THE OREGON STATESMAN Tie Oregon Printing and Publishing Company, PKOTKIETO R8. OHlolal Papr at th tat. TE It MS-Perynar, 1,00 i Six mouths, $2,(10. tW Tht abate art priett in tain. UnoX Tndtr notes will bt Uiktn only at their eurrtnt taint. RemlttancM nwy b md lif mall at ths rl of the pull liheri, If matlwl In tlm preiencu uf a postmsiUr. 1JUSINKSS CARDS. A LI .EN A: LEWIS. Importers and Whole sale dealers in Groceries, Dry floods, Clothing, nnd Boot! unci Shoes. Also, solicit coiisijtiiineiitB ul Oregon proilnco, fur the Sun Francisco market, on which liberal advances wilt he untile Persons shipping goods from die Eustern States to our euro, can rely upoii their receiving prompt ulteu tinn,at moderate charges. Office in Hun Francisco, 81) riunsoiue street. 4Xtf J.B.KNtPP, ; ( M.S.ia'KHELI., Bun Francisco, Cal. 5 J Portland, Oregon. 1 NAPP, BURltELL & CO., General Com iV mission Merchants, and MIALEKS IN FKU1T, produce, agricultural implement, gurdun and grass seeds, comer of Kraut and Tuvlorsts, Portland. Ore gon, and 310 (old No. HO) Washington at., Iirli k block, Dear Front, San Frunciaco, will give speclul utteution to the sale or FRUIT and PUODUCK on consign tneut, filling orden, etc., either in Portlund oi 8un Francisco, and transact a Ueneml Couimliwion Husi newt. march I ' N, T.U1T0N. 0. 0. CUBL. CATON & CURL, Attorneys at Law, will practice in the conrta of thin Stats. Olflceiu Oris Wold's brick, over Hell It Brown's store, ttalein, Ogn. November, 8d, ISM. Hf CHESTER N. TERRY, Attorney and Coun selor at Law, Salem, Oregon, Commissioner of Deeds, and to take testimony, acknowledKeineuts.oVo. for Iowa, Indiana, Missouri, Michigan, California and Washington Territory. Letters of Attorney, and ull other instruments of writing, drawn on short uotice. Particular attention paid to taking Depositions, Col lection of Xntes, Accounts, Ate. 3-tf T C. JOHNSON, Attorney and Counselor Tv at Law.Orogon City, Oregon. Will attend to all business entrusted to bis vara. Collections mode and promptly remitted. "' lyo7 A. W. FF.ROUSOK C. A. HKKD. OEO. H. JOSS.S. JONES, REED & CO., Salem, Oregon. Manufacturers of Window Hash, Blinds, Doors, Cornices, Mouldings, Wagon Hubbs, Spokes, Door yard Fencing, Ao. 2tf rJTl'Q i WELL, Attoruev at law, Alhuny. Linn t'o., Oregon. Ollice in Mouteitli's Building. Will practice in nil the courts iu Oregon, and promptly at tend to all business eulrusted to his cure. Particular utteution paid to collections from Portland, Bun Fruit Cisco and elsewhere, In till parts of Oregoji. Tho best of reference given if desired. 4ltf DR. J. U. CARD WELL. Surgeon Dentist, will practice bis profession in the various cities nntl towns of Oregon. 4!Hf JW. BOYLE, Physician and Surgeon, will practice his profession as formerly. Office at his residence in Polk county, three miles east of Dal Ins. July 30, mnn, gntf H UM A80N & ODKLL, Attorneys at Law, Dalles, wtisco county, uregon. -enr DW. & M. R. COX, Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Dntgs, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Fancy Soups, Hair Hruehes.line Toilet Articles, Chemicals, Drug gist's fllnssware.&c. Also, a large quantity of con centrated extracts of Plants of the purest quality. Commercial St., Salem, Oregon. lot J. C. Shclton, Physician and Surgeon, MON.MOUTH, Polk County, Oregon. The Doctor beitm- a graduate of the Curtis, or Physio medicul college. Cincinnati, Ohio, is a true Botanic in his prac tics, entirely discarding calomel and all mineral poi sons, and using none hut purely vegetable medicines, nnd only the perfectly innocent at that 2tf THOMAS D. WINCHESTER, Attorney at La - Empire City. Coos Hay, Ogn. 4"tf JOHN C. CAUTWRIGHT, Attorney and ') Counselor at Law, Salem, Oregon. Ollice. Head Quarters building. 2'-'tf JL. COLLINS, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Dallas, Polk county, Oregon. He has made arrangements with Williams 4 OiBbt for one of that firm to assist him in the trial of all cases in the Circuit and Supreme Courts. Mr. Collins is a Notary Public, nnd will attend to taking acknowledgements of Deeds. Mortgages. Ate., taking depositions, affidavits, and evidencesin relation to War Scrip, Ate. Illtf J. S. SMITH. I.. F. OROVKIl. SMITH & G ROVER, Attorneys at Law. This firm will practice in the Courts of the State and of Washington Territory. Office in Carter's new building on the levee, corner of Front and Alder ? streets. , Portland, Oregon, March 1st, lr,a. Slf ILLIAMS & MALLORY. Attornpj-B nt Law. OtSce in ViUou' buildiug, twleiu, Or egon. June, 8, 18f'3. 14tf FO. McCOWN. Attornov and Counwllnr at Law. OlBce with Dr. W.'B. Mftifen. Wacondu. Marion county. Oregon. Punt Ollice addrew, llel parwt. Dtt. J. W. McAFEE nflfar tiis prof8rionnl wrvireMtn the citixeun of Halein aud vicinity. Ollice in Keoyon's buildiiiff. "ii'it B F. BOX HAM. Attorney at Law, La 8tf Grande, Baker county, Oregon. J. II. MITCHELL. JOS. N. DOI.PH, Notary Public MITCHELL & DOLPII. Attornevi and Counselors at Law, Solicitors in Chancery, and Proctors in Admiralty. Ollice over Post Office. Front street, Portlund. I'sWtf 1. C. riUTWKIOHT. C. B. HKl.l.lMir.K. C ARTVUiGUT & BELLINGER, Attor neys at, SHi-iD. Oregon. -Ottice in Mnorea' Brick building. ri'iif AnDISON C. OIBBS. W. LAIII HILL. GIBBS & HILL. AtlorncTB nnd Counsrlnrs at Iaw. Will give prompt atteulinn to all pro fessienal business entrusted to them. Office on Front treet, opposite the Deunison 1 loose, Portlund. Ore gon. Otitif HENRY LAW. Commission Merchant, nnd Imwrtor and Dinlcr in Wairon Material Ilulis. Spokes, Felloes, Shafts, ilirkorr Axles. kc., o hand in lots to soil. Floor and Feed of all kinds. Store 2tS Front street, Portland aud -Jd street, Halles. titiMf 6 T, Successors to COOKE, 8M1IH A Co. SALEM, OEEGON. Beg leave to inform the ulilic that we have aud are receiving ft LARUE m mma m CENERAL MERCHANDISE, Which we Offer at REDUCED RATES Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Huts, CapsJ IF VOL' Bonnets, Shakers, Croceriee, Crockery, Glassware, Hardware, Iron, Bolts, Riv tVOll.U U, Washers, Nuts, Springs, Nails, SpikeeJ nil- AT MiW Glass, Putty, Saws, Planes, Axes, Oys ten, Sheep Shears, 8qntre, Dry Goods Catlery, and A GREAT VARIETY YORK RATES, OR OTHER ARTICLES UK ABIT, too numcroae to mention, All of which we will eichange KuII I Tor CASH or MERCHANTABLE PHO-fAS DO i DVCE. THAT AHR Of WANTED. 