
in New Orleans, are likely to lend to a conflict
itn t ranee.
Foreign Xew.
Capb Race. Nov. 20.
The steamer Citv nf Baltimore from Liver
pool Nov. 11th, and Qtieensiown Nov. 12tb,
passed here this morning.
It was reported that the British Admiral had
ordered the U. S. steamer Kearsarge from
Qucenstown. It was believed that she was
shipping men, ostensibly as stokers, but they
were snppnaea w oe inr more active erviw.
Lord FalinersUm, In a speecn at in iawu
Mirer's liannnet. denliired the American War,
and said England would have interfered, but
for the belief that It would have been in vain.
He therefore would yield neither to blandish
mont nor meoace, but would remain strictly
In reirnrrl tn Poland. Pa racrston said tBg-
land had dune her duty by remonstrating, and
although these remonstrances Iniled, he hoped
Ktissia would cease to pursue ner intensive
course. Lord f almerston s reception was tig
nilicaully enthusiastic.
DoineMic Itenm.
....The Ortsonian says it has Information of
the escape of one of the Chapman pirates to Vic
....Mrs. E. Eckerson, Treasurer of,he La
dies' Sanitary Aid Society of Vancouver, has sent
to Mr. Holbrook an additional sum of $510, mak
ing a total of 1 1000 raised by ths Society's ef
forts in Vancouver. Those ladles have a holy
mission, and most nobly are they fulfilling it,
All hnil to such women !
A Wihe Measure ron Public Safety. We
hnvo been infoniiud that, upon information re.
reived from reliable soureos in Victoria, General
Alrord has sent to San Francisco for a man of-
vnt to b stationed nn the waters of Paget Sound
This is indeed a wise meanure devlsod nonotoo
early for tho protection of the millions of dollars
invested in the mills and shipping of that now
defenceless region, and we sincerely trust that a
vessel ailequate in points of speed and armament
to any emergency, may be despatched to those
waters. Uregonmn.
Tho contractors for carrying the mails
from Lowiston to Fierce City, Elk City and
Floronco have discontinued the service
on ac
count of having received no pay for what they
have already done.
....Tho voters of the counties of Idaho, Nej
Perco and Shoshone contributed, on election day.
the sum of $252 50 to the Sanitary fund.
A gambler named Dick Collins shot
man named Fruelt at Jacksonville week before
last. Collins was drunk. Pruett Is dangerously
wounded, but it is supposed he will tucover. Col-
litis, upon examination, was committed to jail in
default of bail on the charge of committing an
assault with intent to kill
The Ortgimian says Messrs. Elwood and
Reed have purchased a tract of land on the sea
coast, south of the Columbia bar, and will proceed
soon to erect a hotel for the accommodation of sea
side visitors
On Ihe 10th Inst., George, a sort of lead
er among the Indians on Dead Indian prairie,
Jackson county, waa arrested by Marshal Banks
of Jacksonville, at the instance of Col. Drew, up
on the petition ef citizens among whom th' Ilidt-
ans wero committing mischief. George was taken
to Camp Baker nnd tried by a court martial, Upon
his own confession of having been concerned in
the murder of Ihe Ledford party (five men) in
lo.VJ, and was hanged a day or two afterward,
George's confession also implicated another In.
dian called Jack, who was thereupon arrested
snd will probably share the same fate. We galh
er these facts from the Sentinel.
Mli.lTAltv OnoANiZATloN. Mr. Robert E.
Louelilin, of Yamhill county, has enlisted fortv
men for a miliiary company, and has been duly
nn'hnrizcd by ling, unii, rnepnen tottin to com
plele Ihe company ortranizatioti. All those Inter
estcd will please ineot at Lafayette on Saturday,
December Dili, and proceed to the election of com-
pany omcers Urtgouian.
A Rosehurg correspondent asys:
hear that some of the 'unterrified democrats'
this county are becoming quite terrified at the
near approach of the enrolling officer, and have
provided themselves with hiding places, away
from home "
To your holes, copperheads ! "Git!"
....The steamer Pacific arrived at Portland
Wednesday evening. 8 ho brought up the Idaho
murderers as far aa the mouth of the Willamette,
where they were transferred to the steamer Julia,
and sent under strong miliiary guard up the Co
lombia. This course was adopted from fears that
if taken to Portland, an attempt would be made
to release them upon habeam corvas. It is said th
prisoners look upon their case as hopeless.
A young man named Michael Mnran,
waiter on Ihe steamer Hunt, died very suddenly
at Vancouver last week. Cause of his death un
A most distressing accident wan related
tn us one day this week, the circumstances of
which are atmut aa follows: fionie two weeks
since, Mrs. Burnett, wife of James B.irnetl, living
on t no nor t ti siurot Koetie river, near Table Koc!
was thrown from a horse, falliuir with anch vio.
li-ni-o open her feet as to break her leg above the
.inkle, aud driving Ihe bone through the H-ab am
into the ground about sis inclns. So lirmly was
the bone driven into the ground, that all the efforts
of the unfortunate lady, united with the assist
ance of her sister, failed Io release her. She was
compelled to remain in that terribly painful posl
lion until In-r sister went a querterof a mile am
got Mr. Erity lu hasten her release. At last ac-
coin la she waa suni-ring irreatly, and teara were
elite rlaiued she could not long survive Owalist
A mau named Corral! brutally mupJeTe
a man named Shin at the Cascades, on the 'i-ii
ii'it. They were, with some others, on a drinkiiij
frolic. Corral! was at once arrested, taken to
Vancouver and coutioed.
ll ia reported that Mr. Snow, former
ly a merchant at Lafayette, Y'auihill county, waa
lately murdered for hia money in the upper coun
try. Wa bav uune of lb particulars,
Lirut. Apperson.of the Oregon cavalry
regiment. has been placed In charge of lb recruit-
wi ulHce at this p ace. He his advertisement i
another column.
Th congregation attendant upon th
service on Thanksgiving day InSaleui, contribu
ted f 125 to th Sauitary Aid fund.
