The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, September 07, 1863, Page 3, Image 3

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    (Otcgou tatcsimmu
PmiNO the Southern IiEAivr. The pco.
J'Jj of llio South wore worked up to tlio insntio
Ji.Ai it .itiiilit!n 1... ........ -1
r .fj ,,,u (Olll. Wt j.rtm-
KO(,'iicb iii tlio nrti of stirring up lint IhoM
passions, "etlueatiug tlio Southern niiml" ami
"llring the Southern heart." Their principal
rdimil nan in ' Clmrlcston, South Carolina,
1,.,,,1...1 l. T..I... ft n..n i t ,
i. .... ii 11 i,jr uunu v,. omnium anu pri'xuii'ii over
mid fnsti-red hy "gentlmwi"nf hoilinsMra,(l,
sinncilli IihiuIh. oily, uVv-ilisli oily tongues mid
hotupur trainn. The school has prospered
niuiizingly, drawing ahout it tlio patronage of
nil the rich lords of the sunny South who there
from gained the art of concentrating all their
irrqiri'ssililo desires to dn something criminal
into the grand denouement of a treusonnhle
conspiracy, of monstrous proportions, against
their government. All tlio fires of Southern
Iinte, arrogance and perverted ambition have
been infused into the contest. From the first,
the feeding rebels, among whom Beauregard is
not the loaat conspicuous, have threatened te
leave to the advancing federal armies, nothing
hut barren wastes and charred ruins. The
last plantation was to be mailt- a denort, the
lust house aud burn and cabin were to be left
only heaps of anlies, aud the last man was to
die in the last ditch. This, in the event of
failure of tlio conspiracy, was to be tlio fate
of the Southern country and people, cheerful
ly and heroically accepted. In case of success,
the rampant chivs ncro to invade I lie Northern
States with fire and sword and carry devastU'
tinn and ruin everywhere.
This last was the brightest bar in the bow of
hope to the rebel gendemen." They fired
the Southern heart by promises of plunder;
of blood-letting north of the Ohio and cast of
the Hudson ; of burning cities and ravaged
countries ; of the fullest satiety of hate and all
tlio black passions born of nullification and
Now, the chalice containing their own
hitler ingredients of fire, sword and devasta
tion is presented to their own lips, they protest
in "the niune of humanity," as though they
bad not first outraged nil dictates of humanity
by Inaugurating this rebellion whose wicked
ness hat never been excelled since that one
which first peopled Hell. Protests in the namo
of humanity, against anything that war calls
into use among civilized people, oome with
miscrnhlo grace from the people who danced
with frautie joy at every hissing hot shot fired
into Sumter when a little handful of tneti held
out for days against thousands of mad, rioting
traitors. The day of retribution has come
and as the wickedness of the rebellion U with
out comparison, so ought the retribution to be.
Villians and traitors "fired the Southern heart"
brave men and patriots are now firing South
ern cities. The rebellion originated in the
spirit uf devilism it is appropriate that it
should now go out by the satanio breath uf
"Greek fire."
Thb Way to Tbll 'Em. The Sacramen
to Bee furniitlies a rule by which Copperheads
nmy be surely detected. It says : When yu
hear a mnn who professes te he loyal, talking
ahout the expenses of the war. swindling hy
Government contractors, counterfeiting of legal
tender notee, etc., put him down as a gruiuli
ling Copperhead."
By the Bee's rule, as yon will see, it is dis
loyal to dcploro the existence of the national
.lolif llu.ri.fiira hp natural uifornnni. tin, tin.
jjiinn uent is a very ganu ana coiuiortauie
..ytiinir tn intitinnilntn ff i. ilidturnt In iluntuinnn
r grumble at the swindling of Government
contractors; therefore, the practices of those
consuming leeches, are but the highest exem
plifications of honesty and high-toned morality.
It is disloyal to complain of thieves and coun
terfeiters for putting afloat spurious and worth
less U. b. .Notes; llierelore, counterfeiting is
merely laudi.blo way of aiding to put down
the rebellion aud keep up the credit of the Na
tional currency. That is the Bte'i code of
morali'y and loyalty.
We have always thought the national debt a
deplorable thing, though an unavoidable neces
sity. The rebellion forced it Ojtou us, but that
does ma make its dollars any the fewer or
eusier paid. The rebellion must be conquered ;
to do it, requires money and entails a vast debt;
we accept its discharge as a duty and will pay
our share of it as cheerfully as possible, but we
cannot see that deploring the necessity is more
disloyal than mourning the loss of the many
thousands of brave, noble men who hare sac
rificed their lives for country.
If the Dee, "or any other man" dun't like ti
hear swindlers and counterfeiters complained
of, we must believe they are in league with
them and rejoice at their amazing success.
HT The Ilichinoud Whig, of August 20th.
dolefully lamented the fact that during all the
late great battles, about fifty per cent, of the
rebel army were on the absentee list. Tlio
Whig might have said that the rebel absentees
on the third day, at Gettysburg, numbered 100
per cent.
Thii "villainous compound," to earnestly
protested against by Beauregard at unfit to be
used in civilized warfare, was Invented by a
Syrian during the eighth century ,and first used
by the Romans in defending Constantinople
against the attacks of the Saracens. It it a
chemical compound, whose great virtue con
sists In ita being Inextinguishable by water; it
Is only nourished and quickened by the appli
cation of that element. Sand and vinegar are
almost the only nrUclis that enn damp its
fury. It was employed in those timet when
the decencrate Rnmnnt of the East were Inca
pable or contending with the warlike enthusi
asm of the Saraoent. It wat poured from the
rnmpirta in largo Imilert. or darted in arrow!
and javelint twisted round with flat and tow
which had been dipped in the iuflammtble oil.
It waa most commonly blown through long
tnhet of copper which were fancifully shaped
into the mouths of savage monsters which teem
ed lo vomit a stream of liquid fire that no pow
er could withstand. It continued in use until
the middle of the fourteenth century, when the
invention of gunpowder effected a revolution
In the art of war. We do not know of ift hav
ing bern used In the present war except at
Vicksbnrg and in the instance mentioned in the
late dispatches. It it perhaps meet that
Charleston, noted at being the Urtb-plaee of
tecession. and the place where fire-eating pro
pensitiia hive beeu the mcst tealoutly culti
vated, should be the first to recehe Its portion
of unquenchable fire.
Do sot Believe IT.-The New York AVtw
tart Gov.' Seymoar it pledged to resist the
. . . , ' i . .1 Ivti..ra . WOTrl
- in w nrK. i r uo w - - -
of the disloyal suggestion. 1 ue yirugr . r-
. .. Mi - ' , . hM.
tect Ui citiieo io an nit coimnunuu., .....
and rublio rights doet not go to nai eneu. ,
VST For months back, the Statnman liu been
conspicuous amonjr loyal paper fur its parsistitnt
advocacy of Vallandlgham. Tin arrest of tlio
traitor was denounced by that pnpor iu tho fierc
est terms, and tlicro was searca a rebel organ in
tho country that was more thoroughly eomniittud
to Vallandi(jharn and his causo. Afeaniaiaeer.