109.000 lb, of WOOL wanted is si change for GWDSor CASH. SHITH C1BTWBIGHT. Men, April 12, IW 7,f j WAI.T AlD CHAELKT Why do you use an Inferior Article 7HF.N yoa can boy at tin mm price f The celebrated 'Downrr Krrorn Oil" nk 1 m,l. nan. white and Boo exolctire, burn Ins; brilliant, steady (Un. and eorub nins: all tie advantages of this inrompamt'le and rliMH-est Illuminator, without the attendant risk and danger ot eaplosnmemasagapooranicie. '.., Salem. Jaa 19th. . f" . fl fi Hl nf ' t M 1 rTA ifof trT VOL. 13-NO. 38. BASS &, ABEL, steam"factoiiy KKAR THK STKAMHOAT LANOtNO, SAI.IM, KKE1U. HANI), AM) DIAKPrACTURB, ALL KINDS) OK SASH, BLINDS, DOORS, CORNICE, Window I'm hick, Ac, Ac, AND FURNISH, TO OHOUU, Every Variety of UUTSIUB and 1NS1DU Finish SCBOLL-WOUL, WOOD-TUUN'INO, &c. All kinds or JOB WORK done with neatness and dispatch 34if BASS (t ABKL. I'AIM EK & CO. PrsctlcslPrlnttri.soilDcslersIn Type, Pretm, Printing Malenah. Ink , Paper, Cards, Ate, 510 Clay St., above Sansnme, . B. paiktkr ) SAN FBANCISCO . '. p. paint er ) OfBcesflttedoutwIthdispatch. Uf S.BASS. O.K. ABKL. Dr, L, S, Skiff; Surgeon Dentist, HAIJEM,OHKGON, Office In Holman's Brick Building, RKMIDRNfCR IVIiAR COnNRR OF VtUHT AND C'ENTKH ST8. t . IV. n, None but iltilslied operations porformod, iesiro the patronage of such persons as wish their operations performed i the most purfect manner. Sulem. Dec. ttiil, mil 42tf AYER'S SARSAPARILA. A COMPOUND remedy. In which we have labored to produce the nuwt effectual alterative that can be tniule. U if a coticentruted extract of Para fcuruu pari 1 la, bo com bi nod with other aubnumwa of rom li greater alteiittive power as to utl'urd an eHoctive anti dote for the tinou6i!B HiifnapKrilhi is reputed to cure. It & beliHved that such a remedy wutiled by thoe who wilier from Strumous complaints, and that one which will accomplish their cure must prove of im mense service to this Inrye chiss of our nmicled follow citizens. Iow completely this com pound will do it has been proven by experiment on uiativ of the worst cation to he found of the following coiupluintst ticrnfnla and Scrofulous Complaints, Eruption) and hlruptice )i?aet, Ulcers, Pimple, Blotches, Tumors, Halt Jikenm, Scald Head, Hyphtlts and Syphilitic AJ'rctinn, Mercurial Dtteute, Dropsy, tsviiralfriaor Tic 'Douloureux, Debility, Dypepia and J ndt first to n. Erysipelas, Rase or lit, Autiioni'i Fire, and indeed the wliule class of compliiints arising from impurity of the Blood. This compound will he found ntrreat promoter of hetilth, when takeu in the sptitiK, to expel tho foul humors which IWter in the blood at that scasoii of the Year. By the timely expulsion of them many rank miff disorders are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remeuy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, it not usidslcd to do this through the uat urtd channels of the body by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blond whenever you liud its impurities burst in through the skin in pimples, erup tion, or sores i cleanse it when you liud U is obstruct ed and sluttish in the veins; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelinirs will toll you when. Even where no particular (Unorder is felt, people enjoy bet ter health, and live longer, for rleannintr the blood. Keep the blood health v, and all is well ; but wit;h this lubulum of life disordered, there can be no lasting letiltlj. Sooner or later something luunt go wrong, aud the greut machinery of life is disordered or over thrown. Nursuparillft has, and deserves much, the reputation of these euds. lint tho world bus been Legregiously deceived by pieparutious of it, partly be cause me umg alone nai not an tne virtue tlmt is dunned for it, but tuore because many preparations, ureirnumg mi u ctineemniieii exiracrs oi it, couiaiu ut little or the virtue ot Sursapurillit. or anytlitng no. Durinif late veurs the public have been misled bv larye bottles, prutviidiuu to give a quart of Kxtract uf SarsHparilla foroim dollar. Most of these have been frauds up n the sick, fur they not only coutaiu little, if any, WiHtpurilla. but often no curnjive properties whatever. Ht-nce. hitler aud painful diHuniHiiiitineiit bus followed the use of various extracts of Sarsupu rilla which flood the market, until the name itself is justly despised, and has become synonymous with im position and cheat. Mill wo call this comHunu hur saptirilla, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the name from the load of obloquy which rents upon it. And we think we bavo ground for believing it bus virtues which arc irresixtihle by the ordinary rui) of the diseases it is intended to care. In order to secure their complete eradication from the system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to directions ou the bottle. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYE R &, CO., 1,01111,1, MANN. Price 91 per Botlle. Six Bottles f .r $5. Avers Cherry Pectoral has won for itself such a renown for the cure of every variety of Throat and Lunir Comnlaint. that it is en tirely 'unnecessary for as to recount Uio evidence of iu irtties, wherever it bus been emtdoved. As it hat loug been in constant use throughout this section, we need nt do mora than assure the people it quality is kept np to the best it ever him been, and that it may le relied ou to do for their relief all it bus erer been found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, I'Oll THK 1 1 lit CM' CoiirrHris, Jtiuntlirt, Pysprptia, lnUftfttioh, lyi rntrrii, Fottl Sttmarh, ry.jx7r. Headache, Vile, in...' i- , y..y i.. i Complaint, Prop ?. Tetter, Tnmnrt and Suit KkeHm, II ormt, itont, neuraleta, at a 1tnncr i'tll, and Jor I'nriftinr the Blood. TheT are snirar-roaled. so that the most sensitive can take ifieut plesnntly,and they are the liest aperient in the world tor all the purities of a family physio. Price 25 Ccnti per Box. Five Boxu r$I. Great numbers of rleivvmeu. nhrsiriaus, states men, and eminent personnel's, have lent their names in certify the uti arullekd usefulness of these nmie. dies, but our stmce here will not permit t lie insertion of them. The aaents below mimed furnish itmlis our AmrrtraH Almanac, n which they arc given ; witb also full denriptious of the above complaints, aud the treat ment that sbonld he followed for their core. Do not be nut oil by uiuirinripled dealers with oilier preparations thev make more profit on. Demand A trr'i. and take' no others. The sick want the bsst aid then is for them, and they should have it All our Remedies am tor sale uy SMITH & DAVIS, Portland. eowlvfcS BRISTOL'S SARSAPARILLA, I tlART BOTTLES. The Great Purifier of the Blood! The only gennine and original Preparation for TUB PEB.nANB.