Th supper and fair for th benefit of th
Congregational Church, Thursday eveuing, real
ised lb handsome sum of 1 3i.
Th various churches la Portland con-
tributed, on Thauksgivlug day, th aggregate
sum of f 53i 85 in coin and .H'3 iu legal tenders,
to th Sauitary fund. St. Paul's church in Ore
gon City, gave $'JC,T5 In coin. Thar will baa
thanksgiving; ia lb army hospitals when Ore
gon's Thanksgiving donatlous ar received.
Oliver Smith was drowned on Thursday
at Portland, while in a stale of Intoxication, lis
fell overboard from th steamer Webfoot.
tT If the lamented Dcugl t should arise
from hi touib and read hi history a the cop
perhead arv trying to write it, hs would be to
tally ana le to reoognite iu Tb eo-pvrbead
version might do for Tootubt or Buchanan, but
never for Douglas.
A Second OuTnAu." Joha McKaddea
cue of Ihe men arretted on th pirate Chapniaa
but not tried, has lately been arrested in Saa
Franchwe ou a charge of highway robbery.
The Democrat and (ffrirw are expected to de
nouooe thi a auolhar outtag of the "Liucvla
Ft. Dalle, Ogo. Ntv W, 1S.
ED. Statesman t Enclosed von will liml threo
Inllars for which send to mv address for one year
one copy of the Orcoa Staleman.
I have received your paper of the 1'ttn Inst ,
nd can assure you that I was trreatly pleased to
find it of so strong and decided a Union cliarac-
sr. No one can doubt th influence of the press
lion nublic sentiment, and nnrhnns the Oreiim
Statriman is behind no paper in the Stato in tiiat
respect, You have a noble platform and may
God speed you in the glorious work of diffusing
sentiments in favor of an unwavering prosecution
of the War until every hope of successful treason
in the United States shall be crushed effectually
and forever.
I have confidence enonirh in theirood sense and
honestv of ths oeoola nf Oreirnn to believo that
those who prate so loudly about the usurpation of
the present administration and condemn its most
effective strokes at the rebellion aro bui a small
minority led by noisy, disappointed politicians,
wno. in tneir tery nuniuto spheres are following m
the wake of their Brent cod father in trcason.Vnl-
Inndigham, and who, like him, aro soon to gn
down, never to be resurrected, foor wretches!
they are really more to be pitied than despised.
Other Questions of imoortance mar arise in the
course of a few years perhaps a tew months
but now th one great question is thall fail nation
ire' and no tru American no true lovor of re
publican liberty, who has a proper conception of
us duly, can hesitate to do all in his power to as
1st the armies of the Union In deciding this ques
tion affirmatively by a victory over the armed
hosts of treason, that shall give us a government
and a peace as prosperous as It shall be noDie ana
With many wishes for your success, I am ynnrs.
very truly, W.
ES Two of the Ohio soldiers encamped at Bal
timore voted for Vallandigham, whereat some
surprise was manifested till, upon examination, it
was found they wero both arretted deaerten.
tfT The New York World and the Argut have
boon consolidated in the service of secession.
This makes the partnership of "The World, tho
flesh and the devil "
CiIf by any chance the Union should he saved
through copperh-adism it would be a remarkable
instance of "lifo springing up out cf corruption."
ty "N." has "opened his mouth and spoko"
again in tho Demotrat. Balaam's ass once did
the same thing but we wont disparage Balaam's
"critter" by pursui.ig the parallel.
tJT Jeremy says war aro "wolves In
sheep's clothes." Does he mean to say that wsr
men are wolves snd peace men aro sheep 1
tVJ. Whiteaker's performance on his "harp of
thousand strings", at Eugene City, pleased J.
O'Meara, which would warrant the conclusion
that it would also have pleased J. Davis or any
other J. Diddler.
tjf Is it not very singular that in tins State
the greater share of the men who are particularly
solicitous nbout the success of the "democratic
party" since it has become a mass of festering se
cession corruption, were always bitterly opposed
to it in its palmy days, when it had honest charac
ter and respectability and when it was an honor
to belong to it f We mi jrlit mention a long list of
men who fought the democracy long and sav
agely, and who are now trying to nurse its offal
nto human shape such men as O'Meara, Judge
Strong, and dozens of others. Every neighbor
hood hns its samples of such lights of democracy.
8a! PraMcihco, Nov. 19.
Briar Willimantic, from Coose Bay, lost her dock
load of lumber in a southeast gale, started rails
and Inst sail.
A New York dispatch of the lath inst., says.
war insurance on treasure is one and a half per
cent. On merchandise round the Horn, three
per cent.
oak rnAsnisno, hot. vu.
The Commissioner has decided tn hold' the at
leged opium sinnirglers for trial. Biil was fixed
as follows t Wallace. (t-j.OllU; Hutchinson, Phil
lips and Fitzgerald, each Jll.UOo.
Private dispatches to San Francisco instruct
spent not to sell Armory ck Son's candles under
Hj cents.
The S. F. Evening Jouknal. This smart
little pnper, we notice, is getting into pretty
extensive circulation in Oregon. It was al-'
way newiey and readuble and Into changes
have made it more so. One reason, no doubt,
of its increase nf circulation, is the fact that
its Daily, as well as Weekly, exchanges freely
with nil the papers here. Liberalitv in that
respect, w ill never be the occasion of lose Io Ita
proprietors. The price of the U'tekly Journal
is $ I per year greeulmcks taken at par. The
Pacific dailies which exchange w ith ns without
olinrging the diiTcrence in prico are The Ore-
gnman. I met, Mounlameer, Journal, (tho
latter two mostly stolen before tht-y reach us)
San Francisco Evening Journal, Territorial
(Nevada) Enterpriit ami Victoria Caloniit.
We quote frequently from them and thus they
are advertised. Of course Ihey will prosper.
The best nf It ia they are all bully for the Un
ion. They ought to prosper.
