The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, November 16, 1863, Page 1, Image 1

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The, Oregon Pruning and Publishing Company.
OBolil ftpif of tha Btats.
TKItMS I'm year, d,00 i Hix innnllia, t J.WI.
tT" Tht aliot art prion in not. Lsoill Ttndtr Haiti
wilt bt Utktn only at Iheir omrrtU talut.
Hninlltaneea max In m'l by mull at I lie risk of the pub
lih.ra, If mllffl III lha ursaanco uf ft postmaster.
ihsinkss cards.
ALLEN & LEWIS, Importer and Whole
stile dealers in tlrnoeriee, lrr floods, Clothing,
and lioota timl Shoes. Alio, solicit onuaigmneuts oj
Oregon produce, fur the Ktin Francisco market, un
which littoral advances will tin made
I'nraons aliippiiiK ifoodn from the Eastern States to
nuriiare, can rely upon their ncniviiiK prompt Minn
tioi, at moderate cliurges. OIHce in Sun Francisco,
ISIIManeome atreet, 41-itf
J. B. KHAt-P, ) j M, I. HUUKKI.Ii,
Rim Kranuiaoo, Cut. J J I'ortlund, Oregon.
r NAPP. 11URRELL k CO.. General Com
IV mission Merchants, and I KALE IIS IN PUU1T,
produce, agricultural Implement, (.union hiiiI k""
eeud. coruor of Front hikI Tuvlor sts. Portland. Ore
gon, and :t 10 (old No. HO) Washing-ton at., brick,
near Front, Him Francisco, will ifiva aneciul attention
to tho mile of FKUIT and l'ltllDUCK on coiisiitn
niont, lining orders, tic., either in Portland 01 Hun
r rmiomcu, ana transact a Ueueriil Loiumissiou oust
nnss. march 1..
a. T. CATOIt.
0. O. CUAL.
riATON 4c CURL, Attorney! at Law, will
J practice In the courts or una mat, umcein uris
Wold'e brick , over llidl &. Uruwn'a store, Bnlem , Ojm
November, 3d, 1HW. Mlf
CHESTER N. TERKY. Attorney and Cqiio
J selor ttt Law, Halem, Oreiiou, Cuiumiaaioner of
IJeeils, and to tako testimony,
fur Iowa, Indiana, Misaonn, Michitpio, California and
Wualiinytun Territory. Letters of Attorney, and all
otlnir instruments of writing, drawn on snort notice.
particular nttentlou paid to taking ueposnions, col
lection or Notes, Accounts, ato. ti
T C. JOHNSON, Attorney nniKJouiieolor
If a nt Law, Orca;on City, Oregon. Will attend
to alt business eatrustod to bin care. Coltectionn made
mid promptly remitted. lyJo
a, w. ncKnuson c. a. bkbd. ato. h. junks,
TONES. REED & CO., Sulem, Oreeon..
ej Manufacturers of Window Kaah, lllinds. Doors,
(.entires, Alonlduiga, n airon tlnbba, npokus, Door
j'aro r ennnK, c. xii
T"fXl'l)WHLL7Xttoiiev aiTawTXirranvTLriin Co.
ij Oruguu (llllre in Monteitli's lluildinir. Will
nriielice in all tlie conrt in Oreuon. and urotuntiv at
tend to all bitaineM entrnated to liiarare. Particular
atlcntlnn nuid to collertiona from Portland. Hun r ran
ciaco and eleowliere, in all parte of Oregon. Tbe beat
of reference given if deaired. 40tf
. TVR. J. R. CARDWELL. Sureeon Dentist,
A J will practice hi profeaaion in tbe variona citlea
and towna of Oregon. 4'.Mf
JW. BOYLE, I'hyaiomn and Surjfeon,
will nnictico Ilia nroleaaion na'formcrly. Olllco
nt Ids roHidouee in Polk county, three miles cnat of
July an, iwa. , 2otf
UM ASON tkOPKLLIAtlornoVBut Law,Inllci
Wiihco ciounty, Orojfon, teKtf
T W. & M.K. COX, Wholcsulo and RcUii!
J l)riitf(iitB, Dealers in Fort'-xii mid lnmiMtic
)rii(fR( I'Htent Mmlirniui). rc;rriHiiory, fancy bimpa,
Huii lir null en, Hue Toilet A.'tieltiB, l'lieuii'af8, Diiitf-
vmt GlHfiWHre,&,c. mru-e nunntitv of con
rctitralcil ex tract n of Fluuta of the purest quality
uonimuruini nr., Miium, ureKu. iiii
J. C. Shclton, Physician and Surgeon,
MONMOUTH, Polk Coiintv, Oregon. The Doctor
being a graduate of the (Jiirtie, or Physio-nicdical
college. Cincinnati, Ohio, ia a true Botanic iu hie prau
tice, entirely discarding calomel and all niinural poi
nous, and using none but purely vegelablo medicines,
and only the perfectly innocent at that Utf
at Law, F.mpire City, Cooa-llay.Ogn. 4"tf
JOHN C. CAKTWRIGHT, Attorney and
W Counselor at Law, Saloin, Oregon. Office. 1 load
Quarters building. !Wlf
J I,. HO I.MN'S, Attorney and Counselor at taw,
Dallas, Polk county, Oregon.
' He lias uiude arrangements with William 4 Oihht
for one of that linn to assist him in the trial of ull
oases in the Circuit and Supreme Courts.
Mr. Collins ia a Notary Public, and will attend to
taking acknowledgements of Deeds, Mortgages, AV-c,
taking depositions, affidavits, and evidences in relation
to War Scrip, eVc. Illlf
SMITH & GROVEIt, Attorneys at Law.
This firm will practice iit the Courts of the
Slate and of Washington Territory. Olltce 111 Chi ler's
new building on the levee, corner of Front and Alder
etreeta. .
Portland, Oregon, March 1st, IWB. 2lf
WILLIAMS & MALLOMY, Attorneye at Otlice iu Wilsou'a building, Salem, Or
egon. lime, 8, I Kiel. - I4tf
FO. McCOWN. Attorney and Counsellor at
Law. Office with Dr. W. II. Maitcrs. -Waronda.
Marioa county,
Oregon. Post Office address, Itel
TU. J. W. McAr'EE olTert his profetsionnl
j services to the citizens of Sulem and vicinirv.
Ollicein Kenyon's liiuldiug. W, If
F. BONIIAM. Attorney Rt Law, La
O ramie, linker county, Ort'tfou. Hif
J. H. MITCIIKLL. Jilll. K. Dttl.PIt,
Notitrv l'uMic.
MITCHELL & DOLPH, Attorneys and
Comttwlnrs at Law, Hnliriloni in Chnncrrr. him!
rroctom in Adinirult y. OlHco over 1'oat (tlir, Krout
' iievn nt Liiw, tSulem. Ort'iron. OtHce in Mimrea'
(1 IltHS tc HILL, Attnmryfl and Counlor
T Hf mw. Will it'wo prompt aUenfinn n ull pnt Imsitiws Rnfrunlerl tn Hiem Oltire on Krunt
mlrett, npporile the Dviiiumiii JIuum, 1'ortlHiid, flre-
Mi. H7IHf
11ICXKY LAW. Com mi nuid ii Merchant, nnd
11 luipnrtcr iml Dfulerin Whuimi Muieriiil. Itubv,
ISiMikcn, FellwH, Slmfts, llickury Axkn, fcc.ou hand
In lot to Miil. Kloiir and tti-tl of hi I kmdn. IS tore
li'j Kri'iit utrti't. Pui-i la ti( and 'M rtwl, Pall'. i7Utf
Special N otices.