-aT CiRR OF THk MOST DAN6ER018 AD CONFIRMED CASES or TIerrurlnl nnd Vrnfwnl Dlarnw, Or rolu I a or Kin' Dvil, Old tore's Boils, Tumor, Abretsara, I'lccrs, And every kind of SCROFULOUS and SCABIOUS eruptions. . It w also a sure and reliable remedy fur Salt Khram. Ring Worm.Trltr r.Srnld Hrid.StarTy FARALYiai, Rllf-t T 1TIMTI, While Swelling and Nenraliie Affections. Nervrmi nnd General Itebllitv of the Mstem, Lnm of Ap petite, Lanmior, liuinrM and ail Affections of the Liver, Fever and Ague. Hillious Fever. Chills snd Fever. Dumb Arie and Jaundice. It is the vert best, and, in fart, the only sure and r.l.l,l. n,e.lii-iiie for the one of all dimues ari.iiiir from a filiated or imnnre slat of lbs bloud or use i.f Tie afflicted mar rest aonred that Ibert is mat Ike Unit particlr of Mineral. Merrnrial, or auy other poisonous snbatanr in tins roMiane. It is pernrmy aarialrss, and may be adminvterrd to persons la the very weakest singes of sickon. or to lbs most help less lufams, without doins: tne least miory. Kull dirsrtions how ! take this mist valuable n cine will be ftmnd arnond coy-h bKi le ; and. to rwtnj atrninsl counterfeits, se ut lbs written sitfiiatar of LA.NSiA.ii A UtilC is spun the blue label. 9 le PrvfJrirlara, LAN MAN & KEMP, Wholrnale Drircislt, SEW YORK, c., We have appointed Hoatetter. Smith A Dean. JUT iluuiguaierv strnrt. haa Francisco, as the W lw is sale Agents lor Coll turn ia. J SALEM, Special Notices. BK WINK BY TITIKSt. Do not trifle with your Health, Constitution and Character. H yon are suffiirlnK with any Disease for which HELMDOLD'S EXTRACT BVCHV is rccom mended. THY IT! TRY IT I TRY IT I It will cure you, lave long itirl'isring, Allaying Pain and Iiiflnmuintlon, und will restore vou to HEALTH AND PURITY, At Little Expenw, And No Exposure, Cutout the advertisement iu another column, nnd call or tend for It. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS' Ask for Hehnbold's. Take no Other. CURES GUARANTEED. See advertisement I Sm'14 tit' Scorbutic diseases are the parent stock from which arises a larfni proportion of the fatal maladies that afflict mankind. They are, as It were, a species of potato rot In the human constitution, which under, mines and corrupts ail the sources of Its vitality and hastens its decay. They ure the germ from which spring Consumption, Itheumutism, Heart Disease, Liver Complaints, and Eruptive Diseases which will be recoxiiltud as among those most futul and destrua. tive to the races of men. So dreadful are he conse quences to human life that it is hardly possible to over estimate the importance of an acluul, reliable remedy, ' that can sweep out this scrofulous contamination. We know then we shall proclaim welcome news to our readers of one from such a quarter as will leave little doubt of its etHcacy and still more welcome, when we tell tliein tlmt It surely does accomplish the end desired. We mean Ayur'B Snrsapimllu, and it iscer tuiuly worthy the attotilion of those who are altlicted with Scrofula or scrofulous conipluinls. Rcgiiter, Albany, N. Y. MOTHERS! MOTHERS I! Don't fuil to procure Mm. Window's Soothinr; By run for Children Talking. This vul liable preparation is the prescription of one of the boat female physicians and nurses iu the United States, and bus bouu used fur thirty years with never failing sufotv and success by millions of mothers and children, from tlm feeble Infant of oue week old to the adult. It not only relieves the child from pain, but invigo rates tho stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, and gives toue und energy to the whole system. It will almost instantly relieve Griping in the Bowels, and Wind Colic. We believe It Is the BEST aud SL'HEST Rem edy In the World, In uU'cases of Dysentery and DiTir- rhasa m Children, whether it arises from Teething or from any other cause. Full directions for using will accompany each bottle. None Genuine uuleds the fuo-similu of CukTis & Pen kins, Now York, is on the outside wrapper. Sold by all Medicine Dealers. Principal Office, 48 Dey Street, Now York. Price Only 25 Cents per Boltle. lieilington & Co., 410 and 418 Front St , San Fran cisco, Agents for California. OmG Frese'e Hamburg Tea and Hamburg Flatter. Frese's Hamburg Tea ia a curative and preventive of Coughs, Severe CuLdYpver and Ague, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, and uli ints arising from impuri ties of the blood. If L Headache, Bowel, Kidney and Liver Complaints, demising and purifying the stomach aud blood, It is a preventive against Conta gioti, and its timely use will Avert almost any sickness. It restores the appetite, and ia most pleasant and pala table to tuke. Being purely vegetable, it can with en tire safety be giveu to children. One trial will con vince any ono of its excellent quality, and once used, uo family will do without it. To guard against Counterfeits, observe the seal of KURSK 6c Co., Hamburg, on every genuine package; Frese's Hamburg Tea is the only genuine article. Citpy riirht secured. Eiuiel Krone, Sun Francisco, J. C. Frcse & Co., Hamburg, Proprietors. Pole Agents for the Pacific Coast, to whom all or ders must bo nddressed, Redington it Co., 416 and 418 Front street, Sun Francisco. Hm2fi lliFFEKKT as Lin raoM DliTU This is the dis tinction between Bristol's Sureaparilla and all mercu rial medicines. The Utter poison the bibod, the for mer purifies und' invigorates it. When the needs of death have been introduced into the veins by the qse of mineral nostrums nothing will arrest the march of the victim to the grave save this poison conquering antidote. So nlsowhen the virus of natural disease, working through the venous system Is developed in scrofulous ulcers, cancers, tumors, carbuncles, white swellings, felons, eruptions, or any other fearful ex ternal malady, this great reuiedv acts chemically upou the depraved blood and other animal fluids, changing them as if by a iuiracle,to pure aud flourishing streams, bearing henlth and vigor into the organa through which they How. For sale by all flrst-clasa druggists.' lm:H. Dlarrbosa and Fain In the Bowels Cured. CAKTHAue, 0., Nov. !, 1K3. Da. 0. It. Haksb 51 nth Esteemed Friend I have had a seveie attack of Diurrhcca, attended with severe griping pains, and was reduced very low. I tried many ll'ereiit medicines, hut all to no purpose, until I got a bottle of your Paiu Punacea and comtneoce'd its use. The fin dose put a quietus ou the griping pains, and I had not used twoiwcuty five cent bottles before I was entirely cured, I also recommended it to a friend, who was attacked with cramp colic, aud suffering with excruciating pain, and