The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, October 19, 1863, Page 2, Image 2

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LouisviuT, Oot. 8.
Nashville rumnr prevail that rebel cavalry
ruptnrc-d mid entirely destroyed Shelbyville,
Tenn., taking our forces there prisoner. Thn
truth of this report is questionable. General
Mitchell, with a largo cavalry fnroo wa nnr
suing rebels, but no report that lio hod cot
within linking dislonoo. A large lores in ra
llying railroad track recently torn up. Cnv
airy fore of rebels teem to have disappeared,
a portion going north to Kentucky to liarruss
Psrnsides lino of supplies, and a portion en-
,i New York, Oct. 0.
11)8 Herald's Washington dispatch say
the latest private dupatch from the South says
it appears that Bragg', nmy la, hlcn rem.
forced since tho bnttlo of Chattanooga hy one
division from Riohmond under Gon. Elsey. one
Irnui Western Virginia under Sam Jones, ono
from Petersburg and Weldon nnder Cutis, In
addition Bragg has his original army consisting
of Hill and -. corps, besides four divi-
ions from Ml., one from Charleston and Ga.
Slate troop, tinder Walker, one from East
Tens, seven divisions from Lee's army, num.
bering 15,000 1 5.000 cavalry nnder Pillow,
15,000 cavalry nnder Wheeler, The com
mand amounts to 175,000 men. and Jo John.
sod is at Rome with 55,000 reserves, (Good
many rebels this year.)
, , tfoitTftESS Momidb, Oct. 9.
Richmond Examiner has the billowing t
r . Missionary Ridob Oct. 5.'
Ws opened on Chattanooga at 1 p. m. from
the top of Lookont mountain, Our (hells ex
ploded tn the enemy's camp.
Mishiokaiiv RmoK. Oct, 0.
' We commenocd firing rapidly this morning,
and swept away the lower pontoon bridge. No
firing on either side at 1 o'clock.
in , Chakusstos, Oct, 6.
An attack was made by ns to-duy on iho
Ironsides, damaging her and frightening the
v nmy.
There has been hot little firing on the eno
my's Morris Island works to-duy.
. San Francisco. Oct. 0.
. Pirate Chapman case will bo submitted to
the Jury tn-night.
Nkw York. Oct. 9.
Money easy ntfl7 sterling dull at 1(11 1
Government stocks less active anil scarcely so
firm i gold firm at 147.
The transpmt Curlew has arrived from
Charleston bar on the morning of the 0th. The
monitors Pntnpsoo and Pnssitle are at Port
Royal. Gen. Gilinoro was hard at work lint
the navy was quiet, A correspondent of the
Baltimore American writing fr Ilie fleet snys
all quiet, except occasions! firing from the en
my's forts. Uilinnre'i preparations are nearly
, . The Washington correspondent of the Com
mercial states that the recent rebel advance In
Hoseornn' rear proves to have been an exten
sive reconm issanoo In force to discover what
forces were moving to support our army. It
did oot have in view, or at l ast such was not
the result, any serious Intention of destroying
our cnminunicatii as that, the rebels know.
' would bring on an engagement which would
end in a serions defeat to them. This fact was
fully realized by them before their real object
was accomplished. By this time the rebel
cavalry is back south of the Ten le ssee, mid
from preparations to keen open cominuiilen
tlnns with Chattanooga it is not believed they
will run the rbk of attacking our lines ogiiiu.
r,' i Chkiaqo, Oot. 0.
Memphis papers of the Dili contain nothing
of importance. An expedition from Corinth on
the 27th had a sharp engagement with the
rebels, chasing them 20 miles, killing six and
capturing eight prisoners, Our loss was one
killed ami two wounded.
The Governor of Georgia has issued a pro
clamation protesting against the seizure of peo
ple's property for the use of thn Rebel Govern-
' ment, except In case where the authority comes
from headquarters. He calls on the State au
thorities to resist In defense of her property.
Little Rock advices represent afluirs in Hint
section as satisfactory.
Bkdalia, Mo., Oct. 9.
Information received to day contradicts the
repo ts about Indiscriminate slaughter of citi
sens at Warenw. The number now said to he
, killed is 12. Many even think this an exager.
ation. It is impossible to obtain thn truth.
Perhaps no lives were lost or property destroy,
ed. The town has alwas been siccsh, there
fore it is not probuble that a great amount of
damage was done. Latest information place
the rebels abnnt 13 miles from Syracuse, where
. it is presumed they will encamp. Their num
ber Is estimated at 13.000 with two camion.
, M"Jur Forier is skirmishing with rear guard to.
, day, wounding two and cupturiiig three. Mil
itary authorities are using every means to pro-
:, tect Ibo people.
Yrkka, Oct. 10 Op, M.
j The operator at Weavervillc. Trinity conn-
ly. told mo a few minutes ago that the whole
town was on fire. Since then the wire hut
. burned in two, and 1 oniinot get that place.
Town prububly destroyed. OpkiiatouYkkka.
Borne Minks We are informed by Mr.
Steele, of Yreka, who is on bis way below,
thai considerable excitement exists in Siskiyou
county ill resort to the lloise ami liaumick
City mines. The people of Siskiyou are agi
tating the subject of a wagon road from Yreka
to lliinnoek City. All agree Ibat thu direct
, and moat accessible route is by Unnsn Lake,
and t!. only drawback to tba Yreka road ia
the fear that Ibe people of Trillium county will
build mad from Bed Bluff to Bannock Cliy
, and cut Yreka off, as the road could be built
. iiiiioIi nearer from Red lllulT than to go bv the
way or Yreka. Mr. Steele thinks that 1 1.(100
would open a passable route from Yreka much
- better than any mule now traveled from any
point on the Columbia river. And if a passa
ble mad nan lie opened with that aniall sum
from Yreka, surely the amount required In
open S mad from Red Bluff would hu so litlit
that it would lie the least consideration. Red
i Bluff can see u re the immense trade of that
, populous and faat growing section if it chooses.
,, All that ia utceesaty is Hie proper enterprise tn
reap the harvest of wealth which now goes to
Portland and other Oregon town. Tho Cali
fornia Hteam Navigation Company can enrleli
itself by lending a hand in this enterprise, and
" reap Hie profits whkh now go into ibo tollers
' of the Oregon Kleam Navigation Company.
! Red Bluff Independent,
An Old Moroan Uorsk The celebrated
; stallion, General Gilford, was exhibited at
: (bo late National Horse Fhow, tn I'eoria, HI.
He Ii thirty-si yenrt old, and has been blind
' six rear. It Is estimated Ibat hi family now
" living, nf which he' is the original sire, number
five thousand. When twenty. three year old
he was sold for (2.000. HI movements, blind
as ha is, ant like those of a four year old.
