lie (Drcrjan tatcsmau. M ON DA YMOKN INO, NCV. 2. 18f!3. aToMo..The Blateiman having ehanire't oarnerehlp, oar leaseof ths office closed with thelstt tastie. Ths "Oregon Prtnttnf and Publishing Company" hereafter etsumet Ihe pablleatloa of Iho peptr and the eooitaet of Ihe offlne bail asst. All amounts far tutmrlptlon, sdvirllslnir, knit Jnn work accruing betseen tin M day of March nd JSih if) at October, IMS, Inclusive, belons Is Cranitall Watte. They desire Is have thin all Deal In, In the ahorti-sl possible Ursa, and ae the eeeonnts tralnst each InillvMuel art sinsll, we eonSdenily tmit Inert will be rer little delay. To fcil IUU remittances, wt will itiu that those- who owe at from th beglnntni of the rolame (IS), owe ne for Just two.thlrai of the year, twins from Vol. IS, No. 1, to Vol. IS, No. SI). Bills will be eent, ee loon u we here lime, to ell who owe tu for advertising ewl Job work. Remittance for suhtcrlntlnn r standing edrerUeeneliU, attending either prior to March M or In of Dill dele, may be mede et the same Urns. CfUNDAU, I WAITS. Balers, Hoy. M, ls. Kotloe. The onflrritrnnl having dlipnod f the nffke of Die Oregon Argue to the Oregon Print ln end Pul-llenlng Company, their Interett In the publication of the paper eeaird with the Heoeof Oct. !S,18J. Alldnri for anblerlptlon, ad. vertlalng, and Job work, op to that date, mutt be paid to the uderatgned. CRAW A OALE. M Ottotv All tboee Indebted to the Aegue efllre for work of any kind prior to the Mi day of Ma;, 18S. are once more reqnetted to make Immediate payment to the nnderalsned, who ean tlerayt be found at the BtaUman office. Salem, Hor. , lMS.-8S'.f. D. W. CflAlO. The Oral on Statesmen Ttie Oaaoni amsaatg and the Oetonj Aanea hare both keen purchased by the "Oregon Printing and Puhllahlnf Company," and bare been eoneolldeted Into one paper Ilia Oatool Siita.a.1. The publication of the A autre ii discon tinues! from the dale of October loth. In Hen of the Aanos, the subscriber, to that paper will he furnished the fT.Ttmi Pon the same terms. The publl.-atlon of the bttwiu will be oontlnned br the puhllshlni enrapany, at Sslem, on the saune slsed sheet and upon the same terine ae heretofore. The (bore arrangement will enable the publishers to fur. Bfta their sabserlbers a flrat-clase nswspsper, containing a or complete record of current erenta than afforded In tnr weekly Journsl north of Sacramento elljr. The rvnUng eolamoe will a! ears constitute the largest share of the pa per, and will be set op In smaller type than heretofore, so that Iho reader will set, for the earns price, fully one llilrd store natter theo formerly. The Inteuellr of Inlereel that allechrs to each phase of tkj freU lebelllon, renders the telegraphic news depart ment an Indispensable one to all clareee of readera. To fully keep pace with the public d .rnand In that respect, the Srsru will furnish the amplest rrporla, attainable, of I he stir ring events dally transpiring. In the Eastern Stairs. Such matters of public Importance ae are not sent as by telegraph will be promptly gleaned from our large and select list of eichangea, and Isld before our readers. Our means of collating the events of Inlereet, occurring In ell parte of the out. end In the mining districts adjoining the Oregon boundary, are superior to those of any Interior paper, and we eontdently aaeert our determination to main tain. In this respect, an unqueclloned leadership. The Srinsaus will not be the partisan of any man or fac tion, but will labor untiringly in promote the paramount In terests of the Union. That policy which moet erldenlly eerrea to orueA the rebellion, and make II Impossible for the damns ble tragedy erer to be again enacted on American soil, and which tends to restore the greatness, frf prosperity, sod happiness of ths Onion, will be the determined policy of the rVrTts.. The Union and our Government aliore all other eonalderatlons to secure their perpetuity, we would trample tinder the feet of a loyal soldiery every blade of graes In trery rebel Stale. Whatever diversity of oprnlon Ihere may bo In respect of minor policies, the Brit great duty of the people It to Join nnanlmouely In rescuing the Uovsrmnenl from the deadly clutch of armed treason. This duty we rec. ognlso, and will perform to Die beet of our ability. Our rule of action, then, wUUe to co-operate with all Union men, In all Union measures, for the eake of Ihe Union, The Increased and growing elreulatkn of the Srarunag gleea It pre-emlnenes among all the Journala -f the North PaclBc eoait, as an advertising medium. Our terms are such that the humblest business may be profitably adverllaed In our columns. We shall slso hare at once superior facilities for the performance of book, card, a ,d Job printing. c a ty If any Douglas tlmnocmt iltiulils tho iinprnpriety of SMoclntlnp; himaolf nilh dtitt faction irblch srriiyetl iUt-lf ugitln.t i,u giivoni ment in 18fiO-'fll. let him rt'incniliiT tlmt lij joining It, bt lids ant strengthen! tltnt fno lion whioh not nnljr Is now in practical opposition tn llio govrriimoiit, lint is &Uo tlis Northern olljr of the n-liels theiusi-lrvs. Tlie latter look to thssoocvss of the ooiperlientls at tho eleotions as thu key to ths cltwo of the wur opon their own terms. Tliesa ar, sepitrittion, g dirgmoo to thn national honor, anil incalculable disaster, to end God only knows when and where. The nolile Douglas wouM, l llvinjf, spurn his oldest friend for propoainjr, much more for oonsieuiiiiuling sueh an unholy alliance. If, through tho machinations of Northern copperheads, the gorer ent shall ever dud itself too much crippled to crush tho rebellion, and in consequence its greatness ehull fade through very shame from the pages of his tory, the nation's blood will not only be upon the garments of the cnpperheiidn, hut upon those of the Douglas men who ehall coulrilmle to copperhead success. Loyal men who lt disunioois!s into power, cannot erenpn their share of the guilt by saying they did not intend disunion. THI FACiriC HULKOAD. From Ihe following eitract from a letter of Ihej Suoruiueiilo Uion'$ Washington corres pondi llt, dnU'd Sept. 28lll, it It ill lie seen Unit there is reslly a prospect of the Paoifiu mil rottil bciug built. Tim sulwcriber itiiuilier among them some of the henvieat oapitnliats of New York, Slid some tif lliein, if we are not mistaken, represent very heavy Kurnpean cap. ital. Ths prmnpiiiulo with which the oapitul slock, prescribed by Congress as a pro-rerpiis-It:-, has been taken is an earnest of the energy with which Ihe enterprise w ill bo pushed for ward. Tho closing of lh books at that amount. Indicates, we suppoaa, thut the real parties to tho building, have money of their own and do not euro to be eiiouinliered with small subscriptions only so fur as Is necessary to comply with the act of Congress i The books of luharrlptinn to the si k of tho I'nlon Parifle nUlruad tin grmiret milroml riitrrpriae) In tho world