The Mountaineer was never more mistaken In
Its life..
On the 30th of March, soon after assuming con
trol of the Statnman, we said :
The Now York Times accuses Orenlev with
having carried on a correspondence with Vallan
difham, with reference to foreign mediation to
procure peace. Greeley admits a correspondence,
but tbinks mediation was not mentioned by Val
landiffharn. We ikould not ot (ins lims lie surprised
to hear that either of them had bun holding tones
pondence tcilh Jrff. Datit.
That was, and is, our estimate of both of them.
We have never persistently or otherwise adrocn
ted Vallandijrtinm. We
"in fiercest terms," nor were we over committed in
any manner to Vallandigham or his rause, as the
Mountaineer well knows. But we have complained
that radical abolition politicians were permitted
to run the whole length of denunciation and treas
onable language without being one of them ar
rested or restrained, while Vallandigliam mid
hosts of others bad men, it Is true, in many
casot wore promptly arrested and banished or
thrown into confinement. The complaint was not
that Vallandiham was so treated, but that Thad
Stevens, Wendell Phillips, it id genus omne, were
not so troated. '
We might as well say here, however, that while
wo are as firmly as over of the opinion that Val
landigliam is a pestilent and dangerous man, we
do not think his arrest as to time and manner, or
his trial as to method, were of such a character as
to destroy any portion of his evil influence but
were rather calculated to increase it. Vallandlg
ham as a martyr and he was careful to assume
that character is more powerful than Vallandig
liam the private and unnoticed citizen. The peo
ple, who are not blind, observe the difference be
tween the treatment ho receives and that extend
ed to Thad. Stevens, Wendell Phillips and (lerritt
Smith, who have each uttered more treason in
public than ever did Vallanghara. The lattor's
adherents seize upon the broad difference and
wield it with effect. In this view of the case
even claiming, as we do, that Vallandigliam is a
bad mnn bis arrest was a great mistake to say
the least.
And Union Jubilee.
In view of the numerous and great victories re
cently achieved by our bravo soldiers over the
enemies of our common country, and in view of
the fact that much yet remains to be done before
tho Union of all tho States can be restored in its
integrity, the loyal citizens of Oregon who desire
a speedy consummation of this end, who are in
favor of sustaining and supporting the adminis
tration in its efforts to crush out finally and for
ever the present wicked rebellion, restore and
preserve the Union, re-establish our free govern
ment in the States now in rebellion, and enforce
the constitution and laws of tho United 8tates
throughout our entire conntry, North and South,
are requested to meet in Salem on the evening of
Wednesday, tlio 16th of September, 1863, to par
ticipate in a Grand Mass Meeting and Union
Demonstration. (Signed)
AC R f haw, F Dockum, C 8 8ilver, Joseph J
Meapher, C 8 Mills, .1 McKey, A O Walling.Geo.
H. Williams, J H Mitchell, II L Pillock, AC
Gibbs.W I, Hill, K E Stratton, A llolbrook, W C
Johnson, T 11 I'earnc, E W Hodgkinaon, Wm.
Davidson, C G llelknap, 8 M Cook. 8 Coffin, E.
D Shnttnck, J O Wilson, C Taylor, PA Maripiam,
L Anderson, P Wassernian, 3Gnldmilli, 11 W
Corliett, K Williams, C P Crandnll, C N Terry, J
M Kenler, C A Heed, J I) Dement, B F Dowell,
J H Moores, J M Breck, W Masters, J W. Cook,
D Kntlcdge, L C Fuller, A M Starr, L M Starr.
J P O Lownsdalc, II H Parker, II C Coulson, -T
Fraaer, T Humphrey, T McF Pntotn, J N Dolph,
8 J. MeCormiek, A Pony, J M Pierce, It D Aus
tin, C E Cslet H H Conwav, E Hamilton, Henry
Failing, J B Congle, A Marker, E W Metiiaw. E
Northrop, J H Kgan, J WP Huntington, D lie
Cully. Geo A Dills, C M Cartwright, E Williams,
E W Cornell, II C l.inpincott, It Weeks, Hnmis
ton, Wilson & Co, J YY Drew, A J liiely, J Gas
ton, J C Peebles, 8 Hinvlitt, 8 P lligbee, M M
Mitchell, J N Gale, li Mallory, W F Cornell. W
A Starkweather, D P Thompson, WT Matlock, J
D Boon, Samuel E May, K F Uuasell.
I'tT Without dear woman, we should be only
a slug nation.
Insects are reported to have made
havock with the wheat crop iu tome parts of
Keep both eyes opeu, but dou't see
more than hall you notice.
The pot of mulioe should not stand
upon tlio fire till it boils over.
Iii this citv. on Inst eveniiur. the fah inst.. at the res-
idencn of Ike bride's parents, by Kev. Isaao Dillon.
Dr. George II. Chance and Miss Sophie Drey, all of
anlein. ,
We do not blame Miss Sophie forchauging her name
when alie gets such a good ciiancc.
In Eoln. at the residence of J. W. Downer, br Thos.
Pea re , J. P.iitlrt nit., V. II. Hay, of Polk couuly,
und Miss Marv Uickeuaon, t,i umpquu.
At Dalles. !ild all.. C. C. Smith aud Anna f'rull.
In Porilaiul, lAllb ult., T. J. ItoUtruou aud Nuucy A
Near Oreuon City, 17tU ult., Samuel L. Stevens und
Julia Mmiglit.
Ill PavhHi, Sd Inst., of scarlet fever, Emma Catbe-
riiie, duuglilerof Wm. and Marian E. Uverliultxer,
ugeo; J years, a mouths, and 9 (lavs.
Imlies ami vt alia vt una natters please conr.
Near .lertenwm, Marion countv. 'Mai ult., of m-urlet
fever, dairies M. Louiicv, wm of .lese V. and Mary
A. i.ooncy, aceo i year, iu months aim -jjunys.
Sanin n'tare. "b Anir., of dux snd hniin fever.Lnw
rcuce X. t'oouee, only child of D. M. uud 7'liutUeih
Lmmce. seed ahiiiit J vi-an.
Same place, '2th, of flux, Anna, only child of Dr. J
F. and Lizxie Hue. aired about 'J Tears.
lit Eugene Tiiv, 3lt ult., Hiram Luther, son of w.
L. and Lucy K. ltogers. aged 1 year, 8 niou. and 7 da.
In Lebanon. Sept. Hi, Mary) daughter of Jacob
Knwhinil. aifea n retire.
Special Notices.
