The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, September 28, 1863, Page 3, Image 3

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    DoilK-fttlC IlVlllft,
....Our regular correspondent from tin Noise
mines writes that uot linmlior of the Stalcimiut
lias reached Bannock City. We have sent sever
al copies regularly for several months. gtpn!irif
newspapers out of the malls and e xprcsscs bo
twoon here and the mines, has bocomotin Intolor
nble nuisance. Out of hundred irnt, probably
only tens arrivo at their destination. Why will
not our renjrjfcient Postal Agwit pay tlmt region
n visit 1
....Purtiei from C'nrriboo, represent tlmt tbo
mining season la closed, snow having- already
commenced fiilling, About 2,000 men had been
nt work on Williams' creek this euminer, . Labor
ers' wages had been $10 per day.' ' ' -
....The OngmiiM has been shown Mine rasp
bcrriea, the auooiid crop tliia season from a atalk
of this year's growth. .
....Mrs. Julia Dean Hayno is playing a very
successful atar engagement at the Willamette
Theater, Portland.
....The Grand Lodge of Masons of Oregon
lield Its annual session in Salem last week, Tho
following officers were elected and installed :
John McCrnelten, Drand Master: 8. F. Chad
wick, Deputy Urand Master ; A.. A. Smith, Senior
draml Wnrdoii ; Josiah Myrtclc, Junior Oram!
Wardon: A. M. licit, Grand Treasurers W. 8.
Caldwell, Grand Secretary i C. II. Lewis, Chair
man, Hoard or Education.
DltuWM ED. Edward L, ion of Wm. P. Bruce,
need about two years, was drowned by accident
ally falling into a spring on hia father's ranch,
on luueuet, on me utu inst. Leicutou Age,
The Cold Along the Coi.u.miii.v Mr. Lewis
Day informs us that the miners on the Columbia
nt White limits -and above, 1 jlteve that the gold
they obtain there has never come down the river.
They have prospected in the banks and flats a
long distance trom tne river, and atter digging
down some distance from the surface, they came
to a gravel mixed with clay in which they rind
prospects nearly as good as those thoy obtain ou
tho bars. IV. It'. .Statesman.
....The Mimxtainrtr states that Geo. E. Cole,
Congressman elect for Washington Territory, baa
loft for Washington City.
....Discoveries of gold bonring quartz con
tinue to be made on the head waters of the San
tinni. Over a have already been found.
....Peaches and potatoes are each selling at
Jacksonville at one dollar per Inntliel.
....The fall races over the Hyboo course in
Jackson county, have been postponed from tbo
15th to the 2id of October.
....Rogue River Valley is producing larsro
quantities of the choicest apples, pears, plums,
peaches, and nectarines. It will be useless fur
fruit growers in the Willamette, Valley to attempt
sending fruit to this valley expecting to compote
with those who produce it here. Intelligencer.
....The receipts of tho Stuto Fair were some
what over estimated by ns last vseek. Tho Treas
urer states them at f 1,000.
....Articles of incorporation were filed lust
week by the " Union mining company," capitnl
$487,500 This company is organized fur the pur
pose of working tho nowly discovered quartz
lodes on tho Santiam river. It consists of some
of the most thorough going business men of this
county. We understand that nn arastra is to be
nt once erected, fur the purpose of fully testing
the richness of the lodes.
....One night this week, the dwelling house
of F. Dirdscye, situate on the north sido of Roguo
river, about three miles below J. 1). White's, was
robbed of all its contents, bedding, clothing, Hour,
bacon, rifle, shot-gun, ammunition, etc. No clue
ns to who tho operating party mnn.hleUigaictr,
....A man named William Hunter was thrown
from a horse at Portlaud last week, and his neck
....$:!I5,000 of treasure was shipped from
Portlaud on the Brother Jonathan, last wook.
....Late discoveries of gold bearing quartz
leads have been made in (everal places in the
' Cascade range of mountains, and in the Illue
mountains nearly all of tiiein rich, far beyond
the average.
....It is stated by the Oregouian that Captain
Medorum Crawford's emigrant escort arrived at
Bannock City on the 7th inst., where he disband
ed his company and sold his stock.
....Tbo circuit court for this county begins its
fall session two weeks from to-day. The county
court, next Monday.
....John Loudon, jr., of Linn county was ac
cidentally drowned in the Santiam river a short
distanco below Lebanon, on Wednesday, the 16th.
....The full extent of the mishaps to one of
our Jomt, lust week, was not stated. Among
other matter destroyed, were a great nnmber of
advertisements, some of them legal notices, winch
iy occasion the necessity of parties to them, to
re-advertise. Of course such re-advertising will
not be at any additional expense of tho adver
tisers. All tho advertisements pieA mil do rcsei,
and will appear as usual in this and tho next
....Last Wednesday, the 93d, was the Israelii
ish day of atonement, and was observed by fast
ing and prayer.
....The Times publishes statement of the to
tal amounts of U. 8. Revenue taxes assessed in
Oregon, for the Tear ending September 1st, lrfG3,
from which we extract the follow inn table:
Division So. 1. Clatsop, Columbia, anil liliamnnK
' " 2, Yamhill and Wash., "
" " 3. Multnomah, "
" " 4,'hickaimr, Marion, "
" 5, l'olk and lloiilon, "
" " 6, I-aue mid Linn, "
" " 7, Doniilas 4c rnipquu "
' " 8, C'oow am! Curry, '
" " 9, Josephiue, Jucksou, "
11 " 10, Wasco, t'nmtilla Slid
linker counties,
1.718 0
5."S it!
t'..IH4 73
14,W 411
a.sini l-'i
fi.Vi" tit)
4,tf II
.ViO ll
'9.ISO W
17.2JO M
(103,843 U3
f This amonnts to nearly per head for the
entire popnlntion, as returned by the last census.
....The following gentlemen have been ap
pointed enrolling officers by the Provost Marshal:
Wm. Porter, of Marion i A. K- McConnel. Benton;
Capt. John 8mith, Linn j Wm. Grant. Polk! 8.
W. Gillette, Claisop i C. II. Davidson, Tillamook;
Nathan Olney, Wasco i W. II. Haley, Lane; C.
W. Savage, Jackson.
....AletterintheOiTjfoaiaa reports' the arri
val at the mines of the last of the emigration, a
train of eighty wagons, with Capt, Crawford's
....Dlptheriais very preralent and fatil at
Portland. The eaael of mortality are mostly
among children.
....A train of 40 wagons with Gorman families,
arrived at the Dalles on tho 18th. They were
bound to Aurora, in this county. Ths more, the
better, if they are as valuable citiasns as those
already there.