were closed on Kn.luv laal, tho aulwripliuii iiHKiniitiir to about J.4Jo.tK). lie ths art r I nn- . aw.uuo.insJ muat be) eiiiwertled lie anr muutuinv t he) eiilwertled h wliMh desires to take ailveuitajt uf llio art. A uieet. bi uf storkhnldere is advertiseU to lake pjais in lliia city on Iho mnh.el which Ihrrrlore will lis slertrd, and tlie eoinnonr will formally rlaitn I lie nul.t uf luiildiuar a mad from ths MteMiarl river to California Aroonat ths entiernbera ars Anutist Itetmoiit, William It. Oirdcn, Thomas C lHiraot. A. A. Uter, UVarea Opdy , John J Ciaro, Hriiham Young, liean Mirh. toud, Enaatua Corning, Dntican, ctirrnian cV Co i V. K. IKmIits, M. O. Koberta. (leorire (lrl.rr..U. K. iivs, A. O. Jermns, l. W. Jemirw, at orria Kelrlinm, Haiiia si J. Tild.ln, J. Kdirar Thonteovt, Wnt. K Travera, Thnrli.w Weed. Charles H Ituessll.Jolin V. L I'rnvn WiueloW, Ijauier eVCo-i Uuoxo leilor. II ti ritrlk bine At Huns, John A. Dia.Johu U.iiierttel.l, Allan Caniphell, Coo-er It Hewitt. K T II tlibe-w, Meeea II. Urinorll, Clark, IXkIks It Co i Samuel hltmu (Uu. W. Vuintanl, sis. ITEiivirTio!.-?rh New eYork Timtt raggeata the opioiou that foreign intervention has not beretofore taken place because England and France) bate felt sure of Southern Inile peodeooe without any Interference, and that now when the CoiifsjaVracy cannot stand alone thoe powers may feel a stronger interest in the affair than ever and be more easily persuaded to offer recognition. Tbrra bt out consoling thing In the matter naleM they recogniso the Confrdi racy" before k)Df , there wont be anything to recoguite. LUMBKat ro Railhoad Waoons. Ves sels sre bow on their way to San Fraucisro la den with S-VOOO feet of sugar pine, to be em ployed Ib the construction of railway Wagons, For the San Jos. railroad. 17 Rev. Dr. Breckinridge, who will bo re collected at the writer of an able letter to bis traitor nephew, Jno. C. Breckinridge. Is men tioned In connection with lbs U. 8. Seuator his from Kentucky u suocessor of Powell. THE ROlin. From Into Southern papers wo have an in teresting budget respecting the military opera tions and tons of pulilio sentiment in Dixie. The Sonthside view of affairs around Ch trles tnn U not at all rose-colored, and one uf eihe correspondents nsserta that the bombardment of Fort Sumter on the 20th nit., by the moni tors, would Itavn resulted in its otter destruc tion had it not been for the fortuitous Cessation if the fire just as the magazine ns momenta rily expcoled to explode. The fleet then drew off, and the attack not beiuir renewed for the next seven days, ninplo time was given to re move the powder lievond dancer. Tho edito rials in tliu llichmoml miners are marked with the snme grandiloquence, and rhetorical flour- isnes mai are always vaatly .wore entertaining tonii iiniriicuve ui me ortnorii reailer. 1 lie Whig jeers at the itlta. mooted bv a Southern paper, of arming thn blacks und precipitating them upon ths Yankees, Tho cowardly North- t 1 . . , , . , . ru invHoers niigui oso inein in inat manner, mt .Southern chivalry found thev could lie most profitably employed m raisinir food for tho con sumption of Iho white troops. Gov. Letcher's message to lite Virginia Legislature is briefer t nun ins other documents of this sort have usu al ly been, lint tho quantity of untruth which the paper contains seems iionu the less diuiiii- Mied in consequence. There are also among tne extracts detail of receut urtnv movements that will fenny perusal. I he rehel Statu (juvi rilllient of Mississippi at Inst aecnunts, was in Noxunibee connly, on the Alabama border, five linnilreil miles from the capital. That of Missouri was at Little Iiock. in Arkansas, until It skedaddled a few days since at the approach of Gen. liliint. The Ooverunr anil State nlheers ol Louisiana were on board of an old steamboat no one of the bnyotis of I lie Mississippi river, and Gov. leliitin Harris, with' the archives ol Tennessee, was somen here iu Ibu mountains in tho northern par of Alabama. i'lio course of Iho Ilaleiglt Standard tin the rebellion lias mmle it oIihoxiuiis to toe ultra Secu'rionists, anil ne leant from a Kielituoud paper of lint II til inH., received ut Fortress Monroe, that its printing nflico bus been de stroyed liy a parly of Georgia soldiers. The fi lends of the paper retaliated by sacking the ofl'ice. of the State Jvarnal. It.chmmid tiRiiers of Sent. 8, announce the arrival of (jen. i'embvrtou at Atlanta, Gil., so thu report of Ills death must have been pr' mature. Rf.moval ok ItosEcitANB. The removul of this popular general creates considerable sensation, and great curiosity Is manifested as to the reasons for so unexpected an event. The only approach to uu explanation is furnished by tho Washington Chronicle (understood to be a snml-nflicial journal) which says in suhetanoe that he is chsrged with deserting the army du ring thu battle uf ChiukuuiHiiga, and running away to Chattanooga, where ho reported the buttle lost ; that afterward he became insensi ble through Iho use of opium; that lust June lie refused to move from MurlVeenliuro, when ordered by Iho chief attlliorilies anil when an oppoilutiily offered for crush ng lining. These charges lira almost incredible, being, as they decidedly nru, in contrnilictiou of all we ever knew of biin. Hosecriins has, more than almost any other man of the West, the confidence of his soldiers, thu people, and we had supposed, of the War Department, lie has had lliu reputation ol conducting his cum- putgiis upon more strictly military priuciphs than any other, not even exuepttcg Grunt. His bravery prudence and fo eeiglit we bare never beard questioned till now. His. conduct at Stone river belies tho churge of cowardice, at Chickatiiaiiga, utiles it shall berupp .rted by the most positive and unquealiiiiiithle evidence. Wo shall look with Biii-if for further intelli genco. Itinkiiancy. Onn of tho most vthlmiiea things cunuected w ith the rebellion is the nam her of newspapers. Statu governments .Stale courts, Aic, which have no abiding places merely roosting around lilto lost turkey gob Mors, till thusur1, sternly tread of Ihe Ininter dislodges them am obliges tlietti In seek safer retreats iu the Inner depths of Seces.ia. M sotiri ha a rebel Stole government "boanling round" down in Arkansas or Texas. Ken tucky and Tennessee eneh have one traveling round somen hero in Georgia probably w ith Hrngg. Hosecrans has gone down to invite them tn resign.. Tho "one si' p from the sub limn to thu ridiculous, ' Is seen lit us most whimsical aspect nheiieter any ono of these essays to issue a proclamation, address or de cree. The idea of a governor iirjtnlo fultuiu tiling seuesli froth from a safe corner uf Gear gia to the resident population of Kentucky und loo luoghuhlc to put us mil of tetti per with lite poor forlorn fugitives. Iluuilias tes wns a niuilcst uinl serio-respeclublo sort of fellow compared with lliesu itinerant function aries. Then nf newspapers, lite Memphis Anneal is now published at Atlanta, (la. i it stopped at some place short of that for a while, but Ihe moving cause followed hard after, and it was compelled, along with Iho t'hulliiiiogn llthrl to retire further into the interior realms of Dtx ie, Tiiu Knoxville Htgiitrr (hut two years ago crowed and chipped its blly white bands at Ihe traveling impetus given In 1'arsnn Hrowtilow's ll'kig by Ihe sccceh lords, h is in lorn been compelled tn seek safely In flight to Ihe rural retreats of Cleveland, Gil. So llio great ouiuvati foes 'maruhiug uu." It will soon be met by another from North and South Carolina, when, unless care be taken, Ihere will lie a humping of beads and entanglement e. l . . 