7 Sufferers from scrofula and scrofulous affec
tions, clean up ! Why wear yonr pimples, blotches,
urcert, sores t Why have the life twisted out of you
br dvsnewia. rheumatism and goutf Why suffer
syphilitic and mercurial diseases to rot the bones in
your body, or the flesh vft your bones f Why let yonr
slnggieh blood drag and scatter iu distempers through
yonr veins f Arers' Compound Extract of Barsapa
rilla cures these complaints, and cleanses them out of
the system. Use it faithfully, and you bring to soci
etv a healthier, cleanlier, and far more acceptable
snemlwr Democrat, Baltimore, Sid. 1 m'.'t
A Dvtt. The pi-enervation of health is a duty we
owe not only to ourselves but also to those who may
be dependent upon as to those with whom we may
b associated as rebitivre. .ds. w lib a due eon
(deration for this, the ' ' with Dyspepsia ,Ner
Tons Debility, Weakne. A Stomarh or Digestive
Organs, will Und a never-' .ling renssdy in Hoofland's
German Bitters, which ran be had of any druggist or
dealer in medicines. '
Don't fail tt procure Af'S. HWesr't Soothif Sj.
r.e for ChUren Teethinr.
This valuable preparation is the prescription nf one
nf ih. best female physicians and ounws i the foiled
Ktt. and bas been sed for thirty yu with aerw
hilliorsafttr and success hy millions or mothers anu
children, from the feeble infant of one week old to the
It not only relieves the ehild from paia, but invigo
rates the stomach and b-rwels. enrreeU acidity, and
i.i.M,dneivvtothe whole system. II win
.im, l,,.unt',T relieve ni is the BortU.ani
tl".J rd,e. We believe It the Best and Surest Rem
in ih World, in all ewes of Djtnterf and Oiar-
in CMdrtn, wbetber It from Teething or
sfiMMii tui nllir AUtt.
Knll directions for nsing will accompany each bottle.
Xom Genuine annus the fac simile of Cl aris . l'a-
a int. New York, is on tbt outside wrapper.
gold by all Medicine Dealers. Principal Offlce. 4l
f),y Stmt, New Vork. Fnr Unif s - r
Kedington k Co., 416 and 413 Front St , Ban Fraa-
e-o, Agtaie f"f Califonva-
Nswakk, Ohio, March 10, lMM,
Messrs. A. I.. Beovlll U Co flsntsi It is with great
plciKiire tlmt I inform jon of the efforts of Dr. Moll's
Liver Fills in my fiimily. Four years ai;o I Imd the
Bilious Fever, although under the care of an old school
Physician, who treated me with ('illume! until I whs
salivated, and my tongiis was much swollen, und it
was Ilia cause of more pain than the disease itself
Finally lie gave mo up and said that I could not live.
I slill lingered for six woeka, and finally gut over
attack, with a broken down constitution, suhjBct fre
quently to attacks of rheumstio pains in my bones,
when exposed, at least, to cold or dampness. Since
that time I have had frequent iimilar aluicVs.and have
by the use of Dr. Mott's Vegetable Liver l'ills.broken
up the disease without having the system Injured by
the nse of calomel. I would not be without them on
anyuccount. Itvsjwtfully,
Eedington It Co., 410 and 418 Front street, San
Francisco, Role Aeents.
Frese's Hamburg Tea and Hamburg Piaster,
Frew's Hamburg Tea is a curative and preventive
of Coughs, Severe Colds, Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia,
Kheumatism, and ail complaints arising from Iniimrl
ties of the blood. It cures Headache, Bowel, Kidnev
and Liver Complaints, cleansing and purifying the
stomach aud blood. It is a preventive against Conta
gion, and its timely use will avert almost any sicknesr,
It restores the appetite, and is most pleasant and pala
tums to tuko. Uelng purely vegetable, It can with en
tire sufety be given to children. One trial will con.
vince any one of lis excellent quality, and ouce used,
no family will do without it.
To guard against Counterfeits, observo the seal of
KazsK & Co., Hamburg, on overv genuine package,
Preae's Hamburg Tea Is the only genuine article.
Copy right secured.
Lmiel Frese, San Francisco, J. C. Frese &. Co.,
Hamburg, Proprietors.
Sole Agents for the Pacific Coast, to whom all or
ders must be addressed, Kedington It, Co., 416 and 418
Front street, Saa Francisco.
Use that safe, pleasant remedy known as
For all complaints incident to the sex
No family should be
Without it,
And none will when once
It is used by Tried by them
In the decline or change of life,
And after and before Marriagt, ,
During and after Confinement
To strengthen the nerves,
Restore Nature to its proper channel, and
Invigorate the broken down Constitution!
From whoever canne originatintr.
See advertiaement In another column. Cut It out,
and send for It. Pee advertisement. Smi!4
Minkiui, Munnxns. All the aclivo poisons are
HKed in medical pructice,aod they all evidently shorten
lite. Bristol's Sarsaparilla is one of the few prepura-
tions that is realtv toid purely a vegetable remedy. It
contains not one grain of mercury, arsenic, sirych
nine, bromine, Iodine, or any oilier poison. Moreover
is an antidote to them it cures the diseases they
cause. At tho best tliey only kill oue malady by sub-
stiluting unuther ; but Ilristol's Sarsaparilla acts with
nature and not agaiost it, forever removing, by Its
neutralizing power the causes of ulcerous, cancerous
and eruptive diseases, regulating the liver and the
stomach, invigorating and regulating the bowels, re
lieving the system of all rnorbilic elements, restoring
bodily vigor and mental elasticity, and recuperating
every languid organ. Children und the most delicate
females may take It without fear. It is the salvation
of the feeble. Every druggist of eminence keeps It
for sale. Im2 l
CtT The Annual Meeting of the Christian Church
in Oregon will be held at the Central Meeting House,
on the Huiitiaai, commencing on Thursday in October,
Ilemurkable Cure or Cramps In Htotuacb and
Cisciknati, May 21, 18KI.
Messrs. A. L. Scovlll St Co. Last Winier, I was at.
tacked willi cramps in the stomach and bowels, which
bent me nearly doublo, and the pains were so great
that it prostrated me s I tried your Maker's Pain Pan
aeea in frequent doses, which relieved me at once, and
I felt its inlluenco to the very extremities of my limbs,
aud buvo not been troubled with any similar attack
since. I huve been traveling in the csuntry during
the Spring, und I came across many who hod severe
attacks of diarrhea, and gave them a few doses of Ibe
Puio Panacea, which cured them immediately. I also
recommended it to a man who had a severe headache,
and it gave instant relief by bathing thoroughly with
it. J M. ADAMS.
Salem Mcuiii Ferry.