AniiKST or CoesTturtmcns. Tlie detective no
lice huvo arrested and imprisoned at ltutTaio, N. V.,
one Andrews nnd Ilia assm-iates, whom tlicy cauttlit hi
tlis act of milking a counterfeit of Ayer't Ciitlinrtic
I'ills. Tlieir detretion was ttixoniptislied at tlie in
rtunre of Messrs. J. C. Aver It Co., nt tonrcll, Mass.,
n-hy have stinwu a cnmntciiilalde energy anil prompti
tivle In protectinfr the ptihlic frnni tteunsition tlmxiith
pptirious imitations of their invaluable medieinea.
DocL Ayer's Sanaparilla, Cherry Pectoral and Pills
have come to tie staple neaaasiiies with the community,
nnd the imposition upon the siek of spurious, worth
less, if not injurious fahricntiona of them, is In fact the
ronauinmution of villainy. ' We hope the scoundrels
will (et their due, and in the keeping they now are,
they are pretty ante of Poliet (iuztltr.
e Do not triflo with your Health, Constitution and
If yon are miffennK with any Disease for whirh
ia recommended.
It will cure you, save loug aunetiiiK. Allayiug Pais
anA Innammatiott, and will restore yon to
, At Little Expenw.
1 And No Rxpoenre.
' Cut nut the advertisement In another column, and
fall or tend for it.
" Ask for lMrnhnM's. Take no Other.
foe advertisement ! OmJt
I a" Scorbutic diwue. are the ps.-eut stork from
-which arises a large proportion of the fatal maladies
thai afflict mankind. They are, a. It were, a species
of potato rat in the human enuMiinlioo, whirh ander
'tallies and corrupts tU the source, of Iu vitality and
kartells its decay. Tlicy are the (fena from which
pria CnnsuuipUoB, Kheamatisni. Heart
liverCoaip'ainta, and Eruptive Diseases which will
Iw rercwnUed at anion Uiom moat fatal and dratruc
live to tlie rare of men. So dreadful are iia eonse.
quences to human life that h fa hardly possible to over
eatieiate the importance of an actual, reliable remedy,
that can sweep out this ermfulona cnatatninati,. Wi
know then we shall proclaim welcome news to oar
readers of one from sock a quarter as wilt hmve lililc
aoahl ot iu efficacy and atiU mora wek-oma, when
wa tell tlieea that It an rely annmplish ilm end
desired. We mean Ayer'a Sarsnpaylla, and it is eer
.tainly worthy the attenlioa of those whe are afflicted
with Scmfnln of trrof.iloat rornpUinla. K'gittrr,
le f e0w m eft g
VOL 13-NO. ST.
Don't fail to procure Afra, H'j'"' Soothing (if-
riio for Ckililrtn Teethiiig.
Thii viilnable preparation ia tlie preacriptlon or ono
of tbe beat feiniile pbyaiciuiia and imraea In tlie United
Nuitea, and baa been need fur thirty yenra with never
failing wifely and aurcnu by milliona of niotheni and
bildreu, from tbe feeble infant of one week old to the
It not only relieve! the child from pain, but invigo-
rutca the atomai h and bowela, correct acidity, and
gives tone and energy to the whole ayalem. It will
iilmuat iuatanlly relieve
Griping in the DoweU, ami Willi Colic.
We believe It la the 1IKST and BUHKST Rem
edy In the World, in all cuaee of Dytrnltry and iVir-
rhaa in Children, whether it arisen from Toething or
from any other cause.
Villi directions for nslng will accompany each liotlle.
None Oenuine uiilcjs the facsimile uf CtiaTit & Pta
kiss, New York, la on tho outside wrapper.
Sold by all Jlcdlclno Dculcra. Principal Office, W
Dny Street, Now York. Price Out) 'a Ccnti per
Kediuglon i, Co., 116 and II8 Front St , Sail Fran
ciai o, Agents for California. fim'JO
Freia'i Hamburg Tea and Hamburj Platter.
Vrcsa'a llambiirg Tea Is a curative and preventive
of Cough, Severe Colds, FeWMuid Ague, UyapcpHiiL
Ubeiuuutism, and all complainU arising from imparl
tlea of the blood. It cures Headache, Bowel, Kidney
and Liver Complaints, cleansing and purifying the
stomach and blood. It ia a preventive aguiuat Conta
gion, and its timely use will avert almost any sickneas.
It realores the appetite, and is most pleusiint and pala
table to take. Heing purely vegetable, it can with en
tire safety be given to children. One trial will con
vince any one of its excellent quality, and once used,
no family will do without It.
To guurd against Counterfeits, observe the seal of
KitKSK 6l Co., Hamburg, on every genuine package.
Krese'a Hamburg Tea ia the only genuine article.
Copv ritfht secured.
hmiel Frese, Han Vrauclsco, J. C. V(cae & Co.,
Hamburg, Proprietors.
Sole Agents for the Pacific Coast, to whom nil or
dera must be addressed, Kediugtou ot Co., 4 Ifi and 418
Front street, Kan Franciiao. 3in2G
AiivaiiTismo. There ia no doubt Unit the great
lever in the extension of a business, in those go-uliend
times, ia advertising; but the immense popularity of
that celebrated remedy for dyspepsia, liver complaint,
nervous debility, ice., HoorLANU's Okiuian litmus,
is not ao much owing to tho fact that it has been ex
tensively advertised, us it ia lo the great merit of the
A worthless medicine may, through publicity, uc
quire a short lived notoriety, but it requires the basis
of true merit in order to austain itself for any cousid
eruble length of time, lloofluiid's German Diners has
been known to the Amcrit-au public for more than ten
years t each day nddiug aomo new proof of its virtuea
and great curative pruperlien. These Itinera are for
side by all drngifists and dealers in medicines. lw.17
Diarrhoea and Pain In tha Bowela Out ed.
Cakthaub, O., Nov. fJ5,
Dit. O. Tt. ItAKKii Much KHtecmcd Friend 1 Imve
hud a aevcio attack of Diarrhwa, nil ended with wvcre
griping pniiiUjand was reduced very low. I tried many
different medicine, but all to nq purpose, until I got a
bottle uf your l'niii Panacea aud cmnmeucud lis one,
Tito Wi6t dope put a quietus on the griping paiua, and
I had not need two twenty live rent bottles before I
was entirely cured. I iilno reconi mended It to a friend,
wlto was altarked with eramp colic, and Butl'eriiiK
with excruciating pain, and three dows entirely cured
him. W.D.BAUUY,
Sold by Druggists everywhere, and by Uedington
ft Co., Sole Agents, 115 and 418 Front street. 8an
Francisco. L'w37
J)tTrKHKNT as LirK hiom Dkath. Tliis is the dis
tinction between Bmtol's Hnivaparillu and all nicrcu
rial medicines. Tlie latter pnidon the blond, the for
mer purifies nnd invigorates ft. When the seeds of
death have been introduced into the veins by the use
of mineral nostrums tintltiug will arreitt the march of
tlie victim to the grave save this poUon conquering
antidoto. Ho uhto when tho virus of natural disease,
working through the venous system Is devehed in
ncmfuloUB ulcers, cancers, tumors, carbuncles, white
swellings, felons, eruptions, or any other fiarful ex
ternul inulady. this great remedy acts chemically upon
the depraved blond and other animal fluids, changing
them as if by a pure aud nourishing streams
bearing health aud vigor into the organs through
which they How. For sale by nil ursl-chiss druggists.