01 peuat extremities more perplexing Mian amusing lo Secesh. We hope old Puteoii llrnw nlow may be permitted lo be in at ll.e death. t7 Ths following appears In tho correspond cure of tho Walla Walla .ifafMman. front Hrnneau creek, under (Into of Oct. 5th. " A few days st a detachment of men were sent nut upon a seottt a short distnncs from camp up this ernek, sin came upon a small band ol In dians, having in their possession two Anirrit-an horawa. snpisel In have been stolen. A Hunt ensued, whirh resulted in tits killing of four lie diaoa and tile Wotlthiinu; of aevsral others. TheA others lied over the htlla, thetr lea hearing them aafelv out of til- wav. It appears that sooiebudy besides ths soldiers have Iwn iiistiui out iusties to thesa Indiana, as the dead bo. lies uf seven of them were found at the oioul.l of this crwk I hear It rtimuretl.alao, that a party nf miners have bad a tight with thorn on Ihe Owyhee. Tl'HNKU L Those who remember W. 8 Brock, the abrvoiiding Judgu of Lane county' will serliapa be surprised to learn thit he has Just been elected District Judge, in the Dtsiric coniMtsed of Humboldt, Del Norte and Klaui ath oounties, California. He ran as au indc pendent Union candidate, without opposition Before seceding from Oregon hetwrvn sunset of one day sud sunrise of Ihe next, h was a noisy secessionist. What makes his election still more strange la, that last Spring be ass elected a delegate from Humboldt county to the copper head State Convention, st SacrameuUi. He Is now elected, without doubt, by Union Voles to responsible position for sit years, with sal J ary of 15,000 per yi ar. IT" In the premium list of awards published last weak, I here was uniitled the name of J. M. Coulter, a ho was awarded a first ptvtuiuiu on t obttra of bM own Invention, TUB IMON MKET1.0 AT DALLAS. Wo learn from several persons who attended the Union meeting at Dallas, that it was a deci ded success. Tlie attendance was greater than there was any re&oon to cxpeot, opon so unfa vorable a tiny. Tho rpeech of JuJgo Williams is spoken of us a highly creditable effort, lie offered convincing proof of the needless and un- jiistilinlilc character of secession ntul the folly and wickedness of northern sympathy with it. His denunciations of treason, armed or unarm ed, open or covert, mid of traitorous affiliations in politics, arc said tn have noen particularly scathing employing with almost equal force the weight of logic, thu perruaiion of eloquence and tho sharpness of satiru. Iu reference to the Into attempt to unito and harmonize the vnrioni factious calling themselves democrats, the Judge mudo a clever hit remarking that when he saw such men as T'Vatilt, O'Mcara, Jo. Lane, Hen. Hoyden, Ira Holler and others, all silting harmoniously at tho same lovo-feast talilo, drinking out of Ihe same democratic cap and nibbling at the same democratic loaf, (wo aro not attempting the Judge's precise Ian gnago), he was reminded of a certain depart ment of Itanium's Museum, in which were confined all sorts of animals, from linns down to mice ; all sort nf Insects, from the big "blue tailed fly" down to the cavorting fleai all sorts nf tnalcei, Irom thu famed sea serpent down to the little, hissing, infant copperhead and nhich Harnum ironicully called "Tho happy family.' At this, all but the members of the P dk coiiuly "happy family" smiled audibly Thu Judge showed conclusively lite insane folly of Ihat peace policy advocated by tint usurpers of tin' honored name of deim.cuicy, which pro poses tn end tho war at the sucrilice of nation unity, honor mid pence. Ills speech, in tho muni, pleased every tioiiy lull lite iitctioris arm the disloyal. Ho was followed by Judge Boise but our iuforiuaiils left beloro be begun, so thut we have no report of his speech. The day w its miserably cold mid foggy, but the assemblage stood patiently through nhnost the entire ufleruoon, in the o;tii air, upiriliiig proof sufficient uf their sincere devotion to the Union cuuse. The Salem and tho Monmouth Bands, and one gun from the Salem Light Flattery were in attendance, from nil curly hour, ami coutriiiu led lo the interest of Ihe occasion, hy their suv era! ways of mulling Union music Several incipient rows were gotten tip I some of the secesh g ntiT, who evidently came w ith Ihnt purpose, but nothing very him ions came of it till near evening, w hen a Jeff Davis saloMi keeper was placed in it " demoralized ' ooudilioii for hurrahing fur his dearest friend (except thu Devil), Jelf Davis. 8.1 Jf FBAM'ISf Ol'OIIRESI'OXBEN'CE. Has Kaxcicn, Oct. IU, l0:). I'n KTATKsatAN IneliMeil yna will lind tliecliaru-n of JadlM i'VI'l. in too easeot ttie Uulteil Hiatus, vs. Oreallii"i". ' I'tioi-'e llottaria olio fliaieii toe jarv, in eaiMtioien tne motions inui or tos anaiH'iaiu.uiiT Oil sunn pnlius It whs inner mm uioru i-Apin n. Tim eletrces erere delivered in H calut mild, and ho linrtiiil manlier i in fuel, tlie whole trial was romliiPl- ud wild such pitlii-ueu uinl Oriiiticse tie to iinvoke the admiration even of the Knill v wretches on trial. They will ilonhlleas " seateoreil to serve leu years in too pmiilentiarv. and pay a line $lll.SI0, the full eau. t of the law. I VYu have nlreiely pultliiilieil the siihatHoeo of the-i- cliurKesatnl thu eeateore of the pirate. r.D. Ktatksm ax. J There appi-ared to have hoea much nnxietv ill the pulilio lliinil lest those oiremlnrs eliontil hn diseliai ired. on auuiu tei-lmieal Hiiut, and tie s ko wliiiilH'd of justice. It fiiruinlie bat Hiioiher illoe- trutina of tliu oft repeated nouarlf "th it Hitn s ruai1tco is the best Kuvvrneu city in tho United Sia'sc" l liirtiiea vears mio, when 1 oeeueioiiuny waiaso eu evieien ,r m- I urn. .,H,r,elv heurlltsT "f tan xaaililer s uolu. Many ut Ihu nest liM-a ill town Were used exehisively for ilrlnkliu and Kutnlilimr iiarisea. Moon the Slato trnveratneat was iiruaoueil. hauirlea wore luiti aon iihoi-s wen muoe fur konnr anil stealiair. Clnier etl ii t party drill unci the etelcarinir name of uVniorracy, ths r-tute soon oe i iiioc $'l.uuli.0iK) inil' lil. latins eity there nnro ai.inv who had siuni'tliinif to lose, ami W'lio ilesireil lo save a little for tint future. Thev naturally said what is to be done "Tn b or not to be, is tliu qtinstliat T" Tlie most natural anil proper mtneily vans soialit llirouuli lliebHllilhnx.bat lliey soon found that llieir ballote went through into false tills ih-iow, anil auvoenl an er forts of reform aoulit in that manner. A coup At itrttrr mast he iniolo. A viKilaaee roauuitli-n was or loinir.Hil ihomvroua tnedirinu, aa liable to kill ns ears. Hat bow cliHiiireil. Now there ia no pahlie inunhlinu; to be seen or heard. I have not seen a drunken man. nr Maarelv heanl an oath sines 1 rums hern. Itigbta of persons anil riKbla of proier1y am reswl,il. t Harts are hiot oriraoixeil whii b law is tellllilii-tered Hud "the (Inepel ie preai-hod lo Ibe poor." At the or uauiaiioii nf tba v itidioire I'ominiiieo in the city paitioa anil pollliral duels went cotiaiunoii to the toaitie and " no aoioni rati awuko thotu to ttlory Ubtaio.' Now tin man is brnal.t forward hv biiinaiintt or pnekitiK of rnnve minus, bill a cmniniltes of ro snei tultle vitixelts, not politicians. request men to allow liiclr names to be need us eanilnlules lor nlliee. Thero has been too noii'h Dariv rl a ill. n:straint nail ladies In thn I'liilcd Mtalea williia thn last twelve yeara. I-t iib be wi-er ns we irrow oliler, and see relnrais ia somu seel inns ami relielloill in others. The notaiaatuiLt coootleo ia now in sesriun in tbi eity lo select judicial ollbfra. 1 iiinlen-tauil nnr H ale bus niruui boon hoiinr,H by the temleri' K uf tlie nntoi nation of District Jliduc. ia Ibie etiv.lo Hon. tl. V. IVait. It is a matter of some doubt whether he will ueei-pt or nut. To morriivv I im to the camp of the Ciiliforuia Mili tiu, in eonipaov with llov. Naotord, na oi-count of w loch I will gi e yoa in my next. Kiiii.m Rai.t FjAkk. Proitt Salt Lake Cily and vicinity, wo have the following items : A very largo emigration bound for Nevada ami California has passed this season. The population of I'tah has received accessions lo tho iiuin cr uf four or five thousand. Thu hostile, Indians of Ihe surrounding coun try seem anxious to make peace and Colonel Conner has gone Ninth Iu make a treaty with litem. Considerable rxcilement exists iu relalion to tho new mines in Kuby valley and on Jtccee river, but not ninny nre going. In consequence of Ihe suurcity of trnii'pnrtolinn ami provisions. The t'ailiington Stutimnn publishes a ro tnor that Uriglmm Young has been assaeainated and Ihat a sou of Joe Smith has been Installed his successor. Tiikv I. IKK GttlKNB('K8. In speaking nf the abusive epithets w ith which Ihe name of 'resident Lincoln has keen treated in the Smith, a colempnrary snvs : It is curious. recollecting all tins. In witness the eagerness which. these same ltehcls at present manifest to possess tliemselvvs nf Ins likeness, I here is, in fact, nothing in the fine arts more es teemed in. Southern circles lust imw than 'the counlerlelt presentment ol the man nganiet whom all these ugly epithets were hurled. Ukti'Iiniso. We noiic in the list of pas sengers ou Ihe Illinois, which left New York Oct. :ld, the name of Mrs. J. It. Mulliide. Till! llbiroKTBU CHAKUKS AllAIXST KilBK- CHANS Ueu. Hosecrans made a speech at Ciucinuali, upon his arrival there, Id Ihe course uf w Inch he alluded to the report of charges pre ferred agaiust him by Geuerals McCook and Cr.ttenden, saying those geuerals, before his departure from Chattanooga, pmnoiiiiced the newspaper statements of tlieir design to briug chatges against him. false in every respect. He also slated Ihat since Ihe bailie of Chk-ka manga, ho had received letters fsaiu the Presl deut, approving of bis conduct ou thai occav sion. Santiam IjiiARTl Lours The following ia a list of Ihe distinct gold bearing quarts lodes in the Santiam district, upon which elaitns have been kvated i Smith. Drlggs, White Bull, May, Lebanon, farmers. Dirge, Union. Last Chance, Washoe, I Lincoln, iVubfoot and Good Iutenl. DoiiM-Mic; lie-ma. ...Ths MmnlniH'tr of the -'Gtli tu an account of the probable murder of threat men on the roan in Heaver Head to I-ewirtoa. Four men who came nn aasiiiK nailer aaanmed iiamea are soapectcd of bavinx roblwd and murdered IJoyd Maxruder, a IraJcr to tus Ueaver Head ininca, ami afterwards Cbarles Allen, a acker, and Juliiia Newlierx, who were travelmn to- (retber. The men assumed different namee st tun va' rione places tbrontih which they pnsieil. At iiwisioii they left a horse and mule which were refnirnnwn us MKra'ler's ; also a endiile and cHtitcon or .'lr. m , n fonner stuincd with blood. They exhibited litres amounts of dual at diiTerent placea. Tlieir nam'i aro Itnmain, lowry, Pane, and HowaH, some of tnem well known at ths Dalles. It is stated that they tooK passSKO on the. steamer for San Krawiaco. Nothinj is knowuof Manroder except that ho left Beaver lieau in advance of others who bad irol in, seeing nothing! of him on tho rood. A report had reached Ixwiston that two bodies bad been found on tlie road, one of them supposed to bs Charles Allen, under circum stances indicating murder and robbery. Tlie telegraph operator at Treks writes ns that tlie line between Weaverville and Scott valley ba become to old and infirm ai to bs riowa Ave nr six times a week, and that tlio company is about to re build that portion of it. Amoujr the difficulties of fur- nisliing reports, meantime, tlie operator mentions tlio several facts that " the weather is co'.i, motley in de mand, and wood Are dollars a cord, payable ia V. 3. gold coin." ..The Portland Washington Guards, shootinirers, and the Mcchauict' IUnd, blowisgora, had a jullilica- tion lust woek, at which two tr't'f'l 0D silver caps, and two mechanics took each a beru whereat guards, tnechaaica, and epectal.ors untiled, and went houio at least, so say the Portland papers. ....The jury in the case of Wra. Slricklla, cliarKod in the Clackamas circuit cnart with tlie murder of L. Moran, failed lo acrree, and the r;iw ia continued to next term. ....The Timet tit tho 2(Vh says tlm Riena Nevada took away from Portland in her last trip 2,500 boxes of apples, 500 dry bides, ind 230 ureen hi lea. Two hundred and fifty pusteiirers nleo left on her. ....The essay on sheep raising, in another column, was awarded the first premium lit tlie lute State Fair, and wus recomtnendeilfor publication w ith the report of premiums. .... Inne-a A. Gliwoi k U the Union candidate la Ner. Pcrcoi county, Unito, for tho Territorial Council. The Timet anys lie is a " true Union man, and ns good s printer as ever ktuck a type." Elect bint, then, by all ine.inn I ....The S. P. Bulletin nnllres the ante In Sjn Fran cisco uf about 1 .300 boxes of Oregon apples, a port too trnhilf nt II .25 to tliO per box, and the remainder st 73 cent to i per box. ....Welearu that aa extensive copper lode has been di'coveri'd wlibin tliirty-Dve miles if Salem. We have nodtubt that o ipper oreexiiU in grett abundance on t;io several brunches of the Bantiant. .... correaj,otid'.