How to Pronounce It. There are quite a
number of pronunciations nf the "great ex
iled"" name Vnlhtndighnm. There is no n
in the third sylnhto nnd Ihe common pronun
ciation as though the dig wero ding, is incor
rect. A great admirer of him, nut n hundred
miles from Salem, calls him Yallatni gnm A
belter and more npproprinte pronunciation is
Nkw York, Nov. SI.
Stirling firmer and quiet, at lit1 ; gold unset
tled, opening at M, and closing firm al .'vl 3 4
Washiniiiuk, Nov. SI.
Gen. John 0. Fostr will relieve (Jen. Bnrnaid
of the command nf the IVparttnent and Army of
the Ohio. That Department will hereafter con
sist of the Slate of Kentucky, north of the Ten
nessee river, and such parts nf Tennessee aa may
be occupied by Ihe troops of that armr.
Th friends nf Ihe ditferriit candidates for
Speaker of the House in Hie coming Congress sre
industriously al work. E.B. Washbnrue, of Illi
nois, ia spoken of with great confidence.
It ia said that (Jon. Kosecrans has been assign
ed to Ihe command of th Department of Haiti-mop-.
Oen. Seheiick will gire up that command
on Dee. 1st, and lake his seat in Congress.
Th War Department ha advice front Born
side of an encouraging nature. Ho ha no fears
of a movement from the s-oith.
Meade's forces occupied Madison Court Hons
to-day. This looks like a flank movement. Our
cavalry are Mid to be already in the rear of Lee'
force. There is no doubt ss to the result ef an
engagement between Le and Meado, should on
The went capture of bloekade runners off
Cap Fear river (N.C.) has so frightened th
North Carolina authorities that they bav given
up th business and let out th privilege ef im
porting contraband goods to private pa-ties.
Th payments for all branche of th public
service for the fiscal year ending Jnni nest will
reach '.HVJ,utH) l00. of which amount 'XUO0.ltH)
sre for th army, and $t.W0.V00 for th navy
A sntficienev of money has been placed in th
handa of Paymaster to pay th troop during th
preaeut month.
NlW Yokh, Nov. 91.
A TWSaas letter from Braans (Trsna). Nov. 6th,
savat On th arrival of the Itanka expedition be
ing mad known, th rebel ympalhiaers threw
th gun of Fort Brown into th Kio Urande, aud
burned th greater number f the dwellings al
Brownavill, leaving th Unionist in noeaeasion,
Th rebel took the cotton on th Teias sid
scress th river. After ferrying over all that was
ewned by th Confederate, there -as a general
dMirnelion of th cotton remaining. Th Wta
111. Regimnt raised Ike ing over Brownsville a
Not. lOia, at II A.M. Gen. Bank arrived soea
afer. At laal accounts. 7 regiment had arrives!.
Tb fW N. O. correspondent savs: Ueaeral
Banks entered Brownavill, Texas. Nov 6. A
small fore of rebels had burned all the U S. bar
rarks there, a larg amoinl of property and part
of th town, and dJ oa lb 4th. Our prospect
were ruod. Th peon I generally ar tavarehl
to the Union. Th Mexiraa general Cabas, ke
was a refuge la Browasvili, on Nov. ih wa
called oa by tb civil authorities to orgauis th, arrest the plundering rebels, and put out
the conflagration. . .
Aftor the entrance cf Oen. Banks, Cabas, with
his forces, advanced on Matarnnras. drove out
Biiiaaa, who was favorable to the Liut'u o'nio,
and sought reluge In Brownsville. Caba then
hoisted the French flag. On the following day
Cabas was attacked by tho Kuisss party. Cabas
was shot. KuUsa was again reinstated, but was
again compelled to Hy hy Cortinas, who has seis
ed jiatauioras anu oa innueu p. ------
re-establishing th Mexican Constitution of 18o7,
under the Presidency of Junrcn. Buissa. is again
n Hrownsville. L'ortinas has snown nis menu
ihio for the Union bv loanine three very valua-
ble steamers to Oen. Banks on the night of Nov.
7th. Another revolution waa expected at Mata
rnnras, but it failed to come off. Part of our forces
were kept in readiness that night to cross to pro
tect the American Consul's residence,
Nkw York. Nov. W.
Adisnntch from the Army of th Potomac, of
Nov. Hint, says the army is not advanciug. The
rains have caused some mud, but the roads will
soon ha rlrv.
But little apprehension is lelt lor tne saroiy oi
Burnside. The junction of Sherman with Thomas
enables Grant to reinforce Burnsido.
A Knoxvill letter of Nov. 7th mentions a fight
between Union ahd rebel North Carolinians, on
French Broad river.ln which the former whipped
the rebels. During ths fight many rebel regi
ments skedaddled to the Uuion rank.
Thirty paroled Unionists had arrived at Annap
olis, from Richmond. They confirm the previous
account of horrible hardship and Buffering.
The following Items of Nov. 10th, are condensed
from the overland dispatches to the Union i
N. It. Stnlthera (Union) Is elected to congress from
Delaware President Lincoln and several State
Governors attended the dedication of the National
cemetery at Gettysburg. Th town was filled with
thousands of visitors A rebel cavalry recouuols-
sance at Uermauia ford resulted In the capture and
wounding of several of the 8th Pennsylvania pickets;
the rebels were driven back .... Kebel authorities have
given assurances that sanitary stores soot to prisoners
at Itichmond shall be faithfully delivered to them.
Burnside Is reported "all right." Ills line of commu
nication is still Interrupted between Knnxville and Cum
berland (lap A report reached WasbiiiKton that
Meade had occupied Madison t ,'ourt House and that the
rebels were retreating Dcxertera to Grant's army
uie becoming more numerous than ever, They report
great demoralization in Bragg' array Ite.eulist-
lueuts In Grunt's army of veterans are tpiite general.