Cincinnati, November 2.
An e strnonlinnrv case of treason has Intel v
come In light, implicating tevernl persons in
tint citr. (Jnlunihos, Covington anil Newport,
in a conspiracy to release tbe rebel prisoners at
Crmp Chute, and overthrow the State pivern
ment. The conspiracy was brought to light by
United States detectives, who wero supposed
hy tho parties tn be spies from the rebel army,
aud were treated with full confidence. The
plot, as described to detectives, was, that an
attack be made nu Camp Chase, release the
rebel prisnneri confined there, nutuheriug 3.
5IKI, seizn the arsenal at Columbus, take pos
session of tho penitentiary, release Morgan and
others, confined there, mid then was to com
mence a rebel eniniinien in Ohio. If. S, Mar
shall Sand, and I'rovnst Mnrshnll ltcauer have
arresied thu following named persons, who nre
implicated to the plot : I linrles . II. Calvert.
or (,'iilunilms. formerly school commissioner of
Ohio J. I), tressap, ol Colnnilius, lormerly
sutler of tbe 18ib Itegulars, who were to lead
lite attack on Camp Chnse s Jainet I). lnllon.
uf Covington, Ky., a regular agent of the reb
el government, who Ireqiieutiy liirmsheu money
to the detectives, under Ihe impression that
they were spies, and, according In agreement,
met Calvert at Camp Chase, and assisted to
mature Ibe plau of attack. Three others, re
siding in this city and Covington, wero also ar
retted. Information wat obtained that an or
ganisation exist! ill other parts of the Ktato,
and in other camps, to produce similar results.
Other particulars are known tn the authorities,
hut are not yet made public.
UHlt'A'io. .November 1.
We have not yet been able to learn anything
tho proceedings of tbe meeting of stisck.
ders of the I'iciGo railroad at New York,
on Thursday, October ') Springer llarliaugh,
of Pennsylvania, and T. J. Carter, of Illinois,
have been appointed at the two government
directors, at provided br law.
lAiito, aoveniner I.
Private advices from below, report Gen.
Sherman skirmishing every day with Lee, and
readv for tho rest; everything in (be war line
in that section it contraband. The steamer
Adriane wat fmd Into hy guerrillas, on 30tli.
below Memphis, eight persons were wounded
and one killed ; other steamers have also been
fired into, but no damage done.
A asminotos. .ovemlier 2.
The following was received to day I
Ciiattajichkja, October 29.
Since tiie tight on tbe 28th. the enemy lias
not dittorlied us. Gen. Hooker took many
nrisnnera. and captured nearly 1. 0(0 riflea.
iiis lost in killed and wounded is ,'i.V).
Signed, i THOMAS.
WAtUINOTOK, November 2.
We have the folluwitig :
October 2!. S
To Halleck : In the fight last night, the ene
mv attacked Geu. Geary"! division, posied at
W'aulintchie, on three sides, and broke bis
camp at one point, bat was dnren back in
most rallant at vie hr a part of hit forces, the
remainder being held in reserve. Howard's
eon, whilst tmne to fSearv't relief, was at
tacked on the flank, the enemy occupying, in
force, two commending billt on the l (I of tbe
road; Howard pushed forward two of hit reg
iments, and look both hills at tbe point of the
bayonet, drlvinp; the enemy from liia hrenst-
worm mm across t.noKout creek. In tliia bril
liant auocoM, over their old ndvernary. the onn.
ilnct of the ollioera find men of tltti llth and
ltli corps are entitled to the highest praise.
mgneu, u. il. 1 llU.uAH, Mnj-Uen.
Knoxviixr, Oot. ail.
Our forces which ooontiled London liavo re
tired to the north aide of the river, and now
occupy tho heights cuminnndinjr London. Oth
er positions art) uuohaiijred.
. NA8IIVIM.K, Oct. 30.
Lieut. Col. Knively, of the 1st Middlo Ten-
netai-e Infantry, attacked Hawkins and other
guerrilla chiefs near Piney Factory, and routed
and pursued them to Centerville, where Haw
kins Hindu another atand, attaoking the Keil
erala while crossing the river. Hawkins was
tgnin rontcd, and paraded until hit force, wai
dispersed, with a Inst of 20 killed and 00 pris
oners. 1 New York, Nov. 2.
The Timet'1 sncoinl disnatch tnvs i A . pen.
tlcmnn from Riolnnond snys tho rebel govern
ment ta seizing all the limitt and timet in that
city for the use of Lec't army, which it almost
Mnl. Gen. Butler hat been assigned to the
command of the 18tll Army Corns, Depart
ment of Virginia and Nrrth Carolina;, in plnco
of Gen. Foster, who it ordored to report here
to the Adjutant General. It ia tnriiuaed that
Gen. Foater It to take command of the de
fense! of Washington.
1 he ship Slur of tlie Went report that Oct.
17th, in Int. 4l:u-). long. 27, about 12 milet
distant sho saw a large ship un firu. The Hea
ther being oti I m. the could not approach nearer.
Tho same evening she snw a frigate standing
eastward. Tlie ship Eni(Vuhman, reports that
Oct. IrJth she saw the hull uf the tntue vessel,
which wat painted black, aud had tbe nnncur-
anco of being an American vessel.
1RKKA, Nov. 3.
The wire for tho completion uf the telegraph
from this place to Portland has arr vud. and it
is the intention of tho Company tn have tho
line completed by the 1st of January, 1864.
Meade has Orders to Fight.
Nkw YoitK, Nov 4
Washington correspondent of Philadelphia
Ledger writing under ditto of yesterday (
tuyt. reports were prevailing last night uf but
tie between Meade and Lee. No information
up to the present hour lias been received. I.
is now positively believed by those having best
means of knowing, that Meade hat iitincralivo
orders to bring on a buttle. In event of hit
failing to do so lie will certainly ho atipereo led.
NEW YoitK. Nov. S.
Herald'i army correspondent of army of the
Potomac represents tlin men to he iu lino spir
ils. The sick have all been sent to Washing
tun. Sutlers have fallen back and tho army is
ready fur any movement.
Brilliant Affair Near Columbus, Ten
nesnee. Nabhvim.k, Nov. 4.
Major Fit John of tbe 14th Michigan with
120 men met at Lawreuoobiirg, Tenn., forty
milet beyond Culumbin, met combined cavalry
of Kirk, Williams and Scot;, numbering 4,0 0
Saturday afternoon. After several charges,'
resulting in killing eight rebels and wounding
seven, the rebels retrented. None killed on
thu federal tide and but three wounded.
Among tbe rebel prisoners are two Lieiitenantt
ono Captain, Hrig. Gen. Terry (or David S.
Terry ) and three of hit staff.