three doses entirely cured m. W. I). IiAliltY. Sold by I)ruggiits everywhere, and by Kediugtnn ic Co., Sola Agents, 110 and 418 Front street, San Francisco. !lw37 Rebel Estimate op the Coitehiikaus. The ittchninnd Dispatch evidently understands our Northern Copperliends, thoroughly. It says they want to resist the Government but hare not the courage : The uemoiistratious of opposition to the Lincoln Government in the Northern States are of a character appropriate to the coon try, and do not promise uiuch success to those who are engaged in the agitation. The common people instinctively ask 'II yoa all agree with the Government tht the rebellion must be crushed, why do you oppose the Government ? W by not (five it men bhiiI money lo do what It is so earnestly striving to do 1' The answer is most difficult, and can hardly satisfy the masses. We doubt not that a large portion ol tuoee in the opposition are playing their cards ennning- ly that tliey are really anxious to atop the war I but knowing that an unconditional optio- siting to it would be so nnpopulnr that they could not maintain it, they make the suppres sion of the rebellion one of the planks in their platform. Ibis kind of political Iraud if char acteristic. Chickamauoa Th Riveb or Death. The little stream beyond Chattanooga, along whose hanks the late sanguinary strujrtrle oc curred between the armies of Bragg and Rose crans. is Inund to Lava a name appropriate to such a struggle. Old citizens of Tennesaw.who have a knowl edge of the Cherokee language say "Cbicka mauga," is Cherokee word, and means "Hir er of Death." A writer in the Nashville t'ntoa claims that that is not the precise signification, and that the literal meaning is "Dead Man's Hive,'." Kither name is appropriate and suit ed to the fearful scenes that so lately eusau guined its wites. The stream is said to be a pretty and romantio one, of clear, pare water, and the banks profusely margined witb wild flowers and willows. 0. M. Dalla. George M. Dallas, who bas been a democratic Vice President, dem ocratic U. S. Henstor, and a Foreign Minister audera democratic administration, voted the Union ticket in Pennsylvania. CFDiptberio is raging fearfully at Strntton, Vermont. Some neighborhoods ate so afflicted that it ia with difficulty that kelp can be pro cured to take can of the sick. OREGON, MONDAY, NOV. KAHTianNNlJWS. SPEOIAL DIBPATCll TO TUB .'TTESMAN. fonsplrary to I) urn Buffalo. Nevt York, Not, 13. Persons high in authority in Canada have officially notified the Government that there is reason for belief that a plan lins hern set od font by citizens hostile to tlm United Stiites, who have found a refuge In Cttmiln, tn destroy Hiilliilo. They iroprme to take possession of some sfoiimboats ou the lake, prnoced to John ion's Island, where titer are 9,000 rebel pris oners, anil set fire to the primus, set free the prisoners, and proceed to Buffalo. The Gov ernment will ne all meant vithin It pnwer to suppress any hostile attack front Canada, but as other towns and citiea on the lakes are ex posed, it is deemed necessary to tiiku this means tn communicate this Itformation to Ton, in order that precautions may be taken which the circumstances of the ease will permit. Excitement in Ohio. . Cincinnati, Nov. 13. Considerable excitement trevuils in the northern part of the State, iu consequence of anticipated attnok from Johnson Island. Act ive and euergetio steps have been taken by the Government in the matter. J i , Money Market-Rebels this side of Bapldan. Nkw York, Nov, 12. . Money a little easier, hut Mill in brisk de mand. Sterling 1G1J; Quid I7i. Washington correspondent ay a private note from the front states it is believed that the rebels are in uusiderahlo force south of Culpepper and tins side of tho Knpidan. Our army ennnnt advance rapidly. oing lo the want of a railroad bridge at Rappahannock. Meade's headquarters are now a mile and a half northeast of Brandy Station. A contraband from Unrdotisvillo says the rebels were making amngoments for winter quarters, bat a pnnio existed which was created by stories of Meado advancing in force. Bout or Kcbels In Hestern Virginia. Fallimj Si'itiNQS. Western Va., ( Nov. 7. S Brig. Gen. Kelly attacked Jenkins near Mill Point, and tlrnvo liira from his position. Loss trifling on both sides. Yesterday Jenkins was reinforced, and assumed a strong position sim ilar to that of South Mountain, Md., but strong er from natural advantages. We turned the enemy's left with infantry, and when he bo enme disturbed, made an attack in front with four regiments of dismounted cavalry. Our victory whs decisive. The enomy's retteat was a total rout. We took many prisoners and pursued till ilnrk. Onr loss wits nbont 100 officers and men. Averill, Brier. Gen. Washington, Nov. 12. A dispatch from Gen. Kelly savs informa tion from Lewisburg says Averill's victory was more decisive than first reported. The rebels had over 4,000 men engaged1. They acknowl edge a hiss of over 300 killed and wounded. - Avertll took 1U0 prisoners, one stand ol colors. and three pieces of artillery, and considerable small arms; besides camp equipage aud a num- tier oi mines ana wagons. Gen. Banks Sail" on a Nevr Expedition. New York, Nov. 12. The transport Daniel Webster, from New Orleans Oct. 21tli. brings news of the depar ture from New Orleans, under Mai. Gen. Banks in person, of an oxncditiun which for some weeks had been tilting out. Sixteen steamers were included in the expedition, also several schooners nnd tugs. I lie troops were provided with lour Uttys' cookeU rations and 40 rounds uf ammunition. From Memphis. Memphis papers hare the following : In the fitrht between the rebel and Federal cavalry on tlieDth, the rebels, were repulsed with a miss of OU killed and wounded. (Jur loss not stated. Burnslde'i Losses and Gnlns. KNOXVlLl.&Tenn., Nov. 11. In (lie recent affair at Uogeraville, Hawkins county, northeast of Knuxvillu. Burnside's rnrces were overwhelmed liy superior numbers. Burnside has tuken over 1,500 prisoners since ho came into Tennessee, independent of the garrison at Cniuhc rlitnd Gup, thus putting us tur ahead ol tne reiiels. CALIFORNIA DISPATCHES. Fire Arrival of Legal Tenders. San Francisco, Nov. 9. A large two-storv frame buildiiiir, northeast corner of Davis and Clnr streets, was burned last evening. Loss (2,000. The Muses Taylor hruikrlit l.UUO.OOO in Le pal tenders and $50,000 ii stamps to Assistant t reasurer Uheesmnn. 