Tn a Prrraaiox Causs in Knolakd. We
"breath freer and deeper." .laoie M. Mason
Confederate commissioner t Kngland, who ha
' been hanging round Earl ltuasi-lr batik stairs.
fur the past two year, wailing lor recognition
tn lorn up, ha shaken from hi shoe lb dust
' of London, and gov to seek consolation in the
bosom of Slidrll. James has notified the Brit
' its government that be withdraw the light of
Ms countenance In obedience tn luatruelimia
from Richmond. We presume Ibis appalling
calamity is due tn the iletennlion of the ram
" In the Mersey. It I a formal admission that
British recognition of I lie Jeff. Dai is concern ia
hopeles. Loni Napoleon is the last hope of
the rebel in Europe, and he will consult expe
diency Slid hi own vellish Interest. Sac.
. ' . . .
ViitiiMssis F.r-(itiRAnisa rnn Die.
'-' MfMSM OP ViCKSMmo A Stevenson. Ala.,
, correspondent of the Cincinnati GatrU- writes,
Hil.,.v!it nf I'ltiiin fn n itt Alnltame.
SJHeJSl 111 im"mj " - "
ud Tenneaeee. that Vallamligham. while In
the South repealelly exlwrted the rebel to hold
on ta Yicktbnrg, declaring that the ncoe of
hit partf in Ohio depended altogether on the
a iiliiy of CM rebe' government to baffle the
L'uU srnrt iN-ahginf that placo. The evi.
if ice of this foot the writer declares to be In-
OIBolat Pap.r of the Btat.
Ths Stnl'iinjin Ii puhllihad wkly at Sslem. Ttrmi, 8
per year, ilwnyii In mlvntice.
Lnsl H'lvorl)nint,nU will bflirnil Ilia followlmr rl"l :
Twelve line, or I, on liuertlu 00
Ksi-h uleriietit Inssrlmn I Is)
tff Tht oboM art prtctn in min. Ltyal Ttiidtr noltt
will bt ttiksn only at Ihtir tmrrrnt vttlut.
Leir&l anil hII trsnilenb ailvertiienientH mull be prepaid to
Insure tlisertlfjn.
AdmlnlstrMt-nrs niMees. snil h sflrertlsements relsllnir to
III eeute of ileceitieil pernont. mint be preimlit, uiiIpm or
dered enbllihrnl by the eounty Judire. and imnrsnteeU to be
oe pina ny mm.
Advertleinff bills not paid within one yeor Trom the time
when commuted, will be IncreMeil twenty-live per cent, each
yenr imyrofnt is ni'Klncte'l IliprnnfOsr.
Ilnmltunoei nmy lie msds by mull at ths rielt of tho puh.
lllhen, if mailed in the presence of a poslmniter.
CBANDALIi & WAITZ, Publlihori.
Expectlnif to lie absent from the Slate for an Indefi
nite time, I will tell tli Oregon Slateiman establish
ment, Tli Olfic ooniiirlws a laiye air.e Adams' New
Patent Power Press, and the paper ha the larest cir
culation, and the most lucrative patrouax of any in
State. A.UDS1I.
Ralem, Oct. 10, 183.
The West was once characterized by Thorn'
us H. Benton, in a speech in Congress, as "no
lilc, devoted, generous, and patriotic," Noth
lug bad ever occurred at that time lo establish
her right to any titles of distinction except in
common with other portions of our country,
though perhaps the old statesman knew some
thing nf what would be the spirit and tendency
of her rapidly increasing population. But tho
events of the past two years und a half have
shown that none of these epithets were uii
pluccd. She bo proved her nobility by turn
ing out her thousands of nature's iiohlcmen.w ho
were willing to die in defense of Union und
Liberty i she bat proved ber devotion hy her
straightforward and unwaver ug course iu sup
porting the government witbont stopping to
dictate terms and measures, and nothing could
exceed the generosity and patriotism with
which she has yielded up her blood and treasure
lo aid in defending thn government under the
fostering care of which she grew to greatness
and power. Iu mailing these statements it is
no part of our intention to detract from any
other portiou of our country. It should be tho
aim of every patriot to avoid engendering or
encouraging anything like sectional prejudice.
Iu a country lilio ours every man should feel at
home in every part, and there should bo but
one government, una (lug, mid one history .
We are simply stating theso as facts of which
every American should be proud. If tho
States of Iho great West have yielded their
support to the war for the Union as freely and
steadily as the great river that drains their prai
ries bo rolled it continuous floods Into the
Gulf, there is no reason why the facts should
not lie published to the world.
Ohio has furnished for tho war one hundred
and suvcnty-fiva thousand men ; Illinois one
hundred and thirty-five thousand ; Indiana,
one hundred and two thousand j Iowa fifty -one
thousand ; Michigan forty-eight thousand, and
Wlscousiu forty -three thousand, mulling
ovor hulf a million i limit counting what
have been furnished by Minnesota, Mis
souri and Kansas. And bow well these
western men have dime their duty, is seen w hen
when we consider their achievements. These
were the troops that planted tho nalionul Hag
on the of walls Doiielson.thnt cleared Missouri of
rebels, that met and vanquished equal or supe
rior number at Sbiloh and Murfreeel'ioro, mill
prosecuted lo a successful tc rmiuution the w ea
ry siege of Vicksburg.
Besides these things, the West is entitled to
credit for the pntiuiit manner in which she has
suffered the consequence of this protruded
war. While the market for her produce has
been to a great de, ree injured by it, she hu
heen utile to ninmilucture none, or hut lew. of
those articles that have enabled New England
to bold her own ; and while the littler section
hits suffered equally with the former, iu the
number of valuable lives sacrificed upon the
altar of the country, it is no doubt Irno Hint
the pecuuiitry disadvantages arising from the
war have been more severely felt In the West
than in the East.
But it is needle s to mnliiply words in exloll
Ing the patriotic devotion of the West. In the
luugnnge that a treat orator onue applied tn
New Eugland, "There Is her history and there
it will remain forever." The bone of her
brave sons, who rnllied at the first sound of the
war truinpet.nre bleaching on every field where
the armies of the Union and Ibe hordes ol trea
son have contended, and her generous devotion
and patriotio loyally will never bu forgotten
until future generations have ceased to love
freedom and honor its defenders.
Toiiacco Rainino ix Oiikodn. Mr Win.
Templetou, living near Brownsville, in Linn
county, called on us lust week for the purpose
of showing soino samples or tobacco raised oil
his farm this yenr. The varieties Included the
Maryland llroadleaf, Gold Leaf, and Spanish.
TUt first, from seed procured nt the Patent
Ofllue, the lust two, from seed obtained in this
valley, Mr. T. says be bus been very smoess
ful in the culture of this plant, raising about
tell nores this season, which cert.tiuly looks fine
nml bus a bright and ch ar appearance. We
me no Judgu of the article, except as John
Anderson prepares it for chewing, but III spec
imens show ii ii oertninly give encouragement
in the raising of tobacco iu Oregon. Mr. T.