A gciiiiemun u.t from (.nuiuiionca, euys tne
prospects of a victory bv Grant are excellent A
new trial In the ease of the Alexandra, bus been grant
ed by the hnglMh Court of Kxcbi-fuer 1 lie Union
loss in the Carrion Crown, La.,nft'tiir wasnOQ killed and
wounded and 1,01)0 prisoners. Our forces did not ex
ceed 1,800 the relails numbered 6,0(10. Onrs waa the
rear guard of Franklin s army Priee is renorled
at Alexandria with 13,000 men The Cluseow
K nuncipution Society represents to Earl ltussell that
a vi-Hsei similar to the Alatiama nits been launched
In that harbor, fur pirating purines, Mutlil, of the
I- lormu, was m coinmauu. 1 bey asK ttusael to preveut
ucr uepariure.
Tub Voices op thk Cattle Fikxd. In
his report of the Cliickainnugu buttle, B. F.
Taylor records the following fact s
If anybody thinks that when, our men nre
stricken npon the Held they fa 111 the air with
ones and groans, till it 'shivers with such
evidences nf agony, he greatly errs. An nrm
shattered, a leg carried away, a bullet pierces
the breast, and the soldier sinks down silent
upon the ground, or creeps aay, if he oar,
without a murmur, uf complaint; falls ns tho
sparrow falls. spechlessly, nnd, like that spur-
row, i earnestly nciieve, mils not without nn.
tice by thu Father. The dying horse tivea out
his fearful utterance of almost human suffering
nut tne mangled rider is uuiiili. I he crash of
Musketry, the crack of rifles, the roar of enns.
the shriek of shells, thu rebel who m, the Fed
eral cheers, nnd that indescribable undertone of
grinding, rumbling, splintering sound, tnnke op
tue voices oi tue uuuie-neiu.
Stormy Times. The Victoria Chronicle
says a violent gale prevailed on that pnrt of
the const on the 6th lust., doing considerable
damage in the way of blowing down signs,
smashing in shop fronts, 4co. Great fears were
entertained that the shipping, sailed and due,
had suffered.
The Army of the Cumberland.
Correspondence of the N. Y. Tribune.
Chattanooga. Oct. 7.
Tho close proih itv of the two armiea to
eacn otner gives discontented rebels a chance
tn desert, and many seem determined to avail
themselves of it. A report that has obtained
extensive oirculation In Brttgg's army, to the
etl'ect that reinforcements for nnr army aro
pouring into Hritlgepnrt in large numbers,
prompts many misguided Hoiillierners to flee
irom tne wrath to come, and seek refuge with,
in onr lines. Three verv intelligent Missiesin.
plans came in this afternoou. They leport that
tue reuei army wns eleven ilivisioiu strong in
ine inte name. 1 lie divisions will average 5,
(WO men each, giving Brngg 55.0W exclusive
of his oavulty and artillery. This force, minus
the loss at Cbickatuauga, is still in our front,
hut there are indications that lirncir cnutuiu
plates renewing the retrograde so snv the de
sorters. If Ihe reinforcements uow at Bridge
port are thrown across the Tennessee so as tn
threaten the rear of the rebel army, llragg will
have to save bis army by withdrawing toward
Koine, (On.). Geus. Folk and Hi utntin are
tinder arrest by order of General Brngg. for
uisotieuience ol orders iu lint luuking nu attack
ou a p iriieuiur part ol our Hues at a given lime
on the Sunday uf the fight.
The rebel lines are unite visible from our
forts hi frnnt of Chattaninigiv. Our picket and
their are within talking di-tnnce aud keep np
friendly conversation lor hours at a time.
Agreements not to shoot each other exist lie
tweeu litem. They exchunga papers frequently
giving us the Chattanooga (nunc Marietta)
Aeoet, or MeiiipDit-jacksini-Atlauta Appeal
for a Cliiciuiiau or Louisville daily. They
talk to one another a good deal about Ihe late
ngm. i lie following remarks passed between
n uenrgtuo anu an Itidinuiuii 111 Iron! ol lien
Hood s uivisiuu to-day :
Ariel Well. Yank, how dors Ilosey feel f
t'ai'nn He let-Is Well. How's Braxton f
H Oh, tiue. He whipped you fellows lik
u II.
t. Did, eh ? Can't see it ! Why don'
you take Chattanooga.
A We'll do that, 'less uus get Grant and
Honker up here suou.
t'. Why don't you pitch in before they get
op I We're just waiting ou you.
n. iten, never niimi ; lot's take a drink
and say no more alxiut it. Have you auy
whisky 1 Throw tno your canteen. I'll throw
It hack honest.
Tho Indianian replied that be hadn't a drop
of whieky with biiu, aud here lb ooutersatiou
eii dt U.
AXEM I sir.
limn ble yonr bodies In sackcloth and ssliea.
Hide your beail. from the light of the snn.
emu your Heart, witn eonsensnee s lashes,
111, ah. if yon can, for lb deed yoa have done,
Werp for th aid you hart given' to traitors,
Do not let "n-peulailce illumine your souls
Houls if yoa bad tham yonr crime would be greater
ttnake. of huniauity crawl to yonr hole.
llrasen facd eopperbvada, 'wbiK-bvered copper
False hearted copperheads, crawl lo your hole.
Yoa that incited rebellion and treason.
Yon that bav aided it all that yvt can.
Yon that bav fonabt against cvnarieuce snd mon,
And all of th right, thai ar aarred to man :
Hark t through the land from eacfc tower and slep1c
Th knell of rebellion most solemnly tolls i
Kl from th acorn of uiullnn-nl prvpl
N.oaocoe aerpenu, bah I craw I to your bole.
I'riuuva fw-val copperiiaada, rum turkirur copper
Traitorous eoppsrbsadt, crawl to your bole.
Sow, when lb noon of rebellion ia setting,
Why do yoa Ight and strnggl surainat fate I
ran ye ant eaaia yonr eomptaiuing aud fretting t
Try lo a asea are yon and it too lata.
Tli ud runnirur northward in bail is retiring.
Tie. way argad by freedom triumphantly roifi.
Tb time aa goo by for yonr plot and conspiring:
KcpiOea and reuearade. crawl io your korra.
Wavcaou. eupparbeads.low aoeiakiug oppvroettds
Vikl, hisauig evippertieads, crawl to yonr bole.