Is Fwih. The Paymaster was around ou
t-u.'...,!.. I..1. and naiJ the lufantrr company
stationed at Fort Dalles, as also the company of
cavalry camped on rivo vine treea
....Loois Brightenbncher, near Jefferson, ac
cidentally shot himselt about a weok ago, In the
arm so severely that amputation became neces-
....At a republican convention held at Ban
nock City on the 16th inst, Oo. Wallace of Idaho
was nominated for Delegate to Cong-rcaa. An
.K..M.....ii.,i. ta be held at the MonnUin
.n iLe 2th. There are likely to be sever-
.1 ,.,t:,lic. in the field. The Govsrnor is ahead
In respect of nomination, if not In the color of his
...Jimmy stems t feet rather sour ov onr Stale
fair. Perhaps it 's Sews pig "''' ' " I"
....Senator Harding Is absent on a visit to the
Upper Columbia region.
Mr. Geo. Gilbert, lately Stage Agent nt this
place, reooiitly received a wound In the neck; by
the accidental diselmrgo of n pistol which bo was
Terrible i?attle between Federals un
der Roset rans and Rebels under Jo,
Johnston and Bragg, In Georgia.
September 111. S
A uVsncrntp. engagement counii'iiocil this
morning at 11 if chicle. Tho rebels niatlo a
heavy uttiiuk on the corps of Gen. Tliomns,
running It-It wing of our army. At the same
linio they ut tut lied the right wing, nhioli was
tliought to bo a feint, Gen. Modioli's and
Crittcndvu'i troops wero thrown inln tho en
giu;emutit as soon as ooiivonieiiou ollWi-d, tho
mum portion of their forces being on thu march
at the time. The fight ou tlio left wing was of
a very desperate oliuraoter. . Tho enemy was
repulsed, but on being reinloroed rcguiuttd their
former position, from which they wero subse
quently driven after a sovere engagement of
over un hour. Gen. Thomas' forces then
charged, driving the rebels nearly a milo nnil a
half, punishing theni severely. About 2 P. M.
the rebels mndu a furious dash nn our center,
composed of Van Cleaves' and Reynolds' di
visions. Van Cleaves' division. was struck on
the right flunk, and being vigorously pushed by
tho rebels, fell back and tho lino was broken,
and the troops bocarao scattered. Gen. Thom
as on the left and Gen. Lewis on tho right,
then pushed their forces vigorously forward
toward tho gap, and after a hard fight regained
the ground which bad been lost on the extreme
right. Tho fight disclosed the intention of the
rebels, whiuh evidently was to get botweon us
and Chattanooga, The general engagement
which commenced at II A. M., ended about 0
P. M. Gen. Palmer who had gathered togeth
er our scattered forces, and Gen. Negley who
had been sent from the right to the center,
pusbed forward and established our lines as
they hud been before tho battle, Tho country
where the battle was fought is level hut has a
Illicit undergrowth of small timber and brush
wood, and is very unfavorable for the uso of
artillery, very little of whiuh was used. The
loss in wounded is very hoavy, but exti ouioly
Ihjht In hilled for so heavy a musketry engage
ment. No General ollicer wns injured. The
battle will probable be renewed to-inorrnw.
Kebel prisoners say thu corps of 1). II. Hill,
Polk, Longstreet, and Jo Johnston had rein
forced Bragg.
The steamer MoClellan. from Morris Island,
on tho morning of the Kith, has arrived. Gil
more was mounting heavy gnus on Cnmmiugs
Point, to shell Charleston. The rebel lire from
J nines Islnnd still continues but is not very ef-
leclire. bumter is still Held by the rebels.
Baltimohk, Sept. 20.
A fortress Monroe telegram says there is a
rumor hero, and it is believed that liicliinnnd
is being evacuated.
New oiiK, bept.
A Morris Island letter represents the rebels
busy repairing Sumter. Steamers uro busily
plying between Sumter and the city carrying
material. Deserters say they aru repairing
Sumter and placing moro batteries on James
Island. Peituregard intends to annum the of
fensiro in order to regain if possible Morris
lslanil. (Jlinrlestun is sum to lie lull ol reiicl
truops. Other accounts say it will be weeks
yet before Gihnoro can open ou Charleston.
J. lie mounting nt the heavy guns on mo north
end of Morris Island is slow work under the
lire of rebel butteries. Gilmoro has issued a
congratulatory order to the troops in w hich he
says " Charleston and its hailior lies nt the
mercy of onr artillery." .
Chicago, Sept. 21.
Louisville dispatches this morning say our
army under liosecrans has been badly beaten
by Bragg, and compelled to retreat to Chatta
nooga. Urngg had received heavy reinforce
ments from Lee, Beauregard, and Jo Johnston.
Teleliruph lines south of Louisville so occupied
with military business no particular cuu be ob
tained. New YoitK, Sept. 21.
Gold 139.
Cincinnati, Sept. 21.
Dispatches received at hc'idquurters. 11 A.
M., to-duy, from Uosecruns' Adjutant General,
says Imttlo still going on wuhuut any decisive
Cincinnati, Sept. 21.
The Commtrciul'i dispatch has the following
account of Saturday's light. Battle com
menced at II A. M.. in tho viciuity of Widow
Glenn's house on the road leading to Chatta
nooga. It soon became general, tho enemy
maneuvering his troops finely. Early in the
action tho reh ls made an impetuous charge on
Feltou's and Thomas' batteries, and five out of
the six Parrott guns wero captured, and Cnpt
Van Pelt commanding was taken prisoner. At
2 I. M. the contest became terrific, tho roll of
musketry more continuous and deafening than
at Stone river. About 2 P. M. the division in
the center being hard pressed retreated in dis
order. Col. Burnett succeeded in planting bat
teries which soon charged tho enemy who were
in turn driven over the same ground in disor
der. Davis' division fell bnck with heavy loss,
ins J every gun of the 8th Indiana battery was
lost; his lorces then rallied, pushed the enemy
hack and retook Ins guns, jieyuolus lost heav
ily but stubbornly held his position, driving the
enemy but never leaving his Hue. Palmer
who was overwhelmed failed to get olf his but
tcrr and lost two gaus. Vnn C leave's d is vision
fought gallantly but ho was overpowered and
failed to hold his position. Our line wns press
ed heavily and wavered. The rebels exulting
over their apparcut success inntle tho air re
sound with cheers. They advanced ulnng tho
admin linn when a withering lire of inulictrv
rolled from right to kit aloug our line. Until
5 P. M . the lire was terrifiu. ltosecrnns began
to crow anxious. The rebels steadily advanced
driving back all before them, and from this
hour till dark the fight raged with destructive
furr. At dusk Grlug hud almost ceased. The
.ni-inr threw forward fresh trooiis on our rii;lit
Our loss is Tcrv hcuvv. Kebel prisoners say
Mima of their reeiuieuts wero neurly annihila
ted. Until armies occupy the same ground as
when the battle began. e took several Hun
dred prisoners, many of them from tho Kust
. a ew iokk. ncni. 1.