THE undersigned hereby notifies the traveling pub.
lie that he bus established and now has in success
ful operation, a steam ferry srrnra the Willamette
river at Saieni, and will ferry with regularity at all
staves of water, and failing to do so will sell oat lo
some ono that can. Sty facilities for crossing stock ore
good, the bout lieing sntHrieiiily large to crnfrom 7o
to IIH1 head of cattle, and from" 4 to 6 wagons at a sin
gle trip, with perlccl safety, and will only require
from 3 to 3 minutes iu crossing the river.
J. a. .UAiiir.pii.
Salem, Sept. 5, lRta. Cnitf
DM. J. W. McAFEE offers bis professional
services to Hie citi.en of Mem und vicinity.
OUice iu Kenyon'e building. "
nA iust rmnved a latgu aiMilinn lo his stock of
and all other
School Books used In the State,
together with a large variety of
Also, an endless variety of .
embracing KVKItY AUTI'JLE iu that line All of
which he ts nrcpunwl tn aril ai wlmieaie aud retail at
Constantly on baud and Imported la order.
8. J. McCOHWlnC,
Franklin llfiok Store,
KmW Front street, Portland, Oregon.
StorcH and Tin Ware Exchanged
TIGR WHEAT and OATd.and the bivhet market
X price paid. J. II. hi AKlt.
talem, Aug. V Smii
Srnrer Ilnll, THIuuukir, OnKoil
rpHE eserrises of this Insiitution tnird year will
X be resumed on luesday, '.".'
I Spteml)er, lsa.
Milwaukie, Aug. 3, loU3.
To Wool (irowrrs.
rrHEnndersignedhave TWENTY HEAD nf IM
1 l'(IKTH) TllilUOt UilimEII JItltlXO and
SAXO.Nf UL'CKff. which tbey offer fur sale to soil
wool growers. 1 he bucks can be seen bv ralhnir nmu
them iu Kalrra, Orrgon. lll.LL tt ItltOWN.
Aognsl -iah, laU ' Wtf
Keep 4)ooUii(ljr on hand, auti Miuiufiu-liirvfl
to ortkr,
Tin, Sheet Iron, and Copper Ware,
On rMoiuiltl term.
METAL HOOKIXO, and JOI1UI.VO of all kinds,
nroiMillr alleudf-d tn.
Kltnp im Cnmmerrtat street, Sslem, Oregon, 9 d'mrv
Svril: ol urowu at Hyen . b.t.Ht
.otlre lo Tm-Pnyprw.
ALL persons who have paid their tales under the
ten mill warumetit. ran hare lire nulls refunded
br rallies on the ( rtr Jlanitnll.
'lie order of tbe City l ounnl.
Fsita.Aqgast 31,141. tt
(strayed or Stolen.
IpitOM tho pasture of W. 1, Savage, near
' Salem, a UOAN IIOHHK, nearly or
quite Hi hands high, (!. 8. C. on right or left
thiih. Anv Information of his wlmreii.'
bouts, wilt lie lilierully rewarded by calling at the
Sfotrimon Olliee, Salem. oiltf.
Kirs I Street, Between Yamhill and Morrison.
HA VINO become sole proprietor ot this establish
ment, the undersigned is now prepared to manu
from four to forty-horse power, pnrtahle or stationary.
Also, Circular Suw Mills, complete i llav Presses of
all sites i Planing Machines IWnodworth't pattern)!
Wrought and Cast Iron Work fur Vertical Suw and
Grist Mills; brasa and iron eaalings,aiid wrouyhtirou
work of every deseription.
All orders executed with dispatch, and In a work
munlika manner. DAVID MHNVAMTI.:s
P. 8. A reduction has been made on all kinds of
work at my shop, to suittue trade and correspond with
California prices. muy& I'Jtf
Oommerclal Street, Salem, Deslerln
Solid Silver and Plated Ware,
I Spectacles, Fine Cutlery, &c.
All goods sold by ms sre WARRANTED lo be as
represented. .
lie pairing.
I Particular attention paid to repairing flue Watches,
l Clocks, Jewelry, Ac.
Baletn, Oregon, June, 1802. lylT
New Ferry at North Salem,
rpiIE uiineraiifiiPu would irive notice to the timvo
1 iiitf Duhlic tlmt be 1ms enlulilislied h 8WINO VIM
KY 011 the Willrtinetto river, one-lmlf mile below the
old ferry, and will ferry at any stage of vatrr and in
an itinai oj weiuner,
1 Rptui ofhom'R or yoke of oxen , .25cts.
Katiti Hdititional animal 5 "
Man and home 12) "
Fuotnmn , '
IWHe cattle and iiorses euvh 0
Hhoen aud h oiii ti '
We lmvo excellent fncilities for ferrying HTOCK of
all kinds. Our boat will carry 40 head of cattle at
one time with perfect safety, and will mm the river
I.. A . u OnV 1. UIIL-I T V
III II tsm i iiiu Nlllllltr-B. KjVA Wl- nill'iLlli ,
Salem, May Ktli, 8ii:i, rimlOpt paid
Bpssdv and Radloal Cure of Gonorrhoea, and
all Diseases of the Urinary Organs.
rTMIISis a remedy which renuires no assistance
1. perfiirnis its duty quickly and therouirlily, leavinir
no iniurioiis ell'ect either to the constilulion or to the
part alfected.
It is the result of Inn experience, and close obser
vatina in a iireat nunitajr of cases, and has been inva
riably successful where other medicines or treatments
have failed; thus proving itself to be a remedy lorn
ruquireu oy ine puuuc.
Price, $1 per Dottle.
For salo bv Drmrifirts everywhere. Role Airent for
the Paeilic Ooaat. SJII ASI. I.ANUI.KV,
Wholesale llrumrist SiOU tomtne-ciallMreet,
ly39is Near Kronl Hi.. Han Kraneieco.
It is customary to speak of many remedies of the
day In a light and frivolous manner, and this may an
swer where the case to be cured is of a trifling; char
acter, and the remedy presented simple. Hut when
we are called to prescribe for diseases etidured only
witli excruciating pain, whose termination is ofteu
fatal, we leave jesting, und proceed with earnestness
to utter fuels which will perhaps rescue a fellow being
from a bed of sickness or the grave. It is thus that
we would introduce to our readers 8COVILL'
11L00D AND LIVER SYKUP.atid state that for .he
euro of humors there Is nothing In the world can equal
this popular and extensively used lneJiciue. All drug
gists sell it. REDLN'QTON tt CO., Agents, 416 and
418 Front streot, San Vruncisco. 4wl(l
Vulcanite !
Vulcanite !
1 as to require artiticiai.teetii would do
well to call on Hmilli tt I liance and ex
. amino specimens of the alaive slvle of work, which,
for comfort, cleanliness and usefulness cannot be sur
passed by any process now in vogue. Substitutes sup
plied, frim a single tooth lo an entire set.
Surgical and Mechanical Dentists,
ninl'pd Hinie sireet, Salem.
To Wool Growers.