Judge the yield to be from six to eight hundred
pound per acre. Some or the plant of the
llroadleaf vnrietr weigh five pounds. One or
two facts are worthy of notice, iu tobacco ruis
ing here i There are no worm to trouble the
plants and the snrkers do not grow so fast na In
th Slnlea, We think Oregon will, ere long,
derive a large income from the raising of to
bacco. Mkbtino op tiik 1H:iiik-atui Ckntiiau The Breckinridge dcinocrnlic(?)
Central Committee for the Stale met at Albany
lust Thursday and agreed to bold a Stale Con
vention at some future lime, the delegates lo be
apportioned upon the basit of vole cast for A.
E. Wait lust year. Of course, under timt sr
rangemeiit the Douglas democrats will have
things all their own way ! A resolution was
passed, graciously giving a "permit," tn them
lo act ill the primary convention. Little Jer.
emy don't like even that.
tW Ths Judicial election for California take
place next Wednesday, at which time there
will be elected five justice of the Supreme
Court, District and County Judge, Justice of
the Peace, and a State Superintendent nf Pub.
Ho Instruction. The Supreme Judges will draw
for the respective terms of 3, 4. 6, 6, and 10
year, after which one Judge will be elected
every two year, Iq hulJ for the term of tea
)ear. Their term begin January 1st, 1861.
Rathrk Stskp. Mr. Ann Carney, of
New York, lately presented a claim of 5.000,
for damage sustained "for loss of husband,"
in tht late riot. He must hav bees "a Jewel J
of iw."
Itomcatii: 111-ins.
Unifohm Cap. Mr. Butler, of the Pioneer
Hut Store, yesterday, received a case of mili
tary caps, which he had ordered for tho
"Washington Guards j" they are the II. 8.
Regulation Fatigue Cap, with the letter D nnd
a trumpet in front. Orgonian, Uth.
..... .Tho steamer Brother Jonathan look
out, on her lust trip. $203,8.')") in treasure, and
2.105 boxes apples, 53 packages eggs, J!) pack
ages butter, I) cries hncon, 23 hub's wool, 05
hides, 1 1 coops chickens, and 40 quarters beef.
Gonk East. The distinguished Catholic
Missionary, Father De Smet, left on the steam
er Inst night. He intends going to St. Louis,
nnd returning ma Fort Benton to Ins laliors
among the Indians who inhabit the Rocky
innuntiiin regions. The Uev. gentieman lias,
lor tno last twenty-llnee years, neen more or
less identified with the civilization of tho "red
men," nnd his name is known far and wide
among thorn. Oregoniun, 14(i.
Union Speech at Eola. Mr. J. M.
Bumes, will speak at Eolit, In Polk county, on
Saturday the 24lh Inst. Mr. B. Is an East
Teniiesseeon, and will give some Interesting
facts. We should like to hear hiiu in Salem.
A party of Smiku Indians made a do.
scent on Warm Spring Reservation on the
night of the 8th lust,, and drove off 130 head
of burses,
Match port $3,000. Messrs. Fink, Reed
nnd Whetmore have lately taken to California
lioiu Oregon Lane county, we presume a
bay mare, and matched her for $3,000 to go
against Adiims' black gelding 500 yards, on
the 24lh Inst , on the Knight's Lauding course.
The California papers say "there is no doubt
that this will be lliu fastest nice ever run in
California since tho race of Sim Oldham's gray
mare, Comet raised in Oregon and John
Crowtler, where not less thuu $20,000 were
staked on tho rncc.
High Water. Wo understand the hoats
will inin commence regular tripi on the upper
Willamette. The Relief made a trial trip to
Salem Ibis week, hut found the water quite
Tho Oreffonian says that Company
B, First Regiment Oregon State Militia (Wash
ington Guards) intend going on a target ex
cursion in "a few days."
New Post Office, A new post office bus
been established at Miilliiu's Bridge in this
comity, Mr. John Gordon is the Postmuster.
Auburn Sii.vkr and Gold. Mr. Charles
Sehoope hits exhibited to us some lino speci
mens of Auburn silver and gold. Some of
the cropping of tho silver ore, or quartz,
sent lielow hy Mr, n. Tor assay, yieliled I! 10
per ton In silver nml Ig.ilJ In golil. Ibo Au
burn minors think they have a rich tliiiiL' in
their quartz lodes. Walla Walla Ulaleimun.
The Marshal of Idaho, who ha been
taking the census of that Territory makes the
number of while mules tn be 32,342, nnd of
voter, 7,400 ; number of females, 1 ,061) ; num
ber of children, 091,
Nr.W Papkh'. The Dalles Journal enys
that Mr. Snyder, lately connected with that pa
per, is soon to start nil evening daily in Port
laud. There ought lo hu two or three more
dailies there, to make it pay first rate.
The parly which left here for lloise
ri! Klainatli Lake two week ago, are at Fort
IVIamatli. It is sum that the Italian have
burin d all the grass, and Unit eighteen men are
b it at tile Fori, while Ilie balance of the troops
have gone out to chastise the Indians. Yreka
The Mountaineer snys business nt the
Dulles has been lively for several (lays, owing
lo the large number of pack trains fitting out
for Canyon City.
The I'nrlliiiid nnd Milwutikie mncud-
nmized road has been closed for repairs, nml
the li-i ry suspended, till further notice.
The seini-weelily Jacksonville Senti
nel bus been discontinued. Hereafter a week
ly paper only will he issued from that olficc.
The publisher says the semi-weekly arrange
ment has bceu a losing operation, and that
"where one reader ha subscribed and paid for
the p'per, ten have never paid a dime."
Jackson Piiices Flour, qr. sncks
per 100. $2 50; wheat, per bu,, 40 15 ; oats,
33 a, '17 chickens, per dot., $33 4 50; bacon,
sides, char. IG'0; Imms, 20S22; should
era, 10: butter, fresh, 372,'iO; green apple",
4(1 ; dried apple, 23 ; dried peaches, JJO'S.'ff.
A fellow named Barney, held to trial
in the Circuit Court hero this week, on $.100
bond. Tor assault on the person of one Smith
in Salem nearly two year since, slipped from
the custody of the Sheriff a thu jury were
coining iu with the verdict, and has not since
been heard from. Hit bondsmen are iu for a
nlte little sum.
.Capt. Medorem Crawford nnd his
brother, Lieut. Le Roy Crawford, of the Over
laud Escort, arrived in Portland on Wednes
day Inst.
The Oregonian says petition aro in
iilreulutiou for the establishment of a mint and
marine hospital In Portland
Soon to Commknck We understand that
immediately upon the arrival nf Major Logon
heel. DeoutV Provost Marshal General, w l.n is
dnilr expected, the enrollment nf the ciliaeiis
of Hit county Halite to duly nmler the Com
scr plioii Act, will ooinineuoe. Oregonian.