A person who left Kiuhmund a few days ago,
civea the Herald tne following:
Lee's army ia located near Hanover, only
about 20.000' men lit for duty. It is under
stood that if Meade advances, Lee will full
back to Richmond. Thu rebels hare no idea
of evacuating liichimind. Informant was at
Charleston when Gilmore bombarded the city,
One of the shells struck the spire of church.
All the shells struck wilbin a half mile of each
other, causing great consternation. The city
is nearly deserted. Beauregard had about 0,
UHO men, but his force has since been increased
by Jenkins' division to U.U-O. llenurrgard
lost much popularity when tlw National troops
took Morris Island.
Kno.TVIt.LB, Sept. 15.
On Wednesday, Lieuterant Colonel Hays,
with 300 men of the 10th Ohio, was attacked
near Guilford, 9:1 mile op the railroad, hy
1,41)0 rebels under Jackwm. After fighting
gallantly lor two boors, oor forces, losing heav
ily in killed and wounded, were compelled to
surrender to overwhelming numbers.
Asti-Wb- Tin pear imornii" of New York
re lo have a Suit Convent i mi on ths 9tb of Septem
ber. The Cw says t
"We believe, if a fair ear mwinn of lbs d,-morra i
rnnmelit of thfl BUile cwila In lii'i, Ihe novenuY
wonl.t be altm a anil refusiiiK any further sup
port lo th war.
Then, we trust nnvarralln l'niri-leaee Will pie
vmiI a "fair eaprww'm."
V The fbllowia; arc the offlrers of the Grand
Chapter of Koval Arch Maauos for tin ensuing year :
J. R Dayley.of Conrallia, brawl UiU I'riesli Jo
Kph Nyrick, l'onlaad, Deeoty Gratia' 11 i(h 1'riert;
a V. IlrvWB, Men, Omnt Kia : U r (fertr, On
Son City. Grand Vribe j Ivid KnrWije, Prtlnh4.
(Irand Chaplain I 0. W. Oief, Jarksouville. Onind
C.liu of the lln l R. Y- CbaHwirk, Kofcburg,
liraad Principal oujoinsert Jacob Cunerr,' 8n)ie,
Orand R?al Arch CapUia; I. C. Aioaworth, Hoit
lanil.UnuHl 'InnRt ; Ttaoe, H. rYarw, Fortius',
OnrM P nsar - - "
The Buttle Continues Koscerans op
poses the Armies of Ice and lSrairir.
Great SlaiiKhter-Kosecrans fulls
back on t'hattanooRU. j
CmrAtio, 22. i
The battle of Saturday 19th resulted well fo
ns, wo having hold our own as established on tho
left and concentrated our forces, and on Sunday
morning held a line with our right resting on a
ridge of hills and our left protected by rudo works
thrown up during tho night on ouch sldo of
lfinsvillo and I.nfayotto road 4 miles south of
In the light of Balm-day we lost about COO kill
ed and 2,000 wounded, and wero ahead 3 plucos
of artillery.: , The light was resumed at 0 o'clock
on tho inurniiig of Sunday the 20th by attempt of
the rebels to storm Thomas and the front i they
were soveral limes seriously repulsed with heavy
list and but littlo loss to us, The tight lasted
one hour and a half and was the most turrillc of
the war, coutniuous firo of musketry and artillery
being kept tip witli doadly effect. During this
time our right and centre not being engaged
skirmishers wero keeping rolling firo. The ene
my finding their assaults in vain maneuvered to
the left with the intention of throwing their force
on tho Koseville road and attack Thomas on the
left flank. At this juncture Thomas ordered
lirandon who with one brigade in rosorvo, ami
two with Reynolds, who wns holding tho key of a
position which was on Thomas' right, to move to
tba left of the line and protect the Hunks.
Oen. Kosecrans at the same time sent Gons.
Davis and Van Cleave from right to centre to sup
port lirandon in his etfort to hold the line to '
Koseville, while skirmishers from the front of tho
division moved from right and center. Enemy ,
made vigorous attacks on that part of our line
piercing center and cutting off Davis a while
trom lull, ana driving toe centre into tne moun
tains. Kight and centra boing much scattered 1
without any serious loss in killed and wounded.
Kight nnd center being gone, Thomas' right be- '
came exposed to a most terrific think attack.
UoynolUs and lirandon s divisions composing
right of Thomas' line woro swung round, his ex
treme left being as at first. This also fell back on ,
the Koseville road. Parts of ths center wore gnth-,
ered up and reported to Thomas, who made sere- i
rat stands hut was nnnulu to check tho rebel ad
vance, until the arrival of reinforcements. At
o clock, Gen. Granger with one division of re
serves came up and wns thrown into tho center,
driving the enemy from his position ou tbo ridge
with heavy loss. Tbo firo from Granger's batm
ries literally mowed thorn down. This light only
lasted half an hour, with slight loss to us. After
this bloody repulse, the enemy remained quiet
until 4 o'clock in tho afternoon, persisting how
ever in maneuvering on both Hunks. Their full
and correct knowledge of the country enabled
them to do so with great facility.
Having got again on our thinks, the rouols made
a vigorous attack, and a tight ensued ivhiclt has
no parallel in history. (Jul. Hawkins brigade.
and Wood's and Johnson's divisions holding the
leu covorcd themselves with glory, anil on the
rigiit aim center lirandon, lijurd, Reynolds and
1'almer, with parts of their divisions fought most
gallantly, and Urangor with the reserves drove
the enemy at every point where thoy met. Thom
as was still triumphant, and on the left held the
some position as in the morning, but with right of
tno enemy resting ou unit nearly nt right angles
with that in the morning. Two lines of retreat
were open to him to Chattanooga, onoue of which
befell back to Koseville during the night. Our
losses have been heavy, but the list of killed is
surprisingly light, nnd in the two days engage-
uiuiibnu iiiiTo nub suuurcu mure III HISS 01 JUOll
than the rebels. In the charge mnde by Thomas
on the tirst day, wo lost as ninny in killed ns dur
ing the balance of the dnr. What our loss in
material and prisoners is, we cannot now say.
uur Killed will roacii; wounded, 7,000
most of them slightly. Among genernl officers
killed, aro lien. Little, Col. Key and Col. King
commanding brigade, and Col. Ilartletsou, of tho
101st Illinois. Among tho wounded is General
Morton of Kosecrans' stnlf, and several Colonels
nnd Majors, the majority being only slightly
wounueu. ucn. joun 01. mng is reported wound
ed and a prisoner. We captured (ten. Adams of
1 oxns and iwu ot Ins meu,
CllICAflO. Sent. 22,
The New York Tribune't special disDatch from
Washington says the general summing i-.p of the
battle in Northern Georgia, is, that after two days'
hard fighting, in which liusocratis' forces bore the
shock of 140,000 rebels, comprising the armies of
Bragg, Johnston, half of Lee's and all of l'eni
bnrtou's that could bo fathered together, ha
deemed it prudent to fall back to Chattanooga,
winch no did in good order. At last accounts be
hud opened communication with the cavalrv of
liurnside, who is scvorely censured fur not having
arrived earlier. Two of Kosecrans' divisions aro
reported not to have behaved well. It is believed
that Kosecrans will soon bo in a situation en
abling Ii in) to resume the offensive. In the mean
time lie is thought to bo able to. hold his ground.