1 U. Moore arrived In charge of $1,000,000 of government funds for disbursement on this coast. The Sanitary Relief Fund muss meeting to-morrow mglit promises great success. Alleged Infrliieemeit of Patent The Kti'niiicr doldendli-Nontheru Advices Arrival Jupnneirc sews. Si.-- Francisco. Nov. 10, Ilenrv Deringer. .f Philadelphia, patentee ol the Derintrer Mstnl, sies A"oIpuus J, 1'lntte lor lo.tltsj lor inlrmgeniL'Ut ol patent and lor injunction to restrain h'm Irom manufacturing pistols and using nliiiuUI s trade murk. The steamer Golden City reached Panama Uctolier SMth, hlty-one tlavs Irom ."ew lork She w ill bring the New York passengers to the JJ ol November. Steamer Brother Jonathan, from Los Ange les, bring i 127 passenfers. The news from the Cnlnrailn miues is Hill encouraging. The result of the election in (lie tirst Judi cial district appears to elect Don I'ahlo I)e La Uuerra by about So totes over .lutlgc Hayes. Ship Fahius, 140 dnv from Unrdennx, er rived to-day. tier ctrgo is 4,000 baskets of Ulminpagne. The Russian corvette Rinds touched at Ila knkodndi, Oct. 6th. There was a British gun boat in port, from nhich the officers of the Kimla learned the result of the expedition of the British fleet agonal Prince hatsuma do minions, the fleet deilroved I lie three steam era Contest, Encaged, and Sir George Gray belonging to the Prince ud also nearly destroy oil the capital city ol Minima s principality The resistance made lit the Japaneso is report. cd to have been quite ipirited, and oue ol the British fleet is reported severely injured in the late engagement. Tbi steam frigate Urillas suffered consiilerablv the bavins' Cnptaiu Josclyn. First Lieutenast Wilmot, aud 30 men killed in the engagement. Arrival of the Aqnllla, With the Monitor Comanche on Board. San Francisco. Nov. 10. Ship Aquilla. Captain Uellver, l&l days from New York, with our monitor Comanche on hoard, arrived to night. She was convoyed a portion of the trip by (be U. b. rimlioat lno, Thev parted company July 9th. The Aquilla was in treat peril recently. On the 12th of Octolwr she caught a violent gale, split sails and stove bulwarks. July 22d she spoke French bark Mmorca, in a leaky condition. From Tahiti. San Francisco, Nov. 9 An arrival from Tahiti brings news of the arrival at that place, va board French war steamer, of 40 unlives of the Panmotio Island, who had heea kidnapped by Peruvian slavers and taken to Cullao, Hut liberated id Conse nnence of the interference of the Minister an Admiral of Ihe French fleet. It is reported that from tyro ho ml red lo three hundred natives uf the South Pacific Islands have been kid napped and token to Peru. It is thought the trade will now be broken np. C. t. Di'Ing, formerly a member of the Caliloruia Legislature, is not dead as as reported some lime ago. but is now iu Marys ville, alire and Well. 23, 1863. NEVADA TERRITORY NEWS, Constitutional Convention. Carson, Nov. 3. A rule wns adopted that after Ihe various or- tides of the constitution passed the C mmittee of the whole, thev be tabled for futuro amend ments ami final uolion. The Bill of Rights was discussed lurtrelv ou an amendment making the expression of loyal ty to tho Federal government sufficiently strong. It was finally referred to a committee and the amendment adopted. Juries may nnd ft verdict by a three-iutirlhs vote, but the Legislature is authorized rn re. seitid this provision. A motion to confine the three-lourtlis verdict to oivil cases wns lost. The provision in reference to compensation for property taken for public use was further dismissed, but no action was taken thereon. Dug Vollandigham, nephew of Clement L.. of Ohio, died here Inst night, of lung fover. tie was lormeriy a printer in Misnoun. Articles Reported. Carson, Nov. 10. In convention the Special committee report ed acknowledging paramount allegiance to the ederal government In strong Innininee. i ne juaicmry system reported pmvidos lor Judiciary consisting1 of a Supreme court. District courts, County courts, and Munioipaj courts ns established by the legislature. A two-tmrds vote or tho Legislature la required to establish a Probate court. Three Supreme Judges, to hold six years each. It divides the State into four judicial districts : First district. Storey; Second distriot, Hoop, Washoe, Lyon and Churchill; Third di trict, Humboldt and Lander; Fourth dtstriot, Douglas and Esma rulda. District Judges hold nfh'eo six years. The usual provisions as to juri'diction of courts will uc in a minority report hereafter. An article on the Executive department was reported. The governor holds office for four years. His veto may he overruled by a vote of the ni'ijiirity. buck bouse has the pardoning power, except in coses uf treason and impeach ment. 1 lie other olliocrs are Lieutenant Gov ernor, Secretary of State. Treasurer, Attorney General and Surveyor General. For these tho usnal duties are isresorihed. None of these officers or Judges are allowed to receive fees. From the Kncraiueuto Union. J MEXICAN KEWS By the St. Louis to Son Francisco, thenoo by telegraph wo hnve the following from Mex ico : The French Several Timet Repulsed Mur. ders nnd Robberies. Private advioes say the French have sent several detachments of troops to open rouds and attack Gen. Negrcte.but in every instance have been repulsed. Assassinations and robberies are of daily oc currence. On tho 3d of October, A Mexican family, bile travelling on the road between the city of Mexico, and Tnciilmja, in a carriage, were attacked liy some soldiers tn zonnvo uuMnrni, two of the family murdered and robbed. This matter was hushed up, aud the press did not ven publish the accouut. French S hipping Stakes. The French have established a whipniug stake nt a small town called Clmlcn Tesco, about live miles from tho city, for the pnrpiwe of br nrimr t lie refractory uhabitntits to sub mission. tliey having afforded protection to some Mexican guerrilla torces. Ihe whipping stake is still in full u so in tbu aity of Mexico, and crime runs rampant. Assassinations of Ihe inhabitants who nre opposed to the monarchy and those who refuse to tuke Ihe oath of nlle- L'iiinco are not uncommon. Tbero were four. teuti shot on tlm 4tli of October; among thepi was Lion relicuni Ulmvari, a prominent Mexi onn citizen. Row In a Theater Prominent Persona Arrested. Dissatisfaction is daily occurring between Ihe French nnd the citizens, and it wns brought more publicly before tho t renoh authorities on the filh of October. On that evening there was a benefit given at the theater tn the latntly I a prominent Mexican actor, who hail died a short time previous. During the performance there was a poem rend, written by a Mexican author natned ZuriH.i, in which he spoke of Mexico, nnd said "its people should maintain heir ludepeiidenco and not bu slaves." 