'TMIE undemiiiied donire to inform tlie
J. wool trrowera uf Oregon who may dtiin?
to improve their tWkn, tlmt we have for ah In
TIFICI.KO HUE step, of the French, Spaiiiab und
Aufltrulinn fu milk's uf liiat breed.
VitrtitH !t)terrfsted, are renpertfully referred lo the
Hutu of Premium awarded liji the Oregon fifae Ag
ricultural Society t where it will lie leoii thnt hip
email iWk we now offer towll from hit" trained VIVE
riltftT PR 1 7 KM and ONK NLK'0l out of 7
entries, ttfrninil tharp competition with the be$t sheep
in the State.
AddreM Jo'in Mlnto, Suletn, or rail fit my furtn, 4J
mil nonth of Salem, on the s(He rtwd.
lluvinx the mile inaiiHtjeuieia uf the iWU, I will
warnuit every animal sold to be purrMnodrH end as 1
represent it in every riiect. JOHN MINTO.
romoiui Hill, Muriun Co., April tiS, lt. bm'J
From anil after this rtnte, the imMlratlon of ilW rTWAB
IH h eon-liicteH by 0. P. Crandatl aud M. Walte. Their
facillllea for ubll tiling Ilia beat and c)awst newspaiter in
Hn giale art no haw lhaa bava bteo pcwe4 bj wijr former
Thecnlurons deroM to reading natter alwara constitute
by far the greater Dortloo ef the ahert, enabling us to ivt a
more full and eoraplrtesumnary of paaiio tveou, than any
other newt aper In the Slate.
Of the tbt news, we shall give the frMhrtt and fullest dis
patches attainable by mnoejr, enterprtsa and close tlenllon.
Our luminary of "Domestic Items" H amivallesl, and our
large eorreapondenct froa alt parts of the Bute will eoalilt
us to always outdo competition.
We have numerous correspondents lo all I he raining dirt rids
who are re labia mn of practical fxperlenre and obaerva
tlon. Tlielr represtntatlnns, as ptiblithed In the Statum!.
may he relied on as Uriel 1 faithful. I
The agricultural and othtr Industrial latsrrals of ths Mate
shall at all times recti's that aiUnUoo at our bands to
which their prominence and importance entitle them.
The miscellany will be selected with a view to cultivate and
gratify a proper reading taste. Ws shall not confine our
selves te any particular Arid of selection, but make use ef
such matter as will most lik:ly be of prnent latere.
In poll "ci, the Btatsmah will be Inttptndmt. No clique
or faction will be permitted to control Us opinions. It will
earnestly advocate (be prosecution of the war for the prestr
vatlcm of the Union, and will under bo circa hi u aces eotisent
that the Government shall be destroyed by Internal er titer
nal foes. Kery measure for the supprtmlos) ef the Rrbtl
lion, which our Judgment commends as that end,
will receive our ttalous support. While we yield such efforts
In behalf of the Oovrrnment, we shall also exercles the right
ef temperate erttldsm of all measurr which, la our juda
moot, erabodr evil or danger to our republican Institutions,
The salvation of the government should be the first anitHy
of every patriot, and whatever threatens disaster to tt, from
whatever direction tt may come, should meet with prompt
rebuke. It will be our constant eflVrt lo prostate the right
and lo make war apon wrong.
As an edvertlrlnf medium, the PtaTarsne effWs soprhr
Indue meota. Its elrtulattna la greater and asore general
than any other paper north ef California. There m not a i
neighborhood from the ftAUtheru to the Northern boundaries
of the Bute, Into which It doa n and Ms waj aad we ex
aggerate nothing la string has awwe remit am readers
than have any efber two IwroaJs la Oregna.
The terma of subeciiiHI'in and advertiilng will for the pree
at remain unchanged, when peld la cola. In all oases
where Treamry sole are oaTsfred we shall sbarge rates that
will make the payment eqnal to gold.
When payment is nude In advance (andVe shatl make II a
rule to not enter any new name upon our books except
where payment Is made a advance) fubscrlptlon will be
chargssd tJ0 Pr TMr t t'irOO for sli awnths, and $1 for
three months; 4M will he ehargtdebere puyaaewt Is de
lated six months, and t-VOO If payment It a.lsjed one year.
Twenty Ive per cent wltl be ehared f -r ta-h subaMurat
year's delay, fc.tle for advertising or J eh work will be tharg
ed at Uie aanse per w at, advance for delay la payment.
. i.(,tfrrhHi,1M. .
Successors to COOKE, SMITH An Co.
Dog leuve to inform the public that we have
and are receiving a
WE ill Kll-lEtlED SI(
Which we Oder at REDUCED RATES.
Clothing, Hoots, Shoes, Hats, Caps.
Donuets, Shakers, Crocertes, Crockery,
Glassware, Hardware, Iron, Dolts, Riv
ets, Washers, Nuts, Springs, Nails, Spikes,
AT v
Olass, Putty, Saws, Planes, Axes, Oys
ters, Sheep Shears, Squares, Dry Goods,
Cutlery, and
tdo numerous to mention,
All of which we will exchange Kultl
100,000 lbs. of WOOL wanted in ex
change for GOODS or CASH.
Salem, April 13, 180). 7tf
Mnrlne, Flro and LI To !
rpNE undersigned are Agents in this State for the
X louowing companies i
CITY " "
PAliK "
AltCTif! "
There are no older, safer or more reliable compa
nies in mo worm man those ttoovo named.
We will insure at the same ales that can be fleeted
tlirnuu-h San Francisco agents, and the California
Htute Htninp Tax is thus avoided.
U'e call the attention of the community, particularly
marrieii, to tue advantages oi uie insurance.
ir tall and gel a pamphlet
tiillf itlCllAHDS&McCllAKEN.
uansa Tin Diascrios or.
The Sisters of the Holy names of Jesus
ana mary.
HrlLL bo opened in this citv on the 1st of fleptem
r y I'er. Tho course of Instruction eomnrises tlie va
rious brandies which constitute the eluuieutary aad
higher departmenls of education.
Bnellimr. Keadimr. Writinv. Kacred History. Fie
tneuta of Oeograpiiy, Ommuiar, Arithmetic, An Kle
ineuiarv Treatise on Time, Abridged Ilisnjry of the
United Slates.
r,t.!- i,...i:.... t.r.i.... ..:.i.n.ilfl na...
nb. (leunimar. Knislolarv Cnrresmindeneo. Klemeuts
UH'tlUlllirv. J.riUllllU. .. riMMU. nl l.iiliivitv, ..o.'H.n-
of Natural Pliilosonhv and Astronomy, Outlines of
History, f umiiuir Kcienca, Ahridgenientoi iiiituny.
kiwann ... .mmvm
Elocution. Rhetoric, Logic, Vorsitlcatlon, Ancient
and MiKlorn Oeogniphy, use of the tllobea, Aslrono
my, uenerai niswry, an sm, '""- '"":
Ki ening, Oeoinetry, Nutiiral Plnlosophy, Bouiny and
a n.n..Bn
Primary Department, per quarter, (payable In
uncancel m "
Junior Department 8 IKI
Nttiior Department iu uu
Vn.nrl, M.l rimtt in,. ,,d Pn titiiiir f.ipni iira
cbarirei. and are tanubt at the oolion of the uareuU.
