1 PREMIUMS AWAKDKD AT THE L1NX count it mil, isoii. HOUSES. Heat itnllion 4 years ntul upwards, nil work, W. Cnchrnn $10 00 2d dn 4 yenr old, J. P. Hague. 5 00 draft, J. 1 Ilneuo. ' 4 00 nil work, W. Finley 3 00 uppcil.W.McRiinnli u 09 nil work, . J. GhbIijt 2 00 trotter, J. H. Itt Latic county , 2 00 4 minister, II. ltiidd. 2 00 " " thoroughbred, VV. Molllrcc , 2 00 Guiding, 4 years mid upwards ipectl, H. Dnnica fl 00 " " G. Hughes 4 00 ' nil work, A. Parker 8 00 " " U. M. lliind 4 00 "pan " M. Lnper 0 00 gelding " A. Cowan 3 00 " " spued, M. Bnriror. 5 00 E. Benjamin 3 00 mare 4 yenr, M. Luper. . . 4 01) " " M. Scott.... addle hone, J. Winkle, Benton oo. 2 00 4 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 " span trotter, A. J. Thayer " " filly 3 yrs old. S. 6. Thompson. " mare aud colt, draft, T. Powell. 5 00 3 P. Low 2 50 " " nil work, B. J. , Grigsliy 6 00 2 " II. lk-ronr 3 00 " ipnn mnrc, draft, II. N. Smead.. 3 00 " uiave, all work, N. Price 4 00 2 " ' M. Itryeon 2 00 " buggy homo, M. Morgan 4 00 2 " " A. Cowan 2 00 " mare, oil work, 3 yean old, J. D. Fountain 2 00 " apan carriage linrpK, J. Morgan.. 3 00 roadster. G. Parrish 2 50 " pacer, P. A. Pngh 2 00 " span moles, J. Hamford... 2 50 " 1 year old colt. M. Morgan 1 50 , "coll, all work, V Mclllree........ 2 00 2 " J. Hamilton 100 Comet trotted around the traok in good itylo and to the intiafaction of all, allowing speed and extro-trottiug. CATTLE. Best bull, 4 your old and upward, J. P. Hoguo $2 00 ' " 3 J. B. Isett, Lano i county 4 00 2 ' " K. W. Brock 3 00 SHEEP. Best bnck, French merino, G. Parrish. $1 50 two Iambi, G. Parrish 1 00 " ewe, G. Parrish 50 LADIES' EQUESTKIANSHIP. Miss Stewart, Metiton county, first premium $10 00 Miss Fruiu, Linn county, 2d prom.. 5 00 FRUIT. Rest specimen apples, G. Overman.... $1 00 2d ' " T. Thresher 50 Rest " pears, G. Overman , 1 00 Rest " plums, G. Hughe 1 00 2d " " W. Mclllree.... 50 Bost " penclics, W.MoIllrce... 1 00 2d " " J. Beard 50 VEGETABLES, etc. Best specimen onions and potatoes, G. rarrisli l uu Best " lungelwurzcl, J. Beard. 50 Best ' " broom com, G. Parrish.. 1 00 2d " " ' J. Beard.... 50 Best " TvatBrruclons, J. Beard.. 50 Best " itiuskmeloim, J. Beard... 50 Best " wheat, J. Loper 50 Rest " oats, A. Williams 1 00 2d " " J. Luper 50 Best " dried apples, J. Luper... 50 Best " benns. "... 50 MISCELLANEOUS. Best ipeciuicn honey, G. Hughes. . 1 00 50 '50 2d " " " G. Overman " . . pickles, G. Hughes.... " " com starch, M. McClure 50 50 " " ii(itatoetrcli, Copt. Smith " " butter, P. Adams 2 00 2d P. V. Crawford I 00 " " sonp, Mrs.P.V.Crawford 50 " cheew. P. Adams 1 00 " cider, Capt. J. Smith.. 50 ' " wine, A. Williams...... 50 " " bouquet, J. Hamilton.. I 00 " " nrenerved peaches, W. Mclllree 50 ' " plum butter, Mrs. Mo- Clum 50 " ' jolly, Mn. P. Adams.. 1 00 2d " " " " Mrs. Lincoln 50 " " Apple butter, Mrs. Capt Smith 1 00 2d " " " Mrs. Hughs 50 " " plum pres., Mrs. Colver 1 00 2d " " " " Adams 50 " " pear pres., " Mcllree 1 00 " " currant pres., Mrs. Low 50 " bread, Mm. Capt. Smith 50 , . " chickens, J. W. Puch.. J 00 LADIES' WORK. Best quilt, Mrs. Carey. 12 00 1 00 2a Miss E. Williams. . braided, child's dress, lludd Mrs. .. I 00 embroidered ekirt, Mrs, Rudd 2 00 . " J. G. Wilson 1 00 handkerchief, Mrs. McCartney 1 00 insertion, Mrs. McClure 50 2d crochet work. Mrs. Caplam Smith collar, Mrs. E. Smith " Mrs. J. G. Wilsou.. tidy, Mrs. E. Smith skirt. " " " 1 00 1 00 2d 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 samplo needle work, Mrs. E. Smith stockings, Mrs. McClure " E Smith.... blankets, Mrs. J. G. Wilsou.. frame work. Mrs. Haley mittens and gloves, Mrs. E. B. Hughea fanoy knitting, Mrs. Foster., knit suspenders, Mrs. Captain Smith yarn, Mrs. Capt. Smith ' Mrs. Hughes 2d , 50 , 1 00 I 00 50 50 4 50 1 00 2d 50 SUNDRY PREMIUMS. Best tobacco, J. C. Templeton. . "it .1. Beard ...$5 00 ... 2 50 .. marl.1i. work (rood). P. Miller Dip One sewing machine was uu exhibition by Mr. C. W. Powell. ' The memlwrs of the Society will see by the above, that where they had no competition, Hie Committee allowed ouc half of premium offer ed instead or Diploma. We expect 'the Ad drew will soon be published i also Financial report GEARY, President. J. Raiibows. Secretary. OnR Vicksburo Losses. Gen. Grant's official report of bis operations at and around Vicksburg lias been published. We copy from it the followinir statement of losses : KHMM'omnded. iliiii'f Port nihann 713 21 Fourteen Mile Creek (skirmish 4 Raymond Jackson . Champion's Hill.. Hi- Black Railroad llridge 311 Jin I.M3 '.Ml! 3.68 7,tmo .fill . 29 ickebarg ...Mi T..l Of the wounded. Gen Grant says that many were only slightly wounded and continued on duty. Not more than half were permanently disabled. You CoUNT.-"John." said stingy old .. . j i. vfl rsiliinr dinner. -Vn know how many pancakes yon bare ien. 9.:a been ml (s Steel art f wnton fourteen!" juhiii ha rettk I m vn rannt and I Will a mjman tiarnaoa. wsw CALIFORNIA DISPATCHES, Illegal yntlng-lh'vnrtiirTof the Constltu. tioii-Flre-blDd Kulls-l'ollsh Commit lee Taxnayers Incorporation. San Francisco, Sept. 4. H. Finnerty whs convicted in the Police Court to day of illegal voting in two Dis trict. The steamer Constitution carried away $1, 4")O,207 in treasure, of which $505,000 was to Panama. Rumor says that the shipment to Panama is from the United Stutes Treasurer's ofliue, and is to bo taken by a United States war vessel from Aspiuwnll. Another rumor says it is a shipment to the French Govern ment, and destined fur Mexico. Another re port connects it with the New Alinaden Quick silver purchase. The store of C. P. Williams, pioturo denier, on Third street, was set on fire this morning, with the evident intention of destroying the Omnibus Railroad stables. It