Theu is reason to bcliovo that attention will
soon be paid to what remains of Lee's army. The
army of the Potomac has begun to move so far as
to send forward Uuford'a cavalry across I lie ltap
idan without obstruction. It ia supposed that
only a feohlo force of rebels intervoiie between
Meade and Iticlimund. Those who have doubted
the accumulated evidences of heavy dotachineuta
having left Lee for tho southward, now seem in
clined to admit the fact since the news from the
Chattanooga battle has proved that Kosecrans is
lighting the whole ConlcderUe forco.
The Now York Hernld'i dispatches from Wash
ington say it is officially known that Kosecrans
has fallen back to Chattanooga, to await tho ar
rival of llurnsido's forces, which woro within 30
miles on Hondiiv, and expected to be up with him
on Monday, when a forward moro would be
promptly made on the lines of the enemy nt Pig
eon Mountain. The utmost confidence is felt here
lliatou the junction of liurnside with Kosecrans,
the rebels .will be badly beaten and compelled to
tan uiick ou Kouio or (ipoioiina.
Wamiiinutux, Sept 2i.
A special says correspondents in the army aro
not to usu the telegraph lines for the transmission
of reports to newspapers. A gentleman from
ralmnuth a tew days ngo snys thuro is no rebels
in that vicinity.
Nkw Yoiik, 8ept. 82.
Contract for manufacturing and laying down
next Summer, a good submariiio cabht, between
Ireland and New Futiudlaiid, was signed at Lou
don, Sept. Dili, i ji i ,
WasiiinuI'dn, Sept. 23.
Dispatches from Kosecrans, dated Chattanooga,
afternoon, 2jd, received by Government this
morning, say enemy's atlsrk on Thomas's corps
on Monday afternoon tiie 2lat, was bandsomvly
repulsed, and Thomaa' forces marched to the po
sition thoy were about to laxe wnen assaulted.
An official dispatch dated Monday, 21st, says
two divisions of Lonestrect's corps mads a re-
cuiinuissance toward Kosecrans, but no attack
was made. Kosecrans' order for concentrating
bis entire rommand was accomplished on Monday
night. He is now in strong defensive position.
and can easily wait until reinforced. 4.000 of
onr wounded were removed from the hold after
.Sunday's battle. Ia two ur threu days Kosccruus
will bo able-to resume the ounnsive.
1,(11 ihvii.i.r. Sept. 23.
Special dispatches from Nashville lo the Jour
nal lust received, say there waa alight skirmish.
ing yesterday, in front uf Kosecrans, otherwise
all wns quiut up to iM, p.m.
Sandy Hook, Sept. 2.1.
The China from Liverpool )2th, and (Queens-
town l.llh, baa arrived.
London, Sept. 12.
The government has certainly resolved to stop
the steam rams in the Mersey. The Florida is
detaiurd at Ural to satisfy French claims. , It ia
again positively asserted that Maximilian accepts.
KnKTRKaa MnMKiR, Hcpt. 23.
Richmond UirjnlrkotVA has the following:
Chii hamaKoa, Oa., Sept. 23.
After two days' hard fighting 1 have driven the
enemy, after a desperate reiisiance, from several
sositions. but he still confronts us. The losses
are heavy on both aides, especially officers. We
have taken 20 cannon and 2.20U prisoners.
(Siened.) HUAfiO
Knseeraus has bent heavily reiuforced from
Grant's army. The Confederate government has
effected a loan of one hundred million francs
from parties in prance, based on cotton now in
Ibis country.
Nr.w York, Sent. 23.
Money steady. Sterling 61 1-2. Gold lower)
opening at 40 1-2; declining lo 30; closing at 371
DiLt-at (Joeasau This duly newspaper
r banned hands, renonnecd eopixrbwlira, sad i
nl ander the colon of iafrvI t'aioa. W. W.
lUixTofl ia lb sew edifr. He starts out as follows
TIm Journal, Willi lU arivilryt marred to ilarlf lo
ii, iruiil all Mrtm. M iikdard toavthimc
but Itw I'nkm, "fr f )', fas', '
Thai is a coaipwtunaiv flailorm and a good oae.
; W There is a class of anti-war men, mostly
more fnclinnists, who are extremely anxiona (?)
about saving the Constitution from Ilia assaults
of th war advocates of tho North i so very
nnxinus are they that they furget tho fact that
the success of the rebellion practically annula
tho Constitution and creates the neoessity for a
, new one. To them we put the query, what is
tho Constitution worth without a oountry nnd a
Union T" " ' " '
, There is another class who are so frnntio
nbout "putting down the rebellion " they lose
sight of tho foot that merely conquering tho
Southern people Is not saving the Union. . To
them wo put tho query, what is the Union
worth without Constitution nnd laws ? . '
They aro both extremists and are both raid
ten upon tho Ileptilillo. Tho safest, and tho 1
only true, Unionist is he who would be careful J
of the Constitution to the greatest possible ex
tent consistent with tho idea of putting down
the rebellion, while he would uso, in putting it
down, all the rowors of the Government, con
sistent with the idea of perpetuating it.
If in putting down tho rebellion, wo wreck
the Constitution, hy encouraging a popular ir
reverence toward, nnd disregard of, It, our
condition is little better than if the rebels
should succeed. If, on the other hand, we
stand en closely hy constitutional technicalities
as to fail, thereby, to conquer the conspirators,
our roverenco for the instrument becomes,
merely its destruction. ').:.(,!
Tho truest policy for tho present hour and
for the future is, hy a proper regard for all con
stitutional obligations, to teach the rebels, moro
effectually, the gross wickeduess of their revolt
against them, while we execute upon the offend
ers, the fullest vigor of national power.
GineNiucK Hanks, We see it stutod in a Kew
York paper that only sixty bunks have us yet guno
Into tho greenback bunking arrangement.