1 hi was received by tho audience with immense applause uml with shouts of " iva Mexico, Viva La Kepulilica. borne parties were jostled aud thrunn roti thly about. Tho dem onstration bccoiiiiiiir nuisr and turbulent, a squad of gensihirmes was sent to nrrest the must prominent and slop the performance. Among Ihe most prominent persons who wero nrrestoil nml munrcerated, were nenors Don Augustin Del Kiofjon, Don Estavin Velasquez Le I, eon, and Jnvir Auullu. Senator JlcDougall's Speech In Mexico, Senator Mi'DuncaH's speech on I lie Mexican question has been published in Spanish nnd sent over the ltopiihlic aud wits widely com meiiled on. 1 hese comments call on the pen c to remain true, saying that tho Auier leans were their Ineuds nnd would no doubt assist tin in. They point for the spirit of the American people tu this speech ol Ml Uo gall. Canal From the Faclflc Ocean to Lake Yurutnn. Privnle Mexican advices say the government at bun l.ins t'otosi hits granted to John Ann tus oc Co., of California, the right tn open canal from the 1'acilio Ucean ut Manziimllo to Lake Yucatan. This undertaking is inval uable. It enables vessels to sail up the Lake to within a short distance of Column. Retaliatory Measures. Iu consequence of the assassiuiilinn of sev eral French soldiers, it has been ileti.rmineil by the French authority, that innocent Mexi cans may be shot and others taken as hostages in pledge ol those who may ue murdered here after. French Policy Cucbanged. In complying with the preliminary trraty signed ami sealed, Korey, before bis departure issued another proclamation, in w hich he snys that lie is recalled tu r ruuee. bis Mission hav ing terminated ; that this determination does not imply any change of policy on the part of Nai'oleou ; that the French army ia left com manded ty a general in whose ability full con fidence is placed ; that his greatest pleasure would bare been, before his retirement, the construction of all factions into one national party, but that this dreatu ol iiis bad not yet been realized. Tho tenor of bis language is abusive and contradictory. The decree winch makes ellcctual the seques tration of property belonging to traitors is be ing enected with great vigor. McClkixakh Politics. Now York, Octn. her 1-tb. General MoClellan has written a letter to Charles J. Riddle, of Philadelphia, requesting him tn deny the statement in the Philadelphia Prrst nnd other newspapers, lhat if he voted and speke in the Pennsylvania cam paign it wonld be in favor of Governor Cnrtin. lie snys that after a full consultation with Judge Woodward, he finds that (heir views agree, and be regards his election as Governor of Pemisyl. vania called for by the interests of the tinlion. and woulJ, if it was in his power, give to Judge Woodward nis voice and nn veto. t7A gray haired reliel sinner lately return ed to Memphis after an absence of two yes rs. and time summed np bis grievances ; e.'ly farm has been pillaged my cotton bas hern burned I nil slaves have escaped ; three of my boys have died, and my old woman liaar.'t hail a hue tooth oonili lor more loan two years, Was there ever souuw like his 1 WHOLE NO. 671. VIEWS OF TUB CABINET. Post Master General Blair lately mnde a speech In Baltimore in which he is supposed to have given tho views of the Cabinet as ex pressed by a majority of ila members on the question of restoration. After devoting some remarks to the doctrine advocutcd by Summer, Mr. Blair said ; . , . - , i -, . I turn from this programme to that which is presented by President Lincoln. The issue is made. We must choose one or the other, His plan is simple. lie wonld dlshabllltate the rebols, and their usurpation called a Con federacy of States, and rehabilitate the loyal men and their States and Republican Govern ments. To do this he must break the power of the conspirators ; ornsh or expel tliera from the region of insurrection ; restoring in the persons of loyal citizens within the confines of their respective States, the Republican Gov ernments which now have their administration committed to our loyal nrmies and loynl citi zens who have their protection. As soon as tin's protection is needless, the State Govern ments resume their functions under the officers chosen by citizens who havo been true to it, and by such others as may bo comprehended in an amnesty, and whu have civ en lu a tin- cere adhesion to it and the government of the Union and the meusuros ta'ien in its mainte nance. Missouri, whose Governor, Legislature and Judicial ollicers betrayed her, expelled her representatives with the aid, of the federal gov ernment, aud filled their places with, loynl m o abolishing slavery as an earnest of her ah orenco nt tho menus and the ends Kir winch the onnspirators against the Union labored. Kentucky. temporarily paralyzed by the treach ery of her Governor, was soon put right by the people when lurnislieil arms by the government oarried to them by the lamented and gallant Nolson. In Marvluiiil, the attempt to turn her over to the rebels, was orushed bv the airest of treasonable legislators. Virginia was over whelmed for a time, but Western Virginia being delivered from tho armed brigands, call ed a convention, elected a legislature fur the wnnie state (tno greater part ol it being sun held by the rebels), was reoognized. as the law making power of the whole State, as sitoli divi ded the Statu and set up a new Statu In the west. This exemplifies Hie President's tnoilo of saving tho Union. Uo saves the Stale', put' ting tho powers of tho government, as sunn as they are redeemed. Info the hands m loyiti men ; and then the State resumes its plnoe in the councils of the nation with all its attributes and rights. Ho has signilied bis purpose of ti v it t ii it Tennessee and Louisiana, now lu pre partition, to follow these examples, and every other Stnro, as soon us they enn bo rescued from the rebel armies, will be aided to ooine in and reintegrate tbu grand family of Republics. inoiv, what is the pretext lor auaiidoumg tuts scle nnd healing pnlicy ol the I'resulenti on lur it lias worked well, and secured the appro bation uf all weil-nishers of the country. THE IDAHO MURDERERS. Sacramknto, Nov, 9. The hearing in the case of I he Idaho innr- tlorers on habeas corpus was resnined in the Supreme oourt at 10 o'clock yesterday morning T...1 x-... 