,""!"' I"' T'"r " ;
Music per quarter... !
M 1. . A a M
Uruwinu ftiid Painting 5 W ,
If imrenta t'esire it. the punils mav tnke leesoiis in
plain and fancy needle work. No extra clmryea tor
Tho houra of HttenJunce from 8 o'clock, A. N., to 4
o'clock, i. m. One bour und a nuurtt..' receiio at noon
I'u pi U uf every reliuiuue detiuuiiiiution will be
etUBllv red led, and ail interfereitre with their reli
utoue conviviiuns rurefully avoided. (loud order.
however, retpiires lliat ull ihuutd cuiilonn to the regu
lutioua of the Iiudiuition.
No deduct iun is made for the withdrawn! of a pupil
before tlie expiraliou of the term, utilosa in ctio of
1 1 new. Jw-.i
Hodge Calcf,
dealers in
Drugs, jMetliciiien,
Paitils, Oils and Glass,
White Leu J,
Varnishes, Brushes,
Painters' Materials, kc.
Oil and Lamps,
Linseed Oil, bids, and cases.
Kerosene " "
Machine "
Tunners' " "
White Lead, kegs and pails.
Painters' slock,
Window Gl. M,
Unsurpassed in the State, in
Extent, variety and
07 Front street, Portland.
ITif .vn
11 notice. I.. V.. PRATT.
lUtf Agent W. W. MofuCo.
rpWO COOI'KKS. amd workmeat eonetanl sm
A ploynicnt atv4i for one at kcnhI wagt. Ap
ply in J si i iL,if,i(,ai saiem, oreipm.
.Ilv mil. I". AVJlf
Attention, Marlon Rifles. .
T) E'll.'LAR 1)111 1.l Mwitar and Raiui,Uy ere
A V alnirs, at 71 v'riuck, at ibe snr. rv.
Ter order, f. II. (11U H118.
. Vif , Orsh-rly Hrgean.
THOMAS H. CHAWFOHI). A. IV. Teacher of An-
rient, Latnrungna and lliglmr Mathematics,
W. W. rtKACH, Teacher In Knelish I1nart,e(
rjHIK college building Is tn lis refilled and enlarged,
1 so that students of all grades will be aceoaimo
datcd. EXPENSES.
Languages, nniirterly $!l 01)
Higher Kntrhah 7 IM) to ti 00
Common English , S IH) to 8 HO
Primary Uepnrtmont 4 IK) to 5 IK)
Board in private families from $1 to $.1 per week.
nati. First, term begins August 31at. Half term
beuitis Nov. Itilh t vacation during holidays.
1HOI. Examination, reli. 4lh. Seennd term 'lo
gins Feb. Sth. Vacation of one week, tiegiiiuing
April itfth. Half term beglus May Sd. Kxatnination
Tlinmlav Jnlv yist.
rpTiils Institution will be free from any sectarlun
innuence.ig aww
Pressed Chewing Tobacco,
THIS tobacco Is manufactured expressly for the
California market i the peculiar manner In which
ii is pm un, amping it always moist and causing It, to
retain its nuvor any lengtn of lime. JmM2
Dr. L, S, Skiff, Surgeon Dentist,
Office In Holman's Brick Building,
N.n.N'one but finished ooerutlona nerfnrmed. t
desire the patronage of audi persons us wish their
oparaituus perionnert in uie most perfect manner.
saiem. I tec. v-'il, iio. i:M
Lafayette Academy,
REV. E. CARTWHItillT, Principal, and Pruf. or
Mathematics and Natural Kcienco.
HEV.W. 1). NICHOLS, Prof, and Acting Teacher of
mgueviatlieniutics and Ancient Languages.
XSriNSIS, : : :
. Lungiiagea, quarterly....
Higher English
$!) Oil
...7 (HI to 8 00
('nuiniiiu Kiigliah , S 00 to 6 110
miliary Department 4 (ID to 0 00
Vocal Mtisio. free of cliarire. Honed in town at reo.
soiiaiue rales.
Calendar for 1P03-I
Yenr divided Into four' terms, ouch containing 12
weeks. First term begins Sept. 7lh liulf lerm, Oct.
ltllll. Second term beirins Nnv. Illlth , vuputini, iliirinir
I.. .!!.!.... . l.-l... lo.i. ,L,. ' O
uuiiutijni nun term, tinn. leill, tmi-t.
r.xaiinnatiiin aud exhihuion at the close of Sd term,
lalayeUe, Ai . l, INtil. Unn3
....Ian iMronTxa or sTATi iaanr
Law, School, Medical, Miscellaneous,
Jnne 01 Itf
Second street. Cnrvallls.
X-'Olt MALE,
40 Pure Spanish Merino Rams.
WAUKAKTKI) to he of the very
highest nuitlitr. They consist of
two year olds, yearling and lamb.
1 hey are descended fnim those imported ;
from Kpam hy Henry llninniond. Ksn.. ot iliUillebarv
Vl. They tie.k Uie FIRST PREMIUM at the last
year's Hi ate Fair. The lambs were sired by the ram
(tuvonte) which I purchased last year of John I),
Patterson. Esn,., of VVesllield, N. Y. 'Theirdams were
bred by Edwin ljtwrcnce, Kan., of Wevbridge, Vu
Having nurchusod my tlnek from the notorious
shw-p bleeders in the United Slates, I wi II offer them
in competition witn any in the xtale or Oregon. They
may be seen on (,'apt. John V. Miller's farm. Rontn
Yuuihill. They will be sold at low prices for cash, or
by notes and time to suit. Certillcutes will be given
witn every one mat 1 sell.
Apply U) DON ALU MiLEOI), Amity, Yamhill Co.,
or h uapi. .iwiin r . aiii,lim(, ruuem. -nuw
, K, . .
Joseph Waldo, PI'fT vs. John Force. John Jordan, W,
i;. unsworn ami u. ni. may, uerts. in ttie ureitti
I iOirioi ilia maui ni iiremin mr nisi Louiitv oi st
.:,i, jr..,j 'tun u l-..i. ... r...i'.
of Mortgage. ,
T'lJHKHE.VS, Joseph Waldo, said p alntllT, has (lied
V V i,,. i.iu ... !,.;, n...i i,.,t.. .... .i,..i t..i,n
Korco for liie sum of two 'tiinasana two Timnlred and
thren do an. with interest and e,Mt. and for the fnra.
closure of a certain mortgage therein mentioned, upon
tue louowing ueacrllied uretnlses. La wlti Ixas no. 1,
hj, 3 4, 5, 0 and 7, in lllock No. til, and Lou No. 1, 3,
7 unit a, in II. m k .o. 1 1 , situate in I he city of Hiilem
eoiiiit v oi .iianoti and Male oi Umgon i and it apiwas-
nig that the said John Jordan claims lo have a lien
u iU.."-. ""II".'! UiriH.BC. .tllUCII, , ,11
mortgage of said plaintiff; and ii also appearing that
Lller d, dillienc. you .'ai.,,,1 Ih, found willifn Ih.