D. O. Major, of Washington, ap.
pointed by the Government lo superintend tho
survey of ibo boundary between Oregon and
ashiugtoii, arrived ou the Brother Jonathan,
Asi:s8mkxt op Yamhill County. Mr.
Adams, the emmy clerk says, "the total valu-
a' ion of real and personal property a returned
by Ibe county assessor ia $!l77.7;tt). Wbul
number of poles between SI and 50 year of
age. ISOH. Stat tax, 3 mill an the dollar;
elmol tax. 3 mill i county tax. 5 mill. Stat
poll tax on persons between 21 and SO year of
age, per head, $1 1 county poll tax, $1 j mili
tary poll lax. wi,
All the shove rale are fixed by law except
the county tax of five mill which na aeed
by the Canity Court The total valuation of
tin year lei! below that of lat year some
l.liOKH), one reason of tin being that tho as
sessor wa required by law t i deduct lueh
man' indebtedness from hi ttital Valuation.
The Enrolling officer i around i
w know l our sorrow for alter dodging biin
annul in cnv lor iwn or mrmi uay. we, yet
terdar, ran plump into hu arm, and was ur
prised at Ilie interest he took la our welfare,
lie kindly Inquired ear ua no, age, residence,
occupation and the Stale nf our nativity. We
compelled him to promise ns a Colonel'' com
mission before we gave him any satisfaction.
Our Devil says the officer Koo't make much
by "rolling" bun, a be ha not had dollar
foV U. Lt six ax-lXiiUs Jrnnml, 13.
Liltl!.lereiny ia afraid that I. F. M.
Butler will getiuUi the democratic fold op Ilia
sainu level witlj himself. There Ii no danger,
Jimmy, of Mr. Bilcr' ever getting down to
your level ho neter exhibited tt learned pig
for 3 centa or any (ther sum and don't know
any of the genteel Inmmer tricks by which yon
succeed. Ho differs from you in two essential
respects hu is an hotioniblo man and u gentle
man, j
Tho Washington correspondent of the
Dalles Journal writm that II. S. Jacobs of
Portland has been offered by the government,
$30,000 for his invention for making wagons.
The Lowiiton Agt reports that Major
John Owen had Iwen arrested in the Beaver
Head country on a charge of robbery. Some
mistake, probably.
Tho Motntaineer says Lieut. Fox,
Quurtermnster at Ft. Dalles, has been placed
in confinement for some offense not yet known
to lh public.
...L. The citizens nf Walla Wnlla county
have contributed $1,000 to the Sanitary Aid
fund. 1
Wahhinuti, Oct. II.
A letter trom headquarters of the army of
the Potomnusays for two days past tho enemy
has heen comenlrating heavy lorce nt Madi
son Court Htase. Friday night and Saturday
nmrniug, tlieymoved nut of town in a north
easterly directbu. Division of infantry and
large bodies of cavalry nnri coiisulerulile artil
lery are ooonsintmlly seen by car signal men.
I lie on oct of tile movement could not lie no-
tertniiieil. Reports from the front, curly in the
morning, repreient that it cavalry brigado at
tempted a n conitoitre on ths south side of the
Kapiuaii, where they were met by a largo hody
ol' eavalrr. A fight ensued and continued an
our, when our troops fell bnclc on their infant
ry supports, Alter another severe contest the
infantry finally gave way, a considerable num
ber being captured. A detachment of cavalry
then dashed upon thu enemy and recaptured
nearly all the prisoners taken, Our entire
force pushed back townrds CulS'ppcr,skirinisli
ing on the way, and contesting every foot of
the ground. Heavy firing this afternoon indi
cates the contest resumed. Tlu signal station
on the top of Thoroughfare Mountains was
nearly cut olt hut the entire party with prop
erty escaped, From appearances, it is gener
ally believed thai the main hotly nf Hill's corps
passed Irom left to right along our front, pursu
ing obscure routes near Bine Kidgu intending
to make demonstrations.
Should the rebel movement lie simply a ruse
to cover a heavy attack on our front, we arc
prepared, as the ground has been cleared and
everything calculated. Hill's advance will
probably commence moving on Thursday from
Madison Court House, und hy this time are
between Gordoiwvillo Fork and Aslbaeui
New Yiirk, Out. 11.
The Times' Washington dispatch enys a
letter from an officer iu Steele's Arkansas ex
pedition, dated Utile Rock, Sept. tit), states
that deserters front Price's army arc coming
inlo our lines by hundreds and enlisting iu our
nriii)'. Oucrrilliui still continue operations, hut
with diminished success. Several gauge have
already thrown down their arms and returned
to peacelul pursuit.
, Wasiiinotos, Oct. 11.
Richmond papors received hero lust night
are very doleful over the enterprise nf a genius
named Livingston who represented himself
as a grout Alabama business house, and be
guiled Richmond bunkers out of $100,000 ex
change on Loudon and escaped mtu the t edcr
al lilies.
Memphis, Oct. 0.
Little Rock letters of Oct. 2d sav it is ru
mored that Kirliy Sii'lth with a heavy force has
joined Price ami litis combined force i iniircli-
ingnn Litllo Rock. Military authorities aro
uiukiug preparation to meet ilie attack.
Weavkiivillk, Oct. II.
About 4 o'clock Ibis nflcruooii a tiro broke
nut iu a China store a few doors below Hind's
Hotel, and in less tliau an hour the n hole lower
put lion nf the town, consisting of frame build
ings, was in a blaze. So rapidly did the flames
sprend. that little or no properly was saved.
Two lire-proof liujding were also binned.
The agifregnte loss by the lini will probably
reach $cJ2ll.(H)0, Over eixty building were
linriied, including Hind' Motel, Comstnck iC
Martin' stables, Uohlsteiu & Lung' brick
building, containing a large stock of groceries
on thu first floor, aid the Journal printing of
fice, on tho second Jonr. The materinl of the
Journal ollioe a toti.l loss. Also, the Califor
nia Stage Company's stables. New York Hotel
(brick) and many other large buildings.
Tim Enrollment is Oukoon. Ono of the
oflioers appointed far that purpose, informs us
that he baa commenced hi labors in hi dis
trict. Unsays ho I progressing quite well with
his work but that now and then be finds a
backlog eoesh who threatens to "cnt an!
shoot," though ns yet none of them have dared
to attempt anything but the old gnmc of lirngg.
Some of thu same class, in another county,
threatened tenihht vengeance on the Income
Tax Collector, but uheir he made his appear
ance they even forgot to pay greenbacks, w hich
could be had for 00 cent on the dollar, but
pnngled the coin and were glad to get off
in that way.
The enrollment con do no linrm, and wo
know of no good reason why there should be
opposition to it
Rrcrption op thb Spanish Admiral.