Fir An ingenious clia,. In town hns discov
ered a sure way of avoiding the draft, and it
isn't disloyal, either enlist !
W Grenthouse, Berry, Lindsey nnd Bald
win, of pirnto Chapmnti notoriety, have been
indicted for aiding nnd oomfortiiig tho rebellion.
This is supplementary to tho indictment for
Nkw Postal Auknt. Thomas Hill, late
Deputy Collector of tho Port of San Fran
cisco, hns been apgniuted Postal Agent for
tliis Coast, in place of Henry Baker, removed.
Special Notices.
KoovnTioK. How olteu do we couie in contact
with persons who are always complaining of ill
health 1 Thoy never feel well i are either weak, do
bititatcd, nervous, or have no appetite. We would
say to this class, procure a bottle of lloofluud'a Ger
man Hitters, nse it according to the dtrcelions,and yon
will soon be restored to heiillh aud vigor. For sale by
all druggists and dealers in uiedicines everywhere.
UT Head what amount of pain and siilfcriug can
be saved by the use of Dr. Baker's Pain Panacea t
KssNxny's Coasan, Wayne O, Ind., i
October 3, IW3.
Messrs. A. L. ficovill tc Co. I write to let you
know what linker's Paiu Panacea has done for me.
Last Junnary,'! was attacked with IiiOammittory
Kheiimntism, attended with great pain. I became
bed ridden, and was helpless as a child I 'Die puin
was so great when I moved, Unit it seemed ns if it
would take my very life I In this way I sulfured for
seven long weeks ur mora, lind thought that I could
never rccovor. I was recommended to try bailor's
1'aln Pautieea, and I did so. I took It internally, and
had my body rubbed freely with H as long a I oonld
bear, several times a day. My pains began to give
way immediately on using tho, and I began
to have strength and appetite, and am able to be about
again. It baa been a groat blessing to mo In relieving
inv snirerings. . NANCY A. FMtOISO.V.
ltedington & Co. Sole Agents, 4111 and 418 Front
street, San Francisco.
Till CoifSTiTUTioit ai3 ths Bi.ood, No perma
nent cure of any ulcerous or eruptive disease ran lie
effected except by constitutional treatment. The ri
listed blood must be rctidered pure und healthful, oth
erwise the cause of the disease remains lurking In the
system nnd is sure to breult out in some deadlier form
tbun before. But one medicine ltnowu anions; meu
reaches and expels this baneful principle, and restores
the constitution to its original slrviutth and vigor. It
is Dristol's Sursaparilla. Suppressive medicines are
highly dangerous iu such cases, and mercury almost
inrariubly substitutes for one muludy another eitiully
dangerous, llut this Iluhoimio Vegetable Detergent
aud restorative raves the very foundations of disease
and converts into a stronghold of heulth and strength
the system from which it has expelled the poiennoiu
Invader. To ita purifying und life renewing power
the most wonderful of the world's remedies, owes its
nnrivalled reputation, flokl by respectable drnpgists
tbronghont tbo world. lintf.
Don't fail to procure Mr. Winelow't Soothing Sy
ruo tor Children Teething.
This valuuble preparation Is the prescription of one
of the best female physicians and nurses in the t'uilcd
8,ales, und has been used for thirty years with never
failing safety and success by millions of mothers and
children, from the feeble infant uf one week old to the
It not only relievos the child from pain, but invigo
rates the stomach and bowels, corrects aridity, und
give, tone and energy to the whole system. It will
almost instantly relievo Griping in the fore's, cad
HW Colie. We believe it Ilia Beat and Hure.l Item
ed. in the World, in all eases of Oyunlery and imr.
rhaa in Children, whether It arises from Toothing or
fruiu any other cause.
Kail diruclioii. for uning will accompany each bottle.
None Genuine uuleja the fac simile of C'l'liTls tV 1'r.a.
kins. New York, i. on the outside wrapper.
Sold by all Medicine Dealers. l'riuriml Office, 4H
I)ey Struct, Now York. Vir Only 'ii Cenle per
ltedington Sc. Co., 416 and 118 Front 8t,8aa Fran
cisco, Agents for California. tW2G
Nswaus, Ohio, March 10,
Messrs. A. U Scovill St. Co-Uents i It is with great
pleasure that I inform you of the effects of Dr. Mott's
Liver l'ills in my fuuiily. Four years ago I bad the
Hihoiia Fever, although under the rare of au old srliool
Physician, who treated me with Calomel until I was
salivated, and my tongttu waa tniicli swollen, and it
was the cuum uf aiore pain than the disoue iwrlf.
Finally he gave me np and suid that I could not live
I si ill lingered for six weeka, and Dually got over that
attack, with a brokeu down conMitutioa, subject fre
quently to attacks of rheumatic twins Iu uiy bono.,
when exposed, at least, lo cold or dampima. Sine
that time I have bod freqnent similar attacks,and have
by the uso of Ur. Moll's Vegetable Liver rills, broken
np tin diaeaae without having lbs system Injured hy
the use of calomel. I would not Iw without them on
any account. Ilesieclfully,
Kedington t Co., 410 and 418 Front street, Run
FranclMW. 8"l Aenl.
Vrtss'i Hambtrf Tat and Eambarf Plaster.
Press's Hamburg Tea ia a curative and preventive
of Congha, Severe Colds, Fever and Ague, l)ypep4a,
ItheurnaiiMi, and all compbunts arising front imparl
tin of the blood. It earaa Hoadarlis, llowel. Kidney
and Lives Cvaaplaials, eloauaing and partfyiag Hi
sknnsch and Wood. It la a preventive against Conta
gion, and its timely as. will avert almost any sirkoeas.
It restores th appetha, and is Boat pleasant and pala
table to take. Being parely vegetable, it ean with en
tire safety be given to children. One trial will eon
vine any one of its excellent quality, end one ased,
. lie family will do without H.
" To guard Cotinterfella, observe tbo seal of
Fatst At Co llawl-arg. oa every genuino peek ago.
Frese's llsmbarg Tea la Iho only genome article.
Copy riirlit sreored.
Kmiel t'mr, San Fmnclaco, 1: C. Yrr It Co.,
Hamburg, Proprietors.
Ms Ag flts (or tin I'aeifl CoMt, lo whom all or.
dera mast be llmard, K-diugton St Co , M and 418
Vreat street, Kaa Frsactato. :
A Dritish olllmr, wriliiiK from Teheran, I'ersia, to
tbo "Loudon Times," rcmurksi "A cntharlic Pill,
aiaiiufnctiired by un American Chemist (Dr. J. f.