-nt from the ntiups, In a private letter toiH, aaya " the employees of the Kxpres com- pin pi. whenever a malo gcU tired, damp hit (if it h ijipcu to be ie wspaperj) al ng-iiile the Mad.'' That counts for the tnyitcriumi disappearance of about htif tlie pipcr.i that fall nut by tua way. The only cote eolation wo h ive is that It is " g lod seed sown by tho wjy-anlc." H it, alter all. muleteers, don't! Tlicro la a report that live men. the diicuverers of the upper Snake river mine, were recently murder ed by the (-'row In.M uu. There U said tu bo a great nidi truai It Uo to these new mines. -Mr. A.C. D taieli wdl vialt Man county for the p trpoo uf procuring cmitributiont in aid of tho Call f oral i and Oregon railroad survey. ....Tlio fndiun Slia Pounma-h .who billed Vatble Inst April, hat been convicted and sentenced to be hung ou the 2mb Inat. , V niiu iiuni 'd D ily. t (I ivuramuiit teimatcr, shot ami killed aiot'etr n nued D.ivia, oaths tilth tilt., ab.iut ten m.les fr un IVallu U'alla. .five potty thievoi were arrested at the Dillei ia one day list week, lirest place for local itenu. .The dwelling hutae of J. W. Wiley, on Dry creek, Wnxi c.mtity, was burned ou the 13th inst. ...A dutachniont of the Salom Light Artillery Co. went to ths Union meeting al I) illat with one of their guns, and annoyed Ihe copperheads with its " Union bowling." ....A friend of Jeff Davis, more outspoken than the moat of them in this country, hurrahed for'thnt con- thievcnite potentate at Dalian on Saturday, whereupon one uf the sort lamhill soldiers pat ye valiant coo. perhcad ill, ye " last ditch" in doolie quick. .Mr. Bush, having sold the .Slatttmnn olDVe en tire, hut now no interest in or connection with the paper. ....Home nf the members of the copperhead conven tionof Idubo Territory, after reso'ving themselves in favor of preserving the Union, repaired to a saloon and dnuik "Here's iitccess lo Vallandighutn." Their tonal und resolutions are in exae. bat churacteristio ouulrusL . . 4. Koine copperhead miscreant, during the darkness of tho night before, the Uniou meeting ut Dallas, cat the halyards from ths llagelan" The Union men however, took the pole down in the morning, replaced the halyarile. mid tho hubhj old Hag waved from iti wonted place during l!i' day, ua eye-aore to th;rop- perhead fraternity. ....Judge Uoise decided last week ill the circuit court fi Linn county that greetibnclts are a legal ten. dcr fur debts due the public echeol fund. ....inesnop or .inner ix oi-liies, Alliatiy. was en. tered on Saoday uigbt, 2.kIi ult ,and niblaal ef a.i. ....Win. Winning, of l.uin ,-oioty, has been fonnd insane, sad will lie eeal to the lieame Asyl tin ut Port hind. ....The wife of Cupt Jobu Smith, of Ijnn county, fell fnun a wagon ou the 2.' nit , and broke her right arm. ....Ankles of incorporation of the "Hannock Oold nod Silver Mini'-g Coiupanv" were filed Oct 2lb, ISCJ. by I'M. A. Tenlplo. II. K. Ilra.lford, It. It. Tlm-np- son, a-iovu iii-iHiae ana a. a . iiuswi,na. nirorpora. nirs. Ihvir priui-ieal oltii-e will be in Portland. Ws iimlerstaud ihe t'oiapuny have aliTiulv secured claims in some nf the ih-si quarta Iihiss to ttte Hoi country and nilelid lo work theuial an early day.-srUcfgoaiua ....Jeremy O'llennia ia fesrful there will be a draft In Otrgon, and wants, esprciully, to know when it will begin. As wbea Dcnliagor was after hitn, he wants lo kuow v hen lo run. ...,0. C. Trait, formerly of Ori-uno. baa beea elect ed judge uf ths I'.'th District C mrt i f Sail Kraueisro. ....Oreenburksare going in this place at about toe. .... Mr. Strong hasdi,pnait pf his interest in Ihe teleatraph line from Yreka to Portland, to the Califor nia Tflviiraph Co. The line wrll bs put np ns son as practicable after the arrival of tls wire, which ie n overdue. .... At Ihe sncgeetion of Ihe United Stales Kngi leers, ths President has direclrd lbs (leneral Ijlod Otttce lo reserve from tale for na, I if ry purposes. Sand Island, located al tho entrance ef Ihe Columbia river, and midway between ths Slats of Oregon and Wash- iuglou Territory. .... Ttie members of ths Raletn Light Flattery will give another social party sl tlx rourt house neat Fri day evening. A geuersl iuvitarwn extended. ....Krtaa a private eorreasawiilence rvecired in town we team thai ia lbs evening it tbs II lb nit. a Ire hoiks out ia a livery alal.Ut k l lie city of Auburn, consuming lbs stable ami three other buildinars adja cent, when ii was fortunately csweked. Next utoming lbs court hones was disrovsreil to be oa Brs. aud bs lore anything eoold bs done lo arraart lbs progress of tbs (tames, tint devouring eleuaeaw bad made loo taosa p rHl rest lo bs ovsreoras. By ttan.lng the water of Ihe ditch Into the rily, lbs cllltens were enabled to sare all oilier building. Ths records of tbs county and the conns narrowly escaped bunilaf. ...,Wa. 0. Baldwin, seatrnawd M twenty days' ena Ineueul in ths Liua couuly jail. fvr contempt of court, broke out Saturday sight, aat! left for parts unkaoww. II received assistance from tbs outside, lis left a Dote thanking the jailor fir his kindness, and sxpress Ing his aalislartioa with avervlhiug except the sh-ep-ing accumaaodatHma, . . . .Ths rrttaoa why Jrrrat s dual ears a " dent " if lh draft does lake place. Is that he is eontdrul his race Vest Dsoliuarer and jhwlrrter results will sxs mpt hiss. ....A BOtsewbaU soteal holly, of lbs seresh psrtaa- sion, aaiaeat W hitbrv, and a saw aaasat Bell, had a row al Dallas, Bauarday ereainaf, la whirh Whitley rsKalved a serers cot oa the chin from a knits ia lbs ban Is of Bell ....At a inoi tiuir of cltiseua In Easetts City on the 31th ult. la favor of Hie California and Oregon rail, roid, the following resolutions were ttninimoo-ly adopted i Whereat, We learn that the anrreyitig pnrty of the .m.,i , .i rooti, for Hi.. California ami Oregon rail road has arrived in tlie Willamette valley, and that Ihe Chief t isjiueer, Mr. Kill at, is now en a tour tbroaub the lower comities for the puipo-e of learning (s"t nomo'tiuu the route and the mean lobe obtained in -ia ..r ilm snrvi-v and itimroveiueut : therelore. Uanhed, That we will heartily unite in support nf the project, Willi the following conditions and restric tions i , I ui all er.inla or 1 mil anil oilier aid "y toe gov pr.onrol of the Hulled States slid means to be appro priated, shall I expended In perll'ins in urrgnii unil Calilornia. commencing the work at I'onlaud, In in, and progressing southwardly ; sti'l al liroruia. and iiriwres.-ing northwardly, so that it State and section may derive e'i'iral advantages tbi-rcfrnn while the road shall be in process ol cotnpls- 1. That it shall lie dlatinctlv understood Ihat the con- ruction of the and road or the grants aud aid of the ivirnmeut of the United Mates, in coiiietniaaiioti thereof, arc not to Interfere with or supplant the prnj- t nt ttie urent Northern Branch of tlie I'acinc lute il fro-n Salt Luke or tome suituljie pniaton tne rata lai-t mentioned. 