Yoa that aided this earaag and plunder,
Yoa lh bav argrd t rtsuHaoe to dralt.
Up. yoar y witb iljbgrmtrai and wonder.
I an yoa m that vo all bav lam. "daft V
Alobbtug and not will bring rlnbuuoo,
Error, oaa all be atade rigat at lb oiui i
biand y tb Lavw. and Uw oM Coastitatiea I
Cowardiy e,,pprbts, trawl to year hole.
UoImI kolnl bote I .cU!
The dispatches frmn California annoiines ths slnklnx
,h, ,hlp Aq.ll. will, th. V. 9. monitor, Cerasncl... on bo.rd.
Bhs ., ron, a Is. " ?
on b'ltun to rncur tin vsinaws ir..s.. - -e ----vice,
little prmtrsM h.,1 been m.Jv. Severs! project, hay.
neea propose.! for raisins the Aipilla or gittlnj Mi. Oomsn-
che out of htr. Tin BnUttM .ay. o,r i-"--"'
nted have decMed to pump ti out and that this enterprise
ha. been inlrosled u. Allison ef llensrla .nd Mr. Ityan,
l,o ar. confident Ihe Ink. m.v be stopped by thnmoned
bans." The pump, to b. smployed ar. onpnble of empiyln,
shout 10,000 .alien, of l.r psr ralnnts. If Hi. Oe-aneh.
be Anally recovered H will be at a peU additional open..
and Iom of lime.
TV We have given up a considerable sharo of
our editorial room this week, to tho details of
eastern news.
S peclal Noticei.
Motto. Purine my absence from ths Slate, my bnstnens
will bo left with Mr. Luclm Hsalh, Balem. rrsolis Indebted
to ins will flud tlielr ublliratlnit with III n.
Attorney, and other. In who.e hand, prlntlns and news
paper account. he been placed for eollertlon, will pl.asj
account to Mr. Ile.lh.
The old Staltman books will be left with Mr. CrendalT, at
the office of the fu(mon. All accounts thereon prior to
Nnv. 6, 1 eoo, are due lo nn. If any preter to pay voiuniariiy
they can settle with Mr, 0. A. BUSH.
Salem, Nov.M, 1WB. a"'
Don't fail to nroenre Mn. Window's Soothing St-
run for Children Teething,
This valuable preparation Is the prescription of one
of the best female Dlivsicians and nurses in the United
States, aud bus been lined for thirty years with never
failing safety and success by million, of mothers nnd
children, from tiie feeble Infant of one week old to the
adult. '
It not onlv relieves the child from nam. but invigo
rates the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, and
gives tone and energy to the whole system. It will
almost instantly relieve
Griping in the Dowels, and Wind Colie.
We believo it Is the BEST and SUREST Rem.
a.lw In tlx, World in nit ciim.. of Diinentem nnrl fliffr.
rkaa in Children, whether it arises from Teething or
from anv other cause.
Fn directions for nsinir wi accompany each Dottle.
None Oenuine nnlejs the fac simile of CtiiiTi. Ax pra
kins, New York, is on the outside wrapper.
Sold by all Medicine Dealers, rnncipai uince, w
Dev Street, New York. Price Only SI5 Cents per
Rodington & Co., 41(1 and 411 (rout at , Ban rrnn
cisco, Agents for California. bro-b
nn wink bv Tinisn.
Do not trill with your Health, Constitution and
If yon nre suffering with nnv Dlsense rnr which
is recommended.
It will cure vou, save long suffering, Alloying Pain
aOO lllliaOIIIOOM'n, Mini "111 vw
At Little Kxpcnie.
And Nn Exnomire.
Cut ont the advertisement in another colnnin, nnd
call or send for it.
Ask for Hclmhohl's. Take no Other.
See advertisetnent ! 2m3l
Thk Appetitks. It is a verv difficult matter with
the innioi-itv of persons to restrain their appetites
hence we see an abundance of Dyspepsia, Liver Com
plaints, and ilisorders of the r-toniacb mid digestive or
gans- lloottiiuu s uerman timers win enttreiv cure
these coninlaints. and restore the svstem to original
vigor nnd etrengtti. for sine ur an urtiggisis nnd
aicrs in iiieoo-ooi. i
itlllSTOf.'S 8AKSAPAUII.I.A. MoFituiTcs of boiis
narsupnnllas Mcketed up for a brief season, by lies
iterate and mendacious pufforv. have fallen like the ex
tinguislied sticks of rockets since litis grand specific
dawned npon mankind. For thirty odd years its
course has been over the wrecks of hnmbug competit
ors, culled into a brief existence by its peerless snccess.
It has been ou tne truu oi tnscaae wherever uud in
whatever shape it was to be found uud its course hns
been marked by the most wonderful cures that has
ever shed lustre on the hettline art. Kcmfuln. liver
disease, remittent and inU-rmittent fevers, dvsnensia.
neuralgia, una nn uiterous and cancerous disorders
yield to its marvellous p-operties as surelv as etlect
..II - a o .u- I !!... .1 I. - i.
nov'JO lnr
Notlo.. Mr. J. N. Oal. has disposed of his Interest In
the Oreeon Argus snil the accounts due the ssine. Payment
must be made to the undersigned, who may lis found at ths
Statetmaii office. Parties Indebted will plt-ase pav np
promptly. D. W.CRAIO.
Salem, Nov. 80th, 1MB. lam
In flsUm, at the Bennett Honse, Nov. !9, by Rev. 0. L
Fliher. Mr. E. D. Toil and Mini Iiahel Ilawkloa.ntl of Salem.
At Ihe renldence of u,e hrlde'i father, Nov. i6th, by Jii.
Krlssy, J. P., John U. Roach and tlary J. ChurcblU, all ol
Linn county.
In Itslem, Nov. 29lh, by Rev. Bishop Scott, Col. Jaa. K.
Kelly and Mary B. Millar.
At the Catholic Church, Portland. Still, hy Rev. Father
riern, Mr. Terence Rovers ami Margaret A. Birmingham.