1 r, l... 1...I.... iri-ioiu uuiiuud iuriun mm vruunci. ouu&r. Norton stilted, w ith reference to the motion of G. W. Coft'rnth, for leave to amend the return tnht tho Judges did not deem it necessary to make such aiiiondmuut, but the counsel might use his own discretion in the ouse. Colli nth then amended the return by adding to it the affidavit of Wlckershaui, ou which Gov. Dan iels bad issued bis requisition. A. Campbell, lor the prisoner, excepted to the aniJavit on the ground of insnliioieticr. It itnted that Ihe murder bad been committed on the trail be tween Virginia nnd Lewiston, but did not say whether in Idnhnor Nevada Territory. It also alleged flint the fugitives were presumed to have lied, but did not assert that tliey had fled, Alter presenting other ohieotions to the atliila- vit and requisition, the Judges decided that the requisition, although Ueteotive Hint altnonjjn (he affidavit ought, to he reoited in full, that iiinssion was not siilucint to justify a discharge of the prisoners. Judge Crucker stilted that a written opinion in the case would lie given as soon as practicable. The prisoners were re mnnded to the custody of tbu ollioers having them iu cbaigu for tho purpose uf removal to Idaho. 1 be prisoners received tile annomioe ment uf the decision w ith apparent itidifferesce. They were removed Intbestntiiin house.and from there were, before 2 o'olock, taken en bourn the San Frunuisun boat. For the purpose of sale keeping they were hamlculled and lucked up in a stale room. Hill llcnchy, Capt. Lees nnd officer Kvatt formed their escort. These prisoners will ho tnken np on the next Oregon steamer to rortlunil. rrom there they mil bn removed to Leivistnn, liluho Territory. Their case is especially iutert"ting, from the fact that about a year ago three highwaymen were arrested nt Portland and tnken buck to Lewiston. On thuir arrival tliey were met by the citizens en masse, by whom they were nil hung in about an hour. To prevent any such net ion in the present case, it is suid General Wright lias given orders that they bu pbiecd under charge uf a military escort, to be deliv ered up to lha civil authorities. Sacramcntu Union, YZth. Ni'.w Tui.K.oitAi'iiiNti. A method ol lelo graphing by flashes of sunlight bus just been invented and secured at Washington by Oliver Lane, of I ouni-ctiuilt, It is ellected by oommuu looking glass reflecting the sun's rays and the lime between lliu flashes indicates the letters of the alphabet. For army purposes tins is believed tn lie a uselul Invention, jus, Swain, of Philadelphia, devised a system nf telegraphing which, iu its application, covers almost every possible mode ul carrying lutein genoe, except by magnetism and the wires. It Wan brought some years ago to the notice of tho trench government, and a very satisfacto ry report was maclu upon it. Flushing light was a purt of his plun. What tub Rkiikij Expkct oy Vaixan- oinuiiau. The traitor ex-Lieu tenant Mimry, iu bis recent letter to tho London Times, spol- iigising for Ihe receut rebel defeats, thus states what tho rebels expert of Ynllnntlightim ; V itllandighaiD waits and witlcue War the border, pledged if elected Governor of tlie btalt of Ohio lo array against Lincoln ana Ihe tear, and to go for pence. What the result of the election there will he I cannot tell ; hut the canvass is going on, and we know that op position to Lincoln aud his war party is row ing more and more popular every day, and throughout the whole North. Gkn. Grant at a Rkvikw. An officer of the "lib Iowa infantry, writing from New Or leans, thus speaks ol lien, ijranl a appearance on the Held during the late review at Uarrnll- toil t "It was a grand sight. W ben General Grant rude ou the field, it wa the signal for the heaviest burst of enthusiasm I ever saw. It was eleotrioal. The shout rolled down Ihe long lines of infantry, was taken np by the cavalry, and sped on by the artillery. 11 seem ed almost hko idnlntrv." Akkival 0 liiiiiuKANTH. The Stockton Independent of November 4th says. An immigrant train containing 12 wagons arrived yesterday at the Five Mile) House, on the loner Sacramento road. They started fruia low iu November, 18tW; remained soma tune t Pik-'s I'j.ik, from whence (bey came direct. ly to thiState. It is their intention, we have been told, lo remain iu this coonty, and th-y are now eudenvvring to luaku arrangements with some uf Ike fariuurs fur the care of their stock. Massachusetts will pay this year, as Internal ttevenne. ? iu,msj,isnMtito tn nation al treasury. . book am) jo it ncivmtj , . Of tfM? description NEATLY and PllOStttl.V txetnlA. HATKrl Of AIIVKKTlHINil : tj'inl silverliseioeim, s r iirs, flirt InserUsrr; $1 JHUscli sulMUKiiK-nt lutertlon. .ml all irarnlonl advertisements inu.l ba propalil lo Inmrc InHprlinn. Admliuilramra' nnllom. sml nil ailrerllMmmli relation lo tlie viUte r ilwsast'il nuri'iim. must It prepaid, units, or derail lailillatinl by the anility Judice, nnd Kiumutecd Kl Ik be pnlil lv him. Adrerlislnir bills nol paid within one year from lh time when cuntracle'l. lll lie inunMi-l twenly-lireper cenl. each year )mym"nt. I. m-gl,yM rhert-orr'-e. -j THE McClEUAS TESTIMONIAL i As you were informed In a provious letter, the testimonial to Gen. McClnllan by tho army of tbsj Potomao wria given up and tlie money refunded! This was done in coimnqnetica of an ordnr t'rmi) headquartnra at Washington, dirnoting the attoli, tinu ul' tho coimrinmling tieuoral tu paragraph 1KU of tho Oonernl lbigulationa for the, Army, which reads thust .T ''Unlilwrfttions or discussions nmoiig any class of military men having tlie ohjoct of conveying praise or censure or any mark of approbation to ward their superiors or others In tho military ser vice, stn all publications relntiva to transactions betwni'ti oflicera of a private or personal nature, whether tmwspnper. pamphlet or handbill, arb strictly prohibited " - 1 General Meade, it is said, had slrendy header! the subscription paper with his assessment, t'M, apnnrantly In forgutftilness nf the standing regit, lotions; but upon reception of the order abovo mentioned ho issued one to bis nrmr, minting the paragraph roforred to and adding the following : " 1 ho regulation has hitherto to a certain extent beon prneticnlly disregarded In this army, bat re cent occurrences make It incumbent up n the Commanding General to Insist upon a rigid obser vance of its requirements I and that thern may be no niiatuuiorstnnding upon the subject, it is de clared tliat meetings or combinations among of ficers or men, for the purpose of expressing regard fortliuir superiors or others in the military ser vice, in the way of presentations or their disap probation of the acta of their supeoiors or others in the military service, by resolutions, will be eoa sidered as vinlntions of the regulation, and no ticed accordingly." , , . 