was discovered in time to prevent serious loss. Damage about $2,000, Henry Ducnnge, who keeps an old junk shop on Long Wharf, sues James W. Simon ton for $15,000 for libel. The alleged lihel is a paragraph with the caption "Ridefencc," fmblished in the Bulletin, nnd written by a po ico reporter. It accuses Dncange of having been arrested and committed for trial nn a charge of stenling 1,000 grain sacks, that be was an old thief, and became rich from keep ing an establishment for the reception of stolen goods. The Polish Committee to-day romittod $2,000 to the Polish Revolutionary Committee. They have sent $ff,000 altogether. The Grand Jury of the United States will make their report to-morrow. Out of 5,000 taxpayers in San Francisco, only 400 have applied to have taxes reduced. The Adelphla Hotel Company incorporated to-day, with a capital of $600,000, to build a hotel on the site lately occupied by the Metro politnn Hotel. Indictments for Treason New Citizens Arrivals. San Francisco, Sept. 1. " The following named pnrties have been in dicted by the Grand Jury of tho United States for trensn in levying war ngaiust tho United States: Ridgcly Greathouse, banker! Asbury llurpending, trader ; Alfred Robery, laborer ; Win. C. Law, mariner; James Smith, plaster er ; John MoFmlden, attorney at law; Win. D. Ward, laborer s John E. Kent, laborer; John Fletcher, plasterer; Thomas W. Rruude, clerk; Win. W. Mason, surveyor; George W. Davis, street contractor; Albion T. Crowe, clerk; Madison A. Marshall, laborer; Thomas rnolo, lanoror; Allred Arinand, mariner Henry C. Boyd, machinist ; Richard H. Du val, clerk; Gidenu C. Jones, trader. Jones was nrrsted last evening on n bench wnrrnut issued by Jiulfte Field, and is now in jail. The others were all in Alcatrnx, having ken taking on uoaru me sennonur uimpmuii. Jones is nlso implicated in the Chapman affair, hut it is impossible to ascertain the specifications of tne ciiargo ngamsc mm. no has been a mer chant of this city for many years. Capt. C. R. Whitney, clerk of tho United States Quartermaster's Department, fell dead to-day. Tho Federal and State Courts naturalized eighty-three citizens to-day. Arrived Ship Lizzie Onkfonl, ICS days from New York, to Do Witt, Kittle & Co.; British ship Sidney, 158 days from Glasgow, to Daniel Gibb. Tho Oakford lost sixty carboys overuoaru on uape Horn. mm YICKSbTKO HAS MADE BY THE WAR. In 1SC1 Vicksburg had two railroads. She has none now running west, and her eastern railroad connection is a mere niilitnrv affair. with track worn out and no rolling stock to speak of. At thnt-time there were services every Sundny in live elegant churches, with Inrge and attentive congregations. Ail except the Catholio Church are now ereatlv injured bv shells, and by being occupied for military pur poses. There is no longer any such thing here nsVegular or stated religions services, and two- thirds of tue iiihaintants do not know when Sunday comes. Then (1801) there was a large public school building, in which some five or six hundred pupils were instructed, beside nu merous smaller private shools, which were well sustained. Dorine the past fifteen months the children of the town havo studied only the science of war and of laziness. There is not now, I be lieve, a single man or woman in the pluce who is making, ur is thinking of making, any effort to teach a child to read. There were then mnny palatini residences, with splendidly ornamented gardens and w alks. Now there is just enough of them left to indicate bow pretty they mice were. Then there were two large foundries nnd machine simps, employing hundreds of hands, nnd turning out a vast amount of ma obinery for steamboats, mills, gins and factories Now, out of this army, there is not even a blacksmith shop in the place. Then there were two hospitals in the place the United States Marine Huspital, situated below the southern boundary of the city, commanding a fiue view of the river, and the City Hospital, an institu tion under the charge of the Mayor and Coun cil. Now nearly the entire city is a hospital, and you cannot go amiss for a graveyard. Then there were in Vicksburg tiireo daily newspapers, nil well sustained an infallible test of enterprise aud prosperity. The Whig has been burnt np. The Sun has set to rise no more, and 111'-' Citizen has become alien, its pro. prietor a sileut foreigner, who suspended be cause wull paper could no longer be procured. Brokers, banks, Masonic nnd Odd Fellow Lodges, hotels, pnblio reading rooms, billiard and whisky saloons, stores of every kind, and all the machinery for supplying civilized wants, disappeared with tho newspapers. The only merchants now here are suttlers. The only mechanics arc extra dnty men belonging to the army. A lady cannot go shopping. There are two reasons she has uo money and there are no shops. Negro women Vending very dark lookiiur eimrer bread and consumptive pies represent the commercial portion of the comiuuuiiy. THE COLLAPSE OF THE KEBEL LO.l.N. Kroin the London News. The sudden collapse of the Confederate loan has not unnaturally filled the calculating friendsof the South in this country with dismay. Tho stock, which on its introduction to the En nli.li market wus so skillfully manipulated as to be quoted at a premium, bus, duriug the last few days, sunk by successive plunges to twenty discount. On Tuesday morning, indeed, it could not be disposed of at any price, bnwev tint few sales were effected hi seventeen discouut. Yesterday, while oth er kinds of foreign stock rose, the slaveholders' insn nll retained its alarminir position of se vere and exceptional depression.. Under these circumstances it is hardly surprising that the panic of the slaveholders' agents anu represent Lr. in Hiis country