The Rout or Bends at 1'lnc Blub.
Nashville, Nov. 4. There ia no def
inite report in regard to the killed and wound
ed, hut few additiuuul particular have been
received in regard to attuck on Pino ItlulT.Ark.
lUI.el foroe numbered from 3.000 to 5.(100 with
twelve pieces uf artillery. Their lots it tuid to
be great aud their rout complete.
Tennessee Once More Clear of Rebel..
Cincinnati. Nov. 5.
Nashville dispatch of the 4th taya Tennes
see once ia more clear of rebels, except guerril
las, who molest our wagon trains aim mails
above and below here.
Kight at Him u Springs resu ted in a rebel
rout, Willi loss of 17 killed aud 02 wounded.
Colonel Uerrurd pursued ihem beyond Kings
Mexican Consul nt Ban Prnnr Ixco.
Washington. Nov. 5.
President has recoguized llodrignci Con
sul fir Ihe Mexican ltepublio at San Francisco
tho United States thus giving another con
sulnr recognition of Jnureg government with
out regard to French intervention.
Xevr Turk Election Returns.
New York, Nov. 5.
Returns show rcpubli'an majority in Slate
ol J.1,7 .0. Seuato ftnuils 511 rcpulilicnu, 1 1
demooraU. Assembly, S3 republicans, 40
Wisconsin Elections.
Jank8Villk, Wis , Nov. S.
Iielurna indicate tho election of Lew
Union onndidale for Governor, by I.",(MH)
majority. A large gain in the legislature
Klertlon In Marjlniid.
ll.M.TIMOItK, Nov. !5
Return come in slow. Result iu first dis
trict us yet. lint It is generally conceded that
Z. W. C'risfield (oppnsilion) will ho fleered
Henrv W inter, Mavis A. r i nneis anil I hntuas
arc elected in 3d district; 4th district doubtful.
r ill ti district. Holland, republican emnucipa.
tiouists, runs well and is probnl ly elected con.
trailer by considerable ii.njorily. Ilv Ibis vole,
the State has decided emplinticalh in favor of
Heavy Bombardment of Fort Suniler.
Fortiikbs MoNKor., Nov, 2.
Richmond Whig has tlie following i
Ciiaiu.khton, Oot. 30
llombardiiieut of Sumter to-day was the
heaviest that hat ever taken place. From sun
down of tbe 2dtb to sundown of 2UH). 1250
shuts from 15 inch niorUirj aud 300-ponnd par
rois were mruwii niraiiiei riumier. wur iinh
was seven wounded. Enemy opened fire from
a battery on Cunuuiiit Point nu work ou the
east angle of Ihe fort which seems to be special
object of their attention. Enemy's butteries
engaged were Gregg, Wagner, Cutler battery
ana Cummins I'mut Willi addiliou ol three
monitors. Bombardment atill goet on, but fire
tiackenrned. Our batteriet lire slowly aud
tlelilierateiy. Miemy at present pay Do alteti
Hon to them.
The Alabama Hone to Mauritian for
New York. Nov. 3,
Tribune' t Cape of Good Ilono correspond
cut sn) t Hie Alabama brought with her two
prizet In Orautl lelaml, but had returned to
Simons Dny. On August 3 1st, tbe wat tun
posed lo have gone In Manritiat for repairs.
Itio 1 oscnlousa list gone east aud it wns tun.
! i -i - i. I r .,!.. , . 1
pnseu toe niiucrom iingiu inn in wnu Her.
General Meade will Probably Attark Lee,
Tribune's dispatch, dated November 2d.
snyt from front there are indications on part of
ijenerat teaue in aiiacK tut enemy, and the
qnealinn whether he will fight or not will soon
be settled.
The Appointment of Gen. Butler.
The appointment of Geo. Under to tbe du-
partmenl ol winch, at present, rortrt-aa Mon
roe it the head, it considered at nn earnest of
purpose to conduct the war in that quarter ou
what it Known at uutier principle.
Daaage by the Late Kald In Bear of
C'niCAon, Nni. 3.
Tho Atlanta (0t.) Avvrnl claims that in
tlie late raid on Rosecrant' rear. Hint IHH)
horses and 3 Ha) mailt captnrnl and most of
the wag-Mi! ilratmyrd and main shut. At
McMinville we destroyed 30 days' ralions (or
the hi l army alto two train of cars luad
ed for Chattanooga, and railroad for nineteen
milet. We thon destrnrod tho railroad trnolc
on tlie Nashville anil Chattanooga railroad iil)
niiios. H netiior nisi mroo pieces or artillery
aud 1,000 men killed and wounded and pris
oners. Opinions of the English Vm.
Nkw Yoiik. Nov. 3.
London Timet lias an editorial sneiikinir In
wnrnitiK tones of tlirvatcning position uf affairs
tlirniigliouUue world and nrgiiiB; that lliu plain
duty of Knglund it to seize nnd nse all oppor
tunity of tier position, and not as arbitrator to
to niaku and keep tlie pence while she can.
Armv and Navy Gazelle considers Southern
onnse nincli innro hopeful than for tome time
and thinks that in timilar apathy nr nou-suo
eest mi part of federals should mark olosu of
tho year there win us a great chance of tho
South gaining an armistice, and that that arm
istice will lead to an adjustment of present dif
ficulties, i
Monej Market.
. , Nkw Yoiik. Nov. 3.
Money linn at 7 per oent. Sterling dull at
lOO'Slfil. Gold quia at 461. Government
ttook quiet, i ' '
New Disposition of Troops.
' Wabmnoton. Not. 3.
All ahle bodied men under General Martin-
dnlo, Military Govcrner,are now sent lo the field
their plaoet arc ta.L-i supplied hy tho Invalid
o.rpa, ' . '
Kumor of a llmnsd in Kcbcl Com
Caiiio, Nov. 3.
Memnhis advicee to tho 31st have been re
A report was current tint rebel General
Chalmers had lieen relieved and Uen. Furroat
nppoiuted iu hit stead, with instructions from
Joe Johiistuu to bum all cotton iu his lino of
A Guerrilla Kald,
Guerrillas said to number l.OiHI, under com
mand of Ncwcomu and Knulaidur, passed
between Columbia and Union tirm; on Sunday
night, 25th, 'i'hey tore up lliu truck, burned
bridges and committed other depredttions, It
will require ten days to repair tho road. A
Punger and freight train Were captured at 1
.iuyuciu. uepori suys several persuiii were I
taken prisoners,
Election tn Massachusetts,
Boston, Nov. 3.
Returns iudidcato that Unionists have oarried
Mitssaohusctt by a lurger majority tliau wat
ever expected.
New York Election.
Nkw York, Nov. 3.
E j-press (copperhead) says if returns iu tliit
city be any indiouti.muf vote of tho Sta o it hi!.
gone republican by an emphatic, majority. The
vote it light; deinoorittio uin)ority in Mew York
city, will bo reduced to Irom 8,000 to 10,-
Election In Hannibal, Mo.
St. Louis, Nov. 3.
At city election at Hannibal, Mo., yesterday
the radical Union ticket was elected,
A Severe Mob Fight In Kew York.
Nkw Youk, Nov. 4.