Ktatftt and ii having been ordered by the eoert that
nonce kuruia b servtul nn ya br pitlilicatioa. roa ara
thorvlore lisrvity notiiieu Ihut uulfsa you uiar in nil
riirmt court of the Miaia tf Orann tr llmcnuntvo
.liarion, on ins nay or urfiiwr, irv, ana answer
lite said coiupuiliil, the same will be liiaen aa soilless
ed und Ilia prayer thnrvuf will Iw unintMl by tho
evnrt. Hy otiler oi H. r. IHMr., Juilne.
Alirsl: I, A. l'.llKH. Ore fircuil Court.
(IwJf. WM. WAl.l0,H..I'rfor I'l'ff.
Wolitr CoiupuMM.
A 1)000 801. A K COMPASS foraaleon fair lerms.
LKuquire at tlie Kiulininun odtce.
Salem. Miin U I '.111, Ihlil.
IrpiHSold fi-rrv, known us HUM I'll KOV'S WM
L ItV, ia now in runnliiff urder. ll vrosees the Wil-
luniftie rtvr
On a 1HHI.CT KtVtlllirlween ft it, KM and
This ferrv is ft irood one. und the mnte It tree milet
1 shorter tlmn br whjt uf Allmnv, and jmnwus tmvoling
this way ouve unt one terry to eruea. liioiiipu
C. L. FISHER, Proprietor.
irTMIF! nlirrihir wisthi s lo tiifuriu die fi lemis '
1 hiiil mil. in irotiemllv that ha will ilea Lis ll:
I ntmust endravur t pleaae thuae who luvor kiffe
I him with thmr Mtnotaiie ut the ahovc immed
IhuU'l. The tuLltf will ai all limee lw eupplied with all
the deliraciea uf the aoueon. Uod rooms and clean
Ittnrd per week, with Mfflnv u00
Ihiard er week, without lodging &UU
May -Hli, lH.sJ. Ktf
FItOM the ennerrilier. at Hulem, about -iT
weeks aince, two hnrare t one a durk ereatn .cC2JL
branded ). T imi left ahouldcr t tlie oilier a dark bar
I G vetira old, blttse fure, brnnda ant rnimlered
Any iiiformiaiun of said borers will Ih lihentllv tuiid
Riiletri, A tic 'fmid
FROM the etn of llie nmleraifrned, in -r
Kalem. on Tm eiluv niulu, iMli timt . a itiedi
utn siael ronit horse, heavy maile, aixiut 8 or 'i yeare
old. branded wild larva W uu left sufle. No other
murks or brnnda. A 'i hit ml reward will be jmid for
bis return, or fur Information tuiat will lead to Ha re
covery. slw'pMd J. fc. illLLhK.
'PIIKKH will be a pubiui HIII.ITAHV
1 AtU CIVISJ Eulensinineiil aivea at
ins nam wannoiiMt its Nilein. on tue eve
ninsrof HefiV M, IHi.t. Nu puina or expense
will be siwrmj lo make evcrvlbinir nbtnsant
for tlie otnuiun. A rmrh will be in reaihursa to ron
vry prrsone to and from the hall, free. Hpaciooa
riKitue lor iisj coupiM.
llie haleni Anillery lisim In attendance, J. U.
Haas, lsdt r.
lteaj. SlnuiK. Haltm,
SaMitml Mrailrtrli. Kilsm.
fb rne Himiu. ai, Corrallis,
llrnry Itodb'y. AlUov,
n. H I'arn.n, I'tniann
P. ft The military will pleaa
Adraiuaiifw and supper, s)l
appear la anifnna.
Balem Harket--Prices Reduced.
rpllK subsrriher wislirs lo saf t His
1 eitisens Ibai ha has mlured his prior.
eitisens Ibai ha has mlured his prlrra tW 4 I
lo suit lIis tiniee. and will slve too from
: n ff
n. i.Ure voa pull for H.atid deliver ll
Vkt.E UF CIIARtiE to anv Dutta in the citv. A
0nvr eniciw ui a ... ws", uu'i"iu ccm. .
eonsutntly on band. Harrelina of beef and sailing of
. ... u..-. fa ...J al,.,- d.
pork, enaoiee aw lo aorommuiuua.
pr per fnerir mnn ,wi niiu, ,
Hoillns: pireee frnns 11 lo H renw.
Huriv4n and rump, li to K renu. t
tluilon and I'urk, It lo IU osuts.
Hausaue, I .'J eenls. ' v
1000 Good Fat Hogs Wanted,
Drawl or andresaml. for whiuli ths b'gliMt market
prite will be paid ia I'lilS.
THUS. CROSS, Salem Market.
Aag. SJib, 13 . , .. . wa .
SMITH 6 Oil; H
. Importers und Dealers in ,
' " Arssonetantlyrecsivlnjf, by
And are tlierefor enabled to offer to their customers
AhSllltTKD stock from which to
make their selections. - ; ;
Kerosene and Kerosene Lamps.
Alcohol, Urd Oil. ' ' ;
Machinery Oil for sals ut rsdnced prices. ; ly t8
A COMPOUND remedy, In wtkh we have tailored
to produce tile moat slleetnal alterative that can
be made. U is a ooncentrated extract of Para tiarsal
parilla, so combined with oilier substances of stil
greater ulteratira power as to afford an effective nti.
dote for the diseaiHis Nuraaparilla is reputed to cure.
It is believed thnt sneh a remoly is wanted by thosa
who sutler from gtrnmoul complaints, and that on
which will accomplish their cure must prove of im-
mii.n Mirvlen tn this larirn class of our amicted fellow
citisens. How oompletely this compound will do ll
bus been proven by experiment en intuiv of the worst
eases to be fouutl of the following complaints!
Scrofnla and ScroMotu Comptaintt,'Bruptton$
and Eruptive Vi'ftuei, Ulcere, I'mten, BMclui.
j nmore, son iinenm, acaia jieaa oypnw anu
tiupkilitie AJjeetumn, Mercurial Diuate.Dropey,
Neuralgia or Tie Douloureux, Debility, pjiipcpna
and Indtrrition, Erytiprloe, Kone or St. Anthony a
Firt, and Indeed tha whole class of complaints arising
from Impurity of the Blood. . ,
This compound will be found a great promoter of
health, when taken in the spring, to expel the font
humors which fealar in the blood at that season of tho
vear. Hy tlio timely expulsion of them many rank
ling disorders are nipped in the bnd. Multitudes can,
by the aid uf this remedy, span themselves from tha
endurance of foul eruplious and ulcerous sores,
through which tha system will strive to rid itself of
corruptions. If not assisted to do this through the nat
ural channels of the body by an alterative medieina.