Linn county, Sept. Hlh, by Rev. . R. Geary, Isalab (tails
and Mnnraret Dlaitely.
Near Lebanon, Nor. Uth, by Rev. 8. Riley, Oscar Duskla
and Mary J. Clark.
Al Rockland. W. T., 9th Nov., Joseph Boyd and Nancy
Bord, formerly of Lane rountr.
On th. lean Intl., Eider Stephen Riley and Minerva i.
Cochran, all nf Linn eounty.
In Forks nf Saollam, H I Nov., Ttn-. lloiklni and Mar;
A. Wood, sll of Lino county.
On the S-.'d Inst., Henry VfaUen and Lavlna Whltcomb,
all of Lion county.
In Linn couuly, Nov. Uth, Yi'm. R. Brewer and Lavlna
In Benton eounty, lPth Inst., Mrt. C. A. Sweel of Benton
county, ami T. W. Crook, of Crescent Coy.
Al Fort f olvllle, fail Inrt., Lieut, tijan, of W. T. Infantry,
and F.-nlna Y. Johmon.of Lewliton.
Al Mound Prairie, IV. T., 101 ll Nov., T. J. Axtell and Kills
M Urovn.
In Portland, 2lM Nov., Jullui Sonnenberg and Emma Mev-
In Wahlneton county, Nov. IStli, Simon P. Taylor and
At Portland, Nov. SS.I, John Vf, p0ner nd Charlotte Her-
In Polk eoontv, Nov. !l,t. of dlnlherla. Nedford rtnnena.
son of llenrv and Annehne Slerlina, seed 4 years and T mo.
In Palem. 2Arh. br. Warren, about S3.
Al LeKUton, fiih Inn., Ray, ton of Thomas and Araetia
eirsnr. aveo la month anu in ilaya.
In Kiim-ne Clly, Nov. 8;d, Ellen V-llner, vlft of A. Nolt
ner, aired tfa years. 7 niontlia and id days.
In Lion count)-, Nov. Ikh, Margaret F. Knlthlen, aged II
year, t monllui and vt Uavs.
In HVntou county, lit Intt.. Maraaret Kllen, 1 yr S mo and
days, daughter ot Oeoree ami brtiah Hooik.
In Portland, SSd, Mary Fllen, daurhler of James and So
rsh Coalelli), aH 8 years, 3 mnnlha and ill .lavs.
Near Portland, 2Sth, of dyplherla, Ailaletla, daurhler of
John A. snd Emma R. Sfavln, aced S years.
H.U E jii"t received a large .lock of Uroeerie..
I'nrtu-olani next week. 4vl.
SiheritT Sale.
D Y virtue of an execntion from the Circuit Court of
J) the Stat of Oregon, for the county of Donglaa,
and lo me directed, bv the dork of an id court, in favor
of K. C. Lord. A. V. K-ters, Wm. I) I'cters and K II.
Lord and airainst James Wright nnd fleo. A. Whit
tnore, for wnnt of personal property, 1 hav levied
upon and will proceed In sell, to tlic bicliest bidder.
for cah in baud, at the owl bona- door, in Itosf-hnrg.
in said county, on WKDN'raSDAY, the oOth dnv of
Dccetoner, a n , ii, netweeii llie Inmrs of S o clock
a. a and 4 o'clock P. a. of sold day. all Ihe right, title
and iuterest ol th said James Wriirlil aud fleorge A
Whilmore, lo the following described projiertv, aitu
atedin Douglaa county, elate of Oregon, lo wit:
Commencing at a point one hundred and forty one
I'tli fret from the middle of the low water channel of
Ihe Culupooia creek, and iu a straight lint witb the
south westerly boondary line of Main .tret I ol
Ihe town ol Oakland. Douglaa eonutv.Orrvon ; thence
running in a cVoiiinoed straight line of said street in a
north weeterly dirertioa two hundred and fortv
(;4ti feed : thence at right angles with said laid line in
a south westerly direction three hundred and twenty
one :li feet; thence at right analaa with said bast
line in a soothe sterlilhreciion to a point on ibe north
bank of .aid creek auty ntl feet from the channel
thereof: leneo foMnwino ibe auid ere..k 1.. a n....,t
flitv f.Vt) feet from the southwesterly boundary line of
wu .nam street oi sold Iowa s thence at rigot angle
in a north weaterlv direction and parallel with aaid
street eiKhtv-on 8I) feat j theoc at right angles with
said but hn ana north ewterly direction ttftr M)
feet lo Hi place of beginning, containing land 40. lot)
acre, inore or leas, together with tb appurtenance
Uiereunto beloocing. to be Mid to aulufy the aforesaid
xecutiou, cota and accruing coeta
t L. HOWE, Sheriff.-
Roaeharg, yov Slth, ISO. 430
STRAYED, from th subscriber, living InfTA-
Sulem. ou or ahout lb last of Octoher.!c22
on. black HORSK. abont lonrteen hand high,
heavy roan, aome saddle mark, abont ten year old.
Any person ramming Ibe some to in will be liberally
"I v Dr. J. W. McAKKK.
MenOfoT. Sti, ISfa. i-pj
Adminiatraior'a Xoiirr.
"TICK is hereby given that th undersigned ha
iV been duly arpoinied by lb county court of Yam
hill eonnty, Oregon, administrator of th Male of
Joseph W. ebellon, lately decreed All perarms hav.
mg ciaim. against wid aaiate, ar reoneued to
exhibit them witlna six month from ibis date, with
their proper vouchers, to the administrator, at Ufav
ette, Woihill county, Urego. or b barred forever
"'"J". I'r.J.C. 8HELTOX,
Xotire to Abarnt Dcrrndant
'fO JAMES rRIEST Yo nr. hereby notillea thM
a. aaieas yoa appear ia the county eon'rt of 1 Waa
eonatv. on if., 4th day of January, 114. and
la, eorjpUia, of H A. Will,., .(.ieb ha. SZZ
with tb. eoanty elk o( Dwlu tHu,,
Oregou, a,l prv. for a iadgta.,,, agaiuM y. , J
err. for th. sum of aiy doiUir,. Ui. ,. will
"(v-d -i th. p,M Urof VW Ik,
graatod by tb. mn against y,ni M
iHJ ,"'Jl,,W " WiU'nj.Jadgfc
Dated UM al day nt Sevomber, Iee3
.. 1 James f. watsos.
w39pa.J Atiorwev w Pl,iB!lr
Mlii-rlff saio.