A severe mob fight took place yesterday af
tcrnoon at Mauhattanvillu polls. 0th ward, in
consequence of arrest of rowdyt who assailed a
pcuocuhle citizen, several policemen were
injured, but they finally succeeded in quelling
the riot aud arresting ringleader.
Money Market.
Nkw York, Nov. 4.
Money firm at 7 per cent. Sterling leu's)
1GI. Uuld, 4(i. Government stock dull.
Operations or Rebels on tho Knppahan-
Wasiiinoton. Nov. 5.
From a reconnoissance itnppcitrt that reb
el in small furuu have recently been guarding
approaches to tho Rappahannock on this side
of tho river. It 1 reported that information
hat recently been cleaned of the enemy'i
strength, etc., which, if true, will enable us to
take active measures.
Redemption of Certificates of Indebt
edness. Wasiiinoton, Nov. 4.
Assistant United Slates Treasurer Spinner
hat received order to redeem, wlieuevt r pre
sented, with interest to date, all gold bearing
certificates of iudchtcdu"s falling duo be
tween presetit date and 3d of March. The
amount of interest ou these certificates will be
over f 1,000,000.
Affairs nt Sumter and Gregg.
New York, Nov. 4.
Folly Island letter, dated October 29, to thu
IleralS in speaking of tho re-opeuiug of bom-
baidinent of Sumter, says ;
'From all our eonrues of information, we
judge it was the intention of tho enemy lo
erect wilhui the bnttered wall ol huiuter. a
sand bat ery similar to Wnguer, but unlike
that work, seturo from approaches liy tap or
parallel. The present purpose of Giluiure is
believed lo he to prevent the completion ol
llenuref aril's plans by leveling tlie foundation
of Suniler to tlie water's edge.
Moultrie and Johnson have so fur ur'd their
shola against battery Gregg, but tbe accuracy
of their lire i entirely destroyed by gnus
which we have trained on them.
On Tuesday. October 2lh. five of our heavy
rilled enns between Wasner and Greifg were
directed nt rteeplo of St. Nicholas Chutch in
tlie city nl Charleston; at least J shells exploded
in citv, whether Willi any daimige is not yet
I'lie general belief is. that our hnttcrid will
succeed ill destroying Suniler, nnd in driving
from it what garrison is now holding it. De
serters acknowledge that rebel anhliert fear
that we will get into tho city. Those who
closely walcbed the fort on Monday morning,
27th, say a steamer took from tbe fort to tlie
city a bir;;e number of troops immediately af
ter our uiitiunei commenced ou llio lort,
Tho Rebels Badly Punished by
Gen. Honker.
Piiii.apki.piiia, Nov. 4.
Hull tlin snvs in recent fijht with Honker the
rebels Were severely punished and ennnot re
new the fight. Hooker, after thu fight, strong
ly fortified himsely along his lines. General
Grunt and Tlinnia were with hi in nu Tlmr.
day, 20th, and considered him tan?. Rebel
batteries on Lookout played on liuu all day,
witbnot doinr nnv damnee.
p ' ' . , ...
VuUelin hat a iincinnau utspnicu wnicn
snyt nolhing new Irom niirusniu.
Via have possession oi i uscumuia, Aia.
Probable Fight In General Rhrrman'a
Thero baa probably been a severe fight in
that quarter between Sherman's forces and a
heavy Inrce ot reneia aem to uispute nit ad
Vance. .
Yltt.KA, Nov. 5.
Company commence stringing Ihe wire from
tint place lo romanu in inu morning.
New Jersey Election.
TrknTo, N. J., Nov. 5,
The result jf Hie New Jersey election ia at
followtt Semite, republicans. 7, democrats, 0;
11 use, republicans. 1. democrats III.
Positions of the Kebrl Army.
The Trihvne't Potomno dispatch of Ihe 5th
snyt one full corps of Lee't army it said to bt
tt'llraoily Station.
Stewart's cavalry is watching the fords south
of the Rnppnliam.oca.
Iu's headnnartcrt ore at Culpepper. Do-
ert rt say his army reache from Culpepper
to Die bights of Fredericksburg, numbering
.Jj.Ois). A reconnoistanca iu luippal.annoeli
Hartford cmrt honse and ralinnutl , reports
the country clear o! reucis, noepi a tew slrag
tlinir rnernllas.
Kilpatrie.k t cavalry yesterday drove in two
regirucuts of rebel picket near Dunwood
16, 1803.
Chnrch. The 1st Michigan pursued and drnve
them aornss the Rnppahnnnock.
News from Arkansas.
The details of Mnrinadnke'i attack on Pino
liluff, Ark., ou the2.r)th nit. have been recelv.
ed. Col. Clayton, with 700 cavalry, fnriified
lliu street! with cotton, and planted eleven
cannon sn as tn rko tho streets, nnd sutcess-
fully resisted Marmsdtike all day. and at night
sallied nut and relieved Hill. Marmnduke left
100 killed and wounded on the field, Our loss
wns 11 killed nnd 35 wounded. Mnnv citizens
of Pino liluff followed our troops ont, lighting
against the rebels. Reports from Geu. Steele
are cheering at to enlisting Arkansas men in
the r edernl army. Two regiments aro formed
at Little Rock rind one at Raiesville.
Foreign News. .
ii. St. .Joiins, Nov, 5.
, Dates from Glasgow to 2."t,h. Moiiileur to
lorts reception of Mexican delegates by Nnpo
eon, but duet not mention Maxintilliun. Paris
correspondent of the Timet thinks it doubtful if
the French chambers will acceed to guarantee!
demanded by the Arch Duke, namely, the in
tegrity of the new empire and the loan.
1..IVKKPOOU Oot. '27.
Marshal Neil eoei to Russia on an eitraor.
diuary mission regarding Holland. Morning
foil sayt tlie lederals must be aware that any
serious roverae jutt now must leave neutrals no
alternative but recognition of the 8outh. ,
Rebellion In Sun Domingo.
New Yoiik. Nov. 0.
Sun Domingo arrivals .any the rebellion is in
full blast. Rebels hold possession of the entire
isiana, except the cnpitol and oast end. Don us imrgcs.m spam, uas oeen appointed
new captnn. general Ho is expected to crush
tlie rebellion promptly.
. .. . .. 'J"5"- Nov. 7.
i ne nrst live muei ot tlie Oregon telegraph
was put up to-day.
nr wns. i.e. t. wniTsrr.
'J'lie sun of life hits crossed I lie line i
The summer aliiue of lengthened liftht
failed mnl fulled till where I atiind
"l is equal day anil equal night.
One after one, nsdwiiulliiia; hoars,
Youth's itlonlug hopes have dropped away,
And soon may barely leave the gluaia
That coldly scorns a winter day.
I nm not young, I aia not old i
The Hush of uiiini, ilm sunset calm,
Puling and deepening, each lo each,
Meet midway iu a solemn charm.
One side I see the summer lletils
Not yet disrobed of all tlieir green i
While westerly, along Ihe hills,
Flume Ihe H'rat tints uf IVusty sheen.
Ah. middle point, where cloud and storm
Make Imitle day of this mv life I
Wlicio, even nnilcliud, the liight and day
Wage round mo their eepleuilier strife I
I huw me to the tlircutiming gale i
I know, w hen tliut is overpast,
Ainutig the peaceful harvest days,
All Indian aniiinier cniiieH 11L Im.l I ,
Atlantic Monthly, jor October.