should be extreme. The sodden fall in their favorite stock shows that the art by which it has been so long support ed are hegiuuing to mil, mat mio uuuiug worm n nn Imnrer be deceived by smooth prophe cies of Southern successes, but is taking the measure of current events for itself. It shows ,i,o, ti,,, resources of plausible mystiGcatiou are nearly exhausted, and the publio are begiuniug to exercise meir uu - -tr.iM - The Confederacy has clever agents and advo rates in this coontry as it has able leading men iu America, and they have done their work well Their representations have luduoed a number of ijnorant and innocent people not i. . iwliM in the omnipotenoo of the Con federate cause, but to invest iheir savings in its so-called cotton loan, lint facts are stubborn things, and in the end break down the most skillfully constrocted fictions, however long or loudlv they may lie rciieruieu. ue mmwi.ii ....i. .. mni,llv annroachmir. as IU victims be cio already to discern. The despcrnte game If speculation is nearly played out, and the i.i.. . Ii..rinnin to see the Confederates in 'heir true character. The panic of the players is. therefore, perfectly oatural. A premature crash would obviously be fatal. Al all hax RrJ. some attempt most Im- made to delay the Goal catastrophe. fwmctbiDg, oo matter wuat. must bo said or done to restore temporary con fidence, and prop up for a brief space the fall ing cause. If nothing else oan be done, a res olute effort may at least he made to I1ra7.cn it out for a time. It is the very moment to put on a hold front and use strong language, nnd the Confederate representatives in this country Have accordingly uestirrcu themselves to meet the emergency. ' Repabtkb. When the chivs of South Car olina assomhled in some thousands under Beau regard, and smoked nut a little handful of men from Fort Sumter, a brilliant " poickry " cass of Charleston, lent the following couplet, to gether with some other Hues of his own inven tion, to tho North, greeting t "With mnrliir, paislma and potard We send Old Abe our Beauregard." Since the battering down of Sumter, another "poickry" fellow, suntls to tho South, greeting : "With sliriak of shell anil palxhan roar Wo send to Jeff, our brave Uiluiore." Where is that Committee t Somebody is wanted, to hear the responsibility of permit ting the invasion of Pennsylvania. The rads oan't oharge Hooker with it, beoause when it occurred, they hadn't got done swearing he was the savior of the Uuion. Nobody else will assume It, becauso nobody else waa in com mand of the army. Possibly, Ren. Wade's Committee could Gx it on McClellan. Why not try it, and thus settle the vexed qnestion ! Special Notices. Tux Constitution and tiic Blood, No perma nent cure of any ulcerous or eruptive disease can be effected except by constitutional treatment. The vi tinted blood mast be rendered pure, and healthful, oth erwise the came of the disease remains lurking in the system and is sure to hroak out in some deadlier form than before, llut one medicitio known among men readies and expels this baneful principle, and restores the constitution to its origins! strength and vigor. It is Bristol's Burauparilla. Suppressive medicines are highly dangerous in such cases, and mercury almost invariably substitutes for one mnliidy unother eqtiully dutigurous. But this Halsuinio Vegetable Detergent mid restorative razes the very fuunilations of disease and converts into a stronghold of health and strcngtli the system from which it has expelled the poisonous invader. To Its purifying and life renewing power the most wonderful of the world's remedies, owes its unrivalled reptitution. Sold by respectable druggists throughout the world. nr28. . The Dyipaptlo. The trials ami sufferings of tho llyspeptio can only be realized by those so unfortunate as to be afflicted with this disease, and yet how many of them suffer and continue to suffer I Why they do this so patiently it is impuesible to tell. It may be from ignorance of any certain remedy ,or it may be from prejudice against the use of a patent medicine. Hoolland's German Hitters has cured thousands of the worst coses of iy pepsin., nnd each day adds new names to the record of its usefulness. Give the Hitters a trial. For tale by all druggists and dealers in medicines. Iw28. linker's I'uin Panacea, the most popular remedy evor offered to the public. Vintok, Iowa, June 9, 1858. Messrs, A. L. Scovill & Co. Gents i I believe your Baker's Pain Panacea is bound to be the moat popular remedy for pain of every description evor offered to the public. I have known many wonderful cares it has effected, and have sold and warranted as yon direct, but to my great eu rprise. none came back, and for a remedy wlii ch is good for so mauy discuses, nod a "balm for every wound," nothing can be said in over praise. J. W. PLUMMEK. For sale by all druggists everywhere, and by Red ington &Co.. general agents, 416 aud 418 Front street, Sim Francisco. 