11 was further resolved, Thut we do hercbv recommend thataeveral ortTaniij' tlona ix etrcteil In tlre'-on for the nuriiose of receiving the aid of the government and executing the work iu this Hute. That the committees beretofore nppoiuteu, no re neater? lo prosecute tlieir lalsirs in obtaining means r ilcrraylog I lie expenses ot tue survey. That the omteeninirs of thin nieetiui! be nnhlished In the Oregon newspnpera, and a copy he forwarded to euchof our Senators and llcii'eaentiitive in Congress. The meeting woe eddre.iBed by Jesse Applegate, A. . Thayer, W. W. Chapman, B. EUawnrtli. U. W. .Mitch ell, J. I). Henderaon aud others, In favor of the alme resolutions. We understand considerable Interest was manifested in the project of nailing and strengthening tbs basilicas Interests of the Faclll'i coast, hy this the greatest enterprise jet projected west of the Rocky mountains. Wo sincerely trust the neoplo will not ertnit the project to languish for the need of funds to place the reports, maps, 4c, of the siuvey before Ion- rws. Liberal contributions now to that end, will In sure the building of the road at an early day. THE LATEST. YESTERDAY'S DISPATCH. NO DISPATCH THIS MORNING. NKWBi'.itH, N. C, Oct. 20. The publication of thn Slnnilaril waa resumed ou thn 2d. Tho editor, W. W. Hidden, still main tains his opposition to tlio Confodurnto adminis tration. All clertinn of members to ths rebel Congress tnkea place November 4th. A prominent citizen w no recently nrnven rrnm Unleiph states that a recent consultation of the Southern Governors and rebel statesman at KMi niond, Gov. Vnncii, of North Carolina, was offer ed Ihe next Presidency nf the Southern Confed eracy, provided ho would wheel tho old North Slate Into line and keep her in the trace. Gov. Vance returned to Kalcigh a treree war man, ana would hnrenftcr do his worst to prevent the State from returning to tho Union. IlAl.TlMHRE, Oct. 21. A large Union mooting; was hold in Tolhcrt county, eastern shore of Maryland, on the ired. Addresses were niniln by Henry Winter Davis and ,fudre Kellcy. Tho latter announced him self to the crowd or slaveholders as a mack re publican from Pennsylvania, nd yet his speech was received with nppUnse. This is tlie first in stance of n republican Cloncressman speaKing ill r ,i...i.-.i llio Slave nooning regiuu ui -iiairmu'J. - KV ltlKK, UCt. 4U. Gold to-day very unsettled : opening; at 5U and closinc at Government stocks firmer. jmiw itutK, utti. m Dark irrnon from Cane Good Hope August 23, reports the bark Ueabridge of Boston was enp tnred by the Alabama in sight of the harbor. Tito above vessel also reports the capture ol tne bark Anna iu sight of Boston. akw lnitH, cjci. ;.). Herald' i Washington special ay Ihe repairing of tlie Grange and Alexandria railroad will re quire sevrnl weeks. Utspaten irom tne army ni tno roiomac, uci Ith, says the infantry nre maintaining long pick et lines. Cavalry brigades are daily making ru connoissnncos. . . Wasiiisktos, Oct. 2.'). A stork train from Gaiusville, V. I on Friday night was thrown off the track about four miles frem flainsville, by Ihe pivmg wny of thn ties. About twenty-nvo persona Hero wonudoU but none hilled. New Yoiik, Oct. 25. A special from headquarters dated the 2filh, says Ihe enemy's infantry reached the Kannahan- nork tins morning, having a pontoon bridge near the t Ira n go and Alexandria ranrnail, driving back Gen. Gregg's cavalry division which lost heavily. They had a short engagement with two brigades of our infantry, olio belonging to the second corps ami Iho other I lie third. I bo enemy now occupy a line, tlie left of which rests near llevcr- ly rord, crossing thu railroal near lloulton ela tion and extending towards Stafford Court I louse. Col. llnnver's brigade nf Gen. Buford's eom- ninnd hail a severe tight this morning near Boitl ton's Station. Among Ihe killed in Gen. Gregg's command is Major Taggert of the 2d Pcnn. cavalry, formerly of Gen. Kiipatrick's staff. Major Taggcrt was shut through the knee, which wns so badly tered s to render amputation necessary. Death ensued in a short time after the operation. FnitTHBta.1 MnNRiiR, Oct. 25. Churlestan dates to the 2'Jd say no new move ment yet. The Yankees are reported to bs putting finish ing strokes to Gregg. The H"et remains quiet. A stormy lime is expected' soon. Thn snme paper says tho number of Yankee prisoners held iu Kichmond ts I, Vt0. The following dispatch nlso appears signed lay Uen. liutioilen : I attacked tho enemy nt Charlestown, Shenan doah valley, on the I'.lih. and captured four hun dred and forty-three prisoners. Cl.SLIXXATI.Oet, 215. (ii nernl Hosecrans arrived to-day and was cs- corted to tho Iturnctt House by an immense crowd He was enthusiastically welcomed. The General apokn brictty. saying as to the manner he hid heen need lie desired lo leave that tn the Inture He stated that Gens. Crittenden and McCook av aured him that Ihe public accounts that they in tended lo bring charges against hitn wore false. That since tho battle of Chickamaiiga be had re- reived letters from the President approving his conduct in lliatattur, Oct. 25. No news of Importance from C'liU'anoogii. V ASMINUTON, Oct. 20. Navy Department has advices Ihat steamer lennesse captured llntieh schooner friendship laden with munitions nf war and blew another named Jane from Nassau oft Kio Grande. Two rebel powder hosts have also been blown on Louisiana coast. The Ponchatona from Havana with cargo of gunpowder was destroyed on the Sth of October by Cayuga. Kichmond Fnqmreml October 24th denounces the democratic party of the North as sectional party and declares that if it erer fonnd itself in power it would become a war powor. The same paper taya the Yankees had all left Kanawa valley, ths main body reinforcing Burn side. Nkw York. Oct. 27. Money firm at 6a7 .chiefly al latter ligure. Ster ling dull at l.'i.lallW. Gold unsettled, ottuing at 4S aud closing at 4.'sJ. WAJillixuTON.Oet. 27. Bv late declaration of exchange isaned by rebel commissioner Ould, it appears that difference be tween governments in respect to numbers is tome I tl.l SHI more than before, and probabilities of speedy exchange or adjustment is so much farther removed. Chicaco, Oct. 87. Public debt on ths 1st of September wm one thnutsnd two hundred and thirty-two mi!lion,sev en hundred and seventy-one dollars, Nr.vr York, Oct. 27. Special to the HerM, dated Washington 20th, says advices from front to-day show that reports that any considerable portion of Leo's army hsd crossed the Rappahannock tor Ihe purpose of as suiniug otfeusiee were considerably exaggerated. Kebele maintain a bold front along the Rappa hannock, and seem determined to resist further advance of our forces. If Lee should cross to thit side ha may not lind another advance toward Washington so easy a matter as hit kale one was. Skirmishing to-day was lightly kept up. The following is from rehel papers: Chm-ksmaioa, Oct. 21. The following have been received by Gen Cooper i The cavalry under Dubard attacked the ene my's cavalry in fores at Philadelphia today aid took about 4i HI prisoner with their artillery, small arms, camp equipage, etc. Our loas noth ing. They are entirely routed. CiiARLrsrox. Tena.,Oct 21. Enemy were panned to their defenses at Loo doa and arrived there after dark. Their force is not known. Their loss is 70 (at "OO) prisoners fir wagons loaded with atom, tea emhulancet six piea of artillery, horse, mules aud ither properly. Army or Potomac, Oct. VW. Henvv artillery tirine at extreme point, appear ing to bo near and the " left of llulton, has been hi'ard to day st intervals. It eessed about o !'"