Annapolis, Mil, Sept. 0, 1803.
Dkar Fatiikk: It hat been a long time
smut.-1 rou- uinr receiveu n inter irnui you. gainer mat no intention la entertained of re
longer I bopo than our oones-ondenoo will calling tho armv of oeoonntiou from Mexioo,
necessarily bo interrupted in future. I had
intended writing nt least twice a month, but in
t lint, ns in many other things, I have been dit
appointed. The present is all that any one can
make sure of, nnd even this Ihe soldier oiinnot that of on extension of territory with tho end of
call his own. As to tho future, he has nn keeping the United States from spreading tbeiu
uhlim. Owinir to nimiiinstniieea. tho natural sdc Lwewtid tl.-ir.tal I;...!, 11... f... ,k.
results of warrure, which fill Hie soldier't life
witli daily adventures o' interest, excitement,
iiuti uaiiger, the past (ew months have been the
most eventlul of my military life. On the 2lt
of June nn eng gemeiit took place between tbe
cavalry force! of Get. Flensailtnn and tho
rebel Stewart, In which thu 1st and Gth Regit-
lurs. together ulioiit 5tX) strong, met thu cue-
my V center of two brigades, in a charge led by
Stewart in person, and though twice repulsed,
tho Stli coming to onr assistance, the enemy
(though three timet onr number) wero driven
with heavy hiss. In tho first charge, nt I rode
a strong, spirited horse, I easily forced my tray
through the front and rear ranks of the enemy's
ndvauoed squadron, but I sinin had my hands
full. Hearing myself called on tn surrender,
and seeing that our hue was broken, I turned
to make my escape, leaving to him who could
Inko mo the right i f claiming me hit prisoner,
I had succeeded In eettinir clear, when I saw a
O iiurade struck after he bad laid down bit arms
ne ten, a mumerea man. 1 could not en- a change tn the present war would bo "awnp
dure Ihe sight, but rushed open the coward ping horses in tho middlo of tho stream," il
ho aimed a blow ntme, with an oath, but I was would be a tlireot rebuke to Hie present locum-
lirst, and he full from his horse. Another
piuiige, and my horse roiuu ueau opon mo
grouul. I wa thrown with full force, run
over, and trampled umter loot. I nt length
gained my feet, stunned and bruised in body
mid limb. " Kill the Yankee son of a !"
ciiinu from a score of voices, ns each one tea-
onded his own uioiion hy un nttempt to put it
nun execution. ,vtr iiiihhi wns np. nun tor a
tune, wiin revolver in my leu ua inn saner
in my right, 1 stood my ground, but the one
wns soon empty, end the oilier broken at tho
hilt. 1 Btacirered under a heavy blow upon
lie head, which went deep into the skull, nnd a
shout of exultation burst from my assailants,
while each one strove for thu honor of finishing
me. Al that instant a rebel olliccr rushed up
nnd loudly threatened to cut dnwu the first one
who should raise a hand against me. I was a
little surprised at his intcrfcroiiec. bnt more so
when, calling me by mime, be usked if I wnt
nincti hurt, saying he would see tne agnin,
lio gallupej auurlolhu front. Who lie was,
or liow lie reeoL'uiiti'd me, covered with dost
and blood at I was, I could never lull, or lliut
was the last I saw i f him.
I Cannot rive thn details rf what happened
on my way to Riolnnond. Huflioe it to toy tha.
utter marching nu bait a distance of more than
ono hundred miles, we reached Hie rebel cnpi-
t: l on me nrst nt juiy. Alter marching us
hack and forth the full length of the city, nn
the principal stroets. until Ihe iuhahilout of all
sexes, sizes, and colors bad gralihcd their curi
naity by n tight ol us, and exhausted their
breath in hooting at na, we were taken tn Ilelle
Is, and and penned op for the night, without a
bito to cot; having had but two davt' rations
issned tn na from the time we eft Winchester,
June Still. On the Stli of July I waa taken to
the hnsnitnl ilenarlment of I.ihbv Prison, where
I received to erab o treatment, the attendant
, ,
nil being Federal priwuiera. I wat paroled on
tbe l lth. and reached here tho l.ith of August,
A few days afu-r. I wat teixed with a vi'dent
fover. whieh so i.riw raled uie that in three
duyt I win not ahle bi rise from my bed. I am Ihe men whom be kindly but firmly refutet tit
now much better, aud am rapidly improving. dny will part and paro l of a
'1 he orcaent orosncct is that there wi lie no
more exchange of prisoners, at the commission
er cannot agree. If such it lbs ease, 1 will
have lo remain at parole camp an Indefinit
length of lime, I nm now able to write, and
you may expect to be troubled With letter for
tome time. In your next give tne all Ibe newt.
how the children are progressing lo their tlnd-
ie, &c.i bow yoa are getting along wilb ynur
business, aud everything that you think would
interest me.
Hoping that I may be permitted to return In
health, and onus more meet all that I hold
dear, I reimiin yonr ton, J. F. SMALL.
Direct Id U. 9. General Hospital, Anuniiulit.
tTThe World'! Nashville correspondent
states that a wholo Tennessee reeiinetit dee.rt
ed tbe Confederate flag, and with their arms
and equipments came In and surrendered them
aehet aa prisoners of war, after tlw surrender
of Chattanooga.
Tapis, Sept. 11. 18(53.
The rngn of the governmental press - at the
success of the National arms at Charleston and
elsewhere knows no hounds. What is worse,
they know I hey dare not interfere. The vague
report which lias Just arrived of detign on
the pnrt of the rebels of arming half n million
of negroes, has been received with a bowl of
delight by these patiers, and also hy the seces
sionists. They probably forget thatonlv few
days ago they wero still denouncing thu' North
with a violenoo of language which it only
found in the Southern vocabnlar . for this very
policy of arming tho negroes. Tho Monitevr
copies ostentatiously the remarks of tho Lon
don foil on tins subject, in which itittaid that
nut measure or the South wat all that was
wanting to secure the independence of tho now
State and to neutralize foreiirn prejudices on
the iubjeetof slavery! The ministerial papert.
ana even lliu frette, echo the ery, and thut
you see, if this measure bat not yet been adopt
ed by tho South, what at least its reception will
ne it it ever shell bo adopted. To show also
the systematic hostilitr or tho French
incut, I should state that tho Moniteur, after
publishing Mr. Seward's lute dispatch tn tbe
dinlomatio agents abroad, eonied from thn I nn.
don Timet the two articles which that minor
published on the aulijeot,- and whieh declare
iliac Air. beanrd'i statement aro false nnd hit
attempt nt imposing on foreign powers absurd.
i mis tne general tone or tho L'overiimeiit na
ilers is such Just now thut the public in general
uina inr an intervention nn the rout ol the irov-
eminent Iu favor of tho Sonth, but it it iiuitu
sale to ny that no such step will be taken. It
is certain that the sovemmeiit isde.iron. that
the rebellion should succeed, that it it in a
great rago at the successes of tho Union arms.
and that it would gladly Interfere if it dare, but
it dare not and will not. La France, one of
the most unscrupulous defenders of the rebell
ion, goet ou it knees to Gov. Seymour aud
Vnlhindiglmm, and begs of them to do tome-
thing tnsavo Ihe South from destruction. If
Guv. Seymour and hi party, says La France,
don t do something to stop the oonscription, the
uovurnmciit ot uicniuond will lie overwhelmed.