Gen. Wright and stud" honored the Admiral of
the Spanish fleet and thn ofiioers of tho frigate
Resoluoion with a reception in San Francisco,
on tho Gth iust. The fl tgs of Spain, England,
ami America decorated the main entrance to
the hotel.
OcrostKTsaa. J&
Wa an inile 1'leJ la Mr. (leo. A. Kiles, Clerk of the
Court, for the following summary t
Hints of Oregon . Manns Xewsll and .Mirhell
l.iirier tieli.'imeiit breakout open a store with in
tent ti romniil a larceny. Kotinit guilty i not seit
leiiml. Slate of Oregon vs. Ilaail Pelord Imlictmeiit for
a-llunr liiiuor to lintUiia. Konod not Kniti v. Oisch'd.
Snue ol Oregon v. Anlnoie l)slinl--tndietaivnl for
selliua li;n..r to ImtiNiis. Ihamiwil.
Poolers Itrainllanl v. Maualona A Hard Judgment
for luit.ll', CHi.tai ni4 i.
V . C (Ins wold vs. t'yrw A Kwl and Stephen Cof
Ha Ju litment f,iritatiiiiH. tl.UVi.'Alaud emu.
I). M Cmmee, aiwlle, vs. John Albri.-lit, appel
lant. INrmuwd al o-t nf amwllant.
Nate of Oreiem v. William KiniM-r Indictment for
ttw-iuli wiihinlrnt to marder. Heeoifiiiianr fortrird.
Wiu. M mvis vs. C.Httiir ( mnowinoera Marioa
tonnir. .Iiolwuieiil for l'iiuoliir .'i.UU and rwts.
Nate nf Omtou va. Qrn Apliu and Mary Aplio
IncVtineut for lartnv i noteuihv.
Win. II rather irs. J. 11. Nwtlia St. Sua Di
uuwl i eatlled.
M K. nli. appellee v. D II. lUmlersliotl, kylhaL
DlsuilMled i ( ceet of amtelle.
Jo D Lornr John Alhrlv-ht Deere nf for.
closur. Juduaieiil for pI'Si $l,&iVAIawd eoats.
J, WaUn ra. John Poti-v, Joha Jordau, W. C.
Owweld and K M. J!s lVre nf lorecloeure
jmlitmrtit avmnet Perce. Si ,riyi ,:tg ttt eota.
U. K Drake va. V K Monkersand Ma'thia Site
ale. Juditraeul for plainiilf. f D,uil and met.
Slat ol Oreiou v J II Q,Mr, A 0. Urrn, AMto
PniitiHi and tlctavin Priii!. luJicliueol for nut i
tn il t ilae
i'rauci Rrnttillard v lfairlnrt AHard. Judgment
for phuutiir, Slti,UU and coue,
W. Mtg Co. vs. L K. Pratt JmlMneat f.w puna
tiff., sroo.ou .nd cost.
H. O. Smith, snpelle re. O O Kirknalrwk, appel
lant. JmltfmeM Mow reversed.
farnrliue ftrinaer . rWasael Parker. Chancery.
Dill dlsmieecd at tost of emnpbMiiant.
Sarah K, Steele ra. Satnttet bteele. Divorce k rant
ed, hke aaetiatee her tttardeft natne.
Sou of )reen r. Ilea 1 1 INdord. Indirtwent for
rape. I owl iruiltr. Aot vetiteoced.
Hubert Smith, W. gtiniina. Tho Green, Joha For-
rrst, A. O Daniel and M tt Diuttck. Indicted for sell-
"Je.lbl W"' "
Tub Nkw lRONSti.KS.-Tliwirnnchid.whioli i !
has taken such a prominent part in the naval
actions before Charleston is believed to be tho
best vessel of her class in the navy. She i
capable of throwing one thousauu.tour iiuuureu
and twenty-liro poiimn m menu "b
broadside. During all her engagements, not
a man or o gun has been injured, and though
site lias been hit scored of times, is to-duy ns
good ns over.
rrr Articles of incorporation "f tlm Culifor-
, i I.:.. n:..,.H Dlt,,...l rs.iiuuinv were
niaaiiuunuiuiniaivivvt i,..,., ...... w.....,.-.v
filed with the Secretary, Oct. 13lh, 1803. .
Hunobv roit Amusbmunt. Tho Victoria
Colonist, speiiliing of the entertainment at the
theatre in that place, lately, says I "Morton's
highly entertaining faroe of Slasher and Crash
er kept the house convulsed with laughter."
Pkejiium List. Next week wo shall pub
lish tho list of premiums awarded at the State
Tub Pacipio Bailhoad. The schooner
Artful Dodger lately arrived at Sacramento with,
the locomotive "Governor Stanford," and other
materinl for tho Paoifio Railroad, the first arri
val of rolling stock.
Wadb In. The editor of the Ellcnsvillc
(N. Y.) Journal has been drafted, and In tak
ing leave nf his patrons be says that "il tne
Board find in him enough of the stuff that sol
diers arc made of wo shall probably 'bow to
our destiny' ns Greeley says, and Forward,
march ! in which case Ihc Confederacy will be
completely pulverized by Christmas at furthest.
Colored Troops. The N. Y. Evening
Pn.i anva thorn aro already 80,000 colored sol
diers organized Into regiments, and the wi rk of
enlistment among the lilncKs is sun so acuvo
that ths number will soon be doubled.
NEW Yolttl, Oct. 3. Mexican dates lo Iho 12th
ultimo confirm the statement that Dobladn had
boen placed at the bead of the Jaitreii Cabinet,
lio proposes tlia following plan ! To confine the
war to the mountain to (rather the independent
men of all parties to form a National party I to
nffree to such intervention ns is proposed in the
treaty of London, adding also the United States,
and disown all political acts now done in Mex
ico. Oen. Uroira is Minister of War, and Nunez
Secretary of the Treasury.
Durairo has been attacked by 430 Mexicans
Interventionists, who wcro repulsed.
In consequence of tho American C'onsnl,at Man
znnillo, accepting nn exequatur from tho oppo
nents of Juure, he has been removed b.y the
American Government, and Minister Corwin in
structed to put another man in his place. A
rumor Is prevalent that Minister Corwin had
received his passports, but the Mexican papers as
not allude to such a step.
It Nkvkb Passed. Wu have often been
asked what become of the law offering a pre
mium of $100 for thu best specimen of tobac
co exhibited at tho State Fair in 180U. We
can inform those interested that the bill passed
the bouse but was lost iu tho Senate.
Pkospkutino. A great number of men
have been in the Cascade, mountains, since the
discovery of gold beiirmg quarts, prospecting
for other lodes. Of five or six parties from
Salem and vicinity, nil but one have returned.
They have been inoslly on the waters of the
North Fork of the Santiam river. While uime
liavo found quartz in which gold is visihlu to
the eye, the opinion of all the prospector is,
that the "indications" uro decidedly hopeful.