2w'J8 A British oSlcer, writing from Teheran, Persia, to the ''London Times," remarks: "A cathartic, Pill manufactured by an American nist (Dr. J. C. Ayer, of Lowell, Mass.) has cure! I.SIiah of a liver complaint that threatened his lifcVfliis simple fact,' as might bo expected, renders the Americans immens ly popular here, while the English are ovei looked. Doubtless, our own scholars mado the discoveries which he employs, nod lhas it is iu everything; we do the labor, then the mousing Americana put tbeir mark on it and take the reward. Doctor Ayer is idol ized by the Court and its retainers here, which will doubtless be reflected to him on a gold snuffbox, or diamond hilled sword, while not the name; even, of Davy. Christ ison or lirodie, the great lights by which he shiues, is known. Acs? York Sunday Paper. lni2S Sorofula Oared. SrHiNnriKi.n, 111., June 7, 1859. Messrs. A. L. Scovill te Co. Gents i My sou, who is now seven years old, has been afflicted with -Scrofula for more than two years. It made Its first appear ance in small knots on the glands of the neck, ander the skin. Our family physician, who has attended him, said he could core him, although he had been uu' der his attendance when the disease first made its ap. pearnnee ; and instead of curing him he grew worse, until finally the sore broke, and has since continued to discharge, until I got Dr. Mott's Vegetable Liver Pillr He commenced using them about ouo yeas ago ; and in less than three mouths he was well, and instead of a weak, delicate child, be is now well healthy aud re built. Yours, truly, JAMES ALLEX. IU-dington ti Co., 4Ili and 418, Front elreet, San Francisco, Qcncml Agents for tho Pacific coast. lw'Jft MOTH KItS ! MOTI1EKS 1 1 Don't fuil to procure Mi'i. )Vinihw'$ Soothing rnv for Chtlilren Teething. This valuable preparation Is lbs prescription of one of the best female physicians anil nurses iu the Uuited States, and has bcea need for thirty years with never failing safety and success by millions of mothers and children, from the feeble iiifunt of oue week old to the adult It not only relieves the child from pain, but invigo rates the stoninch aud bowels, corrects acidity, and gives tone and energy to the wholo system. It will almost instantly relieve Griping in the BonrUawl ll'i'ifff Cotie. We believe it the Best mid Surest Kern edy in the World, in all cases of Dysentery and Diar. rhaa in Children, whether it arises from Teething or from any other cause. Full directions for using will accomjiany each bottle. None Geuuine unlejs the fac simile of Curtis k Pea kins. Mew York, is on the outside wrapper. Sold by all Medicine Dealers. Principal Office, 48 Dey Street, New York. 'n' Only 25 Cenl$ per Bottle. Islington Sl Co., 416 and 418 Front St, San Fran cisco, Agents for California. 6m'.f) NcwiR, Ohio, March 10, 1858, Messrs. A. L Scovill & Co Oenla ; It is with great pleasure that I iufonn you of the effect of Dr. Mutt's Liver Tills in my family. Four years ago I had the Bilious Fever, although uuder !he care of an old school Physician, who treated m witli Calomel until I was salivated, and my tongue was much swollen, and it was the cause of more pain than the disease Itself Filially he gave me np and said that I could not live. I still lingered for six weeks, and finally got over that attack, with a broken down constitution, subject fre quently to attacks of rheumatic pains In my bones, when exposed, at least, to cold or dampness. Since that time I have had frequent similar atucks,a:id have by the use of Dr. Holt's Vegetable Liver Pills, broken op Ibe disease without bating tlis system iujnred by the ne of calomel. I would not be without them oa any account. Respectfully, matiiew Taylor. Kedington It. Co., 416 and 418 Front street, Saa Francisco, Sole AgenU. Tress's Htmburg Tea and Hamburg Plaster. Fress's Hamburg Tea is a curative and preventive of Coughs, Severe Colds, Faver end Ague, Dyspepsia, Kheuniatisoi, and ail ecmplaints arising from Impuri ties of tlis blood. It cures Headaclie, Bowel, Kidney and Liver Complaints, cleansing and purifying the stoaiacb and blood. It is a preventive against Conta gion, and its timely use will avert almost any sickness. Il restores the sppelite, and is most pleaaant and pala table lo take. Being purely vegetable, It cam wits, en tire safety be given to children. One trial will con vince any on of iu masIIcdI quality, aud ouc seed, no family will do without It. To guard agiiul Counterfeits, oW-rv the ami of 1 silt It Co., Hamba:g, oa scary geaoine paskug. Frese's Hamburg Tea is the only genuine article. Copy-right secured. Kiniol Fresc, Sun Francisco, J. C. Frese & Co., Hamburg, Proprietors. Bole Agents for the Pacific. Const, to whom all or ders uiust be addressed, hjnlingtou It Co., 41li and 418 Front street, San Francisco. 3m70 FK,TIAI.I'.M! m.HAI.F.ml VK.TI AliBsl I Use thnt safe, pleasant remedy known as IIEI.MBOWS EXTRACT HUCIIU, For all complaints incident to the sex. No family should bo Without It, Aud none will when once It Is used by Tried by them. YOUNG AND OLD. In the decline or change of life, And after and before Marriage, During and after Confinement To strengthen the nerves, Heatore Nature to its proper channel, and Invigorate the broken down Constitution, From whatever eauu originating. USE NO MOKE WORTHLESS PILLS I Take 1IELMBOLD 8 EXTRACT IIUCIIU. See advertisement In another column. Cut it out, and send for it. See advertisement. 3m3t l? The Annual Meeting of the Christian Church in Oregon will be held at the Central Meeting House, on the Santiam, commencing on Tharsdsy in October, 18(3. Hodge Calefy PORTLAND, OREGON, deaUrt in Drugs, Medicines, Puints, Oils and Glass, White Lead, Varnishes, Brushes, Painters Materials, &c. -A1.SO- Kerosene Oil and Lamps, -OFFER FOR SAI.E- Linseed Oil, bills, and cases. Lard " " Kerosene " " Machine " " Tanners .'" " White Lead, kegs and pails. Turpentine, Painters' stock, Window Glass, . -AND A STOCK OF- . DRUGS AND MEDICINES Unsurpassed in the State, in Extent, variety and Completeness. JIODGE If CALEF, 07 Front itreet, Portland. 17tf GTi0 I11. HUHTON'H BALSAMIC COMPOUND! ..TOR THK.. Bpetdy and Radical Our of Oonorrhwa, and all OUeaaea of th Urinary Or fans. Til IS i a remedy which reqtiimnoaMiitanret it perform it ita duty quickly and llmroujflily, lepvinff no injnrioiii ellect either to the const it tuion'or to the part u Hue ted. It is the rennlt of .mig experience, nnd close ohaer ration in aurcnt number of oven, and hua been inva riably fmercaflful where other medicines or treatment have failed; (has proving itnelf to be a remedy long rtMjuireu oy mc puuiic. Price, $1 per Bottle. For sale bv Druggists everywhere. Sole Airent for li ic ramie uount. tit aw, i.a.