It is In foot this copperhead party of the Nrtrtb,
iusiguiliuant and powerless at it it, to which
foreigu governments have constantly looked for
the most important aid in establishine the slave
I Cl . .
conieuerncy. t,or. JV. y. Timet.
The Last Brochure.
Paris. Sent. (1
To-duy'i Steele refuses to believo that the
late brochure on Mexioo it a declaration of Hie
hmperor't policy. It cannot think that the
Ii ineriul government would now recoiriiizo l ie
Confederate States, thoy being evidently on
the brink of destruction. Hut Ihe expression
oi tins tiouut it inr irom lieing sincere. It Is
liut-u safe way of blaming thn retrograde for
eign pnuey til the cabinet ol tho Tuillories.
wero n more Direct mode adopted, an orr
litsemenl, or most probably suspension, would
be tho penalty. M. Guoroult, in a oovert way.
expresses an opinion Hint nothing it more logi
cal than that the ally of the Czar should bo the
ally of Jell'ersoo Davis, and that when Moura-
v leff nlrooiUet can be passed over in silence
by the Emperor, it is consistent in him tump-
port Ihe slaveholders of tho Con federate States.
Fiom the brochure to which I allude, ono may
whatever there may be of reoallimr Marshal
Forey. France, flie author sayt, hat run after
no vain gloiy. In short, the 'only idea for
which her soldiers fonebt across tho Atlantio is
arriere tientee which wo can detect throughout
this publication, it is evident that Franoe desires
to curtail ihem also of many of theStatee already
in their possession Cor. London Star. .
There ia no longer any need of conceal in r
nr ignoring the fact that Lincoln is a candidate
for reiiomiiinlion. Your correspondent line the
highest authority for saying Hint be doct not
seek the nomination, but really desires it nt the
hands of the loyal people of the United States.
In this desire a natural iiizredle'iit Is tho hone
that he may receive the suffrages of tho people
ns an approval of the poliuy with which be has
conducted an administration through a long
and arduous struggle. It it tree that other
Presidents may have asked Ihe sama on the
tamo grounds, but Lincoln hat been called
upon to administer the trovornment in atranre
nnd perilout timet, and, a it it conceded that
tout ol lliu presidential chair lo rolnle bint out
out ol otlice while allaira aro In such a situation.
It would be virtually voting him a failure; if
ho is a ought lo go, for the surety
and welfare of the nation are of more vnlue
than any President's personal feelings or claims,
Hut it is also reasonable to believe that Lincoln
has so fur as any man can have, a symnietri-
cat anil coherent plan, oompnet in his o n
uiiuil, lor the adjudication id lliu great iiies
timis which will arise under tbe final ptctlicu.
lion of " this great trouble," at be culls Hie
rebellion. If tlie oeonlo nre satisfied that Liu
coin has done Hie best which could bo done for
the suppression of lliu tcbelliou, Ibe pro
tectinu of onr varied interests, nnd, for
tho whole oonutry, and rlso is willing In trust
him Willi Hie poclhunlionuf the country, lie will
be the next President of Hie L lilted Slates.
He it no seeker for n renewnl of oflicc.busici
himself with no thought of his own future, nnd
never bestows with any relerence whatever tn
llio relations of nu applicant fur otliuo toward
hunsell. Milt, patient, patriotic persevering,
and single-hearted, be goes right on with his
duty, "pegging away" Inst ns tlioueii, at he
said lonie.hit own life were tn end With bitotli
cinl life, content tn leave Ilia earnest labor nnd
cnuscieutioua discharge of Ilia duly lo God and
tut conutry. A nobler and purer nature than
his never animated man. Ill clnelcal errors
have been that the heart overruled tlie head,
and a kindliest which hat been mistaken for
weakness has ton ofteu prevailed when sterner
counsels have I eell heard. lie it also so Bill
ions lo defend ami oonserve the Interests of lb
whole country, that lie hat disappointed and
and alienated tome perilous it, and hat turn-
ed away llioso Who would haro been alwayt lilt
fneuda. Tlero in W iiahington we have freinent
Occasion to hoar tho heratittct and Sooldingl
I r : i. . . . ...
oi pomieiaii.. won unve neeu ireaieu juei at
dispasilonntelv and coolly by tba Freeulcnt a
imiugn tney nan no power at nil to tiring to
h,",r "I"'" " rrotnlentinl canvass. Lincoln
does not teem lo enrTsider for a moment that
nnminaiiiii convention, uut no noes wuni ne
considers tn be right, regardlesi nf the omite
qoenoet to himself. Thii It noble, bnt it it
politic f
The ureal spilt. ,
And right here comet into prominence the
widening breach between the conservatives
and tho radirals nf the Union or republican
party. Radicalism and conservatism are now
the opposing forces which beau-go the President
which are entering into an adjustment of all
ereat issues for the sett lenient of tbe re-
hellion, and which will divldo the oouibalau't
in the contest lor tha next nomination, now
narrowed far at Ihe Lnioul.ti are con
I cerneil. In two candidates Lincoln, ns stand
ard bearer for Hie conservatives, and t haae, at
champion fur Hio radicals. It is evident that
- 1 Lincoln will have to fall back npon his own
conservative policy, at laid down by bit own
- I tdmiiiistration, and become tbo candiduto of
the people's ouion party. Not that there will
be mure than one candidate against Hie oppo
Of evesy description NEATLY and PUOMI'Tl.y r,uli. -
t."ffal aavsnlsnii-nls, til on pr s,tiare, ttrst insertion 1
$1,1)0 each snl,scitsnt Insertion,
lltal and nil transl'lt advarllssmeDtsnnjatbaoriipald le
Insure insertion.
Ailinlnlatrntira' nntlnsa. and all advertisements reisllns te -Ihesststenr
dscsss'-il, must be pr.n.1,1, e,iPu or
ilcrcil ,,il,lldil h; lis county juilcs, and guarot.l w ba
un rnM hy mm.
Aiivsrilalmr bills not paid within one yrsr frirniilit'tlma .
wbi:ll oontritvtcl. will be Incruasci twmity-ave ptr esiit. aaoh
yrr pnyment Is nrnWrlra thrrrnnrr.
tltlon or democratic party, but the fight will ho
In the convention, anil it premise! to no almost
as interesting, as the old Douglat and Buchan
an quarrel, without any of itt bitterness. ,
those uitlnyaliata, who expect to see a oiatiiem- i
nermont ot the great loyal party or tho Worth, ,
will not be able to draw moon comfort from aa
apparent inenheronoe of the component ps'tt.