Numerous quartz lodes were found, that have
all tho appeurooes of being rich in silver-
There is little room fur doubt that a thorough ex
amination of tho country such as it will receive
next summer will reveal the existence of val
liable gold and silver mines. The season at
which the prospecting has been done this year,
is too advanced for successful operations. The
party of which wo were a member, encounter
ed almost continual storms of rain and wind
Soma snow fell during one uight. Iu such
weather, it is utterly impossible to do anything
on the mountain summits. uoou molting
quartz was found on several monntnin slopes
ami in one or two tributaries of tho North Fork.
The "color" onn he found in the washed ground
of nearlv all tho streams.
Vallandioham Clubs. The "democra
cy" of Oregon are organizing Vullnndigham
clubs nnd inviting into them such Douglas dem -oornts
a aro iu favor abandoning principles
for parly snoces. A few have gono iu to
servo as ;pccta'ors and "fifth calves."
Prise Fight PIrnto Case.
Sam Francisco, Oct. 5.
The principal and seconds in the Dwyer
ami Walker prize fight, which takes place to
morrow, will leave ilie city nt midiiight. The
grouud choseu is in Souoru county, near Lake
ville. .
The trial nf the pirates proceeded to-day.
the cross examination ol Mirvevnr .McLean
elicited no hing new. Naval officer Farwe
corroborated the : nrvevor's testimony. The
uniforms found nn board the schooner were
part of hi store, and oot manifested. On
cros examination witness said be knew the
carpet hag in which the paper were found he
longed to llnrpeuding, because all the oilier
papers and tellers lit it were aililress(l tn liar
pending. Witness identified Hnrpendiug's
handwriting. Harpending, while at Alcatrat
had admitted to witness Ibat certain documents
found were in hi handwriting. Police Captain
Lee' testimony was corroborative of the other
testimony. Capt. Wynder, commander al Ft.
Alcutrax, identified certain document found on
board, nnd which were before the Military
commission. 1 no character ol these tlocu
ment was not divulged to day, with the exoep
lion of one, which i the draft of apian to cap
lore Alcatrnx Island end Fort Point. Court
adjourned till to-morrow.
The Frlie Flght-The Pirate Case.
The Pwyer nnd Walker pritn fight, at Sua
col terminated at 10 o'olock this morning. Af
ter 1 10 Dwyer wa declared winner. On the
nt mnnd. Walker came nn eonitiletelr blind
ed. and held hi erflida open with one hand
wlliut he fought with the other. Hi seconds
then declared he could fight no longer. The
batHe bad lasted four hour and twenty mill
ule The first forty munds were fought Te-
tenlay allemoon. hen the sponge wn
thrown up atker saul ir it were not Tor blind
ness he could light ix hour longer. Hoth men
exhibited great endurance, and it is prunouueed
a great tight.
In the pirate rate on the npcninr nf the
court to-day, defendant' counsel moved for
continuance on the ground that they had not
suliprnted their witiieews. rime wa given
ineiii until tn-niiirrnw.
Pirate Case Continued.
8am Francisco. Oct. 8.
The Chapman pirate case wa summed nn
tut morning oy a. Attorney rnarp. i
Lake followed in an arrument for the prisoner.
If the prisoner hod a letter of marque tm-y
were belligerent, aud were amenable etily to
the laws of war. Secondly there waa do oum
piete letter of niarqoe the witness having trs
librd that tbe document wa in blank. Atain
the vessel had not Urted on a voyage but land
only dropped out inlo the stream to await en
tire readme. It ia not shown that any overt
act was eummitted.bat onlyaa inlentioo. which
if not S crime. Under ths law of war they
might tt out a privateer In the port of Mexico,
a ueulral power. This seem to he the gist of
the argument. Alexander Campbell will follow
i fur the defense, and Thompson Campbell will
elie lor the government. I he case will prob
ably I evoeladcd this week.
The man who goes nut on a cloudy day dur
ing the rainy' scasnn in Oregon, and nfter cast
ing a hurried look at the shy and noticing the
course of tho wind, proceeds lo prognosticate
as to Iho future state of the weather, is about m
npt tn be corre-t in his calculations as he who
casts his eye over tho country and, uftcr noting
the position of the different hostile camps, at
tempts to figure nut tho tendency of passing
events. Thn ruins and snows have their sea
sons. If we go nut on a Winter morning mm
find tho ground covered with snow, the lakes
crusted over, nnd everything frozen up genu
nilly.wo may console ourselves with the thought
that "July will thaw it out." Nut war is not
controlled by times and scaon. At midnight
ond noonday, in Summcrand Win'er, its con
tinuous roar is heard, and It only ceases when
the causes that produocd it are done awny with,
or one of the contending parties has submitted.
Neither of these results has as yet been reached
In the present war, and every look we cast
at the nolitlcal skv tends to confuse rather than
enlighten us ns to the final result of the
struggle. We predicted at the lieginuing mat
it would be a long and bitter one, In winon pa
tience as well as patriotism would be called In
to their fullest exorcise, and we arc euro that
past events and present indications do not foioe
u to change that opinion, nine ami again it,
has been asserted that tho rebellion was on Its
"lust legs," but it has always been found to
have another pair in reserve, and ablo to travel
again immediately after each pair was broken.
There Is no doubt that the leaders of tho rebel
lion went into it with the desperation of con
spirators who knew their lives and
were involved In Its issue, and they will never
submit so long as they can force the masses to
upport their measures, no mutter how wicked
or desperate they may be. With them, it Is a
struggle of life and death a struggle which bo-
comes mors desperate and bitter ns the circle
which they have to defend heonmae smaller.
From its lieginuing, they have acted generally
on the defensive, and while numbers of their
urge cilicr, and considerable portions of their
territory have fallen in our bunds, tho troops
necessary to garrison and hold thoso places has
decreased our nvailublo force, while theirs has
been correspondingly increased. Their cause
is one which will not bo abandoned ns soon as
it becomes hopeless, Like the wild beast pur
sued hy Iho hunters, they will oot bo amused to
tho hist pitch of dei-pcriition until they ar
driven to their den. They will doubtless yield
to the force of circumstances moro willingly
when contending iu Maryland, Missouri or
Tennessee, than tlf-y will after they are con
fined within the area of Ihc cotton Stutes. It
our people would consider all these things when
counting the chance of the present struggle,
they would not be so frequeutly disappointed
by what seem to them unexpected delays. We
must not expect that a rebellion of so va-t pro
portions, tho leaders of which have been years
preparing for it, can be crushed out iu a few
days or months.
liut thcru are other things besides mere home
matters that aro to bo taken into account,
There is no doubt that the strength of tho re
bellion is waning, but when the clouds over our
heads break away and the storm that is raging
round us seems near its closing, we see rising in
the distance a new horror in the prospect of for
eign intervention. We know il. to bo policy of
certain European power to use every means
wilhiii their power to prolong the present war,
und that it is their desire to keep our couutry
disunited. Russiu. generally culled the must
despotic power in the world, has showu herself
our firm and steady frieu !, while "republican
France," and England, our oldeet enemy.uuder
cover of a hypocritical neutrality, have been at
fording aid and comfort to our internal foe.