-iui.k y. Wholesale Drnvgint :M ComnieTialNiYet, lr2Ws Near Front St.. Nan Frnncim o. To Wool ttrowcr. THKnndewignedhnve TWKN'TY IIKAD of IM 1'OltTKI) THOKOtmilBKKI MKHINO and SAXONY HUCKS, which thoy otl'ur for shle to suit wool growers. The bucks cuu be neen by nillinK noon them in Kalmn, Oregon. KELL, Ac 1IKOWN. August ittlh, 1H63 i( BENJ. STJIANG, DIALER l PARLOR AND COOK STOVES OI' FVIillV PATTKIH, Keeps eoustuully on liana), ami Muoufaiiorai lo order, , Tin, Sheet Iron, and Copper Ware, On roHsoiiitble terms. MKTAI, ltODFINU, anil JOIIIUNG of all kinds, promptly attendi'd to. Sliop oo Coniiuori'itil street, Suleui, Oregon, 9. door North of Drown V M vers'. Gfttf Police lo Tnx-Puyri'N. ALL persons who have paid their times under the ten will assersmeot. am hitv five mills refunded by eullinir on the City ilursloill. lly ordur of the Cuy I'uum-il, 1L WILLIAMS, Recorder. Salem, August 31 , 1 Hi a aiiif BUS Mil CIIHAl'KIt TIIAIV KVEll. S. J. MCCORMICK HAS just roceivrd a lame addition lo his stock of M'MOOI, BOOKSI, comprising PAKKER 6c WATSON'S HEADERS , SANDER'S SERIES OF HEADERS ; MONTEITH'S GEOGRAPHIES CLARK'S GRAMMARS i WEI19TER'S DICTIONARIES. DAVIES' ARITHMETICS. WILLARD'S HISTORIES. THOMPSON'S ARITHMETICS. and all other School Books used In the Slate, together with Isree variety of TOY BOOKS I Oil 4 IIII.DIti:. Also, an tndlesa variety of STATIONEUY: embracing EVKKY AKTIt.'LK in thai line. All of which he is prepared lo sell at whnlesHle and retail at tu I.OW 'BUT ritiiaa, MILITARY BOOKS Constantly on hand and imported to onler, 8. J. M'COltMll'K, Franklin Honk Htore, fm'iti Pmol street, Portland, Oregtm. Stoves and Tin Ware Exchanged IiOIt WIIKAT aud OATS, ami the highest market price paid. ' J. ll.tiTAUK. Kalsm, Aug. 2i, 1W3. im fjpcnrrr Hall, IHilwnuklP, Oregon. rpilEuerriseaof this Insli'iition Uiird year will J. be resumed on Tuesilay, eVntember, lehl THOM.VI V. BCOIT. Milwaakie, Aug. 3, la Siilcin Klrnm Frrrjr. THK nnd'-nigml hereby notions I lie traveling poll lie U't b has esuliii.tieil and now lias in swie fill operallon, a Um ferry arriM tlia Villinll river at Melem, and will ferry with regularity at all Mages of water, and fading to do so will sell onl t" some one that can. lly fnnlilie f,a crossing stork are g'.id. the bsa being sufficiently large lo ernes from 74 to Hill bead of caul, and fries 4 to ' wagons al a sin gle trip, with perfect safely, and will ouly require from g to 3 minute in enswg the river. J.N.MATIIK.VY. KaJem.BepL&.l'K'. DU. J. W. McAKKK olTere hi profi-wiooal errvires Ui the rititena of mleat aad vnioitr J Onlc in Kenyoe buiMiuj Ifif J SMITH & WRIGHT, Sttooesion to COOKE, BMITH V Oo, SALEM. OREGON. leuvo to Inform tho piildlo that we lmve aud are receiving a LIB Mil mi-SElEM) flWI CENERAL MERCHANDISE, Which we OUcr at REDUCED RATES. Clothing;, Boots, Shoes, Huts, Cups IV voir Dolmen, Slmkcrs, Croceriel, Crockery. WOULD Gliuswure, Ilnrdwaro, Iron, Dolts, ltiv ets, VWiors, Kuts, Springs, Nulls, Splkts, Gluss, Putty, Saws, 1'lunes, Axes, Oyi' ten, 8heop Shears, Squares, Pry Goods, Cutlery, and BIV AT NEW TIIBK IIATKn, on A liHRAT TAI11KTV or OTHER ARTICLES too nuuieroa to mention, NEAKLT, All of which we will eiclmnge KOlti YOU CASH or MERCHANTABLE PRO CAN DO DUCE. THAT Amis OF WAI.T. AND WANTED. 100,000 His, of WOOL wanted iu ex oliunge for GOODS or CASH. SMITH & CARTWBKJHT. Sulcm, April 12, 1RG3. 7tf CHAELET INSURANCE. Murine, Flro and Life t THE undersigned an) Agent iu this State for the followiux Companies i MJURINE. CALIFORNIA MUTUAL MARINE. FIRE. ITArtTTnitD 1IAUTFOKD, CONN. I'HOKNIX (IIIAKTKU OAK " " CITY " " nOODHUK 'NEW YORK. MKTUOl'OMTAS " NIAOAUA " llltMK " PAIIK... " AHCTK! " P110KNIX ' WASHINGTON " LIFE. KQtlJTAM.K 1,1 KK NEW YORK. CONNELTICUl. lillTUAL, HAItm.'KD, Conn. There are no older, safer or more reliable comou nies in the world than those above nuniud. We will insure at the snme i ate tlml ran be effected throuvh San Francisco auents, mid the California Slnie Slump Tux is tuns avoided. We cull the attention of the community, particularly murrioil, to the advantages of Lite lusorniice. 19" Cull and vet u pamphlet. 6'Hf IdCIIARDS At McCRAKKN. ;11IILH UNDKR Till DlRtCTION or The Sisters of the Holy names of Jesus and Diary, WILL be opened in this city on the 1st of Septem ber. The cmtnw of lurtrnctinn comprises the va rioos branches which constitute the elementary and higher depurtinenl of education. PKl.tlAHl- t'LAMKfl. fipellitig. Heading, Writing, Hncred Hislorv, Ele menu of Geography, Oruiuniar. Arithmetic, An Kle mcutary Treatise on Time, Abridged History of the Coiled'Slales. Jt'NIOII CI.ANSKM. Dirtioniirr, lteruling, Writing, Arithmetic, Oeognt' nb Gruuimur, Kiuelolarv Correspondence. Elements of Natural Philosophy and Astronomy, Outhues of History, f utiiiuur ncience, Aonogeiueiit oi uouiuy. MKNIOK t'l.AHKKM. Elocution, Ithetorie, Logic, Versification, Ancient and Modern (leogruptiy, una of the (Holies, Astrono iov. Ileiierut Hiittorv, Arithmetic, Altfebra, llituk- K eplug, Ueonietry, Natural Pldlosophy, botany aud u emmiry. TKBTHi Primarv Derartment. ner nuarter. (pnviiblo in a'ltvancei... $ II 00 Junior liepurdoeiil... n w Seuior Ilepartmeut 10 INJ French, Music, Drawing and Painting furtn extra charges, and are taught at the option of I lie parents. French per quarter f 6 00 Music per ipiurler 10 III) Uruwing and Painting 5 O0 If parents desire It. Ibe pupils muv lake lessons iu plum and funey needle work. No extra charge lor either. The hunni of attendance from 8 o'clock, . ., lo 4 o'clock, r. N. One hour und it quarter recess at noun. Pupils of every religious ttenouiiiiution will be eooullv received, and all inlerferenoe Willi their roll gious convictions carefully avoided. Oood onler, however, requires tlmt all should conform lo the regu. latoiii nt ttie lusutiitiou. No dedui-iiou i niade for the withdrawal of a tmpil before tho expiratiou of the term, unluss in cnee of HOAP. - VO M0"E WANTI'I) I'NTll, FPRTIIKIv notice. Illtf K. PRATT, Agent W. W. M n'l'g Co. WANTED. rTlWO COOl'KltS, good workmen; constant em. JL plovment given for one vear at good wages. Ap ply InJ. M. 1 1 il i.1 C.IC, at nuiuiu, uregon. jtuy mil, inihi, ikmi Altcnllon, Marlon Klflcs, T KntJI.AU DRIIX, Monday and Kainnluy eve- X ly mngs, ai i o eimra, at uie annnrr. Per onler, V. ll.'dltt'llim. 