An ambition for the chair ol State It honorable
at tnooh in Chase a in Lincoln, bat it happen r
that Hie two men represent bleat and prinol- "
plea whioli are different, but aro not radically "
opposed or irreconcileable. Chase's views and ''
sentimentt lire not manufactured for the oeoa- "
tion ; bit life-long record, hit splendid pnhllo '
services, bit uncompromising hostility to every
form of oppression and slavery, hit purity of ,
character all these are too well known to need 1
recapitulation, and these, added to hit stales- ,
man iko abilities, tnnko him an eminently fit
oandiduto for what ia known at the radical wing
of the loyal party of the North. If onr people
are ready now 'sady to Co into an election open
Chase's avowed platform of "Freedom for all
ho will be the next I'rosident uoawt aeepi .
ahead of publio sentiment Lincoln prefer to .
be led by it. With Lincoln the Chicago plat.
rorm It altogether an obsolete idea; tntto ;
thinks that the aforesaid platform would now .
be tolerable only to a modern peace deaworat-
io convention. At any . rate, it M oortoot ao
Instructive to leo how fa tho peopU hava
moved ; the republican or aoU-t!very speech- .
et of four yenn ago w uld bo tame ttuff if rt
peated nowadays. One of the Mistoarl de- ,
striictivo?, who belongt to the anU-sohotield .
delegation, said in a epeeoh at New York Um .
oilier day "Tho world move, If Abraham t
Lincoln it President ol the united rjtate."
Thero wnt toino troth, as well nt a great deal
of tuipmlf noo in the Sphynx-liko remark.
, Availability.
Of conrw It U taken for granted that tho
obancet f r nomination to either of tho above '
named candidatei mast greatly depend upon '
olrounistnncet yet tn transpire In tbe conduot 1
of publio affairs. The iinnilot nce of a foreign '
war, nn nnlookcd for financial disaster, a pro- 1
traction of the war for tbo suppression of the
rebellion, skilirul combinations on the part or ;
the imposition all or any of these will make ,
nr mar tbo fortunes of candidate! ; and it la ,
not unlikely that availability, which hat nomi- ,
nateil more than one toocessiut eanumate, win .
Ii ring op a new candidate, whom wo now wot
tint. Tlie most prominent of this reserved, '
available force it Andrew Johntonf of Ton- -
nesseo. Hit bold, manly, honett, sinoere pat
riotism and loyally make him an eligible can- -di
ate, while his position at an old time demo- 1
crnt. yet pure from contamination, would en-
hunoe bit availability, yet nit nomination
does not now appenr likely, unlest the Union
party tnoniu tie tiara presseu, in wmcu event
somo such man os bo or Holt may bo nomi-
noted for availability 'a take. .
What the Cabinet Will Do.
If any nf the members of the Cabinet of
President Lincoln have had any aspirations for
hit uneasy chair and it would bo surprising if '
they bad no' all but Chase have resigned inch
fund dreamt. Seward hat virtually relinquish-, .
ed bit oluims, and will support Lincoln, though ,
hit iniiuence una been greatly morn oi taw oy
sumo nf hit ancient allies.. Postmaster Gen
eral Blair, "the meanest man in the Cabinet,"
and, we may add, the meanest man In With- -.
inglon, will alto support Linooln.thongh Frank
P. lllair has gone over, body and tool, to tho
democrats, and will vote against the adrainlt-
tratlon In the organization of tho Hoose, rott
master General lllair jutt referred to, It mak-;
big speeobet in which he it supposed to be de
fining tbe policy of Ihe Lincoln ddminittrs'ioa
in case it ha the job of recoottruotluf the'
Union. Secretary Welles, who ia of no great
acoount any way, will go for Chase. Stantoa,
better known among Hume who know him best,
as "The Unite," w ill undoubtedly go for Chats !
Secretary Usher, a gooditb man, will support
Chase also; and Attorney General Bates, a
respectable fossil, will go for Lincoln. I an
aware that I am not speaking of these digoi
tarlet with all of llio respect that their pnaitioa
would, perhnps, demand, bnt it is not easy to
convey to a distant render that lota of venera
tion, which most be tuflurod by those who have
learned by olose proximity to theto prominent
men bow weak and illusory it that dlvioity
which doth hedge atmut the great. It it a com
fort lo believe, at leaat, that If Linooln should
he re-elected only two of his present Cabiaet
would lie retained aa his constitutional ad
viser. Tbe Opposition.
At ynnr correspondent is not supposed to be
in tho oountel of llio $oi diiant democracy,
we can only repeat the oorrent gossip concern
lug tlie intentions of Ibe peaou party. At ooe
time Horatio Seymnnr was declared to be the
only man who would receive the nominalino of
Hie opposition ( bnt his wenk conduct during
the New Yurk rlntt. bit damaging discotsloa
with Ihe President, and hifttoo-outepoken syni- s
pnlhy with tho rebellion, bat alarmed tho War
democrats, and hit record earlier in the war
hat been laid op against him by the Wouditee
and the Yallnndighaiiiiiier. Il itdiffioulttoieo
how Seymour can any longer ride his two
two horses of war and pence, and it it evident
Hint between the two he is about tn kits the
sawdust nf the political ring. ' In Maine hie
iiuuio and principles were the overlaying plank
nf Ihe Itrndhury platform, and Maiue went
2D.IXK) against that platform. In California,
also, the essential doctrines of tha Soymourilet
sulfered an overwhelming defeat. Ohio and
Pennsylvania will undoubtedly follow In. the
iiiuiu wake, and it is evident that the ''deraoo
racy" will profit by Ibis cruel lesson, and will
change their taolici.aiid attume that tbey hava
always advocated an active prosecution of Ike
war against tlie rebellion. Tbey will have a
giHitl ti : e. , i ,
McClollnil it tho next prominent candidate
by the oppoeit nn. nnd he is run by Santct Cot
and his tribe. Indeed, a brother of Ssnttfl
who wat in this city last week, made bit boatt
Hint if MuClellan wat elected, ho (S. S. Cox)
would be a member of bit Cabinet, and would
provido handsomely for bit brother.
The attemt lo get op a MoClellarfVstimonl.
al from tbe onwilliug army of the Potomac
which attempt lint been a miserable failure.aod
hat beeu abandoned, wat a conception of Cos
aud waa Initiated by the MoClellan politicians
to keep that small Grticrnl before tbo people,
and make politioul oapital out nf bim. Ilnl
MoClclhiu is a weak mail, aud will need lo be
managed very adroitly by somebody smarter
than be ia.
It would be a pity to ndhnuale
lino for hit niannirera would lie put to a great
den! of uteles trouble. If General MoClellast
should ba nominated, tome thing! will see the
light of dny which will effeotua ly wipe oot
wliatever reputation for booetty and loyalty
that gentleman now poetesses But whoever
i nominated by the oopperbead. party, h would
appear that defeat is bound to be their portion.
Tbo present managers of the parly are tha
same w ho caused it to suffer shipwreck In 180,
and It it a political axiom at old at politrot,lhat
Ike men who havo been chiefly iottroiueatal
io breaking down a party can never build it
up Cattine, Washington, Correspondent 6'ac
: Thii Allianci with Russia. Ta regard
to Uie alliance betweeu Butsia and the Uaited
States, about which so much has lately beer,
laid in the European pre, there tt ont One
word of troth in it. Mr. Clay, It hi understood,
lakes the Uustiao tido of Hie French qaarrel,
and does not hesitatu to pledge to Russia llitt
sympathies of Hie Uuited Slates in case of a
F.umpean war, but that Is the extent of the
alliance. And now that Fraoee and Reatiaf
have made friends, ami there is uo prospect of
a Ljropeau war. there it also uo qoettiou of aa
allium- Itetween Hnssia and Ibe duited States.
-,V y. Timn. .