'I'll i joke ot Hi is is, that It cuts up the plan to , proionl a three thousand doTir carriage to Gen. Sickles by tho Third Corps, and that subscription has nlso been abandoned nod the money returned to tlie subscribers. That seems too bad, but It It exact justice, only that filcklos Is in active ser vice, nnd Is expected to resume command of corps In which he lost bis limb while gallantly righting, whereas a testimonliil tn MeClellno is direct imputation upon the ConAisnder-ln -Chief who displaund him. liy the way, speaking of Sickles, 1 said a long time ago that it waa not likely that he would resume his command in lbs army uf the Potomao, and the cbaooe are now tiiat ho never will. His wound Is too pain ful to admit of active se' vice in the Held. An at tempt lias boeii made by tho friends to procure the eninioand of the department of Washington for him, but Ileint'clmau will still retain the po sition, though Sickles muy possibly be sunt to succeed Scbonk at Baltimore, that (ienernl being a Representative to CengreM from Ohio. . . . ,. UKNEttAb ORDERS, HO. 81. " ' r IlKAUvOAiiTtns Def t or fieiric, )" " Has k'lUKCisco, Oct. IX1. $ I. Under the authority granted iu General Orders, No. 105, Adjutaut General' Olboe, Washington. April !Wib.' 1S63. an invalid Corps will he organized in this department. ' ' : II. Regimental Commanders will at once nuiku out and forward tn Department Head quarters, rolls nf the enlisted men (if their reg iments, who fulfill the conditions fur entrance intn the Invalid Corps. , , III, In tliu execution nf tho 2d paragraph of tin's order, Kegimentnl ComuiAiidcrs and examining surgeons will bo strictly governed by tho following (iuueral Orders ou too sub ject, rii s . .' . No. 105, Adjutant General's Office, Wash, ingtnu, April 28, 1803. , .. t Nu. 130, Adjutant General' Office, Wash Ingtoti, May 15, 1863. - ' No. 173, Anjntnnt General' Office, Wash-'. Ingtun, June 11. 1863. . , , No. 212. Adjutant General's Office, Wash ington, July 0, 1BC3. Nu. 200, Adjutant General's OfBoj, Wash ington, August 10, 1863. ., No'. 304, Adjutant General's Office, Wash ington, Sept. 10.1863. ' ; - i ' IV, Too Commanding General calls upon tho regimental aud company oomuianders to , caieiully explain to the veteran soldiers of their commands, the liberal olfert of the government to such men as may re-enlist. 1 Volunteer sol. diers re-enlisting for three rears or the war, under General Orders No. 303, Adjutant Gen eral's Ollioe, Washington, Sept. 11, 1 SOU. are, entitled tu a bounty aud premium of 402,aud soldiers of the Kegiilsr Army who may re -enlist under General Order No. 100, Adjutant General's Olliau, Washington. Juno 25, 1803. are eutitled tn a bounty of $400. ny order of llrig. Gen. WRIGHT.' ', E.S.Punuv. A. A. O. ' Tub " Uf.hiiiii.ican " as am Oiioan. Dnr ing tho Inst few months l be Washington Rc publican ha contrived to scour for itself the reputation of being the organ of tlie President aud accordingly a great deal nf iniiplaotd im iiiiiliiuce is sometimes attached to some nf it few editorial. The solution of the puzzle Is that llensciimb, the editor, who Is a pushing anil persevering man. has managed to so logra tiiite himself with the Presideut that he bsa iilmiiH eiclusive access to the ollioe uf the Ex ecutive and there obtain from our good na tured Chief Magistrate such scanty items of news as he i willing hi give out fur publication nnd so tho enterprising editor gets up hi daily oulninn of "ollicinl intelligence," much to the annoyniice and jealousy of the New York and other Washington correspondents whose dependence is npnn tho current new of the day, which must lie gained before a single hour bus blu u npuu its freshness. As for the Hrjwlilican liming any authority lo reflector indicate the views of any member of the ad mini.trntioii npou any subject Is the most complete Invention uf those who circulate such afoolieli yam. Lincoln believes in lotting tlie iii'ivspapi-rs publirb all tlmt will uot benelit tlm enemy ; bo disapproves of many of the arbitrary edict of Secretary Slnnlon, and be is mure free to converse upon matters per. tabling to bis department titan any of bis Cab. iuet, iliougli the rack of torture could not ex- tort. from him what ho chouses to conceal ; bat be abhors the thought of an "organ." " TllR VlHOINIA PHACE ItEanlXTtONR. In the, Virginia Legislature the other day, resolutions fur inquiring, through a committee, into the .Slate of publio opinion at the North, on the subject of penco wero summarily re. jecti il by a iitianimous vote. The farmer in various portions of tlie Stat lu-hl meeting indorsing the action, and resolve ing tu follow the example of the meeting re cently held In Alheriouili- tmiinty in regard to delivering the surplus of produce to the gov ernment. ' ' ' The action of the Virginia house of dale' gates, nu tho proposition to go peaee-hunting ut the North, adds a fresh luster tu her already bright fame. It shows how a people feel whq have suffered most Irs thi war, and that VIN giuia, at least, will never submit to dishonor. She liH prostrate and bleeding at every pore, but her nerve is unsubdued and the Gre of bur patriotism uniliiniiiid. Shu knows something of tbu deep infamy and degradation of Yaukea dominion and is resolved to perish utterly raids er than submit to it' in peace. "What a terriv ble rebuke." soys the Snvanunh llrnithlican, "we hare here for that cowardly class, who, thongli ihey were never within a hundred mile of the enemy, would dishonor their Country aad themsi' bvggiug peace from the oat-throat iuvadeisof our soil. , ., xi , FaoM Japan. Sao Francisco, No. 8. . Tbu news from Jupau is tn the lilth of August, particulars ol the f.nghsh attack on rUguslina, are published. '' The town wa neatly destroyed. The Prince of Karaite bad Issued order that Joseph Haesv h Japauese, formerly of Sac Francisco, aud the Japaneso pilots who conducted ihe Wyo ming to Sbeiuoozit, should be killed. Oue of the pilot wa murdered soou afterward. The Chiel Minister, and three other member of the Cibiurt who fnvored a pec with all Christ ians, have been ki'.lud. All loreigueti were dored to leave Nagasaki. A large British fleet ha gone to vult Priooe Hatsuma. Tun T)irrr.HHMiB. What ie 111 sJifferetMsj i,..t M,n nopiNrrhtsd and a rebel rata t One sues h the Union with an if; the other ,iA.itinii the L Dion with a but.