1 1 V virtue of ail execution, duly Issued hv tho Clerk
li of tl e C imi Court of lb. Klulo of ( rejfnn. for
1 1 oi tne i,in.i o , reeled, In fevor ol
for th" I'ci
one Villi
at, cost, and w'crnlnp; costs,
a-J 111,1 'i'l-IOOl. Willi llilcres
IhavoloviiHlnp USr
.1 1)., iel t'orlund, Itobei-e ( arlaiul ami
e.t ol the saiu "o"' " . , , , f1,iwi ,l.
Daniel Harlan. I, r., o . ' " " ; tbeiouu.o be-
3 M ri ef section ten W) I thence west,
forty (ToTchlios'totli. U'W 'i"'- 7"' ".le no"h-
jhains to me uoi , w --- .
forty (40)
wesicoro.r u ,..- .,.. ,,, -,...
e! theeasl nan oi ! m. ,
of said day. . , Co, ',
November 23d, ! 4w:l"'
hlicriff Stale.
Bv virtne of four executions to mo directed, Issued
U of the Only Court for the eonnty of Doug.
us anu maw "vrr r "V n u i.j a v P.i.
ind State ol tnmiou, . ." ,. ".:'
one in favor ot r.. t, ","'.-." y" "l
and Win, 11. Peters, on its favor of Kdwiu O. Young,
on in favor of Samuel Marks, nnd agsansK eorgo A.
Wkiuaore for want ot Bursonnl property, I lutyo lev
M ft d wHlpro Jd to ll loth. Insist bidder
t,r h iii hand el the eimrt hoiwe uoor in Roeebnrg,
eember, A. D., ISlSi, between the liwirs of 9 o clock i.
a. and 4 r. . of said day, nil th riglrt, utl. and inter
est of the said eeorg A. Wh.lnior. in and to tin i to -lowing
deecribed property, to wit i Kuownae lots one
Hi uS in frsitiouia block live, (5) and leu (10)
fcet on th. norll,.l ski. of ha three (II lb. whole
length of the loll exreptitig that portion oflot one, II)
heretofore deeded to Hichard Hotkim the triiove prop
orty issilnateirintlie towaof Oaklsndi aleo.tbe s, s.
nourler and .. half of of s. w. onarlerol eetimisbe
n w. ooarter of secuoiiseveiiieoo ..;,
. " , c... , invi'i inr with the an-
w., in eouuiy anu n..v....- . - -- - . :
pilrtenancos tliercunio iieiuutrniK, :--
the aforesaid eetiitioi, eost. nnd aesriniu; oosts.
Xj, t rv ao, i'uviiii.
Rosehurg, Nov. SHh, !.
Siiei iff Salts
NOTIC'K ia hercey given tna iw Tinoc ii u
cution to me directed from Hi clerk of th circuit
eonrt for the county of Vundiili. Osegou, agonist 11. U.
Oilellnnd m lavoroi sunn Vw-..,-- ---
of suthcient persinial tiriHierty to- eatisly llie eiuoe, I
hnve levied upon the follnsriuu- described real estate,
to wit t The south half of the donation lard claim of
B. It. Odell und wife, situate m-.Mtions !?. and dU, t
a,rw,)ii Ittiuliiu eomivy, isregon, nhiwis
acres more or less, with all the iuiprovoniiniM und np-
purtenuueee tbereimlo ueiongmg, eiaismiua i "
ling hoaae and otlisr outbeillma, whii-ti I will oiler
for sale ac pnoucimuioii w mo 'ie
in hand, on the rremittrs, abont three nines west front
Matbeny's Kerry in said county, on (lie Ulst day or
Deceinbor, l8liU, nt i n'elnck, p.m., of wild dnv, to sat
isfy said executiuu and eust, p'hy 'j""1'11
, ShcrdY i'umliill Co , Ogu.
LaSivetle, XoverobBr23, Innl 4kM
'T'HE Collector will be In Halein FMDAY, Dec. 4th.
1 Th. Inst cull without eoets.
Acting Collector.
Nov. 30, KKf. IwW
poa THK
First Cavalry, Orcs-on Volunteers.
V. VI bey With or Without Horse.
ArtECHlIITIXO OKKICK having been establish
ed in Salem, the particulars as to pay, ate, can bo
aarertuinvd at. the recruiting office oppoeite Thatcher
at Rickey's Livery Ktalde, Coinnierciaf si., Solom.
' 1st Lieut. 1st Oregon Cavalry,
4:i9 Uucruiliug Otlicer.
J. C. Slielto!i,ri!jslcliin and Surgeon,
MONMOUTH. I'olk County, Oregon. The Doctor
being a gradimle of the Curtis, or Hhyaio-medical
college. Cincinnati, Ohio, is a true Botanic in hia prau-tk-e,
entirety discarding calomel and alt mineral poi
sons, nnd using none but purely vegetable medicines,
and only the perfectly innocent at that.
The Doctor weald further say to the public, also,
that be is prepared to onr. all eanoers, indolent soresr
abscesses, tumors, fcc, that are enrubie, and with
agents purely vegetable. 2tf
Sheriff Sate.
Joseph Waldo, Complainant, va Pohn Force, t.
als. Defenduitte.