There is room for fear that the two latter pow
ers will interfere iu the American strugglo so
so soon as they dare to. They are deterred
from this ut present, probably by two consider
ations. Our country is better prepared for war
now than ever before, aud though they may
bluster and bray, they may think that the time
lias not yet arrived wheu they may safely at
tack tho giant of western freedom. Then he-
sides this, their European complications have
their influence. Russia is watching them with
a jealous eye, and any new step they may take
is liable to plunge the in into n war with I cr,
The Polish question is yet unsettled, and seems
likely tu remain so for some time; iu fact, eve
rything seems to indicate trouble in the old
w. rid, uud wu think that any interference iu
America by France or Eiiglaud at present
would be likely to bring on a general war.
Such an event we do hot think probable, as it
is certainly to the interest of !1 to prevent il.
Taken altogether, we think present indications
promise favorable results. Foreign interven
tion is evidently not as imminent a it wo two
years ago. France ha not succeeded in con
quering Mexico yet nor in inducing the Aas
man prince lo accept the throne of the proposed
monarchy there to be established, and it is un
doubtedly Napoleon's design to accomplish
those two results before Irvine hi fortune
across the ltio tirnmle. The British linn seems
quiet nt present, with the exception ofan neoa.
sioiml growl, aud the serpent of Ireusou, having
innvu hi regiuu possession ol fcust l eimessee,
is coiling itself iu the neighborhood of Chalts
tionga lor a final strike, wlii.h, if nnsucces'ful,
will hasten it doom.
California Insanis Asylum During the
month of September, twenty-five patients were
admitted into this iustitutiou. Total number
of patients Oct. 1st, 574.
Al the residence of the bride' father, in Tolk conn
It'll Mf' ,U'"m 'k'""""""1 Mi Mary J
In Mari.m county, hy II. A. Johnson, CI. J. R IV
tollman ot folk cvuuty and Mrs. Mary Pctiyiubn.of
Unreal. " '
In Salent. 1 1th inst. by Dev. I. Pillon, Jlilion K.
v ni, aiiu,i r. narns, all of Nilem.
In Portland, 4lh, The Hall and L-hWiiui B. Collin,
At Vancnrcr, Jth, Meet. West, of 1st reuimcnt V.
. lumnirv, aim mi., Amelia Kellv, daughter of Cunt.
Woi.koiiy,olCo.C'. I-IO C. '
Iu Ja k.n cwmly, tilt inst., W. C, Butler and Mary
C. Johnson.
tu Vancouver M. James T Phillip and Miss Ten
Hence I. Ijely, tnuh of Ponland.
lu Uro Kiwi, I. T , Archy M.Uain ami Mr. C. Con-
.sear Mem, lh inet.. of mrlet feeer. Oen Skir
niik-ton. sua at 8. M and Hannah Moldnteee,aedll
,i. '. ut,.,ni etra t-.wi.e.
ben r'rancisca pper eleas coee.
At llrnnd Jtande tixiiaa Agencr, 9th Inet., Harriet,
wife nf June B. ComkMi, awt W yenra 4 moutiit and
in nere.
j in fmeej. iicj. vnn, jm tineby, eon of William
--. r't'... wi nonius ana b
At Mtert-w. lAh. of lung fever, liuseell Evans,
Mireik-aa papcm please copy.
1 l'orrl(i. al, Jane Oliv. danahter of ia
SrewJ and Kbra A Williams, aired 14 month,
la Omrm ( or. S.-i,t. I5tb. rharle. Wdli.m i
KBiauuug child of tyroe and Locey, wed
ai'mlbe aod "4 Hav '
r T a B "hunrbter of Dr.
E. C. na M.M. Adair, aed II .K.i .M
la Poland. Oel W. Mary F , toong daothle, of
t rawie and Arvdbj Mire.ll vrs S and lu 17.
Atlas.-,!,. ls.h.Mr.f.)t BrsdforJ.
u iu 1 T i. S ""v "u iter of
4 P." t!fai ? - )J IS davs.
In PortUnd. lath. Lwn. only daartter of Dr J A
and Mary I hapnun, amd -
iromo"Wu iu )'"
Wakiiinoton, Out. 111.
Oeneral Milmy lis heen cxoncivteil irom all cluiras
'''".y-Kilirul maneuvering rr.l
Meade checliuoilwl Ma -t)' adversary Willi ut loss ol
any sort, und pl.iml himself on tlm oilier stile ol Jor
dan, nod Iu a position Iu which lie can ami I- pivpiiiml
to accept hauls. lio seems to have tionsidcrii ily Until
ernl the rebel trim do not srctii Inclined to ftlit un
less with lmlinn lifee ndviiiitituo. The eliiiim ol posi
tion wn made by uur army wiiuout Hie sIikuUK onn
hisioa. Kverj'tlnim (lint whs lellliclilnd ivadtuoysd
mill would mit kii a cur l"d alloyctllr. I,'s in
(iri'Kir'adlvHon of riivnlrysniilto lie severe. IHthiind
Mill I'enii. and I nth S.Y. suffered most. On Haturiiy
tillit our rouse crossed lbs Itappiihannock. On Mon
day moniliiu. ths Vd corps rscrossei) and drove the en
,., t iimniiv Klutloa. with severe loss In killed.
woiiml'-d and prisoners on the rebel sld. They tlim
received orders to bill Isick, which they ilili 111 Knoll
order, lien. Ilnlofd, with cavalry, was on the lelt,
Kllpntrlck Iu the ceiiler, ana i.rriiK on uie nuui, uu
fijid m,d (ircKlf succeeded in liuldliifr the enemy on tin)
rhihtand left until II o'clock, when acting uudcr older
they fell back on the main body.
1'iiii.iOKLruii, Oct. 13.
Kotler county, 8 districts, gives Union Htate ticket
4110 majority. Crawford county Klves 2000 majority
for Curtin (Utilmi). Brie city SHU niajoritr. J.ehlKb '
county gives JUO majority only for Woodward (dem).
Monro county gives 121)0 for Woodward.
Chicago, Oct. U.
For ItrottKh (Union), Champaign county gives 1 OOO
majority l llama county, Sliotl majority s Columbian
county, 200111 Knox, 21)11 1 I'nrtiiire, 21W0 : Ijike, ll)0i)
Hturlt, lihu Uielilaiul, alio majority lor Vulkindlgliam.
Large gains l or the Union ticket.