Ayer, of Lowell, Muss.) has iiircd iho Shah of a liver
complaint that threatened bis life. Tills simple fact,
might be expected, renders the Americana immens-
ly popular here, while the English ore overlookeil.-,-
Doubtless, our own scholars made tho discoveries
which he employs, nnd thus It Is In everything; we
do the luho, theu the mousing Americana put their
mark on It and take the reward. Doctor Ayer is idol
ised by the Court and Its retainers here, which will
doubtless be relleeted to him on a gold VniftMjox, or
diamond hilled sword, while not the namei even, of
Davy. Chiistison or Hrodie, the great lights by which
he shines, Is known. Nea York tSwuluy Paper.
I'K.tlAI.ESI! frEiritl.KPil VKNAMCS!
Uso that onto, pleasant remedy known as
For all complaints Incident to ths sex.
No family should be
without it, ;" ' "'
And iiouo will when onee ' '
It is used by 1 Tried by them.
In the decline or change of life,
. And after a nd before Marvin re,
' , During and oiler Confinement
To strengthen the nerves,
-v Kestore Nature to its proper cbaun"l, and
. . ; Invigorate the broken down Constitution,
1 ' From whatever eanee originating. '
j Tako :, .
See advertisement in another column. Cut ft out,
and send for it. Bee advertisement. 2ni24
W The Annual Heeling of the Christian Church
in Oregon will be held at the Central Meeting House,
on the Santinin, commencing ou Thursday iu October,
Hodge Calef,
dealtri in "'
Drugs, Medicines,
Paints, Oils and Gltwst,
White Lead,
Vurnislie8, Brushes,
Painters' Materials, &c.
-ALSO- f
Kerosene Oil and Lamps)
Linseed Oil, bids, and cases.
Kerosene" "
White Lead, kegs and pitils.
- Painters' slock, ,
Window Glass,
Unsurpassed in theJIState, in
Extent, variety and " '
J1 Completeness.
07 Front itreel, Portland.
For Sale.
1 PWKLLINO IIOI'SK near the public square.
XX belonging to duo. Ilrenan. wblcn
be sold
cheap for cash. Knnuire of M. 111KSCII
KhIc.i, Sent. 19, I Hit),
Administrator' Notice. -
VTOTICK ia hereby given that tlw undersigned has
LI been appointed by Uie county court or roia rnun
tv, Oregon, administrator nf the astute of Williaia
Williams, late or said county, dec d. All persona in
debted to suid estate are requested to settle up imme-
diatelv. aud all persona bavins; accounts aiminst the
estate ninst present the same to me within six months
from this dale or be lorever aner narrcri.
. WAYM1KK, AduTr. ttwJ
ToW ool UrovM'r.
milEiiiidcrsimicdlmve TWKXTV 1IKAD of IM
SAXONY HUt'KS, which they olt'er for sale to anil
wool growers. 1 he bucks call be m-cii by calling tin,
them iu Kulein, Oregon. HULL it IlitOWN.
August sun, ima atr
Keeps constantly on hand, and Mumifaclures
In order,
Sheet Iron, and Copper Ware,
On reasonable terms.
MK.TAL IiOMKIN'O. and JOIIIIIN'O . f all kinds,
promptly attended to.
Miop on iniiinierrmi street, suiein, iircgnn, own
north ot llrowu sivers . ui-xi
Why do you use an Inferior
IITIIKr eon ran bur lit the owns price? The
VV celebrated
"Dowm-r Koroaeiif! Oil"
Tit. I teal mud. num. whit, nnd nnn exhlo.ive. burn
ing with a brilliant, steady flume, and combining ll
the advsiilagm of this iununpuruMe and rbraieM
illuminator, without Ibe atlendanl ri.k and danger ol
explosions hi using a poor article. At
1 MOOItF.8.
Ralem. Jan. 10th. IHtTl. Hit
s. J. Mccormick
TTAS ,i,t reeetvH a hirge addition to hi. stock of
J.1 HI SBOOI, Biuunn, comprising
nd all otlier
School BookK used In the State,
together witli a large variety of
Alw, aa endless variety of
oibracinir KVKUY AKTICI.K In that line. All
which he i. pre p. red in b-II at wholesale and retail at
nal.SJWKnr CASH fsl I Hi a).
Conatanlly on auud and iaiportad to order.
8 J. stct'ORMICK,
Franklin Hook Kmre,
Front street, Cortland, Oregt
Stoiett and Tin Ware Kxchansed
T10I WIIKAT and OATS, and the blghesl aiarkM
J. enro paid. J
Mem, Aug. 2J, IHM.
3m ii
DR. J. W. Mt'AKKE offer his profrssinnai
nrviertln theatiswi. of Heiem and vhHnity
Orlre la Kenymt's boihling
rv. Fnai th. pattui near rkl.iu, a HO AN
itlJ llllUHK, branded 0. B. C. AWrot Ik bands
high. Whoever will give lufua aiatiou of hi. rh.m
bvuU, will ba well raw arihfd. Apply at this uWee. ..
A COMPOUND remedy. in wbh' we have labored
to prodiim the moul cllecliml nltemtive that can-
bo made. It is a concentrated extract of Par bursal
purilla, so combined wild other suhstancw of slii
grealor alterulivo pow er us to nllord an effective ami.
dole tor tho diseases Saisuparilla is reputed to cure.
It Is hclirved that such it remedy is wanted by those
who sillier from Strumous complaints, mid tbas one
which will accomplish their cure must prove of im
mense service to this lorije class of onr altlieled fellow
eilixena. How completely this compound will do it
hns been proven by experiment oh many of the worst
cases to be found of the following complaints i
Scrofula and Scrofuloiie Complainti, Erujitiani
and Eruptive Dineaiei, Ulcere, Pimple, Hhtckei,
Tnmon, Snlt Rhntm, Scald Head, Syphilit and
Syphilitic 41rrtione, Mercurial Vitrnte, Urnpny,
Nnralfin or . 'Pit Jmtloitreii.r, Dcljitilif, Ityeprpna
ana Iniliarilion. Ervrimhi: lloee or SI. AiUhony'i
b'ire, and indeed the whole cluss of eompluints arising
from Impurity of the blood. ,
This compound wilt be found a grout promoter of
nealtli, when taken i i wo spring, mi expel me iuih
humors which fester In the blood at that season of the
year. Hy the timely expulsion of them ninny rank
ling disorders are nipped in tho bud. Multitudes can,
by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the
endurance of foul eruptions und ulcerous sores,
through which the system wilt strive to rid itself of
corruptions, if not usiiialed to do this through the nat
ural cbunnels of the body by an alterative medicine.
Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you lind its
Impurities bursting through tho skin In pimples, erup
tions, or sores i eleeose It wlion you find it ia obstruct
ed and ahigpiBh in the veins j cleanse it whenever it is
foul, and your feelimrs will tell you when. Kvon
where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy bet
ter health, and livo lonuer. for cleansing the blood.