'itf Orderly Mergennt. IM J. IT. IIAAH.l I Commerct18trMl,84ltm, DHkrla GOLD AM) SHYER WATCIIKS, JEWELRY, ollI Silver und IMaled Ware, FINE CLOCKS, Spectacles, Fine Cutlery, to. J All Hoed, sold by ms sr. WAItRAKTRD to bs SI J j reprraentcu. ' j l Itrpnlrliiir. Psrtlcalsr altentlnn psM to repairing Ins Wslebes, ( I Clocks, Jewriry, Ac. I ALL WOIIK WAURANTED. (UltB.Orrn.Jonr, IM). lylT ( 1 ft- tWfijrfet or Rlolrn TTIKOM lb posture of M I, Ravage, near 1 Maieni, a IHM9 iii'icir.. neanr or finite 16 hands hnth, C. H. (,'. on right or left tliioh. Attv information of his where ' boots, will he liberally rewarded by calling al th tilaleiman UHlre, Balem. gbir. PORTLAND FOUNDRY ....ssn.... UAOHINB SHOP. first "tre.l. Uelwecai Ysaaklll an4 Harrlenn. nAVINII become sole proprietor ol tblsestablish ment,the nndersiirned is now prepared to maim faetureAU. KINDS (IK HTK.AM KNIllNKH.of sine from fonrtn forty horse power, portable or stationary. A!o. C'irrnlar Kaw Hills, eomtdete I Hay Freeeea of all sites: I'laning Harbine (Wiiodwonh's pallernli Wrought and Cast lna Work for Vertiral saw and Oris! Mlllsi brwaand iron eatinK,iid wron(litiroB work of every deerrlptinn. All order aiecuted with disnateh.and to a work mauhka manner. DAVID MuNNAsI KM. V M. A reilnelinn has been made nn all binds of work at my shop, toaaiuhetradoaud correspond with California prices nmj ii I'Af Vulcanite! Vulcanite! pf1) IOSK penont whoare to unfortnnat J n lo iwinirr itr1i(i' iil,tev(li would do wall to mil en HwitU It ( hmu-eend ex- nitna ipwimptw of ili mym ktvle of work, wbirb, fr romlurt, elcanlineM mid uw fulneM eatuiot W mf mv"l by enjr prurtwa now in vntfiHr. Hnbaiiutee np putti, irjiu Hiit tooti io nn enure tel. RMITII fcCHAJfCK. finq(irel end llerbaeiil Dealt, VilTpd K(e itreet, taien. MILWAIJJSISK MM U RELIANCEW0IlKS. 1;Iwim'1 V, Alii A Co., MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN, MAHVrACTUItCRS or French Burr Mill Stones, and all dewrl)tinni of MILL GEARING. Dealers in Bolting Cloths, And all descriptions of MILL KUKNISHINOS. AgenU for th Mil of Pun. PriMi. Jr.'i Smut Jlarhlne, mmm Improved SEPARATOR, and Bciilon'i World Challenging Bran Duster, We alio niumifuoliire the celehrated Goodwin Wnter Wheel, Which we believe to he the heat wnter wlieel lo use. Plans and estimates furnished on Application, ED WD P. A M.IK CO., Ru3fl MilwHiku, Wie. USEE. GO0DWIN-& BROS. N, Y. PATENT Pressed Chewing Tobacco, FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. THIS tobacco Is manufactured expressly for the California market i the peculiar tnunnefln which it is put uo, keeping it always moist and causing it to retain it llavor any length of time. UinisW Dr. L, S. Sldf; Surgeon Dentist, SALEM, OllKGON, Office In Holman's Brick Building, niCNIDKIVCIt NRAR f'ORNKR OP flit SIT AND OK NT KB ST. N.B. None but llnifllied ooflratlons nerformatl. T desire the pnlroiiHKO of soldi persons as wish their operations performed III the most perfect manner. nuiuiu. uav. ti, mu. tm J. W. MOUTllUll, BOOKSELLER ....AKII IHTOHTtH 0 5TATI0NKHT,.. .. Law, School, Medical, Miscellaneous, AND BLANK BOOK), June 01 Itf Recond street, Corvalll. Wolnr CoinpaM. A (1001) BOLAK COMPASS for sale on fair terms. Kiiquire at the 8tillcmau otUee. Haloin. Mnri'li 12th, im. Stf IVoliee lo Debtors. DR. A. M. DELT, havlug rloaed bis practice lit Sn lein, has left his acronut in my hands forcolleo tiun All persona Indebted to him for medical services will please cull on me at once and settle. lieu. 1'. Br.Ai.,n. Sal June 8th, 1863. 3m 14 WIGHTEIAN & HARDIE, BUC0E8S0II8 TO FJ1ANK BAKER, 416 nnd 418 Clay Ittrccl, SAN FRANCISCO, Importers and Dealers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mattings, 1 1MIOLSTEKV OOOD9, in PAPER HANGINGS. For Sale in Quantities to Suit. juiie'JS 3m 17 BENNETT HOUSE, HALIOJI, OltliltiOJN. C. L. FISHER, Proprietor. T1IK siihsoriber wishes to inform his friends and public irenerullv that ho will use bis ntiuost endeavor to please Ihoee who favor lie him with tbeir rtatmnaie at the above named"' hotel. The table will at all timea be supplied with all the delicacies of the season. Uood rooms and clean beds. Hoard per week, with loduinir $0 00 liistnl per week, without lodg-ina; . . . ' & 00 May 5th, 1803. lthf EMlruycd FIIOH the aubserilier. at Knlein, about aixAV- weeks slnee, two horses i one a duck creoin,c0A, branded O. T. 011 left shoulder 1 the other a dark bay, 6 yeurs old, blnxe fin-e, limnds not remembered. Any iuforiiiution of said horsea will belilienillr traid for. . JOHN ilYHMC. Hulcm, Anir. 