A dispatch frnm Cincinnati at 2 o'clock this morning
snys Brougli's majority In the Male Is estimated at
Uo.OOil. The soldiers' vote will raise tbe Uiiioa major
ity to 1 ( 10
. New Voiuc,
Hold this orulug,lS2ilfiS.
Kt Johns, N.F;, Oet.U,
Tlw Africa from Liverpool 3d, and (leeustuwuj 4tli,
has arrived.
News of Site ikitat of Itosecrans eaiweS a considera
ble sensation, aud arise lu Confederate loun of 5 per
cent., but tbe ihUhiico whs uot ausULucd, undcloncil at
2) per cent, discount.
Xte Timm thinks Hosocrans waa 'defeated by supe
rior strategy, and snys It Is evident Hint tin fedenil
tmops contested tbe Held obstinately they rallied
wlisn btmken, formed again, and renewed the engage
ment repeatedly. They seem to liave dona all that
bravery and ilclcrmliintioii coiild cll'tcl, but tbe greater
skill of tin CunlVilct'aM generals, with their combined
forces mode their attack successful. The ikrtilH look
upon It as the must decisive battle fought iu the West.
The Daily Tines says (tragi's victory is it striking
demonstration of the wisdom of the new policy of tlitr
rebels In bringing their forces to rcsint tlui advance of .
the enemy.
Tbe faris Siwnrsays, if A. 11. Stephen visits Paris
with the expectation' of procuring too recognition of
the Koutli, lis will roliH'U disappointed, tt, says the
time lor ilml lias ncil ,it it over existed. 'Hie Sonlll ,
by arming their slaves, shows resisluuee to bo ex
hausted. .Maximilian iinitwrri'd the Mexican deputation that
be is ready toncccpt too tli rone on Ilie tree, spontane
ous expression of the Mexican people, und on guavun-
Ilea tor tne integrity and luuepeiiueiico ol tno country.
Letters from llrest, Hept. HU, soy the Florida linished
repairs in the govimiuieul dock, and has gone into tha
mcrcuutile tiurhor,wliui'o she waa refitting, and would
go into the rouilsteud in about a week, uud would bw
ready for sea hi three weeks ov a mouth.
Union Victories in Pennsylvania and.
Nkw Voiik, Oct. 14.
A special to the World speaking of military matters
snys tile rebels have ubaudoiu-d the npparunt purpose
of Hanking our army on the l'utoinau. It look as
though, the late movement wits a cover to some military
lienioiintiatiou on their punt elsewhere. All quiet Ilk
Irmit yesterday.
The following to tlio llernM irjlcatcs the position
ot lite armies of Virginia:
IlKAWjtiAin tH.- Auvv or Potomac, Oct. 14.
The trains have all 0000 ia safely and iu excellent
order. Kilpntrick uiu Uul'onl have also arrived at the
riverand are iti.bue of battle. Our forces are now ia
portion lo contest the .''Ivus'-e of the enemy wlio ap
pear to b iu force oa the utu side of the river,
Wash (KOTOS, Oat, 14.
Some skirmishing on the Potomac, lleported that
(ionium's division had a light mi Monday ut Wliiln
bulplior Kpi-ingsmd was compelled lo full back. 611 of
the 1st New Jersey lost.
(lold loljaltt in New York Oct. 14.
Tlio War Department has resumed control over the
telegraph for the transoiissiou of iiiieltigeuce beariug
011 Ibo rebel or Federal positioti in Virginia. .
Etsro.t, I'a., Oct. 1.1
Tbe following nr Viood ward's majorities 1
Wiivne conntv, ami, loss, 3111 ; Cumberland, HOI), loss,
54 1 ; llerks, 6.IIUU ; Curpin, 5110, loss, IU ; Hacks 400,
lose DUO ; Lehiifh, complete, loss i.'iO; Knsque-
liaunaii gives Curtiu 1, till majority a gain of 51)4,
1'HII.AMLFHI. Oct. 14.
Forney's Preu figures np Cnvtin' majority 21,700,
with 4t counties to bear from, which, in iedl guv
Curtiu over 50,01111 mujoriiy.
Ciscissati, Oct 13.
Thirty tiino counties give Urouh 41,100 uxijority.
Chicaoo, Oct. 14.
Twenty six colonies in Iowa give Slooe, Union.
Coiim:tid, Tlio Chapman pirate have been con
victed of the crimes xlli-irad iu tbe iodktnienta. The
jury were out ouly four minute.
Tub Speech or Ges. Lanb. We publish
na sot oatside, to-day, tlie speech of Jim
Lane, at Leavenworth, Kansas. Tha kto
massacre at Lntvrence has anakened n feelinf.
nf bitter revenge atnoug tho people in Kansas,
and nt nodistnut day we fear it will break iu
tcrribh) vengeance on the people of tho border
enmities of Missouri. At a subsequent meet
ing a series of resolutions were passed urging
the movement proposed by Lane.
Calivoiinia State Faih Tlio total re
ceipt of tlm Into fair in California were (12,
773, euough tn cover all expenditures and leavo
a fair surplus. Tho exhibit of minerals was
very hirge. Tho Appeal says there vrero over
130 entries, en bracing several thousand spco
iuien in gold, silver, cupper, iron, lead, tin,
coaL, ciuiiihar, gypsum, lime, soopstone, salt,
etc, etc.
1 IB and lift) Clay Street,
. Importers and Dealers in
Carpets, Oil Cloihsattings,
rpiioi,sTr.iiv tioous,
For Salo in Quantities to Suit
Siilnori.iiiKl by GunrdiaiiT
N OTICE Is herel.T uiven'that l.y rirtiir of . em
to me laed l.f I),. eo,y eoarl of Vhu.1,,11 eon"
y. OreK.ui. at tl tlrtohe. Term ih.reof. IS63 I ,
sell I at pold,e ,n,1,nn, on the prendse., en th, 9, 1, dar
T November, l. , to !,, A. . of J J
lute of Yamhill ro,r. 0m . dee d. Ivin, T.d kS Tn
llThTV ",,.rao Purtienlariv deieriM X
deed and '--- of W T . f JZ
Oetoner W., Ih3 U" 8TL1 "t"Na37'
AdiiilnlatralrU' IVotirc. '
eUnlrV ,T T. hT 'b eonntr ooor, of Il
E K ?rZt'Z"nrf V U" " of the
jaeshiht then, wZSZ$t'gSZ
I ota comity. Oretrnn. MARY A. PrwT
..." v JZ, "I "'"."l Elm Slenhen.
X left miW and Kmrd w thmit inet nuns Tk.!
for I fnrbid aar one harborin, Z U?.,ZIZ.. ,nl
Salem. Ort 19, 143,
Attentioa, Salem lightnKtteffT
t'er Order C V t'EAKUAI L i c ..
ontpanv at Vimr Arm . on ihi, , sJLu.J
r ai1rk' fof ,h tn ttitta
io-w A foil atlendanre ,e.iH ""lrtsnl t