- Presumption is that it wns snowier tnu.j cavalry light, though infantry may havo boon eu- K"E"i' WakiiixuTdW, Oct. 27 fitnr says no information has been received in dicating that the two nrnuci of Kiippahnnnock have come into collision again since Saturday last. ., ,. , m New York, Oct. 27. rt. r. ii:. fnr,rl,rtieu of llio 21th snys reported insurrection f blacks in Hancock coun ty. Ga.. is mors serious than was at hrat supposed A large number of negroes were implicated. 1 hur nlsn was comploto. A tiuir piao nan ium j liosccrans. . Ki-w York, Oct. 27. Tho Macon (Ga.) Confederal says of the negro insurrections , , Tb nri,!satlon was complete. Ofticors bad hceu chosen from Major General down to corpor al, The chief of the conspiracy was an intelli r..ii. lili...l m uct ns lender in sttcli an cnteprise. He wns Major General of tlio forces and had gone to Atlanta on business con nected with tho plot. He was thero captured -They were put up lo (his by designing rascals from Lincolndom who are now infesting tho whole country. A number of tho ritiRlcadcrs bavo beon arrested and lodged in Jail. MAitcmno 0.N-. It is a favorite theory nilh the copperheads that tho Sotilliern people ore a unit fur the rebellion. In contradiction of this theory, we have the facts that every city which we havo captured and thought worth holding, is governed without tho least difficulty j (hat wherever the Union armies hove nfTordcd pro tection to Unionists', they liavt- been found m considerable numbers i that thousands have taken the nalh of allegiance i, tbat n"y thonsantle aro sick of the war, nod nnxiotis to see an end of the conspiracy j that they aro silently, but none the less surely, workiug tn bring about an abandonment of the mad incus urea of Jelf Davis iitid his fellow-criminals; that enlistments nf white troops as Veil ns ro grocs nre actually in progress In numerous sco timis of the Confederacy. Sis months ago, Ihe copperheads would have scornfully laughed nt the proposition to enlit Union soldiers iu Ark ansas. Yet, it turns out that, recruiting at Lit tle Rock ii not tho slowest business iu tho world, by any means. Within a short lime. Ihree regiments havo been mndo up, aud the enlisting is still bravely marching em. Tho Invttl pcopb of Tennessee nru coining into Burnsidc's camp foster than lie can arm them. The Confederacy ns a "unit" is nn exploded idea it is nothing lint n vulgar fraction. California Judicial ICi.bction. This election took place a week ogolust Wednesday, hut owing to the grent difficulty of working the telegraph line below Yreka, the full returns have not been furnished us. Tho vote of the State was small compared with thu recent vote for Governor, but the Union majorities are larger almnst everywhere. The copperheads having becntno satisfied of the hopelessness of success, did nut appear In make much effort, except tn some sections wliero they had a chance of local success. Tho districts which have elected Union candidates for Judges, arc: Second District W. T. Sexton, over J. 8. Berry. Third T. A. Drown, over 8. II. HrKne. Fourth K I) .Sawyer, over John lleyuolds. Kind J. II. Cnvis, over H. P. Harbor. Sixth f. H. McKune. No opposition. Seventh I. II Southard, over Jackson Temple. Kiirhth W. 8. liroek. No opiositioii. Ninth E. darter, over VY. P. Daingerfteld. Tenth J. 8. Ilelcher, over F. L. Hatch. Kleventh S. W, llrock way, over dames Johnson. Twelfth O. C Pratt, over 8. II. Dwindle. Fourth T. B. McFarluud. No opposition. In tho First District, the Union enndi'ate for Governor received a majority of one hun dred nnd lercnty-tnrsai, and nnlees soma unex pected chango has tuken placer Pablo do la Guerra, Union, is elected over Hayes, copper head. In tho Thirteenth District, Downey had a small majority, bnt there is a fair chnncc that Burke. L'uinn, has been c'husuit. The nt nio.4 success of the copperheads con sists iu thu election of now and then a county judgo or a justice uf the peace, hut these aroso few and fur between ns lo amount tu a mutt overwhelming triumph for tho Union orgauizu tinns. 17" The Richmond Sentinel thinks the hard ships of Ihe South nre iu. some incu-nro com pensnted by the indications in tho North uf disposition timing the people tn "ehnkc off Ihe oppressions of the government." It is a sig nificant "straw" that what tho copperheads Complain of is precisely what the. most ran tntikerous rebels also compluin of. Tho Sen linel advises Ihe Northern -demnoruts to arise and crush tlieir oppressors, i. e., Union men. That is precisely what the coppers would do if they were elrtntg enough. Tho Sentinel de sires such a coiisuiiiinnlion fur tho benefit of the Snnthcrn Confederacy, The copperheads are nut avereu to it on tho same ground. I-"iT The reply of the President to the Knn- susand Missouri dclegntiuns, is really one nf the beet things be has done within the last year. Ho assures them that his polity canunt be adopted nt the dictation of any party, and that in spite of radicals or conservatives he must he permitted to judge, within bis sphere, what to do. Commanders of departments must not lie responsible to political factious but to the chief military authorities. This is exactly right. V The copperheads of this coast complain ol ll:e soldiers voting. 1 hey ought not, for the boys enlisted to light Snakes. Kossuth A London paper snrs that Kos. tnlb is now residing in the environs of Turin, lie is in actual want of the necessaries nf life his wife is in a rapid consumption, and ho is soured ngaiu t the world in a pitiable degree. t"P" It is staled by the Washington Star that Artemus Ward is coining tn California. Gkn. Mruim Nirr lir-Movcn. A dispatch to the Sacramento Union, dated New York Oct. 24th, says it is authoritatively settled that (son. Meade is lo remain in chief command of the Army of Ihe Pntaitino, CALIFORNIA DISPATCHES. TreMore nefelpta-Advlm from Me? xlro- armais. , 8 Kaxct,co, IV. 23 10,. a Receipts nf treasure from the interior Inst niiHit were nl.oa.1 fwo.iajo, making- f.000,n,iu .iica S steamer. Mexican dates per Orital are one dnv later. Tlie breach between the traitor forces and the French wat lucreaasiiiBT dailr. , Amrest-Whslethip Wm. C. Nre, 19 dars Tmm the Ynr, f Croik'. "d.v from New Slate Jadlrlal Jlw tlon-Slsklyou County. M. I . Tat. eirt ?; ticket will have a majority over all in the man- ... .