'J4, IWO. ".lifpaid ENtrnrrd Ipitnit the encloeurs of the utnlerslined, In f-r. Salem, 011 Tueediiy iiiht, IX1I1 inst., a niedi- eQX inn-sued man horse, heavv mailt, about 8 or 9 year old, branded with larmvWoti left slide. No other murks or brands. A liberal reward will be paid fur his return, or fur Information that will lend to his re- covory. aw&'ipuid J. r. MILI.KK. ATTENTION EVE RYBODY I STATE FAIR BALL. riMIKKK will 1 n ni.lj T1II.ITAUV 1 AXit 'I'B hitter. Mi n men. triveii Hi ShIciii w tire hi him, 111 HhIuiu. on the ovtt- tiinii of tti-pt, 18, lHikt. No ptiiua ur rxpi'itw will I HiNiml tu nmk evrrvthinir nlimmiiiL lur 1110 win won. a cohcu win ue in rcHUineM to mn vcY iTvnii to nnd from the hit)), ffpo. Himciuni rfimiiH fur 10U coti(ilc llio Nilm Artilh-ry llnnl in uttwiriiinca, J. II. IliiMM, Lemler. FLOOR MANAOKUH: lUnj. Htrnnir, Klim, Shiihii'I HeHslrick, K11I0111. ilfiri Kiitinmini, Corvulti, Henrv OimIIpv. AIIiriiv, H. H Vrirn-I., IVrtlMhd. P, H Tho niiliiurv will tilfiirt Kppeiir In unifiirni. AHmittmire imI mi.prr, $1 UU. 3w'J5 Salem Market--Prices Reduced. rplIK iiilm"riltr wUtiftn to miv to the X riuwma llmt hm Inw nniiifwi bin pritm tit suit tha timea. uml will uiv iron fnmi Rnv i' lure von mil for It, nnd iir liver it FREE OF CHARttE to muv nlitra in tho cilr. A iiiwriur rtirle if Vnrl RuiiMurn. hihI Kurloin Ktntki eutiHtHiillr nn linnrl. Ilarreliiitf of beef nml wiling of (Hiric, eimuiiM nie 10 nrrnmmiMinifl. IWf pr (inmlffr fmm K to 4 nH, J toiling ptrre from II to li MiiIk. hiirlolu nnd rtintp, fi to Hranla. Million mid Pork, H in 10 renin. Ninwo, U eeiilB. 1000 Good Fat Hons Wanted, Pmwd or nndrfHtwl, for wbit-h the hij(hwt market nnre will be ohm In "in. THOfi CKOS8, 8Hlein lliiriiet An To Wool Growers. THK nnflerniKned dire to in form I I f L. J ned nrMra to inform tli m of Or)tttn who nmr dt(re " litM-kn, ilmi we hwre for wtlf 7tn : TIIOHOI 4HBKItOA' X (jniwrrsi i to improve tbeir 11 few I IKlK K HKHI0 filial- , nf tb t'rencb, Himnieb end Aiiunuian mmiiiet oi umt ureen. Ji8RHI HOLMAS JOMNillNTO, I'ttrllM intereeted, urn rrtpet fully referred to the I lulu r.t I'rrmitimt atenrdri by Ihr frfgan tih$ie At nenllHrtit Kae$rtft where it will bo mmo thnt the nmll (loek we now oHr tnwll from ha intined 'l VK flHMT PMI.KHMnd ONK MKIOD out nf 7 eathes, nttntnit sharp com ftettt torn nM tkt beit iktrp im ir rwate. Aildme John Minto, Mem, or emit at my fnnS 4J nilei Miutb of tStletn, on the etiure rued. lUtinif the eole nmiinemeiii of the Dork, I will werrwtt everr animel wild to be purt Mtnninl end ne rvnrevent it in everjr ntwcL JOMM MI.MO. l'omon Hill. MmHoq Co,, April 1Ho3. 6ui9 New Ferry at North Salem. THE nndersiirned would (live aotlrelo the travel in nnblie that bs bits established a NWINd KKU KV on the Willanietta msr. imm aalf mile below lb old ferry, and will ferrr t any tfagt oj raltr eaJ mil kmiii nj trmmer. itrasor imsusii I span of homa or yoke of oaen V5 ets. Kmb adilitioiuil auliuai , A ' Man and hnreu IM) " I'ootaiau. , U ' Ixmas eel lie and horses mirh A " Hheenand hov K Vi have earelleat farllitiaa fur f-rrviii STOCK of a'l kimls. nir boat will carry 4tt li,.wl of mil al nn lime with perfect safely, and will eross the river IU Irons t In D luluule. VUA nllt-LLI. 1W. in, May tli, m llulOpt pud 'tf.Dlfli0fflS,.l2" PORTLAND, OltKOON, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, Importer and Mculers in ' PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS, DYE-STUFFS, kc, Are constan'ly receiving, by EVERY ARRIVAL FROM TIIB NEW GOODS, And are therefore enabled to offor to their enstomer AT Al.LTIMKH, a FltKHIl and WELL AriHOUTKI) stock from which to mak tbeir selections. mi' Kerosene and Kerosene Lamp. Alcohol, Lard Oil. Machinery Oil for sale at reduced price. - I76QS ScroMa, or King's Evfl, Is a constitutional disease, a corruption of the blood, by which this fluid becomes vitiated, woak, and poor. Being lit the circulation, it pervade th whole body, and may burst out in ducato on taj Eart of it. Ho organ U frco from it attack, nor i there one which it may not destroy. The scrofu lous taint 1 variously cuused by mercurial disease, low living, disordered or unhealthy food, impure air, tilth and filthy habits the depressing vice, and, nlxivo oil, by tho venereal Infection. What ever bo ita origin, it is hereditary in the constitu tion, descending fmm parent to children unto the third and fourth generation " indeed, it Menu to bo the rod of Him who (ay, " I will visit th Iniquities of tho father! upon their children," A, Its eH'ecti commence oj deposition from th blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in tho lungs, liver, and internal organs, la termed tuber cles in tl.e glands, swellings and on the surface, eruption or sore. This foul corruption, which gender in tho blood, deprcssca the energies of life, so that scrofulints constitution! not only tufTer from scrofulous complaints, but ti.yy have far less power to withstand the attack! of other disease s con sequently, vast number! perish Ly disorder which, although not scrofulous in their nature, arc still ren dered futnl by this taint in the system. Most of the consumption which decimate th: human family hot ita origin directly in this scrofulous contamina tion ; and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or are aggravated by the saute cause. One Quarter of all our proplo are scrofulous ( their persons tire invaded by this lurking infection, and their health is undermined by it. To cleanse it from tho system we must ronovata tho blood by an alterative medicine, and invigorate it by healthy food and exercise. Such a medicine w lupply in AYE Ii'S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, tho most effectual remedy which the medical skill of our time can devise for thie every where pro vailing and fntal mnladr. It 1 combined lrom th most activo remedial that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the system from its destructive consequence. Hence it should he employed for the cum of not only scrofula, but also those) other affection which arise from it, such as Kavrnva and Kkix Uiskasks, St. Axtimxy'r Fin, Ho, or EuYMirr.i.As, 1'imh.m, 1'tmTtrr.ia, IIuitchbi, JiuiN and lloiui, TuMona, Tettbr and