Keep the blood heiilthy, and all is well i but with this
mDiiiuui ol me disordered, there utn iw no lasting
lealth. Sooner or luler sometbinir must uo wrong.
and the great machinery of lite is disordered or over
thrown. Snrsanarilla has. and deserves much, the renntntion
of accomplishing these ends, lint the world has been
egttigiously deceived by preparations of it, partly be
cause the drug alone baa uot all the virtue that Is
chtimi-d for it, lint moro because many preparations,
retending to lie concentrated extracts of it, contain
lit littlo of the virtue of Sarsaiiurilhi, or anytbiou
Dnriiur lute veers the nubile have been mislod bv
large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Kxtract of
Saisaparilla for one dollar. Most of these have been
frauds up in tho sick, for they not ouly contain little,
if any, Nursaparillu, but often no curative properties
whatever. Hence, bitler and painful disappointment
baa followed the use of various extracts of rltirsspu
rillu which flood the niarkol. niilil the name itself is
justly despised, and has become synonymous with Im
position una client. Mill we cull tins compound Nur
supiirillu, and intend to supply such a remudy us shall
rescue ine name irom ine loan oi umoqiiy wnien rests
upon it. And we think we buve ground for believing
It has virtues which are irresistible by the ordinary
run of the diseases it is intended to cure.- In order to
secure their complete eradication from the system, the
remedy should bo judiciously taken according to
directions oil the bottle.
-! " Prepared by "'
Dr. J. C. AYER & CO.,
I.OWRM,, fflAHN.
Price $1 per Bottle. Six Bottleifcr $5.
Avers Cherry Pectoral
has won for luolf such n renown for the cure of everv
variotv of Th runt und Luiiir Comnlaint, that It Is en
tirely unnoceNNtry fur us to recount the evidence of Its
virtues, wherever H lias been employed. As U bus
loiitf been iu constant U40 throughout this section, we
need not do more than ussura the people its quality is
kept up to the host it ever has been, and that it may
he relied ou to do for their relief all it has ever been
found to do.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills,
CotiretM$. Janndtct Dvtwotta. Indirettw P-
iffiVrv. Foul Utomark. AVwitWat. ii nlache. Pile.
KHeHmftrtnm, f.rupftonn ana aktn JJiteaaet, lAver
VrmipiatHtt Vronav. l etter. J umnr and sati Kite
Wormt. (Jout. iXcuraieia. at a Dinner Pitt, and for
Purifying the Wood.
TheV are stiirar coaled. so that the most sensitive ran
take the in nleuKantly.and they are the best aperient in
the world for till the purposes uf ft family physio.
Price 25 CenUptr Box, Five Boxet for$u
Great number of clerirvmen. ohvslrians. states
men, and eminent uersauuit'et, buve lent their names
in certify the iimurallvled usefulness of theM reme
dies, hut onr spaco bero will not permit the Insertion
oMiieiu. i no agents ueiuw nameu lurtnsii Kraus cm
American Almanac, In whieh they aro driven i with
iiso mil nuscttpnons or tne nuove complaints, ana me
treatment that should be followed for their wire.
Do not be nut ott by uunrincinlcd dealers with other
preparations they make more pro tit un. iMsmand
Aytr's, aud tuke uo others. The sick want tho best
aid there is fur them, and they should buve it. , , :
All pur Kemedies are fur sule Dy - "
SMITH A OA VIS, Portland. '
" r - eowlyQSS '
The Great Purifier of the Blood!
Ths only genuine and original Preparation for
.1 .or THE
Mcrcurlnl and Venereal DlwHaea,
Krroluln or Kintt'a tvll, Old
Sorea, Ilotlis, Tumor,
Atx-cKNcs, I'lcer,
And every kind of SCKOrTLOl'S and SCABIOUS
eruptions. It is sIm a snre and rehahls remedy for
SaltBbrum. Bing Worm, Teller, Scald Itrad.Seurrj
White Hwelliugs and Neuralgic' Affections, Nervous
and (lenenil Debilitv of the rtrstrm, of Ap
petite, languor, InsxineM aud all ArTcctions
of the Liver, Fever and Ague. Millions
Fevers. Chills and Fever, Dumb
Ague und Jaundice.
It Is Ibe verv bitst. nnd. Ill fact, the only sure aud
reliable mcdiriiie for tho cure of all dicaee arising
from a vitiated or impure state of Hie blood or uw ol
I'l,,, t'tllliileil mtiv rest assured that there Is not the
Ir.i't pnrlirlt of lllucnil, Menuriul, or any other
poisonous Slliisiunce in tins iiieiiii:iiie. ii I. lajriecuy
iiarnih-iw, and may lie administered to persons in the
verv weakest stages of sii-kues., or lo tho most help-
a tulaiii., wlllioul doing tne le,Mt nijurv. ,
Knit direetioii. bow tu take Ibis iiiont valmihle metll-
cine will be found around each botilei and, loguanl
avomsi cotinlerffiK. see Unit the wrilteii aigualiira of
LANMAN at Kr.Alt Is upou tne blue littivl.
Holr Praprtrloia,
Wholrsile DruzelMn,
We have apnointed lilrtl.,r, Hniilb Sl leun.-'7
Moiiigotnerv street, Kan Francisco, oa the Whuiesule
Agent, for Culifomia.
Nuleni Kleitm I'ei ry.
THR undersigtird berebv notlliea lb. traveling pub.
lie thai he baa ostiddisfiMt aud now has Iu .uccum.
fill operation, a steam ferry across the Willamette
river al haleni, and will ferry with rrgtthiriir at all
stave, of water, and falling lo do so will evil out lo
some one that rue. II v fitcilnie. for rroMing atnrk are
good, the host being siilfleieiilly large lo cruM fmm 7ft
lo list head or rattle, ana irmo two wagon, at a sin
gle trip, with perfect oafrly, and will only require
from x lo . niiiiuir. in crowing me nvrr.
j. ft. jiAi ttr.jii.
Ralem . Rept. S. I ta. ftniff
! ' Prsbnt Nolleo.
Kstats of John Frh, Deceased.
NOTIC'K ia lierehv given, that lleiijamia Rlnnton,
exeralor uf th. hutl will and ttaiit.ut of Juiia
Fresh, deceased, has prenled hi. account, and pmy.
that the same may be allowed for Final settlement. It
is then-foe. ordered that said application he heard and
ileleriiiined by Uie I'roloila Court nf Marion rounty,
Htale of (tregon, on tlw tab dav of October, I8ti3.
s 2 J. C. I'KKHI.KH, Couuly Judge.