Cleanse out tha vitiated blood whenever you find its
Impurities bursting through tlvs skin in pimples, erup
tions, or sores i cleanse it when yon And it is obstruct
ed and sluggish in the veins i cleanse It whenever it ia
font, and your futlings will tell you when. Even
where no particular disorder Is felt, people enjoy bet
tor health, and live longer, for cleansing the blood.
Keep tin blood heultliv, aiid all ia well; but with this
(lubiiluin of life disordered, there can be no lasting
lealth. Runner or lat.:e something must go wrong,
and the great machinery of lift ia disordered or over
thrown. ...
Haraupurllla has, und deserves much, the reputation
of acconiplisliiiiH these ends. But tho world has been
egregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly be
cuiiMi the drug alone lias not all the virtue that ia
claimed for it, nut mora because many preparations,
(intending to be concentrated extracts of It, contain
mt little of the virtue ut Huraupurilla, or anything
else. . i ''! '
During late years tbs public have been misled by
large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of
Hureaparilla for one dollar.. Most of thane have been
frauds i p in the sick, for they not ouly contain little,
if any, cursuparilla. but often no curative properties
whatever. Hence, bitter aud painful disappointment
has followed, the ttsu of various extrude of 8a rsa pa
rilla which flood the market, until the name itself ia
justly despised, and has become synonymous with im
position and riieal. Will we call this compound Halt
supurilla, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall
rescue the numa from tlio load of obloquy which rata
upon it. And we think we have ground for believing
it has virtues which ure irresistible by the ordinary
ruu of the disoaaea it is intended to enra. Ia order to
secure their complete eradication from the system, tho
remedy should bo Judiciously taken according to
directions on the bottle. . .''!.
! Prepared by '-'
Dr. J. C. AYER s5t CO,,
1.9WUVV, MAM. ? '.! '
Price f 1 per Bottle. Six Bottles f.r 5.
Aycrs Cherry Pectoral
has won for Iteolf such s renown for the car of every
variety of Throat and Lim ComphuBI, tout It Is en
tirely unnecessary for as to recount ilia evidence of ill
virtues, wherever It bus been employed. As it has
Ioiik been iu aouslant use lliiMUtfliout this swtiuu. ws
need not do mora than assure the people lis quality is
kept up to the best It ever has been, and that It may
lie relied on to do for their relief all it has ever beea
fouudtodo.,,. , ,, ,v , r . ,,,.,... .
Ayer's Cathartic Pills,
Ce(iwii, Jaundice, Dytpcptia, Indiftttion, Dys.
. enter f, Foul Stomach, krynpelae, H'OtUcke, Filel,
Rhenmaiitm, Eruplioni and Skin Diemue, Ltver
Complmnl, Uropey, Tetter, Tumors and Salt kknm,
ItWsis, Uout, Neuralgia, nam thnntr till, and for
runiymr tne uiooa.
They ars snirarcoaled, so that the most sensitive cast
lake llinn nleanintlv.and thev an tha bset aneneiit im
tlie world for all the purposes' of a family physic.
Price 25 Centi jier Box. ' Five Boxes for f 1.
Great numbers of clerirymen, physicians, staua
meu, and eiuinenl persnuaaea, have wnl their names
ti certify the mil arullrled usefulness of these reme
dies, but our S-.ace here will iwi permit the insenioa
nl iheui. The annuls below named furnish aratia oar
American Almanac, in which they are piveo i with
also full descriptions uf the above complaints, and tha
treulrnent that should be followed for their twre.
Do uol be put olf by unprincipled dealen with other
prppiralions tluv make more prollt on. Demand
Afrr't, and Uike no others. The sick want ibe beat
aid there is for them, and tbey should have hv
All our Remedies are lor sale by
SMITH & DAVIS, Por.ln.nd.
1 tl AHT BVTTI.Ks). ,
The Great Purifier of the Blood 1
The only Kiuiliie and orlulnal I'reparatloa fo '
tub pkiihatibnt rrsF
or rut
irit'rruriitl and Vrnrrs-ul Dlas-aaea,
!cioliilH or Klns's) Kvll, Old
Morrsi, Holla, Tumor.
AlrrrsnrHi l lrrra.
And every kind of M'UOKTLOI'H and MAIIIOCS
traplluns. It U also s sure and reliable remedy for
Suit Ehtnm. Ring Worm.Tetter.Sratd UfsHl.SenfYy
While Rwelllnaa and Nromlgir Afectioas. Mervooa
aud lieiH-rnl Iicbililv of the Syslen, Isms of Ap
ietii, lamvuor, Inisinesa and all Alfrctlona
of the Liver, rVverand Airue. Hillious
Keren, Chills and Kovor. Dumb
It la Ilia verv bral, and, in fact, the only rire and
reliable aicliniie for Uw cure of all diseases arieina
Iroui a filiated or iuipura stale of Ihe blood w lusol
The afflicted mar real assured that then Is aof tha
roil particle of Miui rnl. Mercurial, or any otlier
poisonous siilietanre in this medicine. II l perfectly
tiurinleaa, aad may he adminiaured to persona in Ilia
very weakosl staftee of sickness, or lo llie moat help
Ices infante, without doing Uie least iujnry.
full directions how lo take this most valuable enedl
rine will be found around each botile ; and, to nuant
aaainst rnnniorfciis. see that the written signature of
LAN MAN tt KKMP is upon lb blue laM- . I
uie Prunrtatais. . ..,.,',.!.,.
, Wholesale Urirglsta,
new ronit,
Ws have appointed Hosteller, Smith sV new. 237
Montirnmerv street, Han Francisco, as tha Wholesale
Aiicnu for California. . .
Mill railMESMlBIEE
F.d ward P. Alllaj Co '
nnwAuxEE, wisccSiSiiv,
MsssracToatas or
French Burr Ilill Etches,
-Hind all descriptions ef
Dealer! In Bolting Cloths,
And all descriptions of MILL KCRSPHISH8.
A(nts for ths sale of
Dm. Pratt. Jr.1 tonal fiirblnt. " ' !
PiUER'S Improrrd SEPtliTOI. iti "
Btnton'f WorldCballengtnc Brut Da3tt.
Wa also tnanafactiirt the telebraied
e.o uu wv s '
Which we bdi.vs te he the hem wnler-wbasl la urn
. ... .. SVt.K 1 mb skvlLalla
rMoa mum wvwmtnm lumwt- wn.irtsiwvs.