BY virtne of a decree of foreclosure hi the abovw
entitled ennse and an execntion duly issued thero
on from the Circuit Court, of the tale of Oregon for
the eoutitv of Marina and to me directed by the clerk -
of said court, 1 will expose for Mile, for rash in hand,
at the court boose door in cialetn. in said county, on
TUESDAY, Ihe ai'rh day or December, 1IW3, between
the honra of II o'clock, A. M., and 4 o'clock, p. N., of
said day, the property of the said John Force one of
defendants above) as' described in eaid decree of fore
rh'iiiro, to wit 1 Lots Nob, 1, 2, 3. 4. 5, C and 7 in block
No. tea and Lots nnniher 1,2, r, and e. in Ulock
No 11 in lb ritv of Knlem. Marina eonnty. On-uno-
together with the appurtenances thereunto belonging.
each lot to be sold.separntelv, to he sold to sniufy aaid
executjou, interest, costs and accruing costs.
Salem. Kot.WUSSI 4w4
Sheriff Sale.
NOTICR is horehy given thut by virtne of an ex
ecntion to m. di'reeted fmm th clerk of the eotin
Iv court for Yamhill eonnty, Oregon, in favor of 8.
X. Young and against Jaine. A.Yonug uud John Uam
age, nnd for want of personal pnH-rty to satisfy tb
same I have levied upon th following described reul
eatHie ms III property cf the said John Kauuige,to wil:
llie north half of Ibe land claim f'jrmerly donated to
James Knmage and Manili, bin wife, and the part set
oft' to tb said Surah llamage. No. notiliration t
3 a, r 4 w, in Y'amhill eouuiy. t Iregon. containing 320
acres morn or less wilhall llie appurtenancestbereuuto
helonging.which I aliall olfer for sale at public auction to
the highest bidder for cash in hand, on the premises
about lour miles nortliwret from Lafaretle, in mid
county on the lihdavof Ircialier.ibiiiijittlo'clock,r.
a., of said day to satisfy said eai-cotion an-l roata.
iii-..Mti iAitnt...
SlierifTof Yamhill county, Oregon.
Nov. i'i, lejtvl. 4v39
MieiitT Sale.
BY virtn of an eaecotion from tb Circnit Court of
Ibe State nf Oregon, for the county of Marino and
to me directed by the clerk of auid court, in fuenenf
J O. Wilson, administrator of the entitle of Wm. H.
11 neon, deceased, and aguinat John H. McC'laiu for
wunt of personal property. I hnvo levied upon and
will proceed to sell to Ihe highest bidder lor rash in
hand.nt the eonrt house in said comm
on SATURDAY, the "nth day of Decemlwr, ISO;),
between ti e hours of 9 o'clock , a. sr., and 4 o'clock, p.
., aaid of day, nil lh right, title and interest of Ibe
said J II. JlrClaiu, in and to the south hnlf of lb
following real estate, to wil : Situate in Marion conn,
ty. State of Oregon, and known and described aa fol
lows: KniinVaimn Nn. 45, cluiin No. 411. in section.
14, 15, SJ and S3, in t 7 s. r 3 w ; beginning nt a point
on the mat Iviuk of the Willamette river. 6 4l chain
n and S3 chains w of llie a w corner of sortion 14 in
t a. r 3 w j running tlmnce eaat Wit chain, j thence
sooth I!!-1 w 4l.i3rliains: Iheuee u71Jw Ibiai chains
theuceelP3 w mm chnins; tbence s 7U-,3uve7ifl
chains: thence s lw KMil rhninsi thenco n S!)5
jV w 3-itdl chains t llience n tP 3tr w 8..VI chains s
thence a iVJ w 17 chains to the Willaiuetie river:
thence northerly down the meandering, of said river
loth place of beginning, containing in all 11)8.49
acre together with th appnnennnre belonging lo
the raid J . U. MrClain on aaid premise lo be sold 10
satisfy said execution, costs and necroing costa aud in
terest. 8AM L, IlKAIlliltK, Sheriff,
balem. Nov. S lit!!, w39
Slierifl nl.
Oeo. U. ;Villiam, PlaiutifT, va Frank llnrrao,
BY virtu of an execntion in the above entitled,
eauae. issued oui of tb Circuit Court of tb Slat
or Otvyon. for tl eonnty of Marion, and to me di
rected by the clerk of snid eonrt, for want of personal
pronertv. I bave levied npon and will proceed to sell
to th higher bidder, for cash in band, at the eonrt
bona door in Snlem, in said county, on SATURDAY
the kh day of December. ISW, ltween th. hours n
1 clock, a ., and 4'cl,a-k. r. a. of said day. all
he right, tu e and interest of the said Frank Morrau
(defendant) in and loth, north half of the following
described premws, io wit : Situate in Marion county.
State of 1 .iregon, aud known as claim No. as). n.Miti.'a!
lion bMi. in t j , r I and i w, in section. IS, 19, 04 ,j
Id: beginning S lSchain. eaat of the southwest cor
ner of section P niniiiug ihenr 47 a chain p-
'iV ,-i',,'i.t.h,,lce,tM' 3;w h'ni Ihenc. north
in.., a lln""" 'S 19 cbaina : tbenc
sonlb 8 chains : theiie. weat 10 chains 1 theue south
11 si' v 10 llw vUn of h-uinniog, Binuining in
ilLf tT' il .PPurtenance.
hereunto belonging, to be old to satisfy Mid eioco.
iwn. costs and accruing costt.
a. 1 v- ... Sheriff War 100 comity.
Salem. Nov. 30, lata. 4wU9
Couiitjr Conn, DoisKlna Conntr,
VA'illiam A. Willi ra. Jam Prieet. Action at law to
treover money.
iT appearing to thi. eonrt, by affidavit, that altar do
diligence defendant cannot t f.oinj wit'on th
Stale, and also iliat bw plar of mndeio ia neither
knows noma with rrasnnabbc diligence be found or
as-artaiuet by him. and in lik nnumer appear that a
eua of artHMl siraiuat the defecdanl it ia 1 1-era-fore
ordered that tb. service b made by publica'lioo
of lb. ,i wk N, wk, w tbl
Ureg.. W..r.-.a Mwipaper, (,b,r. being ao oaine
tjp pabbabrd in tins eounty "
by order of Willuim K. Willi. Jodg of LWIaa
eoontv. Oregon. g. H DEARBokV Cllrb-r'-''-
per A-at-SLtS r.DeralT.