-l,.rvH,n, oemorrxuc can.ii.lats for Conntr Mre is probjl, v elected, by . majnn.v of fro via J '""V? ewnilidai, for JmJ Ninth Jmlicial District, has earned ihi. -.,.. i"! sIhhii io maturity. era.: o, . . sy dustnct-Kos l,,,,,' , " Salt Against Core? rnmcnl Ohlrrrs. i- i r, , , . " r'aasriari. Oct fa t ail nrissa, who claims aud occupied a ec,n,lel.l. bsclnf hand., P, .s.n Jlw ZalTt tmed by tioverntnent for eW Ml,.r,, J U' cations. r-mmrna , ii.. . . "" '""I I'.J la. -."J- ! stew. Wriuht. Col. tH Kuvsrwh . r,trT; j' i"' . eiocert in this t-bainil.":. '7",""nnlf "P' the GETTING THEIR EYKS OrEJi." Jeremy, T'Vatilt, and the unknown," of the Dfotocnif, aro constantly telling their rea dors Ihat the people are getting their eyes open, to tho wickedtie s of Ibis war, (on tho part or the North) ; to Ihe dangers tlmt menace American liberty, (from resisting the ' constitutional ' measures nf Jeff Davis) ; nnd tlint there will soon be an uprising of an indignant people tr hurl the present iidmiiiistrntiiiii from power. Thesu fellows nru peaco men, sympathisers nilh the rebellion, copperheads, secessionists and Irnitors nntl look for a time when their kind will ho strong enough to really do what they now so ardently dtiirt arrest the further prosecution of tho war, by force of armed rev olution in the North. They pretend to believu such a time will oomc, nnd rn furtherance of the event, they nre weekly invoking the spirit of insubordination and lawlessness. No man can read either of them without discovering, almost at the first glance, that resistance to tlio droit would be cheered oa by either of them ; that they assiduously cul'ivute tho belief that the government is administered only ill the full fledged spitit of I'cspntism, aud that, as Judge Strrng said, in aubstuiice, nt Dallas, resistance hits become, n religious duly. If these lawless depredators npon pnli'io sentiment nnd violators of truth, really do be lieve what they say, they aro most grossly mis taken if they do not believe it, they are very dirty tools nf a very wicked conspiracy. If tlicy know the pulilio sentiment, they kuow very well that the overw Mining voico of tho Amerieau people is for the war, and against any such uprising as will impudo its prosecu tion. Tlio coin' pluiots about the blunders nf tlie wnr may .sometimes have worn tho sera blunee nf opposition to Ihe war itself, and it seems the copperheads havo netod npon a sort of belief that those who criticised niieioaniige nieii'. were, also opposed tu all management, good, had and indifferent. A ni'nst egregious mistake. A few nmtitlis ago the copperheads professed to be in favor of tho war, if conduc ted in n certain way. Many ardent war men who wished, while the wttr should be prosecrr leil, tn see certain a' osss corrected and greater vigor infused into military operations, (tho cnn. perhcaiTs were then "grentcr vigor" men) were iiituccd In co-op erato with them, in the hope of securing the desired reforms. Ilonce tho deruocrulic Biiecees of last full. But the peo ple cannot king lie misled or deceived. Tlio unmasking ol the purposes of cnppcrlieadism tho evident design to surround the conduot nf the war with so many impediments as to effec tually stop it, opened mnro eyes in astonish ment at tho blackness nf the design, than an ever likely to lie opened in any other way hy nil the blatant traitorous talk of all the copper heads ia Christendom. Iieiupe the withering and deserved rebuke administered to them in the State elections. Tho people's eyes are be coming opened to tho true character of the onpperheads, and so effectually, too, that nei ther syren olmrtu or braggart blaster, ean ever close tlieiu again. Tim r'iRsT ItitL Lain Tlie first rail on II western end or the Pacific railroad was laidlry flic contractor October Kith. The contract embraces the completion of eighteen miles. The grading has beea done, the bridges Imill and it now only remains to lay dowo the rail. 8t;n.scmmots. Mr. A. C. Daniels has within a few dnys procured subscriptions to the railroad sorvoy to tho enm of $500 in the towns of Albany and Corvnllis. If Mr. Knicbt meats with ponding success be should got $1,000 in 8alem. Or. Git.isr AttRivEs ut Chattanooga. A special dispatch from Chattanooga to Cincinnati, dated Oct. 2tlh nnnoutices tin arrival at that place of Gen. Grant. A dispatch from Nashville, says Hooker's force has crossed tho Tennessee nnd a battle is reported. No pnrticnltrs. . Railroad Mektin(.-Mi'. Knight request the friends nf the railroad prnjeot from Marys villo to lite Columbia river to meet at the Cnnrt House, Tuesday evening, at 7 o'clock, to dis cuss important matters connected with tho survey, 11T Another Iinssian vessel oT war aririveej nt San Francisco on the etening of the 18tl instant. DitAFTr.n Men. Otic thousand drafted"nico havu been sent from Portland to Maine regi ments in ike field, and others nro soon to fol low. M iRBIED. On lh. Ifa-li , mrt by nvi,l Simpson. .1. P., Mr. John A. Jones and Mrs. Adeline Koster of Marion c,,v. Siin'h li. HewiltT1'' t'"k''u, fJlJatrdl'"1'" C"'"-r' 0'', fJd' A' G' 8,ow ni S""7 c,,"rpsnu!'',,J 3tnK- sln Kerbyville, 18,b, Dr. L T. Davisaml Cecelia I,. Wbitfcn"''''''1, ' S','"n' 'nCT"M "nd 1,ra- HiU""'h DIED. Itorlwild!: 2'l',h' ofjll''ria.Oertrn.l. Ua. uartier. only ilanirbier nf Deo. A. and lthud K.I.. ied-2yeart,(i,o,,.h..,dSdavl ' The (ireat Jelmrah. full ortove. An nnmt bright did send. W ho look nnr harmless little dove, i i- i .;'J,'.'-V" ,,l,u "ever end." Ton . ILiand Sarah J. Cbuwood, ageil i years, 6 mon.h. and id 10 u,, -Mi. ugea jyesr. In Yamhill mnntv. Sen 3fl rtf,-i o r. . berfi. John MMfn'.?;.''?' in a natiy, on iindav, l)cL s!5. r Amn am:.. son of Wal er Monuiitb. -oticc. rv.. o oi.raaisTisnr.sT Isdiak Asraiits. 1 nilOPORALIt !! tialile mntl be aWe inedinm sii llk.lT w.n CU"fUn,i' -CotoJl lw:ii J'-HCTIS0TOX. ft Indian Atraira in Oregon. to... Xotlfr? I nf X rTJ';?' t lb Stockholder. the Vd day of DceembS. Hi) " Mi ,D !?Hl,,0, Walem, On-yon, m. M,3. 5wM Sale Postponed, Ouardlno's) Sale of Lntid. I) .li'nV.'h"K,"tT "" JUrio" "" ml., l ,,"'b" h-f. I will e.pose for "Oeal puliltcanetion oo Satnrdur. ih. j,k a..'r v. landYvVol. II " "', tba. lrt of irihiS l?r n"n"B """'I' Sl" of rron, and d Z hZkSZ ''V' : ""i" al a stake 8 cbs. linkssonth, and 79 chains HS link. wm of Ihe cor ner or sections t and A, township 6 south .nanire S west, It'lZl? K links, bT. m2L,Z3i slake :, north !W che. lo the place of bea-innine, beiuit tlie a. w. imarter of claim SI SH. rnuJ.,ln, to acre, j to be told for the benefit of Ihe heir of An drew E. Hervev and fjwrolins Larkina. laal. lo talc plant between ihe hours of 10 o'clock, it " ' a , 0'Wk' p m Th, I"""'"" are nearly - --.--i irtKr ana mnerwiM isiinimj Terms Leinil lemter. half dowo, aud ih. balance in U months, with lawful interest. . Axnitrvv c upn- a i caiena, v na. t farf