Bait Kiikum, Scald IIk.ad, Hisowouu, Bmiumatum, Svphii.itio nnd Mi'.hcvkial Disbasiis, Dkopst, Svnn:rtA, Dnnu.iTV, and, indeed, all Complaints AiusiNo from Vitiatp.1i on Ihpuhb IOod. The popular belief in " impurity of tne blood " is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of tins Sarsapa rilla is to purify and regenerate thia vital fluid, without which sound health is impossible in con laminated constitutions. AYEE'S Ague Cure, roa tii sraaor cuaa or Intermittent Fever, or Fever siisd Agme, Remittent Fever, Chill Fever, Dttrab Asjwe, Perlmllrsil llenilaeh, or Billow Headache, and Billon Fever, Indeed for the whole elas of dlaeaac orlnlMttnst lal hllioty is ranajesnent, caaised by the Alklorlai of Mlsne. rnatie Countries. . We are enabled here to offer the community a rest ed' whieh, while it cures the above complaint with ( rerhdnty, la still perfectly harmless in any quantity. Both a remedy Is invaluable in districts where the sfflicting disorders prevail, this " Cuaa " ( tlx miasmatic poison of Favan amd Aov from then' - r tern, and prevents ths development of the diar" taken on the first spproach of its premonitom torn. It is not only the best remedy ever yet o ered for thi class of complaints, but also the ek est Th large quantity we supply for a dollar bn. it within the resell of every body ; and in bilious d tricta, where Far add Aooa prevails, every boa should have it and use it freely both foteur and pro lection. A great superiority of this remedy over any. other ever discovered for the apeedy and certain enr of IntennlttonU is that It contain no Quinine or sain- erai, consequently it produce no quinism or our , iniuriouaerTectserbatevev upon the constitution. Those' cured by It are left a healthy aa if they had never had see, the disease. V Fever and Ague b net alone the consequence of the nuasmatie poison. A great variety of disorder tis from it irritation, among which are ifemvlqia, Hhew matiem, (tout, Headache, lilindnen. Toothache, Ear, ache. Vatarrk, Aethma, Palpitation, Painful Affection 5f the Hpleen, listeria, Pain in the liimU, Vote, 'ornyst and Demnqrmcnt of the Stomach, all of which, when originating in this canae, put on the intermittent tive, or become periodical. This " Crni " expels the poison from the blood, and consequently cures them all alike. It is an invaluable protection to Intmigranta and persons travelUnit or temporarily re siding in the nulsrious districts. If taken occiejnnally or uaiiy wnue rxposea to tne miecuon, tusi wiu ne eservtea fmm the system, and cannot accumulate in sumcient qunntitr to ripen into disease. Hence it is even more valuable fnr protection than cure, and few will ever surfer from Intermittent if thev avail them selves of the protection Ibis remedy affords. Prepared by Dr. 1. 0. ATZK in CO., LowtU, But, SMITH 4c DAVIS. I'orlluasl. SOrjD BT ATiT.i T3RXJOOISTS. K eowly DU. MWKKT'IS Infallible Liniment. (j It EAT EXTKKNAL REMEDY, For Shenmatlim, Oout, Vanralgla, Lumbago, Stiff Neck and Joint, praia, Bruiaaa Cat and Wounds, File, Headache, and all Bhsumatl and Hr vouii)Uordra. Flit all nf which it Is a speedy and certain remedy, Sod never fiuls This Liuiuient ia prepared from the meipe of l)r. Ktepben hwect, of Connecticut, tho fnmou bone aellee and bus been used iu his practice fur more than twenty year with the most astonishing Sucre. AH AM ALI.KVIATOR OK I'AIV, It Is unrivaled by any prepemllciu before Uie public, ol which the most skeptiiml may he oonvineed by single trial. This Liniment will ear rapidly and radically. Itbeimiatie lisordena of very kiud. and in tbuaaand of rase where it bits been used it has never been known to fuil. FOU NKl'HAIllA, Il will afford immediate relief In everr case, however dislreMng. It will relieve th worst cam of HEADACHE in three minutes and ia warranted to do it TIHITIIAI'IIK alto will it enr iriMitntlv, K(IK N Kit VUUS DKIIlI.l'f V AMU GENERAL LArieilTUUK arisnitf froai impnidenee or eJioeaa, thi Liniment t a most happy and unfailing remedy. Acting dirertlv upou the nervous tissue, il atrUttben and rsvivine lb system, and rastora it to sUuUcity and vigor. FDR l'U.KS -As an eiternal remedy, we rial that it is the iril known, and challenge the world lo produce an equal Kvery vietiin of ibis dislrrwug eooipiainl should give It a trial, for it will not tail to alford inaaiediaie relief, aud in a awjority ef cam will effect a radical core. Vl'INhY AMI SOltE THROAT atw somellmea estremely mnliuiisnl and dangerous, hut a timely ap plication nf ibis Liniment will never fail to cure. nTHAIXH are sometime vary obstinate, and en Urireutenl of the jointa ia liable to occur it neglected. Tire worst rase may be conquered by tbia Liuiiueirt iu two or tbreo dava HIiriMKS. CITS, WOUNDS, 80KK8, 1'LCF.BS. Bt K.VH and KCALDH, yield rewlilv to the wonderful healing pronertiea of UK. SWKKl'8 ISVaLUIILK Li Sill KNT. when used according lo directions. Also. t'llll.ULAlNH. IKDh'itU FhtT, A.U INbUT UllLAaudbriNUo. - Every llonnjOOwiier should have this remedy at hand, for it llsielv u al the dial appearance of Ijamenese wilt elleetually pre vet thee formidable disease, to which all hone ar liable, and which render so many otherwise valuahk borne nenrly worthleea. Over lour hundred voluntary tretimoaiala to the wonderful enrnttve propertiee of Ibia Liniinent have beeu received within the last two yuir, and many of them from persons In th hiuhrt rank of lit. CAl'TIO. To avoid Imposition, observe Ibe Signature and Likr.tr of Dr. B;ephen Hweet on everr label, and al so "Htephen Hweei'a Intalbbl Unlnient." blow in th alas of each bottle, withenl which none are gen Biu. KICHAKDMIN s CO. M I'mprwinre, Norwich, Cl IlOSTErihH.oXlU ll is HKAN, Airenta, rsu Francisco. . cMlTllkDAVH, e9l;hvsow Furtlaad, Ogn. i v