Of (bo Hoi; Xamri of Jesos ind Mary,
TlrtlO reeeiittv onened a DttV Hehool In Ibis
V V city, are prnirmi lo receive a chain number of
young iHiites wnn mignt aeairo 10 wmro ni tne insula
tion. Fur further Information, apply lo The Widen,
fclem, Ogn.,"e. I!, , Stw'Jt
UuHrdinn'w Mnle ef Land.
T1Y order of the rouiilv roort ol Marion count v.made
i st lha Kcptemhcr seiion Ih.reof. I wrll expow lor
wla at nuhlic mo-lion on notnnlar, the ltd dnv of Oe-
t'lber, s. 0., 11. nn the preniiMt., all that tract of
Und iving in Marion rouol v, Hs.w of Oregon, and de
srribrd a. follows, lo wil i llcaiiimug at a Make 8 eho.
Wl link. hmiIi, and 7'.i chain, ax link, west or in. ear
ner of tertians t aud ft. lowaship S soiith,mng Ii wost.
llteiieo erMt chs. 4H links, lo s Make, thenro snath
ti eii. ut a stake i thence rod an eho. Wt links to a
Make l thence uorth xt rhs. to lit. place of beginning.
beintf tha a. w. nnarter of claim N. . fttt. eoutaiuini rjO
aerea i to be sold for Uie lieneht nf the hsrira of An
drew K. Ilerr.v ana I anHino IJirSina.
fiak, lo tak. plaee between tho hour, of 0 o'eloek,
a. at, end ocloik.p nt. The premise, are nearly
all antler fence end otherwiao improved ,
Tanno Cash, half dnwa, and tho balaaes hi 13
saunlbs, wlib lawftil imemL
galrm.aVpt. 10, IMoi.. - lw -
1 I'l'MCATinX ana hren mad this dav bv nen
i V Uomegya lov a diviaiisi of Uie property belonging
to th nOate of Jonathan t oinegr. dereHMHl, miUco n
Iwrettr given an eenrentea mat aurb aprnmlron
will ba Iward and deurtaiiMHt oa Mnivt.v, U" VU dav
of November.
t II AH. K MlNllt.
. wipd
County Jivlge, l'olk Co., Ogn. '
Hliflily CoiifOiitruted
A Positive and Specific Remedy
' For discuses of the
! This rnedicine Increases the poworof Digestion, and
excites the ABSORMKNTS Into healthy action, by
which th. WATERY OR CALCAREOUS depo-
, are reduced, n well as pain and Inflammation.
EXTR ACT D U C 1 1 U ,vl
', For Weaknesses arising from
. Excesses, Habits of Dissipation,
' Attended with the following symptoms i
Inilianmillon to exertion. . ' I Trembling,
Ios. of memory, , Wakefulness,
Weak nerves,
Pain in the back.
Horror of disease.
Dimness of vision, .
Hot bauds,
Dryness of the skin,
! Flushing of the eodyj
Knmtions on the
lulhd countenance.
i Universal lasslt
boss or power
the muscolarsyi
Dlueulty of breathtug.
. . , . ' : . i I I ' : 1 It'
These symptoms, If allowed to go m, wblcMw
medicine invariubly removes, soon follows i
Impotency, Fatuity, Epileptio Fits,
In one of which the patient limy expire. Who eta
our that they lira not frequently followed by tho
"direful diseases," ',vu'r , ( (. it - i .
Many are aware of the cause of their snrTerlng, I
neue will confess. The records of tbs Insane J
, inms and the melancholy deaths hy consumption k
ample witness of ths truth of the assertion. j.
, The Constltntlon once Affect 1
with Organic Weakness, :
Requires the aid of medicine to strengthen and i 1
orate the system, which Helmbolrfs Extract eft
invariably 'does. A trial will convince the most a
tical. ; , ( t
Females, Females, Females,
In many urTectlons peculiar to femulea, the Bf
Buclni is unequalled by any other remedy, aa la t
rosta or retention, Irregularity, Painfitlnesa, or i
Eression of Customary Kvaeuatioua. Ulcers'
rhirrous state of the Uterus, Lencorrhea or W
Sterility, and for all complaints incident to ths
whether arising from ItidisGretion, habile of oo.
lion, or iu tha , !
. (See Symptom Above)
: No Family Should he With""'
Take no Ilalsam, Uercury or unpleasant '
unpleasant and dangerous discs
Helmbold's Extract
i t ' CURBS
Neoret Diss
In all their stage! ljaxL
eha.ige iu diet i no tar-iTmameal ""'
ama. M. n
It causes frequent desire, and mxm, J
iuu, tlierehy removing obstraeSonV, p,3
Summation, so frequent in this cUm of
Tboosanda upon Thoasands, i
And wlio have raid HKAVT FF.F.8 tol
short time,, lutvo fouad they wars deceit
tin "Poison" has. by th. use of "Pows,
gents," been dried ap In the system, lo kraal sot at
an aggravated form, and ' $ , ,
For all affections and diseasea of
-4 4
Whether existing in MAUi or FEMALE, frosa (
iissia, oa vsaisssv vi i loss is at , mim iiu wi"w
Diseasea of those organs reqnlr the aid of a Dinret'
Helmbold's Eilra6t Dacha '
And it la certain to have the desired effect In all D
eaasa for which It is reeominehded. i
Kvidence of lb most m.tonibte and reliablo eh
acter will accompany the medicrrws. i
From R lo SO year, standing, with games knows
. ... Physician! Fleait Notice.
Helmbold's Eitract Buchu
Is eompoMd of llnehn, Cnbttis a4 Juniper BoxiLl
selected with great care by a eompetenl druggist, j,
Prarlintl and Analytical Chemist, and sola Banafaci
Hirer of i f
' ' ,
Helmbold's Genuine FTeparatloa.
Peremnllv appeared before roe, nn Aldeeresn of !
eiiy of Philadelphia, II. U. Ileluibo d, who being d-"
sworn, dotli suy, bis preparation owuilis no nar
no uiercuty,or other lojariuuo drugs, hut era p
veuet.hU. H. U II tiCik
sworn and su Worthed before avs thistrxl dav
vsuibar, IH..4. WM. P. HlHBAti ',
Aldermaa, Rinth straot, above Kaca, Pk.-t,
t ' - 1 . I ' :
PHVISiriAN IN attenbancb'
' ' ' '
Btwar of Couterfeiler$ and VfTfcm
' iArdiSTS, :
Who endeavor lo dispoaa "OF THEIK OVX " (
"other'' article, oa ths rap alio attained by
Helmbold's Oeniilo. Prepar.1' a.
.- ' i-...
Sold bv Drngglsts
, liSi tor ur
Cut onl ll
latansitsoa '
- Aprtl-
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